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  1. By: Merrill, Elmer D. (Elmer Drew),
    Publication info: Singapore, Printed by Fraser & Neave, ltd, 1921
    Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz Library
    Subjects: Bibliography  Borneo  Plants  
  2. By: Merrill, Elmer D. (Elmer Drew),
    Publication info: Singapore, Printed by Fraser & Neave, ltd, 1921
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Borneo  Botany  
  3. By: Salvadori, Tommaso,
    Publication info: Genoa, 1874
    Holding Institution: American Museum of Natural History Library
    Subjects: 59.82(91.1)  Birds  Borneo  
  4. By: Cranbrook, Gathorne Gathorne-Hardy, Earl of, - Field Museum of Natural History.
    Publication info: Chicago, Field Museum of Natural History, 1988
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: Borneo  Inger, Robert F  Zoogeography
  5. By: Motley, James - Dillwyn, Lewis Llewellyn.
    Publication info: London, J. Van Voorst, [1855]
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Borneo  Labuan  Labuan (Sabah)  Natural history
    BHL Collections: BHL Singapore
  6. By: Inger, Robert F.
    Publication info: Chicago, Ill, Field Museum of Natural History, 2009
    Holding Institution: Field Museum of Natural History Library
    Subjects: Borneo  Bufo asper;  Frogs  Limnonectes ibanorum;  Limnonectes ingeri;  Limnonectes kuhlii;  Limnonectes leporinus;  Rana megalonesa;  Rana signata  
  7. By: Bleeker, P. (Pieter),
    Holding Institution: Harvard University, Museum of Comparative Zoology, Ernst Mayr Library
    Subjects: Borneo  Fishes  
  8. By: Hose, Charles,
    Publication info: London, [Edward Abbott], 1893
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Borneo  Mammals  
  9. By: Inger, Robert F.
    Publication info: Chicago, Ill, Chicago Natural History Museum, 1955
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: Borneo  Zoology
  10. By: Fosberg, F. Raymond (Francis Raymond),
    Publication info: 1963
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Institution Archives
    Subjects: Arizona  Borneo  Botany  Field notes  France  Greece  India  Italy  Malay Peninsula  Malaysia  Maryland  Mexico  Texas  Turkey  United States  Virginia
    BHL Collections: Smithsonian Field Books collection
  11. By: Fosberg, F. Raymond (Francis Raymond),
    Publication info: 1963
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Institution Archives
    Subjects: Borneo  Botany  Brunei Darussalam  Connecticut  Field notes  Massachusetts  New York  Pennsylvania  Puerto Rico  Singapore  United States  Virginia
    BHL Collections: Smithsonian Field Books collection
  12. By: Lynch, James Francis, - Smithsonian Environmental Research Center.
    Publication info: 1991
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Institution Archives
    Subjects: Australia  Bird populations  Borneo  Field notes  Maps  Ornithology  
    BHL Collections: Smithsonian Field Books collection
  13. By: Christ, H. (Hermann),
    Publication info: Leide, E.J. Brill, 1905
    Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz Library
    Subjects: Borneo  Filices  
  14. By: Inger, Robert F. - Chin, Phui Kong,
    Publication info: Chicago, Chicago Natural History Museum, 1962
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: Borneo  Freshwater fishes
  15. By: Burbidge, F. W. (Frederick William),
    Publication info: London, J. Murray, 1880
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Birds  Borneo  Botany  Description and travel  Philippines  Plants  Sulu Archipelago  Sulu Archipelago (Philippines)  
  16. By: Burbidge, F. W. (Frederick William),
    Publication info: London, J. Murray, 1880
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Birds  Borneo  Botany  Description and travel  Philippines  Sulu Archipelago  Sulu Archipelago (Philippines)  
  17. By: Skinner, A. M. (Allan Maclean),
    Publication info: Singapore, [s.n.], 1884
    Holding Institution: National Library Board, Singapore
    Subjects: Borneo  Description and travel  Malaya
    BHL Collections: BHL Singapore
  18. Hachelijke reys-togt van Jacob Jansz de Roy, na Borneo en Atchin, in sijn vlugt van Batavia, derwaards ondernoomen in het jaar 1691. en vervolgens : Zijnde een opregt verhaal van zeldsaame ontmoetingen, en deerlijke rampen; als beroovinge van vaartuygen de goederen, honger, dorst, naaktheyd, armoede, veerderley doods-gevaar en andere onuytspreekelijke ongemakken, door hem selfs uytgestaan. Mitsgaders een seer naaukeurige beschrijving van het eyland Borneo, met des zelfs koningrijken, also Banyer Massing, Succadana, Cottaringen, de woon-plaatsen van de viadjes en andere, met hare overkostelijke goud-en diamant-mijnen, camphur en andere koopmanschappen, also ook hare goud-rijke bergen en rivieren, negeryen, schoonheyd der vrouwen, huuwelijken, imborst en zeeden der inwoonders, &c. Insgelijks een aanmerkelijk berigt van her koningrijk Atchin op Sumatra, met haat land-aard, regeering en uytvoering van lijf-en hals-strassen over de dieven
    By: Roy, Jacob Jansz de, - Aa, Pieter van der,
    Publication info: Te Leyden, By Pieter van der Aa, boekverkoper, 1706
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Borneo  Description and travel  Discoveries in geography  Discovery and exploration  Early works  Early works to 1800  East Indies  Sumatra (Indonesia)  
  19. By: St. John, Spenser (Buckingham), Sir,
    Publication info: London, Smith, Elder and co, 1862
    Holding Institution: Princeton Theological Seminary Library
    Subjects: Borneo  Description and travel  Ethnology  Natural history  Social life and customs  
  20. By: Haviland, George Darby,
    Holding Institution: Harvard University Botany Libraries
    Subjects: Borneo  Plants  
    BHL Collections: BHL Field Notes Project
  21. By: Wallace, Alfred Russel,
    Publication info: London, Macmillan and Co, 1869
    Holding Institution: Wellcome Library
    Subjects: Borneo  Electronic books  Java (Indonesia)  Malay Archipelago  Malaysia  Natural history  Philippines  Sumatra (Indonesia)
  22. By: Wallace, Alfred Russel,
    Publication info: London, Macmillan and Co, 1869
    Holding Institution: Wellcome Library
    Subjects: Borneo  Electronic books  Java (Indonesia)  Malay Archipelago  Malaysia  Natural history  Philippines  Sumatra (Indonesia)
  23. By: Shukor Md. Nor. - Field Museum of Natural History.
    Publication info: Chicago, Ill, Field Museum of Natural History, 1996
    Holding Institution: Field Museum of Natural History Library
    Subjects: Borneo  Mammals
  24. By: Issel, Arturo,
    Publication info: Genova, Tipografia del R. Instituto Sordo-Muti, 1874
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Libraries and Archives
    Subjects: Borneo  Mollusks  
  25. By: Shelford, Robert W. C. (Robert Walter Campbell), - Poulton, Edward Bagnall, Sir,
    Publication info: London, T. F. Unwin, [1916]
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Borneo  Natural history  
  26. By: Shelford, Robert W. C. (Robert Walter Campbell), - Poulton, Edward Bagnall, Sir,
    Publication info: London, T.F. Unwin ltd, [1916]
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - St. Michael’s College (John M. Kelly Library)
    Subjects: Borneo  Natural history  
  27. By: Beccari, Odoardo, - Società geografica italiana
    Publication info: Firenze, Tip. di S. Landi, 1902
    Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz Library
    Subjects: Animals  Artocarpus  Borneo  Description and travel  Forest plants  Musa  Plants  
  28. By: Inger, Robert F.
    Publication info: [Chicago], Field Museum of Natural History, 1967
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: Borneo  Snakes  Stegonotus borneensis
  29. By: Inger, Robert F.
    Publication info: Chicago, Chicago Natural History Museum, 1953
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: Borneo  Fishes  Tetradon
  30. By: Strohecker, Henry F. (Henry Frederick),
    Publication info: Chicago, Chicago Natural History Museum, 1955
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: Beetles  Borneo  Chondria
  31. By: Moore, Joseph Curtis - Hose, Charles,
    Publication info: New York, N.Y, American Museum of Natural History, [1959]
    Holding Institution: American Museum of Natural History Library
    Subjects: 59.9,32S(91.1)  Borneo  Classification  Glyphotes (Hessonoglyphotes) canalvus  Mammals  Squirrels  
  32. By: Baker, Donald B. - Engel, Michael S.
    Publication info: New York, NY American Museum of Natural History c2006
    Holding Institution: American Museum of Natural History Library
    Subjects: Bees  Borneo  Classification  Insects  Matangapis  Megachile alticola  Megachilidae  Nomenclature
  33. By: Haas, Fritz,
    Publication info: [Chicago], Chicago Natural History Museum, 1951
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: Borneo  Mollusks
  34. By: Russan, Ashmore. - Boyle, Frederick,
    Publication info: London, F. Warne and Co, [1897]
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
    Subjects: Borneo  Orchids  
  35. By: Hose, Charles, - McDougall, William, - Haddon, Alfred C. (Alfred Cort),
    Publication info: London Macmillan 1912
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: Anthropometry  Borneo  Ethnology  
  36. By: Hose, Charles, - McDougall, William, - Haddon, Alfred C. (Alfred Cort),
    Publication info: London, Macmillan and co., limited, 1912
    Holding Institution: University of California Libraries
    Subjects: Anthropometry  Borneo  Ethnology  
  37. By: Clemens, Mary Strong,
    Holding Institution: Harvard University Botany Libraries
    Subjects: Borneo  Indonesia  Kalimantan  Papua New Guinea  Plants  
    BHL Collections: BHL Field Notes Project | Women in Natural History
  38. By: Burley, John S., - Partomihardjo, Tukirin,
    Holding Institution: Harvard University Botany Libraries
    Subjects: AIDS (Disease)  Borneo  Cancer  Indonesia  Kalimantan  Plants  Research  
    BHL Collections: BHL Field Notes Project
  39. By: Burley, John S., - Partomihardjo, Tukirin,
    Holding Institution: Harvard University Botany Libraries
    Subjects: Borneo  Cancer  Plants  Research  
    BHL Collections: BHL Field Notes Project
  40. By: Chasen, Frederick N. (Frederick Nutter),
    Publication info: Jesselton, Printed at the Govt. Print. Off., North Borneo, 1931
    Holding Institution: National Library Board, Singapore
    Subjects: Birds  Borneo  Conservation  Economic aspects  Nests
    BHL Collections: BHL Singapore
  41. By: Musser, Guy G. - Califia, Debra.
    Publication info: New York, N.Y, American Museum of Natural History, c1982
    Holding Institution: American Museum of Natural History Library
    Subjects: Borneo  Identification  Indonesia  Malay Archipelago  Mammals  Maratua Island  Rats
  42. By: Krishna, Kumar
    Publication info: New York, N.Y, American Museum of Natural History, [1972]
    Holding Institution: American Museum of Natural History Library
    Subjects: Borneo  Classification  Homallotermes  Homallotermes eleanorae  Homallotermes exiguus  India, South  Insects  Malaysia  Termites  
  43. By: Agosti, Donat - Moog, Joachim. - Maschwitz, Ulrich
    Publication info: New York, NY, American Museum of Natural History, c1999
    Holding Institution: American Museum of Natural History Library
    Subjects: Ants  Borneo  Cladomyrma  Classification  Indonesia  Insect-plant relationships  Insects  Malay Peninsula  Parasitic ants  Sumatra  
  44. By: Low, Hugh, Sir,
    Publication info: London, Richard Bentley, 1848
    Holding Institution: University of Toronto - Robarts Library
    Subjects: Borneo  Description and travel  Dyaks  Natural history  Sarawak  
  45. By: Sarawak Museum.
    Publication info: [Kuching], Sarawak Museum, [1911-
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Borneo  Ethnology  Malaysia  Natural history  Periodicals  Sarawak  
  46. By: Inger, Robert F.
    Publication info: Chicago, Chicago Natural History Museum, 1956
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: Amphibians  Batrachia  Borneo
  47. By: Bartsch, Paul,
    Publication info: 1907-1908
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Institution Archives
    Subjects: Borneo  Botany  Field notes  Guam  Hawaii  Midway Islands  Philippines  United States
    BHL Collections: Smithsonian Field Books collection
  48. By: Bacon, James P.
    Publication info: [Chicago], Field Museum of Natural History, 1967
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: Borneo  Lizards  Sphenomorphus
  49. By: Inger, Robert F.
    Publication info: [Chicago], Field Museum of Natural History, 1966
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: Amphibians  Borneo
  50. By: Inger, Robert F.
    Publication info: Chicago, Field Museum of Natural History, 1985
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: Borneo  Classification  Development  Frogs
  51. By: Lumholtz, Carl,
    Publication info: New York, C. Scribner's sons, 1920
    Holding Institution: Multiple institutions
    Subjects: Borneo  Description and travel  Ethnology  Natural history  
  52. By: Hornaday, William T. (William Temple),
    Edition: 7th ed.
    Publication info: New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1901
    Holding Institution: Library of Congress
    Subjects: (William Temple),  1854-1937  Borneo  Description and travel  East Indies  Ethnology  Hornaday, William T  Hunting  Natural history
  53. By: Hornaday, William T. (William Temple),
    Publication info: New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1885
    Holding Institution: Library of Congress
    Subjects: (William Temple),  1854-1937  Borneo  Description and travel  East Indies  Ethnology  Hornaday, William T  Hunting  Natural history
  54. By: Hornaday, William T. (William Temple),
    Edition: 9th ed.
    Publication info: New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1910
    Holding Institution: Library of Congress
    Subjects: (William Temple),  1854-1937  Borneo  Description and travel  East Indies  Ethnology  Hornaday, William T  Hunting  Natural history
  55. By: Raven, Henry Cushier,
    Publication info: 1912-1914
    Holding Institution: Smithsonian Institution Archives
    Subjects: Borneo  Diary  Field notes  Indonesia  Jawa  Karangtigau, Tanjung  Labuhankelambu  Mahakam  Mammalogy  Ornithology  Reptiles  Samarinda  Singapore  Tenggarong  Zoologists
    BHL Collections: Smithsonian Field Books collection
  56. By: Inger, Robert F. - Gritis, Paul A. - Field Museum of Natural History.
    Publication info: Chicago, Field Museum of Natural History, 1983
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: Amolops jerboa  Amphibia  Borneo
  57. By: Blasius, Wilhelm, - Grabowsky, F. J.
    Publication info: Braunschweig?, 1882?
    Holding Institution: University Library, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
    Subjects: Birds  Borneo  
  58. By: Beccari, Odoardo,
    Publication info: London, Constable, 1904
    Holding Institution: New York Botanical Garden, LuEsther T. Mertz Library
    Subjects: Animals  Borneo  Description and travel  Forest animals  Forest plants  Plants
  59. By: Beccari, Odoardo, - Giglioli, Enrico Hillyer, - Guillemard, F. H. H. (Francis Henry Hill),
    Publication info: London, A. Constable & co., ltd, 1904
    Holding Institution: University of Michigan
    Subjects: Artocarpus  Bananas  Borneo  Botany  Description and travel  Zoology