Short Communication Journal of Orthoptera Research 2023, 32(2): 149-152 A replacement name for Bostra Stal (Insecta, Phasmida, Diapheromeridae), a junior homonym of Bostra Walker (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Pyralidae) MARTIN H. VILLET! 1 Department of Zoology & Entomology, Rhodes University, Makhanda, 6140 South Africa. Corresponding author: Martin H. Villet (martin Academic editor: Ming Kai Tan | Received 20 January 2023 | Accepted 3 February 2023 | Published 8 September 2023 https://zoobank. org/9F3 70A3C-2874-4CD3-8CD 1-C5EFE3E78BD7 Citation: Villet MH (2023) A replacement name for Bostra Stal (Insecta, Phasmida, Diapheromeridae), a junior homonym of Bostra Walker (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Pyralidae). Journal of Orthoptera Research 32(2): 149-152. Abstract Bostra Stal (Phasmida, Diapheromeridae) is a junior homonym of Bostra Walker (Lepidoptera, Pyralidae). The replacement name Bostranova Villet nomen nov. is proposed for Bostra Stal, and new combinations are proposed for the species-group names currently included in that phasmid genus. Keywords homonymy, name change, new combination, nomenclature, replacement name, stick insects Introduction Francis Walker (1863) described a monotypic genus of pyralid moths using the name Bostra. This genus now contains about 50 spe- cies from Africa, Turkey, and India. Twelve years later, Carl Stal (1875) used the same name in describing a genus of diapheromerid stick in- sects that now contains 27 species distributed from Brazil to Mexico. Walker died in 1874 (Carrington 1874), the year before Stal’s pub- lication, and Stal died a few years later in 1878 (Reuter 1878). Stal’s publications focused on Hemiptera, especially from southern Africa, and also included Orthoptera, Phasmida, Coleoptera, and Hyme- noptera (Reuter 1878) but not Lepidoptera. For these and perhaps other reasons, this homonymy was discovered by neither author. The phasmid genus was last augmented in 2012 with a single species from Tobago (Langlois and Bellanger 2012). Prior to that, Werner (1929) added one new species, Hebard (1919) added one, Redtenbacher (1908) added 24 species, Rehn (1904) added three, Griffini (1896) added one, and Brunner von Wattenwyl, Scudder, and Westwood each described a species that was subsequently transferred to Bostra (Stal 1875, Kirby 1904, Rehn 1904, Redten- bacher 1908). Several species placed in Bostra (e.g. Bostra crudelis (Westwood, 1859), Bostra dorsuaria Stal, 1875, Bostra podagrica Stal, 1875, Bostra martini Griffini, 1896, Bostra scabrinota Red- tenbacher, 1908, Bostra tridenticulata Redtenbacher, 1908, Bostra imperialis Redtenbacher, 1908, Bostra ibaguena (Giglio-Tos, 1910) and Bostra trinitatis Werner, 1929) were later associated with vari- ous other genera as new taxon concepts developed (e.g., Zompro 2001, Conle et al. 2011, Figueiredo de Araujo and Senna Garraffo- ni 2012, Hennemann and Conle 2021). The genus was diagnosed and redescribed in 2001 (Zompro 2001). The homonym posed by Bostra was noticed by the lepidopterist Roger Kendrick (personal communication to P. D. Brock), and Paul Brock recorded this dis- cover in a scrutiny note in 2009 in the Phasmida Species File On- line (Brock et al. 2023, basic/Taxa.aspx?TaxonNameID=1202238), but it has remained unaddressed. No junior synonym of Bostra Stal, 1875 was traced (cf. Brock et al. 2023) that could serve as a replacement name un- der Article 60b of the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN) (ICZN et al. 1999). In line with the requirements of Article 60 of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (ICZN et al. 1999), a replace- ment name for Stal’s taxon is proposed here to relieve this situation. Methods In forming a replacement name, consideration was given to the cultural aspects of nomenclature raised by Gillman and Wright (2020) and to the needs of the users of scientific names (Garnett and Christidis 2017, Thomson et al. 2018). Attention was there- fore given to interpreting Stal’s intention in naming Bostra. To ensure that the proposed replacement name was not itself a junior homonym, four global on-line nomenclatural databases were consulted: the Phasmida Species File Online (http://Phas-, the Catalogue of Life (https://www.cata-, the Encyclopedia of Life (, and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (https://www.gbif. org). To some extent, these are cross-referenced to one another but also to other nomenclatural database initiatives, giving them an extensive collective reach (Garnett et al. 2020). To evaluate the consequences of this nomenclatural act, a con- temporary species list was compiled from examination of the litera- ture (e.g., Kirby 1904, Rehn 1904, Redtenbacher 1908, Zompro 2001, Copyright Martin H. Villet. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. JOURNAL OF ORTHOPTERA RESEARCH 2023, 32(2) 150 Table 1. Explanations for abbreviations of names of repositories of type material. Abbreviation ANSP Repository Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA BYHZ Erdgendssische Technische Hochschule-Zentrum, Zurich, Switzerland FLYB Frédéric Langlois and Yannick Bellanger collection, France HNHM Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest, Hungary MHNG Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Geneva, Switzerland MNCN Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, Spain MNHN Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France NHMUK The Natural History Museum, London, United Kingdom NHMW Naturhistorisches Museum am Wien, Wien, Austria SMNS Staatliches Museum fiir Naturkunde, Stuttgart, Germany USNM National Museum of Natural History, Washington D.C., USA ZMUH Universitat von Hamburg, Zoologisches Institut und Zoologisches Museum, Hamburg, Germany Conle et al. 2011, Figueiredo de Araujo and Senna Garraffoni 2012, Langlois and Bellanger 2012). To facilitate future taxonomic review, additional taxonomic and nomenclatural information was gleaned from published museum catalogues (Brock 1998, Zompro and Brock 2003, Zompro 2005, Brock et al. 2016, Delfosse et al. 2019). Results Taxonomy Family Diapheromeridae Kirby, 1904 Genus Bostranova Villet, nomen nov. Bostra Stal, 1875: 6, 13. Type species, by original monotypy: Bacteria turgida Westwood, 1859. Bostranova Villet, nomen nov. for Bostra Stal, 1875, not Walker, 1863. nec Bostra Walker, 1863: 123 (Walker 1863), = Therapne Ragonot, 1890: xciii (Ragonot 1890), synonymized by Leraut 2003: 123. Type species.—Bacteria turgida Westwood, 1859, inherited from re- placed name. Discussion It was decided to base the replacement name on Stal’s original name to minimize users’ frustration with the change (Garnett and Christidis 2017, Thomson et al. 2018), and to explain why the is- sue of cultural imperialism in nomenclature (Gillman and Wright 2020) has not strongly affected this particular nomenclatural ac- tion. The name is derived from the original genus Bostra and a suffix formed from the Latin word ‘novum’ (‘new’ in English), hav- ing the sense of “the new Bostra”, which is aligned with Stal’s orig- inal apparent intention to commemorate a particular Middle East- ern town. Bostra (or Bosra or Busra; Ancient Greek: Bootea; Latin: Colonia Bostra, Nova Trajana Bosra; Turkish: Eski Sam; Arabic s »=1) was a commercial and administrative city of the Nabataean kingdom at the northern end of the Wadi al-Sirhan trade route in southern Syria (32°30'53"N, 36°28'48"E) and was the capital of the Roman province of Arabia under Trajan from 106 A.D. and ME VILLET headquarters of the Legio III Cyreniaca (Dentzer-Feydy et al. 2014). It is unclear why Walker or Stal used this name for their genera, but no alternative etymology was found by internet searches. However, Stal named over 1000 genera and regularly used Classical names for them, e.g., the names of the cities Macynia, Banasa, and Stagira, and the names of the Romans Carausius, Statilia, and Arulenus, are all commemorated in Stal’s insect genera. It would have been ap- posite to use a name from the organism's geographical range, as William L. Distant did with his new taxa only 30 years after Stal’s publications, but it seems unlikely that, in 1875, Stal had access to the type of information that Gillman and Wright (2020) point out as useful to consider when forming scientific names for organisms. Perhaps whimsically, it is also hoped that these insects walk with a gait and rhythm that resembles the ‘bossa nova’ Latin dance style that originated within their geographical distribution. The replacement name’s grammatical gender is feminine. This nomenclatural action results in the new combinations (comb. nov.) listed in Table 2. Table 2. List of new combinations (comb. nov.) resulting from the replacement name Bostranova Villet nomen nov., with the original genus of each species, its type repository and the nature of its type material, and its country of occurrence as recorded by Stal (1875), Rehn (1904), Redtenbacher (1908) and Figueiredo de Araujo and Senna Garraffoni (2012) were also compiled; the abbreviations for repositories are explained in Table 1. Bostranova arcuata (Redtenbacher, 1908: 408) comb. nov. (Bostra Stal, nec Walker) [NHMW, holotype 2 nymph] Espirito Santo, Brazil (Brock 1998) Bostranova bifida (Redtenbacher, 1908: 412) comb. nov. (Bostra Stal, nec Walker) [NHMW, holotype 2 ?nymph] Venezuela (Brock 1998) Bostranova championi (Redtenbacher, 1908: 410) comb. nov. (Bostra Stal, nec Walker) [NHMUK, holotype 4] Cahabon, Vera Paz, Guatemala (Brock et al. 2016) Bostranova deplanata (Redtenbacher, 1908: 411) comb. nov. (Bostra Stal, nec Walker) [MHNG, holotype 2] Cuba (Zompro and Brock 2003) Bostranova exigua (Scudder, 1875: 278) comb. nov. (Bacteria Berthold) [ANSP, holotype <'] Peru Bostranova incompta (Rehn, 1904: 57) comb. nov. (Bostra Stal, nec Walker) [USNM, holotype 3] San Carlos, Costa Rica Bostranova innocens (Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1907: 324) comb. nov. (Dyme Stal) [NHMW, holotype 3] Marcapata, Peru Bostranova jaliscensis (Rehn, 1904: 514) comb. nov. (Bostra Stal, nec Walker) [ANSP, holotype | Jalisco, Tuxpan, Mexico Bostranova lobata (Redtenbacher, 1908: 408) comb. nov. (Bostra Stal, nec Walker) [NHMUK, holotype 2] Chiriqui, Panama (Brock et al. 2016) Bostranova magistralis (Redtenbacher, 1908: 410) comb. nov. (Bostra Stal, nec Walker) [NHMUK, holotype 2] Panzos, Vera Paz, Guatemala (Brock et al. 2016) Bostranova magnifica (Redtenbacher, 1908: 410) comb. nov. (Bostra Stal, nec Walker) [SMNS, at least one 9, missing] Brazil Bostranova margaritata (Redtenbacher, 1908: 412) comb. nov. (Bostra Stal, nec Walker) [MNHN, holotype 9] Sierra del Nayarit, Mexico (Delfosse et al. 2019) Bostranova mirata (Redtenbacher, 1908: 410) comb. nov. (Bostra Stal, nec Walker) [MNCN, at least one <, missing] Guatemala Bostranova nuptialis (Redtenbacher, 1908: 410) comb. nov. (Bostra Stal, nec Walker) [MHNG, at least one 4, missing] Guyana (Zompro and Brock 2003) Bostranova obtusecornuta (Redtenbacher, 1908:409) comb. nov. (Bostra Stal, nec Walker) [NHMW, MHNG, ZMHB, syntypes 3 33, 2 99] Guatemala and Costa Rica (Brock 1998, Zompro and Brock 2003, Zompro 2005) JOURNAL OF ORTHOPTERA RESEARCH 2023, 32(2) M-ELYVILEET Bostranova procoppi (Redtenbacher, 1908: 411) comb. nov. (Bostra Stal, nec Walker) [HNHM, at least one 9, destroyed] Mexico Bostranova pruinosa (Redtenbacher, 1908: 411, pl. 19: 3) comb. nov. (Bostra Stal, nec Walker) [NHMW, holotype 9] Bahia, Belmonte, Brazil (Brock 1998) Bostranova reductedentata (Redtenbacher, 1908: 409) comb. nov. (Bostra Stal, nec Walker) [ETHZ, syntypes 2 4'3)] Para, Brazil Bostranova remiformis (Rehn, 1904: 58) comb. nov. (Bostra Stal, nec Walker) [USNM, holotype 9] Piedras Negras, Costa Rica Bostranova saussurei Redtenbacher, 1908: 411) comb. nov. (Bostra Stal, nec Walker) [HNHM, at least one 9, destroyed] Mexico Bostranova similis (Redtenbacher, 1908: 412) comb. nov. (Bostra Stal, nec Walker) [NHMUK, holotype 9] Jalisco, Mexico (Brock et al. 2016) Bostranova submutica (Redtenbacher, 1908: 409) comb. nov. (Bostra Stal, nec Walker) [NHMW, holotype 4] Venezuela (Brock 1998) Bostranova tabida (Redtenbacher, 1908: 410) comb. nov. (Bostra Stal, nec Walker) [ZMUH, holotype 9] Espirito Santo, Brazil Bostranova tobagoensis (Langlois & Bellanger, 2012: 98) comb. nov. (Bostra Stal, nec Walker) [MNHN, FLYB, holotype Q, paratypes 3 34, 2 99] track 3.2 km west of Castara —- Plymouth road, Tobago (Langlois and Bellanger 2012, Delfosse et al. 2019) Bostranova tridenticulata (Redtenbacher, 1908: 411) comb. nov. (Bostra Stal, nec Walker) [NHMUK, holotype 2] Guerrero, Acaguizolta, Mexico (Brock et al. 2016) Bostranova turgida (Westwood, 1859: 28, pl. 8: 4, 9) comb. nov. (Bacteria Berthold) [NHMUK, lectotype <, paralectotype 9] Venezuela (Brock et al. 2016) Bostranova vacca (Redtenbacher, 1908: 408) comb. nov. (Bostra Stal, nec Walker) [NHMW, holotype 9] origin unknown (Brock 1998) Conclusion There has been a fair amount of taxonomic traffic in and out of this genus, and new genera (e.g., Oncotophasma Rehn, 1904, Alien- obostra Zompro, 2001, and Caribbiopheromera Zompro, 2001) have absorbed species once assigned to Bostra Stal (Zompro 2001). It is hoped that replacing this homonym will attract attention to the genus and that the information summarized in Table 2 will facili- tate its comprehensive revision. Acknowledgements Annelize Lloyd and Suncana Bradley attracted attention to the nomenclature of Bostra through their enquiries about South African tent caterpillars; Rhodes University provided computing and digital resources for resolving the matter; and Paul Brock and Judith Marshall (The Natural History Museum, London) very kindly improved the manuscript. All are thanked for their generous contributions. References Brock PD (1998) Catalogue of type specimens of stick- and leaf-insects in the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (Insecta: Phasmida). Kataloge der wissenschaftlichen Sammlungen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien 13: 1-72. Brock PD, Biischer TH, Baker E (2023) Phasmida Species File Online. Ver- sion 5.0/5.0. 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JOURNAL OF ORTHOPTERA RESEARCH 2023, 32(2)