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Book Title
Essais de zoologie générale
Publication Details
Paris, Roret, 1841
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Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

annotation 24 [+] 8 1/2 [=] 32 1/2
show subjects concepts

top-margin annotation C. Darwin
show subjects concepts

lines 5—8 score

lines 13—14 score
lines 13—14 annotation ? What ⧟
lines 13—3 score

lines 3—6 score
lines 3—15 annotation This argues against descent of species being held by th Gefroy sect of Philosophes

lines 7—3 score
show subjects subjects

[continues overleaf] lines 8—5 score

lines 2—1 score
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 83 With respect to rudiments Vicq d'Azyr says nature does not depart frm her primitive model

[continuation] 1—2 underline in pencil "général ... regret"
lines 1—2 annotation in pencil !
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 83 With respect to rudiments Vicq d'Azyr says nature does not depart frm her primitive model

lines 5—12 score
lines 5—12 annotation compare with Pig with solid Hoofs—
show subjects subjects

lines 10—8 score
lines 10—1 annotation compare in this respect skull of Greyhound & Bull-dog— X

lines 4—1 score
bottom-margin annotation Decrease in size of Frontal Bone in Hornless ox ,strictly analogous to th intermaxillry bone of man—
show subjects subjects

lines 14—19 score
line 16 annotation X
bottom-margin annotation compare this fundamental idea with what Decandolle has shown has taken place in Cabbage.—

lines 17—23 score
lines 16—17 underline "il ... nouveau"
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 90 old Geoffroy states never new organ — in relation to Electric Fishes    94. "Nature always works with same materials"

line 5 underline in pale pencil "sélaciens"
lines 6—4 annotation in pale pencil
bottom-margin annotation in pale pencil See Previous Note — for reference

line 7 underline "polyptères"
lines 5—7 annotation ?
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

lines 9—10 annotation “    ”
lines 10—12 score
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 90 old Geoffroy states never new organ — in relation to Electric Fishes    94. "Nature always works with same materials"

top-margin at "214" annotation p 142

lines 8—5 score in pale pencil
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 142 on parallel series by ‹self› Geoffroy

lines 3—17 score
lines 7—10 annotation ?
bottom-margin annotation Why man more perfect than coleopterous Beetle or Bee
show subjects subjects

lines 18—21 score
line 19 underline "semble"

lines 18—20 score
show subjects concepts

lines 11—17 score
show subjects concepts

[continues overleaf] lines 9—7 score
lines 9—3 annotation X →
bottom-margin annotation What is developed more in Apterix in consequence of little wings.—??
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 165 Goethe believed in Balancement

lines 10—11 score
line 10 underline "Goethe"
line 11 underline "Buffon et Lamarck"
lines 11—15 score
line 13 underline "modificateurs ambiants"
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 167 Believed in change of species, as did old Geoffroy. "Modificateurs ambiants" sur l'organisme".    Yes this is his belief 247 Introduce in Preface

line 18 underline in pale pencil "1822"
lines 20—25 double score in pale pencil
line 23 underline in pale pencil "docteur Koerte"
line 21bottom-margin annotation in pale pencil see to this in Goethe's Works Translated by Martins.—


lines 2—9 score
lines 3—4 annotation

lines 15—17 score

lines 13—17 score

line 19 underline "espèces sauvages"
line 19 annotation !
lines 23—24 score
line 24 underline "variables ... inégaux"

[continues overleaf] lines 3—1 double score
bottom-margin annotation true wild varieties ,would be equally ready to sport,t01
     How comes it that there is species to every small variation of conditions? — so it is — How another question
t01 - `true wild ... sport,' horizontally crossed

lines 13—7 score

lines 3—1 score
lines 3—1 annotation don't understand

bottom-margin annotation rest of this section Nothing
show subjects concepts

lines 12—17 score

lines 12—17 score in pale pencil
lines 4—1 double score
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 167 Believed in change of species, as did old Geoffroy. "Modificateurs ambiants" sur l'organisme".    Yes this is his belief 247 Introduce in Preface

lines 1—2 score in pencil
line 1 underline "captivité, l'apprivoisement"
line 1 at "captivité" annotation chained wild
line 1 at "apprivoisement" annotation tame wild
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 257 Distinction between tamed & domestic

lines 8—7 score

top-margin annotation capital cases of non-breeding

lines 1—3 score
line 3 underline "gerfaut ... hobereau"
line 3 annotation ?

line 6 underline "guépard"
line 6 annotation «hunting leopard» ?
show subjects subjects

lines 6—12 score
lines 8—9 underline "éléphant"
show subjects subjects

lines 17—19 score

lines 3—1 double score
bottom-margin annotation In case of Elephant, cannot be considered as weakly — when we consider feats in war — —less so than the stunted elephants in North India —
show subjects subjects

top-marginline 19 annotation Ferret not very tame yet breeds — not less tame than many of Renggers quadrupeds—
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 260 On animals not breeding

lines 18—20 double score in pencil
line 19 underline "mais ... race"

line 5 underline "mais ... eux-mêmes"
lines 6—5 annotation X

bottom-margin annotation The effects becoming hereditry, show, that apprivoisement "tameness" has an effect on organization.— hence is new condition, hence sterility
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 260 On animals not breeding

lines 5—15 annotation we must not assume camel could not be
show subjects subjects

lines 15—21 score
lines 18—21 annotation Buffalo??
line 21 underline "partout"
line 21 annotation Camel?!
show subjects subjects

lines 7—5 score
line 8 annotation Rein-Deer.
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation & Rein deer good case of animal not spreading not interfering with being domesticated
     in Ch. 2. M.S. add to case of Goose

bottom-margin annotation The present great diffusion, so different from other mammals, renders probable this is effect of acclimisation — contrast of camel. shows not necessary.
show subjects subjects

lines 12—14 score
line 13 underline "quarante"

lines 1—8 annotation ‹Ferret?›
     Aperea breeds readily in S. America Rengger

line 16 at "oie" annotation { Canada & Chinese Geese
lines 18—21 annotation «Fallow & Rein» Deer ?

line 8 underline "furet"
line 12 at "lama"
line 8 annotation { 2. spec.

line 13 underline "l'yack"
line 13 annotation Hybrid?
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

lines 7—6 underline "temps immémorial"

lines 1—5 score

lines 15—17 score
lines 16—17 underline "conditions ... primitif"

bottom-margin annotation Neither Cat, nor Ferret Social
show subjects subjects

lines 6—7 annotation Guinea pig no
line 9 underline "sauvage"
lines 8—13 annotation ass does yet — ferret — Rabbit Fowl —

lines 9—10 score
lines 9—10 annotation because not of much use

[continuation] 1—5 score

line 8 underline "solitaire ... domestication"
line 11 underline "chat ... furet"
lines 8—10 annotation yet many quite tame
show subjects subjects

lines 11—2 score

[continuation] 1 underline "plus grande"
lines 1—2 underline "toute ... ailleurs"
lines 5—6 underline "importance exclusive"
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 281 argues well that F. Cuviers doctrine of Sociability not only key to domestication
     286 do

lines 11—13 score
lines 8—12 annotation Zebra Aurochs
show subjects subjects

lines 3—6 score
line 5 underline "alimenter"

lines 16—19 score
line 18 annotation X

lines 7—1 score
lines 4—1 annotation opposed by monkeys—
bottom-margin annotation this doubtless much easier in social «intelligent» animal — feeding on vegetable food. &c

lines 4—5 score
lines 1—4 annotation is this so? Lord Spenser
show subjects concepts

lines 9—14 score
show subjects subjects

lines 7—5 double score
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 281 argues well that F. Cuviers doctrine of Sociability not only key to domestication
     286 do

lines 9—12 score

lines 8—1 score in pencil
lines 8—1 score
lines 8—7 underline "plus ... avantage"
line 5 underline "et ... soumettre"
bottom-margin annotation Australian dog shows by what little advantage may be induced to take pains—

line 1 underline "une ... passer"
line 8 underline "chacal ... effet"
lines 6—8 annotation !
lines 3—1 score

lines 14—16 score
line 16 underline "unes ... races"
show subjects subjects

lines 3—1 score
line 2 underline "Spicilegia zoologica"
lines 5—3 annotation in pale pencil In Royal Soc Library?
from End Slip, Side 1 annotation 292 Pallas Spicilegia zoologica
show subjects concepts

line 12 underline "fixité ... espèce"
lines 14—15 underline "que ... encore"
lines 12—14 annotation ! in France
show subjects subjects

lines 19—20 score
lines 19—20 underline "que ... fausseté"
line 21 underline "variations"
lines 22—23 underline "dénuées ... variations"
lines 22—23 annotation 1— p. seq
     2 p. 294

line 1 annotation — only assumed there not proven —

line 3 underline "crâne ... supérieurement"
show subjects subjects

lines 6—7 annotation sudden varieties }

lines 9—12 score
line 9 underline "autre ... palmées"
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 299 Dog with [?]split nostrils
show subjects subjects

lines 8—7 annotation X
show subjects concepts

bottom-margin annotation The principal value of this Sect to me is showing other motives besides facility of variation, has determined the domesticated animal — & therefore that variation would probably have [continues on page 301] occurred in nearly all, which must have been selected.—

lines 11—20 score
lines 10—15 annotation non-selection
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 306 We have no case of Blenheim Spaniel or Blood Hound & with Savages (CD)

top-margin annotation The following sections not vry important.—

lines 8—9 score
line 9 underline "si ... réussissait"

lines 3—1 score [`bookmark']

lines 6—8 score

lines 4—3 score
lines 4—1 annotation no notice of selection

lines 13—15 score
line 13 underline "à ... degré"
line 13 annotation X
bottom-margin annotation Spanish ass & Sykes little ass

top-margin annotation All these sections vague & of little value to me

lines 12—17 score
lines 12—17 annotation Lizards anciently so
show subjects subjects

lines 1—9 score in pencil
lines 4—5 annotation in pencil X
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 344. Mammals in close sub-groups do not differ much in size .

lines 8—4 score
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 344. Mammals in close sub-groups do not differ much in size .
show subjects subjects

lines 3—1 score
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 344. Mammals in close sub-groups do not differ much in size .
show subjects subjects

bottom-margin annotation like what Lund says anciently was in Brazil—
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 344. Mammals in close sub-groups do not differ much in size .

lines 14—10 double score
lines 17—9 annotation non-selectiont01
bottom-margin annotation Bull grown large in Falkland ?— Horses smaller. are the White Bulls vry large?—
t01 - `non-selection' in pencil

line 11 annotation X
bottom-margin annotation X It is odd no fragment of continent — is it effect of few only being supported — their inter-breeding destroyed by men
     — Auroks decreased in Russian Forest

lines 13—15 score
lines 13—15 annotation Java & !! Sumatra
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 350 Remarks on small isld having small mammals — see how small isld have mammals in Malay Archipelago — 353 forgets Java & Sumatra ! I— Contradict his statements flat — think of S. America formerly.

lines 10—5 score

lines 4—2 double score

line 3 apparently unintentional mark

line 1 underline "crocodiliens"
top-margin annotation Megalodon !!!
show subjects subjects

lines 16—19 apparently unintentional mark

lines 11—13 score
lines 11—13 annotation
lines 12—13 underline "taille ... autres"

bottom-margin annotation Domestic animals are forced into more various uses & exposed to more varied conditions, hence change of size more — but differs only in degree & not kind
lines 1—1 annotation / Fatness element peculiar to domestic animals & Greater Prolificness

lines 7—12 score
lines 7—12 annotation The subsequent remarks well prove this

lines 6—2 score
lines 4—3 underline "sont ... nombreuses"
bottom-margin annotation because not selected for this end—

line 16 underline "de chacal"
lines 15—16 annotation S. America !
show subjects subjects

table unmarked
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 382 insists on difference of size in allied dogs.
        381 Table of measurements.—
show subjects subjects

lines 7—13 score
lines 14—17 score
lines 9—7 score
line 9 annotation in pale pencil X
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 382 insists on difference of size in allied dogs.
        381 Table of measurements.—
show subjects subjects

line 4 underline in pale pencil "au furet"
bottom-margin annotation in pale pencil do they differ more than Cats.—
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

line 1 score
bottom-margin annotation Before referred to
show subjects concepts

lines 1—6 score in brown ink
line 3 at "0score892" annotation in brown ink 34.9 English Inches.
top-marginline 6 annotation in brown ink Aug. 1841. Saw Shetland Pony exhibited. which at withers «I measure» was 32 1/2 inches (& less in centre of back) — Beautifully formed — I presume Shetlands have no aboriginal horses.

line 12 score in pale pencil
line 12 underline "froides"
line 12 annotation No India
show subjects subjects

line 14 underline in pale pencil "n'est ... connu"
show subjects subjects

lines 11—17 score

lines 10—25 score
lines 13—16 annotation ?
show subjects subjects

lines 6—2 score
from End Note annotation in pale pencilcancelled in pencil Read 420 to 468 again

lines 5—3 score

lines 9—12 score

lines 6—4 score
from End Slip, Side 2 annotation 433 old Geoffroy on degree of influences of external conditions on species —
     Mem. Acad. Tom. XII. p. 93.—

lines 1—10 score
lines 3—5 annotation dont understand

lines 12—20 score
lines 16—17 annotation X

bottom-margin annotation He overlooks successive creations — not worth arguing against such a view as this pretended one of Cuvier

lines 5—10 score

lines 15—11 double score
lines 10—7 score
from End Slip, Side 3 annotation 442. Madagascar a fourth continent

line 11 underline "archipel Indien"
lines 10—16 annotation How absurd unitng India & East Indian Islds

lines 5—2 score

top-margin annotation The case of Irish Hare, whi turns when old , makes one suspect not final cause —
show subjects subjects

lines 3—7 score
lines 6—7 annotation X
lines 2—1 double score
top-marginline 9 annotation Aquatic birds being white: V Dr Fleming —
     At least my theory will prevent those animals being white wh would be so injured by it—

lines 5—1 multiple score
lines 5—2 annotation (Q)
from End Slip, Side 3 annotation 493 Cross between gold, silver & common pheasants just mentioned. (Q)

lines 9—10 underline "femelle ... paon"
line 14 underline "poule"
line 14 underline "canard"

lines 10—7 score
line 10 underline "dix espèces"
lines 6—4 score in pencil
from End Slip, Side 3 annotation 496 Cases of ten species of Birds which have assumed male plumage

lines 3—1 score in pencil

[continues overleaf] lines 3—1 score
bottom-margin annotation deleted I [illegible word]

[continues overleaf] 8—12 score
from End Slip, Side 3 annotation 506 changes of habit in old Hens like Cocks
show subjects subjects

lines 6—1 double score
from End Slip, Side 3 annotation 506 changes of habit in old Hens like Cocks
show subjects subjects

line 10 underline "poules d'Inde"

line 19 underline "encore"
line 19 annotation Blyth

line 8 underline "paons"
lines 8—15
lines 15—18 score
show subjects subjects

lines 9—2 score in pencil
line 29 underline in pencil "chevreuil"
from End Slip, Side 3 annotation 513 Horns grwing on old female Deer
show subjects subjects

lines 6—14 double score in pencil

lines 8—3 double score
lines 5—4 underline "Considérations ... Mammifères"
line 3 underline "p. 306"
lines 7—4 annotation in pencil (N. Q)—
from End Slip, Side 3 annotation 516 — His law of Mongrels & Hybrids,
         (N. Q)

annotation Read 420 to 468 again