| | | | | |
Abhandlungen aus der Naturlehre, Haushaltungskunst und Mechanik | Kungl. Svenska vetenskapsakademien. | Bd.3 (1741) | 1741 | Page 232 | |
Acta Helvetica Physico-Mathematico-Anatomico-Botanico-Medica | Societas Physico-Medica Basiliensis. | v. 5-6 (1762-1767) | 1762 | Page 89 | |
Allgemeines Polyglotten-Lexicon der Naturgeschichte mit erklaerenden Anmerkungen | Nemnich, Philipp Andreas, | 2 | 1793 | Page 130 | |
Allgemeines Polyglotten-Lexicon der Naturgeschichte mit erklaerenden Anmerkungen | Nemnich, Philipp Andreas, | 04 | 1793 | (go to page) | |
Arkiv för botanik | Kungl. Svenska vetenskapsakademien. | v.2 1904 | 1904 | Page 116 | |
Asie Mineure : description physique, statistique et archéologique de cette contrée | Chikhachev, P. A. (Petr Aleksandrovich), | v.1 | 1860 | Page 15 | |
Biblioteca Italiana | | tom 7 - tom 8 | 1817 | Page 129 | |
Biblioteca Italiana | | tom 7 - tom 8 | 1817 | Page 130 | |
Bibliotheca botanica :qua scripta ad rem herbariam facienta a rerum initiis recensentur | Haller, Albrecht von, | v.2 | 1772 | Page 309 | |
Bibliotheca botanica :qua scripta ad rem herbariam facienta a rerum initiis recensentur | Haller, Albrecht von, | v.2 | 1772 | Page 463 | |
Botaniska notiser | Lunds botaniska förening. Lunds botaniska förening. | 1885 | 1885 | Page 77 | |
The British herbal :an history of plants and trees, natives Britain, cultivated for use, or raised for beauty | Hill, John, Benning, R. Boyce, Samuel, Burgess, Thomas, Collins, B. (Benjamin), Grignion, Charles, Newbery, John, Roberts, Henry, Smith, Adam, Smith, John, Darly & Edwards S. Crowder and H. Woodgate T. Osborne and J. Shipton (Firm) | (go to volume) | 1756 | Page 307 | |
The British herbal :an history of plants and trees, natives Britain, cultivated for use, or raised for beauty | Hill, John, Benning, R. Boyce, Samuel, Burgess, Thomas, Collins, B. (Benjamin), Grignion, Charles, Newbery, John, Roberts, Henry, Smith, Adam, Smith, John, Darly & Edwards S. Crowder and H. Woodgate T. Osborne and J. Shipton (Firm) | (go to volume) | 1756 | Page 308 | |
The British herbal :an history of plants and trees, natives Britain, cultivated for use, or raised for beauty | Hill, John, Benning, R. Boyce, Samuel, Burgess, Thomas, Collins, B. (Benjamin), Grignion, Charles, Newbery, John, Roberts, Henry, Smith, Adam, Smith, John, Darly & Edwards S. Crowder and H. Woodgate T. Osborne and J. Shipton (Firm) | (go to volume) | 1756 | (go to page) | |
Bulletin de la Société botanique de France | Société botanique de France. Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France) | v.3 (1856) | 1856 | Page 293 | |
Bulletin de la Société botanique de France | Société botanique de France. Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France) | v.3 (1856) | 1856 | Page 294 | |
Bulletin de la Société botanique de France | Société botanique de France. Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France) | v.3 (1856) | 1856 | Page 290 | |
Carl Linnæi ... Skånska resa, på höga öfwerhetens befallning förrättad år 1749 : Med rön och anmärkningar uti oeconomien, naturalier, antiquiteter, seder, lefnads-sätt. Med tilhörige figurer ... | Linné, Carl von, | 1751 | 1751 | Page 134 | |
Carl Linnæi ... Skånska resa, på höga öfwerhetens befallning förrättad år 1749 : Med rön och anmärkningar uti oeconomien, naturalier, antiquiteter, seder, lefnads-sätt. Med tilhörige figurer ... | Linné, Carl von, | 1751 | 1751 | Page 242 | |
Carl von Linnés ungdomsskrifter | Linné, Carl von, Ährling, Ewald, Kungl. Svenska vetenskapsakademien. | v.1 | 1888 | Page 35 | |
Caroli a Linné Species plantarum exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas | Linné, Carl von, Willdenow, Karl Ludwig, Link, Heinrich Friedrich, Nauck, Gottfried Carl, Schwaegrichen, F. (Friedrich), | t.3:pt.2 (1800) | 1800 | Page 1384 | |
Caroli a Linné ... Systema plantarum secundum classes, ordines, genera, species :cum characteribus, differentiis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, et locis natalibus | Linné, Carl von, Reichard, Johann Jakob, Varrentrapp Filium et Wenner. | v.3 | 1780 | Page 562 | |
Caroli Linnaei ... Flora Svecica :exhibens plantas per regnum Sveciae crescentes, systematice cum differentiis specierum, synonymis autorum, nominibus incolarum, solo locorum, usu pharmacopaeorum | Linné, Carl von, Salvius, Lars, | 1745 | 1745 | Page 223 | |
Caroli Linnaei ... Flora Svecica :exhibens plantas per regnum Sveciae crescentes, systematice cum differentiis specierum, synonymis autorum, nominibus incolarum, solo locorum, usu pharmacopaeorum | Linné, Carl von, Salvius, Lars, | (go to volume) | 1745 | Page 223 | |
Caroli Linnaei ... Species plantarum :exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas... | Linné, Carl von, Salvius, Lars, | vol. 2 | 1753 | Page 773 | |
Caroli Linnaei ... Species plantarum :exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas | Linné, Carl von, Salvius, Lars, | v.2 | 1762-1763 | Page 1087 | |
Caroli Linnaei ... Species plantarum :exhibentes plantas rite cognitas, ad genera relatas, cum differentiis specificis, nominibus trivialibus, synonymis selectis, locis natalibus, secundum systema sexuale digestas | Linné, Carl von, Salvius, Lars, | v.2 | 1762-1763 | Page 1088 | |
Caroli Linnaei Systema, Genera, Species plantarum uno volumine : editio critica, adstricta, conferta, sive, Codex botanicus linnaeanus : textum linnaeanum intergrum ex omnibus Systematis, Generum, Specierum plantarum editionibus, mantissis, additamentis selectumque ex ceteris ejus botanicis libris digestum, collatum, contractum, cum plena editionum discrepantia exhibens | Linné, Carl von, Petermann, Wilhelm Ludwig, Richter, Hermann Eberhard Friedrich, | (go to volume) | 1835 | Page 746 | |
Caroli Linnaei Systema, Genera, Species plantarum uno volumine : editio critica, adstricta, conferta, sive, Codex botanicus linnaeanus : textum linnaeanum intergrum ex omnibus Systematis, Generum, Specierum plantarum editionibus, mantissis, additamentis selectumque ex ceteris ejus botanicis libris digestum, collatum, contractum, cum plena editionum discrepantia exhibens | Linné, Carl von, Petermann, Wilhelm Ludwig, Richter, Hermann Eberhard Friedrich, | (go to volume) | 1835 | Page 746 | |
Caspari Bauhini Pinax Theatri botanici : sive Index in Theophrasti, Dioscoridis, Plinii et botanicorum qui à seculo scripserunt opera : plantarum circiter sex millium ab ipsis exhibitarum nomina cum earundem synonymiis & differentiis methodice secundum genera & species proponens : opus XL. annorum ... | Bauhin, Caspar, | (go to volume) | 1671 | Page 328 | |
Caspari Bauhini Pinax Theatri botanici : sive Index in Theophrasti, Dioscoridis, Plinii et botanicorum qui à seculo scripserunt opera : plantarum circiter sex millium ab ipsis exhibitarum nomina cum earundem synonymiis & differentiis methodice secundum genera & species proponens : opus XL. annorum ... | Bauhin, Caspar, | (go to volume) | 1671 | Page 328 | |
Caspari Bauhini Pinax Theatri botanici : sive Index in Theophrasti, Dioscoridis, Plinii et botanicorum qui à seculo scripserunt opera : plantarum circiter sex millium ab ipsis exhibitarum nomina cum earundem synonymiis & differentiis methodice secundum genera & species proponens : opus XL. annorum ... | Bauhin, Caspar, | (go to volume) | 1671 | (go to page) | |
Catalogo poliglotto delle piante | Rabitti, Anna Harley, contessa di San Giorgio. | (go to volume) | 1870 | Page 310 | |
A catalogue of the phaenogamous plants of Great Britain : arranged according to the natural orders : with a copious list of synonyms carefully compiled from Steudel's Nomenclator botanicus, Smith's English flora, Hookers's British flora, Lindley's Synopsis, Babington's Manual and other sources | Ibbotson, Henry, | (go to volume) | 1848 | Page 29 | |
Catalogus plantarum Angliae, et insularum adjacentium: tum indigenas, tum in agris passim cultas complectens. In quo praeter synonyma necessaria, facultates quoque summatim traduntur, unà cum observationibus & experimentis novis medicis & physics | Ray, John, | (go to volume) | 1677 | Page 290 | |
Catalogus stirpium &c., or, A catalogue of plants naturally growing and commonly cultivated in divers parts of England, more especially about Nottingham ... | Deering, Charles, Deering, Charles, Deering, Charles, | 1738 | 1738 | Page 219 | |
Compendium florae Germaniae | Bluff, Matthias Joseph, Fingerhuth, Carl Anton, Wallroth, Friedrich Wilhelm, | 2 | 1825 | Page 219 | |
Curtis's botanical magazine | Curtis, William, Hooker, Joseph Dalton, Hooker, William Jackson, Sir, Prain, D. (David), Stapf, O. (Otto) Bentham-Moxon Trust. Bentham-Moxon Trust. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Royal Horticultural Society (Great Britain) Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust Stanley Smith Horticultural Trust. | v.15-16=no.505-596 (1801-1803) | 1803 | (go to page) | |
The cyclopædia; or, Universal dictionary of arts, sciences, and literature | Rees, Abraham, | v.23 (MAT-MON) | 1819 | Page 120 | |
The cyclopædia; or, Universal dictionary of arts, sciences, and literature | Rees, Abraham, | v.36 (TOL-VER) | 1819 | Page 247 | |
The cyclopædia; or, Universal dictionary of arts, sciences, and literature | Rees, Abraham, | v.36 (TOL-VER) | 1819 | Page 243 | |
Dictionnaire vétérinaire, et des animaux domestiques ... | Buchoz, Pierre Joseph, | Copy 1, Vol. 2 | 1770 | Page 495 | |
Encyclopädisches Pflanzen-Wörterbuch aller einheimischen und fremden Vegetabilien ... : mit beständiger Hinweisung auf das natürliche und das Sexual-System : nebst einem angehängten Polyglotten-Lexicon ... | Kachler, Johann, | v.1-2 | 1829 | Page 9 | |
Encyclopédie méthodique. Botanique | Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste-Pierre-Antoine de Monet de Poiret, Jean-Louis-Marie, | t.4 (1795-1796) | 1795 | Page 65 | |
Encyclopédie méthodique. Botanique | Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste-Pierre-Antoine de Monet de Poiret, Jean-Louis-Marie, | t.8 (1808) | 1808 | Page 29 | |
The English flora | Smith, James Edward, King's College London. | 3 | 1824 | Page 310 | |
The English flora | Smith, James Edward, King's College London. | 3 | 1824 | Page 318 | |
The English flora | Smith, James Edward, King's College London. | 3 | 1824 | Page 506 | |
The English flora. Vol. I | Smith, James Edward, | v.3 | 1824 | Page 310 | |
The English flora | Smith, James Edward, Berkeley, M. J. (Miles Joseph), Hooker, William Jackson, Sir, | v.3 | 1824 | Page 310 | |
The English flora | Smith, James Edward, | v.3 | 1828 | Page 310 | |
The English flora. Vol. I | Smith, James Edward, | v.3 | 1824 | Page 318 | |
The English flora | Smith, James Edward, | v.3 | 1828 | Page 318 | |
The English flora | Smith, James Edward, Berkeley, M. J. (Miles Joseph), Hooker, William Jackson, Sir, | v.3 | 1824 | Page 318 | |
The English flora. Vol. I | Smith, James Edward, | v.3 | 1824 | Page 506 | |
Enumeración y revisión de las plantas de la Peninsula Hispano-Lusitana é Islas Baleares, con la distribución geográfica de las especies, y sus nombres vulgares, tanto nacionales como provinciales | Colmeiro, Miguel, Colmeiro, Miguel, | t.2 (1886) | 1886 | Page 177 | |
Enumeratio plantarum vascularium in insula Inarime sponte provenientium vel oeconomico usu passim cultarum | Gussone, Giovanni, | 1854 | 1854 | Page 91 | |
Flora Atlantica, sive, Historia plantarum quae in Atlante, agro Tunetano et Algeriensi crescunt | Desfontaines, René Louiche, Redouté, Henri Joseph, Redouté, Pierre Joseph, | t. 2 text | 1800 | Page 194 | |
Flora britannica | Smith, James Edward, | 2 | 1800 | Page 792 | |
Flora britannica | Smith, James Edward, | 2 | 1800 | Page 797 | |
Flora Bruxellensis exhibens characteres generum et specierum plantarum circum Bruxellas crescentium, secundum Linneum disposita, cum synonymis auctorum cui additur Lexicon Botanicon, in quo termini artis breviter exponuntur cura J Kickx ... | Kickx, Jean, Société Royale D'Horticulture De Belgique | (go to volume) | 1812 | Page 258 | |
Flora Francica aucta, oder, Vollständiges Kräuter-Lexikon, worinnen aller bekannten aus- und inländischen Kräuter, Bäume, Stauden, Blumen, Wurzeln &c. verschiedene lateinisch- und deutsche Namen, Temperamente, Kräfte, Nutzen, Wirkungen und Präparata gründlich beschrieben werden | Franke von Franckenau, Georg, | (go to volume) | 1766 | Page 662 | |
Flora Ingrica, sive, Historia plantarum Gubernii Petropolitani | Ruprecht, F. | 1860. | 1860 | Page 264 | |
Flora Italica; sistens plantas in Italia et in insulis circumstantibus sponte nascentes | Bertoloni, Antonio, | 8 | 1833 | Page 199 | |
Flora Londinensis, or, Plates and descriptions of such plants as grow wild in the environs of London : with their places of growth, and times of flowering, their several names according to Linnæus and other authors : with a particular description of each plant in Latin and English : to which are added, their several uses in medicine, agriculture, rural œconomy and other arts | Curtis, William, Darton, William, Edwards, Sydenham, Kilburn, William, Sansom, Francis, Sowerby, James, White, Benjamin, White, Benjamin, | v.2 (1777) | 1777 | (go to page) | |
Flora Londinensis, or, Plates and descriptions of such plants as grow wild in the environs of London : with their places of growth, and times of flowering, their several names according to Linnæus and other authors : with a particular description of each plant in Latin and English : to which are added, their several uses in medicine, agriculture, rural œconomy and other arts | Curtis, William, Darton, William, Edwards, Sydenham, Kilburn, William, Sansom, Francis, Sowerby, James, White, Benjamin, White, Benjamin, | v.5 (1777) | 1777 | (go to page) | |
Flora Londinensis, or, Plates and descriptions of such plants as grow wild in the environs of London : with their places of growth, and times of flowering, their several names according to Linnæus and other authors : with a particular description of each plant in Latin and English : to which are added, their several uses in medicine, agriculture, rural œconomy and other arts | Curtis, William, Darton, William, Edwards, Sydenham, Kilburn, William, Sansom, Francis, Sowerby, James, White, Benjamin, White, Benjamin, | 1-fasc02 | 1777 | (go to page) | |
Flora Londinensis, or, Plates and descriptions of such plants as grow wild in the environs of London : with their places of growth, and times of flowering, their several names according to Linnæus and other authors : with a particular description of each plant in Latin and English : to which are added, their several uses in medicine, agriculture, rural œconomy and other arts | Curtis, William, Darton, William, Edwards, Sydenham, Kilburn, William, Sansom, Francis, Sowerby, James, White, Benjamin, White, Benjamin, | 2-fasc05 | 1777 | (go to page) | |
Flora of Cambridgeshire; or, A catalogue of plants found in the county of Cambridge; with references to former catalogues, and the localities of the rarer species | Babington, Charles Cardale, | (go to volume) | 1860 | (go to page) | |
The flora of Oxfordshire and its contiguous counties : (comprising the flowering plants only;) arranged in easy and familiar language according to the Linnaean and natural systems ; preceded by an introduction to botany | Walker, Richard, | copy 1 | 1833 | Page 217 | |
The flora of Oxfordshire and its contiguous counties : (comprising the flowering plants only;) arranged in easy and familiar language according to the Linnaean and natural systems ; preceded by an introduction to botany | Walker, Richard, | copy 2 | 1833 | Page 217 | |
The flora of Oxfordshire, and its contiguous counties, (comprising the flowering plants only). Arranged in easy and familiar language, according to the Linnaean and natural systems; preceded by an introduction to botany, with illustrative plates | Walker, Richard, | (go to volume) | 1833 | Page 217 | |
Flora Oxoniensis, exhibens plantas in agro Oxoniensi sponte crescentes, secundum systema sexuale distributas | Sibthorp, John, Royal College of Physicians of London. | (go to volume) | 1794 | (go to page) | |
Flora Pedemontana : sive Species plantarum Phanerogamarum in Pedemonte et Liguria sponte nascentium ... | Zumaglini, Antonio Mauritio, | t.1-2 | 1849 | Page 214 | |
Flora Polonica phanerogama, sive, Descriptiones plantarum phanerogamicarum in Regno Poloniae tam sponte nascentium quam continuata cultura solo nostro assuefactarum Linnaeana methodo dispositae praemisso conspectu generali familiarum regni vegetabilis naturalium | Waga, Jacob. | v.2 | 1847 | Page 282 | |
Flora Sardoa; seu Historia plantarum in Sardinia et adjacentibus insulis vel sponte nascentium vel ad utilitatem latius excultarum | Moris, Giuseppe Giacinto, | 1 | 1837 | Page 431 | |
Flora Sardoa; seu Historia plantarum in Sardinia et adjacentibus insulis vel sponte nascentium vel ad utilitatem latius excultarum | Moris, Giuseppe Giacinto, | 1 | 1837 | Page 500 | |
Florae Graecae prodromus; sive Plantarum omnium enumeratio | Sibthorp, John, Smith, James Edward, | 2 | 1806 | Page 102 | |
Florae parisiensis prodromus, ou, Catalogue des plantes qui naissent dans les environs de Paris, rapportées sous les dénominations modernes & anciennes, & arrangées suivant la méthode séxuelle de M. Linnaeus ; avec l'explication en françois de tous les termes de la nouvelle nomenclature | Dalibard, Thomas François, Déséglise, Alfred | (go to volume) | 1749 | Page 231 | |
Flore d'Auvergne : ou, Recueil des plantes de cette ci-devant province | Delarbre, Antoine, | (go to volume) | 1795 | Page 202 | |
Flore du nord de la France : ou description des plantes indigènes et de celles cultivées dans les départmens de la Lys, de l'Escout, de la Dyle et des Deux-Nèthes, y compris les plantes qui naissent dans les pays limitrophes de ces Départemens ... / par F. Roucel | Roucel, (François-Antoine) Mr. | t.2 | 1803 | Page 157 | |
Flore françoise, ou, Description succincte de toutes les plantes qui croissent naturellement en France : disposée selon une nouvelle méthode d'analyse, & à laquelle on a joint la citation de leurs vertus les moins équivoques en médecine, & de leur utilité dans les arts | Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste-Pierre-Antoine de Monet de Gogué & Née (Firm) | v.2 (1778) | 1778 | Page 593 | |
Flore françoise, ou, Description succincte de toutes les plantes qui croissent naturellement en France : disposée selon une nouvelle méthode d'analyse, & à laquelle on a joint la citation de leurs vertus les moins équivoques en médecine, & de leur utilité dans les arts | Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste-Pierre-Antoine de Monet de Gogué & Née (Firm) | v.2 (1778) | 1778 | Page 604 | |
The gardeners dictionary : containing the best and newest methods of cultivating and improving the kitchen, fruit, flower garden, and nursery, as also for performing the practical parts of agriculture, including the management of vineyards, with the methods of making and preserving wine, according to the present practice of the most skilful vignerons in the several wine countries in Europe, together with directions for propagating and improving, from real practice and experience, all sorts of timber trees | Miller, Philip, Miller, J. Philip Miller. John and Francis Rivington. | v.3 (1768) | 1768 | TRI - TRI | |
Gräserflora von Nord- und Mittel-Deutschland : eine genaue Beschreibung der Gattungen und Arten der im obgennanten Gebiete vorkommenden, Gramineen, Cyperaceen und Juncaceen, mit ganz besonerer Berücksichtigung der Synonymen und Bemerkungen über den Werth der einzelnen Arten für die Landwirthschaft, nebst einem Anhange | Hein, Heinrich. | (go to volume) | 1877 | Page 266 | |
Gulielmi Hudsoni, Regiae Societatis Socii et Pharmacopaei Londinensis, Flora anglica : exhibens plantas per regnum angliae sponte crescentes, distributas secundum systema sexuale : cum differentiis specierum, synonymis autorum, nominibus incolarum, solo locorum, tempore florendi, officinalibus pharmacopaeorum | Hudson, William, | (go to volume) | 1762 | Page 288 | |
Histoire des plantes de Dauphiné ... | Villars, Dominique, | t.3:pt.1 (1789) | 1789 | Page 491 | |
Histoire des plantes de Dauphiné ... | Villars, Dominique, | t.3:pt.1 (1789) | 1789 | Page 493 | |
Historia plantarum : species hactenus editas aliasque insuper multas noviter inventas & descriptas complectens | Ray, John, Camel, Georg Joseph, Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de, | t.1 (1686) | 1686 | Page 949 | |
Historia plantarum : species hactenus editas aliasque insuper multas noviter inventas & descriptas complectens | Ray, John, Camel, Georg Joseph, Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de, | t.1 (1686) | 1686 | Page 950 | |
Hortus Cliffortianus : plantas exhibens quas in hortis tam vivis quam siccis, Hartecampi in Hollandia, coluit ... Georgius Clifford ... reductis varietatibus ad species, speciebus ad genera, generibus ad classes, adjectis locis plantarum natalibus differentiisque specierum. Cum tabulis aeneis | Linné, Carl von, | (go to volume) | 1737 | Page 374 | |
Hortus gramineus Woburnensis : or, an account of the results of experiments on the produce, and nutritive qualities of different grasses, and other plants, used as the food of the more valuable domestic animals : instituted by John Duke of Bedford | Sinclair, George, | (go to volume) | 1816 | Page 214 | |
Hortus Gramineus Woburnensis; or, An account of the results of experiments on the produce and nutritive qualities of different grasses and other plants used as the food of the more valuable domestic animals; instituted by John, Duke of Bedford ... | Sinclair, George, | (go to volume) | 1824 | Page 417 | |
Hortus gramineus woburnensis; or, An account of the results of experiments on the produce and nutritive qualities of different grasses and other plants used as the food of the more valuable domestic animals: instituted by John, duke of Bedford. Illustrated with numerous figures of the plants and seeds upon which these experiments have been made ... | Sinclair, George, | (go to volume) | 1826 | Page 323 | |
Hortus medicus Edinburgensis, or, A catalogue of the plants in the Physical Garden at Edinburgh : containing their most proper Latin and English names; with an English alphabetical index | Sutherland, James | (go to volume) | 1683 | Page 341 | |
J. Sturms Flora von Deutschland : in Abbildungen nach der Natur | Sturm, Jakob, Krause, Ernst H. L. (Ernst Hans Ludwig), Lutz, K. G Missbach, Ernst Robert | Bd.9 | 1901 | 130 | |
Kungl. Svenska vetenskapsakademiens handlingar | Grefing, Lorentz Ludewig. Horrn, Johan Laurentius, Lange, Johan Georg, Lindh, Joh. Pehr. P.A. Norstedt & Söner. Salvius, Lars, Segerstedt, A. J. Zetterberg, Anders, Almqvist & Wiksells. Kungl. Svenska vetenskapsakademien. | [ser.1]:v.2 (1741) | 1741 | Page 202 | |
The Macrolepidoptera of the world : a systematic account of all the known Macrolepidoptera | Seitz, Adalbert, | v.4 (1912-1916) | 1912-1916 | Page 404 | |
A natural arrangement of British plants : according to their relations to each other as pointed out by Jussieu, De Candolle, Brown, &c | Gray, Samuel Frederick, Gray, John Edward Shury, James, | v.2 (1821) | 1821 | Page 604 | |
A natural arrangement of British plants : according to their relations to each other as pointed out by Jussieu, De Candolle, Brown, &c | Gray, Samuel Frederick, Gray, John Edward Shury, James, | v.2 (1821) | 1821 | Page 603 | |
A natural arrangement of British plants : according to their relations to each other as pointed out by Jussieu, De Candolle, Brown, &c | Gray, Samuel Frederick, Gray, John Edward Shury, James, | v.2 (1821) | 1821 | Page 604 | |
Neuer Schauplatz der Natur nach den richtigen Beobachtungen und Versuchen in Alphabetischer Ordnung | | 4 | 1775-1782 | Page 536 | |
Nicolai Thomae Host ... Synopsis plantarum in Austria provinciisque adiacentibus sponte crescentium | Host, Nikolaus Thomas, | (go to volume) | 1797 | Page 415 | |
Nomenclator botanicus :enumerans ordine alphabetico nomina atque synonyma, tum generica tum specifica, et a Linnaeo et recentioribus de re botanica scriptoribus plantis phanerogamis imposita | Steudel, Ernst Gottlieb, Cotta, J. G. | v.1 | 1821 | Page 513 | |
Nomenclator botanicus; enumerans ordine alphabetico nomina atque synonyma tum generica tum specifica et a Linnaeo et recentrioribus de re botanica scriptoribus plantis phanerogamis imposita | Steudel, Ernst Gottlieb, | 1 | 1821 | Page 513 | |
Nomenclator botanicus, seu, Synonymia plantarum universalis :enumerans ordine alphabetico nomina atque synonyma, tum generica tum specifica, et a Linnaeo et a recentioribus de re botanica scriptoribus plantis phanerogamis imposita | Steudel, Ernst Gottlieb, Cotta, J. G. | v.1-2 | 1841 | Page 109 | |
Nomenclator ex Historia plantarum indigenarum Helvetiae excerptus | Haller, Albrecht von, | (go to volume) | 1769 | Page 34 | |
Oekonomische pflanzenhistorie, nebst dem kern der landwirtschaft garten- und arzneykunst; mit einer vorrede P.F. Gmelin. 12 theile (in 4 vol.) | Ehrhart, Balthasar. | T.4 (1756) | 1756 | Page 143 | |
Oesterreichische botanische Zeitschrift | | v.22 (1872) | 1872 | Page 248 | |
Oesterreichische botanische Zeitschrift | | v.22 (1872) | 1872 | Page 248 | |
Plantæ favershamienses : a catalogue of the more perfect plants growing spontaneously about Faversham, in the county of Kent | Jacob, Edward, | (go to volume) | 1777 | Page 116 | |
Plantæ favershamienses : a catalogue of the more perfect plants growing spontaneously about Faversham, in the county of Kent | Jacob, Edward, | (go to volume) | 1777 | Page 127 | |
Plantæ Woodfordienses : a catalogue of the more perfect plants growing spontaneously about Woodford, in the county of Essex | Warner, Richard, | (go to volume) | 1771 | Page 172 | |
Prodromo della flora toscana, ossia, Catalogo metodico delle piante che nascono salvatiche in Toscana e nelle sue isole, o che vi sono estesamente coltivate, con la indicazione dei luoghi nei quali si trovano, del tempo della loro fioritura e fruttificazione, dei loro nomi volgari ed usi | Caruel, Teodoro, | Catalogo metodico delle piante che nascono salvati | 1860 | Page 150 | |
Scotia illustrata sive Prodromus historiæ naturalis in quo regionis natura, incolarum ingenia & mores, morbi iisque medendi methodus, & medicina indigena accurratè explicantur ... | Sibbald, Robert, Sir, Kniblo, Jacob (Edinburgh) Solingensis, Josua (Edinburgh) Colmarius, Johannes (Edinburgh) | (go to volume) | 1684 | Page 61 | |
Spicilegium florae Lipsicae | Schreber, Johann Christian Daniel, | (go to volume) | 1771 | Page 25 | |
Summa plantarum : quae hactenus innotuerunt methodo Linnaeana per genera et species digesta illustrata descripta | Vitman, Fulgenzio Antonio Maria, | 4 | 1789 | Page 325 | |
Summa plantarum : quae hactenus innotuerunt methodo Linnaeana per genera et species digesta illustrata descripta | Vitman, Fulgenzio Antonio Maria, | 4 | 1789 | Page 326 | |
Systema plantarum Europae, exhibens characteres naturales generum, characteres essentiales generum & specierum, synonima antiquorum, phrases specificas recentiorum Halleri, Scopoli, &c. Descriptiones rariorum, nec-non floras tres novas, Lugdunaeam, Delphinalem, Lithuanicam, non omissis plantis exoticis in hortis Europae vulgo obviis | Linné, Carl von, Gilibert, Jean Emmanuel, | t. 4 | 1785 | Page 259 | |
Systema plantarum Europae, exhibens characteres naturales generum, characteres essentiales generum & specierum, synonima antiquorum, phrases specificas recentiorum Halleri, Scopoli, &c. Descriptiones rariorum, nec-non floras tres novas, Lugdunaeam, Delphinalem, Lithuanicam, non omissis plantis exoticis in hortis Europae vulgo obviis | Linné, Carl von, Gilibert, Jean Emmanuel, | t. 4 | 1785 | Page 260 | |
Tentamen florae Germanicae; continens enumerationem plantarum in Germania sponte nascentium | Roth, Albrecht Wilhelm, | 2, pt.2 | 1788 | Page 209 | |
Tentamen florae Germanicae; continens enumerationem plantarum in Germania sponte nascentium | Roth, Albrecht Wilhelm, | 2, pt.2 | 1788 | Page 211 | |
Thomae Johnsoni Mercurius botanicus. Sive, Plantarum gratiâ suscepti itineris, anno M. DC. XXXIV | Johnson, Thomas, Ralph, Thomas Shearman | 1728 | 1728 | Page 38 | |
Traité économique et physique du gros et menu bétail | Buchoz, Pierre Joseph, | 1 | 1778 | Page 381 | |
Traité économique et physique du gros et menu bétail | Buchoz, Pierre Joseph, | 2 | 1778 | Page 255 | |
Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien | Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in Wien. Kaiserlich-Königliche Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in Wien | Bd.51 (1901) | 1901 | Page 646 | |
Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien | Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in Wien. Kaiserlich-Königliche Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in Wien | Bd.51 (1901) | 1901 | Page 647 | |
Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien | Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in Wien. Kaiserlich-Königliche Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in Wien | Bd.51 (1901) | 1901 | Page 646 | |
Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien | Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in Wien. Kaiserlich-Königliche Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft in Wien | Bd.51 (1901) | 1901 | Page 647 | |
Verhandlungen des naturforschenden Vereines in Brünn | Naturforschender Verein in Brünn. Naturforschender Verein, Brünn. Oborny, Adolf. Naturforschender Verein in Brünn. | Bd.50-51 (1911-1913) | 1911 | Page 184 | |
Verhandlungen des naturforschenden Vereines in Brünn | Naturforschender Verein in Brünn. Naturforschender Verein, Brünn. Oborny, Adolf. Naturforschender Verein in Brünn. | Bd.51 (1912-1913) | 1912 | Page 184 | |
Verzeichniss und Beschreibung der sämmtlichen in den Fürstlich Oranien-Nassauischen Landen wildwachsenden Gewächse | Dörrien, Catharina Helena, | (go to volume) | 1779 | Page 408 | |
Wästgöta-resa, på riksens högloflige ständers befallning förrättad år 1746 : Med anmärkningar uti oeconomien, naturkunnogheten, antiquiteter, inwånarnes seder och lefnads-sätt ... | Linné, Carl von, | 1747 | 1747 | Page 65 | |
Wästgöta-resa, på riksens högloflige ständers befallning förrättad år 1746 : Med anmärkningar uti oeconomien, naturkunnogheten, antiquiteter, inwånarnes seder och lefnads-sätt ... | Linné, Carl von, | 1747 | 1747 | Page 213 | |
Wörter-buch worinnen derer kräuter nahmen, beyworte, und sonst gewöhnliche redens-arten aus dem lateinischen ins teutsche übertragen sind; nebst einer kurtzen beschreibung von denen geschlectern und ordnungen derer kräuter | Probst, Johann Ernst, | 1747 | 1747 | Page 149 | |
Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaften | Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Sachsen und Thüringen in Halle. | Bd.79. (1907) | 1907 | Page 440 | |