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Book Title
Die Fauna der Pfahlbauten der Schweiz
Publication Details
Basel, Schweighauser, 1861
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Cambridge University Library
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Darwin Estate and Cambridge University Library

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Example: Charles Darwin, Carl Linnaeus
Example: Birds, Classification, Mammals
Contributed by Cambridge University Library
Annotation Not Available

lines 7—4 score
from Slip Attached annotation Cats.    23 «23t01
from Slip Attached annotation Swine p. 27, & 120 160, 168, 171, 175, 176
t01 - `23 « 23' cancelled in pencil

lines 5—8 annotation excluding sub-genera
     only 3 knwn species

line 13 annotation Fitzinger rubbish

line 11 annotation House-swine few remains
line 10 underline "Sus scrofa domesticus"
lines 8—7 underline "welche ... abweicht"

lines 7—6 score
lines 6—4 underline "Ich ... lebte"
lines 8—1 annotation the common swine is «a» race, now extinct, which he calls Turf-swine existed with the wild swine —
from End Slip 3 annotation in dark brown ink 27.    S. scrofa & S. scrofa palustris. — latter wild & domesticated

line 2 underline "Das Torfschwein"
lines 9—11 score
lines 9—11 annotation From reasons given does not consider distinct species.

lines 6—18 score
lines 4—12 annotation summary of differncs of teeth of Turf swine
from End Slip 3 annotation in dark brown ink 42    Summary on difference of teeth of Turf-swine

lines 22—23 )—
show subjects subjects

[continues overleaf] lines 3—1 score
line 2 underline "muss ... Thier"
from End Slip 3 annotation in dark brown ink 52. Xt01 Stone turf swine as wild species. 53 Xt02 nearest to Siam
t01 - `X' in reddish-orange crayon
t02 - `X' in reddish-orange crayon

line 1 annotation no change

lines 20—30 annotation Urochs & Bison both lived during Stone Period.— over all Switzerland.—
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235

lines 6—9 score
lines 5—10 annotation cattle descendants of Urochs
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235

lines 14—15 annotation Friesland Ox nearest to Urus
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation horizontally crossed 75. Friesland ox nearest to B. P

line 3 underline "Der ... Zebu"
lines 3—8 annotation I see many references to differences in various Bones
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235

line 15 underline "Zebu ... Taurus"
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235

lines 13—12 score
line 13 underline "beim Bison"
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235

lines 2—3 score
line 2 underline "Genus ... Mitte"
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235

lines 8—11 score
line 9 underline "Zebu, Büffel"
lines 10—11 underline "gänzlich ... Taurus"
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235

line 4 at "Auerochs" annotation Bison
lines 3—4 underline "gemeine ... Auerochs"
lines 5—11 score
line 8 underline "doch ... constant"
line 13 underline "auch ... Ausnahmen"
lines 3—9 annotation B. primigenius — point of anatomical agreemnt.
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235

line 12 score [`bookmark']
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

lines 13—19 score
lines 13—19 annotation What a Histry of Changes
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235

line 7 underline "kleinsten ... Race"
lines 11—6 annotation Stone Period one «vry» constant race of Dogs.
from Slip Attached annotation Dog 117, 119, 162, 170, 238
show subjects subjects

line 12 score
line 12 underline "welche ... Grösse"
show subjects subjects

line 2 underline "Wachtelhund"
lines 2—4 annotation quail-Dog. setter-Spaniel agrees with this
from Slip Attached annotation Dog 117, 119, 162, 170, 238

lines 10—12 score
lines 10—12 annotation agrees in these respects with Hunting dog —

line 21 underline "Jagd ... Wachtelhund"
lines 19—25 annotation ⧟ both remote in equal degree from Wolf & Jackall; & agree with the oldest known domestic dog.—

line 6 underline "Wangen"
line 9 underline "Moosseedorf"
lines 6—8 annotation no tame swine here
from Slip Attached annotation Swine p. 27, & 120 160, 168, 171, 175, 176

lines 6—2 score
lines 8—1 annotation in these later buildings the Turf-swine was domesticated
from End Slip 3 annotation in dark brown ink 120 , 121.    on domestication of Turf-swine & common swine

line 1 underline "Schwächung ... derselben"
lines 5—7 annotation good argumnts that turf-swine was domesticated.
from End Slip 3 annotation in dark brown ink 120 , 121.    on domestication of Turf-swine & common swine

line 18 underline "gewöhnliche Wildschwein"
line 18 annotation not then domesticated.
show subjects subjects

lines 11—6 annotation in these the wild swine were domesticated & which agree with present swine

lines 13—15 annotation very rare, thoug presnt in all
from Slip Attached annotation Horse 122, 164
show subjects subjects

line 5 underline "Meilen"
line 7bottom-margin annotation Common in newer Buildings; large & small Big & Small Horse
     as thy kept so mny domestic animals, probaly lng domesticated.—

lines 12—15 annotation Goats identical with present Swiss goats
from Slip Attached annotation Goat 127

line 19 underline "ältern Pfahlbauten"
lines 19—21 annotation Goat commoner than sheep in older Buildings

lines 1—4 unmarked
top-margin annotation Goat has not altered since the old period.
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191

line 14 underline "Solche ... Ziegenhörnen"
line 15 underline "norwegischen"
line 15 underline "Orkaden"
line 16 underline "Hohen ... Wales"
line 18 underline "cyprische Schaf"
lines 13—18 score
lines 13—18 annotation with horns like those of Stone-period. now in Orcades, Wales. —
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191

line 11 underline "Hornlose ... selten"
show subjects subjects

line 7 underline "Schaf ... war"
lines 24—27 annotation vry small sheep with thin & rather high legs.
show subjects subjects

lines 5—1 score
lines 5—1 annotation cows bones show marks of long domestication.
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 130    cows bones proof of old domestication

lines 11—7 score
lines 11—7 annotation some teeth like those of present kinds, some different.—
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 133    teeth presnt certain differncs frm our presnt cows

lines 12—16 score
lines 12—16 annotation differently sized Races.—
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 134.    People of Stone period possessed race of cows of differnt sizes

lines 18—20 annotation Different Breeds at all same localities    X
show subjects subjects

lines 12—4 annotation The commonest races, especially in oldest buildings (but these not exclusive) is th Turf-cow.— This had short body & vy fine legs & feet. like Zebu.—
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation ―    Turf-cow oldest race «short body &» fine legs & feet like Zebu ✔t01
     ― 136 & very large races
t01 - `✔' in blue crayon

lines 1—3 score
lines 1—3 annotation Zebu vry unlike our cattle in proportions
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191

line 5 underline "Concise"
line 5 annotation has th turf-cow & a race larger than largest present race.

lines 9—11 score
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191
show subjects subjects

line 16 underline "welche ... engster"
line 17 underline "aufgestellte ... Species"
lines 15—18 annotation only found in one ‹Building› locality
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 137    Trochoceros race fd only in 1 locality 140 domesticated — 148 doubtful sp.

lines 4—8 score
lines 1—8 annotation Trochoceros shown to have been domesticated by variability of size of Bones
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191

lines 14—15 annotation ‹a ra›
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

lines 10—7 score
lines 16—9 annotation Trochoceros is a very large-horned race.—

line 6bottom-margin annotation Former «domestic» race confined to W. Switzerland. This present race found everywhere, of variable size & agreeing with wild B. primigenius.
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 140    Primigenius races found everywhere, of «slightly» variable size, & agreeing closely «with wild type»
     mixed races

lines 20—22 score
lines 21—22 underline "Die ... Trochoceros"
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191

lines 21—23 score
lines 21—23 annotation size does not vary greatly
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191

line 1 at "Concise"
lines 1—3 annotation skulls certainly of mixed races between these two
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191

line 4 annotation or longifrns
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 143    Brachyceros race or [corrected from `='] longifrons «p 148 vry distinct ✔»t01 — small race — B. frontosus vry close to it — These agree closely with Turf-cow of which is so common in oldest buildings
t01 - `✔' in blue crayon

line 7 underline "mit ... Rhinoceros"
line 8 underline "Torfmooren ... Megaceros"
line 9 underline "römischen Antiquitäten"

line 7 underline "Bos ... frontosus"
line 5 underline "kleinhörnige ... auf"
line 1 underline "alles ... übereinstimmt"
lines 7—2 annotation B. frontosus comes vry close to B. longifrons.—

line 2 underline "ab ... Torfkuh"
lines 1—8 annotation The foregoing agree with Turf cows which is so common especially in oldest Buildings.— rarer in the more modern—
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191

lines 18—20 score
lines 15—20 annotation The above 3 Races alone found— A common living “frontosus” race now in Swiss, is not found.
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 145    .B. frontosus «of Owen» race. now livng in Switzerland, did not exist drng stone period.—

lines 9—4 annotation From th moment of tamng «allied» wild species, their stability as species is lost, — Hence he calls them races.
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 145.    frm momnt of tamng «wild allied races, their» stability is lost & hence he calls them races — B. taurus frm commingld races — Bos. primigenius &c for species.

[continues overleaf] lines 4—1 score
line 3 annotation a
lines 2—1 underline "Der ... Verwischung"
bottom-margin annotation (a) The right of [corrected from `on'] joining th descendant of distinct species under name of Bos taurus is not so difficult, as th separating th wild parents.— —
     What a proof of fertility of distinct species.— If not good species what variation in a state of nature.—
show subjects subjects

top-margin annotation the races, Bos primigenius, trochoceros «&c» for wild
        Taurus primigenius, trocheros &c for tame

from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191

[continuation] 1 underline "Verwischung"
line 1 annotation (wiping out)
show subjects subjects

line 20 underline "Owen"
line 20 annotation → Nillsson

lines 19—21 score
lines 19—20 underline "Bos ... indicus"
lines 18—22 annotation 3 other parents of our tame oxens

lines 3—1 score
bottom-margin annotation Cuvier thinks primigenius one of parent races

line 9 score [`bookmark']
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

lines 11—12 underline "sich ... Unterschied"
lines 13—17 annotation Yet some difference between these & tame Oxen of present day.

lines 6—3 score
lines 7—5 annotation differences perhaps due to crossing
show subjects subjects

lines 1—3 annotation more doubt about specific difference of B. trochoceros
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191

line 9 at "brachyceros" annotation or longifrons
lines 11—14 annotation This form very distinct from the 2 others

lines 16—20 unmarked
from End Slip 2, Side 1 annotation 148 Simmenthal race now in Switzerland belngs to frontosus.-races

lines 1—6 annotation Zebu more distant from B. primigenius & others, than any of these from each other.
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191

lines 15—18 score
line 17 underline "Verminderung ... Incisiven"
lines 15—22 annotation difference in no [ie `number of'] incisors in such as he has seen — Does not Blyth speak about differenc at birth ?

lines 21—22 underline "Zebu ... sind"

line 7 score [`bookmark']

lines 3—1 score
line 3bottom-margin annotation quite immaterial in bump of fat — appears in Argali & Rein deer in winter.—

lines 4—1 annotation Extinction & rarity of some species.
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191
show subjects subjects

top-margin annotation who could have ever expected so much change ??—
line 4 at "Hirsches" annotation (1)
line 4 at "Wildschweins" annotation (2)
line 5 at "etwaigen" annotation perhaps
lines 3—8 annotation ⧟ Changes in wild anims gigantic size of — perhaps differn in Horns of th (1) — small size of Foxes — th sharper ‹muzzle› «teeth» of som of th Carnivora
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191

line 10 score [`bookmark']

lines 9—6 annotation Abbeville 2 races of cows of different sizes.

line 15 score [`bookmark']
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191
from Slip Attached annotation Swine p. 27, & 120 160, 168, 171, 175, 176
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

line 17 underline "Brachyceros"
line 17 annotation or longifrn
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191

lines 16—5 annotation Turf-cow almost exclusive in oldest buildings.— In later supplanted by large primigenius races. & in one region the other larger B. trochoceros.—

bottom-margin annotation [The whole importance of case depends on th 3 forms beig fond fossil & not domestic. C.D.]

line 1 underline "einer ... zahmen"
lines 2—3 underline "Concise ... Rindvieh"
from Slip Attached annotation Dog 117, 119, 162, 170, 238
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191

line 7 at "Belang" annotation import
lines 5—7 annotation until Concise only tame beasts were Turf-cow & one small dog.

lines 10—15 annotation Dogs do not change, whilst cattle do

lines 1—3 score
lines 1—3 annotation In Morges, dog larger
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191

lines 9—11 annotation Turf-swine domesticated towards end of Stone period.
from End Slip 3 annotation in dark brown ink 163 Turf swine domsticated towads end of Stone Period Xt01
t01 - `X' in reddish-orange crayon

line 20 score [`bookmark']

line 10 score
lines 9—13 annotation The Horse of Morges belonged to very small Breed
from Slip Attached annotation Horse 122, 164
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191

lines 4—6 score
lines 4—17 annotation a still smaller race of swine than th Turf-swine.— in a rather recnt Building, this Breed a strong Breed — so diversity in the lost race of Turf-swine
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191
from End Slip 3 annotation in dark brown ink 167 — a still smaller race at a later period

line 7 score [`bookmark']

lines 5—7 annotation In 563 a vry different Dog from Stone Period
from Slip Attached annotation Dog 117, 119, 162, 170, 238
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191
show subjects subjects

line 2 score [`bookmark']
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191
from Slip Attached annotation Swine p. 27, & 120 160, 168, 171, 175, 176
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

lines 9—10 underline "ässerst ... M. 3"
lines 3—9 annotation in 6th. Century Swine large race & above «mntiond» smaller domestic Turf-race — with difference in teeth.
from End Slip 3 annotation in dark brown ink 171    Races of 6th century

lines 9—4 annotation The shortening of row of teeth.— Here comes question whether race really same as Turf-swine
show subjects subjects

lines 13—7 annotation a very small race of cows of rather recent date
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191

lines 9—4 score
lines 9—4 annotation Does not doubt that long-eared common Swine descended frm S. ferus
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191
from Slip Attached annotation Swine p. 27, & 120 160, 168, 171, 175, 176

lines 4—10 annotation Turf-swine — wild seem to come nearest to Siamese swine.—
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191
from Slip Attached annotation Swine p. 27, & 120 160, 168, 171, 175, 176

lines 10—11 score
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191
show subjects subjects

top-margin annotation He has before remarked that all the Eastern, Chinese, Siamese are pretty closely the same
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191
from Slip Attached annotation Swine continued 181

lines 9—11 score
lines 9—11 annotation Berkshire & Chinese Swine skulls closely alike

lines 17—23 annotation a small peculiar Swiss race somewht allied to Berkshire.
from End Slip 3 annotation in dark brown ink 181. 184 186 } Bundtnerschwein — Turf-race

lines 17—20 score
line 18 underline "Bündnerschwein"
lines 16—22 annotation Turf swine differs greatly from Berkshire but with some exceptions comes near the small Swiss Race p. 181
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191
from End Slip 3 annotation in dark brown ink 181. 184 186 } Bundtnerschwein — Turf-race

line 7 annotation X
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191
show subjects subjects

lines 17—19 annotation Berkshire reverse in Teeth of Turf-swine

line 14 underline "Bündtnerschwein"
lines 5—4 underline "Das ... sich"
lines 11—6 annotation This Breed near to Turf swine, like common swine to the wild Swine
from End Slip 3 annotation in dark brown ink 181. 184 186 } Bundtnerschwein — Turf-race

lines 5—8 score
lines 5—8 annotation certain of back of Head common to all wild Swine
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191
show subjects subjects

lines 10—12 score
line 13 underline "sondern ... betrachten"
line 16 underline "Wolf ... Hauskatze"
lines 11—15 annotation all tame swine have a ‹similar› differnt back Head —
from End Slip 3 annotation in dark brown ink 188    all tame swine have differnt back head

lines 8—7 underline "Wildschwein ... Hausschwein"
lines 8—7 annotation Summary
show subjects subjects

line 1 underline "wilde ... Berkshire"

lines 3—4 underline "Das ... Molar"
lines 8—9 underline "das ... Formen"
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191

lines 16—19 score
lines 16—21 annotation not improbable that Turf-swine related to short-eared Breed. /

lines 10—4 annotation Turf-swine in wild state assuredly not confined to Swiss.

lines 8—13 annotation He evidenly thinks Turf-swine & Indian swine closely allied.—
from Slip Attached annotation Sheep— lines 128—191
from End Slip 3 annotation in dark brown ink 190    Turf & Indian swines closely allied Xt01
t01 - `X' in reddish-orange crayon

bottom-margin annotation The great point is that a distinct wild species or variety, ‹was› has been domesticated — (probaly more). Whether th Torf-Schwein be called a race or species is unimportant — it differs osteologically —
show subjects subjects

line 3 at "Wildschafes" annotation ⧟ Wild forms not enogh known.—
show subjects subjects

lines 1—5 annotation Thinks many parent-forms probably.—
show subjects subjects

lines 6—9 score
lines 6—9 annotation The only known fossil sp. differs from the known wild

lines 19—20 score
lines 19—25 annotation Not one to him known race of sheep agrees with that of Stone Period
show subjects subjects

line 1 underline "den ... Nalpsthales"
lines 1—8 annotation Here a race of Sheep like those of Wales & agrees with Stone Race (I do not think this race wild.)

lines 16—20 annotation He misses in Stone period one existing race; & amngst th existing there is one not found in Stone Period. — /
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235
show subjects subjects

line 13 underline "Friesland ... Holland"
lines 13—7 annotation These races agree with the Primigenius race of Stone Period closely in skulls.
from End Slip 2, Side 2 annotation 201    Oldenburg Holland Friesland race. = Primigenius

line 1 annotation This is th same as ‹fronto› longifrons of Owen
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235
from End Slip 2, Side 2 annotation 205—    Brachyceros-race fd in Switzerland ✔t01
t01 - `✔' in blue crayon

lines 23—24 underline "kleiner ... übertrifft"
lines 21—22 annotation Found in turf in Scandinavia
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235
from End Slip 2, Side 2 annotation 207    frontosus-race — thinks, possible tht Norwegian race descendd frm it not fd in Stone period — but livng in Switzerland .

lines 5—7 score
line 6 underline "Ausser ... dieser"
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235

lines 11—13 score
lines 11—22 annotation thinks that some Norwegian cattle may be descendants «not» found «fossil» in Switzerland, «or in Stone Period» but domestic races belong to it in Switzerland.

line 20 underline "Freiburg"
lines 18—22 annotation X These cattle belong to frontosus race ∗
bottom-margin annotation ∗ The great point is that 3 or 4 species or forms of cattle have been found fossil, & closely allied domestic grups are found at th presnt day.—
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235
from End Slip 2, Side 2 annotation 211.    Canton of Freiburg cattle belng to this race

lines 12—14 score
lines 11—16 annotation apparently a crossed race with that of Brachyceros
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235

lines 13—7 annotation agriculturalists make 2 chief Swiss races, which are geographically separated
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235

line 4bottom-margin annotation all dark coloured — a lighter stripe along Back — This agrees with Brachyceros Race (ie longifrns) see next Page
from End Slip 2, Side 2 annotation 214.    Brachyceros race «no white, differnt shades of» — dark-colours with lighter stripe along back ✔t01
t01 - `✔' in blue crayon

line 12 annotation a Southern Breed
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235

[continues overleaf] 21—22 underline "roth ... gefleckt"
lines 21—25 annotation patchy colours This is Frontosus race
from End Slip 2, Side 2 annotation 215    Frontosus race red or black — ‹red› or some patched with white.

[continuation] 6—7 annotation a Northern Race
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235

line 20 at "Brachyceros" annotation This present at oldest period
line 21 at "Frontosus" annotation This is a later importation.

line 3 at "erste" annotation longifrons
line 2 underline "nördliche ... Race"
line 2 at "zweite" annotation ⧟ ie frontosus .
from End Slip 2, Side 2 annotation 216    frm N. & W. Europe — Brachycers race East & South

line 1 score [`bookmark']
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

lines 7—8 underline "romanische ... Vieh"
line 8 underline "folgenden ... rechnen"
line 8 annotation with great Horns

lines 8—3 annotation 4 Wild Races primigenius frontosus longifrns or Brachycer & Trochoceros

lines 18—20 underline "Simmenthal ... werde"
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235
show subjects concepts

line 1 at "Vieh" annotation Norwegian
line 1 at "brachyceros" annotation longifrns
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235
show subjects concepts

lines 8—9 )

lines 14—15 score
line 14 at "bracycheros" annotation longifrons
show subjects concepts

line 16 annotation Final result,
lines 17—21 underline "Rindviehracen ... nachgewiesen"
line 19 at "brachyceros" annotation longifrons

line 22 underline "Bos brachyceros"
lines 22—26 annotation as this found in oldest Buildings, probably endemic in Switzerland, not so B. frontosus

lines 7—6 underline "Eine ... trochoceros"
lines 7—2 annotation This formerly domesticated; but he does not recognise it in any living race.—
from End Slip 2, Side 2 annotation vertically crossed in blue crayon 221    B. trochoceros — formerly domesticated , but does not recognise as «parent of» any existng race — so may be passed over—

line 8 underline "podolische ... romanische"
lines 8—10 annotation origin doubtful perhaps from
line 10 underline "Bos primigenius"
line 11 at "trochyceros" annotation or
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235

lines 14—19 score
lines 15—17 annotation Indian ox distinct

lines 11—14 score
line 13 underline "Mischform ... ansehe"
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235

lines 15—16 underline "Triticum ... durchschnittlich"
lines 13—16 annotation Robenhausen true old Stone Period (Q)t01
t01 - `(Q)' in dark brown ink

line 11 underline "Ausdreschens"
line 11 annotation threshing
line 10 underline "Roggen ... Hafer"
line 10 annotation none

lines 4—5 underline "dass ... fehlen"

line 9 underline "Fruchtkapseln"
lines 10—12 underline "kleinere ... Klappen"
lines 14—15 annotation more like this

lines 17—21 double score
lines 17—19 underline "Ob ... unentscheiden"
show subjects subjects

[continues overleaf] lines 6—5 underline "Kapsel ... übersteigt"
lines 6—5 annotation apples
line 2 underline "14 mm"
line 1 underline "22 Millim"

lines 6—8 score
line 6 underline "Vorkommen ... Scop."
line 7 underline "fehlt ... ganz"

line 9 at "findet" annotation now this is found
line 9 underline "ist ... sylvestris"

lines 14—24 annotation The P. mughus now in montains «(Hooker disputes tht thy can be distinguished

lines 10—8 (
lines 10—6 annotation case like as in Ireland turf-bogs
show subjects concepts

lines 4—3 score
lines 2—1 score
bottom-margin annotation These plants now only in mountain-lakes

lines 3—4 score
lines 6—7 score
lines 3—7 annotation formerly very common in turf-waters
     this plant now very rare

lines 9—15 annotation Altogether flora of old & present times nearly the same; so different from Denmark

lines 8—4 annotation yet some traces of vegetation change in Swiss
show subjects concepts

lines 12—14 score
lines 10—15 annotation Except for Bones of Buildings did not know of these 3 animals

lines 6—4 underline "Wauwyl ... Vorschein"
show subjects concepts

lines 8—11 score
line 9 annotation changes in animals

lines 13—15 score
line 13 annotation no mice or rats

line 19 annotation no cats or Hens
from Slip Attached annotation Hens    231 about

lines 23—24 underline "Hausthieren ... Hund"
lines 25—27 score
lines 25—27 annotation two races of cows

lines 4—3 annotation next come Pigs
show subjects subjects

line 1 underline "6. Jahrhundert"
top-margin annotation since then wild & tame are near

lines 11—15 score
lines 20—21 score
lines 11—12 underline "Der ... Vervollkommnung"
lines 14—22 underline "das ... Schweiz"
line 18 at "Graubünden" annotation The Grisous
line 18 at "beherbergt" annotation lodges
lines 7—10 annotation not much change in domestic animals during the whole immense period

line 1 score [`bookmark']

line 16 score [`bookmark']
from Slip Attached annotation Cattle p. 71, to 112 — 130 to 149 p. 161, 172, 200 to 223, 235
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

lines 16—7 annotation Frontosus race ‹fails› «is absent» in older periods — The longifrons has endured. The old primigenius race has disappeared; apparently remained until 10th or 12th century.

line 11 score [`bookmark']

line 1 at "die" annotation Oldest period
lines 1—3 underline "Kuh ... zwei"
line 2 annotation 2 races of cows
lines 5—6 underline "Etwas ... Umgegend"

line 8 score [`bookmark']

lines 14—15 underline "Wangen ... dieser"
line 15 at "dieser" annotation Stone

line 1 score [`bookmark']
from Slip Attached annotation Dog 117, 119, 162, 170, 238
show subjects subjects
show subjects concepts

lines 14—11 score
lines 14—13 underline "Torfhundes ... Pferdes und"
lines 8—7 underline "die ... Vieles"
lines 13—7 annotation These probably from the East for not known fossil in Europe