Research Article Journal of Orthoptera Research 2021, 30(2): 117-130 Perception and knowledge of grasshoppers among indigenous communities in tropical forest areas of southern Cameroon: Ecosystem conservation, food security, and health CHARLY OumAROU NGouTte!, DAVID HUNTER2, MICHEL LECOQ? 1 Department of Biology and Physiology of Animal Organisms, Faculty of Science, University of Douala, Cameroon. 2 Locust and Grasshopper Control, 125 William Drive, Canberra, Australia. 3 CIRAD, Montpellier, France. Corresponding author: Charly Oumarou Ngoute (coumaroungoute@yahoo fr) Academic editor: Daniel Petit | Received 10 February 2021 | Accepted 11 April 2021 | Published 27 August 2021 Citation: Oumarou Ngoute C, Hunter D, Lecoq M (2021) Perception and knowledge of grasshoppers among indigenous communities in tropical forest areas of southern Cameroon: Ecosystem conservation, food security, and health. Journal of Orthoptera Research 30(2): 117-130. https://doi. org/10.3897/jor.30.64266 Abstract The increased attention given to health, food security, and biodiversity conservation in recent years should bring together conventional scientists and indigenous people to share their knowledge systems for better results. This work aims to assess how grasshoppers are perceived by the local peo- ple in southern Cameroon, particularly in terms of food, health, and land- scape conservation. Villagers were interviewed individually using a rapid rural assessment method in the form of a semi-structured survey. Nearly all people (99%) declared that they are able to identify local grasshoppers, generally through the color of the insect (80%). Crop fields were the most often cited landscape (16%) in terms of abundance of grasshoppers, with forest being less mentioned (8%). In general, villagers claimed that grass- hopper abundance increased with forest degradation. Grasshoppers were found during all seasons of the year but noted to be more abundant during the long dry seasons. People found grasshoppers both useful and harmful, the most harmful reported being Zonocerus variegatus, an important crop pest. Cassava is the most attacked crop with 75-100% losses. Industrial crops, such as cocoa, coffee, and bananas, were not cited as being damaged by grasshoppers. The most effective conventional method cited for the control of pest grasshoppers is the use of pesticides (53%) with, in most cases (27%), a 75-100% efficiency. The traditional method of spreading ash was also often cited (19%), with an estimated efficiency of 25-75%. Biological methods were neither cited nor used by the villagers. Most of them (87%) declared that they eat grasshoppers; some sold these insects in the market (58%) and some used them to treat diseases (11%). Keywords biodiversity conservation, Caelifera, crop pest, disease, indigenous people, Orthoptera Introduction Sustainable development is now emerging as an alternative to conventional development as a way to reduce poverty in the Third World (UN 2019). A sustainable development perspective is consistent with the need to conserve ecosystems and agro- systems for better development (Ulluwishewa 1993, Andres and Bhullar 2016). In the last century, ecosystem transforma- tions due to agricultural intensification and rapid industrial and urban development have imposed pressures on biological diversity, such that there is an urgent need to create interest and awareness regarding functional biodiversity (Rastogi and Kumar 2009, Rastogi 2011), biodiversity conservation (Kearns 2010), and the economic resources provided by biodiversity (Nijkamp et al. 2008). Accelerated exploitation of natural resources in the Third World leads to environmental degradation and loss of bio- diversity, which, combined with the harmful effects of climate change, threatens to reverse decades of development efforts and have a negative impact on agriculture, health, settkement, and infrastructure in developing countries (Thornton et al. 2011). As a Sub-Saharan African country, Cameroon is seriously affected because it depends mainly on rain-fed agriculture. Due to the current effects of climate change, the livelihoods of local farm- ers are vulnerable to unpredictable floods, prolonged droughts, and related famine, pests, and diseases, thus calling for adap- tive strategies to be undertaken (Akinnagbe and Irohibe 2014, Torquebiau et al. 2016). Early warning systems have proven to be indispensable in preparedness for such climatic consequences (Tadesse et al. 2008, Singh and Zommers 2014). This increased attention to climate change and landscape degradation is bring- ing together both conventional scientific and indigenous com- munities to share their knowledge systems (Nakashima et al. 2012). Historically and to date, local communities in different parts of the world have continued to rely on indigenous knowl- edge to conserve the environment and deal with natural disas- ters (Iloka 2016). However, various people now consider that, especially in Africa, the knowledge of indigenous people should be included when designing adaptations to natural disasters and particularly to climate change (Robinson and Herbert 2001, Joshua and Jiirgen 2013). JOURNAL OF ORTHOPTERA RESEARCH 2021, 30(2) 118 Indigenous knowledge can be defined as a set of strategies, practices, tools, explanations, beliefs, intellectual sources, and other values accumulated through time by indigenous commu- nities without interference or involvement of hegemonies or ex- ternal forces (Emeagwali and Sefa-Dei 2014). The knowledge of indigenous communities has been accumulated through genera- tions of living in a given environment and allows the members of these communities to live in harmony with nature; this knowledge provides valuable tools for food security, health, education, en- vironmental conservation, and the reduction of the degradation of natural resources. To a certain extent, indigenous knowledge allows for the foreseeing of hot weather, periods of seeding, and anticipation of the rainy season (Mwaura 2008). The use and ap- plication of appropriate indigenous knowledge systems can pro- mote environmental conservation and aid in the management of disasters in terms of disaster prevention, mitigation, recovery, prediction, early warning, preparedness, response, and rehabilita- tion (Mwaura 2008). In Africa, the indicators used by indigenous knowledge systems include temperature variation, astronomical observations, plant phenology, and the behavior of birds, amphib- ians, reptiles, and insects (Mwaura 2008). In Tanzania, various en- vironmental and astronomical means have been used to predict rainfall, including plant phenology and the behavior and move- ment of animals such as birds and insects (Chang’a et al. 2010). In Uganda, indicators for the onset of the dry season include the appearance and movement of insects, specifically butterflies, red caterpillars, western honeybees (Apis mellifera Linnaeus, 1758), and bush-crickets (Ruspolia baileyi Otte, 1997; Joshua and Jurgen 2013). In Ghana, the presence of the bird Butastur rufipennis Sun- devall, 1850 would indicate an imminent invasion of crops by locusts (Owusu 2010). According to Mwaura (2008), many people of Africa use indigenous knowledge on insects’ behavior, such as grasshoppers, to protect forests used for rituals, i.e., forests that have trees or animals considered sacred or totems. Grasshoppers are one of the more diverse taxa in the world (Zhang 2011). While some species are harmful, many are not, but all grasshopper species are a crucial link in food chains (Baden- hausser 2012), playing an important role in the recycling and equilibrium of natural ecosystems (Hao et al. 2015). The de- cline in grassland bird species has been shown to have a posi- tive correlation with an increase in grasshopper densities (Bock et al. 1992). Grasshoppers are a major component in the diet of grassland birds, and studies have shown that there is a direct de- crease in birds when grasshoppers are less abundant (Bock et al. 1992). Grasshoppers are also an important food source for other fauna in grassland ecosystems (Latchininsky et al. 2011), such as shrews, moles, bats, armadillos, and anteaters (Srivastava et al. 2009). They are also a food source for many people in the world (Paul et al. 2016). Several authors have reported that grasshop- pers and crickets, especially Hieroglyphus africanus Uvarov, 1922, Acanthacris ruficornis citrina (Serville, 1838), Zonocerus variegatus (Linnaeus, 1758), Ornithacris cavroisi (Finot, 1907), Brachytrupes membranaceus (Drury, 1770), Oxya cyanoptera Stal, 1873, Cyrtacan- thacris aeruginosa (Stoll, 1813), Ornithacris turbida (Walker, 1870), and Anacridium melanorhodon (Walker, 1870), are the insects pre- dominantly eaten by humans in Nigeria, Cameroon, Benin, and in many other parts of Africa because of their high protein content (Banjo et al. 2006, Riggi et al. 2013, Meutchieye 2019, Zabentung- wa et al. 2020). According to De Conconi and Moreno (1988), grasshoppers are also used by many people throughout the world in the preparation of traditional medicines used to cure certain diseases; Sphenarium spp., Taeniopoda sp., and Melanoplus sp. are C. OUMAROU NGOUTE, D. HUNTER AND M. LECOQ used to treat kidney diseases and intestinal sickness. Nevertheless, most of the indigenous knowledge on grasshoppers has not been documented and remains the secret of the local populations of Af- rica, especially in Cameroon. The aim of this study is to assess the indigenous knowledge and perception of communities of South Cameroon on the local forest grasshoppers, especially as it per- tains to (1) the use of grasshopper diversity to predict the level of forest degradation; (2) pest grasshoppers, damage to crops, and known and/or used methods to control these pests; and (3) use of grasshoppers in medicine, culture, and as a food source. Materials and methods Study site.—This study was conducted in villages in the forest ar- eas of the southern Cameroon plateau (between 3°27'N, 11°32'E and 4°10'N, 11°49'E). This area covers almost 42% of Cameroon and is a vast plateau of about 650 m a.s.l., belonging to a strip of plateau that forms the north and west edges of the Congo ba- sin (Westphal et al. 1981). It is dominated by a Guinean climate with four seasons: a long dry season (mid-November to March), a short rainy season (April to June), a short dry season (July to August), and a long rainy season (September to mid-November). Precipitation ranges from 1500 to 2000 mm per year (Santoir and Bopda 1995). These forests are characterized by the dominance of Sterculiacae and Ulmacae, which have great expansion poten- tial, with the undergrowth being invaded by herbaceous plants such as Maranthacae and Acanthacae (Westphal et al. 1981). In these ecosystems, the forest cover is not uniform, as it is regularly degraded because of the economic exploitation of wood and the practice of slash and burn agriculture. The resulting vegetation after degradation are the less diversified fallowlands, dominated by Chromolaena odorata (L.) R.M.King & H.Rob., 1970, Ageratum conizoides L., 1753, Synedrella nodiflora (L.,) Gaertn, and Imperata cylindrica (L.) P.Beauv. Plantain and cocoyam, cassava, yam, maize, and groundnuts are the main food crops (Westphall et al. 1981), while industrial crops include cocoa, coffee, sweet banana, and oil palm (Santoir and Bopda 1995). In the southern Cameroon pla- teau, our surveys were conducted in four regions (Center, South, East, and Littoral) with the following eight divisions: Mbam and Inoubou (villages investigated: Tchekos, Biabetom, Bokito, Dang, Bygna, and Goufe), Mbam and Kim (village investigated: Ngoro), Mefou and Akono (villages investigated: Ongot and Ngoumou), Nyong and Kelle (villages investigated: Memel, Elale, and Bof Makak), Mvilla (villages investigated: Adoum, Mekam, Mang, Djop, and Biyeyem), Valley of Ntem (villages investigated: Ngut- adjap, Aloum, Meko, Akonangui, and Olamze), Sanaga Maritime (village investigated: Ngambe), and High Nyong (village investi- gated: Ngoyla) (Fig. 1). Surveys and data analysis.—A total of 341 people were interviewed individually in the 24 villages selected. Rapid rural appraisal methods (RRA) (Chambers 1981, Polidoro et al. 2008, Sattout et al. 2008) were used between January and July 2017; interviews were conducted using a semi-structured survey form. Thirty-one questions were asked to each participant: two questions about personal information (origin, age, sex, and background); eleven questions on the respondents’ general knowledge of grasshoppers, the influence of forest degradation on grasshopper diversity, and on the potential use of these insects to trace the disruption level of forests due to human activities; nine questions on harmful grass- hoppers and the methods used to control pest species; and nine questions on the importance of grasshoppers to the local popula- JOURNAL OF ORTHOPTERA RESEARCH 2021, 30(2) C. OUMAROU NGOUTE, D. HUNTER AND M. LECOQ 1 Mbam and Inoubou 2 Mbam and Kim 3 Mefou and Akono 4 Nyong and Kelle 5 Mvilla 6 Valley of Ntem 7 Sanaga Maritime _/ 8 High Nyong 2 Fig. 1. Study sites in Cameroon. tion as a food source or for commerce, medicine, traditional rites, and magic (See supplementary file). The interviews were done in French or in the common language of the area with the help of a local translator. Assessment of the recognition of grasshopper species by the local people was facilitated by the use of pictures of many species from the area around the villages. All frequen- cies (calculated using EXCEL version 2016) were compared using the Chi? found using the Kruskal-Wallis test in PAST version 4.03 (Hammer et al. 2001). The Mann-Whitney test was used with the same software for two samples. Differences were considered sig- nificant at a probability less than 0.05. Results Socio-demographic characteristics of the surveyed people The population studied consisted of 58.9% males (201 re- spondents) and 41.1% females (140 respondents) (Table 1). Most respondents were 18-30 years old (40.1%), followed by 31-40 years (22.6%), 51-60 years (14.7%), 41-50 years (12.3%), and over 60 years (10.3%). Most (53.4%) had a high school level ed- ucation, while 29.6% had a primary level education and 11.4% had a university level education. A small number of respondents (5.6%) never went to school at all. Grasshopper recognition by local people Only one respondent said he did not know what a grasshop- per is. In general, in all the villages, the respondents said that they know these insects (99.7%) from their personal experiences (50.4%) or from school (48.7%). Some (33.7%) got their experi- ence from their neighbors and 18.8% from the media. The peo- 119 Vegetation Dense forest Mixed forest Other ple surveyed said that they used general coloring (80.1%), form (66.9%) or odor (30.2%) to recognize grasshoppers, with color predominating in some divisions, and form predominating in others (Table 2). Landscapes reported as habitat for grasshoppers The data shows that most villagers reported that grasshoppers were in all landscapes (79.8%) (Table 3). However, some villagers (16.4%) reported that crop fields hosted grasshoppers more often, while a few (9.7%) thought grasshoppers were mainly in fallow lands (9.7%). The grasshoppers were called by many names, depending on the village and language: “Etandak” in the Beti language (Mefou and Akono, Mvilla and Valley of Ntem divisions), “Gomatatai” and “Ketatai” in the Bafia language (Mbam and Inoubou divi- sion), “Kané” in the Mvouté language (Mbam and Kim division), “Ndenga” in the Bassa language (Nyong and Kelle and Sanaga Maritime), and “Atjembeka” in the Nvjem language (High Nyong division). In general, species-specific names do not exist in these villag- es, with the exception of Z. variegatus, called “Mbakssana” in the Beti language and “Ikadjala” in the Nvjem language. However, 23 species were recognized by the local people : Parapetasia femorata Bolivar, 1884, Dictyophorus karschi (Bolivar, 1904), Mazea granulosa Stal, 1876, and Gemeneta terrea Karsch, 1892 in forest; Odontom- elus kamerunensis Ramme, 1929, Cyphocerastis tristis Karsch, 1892, and Eupropacris coerulea (Drury, 1770) in fallow, crop fields, and forests; Pteropera balachowskyi Donskoff, 1981 and Pteropera mirei Donskoff, 1981 in fallow lands and forest; Zonocerus variegatus (Linnaeus, 1758), Oxycatantops spissus (Walker, 1870), Taphronota ferruginea (Fabricius, 1781), Chirista compta (Walker, 1870), and JOURNAL OF ORTHOPTERA RESEARCH 2021, 30(2) 120 C. OUMAROU NGOUTE, D. HUNTER AND M. LECOQ Table 1. Socio-demographic characteristics of respondents in the investigated divisions. Each value represents a frequency in % (num- ber of respondents); N = size of the sample; p value = probability; y? = value of the Kruskal-Wallis test. The letters a, b, and c represent the results of the Mann-Whitney test for two samples in the same column; the same letter indicates non-significant differences between the values. Comparison Mbam and Mbamand Mefouand Nyong Mvilla Valley of | Sanaga High je P value Total parameters Inoubou Kim Akono and Kelle Ntem Maritime Nyong Sex Male 58.9(50) 43.3(13) 48.5(16) 64.5(20) 59.0(36) 73.7(28) 40.0(12) 78.8(26) 14.2 0.006 58.9(201) Female 41.1(35) 56.7(17) 51.5(17)-35.5(11) —41.0(25) -—-26.3(10)-—«60.0(18) —-21.2(7) 14.2 0.006 41.1(140) x? 3.9 1.8 0.04 3.8 2.9 12.6 1.8 16.6 15.3 p value 0.02 0.1 0.8 0.02 0.04 <0.001 0.1 <0.001 <0.001 N 85 30 33 31 61 38 30 33 341 Age (in years) 18 - 30 36.5(31)a 56.7(17)a 42.4(14)a 6.4(2)a 57.4(35)a 36.8(14)a 23.3(7)ab 51.5(17)a 21.9 <0.001 40.1(137)a 31 - 40 21.2(18)b 16.7(5)b.—-18.2(6)b_- 35.5(11)b 16.4(10)b 23.7(9)ab 46.6(14)b 12.1(4)b 9.4 0.01. 22.6(77)b 41 - 50 17.6(15)b 3.3(1)b.—9.1(3)b-—*92.7(3)a—s«6.6(4)b--21.1(8)ab-:16.7(5)a_9.1(3)be— 3.4 0.2 12.3(42)c 51 - 60 11.8(10)b 10.0(3)b_ 30.3(10)ab 19.4(6)ab 9.8(6)b —-10.5(4)b_—s«6.7(2)a.—s-27.3(9)bsi5.7 0.03 = 14.7(50)c Above 60 12.9(11)b 13.3(4)b —-0.0(0)e_—- 29.0(9)b_-:9.8(6)b_—s-7.9(3)b_—s-6.7(2)a_—0.0(0)c 6.1 0.002 —10.3(35)c x? 10.1 15.9 11.1 5.8 32.8 6.1 9.7 15.5 61.3 p value < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.02 < 0.001 0.01 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 N 85 30 33 31 61 38 30 33 341 Background unschooled 8.2(7)b 0.0(0)c 6.0(2)b 6.5(2)c 1.6(1)c 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)c 21.2(7)a 3.8 0.001 5.6(19)a Primary 34.1(29)a 16.7(5)a_ 39.4(13)a_ 29.0(19)a 18.0(11)a 36.8(14)a 40.0(12)a 24.2(8)a 7.3 0.01 29.6(101)b High school —45.9(39)a_76.7(23)ab 36.4(12)a 54.8(17)b 68.9(42)b 52.7(20)a 46.7(14)a 45.5(15)b 47.6 <0.001 53.4(182)c University 11.8(10)b 6.6(2)ab 18.2(6)ab--9.7(3)c_~—-*1.5(7)a_-10.5(4)b--:13.3(4)b —-9.1(3)a 0.8 0.9 11.4(39)d x? 24.8 33.0 @3 T3i7¢ Dae LOS a9) 6.7 142.7 p value < 0.001 < 0.001 0.004 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.007 < 0.001 N 85 30 33 31 61 38 30 33 341 Acanthacris ruficornis (Fabricius, 1787) in fallow lands and crop fields; Heteropternis thoracica (Walker, 1970) and Pyrgomorpha vign- audii (Guérin-Méneville, 1849) near houses, in fallow lands, and in crop fields; Spathosternum pygmaeum Karsch, 1893, near houses and in fallow lands; Gymnobothrus temporalis (Stal, 1876), Abisares viridipennis (Burmeister, 1838), Catantops stramineus (Walker, 1870) and Afroxyrrhepes obscuripes Uvarov, 1943, only in fallow lands; Atractomorpha acutipennis (Guérin-Méneville, 1844) and Eu- coptacra anguliflava (Karsch, 1893) near houses, in fallow lands, in crop fields, and in forest (Appendix 1). Abundance of grasshoppers in different landscapes, for- ests, and seasons Crop fields were cited most often as having an abundant number of grasshoppers (45.7%), while fallow areas were cited as having only moderate levels (38.7%) (Fig. 2). Grasshoppers were seen as being less abundant to rare in forests (37-38.4%) and rare near houses (49.3%). In general, respondents reported that the abundance of grasshoppers increased with degradation of the forest. They recognized that grasshoppers were generally rare in pristine forests (63.9%) and, in severely degraded forests, they noted low (27.3%), moderate (41.3%) or high (8.2%) abundance levels. In general, respondents reported that grasshoppers were present in all seasons but more abundant during the dry season than in the rainy season. Mainly, high grasshopper abundance was reported during the long dry season (39.3%), with lower lev- els during the short dry season (16.7%) and the long rainy season (11.7%). Grasshoppers were considered to be least common dur- ing the short rainy season, the rarest categories being predomi- nant (31.4%). Perception of grasshoppers by local people In all the divisions visited, the respondents recognized grass- hoppers as both useful and harmful in Mbam and Kim (100%), Mefou and Akono (94%), Nyong and Kelle (93.5%), Mvilla (91.8%), Sanaga Maritime (90%), Mbam and Inoubou (88.2%), High Nyong (63.6%), and Valley of Ntem (50%) (Fig. 3A). Grass- hoppers were reported as only harmful in seven of the eight di- visions studied: Valley of Ntem (34.2%), High Nyong (12.2%), and Sanaga Maritime (10%) had the high frequencies of this re- sponse, with the four others presenting a low frequency. Only the respondents of the divisions Mbam and Kim and Nyong and Kelle did not recognize grasshoppers as harmful. Grasshoppers were reported as only useful more often by some people in the High Nyong (21.2%) and Valley of Ntem (13.2%) divisions. Harmful effects of grasshoppers.—In general, in all the divisions, the most harmful action of grasshoppers reported by respondents was damage to crops (Fig. 3B). Some people cited wounds due to the spines of grasshoppers in Valley of Ntem (28.9%), Mbam and Inoubou (5.9%), and in Mvilla (1.6%). Skin irritation was only reported in Mbam and Inoubou (9.4%). Grasshoppers cited as crop pests.—In all divisions visited, respondents recognized all grasshopper species as crop pests (51%) (Table 4). However, in these divisions, only Zonocerus variegatus was cited as a crop pest having a significant economic impact by a high propor- tion of respondents (33.1%). With the exception of Oxycatantops spissus (3.5%) and Pyrgomorpha vignaudii (1.5%), all other grass- hoppers were cited as crop pests by less than 1% of the respond- ents and only in the areas of Mbam and Inoubou, and Mvilla. JOURNAL OF ORTHOPTERA RESEARCH 2021, 30(2) C. OUMAROU NGOUTE, D. HUNTER AND M. LECOQ 121 Table 2. Recognition of grasshoppers by local people. Frequency in % (number of respondents); N = size of the sample; p value = prob- ability; v’ = value of the Kruskal-Wallis test. The letters a, b, and c represent the results of the Mann-Whitney test for two samples in the same column; the same letter indicates non-significant differences between the values. Comparison Mbam and Mbam and Mefouand Nyongand _ Mvilla parameters Inoubou Kim Knowledge of grasshoppers Yes 100.0(85) 100.0(30) No 0.0(0) 0.0(0) 2 126.8 44.3 p value < 0.001 < 0.001 N 85 30 Where knowledge was gained School 47.1(40)a 90.0(27)a Media 25.9(22)b 23.3(7)b Neighbor 24.7(21)b =10.0(3)b Personal 61.2(52)a 33.3(10)b experience Ye 23.7 30.2 p value < 0.001 < 0.001 N 85 30 Recognition of grasshoppers Form 83.5(71)a 93.3(28)a Color 94.1(80)b 70.0(21)b Odor 43.5(37)c 20.0(6)c 2 36.2 26.7 p value < 0.001 < 0.001 N 85 30 Akono 100.0(33) 0.0(0) 45.8 < 0.001 33 36.4(12)a 15.2(5)b 18.2(6)ab 63.6(21)c 14.9 < 0.001 33 66.7(22)a 54.5(18)a 27.3(9)b 7.9 0.004 33 Kelle 100.0(31) 0.0(0) 45.7 < 0.001 31 71.0(22)a 19.3(6)b 54.8(17)a 32.3(10)b 14.7 < 0.001 eal 90.3(28)a 80.6(25)a 19.4(6)b 24.8 < 0.001 31 100.0(61) 0.0(0) 90.8 < 0.001 61 21.3(13)a 1.6(1)b 18.0(11)a 90.2(55)c 84.1 < 0.001 61 32.8(20)a 96.7(59)b 18.0(11)c 63.6 < 0.001 61 Valley of Ntem 100.0(38) 0.0(0) 56.3 < 0.001 38 28.9(11)a 7.9(3)b 60.5(23)c 26.3(10)a 16.2 < 0.001 38 60.5(23)a 86.8(33)b 18.4(7)c 26.9 < 0.001 38 Sanaga Maritime 100.0(30) 0.0(0) 44.3 < 0.001 30 76.7(23)a 50.0(15)b 53.3(16)ab 23.3(7)c 12.8 < 0.001 30 70.0(21) 53.3(16) 40.0(12) 4.0 0.7 30 High Nyong 97.0(32) 3.0(1) 44.4 < 0.001 33 54.5(18)a 15.2(5)b 54.5(18)a 21.2(7)b 13.2 < 0.001 Sf 45.5(15) 63.6(21) 45.5(15) Xe) 0.2 33 xr 43.3 17.8 Sag 68.6 47.6 27 vl 18 p value 2 O22 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 0.003 Total 99.7(340) 0.3(1) 506.3 < 0.001 341 48.7(166)a 18.8(64)b 33.7(115)c 50.4(172)a 67.2 < 0.001 341 66.9(228)a 80.1(273)b 30.2(103)a 57.7 < 0.001 341 Table 3. Landscapes reported as habitats for grasshoppers in the divisions studied. Frequency in % (number of respondents); N = size of the sample; p value = probability; y? = value of the Kruskal-Wallis test. The letters a, b, and c represent the results of the Mann- Whitney test for two samples in the same column; the same letter indicates non-significant differences between the values. Landscapes Mbam and Mbam and Mefou and Nyong Mvilla Valley of Sanaga High Nyong Inoubou Kim Akono and Kelle Ntem Maritime All landscapes 82.4(70)c 70.0(21)c 84.8(28)c 100.0(31)a 100.0(61)a 68.4(26)a 63.3(19)c 48.5(16)c Forest 2.4(2)b 3.3(1)a 12.1(4)b_-0.0(0)b.——s«O0.0(0b)~—Ss7.9(3)b-26.7(8)ab ~—-24.2(8)b Fallow 9.4(8)ab 6.7(2)ab 12.1(4)b ~=0.0(0)b 0.0(0)b 15.8(6)b 16.7(5)ab 24.2(8)b Crop fields = 14.1(12)a__20.0(6)b.--9.1(3)ab-——:0.0(0)b_—s<0.0(0b)~—s21.1(8)b 36.7(11)b —-48.5(16)c House 16.5(14)a 16.7(5)ab 0.0(0)a —-0.0(0)b_—s:0.0(0)b_—'10.5(4)b_—-10.0(3)a 3.(1)a ye 107.8 26.0 47.1 73.9 154.9 28.2 17.0 14.5 p value < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 N 85 30 33 31 61 38 30 33 Hrare less abundant moderately abundant Mabundant 70 = ae A B C rf 6 50 a = 40 ° > 2 30 s = 20 re 10 | > LM \ i @ 3S x Ss S. ~ s ¢ s S s Ros 2 x Z x x i a so oF y es y es 3 ~ P » J oe & # vos os x X K x S S g & & ge Pe e © ae ay ase ee FF g ee ‘ we Fig. 2. Abundance of grasshoppers in different landscapes (A), forests (B), and seasons (C). JOURNAL OF ORTHOPTERA RESEARCH 2021, 30(2) ee 2671) 6.1 DZ 223 4.9 p value < 0.001 < 0.001 0.002 < 0.001 0.001 Total 79.8(272)c 7.6(26)a 9.7(33)a 16.4(56)b 7.9(27)a 398.6 < 0.001 341 122 C. OUMAROU NGOUTE, D. HUNTER AND M. LECOQ A B Cc Buseful ®harmful Museful/narmful pest of crops wounds skin irritation Badults Mnymphs GMadults/nymphs Se x 100 Ps =. =100 2 90 = “ap a 90 c 80 Bn ah S 80 a 70 3 ® 70 © 60 a 60 5 60 Oo» «50 = ~ 50 > 50 S 40 5 40 o 5s 30 = 30 =] 30 co) oy oS" 820 = ® 20 2 os 20 d= ae SiG 2 10 0 = 10 0 0 DQ O @ w SM YG O @ wo SUSl YS YS es S wv VS PM Wh QF WS > © @ @ Fo er HW” CHS TAS FHSS Mw Pe O' SF fe) S ‘ s\ XS) AS Q VO SO S & NS LS Oo fe) Sore” Rs + Ves - ES se ea ge @ eS a NS < 40" ff x ws - = ww a a Fig. 3. Perception of grasshoppers by local people: general perception (A), harmful effects of grasshoppers (B), and development stage of pest grasshoppers (C). Table 4. Pest grasshoppers cited by local people. Frequency in % (number of respondents); N = size of the sample; p value = probability; x = value of the Kruskal-Wallis test. The letters a, b, c, and d represent the results of the Mann-Whitney test for two samples in the same column; the same letter indicates non-significant differences between the values. Grasshoppers species Mbamand Mbam Mefouand Nyong Mvilla Valley of Sanaga High x pvalue Total Inoubou andKim Akono and Kelle Ntem Maritime Nyong All the species 67.1(57)a 63.3(19)a 42.4(14)a 51.6(16)a 32.8(20)a 31.6(12)a 73.3(22)a 42.4(14)a 24.2 <0.001 51.0(174)a Zonocerus variegatus 28.2(24)b 53.3(16)b 30.3(10)b 38.7(12)a 55.7(34)b 31.6(12)a 13.3(4)b 3.0(1)b 25.5 <0.001 33.1(113)b Taphronota ferruginea 2.4(2)c 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)b 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)b 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)b 0.2 0.5 0.6(2)c Acanthacris ruficornis 1.2(1)c 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)b 1.6(1)cd 0.0(0)b 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)b 0.05 0.9 0.6(2)c Atractomorpha acutipennis —1.2(1)c 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)b 3.3(2)cd 0.0(0)b 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)b 0.2 0.6 0.9(3)cd Pyrgomorpha vignaudii 1.2(1)c 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)b 6.6(4)d 0.0(0)b 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)b 0.6 0.06 1.5(5)cd Oxycatantops spissus 1.2(1)c 16.7(5)c 6.1(2)c 0.0(0)b 6.6(4)d 0.0(0)b 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)b 2.6 <0.001 3.5(12)d y: 97.8 41.2 18.4 207 48.5 16.2 40.2 14.9 258.7 p value < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 N 85 30 33 31 61 38 30 33 341 Developmental stage of crop pests.—Except in the Sanaga Maritime (12%), Valley of Ntem (7.9%), and High Nyong (3%) divisions, the most frequent pest grasshopper stages reported by respondents were both adults and nymphs (Fig. 3C). However, a few respond- ents in the Nyong and Kelle division reported that grasshoppers were only harmful during the nymphal stage (6.5%). Crops cited as most often damaged by pest grasshoppers.—The crops most cited by the respondents as affected by pest grasshoppers were cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz, 1766) (60.1%), corn (Zea mays L., 1753) (58.1%), groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L., 1753) (35.5%), and okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench, 1794) (27.9%) (Table 5). Less cited were green vegetable (15.5%), cucumber (Cucumis sativus L., 1753) (9.1%), sweet potato (Ipo- moea batatas (L.) Lam., 1793) (7.3%), bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L., 1753) (6.2%), macabo-cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium (L.) Schott, 1832) (5.3%), and bitter leaf (Vernonia amygdalina Delile) (2.3%). No other crops were cited. Impact of pests on crops productivity.—Cassava was most cited (32.3%) as suffering high losses (75-100%) due to pest grasshop- pers, followed by corn (12.6%), green vegetable (12.3%), and groundnut (8.2%) (Fig. 4). The loss of 50-75% of crops was most cited in the same plants, while a loss of about 25-50% was more often reported in corn (29.3%) than in cassava (14.7%). High levels of damage (75-100%) were rarely reported for cucumber (3%), macabo-cocoyam (3%), and bitter leaf (1.2%). Methods known and used to control pest grasshoppers.—The conven- tional grasshopper control methods cited by respondents were insecticides, weeding, picking by hand, and the use of improved seeds (Table 6). Insecticides were the most cited (52.5%), but many thought they were little used due to their high cost. Weeding (4.5%) and picking (13.5%) grasshoppers by hand were less cited but most used by the villagers. Improved seeds were rarely cited (0.6%), and biological methods were not cited at all. Among the traditional methods, the most cited and used by the villagers was spreading ash (18.8%), smoke (7.9%), or litter (2.3%) on crops. Other traditional methods were rarely mentioned or used. Efficiencies of the methods used to control pest grasshoppers. —Insec- ticides were considered to be most effective in removing grass- JOURNAL OF ORTHOPTERA RESEARCH 2021, 30(2) C. OUMAROU NGOUTE, D. HUNTER AND M. LECOQ 123 hoppers, with 26.7% of respondents saying that insecticides can remove 75-100% of the grasshoppers in crop fields, although 1.5% said they were not very effective, removing less than 25% (Fig. 5). Weeding and picking grasshoppers by hand seems to 25 be less effective, as such methods were claimed only by 2.1% and 8.2% of the people, respectively, to remove 25-50% of 0 | | | | fi se @<25% ofloss 25-50% ofloss 50-75% ofloss 75-100% of loss i) oO the grasshoppers in the crops. Improved seeds were rarely used (0.3%) but, according to the villagers, they guarantee an effi- ciency of up to 75-100%. A few people (0.9-3.8%) expressed a belief that the use of smoke can remove up to 50-100% of pest grasshoppers in the crop fields, but some (1.5-2.1%) pur- =< 25) Oo a oa frequency of respondents (%) th alll. hh a walla allll_ rs £¢ Ff SF LF SS & : d : 5 ; fees ee Bee oe 3s ported it to have less efficiency. A slightly higher proportion me Ss - oe ee ry (2.3-10.6%) of respondents said ash can efficiently (25-75%) S vw control pest grasshoppers in crop fields. Other traditional meth- ods of control were rarely mentioned and cited as having an Fig. 4. Impact of pest activities on the productivity of crops. efficiency less than 50%. Table 5. Crops cited by local people as damaged by pest grasshoppers. Frequency in % (number of respondents); N = size of the sam- ple; p value = probability; x’ = value of the Kruskal-Wallis test. The letters a, b, c, d, e, and f represent the results of the Mann-Whitney test for two samples in the same column; the same letter indicates non-significant differences between the values. Crops Mbam and Mbam and Mefou and Nyongand Mvilla Valleyof Sanaga High ve p value Total Inoubou Kim Akono Kelle Ntem Maritime Nyong Corn 67.1(57)a 83.3(25)a 48.5(16)a 90.3(28)a 55.8(34)a 21.1(8)a 50.0(15)a 45.5(15)a 36.2 <0.001 58.1(198)a Cassava 81.2(69)b 66.7(20)a 48.5(16)a 71.0(22)ab 73.8(45)b 28.9(11)a 40.0(12)a 30.3(10)ab 44.5 <0.001 60.1(205)a Groundnut 43.5(37)c 13.3(4)b 30.3(10)ab 16.1(5)c 59.0(36)a 34.2(13)a 30.0(9)ab 21.2(7)bc 23.5 <0.001 35.5(121)b Green vegetables 27.1(23)d 16.7(5)b 3.0(1)c 19.4(6)c 19.7(12)c 0.0(0)b 10.0(3)b 9.1(3)be 8.8 0.002 1SS(S3)c Okra 20.0(17)de 66.7(20)a_ 21.2(7)b 48.4(15)bd 31.1(19)c 23.7(9)a_ 16.7(5)b 9.1(3)be—- 24.4. < 0.001_-~—-27.9(95)d Cucumber 12.9(11)e 10.0(3)c 3.0(1)c 0.0(O)e 8.2(5)c 15.8(6)a 3.3(1)c 12.(4)bc 1.8 0.5 9-1(31)e Bean 5.9(5)ef 3.3(1)d 6.1(2)c 12.9(4)f 9.8(6)c 0.0(0)b 3.3(1)c =6.1(2)c ~——:1.0 0.4 6.2(21)ef Bitter leaf 3.5(3)f 0.0(0)d 3.0(1)c 0.0(0)e 0.0(0)d 0.0(0)b 0.0(0)c 12.(4)be 8.7 <0.001 2.3(8)g Sweet potato 0.0(0)F 0.0(0)d 6.1(2)c 32.3(10)d 9.8(6)c 0.0(0)b 16.7(5)b 6.1(2)c = 1.9Ss—«i02—S—=7-.3( 25 Jef Macobo-cocoyam _0.0(0)f 0.0(0)d 0.0(0)c 6.5(2)f 19.7(12)c 0.0(0)b 6.7(2)b 6.1(2)c 5.4 <0.001 5.3(18)f x? 190.4 86.5 29.9 79.8 108.5 19.7 23.8 13.9 437.6 p value < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 N 85 30 33 31 61 38 30 33 341 Table 6. Methods for controlling pest grasshoppers cited and used by local people. Frequency in % (number of respondents); N = size of the sample; p value = probability; y? = value of the Kruskal-Wallis test. The letters a, b, c, d, and e represent the results of the Mann- Whitney test for two samples in the same column; the same letter indicates non-significant differences between the values. Methods of Mbamand Mbam Mefouand Nyong Mvilla Valleyof Sanaga High xr p value Total control Inoubou andKim Akono and Kelle Ntem Maritime Nyong Conventional methods Insecticide 69.4(59)a 50.0(15)a 24.2(8)a 29.0(25)a 37.7(23)a 57.8(22)a 46.6(14)a 39.4(13)a 28.8 <0.001 52.5(179)a Weeding 7.1(6)b 0.0(0)b—-21.2(7)a.— 3.2(1)b_-:0.0(0)b_—Ss«0.0(0)b_—Ss“«0.0(0)b_s 3.0(1)b.—s 3.9 =~ < 0.001 ~—4..5(15)b Picking 2.4(2)b -0.0(0)b_- 42.4(14)b 38.7(12)c 19.7(12)c 7.9(3)b -0.0(0)b-s-:9.1(3)b-—s- 21.5. < 0.001 ~—:13.5(46)c Improved seed 2.4(2)b 0.0(0)b_—-0.0(0)c_~—-:0.0(0)b-—s:0.0(0)b_—s«0.0(0)b-—s—«O0.0(0)b-—s-<0.0(0)b——s*OL 0.5 0.6(2)d x? 81.1 16.7 8.9 36.3 L9 26.4 14.6 9.9 173.6 p value < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 N 85 30 33 31 61 38 30 33 341 Traditional methods Smoke 5.9(5)a 30.0(19)a_~—- 3.0(1) ~—s--0.0(0)a— ss 3.3(2) ~=—:10.5(4)a_—-:13.3(4)a_—6.1(2) 6.1 <0.001 7.9(27)a Ashes 36.5(31)b 33.3(10)a-3.0(1)--35.5(11)b--1.6(1) ~=—0.0(0)b-—s- 20.0(6)a_s-:12.1(4) 25.0 =< 0.001 ~—-18.8(64)b Litter 1.2(1)c 13.3(4)a-0.0(0)——«0.0(0)a_—s«0.0(0)_—<0.0(0)b_-—:10.0(3)ab_ 6.1%(2) 1.9 0.003 __2.3(10)c Paracetamol 1.2(1)c 0.0(0)b 0.0(0) 0.0(0)a 0.0(0) 0.0(0)b 0.0(0)b _—0..(0) 0.03 0.9 0.3(1)d Cow dung 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)b 0.0(0) 0.0(0)a 0.0(0) 0.0(0)b 3.3(1)ab 0.010) ~_—0..08 0.3 0.3(1)d Hot pepper water 0.0(0)c 23.3(7)a 0.0(0) 0.0(O)a 0.0(0) 0.0(0)b 0.0(0)b 0.0(0) 4.5 <0.001 2.1 (7)ce Bell sounds 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)b 0.010) 6.5(2)c 0.0(0) 0.0(0)b 0.0(0)b_~—6..1(2) 0.6 0.02 1.2(4)ce Tobacco leaf water 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)b 0.0(0) 0.0(O)a 0.0(0) 0.0(0)b 0.0(0)b 3.0(1) 0.08 0.2 0.3(1)d ye 28.5 133 0.1 10.0 0.2 1.4 3.2 1.3 29.3 p value < 0.001 < 0.001 0.5 < 0.001 0.2 < 0.001 0.002 0.2 < 0.001 N 85 30 33, 31 61 38 30 33 341 JOURNAL OF ORTHOPTERA RESEARCH 2021, 30(2) 124 C. OUMAROU NGOUTE, D. HUNTER AND M. LECOQ species most often reported as eaten and sold in the markets (Ta- ble 8). Orthopteran species coming from the families Tettigoni- dae and Gryllidae were also eaten-fried or braised and marketed fresh or fried. Importance of grasshoppers cited by local people Grasshoppers were reported as used mainly as food (86.8%), but also sold at markets (57.7%), used as fishing bait (13.2%), or to treat diseases (10.9%) (Table 7). Grasshoppers are eaten and commercialized in all the divisions studied, used to treat diseases in five divisions, and as fishing bait in four. A very few respondents mentioned using grasshoppers as a charming medium (1.8%), as being important for ecosystem balance (0.9%), or considered them to be biological control agents against weeds (0.3%) or a pollinator agent (0.3%). Diseases treated with grasshoppers.—Zonocerus variegatus (Fig. 6A) was cited by the respondents as used to treat a wide variety of diseases including spleen pain, burns, tuberculosis, angina, ma- laria and several others (Appendix 2). Atractomorpha acutipennis (Fig 6C) was crushed to treat disease of the baby’s fontanelle and sighting this grasshopper was a sign of luck in hunting, while Oxycatantops spissus (Fig 6B) was used in treatment of Types of grasshoppers eaten and commercialized.—Zonocerus variega- SOMe diseases and as a charming medium (Appendix 2). tus and Oxycatantops spissus (Fig. 6) were the two grasshopper §<25% of efficiency § 25-50% of efficiency 50-75% of efficiency ™75-100% of efficiency frequency of respondents (%) Fig. 5. Efficiency of the methods used to control pest grasshoppers: conventional methods (A) and traditional methods (B). Table 7. Importance of grasshoppers cited by local people. Frequency in % (number of respondents); N = size of the sample; p value = probability; y? = value of the Kruskal-Wallis test. The letters a, b, c, and d represent the results of the Mann-Whitney test for two samples in the same column; the same letter indicates non-significant differences between the values. Uses Mbam and Mbam and Mefou and Nyong Mvilla Valley of | Sanaga High xr p value Total Inoubou Kim Akono and Kelle Ntem Maritime Nyong Food 89.4(76)a 100.0(30)a 93.9(31)a 83.8(26)a 95.1(58)a 57.8(22)a 90.0(27)a 78.8(26)a 13.8 <0.001 86.8(296)a Commerce 57.6(49)b 76.7(23)b 72.7(24)b 77.4(24)a 32.8(20)b 34.2(13)b 66.7(20)b 72.7(24)a 29.6 <0.001 57.7(197)b Treat diseases L7G(15 ye 0.0(0)c 6.1(2)c 32.2(10)b 3.3(2)c —=—-.21.1(8)bc 3—0.0(0)c 3=—:0.0(0)b_— ss sd11.2,—- < 0.001 ~=—: 10.9(37)c Charming medium ~—_—-2.4(2)d 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)c 10.5(4)bc 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)b 1.2 0.04 1.8(6)d Fishing bait 16.5(14)c 0.0(0)c ~=—-:0.0(0)c_—-0.0(0)c_—-:21..3(13)b 36.8(14)ab 0.0(0)c 12.1(4)c 14.3 <0.001 13.2(45)c Pollinator agent 1.2(1)d 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)cd 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)b 0.03 0.9 0.3(1)d Biological control 1.2(1)d 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)cd 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)b 0.03 0.9 0.3(1)d Ecosystem balance 0.0(0)d 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)c Cola 0.0(0)c 0.0(0)b 0.6 0.001 0.9(3)d 7 193.3 107.3 102.8 86.9 140.2 is Fa Sos 84.9 81.8 764.6 p value < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 < 0.001 N 85 30 33 31 61 38 30 33 341 Table 8. Grasshoppers and other Orthopterans cited by local people as eaten and sold commercially. Species/Family Consummation forms Commercialization forms Divisions Zonocerus variegatus fried or braised Mbam and Inoubou, Mvilla, Valley of Ntem, High fresh or fried Nyong, Mefou and Akono, Nyong and Kelle Oxycatantops spissus fried or braised fresh Mbam and Inoubou Tettigonidae fried or braised fresh or fried All the divisions Gryllidae fried or braised not sold Mbam and Inoubou JOURNAL OF ORTHOPTERA RESEARCH 2021, 30(2) C. OUMAROU NGOUTE, D. HUNTER AND M. LECOQ 125 Fig. 6. Some grasshoppers mainly used/cited by local people: Zonocerus variegatus (pest of crops, fallowland species, use as food and to treat diseases) (A), Oxycatantops spissus (pest of crops, fallowland species, use as food and to treat diseases) (B), Atractomorpha acutipen- nis (pest of crops, species of forest edge and fallow, use to treat diseases) (C), Parapetasia femorata (forest species, use as indicator to characterize forest ecosystems) (D), Mazea granulosa (forest species, use as indicator to characterize forest ecosystems) (E), Gemeneta terrea (forest species, use as indicator to characterize forest ecosystems) (F). Discussion Our data allow an assessment of the perception of grasshop- pers by local people in Southern Cameroon, particularly in terms of food, health, and landscape conservation. Grasshoppers are known to be herbivore insects common to grassland ecosystems worldwide (Lockwood et al. 2000, Branson et al. 2006). Most of the respondents interviewed (99.7%) thought grasshoppers were found in all landscapes. Our study shows that the local people understand that the abundance of grasshoppers increases with the degradation or opening of forests: grasshoppers were reported to be rare in pristine forests and abundant in much degraded forests, which is consistent with Badenhausser’s (2012) conclusion that abun- dance increases with environmental degradation. According to Latchininsky (1996), in the ex-USSR, some forest Orthopteran species (especially Tetrix tartara subacute Bey-Biento, 1951, Acrida oxycephala (Pallas, 1771), Duroniella gracilis Uvarov, 1926, Duroni- ella kalmyka (Adelung, 1906), and Mesasippus kozhevnikovi iliensis Mistshenko, 1951) become rare after forest degradation; this au- thor noted an increase in grassland species in the degraded areas, especially of Sphingonotus maculatus Uvarov, 1925, Sphingonotus halocnemi Uvarov, 1925, Sphingonotus satrapes Saussure 1884, and Sphingoderus carinatus (Saussure, 1888). Hao et al. (2015) sug- gested that, apart from steppes and deserts, the abundance of grasshoppers was almost the same in other ecosystems. Unlike our work, Joshi et al. (1999) reported that in India, species diver- sity and richness were higher in less disturbed sites, followed by replanting environments and severely disturbed environments. These differences show that the behavior of grasshoppers related to the opening of the environment depends on the eco-climatic zones and the structure of the vegetation. The changes to ecosys- tems strongly affect grasshoppers’ behavior, as grasshoppers use plants as both food and habitat (Latchininsky et al. 2011, Ouma- rou Ngoute et al. 2020). The challenge is to predict the potential responses of the grasshoppers, in a given ecosystem, to global environmental change. The respondents said grasshoppers were present in all climatic seasons, but more abundant during the dry seasons. Kijazi et al. (2013) claimed that indigenous peoples in Nigeria used insect abundance and movement to predict the onset of the dry season, and Joshua and Jiirgen (2013) reported that the appearance of the bushcricket Ruspolia baileyi Otte, 1997 is known to indicate the dry season in western Uganda. Poubom et al. (2005) and Oladele et al. (2014) recorded the abundant activity of Z. variegatus during the dry seasons in Cameroon and Nigeria. JOURNAL OF ORTHOPTERA RESEARCH 2021, 30(2) 126 In general, respondents recognized grasshoppers as being both useful and harmful. They reported that all species consume crops, but only Z. variegatus was recognized as a pest with economic im- pact. According to Poubom et al. (2005), the majority of farmers in Cameroon consider insects to be pests, and after the green mite Mononychellus tanajoa (Bondar, 1938), it is the stinky grasshopper Z. variegatus that is responsible for most of the damage observed on crop leaves, especially during the dry seasons. The farmers in- the study said that Z. variegatus is a polyphagous pest and that its damage has increased over the past 10 years as forest destruction has increased (Poubom et al. 2005). Oladele et al. (2014) found that in Nigeria, grasshoppers were reported as the main pest fol- lowed by beetles and butterflies; the grasshopper Z. variegatus is known to be polyphagous in this area and can devastate fields of vegetables during the dry season. In the same country, Okun- lola and Ofuya (2010) reported that Z. variegatus is the third most frequent crop pest after Dysdercus superstitiosus (Fabricius, 1775) (Hemiptera) and Sylepta derogata (Fabricius, 1775) (Lepidoptera). Our data reveal that the villagers felt that insecticides were the most effective method to control pest grasshoppers, but because of the high cost of chemical insecticides, most farmers used weeding and picking by hand; biological and ecological methods were not mentioned. Worldwide, most locust and grasshopper management programs still rely on chemical pesticides (Zhang et al. 2019). Sug- gested products, pros and cons, and doses are regularly made pub- licly available by the FAO Pesticide Referee Group (FAO 2014). In recent years, a very remarkable advance has been the use of bio- pesticides, prepared with the fungus Metarhizium acridum, as impor- tant components of management programs and with good efficacy (Zhang et al. 2019). However, in our study, traditional methods of grasshopper control were the most used, which is consistent with the results of Joshua and Jiirgen (2013), who reported that the majority of African farmers still depended on indigenous pest management approaches. In Nigeria, according to Oladele et al. (2014), 76.7% of farmers use cultural or traditional methods due to the unavail- ability and high cost of chemical insecticides. In the same country, Okunlola and Ofuya (2010) found that 76% of farmers were aware of indigenous methods for the control of vegetable pests. Our study shows that the most-used traditional methods were spraying smoke and spreading ash and litter on crops. Respondents reported that smoke can be up to 75-100% effective in repelling grasshoppers, but the control of Z. variegatus comes down to hand picking and human consumption. Poubom et al. (2005) reported that in most regions of Cameroon, the traditional methods of grasshopper con- trol were manual collection or capture of edible species that provide additional food for families. Some local people in southern Cam- eroon collect grasshopper species (mainly Z. variegatus) as a food source for poultry. Page (1978) recommends plowing to control Z. variegatus. When females have laid their eggs in clumps in the soil, plowing brings the eggs to the surface and causes them to dry out. If this practice was adopted by all farmers, populations of Z. variegatus may be greatly reduced and damage minimized (Modder 1994). In Uganda, the natives use extracts of natural plants to control crop pests, specifically Capsicum frutescens L., 1753, Tagetes spp., Nicotia- na tabacum L. 1753, Cypressus spp., Tephrosia vogelii Hook.f., 1849, Azadirachta indica A.Juss., 1830, Musa spp., Moringa oleifera Lam., 1785, Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A.Gray, 1883, Lantana camara L., 1753, Phytolacca dodecandra UHer., Vernonia amygdalina Delile, Aloe spp., Eucalyptus spp., Cannabis sativa L., 1753, Coffea sp., and Carica papaya L., 1753 (Joshua and Jiirgen 2013). Extracts with in- secticidal properties come from the roots, stems, leaves, or flowers of these plants; they have a low spectrum of action, are easily usable, C. OUMAROU NGOUTE, D. HUNTER AND M. LECOQ and have few residues capable of accumulating in animal or plant tissues. However, many farmers have reported that some botanical formulations take a long time to prepare and are not easy to apply, especially on a large scale (Mugisha-Kamatenesi et al. 2008). Most of the respondents (85.9%) in our study said grasshoppers are used as food in addition to Tettigonidae and Gryllidae, and the grasshopper species consumed by the local people are Z. variegatus and O. spissus. Orthoptera species are used as food in many parts of the world, such as Australia, India, South America, and Africa (van Huis 2003, Srivastava et al. 2009, Mitsuhashi 2016, Niassy et al. 2016, Jongema 2017, Tchibozo and Lecog 2017). Gullan and Cran- ston (2010) reported that most of the edible insects used worldwide come from a relatively small number of orders, including crickets, grasshoppers, and locusts. According to Riggi et al. (2013), Cole- optera are the most commonly consumed, and Orthoptera are the second group of insects consumed in Africa, specifically grasshop- pers such as Hieroglyphus africanus Uvarov, 1922, Acanthacris ruficor- nis citrina (Serville, 1838), Ornithacris cavroisi (Finot, 1907), locusts [Locusta migratoria (Linnaeus, 1758)], and crickets [Brachytrupes membranaceus (Drury, 1773)| which have a nutritional quality su- perior or similar to that of the meat products currently available. Insects as food are not inferior to other sources of protein, such as other animals or plants (Xiaoming et al. 2010). A recent analysis of the nutrient composition of Z. variegatus from Nigeria showed high values of protein, crude lipids, and minerals (potassium, sodium, and calcium) (Anaduaka et al. 2021). Our study shows that Z. var- iegatus and O. spissus are also sold in the markets. Bronwyn (2013) noted that grasshoppers are eaten and sold in the markets of Dima- pur and Kohima, India: the legs, wings, and viscera are removed, and they are fried in oil with ingredients such as onion, bamboo, ginger, and salt. Pemberton and Yamasaki (1995) reported that grasshoppers appear on restaurant menus in Japan. Zonocerus variegatus, Atractomorpha acutipennis, and Oxycatan- tops spissus are used by local people to treat spleen pain, burns, tuberculosis, angina, malaria, stomachaches, and anal tingling. Grasshoppers are considered to have therapeutic value in Austra- lia, India, South America, and Africa (Srivastava et al. 2009). De Conconi and Moreno (1988) reported that most of the insects (such as grasshoppers and locusts) sold in the markets in Mexico are also used as diuretics, analgesics, anesthetics, or aphrodisiacs. The species Sphenarium spp., Taeniopoda sp., and Melanoplus sp. are used to treat kidney diseases and intestinal disorders (the hind legs of grasshoppers are crushed and mixed with water, then drunk as a powerful diuretic). Locusts of the species Schistocerca spp. are helpful in cases of postnatal anemia and in pulmonary diseases, asthma, and chronic cough. The legs of the crickets Acheta do- mesticus (Linnaeus, 1758) are crushed and mixed with water and drunk as a diuretic for dropsy edema (De Conconi and Moreno 1988). Lawal and Banjo (2007) reported that the grasshoppers Z. variegatus and Zabalius lineolatus (Stal, 1873) are used to treat childhood illness and injuries in Nigeria. Some species are in- volved in the magic and mystical treatment of diseases in Mexico: Brachytrypes sp. crickets are used to treat bleeding in women before delivery (De Conconi and Moreno 1988). All these examples demonstrate that, as in many regions of the world, diverse use is made of grasshoppers in southern Cameroon, whether as a food source, remedies, or as indicators of environ- mental change. In addition, numerous local solutions (of vary- ing effectiveness) are used to control pest species. It is important to continue to identify, understand, and develop this traditional knowledge as a possible source or at least partial solution to some of the environmental changes currently underway. JOURNAL OF ORTHOPTERA RESEARCH 2021, 30(2) C. OUMAROU NGOUTE, D. HUNTER AND M. LECOQ Acknowledgements This work was partially made possible by a Rufford Small Grant (ID application: 19665-1) from the Rufford Foundation: we did the surveys during our sensitizations against deforestation in the divisions of Mefou and Akono, Valley of Ntem, and Mvilla. We warmly thank all the inhabitants interviewed during our field trips for their cooperation. 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Sub-Familly Grasshoppers species Acridinae Chirista compta + + Gymnobothrus temporalis + Odontomelus + + + kamerunensis Catantopinae Abisares viridipennis + Catantops stramineus + Eupropacris coerulea + + + Gemeneta terrea + Mazea granulosa + House Fallow Crop Forest Divisions Mbam and Inoubou, Mbam and Kim, Mefou and Akono, Mvilla, Valley of Ntem, Sanaga Maritime Mbam and Inoubou, Mefou and Akono, Mvilla, Valley of Ntem Mbam and Inoubou, Mbam and Kim, Mefou and Akono, Nyong and Kelle, Mvilla, Valley of Ntem Mbam and Inoubou Nyong and Kelle, Mvilla, Valley of Ntem Mbam and Inoubou, Mbam and Kim, Mefou and Akono, Nyong and Kelle, Mvilla, Valley of Ntem Mbam and Kim, Mefou and Akono, Mvilla Mbam and Kim, Mefou and Akono, Mvilla, Valley of Ntem JOURNAL OF ORTHOPTERA RESEARCH 2021, 30(2) C. OUMAROU NGOUTE, D. HUNTER AND M. LECOQ Sub-Familly Grasshoppers species 129 House Fallow Crop Forest Divisions Catantopinae Oxycatantops spissus + + Mbam and Inoubou, Mbam and Kim, Mefou and Akono, Nyong and Kelle, Mvilla, Valley of Ntem, Sanaga Maritime Pteropera balakoswki + + Mbam and Inoubou, Mefou and Akono, Valley of Ntem Pteropera mirei + + Mbam and Inoubou, Mefou and Akono, Mvilla Coptacrinae Cyphocerastis tristis + + + Mbam and Inoubou, Mbam and Kim, High Nyong Eucoptacra anguliflava + + + + Mbam and Inoubou, Mvilla Cyrtacantacridinae Acanthacris ruficornis + + Mbam and Kim, Mvilla Spathosterninae Spathosternum pygmaeum + + Mbam and Inoubou, Mbam and Kim, Mvilla, Valley of Ntem Oedipodinae Heteropternis thoracica + + + Mbam and Inoubou, Mbam and Kim, Mvilla, Valley of Ntem Pyrgomorphinae Atractomorpha acutipennis — + + + + Mbam and Inoubou, Mbam and Kim, Mefou and Akono, Nyong and Kelle, Mvilla, Valley of Ntem, High Nyong, Sanaga Maritime Dictyophorus karschi + Mvilla, Valley of Ntem, Mbam and Kim Parapetasia femorata + Mbam and Inoubou, Mbam and Kim, Mefou and Akono, Nyong and Kelle, Mvilla, Valley of Ntem, High Nyong Pyrgomorpha vignaudii + + + Mbam and Inoubou, Mbam and Kim, Mvilla, Valley of Ntem, Sanaga Maritime Taphronota ferruginea Mefou and Akono, Mvilla, Valley of Ntem Zonocerus variegatus + + Mbam and Inoubou, Mbam and Kim, Mefou and Akono, Nyong and Kelle, Mvilla, Valley of Ntem, High Nyong, Sanaga Maritime Tropidopolinae Afroxyrrhepes obscuripes + Mbam and Inoubou Appendix 2 Diseases cited by local people as treated using grasshoppers. Grasshoppers Diseases/cultural uses Preparation Posology Divisions species Zonocerus Spleen pain Crush the grasshopper and extract its oil Scarify the patient with spines of _Mbam and Inoubou, variegatus the grasshopper’s legs and rub oil Mvilla extracted Spleen pain Remove head and viscera of the grasshopper, wash Eat in three days Mbam and Inoubou with boiling water, and cook in cucumber dishes Spleen pain Crush the grasshopper and mix with water Purge the patient with the solution Valley of Ntem Scabies and burns Crush the grasshopper and mix with red palm oil Rub on the scabies or burns Valley of Ntem Belly swollen of Remove head and viscera of the grasshopper, wash Eat once daily until disease Mbam and Inoubou children with boiling water, fry, and mix with red palm oil regression Tuberculosis Remove head and viscera of the grasshopper, wash Eat daily until disease regression Mbam and Inoubou with boiling water, and cook in cucumber dishes Angina Crush the head and viscera grasshopper and mix with Rub on the throat every day during Mvilla “the king of grass” Algeratum conizoides illness Malaria Put the grasshopper on the child so the child is stung High Nyong by its spines Burn Burn and crush the grasshopper and mix it with a Rub on the wound Mefou and Akono little water Anal itching of children Crush head and viscera of the grasshopper and mix Purge the patient with the solution Nyong and Kelle of 2 to 3 years old with “the king of grass” Algeratum conizoides Anal itching of children Sting three times the anus of child with the spines of Nyong and Kelle of 2 to 3 years grasshopper Atractomorpha « abobo » disease of the Crush grasshoppers Rub on the fontanelle Valley of Ntem acutipennis baby’s fontanelle luck Viewed in the forest bya hunter | Mefou and Akono reflects a successful hunt Oxycatantops Burns and painful Remove head and viscera of the grasshopper, wash Eat during the period of Mbam and Inoubou Spissus menstruation of women — with boiling water, and cook in dishes or cucumber menstruation sauces Spleen pain Scarify the child at the hip with the spines of Mvilla grasshopper’s legs Charming medium Remove grasshopper viscera and cook it with smoked __Give food only to the person you Mbam and Kim freshwater fish in cucumber dishes want to charm JOURNAL OF ORTHOPTERA RESEARCH 2021, 30(2) 130 C. OUMAROU NGOUTE, D. HUNTER AND M. LECOQ Supplementary material 1 Author: Charly Oumarou Ngoute Data type: Survey sheet Explanation note: Grasshoppers Survey sheet. This survey sheet was used in the villages to collect informations about grass- hoppers. Copyright notice: This dataset is made available under the Open Database License ( odbl/1.0/). The Open Database License (ODDbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited. Link: JOURNAL OF ORTHOPTERA RESEARCH 2021, 30(2)