Method | Description |
GetAuthorMetadata | Get metadata about an author. |
GetItemMetadata | Get metadata about an item. |
GetNameMetadata | Get metadata about a scientific name. |
GetPageMetadata | Get metadata about a page. |
GetPartMetadata | Get metadata about a part. |
GetSubjectMetadata | Get metadata about a subject. |
GetTitleMetadata | Get metadata about a title. |
Method | Description |
GetCollections | Get a list of collections used to group titles and items. |
GetInstitutions | Get a list of institutions which have contributed to BHL. |
GetLanguages | Get a list of languages in which materials in BHL have been written. |
Method | Description |
AuthorSearch | Search for authors. |
NameSearch | Search for scientific names. |
PageSearch | Search pages of a specific publication. |
PublicationSearch | Search for publications. |
PublicationSearchAdvanced | Focused search for publications. |
SubjectSearch | Search for subjects. |
BHL API | Description |
Title/TitleID | BHL identifier for the title |
Title/Genre |
One of the following values, which identify the bibliographic level of work: Collection Monograph/Item Monographic component part Serial Serial component part Derived from MARC leader position 07. |
Title/MaterialType |
One of the following values, which identify the characteristics of the work: Archival material Audio Computer file Maps Mixed materials Music Published material Video Visual resource Derived from MARC leader position 06 |
Title/FullTitle | The complete title of the work. See MARC 245a|b. |
Title/ShortTitle | The title proper of the work. See MARC 245a. |
Title/SortTitle | Title of the work, modified for more accurate searching |
Title/PartNumber | Number designation for part of a work used in the title. See MARC 245n. |
Title/PartName | Name of a part of a work used in the title. See MARC 245p. |
Title/CallNumber | Classification or call number of the work. See MARC 050a|b. |
Title/Edition | Information about the edition of the work. See MARC 250a|b. |
Title/PublisherPlace | Place of publication of the work. See MARC 260a. |
Title/PublisherName | Name of publisher/distributor of the work. See MARC 260b. |
Title/PublicationDate | Date of publication of the work. See MARC 260c. |
Title/PublicationFrequency | Frequency of publication of the work. See MARC 310a. |
Title/Doi | DOI assigned to the title |
Title/TitleURL | BHL address for the title |
Title/CreationDate | Date and time the title was created in BHL |
Title/Associations/TitleAssociation/TitleAssociationTypeName |
One of the following values, which identify the type of association: Series Statement - Added Entry Series Statement Preceding Entry: Continues Preceding Entry: Continues in part Preceding Entry: Supercedes Preceding Entry: Supercedes in part Preceding Entry: Formed by the union of Preceding Entry: Absorbed Preceding Entry: Absorbed in part Preceding Entry: Separated from Succeeding Entry: Continued by Succeeding Entry: Continued in part by Succeeding Entry: Superceded by Succeeding Entry: Superceded in part by Succeeding Entry: Absorbed by Succeeding Entry: Absorbed in part by Succeeding Entry: Split into Succeeding Entry: Merged with Succeeding Entry: Changed back to Series Statement - Added Entry Uniform Title Host Item Entry Supplement/Special Issue Entry Supplement Parent Entry Other Edition Entry Issued With Entry Other Relationship Entry Uncontrolled Related/Analytical - Added Entry |
Title/Associations/TitleAssociation/Title | The associated title. See MARC Series Statement Fields and MARC Linking Entries |
Title/Associations/TitleAssociation/AssociatedTitleID | BHL Title Identifier for the associated title. |
Title/Variants/TitleVariant/TitleVariantTypeName |
One of the following values, which identify the type of variant: Translated Parallel (Translated) Abbreviated Alterative |
Title/Variants/TitleVariant/Title | The variant title. See MARC 210, 242, and 246. |
Author/AuthorID | BHL identifier for the author |
Author/Name | Personal, corporate, or meeting name. See MARC 1XX and MARC 7XX. |
Author/Role |
One of the following values, which identify the role of an author: Main Entry -- Personal Name (MARC 100) Main Entry -- Corporate Name (MARC 110) Main Entry -- Meeting Name (MARC 111) Added Entry -- Personal Name (MARC 700) Added Entry -- Corporate Name (MARC 710) Added Entry -- Meeting Name (MARC 711) Added Entry -- Uncontrolled Name (MARC 720) |
Author/Numeration | Personal numeration. See MARC 1XX and MARC 7XX. |
Author/Unit | Corporate unit. See MARC 1XX and MARC 7XX. |
Author/Title | Personal title. See MARC 1XX and MARC 7XX. |
Author/Location | Corporate/meeting location. See MARC 1XX and MARC 7XX. |
Author/FullerForm | Fuller form of name. See MARC 1XX and MARC 7XX. |
Author/Relationship | Relationship of person to work (editor, illustrator). See MARC 1XX and MARC 7XX. |
Author/TitleOfWork | Title page title or serial title related to person. See MARC 1XX and MARC 7XX. |
Author/Dates | Date of birth/death or Corp/Meeting dates. See MARC 1XX and MARC 7XX. |
Author/CreatorUrl | BHL address for the author |
Author/CreationDate | Date and time the author was created in BHL |
Subject/SubjectText | Subject term. See MARC 6XX. |
Subject/CreationDate | Date and time the subject was created in BHL |
TitleNote/NoteText | Text of a note associated with a title. See MARC 5XX. |
TitleNote/NoteSequence | Numerical position of the note |
TitleNote/NoteTypeName | Description of the note |
Item/ItemID | BHL identifier for the item |
Item/TitleID | BHL identifier for the title related to the item |
Item/ThumbnailPageID | BHL identifier of the page that produces the item thumbnail |
Item/Source | System from which the item originated |
Item/SourceIdentifier | Originating system identifier |
Item/Volume | Volume assigned to the book |
Item/Year | Year assigned to to a monograph or single item in a journal |
Item/EndYear | End Year assigned to to a monograph or single item in a journal (when the publication covers a range of years) |
Item/CopySpecificInformation | Information specific to this copy of the book |
Item/Holding Institution | Institution that contributed the book to BHL |
Item/RightsHolder | Institution holding the rights to the book |
Item/ScanningInstitution | Institution performing the scanning of the book |
Item/Sponsor | Institution that sponsored the scanning of the book |
Item/Language | Primary language in which the work is published. See MARC 008 positions 35-37. |
Item/LicenseUrl | URL to information about the license asserted on the book |
Item/Rights | URL to information about the rights/permissions asserted on the book |
Item/DueDiligence | URL to information about the rights/permissions asserted on the book |
Item/CopyrightStatus | Copyright statement for the book |
Item/CopyrightRegion | Country issuing the copyright on the book |
Item/ExternalUrl | Non-BHL address for the item |
Item/ItemUrl | BHL address for the item |
Item/TitleUrl | BHL address for the title |
Item/ItemThumbUrl | BHL address for the item thumbnail image |
Item/ItemTextUrl | BHL address for the item text |
Item/ItemPDFUrl | BHL address for the item PDF |
Item/ItemImagesUrl | BHL address for the item images |
Item/CreationDate | Date and time the item was created in BHL |
Part/PartID | BHL identifier for the part |
Part/PartUrl | BHL address for the part |
Part/ItemID | BHL address for the item related to the part |
Part/StartPageID | BHL address for the first page of the part |
Part/SequenceOrder | Sequential position of the part within the container item. |
Part/Genre |
One of the following values, which identify the type of the part: Article Book BookItem Chapter Journal Issue Proceeding Conference Preprint Unknown Treatment |
Part/Title | The title of the part |
Part/TranslatedTitle | Translated title of the part |
Part/ContainerTitle | Title of the containing journal/book |
Part/PublicationDetails | Combined publication informatino (publisher name, publisher place, and publication date) |
Part/PublisherName | Name of publisher/distributor of the part |
Part/PublisherPlace | Place of publication of the part |
Part/Notes | Miscellaneous information about the part |
Part/Volume | Volume of the work in which the part appears |
Part/Series | Series of the work in which the part appears |
Part/Issue | Issue of the work in which the part appears |
Part/Date | Publication date of the part |
Part/PageRange | Combined page information (start--end) |
Part/StartPageNumber | Starting page number of the part |
Part/EndPageNumber | Ending page number of the work |
Part/Language | Language of he part |
Part/ExternalUrl | Non-BHL location of the part |
Part/DownloadUrl | Link to a downloadable version of the part |
Part/RightsStatus | Rights status of the part (for example, "out of copyright") |
Part/RightsStatement | Rights statement for the part |
Part/LicenseName | License under which the part is made available |
Part/LicenseUrl | Link to additional licensing details |
Part/Doi | DOI assigned to the part |
Part/CreationDate | Date and time the part was created in BHL |
Part/Contributors/Contributor/ContributorName | Person/organization that contributed the part to BHL |
Page/PageID | BHL identifier for the page |
Page/ItemID | BHL identifier for the item containing the page |
Page/Volume | Volume assigned to the page when multiple volumes bound together. |
Page/Issue | Issue assigned to the page when multiple volumes bound together. |
Page/Year | Year assigned to the page when multiple volumes bound together. |
Page/PageUrl | BHL address for the page |
Page/ThumbnailUrl | BHL address for the thumbnail image of the page |
Page/FullSizeImageUrl | BHL address for the full-size image of the page |
Page/TextSource | Source of the text of the page. Values include "OCR", "Text Import" (usually indicating transcriptions), and "Purposeful Gaming" (corrected OCR). |
Page/OcrUrl | BHL address for the OCR of the page |
Page/OcrText | Text of the page OCR |
Page/CreationDate | Date and time the page was created in BHL |
PageNumber/Prefix | Prefix of the number assigned to the page (ex. Page, Plate) |
PageNumber/Number | The number assigned to the page |
PageType/PageTypeName |
One of the following values, which identify the type of a page: Title Page Text Illustration Verso Recto Blank Index Cover Appendix Map Table of Contents Article Start Article End Foldout Issue Start Issue End |
Publication/BHLType | Publication type: Title, Item, or Part |
Publication/FoundIn | Indicates where in the publication the search term(s) were found: Metadata, Text, or Both |
Publication/ItemID | BHL Identifier for the publication (if BHLType is Item) or the related BHL Item. |
Publication/TitleID | BHL Identifier for the publication (if BHLType is Title) |
Publication/Volume | Volume of the publication or the publication's parent work. |
Publication/ExternalUrl | Non-BHL address for the publication |
Publication/ItemUrl | BHL address for the publication (if BHLType is Item) or the related BHL Item. |
Publication/TitleUrl | BHL address for the publication (if BHLType is Title) |
Publication/MaterialType | One of the following values, which identify the characteristics of the work: Language material Notated music Manuscript notated music Cartographic material Manuscript cartographic material Projected medium Nonmusical sound recording Musical sound recording Two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic Computer file Kit Mixed materials Three-dimensional artifact or naturally occuring object Manuscript language material |
Publication/PublisherPlace | Place of publication |
Publication/PublisherName | Publisher of the publication |
Publication/PublicationDate | Publishing date of a book or journal publication |
Publication/Date | Publishing date of a part publication |
Publication/PartUrl | BHL address for the publication (if BHLType is Part) |
Publication/PartID | BHL Identifier for the publication (if BHLType is Part) |
Publication/Genre | Value identifying the genre of the publication. Examples include the following: Collection, Monograph/Item, Serial, Article, Chapte, Journal, Issue, Proceeding Conference, Preprint, Treatment |
Publication/Title | The title of the publication |
Publication/ContainerTitle | The title of the parent work of the publication. If the publication is an article, the ContainerTitle will be the journal in which the article appears. |
Publication/Series | Series of the publication or the publication's parent work. |
Publication/Issue | Issue of the publication or the publication's parent work. |
Publication/PageRange | Combined start and end page information (applies when BHLType is Part) |
Name/NameFound | Name found on a page |
Name/NameConfirmed | Name found on a page and confirmed in uBio's NameBank |
Name/NameCanonical | The canonical form of a name found on a page. For example, "Poa annua" is the canonical form of the name "Poa annua L. (1753)". |
Name/CreationDate | Date and time the name was created in BHL |
Identifier/IdentifierName |
One of the following values, which identify the type of identifier: bhl ia doi issn isbn lccn ddc nal nlm coden soulsby biostor viaf namebank eol gni |
Identifier/IdentifierValue | Value of the identifier. |
Collection/CollectionID | BHL identifier for the collection |
Collection/CollectionName | The name of the collection |
Collection/CollectionDescription | A description of the contents of the collection |
Collection/CanContainTitles | 1 if the collection can contain titles, 0 otherwise |
Institution/InstitutionCode | BHL code for the institution |
Institution/InstitutionName | The name of the institution |
Institution/InstitutionUrl | URL for the institution |
Institution/BHLMember | True if the institution is a member of the BHL consortium |
Collection/CanContainItems | 1 if the collection can contain items, 0 otherwise |
Language/LanguageCode | BHL code for the language |
Language/LanguageName | The name of the language |