Biodiversity Data Journal 7: e46948 OO) doi: 10.3897/BDJ.7.e46948 Race hrren Data Paper Shrews (Soricidae) of the lowland forests around Kisangani (DR Congo) Frederik Van de Perre*, Herwig Leirs*, Julien Cigar$, Sylvestre Gambalemoke Mbalitini!, Jean-Claude Mukinzi Itoka!, Erik Verheyen*+ $ Evolutionary Ecology Group, University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium § Belgian Biodiversity Platform, Brussels, Belgium | Centre de Surveillance de la Biodiversité, Kisangani, Democratic Republic of the Congo 4] Faculté des Sciences, UNIKIS, Kisangani, Democratic Republic of the Congo # Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium Corresponding author: Frederik Van de Perre ( Academic editor: Alexander E Balakirev Received: 30 Sep 2019 | Accepted: 01 Nov 2019 | Published: 20 Dec 2019 Citation: Van de Perre F, Leirs H, Cigar J, Gambalemoke Mbalitini S, Mukinzi Itoka J-C, Verheyen E (2019) Shrews (Soricidae) of the lowland forests around Kisangani (DR Congo). Biodiversity Data Journal 7: e46948. Abstract Background The Congo Basin rainforest is the second largest rainforest in the world and one of the most biodiverse regions on Earth. Nevertheless, the Congo Basin biodiversity remains to be fully mapped, with many species awaiting discovery or official description. In recent years, much effort has been put into research on shrews (Soricidae), particularly in the region around Kisangani (D.R. Congo). Shrews are opportunistic feeders that are able to forage on a large diversity of invertebrate prey and therefore play an important role in the forest ecosystem. Furthermore, as they largely depend on forest habitats and have limited dispersal capacities, shrews form an interesting model group to study biogeographic patterns in the Congo Basin. © Van de Perre F et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 2 Van de Perre F etal New information This paper collates the efforts on shrew research from the wider region around Kisangani, in the centre of the Congo Basin. Apart from sampling information, the dataset includes morphological measures, DNA sequences and photographs. This dataset is therefore critical in the study of the taxonomy and ecology of Soricidae in the Congo Basin lowland rainforests. Keywords pitfall, removal trapping, tropical lowland forest, Democratic Republic Congo, Soricidae Introduction The Congo basin rainforest is the second largest in the world and one of the most biodiverse regions on earth (Mittermeier et al. 2003, Lewis 2005). Both the forest and its biodiversity are threatened by forest loss and bushmeat hunting (Malhi et al. 2013). Despite its importance for climate change mitigation and biodiversity conservation, knowledge on the impact of forest loss and degradation and bushmeat hunting on local biodiversity is currently lacking (Gibson et al. 2011, Alroy 2017, Phillips et al. 2017). In fact, the biodiversity of the Congo basin is generally understudied, with several new species being discovered every year (e.g. Colyn et al. 2010, Stanley et al. 2013). Our knowledge on occurrence, ecology and taxonomy of shrews (Soricidae) in the Congo basin is currently incomplete (Mukinzi et al. 2005, Gambalemoke 2014, Jacquet et al. 2015). Shrews represent critical food web links via their role as predators of small vertebrates and invertebrates and as prey for several vertebrate predators (Churchfield et al. 2004). Apart from their importance in the ecosystem, shrews are also a suitable model taxon for evaluating biogeographic and historical hypotheses (Quérouil et al. 2003). Indeed, the central Congo basin (i.e. the lowland forests south of the Congo river) harbours less terrestrial vertebrate species than the northern part which is due to the smaller habitat area and isolated position of the central Congolian lowland forests (Van de Perre et al. 2019). As richness is limited by habitat area and isolation, this implies that diversity differences amongst Congolian lowland forests are mostly due to forest-associated taxa with limited dispersal capacities, such as shrews. Therefore, this paper assembles shrew occurrences from three studies in the central Congo Basin (Gambalemoke et al. 2008b, Mukinzi 2014, Van de Perre et al. 2018) and includes the metadata of the captured specimens (morphological measurements, DNA and sampling details) which allows for the advancement of the knowledge on taxonomy and ecology of shrews in the central Congo basin. Shrews (Soricidae) of the lowland forests around Kisangani (DR Congo) 3 General description Purpose: This paper assembles data collected in the framework of the PhD theses of Jean-Claude Mukinzi ltoka, Sylvestre Gambalemoke Mbalitini and Frederik Van de Perre. These three theses were executed at or in collaboration with the University of Kisangani, the University of Antwerp and the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences. Although the design and purpose of the three studies differ, the sampling design (the method in which shrews were collected) is equal across studies, which justifies the publication of the dataset as a whole. Project description Study area description: We compiled data from three studies in the region around Kisangani (Gambalemoke et al. 2008b, Mukinzi 2014, Van de Perre et al. 2018). The combined data represent 36 sampling sites in which sampling effort was equal and distributed within 6 localities in the Tshopo Province (Fig. 1 and Table 1). Sampling localities are separated by the Congo River and some of its major tributaries (Tshopo, Lindi, Lomami). Table 1. List of sampling sites including locality (and initials of collectors), coordinates, forest type (OG-X: Mixed old-growth forest; OG-M: Monodominant old-growth forest; RF: Regrowth forest; FL: Fallow land; OP: abandoned oil palm plantation), number of trapping sessions, start date of trapping and range of field numbers under which specimens are stored. Locality Latitude Longitude Site Forest Number of Start date Field numbers type trapping sessions Baliko 0.6415 26.3639 Baliko_FP OG-X 1 23/09/2006 BA77-675 (SG) 0.6415 26.3639 Baliko_FS RF 1 23/09/2006 0.6415 26.3639 Baliko_JC FL 1 23/09/2006 Djabir 0.5192 24.1736 Djabir_FP_L1 OG-X 1 13/10/2005 DJ1-567 oe 0.5192 24.1736 Djabir_FP_L2 OG-X 1 13/10/2005 0.5192 24.1736 Djabir_FS RF 1 13/10/2005 Masako 0.6051 25.2565 Masako_FP OG-X 1 2/06/2005 R27985-28242 a 0.6051 25.2565 = Masako_FS RF 1 2/06/2005 0.6051 25.2565 Masako_FS_L1A RF 1 12/03/2011 CRT3151-3520 0.6051 25.2565 Masako_FS_L1C RF 1 12/03/2011 0.6051 25.2565 Masako_Gil_L1A OG-M 1 27/03/2012 MSK1-362 0.6051 25.2565 Masako_Gil_L1C OG-M 1 27/03/2012 Locality Yangambi (FVdP) Yelenge (JCM) Yoko (JCM) Van de Perre F etal Latitude Longitude Site 0.8144 0.7966 0.8081 0.7894 0.7949 0.7967 0.7931 0.7921 0.8135 0.7805 0.8144 0.8026 0.6387 0.6387 0.2940 0.2940 0.2940 0.2940 0.2940 0.2940 0.2940 0.2940 0.2940 0.2940 0.3234 0.3234 0.3234 24.4937 24.4978 24.5281 24.5175 24.4919 24.4941 24.4901 24.4972 24.5126 24.5211 24.4931 24.4875 25.0780 25.0780 25.2881 25.2881 25.2881 25.2881 25.2881 25.2881 25.2881 25.2881 25.2881 25.2881 25.2539 25.2539 25.2539 Yangambi_BRA1 Yangambi_GIL3 Yangambi_GIL4 Yangambi_JEU1 Yangambi_JEU2 Yangambi_JEU3 Yangambi_JEU4 Yangambi_JEU5 Yangambi_MIX2 Yangambi_MIX3 Yangambi_MIX5 Yangambi_MIX6 Yelenge_FP Yelenge_FS Babogombe_FPG_L1 Babogombe_FPG_L2 Babogombe_FP_L1 Babogombe_FP_L2 Babogombe_FP_L3 Babogombe_FS_L1 Babogombe_FS_L2 Babogombe_JJ_L1 Babogombe_JV_L1 Babogombe_JV_L2 Kisesa_JJ Kisesa_JV Kisesa_VPS Forest type OG-M OG-M OG-M RF RF RF RF RF OG-X OG-X OG-X OG-X OG-X RF OG-M OG-M OG-X OG-X OG-X RF RF FL FL FL FL FL OP Number of trapping sessions 1 1 Start date 12/07/2015 8/05/2014 21/06/2013 20/06/2013 7/05/2014 13/07/2015 16/07/2016 17/07/2016 16/07/2016 20/06/2013 12/07/2015 7/05/2014 6/03/2005 6/03/2005 21/04/2007 22/02/2007 14/12/2006 14/12/2006 21/04/2007 14/12/2006 14/12/2006 15/12/2006 23/02/2007 15/12/2006 18/10/2007 18/10/2007 18/10/2007 Field numbers COB2-1390 R27622-27981 LEGM400-3017 In the study area, forest disturbance is mainly in the form of slash-and-burn agricultural activities, followed by abandonment and secondary succession. Fallow land, the pioneer stage of forest recolonisation, contains dense thickets with few tall trees. Regrowth forests generally are dominated by Musanga cecropioides in the canopy. Old-growth, closed canopy forests represent a range of vegetation, including mixed, semi-deciduous forest, monodominant forest of Gilbertiodendron dewevrei (De Wild.) J. Leonard and Shrews (Soricidae) of the lowland forests around Kisangani (DR Congo) 5. monodominant forest of Brachystegia laurentii (De Wild.) Hoyle. In some localities, sampling was also conducted in abandoned oil palm plantations. Apart from Yangambi (Van de Perre et al. 2018), quantitative data on tree composition of each sampling site is lacking. 25°0'0"E 26°0'0"E Sourax MONUS Figure 1. EES] Sampling localities (dots) in the environs of Kisangani (see Table 1 for additional details). The city of Kisangani (square) is surrounded by a mosaic of agricultural land and regrowth forest (light green), while old-growth forests (dark green) can be found throughout the area. Blue lines represent the Congo River and its tributaries. The map on the left shows the situation of the study area within Africa. Following the revised K6ppen-Geiger classification (Peel et al. 2007), the climate of the region is Af-type tropical rainforest climate. At the Yangambi meteorological station, the annual precipitation is 1839.5 + 205.7 mm (1980-2012) and average dry season length is 3.3 + 1.3 months (a month is dry if it receives less than 100 mm of precipitation). Dry seasons occur in December—February and June-August. Temperatures are high and constant throughout the year, with a minimum of 24.2 + 0.4°C in July and a maximum of 25.5 + 0.6°C in March (Doetterl et al. 2015). Funding: F.V.d.P. was supported by a Ph.D. fellowship from the Research Foundation — Flanders and by the Belgian Science Policy Office (COBIMFO Project; Congo Basin integrated monitoring for forest carbon mitigation and biodiversity; contract no. SD/AR/ 01A). Sampling methods Sampling description: In all localities, shrews were sampled using the paceline method, which involved placing 20 pitfall traps at 5 m intervals on transects (Nicolas et al. 2003). Pitfall traps consisted of non-baited buckets (10-litre, 30x30*23 cm) that were buried in the ground, with rims even with the ground surface. A plastic drift fence (100 m) was set to increase capture effectiveness by guiding shrews toward traps. Pitfall traps were maintained at their locations for 21 days and were checked daily. Only in Yoko, these pitfall 6 Van de Perre F etal lines were set for multiple sessions at the same location. In all other locations, trapping was only conducted once (Table 1). Quality control: Species were identified based on external morphology and cranio-dental characteristics. In addition, species assignments were confirmed for several specimens of each species by molecular analysis (16s rRNA). Taxonomic nomenclature follows Hutterer (2005). Specimens belonging to problematic species complexes that are in need of revision were provisionally labelled with cheironyms, pending formal description. Step description: Field measurements Sex and sexual condition were noted for each specimen: ° Males: ° testes: abdominal ° swelling of the epididymis: visible or not ° Females: ° vagina: closed or perforated ° nipples: small or swollen, lactating ° pregnant: yes or no Following measurements were taken from those specimens that were completely intact: ° Weight (in grams) ° Body length (head - tailbone, in mm) ° Length of tail (tail length in mm of the point of curvature (anus) until the tip of the tail) ° Size of the left hind leg (0.1 mm) ° Size of the left ear (0.1 mm) Sample collection Samples of liver, spleen and kidney were stored in 96% alcohol and RNA-later (only kidney). Blood samples were transferred to filter paper. Ectoparasites were preserved in 70% alcohol. Carcasses of specimens were stored at the Laboratory of Ecology and Animal Resource Management (University of Kisangani) and the Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig (Bonn). Tissues samples are stored at the Evolutionary Ecology Lab (University of Antwerp) and at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (Brussels). All soecimens are stored under their field number. For the collection in Yangambi, pictures were taken of each specimen's ventral, dorsal and lateral sides. DNA Barcoding DNA analysis of 16S-rRNA was conducted for a selection of individuals. For PCR amplification, we used the primer pair 16Sar-L (forward: 5'- CGCCTGTTTATCAAAAACAT-3', Palumbi et al. 1991) and 16S-Hm (reverse: Shrews (Soricidae) of the lowland forests around Kisangani (DR Congo) 7 5'AGATCACGTAGGACTTTAAT-3', Quérouil et al. 2001). PCR amplification was performed in 15-yl reaction mixtures that contained 7.5 yl Qiagen Multiplex, 0.2 uM of each primer, 1.5 yl DNA template and 5.4 ul sterile deionised water. The reaction mixtures were preheated at 95°C for 15 min, followed by 42 amplification cycles (95°C for 30 s, 46°C for 90 s and 72°C for 90 s), with a final 10 min extension at 72°C. The samples were purified and sequenced in both directions at VIB Genetic Service Facility (University of Antwerp). Sequences were aligned using the Geneious software (Drummond et al. 2015). Geographic coverage Description: Lowland forests of the Kisangani, Isangi and Ubundu territories of the Tshopo province (former province Orientale), Democratic Republic of Congo. Coordinates: 0°N and 1°N Latitude; 24°E and 27°E Longitude. Taxonomic coverage Description: All species belong to the family Soricidae, particularly the subfamily Crocidurinae. The dataset contains species from 5 genera: Crocidura (14 species), Paracrocidura (1), Scutisorex (2), Suncus (1) and Sylvisorex (4) (Table 2). Table 2. Number of specimens per species caught in each locality. Species Djabir Yoko Yangambi Yelenge Masako Baliko Crocidura caliginea Hollister, 1916. - - 52 3 14 7 Crocidura crenata Brosset, Dubost & Heim de Balsac, - - A) 5 2 0 1965. Crocidura denti Dollman, 1915. - - 104 8 25 11 Crocidura dolichura Peters, 1876. 13 111 8 6 5 0 Crocidura cf. fuscomurina Heuglin, 1865 - 4 - - - - Crocidura goliath Thomas, 1906. 0 10 - - - - Crocidura grassei Brosset, Dubost & Heim de Balsac, 0 26 - - - - 1965. Crocidura latona Hollister, 1916. 21 168 0 1 26 0 Crocidura littoralis Heller, 1910. 27 24 153 44 21 4 Crocidura ludia Hollister, 1916. 4 1013 27 0 34 11 Crocidura cf. maurisca Thomas, 1904 0 1 - - - - Crocidura cf. muricauda Miller, 1900 - - 4 0 1 0 Crocidura olivieri Lesson, 1827. 6 173 43 0 11 10 8 Van de Perre F et al Species Djabir Yoko Yangambi Yelenge Masako Baliko Crocidura yoko sp1 0 64 - 1 A = Paracrocidura schoutedeni Heim de Balsac, 1956. 3 47 6 6 33 4 Scutisorex congicus Thomas, 1915. - - 4 1 22 6 Scutisorex n.sp. : 75 - = ! = Suncus cf. remyi Brosset, Dubost & Heim de Balsac, 1965. - - 27 0 5 5 Sylvisorex akaibei Mukinzi, Hutterer & Barriere, 2009. - - 27 1 0 1 Sylvisorex cf. johnstoni Dobson, 1888. - - 12 5 16 14 Sylvisorex nsp1 0 11 - - - - Sylvisorex cf. ollula Thomas, 1913. 6 275 - - - - Unidentified specimens 14 15 9 26 8 3 Total 94 2017 485 106 223 76 The dataset contains a number of specimens that likely belong to species new to science. Specimens morphologically resembling Known species but found far outside the distribution of the known species have been identified using a cf. statement, others were named using a cheironym. Crocidura sp1 yoko has easily distinguishable characteristics: small size (4-6 g), brownish on the back, greyish-brown on the belly, brownish tail that is completely glabrous, except from the base which is covered with few small vibrissae, the down side of the tail clear, almost white at the base and around the anus and its small paws are equally light coloured (Fig. 2). Its skull resembles that of Crocidura ludia but is smaller (Mukinzi-ltoka 2014). Figure 2. EES] Dorsal and ventral view of Crocidura sp1 yoko (LEGM458, Mukinzi 2014). Shrews (Soricidae) of the lowland forests around Kisangani (DR Congo) 9 Sylvisorex n.sp. is a small and rare species. Brown greyish on the back and silvery grey on the belly. It has a long tail covered with small hairs that grow longer and are more numerous towards the tip, forming a white brush. The tail is brown-black on top and slightly lighter on the bottom (Fig. 3). The species resembles Crocidura polia Hollister, 1916. However, the new species has little vibrissae on its tail while, in C. polia, half of the tail is covered with vibrissae (Mukinzi 2014). Figure 3. EESl Dorsal and ventral view of body and skull of Sy/visorex n. sp. (LEGM1887, Mukinzi 2014). Scutisorex n. sp. (description in progress, J. Hulselmans pers. comm.) was found in RF Yoko and its distribution seems to be limited to the forest bloc between the Lomami and Lualaba. Temporal coverage Notes: 8 June 2005 (Yelenge) to 7 August 2014 (Yangambi). Collection data Collection name: Carcasses of specimens were stored at the Laboratory of Ecology and Animal Resource Management, University of Kisangani. Tissues samples are stored at the University of Antwerp and at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences. For the collection of Yangambi, pictures were taken of each specimen's ventral, dorsal and lateral sides. Specimen preservation method: Samples of liver, spleen and kidney were stored in 96% alcohol and RNA-later (only kidney). Blood samples were transferred to filter paper. 10 Van de Perre F etal Ectoparasites were preserved in 70% alcohol. Specimen carcasses were stored in 70% alcohol. Usage rights Use license: Creative Commons Public Domain Waiver (CC-Zero) Data resources Data package title: African Mammalia Resource link: Number of data sets: 3 Data set name: Specimen list Download URL: hittp:// Data format: .csv Description: The data can be downloaded from the online database, African Mammalia. Shrew specimens can be searched through the ‘Search’ or ‘Taxa’ tab. Column label Collection number Order Family Family author Genus Genus author Species Species author Subspecies Subspecies author Determinator Determination year Accuracy Field number Locality Column description Museum collection number Taxonomic rank Taxonomic rank Author(s) and publication date of family Taxonomic rank Author(s) and publication date of genus Taxonomic rank Author(s) and publication date of species Taxonomic rank Author(s) and publication date of subspecies Determinator of specimen Determination year Accuracy of determination Unique identifier of specimen Sampling locality Shrews (Soricidae) of the lowland forests around Kisangani (DR Congo) Altitude Altitude max Country iso code Country Latitude Longitude Collector Date collected Date collected end Sex Sexual condition name Sexual condition code Age Weight Type Trap Available Basis of record Tissues url Data set name: Sequences Altitude of sampling location in metres Maximum altitude CD Democratic Republic Congo Latitude of sampling locality in decimal degrees Longitude of sampling locality in decimal degrees Collector of specimen Date of collection End of data collection m, Male - f, Female Sexual condition, see above Sexual condition code Age of specimen Weight in gram Holotype, paratype or syntype Type of trap used Whether the specimen is present in the collection Preserved specimen or observation Whether tissue samples are available Link to the specimen information on African Mammalia Download URL: hitp:// Data format: .csv Description: Export of DNA sequences and metadata. Column label Collection number Field number Basis of record Family Genus Column description Museum collection number Field number Preserved specimen or observation Family, Soricidae Genus name 11 12 Van de Perre F etal Species Species name Subspecies Subspecies name Accession number Genbank accession number Sequence number Unique sequence code Sequence DNA sequence url Link to the specimen information on African Mammalia. Data set name: Measurements Download URL: hitp:// Data format: .csv Description: Export of morphological measurements and metadata. Column label Collection number Field number Basis of record Familiy Genus Species Subspecies Sex hb tl hf el m1-m25 url Column description Museum collection number Unique field code Preserved specimen or observation Family, Soricidae Genus name Species name Subspecies name Sex (Male or Female) Head-body length Tail length Hind foot length Ear length Craniometric measurement, description available on africanmammalia/about/data#measurements Link to the specimen information on African Mammalia. Shrews (Soricidae) of the lowland forests around Kisangani (DR Congo) 13 Additional information Results communication: Results of diversity analyses have already been published in peer-reviewed journals (in chronological order): ° Mukinzi et al. (2005) ° Gambalemoke et al. (2008a) ° Gambalemoke et al. (2008b) ° Mukinzi et al. (2009) ° Van de Perre et al. (2018) Acknowledgements Fieldwork was carried out in collaboration with the Centre de Surveillance de la Biodiversité at the University of Kisangani. We thank Y. Mutafchiev, R. Mesibov, R. Hutterer, V. Nicolas, S. Solari, A. Balakirev and an anonymous reviewer for helpful comments on earlier versions of this manuscript. Author contributions Jean-Claude Mukinzi ltoka, Sylvestre Gambalemoke Mbalitini and Frederik Van de Perre are the main collectors of specimens and observations. Frederik Van de Perre sequenced the specimens. Julien Cigar developed the online database. Frederik Van de Perre wrote the first version of the manuscript and all co-authors contributed to the writing. References ° Alroy J (2017) Effects of habitat disturbance on tropical forest biodiversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (23): 6056-6061. 1611855114 ° Churchfield S, Barriére P, Hutterer R, Colyn M (2004) First results on the feeding ecology of sympatric shrews (Insectivora: Soricidae) in the Tai National Park, Ivory Coast. Acta Theriologica 49 (1): 1-15. ° Colyn M, Hulselmans J, Sonet G, Oude P, De Winter J, Natta A, Nagy ZT, Verheyen E (2010) Discovery of a new duiker species (Bovidae: Cephalophinae) from the Dahomey Gap, West Africa. Zootaxa 2637 (1): 1-30. ° Doetterl S, Kearsley E, Bauters M, Hufkens K, Lisingo J, Baert G, Verbeeck H, Boeckx P (2015) Aboveground vs. belowground carbon stocks in African tropical lowland rainforest: Drivers and implications. PloS One 10 (11): €0143209. 10.137 1/journal.pone.0143209 14 Van de Perre F etal Drummond AJ, Ashton B, Buxton S, Chueng M, Cooper A, Heled J, Kearse M, Moir R, Stones-Havas S, Sturrock S, Thierer T, Wilson A (2015) Geneious. 7.1.9. Release date: 2015-5-22. 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