Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e98213 OO) doi: 10.3897/BDJ.11.e98213 open access Data Paper Literature-based occurrences data of marine species in Venezuela Ana Carolina Peralta Brichtova*, Joxmer Scott-Frias8, Carlos Carmona-Suarez!, Carmen Teresa Rodriguez", Jeannette Perez-Benitez*, Adriana Lopez-Ordaz’*, Brightdoom Marquez-Rojas‘, Carlos Lira”, Santiago Gomez Acevedo, Yusneyi Carballo Barrera , Bladimir Rodriguez', Francoise Cavada-Blanco , José Ramon Delgado’, Eduardo Klein’ + INTECMAR, Caribbean OBIS, Fundacion Caribe Sur, Caracas, Venezuela § Linea de Investigacién del Plancton, Instituto de Zoologia y Ecologia Tropical, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela | VIC, Caracas, Venezuela | BioMaC, Universidad de Carabobo, Valencia, Venezuela # Instituto de Zoologia y Ecologia Tropical, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caribbean OBIS, Caracas, Venezuela a Universidad Simon Bolivar - INTECMAR, Caracas, Venezuela « Universidad de Oriente - IOV, Cumana, Venezuela » Universidad de Oriente - ECAM, Boca del Rio, Venezuela ” Instituto de Biologia Experimental, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela ” Centro de Ensefianza Asistida por Computador (CENEAC), Escuela de Computacion, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela | Fundacion Museo del Mar, Boca del Rio, Venezuela ? Fundacion Caribe Sur, Caracas, Venezuela * Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caribbean OBIS, Caracas, Venezuela Corresponding author: Ana Carolina Peralta Brichtova ( Academic editor: Anne Thessen Received: 30 Nov 2022 | Accepted: 17 Jan 2023 | Published: 03 Feb 2023 Citation: Peralta Brichtova AC, Scott-Frias J, Carmona-Suarez C, Rodriguez CT, Perez-Benitez J, Lopez-Ordaz A, Marquez-Rojas B, Lira C, Gomez Acevedo S, Carballo Barrera Y, Rodriguez B, Cavada-Blanco F, Delgado JR, Klein E (2023) Literature-based occurrences data of marine species in Venezuela. Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e€98213.€98213 Abstract Background Venezuela has suffered a severe academic and research management crisis and funding opportunities for marine research and data management have been practically absent. This has worsened over the past five years and, as a result, libraries and other institutional © Peralta Brichtova A et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 2 Peralta Brichtova A et al spaces have been repeatedly vandalised, with hundreds of records, specimens and historical data stolen, destroyed or burned. To avoid the loss of irreplaceable data on Venezuelan biodiversity, an initiative was promoted, aimed at digitising information to create a rich dataset of biodiversity records, with emphasis on marine protected areas for the country, as well as to fill gaps in the distribution and status of marine biodiversity in Venezuela. Nighteen (19) institutions in the country focusing on marine science have consistently produced a wealth of information about Venezuela’s marine biodiversity in the form of specimen collections, unpublished sampled data and research theses through the work of hundreds of researchers and students. An inventory of available data sources at these national institutions was conducted under the National Biodiversity Data Mobilization Grant and the Biodiversity Information for Development Program, together with the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) support. All recovered and processed datasets were published in the Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) repositories. New information This occurrences data collection represents a major contribution to the marine biodiversity inventory in Venezuela. It is based on numerous published papers, reports, books and checklists provided by experts, covering a broad taxonomic collection from which we obtained species occurrences (present and absent), organised into 59 datasets containing 40,881 records. This represents a 28.49% contribution to the records of the Venezuelan marine biodiversity reported to the OBIS (143,513 records in the OBIS until November 2022). The extracted data showed 3,041 marine species, with representatives of each of the six kingdoms: Animalia, Chromista, Bacteria, Plantae, Fungi and Protozoa. The datasets provide information on occurrence since 1822, extending the temporal coverage of the species occurrence inventory for Venezuela, which was established in 1879 before this project. The number of records for Venezuela increased by 41.3% compared with the data available before the project. Most of the occurrences (63.47%) were registered in Marine Protected Areas. Data collection included records of non-native species, descriptions of new species and species listed under different IUCN categories. Keywords occurrence data, marine species, biodiversity, data digitisation, Animalia, Chromista, Bacteria, Plantae, Fungi, Protozoa, OBIS, GBIF, Venezuela, southern Caribbean. Introduction Venezuela is amongst the top ten countries with the greatest biodiversity in the world (Aguilera et al. 2003, Grande 2018). However, due to the enormous impact of human activities, such as tourism, overexploitation of marine resources, physical alteration and pollution, marine environments are at great risk and their biodiversity is highly threatened Literature-based occurrences data of marine species in Venezuela 3 (Miloslavich et al. 2003). Coastal area management involves assessing changes in the distribution and abundance of coastal and marine species. However, the Venezuelan Integrated Plan for Coastal Management (Plan de Ordenamiento y Gestion Integral de Zonas Costeras) reveals a lack of information related to biodiversity attributes and indicators, which forms the basis for projecting risks and identifying actions to reduce coastal vulnerability (Minamb 2013, Peralta Brichtova 2021). On the other hand, Venezuela is suffering a severe academic and research management crisis and funding opportunities for marine research and data management have been practically absent (Requena 2003, Requena 2012, Bull and Rosales 2020, Van Roekel and De Theije 2020, Garcia Zea 2020, Requena 2021). This has worsened over the past five years and, as a result, libraries and other institutional spaces have been repeatedly vandalised with hundreds of records, specimens and historical data stolen, destroyed or burned. To preserve the information that will serve assessments, planning and management, an initiative for mobilising marine data was promoted by Fundacion Caribe Sur. Through the “Rescuing the knowledge base of Venezuela’s marine biodiversity” project supported by the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF) and funded by the European Union via the Biodiversity Information for Development Programme-BID, the project managed to identify and digitise the Venezuelan marine biodiversity data found in articles and grey literature stored in many national academic institutions. This article summarises the rescued dataset collections derived from this project, which are hosted in the Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS) and GBIF to date. The resulting data collection is composed of 59 datasets (occurrence and sampling events) with 40,881 records of marine organisms from a broad range of taxonomic categories registered within the Venezuelan maritime area, including some of its islands (Table 1). Table 1. Data collection from Venezuela used in the compilation, including number of records and references from OBIS/GBIF. Partial Dataset title No. Resource Resource citation dataset records type 1 Benthic macroalgae from the coasts of Venezuela 10,438 Occurrence Gomez Acevedo 1822-2021 and Carballo Barrera (2022) 2 Zooplankton of Morrocoy National Park 2000-2002 8,066 Sampling Zoppi de Roa et al. (2022) event 3 Diversidad de Foraminiferos en Venezuela 4,506 Occurrence Carvajal-Chitty (2022) 4 Records of the vertical distribution of planktonic 2,268 Sampling Cervig6n and copepods in the Southern Caribbean nat Scott-Frias (2022) 5 Spatial and temporal characterisation of zooplankton in 1,824 Sampling Casanova et al. Los Roques Archipelago (Venezuela) (2022) event Partial dataset 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Peralta Brichtova A et al Dataset title Esponjas asociadas a raices de Rhizophora mangle del Parque Nacional Morrocoy IOV - Distribucién espacial y temporal del fitoplancton en el Golfo de Cariaco Biodiversidad Marina del Parque Nacional Laguna de La Restinga Marine Fishes from Archipielago los Roques, Venezuela Megabenthos biodiversity of the northwest coast of Paraguana Peninsula (Venezuela) IOV Fitoplancton del Saco del Golfo de Cariaco, Venezuela Biodiversidad de Moluscos de la isla de Margarita Macroalgas del Parque Nacional Laguna de La Restinga, isla de Margarita, Venezuela Peces asociados a los arrecifes Coralinos del Parque Nacional Morrocoy, Venezuela Peces de las lagunas costeras de Isla Margarita, Venezuela IOV Copépodos del Golfo de Cariaco, Venezuela Poliquetos criptobentonicos en Orbicella annularis en arrecifes coralinos del PNA de Los Roques Venezuela Poliquetos fondos arenosos de Arrecifes de Coral en el PN Archipiélago de Los Roques, Venezuela lov-udo-zooplancton-playa colorada Peces asociados a raices de manglar en el PN Morrocoy, Venezuela Crustaceos decapodos asociados a Stichodactyla helianthus |sla Larga, Carabobo, Venezuela Algunos Copépodos de la Fachada Atlantica de Venezuela Corales escleractinidos de La Orchila, Venezuela, 1976 No. records 1,414 1,144 1,019 861 807 739 647 613 608 475 447 386 382 371 279 263 255 207 Resource type Sampling event Sampling event Occurrence Occurrence Sampling event Sampling event Occurrence Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Resource citation Pérez (2022) Calvo-Trujillo et al. (2022) Lira (2022e) Rodriguez et al. (2022) Lopez (2022) Marquez-Rojas et al. (2022a) Lira (2022f) Lira (2022d) Rodriguez-Quintal et al. (2022b) Lira (2022c) Marquez et al. (2022a) Rodriguez Fernandez et al. (2022) Diaz-Diaz et al. (2022) Marquez et al. (2022b) Lopez (2022) Marino et al. (2022) Camisotti and Pérez (2022) Pérez and Urich (2022) Partial dataset 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Literature-based occurrences data of marine species in Venezuela Dataset title Demospongias de la Laguna La Restinga, Venezuela Componentes biolégicos estudiados en el area de influencia del tramo D, poliducto SUFAZ. La primera fase del Plan de Monitoreo y Seguimiento en el marco del proyecto SUFAZ Peces asociados a una pradera de fanerégamas marinas en el PN Archipiélago Los Roques Macroalgas del area de influencia del terminal marino de la empresa Salinera Sacosal, Araya, Estado Sucre, Venezuela Diversity, abundance and other ecological features of littoral brachyuran crabs from Falcon State, Venezuela Marine Invasive Species of Venezuela Peces de arrecifes coralinos de Isla Larga y Alcatraz, PN San Esteban, Venezuela Distribucién espacial y abundancia de la Familia Corycaeidae Dana, 1852 (Copepoda: Cyclopoida) en el Golfo de Cariaco, Venezuela Abundancia y distribucién de los Branchiopoda (cladéceros) marinos del Parque Nacional Mochima, estado Sucre, Venezuela Community features of Swimming crabs (Portunidae) from Golfete de Cuare- Falcén- Venezuela Cnidarios y Poriferos del Parque Nacional San Esteban, Venezuela Biodiversity of Crustacea Decapoda from La Blanquilla Island- Venezuela Peces Criptobentonicos en los arrecifes coralinos del PN Archipiélago de Los Roques Venezuela Composicién y abundancia del plancton de la costa noreste de la bahia El Tablazo Moluscos Arrecifes Coralinos San Esteban Carabobo Venezuela Abundancia y Distribucién de Temora turbinata y Temora stylifera en el Parque Nacional Mochima, Venezuela No. records 199 197 196 179 168 158 154 149 141 124 117 96 89 89 88 81 Resource type Sampling event Occurrence Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Occurrence Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Resource citation Lira (2022a) Peralta Brichtova (2022) Lépez et al. (2022) Barrios-Montilla (2022a) Carmona-Suarez (2022b) Gonzalez (2022) Rodriguez-Quintal et al. (2022) Marquez-Rojas et al. (2022b) Bravo and Marquez-Rojas (2022) Carmona-Suarez (2022c) Rodriguez-Quintal et al. (2022b) Carmona-Suarez (2022d) Rodriguez-Quintal et al. (2022a) Guerrero-Rios and Hernandez (2022a) Alvarez-Barco et al. (2022) Colina-Romero and Marquez- Rojas (2022) Partial dataset 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Peralta Brichtova A et al Dataset title Macroalgas de la bahia de Macuro, estado Sucre, Venezuela. Estudio de linea base previo a la mejora del muelle de Macuro Cnidarios Arrecifes Coralinos de Playa Mero, Cayo Sombrero y Peraza PN Morrocoy, Venezuela Diversity and geographic distribution of brachyuran crabs from the Callapidae family in Venezuela Crustaceos decapodos de islotes Caribe y Los Lobos, Venezuela Swimming crabs, Portunidae, from La Vela de Coro- Falcon-Venezuela Peces presentes en praderas de fanerogamas en Boca Seca (PN Morrocoy) y Laguna de Yapascua (PN San Esteban) Venezuela Records of cephalopod paralarvae (Mollusca: Cephalopoda) in the Caribbean and Venezuelan Atlantic Ocean Diversity of littoral peneid shrimps in Falcon State, Venezuela Composition and abundance of decapod crustaceans in mixed seagrass meadows in the Paraguana Peninsula, Venezuela Geographical distribution and abundance of the land blue crab Cardisoma guanhumi (Brachyura, Gecarcinidae) in Venezuela Diversidad de Corales y especies asociadas en el ecosistema coralino de Adicora, Peninsula de Paraguana, Venezuela Ictioplancton en cinco puntos del sector San Carlos del Lago de Maracaibo: composicién distribucién y abundancia Poliquetos holoplancténicos (Annelida: Polychaeta) de la plataforma norte de la peninsula de Paria y golfo de Paria, Venezuela Macroinvertebrados bentonicos en un transecto ubicado entre Punta Espada y Punta Macolla, Golfo de Venezuela Macroinvertebrados bentonicos del muro de San Carlos- Zulia- Venezuela Population features of Cardisoma guanhumi in Nueva Carenero- Miranda State- Venezuela No. records 63 59 55 50 42 39 38 37 34 34 33 32 26 20 20 16 Resource type Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Sampling event Resource citation Barrios-Montilla (2022b) Rodriguez-Quintal et al. (2022a) Carmona-Suarez (2022e) Lira (2022b) Carmona-Suarez (2022h) Rodriguez Fernandez et al. (2022) Stella Chacin and Scott-Frias (2022) Carmona-Suarez (2022f) Carmona-Suarez (20229) Carmona-Suarez (2022a) Gomez (2022) Guerrero-Rios and Hernandez (2022b) Cardenas-Oliva et al. (2022) Hernandez (2022a) Hernandez (2022b) Carmona-Suarez (2022i) Literature-based occurrences data of marine species in Venezuela 7 Partial Dataset title No. Resource Resource citation dataset records type 56 Spatial distribution and population features of the 15 Sampling Carmona-Suarez decorator crab Omalacantha bicornuta (former esueik (2022)) Microphrys bicornutus) in Buchuaco- Falcon State- Venezuela 57 Diversity and ecological features of Majidae crabs from 12 Sampling Carmona-Suarez Morrocoy National Park - Venezuela event (20221) 58 Diversity, abundance and ecological features of 8 Sampling Carmona-Suarez swimming crabs (Brachyura; Portunidae) from Boca de event (2022k) Hueque, Venezuela 59 A new species of the Stenopodidean shrimp genus 4 Sampling Rodriguez-Quintal Spongicola, representing the first record of the genus event and Goy (2022) from the Atlantic Ocean Project description Title: Rescuing the knowledge base of Venezuela’s marine biodiversity Personnel: Ana Carolina Peralta Brichtova, Joxmer Scott-Frias, Carlos Carmona-Suarez, Carmen Rodriguez, Jeannette Perez, Adriana Lopez Ordaz, Brightdoom Marquez, Carlos Lira, Santiago Gomez Acevedo, Yusneyi Carballo Barrera, Bladimir Rodriguez, Francoise Cavada-Blanco, José Ramon Delgado and Eduardo Klein Salas Design description: Fundacion Caribe Sur, supported by the Global Biodiversity Information Facility-GBIF, carried out the project “Rescuing the knowledge base of Venezuela’s marine biodiversity”. This Project convened researchers affiliated to seven national academic institutions and two NGOs (Universidad Simon Bolivar, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Universidad de Carabobo, Universidad de Oriente, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas, Universidad Nacional Experimental Francisco de Miranda, Universidad del Zulia, Fundacion Museo del Mar - Museo Marino de Margarita, Fundacion Caribe Sur) to safeguard the largest amount of information on marine biodiversity that has been produced in the country. The project participants rescued data on marine biodiversity from most Venezuelan marine areas by digitising and mobilising information on marine biodiversity found in each of the national institutions mentioned above. Consequently, the project integrated national researchers into the community of contributors and users of georeferenced biodiversity data of Venezuelan marine environments. Funding: The resources to undertake this project have been received from the European Union and GBIF under the National Biodiversity Data Mobilisation Grant and the Biodiversity Information for Development Programme - BID implemented in the Caribbean region (led by GBIF), under Proyecto GBIF-Caribe Sur / ID: BID-CA2020-025-NAC "Rescate de la Data sobre Biodiversidad Marina en Venezuela" 8 Peralta Brichtova A et al Sampling methods Sampling description: Data collection, curation and digitisation were performed by a team of 14 researchers affiliated to the most important universities, scientific research centres and NGOs that deal with marine science and marine management in Venezuela. The work contains literature-based sampling information on marine organism occurrences collected from institution libraries from which theses, research project reports and journal publications were reviewed (Table 2) to obtain data on the taxonomic groups, location of occurrence, collection dates, measurements of habitat features (such as physical and chemical parameters of the environment), biotic measurements (e.g. body size, abundance and biomass) and details regarding the nature of the sampling or observation methods, equipment and sampling effort. Table 2. Sampling information source. Data source Number of records % Scientific journal 21,754 53.21 Grey literature * 16,243 39.73 Books 1,863 4.56 Catalogues 1,021 2.50 * Technical reports, Project reports and Thesis. Quality control: All data were structured into the Darwin Core Biodiversity Standard (Wieczorek et al. 2012), adopting the OBIS Darwin Core template and OBIS-ENV-DATA structure (OBIS 2022). The datasets were created according to the data source, taxonomic groups, home institution and professional expertise of the scientists involved in data digitisation. Geographic coverage Description: The data coverage was extracted directly from the literature and checked for any misreported georeferences, covered the entire Venezuelan mainland coast and some of its islands, including diverse marine coastal habitats, such as coral reefs, mangroves, rocky shores, sandy beaches, seagrass beds, coastal lagoons, sandy bottoms, oceanic water column and sea floor. Most occurrences (63.45%) were registered within marine protected areas, including seven national parks (Morrocoy, La Restinga, Archipiélago de Los Roques, San Esteban, Mochima, Médanos de Coro and Peninsula de Paria) and four wildlife refuges (Cuare, Boca de Cano, Hueque-Sauca and Isla de Aves) (Table 3, Fig. 1). However, some MPAs (Laguna de Tacarigua, Turuepano, and Mariusa) still show important gaps in their biodiversity records. This project recorded new occurrences from areas that traditionally lacked biodiversity information, such as the Orinoco Delta and Atlantic Front, Paria Peninsula and coastal areas of western Venezuela states (Falcon and Zulia). Literature-based occurrences data of marine species in Venezuela 9 Table 3. Occurrences recorded within Marine Protected Areas (MPA). MPA No. of records Morrocoy National Park 11,548 Archipiélago Los Roques National Park 6,389 Laguna de la Restinga National Park 2,587 Cuare Wildlife Refuge 2,393 Mochima National Park 1,605 San Esteban National Park 988 Peninsula de Paria National Park 188 Médanos de Coro National Park 103 Ciénaga Los Olivitos National Park 71 Laguna Boca de Cano Wildlife Refuge 50 Laguna de Tacarigua National Park 13 Isla de Aves Wildlife Refuge 3 Hueque-Sauca Wildlife Reserve 2 Coordinates: 8.612 and 15.676 Latitude; -71.939 and -57.705 Longitude. Taxonomic coverage Description: The taxonomic structure of the Venezuelan marine biodiversity collection at the time of publication represents a total of 30 Phyla, belonging to the kingdoms Animalia (17), Chromista (6), Plantae (4), Bacteria (1), Fungi (1) and Protozoa (1) (Table 4). The total number of records identified at the species level was 34,615, representing 84.67% of all the records. The remaining 15% of the records were identified at the family and genus levels. Table 4. Number of records by Phylum represented in this collection. Phylum No. Records Proportion of total records (%) Arthropoda 10,642 26.03 Rhodophyta 6,306 15.43 Chordata 4,657 11.39 Foraminifera 4,619 11.30 Chlorophyta 3,163 7.74 10 Peralta Brichtova A et al Phylum No. Records Proportion of total records (%) Ochrophyta 2,478 6.06 Mollusca 1,879 4.60 Porifera 1,743 4.26 Cnidaria 1,264 3.09 Annelida 1,212 2.96 Myxozoa 987 2.41 Chaetognatha 789 1.93 Echinodermata 239 0.58 Haptophyta 236 0.58 Platyhelminthes 125 0.31 Hemichordata 87 0.21 Ciliophora 77 0.19 Bryozoa 64 0.16 Euglenozoa 56 0.14 Cyanobacteria 54 0.13 Nemertea 46 0.11 Phoronida 35 0.09 Nematoda 19 0.05 Rotifera 10 0.02 Ctenophora 7 0.02 Charophyta 5 0.01 Tracheophyta 5 0.01 Basidiomycota 2 < 0.01 Brachiopoda 1 < 0.01 Cryptophyta 1 < 0.01 A total of 3,041 species are reported. Most records belong to the phylum Arthropoda (10,642 records, 375 spp.) and phylum Rhodophyta (6,306 records, 322 spp.), while the least represented phylum were Bacteroidetes, Brachiopoda, Cryptophyta and Planctomycetes, with one single record each. The data included records of non-native species, new species descriptions (Spongicola liosomatus, Haplophragmoides venezuelanus and Neopateorisiopsis chichirivensis) and 78 species listed under different Threatened and Near Threatened IUCN categories (IUCN 2021): five species Critically Endangered (CR), nine Endangered (EN), 43 Vulnerable (VU) and 21 Near Threatened (NT) (Table 5). Literature-based occurrences data of marine species in Venezuela Figure 1. EES] Location and aggregation of occurrences reported in this work for the Venezuelan coast and its islands. Dark blue regions represent MPAs: A Ciénaga de los Olivitos National Park; B Médanos de Coro National Park, Laguna Boca de Cafio Wildlife Refuge and Hueque-Sauca Wildlife Reserve; C Morrocoy and San Esteban National Parks, Cuare Wildlife Refuge; D Laguna de Tacarigua National Park; E Mochima National Park; F Laguna de La Restinga National Park; G Archipiélago de Los Roques National Park; H Peninsula de Paria and Turuépano National Parks; | Mariusa National Park and Delta del Orinoco Biosphere Reserve. 12 Table 5. Peralta Brichtova A et al Considering the IUCN Red List categories. IUCN Critically Endangered (CR) Endangered (EN) Vulnerable (VU) Species Acropora cervicornis Acropora palmata Sphyrna lewini Sphyrna mokarran Epinephelus striatus Orbicella annularis Orbicella faveolata Pseudobatos percellens Carcharhinus perezii Carcharhinus signatus Carcharhinus plumbeus /surus oxyrinchus Aetobatus narinari Carcharhinus obscurus Hippocampus erectus Pomatomus saltatrix Agaricia lamarcki Coryphopterus personatus Carcharhinus falciformis Dichocoenia stokesii Carcharhinus limbatus Ginglymostoma cirratum Lachnolaimus maximus Carcharhinus signatus Coryphopterus lipernes Negaprion brevirostris Orbicella franksi Epinephelus morio Lutjanus cyanopterus No. Records 11 11 22 11 Phylum and family Cnidaria, Acroporidae Cnidaria, Acroporidae Chordata, Sphyrnidae Chordata, Sphyrnidae Chordata, Serranidae Cnidaria, Merulinidae Cnidaria, Merulinidae Chordata, Rhinobatidae Chordata, Carcharhinidae Chordata, Carcharhinidae Chordata, Carcharhinidae Chordata, Lamnidae Chordata, Myliobatidae Chordata, Carcharhinidae Chordata, Syngnathidae Chordata, Pomatomidae Cnidaria, Agariciidae Chordata, Gobiidae Chordata, Carcharhinidae Cnidaria, Meandrinidae Chordata, Carcharhinidae Chordata, Ginglymostomatidae Chordata, Labridae Chordata, Carcharhinidae Chordata, Gobiidae Chordata, Carcharhinidae Cnidaria, Merulinidae Chordata, Serranidae Chordata, Lutjanidae Literature-based occurrences data of marine species in Venezuela 13 IUCN Near Threatened (NT) Species Mycetophyllia ferox Mycteroperca interstitialis Carcharhinus plumbeus Epinephelus morio Lutjanus cyanopterus Mycetophyllia ferox Mycteroperca interstitialis Alopias superciliosus Carcharhinus leucas Coryphopterus tortugae Cynoscion acoupa Dendrogyra cylindrus Epinephelus itajara Rhizoprionodon lalandii Rhomboplites aurorubens Alopias superciliosus Coryphopterus tortugae Dendrogyra cylindrus Epinephelus itajara Megalops atlanticus Rhizoprionodon lalandii Rhomboplites aurorubens Lutjanus synagris Lupinoblennius vinctus Porites branneri Lutjanus analis Scarus guacamaia Albula vulpes Narcine brasiliensis Mycteroperca bonaci Balistes vetula No. Records 2 2 2 Phylum and family Cnidaria, Faviidae Chordata, Serranidae Chordata, Carcharhinidae Chordata, Serranidae Chordata, Lutjanidae Cnidaria, Faviidae Chordata, Serranidae Chordata, Alopiidae Chordata, Carcharhinidae Chordata, Gobiidae Chordata, Sciaenidae Cnidaria, Meandrinidae Chordata, Serranidae Chordata, Carcharhinidae Chordata, Lutjanidae Chordata, Alopiidae Chordata, Gobiidae Cnidaria, Meandrinidae Chordata, Serranidae Chordata, Megalopidae Chordata, Carcharhinidae Chordata, Lutjanidae Chordata, Lutjanidae Chordata, Blenniidae Cnidaria, Poritidae Chordata, Lutjanidae Chordata, Scaridae Chordata, Albulidae Chordata, Narcinidae Chordata, Serranidae Chordata, Balistidae 14 Peralta Brichtova A et al IUCN Species No. Records Phylum and family Galeocerdo cuvier 4 Chordata, Carcharhinidae Hypanus americanus 4 Chordata, Dasyatidae Agaricia tenuifolia 3 Cnidaria, Agariciidae Carcharhinus altimus 2 Chordata, Carcharhinidae Gymnura micrura 2 Chordata, Gymnuridae Mustelus norrisi 2 Chordata, Triakidae Hexanchus griseus 1 Chordata, Hexanchidae Hexanchus nakamurai 1 Chordata, Hexanchidae Hypanus guttatus 1 Chordata, Dasyatidae Mustelus canis 1 Chordata, Triakidae Mycteroperca venenosa 1 Chordata, Serranidae Prionace glauca 1 Chordata, Carcharhinidae Temporal coverage Data range: 1822-1-01 - 2022-4-13. Notes: The data records extracted from literature have at least a year of collection. They include records from 1822 to 2022 (Fig. 2). Most occurrences were registered in the 1960s onwards, with the largest number of documented records in the 2000 decade. 20,000 16,000 4 ” D 12,000 + 3 o @ x © 8,000 5 z 4,000 | dl 1820 1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 Decade Figure 2. EES] Historical series for Venezuelan marine species occurrences. Literature-based occurrences data of marine species in Venezuela 15 Usage licence Usage licence: Other IP rights notes: Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC-BY-NC) 4.0 License Data resources Data package title: Rescuing the knowledge base of Venezuela’s marine biodiversity Resource link: knowledge -base-of-venezuelas-marine-biodiversity#datasets Number of data sets: 1 Data set name: Events and occurrences of marine species data digitisation in Venezuela Download URL: Data format: DwC & GBIF API terms; UTF-8 character encoding Data format version: Darwin Core Archive 1.6 Description: The database provides information on observations since 1822, including a broad taxonomic group of marine organisms compiled from 59 datasets (Table 1) with a total of 40,881 records. Most datasets are structured using Event Core Schema with Occurrences and Extended Measurements or Facts (eMOF) extensions; therefore, they contain not only georeferenced occurrence records, but also sampling protocols and environmental and biotic measurements. Column label Column description identifier A related resource that is referenced, cited or otherwise pointed to by the described resource. licence A legal document giving official permission to do something with the resource. basisOfRecord The specific nature of the data record. occurrencelD An identifier for the Occurrence (as opposed to a particular digital record of the occurrence). In the absence of a persistent global unique identifier, construct one from a combination of identifiers in the record that will most closely make the occurrencelD globally unique. occurrenceStatus A statement about the presence or absence of a Taxon at a Location. eventDate The date-time or interval during which an Event occurred. For occurrences, this is the date-time when the event was recorded. Not suitable for a time in a geological context. year The four-digit year in which the Event occurred, according to the Common Era Calendar. scientificNamelD An identifier for the nomenclatural details of a scientific name. 16 Column label identifier scientificName kingdom taxonRank decimalLatitude decimalLongitude language waterBody country countryCode datasetName phylum class order family genus genericName specificEpithet continent Peralta Brichtova A et al Column description A related resource that is referenced, cited or otherwise pointed to by the described resource. The full scientific name, with authorship and date of information, if known. When forming part of an Identification, this should be the name in the lowest level taxonomic rank that can be determined. This term should not contain identification qualifications, which should instead be supplied in the IdentificationQualifier term. The full scientific name of the kingdom in which the taxon is classified. The taxonomic rank of the most specific name in the scientificName. The geographic latitude (in decimal degrees, using the spatial reference system given in geodeticDatum) of the geographic centre of a Location. Positive values are north of the Equator, negative values are south of it. Legal values lie between -90 and 90, inclusive. The geographic longitude (in decimal degrees, using the spatial reference system given in geodeticDatum) of the geographic centre of a Location. Positive values are east of the Greenwich Meridian, negative values are west of it. Legal values lie between -180 and 180, inclusive. A language of the resource. The name of the water body in which the Location occurs. The name of the country or major administrative unit in which the Location occurs. The standard code for the country in which the Location occurs. The name identifying the data set from which the record was derived. The full scientific name of the phylum or division in which the taxon is classified. The full scientific name of the class in which the taxon is classified. The full scientific name of the order in which the taxon is classified. The full scientific name of the family in which the taxon is classified. The full scientific name of the genus in which the taxon is classified. The genus part of the scientificName without authorship. The name of the first or species epithet of the scientificName. The name of the continent in which the Location occurs. Literature-based occurrences data of marine species in Venezuela Additional information Some of the datasets compiled for this project have additional columns (Table 6). Table 6. Additional columns present in some of the datasets compiled. Column label scientificNameAuthorship institutionCode collectionCode catalogNumber recordedBy individualCount lifeStage preparations disposition associatedReferences associated Taxa occurrenceRemarks organismRemarks eventID parentEventID eventTime month day verbatimEventDate Column description The authorship information for the scientificName formatted according to the conventions of the applicable nomenclaturalCode. The name (or acronym) in use by the institution having custody of the object(s) or information referred to in the record. The name, acronym, coden or initialism identifying the collection or dataset from which the record was derived. An identifier (preferably unique) for the record within the dataset or collection. A list (concatenated and separated) of names of people, groups or organisations responsible for recording the original Occurrence. The primary collector or observer, especially one who applies a personal identifier (recordNumber), should be listed first. The number of individuals present at the time of the Occurrence. The age class or life stage of the Organism(s) at the time the Occurrence was recorded. A preparation or preservation method for a specimen. The current state of a specimen with respect to the collection identified in collectionCode or collectionID. A list (concatenated and separated) of identifiers (publication, bibliographic reference, global unique identifier, URI) of literature associated with the Occurrence. A list (concatenated and separated) of identifiers or names of taxa and the associations of this Occurrence to each of them. Comments or notes about the Occurrence. Comments or notes about the Organism instance. An identifier for the set of information associated with an Event (something that occurs at a place and time). May be a global unique identifier or an identifier specific to the data set. An identifier for the broader Event that groups this and potentially other Events. The time or interval during which an Event occurred. The integer month in which the Event occurred. The integer day of the month on which the Event occurred. The verbatim original representation of the date and time information for an Event. 17 18 Column label habitat samplingProtocol sampleSizeValue sampleSizeUnit samplingEffort eventRemarks locationID island stateProvince locality locationAccording To locationRemarks coordinate UncertaintyInMetres coordinatePrecision footprintWKT georeferencedBy georeferencedDate georeferenceProtocol georeferenceSources georeferenceRemarks identificationQualifier typeStatus identifiedBy Peralta Brichtova A et al Column description A category or description of the habitat in which the Event occurred. The names of, references to, or descriptions of the methods or protocols used during an Event. A numeric value for a measurement of the size (time duration, length, area or volume) of a sample in a sampling event. The unit of measurement of the size (time duration, length, area or volume) of a sample in a sampling event. The amount of effort expended during an Event. Comments or notes about the Event. An identifier for the set of location information (data associated with dcterms:Location). May be a global unique identifier or an identifier specific to the dataset. The name of the island on or near which the Location occurs. The name of the next smaller administrative region than country in which the Location occurs. The specific description of the place. Information about the source of this Location information. Comments or notes about the Location. The horizontal distance (in metres) from the given decimalLatitude and decimalLongitude describing the smallest circle containing the whole of the Location. A decimal representation of the precision of the coordinates given in the decimalLatitude and decimalLongitude. A Well-Known Text (WKT) representation of the shape (footprint, geometry) that defines the Location. A person, group or organisation who determined the georeference (spatial representation) for the Location. The date on which the Location was georeferenced. A description or reference to the methods used to determine the spatial footprint, coordinates and uncertainties. A map, gazetteer or other resource used to georeference the Location. Notes or comments about the spatial description determination, explaining assumptions made in addition or opposition to the those formalised in the method referred to in georeferenceProtocol. A brief phrase or a standard term to express the determiner's doubts about the Identification. A nomenclatural type (type status, typified scientific name, publication) applied to the subject. A list of names of people, groups or organisations who assigned the Taxon to the subject. Literature-based occurrences data of marine species in Venezuela 19 Column label Column description identificationReferences A list of references used in the Identification. identificationRemarks Comments or notes about the Identification. acceptedNameUsage The full name, with authorship and date information if known, of the currently valid (zoological) or accepted (botanical) taxon. infraspecificEpithet The name of the lowest or terminal infraspecific epithet of the scientificName, excluding any rank designation. verbatimTaxonRank The taxonomic rank of the most specific name in the scientificName as it appears in the original record. verbatimlidentification A string representing the taxonomic identification as it appeared in the original record. minimumDepthInMetres The lesser depth of a range of depth below the local surface, in metres. maximumDepthInMetres The greater depth of a range of depth below the local surface, in metres. 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