Merritt Lyndon Fernald correspondence
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Merritt Lyndon Fernald correspondence

Related Titles

Contained In: Merritt Lyndon Fernald papers, 1887-1951, bulk 1887-1934
Series: Gaspe Peninsula Collecting Trips project
Series: Global Plants Initiative Field Notes Collections

External Resources

Collection guide: Merritt Lyndon Fernald papers, 1887-1951, bulk 1887-1934. Harvard University Botany Libraries


Fernald, Merritt Lyndon, 1873-1950 , correspondent

Blake, S. F. (Sidney Fay), 1892-1959 , correspondent
Allen, John A. (John Alpheus), 1863-1916 , correspondent
Bissell, Charles Humphrey, 1857-1925 , correspondent
Bragg, Laura M., , correspondent
Briggs, Le Baron Russell, 1855-1934 , correspondent
Britton, Nathaniel Lord, 1859-1934 , correspondent
Frothingham, Louis A., , correspondent
Gaskin, Helen C., , correspondent
Gilmore, Melvin R. (Melvin Randolph), 1868-1940 , correspondent
Goodale, George L. (George Lincoln), 1839-1923 , correspondent
Gould, John Mead, 1839-1930 , correspondent
Graves, Arthur Harmount, 1879-1962 , correspondent
Greene, Jerome D. (Jerome Davis), 1874-1955 , correspondent
Haliburton, John P., , correspondent
Holm, Theodor (Herman Theodor), 1854-1932 , correspondent
Houghton, George M., , correspondent
Jones, Vincent S., , correspondent
Kennedy, George G. (George Golding), 1841-1918 , correspondent
Knowlton, Clarence Hinckley, 1876-1956 , correspondent
Latham, Harold Strong, 1887-1969 , correspondent
Lewis, Eleanor Ashton, , correspondent
Linder, David H. (David Hunt), 1899-1946 , correspondent
Lindsay, Eugene, , correspondent
Livingston, Burton E. (Burton Edward), 1875-1948 , correspondent
Lowell, A. Lawrence (Abbott Lawrence), 1856-1943 , correspondent
Macoun, James Melville, 1862-1920 , correspondent
Mercer, James W., , correspondent
Moore, George T. (George Thomas), 1871-1956 , correspondent
Noyes, George Rapall, 1873-1952 , correspondent
O'Mara, May A., , correspondent
Osborn, Henry Leslie, 1857-1940, , correspondent
Pease, Arthur Stanley, 1881-1964 , correspondent
Piccott, Archibald W., 1869-1926 , correspondent
Porsild, Morten P. (Morten Pedersen), 1872-1956 , correspondent
Pray, James Sturgis, 1871- , correspondent
Rackemann, Francis M. (Francis Minot), 1887-1973 , correspondent
Rand, Benjamin, 1856-1934 , correspondent
Rich, William Penn, 1849-1930 , correspondent
Riddell, John M., , correspondent
Robertson, I C , correspondent
Rollins, Reed C. (Reed Clark), 1911-1998 , correspondent
Rose, A. McKinley, , correspondent
Rose, Albert S., , correspondent
St. John, Harold, 1892-1991 , correspondent
Tanner, Kenneth J., , correspondent
Taylor, John Lewis, , correspondent
Transeau, Edgar Nelson, 1875-1960 , correspondent
Twenhofel, William H. (William Henry), 1875-1957 , correspondent
Watson, Sereno, 1826-1892 , correspondent
Weatherby, Charles Alfred, 1875-1949 , correspondent
Whalen, Elizabeth, , correspondent
Williams, Emile Francis, 1858-1929 , correspondent




Archival material

Publication info



Consists of Fernald's incoming and outgoing correspondence. Also included are documents related to Fernald's travels and research, including receipts, research proposals, telegrams, and a fishing license. Much of the correspondence is related to Gaspé Peninsula collecting trips. Correspondents are: Charles Humphrey Bissell, Sidney Fay Blake, Laura M. Bragg, LeBaron Russell Briggs, Richard Field, Helen C. Gaskin, Melvin R. Gilmore, George Lincoln Goodale, John M. Gould, Jerome Davis Greene, John P. Haliburton, Herman Theodor Holm, George M. Houghton, Vincent S. Jones, Clarence H. Knowlton, H.S. Latham, Eleanor Ashton Lewis, David Hunt Linder, Eugene Lindsay (The Lawrence Newfoundland Co., Ltd.), Burton E. Livingston, Abbott Lawrence Lowell, James Melville Macoun, James W. Mercer (Newfoundland Game & Inland Fisheries Board), George T. Moore, George R. Noyes, Henry L. Osborn, Arthur Stanley Pease, A.W. Piccott (Newfoundland Game & Inland Fisheries Board), Morten Pedersen Porsild, James Sturgis Pray, Francis M. Rackemann, Benjamin Rand, William Penn Rich, J.M. Riddell, I.C. Robertson, Reed C. Rollins, A. McKinley Rose, Albert S. Rose, Harold St. John, J.L. Taylor, Edgar N. Transeau, William Henry Twenhofel, Sereno Watson, and Mrs. John Whalen.

The majority of M.L. Fernald's post-1930 correspondence is in the Administrative Correspondence of the Gray Herbarium and Harvard University Herbaria collection (call number gra00079).

New England botanists, Merritt Lyndon Fernald of Harvard University and James Franklin Collins, of Brown University, often made short summer trips to the Gaspe area beginning in 1904 and continuing through 1923. Other noted botanists joined them on these trips which yielded new and interesting plant material. The Gaspe Peninsula Collecting Trips Project is a composite of materials from several archival collections and consists of field notes, maps, photographs, correspondence, and other items. The material provides insights into the challenges of early 20th century plant collecting, documents the flora of the region, and is frequently consulted by researchers interested in the Gaspe region.


1873-1950 , Application forms , Botanists , Correspondence , Fernald, Merritt Lyndon, , Gaspé Peninsula , Plant collecting , Plants , Québec (Province) , Receipts (financial records) , Telegrams




OCLC: 932102162


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