Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e100783 CO) doi: 10.3897/BDJ.11.e100783 open access Data Paper Insect fauna including unrecorded species in Ulleungdo, South Korea Min Hyeok Won*S, Jae Won Choi#§, WooJun Bang!, DongYeo!l Leet, Min Ki Moon*, Young-Kun Kim1, Donguk Kim1, Dooyoung Kim!, Sang Jae Suh™*, Kwang Shik Choi*$:* + School of Life Science, BK21 FOUR KNU Creative BioResearch Group, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea § Research Institute for Dok-do and Ulleung-do Island, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea | School of Biological Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea | School of Applied Biosciences, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea # Institute of Plant Medicine, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea = Research Institute for Phylogenomics and Evolution, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea Corresponding author: Kwang Shik Choi ( Academic editor: Tiago Kutter Krolow Received: 19 Jan 2023 | Accepted: 03 May 2023 | Published: 11 May 2023 Citation: Won MH, Choi JW, Bang W, Lee D, Moon MK, Kim Y-K, Kim D, Kim D, Suh SJ, Choi KS (2023) Insect fauna including unrecorded species in Ulleungdo, South Korea. Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e100783. Abstract Background Ulleungdo harbours a unique ecosystem owing to its isolation from the mainland alongside its maritime climate. The island, formed via volcanic activity, is the largest island in the East Sea of Korea and retains a primeval forest. The ecosystems are being destroyed owing to increasing human activity on the island. Therefore, through the investigation of the insect fauna of Ulleungdo, we tried to provide information that can be the basis for understanding the island ecology of Ulleungdo. This survey was conducted four times between April and October in 2020 at Seonginbong. © Won M et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 2 Won M etal New information The findings of the survey regarding insect fauna at Seonginbong, Ulleungdo included 10 orders, 105 families, 216 genera and 212 species, of which 12 families, two subfamilies, 13 genera and 74 species were previously unrecorded. The data have been registered in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF; Keywords Insecta, island, diversity, database, new records, Palearctic Introduction In general, island ecosystems are isolated and have limited resources, which consequently results in simpler food chains than those in inland ecosystems (Polis et al. 1997). Therefore, the interrelationship between predators and prey in island ecosystems can be compared more clearly than in inland where the relationship is complex (Simberloff 1974). In addition, the biota of island regions is expectedly distinct from inland biota as the former is affected by oceanic climates, unlike inland ecosystems, which are affected by continental climates. However, islands surrounded by oceans are vulnerable to the effects of climate change, such as rising sea levels due to global warming, changes in temperature and precipitation, increasing incidences of unpredictable tropical cyclones and El Nino (Ahn 2011). In case such climate change continues in Korea, boreal plants in temperate regions in the Northern Hemisphere are expected to become extinct, whereas the distribution of temperate plants is expected to expand rapidly (Kim et al. 2022). Furthermore, human activities, such as island development and the influx of foreign species have added to the threat of biodiversity reduction in island ecosystems (Veron et al. 2019). For this reason, island ecosystems require constant monitoring. Ulleungdo and its subsidiary islands are the sole island areas located in the East Sea of Korea, thereby representing the only island ecosystem in the East Sea. Ulleungdo is located in the southwest of the East Sea (37°30'N, 130°52'E) and at a distance of 130 km from the Korean Peninsula. The island was formed via volcanic activity and is an ocean island that has never been connected to land. Seonginbong (984 m) is located at the centre of Ulleungdo. The primeval forest of Seonginbong is an ecologically stable climax forest and includes plants that are unique to Ulleungdo (Cho et al. 1993). An investigation about the insect fauna of Ulleungdo was first conducted by Cho, who reported four families and 16 species of butterflies (Cho 1929). Subsequent studies have identified various taxa, including 95 families and 345 species (Kim 1971), 125 families and 574 species (Lee and Kwon 1981), 141 families and 691 species (Kwon et al. 1996), 154 families and 828 species (Lee and Jung 2001), 153 families and 841 species (Lee et al. 2006), 81 families and 242 species (Lim and Lee 2012) and 96 families and 433 species ( Lim et al. 2013). According to Lim et al. (2013), a total of 18 orders, 179 families and 1,177 Insect fauna including unrecorded species in Ulleungdo, South Korea 3 species of insects were recorded on Ulleungdo during the survey period from 1929 to 2013. In addition, a recent survey by the National Institute of Biological Resources (National Institute of Biological Resources 2021b) involving aquatic insects in Ulleungdo identified 32 species of aquatic insects, including Ephemeroptera, Trichoptera and Plecoptera. Given its distinct geography as an island region, Ulleungdo has poor accessibility. In addition, owing to severe weather disturbances, such as typhoons and high waves, periodic insect fauna surveys have been difficult to conduct. Although there have been several surveys in the past, the overall insect fauna survey has not been carried out since the study of Lim et al. (2013) and the most recent survey (National Institute of Biological Resources 2021b) was not a general survey of insect fauna, but the aquatic environment. Therefore, there is a need to update the insect fauna data and it is possible that there are still many unrecorded insect species on Ulleungdo. Herein, a comprehensive survey of the insect fauna inhabiting Seonginbong in Ulleungdo was conducted using different collection methods and a species list, including that of previously unrecorded species, was prepared. Sampling methods Description: Throughout 2020 (April, July, August and October) four expeditions were carried out to collect data at Seonginbong (37°29'52.81"N, 130°52'03.72"E) in Ulleungdo (Fig. 1). Fifteen collection points were designated along the altitude of Seonginbong and four collection methods were used: light trap, molasses traps, pit-fall traps and sweeping. Figure 1. EES Location of Ulleungdo, Korea. Sampling description: Light trap was conducted at collection point 1 (lowland), collection point 6 (midland) and collection point 15 (highland). After fixing a tripod (height: 1 m) inside a tent (height: 1.7 m), a 400 W high-voltage mercury lamp was connected with a tripod. Samples attracted by ultra-violet light from a mercury lamp were collected by a hand- collecting method. Light trap was operated after 20:00 h when the sun had completely set and it was operated for about 1 hour at each point. 4 Won M et al Molasses traps were conducted at all 15 collection points. The distance between each collection point is about 50 m. Tissue soaked in attractant was put in a mesh net and hung on a tree. The attracted samples were collected by a hand-collecting method. Molasses, made by mixing sugar, glacial acetic acid and grape juice, was used as an attractant (Scheller 1984, Singh et al. 2013, Dar et al. 2020). Molasses traps were installed at 15 points by altitude and maintained for 24 hours. Insects attached to the traps were collected one day after traps installation. Pit-fall traps were also conducted in all 15 collection points. A plastic cup (diameter: 9.2 cm; height: 13.5 cm; volume: about 475 cm?) containing an attractant was buried at the same level as the ground. Molasses, pork and octopus were used as attractant and, in the case of molasses, the same molasses as the molasses trap were used. Each attractant was separately put into a plastic cup and three types of pit-fall traps were installed at regular intervals of 3 m. Three pit-fall traps were installed for each attractant at one point and a total of 45 traps were installed at 15 points. Pit-fall traps, like molasses traps, installed at 15 points by altitude, were maintained for 24 hours from the time of installation and then the insects in the traps were collected next day. Sweeping was conducted continuously while going up from collection site 1 to 15 and samples were collected by sweeping an insect net (pole: 2.5 m; net diameter: 50 cm; net length: 110 cm). Sweeps were performed at least 50 times for each point. The samples collected in the insect net were transferred into the conical tube using an insect aspirator. Sweeping was carried out while climbing the Seounginbong during the daytime. Collected samples were stored in conical tubes containing 70% ethanol. Large insects, such as some Lepidoptera species, were stored in glassine paper and frozen to prevent damage. Afterwards, the collected samples were moved to the Animal Systematics & Taxonomy Laboratory at Kyungpook National University. The species were identified by referring to various references (Hardy and Takahashi 1960, Shin 2001, Park et al. 2012, An 2013, Cho 2015a, Cho 2015b, Cho 2015c, Jang et al. 2015, Baek 2016, Dong 2017, National Institute of Biological Resources 2021a). In order to confirm that the identified species are unrecorded species of Ulleungdo, they were checked through the references which including a list of insect species previously investigated on Ulleungdo (Kim 19771, Lee and Kwon 1981, Lee et al. 2006, Lim and Lee 2012, Lim et al. 2013). Database update: A list of 212 insect species collected from Ulleungdo in 2020 was prepared and the data were registered in the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). Geographic coverage Description: This survey was conducted at Seonginbong, Ulleungdo. Coordinates: 37°29'10" and 37°29'54"N Latitude; 130°52'03" and 130°53'39"E Longitude. Insect fauna including unrecorded species in Ulleungdo, South Korea 5 Taxonomic coverage Taxa included: Rank Scientific Name Common Name kingdom Animalia Animals phylum Arthropoda Arthropods class Insecta Insects order Blattodea order Coleoptera order Dermaptera order Diptera order Hemiptera order Hymenoptera order Lepidoptera order Mantodea order Orthoptera order Trichoptera Usage licence Usage licence: Creative Commons Public Domain Waiver (CC-Zero) Data resources Data package title: 2020 Ulleungdo_insect_list Resource link: Number of data sets: 1 Data set name: 2020 Ulleungdo_insect_list Download URL: https:/ Data format: CSV. Description: The dataset (Kyungpook National University Animal Systematics & Taxonomy Laboratory 2023) included 10 orders, 105 families, 216 genera and 212 species of insects. This survey was prepared four times (28/04/2020-03/05/2020, 05/07/2020-08/07/2020, Won M etal 28/08/2020-31/08/2020, 01/10/2020-04/10/2020) at Seonginbong of Ulleungdo. The collection methods used include sweeping, light trap, pit-fall trap and molasses trap. Column label taxonID scientificName taxonRank kingdom phylum class order family genus specificEpithet infraspecificEpithet vernacularName occurrencelD basisOfRecord countryCode stateProvince county locality decimalLatitude decimalLongitude geodeticDatum Column description An identifier for the set of taxon information (data associated with the Taxon class). Full scientific name. The taxonomic rank of the most specific name in the scientificName. The full scientific name of the kingdom in which the taxon is classified. The full scientific name of the phylum or division in which the taxon is classified. The full scientific name of the class in which the taxon is classified. The full scientific name of the order in which the taxon is classified. The full scientific name of the family in which the taxon is classified. The full scientific name of the genus in which the taxon is classified. The name of the first or species epithet of the scientificName. The name of the lowest or terminal infraspecific epithet of the scientificName, excluding any rank designation. Common or vernacular name in Korea. Unique identifier of the occurrence. State of the recorded specimen. Country code. Province in which the specimen was collected. County in which the specimen was collected. Locality in which the specimen was collected. Geographic latitude of the collection site. Geographic longitude of the collection site. The ellipsoid, geodetic datum or spatial reference system (SRS) upon which the geographic coordinates given in decimalLatitude and decimalLongitude are based. coordinateUncertaintyInMetres The horizontal distance (in metres) from the given decimalLatitude and eventDate identifiedBy decimalLongitude describing the smallest circle containing the whole of the Location. Date of sampling period. Identifier for the specimen. Insect fauna including unrecorded species in Ulleungdo, South Korea 7 recordedBy A list (concatenated and separated) of names of people, groups or organisations responsible for recording the original Occurrence. identificationRemarks Comments or notes about the Identification. Additional information Results and Discussion This survey identified 10 orders, 105 families, 216 genera and 212 species of insects (Table 1, Fig. 2). This list includes 12 families, two subfamilies, 13 genera and 74 species that have not been previously recorded on Ulleungdo. Table 1. Ulleungdo insect list in 2020. Order Family Subfamily Scientific name Newly-recorded Family Subfamily Genus Species Blattodea Ectobiidae Blattella nipponica Coleoptera Anthribidae Anthribidae sp. Aphodiidae Saprosites japonicus O Bostrichidae Bostrichidae sp. O Brentidae Apioninae Apioninae sp. O Buprestidae Agrilus sp. Agrilus chujoi Carabidae Parena sp. 8 Won M etal Order Family Subfamily Scientific name Newly-recorded Family Subfamily Genus Species Synuchus sp. Anisodactylus ( Pseudanisodactylus) signatus Amara (Curtonotus) giganteus Amara (Amara) ussuriensis Gyrochaetostylus atricomes O Harpalus (Harpalus) chalcentus Harpalus (Zangoharpalus) O tinctulus luteicornoides Lesticus (Triplogenius) magnus Metacolpodes buchannani Nipponoharpalus discrepans O Cerambycidae Acalolepta sejuncta sejuncta O Anaglyptus (Aglaophis) colobotheoides Arhopaloscelis bifasciata Arhopalus rusticus rusticus Egesina (Niigimaia) bifasciana bifasciana Mimectatina divaricata divaricata Saperda octomaculata O Scarabaeidae Blitopertha orientalis O Protaetia lugubris O Sericania sp. Sericania fuscolineata Sophrops striata O Order Insect fauna including unrecorded species in Ulleungdo, South Korea 9 Family Chrysomelidae Coccinellidae Curculionidae Elateridae Subfamily Entiminae Scientific name Chrysomelidae sp. Cryptocephalus sp. Altica oleracea oleracea Argopistes tsekooni Bruchidius japonicus Demotina modesta Gallerucida bifasciata Pagria signata Paridea (Paridea) angulicollis Syneta adamsi Calvia muiri Epilachna quadricollis Harmonia axyridis Illeis (Illeis) koebelei koebelei Curculionidae sp. Bradybatus sp. Orchestes sp. Entiminae sp. Pseudocneorhinus sp. Pseudoedophrys hilleri Elateridae sp. Melanotus sp. Drasterius agnatus Pectocera fortunei Newly-recorded Family Subfamily Genus Species 10 Won M etal Order Family Subfamily Scientific name Newly-recorded Family Subfamily Genus Species Endomychidae Ancylopus pictus asiaticus Hydrophilidae Spaeridiinae Spaeridiinae sp. Leiodidae Leiodidae sp. O Catops sp. O Lucanidae Dorcus rectus rectus Meloidae Meloidae sp. Meloe (Meloe) proscarabaeus proscarabaeus Mordellidae Mordellidae sp. Nitidulidae Nitidulidae sp. Epuraea (Epuraea) oblonga O Glischrochilus (Librodor) O rufiventris Ipidia (Ipidia) variolosa O variolosa Meligethes flavicollis O Neopallodes omogonis O Omosita discoidea O Rhynchitidae Aspidobyctiscus ( O Aspidobyctiscus) lacunipennis Salpingidae Salpingus depressifrons O Order Dermaptera Diptera Insect fauna including unrecorded species in Ulleungdo, South Korea 11 Family Subfamily Scraptiidae Silphidae Silvanidae Staphylinidae Tachyporinae Tenebrionidae Anisolabididae Forficulidae Anisolabididae Agromyzidae Scientific name Scraptiidae sp. Necrophila (Eusilpha) jakowlewi jakowlewi Uleiota arboreus Staphylinidae sp. Aleochara (Aleochara) curtula Tachyporinae sp. Allecula (Upinella) melanaria Gonocephalum ( Gonocephalum) pubens Lagria (Lagria) nigricollis Lagria (Lagria) rufipennis Luprops orientalis Mycetochara (Ernocharis) orientalis Euborellia annulata Anechura japonica Anisolabella marginalis Newly-recorded Family Subfamily Genus Species 12 Order Won M etal Family Subfamily Anisopodidae Anthomyiidae Asilidae Ommatiinae Bibionidae Calliphoridae Cecidomyiidae Chloropidae Coelopidae Dolichopodidae Dolichopodinae Drosophilidae Scientific name Agromyzidae sp. Sylvicola japonicus Anthomyiidae sp. Delia platura Fucellia apicalis Ommatiinae sp. Bibio sp.1 Bibio sp.2 Bibio tenebrosus Calliphoridae sp. Lucilia sp. Cecidomyiidae sp. Chloropidae sp. Coelopa frigida Condylostylus nebulosus Dolichopodinae sp. Drosophilidae sp. Newly-recorded Family Subfamily Genus Species O O O O O O O O Order Insect fauna including unrecorded species in Ulleungdo, South Korea 13 Family Ephydridae Fanniidae Heleomyzidae Lauxaniidae Lonchopteridae Muscidae Subfamily Muscinae Coenosiinae Phaoniinae Scientific name Drosophila sp. Scaptomyza sp. Ephydridae sp. Fannia sp. Heleomyzidae sp. Suillia sp. Suillia brunneipennis Suillia lineitergum Suillia nartshukella Lauxaniidae sp. Homoneura sp. Homoneura filiola Homoneura haejuana Sciasmomyia supraorientalis Lonchoptera sp. Atherigona sp. Muscinae sp. Lispe sp. Phaoniinae sp. Dichaetomyia bibax Newly-recorded Family Subfamily Genus Species O O O O O O O O O O O O 14 Order Won M etal Family Subfamily Scientific name Mycetophilidae Mycetophilidae sp. Phoridae Phoridae sp.1 Phoridae sp.2 Platystomatidae Euprosopia grahami Rivellia alini Rivellia nigroapicalis Psilidae Psila sp. Psychodidae Psychodidae sp. Sarcophagidae Sarcophagidae sp. Sarcophaginae Sarcophaginae sp. Scatophagidae Scathophaga sp. Scathophaga mellipes Scathophaga Stercoraria Sciaridae Sciaridae sp. Simuliidae Simulium sp. Sphaeroceridae Sphaeroceridae sp 1. Sphaeroceridae sp 2. Stratiomyidae Newly-recorded Family Subfamily Genus Species Order Hemiptera Insect fauna including unrecorded species in Ulleungdo, South Korea 15 Family Syrphidae Tachinidae Tephritidae Acanthosomatidae Achilidae Alydidae Aphididae Aphrophoridae Subfamily Scientific name Allognosta vagans Syrphidae sp. Tachinidae sp. Tachina sp. Tephritidae sp. Campiglossa sp. Acanthonevra trigona Anomoia purmunda Acanthosomatidae sp. Acanthosoma crassicaudum Acanthosoma denticaudum Acanthosoma forficula Elasmostethus nubilus Sastragala scutellata Errada nawae Alydus calcaratus Paraplesius unicolor Riptortus clavatus Aphididae sp. Obiphora intermedia Newly-recorded Family Subfamily Genus Species O 16 Order Family Cicadellidae Cicadidae Coreidae Cydnidae Delphacidae Lygaeidae Miridae Subfamily Won M etal Scientific name Cicadellidae sp. Cicadella viridis Drabescus nigrifemoratus Drabescus nitobei Idiocerus (Bicenarus) ishiyamae Neotituria kongosana Phlogotettix cyclops Meimuna opalifera Homoeocerus (Tliponius) dilatatus Macroscytus japonensis Delphacidae sp. Stenocranus sp. Sogatella furcifera Lygaeidae sp. Neolethaeus dallasi Nysius plebejus Miridae sp. Castanopsides sp. Charagochilus (Charagochilus ) angusticollis Bryocoris montanus Newly-recorded Family Subfamily Genus Species Insect fauna including unrecorded species in Ulleungdo, South Korea 17 Order Family Subfamily Scientific name Newly-recorded Family Subfamily Genus Species Monalocoris filicis Nabidae Nabis (Milu) apicalis O Nabis (Nabis) stenoferus Pentatomidae Aelia fieberi Aelia klugii Glaucias subpunctatus Lelia decempunctata Menida scotti Plautia stali Zicrona caerulea Psyllidae Psyllidae sp. Reduviidae Reduviidae sp. Gardena brevicollis O Ricaniidae Orosanga japonica Tingidae Physatocheila fieberi O Hymenoptera Andrenidae Andrenidae sp. Apidae Apidae sp. Apis mellifera Bombus (Pyrobombus) ardens ardens Bombus speciosus 18 Order Family Braconidae Formicidae Ichneumonidae Vespidae Subfamily Myrmicinae Ponerinae Won M etal Scientific name Braconidae sp. Camponotus sp. Camponotus itoi Camponotus japonicus Camponotus kiusiuensis Formica lemani Lasius alienus Lasius hayashi Lasius spathepus Nylanderia flavipes Stigmatomma silvestrii Technomyrmex gibbosus Myrmicinae sp. Temnothorax sp. Pheidole fervida Pristomyrmex punctatus Stenamma owstoni Temnothorax spinosior Tetramorium tsushimae Ponerinae sp. Cryptopone sauteri Ichneumonidae sp. Coelichneumon ( Coelichneumon) cyaniventris Newly-recorded Family Subfamily Genus Species Insect fauna including unrecorded species in Ulleungdo, South Korea 19 Order Family Lepidoptera Callidulidae Crambidae Drepanidae Erebidae Geometridae Subfamily Scientific name Newly-recorded Family Subfamily Genus Species Vespa simillima simillima Vespula flaviceps flaviceps Pterodecta felderi Glyphodes pryeri Glyphodes quadrimaculalis Haritalodes derogata Herpetogramma luctuosalis Paliga auratalis Palpita nigropunctalis Patania chlorophanta O Nordstromia japonica Thyatira batis batis Erebidae sp. O Barsine striata Catocala lara O Catocala nubila Chionarctia nivea Hypena amica Hypocala subsatura O Manulea japonica O Miltochrista miniata O Spilarctia seriatopunctata Thyas juno O 20 Won M etal Order Family Subfamily Scientific name Newly-recorded Family Subfamily Genus Species Geometridae sp. Abraxas fulvobasalis Biston robustum O Cabera griseolimbata Deileptenia ribeata Dysstroma japonica Epirrhoe supergressa Gandaritis fixseni Lobogonodes erectaria Lomographa bimaculata Lomographa temerata Odontopera arida Orthocabera tinagmaria Ourapteryx koreana Pachyligia dolosa O Phthonosema tendinosaria Problepsis discophora O Lycaenidae Cupido argiades Pseudozizeeria maha Noctuidae Noctuidae sp. Amyna sp. O Amphipyra livida Antoculeora locuples Athetis lineosa Callopistria repleta Chasminodes albonitens Chrysodeixis eriosoma Order Insect fauna including unrecorded species in Ulleungdo, South Korea 21 Family Notodontidae Nymphalidae Pieridae Pyralidae Saturniidae Sphingidae Subfamily Scientific name Ctenoplusia albostriata Diarsia canescens Diarsia deparca Dictyestra dissecta Dimorphicosmia variegata Dypterygia caliginosa Euplexia lucipara Orthosia askoldensis Orthosia carnipennis Sineugraphe oceanica Xestia c-nigrum Xestia efflorescens Epodonta lineata Euhampsonia cristata Spatalia plusiotis Kaniska canace Minois dryas Anthocharis scolymus Pieris rapae Pyralidae sp. Samia cynthia Acosmeryx naga Ambulyx japonica koreana Newly-recorded Family Subfamily Genus Species 22 Order Mantodea Orthoptera Trichoptera Family Tortricidae Mantidae Acrididae Gryllidae Rhaphidophoridae Tetrigidae Tettigoniidae Subfamily Won M etal Scientific name Callambulyx tatarinovii Tortricidae sp. Tenodera sinensis Shirakiacris shirakii Trilophidia annulata Gryllidae sp. Oecanthus longicauda Teleogryllus ( Brachyteleogryllus) emma Paratachycines ( Paratachycines) ussuriensis Tachycines (Tachycines) coreanus Tetrix japonica Tettigoniidae sp. Ducetia japonica Hexacentrus japonicus Phaneroptera falcata Phaneroptera nigroantennata Trichoptera sp. Newly-recorded Family Subfamily Genus Species ngdo, South Korea in Ulleu wemmon-r FEL EL EE