Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e97347 OO) doi: 10.3897/BDJ.11.e97347 open access Data Paper Pelagic amphipods (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Hyperiidea) from the southern Gulf of Mexico with notes on the distribution of species Laura Sanvicente-Aforve*, Barbara Velazquez Ramirez*, Margarita Hermoso-SalazarS $ Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico § Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México, Mexico City, Mexico Corresponding author: Laura Sanvicente-Afhorve ( Academic editor: Luiz F. Andrade Received: 09 Nov 2022 | Accepted: 03 Jan 2023 | Published: 30 Jan 2023 Citation: Sanvicente-Aforve L, Velazquez Ramirez B, Hermoso-Salazar M (2023) Pelagic amphipods (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Hyperiidea) from the southern Gulf of Mexico with notes on the distribution of species. Biodiversity Data Journal 11: e97347. Abstract Background Studies referring the amphipod diversity have been mainly focused on the benthic environment. This study aimed to analye the epipelagic amphipod fauna composition in a sector of the southern Gulf of Mexico (GoM). Previous records in the Gulf mainly comprised the oceanic province; our dataset included both oceanic and neritic zones, off several fluvial and lagoon systems. The biological material comprised 485 data records and a total abundance of 3,802 individuals. New information Surveys were conducted at 21 sampling stations around the Veracruz Reef System National Marine Park, a marine protected area in the southern GoM. As a result of this research, we found 16 families, 34 genera and 78 species belonging to the suborder Hyperiidea. Our records include species from the oceanic province (up to 1,200 m depth), © Sanvicente-Afiorve L et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 2 Sanvicente-Afnorve L et al such as those from the genus Scinia, members of the infraorder Physosomata. In addition, Lycaeopsis zamboangae were found off the Alvarado Lagoon. Information on the habitat of 78 amphipod species (neritic, oceanic) is provided. The dataset is available at https:// 8f3f8-f899-4c97-af47-8a11 0f856f92 Keywords zooplankton, planktonic amphipods, hyperiids, epipelagic zone, dataset, occurrence, Gulf of Mexico Introduction Pelagic amphipods encompass a large number of crustacean species from the suborders Amphilochidea, Hyperiidea and Senticaudata, found worldwide. In tropical waters, however, researchers are still finding new records of species (Violante-Huerta et al. 2020, Dominguez-Nava et al. 2021, Violante-Huerta et al. 2021a) suggesting the need to improve the knowledge of their distribution around the world. Amongst the pelagic amphipods, the Hyperiidea is the dominant suborder with 292 species described in the world (Burridge et al. 2017). They exhibit greater diversity in the oceanic zone (Bowman and Gruner 1973, Lorz and Peracy 1975, Violante-Huerta 2019), yet various studies show that their abundance is higher in the neritic zone (Gasca 2004, Velazquez-Ramirez 2021). In the vertical plane, they occur from surface to abyssal depths, even in the hadal zone (Vinogradov et al. 1996, Vinogradov 1999). Hyperiids are carnivores and feed on other zooplankton organisms, such as polychaetes, chaetognaths, copepods, small crustaceans and even other amphipods (Bowman 1978, Williams and Robins 1981, Zeidler 1984). Furthermore, several species have been seen in association with gelatinous zooplankton, such as medusae, siphonophores and salps (Harbison et al. 1977, Laval 1980). In the Gulf of Mexico (GoM), 17 families of the Hyperiidea suborder and a total of 119 species have been recorded (Gasca et al. 2009, LeCroy et al. 2009, Violante-Huerta 2019, Hereu et al. 2020). Hyperiid surveys in the GoM have mostly addressed the oceanic area and refer to new records of species, descriptions of intraspecific morphological variability and/or the analysis of some ecological features (Gasca 2003, Gasca 2004, Violante-Huerta 2019, Hereu et al. 2020, Violante-Huerta et al. 2021b). This study explores the composition of the hyperiid amphipod community in a sector of the southern Gulf that includes neritic and oceanic waters. This area is influenced by the discharge of freshwater outflows and contains the Veracruz Reef System National Marine Park, a protected natural area. General description Purpose: This study provides georeferenced information on the composition and abundance of hyperiid amphipods collected in the southern GoM during an oceanographic cruise. Pelagic amphipods (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Hyperiidea) from the southern ... 3 Project description Title: Pelagic amphipods (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Hyperiidea) from the southern Gulf of Mexico with notes on the distribution of species. Personnel: Laura Sanvicente-Anorve, Barbara Velazquez-Ramirez, Margarita Hermoso- Salazar. Study area description: The study area, located in the southern GoM, is included in Marine Ecoregion 14 of North America (Wilkinson et al. 2009). The sampling grid comprised neritic and oceanic zones (Fig. 1). The inner neritic zone is influenced by the discharges of several freshwater outflows, such as the Papaloapan River and Alvarado Lagoon. Surface circulation in the neritic zone exhibits a seasonal variation depending on the wind stress: during the autumn-winter period, circulation is towards the southeast, whereas during the spring-summer, surface waters flow towards the northwest (Zavala- Hidalgo et al. 2003). In the oceanic zone, the circulation pattern is cyclonic throughout the year (Peérez-Brunius et al. 2013, Sanvicente-Aforve et al. 2014). e : > et avaradol WS Lagoon | 65) Figure 1. EES] Study area and location of oceanographic stations. Design description: The dataset here provided included pelagic amphipod information from zooplankton collections performed at 21 sites in the southern Gulf of Mexico (Sanvicente-Anorve et al. 2022). Zooplankton samples were collected in the epipelagic region in both neritic and oceanic waters. Funding: Financial support came from the Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. 4 Sanvicente-Anorve L et al Sampling methods Description: The samples were obtained in the GoM between 18.84622 to 19.63814 North latitude and 95.28207 to 96.27735 West longitude, off the Mexican State of Veracruz. This area encompasses oceanic and neritic waters and contains the Veracruz Reef System National Marine Park, a protected natural area. The area is influenced by the discharge of the rivers Actopan, La Antigua, Jamapa, Papaloapan and the Alvarado Lagoon. Sampling description: Zooplankton samples were taken aboard the vessel “Justo Sierra’, during the oceanographic cruise named SAV-l, carried out from 29 November to 2 December 2007. The sampling grid comprised 21 neritic and oceanic oceanographic stations organised in six transects perpendicular to the coastline. Sampling was performed using a Bongo net of 333 and 505 um mesh size; a flowmeter was placed at the mouth of each net to estimate the volume of filtered water. The net was towed for about 7 to 27 minutes (depending on bottom depth) at a speed of 2-3 knots. Collected samples were fixed in a 4% formaldehyde seawater solution buffered with sodium borate. Sampling depth ranged between 10 to 200 metres, depending on bottom depth. Quality control: Positions of sampling stations were georeferenced and displayed on a map using the Google Maps platform. The name of each species was verified using the taxon match tool of WoRMS (World Register of Marine Species). Step description: Amphipods were sorted from the samples collected with the 505 um mesh size and preserved in 70% ethanol. The amphipods were identified, based on specialised literature (Stebbing 1888, Shih 1991, Vinogradov et al. 1996, Vinogradov 1999, Zeidler 1990, Zeidler 1992, Zeidler 1999, Zeidler 2000, Zeidler 2003, Zeidler 2004a, Zeidler 2004b, Zeidler 2016) and classified in accordance with Lowry and Myers (2017). Microdissections of taxonomically important structures (Such as antennae, gnathopods, pereopods and uropods) were performed under the stereoscopic microscope to identify the hyperiids. The biological material is kept in the Laboratorio de Ecologia de Sistemas Pelagicos of the Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Geographic coverage Description: The study area comprised neritic and oceanic waters off the Mexican State of Veracruz, in the southern GoM. Several freshwater outflows influence the area: the rivers Actopan, La Antigua, Jamapa, Papaloapan and the Alvarado Lagoon. A marine protected area, Veracruz Reef System, exists within the explored area (Fig. 1). Coordinates: 18.84622 and 19.63814 Latitude; -96.27735 and -95.28207 Longitude. Pelagic amphipods (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Hyperiidea) from the southern ... 5 Taxonomic coverage Description: A total of 3,893 amphipods of the suborder Hyperiidea were sorted from the samples, from which 3,802 were identified to a species level. The identified individuals belonged to two infraorders, 16 families, 34 genera and 78 species (Tables 1, 2). Classification was after Lowry and Myers (2017). Table 1. General taxonomic counts of hyperiid species. Infraorder Families Genera Species Records Physocephalata 15 32 68 466 Physosomata 1 2 10 19 Table 2. List of hyperiid species collected off Veracruz, southern Gulf of Mexico, in November-December 2007. Family/species Number of individuals Habitat of occurrence Order Amphipoda Latreille, 1816 Suborder Hyperiidea H. Milne Edwards, 1830 Infraorder Physocephalata Bowman & Gruner, 1973 Parvorder Physocephalatidira Bowman & Gruner, 1973 Superfamily Phronimoidea Rafinesque, 1815 Dairellidae Bovallius, 1887 Dairella californica (Bovallius, 1885) 4 oceanic, continental slope Lestrigonidae Zeidler, 2004 Hyperietta luzoni (Stebbing, 1888) 10 neritic, oceanic Hyperietta stebbingi Bowman, 1973 16 neritic, oceanic Hyperietta stephenseni Bowman, 1973 34 neritic, oceanic Hyperietta vosseleri (Stebbing, 1904) 4 neritic, oceanic Hyperioides longipes Chevreux, 1900 31 neritic, oceanic Hyperionyx macrodactylus (Stephensen, 1924) 13 neritic, oceanic Lestrigonus bengalensis Giles, 1888 2575 neritic, oceanic Lestrigonus macrophthalmus (Vosseler, 1901) 163 neritic, oceanic Lestrigonus schizogeneios (Stebbing, 1888) 6 neritic, oceanic Lestrigonus shoemakeri Bowman, 1973 1 oceanic Phronimopsis spinifera Claus, 1879 54 oceanic Themistella fusca (Dana, 1853) 35 neritic, oceanic Family/species Phronimidae Rafinesque, 1815 Anchylomera blossevillei H. Milne Edwards, 1830 Phronima atlantica Guérin-Méneville, 1836 Phronima colletti Bovallius, 1887 Phronima curvipes Vosseler, 1901 Phronima pacifica Streets, 1877 Phronima sedentaria (Forskal, 1775) Phronima solitaria Guérin-Méneville, 1844 Phronima stebbingi Vosseler, 1901 Phrosinidae Dana, 1852 Phrosina semilunata Risso, 1822 Primno abyssalis (Bowman, 1968) Primno brevidens Bowman, 1978 Primno evansi Sheader, 1986 Primno johnsoni Bowman, 1978 Primno latreillei Stebbing, 1888 Superfamily Platysceloidea Spence Bate, 1862 Amphithyridae Zeidler, 2016 Amphithyrus bispinosus Claus, 1879 Amphithyrus muratus Volkov, 1982 Amphithyrus sculpturatus Claus, 1879 Paralycaea gracilis Claus, 1879 Paralycaea hoylei Stebbing, 1888 Brachyscelidae Stephensen, 1923 Brachyscelus crusculum Spence Bate, 1861 Brachyscelus globiceps (Claus, 1879) Brachyscelus rapacoides Stephensen, 1925 Eupronoidae Zeidler, 2016 Eupronoe intermedia Stebbing, 1888 Eupronoe maculata Claus, 1879 Eupronoe minuta Claus, 1879 Parapronoe crustulum Claus, 1879 Parapronoe parva Claus, 1879 Sanvicente-Afnorve L et al Number of individuals 61 11 20 10 11 25 55 16 32 Habitat of occurrence neritic, oceanic oceanic, continental slope oceanic neritic, oceanic oceanic oceanic oceanic oceanic, continental slope neritic, oceanic oceanic, continental slope oceanic neritic, oceanic oceanic, continental slope oceanic, continental slope oceanic neritic neritic oceanic oceanic neritic, oceanic neritic, oceanic neritic, oceanic neritic, oceanic neritic, oceanic neritic, oceanic continental slope oceanic Pelagic amphipods (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Hyperiidea) from the southern ... Family/species Lycaeidae Claus, 1879 Lycaea pachypoda (Claus, 1879) Simorhynchotus antennarius (Claus, 1871) Lycaeopsidae Chevreux, 1913 Lycaeopsis themistoides Claus, 1879 Lycaeopsis zamboangae (Stebbing, 1888) Oxycephalidae Dana, 1852 Leptocotis tenuirostris (Claus, 1871) Oxycephalus clausi Bovallius, 1887 Oxycephalus piscator H. Milne Edwards, 1830 Streetsia challengeri Stebbing, 1888 Streetsia porcella (Claus, 1879) Streetsia steenstrupi (Bovallius, 1887) Parascelidae Bovallius, 1887 Schizoscelus ornatus Claus, 1879 Parascelus edwardsi Claus, 1879 Thyropus sphaeroma (Claus, 1879) Platyscelidae Spence Bate, 1862 Hemityphis tenuimanus Claus, 1879 Paratyphis maculatus Claus, 1879 Paratyphis parvus Claus, 1887 Paratyphis promontori Stebbing, 1888 Platyscelus crustulatus (Claus, 1879) Platyscelus ovoides (Risso, 1816) Platyscelus serratulus Stebbing, 1888 Tetrathyrus forcipatus Claus, 1879 Pronoidae Dana, 1852 Pronoe capito Guérin-Méneville, 1836 Superfamily Vibilioidea Dana, 1852 Paraphronimidae Bovallius, 1887 Paraphronima crassipes Claus, 1879 Paraphronima gracilis Claus, 1879 Vibiliidae Dana, 1852 Number of individuals 13 21 16 115 21 22 28 63 Habitat of occurrence neritic, oceanic neritic, oceanic neritic, oceanic neritic, oceanic oceanic, continental slope oceanic neritic, oceanic oceanic oceanic oceanic neritic neritic, oceanic neritic, oceanic neritic, oceanic neritic, oceanic neritic, oceanic neritic, oceanic oceanic oceanic oceanic neritic, oceanic neritic, oceanic neritic, oceanic oceanic 8 Sanvicente-Afnorve L et al Family/species Number of individuals Habitat of occurrence Vibilia australis Stebbing, 1888 1 oceanic Vibilia propinqua Stebbing, 1888 2 oceanic Vibilia stebbingi Behning & Woltereck, 1912 AS) oceanic, continental slope Vibilia viatrix Bovallius, 1887 10 neritic, oceanic Infraorder Physosomata H. Milne Edwards, 1830 Parvorder Physosomatidira Pirlot, 1929 Superfamily Scinoidea Stebbing, 1888 Scinidae Stebbing, 1888 Acanthoscina acanthodes (Stebbing, 1895) 4 oceanic Scina borealis (G.O. Sars, 1883) 1 oceanic Scina crassicornis (Fabricius, 1775) 2 oceanic Scina excisa Wagler, 1926 1 oceanic Scina lepisma Chun, 1889 1 neritic Scina similis Stebbing, 1895 1 oceanic Scina stenopus Stebbing, 1895 5 oceanic Scina submarginata Tattersall, 1906 3 oceanic Scina tullbergi (Bovallius, 1885) 2 oceanic Scina vosseleri Tattersall, 1906 1 oceanic Members of the Physocephalata infraorder, accounting for 99.4% of the total abundance, inhabit the epi- and mesopelagic layers and some species are considered characteristic of the tropical epipelagic fauna (Vinogradov et al. 1996, Vinogradov 1999). In contrast, species of the Physosomata infraorder (0.6%) are rare organisms that inhabit deep waters, but some species are frequently found in the upper epipelagic layer (Vinogradov et al. 1996, Gasca 2009). In this study, the Physosomata infraorder was represented by only one family, 10 species and 21 individuals, mostly found in the oceanic zone (Table 2). The dominant species was Lestrigonus bengalensis, representing 67.7% (2,575 ind.) of all the identified hyperiids. It was found in all the surveyed sites, with the highest abundance in the neritic zone. This species has a circumtropical distribution in both neritic and oceanic waters, with its major abundance in shallow waters (Bowman 1973, Thurston 1976, Siegel- Causey 1982, Vinogradov et al. 1996). Only seven additional species recorded an abundance percentage higher than 1%: L. macrophthalmus (163 ind.), Lycaeopsis zamboangae (115 ind.), Eupronoe intermedia (77 ind.), Tetrathyrus forcipatus (63 ind.), Anchylomera blossevillei (61 ind.), Brachyscelus globiceps (55 ind.) and Phronimopsis spinifera (54 ind.). Except for the latter species, all these species were found in both oceanic and neritic areas (Table 2). In contrast, P spinifera showed a clear tendency to occupy the oceanic zone. In particular, L. zamboangae was distributed in neritic and oceanic waters in front of the Alvarado Lagoon; Pelagic amphipods (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Hyperiidea) from the southern ... 9 previous studies indicated that the species has an affinity for surface waters of tropical and temperate regions (Siegel-Causey 1982, Zeidler 2004b). Of the 78 species here recorded, only four were solely found in the neritic zone with one or two individuals: Amphithyrus sculpturatus, A. muratus, Schizoscelus ornatus and Scina lepisma. These species have been recorded in low numbers in oceanic areas (Gasca and Shih 2001, Gasca 2009, Violante-Huerta 2019, Hereu et al. 2020); thus, their presence in the neritic zone is not indicative of their main habitat. Temporal coverage Notes: From 29 November to 2 December 2007. Collection data Collection name: Zooplankton collection of the Laboratorio de Ecologia de Sistemas Pelagicos from the Instituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Specimen preservation method: wet. Usage licence Usage licence: Creative Commons Public Domain Waiver (CC-Zero) IP rights notes: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Licence (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). Data resources Data package title: Pelagic amphipods (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Hyperiidea) from the southern Gulf of Mexico. Resource link: https:/ 8f3f8-f899-4c97-af47-8a11 0f856f92 Number of data sets: 1 Data set name: Pelagic amphipods (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Hyperiidea) from the southern Gulf of Mexico. Download URL: hittps:// pelagic amphipods s gom Data format: Darwin core. 10 Sanvicente-Afnorve L et al Description: This dataset contains georeferenced information of planktonic amphipods of the suborder Hyperiidea collected in front of the Mexican State of Veracruz, southern GoM, from 29 November to 2 December 2007. Zooplankton sampling was carried out with a Bongo net of 333 and 505 yum mesh size. The sampling grid included 21 oceanographic stations arranged in six transects perpendicular to the coastline. The study area is comprised between 18.84622 to 19.63814 North latitude and 95.28207 to 96.27735 West longitude. In total, the dataset includes 485 records corresponding to 78 species belonging to 34 genera and 16 families. Column label occurrencelD eventID stationName eventDate minimumDepthinMetres maximumDepthInMetres decimalLatitude decimalLongitude locality country countryCode geodeticDatum coordinateUncertaintyInMetres samplingProtocol individualCount identifiedBy scientificName scientificNamelD Column description An identifier for the Occurrence. An identifier for the set of information associated with an Event. An identifier for each oceanographic station. The date-time or interval during which an Event occurred. The lesser depth of a range of depth below the local surface, in metres. The greater depth of a range of depth below the local surface, in metres. The geographic latitude (in decimal degrees, using the spatial reference system given in geodeticDatum) of the geographic centre of a Location. The geographic longitude (in decimal degrees, using the spatial reference system given in geodeticDatum) of the geographic centre of a Location. The original textual description of the place. The name of the country or major administrative unit in which the Location occurs. The standard code for the country in which the Location occurs. The ellipsoid, geodetic datum or spatial reference system (SRS) upon which the geographic coordinates given in decimalLatitude and decimalLongitude are based. The horizontal distance (in metres) from the given decimalLatitude and decimalLongitude describing the smallest circle containing the whole of the Location. The names of, references to, or descriptions of the methods or protocols used during an Event. The number of individuals present at the time of the Occurrence. Alist (concatenated and separated) of names of people, groups or organisations who assigned the Taxon to the subject. The full scientific name. An identifier for the nomenclatural (not taxonomic) details of a scientific name. Pelagic amphipods (Crustacea, Amphipoda, Hyperiidea) from the southern ... 11 scientificNameAuthorship The authorship information for the scientificName formatted according to the conventions of the applicable nomenclaturalCode. namePublishedIn The four-digit year in which the scientificName was published. kingdom The full scientific name of the kingdom in which the taxon is classified. phylum The full scientific name of the phylum or division in which the taxon is classified. class The full scientific name of the class in which the taxon is classified. order The full scientific name of the order in which the taxon is classified. family The full scientific name of the family in which the taxon is classified. genus The full scientific name of the genus in which the taxon is classified. specificEpithet The name of the first or species epithet of the scientificName. taxonRank The taxonomic rank of the most specific name in the scientificName. occurrenceStatus A statement about the presence or absence of a Taxon at a Location. basisOfRecord The specific nature of the data record. Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank F. Zavala-Garcia and M. Martinez-Mayeén for their help during the development of this work. The authors are also grateful to L.F. Alvarez-Sanchez who kindly helped us to create and upload the dataset to the GBIF network. A special thanks goes to the three reviewers for the useful comments that improved the manuscript. References ° Bowman TE (1973) Pelagic amphipods of the genus Hyperia and closely related genera (Hyperiidea: Hyperiidae). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 136: 1-76. https:// ° Bowman TE, Gruner HE (1973) The families and genera of Hyperiidea (Crustacea: Amphipoda). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 146: 1-64. 00810282.146 ° Bowman TE (1978) Revision of the pelagic amphipod genus Primo (Hyperiidea: Phrosinidae). 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