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  1. Publication info: Berlin, G.J. Decker, 1779
    Holding Institution: Library of the Netherlands Entomological Society, Naturalis Biodiversity Center
    Subjects: @NEV Collectie  Caterpillars  Insects  
  2. By: McCabe, Timothy Lee.
    Publication info: Albany, N.Y, University of the State of New York, State Education Dept., New York State Museum, Division of Research and Collections, 1991
    Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz Library
    Subjects: Adirondack Mountains  Atlases  Caterpillars  New York (State)  
    BHL Collections: Expanding Access to Biodiversity Literature
  3. By: Dewitz, Hermann,
    Publication info: Halle, E. Blockmann & Sohn, 1882
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Caterpillars  Lepidoptera  Pupae  
  4. By: Gibson, Arthur, - Canada. Division of Entomology.
    Publication info: Ottawa, J. de L. Taché, 1920
    Holding Institution: Canadiana.org
    Subjects: Caterpillars  Insect pests  
  5. By: United States. State and Private Forestry. Northeastern Area.
    Publication info: [Broomall, Pa.?], U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Area, [1984?]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Bruce spanworm  Caterpillars  Diseases and pests  Hardwoods  Maine  
  6. By: Rockstroh, Heinrich. - Taschenberg, Ernst Ludwig,
    Edition: 6th ed.
    Publication info: Halle, Herman Gesenius, 1884
    Holding Institution: University of Alberta Library
    Subjects: Butterflies  Caterpillars  
  7. By: DeVries, Philip J.,
    Publication info: New York, N.Y, American Museum of Natural History, c1991
    Holding Institution: American Museum of Natural History Library
    Subjects: Ants  Behavior  Caterpillars  Insects  Lycaenidae  Riodinidae  Sound production by insects  
  8. By: Michelbacher, A. E (Abraham Ezra), - Essig, E. O. (Edward Oliver),
    Publication info: Berkeley, Cal, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1938
    Holding Institution: University of California, Davis Libraries
    Subjects: Caterpillars  Control  Diseases and pests  Tomatoes  
  9. By: Kirby, Mary, - Kirby, Elizabeth, - Bolingbroke, Emily.
    Publication info: London, Jarrold and Sons, [1861]
    Holding Institution: Natural History Museum Library, London
    Subjects: behaviour  Biology  Butterflies  Caterpillars  Lepidoptera  Moths  
  10. By: Vogel, Christian Friedrich,
    Publication info: Berlin, Im Verlage von Theodor Bade, 1837
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Caterpillars  Europe  Lepidoptera  Pictorial works
  11. By: Boisduval, Jean Alphonse, - Rambur, P., - Graslin, Adolphe Hercule de.
    Publication info: Paris, Librairie encyclopédique de Roret, 1832
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: Caterpillars  Europe  Lepidoptera  
  12. By: Fink, Linda S.
    Publication info: 1989
    Holding Institution: University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries
    Subjects: Caterpillars  Dissertations, Academic  Polymorphism (Zoology)  Sphingidae  UF  Zoology  Zoology thesis Ph. D  
  13. By: Wagner, David L., - United States. Department of Agriculture. - National Center of Forest Health Management (U.S.)
    Publication info: Morgantown, W. Va, National Center of Forest Health Management, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, 1995
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Caterpillars  East (U.S.)  Forest insects  Identification  Larvae  
  14. By: Reid, W. J. (William John), - Cuthbert, Frank P.,
    Edition: Rev. Apr. 1964.
    Publication info: Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1964
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Cabbage family  Caterpillars  Control  Diseases and pests  Southern States  
  15. By: Gibson, Arthur, - Canada. Division of Entomology.
    Publication info: Ottawa, Dept. of Agriculture, [1918?]
    Holding Institution: Canadiana.org
    Subjects: Caterpillars  Control  Cutworms  Insect pests  
  16. By: Huddleston, Ellis M.
    Publication info: Tucson, Ariz, Cotton Insects Biological Control Laboratory, 1978
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Caterpillars  Insecticides  Pesticides  Research  
  17. By: Gibson, Arthur, - McLaine, L. S. (Leonard S.) - Canada. Division of Entomology.
    Publication info: Ottawa, Dept. of Agriculture, [1920?]
    Holding Institution: University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries
    Subjects: Caterpillars  European corn borer  Insect pests  
  18. By: Creighton, C. S. (Charles S.), - Reid, W. J. (William John),
    Publication info: [Washington], 1966
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Cabbage  Caterpillars  Control  Diseases and pests  Insecticides  Testing  
  19. By: Wagner, David L., - United States. Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team.
    Publication info: [Washington, D.C.?], U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, 2001
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Caterpillars  East (U.S.)  Forest insects  Geometridae  Identification  Moths  
  20. By: Dallinger, Prosper.
    Publication info: Weissenburg [Germany], Bei den Gebrüdern Jacobi, 1798
    Holding Institution: Library of the Netherlands Entomological Society, Naturalis Biodiversity Center
    Subjects: @NEV Collectie  Caterpillars  Early works  Early works to 1800  Moths  Pine-moth  Spiders  
  21. By: Boisduval, Jean Alphonse,
    Publication info: Paris, Roret, 1833
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Butterflies  Caterpillars  Lepidoptera  North America  
  22. By: Farris, Marion. - Appleby, James E. - North Central Forest Experiment Station (Saint Paul, Minn.)
    Publication info: St. Paul, Minn, North Central Forest Experiment Station, Forest Service, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1978
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Caterpillars  Diseases and pests  Walnut  
  23. By: Duponchel, P.-A.-J. (Philogène-Auguste-Joseph), - Duponchel, Philogene Auguste Joseph, - Duponchel, Philogene Auguste Joseph, - Duponchel, P.-A.-J. (Philogène-Auguste-Joseph), - Godart, Jean Baptiste, - Guenée, A. (Achille),
    Publication info: Paris G. Baillière 1849
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Caterpillars  France  Larvae  Lepidoptera  Pictorial works  
  24. By: Johnson, Theo. (Theophilus),
    Publication info: [London], [s.n.], 1874-[1876]
    Holding Institution: University of Alberta Library
    Subjects: Caterpillars  Clearwing moths  Great Britain  Pictorial works  Sphingidae  
  25. By: Michelbacher, A. E (Abraham Ezra), - Hoskins, W. M. (William Muriece), - MacLeod, G. F. (Guy Franklin),
    Publication info: Berkeley, Cal, Agricultural Experiment Station, 1940
    Holding Institution: University of California, Davis Libraries
    Subjects: California  Caterpillars  Diseases and pests  Tomatoes  
  26. By: Carolin, V. M. (Valentine Mott), - Stevens, Robert E., - Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station (Fort Collins, Colo.)
    Publication info: Fort Collins, Colo, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Forest and Range Experiment Station, [1981]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Caterpillars  Diseases and pests  Douglas fir  Guidebooks  Identification  
  27. By: Weisman, D. M.
    Publication info: Washington, D.C, United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Plant Protection and Quarantine, 1986
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Caterpillars  Lepidoptera  
  28. By: Capps, Hahn W. (Hahn William), - United States. Agricultural Research Service.
    Publication info: [Washington, D.C.], U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, 1956
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Caterpillars  Identification  
  29. By: Capps, Hahn W. (Hahn William),
    Publication info: [Beltsville, Md.?], U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Entomology Research Branch, 1963
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Caterpillars  Identification  
  30. By: Holsten, Edward H. - United States. Forest Service.
    Publication info: [Washington, D.C.?], U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, [1988]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Alaska  Aspen  Caterpillars  Diseases  Diseases and pests  Tortrix  
  31. By: St. John, J. Seymour. - St. John, John Seymour.
    Publication info: London, W. Wesley, and to be had of the author, 1890
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Caterpillars  Collection and preservation  Development  Great Britain  Lepidoptera  
  32. By: Buckler, William, - Porritt, George Taylor, - Stainton, H. T, (Henry Tibbats)
    Publication info: London, Printed for the Ray society, 1886-1901
    Holding Institution: Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Ernst Mayr Library
    Subjects: Butterflies  Caterpillars  Great Britain  Larvae  Lepidoptera  Moths
  33. By: Wilson, Owen S.
    Publication info: London, L. Reeve, 1880
    Holding Institution: University of Alberta Library
    Subjects: Caterpillars  Great Britain  Lepidoptera  
  34. By: Stevens, Robert E., - Carolin, V. M. (Valentine Mott), - Markin, George P.
    Publication info: [Washington, D.C.], U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Cooperative State Research Service, 1984
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: Caterpillars  Western spruce budworm  
  35. By: Fabre, Jean-Henri,
    Publication info: Toronto, McClelland, Goodchild & Stewart, c1916
    Holding Institution: Canadiana.org
    Subjects: Caterpillars  
  36. By: France. Directoire exécutif. - Lagarde, Joseph-Jean, baron, - Le Tourneur, Etienne-François-Louis-Honoré, - Imprimerie du Dépôt des lois,
    Publication info: A Paris, De l'Imprimerie du Dépôt des lois, [1796?]
    Holding Institution: The Newberry Library
    Subjects: 1796  Agricultural laws and legislation  Caterpillars  Control  Diseases and pests  Early works to 1800  France  Pamphlets  Paris  Trees
  37. By: Patch, Edith M. (Edith Marion),
    Publication info: Orono, Maine Agricultural Experiment Station, 1921
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Caterpillars
    BHL Collections: Women in Natural History
  38. By: Meyer, Fr.
    Publication info: Frankfurt am Main, Entomologische Zeitschrift, 1919
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Botany  Caterpillars  Europe  Host plants  Insects  Lepidoptera  
  39. By: United States. Department of Agriculture. Radio Service.
    Publication info: [Washington, D.C.], U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Information, Radio Service, 1938
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Caterpillars  Feature stories  Washington (D.C.)
  40. By: Schierbeek, Abraham,
    Publication info: Leiden, E.J. Brill, 1917
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Caterpillars  
  41. By: Wilde, O.
    Publication info: Berlin, E.S. Mittler, 1860-1861
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Botany  Caterpillars  Germany  Host plants  Insects  Lepidoptera  
  42. By: Bishopp, F. C. (Fred Corry),
    Publication info: Washington, D.C, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1923
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Caterpillars  
  43. By: Hofmann, Ernst, - Spuler, Arnold,
    Edition: 2. Aufl. von dr. E. Hofmanns gleichnamigem Werke.
    Publication info: Stuttgart, E. Schweizerbartsche Verlagsbuchhandlung Nägele, 1903-
    Holding Institution: University of Alberta Library
    Subjects: Caterpillars  Europe  Insects  Larvae  
  44. By: Schreiber, Carl - Rapp, O.
    Edition: 2. verm. Aufl. / herausgegeben von C. Schreiber und O. Rapp.
    Publication info: Erfurt, O. Rapp, [1908?]
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Botany  Caterpillars  Europe  Host plants  Insects  Lepidoptera  
  45. By: Merian, Maria Sibylla, - Knorz, Andreas, - Spörlin, Johann Michael, - Funken, David, - Graffen, Johann Andreas,
    Publication info: In Nürnberg, Zu finden bey Johann Andreas Graffen, Mahlern, 1679-1683
    Holding Institution: University of Alberta Library
    Subjects: Botany  Caterpillars  Insects  Lepidoptera  Pictorial works  
  46. By: Merian, Maria Sibylla, - Knorz, Andreas, - Spörlin, Johann Michael, - Graffen, Johann Andreas, - Funken, David,
    Publication info: In Nürnberg, Zu finden bey Johann Andreas Graffen, Mahlern, 1679-1683
    Holding Institution: Library of the Netherlands Entomological Society, Naturalis Biodiversity Center
    Subjects: @NEV Collectie  Botany  Caterpillars  Insect-plant relationships  Insects  Lepidoptera  Pictorial works  
  47. By: Schott, J. J.
    Publication info: Frankfurt am Main, P.H. Guilhauman, 1830
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Caterpillars  Germany  Insects  Larvae  Lepidoptera  
  48. By: Mader, Johann, - Kleemann, Christian Friedrich Carl.
    Edition: 2. verb. und verm. Aufl.
    Publication info: Nürnberg, In der Raspischen Buchhandlung, 1786
    Holding Institution: Library of the Netherlands Entomological Society, Naturalis Biodiversity Center
    Subjects: @NEV Collectie  Caterpillars  
  49. By: Reid, W. J. (William John), - United States. Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine.
    Publication info: Washington, D.C, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, 1943
    Holding Institution: University of Florida, George A. Smathers Libraries
    Subjects: Cabbage  Caterpillars  Control  Diseases and pests  Insect pests  Southern States  
  50. Publication info: 1899
    Holding Institution: Singapore Botanic Gardens, National Parks Board Singapore
    Subjects: Botanic Gardens (Singapore)  Caterpillars  Kuala Lumpur  Malaysia  Plague  Records and correspondence
    BHL Collections: BHL Singapore
  51. By: Merian, Maria Sibylla, - Merian, Dorothea Maria Henriette, - Valck, G. (Gerard),
    Publication info: t'Amsterdam, Gedrukt voor den auteur ... Als mede by Gerard Valk, [1713-1717]
    Holding Institution: Research Library, The Getty Research Institute
    Subjects: 18th century  Botany  Caterpillars  Early works to 1800  Engravings  Gedaanteverwisseling  Hand coloring  Insecten  Insects  Lepidoptera  Metamorphosis  Netherlands  Pictorial works  
    BHL Collections: Women in Natural History
  52. By: Fye, R. E. (Robert Eaton),
    Publication info: Berkeley, Calif, Agricultural Research Western Region, Science and Education Administration, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1979
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Caterpillars  
  53. By: Hofmann, Ernst, - Spuler, Arnold,
    Edition: 3. Aufl. von E. Hofmanns Werk: Die Gross-Schmetterlinge Europas, unter mitarbeit von E. Fischer, A. Fuchs [u. a.] bearb. von Arnold Spuler.
    Publication info: Stuttgart, E. Schweizerbart, 1908-1910
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Caterpillars  Europe  Lepidoptera
  54. By: Curtis, William,
    Publication info: London, Published by B. White, 1782
    Holding Institution: Library of the Netherlands Entomological Society, Naturalis Biodiversity Center
    Subjects: @NEV Collectie  Browntail moth  Caterpillars  Early works to 1800  England  Insect pests  Larvae  London Region  
  55. By: Bergstraesser, Heinrich Wilhelm.
    Publication info: Hanav, im verlage des verfassers, 1782
    Holding Institution: University of Alberta Library
    Subjects: Caterpillars  
  56. By: Müller, Wilhelm
    Publication info: Jena G. Fischer 1886
    Holding Institution: BHL SciELO
    Subjects: Caterpillars  Lepidoptera  LEPIDOPTERA (CLASSIFICAÇÃO)  Nymphalidae  South America  
  57. By: Lyonet, Pierre,
    Publication info: La Haye, Se vend chez P. Gosse Jr. & D. Pinet, etc, 1762
    Holding Institution: Wellcome Library
    Subjects: Anatomy  Caterpillars  Electronic books  Insects  Lepidoptera  
  58. By: Lyonet, Pierre,
    Publication info: La Haye, Se vend chez Pierre Gosse Jr. & Daniel Pinet ... et Marc Michel Rey, MDCCLXII [1762]
    Holding Institution: University of Alberta Library
    Subjects: Anatomy  Caterpillars  Early works to 1800  Insects  
  59. By: Mader, Johann, - Kleemann, Christian Friedrich Carl,
    Publication info: Te Haarlem, By C.H. Bohn, 1779
    Holding Institution: Library of the Netherlands Entomological Society, Naturalis Biodiversity Center
    Subjects: @NEV Collectie  Caterpillars  Classification  Early works  Early works to 1800  Food  
  60. By: Barry, John Willard, - United States. Forest Pest Management.
    Publication info: Davis, Calif, USDA Forest Service, Forest Pest Management, [1993]
    Holding Institution: U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
    Subjects: Aerial spraying and dusting in forestry  Bacillus thuringiensis  Biological control  Caterpillars  Forest insects  Research