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Recent Additions (Last 100)   Published In: ALL   For: Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine

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  1. Handbuch der Tropenkrankheiten Bd.3b [1906]   (added: 04/25/2021 )
  2. Handbuch der Tropenkrankheiten Bd.2 (1905)   (added: 04/25/2021 )
  3. Handbuch der Tropenkrankheiten Bd.1 (1905)   (added: 04/25/2021 )
  4. Handbuch der Tropenkrankheiten Bd.3a (1906)   (added: 03/03/2021 )
  5. Synopsis nosologiae methodicae : exhibens clariss. virorum Sauvagesii, Linnaei, Vogelii, et Sagari, systemata nosologica v.2   (added: 05/07/2018 )
  6. Synopsis nosologiae methodicae : exhibens clariss. virorum Sauvagesii, Linnaei, Vogelii, et Sagari, systemata nosologica v.1   (added: 05/07/2018 )
  7. The new dispensatory ... : the whole interspersed with practical cautions and observations : intended as a correction, and improvement of Quincy   (added: 02/06/2017 )
  8. The bacteriological world : a monthly illustrated magazine devoted to the study of micro-organisms and specific maladies v.1 (1891)   (added: 11/18/2012 )
  9. The Bacteriological world and modern medicine v.1 (1891-1892)   (added: 11/04/2012 )
  10. Modern medicine and bacteriological world v.2 (1893)   (added: 10/29/2012 )
  11. The lens v.2 (1873)   (added: 09/23/2012 )
  12. The lens v.1 (1872)   (added: 09/23/2012 )
  13. A treatise on the construction, proper use, and capabilities of Smith, Beck, and Beck's achromatic microscopes   (added: 06/10/2012 )
  14. A text-book of bacteriology, : a practical treatise for students and practitioners of medicine   (added: 06/10/2012 )
  15. On the construction and use of the microscope   (added: 06/10/2012 )
  16. Mikroskopische Bilder : Naturansichten aus dem kleinsten Raume ; ein Gemälde des Mikrokosmus in seinen Gestalten und Gesetzen   (added: 06/10/2012 )
  17. Les bactéries et leur role dans l'étiologie, l'anatomie et l'histologie pathologiques des maladies infectieuses v.2   (added: 06/10/2012 )
  18. Les bactéries et leur role dans l'étiologie, l'anatomie et l'histologie pathologiques des maladies infectieuses v.1   (added: 06/10/2012 )
  19. Illustrated price list of microscopes, microscopic apparatus and other optical instruments, manufactured by R. & J. Beck, London   (added: 06/10/2012 )
  20. Des microscopes et de leur usage : description d'appareils et de procédés nouveaux, suivie d'expériences microscopiques puisées dan les meilleurs ouvrages anciens et les notes de M. Le Baillif, et d'un mémoire sur les diatomées, etc. par M. De Brébisson   (added: 06/10/2012 )
  21. Bacteria : especially as they are related to the economy of nature, to industrial processes and to the public health   (added: 06/10/2012 )
  22. Osservazioni microscopiche sul cervello e sue parti adjacenti   (added: 06/10/2012 )
  23. The intestinal protozoa of man   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  24. Die in und an dem Körper des lebenden Menschen vorkommenden Parasiten : ein Lehr- und Handbuch der Diagnose und Behandlung der thierischen und pflanzlichen Parasiten des Menschen : zum Gebrauche für Studirende der Medicin und der Naturwissenschaften, für Lehrer der Zoologie, Botanik, Physiologie, pathologischen Anatomie und für praktische Ärzte   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  25. Trypanosomes and trypanosomiases   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  26. Histoire naturelle des végétaux parasites qui croissent sur l'homme et sur les animaux vivants atlas, c.2   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  27. Human cestoides : an essay on the tapeworms of man : giving a full account of their nature, organization, and embryonic development, the pathological symptoms they produce, and the remedies which have proved successful in modern practice   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  28. De viribus herbarum   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  29. Andreae Comparetti ... Observationes anatomicae de aure interna comparata   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  30. Histoire naturelle des végétaux parasites qui croissent sur l'homme et sur les animaux vivants   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  31. Traité des entozoaires et des maladies vermineuses de l'homme et des animaux domestiques   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  32. Ueber die Band- und Blasenwürmer : nebst einer Einleitung über die Entstehung der Eingeweidewürmer   (added: 03/25/2012 )
  33. Dissertations sur l'organe de l'ouïe. 1, De l'homme   (added: 03/18/2012 )
  34. Three lectures on the anatomy of movement : a treatise on the action on nerve-centres and modes of growth, delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England   (added: 03/18/2012 )
  35. The history of a mouthful of bread : and its effect on the organization of men and animals   (added: 03/12/2012 )
  36. Probadas flores : romanas de famosos & doctos varones compuestas para salud reparo d'los cuerpos humanos & ge[n]tilezas de hombres de palacio & de cria[n]ça tra[n]sladadas de le[n]gua ytaliana en nuestra española. Nueuame[n]te impressas corregidas: y emendadas con additiones   (added: 01/22/2012 )
  37. Researches on malaria being the Nobel Medical Prize lecture for 1902   (added: 01/11/2012 )
  38. Report on malaria at Ismailia and Suez   (added: 01/11/2012 )
  39. Gangrène traumatique : mémoire et observations cliniques sur une de ses causes les plus fréquentes dans les animaux domestiques   (added: 01/01/2012 )
  40. Histoire du développement de l'oeil humain   (added: 01/01/2012 )
  41. Sur la formation du coeur dans le poulet : sur l'oeil, sur la structure du jaune &c : premier mémoire : exposé des faits v.2   (added: 12/25/2011 )
  42. Sur la formation du coeur dans le poulet : sur l'oeil, sur la structure du jaune &c : premier mémoire : exposé des faits v.1   (added: 12/25/2011 )
  43. A course of medical studies : containing a comparative view of the anatomical structure of man and of animals, a history of diseases, and an account of the knowledge hitherto acquired with regard to the regular action of the different organs : a work chiefly designed for the use of medical students v.3   (added: 12/04/2011 )
  44. Hieronymi Mercurialis Variarum lectionum libri quatuor : in quibus complurium, maximeq[ue] medicinae scriptorum infinita paenè loca vel corrupta restituuntur, vel obscura declarantur ; Alexandri Tralliani De lumbricis epistola   (added: 12/04/2011 )
  45. A course of medical studies : containing a comparative view of the anatomical structure of man and of animals, a history of diseases, and an account of the knowledge hitherto acquired with regard to the regular action of the different organs : a work chiefly designed for the use of medical students v.2   (added: 12/04/2011 )
  46. A medical manual for Apothecaries' Hall and other medical boards   (added: 11/20/2011 )
  47. A course of medical studies : containing a comparative view of the anatomical structure of man and of animals, a history of diseases, and an account of the knowledge hitherto acquired with regard to the regular action of the different organs : a work chiefly designed for the use of medical students v.1   (added: 11/20/2011 )
  48. Hrn. Anton Storcks ... Beobachtungen von dem sichern Gebrauch und Nutzen des Schierlings, Stechapfels, Bilsenkrauts, Eisenhütleins und der Zeitlosen   (added: 11/13/2011 )
  49. Experimental researches on the influence exercised by atmospheric pressure upon the progression of the blood in the veins : upon that function called absorption, and upon the prevention and cure of the symptoms caused by the bites of rabid or venomous animals ...   (added: 11/13/2011 )
  50. Aromatum, et simplicium aliquot medicamentorum apud Indos nascentium historia : ante biennium quidem Lusitanica lingua per dialogos conscripta   (added: 11/13/2011 )
  51. Die Entstehungsweise der Doppelmissbildungen bei den höheren Wirbelthieren   (added: 10/23/2011 )
  52. Das pathologische Wachsthum der Gewebe : bei der Hypertrophie, Regeneration, Entzündung und Geschwulstbildung   (added: 10/23/2011 )
  53. A compendium of human & comparative pathological anatomy   (added: 10/23/2011 )
  54. Untersuchungen über die Entstehung der Missbildungen zunächst in den Eiern der Vögel   (added: 10/23/2011 )
  55. Regeneration   (added: 10/23/2011 )
  56. De la régéneration des organes et des tissus   (added: 10/23/2011 )
  57. Evolution and disease   (added: 10/16/2011 )
  58. C. Stalpartii Stalpart vander Wiel ... Observationum rariorum medic. anatomic. chirurgicarum : centuriae posterioris pars prior : auctior longe, atque emendatior   (added: 10/16/2011 )
  59. Pharmacographia : a history of the principal drugs of vegetable origin, met with in Great Britain and British India   (added: 10/03/2011 )
  60. Nouveau dictionnaire des plantes médicinales : description, habitat et culture, récolte, conservation, partie usitée, composition chimique, formes pharmaceutiques et doses, action physiologique, usages dans le traitement des maladies suivi d'une étude générale sur les plantes médicinales au point de vue botanique, pharmaceutique et médical avec clef dichotomique, tableaux des propriétés médicales et mémorial thérapeutique   (added: 10/03/2011 )
  61. Cuatro libros de la naturaleza y virtudes medicinales de las plantas y animales de la Nueva España   (added: 10/03/2011 )
  62. De lumbricis alvum occupantibus, ac de ratione curandi eos : qui ab illis infestantur commentarius   (added: 09/11/2011 )
  63. Beschreibung eines neu-entdeckten Eingeweide-Wurms im menschlichen Körper   (added: 09/11/2011 )
  64. Beobachtungen über die Nerven und das Blut in ihrem gesunden und krankhaften Zustande   (added: 09/11/2011 )
  65. Animal simples, approved for modern uses of cure   (added: 09/04/2011 )
  66. Früchte aus dem Morgenlande, oder, Reise-Erlebnisse : nebst naturhistorisch-medizinischen Erfahrungen, einigen hundert erprobten Arzneimitteln und einer neuen Heilart dem Medial-Systeme   (added: 09/04/2011 )
  67. Notes on the lectures of John Guitéras on general and special pathology, : delivered before the second and third year students of the University of Pennsylvania, and on the lectures of Joseph McFarland on bacteriology, delivered before the third year class   (added: 09/04/2011 )
  68. Medical contributions to the study of evolution   (added: 09/04/2011 )
  69. Die Pflanzenstoffe in chemischer, physiologischer, pharmakologischer und toxikologischer Hinsicht : für Aerzte, Apotheker, Chemiker und Pharmakologen v.1   (added: 09/04/2011 )
  70. Die Pflanzenstoffe in chemischer, physiologischer, pharmakologischer und toxikologischer Hinsicht : für Aerzte, Apotheker, Chemiker und Pharmakologen v.2   (added: 09/04/2011 )
  71. Die wissenschaftliche Ausbildung des Apothekerlehrlings und seine Vorbereitung zum Gehülfenexamen : mit Rücksicht auf die neuesten Anforderungen   (added: 09/04/2011 )
  72. Lehrbuch der Pharmakognosie des Pflanzenreiches : Naturgeschichte der wichtigeren Arzneistoffe vegetabilischen Ursprunges   (added: 09/04/2011 )
  73. Histoire naturelle des drogues simples : ou Cours d'histoire naturelle professé a l'École supérieure de pharmacie de Paris v.1   (added: 09/04/2011 )
  74. Die Pflanzen im alten Aegypten : ihre Heimat, Geschichte, Kultur und ihre mannigfache Verwendung im sozialen Leben in Kultus, Sitten, Gebräuchen, Medizin, Kunst   (added: 08/28/2011 )
  75. Die qualitative und quantitative Analyse von Pflanzen und Pflanzentheilen   (added: 08/28/2011 )
  76. Histoire naturelle des drogues simples : ou Cours d'histoire naturelle professé a l'École supérieure de pharmacie de Paris v.2   (added: 08/28/2011 )
  77. Histoire naturelle des drogues simples : ou Cours d'histoire naturelle professé a l'École supérieure de pharmacie de Paris v.3   (added: 08/28/2011 )
  78. Histoire naturelle des drogues simples : ou Cours d'histoire naturelle professé a l'École supérieure de pharmacie de Paris v.4   (added: 08/28/2011 )
  79. Matière médicale indigène, ou, Histoire des plantes médicinales qui croissent spontanément en France et en Belgique : ouvrage en réponse a la question, Des ressources que la flore médicale indigène présente aux médicins de campagne? auquel la Société de Médecine de Marseille a Décerné une médaille d'or   (added: 08/28/2011 )
  80. A contribution to South African materia medica : chiefly from plants in use among the natives   (added: 08/28/2011 )
  81. Memoires pour servir a l'histoire naturelle des sangsues   (added: 08/28/2011 )
  82. Physiographie der Medicinal-Pflanzen : nebst einem Clavis zur Bestimmung der Pflanzen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Nervation der Blätter   (added: 08/28/2011 )
  83. Partial syllabic lists of the clinical morphologies of the blood, sputum, feces, skin, urine, vomitus, foods : including potable waters, ice and the air, and the clothing (after Salisbury)   (added: 08/28/2011 )
  84. Grundlagen der Pharmacognosie : Einleitung in das Studium der Rohstoffe des Pflanzenreiches   (added: 08/28/2011 )
  85. Petri Andreae Matthioli Senensis serenissimi Principis Ferdinandi Archiducis Austriae & c., Medici, Commentarii secundo aucti : in libros sex Pedacii Dioscoridis Anazarbei de medica materia. Adiectis quàm plurimis plantarum, & animalium imaginibus quae in priore editione non habentur, eodem authore : his accessit eiusdem apologia adversus Amathum Lusitanum cum censura in eiusdem enarrationes   (added: 08/07/2011 )
  86. Treatise on the venom of the viper, on the American poisons, and on the cherry laurel, and some other vegetable poisons : to which are annexed, observations on the primitive structure of the animal body, different experiments on the reproduction of the nerves, and a description of a new canal of the eye ... v.1   (added: 08/07/2011 )
  87. A treatise on tobacco, tea, coffee, and chocolate : In which, I. The advantages and disadvantages attending the use of these commodities, are not only impartially considered, upon the principles of medicine and chymistry, but also ascertained by observation and experience : II. Full and distinct directions laid down for knowing in what cases, and for what particular constitutions, these substances are either beneficial or hurtful : III. The Chinese or Asiatic tea, shewn to be the same with the European Chamelaeagnus, or Myrtus brabantica   (added: 07/24/2011 )
  88. Treatise on the venom of the viper, on the American poisons, and on the cherry laurel, and some other vegetable poisons : to which are annexed, observations on the primitive structure of the animal body, different experiments on the reproduction of the nerves, and a description of a new canal of the eye ... v.2   (added: 07/17/2011 )
  89. Josephi Jacobi Plenck ... toxicologia seu doctrina de venenis et antidotis   (added: 07/17/2011 )
  90. Ricerche fisiche sopra il veleno della vipera : con alcune osservazioni sopra le anguillette del crano sperone   (added: 07/17/2011 )
  91. Théorie positive de l'ovulation spontanée et de la fécondation des mammifères et de l'espèce humaine : basée sur l'observation de toute la série animale   (added: 07/17/2011 )
  92. Théorie positive de l'ovulation spontanée et de la fécondation des mammifères et de l'espèce humaine : basée sur l'observation de toute la série animale atlas   (added: 07/17/2011 )
  93. Traité de physiologie : historie de la génération et du développement   (added: 07/17/2011 )
  94. Die sensorischen Functionen des Rückenmarks der Wirbelthiere : nebst einer neuen Lehre über die Leitungsgesetze der Reflexionen   (added: 07/17/2011 )
  95. Die Zeugung   (added: 07/17/2011 )
  96. Lucina sine concubitu : a treatise humbly addressed to the Royal Society : in which is proved, by most incontestable evidence, drawn from reason and practice, that a woman may conceive and be brought to bed, without any commerce with man   (added: 07/10/2011 )
  97. Beiträge zur nähern Kenntniss der Wuthkrankheit, oder, Tollheit der Hunde   (added: 07/10/2011 )
  98. Le moustique, considéré comme agent de propagation de la fièvre jaune   (added: 07/10/2011 )
  99. A systematic treatise on comparative physiology, introductory to the physiology of man   (added: 07/10/2011 )
  100. On the influence of physical agents on life   (added: 07/10/2011 )