Biodiversity Data Journal 9: e60287 (eo @) doi: 10.3897/BDJ.9.e60287 open access Taxonomic Paper The family Conopidae (Diptera) in Egypt and Saudi Arabia Magdi El-Hawagry*, Ahmed Mostafa Soliman®!, Hathal Mohammed Al DhaferS + Entomology Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt § Plant Protection Department, College of Food and Agriculture Sciences, King Saud University, PO BOX 2460, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia | Al-Azhar University, Faculty of Science, Cairo, Egypt Corresponding author: Magdi El-Hawagry (, Ahmed Mostafa Soliman (, Hathal Mohammed Al Dhafer ( Academic editor: Torsten Dikow Received: 02 Nov 2020 | Accepted: 08 Jan 2021 | Published: 13 Jan 2021 Citation: El-Hawagry M, Soliman AM, Al Dhafer HM (2021) The family Conopidae (Diptera) in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Biodiversity Data Journal 9: e60287. Abstract Background The present study is one in a series of planned studies aiming to catalogue the whole order Diptera in both Egypt and Saudi Arabia. New information All known Egyptian and Saudi Arabian conopid taxa are systematically catalogued in the present study. Three species are recorded herein for the first time from Saudi Arabia: Conops (Asiconops) elegans Meigen, 1804 and Thecophora atra (Fabricius, 1775) (Al- Baha region, south-western of Saudi Arabia), and Conops (Conops) quadrifasciatus De Geer, 1776 (Tabuk region, north-western of Saudi Arabia). Physocephala variegata (Meigen, 1924) is also recorded for the first time from Gebel Elba, the south-eastern triangle of Egypt. Considering that Gebel Elba in Egypt and Al-Baha in Saudi Arabia are affiliated to the Afrotropical Region, this is the first time Physocephala variegata and Thecophora atra have been recorded from the Afrotropical Region. An updated taxonomy, © El-Hawagry M et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 2 El-Hawagry M et al world and local distributions, dates of collection and some coloured photographs are provided. Keywords thick-headed flies, local distribution, dates of collection, new records Introduction The Conopidae, commonly known as thick-headed flies, are an interesting brachycerous family of usually large-sized wasp-like flies. Many conopids are most frequently found at flowers feeding on nectar using their long proboscis and considered as important pollinators. The majority of conopid larvae are obligatory endoparasitoids of adult Hymenoptera, such as bees and wasps. Adult conopid females aggressively intercept their hymenopterous hosts in the field to deposit their eggs (Freeman (1966), Gibson and Skevington (2013), Pape et al. (2011), Stuke (2017), Azmy et al. (2016)). The family Conopidae is represented by 808 valid species assigned to 57 genera worldwide (Stuke 2017). Conopids are found in all parts of the world, except Antarctica and the Pacific Islands (Gibson et al. 2013). Egypt and Saudi Arabia are two neighbouring Middle Eastern countries, separated by the Gulf of Aqaba and the Red Sea (Fig. 1). Both countries are located at the junction of the Palaearctic and the Afrotropical Regions and the faunal affiliation of them is mainly Palaearctic, except Gebel Elba, the south-eastern triangle of Egypt and the south-western part of Saudi Arabia, south to the Tropic of Cancer, which are considered as Afrotropical (Hdlzel 1998, Wallace 1876, El-Hawagry and Gilbert 2014, El-Hawagry et al. 2020). Some previous studies have been carried out in Egypt on the taxonomy and faunistics of the family Conopidae, including Kréber (1924), Kréber (1925), Kréber (1927), Krdber (1929), Steyskal and El-Bialy (1967), Mohammed and Negm (1991), Azmy (2016) and Azmy et al. (2016), in addition to some miscellaneous studies which described some new species from Egypt as Kréber (1915a), Wiedemann (1830), Macquart (1835) and Rondani (1850). On the other hand, no previous faunistic or taxonomic studies on the family Conopidae have been carried out before in Saudi Arabia and only a few species have been described or recorded there amid some miscellaneous studies, such as Macquart (1851), Kréber (1915a), Zimina (1963), Walker and Pittaway (1987), Abu-Zoherah et al. (1993), Stuke and Clements (2008), El-Hawagry et al. (2016) and El-Hawagry et al. (2017). The abundance and diversity of conopid species in both Egypt and Saudi Arabia seem to be low (17 species in Egypt and 12 species in Saudi Arabia) comparable with the total number of species known from the Palaearctic Region (173 species) and from the Afrotropical Region (187 species) (Stuke 2017). However, this should be taken with caution, since the family Conopidae seems to lack sampling efforts, especially in Saudi Arabia. This is most likely due to the fact that documentation of biological diversity in Saudi The family Conopidae (Diptera) in Egypt and Saudi Arabia 3 Arabia began in the second half of the 1960s and no systematic studies on the Conopidae have been previously conducted in this country. We think that the faunistic data of these flies in Egypt and Saudi Arabia is still scanty and more efforts would be highly required. Figure 1. | doi | A satellite map of Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The taxonomy of Conopidae in both Egypt and Saudi Arabia is updated in the present study. Twenty species assigned to five genera and three subfamilies (Conopinae, Myopinae and Zodioninae) are treated (Table 1). Three species, Conops (Asiconops) elegans Meigen, 1804, Conops (Conops) quadrifasciatus De Geer, 1776 and Thecophora atra (Fabricius, 1775), are recorded for the first time from Saudi Arabia. Table 1. Conopid species treated in the present study as recorded from Egypt and Saudi Arabia (* = recorded, - = not recorded). Species Egypt Saudi Arabia Subfamily CONOPINAE Tribe CONOPINI Conops (Asiconops) elegans Meigen, 1804 ie * (new record) Conops (Asiconops) flavifrons Meigen, 1804 " 7 Conops (Asiconops) nubeculipennis Bezzi, 1901 7 * Conops (Conops) flavicauda (Bigot, 1880) * - Conops (Conops) quadrifasciatus De Geer, 1776 - * (new record) 4 El-Hawagry M et al Species Egypt Saudi Arabia Conops (Conops) rufiventris Macquart, 1849 * - Conops (Conops) tomentosus Kréber, 1916 - by Tribe PHYSOCEPHALINI Physocephala antiqua (Wiedemann, 1830) ’ Physocephala chrysorrhoea (Meigen, 1824) Physocephala pusilla (Meigen, 1804) i ‘J Physocephala variegata (Meigen, 1824) Fj ‘ Physocephala vittata (Fabricius, 1794) 7 - Subfamily MYOPINAE Tribe MYOPINI Myopa dorsalis Fabricius, 1794 * 5 Myopa picta Panzer, 1798 i - Myopa stigma Meigen, 1824 = * Myopa testacea (Linnaeus, 1767) ‘ 2 Tribe THECOPHORINI Thecophora atra (Fabricius, 1775) i * (new record) Thecophora fulvipes (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830) iG be Subfamily ZODIONINAE Zodion cinereum (Fabricius, 1794) * oi Zodion erythrurum Rondani, 1865 * - Physocephala variegata (Meigen) is recorded for the first time from Gebel Elba, the south- eastern triangle of Egypt and Thecophora atra (Fabricius) is recorded for the first time from the south-western part of Saudi Arabia. Considering that Gebel Elba in Egypt and the south-western part in Saudi Arabia including Al-Baha Region are affiliated to the Afrotropical Region, this is the first time that these two species from the Afrotropical Region have been recorded. Walker (1871) described Conops auratus from “Hor Tamanib” which belonged to Egypt at the time of description; however, it lies now in Sudan. Steyskal and El-Bialy (1967) inaccurately listed this species as an Egyptian species, based mainly on the misleading type locality. Thus, this species is excluded from the Egyptian list in the present study. This study is one in a series of taxonomic studies on different Egyptian and Saudi Arabian dipteran taxa aiming to catalogue the whole order Diptera in the two countries. The family Conopidae (Diptera) in Egypt and Saudi Arabia 5 Materials and methods Data sources. Data of the present study are obtained from three main sources: 1. Specimens preserved in the Egyptian and Saudi Arabian insect collections and museums, namely: Efflatoun Bey’s collection, Cairo University, Egypt (EFC); Collection of Entomological Society of Egypt (ESEC); King Saud University Museum of Arthropods, Saudi Arabia (KSMA) and Personal collection M. El-Hawagry (MSHC). 2. Material collected by the authors and their co-workers. 3. Previous studies on the Egyptian and Saudi Arabian Conopidae. The majority of specimens preserved in EFC and ESEC were determined by Dr. Otto Kréber. However, all identifications have been rechecked by the first author using Kréber (1927), Stuke and Clements (2008), Azmy (2016) and Azmy et al. (2016). Photos of Thecophora atra have been checked by Dr. Jens-Hermann Stuke (personal communication). Study area. Ecologists divide Egypt into eight ecological zones: the Coastal Strip (= Mediterranean Coastal Strip), Lower Nile Valley and Delta, Upper Nile Valley, Fayoum, Eastern Desert, Western Desert, Sinai and Gebel Elba (El-Hawagry and Gilbert 2014). These ecological zones are used in the present study in the sections of local distribution. However, Saudi Arabia is not divided into ecological zones by ecologists, so the administrative divisions (also called regions, provinces or emirates) are used instead, namely: Makkah, Riyadh, Eastern Province, Asir, Jazan, Al-Madinah, Al-Qaseem, Tabuk, Hail, Najran, Al-Jawf, Al-Baha and Northern Frontier (Fig. 1) (El-Hawagry et al. 2020). Classification. The classification and nomenclature in the present study basically follows that used in Stuke (2017), in addition to the tribal arrangement suggested by Gibson and Skevington (2013). Full lists of synonyms for genera and species are not given in the present study as they are already listed in world and regional catalogues; however, we listed only the synonyms of species that have been mentioned in previous Egyptian and Saudi Arabian literature. World distribution. Stuke (2017) has collected all sources of world distribution of species and it is used here as our basic source. The additional sources, if any, are given between parentheses after each record. Local distribution and dates of collection. Localities within each Egyptian ecological zone or each Saudi Arabian administrative region are arranged alphabetically and written after a colon following each zone or region, followed by the dates of collection between parentheses. Sources for the local distribution of each species in each country are given between square brackets at the end of the section. Coordinates of Egyptian and Saudi Arabian localities of the family Conopidae are listed (Table 2). Local distribution maps of species based on all available records are given, using SimpleMappr (Shorthouse 2010). Abbreviations used: AF, Afrotropical. EFC, Efflatoun Bey’s collection, Department of Entomology, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Egypt. El-Hawagry M et al ESEC, Collection of Entomological Society of Egypt, Cairo, Egypt. KSMA, King Saud University Museum of Arthropods, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. MSHC, Personal collection M. El-Hawagry. OR, Oriental. PA, Palearctic. Table 2. A gazetteer of some Egyptian and Saudi Arabian localities of the family Conopidae. Country Egypt Locality Abu-Kir Abu-Rawash Abu-Sueir Amria Ashmoun Aswan, south Balteem Barrage Behig Burg Burgash Cairo Cairo-Suez Road Dahshour Dakhla Governorate Ecological zone or Alexandria Giza Ismailia Alexandria Menofiya Aswan Kafr Al- Sheikh Qalyoubia Alexandria Alexandria Giza Cairo Cairo Giza New Valley Region Coastal Strip Lower Nile Valley and Delta Eastern Desert Coastal Strip Lower Nile Valley and Delta Upper Nile Valley Coastal Strip Lower Nile Valley and Delta Coastal Strip Coastal Strip Lower Nile Valley and Delta Lower Nile Valley and Delta Eastern Desert Lower Nile Valley and Delta Western Desert Latitude (N) / Longitude (E) 31.22429, 29.94664 30.0438, 31.0929 30.5766, 32.1076 31.0037, 29.7983 30.29414, 30.96941 22.6651, 31.7943 31.53811, 31.19606 30.1835, 31.1107 30.931, 29.5988 30.9081, 29.5464 30.1636, 31.0379 30.0861, 31.2856 30.0849, 32.0542 29.7539, 31.2431 25.5, 29.1667 The family Conopidae (Diptera) in Egypt and Saudi Arabia 7 Country Locality Governorate Ecological zone or Latitude (N) / Longitude Region (E) Dekhela Alexandria Coastal Strip 31.12098, 29.81563 Edfina Al-Behaira Lower Nile Valley and 31.2922, 30.51599 Delta Ein Gedeirat North Sinai Sinai 30.65, 34.4333 Ein Moussa South Sinai Sinai 29.8667, 32.65 El-Arish North Sinai Sinai 31.1442, 33.8056 El-Gebel El-Asfar Qalyoubia Lower Nile Valley and 30.201416, 31.356162 Delta El-Katta Giza Lower Nile Valley and 30.2191, 30.9678 Delta El-Magadlah Giza Lower Nile Valley and 30.03986, 31.1046 Delta El-Mallah East Cairo Eastern Desert 30.8167, 32.1 El-Wasfia Ismailia Eastern Desert 30.58076, 32.17235 Esna Qena Upper Nile Valley 25.2919, 32.5532 Ezbet Nakhl Qalyoubia Lower Nile Valley and 31.1111, 32.1625 Delta Fayed Ismailia Eastern Desert 30.32382, 32.30079 Fayoum Fayoum Fayoum 29.32061, 30.818 Gebel Elba Red Sea Gebel Elba 22.2008, 36.3331 Geneifa Suez Eastern Desert 30.1516, 32.429 Gezira Cairo Lower Nile Valley and 30.04596, 31.22435 Delta Girza Fayoum Fayoum 29.49968, 31.0738 Giza Giza Lower Nile Valley and 30.0135, 31.21127 Delta Halaib Red Sea Eastern Desert 22.2203, 36.6427 Hawamdia Giza Lower Nile Valley and 29.9092, 31.2615 Delta Helwan Cairo Lower Nile Valley and 29.85, 31.3333 Delta Ismailia Ismailia Eastern Desert 30.59428, 32.26026 Country Locality Kafr Ghatati Kafr Hakim Kerdassa Kom Ombo Kom Osheem Kubba Maadi Madinet El-Sadat Madinet Badr Mansouriah Mariout Mazghouna Mersa Matrouh Orman Pyramids Rafah Salloum Saqqara Sennouris Sentris Siwa Oasis El-Hawagry M et al Governorate Giza Giza Giza Aswan Fayoum Cairo Cairo Menofiya Cairo Giza Alexandria Giza Matrouh Giza Giza North Sinai Matrouh Giza Fayoum Menofiya Matrouh Ecological zone or Region Lower Nile Valley and Delta Lower Nile Valley and Delta Lower Nile Valley and Delta Upper Nile Valley Fayoum Lower Nile Valley and Delta Lower Nile Valley and Delta Western Desert Lower Nile Valley and Delta Lower Nile Valley and Delta Coastal Strip Lower Nile Valley and Delta Coastal Strip Lower Nile Valley and Delta Lower Nile Valley and Delta Sinai Coastal Strip Lower Nile Valley and Delta Fayoum Lower Nile Valley and Delta Western Desert Latitude (N) / Longitude (E) 30.00415, 31.12157 30.0808, 31.1164 30.0297, 31.1061 24.4761, 32.9483 29.5564, 30.8869 30.0876, 31.2854 29.95772, 31.25054 30.35108, 30.51109 30.153, 31.7103 30.1236, 31.0725 31.0172, 29.76 29.7457, 31.2633 29.5696, 26.4194 30.02912, 31.21271 29.9816, 31.1337 31.2667, 34.2333 31.5888, 25.1026 29.84955, 31.21641 29.40662, 30.86602 30.31122, 31.0577 29.20427, 25.51928 Country Saudi Arabia The family Conopidae (Diptera) in Egypt and Saudi Arabia Locality Suez Tamiya Turah W. Asal W. Dar El-Maskhara W. Digla W. El-Arbaein W. El-Daiga W. El-Lega W. El-Natroun W. El-Rahba W. Firan W. Garawi W. Gedeirat W. Gharagid W. Hoff W. Ibib W. Isla W. Morrah W. Rishrash W. Um Elek W. Zohleiga Abu-Arish Al-Aqiq Al-Mekhwa Ghabet Shahba Jabal Shada al-A’la Nature Reserve Jazan Governorate Suez Fayoum Cairo Red Sea Cairo Cairo South Sinai North Sinai South Sinai Al-Behaira South Sinai South Sinai Cairo North Sinai Cairo Cairo Red Sea South Sinai Cairo Giza Cairo Cairo Jazan Al-Aqiq Al-Mekhwa Al-Baha Al-Mekhwa Jazan Ecological zone or Region Eastern Desert Fayoum Lower Nile Valley and Delta Eastern Desert Eastern Desert Eastern Desert Sinai Sinai Sinai Western Desert Sinai Sinai Eastern Desert Sinai Eastern Desert Eastern Desert Gebel Elba Sinai Eastern Desert Eastern Desert Eastern Desert Eastern Desert Jazan Al-Baha Al-Baha Al-Baha Al-Baha Jazan Latitude (N) / Longitude (E) 29.95278, 32.56582 29.475479, 30.95228 29.9467, 31.2728 25.9497, 34.383 29.7833, 31.4167 29.9578, 31.3348 28.5469, 33.953 30.8278, 34.1401 28.5469, 33.953 30.3814, 30.3441 28.82, 33.6419 28.7092, 33.3222 29.7833, 31.3167 30.6511, 34.4321 28.955, 31.4822 29.8821, 31.311 22.83333, 35.76667 28.201, 34.244 22.35, 33.75 29.4642, 31.3672 29.8833, 31.5167 26.1333, 33.75 16.9821, 42.8389 20.2866, 41.6312 19.8429, 41.3115 20.02723, 41.28565 19.8388, 41.3101 16.90245, 42.5705 10 El-Hawagry M et al Country Locality Governorate Ecological zone or Latitude (N) / Longitude Region (E) Jeddah Jeddah Makka Al-Mukarramah 21.5922, 39.2631 Marabah Marabah Asir 18.0426, 42.3739 Najran Najran Najran 17.4833, 44.1166 Raydah Nature Reserve Abha Asir 18.20525, 42.41011 Tabouk Tabouk Tabouk 28.36661, 36.629747 Unayzah Unayzah Al-Qassim 26.08548, 43.9768 The catalogue Family CONOPIDAE Subfamily CONOPINAE Tribe CONOPINI Genus Conops Linnaeus . GBIF Nomenclature: Conops Linnaeus, 1758: 604. Type species: Conops flavipes Linnaeus, by subsequent designation of Curtis (1831). Subgenus Asiconops Chen Nomenclature: Asiconops Chen, 1939: 171. Type species: Conops aureomaculatus Kréber, by original designation. Conops (Asiconops) elegans Meigen, 1804 ° GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Conops elegans Meigen, 1804: 275. Type locality: France (Marseille). Conops elegans var. fuscipennis Macquart 1849: 472. Type locality: Algeria. The family Conopidae (Diptera) in Egypt and Saudi Arabia 11 Conops algirus Macquart 1849: 473. Type locality: Algeria (environs du Cercle de Lacalle). Conopaejus aegyptiacus Rondani, 1850: 167. Type locality: Egypt. Conops fuscanipennis Bigot, 1887: 32. Type locality: Italy (Sicily). Conops elegans var. minutus Kréber, 1916: 48. Type locality: Not given (Cyprus, Limassol in Kréber 1939). Materials a. scientificName: Conops elegans; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Fayid; decimalLatitude: 30.323823; decimalLongitude: 32.30079; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 03-16-1959; sex: 2 males, 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Aly; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Conops elegans; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: W. Garawi; decimalLatitude: 29.7833; decimalLongitude: 31.3167; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 05-06-1927; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Farag; identifiedBy: M.El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Conops elegans; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Girza; decimalLatitude: 29.499684; decimalLongitude: 31.07380; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 05-16-1952; sex: 1 male, 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Shafik & Str.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Conops elegans; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Tameyah; decimalLatitude: 29.475479; decimalLongitude: 30.95228; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 07-25-1948; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Str. & Sh.M.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Conops elegans; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Abu-Rawash; decimalLatitude: 30.043845; decimalLongitude: 31.0929; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 05-17-1925; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Tewfik; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Conops elegans; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Abu-Rawash; decimalLatitude: 30.043845; decimalLongitude: 31.0929; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 09-16-1925; sex: 2 males; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: R.M.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; date!ldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Conops elegans; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Abu-Rawash; decimalLatitude: 30.043845; decimalLongitude: 31.0929; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 10-13-1926; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: 12 El-Hawagry M et al adult; recordedBy: R.M.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Conops elegans; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Edfina; decimalLatitude: 31.29252; decimalLongitude: 30.51322; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 06-08-1914; sex: 2 males, 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Mistikawi; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Conops elegans; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Ezbet-Naghl; decimalLatitude: 31.1111; decimalLongitude: 32.1625; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 04-13-1922; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Conops elegans; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Ezbet-Naghl; decimalLatitude: 32.1111; decimalLongitude: 32.1625; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 06-06-1926; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Tewfik; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Conops elegans; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Ghezirah; decimalLatitude: 30.012106; decimalLongitude: 31.21200; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 05-20-1920; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Alfieri; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Conops elegans; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Helwan; decimalLatitude: 29.8500; decimalLongitude: 31.3333; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 04-21-1934; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Farag; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Conops elegans; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Helwan; decimalLatitude: 29.8500; decimalLongitude: 31.3333; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 04-28-1934; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Farag; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Conops elegans; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Helwan; decimalLatitude: 29.8500; decimalLongitude: 31.3333; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 05-26-1934; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Farag; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Conops elegans; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Kafr Hakim; decimalLatitude: 30.0808; decimalLongitude: 31.1164; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 10-17-1925; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: R.M.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC The family Conopidae (Diptera) in Egypt and Saudi Arabia 13 scientificName: Conops elegans; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Kafr Hakim; decimalLatitude: 30.0808; decimalLongitude: 31.1164; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 06-08-1927; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: R.M.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Conops elegans; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Maadi; decimalLatitude: 29.957721; decimalLongitude: 31.25054; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 06-20-12; sex: 2 males; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: L.H.G; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Conops elegans; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Kerdassa; decimalLatitude: 30.0297; decimalLongitude: 31.1061; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 06-10-1925; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: R.M.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Conops elegans; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Kerdassa; decimalLatitude: 30.0297; decimalLongitude: 31.1061; samplingProtoco!: Sweeping; eventDate: 10-09-1926; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: R.M.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Conops elegans; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Kerdassa; decimalLatitude: 30.0297; decimalLongitude: 31.1061; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 10-30-1926; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: R.M.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Conops elegans; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Kerdassa; decimalLatitude: 30.0297; decimalLongitude: 31.1061; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 05-07-1927; sex: 1 male, 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: R.M.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Conops elegans; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Mansouriah; decimalLatitude: 30.1236; decimalLongitude: 31.0725; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 08-22-1925; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: R.M.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; date!ldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Conops elegans; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Mansouriah; decimalLatitude: 30.1236; decimalLongitude: 31.0725; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 05-12-1926; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Farag; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Conops elegans; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; 14 El-Hawagry M et al country: Egypt; locality: Mansouriah; decimalLatitude: 30.1236; decimalLongitude: 31.0725; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 05-12-1926; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: H.C.E & M.T.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC y. scientificName: Conops elegans; taxonID:; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Mansouriah; decimalLatitude: 30.1236; decimalLongitude: 31.0725; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 04-26-1930; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: R.M.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC z. scientificName: Conops elegans; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Rafah; decimalLatitude: 31.2667; decimalLongitude: 34.2333; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 05-17-1951; sex: 2 females; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Shafik; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC aa. scientificName: Conops elegans; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Sakkara; decimalLatitude: 29.849552; decimalLongitude: 31.2164; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 06-08-1917; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: adult; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagpry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC ab. scientificName: Conops elegans; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Saudi Arabia; locality: A-Mekhwa; decimalLatitude: 19.8429; decimalLongitude: 41.3115; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 03-17-1912; sex: 1 male, 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: El-Hawagry; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: MSHC Distribution: AF: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Gabon, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia [as “South- western part’] (first record), South Africa, Tanzania, Yemen. PA: Algeria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Israel, Italy, Morocco, Romania, Spain, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey. Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 2): EGYPT: Coastal Strip: Balteem, Burg (March to August); Eastern Desert: Abu-Sueir, El-Mallah (= Mallah East), Fayed, Suez, Wadi Garawi, Wadi Hoff, Wadi Morrah, Wadi Rishrash, Wadi Um-Elek, Wadi Zohleiga (March to August); Fayoum: Fayoum City, Kom Osheem, Tamiya (May to November); Lower Nile Valley and Delta: Abu-Rawash, Barrage, Edfina, El-Gebel El- Asfar, El-Magadlah, Ezbet El-Nakhl, Gezira, Giza, Helwan, Kafr Ghatati, Kafr Hakim, Kerdassa, Maadi, Mansouriah, Orman, Pyramids, Sentris (throughout the year); Sinai: Rafah (August); Western Desert: Saqqara, Madinet El-Sadat, Wadi El-Natroun (June and October) [Sources: Krober (1927), Azmy (2016) and museum material in EFC and ESEC]. SAUDI ARABIA: Al-Baha: Al-Mekhwa (March) [Sources: collected material]. Notes: This species (Fig. 12a) is recorded herein for the first time from Saudi Arabia. The family Conopidae (Diptera) in Egypt and Saudi Arabia Figure 2. EES Local distribution map of Conops (Asiconops) elegans Meigen and Conops (Asiconops) nubeculipennis Bezzi in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. “& = B Conops flavicauda % Ss /\ Conops quadrifasciatus Figure 3. EES Local distribution map of Conops (Conops) flavicauda (Bigot) and Conops ( Conops) quadrifasciatus De Geer in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Conops (Asiconops) flavifrons Meigen, 1804 ° GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Conops flavifrons Meigen, 1804: 281. Type locality: France (Lyon). Physocephala pugioniformis Becker, 1913: 611. Type locality: Iran. 16 El-Hawagry M et al Conops minor Becker, 1922: 201. Type locality: Russia, Italy, Hungary & Greece. Conops kroeberi var. immaculata Paramonov, 1927: 4. Type locality: Armenia. Conops kroeberi Paramonov, 1927: 4. Type locality: Armenia. Distribution: AF: Yemen. PA: Albania, Armenia, Austria, ?Belgium, Bulgaria, ?China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, ?Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Italy, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey. Notes: This species was listed by Steyskal and El-Bialy (1967), Chvala and Smith (1988), Azmy (2016) as recorded from Egypt, but these records could not be verified and require confirmation as no specimens have been collected or preserved in Egyptian museums. “10 Conops rufiventris *“s2_|/ \ Conops tomentosus| Figure 4. EES] Local distribution map of Conops (Conops) rufiventris Macquart and Conops ( Conops) tomentosus Kréber in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Figure 5. EES] Local distribution map of Physocephala antiqua (Wiedemann) in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The family Conopidae (Diptera) in Egypt and Saudi Arabia 17 Conops (Asiconops) nubeculipennis Bezzi, 1901 GBIF Nomenclature: Conops nubeculipennis Bezzi, 1901: 21. Type locality: Eritrea. Conops atrogonius Seguy 1930: 134. Type locality: Morocco. Materials a. scientificName: Conops nubeculipennis; taxon|D: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Saudi Arabia; stateProvince: Al-Qassim; locality: Unayzah; decimalLatitude: 26.085478; decimalLongitude: 43.9768123; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 05-01-2018; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Aldhafer H.M. et al.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: KSMA b. scientificName: Conops nubeculipennis; taxon|D: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Saudi Arabia; stateProvince: Asir; locality: Garf Raydah Nature Reserve; decimalLatitude: 18.194917; decimalLongitude: 42.396967; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 05-08-2015; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Aldhafer H.M. et al.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: KSMA Distribution: AF: Cameroon, Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia [as “South-western part’] (El-Hawagry et al. 2017), Yemen, Zambia. PA: Egypt, Israel, Morocco. Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 2): EGYPT: Upper Nile Valley: South Aswan (as “Nubien”) [Source: Kréber (1915b)]. SAUDI ARABIA: Al-Qassim: Unayzah (May); Asir: Raydah Nature Reserve (May and June); South-western part of Saudi Arabia including Jazan and Najran (September and October) [Sources: Walker and Pittaway (1987), El-Hawagry et al. (2017)) and collected material]. Notes: This species was listed by Kréber (1915b), Steyskal and El-Bialy (1967), Azmy (2016), Stuke (2017) as recorded from Egypt, but no specimens have been collected or preserved in Egyptian museums. Subgenus Conops Linnaeus Conops (Conops) flavicauda (Bigot, 1880) GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Sphixosoma flavicauda Bigot, 1880: 149. Type locality: Iran (Northern Iran and Caucasus). Conops euzonatus Bigot, 1887: 33. Type locality: Caucasus Mountains. 18 El-Hawagry M et al Conops superbus Réder, 1889: 6. Type locality: Lebanon (Beirut) [as “Beyrut, Syria (Asia minor)’]. Conops cypris Janssens, 1955: 2. Type locality: Cyprus (Akrotiri Bay, Yermdoyia & Erimi). Distribution: AF: Uganda. PA: Afghanistan, Armenia, Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Iran, Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Turkey. Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 3): EGYPT: Sinai: Wadi Isla (August) [Sources: Zalat et al. 2008]. Figure 6. ERI Local distribution map of Physocephala chrysorrhoea (Meigen) and Physocephala pusilla (Meigen) in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. ge “| ® Physocephala variegata = A Physocephala vittata Figure 7. EES Local distribution map of Physocephala variegata (Meigen) and Physocephala vittata (Fabricius) in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The family Conopidae (Diptera) in Egypt and Saudi Arabia 19 Figure 8. EES Local distribution map of Myopa dorsalis Fabricius and Myopa picta Panzer in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Local distribution map of Myopa stigma Meigen and Myopa testacea (Linnaeus) in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Conops (Conops) quadrifasciatus De Geer, 1776 ° GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Conops 4-fasciata De Geer, 1776: 261. Type locality: Presumably Sweden. Material a. scientificName: Conops quadrifasciatus; taxonID: https://(; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Saudi Arabia; stateProvince: Tabouk; locality: Tabouk; decimalLatitude: 20 El-Hawagry M et al 28.36661; decimalLongitude: 36.629747; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 10-27-2014; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: El-Hawagry; identifiedBy: M. El- Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: MSHC Distribution: PA: Andorra, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia (first record), Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine. Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 3): SAUDI ARABIA: Tabouk (October) [Source: collected material]. Notes: This species is recorded herein for the first time from Saudi Arabia. Figure 10. EEN Local distribution map of Thecophora atra (Fabricius) and Thecophora fulvipes (Robineau- Desvoidy) in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Figure 11. doi Local distribution map of Zodion cinereum (Fabricius) and Zodion erythrurum Rondani in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The family Conopidae (Diptera) in Egypt and Saudi Arabia Figure 12. Habitus. a: Conops (Asiconops) elegans Meigen male, lateral EE} b: Thecophora atra (Fabricius) female, lateral EPS} Conops (Conops) rufiventris Macquart, 1849 . GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Conops rufiventris Macquart, 1849: 474. Type locality: Algeria (Constantine). 21 22 El-Hawagry M et al Material a. scientificName: Conops rufiventris; taxon|D: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Salloum; decimalLatitude: 31.588751; decimalLongitude: 25.102649; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 05-14-1917; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Willson; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC Distribution: Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia. Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 4): EGYPT: Coastal Strip: Salloum (April and May) [Azmy (2016) and museum material in EFC]. Conops (Conops) tomentosus Krober, 1916 GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Conops tomentosus Kréber, 1916: 45. Type locality: Turkmenistan. Distribution: AF: Saudi Arabia [as “South-western part”]. PA: Iraq, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan. Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 4): SAUDI ARABIA: Jazan: Abu-Arish (March) [Source: Stuke et al. (2008)]. Tribe PHYSOCEPHALINI Genus Physocephala Schiner GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Physocephala Schiner, 1861: 138. Type species: Conops rufipes Fabricius, by original designation. Physocephala antiqua (Wiedemann, 1830) GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Conops antiqua Wiedemann, 1830: 239. Type locality: Egypt. Conops arabica Macquart, 1851: 134. Type locality: Saudi Arabia (Jeddah). Physocephala furax Becker, 1913: 612. Type locality: Iran. The family Conopidae (Diptera) in Egypt and Saudi Arabia 23 Physocephala syriaca Krober, 1915: 72. Type locality: Egypt (Cairo) & Palestinian West Bank (Jericho). Physocephala obscurifacies Kréber, 1924: 67. Type locality: Egypt (Wadi Hoff). Materials a. scientificName: Physocephala antiqua; taxon|D: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Abu-Sueir; decimalLatitude: 30.5766; decimalLongitude: 32.107622; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 05-17-1925; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Tewfik; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Physocephala antiqua; taxon|D: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Dar El-Maskhara; decimalLatitude: 29.7833; decimalLongitude: 31.4167; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 04-11-1927; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: H.C.E & M.T.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; collectionCode: EFC scientificName: Physocephala antiqua; taxon|D: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: El-Mallah; decimalLatitude: 30.8167; decimalLongitude: 32.1000; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 04-29-1927; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: R.M.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Physocephala antiqua; taxon|D: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: W. Garawi; decimalLatitude: 30.7833; decimalLongitude: 31.3167; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 05-15-1927; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: H.C.E & M.T.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Physocephala antiqua; taxon|D: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Wadi Digla; decimalLatitude: 29.9578; decimalLongitude: 31.3348; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 09-03-1926; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Farag; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Physocephala antiqua; taxon|D: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Wadi Rishrash; decimalLatitude: 29.4642; decimalLongitude: 31.3672; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 06-17-1932; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Tewfik; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Physocephala antiqua; taxon|D: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Abu-Rawash; decimalLatitude: 30.043845; decimalLongitude: 31.092932; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 08-15-1925; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: R.M.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Physocephala antiqua; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; 24 El-Hawagry M et al country: Egypt; locality: Abu-Rawash; decimalLatitude: 30.043845; decimalLongitude: 31.092932; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 07-18-1925; sex: 2 males; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: R.M.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; date!ldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC i. scientificName: Physocephala antiqua; taxon|D: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Abu-Rawash; decimalLatitude: 30.043845; decimalLongitude: 31.092932; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 06-06-1925; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: R.M.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; date!ldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC j. scientificName: Physocephala antiqua; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Helwan; decimalLatitude: 29.8500; decimalLongitude: 31.3333; samplingProtoco!l: Sweeping; eventDate: 04-23-1935; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Farag; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC k. scientificName: Physocephala antiqua; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Kerdassa; decimalLatitude: 30.0297; decimalLongitude: 31.1061; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 04-17-1926; sex: 2 males; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: R.M.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC I. scientificName: Physocephala antiqua; taxon|D: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Mansouriah; decimalLatitude: 30.1236; decimalLongitude: 31.07246; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 09-02-1925; sex: 2 males; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: R.M.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: EFC m. scientificName: Physocephala antiqua; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Saudi Arabia; stateProvince: Al-Baha; locality: Al-Mekhwa; decimalLatitude: 19.8429; decimalLongitude: 41.3115; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 03-17-2012; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: El-Hawagpry; identifiedBy: M. EI- Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: MSHC n. scientificName: Physocephala antiqua; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Saudi Arabia; stateProvince: Jazan; locality: Jazan; decimalLatitude: 16.902448; decimalLongitude: 42.570516; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 05-12-2019; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Aldhafer H.M. et al.; identifiedBy: M. El- Hawagry; dateldentified: May 2020; institutionCode: KSMA Distribution: AF: Egypt [as “Gebel Elba”], Saudi Arabia [as “South-western part’), United Arab Emirates, Yemen. PA: Afghanistan, Algeria, China, Cyprus, Egypt, Greece, Iran, lrag, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Palestinian Territories, Russia, Saudi Arabia (Jeddah), Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan. Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 5): EGYPT: Coastal Strip: Abu-Kir, Dekhela, Mariout (April to August); Eastern Desert: Abu Sueir, Cairo-Suez Road, El- Mallah, Geneifa, Ismailia, Wadi Asal (30 km S. Kosseir), Wadi Digla, Wadi El- Maskhara, Wadi Garawi, Wadi Gharagid, Wadi Hoff, Wadi Ibtadi, Wadi Rishrash The family Conopidae (Diptera) in Egypt and Saudi Arabia 25 (February to September); Fayoum: Kom Osheem (May, August and November); Gebel Elba: locality unknown (January); Lower Nile Valley and Delta: Abu-Rawash, Barrage, Burgash, Cairo, El-Katta, El-Magadlah, Ezbet El-Nakhl, Helwan, Kafr Hakim, Kerdassa, Maadi, Mansouriah, Pyramids, Turah (April to October); Sinai: Wadi Gedeirat (June and July); Upper Nile Valley: Kom Ombo (January); Western Desert: Dahshour, Dakhla Oasis (Balat, Ewina & Rashda), Saqqara, Siwa Oasis (March to December) [Sources: Krober (1915a), Kréber (1924), Kréber (1927), Stuke and Clements (2008), Stuke (2014), Azmy (2016) and museum material in EFC and ESEC]. SAUDI ARABIA: AI- Baha: Al-Mekhwa (March); Asir: Marabah (April); Jazan: Abu-Arish Road (Al-Mahdag and Arada), Jazan City (March to May); Makka Al-Mukarramah: Jeddah (date unknown) [Sources: Krdéber (1915a), Stuke and Clements (2008) and collected material]. Physocephala chrysorrhoea (Meigen, 1824) GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Conops chrysorrhoea Meigen, 1824: 128. Type locality: Austria. Conops pallasi Meigen, 1824: 128. Type locality: Russia. Conops serpylileti Zeller, 1842: 837. Type locality: Germany. Physocephala zarudnyi Becker, 1913: 614. Type locality: Iran. Physocephala truncata var. pseudomaculigera Kréber, 1915: 72. Type locality: Egypt & Tunisia. Materials a. scientificName: Physocephala chrysorrhoea; taxonID: https:/ 1569093; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Burg; decimalLatitude: 30.9081; decimalLongitude: 29.5464; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 03-25-1927; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: H.C.E & M.T.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC b. scientificName: Physocephala chrysorrhoea; taxonI|D: https:/ 1569093; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Burg; decimalLatitude: 30.9081; decimalLongitude: 29.5464; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 05-10-1927; sex: 1 male, 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Tewfik; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC Cc. scientificName: Physocephala chrysorrhoea; taxonI|D: https:/ 1569093; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Ein Moussa; decimalLatitude: 29.8667; decimalLongitude: 32.6500; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 02-07-1928; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Selim; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: ESEC 26 El-Hawagry M et al scientificName: Physocephala chrysorrhoea; taxonI|D: https:/ 1569093; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: W. Dar El-Maskhara; decimalLatitude: 29.7833; decimalLongitude: 31.4167; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 03-21-1927; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Farag; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Physocephala chrysorrhoea; taxonID: https:/ 1569093; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: W. Garawi; decimalLatitude: 29.7833; decimalLongitude: 31.3167; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 03-25-1932; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: H.C.E & M.T.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Physocephala chrysorrhoea; taxonI|D: https:/ 1569093; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: W. Morrah; decimalLatitude: 22.3500; decimalLongitude: 33.7500; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 03-01-1925; sex: 2 males; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: H.C.E & M.T.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Physocephala chrysorrhoea; taxon|D: https:/ 1569093; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Wadi Hoff; decimalLatitude: 29.8820558; decimalLongitude: 31.3109855; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 03-04-1927; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Farag; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Physocephala chrysorrhoea; taxonI|D: https:/ 1569093; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Wadi Um-Elek; decimalLatitude: 29.8833; decimalLongitude: 31.5167; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 03-12-1924; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Physocephala chrysorrhoea; taxonI|D: https:/ 1569093; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Wadi Um-Elek; decimalLatitude: 29.8833; decimalLongitude: 31.5167; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 03-13-1930; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Farag; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Physocephala chrysorrhoea; taxon|D: https:/ 1569093; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Girza; decimalLatitude: 29.499684; decimalLongitude: 31.073799; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 03-05-1950; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Shafik & Str.EFC; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Physocephala chrysorrhoea; taxonID: https:/ 1569093; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Abu-Rawash; decimalLatitude: 30.043845; decimalLongitude: 31.092932; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 05-05-1926; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Farag; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Physocephala chrysorrhoea; taxon|D: https:/ 1569093; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: The family Conopidae (Diptera) in Egypt and Saudi Arabia 27 Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Abu-Rawash; decimalLatitude: 30.043845; decimalLongitude: 31.092932; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 04-03-1926; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: R.M.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC m. scientificName: Physocephala chrysorrhoea; taxonI|D: https:/ 1569093; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Helwan; decimalLatitude: 29.8500; decimalLongitude: 31.3333; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 04-13-1935; sex: 3 females; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Farag; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC n. scientificName: Physocephala chrysorrhoea; taxonI|D: https:/ 1569093; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Helwan; decimalLatitude: 29.8500; decimalLongitude: 31.3333; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 04-28-1934; sex: 1 male, 2 females; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Farag; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC 0. scientificName: Physocephala chrysorrhoea; taxonI|D: https:/ 1569093; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Ein Gedeirat; decimalLatitude: 30.6500; decimalLongitude: 34.4333; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 5/24-29/1938; sex: 3 males, 3 females; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Shafik; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC p. scientificName: Physocephala chrysorrhoea; taxonI|D: https:/ 1569093; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: W. El-Arbaein (Sinai); decimalLatitude: 28.5469; decimalLongitude: 33.9530; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 4/19-27/1939; sex: 2 males, 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: H.C.E & M.T.; identifiedBy: M. El- Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC Distribution: AF: Saudi Arabia [as “South-western part”]. PA: Algeria, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Czech, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Italy, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Mongolia, Morocco, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine. Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 6): EGYPT: Coastal Strip: Burg El- Arab, Mariout (February to May); Eastern Desert: Bir El-Fahm, Ogret El-Sheikh, Wadi El-Mallah, Wadi El-Maskhara, Wadi Garawi, Wadi Hoff, Wadi Morrah, Wadi Um-Elek, Wadi Zohleiga (March and April); Fayoum: Girza, Sennouris (January to March); Gebel Elba: locality unknown (January); Lower Nile Valley and Delta: Abu-Rawash, Barrage, Ezbet El-Nakhl, Hawamdiya, Helwan, Kafr Hakim, Kubba, Maadi, Mansouriah, Mazghouna (February to August); Sinai: Ein Gedeirat, Ein Moussa, Wadi El-Arbaein, Wadi El-Rabba (February to May); Western Desert: Dahshour (April) [Sources: Azmy (2016) and museum material in EFC and ESEC]. SAUDI ARABIA: locality and date unknown [Sources: Stuke (2017)]. 28 El-Hawagry M et al Physocephala pusilla (Meigen, 1804) GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Conops pusilla Meigen, 1824: 280. Type locality: Germany (Frankreich). Conops lacera Meigen, 1824: 130. Type locality: Austria. Conops pumila Macquart, 1835: 26. Type locality: France. Conops persica Becker, 1913: 609. Type locality: Iran. Conops punctithorax Becker, 1913: 611. Type locality: Iran. Materials a. scientificName: Physocephala pusilla; taxon|D: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Abu-Rawash; decimalLatitude: 30.043845; decimalLongitude: 31.092932; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 05-26-1926; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: R.M.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC b. scientificName: Physocephala pusilla; taxon|D: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Abu-Rawash; decimalLatitude: 30.043845; decimalLongitude: 31.092932; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 07-18-1925; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: R.M.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC Ci scientificName: Physocephala pusilla; taxon|D: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Ezbet-Naghl; decimalLatitude: 32.1111; decimalLongitude: 32.1625; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 05-06-1916; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Bdair; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC d. scientificName: Physocephala pusilla; taxon|D: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Kafr Hakim; decimalLatitude: 30.0808; decimalLongitude: 31.1164; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 05-20-1930; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: R.M.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC Distribution: PA: Afghanistan, China, Egypt, Europe (widespread), Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, Turkmenistan. Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 6): EGYPT: Eastern Desert: Cairo- Suez Road, El-Wasfia, Geneifa, Wadi Digla, Wadi Gharagid (April to September); Fayoum: Fayoum City, Kom Osheem (March to October); Lower Nile Valley and Delta: Abu-Rawash, Ashmoun, Ezbet El-Nakhl, Kafr Hakim, Maadi, Mansouriah, Pyramids (April to October); Sinai: Wadi El-Lega, Wadi El-Rabba, Wadi Firan, Wadi Isla, Wadi Khoshbi (April to August); Western Desert: Madinet El-Sadat, Siwa Oasis (July to October) [Sources: Zalat et al. (2008), Azmy (2016) and museum material in EFC and The family Conopidae (Diptera) in Egypt and Saudi Arabia 29 ESEC]. SAUDI ARABIA: locality and date unknown [Source: Abu-Zoherah et al. (1993) as Conops lacera]. Physocephala variegata (Meigen, 1824) GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Conops variegata Meigen, 1824: 132. Type locality: Austria & France. Materials a. scientificName: Physocephala variegata; taxon|D: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Dar El-Maskhara; decimalLatitude: 29.7833; decimalLongitude: 31.4167; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 04-29-1925; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: H.C.E & M.T.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Physocephala variegata; taxon|D: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Wadi Digla; decimalLatitude: 29.9578; decimalLongitude: 31.3348; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 07-25-1926; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Physocephala variegata; taxon|D: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Wadi Gharagid; decimalLatitude: 28.9550; decimalLongitude: 31.4822; samplingProtoco!l: Sweeping; eventDate: 08-24-1925; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Kassem; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Physocephala variegata; taxon|D: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Wadi Hoff; decimalLatitude: 29.8820558; decimalLongitude: 31.3109855; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 05-17-1928; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Farag; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Physocephala variegata; taxon|D: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Wadi Hoff; decimalLatitude: 29.8820558; decimalLongitude: 31.3109855; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 06-06-1927; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Tewfik; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Physocephala variegata; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Halaib; decimalLatitude: 22.2203; decimalLongitude: 36.6427; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 01-12-1929; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Physocephala variegata; taxon|D: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; 30 El-Hawagry M et al country: Egypt; locality: W. Ibib; decimalLatitude: 22.83333; decimalLongitude: 35.76667; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 03-11-1928; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC h. scientificName: Physocephala variegata; taxon|D: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Kafr Katati; decimalLatitude: 30.004146; decimalLongitude: 31.121566; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 05-25-1927; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: R.M.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC i. scientificName: Physocephala variegata; taxonI|D: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Ein Gedeirat; decimalLatitude: 30.6500; decimalLongitude: 34.4333; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 06-25-1934; sex: 1 male, 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Sh.M.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC Distribution: AF: Egypt [as “Gebel Elba’]. PA: Austria, Bulgaria, Egypt, France, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine. Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 7): EGYPT: Coastal Strip: Mariout, Salloum (May to August); Eastern Desert: Abu Sueir, Geneifa, Wadi Digla, Wadi Dir El- Maskhara, Wadi Garrariyat, Wadi Gharagid, Wadi Hoff, Wadi Ibtadi, Wadi Rishrash, Wadi Um-Elek (April to August); Gebel Elba: Mersa Halaib, Wadi Edeib, Wadi Ibib (January to March); Lower Nile Valley and Delta: Abu-Rawash, Kafr Ghatati (May to July); Sinai: El-Arish, Wadi El-Daiqa, Wadi El-Rabba, Wadi Firan, Wadi Gedeirat (April to August) [Sources: Krober (1927), Kréber (1929), Azmy (2016) and museum material in EFC and ESEC]. SAUDI ARABIA: locality and date unknown [Source: Zimina (1963), Stuke (2017)]. Physocephala vittata (Fabricius, 1794) GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Conops vittata Fabricius, 1794: 392. Type locality: Germany (Kiel). Conops dorsalis Wiedemann in Meigen, 1824: 133. Type locality: Austria. Conops solaeformis Gimmerthal, 1842: 672. Type locality: Latvia. Conops semiatrata Costa, 1844: 89. Type locality: Italy. Conops fraternus Loew, 1847: 18. Type locality: Turkey, Greece, Croatia & Italy. Conops truncata Loew, 1847: 21. Type locality: Italy (Sicily). Physocephala detecta Becker, 1913: 615. Type locality: Iran. Physocephala vittata var. abdominalis Kréber, 1915: 57. Type locality: Turkey, Syria & Cyprus. The family Conopidae (Diptera) in Egypt and Saudi Arabia 31 Physocephala vittata var. semirufa Kréber, 1915: 58. Type locality: Israel. Physocephala truncata var. maculigera Krober, 1915: 71. Type locality: Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria & Syria. Physocephala vittata var. immaculata Kréber, 1939: 365. Type locality: Cyprus. Distribution: AF: Ethiopia, Kenya, Yemen. PA: Afghanistan, Algeria, Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Hungary, Iran, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Mongolia, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Palestinian Territories, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan. Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 7): EGYPT: Coastal Strip: El-Burg, Mariout (May); Sinai: locality and date unknown; Upper Nile Valley: locality and date unknown [Sources: Kréber (1915a), Kréber (1927), Azmy (2016)]. Subfamily MYOPINAE Tribe MYOPINI Genus Myopa Fabricius ° GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Myopa Fabricius, 1775: 798. Type species: Conops buccata Linnaeus, by subsequent designation of Curtis (1831). Myopa dorsalis Fabricius, 1794 ° GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Myopa dorsalis Fabricius, 1794: 397. Type locality: Germany. Myopa ferruginea Panzer, 1794: 24. Type locality: Germany. Myopa grandis Meigen, 1804: 284. Type locality: Germany. Myopa dorsalis var. nigrifacies Becker, 1922: 289. Type locality: Not given. Materials a. scientificName: Myopa dorsalis; taxon|D:; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Behig; decimalLatitude: 30.9310; decimalLongitude: 29.5988; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 02-28-1927; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; 32 El-Hawagry M et al recordedBy: Tewfik; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC b. scientificName: Myopa dorsalis; taxon|D:; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Burg El-Arab; decimaiLatitude: 30.908084; decimalLongitude: 29.546389; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 02-10-1926; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Tewfik; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC Distribution: OR: India. PA: Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Italy, Kazakhstan, Luxembourg, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine. Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 8): EGYPT: Coastal Strip: Behig, Burg El-Arab, Mariout (February and March); Lower Nile Valley and Delta: Madinet Badr (January); Sinai: Wadi El-Rabba (April) [Sources: Azmy et al. (2016) and museum material in EFC and ESEC]. Myopa picta Panzer, 1798 GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Myopa picta Panzer, 1798: 22. Type locality: Austria. Myopa varia Wiedemann, 1830: 242. Type locality: Egypt. Myopa meridionalis Macquart, 1835: 34. Type locality: Egypt. Materials a. scientificName: Myopa picta; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Behig; decimalLatitude: 30.9310; decimalLongitude: 29.5988; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 02-28-1927; sex: 1 male, 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Tewfik; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC b. scientificName: Myopa picta; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Burg; decimalLatitude: 30.908084; decimalLongitude: 29.546389; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 02-25-1932; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: H.C.E & M.T.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC Cc. scientificName: Myopa picta; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Burg El-Arab; decimalLatitude: 30.908084; decimalLongitude: 29.546389; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 02-10-1926; sex: 1 male, 1 female; lifeStage: The family Conopidae (Diptera) in Egypt and Saudi Arabia 33 adult; recordedBy: Tewfik; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC d. scientificName: Myopa picta; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Mersa Matrouh; decimalLatitude: 29.5696; decimalLongitude: 26.4194; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: March.1920; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Willson; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC Distribution: AF: Ethiopia. OR: India, Pakistan. PA: Afghanistan, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Iran, Italy, Kyrgyzstan, Morocco, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine. Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 8): EGYPT: Coastal Strip: Amria, Behig, Burg El-Arab, Mariout, Mersa Matrouh (February to May); Sinai: Ein Gedeirat (June) [Sources: Kréber (1925), Azmy et al. (2016) and museum material in EFC and ESEC]. Myopa stigma Meigen, 1824 GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Myopa stigma Meigen, 1824: 148. Type locality: Austria. Myopa arabica Macquart 1851: 138. Type locality: Saudi Arabia (Jeddah). Distribution: AF: Ethiopia. PA: Afghanistan, Algeria, Austria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Kazakhstan, Morocco, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia (Jeddah), Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine. Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 9): SAUDI ARABIA: Makka AI- Mukarramah: Jeddah (date unknown) [Source: original description of M. arabica Macquart and Stuke and Clements 2008]. Myopa testacea (Linnaeus, 1767) GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Conops testacea Linnaeus, 1767: 1006. Type locality: "Europa australis Ascanius". Myopa longirostris Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 243. Type locality: Not given. Myopa pictipennis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 243. Type locality: Not given. Myopa umbripennis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 243. Type locality: Not given. 34 El-Hawagry M et al Myopa testacea var. japonica Kréber, 1916: 89. Type locality: Japan. Materials a. scientificName: Myopa testacea; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Burg; decimalLatitude: 30.9310; decimalLongitude: 29.5988; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 02-25-1926; sex: 1 male, 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: H.C.E & M.T.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC b. scientificName: Myopa testacea; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Burg El-Arab; decimalLatitude: 30.908084; decimalLongitude: 29.546389; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 02-10-1926; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Tewfik; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC C. scientificName: Myopa testacea; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Kubba; decimalLatitude: 30.0876; decimalLongitude: 31.2854; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 02-20-1921; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: H.C.E & M.T.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: ESEC Distribution: OR: India. PA: Afghanistan, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Mongolia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine. Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 9): EGYPT: Coastal Strip: Amria, Burg El-Arab, Mariout (February to June); Lower Nile Valley and Delta: Kubba (February) [Sources: Azmy et al. (2016) and museum material in EFC and ESEC]. Tribe THECOPHORINI Genus Thecophora Rondani Nomenclature: Thecophora Rondani, 1845: 15. Type species: Myopa atra Fabricius, by monotypy. Thecophora atra (Fabricius, 1775) GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Myopa atra Fabricius, 1775: 799. Type locality: Denmark (Copenhagen). Myopa annulata Fabricius, 1794: 399. Type locality: Italy. The family Conopidae (Diptera) in Egypt and Saudi Arabia 35 Myopa maculata Meigen, 1804: 287. Type locality: France. Myopa micans Meigen, 1804: 288. Type locality: France. Myopa femorata Fabricius, 1805: 181. Type locality: Germany. Occemya fulvifrons Robineau-Desvoidy, 1853: 134. Type locality: France. Occemya meigeni Robineau-Desvoidy, 1853: 135. Type locality: France. Occemya grisea Robineau-Desvoidy, 1853: 137. Type locality: France. Occemya lamarckii Robineau-Desvoidy, 1853: 140. Type locality: France. Occemya guerini Robineau-Desvoidy, 1853: 141. Type locality: France. Occemya bigoti Robineau-Desvoidy, 1853: 142. Type locality: France. Occemya brunipes Robineau-Desvoidy, 1853: 143. Type locality: France. Occemya lucasi Robineau-Desvoidy, 1853: 144. Type locality: France. Materials a. scientificName: Thecophora atra; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Ezbet El-Nakhl; decimalLatitude: 32.1111; decimalLongitude: 32.1625; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 04-25-1924; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC b. scientificName: Thecophora atra; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Hawamdia; decimalLatitude: 29.9092; decimalLongitude: 31.2615; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: August.1925; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC Ci scientificName: Thecophora atra; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Helwan; decimalLatitude: 29.8500; decimalLongitude: 31.3333; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 12-11-1934; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Farag; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC d. scientificName: Thecophora atra; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Saudi Arabia; locality: Al-Aqiq; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 4-20-2011; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: El-Hawagry; identifiedBy: M. El- Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: MSHC Distribution: AF: Saudi Arabia [as “South-western part”] (first record). OR: India, Sri Lanka. PA: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Netherlands, North Korea, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine. 36 El-Hawagry M et al Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 10): EGYPT: Coastal Strip: Mariout (April and May); Lower Nile Valley and Delta: Ezbet El-Nakhl, Hawamdia, Helwan, Kafr Hakim, Mazghouna (March to December) [Sources: Azmy et al. 2016 and museum material in EFC and ESEC]. SAUDI ARABIA: Al-Baha: Al-Agiq (April) [Source: collected material]. Notes: This species (Fig. 12b) is recorded herein for the first time from Saudi Arabia and this is the first record in the Afrotropical Region considering the south-western part of Saudi Arabia to be affiliated with the Afrotropical Region. Thecophora fulvipes (Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830) GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Myopa fulvipes Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 246. Type locality: France (Paris). Myopa sundewalli Zetterstedt, 1844: 942. Type locality: Sweden. Material a. scientificName: Thecophora fulvipes; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Saudi Arabia; stateProvince: Asir; locality: Garf Raydah Nature Reserve; decimalLatitude: 18.194917; decimalLongitude: 42.4072; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 06-07-2014; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Aldhafer H.M. et al.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: KSMA Distribution: AF: Saudi Arabia [as “South-western part] (El-Hawagry et al. 2017EI- Hawagry et al. 2017). PA: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Mongolia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine. Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 10): EGYPT: Fayoum: Kom Osheem (June); Lower Nile Valley and Delta: Helwan (December) [Sources: Azmy 2016]. SAUDI ARABIA: Asir: Raydah Nature Reserve (June) [Source: El-Hawagry et al. 2017 and collected material]. Subfamily ZODIONINAE Genus Zodion Latreille GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Zodion Latreille, 1797: 162. Type species: Myopa cinerea Fabricius, by Subsequent monotypy of Latreille (1802). The family Conopidae (Diptera) in Egypt and Saudi Arabia 37 Zodion cinereum (Fabricius, 1794) GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Myopa cinerea Fabricius, 1794: 399. Type locality: Italy. Myopa notata Meigen, 1804: 288. Type locality: France. Myopa tibialis Fabricius, 1805: 182. Type locality: Europe. Zodion conopsoides Latreille, 1809: 337. Type locality: France. Zodion pedicillatum Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830: 252. Type locality: Not given. Zodion fuliginosum Robineau-Desvoidy, 1853: 156. Type locality: France. Zodion fulvipes Robineau-Desvoidy, 1853: 157. Type locality: France. Zodion fulvicorne Robineau-Desvoidy, 1853: 158. Type locality: France. Zodion cinereum var. rubescens Szilady, 1925: 223. Type locality: Hungary. Zodion cinereum var. kerteszi Szilady, 1926: 589. Type locality: Hungary. Materials a. scientificName: Zodion cinereum; taxonlD: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Behig; decimalLatitude: 30.9310; decimalLongitude: 29.5988; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 02-28-1927; sex: 1 male, 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Tewfik; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Zodion cinereum; taxonlD: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Burg; decimalLatitude: 30.908084; decimalLongitude: 29.546389; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 03-05-1930; sex: 1 male, 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: H.C.E & M.T.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Zodion cinereum; taxonlD: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Burg; decimalLatitude: 30.908084; decimalLongitude: 29.546389; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 02-25-1932; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: H.C.E & M.T.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Zodion cinereum; taxonlD: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Mariout; decimalLatitude: 31.017186; decimalLongitude: 29.759966; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 02-15-1923; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Zodion cinereum; taxonlD: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Egypt; locality: Mariout: El-Burg; decimalLatitude: 30.908084; decimalLongitude: 29.546389; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 06-16-1929; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: 38 El-Hawagry M et al adult; recordedBy: H.C.E & M.T.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: EFC f. scientificName: Zodion cinereum; taxonlD: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Saudi Arabia; stateProvince: Al-Baha; locality: Ghabet Shahba; decimalLatitude: 20.02723; decimalLongitude: 41.28565; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 05-06-2012; sex: 1 male, 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: El-Hawagry; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: MSHC g. scientificName: Zodion cinereum; taxonID: https:/; kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Diptera; family: Conopidae; country: Saudi Arabia; stateProvince: Al-Baha; locality: Jabal Shada al-A’la Nature Reserve; decimalLatitude: 19.8388; decimalLongitude: 41.3101; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 05-05-2015; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Aldhafer H.M. et al.; identifiedBy: M. ElHawagry; dateldentified: June 2020; institutionCode: KSMA Distribution: AF: Central African Republic, Saudi Arabia [as “South-western part”] (El- Hawagry et al. 2016, United Arabian Emirates. OR: India. PA: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, China, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine. Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 11): EGYPT: Coastal Strip: Behig, Burg El-Arab, Mariout (February and March); Sinai: Wadi El-Lega, Wadi El-Rabba (April, August and September) [Sources: Azmy (2016) and museum material in EFC]. SAUDI ARABIA: Al-Baha: Ghabet Shahba (Al-Baha City) (May and June 2012), Jabal Shada al-Ala Nature Reserve (May) [Source: Stuke (2008), El-Hawagry et al. (2016) and collected material]. Zodion erythrurum Rondani, 1865 GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Zodion erythrurum Rondani, 1865: 146. Type locality: Italy (Etruria). Zodion pulchrum Loew, 1868: 384. Type locality: Italy. Zodion vittipes Strobl, 1906: 331. Type locality: Spain. Distribution: PA: Algeria, Bulgaria, Egypt, France, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Morocco, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine. Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 11): EGYPT: Coastal Strip: Burg El- Arab, Mariout (February to April); Eastern Desert: Wadi Digla (July and August); Gebel The family Conopidae (Diptera) in Egypt and Saudi Arabia 39 Elba: locality and unknown (April and May); Upper Nile Valley: Esna (January) [Sources: Krdber (1927), Azmy (2016) and museum material in ESEC]. Acknowledgements The authors would like to extend their sincere appreciation to the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Saud University for funding this work [Research group No: RG-1437-009]. We are grateful to Dr. Jens-Hermann Stuke, Roter Weg 22, D-26789 Leer, Germany and Dr. David Clements, 7 Vista Rise, Llandaff, Cardiff, CF5 2SD, U.K. for providing critical assistance throughout this study and for supplying us with some relevant papers. We are also grateful to the research team in KSMA for collecting, mounting and photographing specimens. References ° Abu-Zoherah R, Al-Taher K, Tilkian S (1993) List of insects recorded from Saudi Arabia. Ministry of Agriculture and Water, National Agriculture and Water Research Centre. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh, 394 pp. ° Azmy RM (2016) Taxonomic and Morphological Studies on Family Conopidae (Order: Diptera) in Egypt, A thesis presented in partial fulfillment for the award of the M.Sc. Degree (Entomology). 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