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Book Title
Die Fauna der Pfahlbauten der Schweiz
Publication Details
Basel, Schweighauser, 1861
Holding Institution
Cambridge University Library
Copyright & Usage
Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

Copyright Status:
In copyright

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

top-margin annotation Charles Darwin Esq. F.R.S. Londres With the author's respects.

annotation      Rutimeyer

annotation Cats.    23 «23t01
t01 - `23 « 23' cancelled in pencil
show subjects subjects

annotation Swine p. 27, & 120 160, 168, 171, 175, 176
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annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235
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annotation Dog 117, 119, 162, 170, 238
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annotation Horse 122, 164
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annotation Goat 127
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annotation Sheep— lines 128—191
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annotation Swine continued 181
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annotation Hens    231 about
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annotation p. 30    Wild Boar formerly larger than now
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annotation in pale pencil Changes in Foxes, Weasels &c &c
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annotation horizontally crossed 75. Friesland ox nearest to B. P

annotation (Cattle)t01 Rutimeyert02
t01 - `(Cattle)' in blue crayon
t02 - `Rutimeyer' in pale pencil
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annotation 130    cows bones proof of old domestication

annotation 133    teeth presnt certain differncs frm our presnt cows
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annotation 134.    People of Stone period possessed race of cows of differnt sizes

annotation ―    Turf-cow oldest race «short body &» fine legs & feet like Zebu ✔t01
     ― 136 & very large races
t01 - `✔' in blue crayon
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annotation 137    Trochoceros race fd only in 1 locality 140 domesticated — 148 doubtful sp.
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annotation 140    Primigenius races found everywhere, of «slightly» variable size, & agreeing closely «with wild type»
     mixed races
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annotation 143    Brachyceros race or [corrected from `='] longifrons «p 148 vry distinct ✔»t01 — small race — B. frontosus vry close to it — These agree closely with Turf-cow of which is so common in oldest buildings
t01 - `✔' in blue crayon

annotation 145    .B. frontosus «of Owen» race. now livng in Switzerland, did not exist drng stone period.—

annotation 145.    frm momnt of tamng «wild allied races, their» stability is lost & hence he calls them races — B. taurus frm commingld races — Bos. primigenius &c for species.

annotation 148 Simmenthal race now in Switzerland belngs to frontosus.-races

annotation 201    Oldenburg Holland Friesland race. = Primigenius

annotation 205—    Brachyceros-race fd in Switzerland ✔t01
t01 - `✔' in blue crayon

annotation 207    frontosus-race — thinks, possible tht Norwegian race descendd frm it not fd in Stone period — but livng in Switzerland .

annotation 211.    Canton of Freiburg cattle belng to this race

annotation [Th gret point is all these fd fossil & domesticated]
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annotation 214.    Brachyceros race «no white, differnt shades of» — dark-colours with lighter stripe along back ✔t01
t01 - `✔' in blue crayon
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annotation 215    Frontosus race red or black — ‹red› or some patched with white.
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annotation 216    frm N. & W. Europe — Brachycers race East & South

annotation vertically crossed in blue crayon 221    B. trochoceros — formerly domesticated , but does not recognise as «parent of» any existng race — so may be passed over—
show subjects subjects

annotation      Rutimeyer Pfhalbt (Pigs)t01
t01 - `(Pigs)' in dark pencil
show subjects concepts

annotation 27.    S. scrofa & S. scrofa palustris. — latter wild & domesticated

annotation 30    wild swine formerly bigger otherwise identical
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annotation 42    Summary on difference of teeth of Turf-swine
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annotation 52. Xt01 Stone turf swine as wild species. 53 Xt02 nearest to Siam
t01 - `X' in reddish-orange crayon
t02 - `X' in reddish-orange crayon

annotation 120 , 121.    on domestication of Turf-swine & common swine
show subjects concepts

annotation 163 Turf swine domsticated towads end of Stone Period Xt01
t01 - `X' in reddish-orange crayon

annotation 167 — a still smaller race at a later period
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annotation 168    a Roman race with differt teeth
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annotation 171    Races of 6th century
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annotation 181. 184 186 } Bundtnerschwein — Turf-race
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annotation 188    all tame swine have differnt back head
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annotation 190    Turf & Indian swines closely allied Xt01
t01 - `X' in reddish-orange crayon

annotation in pencil      (Used)

annotation Variation of Natural Speces
     vry good
     Look thrugh volume