Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e96705 CO) doi: 10.3897/BDJ.11.e96705 open access Taxonomy & Inventories An annotated checklist of grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) from Mongolia Enkhtsetseg Gankhuyag?, Altanchimeg Dorjsuren$!, Eun Hwa Choit, Ui Wook Hwang™**.« + Department of Biology, Teachers College, and Institute for Phylogenomics and Evolution, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, South Korea § Institute of Biology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Ulaanbaatar 133330, Mongolia | College of Life Sciences, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot, 010031, China 4 Institute of Phylogenomics and Evolution, and Department of Biology, Teachers College Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, Republic of Korea # Institute for Korean Herb-Bio Convergence Promotion, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, South Korea = School of Industrial Technology Advances, Kyungpook National University, Daegu 41566, South Korea « Phylomics Inc., Daegu 41910, South Korea Corresponding author: Ui Wook Hwang ( Academic editor: Sheryl Yap Received: 25 Oct 2022 | Accepted: 20 Jan 2023 | Published: 13 Mar 2023 Citation: Gankhuyag E, Dorjsuren A, Choi EH, Hwang UW (2023) An annotated checklist of grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) from Mongolia. Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e96705. Abstract Background Grasshoppers (Acridoidea, Orthoptera) are the dominant herbivores in grassland ecosystems worldwide. They can increase rangeland productivity by stimulating plant growth and accelerating nutrient cycling. This article presents a comprehensive checklist of grasshoppers in Mongolia. Until then, the available information was very scattered, based on old studies of Mongolian grasshoppers, recorded in a few international catalogues and databases, individual records and research work on agroecosystem communities. However, the available information on the composition of the Orthopteran fauna in Mongolia was sometimes unclear or non-existent and these dubious data were excluded from the present study. In addition, the grasshopper distribution analysis used the standardised personal collection of D. Altanchimeg. We also present a list of grasshoppers, as well as their distribution and abundance, in countries adjacent to Mongolia, such as © Gankhuyag E et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 2 Gankhuyag E et al Russia, China and South Korea. The surveys covered six types of natural zones: high mountain, taiga, forest-steppe, steppe, desert steppe and desert; desert steppe and steppe zones are the most widely distributed. We hope to have contributed significantly to the study of the distribution of grasshopper species in all these natural zones. New information In this study, a total of three families of Acridoidea belonging to eight subfamilies, 17 tribes, 52 genera and 128 species are reported for the various natural zones. The recorded species belong to eight subfamilies: Gomphocerinae are the most numerous with 56 species recorded, followed by Oedipodinae (51 species), Thrinchinae (nine species), Melanoplinae (six species), Calliptaminae (three species), Dericorythinae, Acridinae, Egnatiinae (one species each). Keywords distribution, fauna, natural zone, Pamphagidae, Acrididae, Dericorythidae, Mongolia Introduction Locust and grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) are essential herbivores in grassland ecosystems worldwide (Latchininsky et al. 2011, Fang et al. 2015). They aid in plant growth and nutrient cycling and play an important part in food chains (Kietzka et al. 2021). However, locust and grasshopper outbreaks are considered a global problem. They can destroy grasslands and crops and inflict severe economic impacts on crops and rangelands (Hewitt 1977, Gupta 1983, Lockwood and Lockwood 2008, Latchininsky et al. 2011, Zhang et al. 2019, Lecog and Zhang 2019, Lecoq and Cease 2022). A few grasshopper species have been proposed as ecological indicators of ecosystem health as they are susceptible to changes in land use and climate (Marini et al. 2008, Fartmann et al. 2012, Bazelet and Samways 2012, Uchida and Ushimaru 2014). Climate change and geographical characteristics are critical factors that determine grasshopper population growth. The grasshoppers (Acridoidea) are the largest superfamily of the orthopterans with 28 families, 140 subfamilies, 265 tribes, 2,459 genera (57 subgenera) and 10,531 valid species (1,951 subspecies) distributed throughout the world, except Antarctica (Cigliano et al. 2022). Mongolia is a landlocked country with diverse terrain, surrounded by mountains to the north and west and the forest-steppe of the Gobi Desert to the south. The majority of its land is covered by grassland steppe. Mongolia has six main natural zones and belts (that are divided into sub-divisions): alpine (high mountain) and mountain taiga, mixed and deciduous forests, steppe, desert steppe (Gobi) and desert zones (Yembuu 2021). Mongolia has a high elevation and cold and dry climate (Worden and Savada 1991, Gombobaatar et al. 2014). An annotated checklist of grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) from Mongolia 3 Of these species, Mongolia contains 128 species in 52 genera and three families (Pamphagidae, Dericorythidae and Acrididae). In the early 1960s, several foreign and Mongolian researchers started undertaking expeditions for the Mongolian insect species checklist. Some of these expeditions were undertaken collaboratively with other countries, such as Poland (1962-1964), Hungary (1963-1968), Germany (1962-1964), the Czech Republic (1965-1966) and Russia (1967-1987). This research facilitated the study of insect distribution (physical and geographical distribution) in the different provinces of Mongolia and collected several grasshopper specimens. Referring to Rentsendorj and Khodroi (2020), the study on the list of grasshoppers in Mongolia was undertaken from 1951 to 2019 and a list of 110 species was established. Of them, three different families and 48 genera between 1951 and 1989 (Mistshenko and Bey-Bienko 1951, Mistshenko 1968, Gunther 1971, Chogsomzhav 1971, Chogsomzhav 1974b, Chogsomzhav 1977, Chogsomzhav 1989, Gorochov et al. 1989) and 81 species of two families and 33 genera between 1990-2019 (Batkhuyag 1995, Batnaran et al. 1999, Batnaran 2008, Ganbold 2009, Altanchimeg et al. 2014, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab 2013, Batkhuyag et al. 2014, Gandulam 2016, Otgonchimeg 2017) were added to the list. Moreover, 69 short-horned grasshopper species, which belonged to two families and 31 genera, were identified between 2013 and 2019 in Mongolia (Rentsendorj and Khodroi 2020). Recently, the species list of Mongolian grasshoppers was updated to three families, 49 genera and 127 species (Batkhuyag and Batnaran 2021). However, as this species list included uncertain specimen records and unclear sources, the accuracy of these sources needed to be checked. The present study is the first comprehensive study to update the diversity of Mongolian grasshoppers (Acridoidea), including information on species traits and distribution by natural zones. To create this annotated checklist, we reviewed all published materials related to short-horned grasshopper species that were newly discovered in Mongolia since the 1930s, followed by a taxonomic analysis using important source information from the Orthoptera Species File (Cigliano et al. 2022). The current study's findings will give fundamental information regarding the grasshopper diversity of Mongolia. Furthermore, it can inspire local scientists interested in topics such as ecology, biology, medicine, agriculture and education. Materials and methods The list presented in the present paper is based on literature records of grasshopper species in Mongolia available up to May 2022. The taxa that were reported from Mongolia are listed taxonomically by subfamily and alphabetically within each subfamily, tribe and genus. Each species was examined in Mongolia and the citation of the first or most reliable reference to support this record is provided. First, the references to recorded species in Mongolia reported in the Orthoptera Species File online version 5.0/5.0 (Cigliano et al. 2022), Institute of Biology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences (MAS) (Chogsomzhav 1975, Altanchimeg et al. 2014), Plant Protection Research Institute of Mongolia (Batkhuyag et al. 2014) and the grasshopper list in Mongolia from the Mongolian Journal of Agricultural 4 Gankhuyag E et al Sciences were checked and, if erroneous, corrected in the current lists. Changes in systematic status and synonymies have been proposed by (Chogsomzhav (1989), Altanchimeg (2011) and Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021). The current work is an annotated study of grasshoppers (Acridoidea) in Mongolia, with an emphasis on a rare and unknown grasshopper species. Except for long-horned grasshoppers and crickets, this research systematises Acridoidea. Likewise, the list is used in taxonomic sequences by superfamily, family, subfamily, tribe, genus and species. Depending on the natural zone where the grasshopper was collected, they belong to that area. Grasshopper distribution in six different natural zones, distribution of grasshopper species in neighbouring countries on the northern border with Russia and south with China and comparison with the South Korean population were performed using the Biodiversity Pro 2.0 programme. In addition, in all cases, the similarity matrix of the Bray-Curtis cluster analysis dendrogram was used (single link). The grasshopper distribution in the six different natural zones was determined using ArcGIS ArcMap 10.7.1. The grasshopper's geographical distribution was drawn, based on the Mongolian steppe figure (Mohamed, A and Kimura 2014). The species registered on the European Red List were also divided into categories using IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria (IUCN 2022). Institutional Abbreviations (B.-Ulg.) = Bayn-Ulgii (Zav.) = Zavkhan (Khuvs.) = Khuvsgul (A.-khang) = Arkhangai (Bulg.) = Bulgan (Orkh.) = Orkhon (Sel.) = Selenge (Da.) = Darkhan-Uul (Khent.) = Khentii (S.-baat.) = Sukhbaatar (Do) = Dornod (G.-alt.) = Gobi-Altai (B.-khong.) = Baynkhongor (U-khang) = Uvurkhangai An annotated checklist of grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) from Mongolia 5 (Du.-govi) = Dundgovi (U.-govi) = Umnugovi (Do.-govi) = Dornogovi. (*) = Endemic species of Mongolia (+) = Geographical distribution of the natural zones (*) = Indicator species of the geographical natural zones (-) = poor species Checklist of Mongolian grasshopper Acrida kozlovi (Mistshenko, 1951) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1111388 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: U.-govi., Uvs. Mistshenko (1968):489, Chogsomzhav (1989):90, Myagmar et al. (2019):56, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):48. Global distribution: China, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Mongolia, Russia (Mistshenko and Bey-Bienko 1951, Chogsomzhav 1989). Arcyptera (Arcyptera) albogeniculata |konnikov, 1911 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1105385 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Tuv., S.-baat., Do., Khovd. Ikonnikov (1911):250, Cejchan and Maran (1966):179, Steinmann (1967):108, Mistshenko (1968):490, Chogsomzhav (1970):127, Gunther (1971):114, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013), Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):64. Global distribution: China, South Korea, Mongolia (Ikonnikov 1911, Storozhenko and Paik 2007). Gankhuyag E et al Arcyptera (Pararcyptera) meridionalis |konnikov, 1911 Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1105423 Nomenclature: Arcyptera flavicosta sibirica Uvarov (1914):170. Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe, steppe and desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Uvs, Khuvs., Bulg., Tuv, Khent., S.-baat, B.-khong, U- khang., Du.-govi., U.-govi., Sel., Khent., A.-khang., Do. Uvarov (1914):170, Pylnov (1916):278, Chogsomzhav and Shurovenkov (1963):61-63, Cejchan and Maran (1966): 180, Mistshenko (1968):490, Chogsomzhav (1968):56, Chogsomzhav (1970):127, Chogsomzhav (1974b):27, Chogsomzhav (1989):91, Storozhenko and Paik (2007): 168, Sergeev et al. (2019):21, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):65. Global distribution: South Korea (Storozhenko et al. 2015), Tuva, S Siberia (from Tuva to Dauria and Yakutia), the southern part of the Russian Far East, Mongolia, NE China, N Korea (Sergeev et al. 2019). Arcyptera (Pararcyptera) microptera (Fischer von Waldheim, 1833) Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1105407 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe, steppe and desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Khovd. Chogsomzhav (1972):160, Sergeev (1995):245, Sergeev et al. (2009):108, Altanchimeg (2011):16, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013), Batnaran et al. (2016):32, Sergeev et al. (2019):21, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021): 64. Global distribution: S Europe, W Siberia, S Krasnoyarsk Region, Caucasus, Kazakhstan, NW Mongolia, NW China (Sergeev et al. 2019). Arcyptera (Arcyptera) fusca (Pallas, 1773) Species-ID TaxonNamelD=47973 Nomenclature: Gryllus cothumatus Creutzer (1799):129. Gryllus (Locusta) nympha Stoll (1813):23. An annotated checklist of grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) from Mongolia 7 Arcyoptera stollii Fieber (1853):99. Gryllus (Locusta) variegatus Sulzer (1776):84. Gryllus versicolor Gmelin (1789):2082. Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Zav., Khuvs., A.-khang., Sel., Tuv., Khovd, U-khang, Du.- govi., B.-khong. Pylnov (1916):278, Cejchan and Maran (1966):179, Steinmann (1967): 109, Mistshenko (1968):490, Chogsomzhav (1968):57, Chogsomzhav (1970):127, Chogsomzhav (1989):91, Batkhuyag (1995):29, Childebaev and Storozhenko (2001), Sergeev et al. (2009):108, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013), Altanchimeg et al. (2013b):65, Sergeev et al. (2019):20, Popova et al. (2020):599, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):64. Global distribution: Tuva, southern part of European Russia, S Siberia up to Sakha (Yakutia), Amur Region, mountains of S Europe, Moldova, Ukraine, Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, NE China (Sergeev et al. 2019). Andrea gorochovi Mistshenko, 1989 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1104197 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: B.-Khong Gorochov et al. (1989):99,102, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):103. Chrysochraon dispar (Germar, 1834) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1106359 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: High mountain, taiga, forest-steppe, steppe, desert steppe, and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Sel. Chogsomzhav (1972):157, Chogsomzhav (1989):93, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013), Altanchimeg et al. (2013b):65, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):57. Global distribution: Tuva, N Eurasia (except the extreme North), Caucasus, a mountain of Middle Asia, Mongolia (Sergeev et al. 2019). Euthystira brachyptera (Ocskay, 1826) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1106449 Gankhuyag E et al Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: High mountain, taiga, forest-steppe, steppe, desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Sel. Chogsomzhav (1969a):77, Chogsomzhav (1972):157, Chogsomzhav (1989):93, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013), Altanchimeg et al. (2013b):65, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):57. Global distribution Tuva, N Eurasia (the southern part of the forest zone, the forest- steppe and steppe zones), Mongolia (Sergeev et al. 2019). Mongolotettix mistshenkoi Chogsomzhav, 1974 Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1107086 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Steppe and desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia. Do.-govi. Chogsomzhav (1974a), Chogsomzhav (1975):42, Altanchimeg (2011):16, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):58. Mongolotettix japonicus (Bolivar, 1898) Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1107087 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Taiga, forest-steppe, steppe and desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Uvs, Khuvs., A.-khang., Bulg., Sel., Tuv., Khent., S.-baat., Do., U-khang., U.-govi. Chogsomzhav (1989):93, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):58. Global distribution: South Korea, Mongolia (Storozhenko and Paik 2007), Japan (Bolivar 1898), Inner Mongolia (Zheng et al. 2012). Mongolotettix vittatus (Uvarov, 1914) Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1107089 Nomenclature: Chrysochraon kaszabi Steinmann (1967) :106-120. Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Taiga, forest-steppe, steppe and desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Uvs, Khuvs., A.-khang., Bulg., Sel., Tuv, Khent., S.-baat., Do., U-khang., U.-govi. Pylnov (1916):276, Steinmann (1967):108, Steinmann (1968): An annotated checklist of grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) from Mongolia SS) 240, Steinmann (1971):148, Chogsomzhav (1989):93, Sergeev et al. (2019):17, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):58. Global distribution: Tuva, S Siberia from Tuva and Krasnoyarsk Region to Dauria, S Amur Region, Mongolia, NE China (Sergeev et al. 2019). Podismopsis altaica (Zubovski, 1900) Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1106371 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: High mountain, forest-steppe, steppe and desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Khent. Zubovski (1900):2, Ikonnikov (1911):246, Bey- Bienko (1933):115, Gunther (1971):114, Chogsomzhav (1969b):127, Chogsomzhav (1972):158, Chogsomzhav (1989):93, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013) , Sergeev et al. (2019):18, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):59. Global distribution: Tuva, Altai-Sayan Mts, E Kazakhstan, N Mongolia (Sergeev et al. 2019). Podismopsis ussurensis |konnikov, 1911 Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1106404 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Khent. Chogsomzhav (1972), Storozhenko and Paik (2007) :187, Storozhenko et al. (2015):269, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):60. Global distribution: Korea (HN, PN), Russia (far east), NE China, Mongolia (Storozhenko et al. 2015). Eremippus mistshenkoi Stebaev, 1965 Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1105621 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Uvs. Chogsomzhav (1969a):77, Chogsomzhav (1969b): 127, Chogsomzhav (1972)1:61, Chogsomzhav (1989):92, Sergeev et al. (2019):22, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):67. Global distribution: Tuva, E Kazakhstan, NW Mongolia (Sergeev et al. 2019). 10 Gankhuyag E et al Eremippus mongolicus Ramme, 1952 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1105622 Nomenclature: Eremippus kozlov Mistshenko and Bey-Bienko (1951):452. Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Steppe, desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: G.-alt., B.-khong., U-khang., U.-govi. Mistshenko and Bey- Bienko (1951):452, Mistshenko (1968):490, Chogsomzhav (1968):59, Chogsomzhav (1989):92, Sergeev et al. (2019):22, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):67. Global distribution: Tuva, SE Kazakhstan, W Mongolia, NW China (Mistshenko and Bey-Bienko 1951), SE European Russia, Kazakhstan (except the northern part) (Sergeev et al. 2019). Eremippus simplex (Eversmann, 1859) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1105654 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Steppe, desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Uvs, Khovd, G.-alt. Gunther (1971):115, Chogsomzhav (1974b):27, Chogsomzhav (1989):92, Sergeev (1995): 246, Sergeev et al. (2009):108, Popova et al. (2020):600, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):68. Global distribution: Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Kirgizstan, Mongolia (Childebaev and Storozhenko 2001). Notostaurus albicornis (Eversmann, 1848) ° Species-ID Distribution/Taxa.aspx? TaxonNamelD=1105674 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Steppe, desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Khovd. Gunther (1971):114, Chogsomzhav (1989):92, Childebaev and Storozhenko (2001), Sergeev et al. (2009):108, Popova et al. (2020): 599, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):66. Global distribution: E Europe, Caucasus range, Mongolia, W Siberia, N Iran (Garai 2010). An annotated checklist of grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) from Mongolia 11 Dociostaurus (Kazakia) brevicollis (Eversmann, 1848) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1105587 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe, steppe, desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Tuv, Khovd. Chogsomzhav (1969b):127, Chogsomzhav (1972):161, Chogsomzhav (1974b):28, Gunther (1971):114, Sergeev (1995):245, Childebaev and Storozhenko (2001):30, Sergeev et al. (2009):108, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013), Altanchimeg et al. (2013b):65, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):66. Global distribution: Caucasus, Transcaucasia, East Europe, Russia East and South, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Mongolia, Siberia, Iran (Childebaev and Storozhenko 2001). Dociostaurus (Kazakia) tarbinskyi (Bey-Bienko, 1933) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1105586 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Khovd. Chogsomzhav (1969a):77, Chogsomzhav (1989): 92, Childebaev and Storozhenko (2001):30, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):66. Global distribution: Kazakhstan and Mongolia (Childebaev and Storozhenko 2001). Eclipophleps bogdanovi Tarbinsky, 1927 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1105104 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: High mountain, steppe and desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Altai. Tarbinsky (1927):495, Gunther (1971):123, Chogsomzhav (1972):175, Batkhuyag (1995):27, Chogsomzhav (1989):91, Sergeev et al. (2009):108, Altanchimeg (2011):16, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013), Batnaran et al. (2016):35, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):61. Eclipophleps carinata Mistshenko, 1968 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1105105 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: High mountain, desert steppe and desert. 12 Gankhuyag E et al Distribution: in Mongolia: B.-khong., G.-alt. Mistshenko (1968):493, Steinmann (1968):245, Sergeev (1995):243, Qian et al. (2021):1310, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):63. Eclipophleps confinis Mistshenko, 1951 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1105116 Nomenclature: Oreoptygonotus mongolicus Steinmann (1968):245. Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: High mountain, steppe and desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Khovd, G.-alt., B.-khong, U.-govi., U-khang. Gunther (1971) :123, Mistshenko (1968):495, Chogsomzhav (1972):175, Chogsomzhav (1989):91, Sergeev (1995):243, Sergeev et al. (2009):108, Altanchimeg (2011):16, Batnaran et al. (2016):35, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):63. Eclipophleps glacialis Bey-Bienko, 1933 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1105106 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: High mountain, steppe and desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: B.-Ulg., Uvs. Bey-Bienko (1933):115, Chogsomzhav (1969b):128, Chogsomzhav (1989):91, Batkhuyag (1995):27, Sergeev et al. (2009): 108, Altanchimeg (2011):16, Sergeev et al. (2019):19, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021): 62. Eclipophleps kerzhneri Mistshenko, 1968 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1105108 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: High mountain, steppe, desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: G.-alt. Mistshenko (1968):493, Batkhuyag (1995):28, Altanchimeg (2011):16, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):62. An annotated checklist of grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) from Mongolia 13 Eclipophleps lucida Mistshenko, 1973 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1105110 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: High mountain, steppe, desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Uvs, Khovd. Mistshenko (1973), Chogsomzhav (1977):86, Altanchimeg (2011):16, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):62. Eclipophleps similis Mistshenko, 1951 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1105111 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: High mountain, steppe, desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Uvs, Khovd, B.-Ulg., Tuv. Mistshenko and Bey-Bienko (1951):549, Steinmann (1968):243, Batkhuyag (1995):27, Sergeev et al. (2009):108, Altanchimeg (2011):16, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):61. Eclipophleps tarbinskii Orishchenko, 1960 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1105112 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: High mountain, steppe and desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Altai. Orishchenko. (1960), Chogsomzhav (1989):91, Batkhuyag (1995):27, Sergeev et al. (2009):108, Altanchimeg (2011):16, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013), Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):61. Chorthippus (Altichorthippus) intermedius (Bey-Bienko, 1926) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1106089 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Taiga, forest-steppe and steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Uvs, Khuvs., Bulg., Sel., Tuv, Khent., S.-baat., Do., U- khang., A.-khang. Tarbinsky (1927):492, Cejchan and Maran (1966):183, Mistshenko (1968):492, Steinmann (1967):116-117, Steinmann (1968):243, Chogsomzhav (1969b): 127, Storozhenko and Paik (2007), Altanchimeg et al. (2013b):65, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):87. 14 Gankhuyag E et al Global distribution: Tuva, Altai-Sayan Mts, Sakha (Yakutia), S Russian Far East (including Sakhalin), Mongolia N, NE China, Tibet (Sergeev et al. 2020). Chorthippus (Chorthippus) albomarginatus (De Geer, 1773) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1105771 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Taiga, forest-steppe, steppe, desert steppe and desert Distribution: in Mongolia: Uvs, Zav., Bulg., Khovd. Bey-Bienko (1933):115, Chogsomzhav (1969b):128, Chogsomzhav 1972:173, Gunther 1971:123, Chogsomzhav 1989:92, Sergeev 1995:251, Sergeev et al. (2009):109, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013) Batnaran et al. (2016):14-15, Sergeev et al. (2020):10, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):87. Global distribution: South Korea (Storozhenko et al. 2015) Tuva, Europe (except the extreme north and the southern parts), W Siberia, N Kazakhstan, N Mongolia (Sergeev et al. 2020). Chorthippus (Chorthippus) caliginosus Mistshenko, 1951 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1105762 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Sel. Garai (2001):751, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):87. Global distribution: Southern regions of Transbaikalia, Amur area, Khabarovsk region and south-east of China (Tishechkin and Bukhvalova 2009), Mongolia Garai (2001). Chorthippus (Chorthippus) dorsatus (Zetterstedt, 1821) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1105795 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe, steppe and desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Uvs, S.-baat. Chogsomzhav (1969b):128, Chogsomzhav (1972):173, Sergeev et al. (2020):8, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):86. Global distribution: Tuva, Transbaikalia, Mongolia, NE China (Sergeev et al. 2020). An annotated checklist of grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) from Mongolia 15 Chorthippus (Chorthippus) hammarstroemi (Miram, 1907) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1105913 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Taiga, forest-steppe, steppe, desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Bulg., A.-khang., Sel., Tuv, S.-baat., Khuvs. Cejchan and Maran (1966):183, Chogsomzhav (1971):80, Sergeev (1995):249, Storozhenko and Paik (2007):173, Storozhenko et al. (2015):242, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013), Altanchimeg et al. (2013b):65, Batnaran et al. (2016):34, Sergeev et al. (2020):7, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):83. Global distribution: South Korea (Storozhenko et al. 2015), Tuva, Altai-Sayan Mts, Transbaikalia, S Sakha (Yakutia), S Russian Far East, Mongolia, N, NE China (Sergeev et al. 2020). Chorthippus (Chorthippus) dichrous (Eversmann, 1859) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1105796 Nomenclature: Chorthippus dorsatus australia Predtechenskii (1928):89. Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: High mountain, forest-steppe, steppe, desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: B.-Ulg., S.-baat., Do., B.-khong., Sel., Khovd. Pylnov (1916):278, Chogsomzhav (1971):82, Chogsomzhav (1972):173, Sergeev (1995):251, Childebaev and Storozhenko (2001), Sergeev et al. (2009):109, Batnaran et al. (2016): 33, Sergeev et al. (2020):9, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):86. Global distribution: Tuva, S, SE Europe, S Siberia (up to Tuva), Asia Minor, Caucasus, Iran, Kazakhstan, Tien Shan, Pamiro-Alay, NW China, Mongolia (Sergeev et al. 2020). Chorthippus (Chorthippus) fallax (Zubovski, 1900) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1105903 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Taiga, forest-steppe, steppe and desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: B.-Ulg., Uvs, Zav., Khuvs., A.-khang., Bulg., Sel., Tuv, Khent., S.-baat., Da., G.-alt., B.-khong. Ikonnikov (1911):253, Pylnov (1916):278, Bey- 16 Gankhuyag E et al Bienko (1933):115, Cejchan and Maran (1966):183, Mistshenko (1968):492, Gunther (1971):122, Chogsomzhav (1968):57, Chogsomzhav (1969b):128, Chogsomzhav (1972):172, Munkhbat (2010):16, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013), Altanchimeg et al. (2013b):65, Storozhenko et al. (2015):244, Sergeev et al. (2020):85. Global distribution: Tuva, Siberia (except the western part of West Siberian Plain and the extreme north), S Russian Far East, E Kazakhstan, N Mongolia, N, NE China, South Korea (Storozhenko et al. 2015, Sergeev et al. 2020). Chorthippus (Chorthippus) turanicus Tarbinsky, 1925 Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1105894 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: G.-alt. Chogsomzhav (1974b):29, Chogsomzhav (1989):92, Sergeev et al. (2009):109, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):84. Global distribution: China, Xinjiang (Tarbinsky 1925), Turkestan, Kazakhstan, Tadzhikistan, Uzbekistan (Childebaev and Storozhenko 2001), Mongolia (Sergeev et al. 2009). Chorthippus (Chorthippus) ilkazi Uvarov, 1934 Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1105936 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Steppe and desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Tuv, S.-baat., Do. Steinmann (1967):116, Altanchimeg et al. (2013b):65. Global distribution: Western Asia, Mongolia, Turkey (Uvarov 1934). Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) apricarius (Linnaeus, 1758) Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1105949 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe and steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Uvs, Bulg., Sel., Tuv, Khent., U-khang. Pylnov (1916):278, Steinmann (1967):114, Chogsomzhav (1968):57-58, Chogsomzhav (1969b):127, Chogsomzhav (1989):92, Childebaev and Storozhenko (2001):34, Sergeev et al. (2009):108, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013), Sergeev et al. (2020):6, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):82. An annotated checklist of grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) from Mongolia 17 Global distribution: Tuva, Europe (except the extreme north), S Siberia, Asia Minor, Kazakhstan, NW, N, NE China, Mongolia (Sergeev et al. 2020). Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) biguttulus (Linnaeus, 1758) Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1106017 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Taiga, forest-steppe, steppe and desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Uvs, Bulg., Sel., Tuv, Khent., U-khang. Pylnov (1916):278, Bey-Bienko (1933):115, Steinmann (1967):115, Mistshenko (1968):492, Steinmann (1968):243, Chogsomzhav (1969b):127, Chogsomzhav (1974b):28, Sergeev (1995): 248, Sergeev et al. (2009):108, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013), Myagmar et al. (2019):56, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):79. Global distribution: France, Switzerland, Yugoslavia (Miksic 1981), Mongolia (Steinmann 1968), Inner Mongolia (Li et al. 2007). Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) brunneus (Thunberg, 1815) Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1106050 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Taiga, forest-steppe, steppe and desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: B.-Ulg., Uvs, Khuvs., Bulg., Tuv, S.-baat., Do., Khovd., B.- khong., Du.-govi. Bolivar (1901):226, Bey-Bienko (1933):115, Steinmann (1968):243, Chogsomzhav (1970), Chogsomzhav (1989):92, Childebaev and Storozhenko (2001), Altanchimeg et al. (2013b):65, Batnaran et al. (2016):33, Sergeev et al. (2019):34, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):78. Global distribution: Tuva, S Russia up to Tuva, N Kazakhstan, N Mongolia (Benediktov 1999, Sergeev et al. 2019). Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) maritimus Mistshenko, 1951 Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1106041 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: High mountain and desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013):81. Global distribution: Caucasus, Transcaucasus, East Europe, Krym and China ( Ramme 1939), Mongolia (Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab 2013). 18 Gankhuyag E et al Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) dubius (Zubovski, 1898) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1105932 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe, steppe and desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: B.-Ulg., Uvs, Zav., Khuvs., A.-khang., Bulg., Sel., Tuv, Khent., Do., G.-alt., B.-khong., U-khang., U.-govi. Bolivar (1901):226, 231, Bey-Bienko (1933):115, Steinmann (1967):116, Mistshenko (1968):492, Chogsomzhav (1968):58, Chogsomzhav (1969b):128, Chogsomzhav (1972):171, Gunther (1971):121, Sergeev (1995):248, Childebaev and Storozhenko (2001), Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013), Altanchimeg et al. (2013b):65, Batnaran et al. (2016):34, Sergeev et al. (2019):38, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):81. Global distribution: Tuva, SE European Russia, S Siberia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, NE, N, C China (Sergeev et al. 2019). Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) mollis (Charpentier, 1825) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1106033 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013):81, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):80. Global distribution: Tuva, Europe (except the extreme north), Siberia (except the extreme north), Asia Minor, Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Middle Asia, N Iran (Sergeev et al. 2019), Mongolia (Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab 2013). Chorthippus (Glyptobothrus) vagans (Eversmann, 1848) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1105971 Nomenclature: Gomphocerus subsinuatus Fischer (1849):42. Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013):81, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):87. Global distribution: from West Europe far into temperate Asia (Willemse 2009), Mongolia (Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab 2013). An annotated checklist of grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) from Mongolia 19 Pseudochorthippus montanus (Charpentier, 1825) Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1106350 Nomenclature: Stenobothrus (Chorthippus) longicornis Jacobson and Bianchi. (1905):182,234. Chorthippus longicornis Jacobson and Bianchi. (1905):182. Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Taiga, forest-steppe, steppe, desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: B.-Ulg., Uvs, Zav., A.-khang., Bulg., Tuv, B.-khong., Khovd. Mistshenko (1968):492, Chogsomzhav (1969b):127, Chogsomzhav (1972):173, Gunther (1971):122, Sergeev (1995):251, Childebaev and Storozhenko (2001), Sergeev et al. (2009):109, Altanchimeg et al. (2013b):65, Storozhenko et al. (2015): 246, Sergeev et al. (2020):15, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):85. Global distribution: South Korea (Storozhenko et al. 2015), Tuva, N, C Europe, Siberia, Russian Far East, N Kazakhstan, Mongolia, NE China, N Korea (Sergeev et al. 2020). Pseudochorthippus parallelus (Zetterstedt, 1821) Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1106327 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Uvs. Chogsomzhav (1977), Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):85. Global distribution: Tuva, Europe (except the extreme north), Siberia (except the north, but including the central parts of Sakha (Yakutia) and the southern parts of Krasnoyarsk Region and the Republic of Khakassia (Ivanova 1967), Asia Minor, Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Tien Shan, Mongolia [including the Mongolian part of Uvs-Nuur Basin (Chogsomzhav 1977), NW China (Sergeev et al. 2020). Aeropedellus baliolus Mistshenko, 1951 Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1106225 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Tuv, S.-baat., U-khang. Steinmann (1967):114, Altanchimeg et al. (2014):133, Popova et al. (2020):602. 20 Gankhuyag E et al Global distribution: Kazakhstan and Mongolia (Altanchimeg et al. 2014). Aeropedellus chogsomjavi Altanchimeg, Chen & Nonnaitzb, 2014 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1220729 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Khuvs. Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab = (2013):81, Altanchimeg et al. (2014):133, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):76. Aeropedellus reuteri (Miram, 1907) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1106234 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Steppe and desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Khent., U-khang. Steinmann (1967):114, Altanchimeg et al. (2014):133, Sergeev et al. (2020):4, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):76. Global distribution: Mongolia, Type localities and Khakassia (Sergeev et al. 2020). Aeropedellus variegatus (Fischer von Waldheim, 1846) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1106239 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe and steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: B.-Ulg, Uvs, Zav., Khuvs., A.-khang, Bulg., Tuv., Khent., Khovd, G.-alt., B.-khong., U-khang. Cejchan and Maran (1966):182, Steinmann (1968): 242, Steinmann (1967):113, Chogsomzhav (1969b):127, Gunther (1971):120,Sergeev (1995):247, Sergeev et al. (2009):108, Altanchimeg (2011):16, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013), Altanchimeg et al. (2013b):65, Altanchimeg et al. (2014):133, Sergeev et al. (2020):4, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):75. Global distribution: Tuva, N Caucasus, NE European Russia, Siberia, N Europe, mountains of S Europe, E Kazakhstan, Mongolia (Sergeev et al. 2020). Gomphocerus sibiricus (Linnaeus, 1767) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1106148&Next=Taxa.aspx Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe and steppe. An annotated checklist of grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) from Mongolia 21 Distribution: in Mongolia: Uvs, Zav., Khuvs., A.-khang., Bulg., Tuv, Khent., Khovd, G.- alt., U-khang., U.-govi., Cejchan and Maran (1966):180, Gunther (1971):119, Mistshenko (1968):492, Chogsomzhav (1989):91, Sergeev et al. (2009):108, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013), Altanchimeg et al. (2013b):65, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):74. Global distribution: Tuva, N, NE Europe, Siberia (except the extreme north), N Kazakhstan, N Mongolia, NE China (Sergeev et al. 2020). Gomphocerippus rufus (Linnaeus, 1758) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1106254 Nomenclature: Acrydium clavicorne De Geer (1773):482. Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe and steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Tuv. Childebaev and Storozhenko (2001), Munkhbat (2010) :168, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):73. Global distribution: Mongolia (Childebaev and Storozhenko 2001), Tuva, Europe (except the extreme north), Siberia (except the extreme north and NE parts), Amur Region, N Caucasus, W Kazakhstan, NE China (Sergeev et al. 2020). Myrmeleotettix palpalis (Zubovski, 1900) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1106193 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe, steppe, desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: B.-Ulg., Uvs, Zav., Khuvs., Khovd, G.-alt., Sel., Tuv., Khent., A.-khang., U-khang., U.-govi. Zubovski (1900):13, Pylnov (1916):278, Bey- Bienko (1933):118, Cejchan and Maran (1966):180, Chogsomzhav (1968):56-58, Chogsomzhav (1969b):127, Chogsomzhav (1974b):28, Chogsomzhav (1989):91, Childebaev and Storozhenko (2001), Garai (2001):751, Sergeev et al. (2009):108, Altanchimeg (2011):16, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013), Altanchimeg et al. (2013b) °65, Sergeev et al. (2019):29, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):72. Global distribution: Tuva, S Siberia (from the Altai Mts. to Dauria), Amur Region, E Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China (Sergeev et al. 2019). 22 Gankhuyag E et al Myrmeleotettix zaitzevi Mistshenko, 1968 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1106195 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Du.-govi., Tuv. Mistshenko (1968):490, Chogsomzhav (1989):91, Munkhbat (2010):168, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):72. Stauroderus scalaris (Fischer von Waldheim, 1846) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1106274 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe and steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Uvs, Bulg., Tuv. Pylnov (1916):278, Cejchan and Maran (1966):184, Steinmann (1964):382, Gunther (1971):121, Chogsomzhav (1969b):127, Chogsomzhav (1972):168, Chogsomzhav (1989):92, Sergeev et al. (2009):108, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013), Altanchimeg et al. (2013b):65, Batnaran et al. (2016):35, Sergeev et al. (2019):32, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):77. Global distribution: Tuva, Europe (except the north), S Siberia (up to Buryatia), Asia Minor, Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Tien Shan, Pamiro-Alay, NW China, Mongolia, NW Iran (Sergeev et al. 2019). Schmidtiacris schmidti (Ikonnikov, 1913) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1114808 Nomenclature: Chorthippus nakazimai Furukawa et al. (1950):30. Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Bulg., Tuv. Mistshenko (1968) :492, Gunther (1971):122, Altanchimeg et al. (2013b):65, Sergeev et al. (2019):39, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):83. Global distribution: Tuva, Transbaikalia, S Russian Far East, Mongolia, NE China, Korea, Japan (Sergeev et al. 2019). Mesasippus kozhevnikovi (Tarbinsky, 1925) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1106179 An annotated checklist of grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) from Mongolia 23 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: B.-Ulg., Uvs, Zav., Khuvs., Tuv, A.-khang., Bulg., Tuv., Sel., Khent., S.-baat., Khovd, U-khang. Mistshenko and Bey-Bienko (1951):501, Mistshenko (1968):492, Steinmann (1968):240, 242, Chogsomzhav (1972):168, Chogsomzhav (1974b):28, Chogsomzhav (1989):91, Gorochov et al. (1989):104, Childebaev and Storozhenko (2001), Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):77. Global distribution: China, Xinjiang, Mongolia, Kazakhstan (Mistshenko and Bey- Bienko 1951, Childebaev and Storozhenko 2001). Dasyhippus barbipes (Fischer von Waldheim, 1846) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1106266 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Steppe, desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Khuvs., Sel., Tuv, S.-baat., Do., Khovd, Du.-govi. Gunther (1971):120, Steinmann (1967):113, Pylnov (1916):278, Tarbinsky (1931):140, Chogsomzhav (1968):58, Chogsomzhav (1971):71, Chogsomzhav (1972):166, Chogsomzhav (1989):91, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013), Altanchimeg et al. (2013b):65, Batnaran et al. (2016):34, Sergeev et al. (2020):5, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):75. Global distribution: Tuva, SE Altai, Transbaikalia, Mongolia, N China (Sergeev et al. 2020). Egnatioides desertus Uvarov, 1926 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1109695 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Khovd, Altai Transaltai gobi. Gunther (1971):113, Chogsomzhav (1989):90, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):47. Global distribution: Mongolia (Gunther 1971), Kazakhstan and Turkestan (Childebaev and Storozhenko 2001). Omocestus (Omocestus) haemorrhoidalis (Charpentier, 1825) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1107287 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe and steppe. 24 Gankhuyag E et al Distribution: in Mongolia: Zav., Bulg., Tuv, Khent., S.-baat., Khovd, U-khang., Sel., Uvs, A.-khang., Khuvs. Pylnov (1916):277, Bey-Bienko (1933):118, Cejchan and Maran (1966):180, Steinmann (1967):110, Steinmann (1968):241, Chogsomzhav (1968):58, Chogsomzhav (1969b):127, Chogsomzhav (1974b):28, Sergeev (1995):246, Sergeev et al. (2009):108, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013), Altanchimeg et al. (2013b):65, Storozhenko et al. (2015):254, Sergeev et al. (2019):26, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):71. Global distribution: Tuva, Europe (except the extreme north), Siberia (except the extreme north), S Russian Far East, Asia Minor, Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Tien Shan, Pamiro-Alay, Mongolia, N China, South Korea (Sergeev et al. 2019). Omocestus (Omocestus) petraeus (Brisout de Barneville, 1856) Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1107268 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Uvs, Bulg., Tuv, Khent., U-khang. Steinmann (1964):382, Steinmann (1967):110, Chogsomzhav (1969b):127, Chogsomzhav (1971):66, Chogsomzhav (1972):164, Batnaran et al. (2016):35, Sergeev et al. (2020):30, 32, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):71. Global distribution: Tuva, S Europe, S Siberia (up to S Krasnoyarsk Region), Asia Minor, Caucasus, N Kazakhstan (Sergeev et al. 2019), Mongolia (Sergeev et al. 2020). Omocestus (Omocestus) rufipes (Zetterstedt, 1821) Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1107273 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Chogsomzhav (1969b):91, Childebaev and Storozhenko (2001):32, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013). Global distribution: Russian C, E, S, Kazakhstan, Siberia, Mongolia (Childebaev and Storozhenko 2001). Omocestus (Omocestus) tzendsureni Gunther, 1971 Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1107282 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe, steppe and desert steppe. An annotated checklist of grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) from Mongolia 25 Distribution: in Mongolia: Khovd, G.-alt. Gunther (1971):116, Chogsomzhav (1989): 91, Sergeev (1995):246, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):71. Global distribution: China, Xinjiang, Mongolia (Gunther 1971). Omocestus (Omocestus) viridulus (Linnaeus, 1758) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1107300 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe, steppe, desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Khuvs., Bulg., Sel., S.-baat., Do., Khovd, G.-alt., Uvs. Steinmann (1964):382, Steinmann (1967):110, Steinmann (1968):241, Chogsomzhav (1968):57, Chogsomzhav (1969b):127, Chogsomzhav (1972):163, Chogsomzhav (1974b):28, Gunther (1971):116, Chogsomzhav (1989):91, Sergeev (1995):108, Childebaev and Storozhenko (2001), Sergeev et al. (2009):108, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013), Altanchimeg et al. (2013b):65, Batnaran et al. (2016):36, Sergeev et al. (2019):26, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):70. Global distribution: Tuva, Europe (except the extreme north), S Siberia, Amur Region, S Khabarovsk Region, Asia Minor, Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Tien Shan, N China, Mongolia, N Korea (Sergeev et al. 2019). Stenobothrus carbonarius (Eversmann, 1848) ° Species-ID Taxa.aspx? TaxonNamelD=1107430 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Sel. Sergeev (1995):246, Childebaev and Storozhenko (2001):31, Batnaran (2008):47, Batnaran et al. (2016):36, Popova et al. (2020):600, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):69. Global distribution: Mongolia (Childebaev and Storozhenko 2001), Tuva, SE European Russia, S Siberia (up to Buryatia), Kazakhstan (Sergeev et al. 2019). Stenobothrus newskii Zubovski, 1900 ° Species-ID Taxa.aspx? TaxonNamelD=1107354 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Taiga and forest-steppe. 26 Gankhuyag E et al Distribution: in Mongolia: G.-alt. Zubovski (1900):9, Bey-Bienko (1926):10, Chogsomzhav (1972):162, Sergeev et al. (2009):108, Altanchimeg (2011):16, Sergeev et al. (2019):24, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):70. Global distribution: Tuva, Altai Mts. (including S Altai), NVWV Mongolia (Sergeev et al. 2019). Stenobothrus eurasius Zubovski, 1898 Species-ID Taxa.aspx? TaxonNamelD=1107386 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe and steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Sel., Tuv. Chogsomzhav (1971):64, Chogsomzhav (1989): 91,Sergeev (1995):246, Munkhbat (2010):168, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013), Altanchimeg et al. (2013b):65, Sergeev et al. (2019):24, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):70. Global distribution: Tuva, SE European Russia, S Siberia, N Kazakhstan, Tien Shan, N Mongolia (Sergeev et al. 2019). Stenobothrus fischeri (Eversmann, 1848) Species-ID Taxa.aspx? TaxonNamelD=1107392 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Bulg., Sel., Knovd. Pylnov (1916):277, Gunther (1971):116, Chogsomzhav (1972):163, Childebaev and Storozhenko (2001), Sergeev et al. (2009): 108, Altanchimeg et al. (2013b):65, Sergeev et al. (2019):23, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):68. Global distribution: Tuva, S Europe, S Siberia (up to Tuva), Asia Minor, Caucasus, Kazakhstan, a mountain of Middle Asia, Mongolia (Sergeev et al. 2019). Stenobothrus lineatus (Panzer, 1796) Species-ID Taxa.aspx? TaxonNamelD=1107404 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe and steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Zav., Bulg., Tuv, Khent., S.-baat.,. Cejchan and Maran (1966):180, Steinmann (1967):110, Mistshenko (1968):490, Chogsomzhav (1969b): 127, Chogsomzhav (1989):91, Sergeev (1995):246, Childebaev and Storozhenko (2001), Sergeev et al. (2019):23, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):68. An annotated checklist of grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) from Mongolia 27 Global distribution: Tuva, Europe (except the northern part), S Siberia up to Sakha (Yakutia), Caucasus, N Kazakhstan, N Mongolia, Russian Far East, Dauria (ssp. flavotobialis) (Storozhenko 1985, Sergeev et al. 2019). Megaulacobothrus aethalinus (Tarbinsky, 1927) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1106289 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Bogdkhan Mountain, Ulaanbaatar, Altanchimeg et al. (2013a). Global distribution: China (Li et al. 2007), Mongolia (Altanchimeg et al. 2013a). Bryodema gebleri (Fischer von Waldheim, 1836) ° Species-ID Taxa.aspx? TaxonNameID=1104225 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Steppe, desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Uvs. Bey-Bienko (1933):119, Chogsomzhav (1969b):128, Chogsomzhav (1972):180, Sergeev (1995):253, Sergeev et al. (2009):109, Altanchimeg et al. (2015):69, Batkhuyag et al. (2019):107, Sergeev et al. (2020):24, 25, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):101, Dey et al. (2021):335. Global distribution: Tuva, S Ural Mts, Altai-Sayan Mts (except SE Altai), Transbaikalia, Kazakhstan, Tien Shan (except the eastern part), NW China, W Mongolia (Sergeev et al. 2020). Bryodema heptapotanicum Bey-Bienko, 1930 ° Species-ID Taxa.aspx? TaxonNamelID=1104216 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: G.-alt. Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013):81, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):101. Global distribution: China, Xinjiang (Bey-Bienko 1930), Kazakhstan (Childebaev and Storozhenko 2001), Mongolia (Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab 2013). 28 Gankhuyag E et al Bryodema kozlovi Bey-Bienko, 1930 ° Species-ID Taxa.aspx? TaxonNamelD=1104218 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Bey-Bienko (1930):101. Global distribution: Mongolia (Bey-Bienko 1930), China, Inner Mongolia (Alashan) (Zheng et al. 2012). Bryodema luctuosum (Stoll, 1813) ° Species-ID Taxa.aspx? TaxonNamelD=1104229 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Steppe, desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Uvs, Zav., Khuvs., A.-khang., Sel., Tuv, Khent., S.-baat., B.- khong., Du.-govi., B.-khong., U-khang. Bolivar (1901):226, 233, Pylnov (1916):279, Bey-Bienko (1930):113, Cejchan and Maran (1966):185, Steinmann (1967):118, Steinmann (1968):247, Mistshenko (1968):495, Chogsomzhav (1968):57, Chogsomzhav (1969b):128, Chogsomzhav (1972):182, Sergeev (1995):254, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013), Batnaran et al. (2016):37, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):101, Dey et al. (2021):336. Global distribution: Siberia, China and Mongolia (Benediktov 2016). Bryodema miramae Bey-Bienko, 1930 ° Species-ID Taxa.aspx? TaxonNamelD=1104236 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013):81, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):101. Global distribution: Mongolia (Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab 2013), China (Zhang et al. 2006). Bryodema nigripennis Mistshenko & Gorochov, 1989 ° Species-ID Taxa.aspx? TaxonNamelD=1104220 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert steppe. An annotated checklist of grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) from Mongolia 29 Distribution: in Mongolia. B.-khong. Mistshenko and Gorochov (1989):99, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):101. Global distribution: Mongolia (Mistshenko and Gorochov 1989), China (Zhang et al. 2006). Compsorhipis bryodemoides Bey-Bienko, 1932 ° Species-ID distribution/Taxa.aspx? TaxonNamelD=1104250 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Uvs, Bulg., S.-baat., Knovd, G.-alt., B.-khong., U-khang., B.-khong., Du.-govi., U.-govi. Bey-Bienko (1932):84, :606, Cejchan and Maran (1966): 186, Mistshenko (1968):495, Chogsomzhav (1968):59, Chogsomzhav (1972):185, Chogsomzhav (1989):94, Sergeev (1995):254, Batnaran et al. (2016):38, Batkhuyag et al. (2019):107, Myagmar et al. (2019):56, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):102, Dey et al. (2021):339. Compsorhipis davidiana (Saussure, 1888) ° Species-ID distribution/Taxa.aspx? TaxonNamelD=1104251 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: U.-govi., Uvs, Khovd, B.-khong., Du.-govi. Bolivar (1901): 226, 235, Chogsomzhav (1969b):128, Chogsomzhav (1972):184, Chogsomzhav (1989):94, Batkhuyag et al. (2019):107, Sergeev et al. (2020):28, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):102. Global distribution: Tuva, S Transbaikalia, Mongolia, NW, N China (Sergeev et al. 2020). Compsorhipis orientalis Chogsomzhav, 1989 ° Species-ID distribution/Taxa.aspx? TaxonNamelD=1104253 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Do.-govi. Chogsomzhav (1989):94, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):103, Dey et al. (2021):340. Global distribution: China (Yin and Wang 2005), Mongolia (Dey et al. 2021). 30 Gankhuyag E et al Bryodemella (Bryodemella) holdereri (Krauss, 1901) Species-ID SpecimensByTaxon.aspx? TaxonNamelD=1104267 Nomenclature: Bryodema occidentale Bey-Bienko (1930):87. Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe, steppe, desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Uvs, Zav., Khuvs., A.-khang., Bulg., Sel., Tuv., Khovd, S.- baat., Do., Khovd, G.-alt., B.-khong., U-khang., Du.-govi. Bey-Bienko (1930):85, Chogsomzhav and Shurovenkov (1963):61, Gunther (1971):124, Steinmann (1967): 119, Steinmann (1968):246, Mistshenko (1968):495, Chogsomzhav (1968):57, Chogsomzhav (1969b):128, Chogsomzhav (1972):179, Sergeev (1995):253, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2005):234, Sergeev et al. (2009):109, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013), Altanchimeg et al. (2013b):65, Batnaran et al. (2016):37, Sergeev et al. (2020):21, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):99, Dey et al. (2021):337. Global distribution: Tuva, SE Altai, Khakassia, S Krasnoyarsk Region, Transbaikalia, Mongolia, N, NE China (Sergeev et al. 2020). Bryodemella (Bryodemella) tuberculata (Fabricius, 1775) Species-ID Taxa.aspx? TaxonNameID=1104270 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Taiga, forest-steppe, steppe and desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: B.-Ulg., Uvs, Zav., Khuvs., A.-khang., Bulg., Sel., Tuv, Khent., S.-baat., B.-khong., U-khang., U.-govi. Bolivar (1901):226, Uvarov (1914):171, Pylnov (1916):279, Bey-Bienko (1930):91, Cejchan and Maran (1966):184, Steinmann (1967):118, Steinmann (1968):247, Mistshenko (1968):495, Chogsomzhav (1968):57, Chogsomzhav (1969b):128, Chogsomzhav (1972):179, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):99, Dey et al. (2021):339. Global distribution: Tuva, Europe (except the extreme north and the southern regions of W Europe), Siberia and Far East (northwards to Magadan Region), Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Korea, China, Tibet, Himalayas (Sergeev et al. 2020). Bryodemella (Marikovskiella) orientalis (Bey-Bienko, 1930) Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1104280 An annotated checklist of grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) from Mongolia 31 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Steppe, desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Uvs, Zav., Khovd, G.-alt., B.-khong., U-khang., Du.-govi. Bey-Bienko (1930):101, Bey-Bienko (1933):119, Chogsomzhav (1968):59, Chogsomzhav (1972):180, Sergeev (1995):253, Sergeev et al. (2009):109, Altanchimeg (2011):16, Batnaran et al. (2016):38, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):100. Bryodemella (Marikovskiella) semenovi (Ikonnikov, 1911) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1104279 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: High mountain. Distribution: in Mongolia: Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013):81, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):100. Global distribution: Kazakhstan (Childebaev and Storozhenko 2001), Mongolia ( Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab 2013). Bryodemella (Marikovskiella) zaisanicum fallax (Bey-Bienko, 1930) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1104285 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: B.-Ulg., Uvs, Khovd, Bulg. Gunther (1971):125, Bey-Bienko (1930):97, Bey-Bienko (1933):119, Chogsomzhav (1989):95, Sergeev et al. (2009):109, Sergeev et al. (2020):24, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):100. Global distribution: NW Mongolia, NW China, E Kazakhstan (Sergeev et al. 2020). Angaracris barabensis (Pallas, 1773) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1104200 Nomenclature: Angaracris acrohylina Bi (1986):195. Angaracris morulimarginis Huang (1981):83. Angaracris morulipennis Zheng and He. (1994):251. Angaracris neimongolensis Zheng and Han. (1998):25, 28. Angaracris nigrimarginis Zheng and Ren. (1993):427. Angaracris nigripennis Lian Z and Zheng (1984):305. 32 Gankhuyag E et al Oedipoda rhodopa Fischer von Waldheim (1836):348. Bryodema barabensis var. rhodoptila Karny (1908):49. Bryodema barabense var. roseipennis Krauss (1901):237. Angaracris ulashanicus Li (1981):173. Oedipoda hospes Fischer von Waldheim (1846):295. Oedipoda lugubris Fischer von Waldheim (1846):298. Oedipoda thunbergi Stal (1861):345. Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe, steppe, desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: B.-ulg., Uvs, Zav., Khuvs., A.-khang., Bulg., Tuv., Khent., S.-baat., Do., Khovd, B.-khong., U-khang. Bolivar (1901):226, 223, Pylnov (1916):280, Bey-Bienko (1930):119, Bey-Bienko (1933):119, Chogsomzhav and Shurovenkov (1963), Cejchan and Maran (1966):186, Steinmann (1967):119, Steinmann (1968):267, Mistshenko (1968):495, Chogsomzhav (1968):57-58, Chogsomzhav (1970):128, Chogsomzhav (1972):183, Altanchimeg et al. (2013b):65, Myagmar et al. (2019):56, Sergeev et al. (2020):26-28, Batkhuyag (1995):102, Dey et al. (2021):334. Global distribution: Tuva, S Siberia, Amur Region, N Kazakhstan, Mongolia, N, NE China (Sergeev et al. 2020). Aiolopus thalassinus (Fabricius, 1781) Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1103315 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Uvs, A.-khang., Bulg., Khent., S.-baat., Do., B.-khong. Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013):81 which is new registered species in Mongolia. Global distribution S and C Europe, N-Africa, Caucasus, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, C Asia, Indian subcontinent, China, SW-Siberia (Garai 2010), South Korea (Storozhenko et al. 2015), Mongolia (Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab 2013). Epacromius pulverulenthus (Fischer von Waldheim, 1846) Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1103429 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe, steppe and desert steppe. An annotated checklist of grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) from Mongolia 33 Distribution: in Mongolia: Uvs, A.-khang., Bulg., Khent., S.-baat., Do., B.-khong. Mistshenko (1968):494, Gunther (1971):124, Chogsomzhav (1971):86, Chogsomzhav (1972):176, Chogsomzhav (1989):94, Sergeev (1995):251, Childebaev and Storozhenko (2001), Storozhenko et al. (2015):280, Batnaran et al. (2016):38, Myagmar et al. (2019):56, Sergeev et al. (2020):16. Global distribution: South Korea (Storozhenko et al. 2015), Tuva, S Europe, S Siberia, S Russian Far East, Kazakhstan, Tien Shan, Kashmir, Mongolia, China ( Sergeev et al. 2020). Epacromius tergestinus (Megerle von Mihlfeld, 1825) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1103430 Nomenclature: Epacromia viridis Uvarov (1910):372. Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Steppe, desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Uvs, Bulg., Sel., Khovd, B.-khong., U.-govi. Pylnov (1916): 279, Mistshenko (1968):494, Gunther (1971):123, Chogsomzhav (1989):94, Sergeev (1995):251, Childebaev and Storozhenko 2001, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013), Altanchimeg et al. (2013b):65, Myagmar et al. (2019):56, Sergeev et al. (2020):16, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):95. Global distribution: Tuva, S Europe, S Siberia, Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Tien Shan, Pamiro-Alay, Afghanistan, NW Mongolia, NW China, Tibet (Sergeev et al. 2020). Oedaleus asiaticus Bey-Bienko, 1941 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1103223 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe, steppe and desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Uvs, Bulg., Sel., Tuv, Khent., S.-baat., Do., Khovd, G.-alt., B.-khong., U-khang., Du.-govi., U.-govi. Bey-Bienko (1941):152, Chogsomzhav and Shurovenkov (1963):61, Chogsomzhav (1968):57, Chogsomzhav (1969b):128, Chogsomzhav (1972):177, Steinmann (1967):118, Steinmann (1968):246, Mistshenko (1968):495, Gunther (1971):124, Childebaev and Storozhenko (2001), Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013), Batnaran et al. (2016):38, Myagmar et al. (2019):56, Sergeev et al. (2020):17. Global distribution: Siberia, Kazakhstan, China, Inner Mongolia, Mongolia, Russia ( Bey-Bienko 1941, Childebaev and Storozhenko 2001, Sergeev et al. 2020). 34 Gankhuyag E et al Oedaleus decorus (Germar, 1825) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1103222 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: High mountain. Distribution: in Mongolia: Chogsomzhav (1989):93, Sergeev§ (1995):252, Altanchimeg et al. (2013b):66, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):96, Dey et al. (2021): 342. Global distribution: N Africa, Caucasus range, W Asia, C Asia, W Pakistan, Afghanistan, N India (Garai 2010), Mongolia (Dey et al. 2021). Oedaleus infernalis Saussure, 1884 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1103218 Nomenclature: Oedaleus infernalis montanus Mistshenko and Bey-Bienko (1951):221. Microgastrimargus taeguensis Lee and Park. (1992):61-64. Oedaleus infernalis amurensis |konnikov, 1911:25 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Steppe and desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: G.-alt., Uvs, Sel. Steinmann (1968):246, Pylnov (1916): 279, Chogsomzhav (1971):88, Childebaev and Storozhenko (2001), Sergeev et al. (2020):20, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):96. Global distribution: South Korea (Storozhenko et al. 2015), S Russian Far East, NE, E China, Tibet, Japan, Mongolia (Sergeev et al. 2020). Locusta migratoria (Linnaeus, 1758) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1103074 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Khovd, B.-khong., U.-govi., Uvs. Chogsomzhav (1968):59, Mistshenko (1968):495, Gunther (1971):124, Chogsomzhav (1989):93, Sergeev et al. (2009):109, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013), Storozhenko et al. (2015):285, Myagmar et al. (2019):56, Sergeev et al. (2020):17, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021): 96. An annotated checklist of grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) from Mongolia 35 Global distribution: South Korea (Storozhenko et al. 2015), Tuva, Eurasia (except the north), Africa, Australia and many islands, Mongolia (Sergeev et al. 2020). Psophus stridulus (Linnaeus, 1758) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1103244 Nomenclature: Psophus stridulus var. ebneri Karny (1908):57-58. Nocarodes femoralis Fischer von Waldheim (1846):270. Acrydium fuliginosum Olivier (1791):223. Acrydium rubripenne De Geer (1773):472. Psophus stridulus samniticus Baccetti (1959):397. Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe and steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Du.-govi., Sel. Bolivar (1901):226, Chogsomzhav 1972: 178, Chogsomzhav (1989):93, Childebaev and Storozhenko (2001), Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013), Altanchimeg et al. (2013b):65, Batnaran et al. (2016):39, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):98. Global distribution: Mongolia (Altanchimeg et al. 2013b), Tuva, Europe (except the extreme North), S Siberia, S Russian Far East, N Kazakhstan, NE China, Korea ( Sergeev et al. 2020). Celes skalozubovi Adelung, 1906 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1103549 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe, steppe, desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Uvs, Zav., Khuvs., Bulg., Tuv. Bey-Bienko and Mistshenko (1951):587, Mistshenko (1968):495, Chogsomzhav (1969b):128, Chogsomzhav (1972): 178, Chogsomzhav (1989):94, Sergeev (1995):252, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013), Altanchimeg et al. (2013b):65, Batnaran et al. (2016):39, Sergeev et al. (2020): 20, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):98, Dey et al. (2021):341. Global distribution: Tuva, S Siberia, N Kazakhstan, Mongolia, N China (Sergeev et al. 2020). 36 Gankhuyag E et al Stethophyma grossum (Linnaeus, 1758) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1104012 Nomenclature: Gryllus flavipes Gmelin (1789):2088. Gryllus (Locusta) germanicus Stoll (1813):41. Acrydium rubripes De Geer (1773):477. Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Taiga, forest-steppe and steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: B.-Ulg., Uvs, Zav., Khuvs., Tuv, A.-khang., Bulg., Sel., Khent., S.-baat., Khovd, U-khang. Pylnov (1916):279, Bey-Bienko (1933):118, Steinmann (1967):109, Mistshenko (1968):494, Chogsomzhav (1968):57, Chogsomzhav (1969b):127, Chogsomzhav (1972):162, Chogsomzhav (1974b):27, Gunther (1971):115, Chogsomzhav (1989):93, Sergeev (1995):251, Childebaev and Storozhenko (2001), Altanchimeg et al. (2013b):65, Storozhenko et al. (2015):272, Batnaran et al. (2016):39, Sergeev et al. (2020):15, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021): 95. Global distribution: Mongolia, Tuva and almost all temperate Eurasia (except the extreme north) (Sergeev et al. 2020). Sphingoderus carinatus (Saussure, 1888) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1103651 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Khovd, U.-govi. Mistshenko (1937):186, Steinmann (1968): 247, Chogsomzhav (1968):59, Chogsomzhav (1972):187, Chogsomzhav (1989):95, Childebaev and Storozhenko (2001), Sergeev et al. (2009): 109, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):109. Global distribution: China, Xinjiang, Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Iran, Mongolia (Childebaev and Storozhenko 2001). Sphingonotus (Sphingonotus) tzaidamicus Mistshenko, 1937 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1103783 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert steppe and desert. An annotated checklist of grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) from Mongolia 37 Distribution: in Mongolia: Do.-govi. Chogsomzhav (1975):45, Chogsomzhav (1989): 95, Altanchimeg (2011):16, Myagmar et al. (2019):56, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021): 104, Dey et al. (2021):350. Global distribution: China (Mistshenko 1937), Mongolia (Dey et al. 2021). Sphingonotus (Sphingonotus) beybienkoi Mistshenko, 1937 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1103810 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Steppe, desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Uvs, Tuv, G.-alt., B.-khong., U-khang., Khovd, Du.-govi., U.-govi. Mistshenko (1937):148, Mistshenko (1968):495, Gunther (1971):128, Chogsomzhav (1972):185, Chogsomzhav (1989):95, Sergeev (1995):255, Sergeev et al. (2009): 109, Altanchimeg et al. (2015):69, Batnaran et al. (2016):39, Myagmar et al. (2019):56, Sergeev et al. (2020):28, Dey et al. (2021):343. Global distribution: Tuva, S Transbaikalia, C, E Kazakhstan, N Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, NW China (Sergeev et al. 2020). Sphingonotus (Sphingonotus) coerulipes Uvarov, 1922 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1103827 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert steppe, taiga and forest- steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Northwest Mongolia Chogsomzhav (1989):95, Sergeev et al. (2009):109, Popova et al. (2020):604, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):106, Dey et al. (2021):344. Global distribution: Crimea, Lower Volga range, Caucasus, Turkey, Iran, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, S-Siberia (Garai 2010). Sphingonotus (Sphingonotus) elegans Mistshenko, 1937 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1103719 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Uvs, Khovd, B.-khong., U.-govi., U-khang. Mistshenko (1937):165, Mistshenko (1968):495, Chogsomzhav (1968):59, Chogsomzhav (1972): 185, Gunther (1971):128, Chogsomzhav (1989):95, Garai (2001):752, Sergeev et al. 38 Gankhuyag E et al (2009):109, Batnaran et al. (2016):40, Myagmar et al. (2019):56, Sergeev et al. (2020): 29, Dey et al. (2021):343. Global distribution: The Mongolian part of Uvs-Nuur Intermountain Basin (Chogsomzhav 1974b), Middle Asia, NW China (Sergeev et al. 2020). Sphingonotus (Sphingonotus) gobicus Chogsomzhav, 1975 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1103705 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Khovd, G.-alt., B.-khong., Do.-govi, Chogsomzhav (1975): 44, Chogsomzhav (1989):95, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):105, Dey et al. (2021): 345. Sphingonotus (Sphingonotus) salinus (Pallas, 1773) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1103776 Nomenclature: Sphingonotus suschkini Adelung (1906):86. Oedipoda zinini Kittary (1849):470. Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Khovd. Chogsomzhav (1969a):78, Chogsomzhav (1972): 186, Chogsomzhav (1989):95, Sergeev (1995):255, Sergeev et al. (2009):109, Myagmar et al. (2019):56, Sergeev et al. (2020):29, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021): 108. Global distribution: Tuva, SE Europe, Caucasus (deserts), Kazakhstan (semi-deserts and deserts), Middle Asia, NW China, NW Mongolia (Sergeev et al. 2020). Sphingonotus (Sphingonotus) halophilus Bey-Bienko, 1929 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1103732 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert and desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Khovd. Gunther (1971):128, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):104. An annotated checklist of grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) from Mongolia 39 Global distribution: Mongolia (Gunther 1971), SE part of European Russia, Kazakhstan (Sergeev 2021). Sphingonotus (Sphingonotus) mongolicus Saussure, 1888 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1103759 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Taiga, forest-steppe and steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Tuv, B.-khong., U.-govi. Saussure (1888):77, 82, Mistshenko (1937):229, Mistshenko (1968):496, Chogsomzhav (1971):106, Chogsomzhav (1972):186, Chogsomzhav (1989):95, Nonnaizab et al. (1999):15, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab 2013, Altanchimeg et al. (2013b):65, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):108, Dey et al. (2021):346. Sphingonotus (Sphingonotus) nebulosus (Fischer von Waldheim, 1846) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1103863 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Khovd, U.-govi. Chogsomzhav (1968):58, Chogsomzhav (1971):106, Chogsomzhav (1972):186, Chogsomzhav (1975):44, Chogsomzhav (1989) °95, Gunther (1971):128, Sergeev (1995):255, Myagmar et al. (2019):56, Sergeev et al. (2020):29, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):107. Global distribution: Tuva, SE Altai, Asia Minor, Caucasus, Kazakhstan (except the north), Tien Shanzubo, Pamiro-Alay, Iran, Pakistan, NW Mongolia, NW China (Sergeev et al. 2020). Sphingonotus (Sphingonotus) obscuratus latissimus Uvarov, 1925 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1103875 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Khovd, B.-khong., U.-govi. Mistshenko (1968):491, Chogsomzhav (1968):59, Chogsomzhav (1971):107, Chogsomzhav (1972):186, Gunther (1971):129, Chogsomzhav (1989):95, Childebaev and Storozhenko (2001), Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):108, Dey et al. (2021):348. Global distribution: Kazakhstan and Mongolia (Childebaev and Storozhenko 2001). 40 Gankhuyag E et al Sphingonotus (Sphingonotus) rubescens (Walker, 1870) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1103882 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: High mountain and desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Uvs, U.-govi. Chogsomzhav (1969a):77, Chogsomzhav (1969b):128, Chogsomzhav (1972):185, Chogsomzhav (1989):95, Sergeev (1995):255, Sergeev et al. (2009):109, Batnaran et al. (2016):40, Myagmar et al. (2019):56, Sergeev et al. (2020):29, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):105, Dey et al. (2021):348. Global distribution: The Mongolian part of Uvs-Nuur Intermountain Basin (Chogsomzhav 1974b). Arid part of N Caucasus, N Africa, SW Asia, deserts of Middle Asia (including mountains), NW Mongolia, NW China (Sergeev et al. 2020). Helioscirtus moseri Saussure, 1884 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1103593 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: G.-alt. Chogsomzhav (1969b), Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):109. Global distribution: Mongolia (Chogsomzhav 1969b), northern Africa and western Asia (Hodjat et al. 2018). Leptopternis gracilis (Eversmann, 1848) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1104641 Nomenclature: Hyalorrhipis maculipennis Saussure (1884):195. Sphingonotus angustipennis Werner (1905):201. Sphingonotus grobbeni Chopard (1949):361. Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: U.-govi. Mistshenko (1968):496, Chogsomzhav (1972):187, Chogsomzhav (1989):95, Garai (2001):753, Childebaev and Storozhenko (2001), Batkhuyag et al. (2019):107, Myagmar et al. (2019):57, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):109. An annotated checklist of grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) from Mongolia 41 Global distribution: N Africa, Lower Volga range, Caucasus range, Iran, Afghanistan, C Asia, W China, Mongolia (Garai 2001). Leptopternis iliensis Uvarov, 1925 Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1104645 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Khovd. Gunther (1971):129, Chogsomzhav (1989):95, Childebaev and Storozhenko (2001), Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):109. Global distribution: Kazakhstan and Mongolia (Childebaev and Storozhenko 2001). Bohemanella frigida (Boheman, 1846) Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1110374 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Taiga and forest-steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Uvs, Zav., Khuvs., Tuv. Uvarov (1914):17, Mistshenko (1952):425, Mistshenko (1968):489, Steinmann (1968):240, Cejchan and Maran (1966) :178, Chogsomzhav (1969b):127, Chogsomzhav (1972):154, Chogsomzhav (1989):90, Gunther (1971):113, Munkhbat (2010):169, Altanchimeg et al. (2013b):64, Sergeev et al. (2019):14, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):44. Global distribution: Tuva, N Eurasia (in the southern parts of Europe in mountains), Alaska, N Canada, Mongolia (Sergeev et al. 2019). Podisma pedestris (Linnaeus, 1758) Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1111031 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Taiga and forest-steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Sel., Knuvs. Mistshenko (1952), Chogsomzhav (1972):154, Chogsomzhav (1989):90, Altanchimeg et al. (2013b):64, Sergeev et al. (2019):13, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):43. Global distribution: Tuva, Europe, W Siberia (forest steppes and steppes), E Siberia (up to the central parts of Yakutia), mountains of S Siberia, N Caucasus, NW and N Kazakhstan, Dzungarian Alatau, E Tien Shan, Tarbagatai Mts, N Mongolia (Sergeev et al. 2019). 42 Gankhuyag E et al Prumna primnoa (Motschulsky, 1846) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1111290 Nomenclature: Podisma sachalinensis Matsumura (1911):5. Podisma viridis Fischer von Waldheim (1846):248. Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe and steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Khent., Sel., Tuv. Pylnov (1916):280, Cejchan and Maran (1966): 178, Chogsomzhav (1989):90, Batnaran (2008):43, Batnaran et al. (2016):36, Sergeev et al. (2019):13, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):43. Global distribution: Tuva, S Siberia, the southern part of Russian Far East (except the southern part of Primorsky Region), including Sakhalin and Kunashir, N Mongolia ( Sergeev et al. 2019). Ognevia longipennis (Shiraki, 1910) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1111098 Nomenclature: Eirenephilus debilis |konnikov (1911):265. Podisma alpina niphona Furukawa (1929):171,177. Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Taiga and forest steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Khent., Sel. Bey-Bienko and Mistshenko (1951):236, Chogsomzhav (1989):90, Storozhenko and Paik (2007):157, Altanchimeg et al. (201 3b) ‘64, Storozhenko et al. (2015):220, Sergeev et al. (2019):13, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):45. Global distribution: Tuva, S Siberia (mainly in mountains), S Russian Far East, including Sakhalin and S Kurile Islands, E Kazakhstan, N Mongolia, N, NE China, Korea, Japan (Sergeev et al. 2019). Zubovskya koeppeni (Zubovski, 1900) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1111120 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe. An annotated checklist of grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) from Mongolia 43 Distribution: in Mongolia: Khuvs. Chogsomzhav (1989):90, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):43. Global distribution: Mongolia (Chogsomzhav 1989) , Tuva, WSE, Altay-Sayan Mts. including W Altay (Sergeev et al. 2019). Zubovskya mongolica Storozhenko, 1986 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1111118 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Khuvs. Storozhenko (1986):53, Sergeev et al. (2019):12. Global distribution: Mongolia and Siberia (Storozhenko 1986, Sergeev et al. 2019). Calliptamus abbreviatus |konnikov, 1913 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1112890 Nomenclature: Calliptamus doii Lee and Lee (1985):24. Calliptamus abbreviatus f. holoptera Ramme (1952):308. Calliptamus sibiricus VWWnukowskij (1926):91. Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: High mountain, forest steppe, desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Uvs, Zav., Khuvs., Bulg., Sel., Khent., Do., Khovd, B.- khong, U-khang, Du.-govi., U.-govi. Pylnov (1916):280, Mistshenko (1952):531, Mistshenko (1968):489, Steinmann (1968):240, Chogsomzhav (1968):57, Chogsomzhav (1969b):127, Chogsomzhav (1972):155, Chogsomzhav (1975):38, Gunther (1971):113, Batnaran (2008):44, Sergeev (1995):240, Childebaev and Storozhenko (2001):25, Altanchimeg (2011):16, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab 2013, Altanchimeg et al. (2013b):65, Storozhenko et al. (2015):225, Batnaran et al. (2016): 31, Sergeev et al. (2019):15, Myagmar et al. (2019):56, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):45. Global distribution: Tuva, S Siberia (from the south-eastern part of W Siberian Plain to Daura), the southern part of the Russian Far East, NE, E Kazakhstan, N Mongolia, N, NE, E China, South Korea (Sergeev et al. 2019). 44 Gankhuyag E et al Calliptamus barbarus subsp. cephalotes Fischer-Waldheim, 1846 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1112930 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Steppe, desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Khovd, G.-alt., B.-khong., U.-govi. Mistshenko (1952):544, Mistshenko (1968):489, Chogsomzhav (1968):59, Chogsomzhav (1989):90, Childebaev and Storozhenko (2001):25, Garai (2001):402, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013), Batnaran et al. (2016):31, Myagmar et al. (2019):56, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):46. Global distribution: N Africa, Caucasus, Turkey, Iran, N-Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, W China, Siberia (Garai 2001). Calliptamus italicus (Linnaeus, 1758) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1112938 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Khuvs. Mistshenko and Bey-Bienko (1951):256, Chogsomzhav (1971):53, Chogsomzhav (1989):90, Childebaev and Storozhenko (2001):25, Sergeev et al. (2009):108, Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab 2013, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):46. Global distribution: N Africa, Turkey, from the Caucasus through Iran, Afghanistan, W Pakistan, to NW Mongolia, W China and W Siberia (Garai 2001). Dericorys annulata (Fieber, 1853) ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1117733 Nomenclature: Dericorys lazurescens Uvarov (1914):142, 146. Derocorystes (Cyphophorus) roseipennis Redtenbacher (1889):30. Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Khovd, B.-khong., U.-govi. Mistshenko and Bey-Bienko (1951):151, Mistshenko (1952):97, Mistshenko (1968):489, Chogsomzhav (1968):59, Chogsomzhav (1972):153, Chogsomzhav (1974b):26, Steinmann (1971):146, Childebaev and Storozhenko (2001):21, Altanchimeg et al. (2015):69, Myagmar et al. (2019):57, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):39. An annotated checklist of grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) from Mongolia 45 Global distribution: Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, China, Mongolia (Childebaev and Storozhenko 2001). Beybienkia lithophila Gorochov & Mistshenko, 1989 : Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1117444 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: B.-khong. Podgornaya and Gorochov 1989:105, Batkhuyag and Batnaran 2021:37. Global distribution: Mongolia (Unal 2016). Beybienkia songorica Tsyplenkov, 1956 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1117445 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Altai, Transaltai gobi Chogsomzhav (1989):89, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):37. Global distribution: Mongolia (Chogsomzhav 1989), China (Tsyplenkov 1956). Mongolotmethis gobiensis Bey-Bienko, 1948 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1117481 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Steppe and desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: B.-khong., U.-govi.,U-khang. Bey-Bienko (1948):9, Bey- Bienko and Mistshenko (1951):321, Mistshenko (1968):489, Chogsomzhav (1968):58, Altanchimeg (2011):16, Batkhuyag et al. (2014):78, Myagmar et al. (2019):57, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):34. Global distribution: China, Inner Mongolia (Alashan), Mongolia (Batkhuyag et al. 2014). Mongolotmethis kozlovi Bey-Bienko, 1948 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1117480 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Steppe and desert steppe 46 Gankhuyag E et al Distribution: in Mongolia: Tuv, Du.-govi., B.-khong., U.-govi. Bey-Bienko (1948):10, Bey-Bienko and Mistshenko (1951):321, Mistshenko (1968):489, Chogsomzhav (1968): 58, Altanchimeg (2011):16, Batkhuyag et al. (2014):78, Myagmar et al. (2019):57, Batkhuyag et al. (2019):107, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):34. Mongolotmethis michidi Batkhuyag, Batnaran & Dorjderem, 2014 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1221002 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Steppe and desert steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: G.-alt., U.-govi. Batkhuyag et al. (2014), Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):35. Rhinotmethis beybienkoi Chogsomzhav, 1975 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1117505 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Du.-govi. Chogsomzhav (1975):39, Gorochov et al. (1989), Chogsomzhav (1989):89, Altanchimeg (2011):16, Batkhuyag et al. (2014):78, Batnaran et al. (2016):30, Unal (2016):59, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):36. Global distribution: Mongolia (Unal 2016). Rhinotmethis hummeli Sjostedt, 1933 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1117506 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Desert steppe and desert. Distribution: in Mongolia: Do.-govi. Bey-Bienko (1948):12, Chogsomzhav (1975):33, Chogsomzhav (1989):89, Sergeev (1995):233, Unal (2016):59, Myagmar et al. (2019): 57s Global distribution: China, Inner Mongolia, Mongolia (Unal 2016, Batkhuyag and Batnaran 2021). Asiotmethis similis Bey Bienko, 1951 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1117408 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe and desert steppe. An annotated checklist of grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) from Mongolia 47 Distribution: in Mongolia: G.-alt. Chogsomzhav (1989):89, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):31. Global distribution: Central Asia, Kazakhstan (Bey-Bienko and Mistshenko 1951), Mongolia (Chogsomzhav 1989). Haplotropis brunneriana Saussure, 1888 ° Species-ID TaxonNamelD=1116957 Nomenclature: Sulcotropis cyanipes Yin and Chou. (1979):128. Staurotylus mandshuricus Adelung (1910):344. Haplotropis neimongolensis Jin (1994):251 Native status: Distribution in the natural zone: Forest steppe and steppe. Distribution: in Mongolia: Do. Chogsomzhav (1975):41, Chogsomzhav (1989):95, Storozhenko and Paik (2007):133, Storozhenko et al. (2015):184, Batnaran et al. (2016):31, Unal (2016):60, Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021):38. Global distribution: China, Inner Mongolia (Jin 1994), Manchuria (Yin and Chou. 1979), Russian Far East, eastern Asia, South Korea, China North-central, Mongolia (Storozhenko and Paik 2007, Unal 2016). Analysis Result The present study aimed to list the rare and unexplored species of grasshoppers (except long-horned grasshopper and cricket species) in Mongolia. Currently, the grasshopper fauna of Mongolia comprises 128 species, which are distributed in 52 genera and 19 tribes (Table 2). Of these, 34 species are also included in the Checklist of European Orthoptera (Acridoidea) (Suppl. material 2). In addition, Mongolia's distribution of grasshoppers was divided into six distinct natural zones (Fig. 3), (Suppl. material 3). Additionally, a combined cluster analysis was performed using the grasshopper component numbers between neighbouring countries, including Russia, China and South Korea (Suppl. material 4). 48 Gankhuyag E et al Table 1. Similarity matrix of grasshopper in six types of natural zones in Mongolia. Natural zone High Mountain (%) Taiga(%) Forest steppe (%) Steppe (%) Desert steppe (%) Desert (%) High Mountain ~* 12.12 11.11 26.37 29.17 21.88 Taiga * - 46.58 28.26 20.62 12.31 Forest steppe * % * 59.54 36.76 25.00 Steppe - % - . 64.52 40.65 Desert steppe ~* * * % i 64.06 Desert ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ * Cluster analysed amongst six different types of natural zone shown in %. Table 2. Composition of grasshoppers (Acridoidea) in Mongolia. No. Subfamily Tribe Genus Number of Registered in the Species European red list 1 Acridinae MacLeay, Acridini MacLeay, 1821 Acrida Linnaeus, 1758 = 1 - 1821 2 Gomphocerinae Fieber, Arcypterini Bolivar,1914 Arcyptera Serville, 4 2 1853 1838 6 Andrea Mistshenko, 1 - 1989 7 Chrysochraontini Chrysochraon Fischer, 1 - Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1853 1893 8 Euthystira Fieber, 1852 1 1 9 Mongolotettix Rehn, 3 - 1928 12 Podismopsis Zubovski, 2 - 1900 14 Dociostaurini Eremippus Uvarov, 3 1 Mistshenko, 1974 1926 17 Notostaurus Bey- 1 1 Bienko, 1933 18 Hypernephiini Eclipophleps Tarbinsky, 8 - Mistshenko, 1973 1927 26 Gomphocerini Fieber, Chorthippus Fieber, 16 8 1853 1852 42 Aeropedellus Hebard, 4 1 1935 46 Pseudochorthippus 2 Defaut, 2012 No. 48 49 50 52 53 54 55 56 58 63 68 69 71 77 80 85 86 87 89 92 93 94 95 96 An annotated checklist of grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) from Mongolia 49 Subfamily Oedipodinae Walker, 1871 Tribe Stenobothrini Harz, 1975 Bryodemini Bey-Bienko, 1930 Epacromiini Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893 Locustini Kirby, 1825 Oedipodini Walker, 1871 Parapleurini Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893 Sphingonotini Johnston, 1956 Genus Gomphocerippus Roberts, 1941 Gomphocerus Thunberg, 1815 Myrmeleotettix Bolivar, 1914 Stauroderus Bolivar, 1897 Schmidtiacris Storozhenko, 2002 Mesasippus Tarbinsky, 1931 Dasyhippus Uvarov, 1930 Dociostaurus Fieber, 1853 Omocestus Bolivar, 1878 Stenobothrus Fischer, 1853 Megaulacobothrus Caudell, 1921 Leptopternis Saussure, 1884 Bryodema Fieber, 1853 Compsorhipis Saussure, 1889 Bryodema Yin, 1982 Angaracris Bey-Bienko, 1930 Aiolopus Fieber, 1853 Epacromius Uvarov, 1942 Oedaleus Fieber, 1853 Locusta Linnaeus, 1758 Psophus Fieber, 1853 Celes Saussure, 1884 Stethophyma Fischer, 1853 Sphingoderus Bey- Bienko, 1950 Number of Species 1 1 Registered in the European red list 1 50 No. 97 108 109 110 111 112 113 115 118 119 120 123 125 127 128 Subfamily Melanoplinae Scudder, 1897 Calliptaminae Jacobson, 1905 Egnatiinae Bey-Bienko & Mistshenko, 1951 Dericorythinae Jacobson and Bianchi, 1905 Thrinchinae Stal, 1876 Total 8 Gankhuyag E et al Tribe Podismini Jacobson, 1905 Calopteni Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1893 Egnatiini Bey-Bienko & Mistshenko, 1951 Derocorythini Jacobson & Bianchi, 1905 Thrinchini Stal, 1876 Haplotropiidini Sergeev, 1995 19 Genus Sphingonotus Fieber, 1852 Helioscirtus Saussure, 1884 Bohemanella Ramme, 1951 Podisma Berthold, 1827 Prumna Motschulsky, 1859 Ognevia |konnikov, 1911 Zubovskya Dovnar- Zapolskij, 1932 Calliptamus Serville, 1831 Egnatioides Vosseler, 1902 Dericorys Serville, 1838 Beybienkia Tsyplenkov, 1956 Mongolotmethis Bey- Bienko, 1948 Rhinotmethis Sjéstedt, 1933 Asiotmethis Uvarov, 1943 Haplotropis Saussure, 1888 52 Number of Registered in the Species European red list 11 3 1 4 4 4 2 4 £ 4 2 2 ‘ 3 1 1 4 - 2 = 3 : 2 z 4 es 4 £ 128 34 The rich distribution of Mongolian grasshoppers was characterised by six habitats using the remnant natural habitat and forest types (Fig. 1). The total number of grasshopper species in each natural zone was as follows: 75 species (25.93%) in the steppe, 16 species (5.46%) in the high mountains, 56 species (19.11%) in the forest-steppe, 80 species (27.30%) in the desert steppe, 17 species (5.80%) in the taiga and 48 species (16.38%) in the desert. The similarity matrix between the geographical distribution of grasshopper results presented a high mountain and taiga zone of 12.1%, taiga and forest- steppe zone of 46.57%, forest-steppe and steppe zone of 59.54%, steppe and desert steppe zone of 64.51% and desert steppe and desert zone of 64.06% (Table 1). The species natural zone results used by a single-link Bray-Curtis cluster analysis dendrogram An annotated checklist of grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) from Mongolia 51 (Fig. 2a, b) considered desert and desert steppe zones, steppe and forest-steppe zones and high mountain and taiga zones as most closely related. The high mountain and taiga zones were less distributed than the other zones. In addition, the Shannon index and Berger—Parker's index showed six different natural zones (Suppl. material 3). Desert steppe and steppe zones were the most distributed. In contrast, the high mountain and taiga zones were less distributed. Grasshoppers are widely distributed in the desert steppe and steppe natural zone (Suppl. material 1). Twenty grasshopper species that are extensively dispersed in the desert-steppe natural zone have been identified as the indicator species of this zone. These species are listed as follows: Rhinotmethis hummelli Sjost.* Dericorys annulata (Fieb.), Calliptamus barbarus cephalotes F.-W., Acrida kozlovi Mistsh., Arcyptera meridionalis |konn., Arcyptera microptera (F.-W.), Stenobothrus fischeri Ev., Celes skalozubovi Adel., Compsorhipis bryodemoides B.-Bien.*, Leptopternis gracilis (Ev.), Sphingoderus carinatus (Sauss.) Sphingonotus beybienkoi Mistsh., Sphingonotus coerulipes Uv., Sphingonotus elegans Mistsh., Sphingonotus gobicus Chogs.*, Sphingonotus nebulosus (F.-W.), Sphingonotus obscuratus latissimus Uv., Sphingonotus rubescens (Walker), Sphingonotus salinus (Pall.) and Sphingonotus tzaidamicus Mistsh. The indicator species of each of the six types of natural zones are identified by (*) abbreviations (Suppl. material 1). In total, 16 species (13.17%) were endemic and were commonly distributed in desert steppe and desert natural zones. The similarity matrix showed the species distribution of grasshoppers in Mongolia, Russia, China and South Korea. A single-link Bray-Curtis cluster analysis dendrogram was constructed using the combined distribution data for all species. The results exhibited the relationship between a Mongolian grasshopper species and species in Russia and China that were most closely related to the Mongolian species. South Korea was reported as the country that was most distantly linked to Mongolia (Fig. 2). The number of Mongolian grasshopper species was compared with those of grasshopper species in the neighbouring countries, such as Russia and China and South Korea was included using a single-link Bray-Curtis cluster analysis dendrogram (Fig. 2c). The similarity index between the number of species of Mongolian grasshopper and those of grasshopper species in China, Russia and South Korea was 68.36%, 76.55% and 26.84%, respectively. Furthermore, grasshopper species from China showed 36.78% and 65.30% similarity with those in South Korea and Russia, respectively. South Korea showed that 36% of the Russian-distributed species were similar (Table 3). In summary, Russia and China are closely tied to the number of Mongolian grasshopper species, whereas South Korea is distantly related. In addition, 17 species of grasshoppers are endemic to Mongolia (13.17%), including Mongolotmethis gobiensis B.-Bien, Mongolotmethis kozlovi B.-Bien, Rhinotmethis hummeli Sjost, Podismopsis altaica Zub, Eclipophleps bogdanovi Tarb, Eclipophleps carinata Mistsh, Eclipophleps confinis Mistsh, Eclipophleps glacialis B.-Bien, Eclipophleps kerzhneri Mistsh, Eclipophleps lucida Mistsh, Eclipophleps similis Mistsh, Eclipophleps tarbinskii Oristsh, Stenobothrus newskii Zub, Bryodema gebleri (F.-W.), Bryodema (M.) orientalis B.- Bien and Compsorhipis bryodemoides B.-Bien. Also, Chorthippus (G.) mollis (Charp.), Chorthippus (G.) vagans (Ev.), Chorthippus (M.) chinensis Tarb., Aliolopus thalassinus (Fabr.), Bryodema heptapotanicum B.-Bien., Bryodema miramae B.-Bien, Bryodema (M.) semenovi |Ikonn., Sphingonotus gobicus Chogs. species are new identified species from 52 Gankhuyag E et al Mongolia Altanchimeg and Nonnaizab (2013) (Suppl. material 1). Furthermore, 34 grasshopper species are registered on the European Red List and two of them are listed as Endangered, four are listed as Near Threatened and 28 are classified as Least Concern (Suppl. material 2). High Mountain(16) 5.46% Taiga(1 7) Desert(48) Forest steppe(56) Steppe(75) Number of species Figure 1. EESI BH High Mountain B Taiga ® Forest steppe BH Steppe Desert steppe(80) —@ Desert steppe - Desert The grasshopper distribution of six different natural zones in Mongolia. Desert steppe - 80 species (27.30%), Steppe - 75 species (25.93%), Forest steppe - 56 species (19.11%), Desert - 48 species (16.38%), Taiga - 17 species (5.80%), High Mountain - 16 species (5.46%) distributed, respectively. a) Desert Forest steppe Taiga High Mountain 0, % Similarity 50. 100 c) 0, % Similarity 0. 100 Figure 2. EES High Mountain Taiga 4 = Forest steppe Steppe Y Desert steppe Desert Dendrogram showing the Bray-Curtis cluster analysis (Single link) of distribution of grasshopper species in six different natural zones (a); Species distribution rank abundance plot of Mongolian grasshopper by Natural Zone (b); Bray-Curtis cluster analysis (single link) neighbouring boundary countries (Russia, China and South Korea) grasshopper distribution (c ); Abundance Plot of boundary countries (Russia, China including South Korea) grasshopper distribution (d). An annotated checklist of grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) from Mongolia 53 * Wi i atte hl — g Se = Pe Swng ‘cna aa mae nd =i 4 cay in ne tos = aes oe ice el as wed i . P Stele td ae del PAT Soe ey oes a ee _ somes i i ro) " d) ° ny - v— ati. ba PO ees fell ag ma hie Noes A's yy fee ee Saaed Sais) os _ 4 rol ee x pee eo, *tre,* (ome Se PF . Ve now 9 ‘Ss Re? elon! Ms : ae ~— ¢ Pt Peas yy gage e+ publ oy Sheds oa set, “god. in.) of <2, roa y Oy, WNP 8)! eg ne ian a ¢ ane Sear + Pe. esto eet! 1° Soumews » ° 3 eee ey aeons we ‘2 po el NR oe oe . Tor n - : e) E f f) & sf = a mete —e mpl, = “* te ad += hea ee oo theta r we : t 5 13 tee t 5 oy ® 2 Se, vous 2. tha ree aa ert 3 . ar, oe el i - ” Figure 3. EES] Distribution of grasshoppers in Mongolian natural zones in the High mountain natural zone (a); taiga natural zone (b); forest steppe natural zone (c); steppe natural zone (d); desert steppe natural zone (e); and desert natural zone (f). Table 3. Similarity matrix of grasshopper distribution in neighbouring countries (China, Russia and South Korea). Name of Country Mongolia (%) South Korea (%) Russia (%) China (%) Mongolia if 26.85 76.56 68.37 South Korea % ‘dl 36.00 36.78 Russia * ix x 65.31 China . = + w Discussion The grasshopper fauna of Mongolia comprises 128 species, including three families, eight subfamilies, 19 tribes and 52 genera, of which 34 species are registered on the European Red List (Table 2). The 17 grasshopper species that are considered endemic to Mongolia are distributed in desert and desert steppe. Notably, some species are widely distributed in 54 Gankhuyag E et al neighbouring countries, such as Russia, China and South Korea. The taxonomic keys of the superfamily Acridoidea in Mongolia were recently updated and it was reported that the superfamily includes three families, 49 genera and 127 species (Batkhuyag and Batnaran 2021). A difference of six species was observed between our checklist and the list updated by Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021). These species included Gomphocerus licenti Chang, Chorthippus (Ch.) karelini Uv., Stenobothrus kirgizorum |konn., Sphingonotus halocnemi Uv., Sphingonotus turcmenus B.-Bien. and Eclipophleps confinis levis Mistsh. In addition, the records of specimens of four species were uncertain; these included Chorthippus (G.) buyanticus Batkhuyag et al., Chorthippus (G.) tseelicus Batlhuyag et al., Spohingonotus halocnemi Uv. and Sphingonotus turcmenus B.-Bien. In the present study, four species with uncertain distribution sources, namely Gomphocerus licenti Chang, Chorthippus (Ch.) karelini Uv., Stenobothrus kirgizorum |konn. and Eclipophleps levis Mistsh, were excluded from our checklist. In the future, the species list should be updated after previously unreported species have been identified and reported by undertaking additional research. We compared the findings of our checklist with those of Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021) and we found discrepancies related to three genera, namely A/olopus Fieber, 1853, Pseudochorthippus Defaut, 2012 and Megaulacobothrus Caudell, 1921, as well as three species, which includes Aeropedellus baliolus Mistsh., Bryodema kozlovi B.-Bien., and Aiolopus thalassinus (Fabr.). These genus species are widely distributed in forests and steppe in Mongolia. When creating an annotated checklist, the species that were identified from literature were divided into natural zones, based on their distribution. However, Mongolia has the world’s largest intact grassland with respect to its biodiversity (Batsaikhan et al. 2014, Herbert et al. 2019), which has great importance for the preservation of native vascular plants (Baasanmunkh et al. 2022). Thus, it is important to study grasshopper's habitat and development, which negatively impact grassland. At the same time, there is an enormous shortage of taxonomists who can identify and describe species (Wheeler 2004). The loss of diversity coupled with the taxonomic impediment is one of the most challenging issues we biologists face today (Song 2010). A poor understanding of grasshopper fauna has impaired our understanding of grasshopper speciation and evolution. Therefore, further in-depth surveys of grasshoppers in Mongolia should be conducted and it is expected that the taxonomic uncertainty checked in this study can be solved through future studies. Notably, some species are widely distributed in neighbouring countries, such as Russia, China and South Korea. The taxonomic keys of the superfamily Acridoidea in Mongolia were recently updated and it was reported that the superfamily includes three families, 49 genera and 127 species (Batkhuyag and Batnaran 2021). A difference of six species was observed between our checklist and the list updated by Batkhuyag and Batnaran (2021). These species included Gomphocerus licenti Chang, Chorthippus ( Ch.) karelini Uv., Stenobothrus kirgizorum |konn., Sphingonotus halocnemi Uv., Sphingonotus turcmenus B.- Bien. and Eclipophleps levis Mistsh. In addition, the records of specimens of four species were uncertain; these included Chorthippus (G.) buyanticus Batkhuyag et al., Chorthippus (G.) tseelicus Batlhuyag et al., Sohingonotus halocnemi Uv. and Sphingonotus turcmenus B.-Bien. In the present study, four species had uncertain distribution sources, namely An annotated checklist of grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Acridoidea) from Mongolia 55 Gomphocerus licenti Chang, Chorthippus (Ch.) karelini Uv., Stenobothrus kirgizorum Ikonn. and Eclipophleps levis Mistsh and were excluded from our checklist. 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Abbreviation: 1- High mountain, 2-Taiga, 3-Forest steppe, 4-Steppe, 5-Desert steppe, 6-Desert natural zone. Download file (49.45 kb) Suppl. material 2: Species registered in the European Red List of grasshopper Authors: Enkhtsetseg Data type: table Download file (16.54 kb) Suppl. material 3: Shannon and Berger Parker’s index of natural zone EE Authors: Enkhtsetseg Data type: table Download file (14.12 kb) Suppl. material 4: Shannon and Berger-Parker index of neighbouring boundary countries grasshopper distribution EZ Authors: Enkhtsetseg Data type: table Download file (13.85 kb)