By: Broadhead, Garland C. (Garland Carr),
Publication info:
Volume: Broadhead to Engelmann, 1864-1882
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Garland Carr), 1809-1884 1827-1912 Abies Acanthaceae Agalinis Amphiachyris Amphicarpaea Anemone Apios Aquilegia Asclepiadaceae Asclepias Aster Astragalus Balsaminaceae Baptisia Bignoniaceae Boltonia Boraginaceae Broadhead, Garland C Cactaceae Campanulaceae Capparaceae Capsella Caryphyllaceae Claytonia Cleome Collinsia Compositae Convolvulaceae Correspondence Cruciferae Delphinium Dicentra Dodecatheon Engelmann, George, Erythronium Eupatorium Fagaceae Gentiana Gentianaceae Hibiscus Identification Impatiens Ipomoea Labiatae Leguminosae Letters Liliaceae Lithospermum Lobelia Lophanthus Malvaceae Missouri Orobanchaceae Papaveraceae Penstemon Pinaceae Plant ecology Plantaginaceae Plantago Portulacaceae Primulaceae Quercus Ruellia Scrophulariaceae Silene Solanaceae Solanum Tecoma Trillium Verbena Verbenaceae Vicia Viola Violaceae Vitaceae Vitis Xanthium Yucca angustifolia
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Short, Charles Wilkins,
Publication info:
Volume: Short to Engelmann, 1841-1849
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: (Constantine Samuel), (Mathew Carey), (Moses Ashley), (William Hemsley), 1770-1855 1782-1863 1783-1840 1785-1852 1786-1859 1794-1863 1797-1878 1799-1848 1799-1880 1802-1879 1803-1873 1805-1886 1806-1850 1807-1867 1808-1872 1809-1884 1810-1888 1811-1875 1811-1887 1813-1890 1817-1911 1823-1897 Biography Boott, William, Botanical specimens Cactaceae Carex Commelinaceae Compositae Convovulaceae Correspondence Curtis, M. A Cuscuta Cyperaceae Darlington, William, Drake, Daniel, Emory, William H Engelmann, George, Ephedra Euphorbia Euphorbiaceae Fagaceae Frémont, John Charles, Gnetaceae Gray, Asa, Gregg, Josiah, Henry, Joseph, Heuchera Hooker, Joseph Dalton, Illinois Ipomoea Lapham, Increase Allen, Lea, M. Carey Letters Lindheimer, Ferdinand, Mead, Samuel Barnum Michaux, François André, Nuttall, Thomas, Oakes, William, Opuntia Pinaceae Pinus Potamogeton Potamogetonaceae Prairies Quercus Rafinesque, C. S Riddell, John Leonard, Rocky Mountains Saxifregaceae Short, Charles Wilkins, Solidago Sullivant, William Starlin
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: A.W. Smith (Firm) - Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection.
Publication info: Americus, Ga, A.W. Smith, 1899
Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
Subjects: Catalogs Flowers Georgia Ipomoea Nursery stock Seeds Vegetables
BHL Collections: Seed & Nursery Catalogs
By: A.W. Smith (Firm) - Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection.
Publication info: Americus, Ga, A.W. Smith, 1903
Volume: 1903
Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
Subjects: Catalogs Flowers Georgia Ipomoea Nursery stock Seeds Vegetables
BHL Collections: Seed & Nursery Catalogs