Short Communication Journal of Orthoptera Research 2019, 28(1): 1-2 Yellow-winged digging grasshopper, Acrofylus longipes (Acrididae: Oedipodinae), confirmed in Croatia Dora PapkKovic!, ANTUN JELINGIC? 1 Petrova 12, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia. 2 Cire Truhelke 15, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia. Corresponding author: Dora Papkovic (dora.tosamja@ Academic editor: Daniel Petit | Received 21 October 2018 | Accepted 4 December 2018 | Published 13 February 2019 F8-4947-A921-690700E7F67C Citation: Papkovi¢é D, Jelingi¢ A (2019) Yellow-winged digging grasshopper, Acrotylus longipes (Acrididae: Oedipodinae), confirmed in Croatia. Journal of Orthoptera Research 28(1): 1-2. Abstract We present the first confirmed record of the threatened yellow-winged digging grasshopper, Acrotylus longipes (Acrididae: Oedipodinae), from Croatia, from the island of Mljet, in Blace Bay. The yellow-winged digging grasshopper was found on sandy dunes covered with psammophytic veg- etation characteristic of this type of habitat. Previously, only two localities of this species were reported from Croatia, both from photographs. This confirmed locality opens the possibility of a wider distribution of this spe- cies on similar habitats throughout Croatia. Key words Adriatic island, geographic distribution, Mljet, new record, Vulnerable Introduction The yellow-winged digging grasshopper, Acrotylus longipes (Charpentier, 1845), is a xerophilic and thermophilic species of the Acrididae family, subfamily Oedipodinae (Bounechada et al. 2006). The species inhabits coastal and riverine sand dunes in the Mediterranean, from the Canary Islands to Ukraine (Hochkirch et al. 2016). In addition to the Mediterranean area, the species has also been reported from similar habitats inland in the Balkans, from the Pannonian Plain on the border of Serbia and Romania, and from Macedonia, close to the border with Greece (Grebenschikov 1947). In Croatia, the species is known only from two localities, Za- ton in Dubrovnik Area and the island of Solta, both recordings being doubtful as they are based solely on photographs (Skejo et al. 2018). In Italy, the grasshopper is also found living in highly disturbed sandy habitats (Fontana and Kleukers 2002). In addi- tion to its coloration, the species is adapted to sandy conditions by alternating use of its legs so just three of them are touching the hot sand at a time, and it can also dig itself into the sand on cold or windy nights (Fontana and Kleukers 2002). Since its subpopulations are severely fragmented, the spe- cies was listed on the IUCN Red List as Vulnerable (VU) in the 28 countries of the European Union EU28 and Near Threatened (NT) in Europe (Hochkirch et al. 2016). The largest threats to their habitats are river regulations and the development of tour- ism, which could lead to further fragmentation of habitats and a more pronounced edge effect (Hochkirch et al. 2016, Fontana and Kleukers 2002). Methods Blace Bay is located in the south-east part of the island of Mljet (Fig. 1; 42°41'29"N, 17°44'32”E), one of the southernmost Croa- tian Adriatic islands. D.P. and A.J. visited Blace Bay on August 28", 2018, between 17:00 and 18:00. It was a hot and sunny day with a temperature of 34 °C. Specimens of A. longipes were recorded in notable abundance here (about 40 specimens were observed in one hour). The species was identified by diagnostic characters in the field from the keys of Harz (1975), Massa et al. (2012), and Wil- lemse et al. (2018), and compared to A. patruelis and A. insubricus. Results and discussion On the habitat of the species on the island of Mljet.—Blace is a small bay with a narrow passage to the open sea. Therefore it is protected from the heavy impact of waves and wind which allows unob- structed sedimentation of sand. The silicate sand stretches along the coast for about 500 m. This sand contains vegetation from the classes Ammophiletea Br.-Bl. et Tx. ex Westhoff, et al. 1946 and Cak- iletea maritimae Tx. et Preising in Tx. ex Oberd 1952 (Alegro et al. 2004). The soil formed from this sand can be classified as arenosol and represents the very first stage of soil development from this substrate. Because the Adriatic coast is mostly karstic, this type of habitat is rare and the psammophytic vegetation that is present on the sandy shores is fragmented and exists only in a few localities in Croatia. Mljet contains the largest contiguous area covered with this type of vegetation. Mljet includes Blace, Mala Saplunara and Velika Saplunara Bays (Alegro et al. 2004). On the new record of Acrotylus longipes.—We found a notable abundance of A. longipes jumping between sedges (Cyperus capitatus) and other plants (Fig. 2). Altogether, about 40 specimens JOURNAL OF ORTHOPTERA RESEARCH 2019, 28(1) 2 D. PAPKOVIG AND A. JELINCIG oe ei Blaca i fe Fig. 1. Images of the study site: A-C. The location of Blace Bay in Croatia in the southeast of the island of Mljet; D. The psammo- phytic vegetation where the species was found; E. Blace Bay. Fig. 2. Acrotylus longipes male specimen in its natural sandy habi- tat. A. Lateral view; B. Dorsal view. were observed of both males and females. Because of its fine, cryptic coloration as an adaptation to the structure of the sand, it is barely visible on the sand surface, especially for potential predators. The insect is mostly visible when jumping. The yellow- winged digging grasshopper is distinguishable from other Acrotylus species, as its common name proposes, by its yellow, rarely orange, hind wings. These hind wings lack a black band that is present in both A. insubricus and A. patruelis. Another helpful character is the long and slender legs lacking setae, while both A. insubricus and A. patruelis have legs with many setae. In Croatia, A. patruelis is known from the Adriatic part, while A. insubricus has been recorded on continental sands (Skejo et al. 2018). The yellow-winged digging grasshopper was previously known from Croatia from two photographs, which were likely to represent this species - one from Zaton taken by E Chladek (Biolib 2018), and one taken by D. Sule on Solta island (Skejo and Sule 2015, Ske- jo et al. 2018). Those records were never confirmed, and the latter was published as Acrotylus cf. longipes. In conclusion, the knowledge on this species is scarce and here we contribute new knowledge of its geographic distribution. Although the records of this species in Croatia are few, it is assumed that its distribution could be wider. Since the Pannonian Plain where the species’ presence was con- firmed extends into north-eastern Croatia along the Drava River, there is a possibility of the presence of A. longipes there. This record confirms the species presence in Blace Bay and increases the pos- sibility of a wider distribution of this species on the island of Mljet because of the abundance of sandy habitats suitable for this species. Acknowledgements We thank Josip Skejo for confirming the identification, check- ing the manuscript, and proofreading. References Alegro A, Biljakovié M, Bogdanovié S, Borsié I (2004) Psammo-halophytic vegetation on the largest sand area on the Croatian coast: the island of Mljet, southern Adriatic. Biologia 59: 435-445. Biolib (2018) Acrotylus longipes. id177709/?taxonid=397066 [accessed 1 September 2018] Bounechada M, Doumandji SE, Ciplak B (2006) Bioecology of the Or- thoptera species of the Setifian Plateau, North-East Algeria. Turkish Journal of Zoology 30: 245-253. Fontana P, Kleukers RMJC (2002) The Orthoptera of the Adriatic coast of Italy (Insecta: Orthoptera). Biogeographia 23: 36-53. https://doi. org/10.21426/B6110182 Grebenschikov O (1947) The occurrence of Acrotylus longipes (Charpentier, 1845) in Yugoslavia (Orthoptera, Acrididae). Physiological Entomol- ogy 22: 101. Harz K (1975) Die Orthopteren Europas II./ The Orthoptera of Europe II. Dr. W. Junk B.V., The Hague, 939 pp. 010-1947-7 Hochkirch A, Puskas G, Sirin D, Ivkovic S, Szovenyi G, Chobanov DP, Le- monnier-Darcemont M, Skejo J, Rutschmann F, Presa JJ, Kristin A, Wi- llemse LPM, Kleukers R (2016) Acrotylus longipes. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2016 (downloaded September 5" 2018). Avail- able at: Massa B, Fontana P, Buzzetti FM, Kleukers RMJC, Odé B (2012) Fauna d'Italia - XLVIII - Orthoptera. Calderini, Bologna, 563 pp. Skejo J, Sule D (2015) Prvi doprinos poznavanju raznolikosti zrikavaca i skakavaca (Insecta: Orthoptera) Solte // First contribution to the knowledge of crickets’ and grasshoppers’ diversity (Insecta: Orthop- tera) on the Island of Solta. Ba&cina 24: 19-24. Skejo J, Rebrina F, Sz6vényi G, Puskas G, Tvrtkovi¢ N (2018) The first an- notated checklist of Croatian crickets and grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Ensifera, Caelifera). Zootaxa 4533: 1-95. zootaxa.4533.1 Willemse LPM, Kleukers RMJC, Odé B (2018) The grasshoppers of Greece. EIS Kenniscentrum Insecten and Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Lei- den, 439 pp. JOURNAL OF ORTHOPTERA RESEARCH 2019, 28(1)