
Recent Additions (Last 25)   Published In: ALL   For: Ontario Ministry of the Environment

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  1. The importance of runoff and winter anoxia to P and N dynamics of a beaver pond   (added: 07/26/2010 )
  2. Manual for establishing vegetation on landfills in Ontario   (added: 07/26/2010 )
  3. Extraction of zygnematacean zygospores from lake sediments and their potential as paleo-indicators of lake acidification : R.A.C. Project No. 464G   (added: 07/25/2010 )
  4. Phytotoxicology Section investigation in the vicinity of Ethyl Corporation, Corunna, Ontario, August 23, 1989 : report   (added: 07/25/2010 )
  5. The influence of hydrologic fluctuations and peat oxia on the phosphorus and nitrogen dynamics of a conifer swamp   (added: 07/25/2010 )
  6. The development document for the draft effluent monitoring regulation for the pulp and paper sector   (added: 11/16/2009 )
  7. Determination of chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and chlorinated dibenzofurans in ambient air : proceedings of a workshop, September 17, 1989, Toronto, Ontario, Canada   (added: 11/16/2009 )
  8. Ontario hardwood decline survey, 1989 and 1990   (added: 11/16/2009 )
  9. Biogeochemistry project update : snow cores 1989-1992 : Plastic Lake & Harp Lake : report   (added: 11/16/2009 )
  10. Zooplankton data and sample archive database design for the Dorset Research Centre : report   (added: 11/16/2009 )
  11. Phytotoxicology surveys conducted in the town of Elmira : Uniroyal Corporation, 1989, Sulco Canada Colours Ltd., 1990, Varnicolour Chemical Ltd., 1990 : report   (added: 11/16/2009 )
  12. Phytotoxicology assessment survey in the vicinity of the Shell, PetroCanada and Imperial Oil petroleum tank farms, Toronto - 1991   (added: 11/16/2009 )
  13. 1992 status report on Ontario's air, water and waste   (added: 11/16/2009 )
  14. Crayfish species assemblages in softwater lakes in seven tertiary watersheds in south-central Ontario   (added: 11/16/2009 )
  15. Potential use of ultraviolet radiation for the control of zebra mussels : phase I-lab studies, phase II-field trials : RAC project no. 598C : final report   (added: 11/16/2009 )
  16. Microbiological indicators for assessing hydraulic connection in buried high permeability zones at waste disposal sites : final report : RAC project no. 543G   (added: 11/16/2009 )
  17. Effects of zebra mussels on chlorophyll, nitrogen, phosphorus and silica in north shore waters of Lake Erie   (added: 11/16/2009 )
  18. Otonabee River - Rice Lake sediment and biomonitoring study 1996   (added: 11/16/2009 )
  19. The Case against the rain : a report on acid precipitation and Ontario programs for remedial action   (added: 11/16/2009 )
  20. Windsor air quality study : soil and garden produce survey results   (added: 11/16/2009 )
  21. Le Procès de la pluie : rapport sur les précipitations acides et remèdes envisagés par l'Ontario   (added: 11/16/2009 )
  22. Misuse of the null hypothesis in data reporting and interpretation : report   (added: 11/16/2009 )
  23. Acute lethality data for Ontario's organic chemical manufacturing sector effluents covering the period from April 1990 to September 1990 : report   (added: 11/16/2009 )
  24. Report on the assessment of the quality assurance and quality control data for the organic chemical manufacturing sector   (added: 11/16/2009 )
  25. Annual statistics of concentration and deposition--cumulative precipitation monitoring network 1989   (added: 11/16/2009 )