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  1. By: Collins, J. Franklin (James Franklin), - Gould, John Mead, - Hammond, Charles C., - Manning, P. C. (Prentice C.), - Perry, Elizabeth, - Peterson, Stella Freeman, - Piguet, Adolphe Pierre David, - Pinchot, Gifford, - Poland, William Carey, - Pollard, Charles Louis, - Porter, Alice F., - Powers, William L., - Preston, Howard W. - Priest, Irwin Gillespie, - Pringle, Cyrus G. (Cyrus Guernsey), - Pyle, Harry L. - Rand, Edward L. (Edward Lothrop), - Rau, Eugene A. (Eugene Abraham), - Regester, Charles A., - Rice, Howard M., - Rich, William Penn, - Richardson, J. H., - Richardson, Oliver H. (Oliver Huntington), - Ricker, Percy Leroy, - Riddle, Lincoln Ware, - Ripley, Winfield Scott, Jr., - Robinson, Benjamin Lincoln, - Rugg, Harold Goddard, - Sandberg, John Herman, - Seaton, H. E. (Henry Eliason), - St. John, Harold, - Thompson, Joseph Porter,
    Holding Institution: Harvard University Botany Libraries
  2. By: D'Heguert, José Saer, - Jahn, Alfredo, - Pittier, Emilio, - Seymour, Frank Conkling, - St. John, Harold, - Harvard University. Gray Herbarium.
    Holding Institution: Harvard University Botany Libraries
    BHL Collections: BHL Field Notes Project
  3. By: Fernald, Merritt Lyndon, - Blake, S. F. (Sidney Fay), - Allen, John A. (John Alpheus), - Bissell, Charles Humphrey, - Bragg, Laura M., - Briggs, Le Baron Russell, - Britton, Nathaniel Lord, - Frothingham, Louis A., - Gaskin, Helen C., - Gilmore, Melvin R. (Melvin Randolph), - Goodale, George L. (George Lincoln), - Gould, John Mead, - Graves, Arthur Harmount, - Greene, Jerome D. (Jerome Davis), - Haliburton, John P., - Holm, Theodor (Herman Theodor), - Houghton, George M., - Jones, Vincent S., - Kennedy, George G. (George Golding), - Knowlton, Clarence Hinckley, - Latham, Harold Strong, - Lewis, Eleanor Ashton, - Linder, David H. (David Hunt), - Lindsay, Eugene, - Livingston, Burton E. (Burton Edward), - Lowell, A. Lawrence (Abbott Lawrence), - Macoun, James Melville, - Mercer, James W., - Moore, George T. (George Thomas), - Noyes, George Rapall, - O'Mara, May A., - Osborn, Henry Leslie, 1857-1940, - Pease, Arthur Stanley, - Piccott, Archibald W., - Porsild, Morten P. (Morten Pedersen), - Pray, James Sturgis, - Rackemann, Francis M. (Francis Minot), - Rand, Benjamin, - Rich, William Penn, - Riddell, John M., - Robertson, I C - Rollins, Reed C. (Reed Clark), - Rose, A. McKinley, - Rose, Albert S., - St. John, Harold, - Tanner, Kenneth J., - Taylor, John Lewis, - Transeau, Edgar Nelson, - Twenhofel, William H. (William Henry), - Watson, Sereno, - Weatherby, Charles Alfred, - Whalen, Elizabeth, - Williams, Emile Francis,
    Publication info: [1890-1951]
    Holding Institution: Harvard University Botany Libraries
  4. By: Fernald, Merritt Lyndon, - St. John, Harold,
    Publication info: [1910-1914]
    Holding Institution: Harvard University Botany Libraries
    BHL Collections: BHL Field Notes Project
  5. By: Piper, Charles V. (Charles Vancouver), - Vasey, George, - St. John, Harold,
    Publication info: 1936
    Holding Institution: Harvard University Botany Libraries
    BHL Collections: BHL Field Notes Project
  6. By: St. John, Harold,
    Publication info: Ottawa, F. A. Acland, printer, 1922
    Holding Institution: Harold B. Lee Library
  7. By: St. John, Harold,
    Publication info: New York, Ronald Press Co, [1958]
    Holding Institution: MBLWHOI Library
  8. By: St. John, Harold,
    Publication info: Boston, Gray Herbarium of Harvard University, 1921
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries