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Book Title
Essais de zoologie générale
Publication Details
Paris, Roret, 1841
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
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Supplementary material in Darwin's copy
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

annotation (1

annotation 83 With respect to rudiments Vicq d'Azyr says nature does not depart frm her primitive model

annotation 90 old Geoffroy states never new organ — in relation to Electric Fishes    94. "Nature always works with same materials"

annotation 142 on parallel series by ‹self› Geoffroy

annotation 165 Goethe believed in Balancement
show subjects subjects

annotation 167 Believed in change of species, as did old Geoffroy. "Modificateurs ambiants" sur l'organisme".    Yes this is his belief 247 Introduce in Preface

annotation 257 Distinction between tamed & domestic

annotation 260 On animals not breeding

annotation & Rein deer good case of animal not spreading not interfering with being domesticated
     in Ch. 2. M.S. add to case of Goose

annotation 281 argues well that F. Cuviers doctrine of Sociability not only key to domestication
     286 do

annotation 292 Pallas Spicilegia zoologica
show subjects concepts

annotation (2

annotation «297» Art. Mammifera. Dict. Class. Hist. Nat. — on colour of domestic quadrupeds

annotation 298 Cat intestine ■longer   
show subjects subjects

annotation 299 Dog with [?]split nostrils
show subjects subjects

annotation 306 We have no case of Blenheim Spaniel or Blood Hound & with Savages (CD)
show subjects concepts

annotation 344. Mammals in close sub-groups do not differ much in size .
show subjects subjects

annotation 350 Remarks on small isld having small mammals — see how small isld have mammals in Malay Archipelago — 353 forgets Java & Sumatra ! I— Contradict his statements flat — think of S. America formerly.

annotation 382 insists on difference of size in allied dogs.
        381 Table of measurements.—
show subjects subjects

annotation    All I need say is that author has insisted strongly on differences in size compared to wild species

annotation 433 old Geoffroy on degree of influences of external conditions on species —
     Mem. Acad. Tom. XII. p. 93.—
show subjects concepts

annotation (3

annotation 442. Madagascar a fourth continent
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

annotation 445 Ceylon same mammals with India

annotation 491 On spots &c on young quadrupeds
show subjects subjects

annotation 493 Cross between gold, silver & common pheasants just mentioned. (Q)

annotation 496 Cases of ten species of Birds which have assumed male plumage
show subjects subjects

annotation 506 changes of habit in old Hens like Cocks
show subjects subjects

annotation 513 Horns grwing on old female Deer
show subjects subjects

annotation 516 — His law of Mongrels & Hybrids,
         (N. Q)