By: Arthur, Joseph Charles,
Publication info:
Volume: Arthur to Engelmann, 1875-1882
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: 1805-1877 1809-1884 1850-1942 Alismataceae Arthur, Joseph Charles, Botanical specimens Braun, Alexander, Catalogs and collections Cinquefoils Correspondence Des Moines River Engelmann, George, Fagaceae Identification Iowa Leguminosae Lespedeza Letters Marsilea Marsileaceae Phanerogams Plants Potentilla Psoralea Quercus Rosaceae Sagittaria
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden
By: Watson, Sereno,
Publication info:
Volume: Watson, (Sereno) to Engelmann, 1869-1873
Holding Institution: Missouri Botanical Garden, Peter H. Raven Library
Subjects: Abies Agassiz, Louis, Agave Allium Andersson, N. J Arceuthobium Ascherson, Paul, Bebb, M. S Berlandier, Jean Louis, Bigelow, John M Bolander, Henry N Brewer, William Henry, Brown, Benjamin Boyer, Bruhin, Thomas A Buckley, S. B Cactaceae Carey, John Caryphyllaceae Cereus Chapman, A. W Chara Characeae Cinquefoils Cleveland, D Convolvulaceae Correspondence Crépin, François, Cupressaceae Cupressus Cuscuta Douglas, Robert, Eaton, Daniel Cady, Eichler, August Wilhelm, Engelmann, George, Ephedra Euphorbia Euphorbiaceae Fagaceae Gnetaceae Goodale, George L Gray, Asa, Green, James, Grisebach, A Havard, Valery, Isoetaceae Isoetes Juncaceae Juncus Juniperus Kellogg, A King, H Lemna Lemnaceae Letters Liliaceae Lindheimer, Ferdinand, Loranthaceae Najadaceae Newberry, J. S Oenothera Olney, Stephen T Onagraceae Opuntia Palmer, Edward, Parlatore, Filippo, Pinaceae Pinus Populus Potentilla Prunus Quercus Ranunculaceae Ranunculus Rosa Rosaceae Rothrock, Joseph T., Salicaceae Sargent, Charles Sprague, Silene Torrey, John, Tsu
BHL Collections: Engelmann Papers, Missouri Botanical Garden