Biodiversity Heritage Library
API v3 Documentation
Data Elements
Release Notes

*** OVERVIEW *** Contents
To use the BHL API you must supply an API Key value with each request. To obtain a key, go to The same key can be used for both the HTTP Query interface and the SOAP interface.
To include the key value with a request, append the argument &apikey=<key+value> to the method call. For example,<method>...&apikey=<key+value>
Output Types
Results can be returned in either XML or JSON format. To return XML, append &format=xml to the method call. To return JSON, append &format=json to the method call. If a format is not specified, XML is returned.
An example of returning XML is<method>...&apikey=<key+value>&format=xml
An example of returning JSON is<method>...&apikey=<key+value>&format=json
If you need to capture the results of a method call with a callback function, specific the name of the callback function by appending &callback=<function name> to the method call.
For example,<method>...&apikey=<key+value>&callback=<function name>
Status Codes
Each method response contains a status code that indicates the success or failure of the method call. This code is contained in the "Status" field of the response. The valid status codes are:
ok - the method executed successfully
error - an error occurred while executing the method; check the ErrorMessage field for details
unauthorized - the specified api key is invalid or does not have permission to execute the method
API Methods as Building Blocks
API methods are intended to be used as building blocks, rather than one-stop shops. For example, a method like GetTitleMetadata will return complete metadata about the specified Title, but only summary information (including BHL identifiers) for any related Items. To get the complete metadata for the related Items, the GetItemMetadata method will need to be called for each Item associated with the original Title.
The idea is that API users will not automatically get a lot of unnecessary information from API methods that return everything all at once, but by chaining several API methods call together can get as much or as little information as needed.

*** METHODS *** Contents
Metadata Retrival
GetAuthorMetadataGet metadata about an author.
GetItemMetadataGet metadata about an item.
GetNameMetadataGet metadata about a scientific name.
GetPageMetadataGet metadata about a page.
GetPartMetadataGet metadata about a part.
GetSubjectMetadataGet metadata about a subject.
GetTitleMetadataGet metadata about a title.
GetCollectionsGet a list of collections used to group titles and items.
GetInstitutionsGet a list of institutions which have contributed to BHL.
GetLanguagesGet a list of languages in which materials in BHL have been written.
AuthorSearchSearch for authors.
NameSearchSearch for scientific names.
PageSearchSearch pages of a specific publication.
PublicationSearchSearch for publications.
PublicationSearchAdvancedFocused search for publications.
SubjectSearchSearch for subjects.

*** DATA ELEMENTS *** Contents
The following table describes the data elements that may be included in the various API responses.
BHL API Description
Title/TitleID BHL identifier for the title
Title/Genre One of the following values, which identify the bibliographic level of work:

Monographic component part
Serial component part

Derived from MARC leader position 07.
Title/MaterialType One of the following values, which identify the characteristics of the work:

Archival material
Computer file
Mixed materials
Published material
Visual resource

Derived from MARC leader position 06
Title/FullTitle The complete title of the work. See MARC 245a|b.
Title/ShortTitle The title proper of the work. See MARC 245a.
Title/SortTitle Title of the work, modified for more accurate searching
Title/PartNumber Number designation for part of a work used in the title. See MARC 245n
Title/PartName Name of a part of a work used in the title. See MARC 245p.
Title/CallNumber Classification or call number of the work. See MARC 050a|b.
Title/Edition Information about the edition of the work. See MARC 250a|b.
Title/PublisherPlace Place of publication of the work. See MARC 260a.
Title/PublisherName Name of publisher/distributor of the work. See MARC 260b.
Title/PublicationDate Date of publication of the work. See MARC 260c.
Title/PublicationFrequency Frequency of publication of the work. See MARC 310a.
Title/Doi DOI assigned to the title
Title/TitleURL BHL address for the title
Title/CreationDate Date and time the title was created in BHL
Title/Associations/TitleAssociation/TitleAssociationTypeName One of the following values, which identify the type of association:
Series Statement - Added Entry
Series Statement
Preceding Entry: Continues
Preceding Entry: Continues in part
Preceding Entry: Supercedes
Preceding Entry: Supercedes in part
Preceding Entry: Formed by the union of
Preceding Entry: Absorbed
Preceding Entry: Absorbed in part
Preceding Entry: Separated from
Succeeding Entry: Continued by
Succeeding Entry: Continued in part by
Succeeding Entry: Superceded by
Succeeding Entry: Superceded in part by
Succeeding Entry: Absorbed by
Succeeding Entry: Absorbed in part by
Succeeding Entry: Split into
Succeeding Entry: Merged with
Succeeding Entry: Changed back to
Series Statement - Added Entry Uniform Title
Host Item Entry
Supplement/Special Issue Entry
Supplement Parent Entry
Other Edition Entry
Issued With Entry
Other Relationship Entry
Uncontrolled Related/Analytical - Added Entry
Title/Associations/TitleAssociation/Title The associated title. See MARC Series Statement Fields and MARC Linking Entries
Title/Associations/TitleAssociation/AssociatedTitleID BHL Title Identifier for the associated title.
Title/Variants/TitleVariant/TitleVariantTypeName One of the following values, which identify the type of variant:
Parallel (Translated)
Title/Variants/TitleVariant/Title The variant title. See MARC 210, 242, and 246.
Author/AuthorID BHL identifier for the author
Author/Name Personal, corporate, or meeting name. See MARC 1XX and MARC 7XX.
Author/Role One of the following values, which identify the role of an author:
Main Entry -- Personal Name (MARC 100)
Main Entry -- Corporate Name (MARC 110)
Main Entry -- Meeting Name (MARC 111)
Added Entry -- Personal Name (MARC 700)
Added Entry -- Corporate Name (MARC 710)
Added Entry -- Meeting Name (MARC 711)
Added Entry -- Uncontrolled Name (MARC 720)
Author/Numeration Personal numeration. See MARC 1XX and MARC 7XX.
Author/Unit Corporate unit. See MARC 1XX and MARC 7XX.
Author/Title Personal title. See MARC 1XX and MARC 7XX.
Author/Location Corporate/meeting location. See MARC 1XX and MARC 7XX.
Author/FullerForm Fuller form of name. See MARC 1XX and MARC 7XX.
Author/Relationship Relationship of person to work (editor, illustrator). See MARC 1XX and MARC 7XX.
Author/TitleOfWork Title page title or serial title related to person. See MARC 1XX and MARC 7XX.
Author/Dates Date of birth/death or Corp/Meeting dates. See MARC 1XX and MARC 7XX.
Author/CreatorUrl BHL address for the author
Author/CreationDate Date and time the author was created in BHL
Subject/SubjectText Subject term. See MARC 6XX.
Subject/CreationDate Date and time the subject was created in BHL
TitleNote/NoteText Text of a note associated with a title. See MARC 5XX.
TitleNote/NoteSequence Numerical position of the note
TitleNote/NoteTypeName Description of the note
Item/ItemID BHL identifier for the item
Item/TitleID BHL identifier for the title related to the item
Item/ThumbnailPageID BHL identifier of the page that produces the item thumbnail
Item/Source System from which the item originated
Item/SourceIdentifier Originating system identifier
Item/Volume Volume assigned to the book
Item/Year Year assigned to to a monograph or single item in a journal
Item/EndYear End Year assigned to to a monograph or single item in a journal (when the publication covers a range of years)
Item/CopySpecificInformation Information specific to this copy of the book
Item/Holding Institution Institution that contributed the book to BHL
Item/RightsHolder Institution holding the rights to the book
Item/ScanningInstitution Institution performing the scanning of the book
Item/Sponsor Institution that sponsored the scanning of the book
Item/Language Primary language in which the work is published. See MARC 008 positions 35-37.
Item/LicenseUrl URL to information about the license asserted on the book
Item/Rights URL to information about the rights/permissions asserted on the book
Item/DueDiligence URL to information about the rights/permissions asserted on the book
Item/CopyrightStatus Copyright statement for the book
Item/CopyrightRegion Country issuing the copyright on the book
Item/ExternalUrl Non-BHL address for the item
Item/ItemUrl BHL address for the item
Item/TitleUrl BHL address for the title
Item/ItemThumbUrl BHL address for the item thumbnail image
Item/ItemTextUrl BHL address for the item text
Item/ItemPDFUrl BHL address for the item PDF
Item/ItemImagesUrl BHL address for the item images
Item/CreationDate Date and time the item was created in BHL
Part/PartID BHL identifier for the part
Part/PartUrl BHL address for the part
Part/ItemID BHL address for the item related to the part
Part/StartPageID BHL address for the first page of the part
Part/SequenceOrder Sequential position of the part within the container item.
Part/Genre One of the following values, which identify the type of the part:
Part/Title The title of the part
Part/TranslatedTitle Translated title of the part
Part/ContainerTitle Title of the containing journal/book
Part/PublicationDetails Combined publication informatino (publisher name, publisher place, and publication date)
Part/PublisherName Name of publisher/distributor of the part
Part/PublisherPlace Place of publication of the part
Part/Notes Miscellaneous information about the part
Part/Volume Volume of the work in which the part appears
Part/Series Series of the work in which the part appears
Part/Issue Issue of the work in which the part appears
Part/Date Publication date of the part
Part/PageRange Combined page information (start--end)
Part/StartPageNumber Starting page number of the part
Part/EndPageNumber Ending page number of the work
Part/Language Language of he part
Part/ExternalUrl Non-BHL location of the part
Part/DownloadUrl Link to a downloadable version of the part
Part/RightsStatus Rights status of the part (for example, "out of copyright")
Part/RightsStatement Rights statement for the part
Part/LicenseName License under which the part is made available
Part/LicenseUrl Link to additional licensing details
Part/Doi DOI assigned to the part
Part/CreationDate Date and time the part was created in BHL
Part/Contributors/Contributor/ContributorName Person/organization that contributed the part to BHL
Page/PageID BHL identifier for the page
Page/ItemID BHL identifier for the item containing the page
Page/Volume Volume assigned to the page when multiple volumes bound together.
Page/Issue Issue assigned to the page when multiple volumes bound together.
Page/Year Year assigned to the page when multiple volumes bound together.
Page/PageUrl BHL address for the page
Page/ThumbnailUrl BHL address for the thumbnail image of the page
Page/FullSizeImageUrl BHL address for the full-size image of the page
Page/TextSource Source of the text of the page. Values include "OCR", "Text Import" (usually indicating transcriptions), and "Purposeful Gaming" (corrected OCR).
Page/OcrUrl BHL address for the OCR of the page
Page/OcrText Text of the page OCR
Page/CreationDate Date and time the page was created in BHL
PageNumber/Prefix Prefix of the number assigned to the page (ex. Page, Plate)
PageNumber/Number The number assigned to the page
PageType/PageTypeName One of the following values, which identify the type of a page:
Title Page
Table of Contents
Article Start
Article End
Issue Start
Issue End
Publication/BHLType Publication type: Title, Item, or Part
Publication/FoundIn Indicates where in the publication the search term(s) were found: Metadata, Text, or Both
Publication/ItemID BHL Identifier for the publication (if BHLType is Item) or the related BHL Item.
Publication/TitleID BHL Identifier for the publication (if BHLType is Title)
Publication/Volume Volume of the publication or the publication's parent work.
Publication/ExternalUrl Non-BHL address for the publication
Publication/ItemUrl BHL address for the publication (if BHLType is Item) or the related BHL Item.
Publication/TitleUrl BHL address for the publication (if BHLType is Title)
Publication/MaterialType One of the following values, which identify the characteristics of the work: Language material Notated music Manuscript notated music Cartographic material Manuscript cartographic material Projected medium Nonmusical sound recording Musical sound recording Two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic Computer file Kit Mixed materials Three-dimensional artifact or naturally occuring object Manuscript language material
Publication/PublisherPlace Place of publication
Publication/PublisherName Publisher of the publication
Publication/PublicationDate Publishing date of a book or journal publication
Publication/Date Publishing date of a part publication
Publication/PartUrl BHL address for the publication (if BHLType is Part)
Publication/PartID BHL Identifier for the publication (if BHLType is Part)
Publication/Genre Value identifying the genre of the publication. Examples include the following: Collection, Monograph/Item, Serial, Article, Chapte,  Journal, Issue, Proceeding Conference, Preprint, Treatment 
Publication/Title The title of the publication
Publication/ContainerTitle The title of the parent work of the publication. If the publication is an article, the ContainerTitle will be the journal in which the article appears.
Publication/Series Series of the publication or the publication's parent work.
Publication/Issue Issue of the publication or the publication's parent work.
Publication/PageRange Combined start and end page information (applies when BHLType is Part)
Name/NameFound Name found on a page
Name/NameConfirmed Name found on a page and confirmed in uBio's NameBank
Name/NameCanonical The canonical form of a name found on a page.  For example, "Poa annua" is the canonical form of the name "Poa annua L. (1753)".
Name/CreationDate Date and time the name was created in BHL
Identifier/IdentifierName One of the following values, which identify the type of identifier:
Identifier/IdentifierValue Value of the identifier.
Collection/CollectionID BHL identifier for the collection
Collection/CollectionName The name of the collection
Collection/CollectionDescription A description of the contents of the collection
Collection/CanContainTitles 1 if the collection can contain titles, 0 otherwise
Institution/InstitutionCode BHL code for the institution
Institution/InstitutionName The name of the institution
Institution/InstitutionUrl URL for the institution
Institution/BHLMember True if the institution is a member of the BHL consortium
Collection/CanContainItems 1 if the collection can contain items, 0 otherwise
Language/LanguageCode BHL code for the language
Language/LanguageName The name of the language

*** RELEASE NOTES *** Contents
November 4, 2022 - version 3.6.0
April 4, 2022 - version 3.5.0
September 28, 2021 - version 3.4.0
July 21, 2020 - version 3.3.0
March 26, 2020 - version 3.2.0
December 20, 2019 - version 3.1.0
November 4, 2019 - version 3.0.3
August 1, 2019 - version 3.0.2
May 23, 2019 - version 3.0.1
August 27, 2018 - version 3.0.0
Documentation for the previous version of the BHL API can be found at
Following is a summary of the changes from version 2.x to version 3.0.0 of the API.
Overall Changes
New Methods
Modified Methods
Removed Methods
The following methods are no longer part of the API, either because they were rarely used, their functionality was duplicated in other methods, or they were replaced with other methods. Where appropriate, the replacement for a removed method is noted.