JHR 73: 39-7 | (20 I 9) ore JOURNAL OF A peer-reviewed open-access journal ise ee (4) Hymenoptera http://jhr.pensoft.net The Inerational Society of Hymenoptersts. RESEARCH Revision of the Afrotropical genus Pulchrisolia Szabo (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae, Sceliotrachelinae) Zachary Lahey', Simon van Noort*?, Andrew Polaszek’, Lubomir Masner?, Norman FE. Johnson! | Department of Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology, The Ohio State University, 1315 Kinnear Road, Columbus, Ohio 43212, USA 2. Department of Research & Exhibitions, Iziko South African Museum, PO Box 61, Cape Town 8000, South Africa 3 Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cape Town, Private Bag, Rondebosch, 7701, South Africa 4 Department of Life Sciences, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD, United Kingdom 5 Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, K.W. Neatby Building, Ottawa, Ontario KIA 0C6, Canada Corresponding author: Zachary Lahey (lahey.18@osu.edu) Academic editor: Elijah Talamas | Received 14 February 2019 | Accepted 13 May 2019 | Published 18 November 2019 http://zoobank. org/388A2BB4-D653-42C1-BF5F-4AB5CB614EB2 Citation: Lahey Z, van Noort S, Polaszek A, Masner L, Johnson NF (2019) Revision of the Afrotropical genus Pulchrisolia Szabé (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae, Sceliotrachelinae). In: Talamas E (Eds) Advances in the Systematics of Platygastroidea II. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 39-71. https://doi.org/10.3897/jhr.73.33876 Abstract The genus Pulchrisolia Szabé is revised. Pulchrisolia maculata Szabé is redescribed and nine species are de- scribed as new: P ankremos Lahey, sp. nov. (Ghana, Ivory Coast), P asantesana van Noort & Lahey, sp. nov. (South Africa), P diehoekensis van Noort & Lahey, sp. nov. (South Africa), P ellieae Lahey, sp. nov. (Mada- gascar), P nephelae Lahey, sp. nov. (Benin, Burkina Faso, Gambia, Ivory Coast, Mali, Nigeria), P robynae van Noort & Lahey, sp. nov. (South Africa), P sanbornei Lahey & Masner, sp. nov. (South Africa), P teras Lahey, sp. nov. (Madagascar), and P valerieae Polaszek & Lahey, sp. nov. (Zambia). The genus is diagnosed from Afrisolia Masner & Huggert, Lsolia Forster, and Sceliotrachelus Brues, and a key is provided to the plat- ygastrid genera of the /so/ia-cluster. Keywords Afrisolia, Isolia, Parasitoid, Platygastroidea, Sceliotrachelus, taxonomy Copyright Zachary Lahey et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 40 Zachary Lahey et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 39-71 (2019) Introduction The genus Pulchrisolia Szabé was erected for the species Pulchrisolia maculata Szabé based on a single female collected in Shirati (Tanzania) by Kalman Kittenberger in 1909 (Szabé 1959). Masner (1964) examined the type and treated Pulchrisolia as a junior synonym of Sceliotrachelus Brues. Upon accumulation of new material and re- examination of the type, Masner and Huggert (1989) reinstated Pulchrisolia as a valid genus based on a series of characters not found in Sceliotrachelus: fore wing with a short, tubular submarginal vein; a transverse frontal ledge just above the toruli; and a ventrally-produced, apically-bifurcated interantennal process. As revealed by this re- vision, the latter two characters are present in most, but not all, species. Pulchrisolia also resembles J/solia Forster and Afrisolia Masner & Huggert but can be separated from those genera using some of the characters mentioned above as well as characters unique to each genus. The purpose of this study is to revise the species-level taxonomy of Pulchrisolia and update its generic concept. The contributions of the authors are as follows: Z. Lahey: character definition, generic concept development, species concept development, im- aging, key development, manuscript preparation; S. van Noort: character definition, key development, provision of specimens; imaging; A. Polaszek: initial proposal for redefinition of the /so/ia-cluster, character definition, provision of specimens; L. Mas- ner: character definition, generic concept development, species concept development, provision of specimens; N.E. Johnson: character definition, generic concept develop- ment, species concept development. Materials and methods The numbers prefixed with “CASENT”, “HNHM”, “NHMUR’, “OSUC”, “SAM”, and “USNMENT” are unique identifiers for the individual. Details of the data associ- ated with these specimens may be accessed at the following link: https://hol.osu.edu and entering the identifier in the form. Abbreviations and morphological terms used in the text: sensillar formula of cla- vomeres: distribution of papillary sensilla on the ventral clavomeres of the female (Yang et al. 2016), with the segment interval specified followed by the number of papillary sensilla (PS) per segment (e.g., A10—A8/1-2-2) (Bin 1981; Bin et al. 1989); Tit 254.. Forimerasomal tereite 1,2, .. 6; S1,.52;-.-. S6metasomial sternite I-2; ... 6. Morphological terminology generally follows Masner and Huggert (1989), Mik6 et al. (2007), Talamas and Masner (2016), and Lahey et al. (2019). Morphological terms were matched to concepts in the Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology (Yoder et al. 2010) using the text analyzer function. Images were captured at OSUC with a Leica MC170 HD digital camera attached to a Leica Z16 APOA microscope using Leica Application Suite (LAS; version 4.12.0). Revision of the Afrotropical genus Pulchrisolia Szabé 4] Image stacks were combined into a single montage image using Zerene Stacker (ver- sion 1.04). Montage images at OSUC were postprocessed with Adobe Photoshop CC and are archived at http://specimage.osu.edu, the image database at The Ohio State University, which includes supplementary images not included in this paper. Images were acquired at SAMC with a Leica LAS 4.9 imaging system, comprising a Leica Z16 APOA microscope (using either a 2x or 5x objective) with a Leica DFC450 Camera and 0.63x video objective attached. The imaging process, using an automated Z-stepper, and subsequent image stacking was managed using the LAS (version 4.9) software installed on a desktop computer. Diffused lighting was achieved using a Leica LED5000 HDI dome. All images presented in this paper, as well as supplementary images, are available at http://www.waspweb.org. Scanning electron micrographs were produced with a Hitachi TM300 Tabletop Microscope. The specimen was disarticulated with a minuten probe and forceps, mounted on a 12 mm slotted aluminum mounting stub (EMS Cat. #75220) using carbon adhesive tabs (EMS Cat. #77825-12), and sputter coated with approximately 70 nm of gold/palladium. Collections This work is based on specimens deposited in the following repositories: CAS California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California, USA CNCI Canadian National Collection of Insects, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada NHMUK Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom HNHM = Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, Hungary OSUC C.A. Triplehorn Collection, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA SAMC _Iziko South African Museum, Cape Town, South Africa USNM — Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC, USA Abbreviations and characters annotated in the figures aad antero-admedian depression (Figure 5) atp anterior tentorial pit (Figures 54, 55) auc axillular carina (Figure 5) axu axillula (Figure 57) cly clypeus (Figures 54, 55) diap dorsal surface of interantennal process (Figures 54, 55) dmpa dorsal metapleural area (Figure 56) epc epomium (Figure 56) fid frontal ledge (Figure 54) 42 Zachary Lahey et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 39-71 (2019) fs foamy structures (Figure 58) fsS1 foamy structures on S1 (Figures 61, 62) iap interantennal process (Figure 55) loc lateral ocellus (Figure 5) Ipar lateral propodeal area (Figure 57) Ipe lateral propodeal carina (Figures 5, 57) It1 lateral tergite 1 (Figure 61) It2 lateral tergite 2 (Figure 61) mc mesopleural carina (Figure 56) mdb mandible (Figure 54) metp metapleural pit (Figure 58) mml median mesoscutal line (Figure 5) mnt metanotal trough (Figures 57, 59) msct metascutellum (Figure 57) mtsr metascutellar carina (Figure 5) not notaulus (Figure 5) pad paraocellar depression (Figure 5) plc plica (Figure 57) pns pronotal shoulder (Figure 5) pres pronotal cervical sulcus (Figure 56) prd preocellar depression (Figure 52) prsl parapsidal line (Figure 5) pts protibial spur (Figure 63) R (sbmy) radial vein (submarginal vein) (Figure 5) scu mesoscutellum (Figures 5, 57) sss scutoscutellar sulcus (Figure 5) vmpa ventral metapleural area (Figure 56) Taxonomy Pulchrisolia Szab6 Pulchrisolia Szab6, 1959: 395 (original description. Type: Pulchrisolia maculata Szabé, by monotypy and original designation); Masner 1964: 11 (treated as a synonym of Sceliotrachelus Brues); Masner and Huggert 1989: 29, 108 (keyed, description, diagnosis, species list); Vlug 1995: 73 (cataloged, catalog of world species); Veena- kumari et al. 2019: 453 (key to genera of the Jso/ia-cluster, keyed). Description. Coloration: yellow; orange; light to dark red; brown to brownish-black. Antennal formula: 10-10. Male antennae: filiform. Clava: subcompact. Number of clavomeres: 3. Arrangement of setae on ventral surface of clavomeres: chevron-shaped Revision of the Afrotropical genus Pulchrisolia Szabé 43 leading to posterior-most papillary sensillum. Sensillar formula of clavomeres: A10— A8/1-2-2. Position of lateral ocellus: remote from inner margin of compound eye by > 3 ocellar diameters. Hyperoccipital carina: present. Frontal ledge: present; absent. In- terantennal process: present. Shape of clypeus: ovoid, abruptly widening below ventral surface of interantennal process. Labrum: concealed by clypeus. Facial striae: absent. Malar striae: absent. Malar sulcus: absent. Epomium: incomplete dorsally. Notaulus: present; absent. Anterior admedian depression: present; absent. Axilla: absent. Axil- lular carina: present, potentially fused with transaxillar carina, sometimes with the posterior margin projecting over metanotal trough. Sculpture of anterior margin of mesoscutellum: smooth; weakly crenulate. Scutoscutellar sulcus: undifferentiated from transcutal articulation. Posterior mesoscutellar sulcus: undifferentiated from mesos- cutellar disc. Metascutellum: differentiated from metanotal trough by metascutellar carinae. Sculpture of metascutellum: smooth. Sculpture of metanotal trough: smooth. Netrion: absent. Sculpture of dorsal mesopleuron: transversely ridged. Transepisternal line: absent. Mesopleural carina: present. Foamy structures on metapleuron: present posteriorly. Metapleural carina: concealed by foamy structures. R (submarginal vein) of fore wing: present, < 1/10 length of fore wing. Marginal cilia of fore wing: present; absent. Shape of fore and hind wing microtrichia: scale-like pegs, some nearly as wide as long. Shape of T1 in dorsal view: transverse. Foamy structures on T1: present ante- rolaterally. Foamy structures on S1: present, transverse, sometimes projecting between hind coxae. Transverse felt field on S2: absent. Tibial spur formula: 1-2-2. Protibial spur: combed. Setation of dorsal metatibia: present as linear tract of dense setae. Diagnosis. Species of Pulchrisolia may be diagnosed from other platygastroids by the following combination of characters: fore wing with incredibly short, tubular R vein terminating in a knob and at least some microtrichia of the fore and hind wings in the form of short, scale-like pegs. The coloration of the adult (most species are yellow, orange, red, or a combination thereof); frontal ledge on the lower frons; bilobed, pro- tuberant interantennal process; and tract of dense setae on the metatibia are additional characters that may aid in the recognition of the genus. Definition of the Jsol/ia-cluster As part of their treatment of the subfamily Sceliotrachelinae, Masner and Huggert (1989) grouped genera into clusters based on combinations of characters shared be- tween their constituent species. Genera within the /so/ia-cluster are recognizable by the combed fore tibial spur (Figure 63) and the microtrichia on the fore and hind wings that are distinctly spike- or scale-like in most, but not all, species (e.g., certain Jsolia). Masner and Huggert (1989) also placed emphasis on the compact arrangement of the ocelli; however, this character is highly variable between species and between sexes within a species (Veenakumari et al. 2019). There are no host records for any of the genera within this cluster. 44 Zachary Lahey et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 39-71 (2019) Key to genera of the Isolia-cluster 1 Microtrichia of fore wing distinctly bicolored, giving the appearance of PatehiescOn stripes LET uces 2 ASO), Assos phacounntoselon rhstivsresulop nbse loumeieen phat 2: Microtrichia of fore wing not bicolored (Figures 3, 4)......scesesesceseeseeseeees 3 Fore wing with short, tubular submarginal vein terminating in knob (Figs 1, 5, 23, 31, 38); microtrichia on fore wing in the form of scale-like pegs (Figs 1, 12, 31, 38); mesoscutum longer than visible portion of pronotum in dorsal view (Figures 5, 23, 50); S2 glabrous; inner margin of metatibia with combrorsetae (Figures: |, 22) c... aesscs datscacetaseneaisesiseg 3 Pulchrisolia Szab6 Fore wing veinless (Figure 2); microtrichia on fore wing dense, overlapping, and needle-like (see Masner and Huggert 1989, p. 197); S2 with long setae; mesoscutum transverse, shorter than visible portion of pronotum (Figure 2); inner margin of metatibia without comb of setae........ Sceliotrachelus Brues Fore wing with tubular submarginal vein (Figure 3); transepisternal line pre- sent; anterior notaular pits present (Figure 3).. Afrisolia Masner & Huggert Fore wing veinless (Figure 4); transepisternal line absent; anterior notaular Pitsrab Sena iCute Aye. ss Lease geht de onine stat oatshmodtollangersensas Isolia Forster Key to species of Pulchrisolia (males and females) 1 aN we Fore wing with one black band or a black band and a circular black area (Figs 8, 38); marginal cilia of female fore wing absent; costal margin of hind wing without dark, thick sclerotization posterior to hamuli; frontal ledge pre- senior absent CPioutes Sy OSD Psi cvacsbasdiea. hateauidciAiabhemencusehin. 2 Fore wing with two black bands (Figures 15, 20, 28); marginal cilia of female fore wing present or absent; costal margin of hind wing with dark, thick scleroti- zation posterior to hamuli; frontal ledge present (Figures 5, 14, 16, 19, 21).....5 Frontaltledgeabsent: (Figure V0) iu.s.ssct. casaortcncess P. ankremos Lahey, sp. nov. Frontal ledge present (Figures 14, 16, 30, 36, 51, 54) ..eeieeesssessceeeseeeeeees 3 Fore wing with a circular arrangement of black microtrichia (Figure 38); mes- oscutellum longitudinally striate (Figure 33)......P2 nephelae Lahey, sp. nov. Fore wing without circular pattern of black micotrichia (Figure 22); mesoscu- cellu smooth Figures M2 BU). cwcescsuecesivngeatcus te tcewtnlacrccerewentecriterceseacees 4 INGtAttlars Present (BiG tire er sO) srs clwwne eainta bipennate P. teras Lahey, sp. nov. Noratilus Absent: Cr ictitesd 3x. 8.14...2s%i deossduastettegetiees P. ellieae Lahey, sp. nov. Antero-admedian depression present (Figures 5, 23, 50) ....sceseseeseeseereeeees 6 Antero-admedian depression absent (Figures 31, 45) .....cieeeeseseeeeseereeeees 8 Antero-admedian lines present (Figure 66); mesoscutum and mesoscutellum datker than headjand jpronotum (Figures 65, 66) ic. cet creoietiesarsatesctstvesces tas MR hae ny 0 on ste Bau eh ie: me een AeA P. valerieae Polaszek & Lahey, sp. nov. Antero-admedian lines absent; pronotum, mesoscutum and mesoscutellum concolorous and lighter than head and metasoma (Figures 12, 31) ............ 7 Revision of the Afrotropical genus Pulchrisolia Szabé 45 7 Mesoscutellum approximately twice as wide as long (Figure 39); frontal ledge of male distinctly concave medially (Figure 43); forewing microtrichia of fe- male not overlapping; forewing distinctly longer than body length (Figure CoD) sa Bi phnulty Rasch ghackonabase toe biihenekan P. robynae van Noort & Lahey, sp. nov. — Mesoscutellum approximately 3 times as wide as long (Figure 12); frontal ledge of male straight, not concave medially (Figure 16); forewing microtri- chia of female and male overlapping; forewing approximately as long as body lengthalBioure 1) especie caen an. P. asantesana van Noort & Lahey, sp. nov. 8 Metapleuron completely covered by foamy structures, without setae along anterior margin (Figure 47); posterolateral corners of pronotal shoulders acute (Rip urestA5;:49) 3h, diss celbeSoeates P. sanbornei Lahey & Masner, sp. nov. — Metapleuron with anterior margin distinctly setose (Figure 18); posterolateral corners of pronotal shoulders round (Figures 17, 31) ......csceeessseeseeseeeeeees 9 9 Posterolateral corners of pronotal shoulders remote from anterior margin of tegula (Figures 28, 31); head concolorous with mesosoma (Figures 28, 31); clavomeres distinctly darker than funicle (Figure 28) ...... P. maculata Szabé — Posterolateral corners of pronotal shoulders closer to anterior margin of tegu- la (Figures 17, 20); head of female distinctly darker than mesosoma (Figures 1738); Clavomerés:cOnco loro us With AUMIClS sou 4 2 8k Att eae Ace ee Menai RS Ss ORR a oe Nt TR re Ire P. diehoekensis van Noort & Lahey, sp. nov. Character discussion Antero-admedian depression We coin this term for the depression that is located anteromedially on the mesoscutum and is usually separated by a horizontal septum (Figures 1, 5, 23, 50). This character shows little intraspecific or sexual variation, with the notable exception that it may be absent or present in P ankremos. Interantennal process All species of Pulchrisolia have a distinct, protuberant interantennal process. The dorsal portion ranges in shape from a thin strip that is shorter than the radicle (Figure 10), to an apically bilobate projection longer than the radicle (Figures 16, 21). Foamy structures and metapleural setation All species of Pulchrisolia have the posterior (Figures 9, 35), and most of the anterior (Figs 40, 47), portion of the metapleuron covered in foamy structures. Foamy structures are exten- sions of cuticle that usually emanate from carinae on the propodeum and metapleuron but may also occur on T1 and S1. Their structure and coloration (i.e., translucent to yellowish- white) resemble that of a bubbly liquid, with an irregular arrangement of open and closed 46 Zachary Lahey et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 39-71 (2019) Figures |—4. Genera of the Jso/ia-cluster. Pulchrisolia nephelae, male (USNMENT00916688) | head, meso- soma, metasoma, dorsal view. Sceliotrachelus braunsi Brues, female (OSUC 231999) 2 head, mesosoma, metas- oma, dorsal view. Afrisolia sp., female (USNMENT00916676) 3 head, mesosoma, metasoma, dorsal view. Lso- lia sp., female (USNMENT00197883) 4 head, mesosoma, metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars in millimeters. . Revision of the Afrotropical genus Pulchrisolia Szabé 47 cells. We hypothesize that they function as an evaporating surface for undetermined glan- dular products secreted from pores on the associated sclerites. The degree to which the foamy structures are developed and the setation of the anterior margin of the metapleuron are important characters in species identification. We distinguish the anterodorsal from the anteroventral portion of the metapleuron by the location of the metapleural pit (Figures 56, 58), which, although nearly obscured by foamy structures, is generally indicated by an invagination or ‘break’ along the anterior margin of the foamy structures. Papillary sensillum Platygastroids are characterized by the presence of papillary sensilla located on the ven- tral surface of the distal antennomeres of the adult female (Bin 1981; Bin et al. 1989; Isidoro et al. 2001). These sensilla have been referred to by various names, including plate sensilla (Bin 1981), basiconic sensilla (Bin 1981), multiporous gustatory sensilla (Isidoro et al. 2001), and papillary sensilla (Bin et al. 1989; Yang et al. 2016). We here adopt the term papillary sensilla to describe these structures and suggest other workers on Platygastroidea do the same for the following reasons: (1) the specific function of these sensilla is yet to be elucidated, which obviates the use of terms placing them into a functional category, and (2) the term basiconic has been misapplied to these struc- tures, as histological examinations have confirmed that hundreds, not a few, sensory neurons innervate each sensillum (Isidoro et al. 2001). Preocellar and paraocellar depressions We coin these terms to describe the depressions that flank the anterior (preocellar) and/or lateral (paraocellar) margins of the anterior and lateral ocelli, respectively. We prefer not to use the term ‘pit’ when describing these structures because they may not be homologous with the preocellar pit possessed by some Telenominae, which corre- sponds internally with an apodeme (Isidoro and Bin 1994). These structures are most noticeable in P teras, where they are semilunar in shape and deep (Figures 5, 50, 52). Sexual dimorphism The hyperoccipital carina of some male Pulchrisolia is less pronounced than that of conspecific females (Figures 19, 21, 40, 42). In contrast, the interantennal process of males is generally more pronounced and, in species where the interantennal process is apically bilobed, the invagination separating each lobe is longer (Figures 19, 21, 41, 43). Minimal variation was observed in other character systems used to differentiate between males and females of the same species. Wing microtrichia The fore and hind wings of Pulchrisolia are covered in specialized microtrichia that appear scale-, disc- or paddle-like depending on the angle at which they are observed as) Zachary Lahey et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 39-71 (2019) , ES Figure 5. Pulchrisolia teras, male (CASENT 2043867), head, mesosoma, T1, dorsal view. Scale bar in millimeters. (Figures 1, 5, 12, 38, 48, 50). All species possess these structures on at least some por- tion of their fore and hind wings, but their density and position are species-specific and may require viewing the animal at different angles. Revision of the Afrotropical genus Pulchrisolia Szabé 49 Pulchrisolia ankremos Lahey, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/30BE42DD-D219-4643-90CC-25 DFA45D263A Figures 6-11 Description. Female body length: 0.74—1.02 mm (n = 10). Coloration of head, female: concolorous with mesosoma. Shape of dorsal interantennal process: simple, not strongly projecting. Length of interantennal process: shorter than radicle. Frontal ledge: absent. Preocellar depressions: absent. Setation of pronotal cervical sulcus: absent. Setation of cervical pronotal area: absent. Sculpture of pronotal shoulders: reticulate. Sculpture of anterior margin of pronotal shoulders: carinate. Posterolateral margin of pronotal shoul- ders: sharply angled. Posterior margin of pronotal shoulders: rounded. Antero-admedi- an line: absent. Anterior admedian depression or pit: absent; present. Parapsidial line: present. Median mesoscutal line: absent. Notaulus: absent. Color of mesoscutum: con- colorous with pronotum. Shape of mesoscutum in lateral view: flat to slightly convex. Scupture of mesoscutum: reticulate. Sculpture of mesoscutellum: longitudinally stri- ate. Setation of anterodorsal metapleuron: present. Length of setation of anterodorsal metapleuron: long. Setation of anteroventral metapleuron: present. Length of setation of anteroventral metapleuron: short. Foamy structures on anterior metapleuron: absent. Shape of fore wing: elliptical. Infuscate banding of fore wing: absent. Costal margin of hind wing: fuscous posterior to hamuli. Marginal cilia of female fore wing: absent. Diagnosis. The lack of a frontal ledge on the lower frons and simple interantennal process that does not extend past the radicle separates P ankremos from all other species of Pulchrisolia. Etymology. Taken from the Greek word for cliff (yx@epog), in reference to the lack of a frontal ledge on the lower frons. The epithet is treated as a noun in apposition. Link to distribution map. [http://hol.osu.edu/map-large.html?id=457749] Material examined. Holotype, female: GHANA: Ashanti Reg., 06°42'N, 01°20'W, Bobiri Forest Reserve, [1-2002, flight intercept trap, C. Carlton & O. Frim- pong, OSUC 666426 (deposited in CNCI). Paratypes: (8 females) GHANA: 7 fe- males, OSUC 666420-666422, 666424666425, 666427-666428 (CNCI). IVORY COAST: 1 female, OSUC 666404 (CNCI). Comments. Pulchrisolia ankremos is most similar to P nephelae both morphologi- cally and in geographic distribution. Nearly all the specimens examined have an ante- ro-admedian depression, but this character is absent from the holotype, despite being present in other specimens collected during the same collecting event. Pulchrisolia asantesana van Noort & Lahey, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/A1 125BB0-BF57-4317-AB4B-CF9F 13B9E040 Figures 12-16 Description. Female body length: 0.88—0.96 mm (n = 10). Male body length: 0.74— 0.88 mm (n = 10). Coloration of head, female: concolorous with mesosoma. Shape of dorsal interantennal process: apically bilobed. Length of interantennal process: longer 50 Zachary Lahey et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 39-71 (2019) Figures 6-11. Pulchrisolia ankremos, female holotype (OSUC 666426) 6 head, mesosoma, metasoma, dorsal view 7 mesosoma, dorsal view 8 head, mesosoma, metasoma, lateral view 9 mesosoma, lateral view 10 head, anterior view | 1 metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars in millimeters. than radicle. Coloration of clavomeres: darker than funicle. Hyperoccipital carina: sunken between lateral ocelli. Frontal ledge: present. Preocellar depressions: absent. Setation of pronotal cervical sulcus: absent. Setation of cervical pronotal area: present. Sculpture of pronotal shoulders: reticulate. Sculpture of anterior margin of pronotal shoulders: carinate. Posterolateral margin of pronotal shoulders: sharply angled. Pos- terior margin of pronotal shoulders: rounded. Antero-admedian line: absent. Anterior admedian depression or pit: present. Parapsidial line: absent. Median mesoscutal line: absent. Notaulus: absent. Color of mesoscutum: concolorous with pronotum. Shape of mesoscutum in lateral view: flat to slightly convex. Scupture of mesoscutum: reticu- Revision of the Afrotropical genus Pulchrisolia Szabé 51 ft ibis oN ts < 3 ps a1 iq A Figures 12-16. Pulchrisolia asantesana, female holotype (SAM-HYM-P046628) 12 head, mesosoma, T1, T2, dorsal view 13 head, mesosoma, S1, lateral view 14 head, anterior view 15 male paratype (SAM- HYM-P046628), head, mesosoma, metasoma, dorsal view I 6 head, anterior view. Scale bars in millimeters. late. Sculpture of mesoscutellum: absent. Setation of anterodorsal metapleuron: pre- sent. Length of setation of anterodorsal metapleuron: long. Setation of anteroventral metapleuron: absent. Foamy structures on anterior metapleuron: absent. Shape of fore wing: oblong. Infuscate banding of fore wing: present. Costal margin of hind wing: darkly sclerotized posterior to hamuli. Marginal cilia of female fore wing: absent. Diagnosis. ‘The straight frontal ledge and short fore wings with dense microtrichia readily separate this species from other Pulchrisolia. Etymology. Named after the game reserve where the holotype was collected. Asante Sana is Swahili for “thank you very much”. The epithet is treated as a noun in apposition. sD Zachary Lahey et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 39-71 (2019) Link to distribution map. [http://hol.osu.edu/map-large.html?id=467907] Material examined. Holotype, female: SOUTH AFRICA: Eastern Cape Prov., Zuurkloof, Camdeboo Escarpment Thicket / tall grass stands / scattered oubos / shrubs, T2S3d, 1621m, 32°16.011'S, 25°00.244'E, Asante Sana Game Reserve, 23.X.2010, pitfall trap, J. Midgley, SAM-HYM-P046628a (deposited in SAMC). Paratypes: SOUTH AFRICA: 16 females, 23 males, SAM-HYM-P037363, P038988, P046626, P046627, P046628b-d; P046629, P046630, P046631, P046632, P046633, P046634, P046635, P046636, P046637, P046638, P046639, P046640, P046641, P046642 (SAMC). Pulchrisolia diehoekensis van Noort & Lahey, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/B7E4613D-560A-4BAA-BDC5-6B3447E3F82E Figures 17-21 Description. Female body length: 1.04 mm (n = 1). Male body length: 0.80-1.18 mm (n = 4). Coloration of head, female: darker than mesosoma. Shape of dorsal interanten- nal process: apically bilobed. Length of interantennal process: longer than radicle. Col- oration of clavomeres: concolorous with funicle. Hyperoccipital carina: raised between lateral ocelli. Frontal ledge: present. Preocellar depressions: absent. Setation of pronotal cervical sulcus: absent. Setation of cervical pronotal area: present. Sculpture of prono- tal shoulders: reticulate. Sculpture of anterior margin of pronotal shoulders: carinate. Posterolateral margin of pronotal shoulders: sharply angled. Posterior margin of pro- notal shoulders: rounded. Antero-admedian line: absent. Anterior admedian depres- sion or pit: absent. Parapsidial line: absent. Median mesoscutal line: absent. Notaulus: absent. Color of mesoscutum: concolorous with pronotum. Shape of mesoscutum in lateral view: flat to slightly convex. Scupture of mesoscutum: mostly smooth. Sculp- ture of mesoscutellum: absent. Setation of anterodorsal metapleuron: present. Length of setation of anterodorsal metapleuron: long. Setation of anteroventral metapleuron: absent. Foamy structures on anterior metapleuron: absent. Shape of fore wing: oblong. Infuscate banding of fore wing: present. Costal margin of hind wing: darkly sclerotized posterior to hamuli. Marginal cilia of female fore wing: absent. Diagnosis. Separated from other species by the absence of an antero-admedian depression, posterolateral corners of the pronotal shoulders that are nearly articulate with the tegula, deep scutoscutellar sulcus, and coloration of the female. Etymology. Named after the farm where the type series was collected. Die Hoek is Afrikaans for “the corner”. The epithet is treated as a noun in apposition. Link to distribution map. [http://hol.osu.edu/map-large.html?id=467906] Material examined. Holotype, female: SOUTH AFRICA: Eastern Cape Prov., Winterberg, Amathole Mistbelt Grassland, WTBO9-GRA1-Y04, 1879m, 32°21.260'S, 26°23.001'E, The Hoek Farm, 9.[V—26.VII.2010, yellow pan trap, S. van Noort, SAM-HYM-P038987 (deposited in SAMC). Paratypes: SOUTH AFRICA: 4 males, SAM-HYM-P038989, P038990 (SAMC). Revision of the Afrotropical genus Pulchrisolia Szabé Bs) Figures 17-21. Pulchrisolia diehoekensis, female holotype (SAM-HYM-P038987) 17 head, mesosoma, T1, T2, dorsal view 18 head, mesosoma, S1, lateral view 19 head, anterior view 20 male paratype (SAM- HYM-P038989), head, mesosoma, metasoma, dorsal view 21 head, anterior view. Scale bars in millimeters. Pulchrisolia ellieae Lahey, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/CB7B8FBF-DB38-4367-9879-G86BEA83D 13A Figures 22—27 Description. Female body length: 0.97—1.41 mm (n = 2). Coloration of head, female: concolorous with pronotum. Shape of dorsal interantennal process: apically rounded. Length of interantennal process: longer than radicle. Hyperoccipital carina: raised be- 54 Zachary Lahey et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 39-71 (2019) . a fs % Figures 22-27. Pulchrisolia ellieae, female holotype (OSUC 666430) 22 head, mesosoma, metasoma, dorsal view 23 mesosoma, dorsal view 24 head, mesosoma, metasoma, lateral view 25 mesosoma, lateral view 26 head, anterior view 27 metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars in millimeters. tween lateral ocelli. Frontal ledge: present. Preocellar depressions: present. Setation of pronotal cervical sulcus: present. Setation of cervical pronotal area: present. Sculpture of pronotal shoulders: reticulate. Sculpture of anterior margin of pronotal shoulders: carinate. Posterolateral margin of pronotal shoulders: sharply angled. Posterior mar- gin of pronotal shoulders: rounded. Antero-admedian line: absent. Anterior admedian depression or pit: present. Parapsidial line: present. Median mesoscutal line: present; indicated posteriorly. Notaulus: absent. Coloration of mesoscutum: darker anterome- dially and posterolaterally. Shape of mesoscutum in lateral view: flat to slightly convex. Revision of the Afrotropical genus Pulchrisolia Szabé 55 Scupture of mesoscutum: reticulate. Sculpture of mesoscutellum: absent. Setation of anterodorsal metapleuron: present. Length of setation of anterodorsal metapleuron: long. Setation of anteroventral metapleuron: present. Length of setation of anteroven- tral metapleuron: long. Foamy structures on anterior metapleuron: absent. Shape of fore wing: elliptical. Infuscate banding of fore wing: absent. Costal margin of hind wing: fuscous posterior to hamuli. Marginal cilia of female fore wing: absent. Marginal cilia of male fore wing: absent. Diagnosis. Pulchrisolia ellieae is identifiable by the apically rounded interantennal process and absence of notauli. Etymology. This species is named to honor Ellie, the first author’s beloved Coton de Tuléar, the royal dog of Madagascar. The epithet is treated as a noun in the genitive case. Link to distribution map. [http://hol.osu.edu/map-large.html?id=457304] Material examined. Holotype, female: MADAGASCAR: Toliara Auto. Prov., 60km NE Morondava, Beroboka Avaratra, 18.V—23.V.1983, J. S. Noyes & M. C. Day, OSUC 666430 (deposited in NHMUK). Paratype: MADAGASCAR: 1 female, OSUC 666429 (CNCI). Pulchrisolia maculata Szabé http://zoobank.org/ FEFD0E42-14D3-4687-90F5-4D4D91601F08 Figures 28-31 Pulchrisolia maculata Szabé, 1959: 396 (original description); Vlug 1995: 73 (cata- loged, type information). Sceliotrachelus maculatus (Szabé): Masner 1964: 11 (generic transfer); Kozlov 1972: 134 (keyed). Description. Female body length: 1.15-1.16 mm (n = 2). Coloration of head, female: concolorous with mesosoma. Shape of dorsal interantennal process: apically bilobed. Length of interantennal process: longer than radicle. Hyperoccipital carina: indicated as lateral tubercles; raised between lateral ocelli; sunken between lateral ocelli. Fron- tal ledge: present. Preocellar depressions: absent. Setation of pronotal cervical sulcus: absent. Setation of cervical pronotal area: present. Sculpture of pronotal shoulders: reticulate. Sculpture of anterior margin of pronotal shoulders: carinate. Posterolateral margin of pronotal shoulders: sharply angled. Posterior margin of pronotal shoulders: rounded. Antero-admedian line: absent. Anterior admedian depression or pit: absent. Parapsidial line: absent. Median mesoscutal line: absent. Notaulus: absent. Coloration of mesoscutum: concolorous with pronotum. Shape of mesoscutum in lateral view: flat to slightly convex. Scupture of mesoscutum: reticulate. Sculpture of mesoscutellum: absent. Setation of anterodorsal metapleuron: present. Length of setation of anterodor- sal metapleuron: long. Setation of anteroventral metapleuron: present. Length of seta- tion of anteroventral metapleuron: short. Foamy structures on anterior metapleuron: absent. Shape of fore wing: elliptical. Infuscate banding of fore wing: present. Costal Zachary Lahey et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 39-71 (2019) Figures 28-31. Pulchrisolia maculata 28 female holotype (HNHM 152909), head, mesosoma, meta- soma, dorsal view 29 female holotype (HNHM 152909), head, anterior view 30 female (SAM-HYM- P020261), head, anterior view 31 female (SAM-HYM-P020261), head, mesosoma, metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars in millimeters. Revision of the Afrotropical genus Pulchrisolia Szabé af margin of hind wing: darkly sclerotized posterior to hamuli. Marginal cilia of female fore wing: present. Diagnosis. Pulchrisolia maculata is identifiable by the absence of an antero-ad- median depression, posterolateral corners of the pronotal shoulders that are remote from the tegula, and the anteroventral margin of the metapleuron that is glabrous or sparsely setose. Link to distribution map. [http://hol.osu.edu/map-large.html?id=12362] Material examined. Holotype, female: TANZANIA: Mara Reg., Shirati, V-1909, Katona, Hym. Typ. No. 9583 Mus. Budapest (deposited in HNHM). Other ma- terial: (6 females) KENYA: 3 females, OSUC 697903, 697951 (OSUC); USN- MENT01448452 (USNM). TANZANIA: 3 females, HYM-P019793, P020252, P020261 (SAMC). Comments. The holotype female is in relatively good condition despite being cov- ered in debris, a result of the method used by Szabé to mount and examine specimens. Additional material collected in Kenya and Tanzania were found to be conspecific with P maculata. Pulchrisolia nephelae Lahey, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/AF822308-21BA-45B1-8EF9-5E1B070A64FE Figures 32-38 Description. Female body length: 0.73—1.14 mm (n = 10). Male body length: 0.73- 1.07 mm (n = 10). Coloration of head, female: concolorous with mesosoma. Shape of dorsal interantennal process: simple; apically bilobed. Length of interantennal pro- cess: longer than radicle. Hyperoccipital carina: indicated as lateral tubercles; sunken between lateral ocelli. Frontal ledge: present; not traceable to ventral margin of com- pound eye. Preocellar depressions: present. Setation of pronotal cervical sulcus: absent. Setation of cervical pronotal area: absent. Sculpture of pronotal shoulders: reticulate. Sculpture of anterior margin of pronotal shoulders: carinate. Posterolateral margin of pronotal shoulders: evenly rounded. Posterior margin of pronotal shoulders: rounded. Antero-admedian line: absent. Anterior admedian depression or pit: present. Parap- sidial line: absent. Median mesoscutal line: present; indicated posteriorly. Notaulus: absent. Coloration of mesoscutum: concolorous with pronotum. Shape of mesoscutum in lateral view: strongly convex. Scupture of mesoscutum: longitudinally striate. Sculp- ture of mesoscutellum: longitudinally striate. Setation of anterodorsal metapleuron: present. Length of setation of anterodorsal metapleuron: long. Setation of anteroventral metapleuron: present. Length of setation of anteroventral metapleuron: long. Foamy structures on anterior metapleuron: absent. Shape of fore wing: elliptical. Infuscate banding of fore wing: absent. Costal margin of hind wing: fuscous posterior to hamuli. Marginal cilia of female fore wing: absent. Marginal cilia of male fore wing: present. Diagnosis. Pulchrisolia nephelae closely resembles P ankremos but can be separated from all other Pulchrisolia species due to the circular arrangement of black microtrichia in the disc of the fore wing. 58 Zachary Lahey et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 39-71 (2019) 4 i. q ~~ —Se a ul a , ‘ re a * a Figures 32-37. Pulchrisolia nephelae, female holotype (OSUC 666433) 32 head, mesosoma, metasoma, dorsal view 33 mesosoma, dorsal view 34 head, mesosoma, metasoma, posterodorsal view 35 mesosoma, ee 36 04 lateral view 36 head, anterior view 37 metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars in millimeters. Etymology. Named for the cloud nymphs of Greek mythology. The epithet is treated as a noun in the genitive case. Link to distribution map. [http://hol.osu.edu/map-large.html?id=457303] Material examined. Holotype, female: MALI: Koulikoro Reg., Mourdiah, 25.VIII-5.IX.1986, Malaise trap, M. Matthews, OSUC 666433 (deposited in CNC]). Paratypes: (29 females, 12 males) BENIN: 3 females, OSUC 666440-666441 (CNCI); OSUC 418469 (OSUC). BURKINA FASO: 4 females, 8 males, OSUC 666409-666416—666419, 666442—666443 (CNCI). GAMBIA: 2 females, OSUC Revision of the Afrotropical genus Pulchrisolia Szabé 59 Figure 38. Pulchrisolia nephelae, female (OSUC 697956) 38 fore wing, slide mount. Scale bar in micrometers. 666438—666439 (CNCI). IVORY COAST: 18 females, 1 male, OSUC 666444— 666462 (CNCI). MALI: 1 female, 3 males, OSUC 666432, 666434666436 (CNCI). NIGERIA: 1 female, OSUC 666437 (CNCD). Comments. The most abundant and widely distributed Pulchrisolia species cur- rently known. Pulchrisolia nephelae is the species figured in the line drawings of Masner and Huggert (1989). Pulchrisolia robynae van Noort & Lahey, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/A8DD409E-A457-4C08-9AF3-DD3A29532972 Figures 39-43 Description. Female body length: 0.93—1.10 mm (n = 6). Male body length: 0.84— 1.40 mm (n = 8). Coloration of head, female: concolorous with mesosoma. Shape of dorsal interantennal process: apically bilobed. Length of interantennal process: longer than radicle. Coloration of clavomeres: darker than funicle. Hyperoccipital carina: in- dicated as lateral tubercles; raised between lateral ocelli. Frontal ledge: present. Preo- cellar depressions: present. Setation of pronotal cervical sulcus: present. Setation of cervical pronotal area: present. Sculpture of pronotal shoulders: reticulate. Sculpture of anterior margin of pronotal shoulders: carinate. Posterolateral margin of pronotal shoulders: evenly rounded. Posterior margin of pronotal shoulders: rounded. Antero- admedian line: absent. Anterior admedian depression or pit: present. Parapsidial line: absent. Median mesoscutal line: present. Notaulus: absent. Coloration of mesoscutum: concolorous with pronotum. Shape of mesoscutum in lateral view: flat to slightly con- vex. Scupture of mesoscutum: mostly smooth. Sculpture of mesoscutellum: absent. Se- tation of anterodorsal metapleuron: present. Length of setation of anterodorsal meta- pleuron: long. Setation of anteroventral metapleuron: absent. Foamy structures on anterior metapleuron: absent. Shape of fore wing: elliptical; oblong. Infuscate banding 60 Zachary Lahey et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 39-71 (2019) As : * sa “ = Figures 39-43. Pulchrisolia robynae, female holotype (SAM-HYM-P031619) 39 head, mesosoma, T1, dorsal view 40 head, mesosoma, S1, lateral view 41 head, anterior view 42 male paratype (SAM- HYM-033748), head, mesosoma, metasoma, dorsal view 43 head, anterior view. Scale bars in millimeters. of fore wing: present. Costal margin of hind wing: darkly sclerotized posterior to ha- muli. Marginal cilia of female fore wing: present. Diagnosis. Pulchrisolia robynae is morphologically similar to P maculata but dif- fers from that species by the presence of an antero-admedian depression, the postero- lateral margin of the pronotal shoulders that are nearly articulate with the tegula, and the scutoscutellar sulcus that is weakly crenulate. Etymology. Named in honor of Robyn Tourle, who was employed as a research assistant on the GEF-funded Conservation Farming project that produced these speci- Revision of the Afrotropical genus Pulchrisolia Szabé 61 mens, in recognition of all her hard work in the field as well as her sorting and curation of specimens. The epithet is treated as a noun in the genitive case. Link to distribution map. [http://hol.osu.edu/map-large.html?id=467905] Material examined. Holotype, female: SOUTH AFRICA: Eastern Cape Prov., 25.6km (254°) W Kirkwood, valley bushveld (goat trashed), VB01-R4T-P06, 33°32.635'S, 25°13.678'E, Marais Hoop Farm, 10.-17.II.2001, pitfall trap, H. G. Robertson & R. Tourle, SAM-HYM-P031619 (deposited in SAMC). Paratypes: SOUTH AFRICA: Eastern Cape Province: 5 females, 5 males, SAM-HYM-P031616, P031617, P031618, P033082, P033745, P033746, P033747, P033748 (SAMC); Western Cape Province, Gamkaberg Nature Reserve: 3 males, SAM-HYM-P035656, P038480, P038642 (SAMC). Pulchrisolia sanbornei Lahey & Masner, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/OB2AA4D0-2345-4D8D-977A-D8A9A719495B Figures 44—49 Description. Female body length: 1.61—1.98 mm (n = 10). Male body length: 1.56-— 1.74 mm (n = 8). Coloration of head, female: concolorous with mesosoma. Shape of dorsal interantennal process: apically bilobed. Length of interantennal process: longer than radicle. Hyperoccipital carina: indicated as lateral tubercles; raised between lat- eral ocelli. Frontal ledge: present. Preocellar depressions: absent. Setation of pronotal cervical sulcus: absent. Setation of cervical pronotal area: absent. Sculpture of pronotal shoulders: rugose. Sculpture of anterior margin of pronotal shoulders: serrate. Poste- rolateral margin of pronotal shoulders: sharply angled. Posterior margin of pronotal shoulders: carinate. Antero-admedian line: absent. Anterior admedian depression or pit: absent. Parapsidial line: absent. Median mesoscutal line: absent. Notaulus: ab- sent. Coloration of mesoscutum: concolorous with pronotum. Shape of mesoscutum in lateral view: flat to slightly convex. Scupture of mesoscutum: longitudinally striate. Sculpture of mesoscutellum: absent. Setation of anterodorsal metapleuron: absent. Se- tation of anteroventral metapleuron: absent. Foamy structures on anterior metapleu- ron: present. Shape of fore wing: oblong. Infuscate banding of fore wing: present. Costal margin of hind wing: darkly sclerotized posterior to hamuli. Marginal cilia of female fore wing: present. Marginal cilia of male fore wing: present. Diagnosis. The metapleuron completely covered in foamy structures and the rugose sculpture of the pronotal shoulders separates P sanbornei from other species of Pulchrisolia. Etymology. Named in honor of the late Michael Sanborne (Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada) for his efforts during a field expedition to South Africa which yielded a long series of this beautiful species. The epithet is treated as a noun in the genitive case. Link to distribution map. [http://hol.osu.edu/map-large.html?id=45775 1] Material examined. Holotype, female: SOUTH AFRICA: Limpopo Prov., 15km E Klaserie, Guernsey Farm, 19.XII-31.XI.1985, pan trap, M. Sanborne, OSUC 666387 (deposited in SAMC). Paratypes: SOUTH AFRICA: 8 females, 9 males, OSUC 666386, 666388—666403 (CNCI). 62 Zachary Lahey et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 39-71 (2019) 48) ~ > . Figures 44-48. Pulchrisolia sanbornei, female holotype (OSUC 666387) 44 head, mesosoma, meta- soma, dorsal view 45 mesosoma, dorsal view 46 head, anterior view 47 mesosoma, lateral view 48 fore wing, dorsal view. Scale bars in millimeters. Pulchrisolia teras Lahey, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/22736A8D-13BE-45 18-BB7C-B25 1CA2EE7 13 Figures 5, 50-63 Description. Female body length: 2.37 mm (n = 1). Male body length: 1.17—1.95 mm (n = 7). Coloration of head, female: concolorous with pronotum. Shape of dorsal interantennal process: apically rounded. Length of interantennal process: longer than radicle. Hyperoccipital carina: indicated as lateral tubercles; raised between lateral ocel- Revision of the Afrotropical genus Pulchrisolia Szabé 63 9) Figure 49. Pulchrisolia sanbornei, male paratype (OSUC 666396) 49 head, mesosoma, metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars in millimeters. li. Frontal ledge: present. Preocellar depressions: present. Setation of pronotal cervical sulcus: present. Setation of cervical pronotal area: present. Sculpture of pronotal shoul- ders: rugose. Sculpture of anterior margin of pronotal shoulders: carinate. Posterolateral margin of pronotal shoulders: sharply angled. Posterior margin of pronotal shoulders: carinate. Antero-admedian line: absent. Anterior admedian depression or pit: present. Parapsidial line: present. Median mesoscutal line: absent; present. Notaulus: present in posterior portion of mesoscutum. Shape of notaulus: broad, deep, abbreviated anteri- Zachary Lahey et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 39-71 (2019) Figure 50. Pulchrisolia teras, female holotype ( ) 50 head, mesosoma, T1, T2, dorsal view. Scale bar in millimeters. orly. Coloration of mesoscutum: darker anteromedially and posterolaterally. Shape of mesoscutum in lateral view: flat to slightly convex. Scupture of mesoscutum: mostly smooth. Sculpture of mesoscutellum: absent. Setation of anterodorsal metapleuron: present. Length of setation of anterodorsal metapleuron: long. Setation of anteroventral metapleuron: present. Length of setation of anteroventral metapleuron: long. Foamy Revision of the Afrotropical genus Pulchrisolia Szabé 65 Figures 51-53. Pulchrisolia teras, female holotype ( ) 51 head, mesosoma, lateral view 52 head, anterior view 53 head, anteroventral view. Scale bars in millimeters. structures on anterior metapleuron: absent. Shape of fore wing: elliptical. Infuscate banding of fore wing: absent. Costal margin of hind wing: fuscous posterior to hamuli. Marginal cilia of female fore wing: absent. Marginal cilia of male fore wing: absent. Diagnosis. Pulchrisolia teras is separated from all other species by the presence of deep notauli and well-defined preocellar depressions. Etymology. Taken from the Greek word for monster (téQa¢), in reference to the size and appearance of this formidable creature. ‘The epithet is treated as a noun in apposition. Link to distribution map. [ ] 66 Zachary Lahey et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 39-71 (2019) Figures 54-59. Pulchrisolia teras, female (OSUC 698062) 54 head, anterolateral view 55 interantennal process, clypeus, anterolateral view 56 mesosoma, lateral view 57 axillar complex, metanotum, propo- deum, dorsolateral view 58 mesosoma, posterolateral view 59 metanotal trough, dorsal view. Scale bars in micrometers. Material examined. Holotype, female: MADAGASCAR: Toliara Auto. Prov., 36.1km (308°) NW Tolagnaro, 1.7km (61°) ENE Tsimelahy, Ambohibory Forest, tropical dry forest, BLF4915, 300m, 24°55'48"S, 46°38 aa, Se Na- tional Park, 16.1-20.1.2002, pitfall trap, Fisher, Griswold et al., IN7 13862 (deposited in CAS). Paratypes: MADAGASCAR: 7 males, CAS INT 2043863-— ) (CAS). Revision of the Afrotropical genus Pulchrisolia Szabé 67 MEY | \ i \\\ ae Cy | ; > Figures 60-63. Pulchrisolia teras, female (OSUC 698062) 60 metasoma, dorsolateral view 61 meta- soma, lateral view 62 S1, S2, anteroventral view 63 protibial spur, lateral view. Scale bars in micrometers. Comments. The holotype of P teras is considerably larger and more robust than most of the type series, which may indicate polyphagy or intraspecific variability in the size of its host(s). Pulchrisolia valerieae Polaszek & Lahey, sp. nov. Figures 64-70 Description. Male body length: 1.18 mm (n = 1). Shape of dorsal interantennal pro- cess: apically bilobed. Length of interantennal process: longer than radicle. Hyperoc- cipital carina: raised between lateral ocelli. Frontal ledge: present. Preocellar depres- sions: present. Setation of pronotal cervical sulcus: absent. Setation of cervical pronotal area: absent. Sculpture of pronotal shoulders: reticulate. Sculpture of anterior margin of pronotal shoulders: carinate. Posterolateral margin of pronotal shoulders: sharply angled. Posterior margin of pronotal shoulders: rounded. Antero-admedian line: pre- sent. Anterior admedian depression or pit: present. Parapsidial line: absent. Median mesoscutal line: absent. Notaulus: absent. Coloration of mesoscutum: darker than 68 Zachary Lahey et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 39-71 (2019) 64 Figures 64. Pulchrisolia valerieae, male holotype (BMNH 010823075) 64 head, mesosoma, metasoma, lateral view (top), dorsal view (bottom). pronotum. Shape of mesoscutum in lateral view: flat to slightly convex. Scupture of mesoscutum: reticulate. Sculpture of mesoscutellum: absent. Setation of anterodorsal metapleuron: present. Length of setation of anterodorsal metapleuron: long. Setation of anteroventral metapleuron: absent. Foamy structures on anterior metapleuron: ab- sent. Shape of fore wing: elliptical. Infuscate banding of fore wing: present. Costal Revision of the Afrotropical genus Pulchrisolia Szabé 69 aa. — "Pisa nl Figures 65-70. Pulchrisolia valerieae, male holotype (BMNH 010823075) 65 head, mesosoma, meta- soma, dorsal view 66 mesosoma, dorsal view 67 head, mesosoma, metasoma, lateral view 68 mesosoma, lateral view 69 head, anterior view 70 metasoma, dorsal view. Scale bars in millimeters. margin of hind wing: darkly sclerotized posterior to hamuli. Marginal cilia of male fore wing: present. Diagnosis. P valerieae is unique among the species described due to the presence of antero-admedian lines and for its dark mesoscutum, mesoscutellum, legs, and metasoma. Etymology. Named in honor of the late Valerie Coughlin, a friend of Andrew Polaszek. The epithet is treated as a noun in the genitive case. Link to distribution map. [http://hol.osu.edu/map-large.html?id=457948] 70 Zachary Lahey et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 73: 39-71 (2019) Material examined. Holotype, male: ZAMBIA: Lukwakwa, open Dambo, 12°39"40"S; 24°26'13"E, 1147m, 4-8.ix.13, Yellow Pan, leg. Smith, Takano and Oram, NHMUK010823075, type number 9.1020 (deposited in NHMUK). Comments. We describe P valerieae from a single male based on our observations of interspecific, intraspecific, and intersexual variation within the genus. The colora- tion of all Pulchrisolia species known from males and females is virtually identical, with slight differences having been observed on the head (Figures 19, 21) and mesoscutum (Figures 5, 50) of certain species. Most species in the genus are light yellow, orange, or dark red in color; however, the male of P valerieae has most of its mesosoma, and portions of its metasoma and legs, brownish-black (Figures 65-68, 70). The only other species that approximates the coloration of P valerieae is P teras, but this species has notauli and the antero-admedian depression is prominent and hemispherical in shape, even in smaller specimens. Based on what we have observed in other species of the genus, we expect both male and female P valerieae to share similar coloration patterns and possess antero-admedian lines that flank a shallow antero-admedian depression of similar size, making it unlikely that the holotype male is conspecific with P maculata or any of the newly described species of Pulchrisolia known only from females. Acknowledgements We recognize and thank Sara Hemly and Luciana Musetti (OSUC) for their help with specimen databasing and curation, Elijah Talamas (FSCA) for scanning electron micro- graphs and comments on an earlier version of the manuscript; Zoltan Vas and Tamas Németh (HNHM) for the loan and images of the Pulchrisolia maculata holotype; and Hitoshi Takano (NHMUK) for the donation of the P valeriae holotype. Cape Nature and Eastern Cape Department of Economic Development and Environmental Affairs are thanked for providing collecting permits. This material is based upon work sup- ported in part by the National Science Foundation of the USA under grant No. DEB- 0614764 to N.E Johnson and A.D. Austin, and in part by the South African National Research Foundation under grants GUN 81139 and GUN 98115 to S. van Noort. References Bin F (1981) Definition of female antennal clava based on its plate sensilla in Hymenoptera Scelionidae Telenominae. Redia 64: 245-261. 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