Biodiversity Data Journal 11: 98737 OO) doi: 10.3897/BDJ.11.e98737 open access Taxonomy & Inventories New information of the biodiversity of the nymphalid family (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) species collected in Romania’s fauna between 1887-1984 Cristina Stanca-Moise*, George Moise?, Tom Brereton§, Mirela Stanciu* $ "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, Sibiu, Romania § Butterfly Conservation, Wareham, Dorset, United Kingdom Corresponding author: Cristina Stanca-Moise (, George Moise ( Academic editor: Shinichi Nakahara Received: 12 Dec 2022 | Accepted: 02 Jan 2023 | Published: 09 Jan 2023 Citation: Stanca-Moise C, Moise G, Brereton T, Stanciu M (2023) New information of the biodiversity of the nymphalid family (Insect, Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) species collected in Romania’s fauna between 1887-1984. Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e98737. Abstract Background This paper complements the data published thus far about species of the nymphalid family with data collected in Romania’s eight regions between 1887 and 1984 and elsewhere in Europe (Austria, Germany, Croatia, the Republic of Moldova, Serbia and Switzerland), including the date and the site of original collection. For the first time, this research presents the collecting information of the species held in the entomological collection of the Museum of Natural History in Sibiu. It identifies the species of the nymphalid family in six of the museums lepidoptera collections. These collections are of extraordinary interest not least because they are associated with natural scientists of European renown, such as Daniel Czekelius, Eugen Worell, Viktor Weindel, Rolf Weirauch, Heinrich Hann von Hannenheim and Eckbert Schneider. The analysis, cataloguing, centralisation and updating of the nomenclature resulted in a number of 1,865 specimens from 49 species © Stanca-Moise C et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 2 Stanca-Moise C et al and fifteen genera (of the 90 referenced in Romania’s fauna): Ag/ais, Apatura, Araschnia, Argynnis, Brenthis, Boloria, Euphydryas, Inachis, Issoria, Libythea, Limenitis, Melitaea, Neptis, Nymphalis and Polygonia. Data published in a previous article add 101 specimens from the Vanessa genus. New information Most species originate regionally from the nine counties of Transylvania followed by Oltenia and Moldova (three counties each), Banat and Dobrogea (two counties each), Crisana, Satu Mare and Muntenia (one county each) and the capital of Romania, Bucharest. The species presented in this paper also include the extinct taxon Polygonia egea (Cramer, 1775), Eugen Worrell collection and three species that are endemic to Romania: Melitaea retyezatica Didszeghy, 1930, Argynnis pandora dacica Hormuzaki, 1892, Daniel Czekelius collection and Boloria pales ([Denis & Schiffermiuller], 1775) carpathomeridionalis Crosson et Popescu-Gorj, 1963, both in the Viktor Weindel collection. Keywords butterfly, conservation, collections, endemic, Museum of Natural History in Sibiu Introduction Tracing the historical evolution of butterflies from the nymphalid family requires updating the information on the species’ long-term collection. Updating this information allows ascertaining in how far environmental and anthropogenic factors (Fox et al. 2019, Choi et al. 2021) have determined the temporal and spatial abundance and dominance of these species (Stefanescu et al. 2021). In Romania, as in other European countries, the entomological material held at natural history museums is a valuable resource for researching declining or extinct populations of butterflies. In museums in Romania, data on butterfly species belonging to the nymphalid family have been collected over time from the whole country and the world and have been obtained through exchanges between specialists or from collectors. The data pertaining to specimens of the nymphalid family thus offer information about the collection sites (Popescu-Gorj 1960, Popescu-Gorj 1964, Popescu-Gorj and Drahia 1964, Ciochia and Barbu 1980, Capuse and Kovacs 1987, Burnaz 2002, Marcu and Rakosy 2002, Stanescu 2005, Chimisliu 2006, Chimisliu 2010, Chimisliu 2011, Chimisliu 2012). Since the 19" century, fauna research in Transylvania has been indebted to the work of numerous professional and amateur entomologists with great love for nature. The following natural scientists founded the collections studied in this paper and analysed and determined the preserved material, thus bringing an important contribution to lepidopterological research: Daniel Czekelius (1856-1938, Sibiu); Arnold Muller (1884-1937, Sibiu); Eugen Worell (1884-1961, Sibiu), Viktor Weindel (1887-1966, Sibiu); Heinrich Hann von Hannenheim (1895-1971, Sibiu), Rolf Weirauch (1906-1984, Sibiu), Alexei Alexinschi (1899-1966, lasi); Hans Rebel (1861-1940, Vienna); Laszlo New information of the biodiversity of the nymphalid family (Insecta, Lepidoptera, ... 3 Didszeghy (1877-1942, Arad); Aurelian Popescu-Gorj (1914-1997, Bucuresti) and Eckbert Schneider (1927) (Szekely 2008). The Natural History Museum opened to the public in 1895. Owing to its priceless holdings, the Museum can be currently considered as an archive of lepidoptera biodiversity in Transylvania. It, therefore, plays a significant role in Romanian and European entomological research. The Museum was founded by German-speaking Transylvanian-Saxon entomologists who collected material in the city of Sibiu, its surroundings, neighbouring regions and other Transylvanian locations (Czekelius 1897, Czekelius 1898, Worell 1951, Székely 1996, Székely 2003, Széekely 2004), as well as in other geographical regions of Romania. Throughout time, several generations of natural scientists have evaluated and continue to evaluate the data held in these collections (Caradja 1931, Niculescu. 1965, Schneider 1984, Chimisliu 1989, Schneider 1996, Rakosy et al. 2003, Moise 2011a, Moise 2011b, Moise 2011c, Rakosy 2013, Rakosy and Goia 2021). The Lepidoptera collections are of central importance to the Natural History Museum’s patrimony. To date, partial collecting data of the species have been published for the Daniel Czekelius, Eugen Worell, Viktor Weindel, Rolf Weirauch, Heinrich Hann von Hannenheim and Eckbert Schneider collections (Czekelius 1898, Rakosy et al. 2003, T6r6k and Cuzepan 2014, Stanca-Moise 2017, Stanca-Moise 2018, Stanca-Moise 2019, Stanca-Moise 2020, Stanca-Moise 2021, Stanca-Moise 2022). The current paper evaluates unpublished data of specimens from the nymphalid family in order to assess this family’s historical distribution in Romanian and European fauna. Materials and methods The material evaluated in this paper consists of specimens collected in Romania’s eight regions between 1887 and 1984. The analysis has also identified specimens collected in Austria, Germany, Croatia, Switzerland, the Republic of Moldova and Serbia. The species’ nomenclature was reviewed by using the actual identification keys as following (Rakosy et al. 2003, Szekely 2008, Rakosy 2013, Rakosy et al. 2021) in conformity with the Fauna Europaea taxonomic system (Lampert 1923, Karsholt and Razowski 1996, Van Swaay and Warren 1999, Rakosy and Goia 2021). Each species is listed, indicating the examined material, collecting data (in the chronological order of years, months and days), number of specimens, collection sites (including the Romanian county and region), the conservation status (Rakosy et al. 2021) and name of the collector. Question marks are used in cases where information is missing, incomplete or the writing could not be deciphered. All data originate from museum labels; Romanian place names originally listed in German have been replaced with contemporary Romanian ones. Abbreviations: Collectors: Daniel Czekelius (DC), Eugen Worell (EW), Viktor Weindel (VW), Rolf Weirauch (RW), Heinrich Hann von Hannenheim (HH), Eckbert Schneider (ES). 4 Stanca-Moise C et al Romanian regions: Banat (BT), Crisana (CR), Oltenia (OT), Muntenia (MT), Moldova (MD), Dobrogea (DB), Satu Mare (SM), Transilvania (TR) Romania’s counties: Arad (AR), Alba (AB), Bistrita-Nasaud (BN), Brasov (BV), Caras- severin (CS), Cluj (CJ), Constanta (CT), Covasna (Cv), Galati (GL), Gorj (GJ), Harghita (HR), Hunedoara (HD), Ilfov (IF), Maramures (MM), Mehedinti (MH), Mures (MS), Neamt (NT), Satu Mare (SM), Sibiu (SB), Timis (TM), Tulcea (TL), Valcea (VL), Vrancea (VN), Bucuresti (B). European countries: Austria (AU), Croatia (HR), Germany (GE), Republic of Moldova (RMO), Serbia (RS), Switzerland (CH). The conservation status: Extinct (EX), Critically endangered (CR), Endangered (EN), Vulnerable (VU), Near threatened (NT), Least concern (LC), Endemic (EN). Nymphalidae collected in Romania’s fauna between 1887 and 1984 Libythea celtis (Laicharting, 1782) Conservation status: EN Distribution: RO Notes: ES Argynnis paphia (Linnaeus, 1758) Conservation status: NT Distribution: RO, AU, RMO Notes: DC, EW, VW, ES Argynnis paphia f. valensina [Esper, 1798] Conservation status: NT Distribution: RO, AU Notes: EW Argynnis pandora ([Denis & Schiffermiiller], 1775) Conservation status: VU New information of the biodiversity of the nymphalid family (Insecta, Lepidoptera, ... Distribution: RO Notes: DC, EW, VW, RW, ES Argynnis pandora subsp. dacica Hormuzaki, 1892 Conservation status: Endemic Distribution: RO Notes: EW Argynnis (Speyeria) aglaja (Linnaeus, 1758) Conservation status: LC Distribution: RO Notes: DC, EW, VW, RW Argynnis adippe (Denis & Schiffermiiller, 1775) Conservation status: NT Distribution: RO Notes: DC, EW, VW Argynnis (Fabriciana) niobe f. cleodoxa Esper 1789 Conservation status: NT Distribution: RO Notes: VW Argynnis (Fabriciana) niobe (Linnaeus, 1758) Conservation status: NT Distribution: RO, AU Notes: DC, EW, VW, ES Argynnis (Fabriciana) niobe var. pelopia Borkhausen, 1788 Conservation status: NT Distribution: RO 6 Stanca-Moise C et al Notes: DC Argynnis laodice (Pallas, 1771) Conservation status: OUG 57/2007: 4B; IUCN: LC (Murariu and Maican 2021) Distribution: RO Notes: DC, EW, VW Argynnis latonia var. hungarica Aigner-Abafi, 1906 Conservation status: LC Distribution: RO Notes: DC Issoria lathonia (Linnaeus, 1758) Conservation status: LC Distribution: RO Notes: DC, VW, HH, ES Brenthis ino Rottemburg, 1775 Conservation status: VU Distribution: RO Notes: DC, VW Brenthis daphne ([Denis & Schiffermiiller], 1775) Conservation status: VU Distribution: RO Notes: DC, VW, ES Brenthis hecate ([Denis & Schiffermiller], 1775) Conservation status: VU Distribution: RO New information of the biodiversity of the nymphalid family (Insecta, Lepidoptera, ... 7 Notes: VW, HH, ES Boloria euphrosyne (Linnaeus, 1758) Conservation status: VU Distribution: RO Notes: DC, VW, HH, ES Boloria selene ([Denis & Schiffermiller], 1775) Conservation status: NT Distribution: RO Notes: DC, VW, HH, ES Boloria dia (Linnaeus, 1767) Conservation status: LC Distribution: RO Notes: DC, VW, HH, ES Boloria pales subsp. carpathomeridionalis ([Denis & Schiffermiiller], 1775) Crosson & Popescu-Gorj, 1963 Conservation status: Endemic Distribution: RO Notes: VW, HH Inachis (Aglais) io (Linnaeus, 1758) Conservation status: LC Distribution: RO, RMO Notes: DC, EW, VW, HH, RW, ES Aglais urticae (Linnaeus, 1758) Conservation status: NT Distribution: RO, RMO 8 Stanca-Moise C et al Notes: DC, EW, VW, RW, ES Polygonia c-album (Linnaeus, 1758) Conservation status: NT Distribution: RO, RMO Notes: DC, EW, VW, HH, RW, ES Polygonia egea (Cramer, 1775) Conservation status: EX Distribution: HR Notes: EW Araschnia levana (Linnaeus, 1758) Conservation status: NT Distribution: RO, GE Notes: DC, EW, VW, HH, RW, ES Araschnia levana f. porima Ochsenheimer, 1807 Conservation status: NT Distribution: RO Notes: DC Araschnia levana f. prorsa Linnaeus, 1758 Conservation status: NT Distribution: RO Notes: DC, EW, VW Araschnia levana f. intermedia Stichel, 1906 Conservation status: NT Distribution: RO Notes: DC New information of the biodiversity of the nymphalid family (Insecta, Lepidoptera, ... 9 Nymphalis antiopa (Linnaeus, 1758) Conservation status: VU Distribution: RO Notes: DC, EW, VW, HH, RW, ES Nymphalis polychloros (Linnaeus, 1758) Conservation status: EN Distribution: RO Notes: DC, EW, VW, RW, ES Nymphalis xanthomelas ([Denis & (Schiffermiiler], 1775) Conservation status: IUCN: LC (Murariu and Maican 2021) Distribution: Ro Notes: DC, EW, VW, RW Nymphalis vaualbum ([Denis & Schiffermiiller], 1775) Conservation status: ONG 57/2007: 3, 4A, DH: Il, IV; IUCN: LC (Murariu and Maican 2021) Distribution: RO Notes: DC, VW, RW Euphydryas maturna (Linnaeus, 1758) Conservation status: ONG 57/2007: 3, 4A, DH: II, IV, IUCN: DD (Murariu and Maican 2021) Distribution: RO Notes: DC, EW, ES Euphydryas orientalis (Herrich-Schaffer, [1851]) Conservation status: CR Distribution: RO Notes: RW 10 Stanca-Moise C et al Euphydryas aurinia (Rottemburg, 1775) Conservation status: ONG 57/2007: 3, 4A, DH: II (Murariu and Maican 2021) Distribution: RO Notes: DC, EW, VW, ES Melitaea cinxia (Linnaeus, 1758) Conservation status: NT Distribution: RO Notes: DC, EW, VW, HH, RW, ES Melitaea phoebe ([Denis & Schiffermiller], 1775) Conservation status: NT Distribution: RO, RMO Notes: DC, EW, VW, RW, ES Melitaea trivia ([Denis & Schiffermiller], 1775) Conservation status: NT Distribution: RO, RMO Notes: DC, EW, VW, ES Melitaea didyma (Esper, 1778) Conservation status: LC Distribution: RO, AU Notes: DC, EW, VW, HH, RW Melitaea didyma subsp. alpina Staudinger, 1861 Conservation status: VU Distribution: RO Notes: EW New information of the biodiversity of the nymphalid family (Insecta, Lepidoptera, ... Melitaea didyma subsp. occidentalis Staudinger, 1861 Conservation status: VU Distribution: RO Notes: RW Melitaea didyma subsp. meridionalis Staudinger, 1870 Conservation status: VU Distribution: RO Notes: EW Melitaea didymoides Eversmann, 1847 Conservation status: VU Distribution: RMO Notes: EW Melitaea dictynna Esper, 1778 Conservation status: VU Distribution: RO Notes: DC, EW, RW Melitaea aurelia Nickerl, 1850 Conservation status: VU Distribution: RO, RS Notes: DC, EW, VW, HH, RW, ES Melitaea athalia (Rottemburg, 1775) Conservation status: NT Distribution: RO, RMO Notes: DC, EW, VW, HH, RW, ES 12 Stanca-Moise C et al Melitaea athalia subsp. mehadiensis Gerhard, 1822 Conservation status: NT Distribution: RO Notes: EW, RW Melitaea britomartis Assmann, 1847 Conservation status: NT Distribution: RO Notes: RW Melitaea diamina subsp. alpestris Fruhstorfer, 1917 Conservation status: NT Distribution: RO Notes: DC Melitaea nana Rehfons, 1910 Conservation status: VU Distribution: RO Notes: DC Melitaea parthenoides Keferstein, 1851 Conservation status: VU Distribution: RO Notes: DC, EW Melitaea parthenie var. varia Meyer-Dur, 1851 Conservation status: VU Distribution: AU Notes: EW New information of the biodiversity of the nymphalid family (Insecta, Lepidoptera, ... Melitaea retyezatica Didszeghy, 1930 Conservation status: Endemic Distribution: RO Notes: DC Melitaea asteria Freyer, 1828 Conservation status: VU Distribution: RO Notes: EW Melitaea athalia subsp. dictynnoides Hormuzaki, 1898 Conservation status: NT Distribution: RO Notes: DC Limenitis populi (Linnaeus, 1758) Conservation status: VU Distribution: RO Notes: DC, EW, VW, HH, RW Limenitis populi var. tremulae Esper, 1800 Conservation status: VU Distribution: RO Notes: DC, EW, VW, RW Limenitis camilla (Linnaeus, 1764) Conservation status: VU Distribution: RO Notes: VW, RW 14 Stanca-Moise C et al Limenitis sibilla (camilla) Linnaeus, 176 Conservation status: VU Distribution: RO, CH Notes: DC, EW, Limenitis reducta subsp. reducta Staudinger, 1901 Conservation status: EN Distribution: RO Notes: RW Neptis aceris sensu Lhomme, 1924 Conservation status: VU Distribution: RO Notes: DC, HH Neptis rivularis (Scopoli, 1763) Conservation status: NT Distribution: RO Notes: EW, VW, RW, ES Neptis rivularis subsp. [ludmila Nordmann, 1851 Conservation status: NT Distribution: RO Notes: VW Neptis sappho Pallas, 1771 Conservation status: VU Distribution: RO Notes: VW, RW, ES New information of the biodiversity of the nymphalid family (Insecta, Lepidoptera, ... Neptis lucilla ([Denis & Schiffermiller], 1775) Conservation status: NT Distribution: RO Notes: DC, EW, HH, RW, ES Apatura ilia ([Denis & Schiffermiller], 1775) Conservation status: VU Distribution: RO Notes: DC, EW, VW, RW Apatura clytie ([Denis & Schiffermiller], 1775) Conservation status: VU Distribution: RO Notes: DC, VW, RW Apatura ilia var. eos Rossi, 1794 Conservation status: VU Distribution: RO Notes: DC, EW, HH, ES Apatura iris (Linnaeus, 1758) Conservation status: VU Distribution: RO Notes: DC, EW, VW, HH, ES Apatura metis Freyer, 1829 Conservation status: VU Distribution: RO Notes: EW 16 Stanca-Moise C et al Discussion The analysis of the six collections of lepidoptera under scrutiny in this article focused on 1,865 specimens collected between 1887 and 1984 and identified 49 species and subspecies of the 90 mentioned in Romania’s' fauna (Rakosy 2013, Rakosy and Goia 2021). Earlier data regarding the Vanessa genus are based on 101 specimens, 52 specimens of V. atalanta and 49 specimens of V. cardui (Stanca-Moise 2022). The species’ listing for each collection (Fig. 1) includes the following results: Daniel Czekelius’s collection, with 271 specimens, 14 genera and 49 (Table 1), Eugen Worrell’s collection, 11 genera and 41 species (Table 2), Viktor Weindel’s collection, 14 genera and 40 species (Table 3), Heinrich Hann von Hannenheim’s collection, 11 genera, 19 species (Table 4), Rolf Weyrauch’s collection, 11 genera and 28 species (Table 5) and Eckbert Schneider's collection with 14 genera and 30 species (Table 6). The oldest specimens are Boloria selene ([Denis & Schiffermuller], 1775) and Nymphalis polychloros (Linnaeus, 1758) and were collected 135 years ago. The collectors specified on the labels are Daniel Czekelius, Béla Kiss, Arnold Muller, Laszlo Dioszeghy, Friedrich Deubel, Paul Tiltscher, Miklos Tutscher, Kimakowics, Adalbert Prall, Karl Alberti, Karl Petri and Vincenz Kollar. Table 1. Daniel DC’s collection. Genus Species Collection Collection site Legit County Region Specimens Status period Argynnis Argynnis paphia 1911-1930 Brasov, DC, BV, SM, SB, SM, 16 NT Fabricius, (Linnaeus, 1758) Cisnadioara, Didszeghy, Southern TR 1807 Hodod, Kiss, Prall Carpathians Paltinis, Porumbacu, Retezat Mountain, Sibiu Argynnis pandora no data Cisnadioara, DC, Prall SB TR 4 VU ([Denis & Porumbacu, Schiffermiuller], Sibiu 1775) Argynnis (Speyeria) 1911-1930 Borsec, DC, Muller BN,HR,SB TR 7 LC aglaja (Linnaeus, Colibita, 1758) Paltinis Argynnis adippe 1906-1909 Bistrita, DC, Kiss BN, BV, MS, TR 14 NT ([Denis & Brasov, SB Schiffermiller], Cisnadioara, 1775) Fedeles, Hohod, Paltinis, Mures, Rodna, Sibiu Argynnis ( 1904-1921 Borsec, Turnu) DC HR, SB TR 3 NT Fabriciana) niobe Rosu (Linnaeus, 1758) Argynnis niobe ab. no data Sibiu DC SB TR 1 NT pelopia Borkhausen, 1788 New information of the biodiversity of the nymphalid family (Insecta, Lepidoptera, ... Genus Issoria Hubner, 1819 Brenthis, Hubner, 1819 Boloria Moore, 1900 (Clossiana), Moore, 1900 Inachis Hubner, 1819 Aglais Dalman, 1816 Polygonia Hubner, [1819] Araschnia Hubner, 1819 Species Argynnis laodice (Pallas, 1771) Argynnis eris Meigen, 1829 Argynnis latonia ab. hungarica Aigner- Abafi, 1906 Issoria lathonia (Linnaeus, 1758) Brenthis ino Rottemburg, 1775 Brenthis daphne ([Denis & Schiffermiuller], 1775) Boloria euphrosyne (Linnaeus, 1758) Boloria selene ([Denis & Schiffermiuller], 1775) Boloria dia (Linnaeus, 1767) Inachis (Aglais) io (Linnaeus, 1758) Aglais urticae (Linnaeus, 1758) Polygonia c-album (Linnaeus, 1758) Araschnia levana (Linnaeus, 1758) Araschnia levana f. porima Ochsenheimer, 1807 Collection period 1908 1921 no data 1911-1934 1912-1928 no data 1908-1911 1887-1911 1910-1922 no data 1891-1932 1908-1927 1922 1912 Collection site Cibin, Hodod, Micasasa Bazna Sibiu Borsec, Sibiu, Retezat Mountain, Talmaciu, Hodod Sfantu Gheorghe, Pleeshortalgy (?) Hodod Brasov, Fedeles, Valcele, Borsec Bazna, Sibiu, Sura Mica, Talmaciu Paltinis, Sibiu Fedeles, Hodod, Sibiu, Retezat Mountain Hodod, Micasasa, Sibiu, Retezat Mountain, Brasov Copsa Mica, Sibiu Sfantu Gheorghe Legit DC DC DC DC, Kiss DC, Tiltsdur Kiss DC, Deubel DC, Kiss DC, Kiss DC, Kiss DC, Kimakowics, Kiss DC, Deubel, Dioszeghy, Kiss, Prall DC Miklos TUtscher County SM, SB SB SB HR, SM, SB CV SM BV, HR, Eastern Carpathians SB SB SB BV, SM, SB SB, BV, SM, Southern Carpathians SB CV Region Specimens Status SM, TR TR TR SM, TR TR SM TR TR TR TR SM, TR SM, TR TR TR 12 16 EN EN LC LC VU VU VU NT LC LC NT NT NT NT 18 Genus Nymphalis Kluk, 1802 Euphyaryas, Scudder, 1872 Melitaea Fabricius, 1807 Species Araschnia levana f. prorsa Linnaeus, 1758 Araschnia levana f. intermedia Stichel, 1906 Nymphalis antiopa (Linnaeus, 1758) Nymphalis polychloros (Linnaeus, 1758) Nymphalis xanthomelas ([Denis & Schiffermiuller], 1775) Nymphalis vaualbum ([Denis & Schiffermiuller], 1775) Euphydryas maturna (Linnaeus, 1758) Euphyadryas aurinia (Rottemburg, 1775) Melitaea cinxia (Linnaeus, 1758) Melitaea phoebe ([Denis & Schiffermiuller], 1775) Melitaea trivia ([Denis & Schiffermiuller], 1775) Melitaea didyma (Esper, 1778) Melitaea dictynna Esper, 1778 Melitaea aurelia Nickerl, 1850 Melitaea athalia (Rottemburg, 1775) Melitaea diamina alpestris Fruhstorfer, 1917 Collection period 1908 1908 1909 1887-1923 no data 1912 no data no data 1907 1911 no data 1909-1912 1901-1928 1911-1930 1904-1934 no data Stanca-Moise C et al Collection site Konzeshova (2) Brasov, Sibiu Festebsch (7?) Sibiu Paltinis, Sibiu Sibiu Hodod, Sibiu Sibiu, Sura Mica Cluj, Hodod, Ocna Sibiului, Sibiu Bistrita, Borsec, Sibiu, Ocna Sibiului Ocna Sibiului, Sambata, Sibiu Balea, Cluj- Napoca, Hodod, Rasinari, Brasov, Sibiu Sibiu, Plecska (?) Bazna, Borsec, Brasov, Ocna Sibiului, Sibiu Balea, Brasov, Gusterita, Hodod, Sibiu Hodod, Arpas Legit DC DC no data DC, Kiss, Borz3 N (?) DC DC Deuber, Kiss DC DC, Kiss, Miller, Prall Alberti, DC, Kiss DC, Kiss DC, Kiss, Muller DC DC DC, Kiss DC, Kiss County no data SB, BV no data SB SB SB SM, SB SB CJ, SM, SB BN, HR, SB BV, SB BV, CJ, SM, SB SB BV, HR, SB BV, SM, SB SM, SB Region Specimens no data TR no data TR TR TR SM, TR TR SM, TR TR TR SM, TR TR TR SM, TR SM, TR 17 12 26 Status NT NT VU EN CR CR VU EN NT NT NT LC VU VU NT NT Genus Limenitis Fabricius, 1807 Neptis Fabricius, 1807 Apatura Fabricius, 1807 Species Melitaea nana Rehfons, 1910 sin. Euphyadryas aurinia (Rottemburg, 1775) Melitaea parthenie Godart, 1822 sin. Melitaea parthenoides Keferstein, 1851 Melitaea athalia (Rottemburg, 1775) f. Melitaea retyezatica Didszeghy, 1930 Melitaea athalia dictynnoides Hormuzaki, 1898 Limenitis popull, (Linnaeus, 1758) Limenitis ab. tremulae Esper, 1800 Limenitis camilla Linnaeus, 1764 Neptis aceris sensu Lhomme, 1924 Neptis lucilla ([Denis & Schiffermiuller], 1775) sin. Neptis rivularis (Scopoli, 1763) Apatura ilia ([Denis & Schiffermiller], 1775) Apatura v. clytie ([Denis & Schiffermiuller], 1775) Apatura ab. eos rossi Rossi, 1794 Apatura iris (Linnaeus, 1758) Collection period no data no data 1919-1922 no data no data 1922 1915 1911-1929 1915-1924 1928-1929 1909-1933 no data 1925-1926 Collection site Lands (?), Sibiu Hodod Retezat Mountain Sibiu Paltinis Paltinis, Retezat Mountain Paltinis, Cheile Turzii Bran, Sura Mare, Retezat Mountain, Sibiu, Talmaciu, Hodod Borsec, Paltinis, Slimnic Greliesei (?), Cluj Gusterita, Hodod, Sibiu Sibiu Paltinis, Hodod, Rau Sadului, Sibiu Legit DC Kiss Didszeghy DC DC DC DC, Muller DC, Didszeghy, Kiss DC, Muller Peterfi DC, Kiss DC DC, Kiss County SB SM Southern Carpathians SB SB SB, Southern Carpathians SB, CJ BV, SM, SB, Southern Carpathians HR, SB CJ SM, SB SB SM, SB New information of the biodiversity of the nymphalid family (Insecta, Lepidoptera, ... 19 Region Specimens Status TR SM TR TR TR TR TR SM, TR TR TR SM, TR TR SM, TR 10 VU VU Endemic NT VU VU VU VU NT VU VU VU VU 20 Table 2. Eugen Worell’s collection. Genus Argynnis Fabricius, 1807 Inachis Hubner, 1819 Aglais Dalman, 1816 Polygonia Hubner, [1819] Araschnia Hubner, 1819 Nymphalis Kluk, 1802 Species Argynnis paphia (Linnaeus, 1758) Argynnis paphia f. valensina [Esper, 1798] Argynnis pandora ([Denis & Schiffermiller], 1775) Argynnis pandora dacica Hormuzaki, 1892 Argynnis (Speyeria) aglaja (Linnaeus, 1758) Argynnis (Fabriciana) adippe ([Denis & Schiffermiller], 1775) Argynnis niobe (Linnaeus, 1758) Argynnis laodice (Pallas, 1771) Inachis (Aglais) to (Linnaeus, 1758) Aglais urticae (Linnaeus, 1758) Polygonia c-album (Linnaeus, 1758) Polygonia egea (Cramer, 1775) Araschnia levana (Linnaeus, 1758) Araschnia prorsa Linnaeus, 1758 Nymphalis antiopa (Linnaeus, 1758) Nymphalis polychloros (Linnaeus, 1758) Stanca-Moise C et al Collection Collection site period 1932-1957 Carinthia Plocken, Chisinau, Sibiu, Lintz 1932-1953 Carinthia, Cozia, Eforie Sud, Ocna Sibiului, Sibiu 1948 Cozia Montain 1930-1931 Tecuci, Retezat Mountain 1935-1953 Baile Herculane, Paltinis, Sibiu 1933-1952 Brasov, Cisnadioara, Magura Cisnadiei, Gusterita, Sibiu 1921-1948 Bazna, Paltinis Sibiu, Salsburg, Schlenken 1938-1953 Sibiu 1936-1953 Chisinau 1937 Chisinau 1936-1952 Chisinau, Ocna Sibiului, Sibiu 1910 Pola Istrien 1930 Salisberg 1924-1957 Sibiu, Sighisoara 1934-1955 Cisnadioara, Sibiu, Turnisor Sibiu 1888-1953 Sibiu Legit County Kolar EW SB, Chisinau, Tirol EW Kolar CT, SB EW VL Alexinschi GL, Dioszegy Southern Carpathians EW CS, SB EW BV, SB EW SB EW SB EW Chisinau EW Chisinau EW SB, Chisinau EW - EW - EW SB, MS EW SB Umgebung SB EW Region TR, RMO, AU DB, TR, AU OT MD BT, TR TR TR, AU TR RMO RMO RMO HR GE TR TR TR Specimens 23 13 18 12 17 11 13 17 11 14 13 Status NT NT VU VU LC NT NT EN LC NT NT EX NT NT VU EN New information of the biodiversity of the nymphalid family (Insecta, Lepidoptera, ... Genus Euphyaryas, Scudder, 1872 Melitaea Fabricius, 1807 Species Nymphalis xanthomelas ([Denis & Schiffermiller], 1775) Euphydryas maturna (Linnaeus, 1758) Euphyaryas aurinia (Rottemburg, 1775) Melitaea cinxia (Linnaeus, 1758) Melitaea phoebe ([Denis & Schiffermiller], 1775) Melitaea trivia ([Denis & Schiffermiller], 1775) Melitaea didyma (Esper, 1778) Melitaea didyma alpina Staudinger, 1861 Melitaea didyma meridionalis Staudinger, 1870 Melitaea aurelia Nieckerl, 1850 Melitaea athalia (Rottemburg, 1775) Melitaea athalia mehadiensis Gerhard, 1822 Melitaea didymoides Eversmann, 1847 sin. Melitaea didyma (Esper, 1778) Melitaea dictynna Esper, 1778 sin. Melitaea diamina (Lang, 1789) Melitaea parthenie Godart, 1822 sin. Melitaea parthenoides Keferstein, 1851 Melitaea parthenie var. varia Meyer-Ddr, 1851 Melitaea asteria Freyer, 1828 Collection period 1939 1935-1942 1905 1936-1983 1931-1939 1935-1954 1938-1939 1938-1957 1945-1953 1920-1956 1927-1953 1938-1942 1934-1939 1930-1956 1926-1953 1927-1930 1938-1958 Collection site Sibiu Baile Herculane Rasnov Sibiu, Baile Herculane, Cernica Eforie Sud, Techirgiol, Sighisoara, Chisinau, Sibiu, Gusterita Gusterita, Sibiu, Chisinau Gusterita, Sibiu Sibiu Sibiu Sibiu, Sighisoara Bularda, Paltinis, Sibiu Baile Herculane Buciumeni, Bularda Sibiu, Sighisoara, Tismana Sibiu, Kaiserstuhl (?) Tirol Rotmoostal, Tirol Gaisbergatal Sibiu Legit EW EW EW EW EW EW EW EW DC, EW EW Alexinschi EW EW EW EW Holik EW County SB CS BV CS, IF, SB Chisinau, CT, MS, SB SB, Chisinau SB SB SB SB, MS SB, Chisinau CS GL, Chisinau GJ, MS, SB SB Tirol SB 21 Region Specimens Status TR BT TR BT, MT, TR DB, TR, RMO TR, RMO TR TR TR TR TR, RMO BT RMO, MD OTTR TR AU TR 15 11 34 10 10 24 10 CR VU EN NT NT NT LC VU VU VU NT NT VU VU VU VU VU 22 Genus Limenitis Fabricius, 1807 Neptis Fabricius, 1807 Apatura Fabricius, 1807 Table 3. Viktor Veindel’s collection. Genus Argynnis Fabricius, 1807 Stanca-Moise C et al Species Collection Collection site Legit period Limenitis popull, 1950 Sibiu EW (Linnaeus, 1958) Limenitis ab. tremulae 1962 Baile EW Esper, 1800 Herculane Limenitis camilla 1905-1939 Baile EW Linnaeus, 1764 Herculane, Sibiu, Pontresina Neptis rivularis 1936 Baile EW (Scopoli, 1763) Herculane Neptis lucilla ([Denis & 1936-1952 Baile EW Schiffermiller], 1775) Herculane, Sibiu Apatura metis Freyer, no data no data no data 1829 Apatura ilia ([Denis & 1939-1959 Sibiu EW Schiffermiller], 1775) Apatura iliaeos Rossi, 1938 Sibiu EW 1794 Apatura iris (Linnaeus, 1927-1956 Palamea, EW 1958) Sibiu, Sercaia Species Collection Collection site Legit period Argynnis paphia (Linnaeus, 1903-1956 Cisnadie, VW 1758) Borsec, Cheile Bicazului, Ghiorghieni, Rau Vadului Argynnis pandora ([Denis & 1904-1955- Cisnadioara, Vw Schiffermiuller], 1775) Sibiu, Rau Vadului, Cozia Argynnis (Speyeria) aglaja 1903-1954 Borsec, VW (Linnaeus, 1758) Cisnadioara, Colibita, Gusterita, Sibiu Argynnis (Fabriciana) adippe 1903-1956 Cisnadie, VW ([Denis & Schiffermiller], Gusterita, Sibiu 1775) Argynnis adippe f. cleodoxa 1906-1956 Cisnadie, VW Ochsenheimer, 1816 Gusterita, Sibiu Argynnis (Fabriciana) niobe 1904-1922 Cartisoara, VW (Linnaeus, 1758) Sibiu Argynnis laodice (Pallas, 1907-1921 Cisnadioara, VW 1771) Gusterita, Saschiz County SB CS CS CS CS no data SB SB BV, SB County SB, HR, NT SB, VL BN, HR, SB SB SB SB SB Region TR BT BT, TR CH BT BT, TR no data TR TR TR Region Specimens TR OT, TR TR TR TR TR TR 17 14 Specimens Status 26 VU VU VU NT NT VU VU VU VU Status NT VU LC NT NT NT EN Genus Issoria Hubner, 1819 Brenthis Hubner, 1819 Boloria Moore, 1900 Inachis Hubner, 1819 Aglais Dalman, 1816 Polygonia Hubner, [1819] Araschnia Hubner, 1819 Nymphalis Kluk, 1802 Species Issoria lathonia (Linnaeus, 1758) Brenthis ino Rottemburg, 1775 Brenthis daphne ([Denis & Schiffermiuller], 1775) Brenthis hecate ([Denis & Schiffermiuller], 1775) Boloria euphrosyne (Linnaeus, 1758) Boloria selene ([Denis & Schiffermiuller], 1775) Boloria dia (Linnaeus, 1767) Boloria pales ([Denis & Schiffermiuller], 1775) carpathomeridionalis Crosson et Popescu-Gorj, 1963 Inachis (Aglais) io (Linnaeus, 1758) Aglais urticae (Linnaeus, 1758) Polygonia c-album (Linnaeus, 1758) Araschnia levana (Linnaeus, 1758) Araschnia levana f. prorsa (Linnaeus, 1758) Nymphalis antiopa (Linnaeus, 1758) Nymphalis polychloros (Linnaeus, 1758) Collection period 1903-1958 1921 1954-1956 1920-1956 1904-1956 1903-1956 1904-1958 1957 1904-1952 1903-1930 1904-1956 1903-1958 1905-1955 1903-1952 Collection site Gusterita, Borsec, Cisnadie, Paltinis, Cozia, Paltin, Rau Vadului Borsec PAltinis, Rau Vadului Gusterita, Saschiz Cisnadie, Sura Mica, Sibiu Cisnadioara, Gusterita, Sura Mica Borsec, Cisnadioara, Gusterita, Paltinis, Sura Mica, Rau Vadului Suru Cisnadie, Sibiu Gusterita, Paltinis, Sibiu Borsec, Cisnadie, Cisnadioara, Cozia, Gusterita, Paltinis, Sadu, Rau Vadului Sibiu Borsec, Colibita, Ghiorghieni, Paltinis, Sibiu, Rau Sadului Cisnadioara, Gusterita, Paltinis, Sibiu Gusterita, Paltinis, Sibiu Legit VW VW VW VW VW VW VW VW VW VW VW VW County SB HR SB SB SB SB SB Fagaras Mountain SB SB HR, VL, SB SB BN, HR, SB VL, SB SB New information of the biodiversity of the nymphalid family (Insecta, Lepidoptera, ... Region Specimens Status 23 TR 14 LC TR 4 VU TR 2 VU TR 6 VU TR 10 VU TR 12 NT TR 23 LC TR 5 VU Endemic TR 14 LC TR 10 NT OT,TR 20 NT TR 2 NT TR 14 NT OT,TR 24 VU TR 10 EN 24 Genus Euphyadryas Scudder, 1872 Melitaea Fabricius, 1807 Limenitis Fabricius, 1807 Neptis Fabricius, 1807 Apatura Fabricius, 1807 Species Nymphalis xanthomelas ([Denis & Schiffermiller], 1775) Nymphalis vaualbum ([Denis & Schiffermiller], 1775) Euphyadryas aurinia (Rottemburg, 1775) Melitaea cinxia (Linnaeus, 1758) Melitaea phoebe ([Denis & Schiffermiuller], 1775) Melitaea trivia ([Denis & Schiffermiuller], 1775) Melitaea didyma (Esper, 1778) Melitaea athalia (Rottemburg, 1775) Melitaea aurelia Nickerl, 1850 Limenitis populli, (Linnaeus, 1958) Limenitis populi f. tremulae Esper, 1798 Limenitis camilla (Linnaeus, 1964) Neptis rivularis (Scopoli, 1763) Neptis rivularis ludmila Nordmann, 1851 Neptis sappho Pallas, 1771 Apatura ilia ([Denis & Schiffermiuller], 1775) Apatura clytie ([Denis & Schiffermiuller], 1775) Stanca-Moise C et al Collection Collection site period 1904 Sibiu 1908-1922 Cisnadie, Paltinis 1920 Saschiz 1956 Sura Mica, Tarnavioara 1903-1956 Gusterita, Sebes, Sibiu 1920-1958 Gusterita, Prislop, Talmaciu, Tarnavioara 1903-1956 Cisnadioara, Cisnadie, Gusterita, Paltin, Turnu Rosu, Raul Vadului, Tampa 1903-1956 Borsec, Cisnadie, Cisnadioara, Colibita, Cozia, Cheile Bicazului, Sura Mica 1907-1955 Gusterita, Viile Sibiului, Polja 1904-1954 Cheile Bicazului, Sibiu no data no data 1954 Cheile Bicazului, Colibita 1904-1957 Fagaras, Sibiu 1921-1954 Borsec, Tusnad 1907-1956 Gusterita, Sura Mica, Rau Vadului 1904 Sibiu 1904-1905 Cisnadioara, Sibiu Legit VW VW VW VW VW DC VW DC VW DC VW VW no data VW Vw VW VW VW County SB SB SB SB AB, SB SB BV, SB BN, HR, NT, SB, VL SB HR, NT, SB no data BN, HR, NT BV, SB HR, NT SB SB SB Region TR TR TR TR TR TR TR MD, OT, TR, RS TR, RS TR no data TR TR TR TR TR TR Specimens Status 14 33 37 13 CR CR EN NT NT NT LC NT VU VU VU VU NT NT VU VU VU Genus Table 4. Species Apatura iris (Linnaeus, 1958) Collection period 1904-1954 Heinrich Hann von Hannenheim’s collection. Genus Issoria Hubner, 1819 Brenthis Hubner, 1819 Boloria Moore, 1900 Inachis Hubner, 1819 Polygonia Hubner, [1819] Araschnia Hubner, 1819 Nymphalis Kluk, 1802 Melitaea Fabricius, 1807 Species Issoria lathonia (Linnaeus, 1758) Brenthis hecate ([Denis & Schiffermiuller], 1775) Boloria euphrosyne (Linnaeus, 1758) Boloria selene ([Denis & Schiffermiuller], 1775) sin. Boloria selenis (Eversmann, 1837) Boloria dia (Linnaeus, 1767) Boloria pales ([Denis & Schiffermiuller], 1775) carprathomeridionalis Crosson et Popescu-Gorj, 1963 Inachis (Aglais) io (Linnaeus, 1758) Polygonia c-album (Linnaeus, 1758) Araschnia levana (Linnaeus, 1758) Nymphalis antiopa (Linnaeus, 1758) Melitaea cinxia (Linnaeus, 1758) Melitaea didyma (Esper, 1778) Melitaea aurelia Nickerl, 1850 Collection period 1955-1963 1928-1956 1954-1964 1954-1964 1954-1963 1963 1955-1957 1954-1957 1954-1964 1954-1955 1955-1957 1955-1962 1956-1965 Collection site Legit County Cisnadie, VW BN, HR, Colibita, SB Gheorghieni, Paltinis, Sibiu Collection site Region Specimens Status TR 9 Legit County Region Apoldul de Sus, HH SB TR Barcaciu, Cisnadioara, Talmaciu, Sibiu, Sopa Gales, Gusterita, HH CJ,SB TR Cluj, Sibiu Gusterita, Baile HH CS,SB BT,TR Herculane, Sibiu, Sopa Bungard, HH SB TR Gusterita, Sibiu Gusterita, Obreja, HH SB TR Slimnic, Sibiu, Talmaciu Chica Pietrilor HH BV TR Paltinis, Sambata, HH BV,SB TR Sibiu Gusterita, Paltinis, HH AB,SB_ DB, Sebes, Sibiu, TR Talmaciu Gusterita, Slimnic, HH AB,SB TR Sebes, Sibiu Paltinis HH SB TR Cisnadioara, HH SB TR Gusterita, Slimnic Apoldul de Sus, HH SB TR Sibiu, Talmaciu Ocna Sibiului, HH SB TR Gusterita New information of the biodiversity of the nymphalid family (Insecta, Lepidoptera, ... VU 25 Specimens Status 10 13 LC VU VU NT LC VU LC NT NT VU NT LC VU 26 Genus Limenitis Fabricius, 1807 Neptis Fabricius, 1807 Apatura Fabricius, 1807 Table 5. Rolf Weihrauch’s collection. Genus Argynnis Fabricius, 1807 Inachis Hubner, 1819 Aglais Dalman, 1816 Polygonia Hubner, [1819] Araschnia Hubner, 1819 Nymphalis Kluk, 1802 Species Melitaea athalia (Rottemburg, 1775) Limenitis populi (Linnaeus, 1958) Neptis aceris sensu Lhomme, 1924 Neptis lucilla ([Denis & Schiffermiuller], 1775) Apatura ilia ([Denis & Schiffermiuller], 1775) Apatura iris (Linnaeus, 1958) Stanca-Moise C et al Species Collection period Argynnis pandora 1965-1978 ([Denis & Schiffermiuller], 1775) Inachis (Aglais) io 1955-1971 (Linnaeus, 1758) Aglais urticae 1954-1977 (Linnaeus, 1758) Polygonia c-album 1954-1977 (Linnaeus, 1758) Araschnia levana 1954-1975 (Linnaeus, 1758) Nymphalis antiopa 1951-1970 (Linnaeus, 1758) Nymphalis 1954-1971 polychloros (Linnaeus, 1758) Collection Collection site Legit County Region period 1954-1958 Apoldul de Sus, HH SB TR Gusterita, Sibiu, Talmaciu 1963-1964 Sibiu HH SB TR 1956-1958 Sibiu, Talmaciu HH SB TR 1954-1964 Sibiu, Sambata HH BV,SB TR 1954-1964 Prejmer, Sambata, HH = BV, TR Tusnad HR, SB 1954-1964 Magura Cisnadiei, HH BV, TR Paltinis, Sambata, HR, SB Tusnad Collection site Legit County Region Baile Herculane, RW CS, CT, VL, DB, OT, TR Baneasa, B, SB Canaraua Fetii, Cozia, Hagieni, lormac, Sibiu Colibita, Cozia, RW BN, CT, HR, DB, OT, TR lormac, Praid, SB, VL Sibiu, Vladeasa Baile Herculane, RW CS, HR, SB_ BT, TR, Paltinis, Somes, Western Tusnad, Carpathians Vladeasa Covasna, RW CS, CT, CV, DB, OT, MD, Garbova, GL, SB TR Domogled, Paltinis, Sibiu Baile Herculane, RW CS, CV,HR, BT,TR Covasna, SB, TM Gusterita, Lugoj, Porumbacu, Tusnad, Negoi, Sibiu Colibita, Cozia, RW BN, CV, HR, DB, OT, TR Covasna, Lotru, VL, SB Paltinis Canaraua Fetii, RW CT, SB DB, TR Sibiu Specimens 10 Specimens 15 16 31 10 Status NT VU VU NT VU VU Status VU LC NT NT NT VU EN New information of the biodiversity of the nymphalid family (Insecta, Lepidoptera, ... Genus Euphyaryas, Scudder, 1872 Melitaea Fabricius, 1807 Species Nymphalis xanthomelas ([Denis & Schiffermiuller], 1775) Nymphalis vaualbum ([Denis & Schiffermiuller], 1775) Euphydryas orientalis (Herrich- Schaffer, [1851]) sin. Euphydryas aurinia (Rottemburg, 1775) Melitaea cinxia (Linnaeus, 1758) Melitaea phoebe ([Denis & Schiffermiuller], 1775) Melitaea didyma Esper, 1778 Melitaea didyma occidentalis Staudinger, 1861 Melitaea dictynna Esper, 1778 sin. Melitaea diamina (Lang, 1789)] Melitaea aurelia Nickerl, 1850 Melitaea britomartis Assmann, 1847 Melitaea athalia (Rottemburg, 1775) Melitaea nevadensis Oberthir, 1904 Collection period 1956 1942-1970 1922 1954-1975 1954-1978 1954-1971 1943-1962 1955-1977 1952-1963 1956-1974 1950-1977 1956-1967 Collection site Domogled Caprioara, Poiana Marului Battnita (?) Baile Herculane, Canaraua Fetii, Domogled, Ganeasa, Retezat Mountain Baile Herculane, Domogled, Hagieni, Galati Baile Herculane, Domogled, Gusterita, Retezat Mountain, Sibiu, Tusnad UlrichSBerg Karnten/Karintia Sadu, Somesu Rece Baile Herculane Baile Herculane Avrig, Baile Herculane, Buila Vanturarita, Hagieni, Praid, Tusnad, Valea Vinului, Gioagiu, Somesul Rece Baile Herculane, Domogled Legit RW Pelits, RW, Teleki no data RW RW RW Thurner RW RW RW RW RW County CS BV, CS no data CS, CT, IF, Southern Carpathians CS, CT, GL, MH, GJ CS, MH, Gy, SB CJ, SB CS CS BN, CS, CJ, CT, HR, HD, VL CS, MH, GJ Region BT BT, TR no data DB, MT BT, DB, OT, MD BT, OT, TR AU TR BT BT BT, DB, OT, TR BT, OT 27 Specimens Status 15 24 18 12 15 CR CR CR NT NT LC VU VU VU NT NT NT 28 Genus Limenitis Fabricius, 1807 Neptis Fabricius, 1807 Apatura Fabricius, 1807 Table 6. Species Limenitis populli (Linnaeus, 1958) Limenitis populi f. tremulae Esper, 1798 Limenitis camilla (Linnaeus, 1764) Limenitis reducta Staudinger, 1901 Neptis sappho [Pallas, 1771] Neptis rivularis (Scopoli, 1763) Neptis lucilla ([Denis & Schiffermiuller], 1775) syn. Neptis rivularis (Scopoli, 1763)] Apatura ilia ([Denis & Schiffermiuller], 1775) Apatura clytie ([Denis & Schiffermiuller], 1775) Collection period 1954-1964 1964-1976 1954-1967 1961-1971 1963-1969 1954-1974 1962-1974 1971 1953-1963 Eckbert Schneider’s collection. Genus Libythea Fabricius, 1807 Argynnis Fabricius, 1807 Species Libythea celtis (Laicharting, 1782) Argynnis paphia (Linnaeus, 1758) Argynnis pandora ([Denis & Schiffermiller], 1775) Argynnis (Speyeria) aglaja (Linnaeus, 1758) Collection period 1949 1952-1978 1954- 1979 1973-1982 Stanca-Moise C et al Collection site Legit Ceahlau, RW Hoghilag, Obreja, Tusnad Baile Herculane, RW Domogled Domogle, RW Tusnad Domogled, RW Miercurea Bai Baile Herculane, RW Domogled, Sibiu Gusterita, RW Domogled, Somes Gusterita, RW Domogled, Somes Canaraua Fetii RW Baile Herculane, RW Tusnad Collection site Legit Baile Herculane ES Agnita, Lotrioara, ES Laita, Hamba, Mailat, Sighisoara, Sibiel, Sibiu, Zarand Bestepe, Bruiu, ES Macin, Hagieni, CA Rosetti, Sibiu Hamba, Sura Mare, ES Cerna, Laita, Porumbacu County CS, HR, SB CS, MH, GJ CS, HR, GJ, MH CS, MH, Gu, SB CS, MH, Gy, SB CS, CJ, Gu, MH, SB CS, CJ, Gu, MH, SB CT CS, HR County CS AR, BV, MS, SB, Western Carpathians CT, SB, TL BV, CS, MH, GJ, SB Region BT, TR, Eastern Carpathians BT, OT BT, OT, TR BT, OT, TR BT, OT, TR BT, OT, TR BT, OT, TR DB BT, TR Region BT BT, CR, TR DB, TR BT, OT, TR Specimens Status 4 VU 4 VU 7 VU 4 EN 6 VU 9 NT 9 NT 1 VU 8 VU Specimens Status 1 EN 13 NT 8 VU 7 LC Genus Issoria Hubner, 1819 Brenthis Hubner, 1819 Boloria Moore, 1900 Inachis Hubner, 1819 Aglais Dalman, 1816 Polygonia Hubner, [1819] New information of the biodiversity of the nymphalid family (Insecta, Lepidoptera, ... Collection period Species Argynnis ( 1952-1984 Fabriciana) niobe, (Linnaeus, 1758) Issoria lathonia 1955-1967 (Linnaeus, 1758) Brentis daphne 1956-1960 ([Denis & Schiffermiller], 1775) Brentis hecate 1949-1976 ([Denis & Schiffermiller], 1775) Boloria euphrosyne 1955-1969 (Linnaeus, 1758) Boloria selene 1955-1984 ([Denis & Schiffermiller], 1775) Boloria dia 1952-1984 (Linnaeus, 1767) Inachis (Aglais) io 1960-1976 (Linnaeus, 1758) Aglais urticae 1964-1974 (Linnaeus, 1758) Polygonia c-album 1963-1975 (Linnaeus, 1758) Collection site Legit County SB, HD, MS, TM, Western Carpathians Agnita, Cisnadie, ES Gusterita, Tomnatic, Beja, Sura Mare, Slimnic, Sighisoara, Talmaciu, Zarand lortmac, Slimnic, ES _— AR, CJ, CT, Siria, Sibiu, Turda SB Sibiu, Zarandului ES Mountain Western Carpathians Agarbiciu, Buia, ES CJ, SB Bruiu, Nocrich, Faget, Cincu, Gusterita, Seica Mare, Sura Mare, Tarnava Cozia, Rodna ES BN, VL, Eastern Carpathians Axente Sever, ES Bruiu, Cincu, Cisnadie, Copsa Mica, Hamba, Podu Olt, Porumbacu, Nocrich, Chis-Chis, Sura Mare, Slimnic, Rusciori, Porumbacu BV, SB AR, CJ, CT, HD, VL, SB, Agarbiciu, Avrig, ES Cincu, Clopotiva, Cluj Napoca, Copsa Mica, Gusterita, Faget, Hagieni, Podu Olt, Rau Vadului, Slimnic, Sibiu, Siria, Sura Mare, Veseud SB, Western Carpathians Gusterinta, Zarand ES Hamba, Sibiu, ES — SB, VN Vrancea Brasov, Cincu, ES BV,SB Cisnadie, Gusterita, Hamba, Rusciori Region BT, TR 16 CR,DB,TR 12 TR 8 TR 16 OT, TR 4 TR 27 CR, DB, OT, 36 TR TR 2 MD, TR 4 TR 7 NT LC VU VU VU NT LC LC NT NT 29 Specimens Status 30 Genus Araschnia Hubner, 1819 Nymphalis Kluk, 1802 Euphyadryas Scudder, 1872 Melitaea Fabricius, 1807 Species Araschnia levana (Linnaeus, 1758) Nymphalis antiopa (Linnaeus, 1758) Nymphalis polychloros (Linnaeus, 1758) Euphyadryas maturna (Linnaeus, 1758) Euphydryas aurinia (Rottemburg, 1775) Melitaea cinxia (Linnaeus, 1758) Melitaea phoebe ([Denis & Schiffermiller], 1775) Melitaea trivia ([Denis & Schiffermiller], 1775) Melitaea didyma (Esper, 1778) Melitaea aurelia Nickerl, 1850 Collection period 1967-1981 1953 1953-1983 1960 1960-1982 1954-1983 1952-1975 1970-1976 1952-1980 1954-1984 Stanca-Moise C et al Collection site Fagaras, Gusterita, Podu Olt, Sighisoara, Slimnic, Vestem Sibiu Casolt, Cornatel, Sibiu Chis-Chis Gherdeal, Sercaia Cincu, Cornatel, Gusterita, Nocrich, Faget, Rosia, Siria, Sura Mare, Slimnic, Sibiu, Saschiz Axente Sever, Sibiu, Viile Sibiului, Nocrich, Faget, Gusterita, Hagieni, Hamba, Clopotiva, Chis-Chis, Cincu, Merghindeal, Podu Olt, Zarand Axente Sever, Baile Herculane, Gusterita, Hagieni, Nocrich, Orlat, Sibiel, Sibiu, Slimnic, Sura Mare, Vestem Agnita, Baile Herculane, Cenade, Cornatel, Faget, Gusterita, Hamba, Lotrioara, Orlat, Orsova, Podu Olt, Siria, Slimnic, Seica Mare, Sura Mare, Vestem Aiud, Axente Sever, Cenade, Clopotiva, Bruiu, Gusterita, Farget, Mosna, Rau Vadului, Rosia, Siria, Scarita Belioara, Nocrich, Sura Mare, Seica Mare, Sercaia Legit County ES ES ES ES ES ES ES ES ES ES BV, MS, SB SB SB BV, VL AR, CJ, MS, SB CT, SB CS, CT, SB AB, AR, CS, CJ, MH, VL, SB AB, AR, CJ, BV, HD, VL, SB, Western Carpathians Region TR TR TR OT, TR CR, TR DB, TR, Southern Carpathians BT, DB, TR BT, CR, OT, TR CR, OT, TR Specimens Status 11 NT 2 VU 3 EN 4 VU 5 EN 29 NT 44 NT 20 NT 55 NT 55 VU New information of the biodiversity of the nymphalid family (Insecta, Lepidoptera, ... 31 Genus Species Collection Collection site Legit County Region Specimens Status period Melitaea athalia 1954-1982 Baile Herculane, ES BV,CS,CJ, BT,TR 23 NT (Rottemburg, 1775) Cincu, Chis-Chis, SB Feldioara, Farget, Gusu, Gusterita, Hamba, Mohu, Nocrich, Poplaca, Sercaia Neptis Neptis rivularis 1974-1982 Arpasel, Fagaras, ES BV,SB TR 8 NT Fabricius, (Scopoli, 1763) Sibiu 1807 . . ; Neptis lucilla 1958-1974 Bejan, Gusterita, ES AR,HD,SB CRTR 8 NT ([Denis & Siria Schiffermiller], 1775) Neptis sappho 1970-1975 Bejan, SeicaMare, ES HD, SB TR 6 VU Pallas, 1771 Vestem Apatura Apatura ilia ([Denis 1968-1970 Sibiu, Seica Mare ES SB TR 2 VU Fabricius, & Schiffermiiller], 1807 1775) Apatura iris 1959-1982 Baile Herculane, ES CS,SB BT, TR 4 VU (Linnaeus, 1958) Paltinis, Seica Mare Table 1 Daniel Czekelius’s collection of lepidoptera is the oldest with specimens collected between 1887 and 1934 in the regions SM and TR, Sibiu County and nearby locations. This collection consists of 14 genera and 49 species represented by a number of 271 specimens (Fig. 1) and is, thus, the most complex collection regarding the species’ biodiversity (Table 1). This collection also includes an endemic species, Melitaea retyezatica Didszeghy, 1930 from Melitaea athalia (Rottemburg, 1775), represented by twenty-six specimens collected by Laszlo Didszeghy in the Retezat Mountains (Southern Carpathians) between 1919 and 1922. The species in this collection represent the following conservation status: 18 taxa VU- 36.,74%, 18 taxa NT- 36.74%, six tax LC- 12.24%, four taxa EN-8.16%, two taxa CR-4.08% and one endemic taxon, 2.04%. Eugen Worell’s collection consists of 394 specimens of 11 genera and 42 species collected between 1888 and 1959 (Fig. 1). The species originate from Romania’s five regions (BT, DB, OT, MD, MT and TR) and other European countries (Austria, Croatia, Germany, the Republic of Moldova and Switzerland). The oldest specimen is the Nymphalis polychloros (Linnaeus, 1758) species and was collected in 1888. The collectors listed on the labels are Eugen Worell, Daniel Czekelius, Laszlo Didszeghy and Alexei Alexinschi. Considering their conservation status, these species are grouped as following: one species EX-2.38%, Polygonia egea (Cramer, 1775), from the site Pula, Istria, Croatia, one species CR-2.38%, three species EN-7.15%, 19 species VU-45.23%, 15 species NT-35.71% and three species LC-7.15% (Table 2). Viktor Weindel’s collection contains 385 specimens of 14 genera and 40 species of butterflies of the nymphalid family (Fig. 1). They were collected in OT and TR regions 32 Stanca-Moise C et al between 1903 and 1958, from various sites in Sibiu County and the Fagaras Mountains. The oldest specimen Argynnis paphia (Linnaeus, 1758) was collected in 1903. The collection also contains an endemic species, Boloria pales ([Denis & Schiffermuller], 1775) carpathomeridionalis Crosson et Popescu-Gorj, 1963 that was collected in the Fagaras Mountains. Viktor Weindel is the collector listed on the labels. The endangerment level of the specimens is the following: two species CR-5%, three species EN-7.5%, 15 species VU-37.5%, 15 species NT-37.5% and five species LC-12.5% (Table 3). Schneider ar 30 = 440 l Weyrauch i: 258 Hannenheim . ~ 117 Weindel 385 Worell | 394 Figure 1. EES] Systematic representation of the six collections by genera, species and number of specimens. The fewest specimens are found in Heinrich Hann von Hannenheim’s collection consisting of 117 specimens distributed in 11 genera and 19 species (Fig. 1). The oldest specimen is Brentis hecates ([Denis & Schiffermiuller], 1775) collected in 1928. The species were collected in BT, DB and TR and were determined by the collector himself whose name can be found on all labels. Conservation status is as follows: nine species VU-47.37%, six species NT-31.58% and four species LC-21.05% (Table 4). Rolf Weihrauch’s collection contains 258 specimens distributed in 11 genera and 28 species (Figure 1) collected from 1922 to 1978. The oldest specimen is Euphydryas orientalis (Herrich-Schaffer, [1851]) sin. Euphydryas aurinia (Rottemburg, 1775) collected in 1922. The information on the labels is unreadable. The species were collected in BT, DB, OT, MD, MT and TR from the Southern Carpathians, as well as in Austria. All species were determined by the collector whose name appears on all labels. The analysis of their endangerment level is as follows: three taxa CR-10.7%, two taxa EN-7.14%, 11 taxa VU-39.28%, 10 taxa NT-35.73% and two taxa LC-7.14% (Table 5). New information of the biodiversity of the nymphalid family (Insecta, Lepidoptera, ... 33 The newest is Eckbert Schneider’s collection. It contains 440 specimens of 14 genera and 30 species (Fig. 1) collected between 1949 and 1984 in BT, CR, DB, OT, MD and TR, as well as the Western Carpathians. The oldest specimen was collected in 1949 and is the only Lybitea celsis (Laicharting, 1782) species held by the Museum. The endangerment level of the collection’s specimens is as follows: three specimens EN-10%, 10 specimens VU-33.33%, 12 specimens NT-40% and five specimens LC-16.67% (Table 6). mens fotal soe El] = = Crekellus A Hannen 1 Weyrauch ter lect name 7 a row t a Enc ! wt a ingerec @WN at a } Figure 2. | doi | The distribution of species from the collections by IUCN categories. We present data pertaining to genus diversity, species and existing specimen number present in each collection (Fig. 1). The oldest collection (DC) displays the highest diversity of species. This collection contains 14 genera and 49 species. It is followed in chronological order by EW with 42 species and VW with 40, confirming that, at that time, natural scientists were interested in learning more about and studying the biodiversity of butterflies in SB, the neighbouring localities, as well as in other TR sites and Romanian regions. The species from the more recent collections (HH and RW) contain a lesser number of genera and species, but include more specimens from the DB region. The newest collection (ES) re-confirms the presence of 30 butterfly species of the Nymphalid family captured in six Romanian regions (TR, BT, CR, MD, DB and OT) that are also represented by the largest number of collected specimens. To facilitate national and international comparison, we present data referring to the distribution of species onsidering the IUCN conservation categories in Fig. 2 (Rakosy 2013, 34 Stanca-Moise C et al Rakosy and Goia 2021), revealing that the majority of the species of all six collections are potentially endangered taxa (NT) followed by non-endangered (LC), vulnerable (VU), critically endangered (EN) extinct (EX) and endemic taxa. We also present the percentages of the Nymphalid family’s sozological categories in (Fig. 3). The highest value (52.30%) pertains to potentially endangered taxa, followed by critically endangered (26.23%), non-endangered (14.80), endangered (4.59%), vulnerable 1.18%, as well as extinct (0.16%) taxa. 1:18 _4.59'0.75\) 42 | 5 go 14.80 = Critical endangered = Endangered Endemic e Extinct = Non-endangered # Near threatened =» Vulnerable Figure 3. EES Nymphalid species and their evaluation based on Romania’s Red List (Rakosy et al. 2021, Rakosy and Goia 2021). By synthesising the data referring to the six lepidoptera collections (DC, EW, VW, RW, HH and ES), we identified 157 sites where the butterflies of the nymphalid family were collected between 1887 and 1984. The species were collected in all of Romania’s eight regions, from 23 counties and the capital of Bucharest, i.e. on 56.1% of Romania’s territory. | designed a map based on these data that reflects the distribution of species in eight regions whose counties are listed by collector: (1-DC), seven counties, BN, BV, CJ, CV, HR, MS, SB, all in the TR and SM regions, (2-EW), nine counties, BV, CS, CT, GL, GJ, IF, MS, VL, SB, from five of Romania’s regions: BT, DB, OT, MD si TR; (3-VW), seven counties, AB, BN, BV, HR, NT, VL, SB, from three regions: MD, OT, and TR; (4-RW), 16 counties, BN, BV, CJ, CS, CT, CV, GL, GJ, HR, HD, IF, MH, VL, SB, TM and Bucharest, from six of Romania’s regions: BT, DB, MD, MT, OT, TR and Bucharest; (5-HH), six New information of the biodiversity of the nymphalid family (Insecta, Lepidoptera, ... 35 counties, AB, BV, CS, CJ, HR, SB, from two of Romania’s regions: BT and TR; (6-ES), 16 counties, AB, AR, BN, BV, CS, CJ, CT, GJ, HD, MH, MS, VL, SB, TM, TL, VN, from six of Romania’s regions: BT, CR, DB, OT, MD, TR (Fig. 4). sOc gevVW BRW @BEW BHH @ES Figure 4. EES] Geographical representation of Romania and the sites of collectors (red bullet - represents RW, blue bullet - represents HH, yellow bullet - represents DC, brown bullet - represents VW, green bullet - represents ES and pink bullet - represents EW). The species collected in other European countries (Austria, Croatia, Switzerland, Germany, the Republic of Moldova and Serbia) were also graphically represented in Fig. 5. Conclusions Romania’s territory has a surface of 237,500 km? that comprises a variety of geographic forms, from Alpine meadows to the Danube Delta’s hydrological profile. They are populated by a diverse fauna of lepidoptera containing over 200 diurnal butterfly species. Romania’s South, especially the South-East and South-West (BT and DB) is the region with the highest diversity of lepidoptera in the country (Szekely 2008) and, at the same time, the northern limit of the distribution of their Balkan species in Europe (Stefanescu et al. 2013, Wildman et al. 2022). The Danube’s gorge connects the Carpathian and Balkan Mountains. This geological formation has facilitated the entry of Balkan-type mountainous- subalpine elements into Romania, as far as the Retezat Mountains, for instance Melitaea retyezatica Didszeghy, 1930. Given that the Carpathian Mountains do not exceed 2,500 m in height, their butterfly fauna is characterised mostly by subalpine, boreo-alpine and boreo-montane species (Szekely 2008). Most endemic species have formed in the isolated, high regions of the Carpathian Mountains. They were analysed and included in 36 Stanca-Moise C et al the collections as follows: Melitaea retyezatica Didszeghy, 1930, Argynnis pandora dacica Hormuzaki, 1892 and Bolora pales ([Denis & SchiffermUller], 1775) carpathomeridionalis Crosson et Popescu-Gorj, 1963. The Romanian Catalogue of Lepidoptera records the presence of 90 species of which the Nymphalids are distributed as follows: BT (78 species), CR (60 species), TR (78 species), SM (66 species), OT (73 species), MT (77 species), MD (68 species) and DB (62 species) (Rakosy and Goia 2021). | have identified 49 species in the collections, which represent 54.44% of the species in Romania’s fauna. These species are distributed by counties as follows: BT with the counties (CS and TM); CR (AR); DB (CT and TL), MD (GL, NT, and VR); MT (IF); OT (GJ, MH, and VL); SM (SM), TR (AB, BN, BV, CV, CJ, HR, HD, MS, SB) and the capital Bucharest. Based on synthesising the collection data and on previously published data on species of this family (Stanca-Moise 2022), the present article presents 16 genera and 1966 specimens of the Nymphalid family collected in Romania since 137 years ago. Figure 5. EES] The species collected in other European countries are graphically represented. The article illustrates the biodiversity of the nymphalid family and their historical evolution in Romania and Europe, thus bringing an important historical, scientific and biogeographic "Council Directive (1992)" contribution to the study of butterflies. With the earliest data from 1887, my research complements current research on the presence, diversity and distribution of the nymphalid family in Romania until 1984. Alongside other rare, extinct or endangered species, the presence of nymphalid species with various endangerment levels in the patrimony of the Natural History Museum Sibiu enhances the scientific value of the museum's collections and confirms their significance for ascertaining the biodiversity and distribution of the species throughout time. Future research will include digitising the New information of the biodiversity of the nymphalid family (Insecta, Lepidoptera, ... 37 Museum’s butterfly collection to facilitate the access to the collected specimens for specialists searching for historical data on the species. Acknowledgements | am grateful to Dr. Carmen Stanescu who accompanied me during the documentation and study of the collections in the period 1997-2022 and who helped me in deciphering the labels and obtaining these data. We thank all the reviewers for their valuable suggestions for the scientific improvement of this article. References ° Burnaz S (2002) Fauna de lepidoptere diurne (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) a Judetului Hunedoara Romania. Consideratii Ecologice Biolgice si Zoogeografice Buletin Infomativ al Societatii Lepideptorologice Romane 13: 41-67. [In Romanian]. ° Capuse |, Kovacs A (1987) Catalogul colectiei de lepidoptere Laszlo Didszeghy de la Muzeul Judetean Covasna. Sfantu Gheorghe. 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