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  1. By: Gessner, Conrad, - Carronus, Jacob, - Wolf, Hans Kaspar, - Officina Froschouiana,
    Publication info: Tiguri, In officina Froschouiana, MDLXXXVII [1587]
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
  2. By: Gessner, Conrad, - Wolf, Hans Kaspar,
    Publication info: Tiguri [Zurich], Excudebat Christoph. Frosch, Anno M.D.LXXVII. [1577]
    Holding Institution: John Carter Brown Library
  3. By: Gessner, Conrad, - Rondelet, Guillaume, - Belon, Pierre, - Carron, Jacob - Wolf, Hans Kaspar,
    Publication info: Tigvri [Zurich], Apvd Christ. Froschovervm, [1551-1587]
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions