Biodiversity Data Journal 9: e63253 OO) doi: 10.3897/BDJ.9.e63253 open access Taxonomic Paper A new species of Psyllaephagus (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) from China, parasitoid of Macrohomotoma sinica (Hemiptera: Homotomidae) on Ficus concinna Fei Wut, Wenquan Zhen§, Zening Yang!, Guohao Zu! + School of Forestry, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin, Heilongjiang, P.R. China, Harbin, China § Guangxi Key Laboratory of Beibu Gulf Marine Biodiversity Conservation, College of Marine Sciences, Beibu Gulf University, Qinzhou, Guangxi, 535011, P.R. China, Qinzhou, China | College of Horticulture and Landscape, Tianjin Agricultural University, Tianjin, P-R. China, Tianjin, China Corresponding author: Guohao Zu ( Academic editor: Simon van Noort Received: 17 Jan 2021 | Accepted: 05 Mar 2021 | Published: 16 Mar 2021 Citation: Wu F, Zhen W, Yang Z, Zu G (2021) A new species of Psyllaephagus (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) from China, parasitoid of Wacrohomotoma sinica (Hemiptera: Homotomidae) on Ficus concinna. Biodiversity Data Journal 9: e63253. ZooBank: Abstract Background During the investigation of forest insects in Guilin, Guangxi, encyrtid parasitoid wasps belonging to the genus Psyllaephagus were reared from Macrohomotoma_ sinica (Hemiptera: Homotomidae) feeding on Ficus concinna. New information A new species of Psyllaeohagus Howard (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), P guangxiensis Zu sp. nov., is described from Guangxi, China as a parasitoid of Macrohomotoma sinica Yang & Li (Hemiptera: Homotomidae) on Ficus concinna (Miq.) Miq. (Urticales: Moraceae). © Wu F et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 2 Wu F et al Keywords Chalcidoidea, Encyrtinae, Microteryini, psyllid, parasitoid wasp Introduction Ficus concinna is an important landscaping tree species, widely distributed in the coastal areas of southern China and has important ornamental and economic value. During the investigation of forest insects in Guilin, Guangxi, Macrohomotoma sinica Yang and Li (1984) (Hemiptera: Homotomidae) was found on Ficus concinna. Sap feeding by this hemipteran causes visible damage mainly to the tender shoots, resulting in curled leaves and white flocs, which affect the ornamental value of the fig tree. Parasitoid wasps belonging to the genus Psyllaephagus Ashmead 1900 (Encyrtidae) were reared from M/. sinica. The cosmopolitan genus Psyllaephagus was established by Ashmead (1900) and currently includes 245 valid species (Noyes 2019), 17 of these species having been recorded from China, including P. arenarius Trjapitzin 1967, P. belanensis (Hoffer 1963), P brevicalcaratus Li 2010, P. caillardiae Sugonjaev 1968, P. colposceniae Trjapitzin 1969, P densiciliatus Tan and Zhao 1999, P. elaeagni Trjapitzin 1967, P latiscapus Xu et al. 2000b, P. longifuniculus Xu et al. 2000b, P. longiventra Li 2010, P longiventris Trapitzin 1964, P nartshukae Trjapitzin 1986, P. nikolskajae (Trjapitzin 1964), P ogazae Sugonjaev 1968, P punctatus Zhang 2001, P. stenopsyllae (Tachikawa 1963) and P. taiwanus Xu et al. 2000a (Tan and Zhao 1999, Xu et al. 2000a, Xu et al. 2000b, Ma 2004, Li 2010, Tang et al. 2016, Zhang et al. 2017). Where the biology is known, all species are primary endoparasitoids of the nymphs of Psyllidae (Hemiptera: Psylloidea) (Noyes and Fallahzadeh 2005). In the present paper, P guangxiensis Zu sp. nov., reared from M. sinica Yang & Li (Hemiptera: Homotomidae) on F. concinna (Miq.) Mig. (Urticales: Moraceae), is described as new to science. Materials and methods Specimens of the host Homotomidae were collected from F. concinna in Guilin City, Xiangshan District, Wanshou Lane and Xicheng Road on 8 August 2018 and 14 July 2020, respectively, then reared in nylon net bags (150 mesh size). When the parasitoid wasps appeared, they were collected and preserved in 99% ethanol. The four reared specimens (22°, 244) were dissected and mounted on slides according to Noyes (1982). Body lengths were measured with a Leica M205A stereomicroscope, other measurements being taken using a Olympus CX21 optical microscope equipped with a micrometer in the eyepiece. Morphological terminology and abbreviations follow Noyes (2010). The holotype of the new species is deposited in the ‘insect collections’ of Tianjin Agricultural University (TJAU), China. A new species of Psyllaephagus (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) from China, parasitoid ... 3 Taxon treatment Psyllaephagus guangxiensis Zu, sp. n. ° ZooBank 8BAB0389-7621-4316-A7FD-05E6E207B16F Materials Holotype: a. scientificName: Psyllaephagus guangxiensis; country: China; stateProvince: Guangxi; locality: Guilin City, Xiangshan District, Wanshou Lane; verbatimElevation: 150 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Guangxi, Guilin, Wanshou Lane, 02.08.2018, Zu Guohao, Chen Ye, reared from M. sinica (Hemiptera: Homotomidae) on F. concinna"; samplingProtocol: reared; eventDate: 29-08-2018; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Zu Guo-Hao; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen Paratypes: a. scientificName: Psyllaephagus guangxiensis; country: China; stateProvince: Guangxi; locality: Guilin City, Xiangshan District, Wanshou Lane; verbatimElevation: 150 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Guangxi, Guilin, Wanshou lane, 02.08.2018, Zu Guohao, Chen Ye, reared from MW. sinica (Hemiptera: Homotomidae) on F. concinna"; samplingProtocol: reared; eventDate: 29-08-2018; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Zu Guo-Hao; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen b. scientificName: Psyllaephagus guangxiensis; country: China; stateProvince: Guangxi; locality: Guilin City, Xiangshan District, Wanshou Lane; verbatimElevation: 150 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Guangxi, Guilin, Wanshou lane, 02.08.2018, Zu Guohao, Chen Ye, reared from MW. sinica (Hemiptera: Homotomidae) on F. concinna"; samplingProtocol: reared; eventDate: 29-08-2018; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Zu Guo-Hao; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen Cc. scientificName: Psyllaephagus guangxiensis; country: China; stateProvince: Guangxi; locality: Guilin City, Xiangshan District, Xicheng Road; verbatimElevation: 150 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Guangxi, Guilin, Xicheng road, 14.07.2020, Zheng Li, reared from M. sinica (Hemiptera: Homotomidae) on F. concinna"; samplingProtocol: reared; eventDate: 14-07-2020; individualCount: 5; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Zu Guo-Hao; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen Description Female. Holotype. Length, 2.02 mm (excluding ovipositor). Body generally with metallic lustre; head, mesoscutum, scutellum and axilla with bright green metallic reflection; clypeus and metasoma with copper green reflection. Antenna black brown, except scape with apical 1/9 yellowish-white, F1, F2 and F3 (partly) ventrally yellow; mandibles brown, pulpi and palpi yellowish-white; tegulae white; legs pale yellow, except hind coxa wih a large brown spot dorsally; wings hyaline; ovipositor apically paler. Wu F et al Frontovertex (Fig. 1A) 0.28 head width, with distinct piliferous punctures of a thimble- like appearance, sculpture reticulate, more longitudinally elongate on lower parts of face and on genae; ocelli forming an angle of 73°; posterior ocellus closer to eye margin than to occipital margin; antennal torulus with its dorsal margin well above lower margin of eyes. Antennal scape (Fig. 1B) broadened, about 2.65 as long as broad; pedicel 2.1x as long as broad, 1.53 as long as F1; F1 1.67x, F2 1.80x, F3 1.80x, F4 1.47x, F5 1.26x, F6 1.09x as long as broad, respectively; clava shorter than preceding three funicle segments combined; funicle with linear sensillae on all funicular segments. Mandible with one tooth and a broad truncation. Measurements (um): head height, 470; head width, 580; frontovertex width, 160; OD, 33; POL, 103; OOL, 5; OCL, 44; AOL, 48; eye height, 370; malar space, 130; length (and width): radicle, 81; scape, 265 (100); pedicel, 84 (40); F1, 55 (33); F2, 63 (35); F3, 63 (35); F4, 63 (43); F5, 63 (50); F6, 63 (58); clava, 148 (58). B a D —s E % > ; / ) - h oe as * a _ fo oF y; Figure 1. EESI Psyllaephagus guangxiensis sp. nov. (female, Holotype): A. head; B. antenna; C. mesosoma and metasoma; D. fore wing; E. hind wing; F. legs. Scale bars = 100 um. Mesosoma (Fig. 1C). Mesoscutum and scutellum with fine reticulate sculpture; scutellum 1.07x as long as wide and 0.88x as long as mesoscutum. Fore wing (Fig. 1D) 2.28x as long as wide; linea calva closed by one line of setae posteriorly, uninterrupted; postmarginal vein about as long as stigma vein; hind wing (Fig. 1E) 3.55 as long as broad. Mid-tibial spur (Fig. 1F) 0.25x as long as mid-tibia and shorter than corresponding basitarsus. Measurements (um): fore wing length, 1425; fore wing A new species of Psyllaephagus (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) from China, parasitoid ... 5 width, 625; submarginal vein, 590; marginal vein, 40; postmarginal vein, 103; stigmal vein, 108; hind wing length, 975; hind wing width, 275; MT, 560; mid-tibial spur, 140; mid-basitarsus, 190. Metasoma longer (1.24) than mesosoma and with hypopygium reaching to about two- thirds in specimens stored in 99% ethanol; ovipositor 2.14x as long as mid-tibia, distinctly exserted; third valvula about 3.14 as long as mid-tibial sour. Measurements (um): OL, 1200. [MT, 560] Male. Length 0.95—1.38 mm. Generally very similar to female in appearance except for colouration of frontovertex, mesoscutum and scutellum with copper green reflection, relatively less dense setae in basal cell of fore wing and structure of antennae and genitalia. Head, in frontal view (Fig. 2A), (1.23x) wider than high; frontovertex 0.53~x head width, with distinct piliferous punctures of a thimble-like appearance, sculpture polygonal; ocelli forming an angle of 130°; antennal torulus with its dorsal margin well above lower margin of eyes. Antennal scape (Fig. 2B) broadened, about 2.5x as long as broad; all funicle segments subquadrate or slightly longer than wide. Fore wing (Fig. 2D) about 2.17x as long as wide; hind wing (Fig. 2E) 3.30 as long as wide. Mid-tibial spur (Fig. 2F) 0.22 as long as mid-tibia and shorter than corresponding basitarsus. Metasoma (Fig. 2C) shorter than mesosoma; aedeagus about 1.52* as long as mid- tibia. Variation. Very little morphological variation has been found in material included in the type series. Figure 2. EES Psyllaephagus guangxiensis sp. nov. (male): A. head; B. antenna; C. mesosoma and metasoma; D. fore wing; E. hind wing; F. legs. Scale bars = 100 um. Wu F et al Diagnosis Female. Length, 2.02—2.50 mm. Body stout, dark brown, head, mesoscutum, scutellum and axilla with bright green metallic reflection; tegulae white; legs pale yellow, except hind coxa partly brown; frontovertex slightly more than a quarter of head width, with distinct piliferous punctures of a thimble-like appearance; ocelli forming an acute triangle; scape broadened, about 2.7x as long as broad; F1 shorter than pedicel; fore wing hyaline, about 2.3x as long as wide; ovipositor distinctly exserted, 2.14 as long as mid-tibia. Male (Length 0.95—1.38 mm). Frontovertex, mesoscutum and scutellum with copper green reflection; frontovertex 0.53x head width; scape about 2.5 as long as broad; fore wing about 2.2x as long as broad; aedeagus about 1.5x as long as mid-tibia. Etymology The specific name refers to the collecting location of the type series. Noun in apposition. Distribution China (Guangxi). Biology Parasitoid of M. sinica Yang & Li (Hemiptera: Homotomidae) feeding on F. concinna (Mig.) Miq. (Urticales: Moraceae). Taxon discussion According to the keys in Tang et al. (2016) (China), Singh (1996) (India), Trjapitzin (1981) (Palaearctic), Prinsloo (1981) (Southern Africa) and Riek (1962) (Australia), P guangxiensis is similar to P macrohomotoma Singh and Agarwal and P. bruchus Riek, which all have a long ovipositor, but P guangxiensis can be distinguished by the broader scape, about 2.7x as long as broad (about 4x in bruchus), shorter F1, 0.65 as long as pedicel (longer than pedicel in macrohomotoma when compared to figure 20C of Singh and Agarwal (1993), broader fore wing, 2.28 as long as wide (2.46x in macrohomotoma) and narrow hind wing, 3.55x as long as broad (3.16 in macrohomotoma). The new species is also morphologically similar to P elaeagni Trjapitzin and P. caillardiae Sugonjaev. However, it differs from P elaeagni as follows: ovipositor distinctly exserted (not exserted in elaeagni), scape 2.7* (5.6 in elaeagni), mid-coxa yellow (dark brown in elaeagni), tegula completely white (dark brown apically in elaeagni); from P. caillardiae: scape 2.7x as long as broad (3.8 in caillardiae), postmarginal vein about equal to stigmal vein (distinctly shorter than stigmal vein in caillardiae). A new species of Psyllaephagus (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) from China, parasitoid ... Identification keys Key to Chinese species of Psyllaephagus (females) [modified from Tang et al. (2016)] 1 10 11 All coxae darkened At least one pair of coxae not darkened All funicle segments longer than broad At least one segment of funicle broader than long or quadrate F1-F5 a little longer than broad; F6 quadrate F1-F5 not longer than broad; F6 broader than long Postmarginal vein absent; all femora darkened Postmarginal vein present; only hind femora darkened Scape about as long as the first 4 funicle segments combined Scape longer than the first 4 funicle segments combined All femora and tibiae at least partly darkened Only hind femora darkened All funicle segments broader than long At least one segment of funicle longer than broad F1 and F2 slightly longer than broad; F3-F5 subquadrate; F6 broader than long F1 slightly longer than broad; F2-F5 quadrate; F6 slightly broader than long Ocelli forming an obtuse triangle Ocelli forming a right or acute triangle Ocelli forming an acute triangle Ocelli forming a right triangle Tegulae completely white to pale yellow P. longifuniculus 3 4 6 P. ogazae 5 P. stenopsyllae P. brevicalcaratus P. nartshukae P. nikolskajae 8 P. belanensis P. longiventra P. punctatus 10 11 13 P. guangxiensis sp. nov. 8 Wu F et al — Tegulae at least partly dark brown 12 Tegulae pale yellow for basal 1/2, other wise dark brown; F1-F5 : 12 : P. elaeagni slightly longer than broad, F6 quadrate Tegulae pale yellow for basal 3/4, other wise dark brown; all funicle ; = P. colposceniae segments broader than long 13 All funicle segments longer than broad P. densiciliatus - Not all funicle segments longer than broad 14 14 F1quadrate; F2-F5 broader than long; F6 subquadrate P. talwanus — F1-F4 longer than broad 15 15 Gaster nearly twice as long as thorax P. longiventrs — Gaster at most a little longer than thorax 16 Tegulae pale yellow for basal 1/2, otherwise dark brown; scape about p 16 P. latiscapus 2.4 longer than broad — Tegulae pale yellow; scape about 4x longer than broad P. caillardiae Acknowledgements This project was funded by Guangxi Key Laboratory of Beibu Gulf Marine Biodiversity Conservation, College of Marine Sciences, Beibu Gulf University (2018KYQD08). 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