Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e102977 CO) doi: 10.3897/BDJ.11.e102977 open access Taxonomy & Inventories A new synonym of a species of Stachyotropha Stal, 1871, a genus of Asian Stenopodainae (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Reduviidae) Kyosuke Okuda*§, Zhuo Chen + CTI REED Co., Ltd., Kamikisaki1-14-6, Urawa-ku, Saitama-shi, Saitama, 330-0071, Japan § Saitama Museum of National History (External researcher: Animal), Nagatoro 1417-1, Nagatoro, Saitama, 369-1305, Japan | Department of Entomology and MOA Key Lab of Pest Monitoring and Green Management, College of Plant Protection, China Agricultural University, Yuanmingyuan West Road, Beijing 100193, China Corresponding author: Kyosuke Okuda ( Academic editor: Jader Oliveira Received: 04 Mar 2023 | Accepted: 05 Apr 2023 | Published: 11 Apr 2023 Citation: Okuda K, Chen Z (2023) A new synonym of a species of Stachyotropha Stal, 1871, a genus of Asian Stenopodainae (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Reduviidae). Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e102977.€102977 Abstract Background Stachyotropha Stal, 1871 (Reduviidae, Stenopodainae) currently includes only two species: S. punctifera Stal, 1871 and S. miyamotoi Hidaka & Miller, 1959 only recorded from East Asia. New information This study reviews the genus Stachyotropha Stal, 1871 and its two described species. Based on the examination of the type specimens and the original descriptions, S. miyamotoi Hidaka & Miller, 1959 is regarded as a junior synonym of S. punctifera. Further, we briefly discuss the distribution and biology of S. punctifera. © Okuda K, Chen Z. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 2 Okuda K, Chen Z Keywords China, East Asia, Japan, new synonym, Philippines, taxonomy Introduction Stenopodainae Amyot & Serville, 1843 is the fifth largest subfamily of Reduviidae, with approximately 115 described genera and 720 described species. Most of these species occur in the Tropics (Maldonado Capriles 1990, Ishikawa and Miyamoto 2012, Schuh and Weirauch 2020). The Neotropical and Afrotropical stenopodainae fauna have been relatively well surveyed (Villiers 1948, Villiers 1968, Gil-Santana et al. 2015). Additionally, Miller published voluminous literature about African and Asian faunas (e.g. Miller (1940), Miller (1948), Miller (1950), Miller (1954)); however, half of the Asian fauna remain understudied. Chen et al. (2020) proposed that comprehensive taxonomic revisions of Asian Stenopodainae are needed because the studies before 1970 lacked illustrations and adequate descriptions. Moreover, the taxonomic keys for Asian Stenopodainae are outdated or incomplete now. One such group is Stachyotropha Stal, 1871, which is a genus with only two species, S. punctifera Stal, 1871 and S. miyamotoi Hidaka & Miller, 1959, that have only been described from East Asia so far (Maldonado Capriles 1990). This genus has unique morphologies and can be distinguished from the other Old-World stenopodainae genera by the following combination of characteristics: the first visible labial segment is longer than the remaining segments combined and the thickened profemur is armed ventrally with two rows of long spines (Ishikawa and Miyamoto 2012). To date, S. punctifera has been recorded in the Philippines and southern China, whereas S. miyamotoi has only been reported from Japan (China 1940, Hsiao and Ren 1981, Maldonado Capriles 1990, Yasunaga et al. 1993, Ishikawa and Miyamoto 2012, Ishikawa 2016). Minimal records of species from this genus could have led to an incorrect comparison between the two species in the past. Thus, in this study, we reviewed the genus Stachyotropha and its two described species to determine whether S. punctifera and S. miyamotoi are, indeed, separate species or synonyms of the same species. We also attempted to obtain new biological and distributional information for the genus. Materials and methods Examined type specimens. We examined photos of the types provided by the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Stockholm, Sweden (NHRS). These photos were provided by Gunvi Lindberg and are copyright (2022) of the NHRS. Two male specimens with "Type" and "Paratype" labels were found; however, Stal (1871) did not designate holotype in the Original description. Therefore, we treated the two specimens as syntypes. A new synonym of a species of Stachyotropha Stal, 1871, a genus of Asian ... 3 The holotype of S. miyamotoi had been deposited in the Entomological Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan (ELKU). At the time of the present study, ELKU loaned the holotype to the Entomological Museum of China Agricultural University, Beijing, China (CAU) where we could study it. Additional specimens. Non-type specimens were obtained from the following institutions: Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History, Kanagawa, Japan (KPMNH); Laboratory of Entomology, Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Kanagawa, Japan (ELTUA); Entomological Museum of China Agricultural University, Beijing, China (CAU); and the private collection of Kyosuke Okuda, Saitama, Japan (PCKO). Specimens collected during recent field surveys by the first author and our colleagues were also studied. Morphological characteristics were observed and measured under a stereomicroscope (Olympus SZ40; Olympus, Tokyo, Japan) equipped with a micrometer. To examine the structure of male genitalia, the male terminalia were soaked in hot 5% potassium hydroxide (KOH) solution for approximately 10 min to remove the tissues. Photographs of the specimens were taken using a single-lens reflex camera (Canon 7D Mark Il; Canon, Tokyo, Japan), equipped with a Canon macro lens EF 100 mm and MP-E 65 mm. All morphological terms were assigned in accordance with Weirauch (2008), Ha et al. (2022)and. Taxon treatments Stachyotropha Stal, 1871 Nomenclature Stachyotropha Stal (1871): 697 (original description); Stal (1874): 84, 85 (in key, catalogue); Lethierry and Severin (1896): 81 (catalogue); China (1940): 210 (in key, fauna of China); Hoffmann (1944): 5 (catalogue, fauna of China); Hsiao (1977): 86 (in key, fauna of China); Hsiao and Ren (1981): 464, 465 (in key, listed, fauna of China); Miyamoto and Yasunaga (1989): 170 (listed, fauna of Japan); Maldonado Capriles (1990): 540 (catalogue); Putshkov and Putshkov (1996): 223 (catalogue, Palearctic); Ishikawa and Miyamoto (2012): 276, 284 (in key, diagnosis, distribution, fauna of Japan); Ishikawa (2016): 450 (listed, fauna of Japan). Redescription: Macropterous male. Colouration: Basic colouration pale brown with dark marking on pronotum, hemelytra and abdomen. Vestiture: Head, thorax, abdomen, legs and antennae densely covered with short setae. Compound eyes with sparse short setae. Femur with short decumbent setae; tibia and tarsus with suberect setae. Okuda K, Chen Z Structure: Body elongated. Head cylindical, integument granulose; ante-ocular portion longer than postocular portion; lateral side of postocular portion lacking tubercles. Compound eyes spherical, well projected laterad. Ocelli not elevated. Juga (= mandibular plates) strongly produced anteriorly, slightly upwards, slightly shorter than scape (= antennal segment |). Maxillary plates produced anteriorly, straight, approximately half of length of scape. Scape stout, shorter than head; pedicel (= antennal segment II) slender, longer than scape; flagellomeres (= antennal segment Il] and IV) filiform, shorter than scape. Labium curved; first visible labial segment extend beyond posterior margin of eye, approximately 2 times as long as remaining segments combined. Pronotum trapezoidal, integument granulose, longer than humeral width and head length; anterior pronotal lobe with four vague glabrous sulci on disc; anterolateral angles obtuse; posterior angles obtuse with posterior margin projecting backwards and slightly concave at mid-portion. Profemur thickened, with erect setae; lateral inner side armed with three long spines and one or two pairs of short spines, outer side armed with three long spines and one or two pairs of short spines; spines produced slightly downwards and occurring alternately on inner and outer sides. Protibia with two pairs of lateral spines produced slightly downwards and occurring alternately; protarsus three-segmented. Mid-femur and hind femur slender, lacking spines; mid-tarsus and hind tarsus three-segmented; third tarsomere longer than remaining segments. Abdomen elongate, with lateral margins almost parallel; tergite VII with obliquely angulately truncated inner side, posteromedial margin deeply concave. Macropterous female. Similar to male in general habitus. Abdominal segments II ~ VI with lateral margins almost parallel; segment VII strongly extended backwards, with obliquely angulately truncated inner side, posteromedial margin deeply concave; segment VIII large, transverse; basal half of sternite covered by gonocoxa VIII. Diagnosis In general appearance, this genus resembles Campsocnemis Stal, 1871 known from East Asia, but it can be distinguished from the latter by a combination of the following characters: juga as long as or slightly shorter than scape (in Campsocnemis, juga obviously shorter than scape); profemur and protibia armed ventrally with two rows of long diverging spines (in Campsocnemis, profemur armed with two rows of finely diverging spines, protibia lacking spines). Diversity The genus Stachyotropha previously contained two species distributed in East Asia (Maldonado Capriles 1990). One of them is treated as a junior synonym in this study; thus, the number of species in this genus has become one. A new synonym of a species of Stachyotropha Stal, 1871, a genus of Asian ... 5 Stachyotropha punctifera Stal, 1871 Nomenclature Stachyotropha punctifera Stal,1871 - Stal (1871): 698 (original description); Stal (1874): 85 (catalogue, distribution); Lethierry and Severin (1896): 81 (catalogue, distribution); China (1940): 251 (listed); Hoffmann (1944): 5 (catalogue, distribution); Hsiao and Ren (1981): 465 (listeda); Maldonado Capriles (1990): 540 (catalogue, distribution); Putshkov and Putshkov (1996): 223 (catalogue, distribution); Hua (2000): 211 (listed, distribution). Syntypes (24): Philippines, NHRS. Stachyotropha miyamotoi Hidaka and Miller, 1959 - Hidaka and Miller (1959): 136 (original description); Azuma and Kinjo (1987): 36 (catalogue, distribution); Miyamoto and Yasunaga (1989): 170 (listed, distribution); Maldonado Capriles (1990): 540 (catalogue, distribution); Yasunaga et al. (1993): 172 (re-description, distribution, bionomics, photo); Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan (1995): 151 (catalogue); Putshkov and Putshkov (1996): 223 (catalogue, distribution); Koike (1996): 14 (record); Hayashi (2002): 139 (listed); Ishikawa (2005): 30 (photo); Ishikawa and Miyamoto (2012): 284 (distribution, bionomics, photo); Ishikawa (2016): 450 (catalogue, distribution). Holotype (4): Japan, the Ryukyus, Okinawa Is., ELKU. New Synonym. Materials Syntypes: a. kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Hemiptera; family: Reduviidae; genus: Stachyotropha; specificEpithet: punctifera; country: Philippines; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; identifiedBy: Stal; dateldentified: 1871; institutionID: NHRS; collection|D: GULI-000007698; occurrence!D: 657FC444-4FA0-54BC- B30A-9C068BF 3ACC8 b. kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Hemiptera; family: Reduviidae; genus: Stachyotropha; specificEpithet: punctifera; country: Philippines; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; identifiedBy: Stal; dateldentified: 1871; institutionID: NHRS; collection|D: GULI-000001771; occurrence!D: 59815025-84F 7-555F-BO5F- B503CD92B13D Holotype: a. kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Hemiptera; family: Reduviidae; genus: Stachyotropha; specificEpithet: miyamoto/; islandGroup: The Ryukyus; island: Okinawa Is.; country: Japan; stateProvince: Okinawa; year: 1955; month: 8; day: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: T. Takara; institutionID: ELKU; occurrence|D: EC4BBBE8-37FC-595F-B281-6892D628B490 Other materials: a. kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Hemiptera; family: Reduviidae; genus: Stachyotropha; specificEpithet: punctifera; isiandGroup: The Ryukyus; island: Kakeroma Is.; country: Japan; stateProvince: Kagoshima; county: Oshima-gun; municipality: Setouchi-ch6; locality: Doren; year: 2022; month: 4; day: 30; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Reo Ito; identifiedBy: Kyosuke Okuda; Okuda K, Chen Z dateldentified: 2022; institutionID: PCKO; occurrencelD: 9F6A721F-EFCF-5824- AB06-8111C3026854 kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Hemiptera; family: Reduviidae; genus: Stachyotropha; specificEpithet: punctifera; islandGroup: The Ryukyus; island: Ishigaki Is.; country: Japan; stateProvince: Okinawa; municipality: Ishigaki-shi; locality: Omoto; year: 2003; month: 8; day: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Tadafumi Nakata; identifiedBy: Kyosuke Okuda; dateldentified: 2022; institutionID: PCKO; occurrence!D: 47F142CE-D5F9-5983-9904-E4F557CA874C kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Hemiptera; family: Reduviidae; genus: Stachyotropha; specificEpithet: punctifera; islandGroup: The Ryukyus; island: Ishigaki Is.; country: Japan; stateProvince: Okinawa; municipality: Ishigaki-shi; locality: Shiraho; year: 2013; month: 10; day: 7; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Reo Ito; identifiedBy: Kyosuke Okuda; dateldentified: 2022; institution|D: PCKO; occurrence!lD: 7AA635D6-C2EB-5EF3-9BE1-80AF4A8D7FCF kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Hemiptera; family: Reduviidae; genus: Stachyotropha; specificEpithet: punctifera; islandGroup: The Ryukyus; island: Ishigaki Is.; country: Japan; stateProvince: Okinawa; municipality: Ishigaki-shi; locality: Shiraho; samplingProtocol: light trap; year: 2019; month: 4; day: 20; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Kyosuke Okuda; identifiedBy: Kyosuke Okuda; dateldentified: 2022; institutionID: PCKO; occurrencelD: EED80E3C-317A-57AD- A140-57F998577301 kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Hemiptera; family: Reduviidae; genus: Stachyotropha; specificEpithet: punctifera; isiandGroup: The Ryukyus; island: lriomote Is.; country: Japan; stateProvince: Okinawa; county: Yaeyama- gun; municipality: Taketomi-ché; locality: Shirahama-rind6é; year: 2003; month: 4; day: 3; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Tadashi Ishikawa; identifiedBy: Kyosuke Okuda; dateldentified: 2022; institutionCode: ELTUA; occurrencelD: 72C8F81A- B33A-5A12-AFA3-9929224A4FB2 kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Hemiptera; family: Reduviidae; genus: Stachyotropha; specificEpithet: punctifera; islandGroup: The Ryukyus; island: lriomote Is.; country: Japan; stateProvince: Okinawa; county: Yaeyama- gun; municipality: Taketomi-ché; locality: Takana; year: 2004; month: 4; day: 19; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Yukihiko Hirano; identifiedBy: Kyosuke Okuda; dateldentified: 2022; institution!D: KPMNH; occurrence!D: 484306F2-0B40-5E1C- AD86-993A9DA1CD86 kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Hemiptera; family: Reduviidae; genus: Stachyotropha; specificEpithet: punctifera; isiandGroup: The Ryukyus; island: lriomote Is.; country: Japan; stateProvince: Okinawa; county: Yaeyama- gun; municipality: Taketomi-ché6; locality: Ootomi,Haiminaka; samplingProtocol: light trap; year: 2014; month: 5; day: 15; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Kyohei Watanabe; identifiedBy: Kyosuke Okuda; dateldentified: 2022; institutionCode: KPMNH; occurrence!D: BBDBC5DF-8BBE-50BA-925D-AA37C6684A03 kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Hemiptera; family: Reduviidae; genus: Stachyotropha; specificEpithet: punctifera; islandGroup: The Ryukyus; island: lriomote Is.; country: Japan; stateProvince: Okinawa; county: Yaeyama- gun; municipality: Taketomi-ché6; locality: Takana; samplingProtocol: light trap; year: 2022; month: 5; day: 14; individualCount: 4; sex: 2males, 2females; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Tomoya Saeki; identifiedBy: Kyosuke Okuda; dateldentified: 2023; institutionCode: PCKO; occurrence!D: DAE1EC1C-EB63-59AC-B3D0-0CC040EB4A66 A new synonym of a species of Stachyotropha Stal, 1871, a genus of Asian ... 7 i. kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Hemiptera; family: Reduviidae; genus: Stachyotropha; specificEpithet: punctifera; country: China; stateProvince: Guangxi; county: Guilin; municipality: Yanshan District; year: 1963; month: 5; day: 29; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: Chikun Yang; identifiedBy: Kyosuke Okuda and Zhuo Chen; dateldentified: 2022; institutionID: CAU; collection|D: RE-0001049; occurrence!D: 6D1E6D6D-B155-5F 9F-B225-8A5A52BB2A8D j. kingdom: Animalia; phylum: Arthropoda; class: Insecta; order: Hemiptera; family: Reduviidae; genus: Stachyotropha; specificEpithet: punctifera; island: Mindanao |Is.; country: Philippines; stateProvince: Davao (Near CALINAN); year: 1970; month: 6; day: 20; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; recordedBy: K. Souma; identifiedBy: Kyosuke Okuda; dateldentified: 2022; institution|D: ELTUA; occurrence!|D: ACC8DEF0-4674-5D4B- A5C5-297CE5FC957B Redescription: Macropterous male. Colouration: General colour pale yellowish-brown (Fig. 1); body matte, covered with whitish pilose setae on head, thorax, abdomen and legs; setation on corium sparse; eyes and apex of scutellum black; third visible labial segment dark brown; vein of cubitus with blackish spot; connexiva of abdominal tergites III ~ VII with dark spot; abdominal sternites III ~ VII with one pair of longitudinal brownish markings; ventral surface of abdomen with sparse blackish spots. A B , C | D E @ 2. & Figure 1. EE Stachyotropha punctifera: A, B male habitus (A: dorsal; B: ventral); C, D female habitus (C: dorsal; D: ventral); E-H apical segments of abdomen (E: male dorsal; F: male ventral; G: female dorsal; H: female ventral). Scale bars: 5 mm for A-D and 2 mm for E-H. Vestiture: Head, thorax, abdomen, legs and antennae densely covered with short setae. Scape with short decumbent setae, approximately less than 0.4 times as long as Okuda K, Chen Z maximum width of scape; segment II ~ IV with long suberect setae, approximately 1.0 ~ 1.3 times as long as maximum width of each antennal segment. Femur with short setae, approximately less than 0.2 times as long as maximum width of femur; tibia with decumbent setae, approximately 0.5 times as long as maximum width of tibia; tarsus with decumbent setae, approximately as long as maximum width of tarsus. Structure: male: Body medium-sized (16.00 mm), approximately 6.9 times longer than its maximum width (Fig. 1A, B). Head (Fig. 2A) approximately 1.7 times as long as width across eyes, approximately 0.8 times as long as pronotum; ante-ocular portion approximately 1.2 times as long as postocular portion; postocular with dorsal longitional sulcate. Juga approximately 0.85 times as long as scape. Maxillary plates approximately half as long as scape. Scape approximately 0.35 times as long as head; ratio of antennal segments (I ~ IV) = 10.0 : 19.3 : 4.0 : 6.7. First visible labial segment (Fig. 2B) curved, extending to level of middle of eye; ratio of visible labial segments (| ~ Il) = 10.0 : 0.31 : 0.20. Figure 2. EE Stachyotropha punctifera: A, B head, male (A: dorsal; B: lateral); C proleg; D protibia, ventral; E profemur, ventral; F, G abdominal sternite VII, ventral (F: male; G: female); H, | pygophore (H: dorsal; |: lateral); J median process of pygophore, caudal; K paramere, in different views; L=N phallus (L: lateral; M: dorsal; N: expanded phallosoma dorsal view). Arrows in D, E indicate front direction. Scale bars: 1 mm for A—G, 0.5 mm for H-I and K—-N and 0.25 mm for J. (Abbreviations: bp, basal plates; pd, pedicel; plb, phallobase; plt, phallotheca). Pronotum 1.5 times as long as humeral width; anterior propleural spines thick, acute, curved upwards, shorter than eye width. Hemelytra reaching abdominal segment VII. Profemur (Fig. 2C, E) with lateral inner side armed three long spines and two pairs short spines; longest spine approximately 1.9 times as long as maximum width of A new synonym of a species of Stachyotropha Stal, 1871, a genus of Asian... 9 profemur; shortest spines approximately 0.6 times as long as maximum width of profemur. Protibia (Fig. 2D) armed with two pairs of lateral spines; longest spines approximately 3.0 times as long as maximum width of protibia; shortest spines approximately 0.8 times as long as maximum width of protibia. Abdomen (Fig. 2F) elongate, approximately 3.6 times as long as its maximum width; segment VII with obliquely angulately truncated inner side. Male genitalia. Pygophore (Fig. 2H, |) broadly rounded ventrally, ventral surface covered with short sparse setae; median process of pygophore (Fig. 2J) equilateral triangle from dorsal view, weakly darkened. Paramere (Fig. 2K) thick, apical portion broad, weakly curved, with short erect setae. Phallus (Fig. 2L-N) elongate; dorsal phallothecal sclerite elongate, sclerotised ventrally; basal plate thin from posterior view, entire length approximately 0.6 times as long as dorsal phallothecal sclerite; phallosoma elongate, nearly cylindical; struts nearly straight, not reaching apex of dorsal phallothecal sclerite. Macropterous female. Similar to male in general habitus (Fig. 1C, D). Body (16.5 mm) approximately 4.7 times as long as than its maximum width. Abdomen (Fig. 2G) approximately 3.2 times as long as its maximum width. Distribution China: Fujian, Guangxi; Japan: The Ryukyus (Kakeroma Island, Okinawa Island, Miyako Island, Ishigaki Island, lIriomote Island, Yonaguni Island); Philippines: Mindanao Island. Biology In Japan, almost all examined specimens were collected using light traps. This species was very rare everywhere. Ishikawa and Miyamoto (2012) have previously recorded the adults and nymphs (as S. miyamotoi) collected from grasslands, where Poaceae and Cyperaceae were dominant. Additionally, adults also have known examples collected from an ankle-deep marshy area. Discussion Stal (1871) described Stachyotropha punctifera, based on an unspecified number of male specimens collected from the Philippines. He provided a dorsal habitus illustration of this species with the original description. Hidaka and Miller (1959) described Stachyotropha miyamotoi, based on one male collected from the Okinawa Island of the Ryukyu Islands and provided the illustrations of the dorsal habitus and the lateral view of the anterior body part. They listed the following morphological characters to distinguish S. miyamotoi and S. punctifera: 1) the dorsal surface of the head of S. miyamotoi is considerably less strongly sulcate; 2) the antennifers of S. miyamotoi are obtusely conical; 3) the armature of the prolegs is different between the two species; 4) the apex of the produced portions of 10 Okuda K, Chen Z abdominal segment VII of S. miyamotoi is obliquely, but not angulately truncated; and 5) the apical internal cell of the hemelytron is less than half as long as the apical external cell at the base in S. miyamotoi/, whereas it is half as long in S. punctifera. Based on the examination of the syntypes of S. punctifera (Figs 3, 4), the holotype of S. miyamotoi (Fig. 5) and several non-type specimens collected from China, Japan and the Philippines, we further evaluated and discussed the differences between S. punctifera and S. miyamotoi. The first four characters listed by Hidaka and Miller (1959) cannot be used to separate these two species because they were very similar between the examined specimens in this study. Additionally, the apical internal cell of the hemelytron varied significantly amongst our examined specimens. Furthermore, no morphological differences (including male paramere structures, but we could not compare genital structures) were found amongst these specimens. In Hidaka and Miller (1959), the description of S. miyamotoi was based on only one male specimen and they overlooked the fact that internal cells have a wide range of variation amongst individuals. This species has been known to be very rare. In fact, only one specimen was found in this study, which was collected from China (Fig. 6). Similarly, we consider that Hidaka and Miller (1959) also did not collect sufficient number of specimens for a proper comparative examination. In conclusion, as the comparison presented by Hidaka and Miller (1959) is inadequate and S. miyamotoi cannot be distinguished from S. punctifera by morphological characters, we propose that S. miyamotoi is a junior subjective synonym of S. punctifera. Ins. Nemper' Philipp YaeluzaG NHRS-GULI 000001771 Figure 3. EES] Stachyotropha punctifera male, syntype deposited in NHRS, catalogue number NHRS-GU- L1000001771. A dorsal; B lateral; C ventral; D labels; Scale bar: 10 mm (A). Photos by Gunvi Lindberg, 2022; Naturhistoriska riksmuseet. Made available by the Swedish Museum of Natural History under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License, CC-BY 4.0., A new synonym of a species of Stachyotropha Stal, 1871, a genus of Asian... 11 NHRS-GULI 000007698 Figure 4. EES] Stachyotropha punctifera, male, syntype deposited in NHRS, catalogue number NHRS-GU- LI000007698. A dorsal; B lateral; C ventral; D labels; Scale bar: 10 mm (A). Photos by Gunvi Lindberg, 2022, Naturhistoriska riksmuseet. Made available by the Swedish Museum of Natural History under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License, CC-BY 4.0., A B none, 4 ee ia ‘Ox ‘AU-1 [cau-RE-0001043 | fer a. Re. [Ent Mus. CAU, Being | Figure 5. EES Photographs of holotype of Stachyotropha miyamoto/: A dorsal; B lateral; C labels; Scale bar: 5mm. 12 Okuda K, Chen Z RAAB | 6 a | AU-RE-0001049 D RR 1903-V-29 | Figure 6. EES) Photographs of a Chinese specimen of Stachyotropha punctifera, female: A dorsal; B lateral; C ventral; D labels. Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank Gunvi Lindberg and Hege Vardal (NHRS) for taking photographs of the type specimens used in this study; Kyohei Watanabe (KPMNH) for providing opportunities to examine the additional materials used in this study and introducing us to curators of NHRS, thereby enabling us to obtain photographs of type materials; Tadashi Ishikawa (ELTUA) for his kindness and providing strategic advice, as well as contributing useful photographs for this study; and Reo Ito (Oita, Japan), Takumi Matsuda and Tomoya Saeki (ELTUA) for providing the materials used in this study. We also thank Toshiharu Mita and Jun Souma (ELKU) for providing opportunities to examine the type specimen used in this study. We are most grateful to Jader de Oliveira (University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil), Hélcio R. Gil-Santana (Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil) and Pierre Moulet (Museum Requien, Avignon, France) for their critical comments and suggestions regarding this manuscript. We wish to thank Editage ( for English language editing. References ° Azuma §S, Kinjo M (1987) Check-list of the insects of Okinawa. The Biological Society of Okinawa, Okinawa, 422 pp. A new synonym of a species of Stachyotropha Stal, 1871, a genus of Asian ... 13 Chen Z, Liu Y, Cai W (2020) Notes on the genus Enoplocephala Miller (Hemiptera: Reduviidae: Stenopodainae), with the description of a new species from Borneo. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 68: 369-378. URL: China WE (1940) Key to the subfamilies and genera of Chinese Reduviidae with descriptions of new genera and species. Lingnan Science Journal 19: 205-255. Gil-Santana HR, Forero D, Weirauch C (2015) Assassin bugs (Reduviidae excluding Triatominae). In: Panizzi A, Grazia J (Eds) True bugs (Heteroptera) of the Neotropics. 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