Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e98741 OO) doi: 10.3897/BDJ.11.e98741 open access Taxonomy & Inventories When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards (Diptera, Mycetophilidae), including mapping of its mitogenome, leads to the description of four new pseudocryptic species Jostein Kjzerandsen*, Peter H. Kerr§, Jon Peder Lindemann?, Olavi Kurinal $ UiT — The Arctic University of Norway, Troms@, Norway § California State Collection of Arthropods, Sacramento, United States of America | Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Tartu, Estonia Corresponding author: Jostein Kjeerandsen ( Academic editor: Vladimir Blagoderov Received: 12 Dec 2022 | Accepted: 27 Jan 2023 | Published: 14 Feb 2023 Citation: Kjzerandsen J, Kerr PH, Lindemann JP, Kurina O (2023) When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards (Diptera, Mycetophilidae), including mapping of its mitogenome, leads to the description of four new pseudocryptic species. Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e98741. ZooBank: Abstract Background The small genus Coelophthinia Edwards, 1941 of the subfamily Gnoristinae (Diptera, Mycetophilidae) is so far known to harbour four species from the Palaearctic, Nearctic and Neotropical Regions. Extensive DNA barcoding of fungus gnats of the family Mycetophilidae through the International Barcode of Life project (iBOL) have initiated integrative studies resulting in taxonomic upgrades and a better understanding of many species and their delimitation. The opportunity was also taken to describe the mitogenome of a member of Coelophthinia for the first time. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CCO Public Domain Dedication. 2 Kjeerandsen J et al New information The integrative studies give evidence for splitting the European species C. thoracica Edwards, 1941 into three different species. Four new species are described from the USA, Japan and the Nordic Region in Europe, Coelophthinia cirra Kerr sp. n., Coelophthinia itoae Kurina sp. n., Coelophthinia lata Kjaerandsen sp. n. and Coelophthinia loraasi Kjaerandsen sp. n., raising the number of Holarctic species from two to six. The mitogenome of Coelophthinia loraasi sp. n. is described and analysed. Keywords Coelophthinia, morphology, DNA barcoding, integrative taxonomy, new species, new mitogenome Introduction The small genus Coelophthinia Edwards, 1941 of the subfamily Gnoristinae (Diptera, Mycetophilidae) is so far known to harbour four species, viz. C. thoracica (Winnertz, 1964) from the Palaearctic Region, C. curta (Johannsen, 1912) from the eastern Nearctic Region and C. accita (Plassmann & Vogel, 1990) and C. flavithorax (Freeman, 1951) from the temperate zone of the Neotropical Region (Oliveira and Amorim 2014). S@li (1997)further transferred a Brazilian species, Coelosia neotropica Lane, 1959, to Coelophthinia, but the Original status of the species in Coelosia Winnertz, 1864 was reinstated by Oliveira and Amorim (2014). Due to their slender appearance (Fig. 1), species of the genus Coelophthinia were placed together with Phthinia Winnertz, 1864, until Edwards (1925)moved the type species C. thoracica to Coelosia Winnertz, 1864. Edwards, however, later realised that this species was distinct enough to warrant separate generic status and, with a summary note, erected the genus Coelophthinia Edwards, 1941. Similar to what is found in several other species and genera of the family Mycetophilidae, Coelophthinia has developed a large, special sensory organ in their mid-tibia (Fig. 1), consisting of a long groove filled with sensory hairs. In Coelophthinia, both sexes have this structure developed, while in most of the other genera, a similar structure is only found in the males. Its possible function remains unclear, pending further histological examination (Kallweit 2013). Extensive DNA barcoding of fungus gnats of the family Mycetophilidae through the International Barcode of Life project (iIBOL, see Hebert et al. (2016) and Kjarandsen (2022)) and local initiatives like the Norwegian Barcode of Life project (NorBOL, see Kjgerandsen and Sali (2020)) and the Finish Barcode of Life (FinBOL, see Roslin et al. (2021)) have contributed to taxonomic upgrades and a better understanding of many species and their delimitation. With support from the Barcode Index Number (BIN) system on BOLD, new evidence for splitting old species interpretations into two or multiple species emerges for many taxa. This kind of evidence must, however, be used with care (see, When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards ... 3 Ahrens et al. (2021)) and combined with morphological analyses in integrative studies. Using such an integrative approach here, we argue for splitting the European species C. thoracica into three different species, the North American species C. curta into two species and we describe one further, new species from Japan. This raises the number of Holarctic Coelophthinia from two to six species. We have also sequenced the mitogenome of one of the new species through genomic skimming and present its organisation and gene order as a representative for the genus. Figure 1. EES] Live photo of the type species for the genus, a Coelophthinia thoracica (Winnertz, 1864) male resting on a window in a barn in western Norway. The photographed specimen was subsequently collected, DNA barcoded and assigned to Barcode Index Number (BIN) BOLD:ACJ0721 (Specimen ID TSZD-JKJ-111214). The mid-tibial organ is visible and marked with a red arrow. The 180 deg. torsion of the male terminalia is also visible. Materials and methods Specimen preparation and storage The studied material has accumulated over the last 50 years, the majority during the last decade and is deposited in the insect collections of Tromsg@ University Museum, Norway (TMU), Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tartu, Estonia (IZBE) and California State Collection of Arthropods, Sacramento, California, USA (CSCA). Additionally, DNA barcoded material was borrowed from the Centre for Biodiversity Genomics, University of Guelph, Canada (BOLD). Being initially stored in 70-95% ethanol, the majority of the fresh specimens were dried through baths of hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS, Brown (1993)) and pinned during the study. A few specimens are mounted in Canada balsam on slides. 4 Kjeerandsen J et al Terminalia were detached from the abdomen and treated by standard methods (macerated either in warm lactic acid or in a solution of potassium hydroxide (KOH), cleaned in distilled water or neutralised in acetic acid) and transferred to glycerol. Images of specimens and their terminalia were captured with different microscopes. Z-stacked image series were processed into extended focus images by the Helicon Focus software enabling some manual editing of layers for increased visibility of specific characters. Extended focus images were further processed with Adobe Photoshop to adjust levels and contrast, reduce shadows, remove dust particles and clean up the background. Individual images were then processed by the Topaz Sharpen Al software to remove blur and suppress noise for enhanced sharpness. Finally, individual images were arranged into species plates, with identical angles of view for each species to ease comparison among the species. After detailed study and imaging, the terminalia were placed into micro-vials with glycerine and pinned together with the rest of the specimen. DNA barcoding The 658 bp fragment of the mitochondrial protein-encoding cytochrome c oxidase subunit | (COI) has been sequenced from a total of 46 Coelophthinia specimens on BOLD, 25 of them submitted by us during this study. One leg from each fresh specimen was sent to the Canadian Centre for DNA barcoding, BIO (Guelph, Ontario, Canada), for DNA extraction and bi-directional Sanger sequencing as a part of the Norwegian Barcode of Life (NorBOL) and Finnish Barcode of Life (FinBOL) initiatives, both branches of the International Barcode of Life project (IBOL). The new sequences are publicly available from The Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD) and referred to below with external links to their Barcode Index Numbers (BINs) on BOLD for each of the barcoded species. Mitogenomic analysis DNA extraction, library preparation and DNA sequencing One specimen of C. loraasi sp. n. (TSZD-JKJ-105417) was selected for further DNA sequencing. DNA was extracted from the whole individual, except its terminalia, using the E.Z.N.A. Insect DNA Kit (Omega bio-tek), following the manufacturer’s protocol. The terminalia was dissected and preserved in glycerine as voucher. DNA library preparation and sequencing were carried out at The Norwegian Sequencing Centre (NSC). The DNA sample was fragmented to a target of 350 bp average size. Library preparation was performed using the Kapa Hyper library prep kit (Roche), with cycles of PCR with the Kapa Library amplification mix (Roche) and two rounds of bead clean-up (both on PE Sciclone). The average fragment length after library preparation was measured to 538 bp. The samples were sequenced on the HiSeq 4000 system (Illumina inc.) with 150 bp paired-end sequencing following the manufacturer’s recommendations. Assembly and gene annotation Filtering of raw reads was carried out in Trimmomatic 0.39 (Bolger et al. 2014) with parameters MINLEN: 110 and SLIDINGWINDOW: 5:20. Filtered reads were error corrected When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards ... 5 using BayesHammer (Nikolenko et al. 2013) implemented in SPAdes v.3.15.0, before assembled in MEGAHIT v.1.1.4 (Li et al. 2015). A reference for the mitochondrial genome of Acnemia nitidicollis (accession: NC_050318.1) was downloaded from GenBank. The assembly was searched against the reference using the BLASTn function from BLAST+ v. 2.8.1 (Camacho et al. 2009). The mitochondrial region was obtained from the assembly as a single fragment and annotated using MITOS2 (Donath et al. 2019) on the MITOS web server. The tRNA trnH was annotated using tRNAscan-SE v.2.0.7 (Chan and Lowe 2019). The control region (CR) was identified as the longest sequence of intergeneric nucleotides. A map of the circular mitochondrial genome was created in OGDRAW (Greiner et al. 2019) on the OGDRAW server ( The annotated genome of C. Joraasi sp. n. is available in GenBank under the accession MZ853147. Taxon treatments Coelophthinia Edwards, 1941 Type species Coelophthinia thoracica (Winnertz, 1864) Description A Gnoristinae genus with slender and medium-sized (2.8—4.3, 3.8 mm) species (Figs 1, 2a). Coloration quite uniformly brown, darker on head and preterminal, abdominal segments, three brown thoracic stripes distinctly contrasted against yellow humeral areas (Fig. 2b), abdominal tergites II-IV sometimes apically paler, legs and terminalia mostly yellow. Head (Fig. 2b, c) round, eyes slightly kidney-shaped, but without tendency of dorsal eye-bridge expansion, inter-ommatidia pubescent. Antenna moderately slender, with 16 segments, medium-sized, semi-globular scape and pedicel and flagellar segments 3-4 times as long as wide. Frons with greatly reduced, incomplete frontal furrow and relatively broad frontal tubercle (Fig. 2c). Mouthparts average, with five, gradually longer palpal segments, no clear sensory pit discernible in third segment (without slide mounting). Clypeus horseshoe-shaped, with scattered, long setae. Three ocelli in a near straight line, middle ocellus half the size of the lateral ocellus, lateral ocellus less than its diameter from eye. Thorax (Fig. 2a, b, e). Antepronotum with pair of medium-sized antepronotal setae. Mesonotum scattered with short setae, only moderately defined into rows, but rich in larger setae laterally. Mesopleurites without setae, mediotergite with row of strong setae basally. Wings (Fig. 2d) unpatterned hyaline with a slight brown tinge, with wing interference colours (Fig. 1, see Shevtsova et al. (2011)) in first order Newton colour scale, indicating very thin (less than 200 nanometres thickness) and even membrane beyond the wing base, wing membrane with irregularly arranged microtrichia. Costa produced slightly beyond to 1/4 between Rgss5 and My, subcosta long, ending in C proximal to crossvein Rs, midway with crossvein sc—r. Radial sector with oblique crossvein Rs, without R243. Anterior fork Kjeerandsen J et al long, with short stem subequal to r-m. Posterior fork short, widely divergent. Radial sector and both forks with setae on dorsal surface beyond base. Legs (Fig. 2a, e) with irregularly arranged setulae. Fore tarsus subequal in length to fore tibia, tarsal ratios can be extracted from Fig. 2e. A distinct sense organ present dorsally on the basal part of mid-tibia (Fig. 2e, f), of variable length between species. =h | mid tibial | Figure 2. Habitus of Coelophthinia lata sp. n. Abbreviations: Cg,¢ = Extension of costa beyond R;; clyp = clypeus; CuA = anterior branch of cubital vein; CuP = posterior branch of cubital vein; fr fur = frontal furrow; fr tub = frontal tubercle; h = humeral vein; iCu = intercubital fold (not a vein); Ibl = labrium; I oc = lateral ocellus; M = medial veins (numbered); om = ommatid; plp (numbered) = palpal segment; R = radial veins (numbered); r—-m = radial—medial crossvein; Rs = radial sector; Sc = subcostal vein; scp = scapus; sc-r = crossvein between subcosta and radius; vrt = vertex; a: Habitus of HMDS-dried and pinned holotype EE b: Head and thorax of holotype in dorsal view ERY} c: Slide mounted head of paratype (TSZD-JKJ-207664), frontal view ERY d: Slide-mounted wing of paratype (TSZD-JKJ-207664) ER e: Slide mounted thorax with legs of paratype (TSZD-JKJ-207664). The start and end of each tarsal segment is marked with black pointers for clarity ERS] f: Mid-tibial organ of pinned holotype enlarged and scaled. EE] When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards ... 7 Male terminalia (Fig. 3) apparently always positioned with a 180 degrees torsion in relation to abdomen (Fig. 1). Tergite 9 (Fig. 3a, c, d) short, wide rectangular, strongly setose, medially slightly constricted, with basal margin concave. Tergite 10 unusually well developed (Fig. 3c, d), with medial, densely setose, dorsally protrusive lobe and lateral extension armed with three strong setae. Hypoproct and cerci (Fig. 3a, c) forming elongate, basally fused lobes arising from underside of tergite 9, apically setose. Gonocoxites separated ventrally (Fig. 3b), strongly setose, except bare posterolateral lobes, which have one subapical, internal, medially directed small and stout seta (Fig. 3e). Setae on dorsal side of gonocoxite similar to those on ventral side. Posterolateral lobe of gonocoxite situated midway between dorsal and ventral edges (Fig. 3a, b, e), narrow, shape varies between species, always with one stiff, short seta apicointernally (Fig. 3e). Ventral medial margin of gonocoxite with a narrow, long, spathulate lobe (Fig. 3b, e), whose shape varies between species. Aedeagal guide (Fig. 3c) forming a knob with 3-5 medially directed setae deviating from other setae anteriorly on the base of the gonocoxal lobe. Gonostylus (Fig. 3b, e, f) small, internal with two branches, dorsal branch semicircular with normal setae, ventral branch bifurcated into two lobes (lb 1 & Ib 2 in Fig. 3f), with truncated, blunt setae. Aedeagal apparatus (Fig. 3b, c) large, elongated, with strong, downcurved tip, basally attached to gonocoxite via strip like gonocoxal apodemes (Fig. 3c). Female terminalia (Fig. 4) rather truncated, with short tergites 8 and 9. Tergite 9 wide, subrectangular, with some setae extending towards epiproct dorsally. Cercus one- segmented, large ovate, evenly covered with setae. Hypoproct/Tergite 10 forming narrow process along underside of cerci, with some setae. Gonocoxite 8 moderately split ventrally, with free, sclerotised, pointed lamellae. Sternite 9 small, retracted within terminalia. Diagnosis Males of the genus Coelophthinia are easily distinguished from all other Gnoristinae genera by the characteristic shape of their torsioned terminalia (Figs 1, 3), especially the open gonocoxite with long apicolateral and medioventral projections in combination with a small, internal gonostylus armed with a fan of blunt setae. The protrusive lobe of tergite 10 in the males (Fig. 3c, d) is a further unique characteristic for the genus. Both sexes can be distinguished from other Gnoristinae genera also by the wing venation (Fig. 2d) where the wide posterior fork is similar only to that of genus Coelosia Winnertz, 1864. From Coelosia, Coelophthinia differs in having crossvein sc—r present and in having a row of setae on the basal part of the mediotergite. Kjeerandsen J et al b gc lobe gc spat aed med elev T10 Figure 3. Structure and terminology of male terminalia of Coelophthinia: a, b C. thoracica (Winnertz, 1864): c-f C. loraasi sp. n. Abbreviations: aed = aedeagus; aed gd = aedeagal guide; cerc = cercus; gc = gonocoxite; gc ap = gonocoxal apodeme; gc lobe = posterolateral lobe of gonocoxite; gc spat = spathulate gonocoxal lobe; gs = gonostylus; gst dbr = dorsal branch of gonostylus; gst vbr = ventral branch of gonostylus; hyp pr = hypoproct; Ib 1 = lobe 1 of ventral gonostylar branch; Ib 2 = lobe 2 of ventral gonostylar branch; med elev T10 = medial elevated & protrusive projection from tergite 10; T9 = tergite 9; T10 = tergite 10. a: Coelophthinia thoracica, male terminalia, lateral view EE b: Coelophthinia thoracica, male terminalia, ventral view ETS] c: Coelophthinia loraasi sp. n., tergal segments and internal organs, lateral view EFS] d: Coelophthinia loraasi sp. n., tergal segments, dorsal view EER e: Coelophthinia loraasi sp. n., gonocoxite and gonostylus, internal view EP] f: Coelophthinia loraasi sp. n., gonostylus, internal view. EE] When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards ... 9 HP/S10 Figure 4. Structure and terminology of female terminalia of Coelophthinia thoracica (Winnertz, 1864). Abbreviations: cerc = cercus; G8 = gonocoxite 8; HP/S10 = hypoproct and sternite 10; T8 = tergite 8; T9 = tergite 9. a: Terminalia, lateral view ERS b: Terminalia, ventral view. ES] Coelophthinia thoracica (Winnertz, 1864) ° FGO hittp:// ° Barcodes hittp:/( clusteruri=BOLD:ACJ0721 Nomenclature Phthinia thoracica Winnertz, 1964 Coelosia thoracica sensu Edwards (1925) Coelophthinia thoracica sensu Edwards (1941) Materials a. scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Norway; stateProvince: Nordland (NSI); municipality: Hattfjelldal; locality: Auster-Vefsna NR, Stilleelva E; decimalLatitude: 65.54083; decimalLongitude: 13.75028; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 2018-08-02 to 2018-10-05; eventRemarks: MT 6; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-106186; recordedBy: J. Kjaarandsen, J. P. Lindemann & P. Dominiak; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:823656f0-abb9-4827-ae0e-8f26f9c86dcd; identifiedBy: J. Kjaezrandsen; dateldentified: Feb-11-2019; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: TMU- 10 Kjeerandsen J et al JKJ-COL-000807; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: 062469D4-2D81-5D69-BF10-418C05D439D7 scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Norway; stateProvince: Nordland (NSI); municipality: Grane; locality: Holmvassdalen NR, riparian forest at Holmvasselva; decimalLatitude: 65.33556; decimalLongitude: 13.32222; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: window trap; eventDate: 2018-05-30 to 2018-08-01; eventRemarks: WT 4; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-106504; recordedBy: J. Kjaerandsen, J. P. Lindemann & P. Dominiak; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:fcf4435f-ca39-42db-b6f7-0631601c13d5; identifiedBy: J. Kjeerandsen; dateldentified: Feb-14-2019; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: TMU- JKJ-COL-000637; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: 84BAD5D4- F4B8-521A-B762-1916DDC301DA scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Norway; stateProvince: Nordland (NSI); municipality: Grane; locality: Stormobekken; decimalLatitude: 65.595; decimalLongitude: 13.40306; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 2018-07-31 to 2018-10-05; eventRemarks: MT 3; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried) + terminalia in glycerine microvial; catalogNumber: TSZD- JKJ-105793; recordedBy: J. Kjaerandsen, J. P. Lindemann & P. Dominiak; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:b87d27c6-a46d-4ccc-ab44-43396323b648; identifiedBy: J. Kjaarandsen; dateldentified: Jan-25-2019; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: TMU-JKJ-COL-000798; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: B43CE1FF-B067-59C8-A78F-35B5BE8C5D11 scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Norway; stateProvince: Nordland (NSI); municipality: Grane; locality: Stormobekken; decimalLatitude: 65.595; decimalLongitude: 13.40306; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 2018-07-31 to 2018-10-05; eventRemarks: MT 3; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried) + terminalia in glycerine microvial; catalogNumber: TSZD- JKJ-105815; recordedBy: J. Kjaerandsen, J. P. Lindemann & P. Dominiak; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:68f4dfed-5c50-4b47-a76e-9bf14ba1c0ee; identifiedBy: J. Kjeerandsen; dateldentified: Jan-25-2019; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: TMU- JKJ-COL-000798; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: F1F05E45- FB6C-5C37-9A8F-930E3F D8A030 scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Norway; stateProvince: Nordland (NSI); municipality: Grane; locality: Stormobekken; decimalLatitude: 65.595; decimalLongitude: 13.40333; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: window trap; eventDate: 2018-07-31 to 2018-10-05; eventRemarks: WT 3; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried) + terminalia in glycerine microvial; catalogNumber: TSZD- JKJ-105837; recordedBy: J. Kjaerandsen, J. P. Lindemann & P. Dominiak; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:f7596cdd-0996-4c71-9875-0d87f6ffo4ff; identifiedBy: J. Kjeerandsen; dateldentified: Jan-28-2019; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: TMU- JKJ-COL-000799; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!|D: 9DEAB8B1- E427-5215-891D-B9843C6BA1E8 When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards ... 11 scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Norway; stateProvince: Nordland (NSI); municipality: Grane; locality: Stormobekken; decimalLatitude: 65.595; decimalLongitude: 13.40333; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: window trap; eventDate: 2018-07-31 to 2018-10-05; eventRemarks: WT 3; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried) + terminalia in glycerine microvial; catalogNumber: TSZD- JKJ-106712; recordedBy: J. Kjaerandsen, J. P. Lindemann & P. Dominiak; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:5aeec5c8-908d-4d1a-9825-dc9dbf8e50bf; identifiedBy: J. Kjeerandsen; dateldentified: Feb-20-2019; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: TMU- JKJ-COL-000799; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: 40190A39-45C9-5D1A-9339-F319C515DACD scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Norway; stateProvince: Nordland (NSI); municipality: Grane; locality: Stormobekken; decimalLatitude: 65.595; decimalLongitude: 13.40333; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: window trap; eventDate: 2018-07-31 to 2018-10-05; eventRemarks: WT 3; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried) + terminalia in glycerine microvial; catalogNumber: TSZD- JKJ-106720; recordedBy: J. Kjgerandsen, J. P. Lindemann & P. Dominiak; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:30033165-bbc5-4d2e-b028-68e66ff88cc3; identifiedBy: J. Kjeerandsen; dateldentified: Feb-20-2019; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: TMU- JKJ-COL-000799; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: 7AA75332- A497-5CDE-BF04-F 1A04C03D8CO0 scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Norway; stateProvince: Nordland (NSI); municipality: Grane; locality: Stormobekken; decimalLatitude: 65.595; decimalLongitude: 13.40333; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: window trap; eventDate: 2018-07-31 to 2018-10-05; eventRemarks: WT 3; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried) + terminalia in glycerine microvial; catalogNumber: TSZD- JKJ-106721; recordedBy: J. Kjaerandsen, J. P. Lindemann & P. Dominiak; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:8c3a90fb-Oece-44e0-9514-75075f2dff30; identifiedBy: J. Kjeerandsen; dateldentified: Feb-20-2019; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: TMU- JKJ-COL-000799; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: CEDF7D02-9AB8-57B2-9447-F854BB49B63D scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Norway; stateProvince: Nordland (NSI); municipality: Grane; locality: Stormobekken; decimalLatitude: 65.595; decimalLongitude: 13.40333; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: window trap; eventDate: 2018-07-31 to 2018-10-05; eventRemarks: WT 3; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried) + terminalia in glycerine microvial; catalogNumber: TSZD- JKJ-106722; recordedBy: J. Kjaerandsen, J. P. Lindemann & P. Dominiak; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:ac95fe7 7-bc60-4329-9434-0233eb8d3160; identifiedBy: J. Kjeerandsen; dateldentified: Feb-20-2019; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: TMU- JKJ-COL-000799; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: B8F4B96F-27A2-553E-9C4C-523EBC78461C scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: 12 Kjeerandsen J et al Norway; stateProvince: Nordland (NSI); municipality: Grane; locality: Stormobekken; decimalLatitude: 65.595; decimalLongitude: 13.40333; coordinateUncertaintylnMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: window trap; eventDate: 2018-07-31 to 2018-10-05; eventRemarks: WT 3; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried) + terminalia in glycerine microvial; catalogNumber: TSZD- JKJ-106723; recordedBy: J. Kjaerandsen, J. P. Lindemann & P. Dominiak; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:388f25e3-58a2-4d5f-9dc5-8a48aa746a24; identifiedBy: J. Kjgerandsen; dateldentified: Feb-20-2019; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: TMU- JKJ-COL-000799; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: 8E8AE664- B606-572E-9797-3130C28757E8 scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Norway; stateProvince: Mgre og Romsdal (MRI); municipality: Sunndal:; locality: Jordalsgrenda, Jordalsgra, Hamrene; minimumElevationinMeters: 140; decimalLatitude: 62.77167; decimalLongitude: 8.32; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 50; samplingProtocol: window trap; eventDate: 2005-08-25 to 2005-09-15; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried) + terminalia in glycerine microvial; catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-211962; recordedBy: J. B. Jordal; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:f1a7f914-3e68-41ea-8ddc-24aacf96b03F; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: Jun-21-2021; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: COL-002881; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: 665866ED-AD67-5E05-A4D1- A1667AD557E2 scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Norway; stateProvince: Mgre og Romsdal (MRI); municipality: Sunndal; locality: Jordalsgrenda, Jordalsgra, Hamrene; minimumElevationinMeters: 140; decimalLatitude: 62.77167; decimalLongitude: 8.32; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 50; samplingProtocol: window trap; eventDate: 2005-08-25 to 2005-09-15; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried) + terminalia in glycerine microvial:; catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-211963; recordedBy: J. B. Jordal; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:375b90a8-3770-418c-874e-6a1da807df11; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: Jun-21-2021; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: COL-002881; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrencelD: E6F76F3E- D289-5F67-8F47-8AB244027381 scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Norway; stateProvince: Mgre og Romsdal (MRI); municipality: Sunndal; locality: Jordalsgrenda, Jordalsgra, Hamrene; minimumElevationinMeters: 140; decimalLatitude: 62.77167; decimalLongitude: 8.32; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 50; samplingProtocol: window trap; eventDate: 2005-09-15 to 2005-10-06; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: imago; preparations: 80% alc.; catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-212829; recordedBy: J. B. Jordal; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:0c44d198-d721 -468f- ad0b-618c82fa7aa3; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: Feb-10-2006; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: COL-002882; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: D8394023-A8C5-5879-AEFA-FB057E6FBEC9 scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Norway; stateProvince: Mgre og Romsdal (MRI); municipality: Sunndal; locality: Jordalsgrenda, Jordalsgra, Hamrene; minimumElevationinMeters: 140; decimalLatitude: 62.77167; decimalLongitude: 8.32; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 5; samplingProtocol: When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards ... 13 window trap; eventDate: 2005-10-06 to 2005-10-23; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: imago; preparations: 80% alc.; catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-213004; recordedBy: J. B. Jordal; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:f213ef59-8ba3-4be4-a647- c5f8333d6d30; identifiedBy: J. Kjeerandsen; dateldentified: Mar-28-2006; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: COL-002903; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrencelD: D965A3C9-7598-50DA-8A19-EFA1BCB5187B scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Norway; stateProvince: Mgre og Romsdal (MRI); municipality: Sunndal; locality: Jordalsgrenda, Jordalsgra, Hamrene; minimumElevationinMeters: 140; decimalLatitude: 62.77167; decimalLongitude: 8.32; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 50; samplingProtocol: Malaisetrap; eventDate: 2006-10-06 to 2006-10-23; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: imago; preparations: 80% alc.; catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-215439; recordedBy: J. B. Jordal; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:717ce56d-3141-4e11-a0f5- ea68b5ece1a7; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: Apr-28-2007; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: COL-003343; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrencelD: D5416AD5-8A81-5A30-A95C-970ADF 5FC2FF scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Norway; stateProvince: Mgre og Romsdal (MRI); municipality: Sunndal; locality: Jordalsgrenda, Jordalsgra, Hamrene; minimumElevationinMeters: 140; decimalLatitude: 62.77167; decimalLongitude: 8.32; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 50; samplingProtocol: window trap; eventDate: 2005-08-25 to 2005-09-15; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned body+Term. on slide; catalogNumber: TSZD- JKJ-258439; recordedBy: J. B. Jordal; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid: 01556e8c-6261-4762-9e7d-6a5a334339e6; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: Nov-19-2005; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: COL-002881; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: BFD6EQEE-0486-5C05-BFC1-67ADDD457F35 scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Norway; stateProvince: Vestland (HOY); municipality: Sveio; locality: Forde, Solheimshaugen, in barn; minimumElevationinMeters: 35; decimalLatitude: 59.61505; decimalLongitude: 5.47556; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: pooter; eventDate: 07/26/2020; eventRemarks: in barn window post; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned (HMDS) + term in glycerine; catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-111214; recordedBy: J. Kjeerandsen; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:85481 bfd-bf00-4f48-8ada-0e29cf4cf501; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: Aug-04-2020; institutionCode: TSZ - BOLD voucher; collectionCode: TMU- JKJ-COL-001476; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: 6909E658- B3CB-552C-BA18-831EF2E7AB7B scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Norway; stateProvince: Vestland (HOY); municipality: Osteray; locality: Kleppe; decimalLatitude: 60.52579; decimalLongitude: 5.55333; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 500; samplingProtocol: yellow traps; eventDate: 1992-10-10 to 1992-10-31; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Ethanol (80%); catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-207257; recordedBy: A. Fjeldsa; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:b024d273-f7d6-46da-ac7c-66804fa224bb; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: Sep-21-2004; institutionCode: TSZ [transferred from MZLU 2014]; 14 Kjeerandsen J et al collectionCode: COL-001708; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: 3569311D-E6DA-58C0-82C7-7279A2E8D61E scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Norway; stateProvince: Rogaland (RY); municipality: Sokndal; locality: Skitmyr; minimumElevationInMeters: 22; decimalLatitude: 58.35056; decimalLongitude: 6.30556; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 50; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 2019-09-07 to 2019-10-27; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-107949; recordedBy: J. Birkeland; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:9454a831-252b-4192-a00c-677cef5f23c2; identifiedBy: J. Kjaezrandsen; dateldentified: May-25-2020; institutionCode: TSZ - BOLD voucher; collectionCode: TMU-JKJ-COL-001079; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: DBA8E29D-03E4-51FA-B368-1A6FD31C1030 scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Norway; stateProvince: Rogaland (RY); municipality: Sokndal; locality: Arstad; minimumElevation|InMeters: 6; decimalLatitude: 58.33806; decimalLongitude: 6.3; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 2020-08-09 to 2020-09-05; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-111485; recordedBy: J. Birkeland; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:4c4cc150-575a-440b-9800- e2c1a8d578c0; identifiedBy: J. Kjazrandsen; dateldentified: Oct-10-2020; institutionCode: TSZ - BOLD voucher; collectionCode: TMU-JKJ-COL-001549; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: F043D0C5-3FA0-5D6C-86FB-0E5A9408B653 scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Sweden; stateProvince: Halland (HA); municipality: Halmstads kommun. ; locality: Biskopstorp S; decimalLatitude: 56.78444; decimalLongitude: 12.87; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 50; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 2011-05-15 to 2011-07-16; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried) + terminalia in glycerine microvial; catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-259894; recordedBy: M. Lindstr6ém; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:ef86403f-2c2 1-41 df-ae4b-1 7ea4bc1 3333; identifiedBy: J. Kja~randsen; dateldentified: Apr-09-2013; institutionCode: TSZ [transferred from MZLU 2014]; collectionCode: COL-009388; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrencelD: 4FD961DD-D5A5-5F 4F-8B3B-1986FB65F 203 scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Sweden; stateProvince: Norrbottens lan (LU); municipality: Gallivare; locality: Haapavaara/Annavaara, 8 km WNW Vettasjarvi; decimalLatitude: 67.40622; decimalLongitude: 21.406111; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 1000; samplingProtocol: yellow pan traps; eventDate: 1994-06-01 to 1994-07-26; eventRemarks: Burk 21; individualCount: 4; sex: males; lifeStage: imago; preparations: 80% alc.; catalogNumber: SPM-008187; recordedBy: R. Rova; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:7d2e875a- da11-45e8-abfc-33897aeb3073; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: Feb-10-2005; institutionCode: NHRS; collectionCode: COL-002153; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: OCD3DEC2-BD54-55EE-A7C0-C535595AFC97 scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Sweden; stateProvince: Skane (SK); municipality: Genarp; locality: Hackeberga; aa. When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards ... 15 decimalLatitude: 55.593056; decimalLongitude: 13.425556; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 100; samplingProtocol: sweep net; eventDate: 08/26/2007; eventRemarks: East of Genarp idrettsplass; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: DNA-voucher, cleared terminalia in glycerine; catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-216023; recordedBy: J. Kjazrandsen; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:4b524878-0d9b-4eea-8d4d-3c03ee4bc12a; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: Aug-27-2007; institutionCode: TSZ [transferred from MZLU 2014]; collectionCode: COL-004141; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: 5D54D99F-8DA5-5F68-907E-BF 8F3C6BCOFC scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Sweden; stateProvince: Stockholms lan (SO); municipality: Haninge; locality: Tyresta, Urskogsslingan, granskog; decimalLatitude: 59.1759; decimalLongitude: 18.24758; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 2003-07-02 to 2003-07-21; eventRemarks: trap id. 4-88; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: 80% alc.; catalogNumber: SPM-010078; recordedBy: Swedish Malaise Trap Project, NHRS; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid: 165b5596-10a7-4603-b311-794effd00996; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: Jun-20-2005; institutionCode: NHRS; collectionCode: SMTP-0088; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: 1F7FDOBE-6BEB-565A-92C5-7253E1183C6E scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Sweden; stateProvince: Stockholms lan (SO); municipality: Haninge; locality: Tyresta National Park; decimalLatitude: 59.18639; decimalLongitude: 18.30528; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 1000; samplingProtocol: Yellow traps; eventDate: 2000-07-28 to 2000-09-20; eventRemarks: Site 07; individualCount: 8; sex: males; lifeStage: imago; preparations: 80% alc.; catalogNumber: SPM-010199; recordedBy: B. Viklund, L. O. Wikars & H. Ahnlund; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:d658f27b-9750-4e83-bd83-f9eee6c56bde; identifiedBy: J. Kjeerandsen; dateldentified: Jun-24-2005; institutionCode: NHRS; collectionCode: COL-002625; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: 9D1B95B1-A2AA-58EB- A73C-53762B8E4829 scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Sweden; siateProvince: Stockholms lan (SO); municipality: Haninge; locality: Tyresta National Park; decimalLatitude: 59.18639; decimalLongitude: 18.30528; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 1000; samplingProtocol: Yellow traps; eventDate: 2000-07-28 to 2000-09-20; eventRemarks: Site 07; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: imago; preparations: 80% alc.; catalogNumber: SPM-010216; recordedBy: B. Viklund, L. O. Wikars & H. Ahnlund; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid: 5309c85b-5f22-4f68-9f22-f6051976340c; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: Jun-24-2005; institutionCode: NHRS; collectionCode: COL-002624; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: 9C5722E4-C041-5F8B-ABFF-2D62C5A502B4 scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Sweden; siateProvince: Stockholms lan (SO); municipality: Haninge; locality: Tyresta National Park; decimalLatitude: 59.18639; decimalLongitude: 18.30528; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 1000; samplingProtocol: Yellow traps; eventDate: 2000-07-28 to 2000-09-20; eventRemarks: Site 07; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: 80% alc.; catalogNumber: SPM-010222; recordedBy: B. 16 ab. ac. ad. ae. af. Kjeerandsen J et al Viklund, L. O. Wikars & H. Ahnlund; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:f477d532- e63b-4b55-848c-0a5e59e0a288; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: Jun-24-2005; institutionCode: NHRS; collectionCode: COL-002626; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: F75A619F-FCE2-5892-AABB-333BC0C1F1CA scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Sweden; siateProvince: Stockholms lan (SO); municipality: Haninge; locality: Tyresta National Park; decimalLatitude: 59.18639; decimalLongitude: 18.30528; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 1000; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 2000-06-05 to 2000-07-15; eventRemarks: Site 04; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: 80% alc.; catalogNumber: SPM-010679; recordedBy: B. Viklund, L. O. Wikars & H. Ahnlund; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:047bbcca- d09a-460d-951 8-51 4fe6f46602; identifiedBy: J. Jakovlev; dateldentified: Jun-08-2005; institutionCode: NHRS§; collectionCode: COL-T-04BA00; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: 4BCE3817-F8D2-54B7-B8CA-A9E09CFEOF 54 scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Sweden; siateProvince: Ostergétlands lan (OG); municipality: Odeshégs kommun; locality: Omberg, Storpissan; decimalLatitude: 58.33491667; decimalLongitude: 14.655; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 50; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 2005-03-03 to 2005-05-28; eventRemarks: trap id. 15-1658; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: 80% alc.; catalogNumber: SPM-015937; recordedBy: Swedish Malaise Trap Project, NHRS; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:f2cb03c4-0e35-4d84-9e58-414780e7 7187; identifiedBy: J. Kja~randsen; dateldentified: Jul-23-2007; institutionCode: NHRS; collectionCode: SMTP-1658; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrencelD: 5896C867-2940-54B1-AOAE- AF44BB6E993F scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Denmark; stateProvince: East Jutland (EJ); municipality: Norddjurs; locality: Anholdt; decimalLatitude: 56.70978; decimalLongitude: 11.56551; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 4000; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 2006-09-24 to 2006-11-10; eventRemarks: in Pinus scrub; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: 80% alc.; catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-215250; recordedBy: T. Munk & S. Kjeldgaard; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:c243a63b-72be-46a6-9937-56f2a29afef9; identifiedBy: J. Kjazrandsen; dateldentified: Dec-14-2006; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: COL-003311; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrencelD: 0859DB2A-56E5-55C4-864E-4F B710F3C9DD scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Estonia; county: Mulgi; locality: Muti NR; decimalLatitude: 58.1403; decimalLongitude: 25.6808; samplingProtoco!: window trap; eventDate: 2017-06-21 to 2017-07-24; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: specimen in 70% ethanol; catalogNumber: IZBE0251600; recordedBy: Ilmar Stida; associatedOccurrences: BDJ_12308_1; identifiedBy: Olavi Kurina; institutionCode: IZBE; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: DB662280-BD4A-5821-8E2D-BD2983F 55862 scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Estonia; county: Tartu; locality: Palupéhja, Kaha; decimalLatitude: 58.4318; decimalLongitude: 26.2413; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 2009-08-4 to ag. ah. ai. aj. When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards ... 17 2009-08-18; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: specimen in 70% ethanol; catalogNumber: IZBE0251601; recordedBy: Villu Soon; associatedOccurrences: BDJ_12308_2; identifiedBy: Olavi Kurina; institutionCode: IZBE; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: 343F738B- AF79-5320-809B-64140BE9E933 scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Belgium; stateProvince: Brussels; county: Auderghem; locality: Jardin botanique Jean Massart; decimalLatitude: 50.814; decimalLongitude: 4.4394; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 2015-10-20 to 2015-10-30; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: imago; catalogNumber: IZBE0251604; associatedReferences: Kurina, O.; Grootaert, P. (2016). Fungus gnats in the Botanical garden Jean Massart on the outskirts of Brussels: 52 new country records and a pictorial atlas of the genera (Diptera: Sciaroidea). Belgian Journal of Entomology, 44, 1-44.; associatedOccurrences: BDJ_12308_5; identifiedBy: Olavi Kurina; institutionCode: IZBE; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrencelD: 8AF32458-97C9-5BF6-B724-CFF22AB81695 scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Belgium; stateProvince: Bruxelles; municipality: Suderghem; locality: Jardin Massart; decimalLatitude: 50.8134; decimalLongitude: 4.43645; coordinateUncertaintylnMeters: 250; samplingProtocol!: Malaise trap; eventDate: 2015-10-20 to 2015-10-30; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Legs consumed for barcoding; catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-106938; recordedBy: O. Kurina; associatedReferences: Kurina, O.; Grootaert, P. (2016). Fungus gnats in the Botanical garden Jean Massart on the outskirts of Brussels: 52 new country records and a pictorial atlas of the genera (Diptera: Sciaroidea). Belgian Journal of Entomology, 44, 1-44-.; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:fc1dd876-6672-487 7-941 9-f0988733b8d0; identifiedBy: J. Kjeerandsen; dateldentified: Mar-28-2019; institutionCode: ICBE - BOLD voucher; collectionCode: TMU-JKJ-COL-000838; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: 8AC189EE-4269-536C-87A6-4580ABB3221E scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Slovakia; county: Banska Bystrica Region; municipality: Revuca District; locality: NP Muranska planina, Maretkina; verbatimElevation: 1002 m; decimalLatitude: 48.7705; decimalLongitude: 20.0287; samplingProtocol: sweep net; eventDate: 05/26/2009; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: slide mounted in Euparal:; catalogNumber: IZBE025160; recordedBy: Olavi Kurina; associatedReferences: Sevéik, J.; Kurina, O. (2011). Fungus gnats (Diptera: Sciaroidea) of the Gemer region (Central Slovakia): Part 2 - Mycetophilidae. Casopis Slezského Zemského Muzea (A), 60, 97-126. DOI: 10.2478/v10210-011-0011-x.; associatedOccurrences: BDJ_12308_4; identifiedBy: Olavi Kurina; institutionCode: IZBE; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: 9F856CF2-F149-5BFC-B8F3-9B0909AAB999 scientificName: Coelophthinia thoracica; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: thoracica; scientificNameAuthorship: (Winnertz); country: Italy; stateProvince: Trentino-South Tyrol; county: South Tyrol; locality: N. Park Stilfser Joch, Suldental (O von Gomagoi); verbatimElevation: 1220 m; decimalLatitude: 46.576; decimalLongitude: 10.5475; samplingProtocol!: Malaise trap; eventDate: 2005-09-05 to 2005-09-19; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: pinned specimen (mounted from ethanol); catalogNumber: IZBE0251602; recordedBy: C. Lange & J. Ziegler; associatedReferences: Kurina, O. 2008. Sciaroidea excl. Sciaridae. In 18 Kjeerandsen J et al Ziegler, J. (ed.) Diptera Stelviana. A dipterological perspective on a changing alpine landscape. Volume 1. Studia Dipterologica. Supplements, 16, 245-293. ; associatedOccurrences: BDJ_12308_3; identifiedBy: Olavi Kurina; institutionCode: IZBE; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: 3BCOA359-04E8-5D03-A666- E28477F1DFFD Figure 5. Coelophthinia thoracica, (Winnertz, 1864) male terminalia and mid-tibial organ. a: Lateral view ES] b: Ventral view ERS c: Internal, lateral view EFS] d: Gonostylus, enlarged EE e: Mid-tibial organ. EES] When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards ... 19 Description Male (Figs 1, 3, 5). Coloration and most body characteristics as in the genus description. Body length 3.6— 4.2 mm. Wing length 2.8-3.1 mm; ratio of length to width 3.1-3.3. Sensory organ dorsally on the basal half of mid-tibia elongate oval, 6.3-8.1 times longer than wide, length 0.26—0.29 that of tibial length. Terminalia. Tergite 9 rectangular in dorsal view, about 1.3 times as long as wide, medially somewhat constricted, curved like a hood in lateral view. Medial protrusion of tergite 10 short and rounded, about as high as wide in posterior view, densely setose. Gonocoxites in lateral view with a somewhat elongated outline, with straight or slightly convex ventral margin. Posterolateral lobe of gonocoxite long and narrow, constricted section about 3x longer than wide, rounded apically, laterally bare for about 3x apical width. Spathulate gonocoxal lobe 7—7.5 times as long as wide, curved slightly medially, with constricted base, basad of base with a group of 3—5 longer setae. Dorsal branch of gonostylus small, simple, semicircular, dorsally setose with one extra long seta deviating from others. The broad lobe 1 (cf. Fig. 5d) fan-shaped, carrying 7-8 blunt setae along rim and 5 normal very long setae subapically on inner side. The narrow, acute tipped lobe 2 (cf. Fig. 5c, d) medially somewhat expanding, with strong, blunt seta placed nearer to the tip than its length; followed by one short and one very long seta in mid-section. Aedeagus 1.2x longer than spathulate gonocoxal lobe in lateral view, with broadest medial section, somewhat narrowed basal section and apically sharply narrowed into downcurved hook; apically with a short spike at the outer side at the curving point; downcurved hook not longer than width of medial section of aedeagus. Female (Fig. 4). Coloration as for male. Sensory organ dorsally on the basal half of mid-tibia elongate oval, 7.4 times longer than wide, length 0.28 that of tibial length. Terminalia as described for genus. Tergite 8 short, posteriorly emarginated in dorsal view, bare, except 1-2 small setae posterolaterally. Tergite 9 short, posteriorly emarginated in dorsal view, bare, except apical margin with row of 7-8 long setae, which are longer than those on cercus. Cercus about two times as long as wide medially, evenly covered with setae. Sternite 8 longer than tergites 8 and 9 together, posterolaterally rounded, posterior half setose, in ventral view hypogynal valves separated by V-shaped deep incision, about one-third as deep as segment length. Gonapophysis 8 elongate, about 6 times as long as wide, extending beyond mid- cercus, ventrally setose, with one deviating strong subapical seta. Diagnosis Coelophthinia thoracica can be distinguished from other species of the genus by the combination of having a somewhat elongated shape of the gonocoxite as seen in 20 Kjeerandsen J et al lateral view, with a straight or slightly convex ventral margin, a long and slender posterolateral lobe and a short and rounded medial protrusion of tergite 10. The aedeagus is uniquely shaped, long, with ventrally curved hook not longer than width of medial section of aedeagus. The length of the mid-tibial organ is about 0.3 of tibial length. Coelophthinia lata Kjaerandsen, sp. n. Barcodes hittp:// clusteruri=BOLD:ACZ6758 ZooBank 78CB434E-611B-434E-A51C-56070B74C9E2 Materials Holotype: a. scientificName: Coelophthinia lata; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: lata; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Norway; stateProvince: Nordland (NSI); municipality: Grane; locality: Auster-Vefsna NR, Stilleelva W; decimalLatitude: 65.53278; decimalLongitude: 13.72667; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: window trap; eventDate: 2018-05-28 to 2018-07-30; eventRemarks: WT 1; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD- JKJ-105617; recordedBy: J. Kjgerandsen, J. P. Lindemann & P. Dominiak; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:a6b455a7-12ad-422d-b4cd-fced8d1e9e98; identifiedBy: J. Kjeerandsen; dateldentified: Aug-06-2020; institutionCode: TSZ - BOLD voucher; collectionCode: TMU-JKJ-COL-000628; occurrencelD: 1AF4B55D-2594-5560-8335-43201D913260 Paratypes: a. scientificName: Coelophthinia lata; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: lata; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Norway; stateProvince: Troms (TRI); municipality: Malsely; locality: Skaktardalen N, Ovre Dividal LVN, WT-1; decimalLatitude: 68.76306; decimalLongitude: 19.72417; coordinateUncertainty!nMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: Triangle window trap w/camo-roof, eventDate: 2015-08-24 to 2015-09-15; eventRemarks: WT-2; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-101623; recordedBy: J. Kjaerandsen & M. T. Dahl; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:67eaed 1 c-e27e-4527-8¢39-55233258f1 34; identifiedBy: J. Kja~randsen; dateldentified: Aug-06-2020; institutionCode: TSZ - BOLD voucher; collectionCode: TMU- JKJ-COL-000298; occurrence!D: 736FC47B-EC12-5F 3E-8ABC-835BF0D840A6 b. scientificName: Coelophthinia lata; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: lata; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Norway; stateProvince: Troms (TRI); municipality: Malselv; locality: Skaktardalen N, Ovre Dividal LVN, WT-2; decimalLatitude: 68.76306; decimalLongitude: 19.72417; coordinateUncertainty!nMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: Triangle window trap w/camo-roof, eventDate: 2015-08-24 to 2015-09-15; eventRemarks: WT-2; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-101624; recordedBy: J. Kjaeandsen & M. T. Dahl; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:6e690999-3826-46ba-b1c9-0420a0319827; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards ... 21 dateldentified: Aug-06-2020; institutionCode: TSZ - BOLD voucher; collectionCode: TMU- JKJ-COL-000298; occurrence!D: 07B88691-4500-5BC1-A783-92E4ED3FE92B scientificName: Coelophthinia lata; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: lata; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Norway; stateProvince: Troms (TRI); municipality: Nordreisa; locality: Imofossen and Imoroavvi, Reisa NP; decimalLatitude: 69.29889; decimalLongitude: 22.00389; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 250; samplingProtocol: sweep net; eventDate: 07/20/2016; eventRemarks: around and N Imofossen; individua!Count: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD- JKJ-102314; recordedBy: J. Kjazerandsen; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid: 14f7f165-1 7a4-4976-b2fc-3234ef57b681; identifiedBy: J. Kjazrandsen; dateldentified: Aug-06-2020; institutionCode: TSZ - BOLD voucher; collectionCode: TMU-JKJ- COL-000395; occurrencelD: 9BF840DC-5A38-5496-B1E7-190E97CA973B scientificName: Coelophthinia lata; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: lata; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Norway; stateProvince: Troms (TRI); municipality: Malselv; locality: Skaktardalen N, Ovre Dividal LVN, MT-2; decimalLatitude: 68.76389; decimalLongitude: 19.72361; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 50; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 2015-08-24 to 2015-09-15; eventRemarks: MT-2-DOWN,; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD- JKJ-110150; recordedBy: J. Kjaarandsen & M. T. Dahl; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:aa7b5ed0-1427-458a-88a3-dade239d363a; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: Apr-05-2020; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: TMU-JKJ- COL-000300; occurrence!D: DD4E7B98-D023-54D5-B1B2-744C995C0C7B scientificName: Coelophthinia lata; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: lata; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Norway; stateProvince: Nordland (NSI); municipality: Grane; locality: Auster-Vefsna NR, Stilleelva W; decimalLatitude: 65.53194; decimalLongitude: 13.725; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: window trap; eventDate: 2018-05-28 to 2018-07-30; eventRemarks: WT 2; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD- JKJ-104763; recordedBy: J. Kjaerandsen, J. P. Lindemann & P. Dominiak; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:90e15539-0d53-4b84-a45f-87848d925fdc; identifiedBy: J. Kjeerandsen; dateldentified: Aug-06-2020; institutionCode: TSZ - BOLD voucher; collectionCode: TMU-JKJ-COL-000631; occurrence!D: 1F57ACB8-1488-53D2-940B- A389D43D40D8 scientificName: Coelophthinia lata; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: lata; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Norway; stateProvince: Nordland (NSI); municipality: Grane; locality: Auster-Vefsna NR, Stilleelva W; decimalLatitude: 65.53278; decimalLongitude: 13.72667; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: window trap; eventDate: 2018-07-30 to 2018-10-05; eventRemarks: WT 1; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD- JKJ-105025; recordedBy: J. Kjagrandsen, J. P. Lindemann & P. Dominiak; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:2de1b742-dc94-4067-8612-8c162cf25c67; identifiedBy: J. Kjeerandsen; dateldentified: Aug-06-2020; institutionCode: TSZ - BOLD voucher; collectionCode: TMU-JKJ-COL-000793; occurrence!|D: 2BDAADE0- D894-594C-9BA3-OBBFF 7794513 scientificName: Coelophthinia lata; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: lata; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: 22 Kjeerandsen J et al Norway; stateProvince: Nordland (NSI); municipality: Saltdal; locality: Rognan, Fiskvagmo; minimumElevationInMeters: 35; decimalLatitude: 67.0925; decimalLongitude: 15.36083; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: window trap; eventDate: 2019-05-28 to 2019-07-22: eventRemarks: WT 2 - 2019 - 1; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD- JKJ-107563; recordedBy: J. Kjgerandsen, J. P. Lindemann & P. Dominiak; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:33e45671-f7a2-468b-a226-976191619090; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: Aug-06-2020; institutionCode: TSZ - BOLD voucher; collectionCode: TMU-JKJ-COL-000933; occurrence!D: A18C2DC3-05F C-580E-9882-2B4C 1EDA4920 scientificName: Coelophthinia lata; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: lata; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Sweden; stateProvince: Uppsala (UP); municipality: Osthammar; locality: Andersby NR SW Osterbybruk; verbatimCoordinates: 60.09N, 17.50E; decimalLatitude: 60.10; decimalLongitude: 17.6; eventDate: 09/10/2005; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD- JKJ-112682; recordedBy: M. Jaschhof; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: 03/22/2022; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: COL-003196; occurrencelD: 2704BD26-6D7C-5F 3E-9511-9E02EE192B48 scientificName: Coelophthinia lata; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: lata; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Sweden; stateProvince: Norrbottens lan (LU); municipality: Jokkmokk; locality: Messaure; minimumElevationInMeters: 175; decimalLatitude: 66.68262; decimalLongitude: 20.36322; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 1000; samplingProtocol: Barber traps; eventDate: 1971-09-02 to 1971-10-04; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; preparations: Slide in Canada Balsam; catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-207664; recordedBy: K. Muller; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:c1332da6-89a8-486a-aea6-e0b7 7faf223c; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: May-31-2021; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: COL-001968; occurrence!|D: BOA30B83-77C5-5E7E- A33B-7A4835A62254 scientificName: Coelophthinia lata; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: lata; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Finland; stateProvince: South Karelia; municipality: Parikkala; locality: Lake Siikalahti, W Kaukola; decimalLatitude: 61.55917; decimalLongitude: 29.57056; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 250; eventDate: 2004-06-24 to 2004-08-19; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; preparations: 80% alc.; catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-111325; recordedBy: M. & C. Jaschhof; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid: 83e15cc1-97e5-4d07-990b-069faea0300b; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: Aug-12-2020; institutionCode: IZBE - donation to O. Kurina 12/8-20; collectionCode: COL-008021; occurrence!lD: D06677DF-D110-5D35-82DA-26C 521934915 scientificName: Coelophthinia lata; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: lata; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Finland; stateProvince: South Karelia; municipality: Parikkala; locality: Lake Siikalahti, W Kaukola; decimalLatitude: 61.55917; decimalLongitude: 29.57056; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 250; eventDate: 2004-06-24 to 2004-08-19; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; preparations: 80% alc.; catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-111326; recordedBy: M. & C. Jaschhof; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:aea3b040-40bb-4f3e-babe-ed5a561 7afae; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: Aug-06-2020; institutionCode: IZBE - donation to O. Kurina 12/8-20; When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards ... 23 collectionCode: COL-008021; occurrence!D: E1C19AC8- FE4F-55D1-9999-66207D256187 scientificName: Coelophthinia lata; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: lata; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Finland; stateProvince: South Karelia; municipality: Parikkala; locality: Lake Siikalahti, W Kaukola; decimalLatitude: 61.55917; decimalLongitude: 29.57056; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 250; eventDate: 2004-06-24 to 2004-08-19; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-111327; recordedBy: M. & C. Jaschhof; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:1c270c2d-9ac7-48bb-bb72-981a34671 761; identifiedBy: J. Kjagrandsen; dateldentified: Aug-06-2020; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: COL-008021; occurrencelD: 25C13508-0390-5375-84A5-1CB3CF59CE9B Other materials: a. scientificName: Coelophthinia lata; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: lata; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Norway; stateProvince: Troms (TRI); municipality: Nordreisa; locality: Swamp forest S Lorrioholmen, Reisa NP W Naustneset; minimumElevationinMeters: 130; decimalLatitude: 69.3362; decimalLongitude: 21.9394; coordinateUncertaintylnMeters: 10; samplingProtocol!: Triangle window trap w/camo-roof; eventDate: 2016-07-19 to 2016-09-20; eventRemarks: WT-5, flomskog; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD- JKJ-102400; recordedBy: J. Kjazrandsen; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:a1eef325-00ed-4687-93c3-0c4c873c9064; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: Aug-06-2020; institutionCode: TSZ - BOLD voucher; collectionCode: TMU- JKJ-COL-000392; occurrence!D: 03A469E8-757D-5135-B0C8-7A36DCCA388F scientificName: Coelophthinia lata; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: lata; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Norway; stateProvince: Troms (TRI); municipality: Nordreisa; locality: Swamp forest S Lorrioholmen, Reisa NP W Naustneset; minimumElevationinMeters: 130; decimalLatitude: 69.3362; decimalLongitude: 21.9394; coordinateUncertaintylnMeters: 10; samplingProtocol!: Triangle window trap w/camo-roof; eventDate: 2016-07-19 to 2016-09-20; eventRemarks: WT-5, flomskog; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD- JKJ-102401; recordedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:5d83ad61- b801-4050-a82c-fc9d98c544c5; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: Aug-06-2020; institutionCode: TSZ - BOLD voucher; collectionCode: TMU-JKJ- COL-000392; occurrence!D: CA97F5EE-06A2-56EA-9BEC-EC2665E9B46D scientificName: Coelophthinia lata; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: lata; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Sweden; stateProvince: Uppsala lan (UP); municipality: Uppsala; locality: Fiby NR; decimalLatitude: 59.53; decimalLongitude: 17.21; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 1000; samplingProtocol: sweep net & aspirator; eventDate: 09/11/2005; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; preparations: 80% alc.; catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-215016; recordedBy: M. Jaschhof; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:bO3cfe6f-0001-428b-89e7-8ba096e5965d; identifiedBy: J. Kjeerandsen; dateldentified: Jun-21-2021; institutionCode: TSZ [transferred from MZLU 2014]; collectionCode: COL-003197; occurrence!D: 40541669-1B4C-5DD3- B336-7C66A312F53D 24 Kjeerandsen J et al scientificName: Coelophthinia lata; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: lata; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Sweden; stateProvince: Norrbottens lan (TO); municipality: Kiruna; locality: Abisko; decimalLatitude: 68.35027; decimalLongitude: 18.83047; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 1000; samplingProtocol: light trap; eventDate: 1976-07-19 to 1976-07-26; eventRemarks: LF-05, 150-500 m W Naturv. stn.; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; preparations: Ethanol (80%); catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-261215; recordedBy: K. Miller; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:55cde649-afef-4920-ba6d-e004ef7394d2; identifiedBy: J. Kjeerandsen; dateldentified: Jun-21-2021; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: COL-008061; occurrencelD: 6F8229DF-CC2F-531B-A9D1-9A5010D8E0DE scientificName: Coelophthinia lata; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: lata; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Sweden; stateProvince: Uppsala (UP); municipality: Osthammar; locality: Andersby NR SW Osterbybruk; verbatimCoordinates: 60.09N, 17.50E; decimalLatitude: 60.10; decimalLongitude: 17.6; eventDate: 09/10/2005; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD- JKJ-112869; recordedBy: M. Jaschhof; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: 03/22/2022; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: COL-003196; occurrencelD: 80910862-4CD2-5F09-80BE-BE874E54D7DC scientificName: Coelophthinia lata; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: lata; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Finland; stateProvince: South Karelia; municipality: Parikkala; locality: Lake Siikalahti, W Kaukola; decimalLatitude: 61.55917; decimalLongitude: 29.57056; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 250; eventDate: 2004-06-24 to 2004-08-19; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; preparations: 80% alc.; catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-236791; recordedBy: M. & C. Jaschhof; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:b80308eb-2b8e-4014-923c-cb1b4c4b45a6; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: Aug-06-2020; institutionCode: MZLU; collectionCode: COL-008021; occurrence!D: 8917B6FA-4346-5D0E-801D-375C711F223A scientificName: Coelophthinia lata; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: lata; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Finland; stateProvince: South Karelia; municipality: Parikkala; locality: Lake Siikalahti, W Kaukola; decimalLatitude: 61.55917; decimalLongitude: 29.57056; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 250; eventDate: 2004-06-24 to 2004-08-19; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-111328; recordedBy: M. & C. Jaschhof; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:ac337cda-1 8f3-44e8-98ca-02a0400ea1 7e; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: Aug-06-2020; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: COL-008021; occurrence!D: 934E1C33-5AE1-5957-BF B7-OAACFA911086 scientificName: Coelophthinia lata; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: lata; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Finland; stateProvince: South Karelia; municipality: Parikkala; locality: Lake Siikalahti, W Kaukola; decimalLatitude: 61.55917; decimalLongitude: 29.57056; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 250; eventDate: 2004-06-24 to 2004-08-19; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-111329; recordedBy: M. & C. Jaschhof; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:07658590-4ff7-41f6-a9cc-5224f55f8ae3; identifiedBy: J. Kjeerandsen; dateldentified: Aug-06-2020; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: COL-008021; occurrencelD: 42EDF7EB-939D-5F7C-8B69-D21 700DD80DE When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards ... 25 i. scientificName: Coelophthinia lata; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: lata; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Finland; stateProvince: South Karelia; municipality: Parikkala; locality: Lake Siikalahti, W Kaukola; decimalLatitude: 61.55917; decimalLongitude: 29.57056; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 250; eventDate: 2004-06-24 to 2004-08-19; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-111330; recordedBy: M. & C. Jaschhof; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:1ac60672-b049-4d6f-99b6-e284a0b4053d; identifiedBy: J. Kjeerandsen; dateldentified: Aug-06-2020; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: COL-008021; occurrencelD: C8094261-52AA-59A0-B612-2FAEC7E4191C j. scientificName: Coelophthinia lata; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: lata; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Finland; stateProvince: South Karelia; municipality: Parikkala; locality: Lake Siikalahti, W Kaukola; decimalLatitude: 61.55917; decimalLongitude: 29.57056; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 250; eventDate: 2004-06-24 to 2004-08-19; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-111331; recordedBy: M. & C. Jaschhof; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:8e6d498c-79d2-4f0a-ac55-add2cd03027f; identifiedBy: J. Kjeerandsen; dateldentified: Aug-06-2020; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: COL-008021; occurrencelD: 3A33BEAF-4277-583A-9A1C-7D1F79D21346 K. scientificName: Coelophthinia lata; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: lata; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Finland; stateProvince: South Karelia; municipality: Parikkala; locality: Lake Siikalahti, W Kaukola; decimalLatitude: 61.55917; decimalLongitude: 29.57056; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 250; eventDate: 2004-06-24 to 2004-08-19; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-111332; recordedBy: M. & C. Jaschhof; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:8331C262-c7fb-4fba-8f69-3463f21 39bdc; identifiedBy: J. Kjeerandsen; dateldentified: Aug-06-2020; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: COL-008021; occurrencelD: FF10C98D-8D83-5B04-8530-D9FA6FFCD257 Description Male (Fig. 6, n= 8 for measurements). Coloration and general body characteristics as in the genus description. Body length 3.5—4.1 mm. Wing length 2.9-3.1 mm; ratio of length to width 2.6. Sensory organ dorsally on the basal half of mid-tibia elongate oval, 7.5 times longer than wide, length 0.25 that of tibial length. Terminalia. Tergite 9 rectangular in dorsal view, about 1.5 times as long as wide, curved like a hood in lateral view. Medial protrusion of tergite 10 short and rounded, about as high as wide in posterior view, densely setose. Gonocoxites in lateral view with a rounded outline, with distinctly convex ventral margin. Posterolateral lobe of gonocoxite short and wide, constricted section about 1.5x longer than wide, evenly rounded apically, laterally bare for about 2x apical width. Spathulate gonocoxal lobe about seven times as long as wide, without constricted base, basad of base with a row of 3 long setae. Dorsal branch of gonostylus small, simple, oblong and semicircular, dorsally setose with some extra long setae. The broad lobe 1 (cf. Fig. 3f) fan-shaped, 26 Kjeerandsen J et al carrying 8 blunt setae along rim and 5 normal setae subapically on inner side. The narrow, acute tipped lobe 2 (cf. Fig. 3f) without tiny stiff seta apically; with strong, blunt seta placed nearer to the tip than its length; followed by one short and one long seta in mid-section. Aedeagus 1.5x longer than spathulate gonocoxal lobe in lateral view, with broadest basal section, somewhat narrowed middle section and apically sharply narrowed into downcurved hook; apically with a short spike at the outer side at the curving point; downcurved hook not longer than width of base of aedeagus. Female unknown. Figure 6. Coelophthinia lata sp. n., male terminalia and mid-tibial organ. a: Lateral view ETS] b: Ventral view ERS} c: Internal, lateral view ES] d: Gonostylus, enlarged, internal view EFS] e: Mid-tibial organ. ERS] When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards ... 27 Diagnosis Coelophthinia lata can be distinguished from other species of the genus by the combination of having a rounded shape of gonocoxite in lateral view, with distinctly convex ventral margin, broad and short posteriolateral lobe and short and broad, semicircular medial protrusion of tergite 10. The aedeagus is uniquely shaped with apical hook not longer than the height of the base of aedeagus. The length of the mid- tibial organ is about 1/4 of tibial length. Etymology The species epithet is from the Latin word /ata, which means broad, denoting the broad caudal extension from the gonocoxite. This feature is diagnostic for this species. Distribution Nordic, so far known only from Norway, Sweden and Finland. Coelophthinia loraasi Kjaerandsen, sp. n. ° Barcodes clusteruri=BOLD:ADV7953 ° ZooBank 61C183B0-2E04-4791-AF4E-1F6E6FF1C4CF Materials Holotype: a. scientificName: Coelophthinia loraasi; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: loraasi; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Norway; stateProvince: Nordland (NSI); municipality: Grane; locality: Stormobekken; decimalLatitude: 65.595; decimalLongitude: 13.40333; coordinateUncertaintylnMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: window trap; eventDate: 2018-07-31 to 2018-10-05; eventRemarks: WT 3; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-105034; recordedBy: J. Kjeerandsen, J. P. Lindemann & P. Dominiak; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:c6175002-859a-43b7-a7c0-7b1aa7f4af3d; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: Aug-06-2020; institutionCode: TSZ - BOLD voucher; collectionCode: TMU- JKJ-COL-000799; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: 1723499B-47BF-5A3E-A7AC-78231ACB76EF Paratypes: a. scientificName: Coelophthinia loraasi; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: loraasi; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Norway; stateProvince: Nordland (NSI); municipality: Grane; locality: Holmvassdalen NR, Holmvassdalen 2 (Naturbase); decimalLatitude: 65.32472; decimalLongitude: 13.31806; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 2018-08-01 to 2018-10-04; eventRemarks: MT 5; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD- JKJ-105026; recordedBy: J. Kjgerandsen, J. P. Lindemann & P. Dominiak; 28 Kjeerandsen J et al associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:d56bc457-f4d6-4bdf-ac79-202b3786d370; identifiedBy: J. Kjeerandsen; dateldentified: Aug-06-2020; institutionCode: TSZ - BOLD voucher; collectionCode: TMU-JKJ-COL-000804; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: A87FEA3A-47A9-58C8-A51E-0A710678D892 scientificName: Coelophthinia loraasi, order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: loraasi; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Norway; stateProvince: Nordland (NSI); municipality: Grane; locality: Holmvassdalen NR, Holmvassdalen 2 (Naturbase); decimalLatitude: 65.32472; decimalLongitude: 13.31806; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 2018-08-01 to 2018-10-04; eventRemarks: MT 5; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-105027; recordedBy: J. Kjaerandsen, J. P. Lindemann & P. Dominiak; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:8c498cff-4508-46cb-b671-91e22dd0af51; identifiedBy: J. Kjeerandsen; dateldentified: Aug-06-2020; institutionCode: TSZ - BOLD voucher; collectionCode: TMU-JKJ-COL-000804; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: B463381C-D17A-588A-AF6E-7559F 5E06BBO scientificName: Coelophthinia loraasi, order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: loraasi; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Norway; stateProvince: Nordland (NSI); municipality: Grane; locality: Holmvassdalen NR, Holmvassdalen 2 (Naturbase); decimalLatitude: 65.32472; decimalLongitude: 13.31806; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 2018-08-01 to 2018-10-04; eventRemarks: MT 5; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD- JKJ-111198; recordedBy: J. Kjaerandsen, J. P. Lindemann & P. Dominiak; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:15cb7618-2e04-4c7d-8607-44fa390ee4d2; identifiedBy: J. Kjeerandsen; dateldentified: Aug-04-2020; institutionCode: TSZ - BOLD voucher; collectionCode: TMU-JKJ-COL-000804; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: 6A975D2E-68D2-5068-BD8B-60301BOBF 776 scientificName: Coelophthinia loraasy, order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: loraasi; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Norway; stateProvince: Nordland (NSI); municipality: Grane; locality: Stormobekken; decimalLatitude: 65.595; decimalLongitude: 13.40333; coordinateUncertaintylnMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: window trap; eventDate: 2018-07-31 to 2018-10-05; eventRemarks: WT 3; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-111128; recordedBy: J. Kjeerandsen, J. P. Lindemann & P. Dominiak; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid: 9cc93295-3081-446f-9fe8-86b502cadbe2; identifiedBy: J. Kjz~erandsen; dateldentified: Aug-06-2020; institutionCode: IZBE - donation to O. Kurina 12/8-20; collectionCode: TMU-JKJ-COL-000799; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: BF68D342-515E-503C-A010-4D220A1E35F0 scientificName: Coelophthinia loraas/, order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: loraasi; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Norway; stateProvince: Nordland (NSI); municipality: Grane; locality: Stormobekken; decimalLatitude: 65.595; decimalLongitude: 13.40333; coordinateUncertaintylnMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: window trap; eventDate: 2018-07-31 to 2018-10-05; eventRemarks: WT 3; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-112069; recordedBy: J. Kjeerandsen, J. P. Lindemann & P. Dominiak; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid: Ocbb51fa-6fcb-49d0-aa8e-a3e7a796957c; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: Aug-06-2020; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: TMU-JKJ-COL-000799; When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards ... 29 basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrencelD: 307D80E4-3AB0-5857-9C4E-4DD14C6FCD18 scientificName: Coelophthinia loraasi; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: loraasi; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Norway; stateProvince: Nordland (NSI); municipality: Grane; locality: Stormobekken; decimalLatitude: 65.595; decimalLongitude: 13.40333; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: window trap; eventDate: 2018-07-31 to 2018-10-05; eventRemarks: WT 3; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-112070; recordedBy: J. Kjeeandsen, J. P. Lindemann & P. Dominiak; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid: 420f4efa-6c91-440b-9f88-9c339949b23d; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: Aug-06-2020; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: TMU-JKJ-COL-000799; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: 6835A75B-7FF5-573F-A1F0- CDF2866D39EB scientificName: Coelophthinia loraasi; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: loraasi; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Norway; stateProvince: Nordland (NSI); municipality: Grane; locality: Stormobekken; decimalLatitude: 65.595; decimalLongitude: 13.40333; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: window trap; eventDate: 2018-07-31 to 2018-10-05; eventRemarks: WT 3; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-105035; recordedBy: J. Kjeerandsen, J. P. Lindemann & P. Dominiak; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:a278486d-5957-4229-aa36-2cf6e7c1 8333; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: Aug-06-2020; institutionCode: TSZ - BOLD voucher; collectionCode: TMU- JKJ-COL-000799; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: 2F7086CD- E243-5EB3-9A48-BB5445EC9970 scientificName: Coelophthinia loraasi; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: loraasi; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Norway; stateProvince: Nordland (NSI); municipality: Grane; locality: Stormobekken; decimalLatitude: 65.595; decimalLongitude: 13.40333; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: window trap; eventDate: 2018-07-31 to 2018-10-05; eventRemarks: WT 3; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-111132; recordedBy: J. Kjeerandsen, J. P. Lindemann & P. Dominiak; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid: 89d1ac5c-2b81-4265-859f-691f98337f65; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: Aug-06-2020; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: TMU-JKJ-COL-000799; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrencelD: AD42E95F-6B2C-5FEB-978E-2EBE8A70CC07 Other materials: a. scientificName: Coelophthinia loraasi; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: loraasi; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Norway; stateProvince: Nordland (NSI); municipality: Grane; locality: Auster-Vefsna NR, Stilleelva W; decimalLatitude: 65.53389; decimalLongitude: 13.72778; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 2018-07-30 to 2018-10-05; eventRemarks: MT 1; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Genitalia voucher for DNA-skimming; catalogNumber: TSZD- JKJ-105417; recordedBy: J. Kjgerandsen, J. P. Lindemann & P. Dominiak; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:61856d18-5772-4ae9-811 7-0f5a6f1f58cc; identifiedBy: J. Kjeerandsen; dateldentified: Jan-16-2019; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: TMU- 30 Kjeerandsen J et al JKJ-COL-000792; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: 7A9BO4AB- B006-53F6-B4D3-904897784769 scientificName: Coelophthinia loraasi; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: loraasi; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Norway; stateProvince: Nordland (NSI); municipality: Grane; locality: Auster-Vefsna NR, Stilleelva W; decimalLatitude: 65.53389; decimalLongitude: 13.72778; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 2018-07-30 to 2018-10-05; eventRemarks: MT 1; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Genitalia voucher for DNA-skimming; catalogNumber: TSZD- JKJ-105418; recordedBy: J. Kjgerandsen, J. P. Lindemann & P. Dominiak; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:61856d18-5772-4ae9-811 7-0f5a6f1f58cc; identifiedBy: J. Kjeerandsen; dateldentified: Jan-16-2019; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: TMU- JKJ-COL-000792; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: F1F70A59-410B-5B5C-A40D-FE4DE8BOFC67 scientificName: Coelophthinia loraasi; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: Coelophthinia; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Norway; stateProvince: Nordland (NSI); municipality: Grane; locality: Holmvassdalen NR, Holmvassdalen 2 (Naturbase); decimalLatitude: 65.32472; decimalLongitude: 13.31806; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 2018-08-01 to 2018-10-04; eventRemarks: MT 5; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-111133; recordedBy: J. Kjaerandsen, J. P. Lindemann & P. Dominiak; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:d3d6685a-3cec-48ad-ba7 1- ce43ba9f614e; identifiedBy: J. Kjzerandsen; dateldentified: Aug-06-2020; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: TMU-JKJ-COL-000804; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: 51512FBF-07EA-5E26-855C-AAD28DFF 7EA6 scientificName: Coelophthinia loraasi; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: loraasi; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Norway; stateProvince: Nordland (NSI); municipality: Grane; locality: Stormobekken; decimalLatitude: 65.595; decimalLongitude: 13.40333; coordinateUncertaintylnMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: window trap; eventDate: 2018-07-31 to 2018-10-05; eventRemarks: WT 3; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-111129; recordedBy: J. Kjeerandsen, J. P. Lindemann & P. Dominiak; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid: 716c9c00-87c2-4c8a-8008-5a1b9b81a2b1; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: Aug-06-2020; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: TMU-JKJ-COL-000799; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: 5529AAFC-A874-5B72-95C1- C81204C7A3F 1 scientificName: Coelophthinia loraasi; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: loraasi; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Norway; stateProvince: Nordland (NSI); municipality: Grane; locality: Stormobekken; decimalLatitude: 65.595; decimalLongitude: 13.40333; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: window trap; eventDate: 2018-07-31 to 2018-10-05; eventRemarks: WT 3; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-111130; recordedBy: J. Kjeerandsen, J. P. Lindemann & P. Dominiak; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:aa08ab08-222d-4e4a-8d1e-cde0fa500608; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: Aug-06-2020; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: TMU-JKJ- COL-000799; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: 1E9DDBEO- A572-5131-B77C-29FC1333AD10 When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards ... 31 f. scientificName: Coelophthinia loraasi; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: loraasi; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Norway; stateProvince: Nordland (NSI); municipality: Grane; locality: Stormobekken; decimalLatitude: 65.595; decimalLongitude: 13.40333; coordinateUncertaintylnMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: window trap; eventDate: 2018-07-31 to 2018-10-05; eventRemarks: WT 3; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-111131; recordedBy: J. Kjeerandsen, J. P. Lindemann & P. Dominiak; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid: 3038b308-8675-41dd-985f-fcc8a8e89745; identifiedBy: J. Kjazrandsen; dateldentified: Aug-06-2020; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: TMU-JKJ-COL-000799; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: F8C79E7A-9530-5C37- B194-6F0A701C88BD g. scientificName: Coelophthinia loraasi; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: loraasi; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Norway; stateProvince: Nordland (NSI); municipality: Grane; locality: Stormobekken; decimalLatitude: 65.595; decimalLongitude: 13.40333; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: window trap; eventDate: 2018-07-31 to 2018-10-05; eventRemarks: WT 3; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-112071; recordedBy: J. Kjeerandsen, J. P. Lindemann & P. Dominiak; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:01ab91c1- b842-435b-8b45-82a0d6768bcb; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: Aug-06-2020; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: TMU-JKJ-COL-000799; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrencelD: F1CEOE5B- A2AE-56EC-91A5-00D3E8AC33AF h. scientificName: Coelophthinia loraasi; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: loraasi; scientificNameAuthorship: Kjaerandsen; country: Norway; stateProvince: Nordland (NSI); municipality: Grane; locality: Stormobekken; decimalLatitude: 65.595; decimalLongitude: 13.40333; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 10; samplingProtocol: window trap; eventDate: 2018-07-31 to 2018-10-05; eventRemarks: WT 3; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: imago; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-112072; recordedBy: J. Kjeerandsen, J. P. Lindemann & P. Dominiak; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:cfb394b3-6acd-4a65-9d60-d1d950561db9; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: Aug-06-2020; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: TMU-JKJ- COL-000799; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrencel!D: 3B9D7021-8E22-5759-9A13-690E5EF4768A Description Male (Fig. 7, n = 3 for measurements). Coloration and general body characteristics as in the genus description. Body length 3.5-3.6 mm. Wing length 2.8-2.8 mm; ratio of length to width 2.6. Sensory organ dorsally on the basal half of mid-tibia elongate oval, 6.1 times longer than wide, length 0.20 that of tibial length. Terminalia. Tergite 9 rectangular in dorsal view, about 1.5 times as long as wide, curved like a hood in lateral view. Medial protrusion of tergite 10 thin, height approximately 3x width in posterior view, curved posteriad, densely setose on apex and ventral side. Gonocoxites in lateral view with a narrow subsquare outline, with nearly straight ventral 32 Kjeerandsen J et al margin and posterolateral lobe situated along the ventral edge. Posterolateral lobe of gonocoxite long, slender and evenly tapering, about 4x longer than width at apex, rounded apically, laterally bare for about 2x apical width. Spathulate gonocoxal lobe about five times as long as wide, rounded, with distinctly constricted base, basad of base with a row of 5 long setae. Dorsal branch of gonostylus small, simple, semicircular, laterally setose with some extra long setae. The broad lobe 1 (cf. Fig. 3f) fan-shaped, carrying 8 blunt setae along rim and 5 normal setae subapically on inner side. The narrow, acute tipped lobe 2 (cf. Fig. 3f) with a tiny stiff seta subapically; with strong, blunt seta placed at its length to the tip; followed by one short and one long seta in mid-section. Aedeagus 1.5x longer than spathulate gonocoxal lobe in lateral view, evenly broad until apically sharply narrowed downcurved hook; apically with a short spike at the outer side below the curving point; downcurved hook more than twice as long as breadth of base of aedeagus. Female (Fig. 8, n = 2 for measurements). Figure 7. Coelophthinia loraasi sp. n., Male terminalia and mid-tibial organ. a: Lateral view EPS] b: Ventral view EE c: Internal, lateral view EES] d: Gonostylus, enlarged, internal view EFS] e: Mid-tibial organ. EER When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards ... 33 Figure 8. Coelophthinia loraasi sp. n., female terminalia and mid-tibial organ. a: Lateral view ETS] b: Ventral view EES c: Mid-tibial organ. ERS] Coloration as for male. Body length 3.9-3.9 mm. Wing length 2.9-3.0 mm; ratio of length to width 2.8. Sensory organ dorsally on the basal half of mid-tibia elongate oval, 5.5 times longer than wide, 0.32 times of tibial length. Terminalia as described for genus. Cercus slightly narrower than in other species, with fewer setae on ventral side. Gonapophysis 8 forming an equilateral triangle in ventral view. Sternite 9 forming a distinct circle in ventral view. Diagnosis Coelophthinia loraasi can be distinguished from other species of the genus by the combination of having a narrow, rectangular shape of the gonocoxite as seen in lateral 34 Kjeerandsen J et al view, with a near straight ventral margin, a narrow and long posteriolateral lobe and a long, narrow and curved medial protrusion of tergite 10. The aedeagus is uniquely shaped with apical hook much longer than the height of the base of aedeagus. The length of the mid-tibial organ is about 1/6 of tibial length. Etymology Named in honour of Professor Jostein Loras, the local biologist who, for many years, has worked hard for and succeeded to protect areas of old growth coniferous forests in Grane Municipality of Nordland County, including those from where the type materials originate. Distribution So far Known only from northern Norway. Coelophthinia itoae Kurina, sp. n. Barcodes clusteruri=BOLD:ADY9337 ZooBank OCDADA2C-69F F-4479-88B1-D69D7BF1ECC2 Materials Holotype: a. scientificName: Coelophthinia itoae; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: itoae; scientificNameAuthorship: Kurina; country: Japan; stateProvince: HOKKAIDO: Hokkaido Prefecture; county: Kushiro-shi; municipality: Kushiro-shi; locality: Upper reach of Ibeshibetsu river, nearLake Akan, Akan-cho; verbatimElevation: 448 m; decimalLatitude: 43.4891; decimalLongitude: 144.1477; samplingProtocol: sweep net; eventDate: 2006-10-03; individualCount: 1; sex: male; preparations: slide mounted in Euparal; terminalia in glycerine in separate microvial; catalogNumber: IZBE0251605; recordedBy: Olavi Kurina; identifiedBy: Olavi Kurina; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: ECFA61EE-9402-54B6-923C- ED7DAEB0CC79 Paratypes: a. scientificName: Coelophthinia itoae; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: itoae; scientificNameAuthorship: Kurina; country: Japan; stateProvince: HOKKAIDO: Hokkaido Prefecture; municipality: Kushiro-shi; locality: Upper reach of Ibeshibetsu river, nearLake Akan, Akan-cho; verbatimElevation: 448 m; decimalLatitude: 43.4891; decimalLongitude: 144.1477; samplingProtocol: sweep net; eventDate: 2006-10-03; individualCount: 1; sex: male; preparations: slide mounted in Euparal; terminalia in glycerine in separate microvial; catalogNumber: IZBE0251606; recordedBy: Olavi Kurina; identifiedBy: Olavi Kurina; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: 47CE4ED8-BB2B-5256-962C-8E9F8204E75B scientificName: Coelophthinia itoae; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: itoae; scientificNameAuthorship: Kurina; country: Japan; stateProvince: HOKKAIDO: Hokkaido Prefecture; municipality: Kushiro-shi; locality: When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards ... 35 Lower reach of Ibeshibetsu river, near Lake Akan, Akan-cho; verbatimElevation: 448 m; decimalLatitude: 43.4808; decimalLongitude: 144.1277; samplingProtocol: sweep net; eventDate: 2006-10-04; individualCount: 1; sex: female; preparations: pinned, mounted from ethanol; terminalia in glycerine in separate microvial; catalogNumber: IZBE0251607 & TSZD-JKJ-106937 (BOLD voucher); recordedBy: Olavi Kurina; identifiedBy: Olavi Kurina; basisOfRecord: Preserved specimen; occurrence!D: 850DA64F-51D7-502C- AE32-0BD4FEAD130B scientificName: Coelophthinia itoae; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: itoae; scientificNameAuthorship: Kurina; country: Japan; stateProvince: HOKKAIDO: Hokkaido Prefecture; municipality: Chitose-shi; locality: Bifue- gawa at Bifue-no-taki falls; minimumElevationinMeters: 375; decimalLatitude: 42.72694; decimalLongitude: 141.19222; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 100; samplingProtocol: sweep net; eventDate: 2006-10-02; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-102075; recordedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:b26051ad-2aad-49f6-97b4-02f1d 7836785; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: Sep-22-2007; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: COL-003263; occurrence!D: 0FB19303-C857-5587-B6D7-6CB8E3F0826E scientificName: Coelophthinia itoae; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: itoae; scientificNameAuthorship: Kurina; country: Japan; stateProvince: HOKKAIDO: Hokkaido Prefecture; municipality: Kushiro-shi; locality: Middle-lower reach of lbeshibetsu River near Lake Akan, Akan-cho; minimumElevationInMeters: 427; decimalLatitude: 43.48083; decimalLongitude: 144.13917; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 250; samplingProtocol: sweep net; eventDate: 2006-10-04; eventRemarks: Site 2; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; preparations: Pinned (HMDS-dried from ethanol); catalogNumber: TSZD- JKJ-111450; recordedBy: J. Kjazrandsen; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:496836f0- e75d-4b59-99fa-36c44f47ec12; identifiedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; dateldentified: Sep-25-2020; institutionCode: TSZ - BOLD voucher; collectionCode: COL-003271; occurrencelD: 10142870-BF28-555F-9B5A-02B6395959C3 Other material: a. scientificName: Coelophthinia itoae; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: itoae; scientificNameAuthorship: Kurina; country: Japan; stateProvince: HOKKAIDO: Hokkaido Prefecture; municipality: Kushiro-shi; locality: Middle-lower reach of lbeshibetsu River near Lake Akan, Akan-cho; minimumElevationInMeters: 427; decimalLatitude: 43.48083; decimalLongitude: 144.13917; coordinateUncertaintyInMeters: 250; samplingProtocol: sweep net; eventDate: 2006-10-04; eventRemarks: Site 2; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; preparations: 80% alc.; catalogNumber: TSZD-JKJ-111497; recordedBy: J. Kjaerandsen; associatedOccurrences: urn:uuid:c2186363-d6ce-4fb3-a92f-5d3fo9c49ce5; identifiedBy: J. Kjaarandsen; dateldentified: Sep-11-2020; institutionCode: TSZ; collectionCode: COL-003271; occurrence!D: 939DC69F-ABCF-56B7- B4DB-649FCA9933B7 Description Male. (Figs 9, 10) 36 Kjeerandsen J et al i) 0,3 mm Figure 9. Coelophthinia itoae sp. n., male terminalia and mid-tibial organ (IZBE0251605: Akan-cho, Japan). a: Lateral view ETS] b: Ventral view ERS c: Ventral view ERS d: Gonostylus, enlarged, internal view EFS] e: Mid-tibial organ. ERS] When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards ... 37 Figure 10. EE Coelophthinia itoae sp. n., habitus (1ZBE0251605: Akan-cho, Japan). Coloration and most body characteristics as in the genus description. Body length 3.2 mm. Wing length 2.70-2.77 mm; ratio of length to width 1.9-2.5. Sensory organ dorsally on the basal half of mid-tibia elongate oval, 6.7 times longer than wide, length 0.34 that of tibial length. Terminalia. Tergite 9 rectangular in dorsal view, about 1.25 times as long as wide, curved like a hood in lateral view. Medial protrusion of tergite 10 remarkably long, height approximately 4-5x width in posterior view, curved posteriad, densely setose. Gonocoxites in lateral view with a rounded outline, with slightly convex ventral margin. Posterolateral lobe of gonocoxite short and wide, only somewhat longer than wide, truncated apically, laterally bare for about 1.5x apical width. Spathulate gonocoxal lobe about 3 times as long as wide, curved slightly medially, without constricted base, basad of base with a group of 3-4 longer setae. Dorsal branch small, simple, wider than long, apically rounded, dorsally setose, with one extra long seta deviating from others. The broad lobe 1 (cf. Fig. 9d) transversally extended, carrying 6 blunt setae along rim and 5 normal very long setae subapically on inner side. The narrow, acute tipped lobe 2 (cf. Fig. 9d) tapering, with strong, blunt seta placed subapically; with one short and one very long seta in mid-section. Aedeagus 1.5x longer than spathulate gonocoxal lobe in lateral view, with swelling medially; apically narrowed into downcurved hook; apically with a spike at the outer side at the curving point; downcurved hook about three times of width of aedeagus basally. Female. (Fig. 11) 38 Kjeerandsen J et al Figure 11. Coelophthinia itoae sp. n. female terminalia and mid-tibial organ (IZBE0251607: Akan-cho, Japan). a: Lateral view ETS] b: Ventral view EES c: Mid-tibial organ. EES] Coloration as for male. Sensory organ dorsally on the basal half of mid-tibia elongate oval, 9.2 times longer than wide, length 0.32 that of tibial length. Terminalia as described for genus. Tergite 8 short, posteriorly emarginated in dorsal view, bare. Tergite 9 short, posteriorly emarginated in dorsal view, bare, except posterior margin with row of 7-8 long setae, which are longer than those on cercus. Cercus about two times as long as wide medially, evenly covered with setae. Sternite 8 longer than tergites 8 and 9 together, posterolaterally rounded, posterior half setose, in ventral view hypogynal valves separated by V-shaped deep incision, about one-third as deep as segment length. Gonapophysis 8 elongate, about 8 times as long as wide, extending to mid-cercus, setose, with one deviating strong subapical seta. Diagnosis Coelophthinia itoae can be distinguished from other species of the genus by the combination of having a rounded shape of the gonocoxite as seen in lateral view, with a slightly convex ventral margin, a short and wide posterolateral lobe and a long and posteriad curved medial protrusion of tergite 10. The ventral branch of the gonostylus with broad lobe transversally extended. The aedeagus is uniquely shaped, short, with When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards ... 39 delimited swelling medially and with apical hook about three times longer than the width of the base of aedeagus. The length of the mid-tibial organ is about 0.3 of tibial length. Etymology Named after Tomiko Ito, who kindly guided JK and OK on a collecting trip around Hokkaido, Japan, in 2006, when this species was collected and discovered. Distribution Eastern Palaearctic: Japan (Hokkaido, Honshd). Coelophthinia curta (Johannsen, 1912) ° Species-ID ° Barcodes clusteruri=BOLD:ACI7210 ° Barcodes clusteruri=BOLD:AAM9005 Nomenclature Phthinia curta Johannsen, 1912 Materials a. scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Alpine; locality: Grover Hot Springs St. Pk.; verbatimLocality: nr. Hoffman house; verbatimElevation: 1800m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 38.6952; decimalLongitude: -119.838; eventID: O6LOT476; samplingProtoco!: Malaise trap (2m); eventDate: 14.viii-3.ix.2006; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 12J163; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 12J163; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 04/23/2012; type: Preserved Specimen; collection!D: urn:|; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: 4687B2F6-B274-5D61-998B-906EA0CF 1550 b. scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Sonoma; locality: Annadel State Park; verbatimLocality: ravine nr. Warren Richardson trail; verbatimElevation: 220m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 38.4351; decimalLongitude: -122.6111; eventID: O7LOT196; samplingProtoco!: Malaise trap (6m); eventDate: 17.v—; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 07Y536; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 07Y536; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 08/07/2007; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|D:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: 839E40EC-E712-5B07-96F 1-6AFDA24D1AC5 Kjeerandsen J et al scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Sonoma; locality: Annadel State Park; verbatimLocality: ravine nr. Warren Richardson trail; verbatimElevation: 220m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 38.4351; decimalLongitude: -122.6111; eventID: O7LOT196; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap (6m); eventDate: 17.v—; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 11G706; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 11G706; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 06/01/2011; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|ID:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: BC5DA562-7E14-5546-9568-23359E800E2F scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Humboldt; locality: Humboldt Bay National Wildlife Refuge; verbatimLocality: Lanphere Dunes; verbatimElevation: 6m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 40.8914; decimalLongitude: -124.143; eventiD: O7LOT636; samplingProtoco!: Malaise trap (6m); eventDate: 28.ix—2.xi.2007; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 11G707; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 11G707; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 06/01/2011; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|D:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: FA87D9B0-7E17-5C0A-A189-0888A731C692 scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Sonoma; locality: Annadel State Park; verbatimLocality: ravine nr. Warren Richardson trail; verbatimElevation: 220m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 38.4351; decimalLongitude: -122.6111; eventID: O7LOT762; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap (6m); eventDate: 29.xi.2007-10.i.2008; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 11G708; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 11G708; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 06/01/2011; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|D:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: AA06313A-D072-5FF6-976B-CAD345AE6897 scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Sonoma; locality: Annadel State Park; verbatimLocality: ravine nr. Warren Richardson trail; verbatimElevation: 220m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 38.4351; decimalLongitude: -122.6111; eventID: O7LOT 762; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap (6m); eventDate: 29.xi.2007-10.i.2008; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 11G778; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 11G778; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 08/03/2011; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|D:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: F02E1752-791A-5784-900E-3300D450B987 scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Sonoma; locality: Annadel State Park; verbatimLocality: ravine nr. Warren Richardson trail; verbatimElevation: 220m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 38.4351; decimalLongitude: -122.6111; eventID: O7LOT 762; samplingProtocol: Malaise When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards ... 41 trap (6m); eventDate: 29.xi.2007-10.i.2008; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 11G779; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 11G779; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 08/03/2011; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|D:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: A4F93DFF-EB3F-59F2-AC84-74D132E51EE4 scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Humboldt; locality: Patrick’s Point State Park; verbatimLocality: forest behind visitor center; verbatimElevation: 10m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 41.1351; decimalLongitude: -124.1546; eventiD: O7LOT816; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap (6m); eventDate: 11.xi-19.xii.2007; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 12K705; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 12K705; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 11/28/2012; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|D:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: E926E5CD-904C-5236-938F-B7BFBEC51AC9 scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Humboldt; locality: Patrick’s Point State Park; verbatimLocality: forest behind visitor center; verbatimElevation: 10m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 41.1351; decimalLongitude: -124.1546; eventiD: O7LOT816; samplingProtoco!: Malaise trap (6m); eventDate: 11.xi-19.xii.2007; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 20i608; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 20i608; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 11/20/2020; type: Preserved Specimen; collection!|D: 88; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: 23683977-097A-58AF-B31B-B710CFAB63F3 scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Humboldt; locality: Patrick’s Point State Park; verbatimLocality: forest behind visitor center; verbatimElevation: 10m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 41.1351; decimalLongitude: -124.1546; eventiD: O7LOT816; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap (6m); eventDate: 11.xi-19.xii.2007; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 21M154; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 21M154; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 03/01/2021; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|D:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: 86BB8BA2-7AED-594F-A612-2E1AB8B9EDEC scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Sonoma; locality: Annadel State Park; verbatimLocality: ravine nr. Warren Richardson trail; verbatimElevation: 220m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 38.4351; decimalLongitude: -122.6111; eventID: O88LO0T008; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap (6m); eventDate: 10.i-18.iii.2008; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 10F088; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 10F088; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 03/08/2010; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|D:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: OD04A3E9-ED66-5F96-8D1E-7111A3118BA0O 42 Kjeerandsen J et al scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Sonoma; locality: Annadel State Park; verbatimLocality: ravine nr. Warren Richardson trail; verbatimElevation: 220m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 38.4351; decimalLongitude: -122.6111; eventiD: O8LOT008; samplingProtoco!: Malaise trap (6m); eventDate: 10.i-18.iii.2008; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 10F 749; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 10F749; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 08/03/2010; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|ID:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: 561008A1-A56B-58E4-B57B-502B5C283609 scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Sonoma; locality: Annadel State Park; verbatimLocality: ravine nr. Warren Richardson trail; verbatimElevation: 220m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 38.4351; decimalLongitude: -122.6111; eventID: O8LOT008; samplingProtoco!: Malaise trap (6m); eventDate: 10.i-18.il1.2008; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 201609; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 20i609; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 11/20/2020; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|D: 89; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: B4C3D13C-30D6-54BF-8E2E-D41E7DB8ED9C scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Sonoma; locality: Annadel State Park; verbatimLocality: ravine nr. Warren Richardson trail; verbatimElevation: 220m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 38.4351; decimalLongitude: -122.6111; eventID: O88LOT008; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap (6m); eventDate: 10.i-18.iii.2008; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 21P218; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 21P218; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 11/24/2021; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|ID:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: A1EA7117-CFA7-57A8-A29B-0464FAB0D72F scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Sonoma; locality: Annadel State Park; verbatimLocality: ravine nr. Warren Richardson trail; verbatimElevation: 220m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 38.4351; decimalLongitude: -122.6111; eventID: CSCA08L283; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap (6m); eventDate: 18.iii-2.v.2008; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 21M584; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identification!D: 21M584; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 03/12/2021; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|ID:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: 069E4CDC-C46C-5BFC-BD90-3AB8B94E3F65 scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Humboldt; locality: Patrick’s Point State Park; verbatimLocality: forest behind visitor center; verbatimElevation: 10m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 41.1351; decimalLongitude: -124.1546; eventID: CSCA08L358; samplingProtocol: When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards ... 43 Malaise trap (6m); eventDate: 19.xii.07-3.iii.2008; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 12J164; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 12J164; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 04/25/2012; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|D: 70; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: DCB4283F-3756-5890-B132-6D4CF777321A scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Humboldt; locality: Patrick’s Point State Park; verbatimLocality: forest behind visitor center; verbatimElevation: 10m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 41.1351; decimalLongitude: -124.1546; eventID: CSCA08L358; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap (6m); eventDate: 19.xii.07-3.ii1.2008; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 201432; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 201432; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 10/20/2020; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|D:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: 5EDF84C1-0634-565A-BFOB-AB2D3A89E39D scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Amador; locality: Indian Grinding Rock State Historical Park; verbatimLocality: dry wash/stream bed within South Nature trail; verbatinElevation: 715m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 38.4216; decimalLongitude: -120.645; eventID: CSCA08L596; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap (6m); eventDate: 15.v—; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 21P217; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 21P217; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 11/24/2021; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|D:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: 1C6BE6CC-A75F-5603-979C- FEB0O71F2DC4C scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Humboldt; locality: Redwoods National Park; verbatimLocality: Redwood Crk Rd., 100m E. Bald Hills Rd.; verbatimElevation: 15m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 41.3023; decimalLongitude: -124.0406; eventID: CSCA09L522; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap (2m); eventDate:; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 09D923; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 09D923; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 09/16/2009; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|D:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: AC53A3EC-CAB4-5D77-BDF 7-5EBF65F438D4 scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Del Norte; locality: Six Rivers National Forest; verbatimLocality: ForRoute16NO02, 0.3miE BearBasin Rd., nr. BearBasin Outlook; verbatimElevation: 1500m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 41.8016; decimalLongitude: -123.7369; eventID: CSCAO09L526; samplingProtoco!: Malaise trap (6m); eventDate:; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 09E154; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 09E154; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 09/29/2009; type: Preserved Specimen; collection!D:; 44 Kjeerandsen J et al institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrencelD: 2E93AB5B-25DA-5CF8-920A-27D5BOF78DAE scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Sonoma; locality: Annadel State Park; verbatimLocality: ravine nr. Warren Richardson trail; verbatimElevation: 220m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 38.4351; decimalLongitude: -122.6111; eventID: CSCA10L011; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap (6m); eventDate: 16.iii-5.v.2010; individualCount: 3; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 13M168; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 13M168; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 04/04/2013; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|D:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: 91592254-13ED-5501-8315-AB4D29BAFF11 scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Sonoma; locality: Annadel State Park; verbatimLocality: ravine nr. Warren Richardson trail; verbatimElevation: 220m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 38.4351; decimalLongitude: -122.6111; eventID: CSCA10L011; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap (6m); eventDate: 16.iii-5.v.2010; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 13M648; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identification!D: 13M648; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 10/08/2013; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|D:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: FO8D8E49-58E1-540B-9CE3-E72BC50EEF8B scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Sonoma; locality: Annadel State Park; verbatimLocality: ravine nr. Warren Richardson trail; verbatimElevation: 220m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 38.4351; decimalLongitude: -122.6111; eventID: CSCA10L011; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap (6m); eventDate: 16.iii-5.v.2010; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 201322; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 201322; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 09/30/2020; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|ID:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: 45F32441-C235-5ACA-B298-F2AC1E8AD4A1 scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Tulare; locality: Whitaker Forest, E. Eshom Cr. Drainage; verbatimLocality: nr. tree #142; verbatimElevation: 1650m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 36.7062; decimalLongitude: -118.9319; eventID: CSCA10L174; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap (6m); eventDate:; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 14P293; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 14P293; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 02/25/2014; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|D: 79; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: D214BD80-73AC-53D4- BE2D-3BFB7508345C scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; infraspecificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Tulare; aa. ab. ac. When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards ... 45 locality: Whitaker Forest, E. Eshom Cr. Drainage; verbatimLocality: nr. tree #142; verbatimElevation: 1650m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 36.7062; decimalLongitude: -118.9319; eventID: CSCA10L174; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap (6m); eventDate:; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 201431; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identification|ID: 201431; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 10/20/2020; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|D:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: 41D15E30-95AC-5168-9042- D4CFDBB48F6F scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Tulare; locality: Whitaker Forest, E. Eshom Cr. Drainage; verbatimLocality: nr. tree #142; verbatimElevation: 1650m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 36.7062; decimalLongitude: -118.9319; eventID: CSCA10L174; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap (6m); eventDate:; individualCount: 2; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 21K695; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 21K695; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 02/04/2021; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|D:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: 9CC8BDAEB-540E-582F- ABB8-99685F C4F2CO0 scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Tulare; locality: Whitaker Forest, E. Eshom Cr. Drainage; verbatimLocality: nr. tree #142; verbatimElevation: 1650m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 36.7062; decimalLongitude: -118.9319; eventID: CSCA10L174; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap (6m); eventDate:; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 21K696; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 21K696; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 02/04/2021; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|D:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: D5286190-FFA3-53D5-9E99- EB437BCCC5CO scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Tulare; locality: Whitaker Forest, E. Eshom Cr. Drainage; verbatimLocality: nr. tree #142; verbatimElevation: 1650m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 36.7062; decimalLongitude: -118.9319; eventID: CSCA10L174; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap (6m); eventDate:; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 22R074; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 22R074; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 11/22/2022; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|D:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: F8A6451D-F 7BF-5099-AA37- B7C6EF2BA3A2 scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Tulare; locality: Whitaker Forest, E. Eshom Cr. Drainage; verbatimLocality: nr. tree #142; verbatimElevation: 1650m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; 46 ad. ae. af. ag. Kjeerandsen J et al decimalLatitude: 36.7062; decimalLongitude: -118.9319; eventID: CSCA10L258; samplingProtocol: yellow pan trap; eventDate:; individualCount: 5; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 11G245; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 11G245; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 01/31/2011; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|D:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: 10D313D4-F5AC-5E90-9901- AC90C44AFFDD scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Tulare; locality: Whitaker Forest, E. Eshom Cr. Drainage; verbatimLocality: nr. tree #142; verbatimElevation: 1650m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 36.7062; decimalLongitude: -118.9319; eventID: CSCA10L258; samplingProtocol: yellow pan trap; eventDate:; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 11G710; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 11G710; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 06/01/2011; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|D: urn:|; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: 921E53B5- E4A8-531F-9DBE-183370129244 scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Tulare; locality: Whitaker Forest, E. Eshom Cr. Drainage; verbatimLocality: nr. tree #142; verbatimElevation: 1650m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 36.7062; decimalLongitude: -118.9319; eventID: CSCA10L258; samplingProtocol: yellow pan trap; eventDate:; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 201323; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 201323; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 09/30/2020; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|D:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: 7636D39C-8B47-59C0- A72B-36AC8BB7BC6F scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Tulare; locality: Whitaker Forest, E. Eshom Cr. Drainage; verbatimLocality: nr. tree #142; verbatimElevation: 1650m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 36.7062; decimalLongitude: -118.9319; eventID: CSCA10L286; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap (6m); eventDate: 16.vii—12.viii.2010; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 11G228; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 11G228; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 01/31/2011; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|D:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: 3F6E815B-F5FF-5BBO0- B4BB-6B3A0F 74118D scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Marin; locality: Pt. Reyes National Seashore; verbatimLocality: Limantour Rd., near Sky trailhead; verbatimElevation: 220m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 38.05259; decimalLongitude: -122.8263; eventID: CSCA12L022; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap (2m); eventDate: 13.iii-1.v.2012; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: ah. ai. aj. ak. al. When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards ... 47 Adult; catalogNumber: 12J295; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 12J295; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 05/08/2012; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|ID:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: 4838DE00-CD18-57DD-A0E5-E64BDC07BA97 scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Marin; locality: Pt. Reyes National Seashore; verbatimLocality: Mt. Vision Rd., 1.8mi E SFDrakeBlvd; verbatimElevation: 280m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 38.10134; decimalLongitude: -122.8877; eventID: CSCA12L023; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap (6m); eventDate: 13.iii-1.v.2012; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 12J435; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 12J435; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 05/17/2012; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|ID:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: 396FDA04-2F3D-5225-8D39-450A809B76C4 scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Marin; locality: Pt. Reyes National Seashore; verbatimLocality: Mt. Vision Rd., 1.8mi E SFDrakeBlvd; verbatimElevation: 280m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 38.10134; decimalLongitude: -122.8877; eventID: CSCA12L023; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap (6m); eventDate: 13.iii-1.v.2012; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 12J573; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 12J573; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 06/01/2012; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|D:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: B39BCF55-86B5-5F B7-BD6D-7961DCEA94B3 scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Marin; locality: Pt. Reyes National Seashore; verbatimLocality: Mt. Vision Rd., 1.8mi E SFDrakeBlvd; verbatimElevation: 280m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 38.10134; decimalLongitude: -122.8877; eventID: CSCA12L023; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap (6m); eventDate: 13.iii-1.v.2012; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 201325; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 201325; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 09/30/2020; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|D:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: BE45D188-FACD-5ACD-9BD5-67E6B0983EE3 scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Marin; locality: Pt. Reyes National Seashore; verbatimLocality: Limantour Rd., near Sky trailhead; verbatimElevation: 220m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 38.0526; decimalLongitude: -122.8263; eventID: CSCA12L256; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap (2m); eventDate: 1.v—4.vii.2012; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 12K890; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 12K890; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 12/27/2012; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|ID:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: 805AF7B1-DBOC-50FD-A717-DC8D71A102D6 scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: 48 am. an. ao. ap. Kjeerandsen J et al United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: San Bernardino; locality: SBNF: Glass Rd.; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 34.1744; decimalLongitude: -116.8971; eventiID: CSCA12L344; samplingProtocol: FIT, eventDate: 13—20.v.2006; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 12K408; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 12K408; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 11/21/2022; type: Preserved Specimen; collection!D: urn:| 74; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: E6(0DCE64-547D-5E73-B9AB-C61B95CD9582 scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: San Bernardino; locality: SBNF: Glass Rd.; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 34.1744; decimalLongitude: -116.8971; eventiID: CSCA12L344; samplingProtocol: FIT; eventDate: 13—20.v.2006; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 201321; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 201321; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 09/30/2020; type: Preserved Specimen; collection!D: 81; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: 9158CA77-4415-5D36-9C64-DBB1470E98F7 scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: San Bernardino; locality: SBNF: Glass Rd.; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 34.1744; decimalLongitude: -116.8971; eventiID: CSCA12L344; samplingProtocol: FIT, eventDate: 13—20.v.2006; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 201430; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identification!|D: 201430; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 10/20/2020; type: Preserved Specimen; collection!D: 85; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: DFB16E4B-F06D-56A0-AF03-E2645B1C4654 scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Santa Clara; locality: Wildegarten; verbatimElevation: 370m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 37.1007; decimalLongitude: -121.9922; eventID: CSCA17L418; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap (6m); eventDate: 13.iv—21.v.2017; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: 17X552; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 17X552; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 08/08/2017; type: Preserved Specimen; collection|D:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: 176AE54E- B28A-545F-86BD-8EBE3E685D52 scientificName: Coelophthinia curta; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: curta; scientificNameAuthorship: (Johannsen); country: Canada; countryCode: CAN; stateProvince: Ontario; locality: Puslinch; verbatimLocality: Property of Bob Hanner; verbatimElevation: 335m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 43.4464; decimalLongitude: -80.2512; eventID: L#TT08-09-11c; samplingProtocol: by hand; eventDate: 2008-09-11; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; catalogNumber: O8TTML-1780; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: O8TTML-1780; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 04/15/2021; type: Preserved Specimen; collection!D: urn:|; institutionCode: BIOUG; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: A6940C92- DD05-5EF4-9152-DD067C3425BE When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards ... 49 0.3 mm Figure 12. Coelophthina curta, male terminalia (201325: Point Reyes, CA) and mid-tibial organ (21M154: Patrick's Point SP, Humboldt Co., CA). a: Lateral view ETS] b: Ventral view ERS c: Internal, lateral view ES] e: Mid-tibial organ. EES] 50 Kjeerandsen J et al Description Male (Fig. 12) Coloration and general body characteristics as in the genus description. Body length 2.8-3.7 mm. Wing length 2.5-3.0 mm; ratio of length to width 2.8. Sensory organ dorsally on the basal half of mid-tibia elongate oval, 10 times longer than wide, length 0.3 times that of tibial length. Terminalia. Tergite 9 nearly quadrate in dorsal view, slightly longer than wide, curved like a hood in lateral view. Medial protrusion of tergite 10 short, height approximately 3-4x width in posterior view, densely setose. Gonocoxites in lateral view with a rounded outline, with approximately straight ventral margin. Posterolateral lobe of gonocoxite short and wide, constricted section only approximately 2x apical width, apex more smoothly rounded ventrally, laterally bare for about 1.5x apical width. Spathulate gonocoxal lobe about five times as long as wide, with slightly constricted base, basad of base with 3 long setae not arranged in single line. Dorsal branch of gonostylus small, simple, oblong and semicircular, dorsally setose with some extra long setae. The broad lobe 1 fan-shaped, carrying 7-8 blunt-tipped setae along rim and 4 normal setae subapically on inner side. The narrow, acute tipped lobe 2 with a tiny, practically imperceptible seta subapically; with strong, sharp-tipped seta at approximately its length from the apex of the lobe, followed by one fine seta of similar length and one longer seta in mid-section. Aedeagus 1.2x longer than spathulate gonocoxal lobe in lateral view, with rounded cutout at base of long apical down-curved hook, hook approx. 0.5x length of rest of aedeagus; with a short, inconspicuous sessile projection at the outer side below the curving point of hook. Diagnosis Coelophthinia curta can be distinguished from other species of the genus by the combination of the following features: Posterolateral lobe of gonocoxite situated along straight ventral margin, broad, nearly as broad as constricted length; spathulate lobe on ventral medial margin of gonocoxite short oblong, mid-tibial organ clearly much longer than width of tibia. Coelophthinia cirra Kerr, sp. n. ZooBank 10ADBEF3-E2C3-412D-8192-8C2322035BC9 Materials Holotype: a. scientificName: Coelophthinia cirra; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: cirra; scientificNameAuthorship: Kerr; country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Alpine; locality: Grover Hot Springs State Park, nr. Hoffman house; verbatimLocality: Grover Hot Springs State Park; verbatimElevation: 1800m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards ... 51 decimalLatitude: 38.6952; decimalLongitude: -119.838; eventID: CSCAO6LOT476; samplingProtoco!: Malaise Trap (2m); eventDate: 14.vili-3.ix.2006; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: 12J162; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 12J162; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 6/9/2021; type: PreservedSpecimen; collection|D:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!|D: 7D202C2D-CD98-5304- B629-4F 12A82473A2 Paratypes: a. scientificName: Coelophthinia cirra; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: cirra; scientificNameAuthorship: Kerr; country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Alpine; locality: Grover Hot Springs State Park, forest/meadow edge; verbatimLocality: Grover Hot Springs State Park; verbatimElevation: 1800m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 38.6996; decimalLongitude: -119.8457; eventID: CSCAO6LOT275; samplingProtocol: Malaise Trap (2m); eventDate: 11-25.v.2006; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: 11G757; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 11G757; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 6/9/2021; type: PreservedSpecimen; collection|D:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: 7F33526F-B6AA-5F 25- BD93-54915F0936EB b. scientificName: Coelophthinia cirra; order: Diptera; family: Mycetophilidae; genus: Coelophthinia; specificEpithet: cirra; scientificNameAuthorship: Kerr; country: United States; countryCode: USA; stateProvince: California; county: Alpine; !ocality: Grover Hot Springs State Park, nr. Hoffman house; verbatimLocality: Grover Hot Springs State Park; verbatimElevation: 1800m; verbatimCoordinateSystem: decimal degrees; decimalLatitude: 38.6952; decimalLongitude: -119.8380; eventID: CSCAO6LOT275; samplingProtocol: Malaise Trap (2m); eventDate: 11-25.v.2006; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: 21K109; recordedBy: Peter H. Kerr; identificationID: 21K10; identifiedBy: Peter H. Kerr; dateldentified: 6/9/2021; type: PreservedSpecimen; collection|D:; institutionCode: CSCA; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; occurrence!D: 46672366-0481-5138- BA92-938A553F2952 Description Male. (Fig. 13 Fig. 14) Coloration and most body characteristics as in the genus description. Body length 2.8 mm. Wing length 2.5 mm; ratio of length to width 2.8. Sensory organ dorsally on the basal half of mid-tibia elongate oval, 3.5 times longer than wide, 0.1 times of tibial length. Terminalia. Tergite 9 setose, except basal fifth medially, nearly quadrate, slightly longer than wide, medially slightly constricted, basal margin concave, curved like a hood in lateral view. Medial protrusion of tergite 10 a modest bulbous swelling, densely setose. Cerci medially fused except for apical third, setose. Gonocoxites in lateral view with a rounded outline, with straight ventral margin. Posterolateral lobe of gonocoxite long, slender and evenly tapering, about 3-4x longer than wide at apex, rounded apically, 52 Kjeerandsen J et al laterally bare for about 2x apical width. Gonocoxal lobe spathulate, long and slender, with slightly constricted base, basad of base lacking row of distinctive setae, evenly tapered along dorsoventral margins, external surface bare on apical length approximately 3x apical width, apically rounded. Dorsal branch of gonostylus small, simple, oblong and semicircular, dorsally setose. The broad v br lobe 1 fan-shaped, carrying 6—7 blunt-tipped setae along rim and 4 normal setae on inner side. The narrow, acute tipped v br lobe 2 with a tiny, practically imperceptible seta subapically; with thickened, sharp-tipped seta at approximately its length from the apex of the lobe, followed by one fine seta of similar length and one longer seta near the base of the lobe approximately 1.5x length of v br lobe 2. Aedeagus of same length or slightly longer than spathulate gonocoxal lobe in lateral view, slender throughout, ventral margin entire along length, without rounded cutout at base of hook; with long apical down-curved hook, hook approx. 0.4x length of rest of aedeagus; with a short, inconspicuous sessile projection at the outer side below the curving point of hook. Figure 13. Coelophthinia cirra sp. n., male terminalia (12J161: Grover Hot Springs, CA) and mid-tibial organ (12J162: Grover Hot Springs, CA). a: Lateral view ETS] b: Ventral view ERS c: Internal, lateral view ETS] d: Gonostylus, enlarged, internal view EFS] e: Mid-tibial organ, dorsal view. ETS] When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards ... 53 Figure 14. Coelophthinia cirra sp. n., male terminalia (21K109: Grover Hot Springs, CA). a: Lateral view ETS] b: Ventral view ER c: Internal, lateral view ES] d: Gonostylus, enlarged, internal view. EFS] Diagnosis Coelophthinia cirra can be distinguished from other species of the genus by the combination of the following features: mid-tibial organ only slightly longer than width of tibia, gonocoxal lobe situated along straight ventral margin, slender and evenly rounded apically, thinner than constricted length; aedeagus slender throughout, without cutout at base of apical hook. Etymology Adjective taken from the Latin word cirrus, meaning "tendrils" and descriptive of clouds. This species is thin and leggy and found at high elevations, reminiscent of the clouds. 54 Kjeerandsen J et al Identification keys Key to males of Holarctic Coelophthinia Protrusive middle section of tergite 10 long, narrow and curved, elevated well above top of tergite 9 (Figs 7a, 9a). Protrusive middle section of tergite 10 short, semicircular, not elevated - 3 above top of tergite 9 (eg. Fig. 3a, c). Posterolateral lobe of gonocoxite broad, as broad as constricted length; Fn ; Coelophthinia 2 spathulate lobe on ventral medial margin of gonocoxite short oblong; (aaetentn aedeagus short and deeply downcurved (Fig. 9). (Japanese species) pe Posterolateral lobe of gonocoxite narrow, much thinner than constricted length; spathulate lobe on ventral medial margin of gonocoxite long with Coelophthinia constricted base; aedeagus long and less deeply downcurved (Fig. 7). loraasi sp. n. (Norwegian species) Posterolateral lobe of gonocoxite situated midway between dorsal and 3 ventral edges, with distinctly convex ventral margin (Figs 5a, 6a). 4 (European species) Posterolateral lobe of gonocoxite situated along straight ventral margin - 5 (Figs 12a, 13a, 14). (North American species) Posterolateral lobe of gonocoxite broad, nearly as broad as constricted =. Coelophthinia 4 length; spathulate lobe on ventral medial margin of gonocoxite short oblong yee a (Fig. 6). a Posterolateral lobe of gonocoxite narrow, much thinner than constricted at ; Coelophthinia — length; spathulate lobe on ventral medial margin of gonocoxite long with ; thoracica constricted base (Fig. 5). Posterolateral lobe of gonocoxite broad, nearly as broad as constricted length; spathulate lobe on ventral medial margin of gonocoxite short oblong Coelophthinia (Fig. 12). Mid-tibial organ approx. 10x longer than wide, clearly much longer _curta than width of tibia. Posterolateral lobe of gonocoxite narrow, much thinner than constricted length; spathulate lobe on ventral medial margin of gonocoxite long with Coelophthinia constricted base (Figs 13, 14). Mid-tibial organ 2—3x longer than wide, cirra sp. n. slightly longer than width of tibia. When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards ... 55 Analysis Mitochondrial genome The mitochondrial genome of C. /oraasi Kjaerandsen (Fig. 15), comprising 16199 bp, contains the 37 genes (13 Protein, 22 tRNA and two rRNA genes) that are commonly found in animal mitochondria (Boore 1999). The genes are arranged in the same order as the ancestral insect mitochondrial genome (Cameron 2014), as well as the few known mitochondrial genomes of other Mycetophilidae (Wang et al. 2021). $ a8 4 o2h 3} , <— = cR Coelophthinia loraasi <4 mitochondrial genome = 16,199 bp = ¥ SS $ % ©) coding regions i transfer RNA HB ribosomal RNA control region A i GC content F g Figure 15. EEN Map of the mitogenome of Coelophthinia loraasi. The outer circle displays the genes on the + (outer) and - (inner) strands with coding sequences coloured in yellow, rRNA in red and tRNA in blue. Arrows indicate direction of transcription. The inner circle shows the GC content (brown) as a deviation from the avarage of the total mitogenome. There are ten cases of overlapping genes and 21 cases where intergeneric nucleotides are present (Suppl. material 1). The two largest sequences of intergeneric nucleotides (next to the CR) occur between rmL and trnV (81 bp) and between tmE and trnF (57 bp). The two largest overlaps occur between trnL7 and rmL (21 bp) and trnF and nad5 (17 bp). 56 Kjeerandsen J et al The protein coding genes constitute 11211 bp of the mitochondrial genome. The most frequently encoded amino acids (Suppl. material 2) are Leu, Ser, lle and Phe and the most frequently used codons are TTA (Leu), ATT (lle), TTT (Phe) and ATA (Met). Start codons used are ATA, ATC, ATG and ATT, where the most frequently used is ATG. Together the protein coding sequences have A+T content of 74%, AT-skew of -0.1594 and GC-skew of -0,0193, while the entire mitochondrial genome have A+T content of 78.5%, AT-skew of 0.0298 and a GC-skew of -0.2237. Discussion The enormous success of DNA barcoding has accumulated a substantial amount of sequenced insects on BOLD, which is very useful for the kind of new and integrative taxonomic studies that we present here. More than 73,000 specimens belonging to the family Mycetophilidae have been successfully sequenced (Kjzerandsen 2022) and, of them, some 11,500 are assigned to the subfamily Ghnoristinae. Some 1,300 identified Mycetophilidae species have public barcodes although more than 3,200 different BINs are assigned, this indicating that the majority of the species still remains unidentified beyond the (sub)family level on BOLD. A weakness with the BOLD initiative may be that several of the typically well-funded, large scale DNA barcoding projects, undertaken so far, did not have a focus on, nor adequate resources allocated to, securing high quality morphological identification of the vouchers for the accumulated barcodes. Unfortunately, this critical endeavour of the BOLD archive is largely left to the under-funded and scarce taxonomic expertise to engage in post-sequence work (see Kjazerandsen (2022)). In the Nordic Region, however, strong ties between The Norwegian and Swedish Biodiversity Information Centres, including their Taxonomy Initiatives and NorBOL and FinBOL, are ensuring that the best taxonomic expertise is building up the reference library of the local fauna in the BOLD archive. Hence, the majority of some 15,000 DNA barcoded fungus gnats (Sciaroidea) from the Nordic Region have been identified to species level upon submission and the reference library is profoundly and repeatedly quality-checked and curated after barcodes and BINs are assigned. This has resulted in a high-quality reference library, now covering about 84% of the known Mycetophilidae fauna including more than 150 additional species considered to be new to science (Kjaerandsen and Sali 2020, Kjasrandsen 2022). An |D-tree search with all private and public sequences of species (10,418 specimens) belonging to the subfamily Gnoristinae on BOLD placed all 46 Coelophthinia sequences together in one "monophyletic" clade (Fig. 16), with representatives from Coelosia, Docosia and Synapha as most genetically similar. The maximum genetic spread within the genus is 11.45%. Within species, spread could not be properly calculated as some public sequences have discordant names. Surprisingly, we found that all studied materials of specimens in BINS BOLD:AAM9005 and BOLD:ACI7210 conform with Coelophthinia curta. Yet, Coelophthinia thoracica and the new species described here are all confined to a single BIN each. The large genetic spread of Coelophthinia curta with a reciprocal nearest neighbour distance between the two BINs of 3.59% is noteworthy. Taken together with the spit into eastern (BOLD:AAM9005) and When details matter: Integrative revision of Holarctic Coelophthinia Edwards ... 57 western (BOLD:ACI7210) populations, the genetic evidence is, indeed, indicating two cryptic species involved. We refrain, however, from segregating new species based on genetic data only, without any substantial morphological corroboration. This is in rather stark contrast to the clear morphological segregation found among the three Nordic species where the genetic nearest neighbour distance between Coelophthinia thoracica and Coelophthinia lata is only 2%. Coelophthinia cirra sp.n. not yet barcoded ‘Coelophthinia|BIOUG | 1289-A08}|Canada|Nova Scotia}658[0n]| BOLD:AAM9005 A a Coclophthinia|BIOUG | 3826-G03||Canada|New Brunswick/573[1n}|BOLD:AAM9005 Coelophthinia curta Coclophthinia}OSTTML-1 780/Canada|Ontario/658[0n]/BOLD:AAM9005 Coclophthinia|BIOUG 1 3675-G10)\Canada|New Brunswick|543[In]|BOLD:AAM9005 (Johansen, 1 9 12) ‘CoelophthinialBIOU dlajNew Brunswick|558[0n]|BOLD;AAM9005 CoclophthiniaiBIOUG13684-Co4 CanadajNew aries cere a eC BOLD:AAM9005 'Coclophthinia\O8TTML-2169}|\Canada{Ontario|658{[0n]/BOLD:AAM9005 Coelophthinia curta|BIOUG065 1 0-E07||CanadajAlbertaj658[0n]/BOLD;ACI7210 & BOLD:ACI72 1 0 Coelophthinia curta}CCDB-21402-H1 1|/United States) Washington/407[0n} \CoelophthinialBIOUG20432-E04)|CanadalBritish Columbial658[0n}/BOLD:ACI7210 'CoelophthiniajCSCASpecimen_20i322/M| United States|Califomia|673[0n}|BOLD:ACI7210 Coclophthinia|\CSCASpecimen_09C883)F|United States|Oregon|665[0n]/BOLD:ACI7210 Coelophthinia|CSCASpecimen_17X552|M|United States|Califomia}667[0n}|BOLD;ACI7210 Coelophthinia}CSCASpecimen_20i1325|M|United States|California|668[4n}|BOLD:ACI7210 Cale Cre CoclophthiniajSCASpecimen 09D923|M|United SataICaR SEO DOL ere Coe lophthin la itode sp.n. Coelophthinia JKJ-JspA|TSZD-JKJ-106937|M|Japan|Hokkaido-chiho|640[0n}|BOLD; ADY 9337 ‘ Coevlophthinia JKJ-JspA{TSZD-JKJ-1 1 1450)F Japan|Hokkaido-chiho|548{ 1n}/BOLD:ADY9337 BOLD s A DY933 7 Coelophthinia JKJ-spA/TSZD-JKJ-105034{M|Norway|Nordland|658[2n]/BOLD:ADV7953 Cy . Coclophthinia IKS-apAITSZDJKJ-1 11198|M|Norway|Nordland|630{0n]|BOLD:ADV7953 Coelophthinia loraasi sp.n. Coclophthinia JKJ-spA|TSZD-JKJ-105026|M|Norway|Nordland|658[0n]|BOLD:ADV7953 . Coclophthinia JKJ-spA/TSZD-JKJ-105027|F|/Norway|Nordland|658[0n}|BOLD:ADV7953 BOLD ‘“ADV7953 Coelophthinia JKJ-spA/TSZD-JKJ-105035|F|Norway|Nordland|658[0n}|BOLD:ADV7953 = Coelophthinia JKJ-spBINVO.LMM-Myc-1946|M|Finland /65 1[0n]/BOLD:ACZ6758 ae Coelophthinia JKJ-spB|NVO.LMM-Mye-1960|M|Finland/|657{0n]|BOLD:ACZ6758 Coelophthinia lata sp.n. Coclophthinia JKJ-spB/TSZD-JKJ-105025|M|Norway/Nordland|537[0n}/BOLD:ACZ6758 k Coclophthinia JKJ-spB/TSZD-JKJ-104763|M|Norway|Nordland|658[0n}|BOLD:ACZ6758 BOLD:ACZ6758 Coelophthinia JKJ-spB/TSZD-JKJ-102314|M|/Norway|Troms|658[0n]|BOLD:ACZ6758 Coelophthinia JKJ-spB/TSZD-JKJ-107563|M|Norway/|Nordland|5 14[0n]/BOLD;ACZ6758 ‘Coelophthinia JKJ-spB/TSZD-JKJ-102400/M|Norway/Troms|523[{0n]|BOLD:ACZ6758 Coelophthinia JKJ-spB/NVO.LMM-Myc-2162|M|Finland|658[0n]|BOLD:ACZ6758 Coclophthinia JKJ-spB/MZH_HP.1532\F|Finland||562[2n}/BOLD:ACZ6758 ‘Coelophthinia JKJ-spB/TSZD-JKJ-105617|M|Norway{Nordland|658{0n}| BOLD; ACZ6758 'Coclophthinia JKJ-spB/TSZD-JKJ-102401|M|Norway|Troms|658[0n]/BOLD:ACZ6758 Coclophthinia JKJ-spB/TSZD-JKJ-101624|M[Norway|Troms|658[0n}|BOLD:ACZ6758 Coelophthinia JKJ-spB/TSZD-JKJ-101623|M|Norway|Troms|658[0n]|BOLD:ACZ6758 Coelophthinia thoracica|BIOUG08218-D01 ||Germany|Bavaria|661 [On}|BOLD:ACJO721 Coelophthinia thoracica/BIOUG0825 | -B02|\Germany|Bavaria/658[0n]|BOLD:ACJO721 Coclophthinia thoracica/BIOUG083 19-B01|\Germany/Bavaria/638[0n]/BOLD:ACJO721 Coelophthinia thoracica|MH 1 14412)///658[0n}/;BOLD:ACJ0721 Coelophthinia thoracica/BIOUG07950-D0 1 ||Germany|Bavaria|600[0n]|BOLD:ACJO721 Coclophthinia thoracica|NMS-10003480/M|United Kingdom|Scotland|658[0n}|BOLD:ACJ0721 ‘Coclophthinia thoracica| BC-ZSM-DIP-24099-E 12|M|Germany|Bavaria|582[0n}/BOLD;ACJO72 Coelophthinia thoracica/TSZD-JKJ-106938|M|Belgium||$56[0n]/BOLD:ACJ0721 Coelophthinia thoracicafTSZD-JKJ-111214|M|Norway|Hordaland/658[0n}| BOLD:ACJ0721 (Coelophthinia thoracica{TSZD-JKJ-107949|M| Norway/Rogaland|658[0n}|BOLD:ACJO721 Coclophthinia thoracicaJTSZD-JKJ-111485|F/Norway|Rogaland|658[0n]|BOLD:ACJ0721 2% Figure 16. EES) ID-tree (Kimura-2-distance) obtained from BOLD of DNA barcodes of 46 Coelophthinia specimens. Species are segregated in coloured boxes and divided by the Palaearctic and Nearctic Regions. The male terminalia in species of Coelophthinia are quite similar in general appearance, yet uniquely shaped for the genus. This has probably contributed to the diversity of species previously being overlooked only to be revealed when DNA barcoding started to split them into distinct clades. The morphological differences are, nevertheless, clear and unambiguous when the taxa were re-examined in detail. Morphological differences were just simply overlooked previously due to a convenient lumping of specimens that formed a unique taxon widely different from other species. For this reason, we consider these species pseudocryptic. They were morphologically recognised as distinct only after other methods unveiled their existence. Our concept here is in agreement with Lajus et al. (2015) who stated: “The large number of cryptic species suggests that the resolution of traditional morphological techniques may be insufficient for taxonomical research. However, some species now considered to be cryptic may, in fact, be designated pseudocryptic after close 58 Kjeerandsen J et al morphological examination. Thus the “cryptic or pseudocryptic” dilemma speaks to the resolution of morphological analysis and its utility for identifying species“ . A 180-degree torsion is always seen where the ventral side of the terminalia is turned to the dorsal side in live specimens (see Fig. 1). The gonostyli of the terminalia are small and retracted within the extended gonocoxites and, unlike in most Mycetophilidae, do not vary considerably between the species, except in the Japanese Coelophthinia itoae. Instead, the outline of the gonocoxites as viewed from the lateral side and the shape of tergite 10 turned out to be reliable characters for separating the species. The female terminalia of the three species with associated females are very similar and no decisive characters were found to segregate them beyond vague differences observed in the few examined specimens. For the time being, DNA-barcoding remains the only safe way to identify females of Coelophthinia. Kasprak et al. (2019) found genetic support for treating Coelophthinia as a sister group to the entire subfamily Mycetophilinae. We find it interesting to note that Coelophthinia shares a derived character with all members of the tribe Exechiini, one of two tribes making up the subfamily Mycetophilinae. In Coelophthinia, just like in all Exechiini genera, but unlike in all the Mycetophilini genera, the frontal furrow is greatly reduced and only remnants are present as a short, sclerotized line close to the tip of the frontal tubercle and close to the median ocellus. In all other genera of the subfamily Gnoristinae that we have examined, the frontal furrow is complete from the median ocellus to the frontal tubercle. Acknowledgements JK was supported and funded by Uil—The Arctic University of Norway, the Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre (NBIC, projects nos. 45-14 and 27-17) and the Norwegian Barcode of Life initiative (NorBOL). OK was supported by institutional research funding from the Ministry of Education and Research of Estonia and funding from the Estonian Research Council (TT14). The publication charges for this article have been funded by a grant from the publication fund of UiT—The Arctic University of Norway. We are very thankful to Prof. Toyohei Saigusa (Fukuoka, Japan) for information on occurrence of C. itoae in Honshu Island, Japan. We are grateful for the helpful comments and suggestions provided by Peter Chandler and Jan Sevéik in their reviews of this manuscript. References ° Ahrens D, Ahyong §, Krell F, et al. 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Download file (31.39 kb) Suppl. material 2: Codon usage barplot EE Authors: Jon P. Lindemann Data type: genomic Brief description: Barplot of the relative frequencies of codons used in the mitochondrial genome of C. /oraasi sp. nov., with their encoded amino acids. Download file (522.61 kb)