Biodiversity Data Journal 9: e61909 OO) doi: 10.3897/BDJ.9.e61909 open access Data Paper Marine algal flora of Santa Maria Island, Azores Ana | Azevedo Netot, Manuela |. Parente’, Eva Cacabelos!?, Ana Cristina Costa$, Andrea Zita Botelho$, Enric Ballesteros!, Sandra Monteiro’, Roberto Resendes*, Pedro Afonso”, Afonso C. L. Prestest, Rita F. Patarra“+, Nuno V. Alvaro”, David Mila-Figueras", Raul M. A. Neto, José M. N. Azevedot, Ignacio Moreut + cE3c - Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes/Azorean Biodiversity Group, Faculdade de Ciéncias e Tecnologia, Departamento de Biologia, Universidade dos Agores, 9500-321 Ponta Delgada, Acores, Portugal § CIBIO, Centro de Investigagao em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genéticos, InBIO Laboratério Associado, Pélo dos Acores, Universidade dos Acores, Faculdade de Ciéncias e Tecnologia, Departamento de Biologia, 9500-321 Ponta Delgada, Acores, Portugal | MARE — Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre, Agéncia Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigagdo Tecnologia e Inovagao (ARDITI), Edif. Madeira Tecnopolo, Piso 2, Caminho da Penteada, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal | Centre d’Estudis Avangats de Blanes-CSIC,, Acc. Cala Sant Francesc 14, 17300 Blanes, Girona, Spain # Faculdade de Ciéncias e Tecnologia, Departamento de Biologia, Universidade dos Acgores, 9500-321 Ponta Delgada, Acores, Portugal = IMAR/Okeanos, Departamento de Oceanografia e Pescas, Universidade dos Acores, Rua Prof. Doutor Frederico Machado, 9901-862 Horta, Acores, Portugal « Expolab - Ciéncia Viva Science Centre, Avenida da Ciéncia - Beta, n.° 8, Lagoa, Sao Miguel, Acores, Portugal » CCMMG (Centro do Clima Meteorologia e Mudangas Globais) & IITA-A (Instituto de Investigagao e Tecnologias Agrarias e do Ambiente), Universidade dos Acores, Faculdade de Ciéncias Agrarias, Rua Capitao Jodo d’Aviia — Pico da Urze, 9700-042 Angra do Heroismo, Acores, Portugal “ N/A, Ponta Delgada, Portugal Corresponding author: Ana | Azevedo Neto ( Academic editor: Andreas Beck Received: 10 Dec 2020 | Accepted: 24 Feb 2021 | Published: 25 Mar 2021 Citation: Neto AIA, Parente MI, Cacabelos E, Costa AC, Botelho AZ, Ballesteros E, Monteiro S, Resendes R, Afonso P, Prestes ACL, Patarra RF, Alvaro NV, Mila-Figueras D, Neto RMA, Azevedo JMN, Moreu | (2021) Marine algal flora of Santa Maria Island, Azores. Biodiversity Data Journal 9: e€61909. Abstract Background The algal flora of the Island of Santa Maria (eastern group of the Azores archipelago) has attracted interest of researchers on past occasions (Drouét 1866, Agardh 1870, Trelease 1897, Schmidt 1931, Ardré et al. 1974, Fralick and Hehre 1990, Neto et al. 1991, Morton and Britton 2000, Amen et al. 2005, Wallenstein and Neto 2006, Tittley et al. 2009, © Neto A et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 2 Neto A et al Wallenstein et al. 2009a, Wallenstein et al. 2010, Botelho et al. 2010, Torres et al. 2010, Leén-Cisneros et al. 2011, Martins et al. 2014, Micael et al. 2014, Rebelo et al. 2014, Avila et al. 2015, Avila et al. 2016, Machin-Sanchez et al. 2016, Uchman et al. 2016, Johnson et al. 2017, Parente et al. 2018). Nevertheless, the Island macroalgal flora is not well-known as published information reflects limited collections obtained in short-term visits by scientists. To overcome this, a thorough investigation, encompassing collections and presence data recording, was undertaken at both the littoral and sublittoral levels down to a depth of approximately 40 m, covering an area of approximately 64 km?. The resultant taxonomic records are listed in the present paper which also provides information on species ecology and occurrence around the Island, improving, thereby, the knowledge of the Azorean macroalgal flora at both local and regional scales. New information A total of 2329 specimens (including some taxa identified only to genus level) belonging to 261 taxa of macroalgae are registered, comprising 152 Rhodophyta, 43 Chlorophyta and 66 Ochrophyta (Phaeophyceae). Of these, 174 were identified to species level (102 Rhodophyta, 29 Chlorophyta and 43 Ochrophyta), encompassing 52 new records for the Island (30 Rhodophyta, 9 Chlorophyta and 13 Ochrophyta), 2 Macaronesian endemics (Laurencia viridis Gil-Rodriguez & Haroun; and Miillerella tinerfensis (Seoane-Camba) S.M.Boo & J.M.Rico), 10 introduced (the Rhodophyta Acrothamnion preissii (Sonder) E.M.Wollaston, Antithamnion hubbsii E.Y.Dawson, Asparagopsis armata Harvey, Bonnemaisonia hamifera Hariot, Melanothamnus harveyi (Bailey) Diaz-Tapia & Maggs, Scinaia acuta M.J.Wynne and Symphyocladia marchantioides (Harvey) Falkenberg; the Chlorophyta Codium fragile subsp. fragile (Suringar) Hariot; and the Ochrophyta Hydroclathrus tilesii (Endlicher) Santiahez & M.J.Wynne, and Papenfussiella kuromo (Yendo) Inagaki) and 18 species of uncertain status (11 Rhodophyta, 3 Chlorophyta and 4 Ochrophyta). Keywords Macroalgae, Azores, Santa Maria Island, new records, endemic, native, uncertain, introduced, occurrence data. Introduction The marine algal flora of the isolated mid-Atlantic Azores archipelago is considered cosmopolitan, with species shared with Macaronesia, North Africa, the Mediterranean Sea, Atlantic Europe and America (Tittley 2003, Tittley and Neto 2006, Wallenstein et al. 2009b) and relatively rich when compared to that of other remote oceanic Islands (Neto et al. 2005, Tittley and Neto 2005, Wallenstein et al. 2009b). Amongst the Atlantic archipelagos, Azores, with 405 species, comes second in species richness after the Canary Islands, with 689 species and is followed by Madeira (396), Cabo Verde (333) and Selvagens (295 Marine algal flora of Santa Maria Island, Azores 3 species) (Freitas et al. 2019). The latter authors, based on extensive analysis encompassing data on coastal fishes, brachyurans, polychaetes, gastropods echinoderms and macroalgae, suggested that the Azores should be a biogeographical entity on its own and proposed a re-definition of the Lusitanian biogeographical province, in which they consider four ecoregions: the South European Atlantic Shelf, the Saharan Upwelling, the Azores ecoregion and a new ecoregion they named Webbnesia, which comprises the archipelagos of Madeira, Selvagens and the Canary Islands. It should be noted that the paper by Freitas et al. (2019) reflects data from only a few of the nine Islands, since not all data were available to them. Sao Miguel, with 260 algal species cited at the moment (Table 1), is the Island with the greatest amount of research dedicated to the subject. To overcome this situation and with the aim of providing a better knowledge of the archipelago’s seaweed flora, research has been conducted over the past three decades on all the Islands. Data on the Islands of Corvo and Flores, Graciosa, Pico and Terceira are already available on the recently-published papers by Neto et al. (2020a), Neto et al. (2020b), Neto et al. (2020c), Neto et al. (2020e). Table 1 summarises the current available information. Table 1. Number of macroalgal species on the Azorean Islands: Santa Maria, Sao Miguel, Sao Jorge and Faial (authors' unpublished data); Terceira (Neto et al. 2020a); Graciosa (Neto et al. 2020c); Pico (Neto et al. 2020b); Flores and Corvo (Neto et al. 2020e). Phyllum Santa Maria Sao Miguel Terceira Graciosa SaoJorge Pico Faial Flores Corvo Rhodophyta 68 168 73 126 35 142 59 120 30 Chlorophyta 20 39 24 31 17 41 16 35 AS) Ochrophyta 28 53 16 38 10 42 8 4 17 Total 116 260 113 195 62 225 = 83 196 56 The present paper presents both physical and occurrence data and information gathered from macroalgae surveys undertaken on Santa Maria Island mainly by the Island Aquatic Research Group of the Azorean Biodiversity Centre of the University of the Azores (Link:, the BIOISLE, Biodiversity and Islands Research Group of CIBIO-Acores at the University of the Azores (Link: and the OKEANOS Centre of the University of the Azores (Link: http:/) In these surveys, particular attention was given to the small filamentous and thin sheet-like forms that are often short- lived and fast-growing and usually very difficult to identify in the wild, without the aid of a microscope and specialised literature in the laboratory. The paper aims to provide a valuable marine biological tool for research on systematics, diversity and conservation, biological monitoring, climate change, ecology and more applied studies, such as_ biotechnological applications, for academics, students, government, private organisations and the general public. 4 Neto A et al General description Purpose: In this paper we present taxonomic records of macroalgae for Santa Maria Island and provide general information on their occurrence and distribution. By doing this, we are addressing several biodiversity shortfalls (see Cardoso et al. 2011, Hortal et al. 2015), namely the need to catalogue the Azorean macroalgae (Linnean shortfall) and improve the current information on their local and regional geographic distribution (Wallacean shortfall), as well as on species abundance and dynamics in space (Prestonian shortfall). Project description Title: Marine algal flora of Santa Maria Island, Azores Personnel: Collections were conducted and occurrence data recorded during several years (1989 - 2019). Main collectors were Abel Senties, Afonso C. L. Prestes, Ana Cristina Costa, Ana | Neto, Andre Amaral, Andrea Cunha, Andrea Z. Botelho, Camille Fontaine, Catarina Santos, Claudia Lopes, Daniela Gabriel, David Milla-Figueras, Dinis Geraldes, Edgar Rosas-Alquicira, Edward Hehre, Emanuel Xavier, Enric Ballesteros, Eunice Nogueira, Eva Cacabelos, Francisco Wallenstein, Heather Baldwin, Joana Michael, Joana Pombo, Joao Brum, Joao Ferreira, Joao Monteiro, José Baptista, José M. N. Azevedo, Linda Beiroldi, Luis Resendes, Marco Enoch, Manuela |. Parente, Maria Ana Dionisio, Maria Machin-Sanchez, Maria Manuel, Marlene Terra, Mutue Toyota Fujii, Nuno Vaz Alvaro, Patricia Madeira, Paulo Torres, Pedro Monteiro, Raquel Torres, Ricardo Cordeiro, Richard Fralick, Rita F. Patarra, Ruben Couto, Rui Sousa, Sandra Monteiro, Sérgio Avila, Tarso Costa, Tito Silva, Valeria Cassano and Viegas Pinto. Preliminary in situ identifications were done by: Abel Senties, Ana | Neto, Andrea Z. Botelho, Daniela Gabriel, David Milla-Figueras, Edgar Rosas-Alquicira, Edward Hehre, Enric Ballesteros, Eva Cacabelos, Francisco Wallenstein, Heather Baldwin, Manuela I. Parente, Maria Machin-Sanchez, Marlene Terra, Mutue Toyota Fujii, Nuno Vaz Alvaro, Raquel Torres, Richard Fralick, Ruben Couto and Valeria Cassano. Abel Senties, Ana I. Neto, Andrea Z. Botelho, David Milla-Figueras, Edgar Rosas-Alquicira, Edward Hehre, Enric Ballesteros, Eva Cacabelos, Francisco Wallenstein, Heather Baldwin, Manuela |. Parente, Maria Machin-Sanchez, Marlene Terra, Mutue Toyota Fujii, Richard Fralick and Valeria Cassano were responsible for the final species identification. Voucher specimen management was mainly done by Afonso C.L. Prestes, Ana |. Neto, Andrea Z. Botelho, David Milla-Figueras, Eunice Nogueira, Manuela |. Parente, Natalia Cabral, Rita Patarra and Roberto Resendes. Vouchers are deposited at the AZB Herbarium Ruy Telles Palhinha and the LSM - Molecular Systematics Laboratory at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of the Azores. Study area description: Isolated in the mid-Atlantic Ocean and emerging from the Azores Plateau and located above an active triple junction between three of the world's largest Marine algal flora of Santa Maria Island, Azores 5 tectonic plates (the North American Plate, the Eurasian Plate and the African Plate, Hildenbrand et al. 2014), the Azores archipelago (38°43'49"N, 27°19'10"W, Fig. 1) comprises nine Islands and several islets spread over 500 km in a WNW direction. The Island of Santa Maria (in black in Fig. 1), approximately 97 km7?, is the easternmost one of the archipelago (37°1'1"N, 25°11'6"W, Fig. 2), located approximately 430 km east of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge within the boundary that divides the Eurasian and African Plates (Hildenbrand et al. 2014). The western part of the Island is flat and has extensive wave-cut platforms reaching altitudes of 250 m above sea level. The eastern part is very irregular and has its highest point around 450 m (Neto et al. 2008c). There are no indications of recent volcanism and the last eruptions occurred during the Upper Pliocene. It is the only Island of the archipelago where marine fossiliferous deposits are known, which have been studied since the 19th century (see, for example, Amen et al. 2005, Neto et al. 2008c, Rebelo et al. 2014, Avila et al. 2015, Avila et al. 2016, Uchman et al. 2016). 31°0'0"W 30°0'0"W 29°0'0"W 28°0'0"W 27°0'0"W 26°0'0"W 25°0'0"W 40°0'0"N 40°0'0"N 39°0'0"N 39°0'0"N 38°0'0"N 38°0'0"N 37°0'0"N 37°0'0"N 31°0'0"W 30°0'0"W 29°0'0"W si 28°0'0"WSs«7°0'0"W ~ 26°0'0"W 25°0'0"W Figure 1. EES] The Azores, its location in the Atlantic and Santa Maria Island highlighted in black (by Nuno V. Alvaro). The climate is characterised by regular rainfall, medium levels of relative humidity and persistent winds, mainly during the winter and autumn seasons (Morton et al. 1998). As in the remaining Azorean Islands, the tidal range is small (< 2 m), the coastal extension is restricted, with deep waters occurring within a few kilometres offshore and coasts are subjected to swell and surge most of the year (see Hidrografico 1981). The Island coastline is approximately 63 km long and the coastal morphology results from the effect of the wave action, responsible for the predominance of erosive formations and from the Island antiquity and, also, the fact that it has been frequently submerged. As a consequence, several agglomerations of marine sedimentary rocks occur (e.g. marine conglomerates, fossiliferous calcarenites and arenites) distributed through cliffs and headlands, providing a special geological value to this Island that is not present elsewhere in the archipelago (Neto et al. 2008c). The north and east coasts are characterised by discontinuous and mixed geological forms, with abrupt headlands between which lengths of large boulder and cobbles occur. At Sao Loureng¢o high cliffs give rise to narrow high-tide 6 Neto A et al platforms and low headlands generally less than 10 m high, that allow the establishment of cobble beaches and marine deposition that creates the local sandy beach. The northwest coastline of the Island is characterised by the occurrence of marine deposition and agglomerations of small cobbles, while the northeast coast is sculpted by plunging cliffs. Boulders and cobbles are commonly present. The west and south coasts of the Island have predominantly steep slopes, characterised by the occurrence of plunging cliffs that vary in height, abrupt headland segments and occasional high-tide platforms covered by boulders and cobbles. Praia Formosa has a different configuration with a smooth typology that facilitates seasonal marine deposition processes that alternate between a sandy beach in summer and a cobble beach during the rest of the year (Neto et al. 2008c). Figure 2. EES Santa Maria Island showing the sampling locations (by Nuno V. Alvaro). Along the coastline of the Island, the bottom is dominated by irregular rocky beds, with compact bedrock dominating over boulder and cobble ones. Only two sand basins occur, Praia Formosa (south coast) and Sao Lourengo on the east coast (Neto et al. 2008c). On both beaches, bedrock patches emerge from the sediment bed. This mixed substrate is common to several other places around Santa Maria, at variable depths down to 30 m (e.g. Baia do Salto de Caes and IIhéu das Lagoinhas on the north coast, Baia do Aveiro and Baia da Maia on the east coast). Shore slope and topography show substantial variation along the shoreline. Western and northern shores are usually flatter, with depths of 30 m occurring about 500 m offshore. Eastern shores are steeper: depths of 30 m can be reached less than 200 m away from the coast. Southern shores are intermediate in this respect. The area that comprises the Praia Formosa presents a slope that is similar to that of the north side of the Island, while the one between Ponta da Malbusca and Ponta do Castelo is steeper (Neto et al. 2008c). Submerged or semi-submerged caves, arches and tunnels of small amplitude and reduced length are common. As depth increases, the slope decreases, although the bottom is still rocky and uneven (Neto et al. 2008a). The sediment floor covering the deepest areas is stable, generally composed of medium and/or coarse sand (Neto et al. 2008a). Along the coastline, natural sheltered habitats (arches and semi- submerged caves, tide pools) create favourable conditions for the growth and the occurrence of a considerable diversity and abundance of macroalgae, macroinvertebrates Marine algal flora of Santa Maria Island, Azores TA (Neto et al. 2008a, Neto et al. 2008b) and pelagic and benthic coastal fish (Azevedo et al. 2008). As on the other Islands of the archipelago, intertidal communities of Santa Maria Island are, in part, dominated by algal vegetation, which exhibits a distribution pattern in mosaic and/or bands, with a predominance of algal turfs, covering the rocks as a carpet (Neto et al. 2008c). This turf-growing form is a taxonomically complex mixture of small algae, recruits and juveniles of larger algae, in which the thalli intertwine and re-attach to one another and are adapted for vegetative spread using such multiple attachments to the substratum and adjacent thalli for anchorage (Wallenstein et al. 2009a). The compact mat retains water and provides a suitable habitat for admixed algae and other organisms. A very distinct horizontal pattern of species occurrence characterises the Azorean intertidal shores. In Santa Maria Island three major zones are commonly found (Neto et al. 2008c): the uppermost is dominated by littorinids (Fig. 3); the mid-level zone is characterised by chthamalid barnacles, sometimes limpets (Fig. 4) and dominated by algal turf (Fig. 5); and the lowest zone, representing the transition to the sublittoral fringe, is characterised by various species of frondose algae growing in bands (e.g. the Macaronesian endemic Laurencia viridis, Fig. 6), as epiphytes or forming patches amongst and over turf species (e.g. Ellisolandia elongata (J.Ellis & Solander) K.R.Hind & G.W.Saunders, Fig. 7). The mid- shore level zone on bedrock or boulder shores sometimes exhibits patches of the brown alga Fucus spiralis Linnaeus and the red agarophyte Gelidium microdon Kutzing (Fig. 8) and/or the occasional occurrence of the red algae Porphyra/Pyropia and/or Nemalion elminthoides (Velley) Batters, this latter commonly growing in patches with the brown crust Nemoderma tingitanum Schousboe ex Bornet (Fig. 9). In spring and summer, considerable amounts of the introduced red alga Asparagopsis armata can be seen at the lower intertidal level. Figure 3. EES] Littorinids, a characteristic species of the Azorean high intertidal level (by the Island Aquatic Ecology Subgroup of cE3c-ABG). 8 Neto A et al Figure 4. EES] Chthamalid barnacles, algal turf and limpets on Santa Maria mid intertidal level (by the Island Aquatic Ecology Subgroup of cE3c-ABG). Figure 5. EES Mid-shore intertidal level, dominated by algal turf. Patches of the red algae Nemalion elminthoides can be seen in the image first plan (by the Island Aquatic Ecology Subgroup of cE3c-ABG). Marine algal flora of Santa Maria Island, Azores Figure 6. EES] The Macaronesian endemic Laurencia viridis at the low-shore intertidal level (by the Island Aquatic Ecology Subgroup of cE3c-ABG). Se Figure 7. EES) The erect calcareous frond of Ellisolandia elongata growing epiphytically on the algal turf at the low intertidal level (by the Island Aquatic Ecology Subgroup of cE3c-ABG). 10 Neto A et al Figure 8. EES] The mid-level zone on bedrock shores showing patches of the brown alga Fucus spiralis and the red agarophyte Gelidium microdon (by the Island Aquatic Ecology Subgroup of cE3c- ABG). Figure 9. EES] Patches of the red algae Nemalion elminthoides and the brown crust Nemoderma tingitanum at the mid-shore level of bedrock shores (by the Island Aquatic Ecology Subgroup of cE3c- ABG). Important features and habitats at the shore level are rock pools, occurring in different shapes and sizes and often recreating a shallow subtidal habitat which contains a rich Marine algal flora of Santa Maria Island, Azores 11 diversity of marine life (Neto et al. 2008b). There is a gradient in the proportion of different algal groups in pools at different shore levels. Green algae dominate the upper shore while red and brown algae dominate rock pools lower on the shore. Similarly, faunal diversity in rock pools is greater at lower intertidal levels. Species diversity and richness are lower in upper shore rock-pools where climatic conditions are more stressful (Neto et al. 2008b). The rocky bottoms in the submerged zone are covered by more frondose macrophytes (Neto et al. 2008a), such as the brown algae Dictyota spp. (Fig. 10), Halopteris filicina (Grateloup) KUutzing (Fig. 11), Halopteris scoparia (Linnaeus) Sauvageau and Zonaria tournefortii (J.V. Lamouroux) Montagne; and the red species Plocamium cartilagineum (Linnaeus) P.S. Dixon and Sphaerococcus coronopifolius Stackhouse (Fig. 12). The brown species Padina pavonica (Linnaeus) Thivy (Fig. 13) can be locally common. At this level, the edible barnacle Megabalanus azoricus (Pilsbry, 1916) and/or the limpet Patella aspera Réding, 1798 are concentrated in the first subtidal meters. Other conspicuous invertebrates are the cephalopod Octopus vulgaris Cuvier, 1797, the fan worm Sabella spallanzanii (Gmelin, 1791), the sea urchins Sphaerechinus granularis (Lamarck, 1816) and Arbacia lixula (Linnaeus, 1758) and the sea stars Marthasterias glacialis (Linnaeus, 1758) and Ophidiaster ophidianus (Lamarck, 1816) (Neto et al. 2008a). Frequent fish species at this level are the blue wrasse Symphodus caeruleus (Azevedo, 1999) or the ornate wrasse Thalassoma pavo (Linnaeus, 1758) in shallow rocky areas and the morays, Muraena helena Linnaeus, 1758 or the forkbeards Phycis phycis (Linnaeus, 1766), mainly hidden in crevices during the day. The parrotfish Sparisoma cretense (Linnaeus, 1758), the salemas Sarpa salpa (Linnaeus, 1758) and the white sea bream Diplodus sargus (Linnaeus, 1758) roam amongst rocky reefs (Azevedo et al. 2008). Figure 10. EEN A patch of the brown alga Dictyota at the subtidal level (by the Island Aquatic Ecology Subgroup of cE3c-ABG). 12 Neto A et al Figure 11. EEN The brown alga Halopteris filicina at the subtidal level (by the Island Aquatic Ecology Subgroup of cE3c-ABG). Figure 12. EEN The frondose red alga Sphaerococcus coronopifolius growing in association with the brown algae Zonaria tournefortii and Dictyota at the deepest level sampled (by the Island Aquatic Ecology Subgroup of cE3c-ABG). Marine algal flora of Santa Maria Island, Azores 13 Figure 13. EE Padina pavonica, a locally common brown alga on the shallow bottoms of Santa Maria Island (by the Island Aquatic Ecology Subgroup of cE3c-ABG). Design description: The sampling referred to in this paper was performed across littoral and sublittoral levels down to approximately 40 m on the Island of Santa Maria. Each sampling location was visited several times and, on each occasion, a careful and extensive survey was undertaken to provide a good coverage of the area. Both physical collections and presence recording were made by walking over the intertidal shores during low tides or by SCUBA diving. The specimens collected were taken to the laboratory for identification and preservation and the resulting vouchers were deposited at the AZB Herbarium Ruy Telles Palhinha and the LSM - Molecular Systematics Laboratory at the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of the Azores. Funding: This study was mainly financed by the following projects/scientific expeditions: ° Projects: ° CAJFQ —- “Characterization of the algal component of quaternary fossil deposits”, integrated in the project “Macaronesia 2000”, funded by the Autonomous Organism of Museums and Centers of Tenerife, Canary Islands (1999-2004): PARQMAR — “Characterization, Planning and Management of Marine Protected Areas in Macaronesia - The cases of the Eco-Marine Park of Funchal (Madeira), Gran Canaria and Tenerife (Canary Islands) and Santa Maria (Azores)”, funded by INTERREG III B 2000 Community Initiative Program - 2006, Azores-Madeira-Canary Islands. 03/ MAC/ 4.2/ M9 (2004-2006); RRASMA — “Removal of abandoned fishing nets off the island of Santa Maria”, funded by the Regional Government of the Azores, Environment Delegation of Santa Maria Island (2005-2007); 14 Neto A et al RCGO - “Coastal Waste of the Eastern Group (Sao Miguel and Santa Maria Islands; Formigas Islets): inventory, catalog, raise awareness’, funded by QUERCUS (2006); CAMAG/ORI — “Characterization of coastal water bodies on the islands of Santa Maria and Sao Miguel’, funded by the Regional Government of the Azores, Regional Secretariat for the Environment and the Sea, Regional Directorate for Planning and Water Resources (2008-2012): LAUMACAT - “Diversity and phylogenetic relationships on the benthic marine algae with pharmacological potential: the Laurencia complex (Rhodophyta) in Macaronesian archipelagos, tropical and _ subtropical Atlantic’, funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, Direccion General de Investigacion y Gestion del Plan Nacional de R+Dti, Subdireccion General de Proyectos de Investigacion, Gobierno de Espana (2010 to 2013) and by the Sao Paulo State Research Support Foundation (FAPESP), Brazil, Proc. 2014 /00012-1 (2013 a 2016): ASMAS - Acores: Stop-over for Marine Alien Species?” Government of the Azores - Regional Secretariat for the Sea, Science and Technology (M2.1.2/ 1/(032/2011). 2012 — 2016; PIMA — “Elaboration of the implementation program of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive - Marine Invasion Program in the Azores” (3/DRAM / 2015). Government of the Azores - Regional Secretariat for the Sea, Science and Technology, Regional Directorate for Sea Affairs (GRA / SRMCT-DRAM), 2015; BALA — “Elaboration of the implementation program of the marine strategy framework directive - biodiversity of the coastal environments of the Azores” (2 /DRAM /2015). Government of the Azores - Regional Secretariat for the Sea, Science and Technology, Regional Directorate for Sea Affairs (GRA / SRMCT-DRAM), 2015; “ACORES-01-0145-FEDER-000072 - AZORES BIOPORTAL — PORBIOTA. Operational Programme Azores 2020 (85% ERDF and 15% regional funds); ° Scientific Expeditions and campaigns: ° “SANTA MARIA E FORMIGAS/90”, organised by the Biology Department of the University of the Azores, Santa Maria Island, Azores, June 1990; “Fossil deposits of Prainha and Lagoinhas” under the project CAJFQ- Macaroneésia 2001 “Santa Maria 2002”, under the workshop "Marine Fossils of the Azores: Perspectives for the future", 2002; “Santa Maria 2005”, under the project PARQMAR, 2005; “Santa Maria Island (Azores) 2009”, organised by the Biology Department of the University of the Azores 2009; “Laurencia/2011”, under the project LAUMACAT, 2011; “Waitt Foundation’, under the projects BALA and PIMA, 2016; “BALA/PIMA”, under the projects BALA and PIMA, 2018; Marine algal flora of Santa Maria Island, Azores 15 “PORBIOTA/2019” under the project ACORES-01-0145-FEDER-000072 - AZORES BIOPORTAL — PORBIOTA, 2019; Other funds: ° Portuguese National Funds, through FCT — Fundagao para a Ciéncia e a Tecnologia, within the projects UID/BIA/00329/2013, 2015-2019, UID/BIA/ 00329/2020-2023 and UID/BIA/50027/2019, UID/BIA/50027/2013-2020 and POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006821:; ERDF funds through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness Factors - COMPETE; Portuguese Regional Funds, through DRCT - Regional Directorate for Science and Technology, within several projects, 2019 and 2020 and SRMCT /DRAM - Regional Secretariat for the Sea, Science and Technology, Regional Directorate for Sea Affairs; CIRN/DB/UAc (Research Centre for Natural Resources, Universidade dos Agores, Departamento de Biologia); CIIMAR (Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research, Porto, Portugal). Sampling methods Study extent: The present paper includes sampling performed on a relatively large area, of approximately 64 km?, covering littoral and sublittoral levels down to approximately 40 m around the Island (Table 2, Fig. 2). Table 2. Information and location of the sampling sites on Santa Maria Island. Location Location ID Municipality Locality Latitude Longitude Littoral NO zone 1 SMA_VP_Aapem Vila do Anjos |Atras do porto 37.004998 -25.159629 Intertidal Porto | Entre-marés 2 SMA_VP_aaprs Vila do Atras do aeroporto | 36.985484 -25.187049 Subtidal Porto Ponta do Rochedo | Subtidal 3 SMA_VP_aas1 Vila do Atras do aeroporto | 36.975484 -25.181233 Subtidal Porto Subtidal 1 4 SMA_VP_aas2 Vila do Atras do aeroporto | 36.973329 -25.179014 Subtidal Porto Subtidal 2 5 SMA_VP_Abjls Vila do Anjos | Banco Joao 37.00946 -25.18495 Subtidal Porto Lopes | Subtidal 16 Neto A et al Location Location ID Municipality Locality Latitude Longitude Littoral NO zone 6 SMA_VP_Abs Vila do Aveiro | Baia | 36.949447 -25.016892 Subtidal Porto Subtidal 7 SMA_VP_Afpis1 Vila do Anjos | Frente a 37.006907 -25.158392 Subtidal Porto Piscina | Subtidal 1 8 SMA_VP_Afpis2 Vila do Anjos | Frente a 37.005815 -25.157587 Subtidal Porto Piscina | Subtidal 2 9 SMA_VP_Apfem Vila do Anjos | Ponta dos 37.012072 -25.146074 Intertidal Porto Frades | Entre-marés 10 SMA_VP_apgrcn12s1 Vila do Area protegida de 37.01291 -25.14428 Subtidal Porto gestao de recursos da Costa Norte (SMA12) | Subtidal 1 11 SMA_VP_apgrcn12s2 Vila do Area protegida de 37.02289 -25.08936 Subtidal Porto gestao de recursos da Costa Norte (SMA12) | Subtidal 2 12 SMA_VP_apgrcs13s Vila do Area protegida de 36.94455 -25.00806 Subtidal Porto gestao de recursos da Costa Sul (SMA13) | Subtidal 13 SMA_VP_apgrpcpm21s1_ Vila do Area Protegida de 36.92892 -25.06439 Subtidal Porto Gestao de Recursos da Ponta do Cintrao— Ponta da Maia (SMA21) | Subtidal 1 14 SMA_VP_apgrpcpm21s2_ Vila do Area Protegida de 36.92489 -25.02421 Subtidal Porto Gestao de Recursos da Ponta do Cintrao— Ponta da Maia (SMA21) | Subtidal 2 15 SMA_VP_apgrpcpm21s3_ Vila do Area Protegida de 36.93505 -25.09226 Subtidal Porto Gestao de Recursos da Ponta do Cintrao— Ponta da Maia (SMA21) | Subtidal 3 16 SMA_VP_Apiem Vila do Anjos | Piscina | 37.005173 -25.157061 Intertidal Porto Entre-marés Location Location ID NO 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 SMA_VP_brsem SMA_VP_bss SMA_VP_CBpes SMA_VP_crem SMA_VP_Eem SMA_VP_FBbrs SMA_VP_Fem SMA_VP_Fps SMA_VP_ISLs SMA_VP_IVem SMA_VP_IVs1 SMA_VP_IVs10 SMA_VP_IVs2 SMA_VP_IVs3 SMA_VP_IVs4 SMA_VP_IVs5 Marine algal flora of Santa Maria Island, Azores Municipality Locality Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Boca da Ribeira Seca | Entre-marés Baixa do Sul | Subtidal Calheta de Baixo | Ponta das Eirinhas | Subtidal Calhau da Roupa | Entre-marés Emissores | Entre- mares Feteiras de Baixo | Baia do Raposo | Subtidal Figueiral | Entre- mares Figueiral | Ponta | Subtidal llhéu de Sao Lourengo | Subtidal IIhéu da Vila | Entre- mares lIlhéu da Vila | Subtidal 1 lIhéu da Vila | Subtidal 10 lIhéu da Vila | Subtidal 2 lIhéu da Vila | Subtidal 3 IIlhéu da Vila | Subtidal 4 lIhéu da Vila | Subtidal 5 Latitude 37.004435 36.924751 36.933883 36.9458 36.998404 37.010939 36.94574 36.94405 36.987488 36.944045 36.93948333 36.941005 36.9388333 36.9392 36.94125 36.939 Longitude -25.16595 -25.022099 -25.014702 -25.146063 -25.175029 -25.118291 -25.122836 -25.122131 -25.041122 -25.171163 -25.17646667 -25.167868 -25.1757 -25.17541667 -25.17528333 -25.1752 17 Littoral zone Intertidal Subtidal Subtidal Intertidal Intertidal Subtidal Intertidal Subtidal Subtidal Intertidal Subtidal Subtidal Subtidal Subtidal Subtidal Subtidal 18 Location Location ID NO 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 SMA_VP_IVs6 SMA_VP_IVs7 SMA_VP_IVs8 SMA_VP_IVs9 SMA_VP_LApps SMA_VP_Lbscs SMA_VP_Llem SMA_VP_LIfis SMA_VP_LIs SMA_VP_Mbcclnem SMA_VP_Mbcclsem SMA_VP_Mbcs SMA_VP_Mbs1 SMA_VP_Mbs2 SMA_VP_Mbs3 SMA_VP_Mbs4 Municipality Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Neto A et al Locality lIhéu da Vila | Subtidal 6 lIhéu da Vila | Subtidal 7 lIlhéu da Vila | Subtidal 8 lIlhéu da Vila | Subtidal AS) Lagoa | Pedra que Pica | Subtidal Lagoinhas | Baia do Salto dos Caes | Subtidal Lagoinhas | Entre- mares Lagoinhas | Fora do ilhéu | Subtidal Lagoinhas | Subtidal Maia | Baia entre Cedros e Castelete | lado Norte | Entre- mares Maia | Baia entre Cedros e Castelete | lado Sul | Entre-marés Maia | Baia dos Cedros | Subtidal Maia | Baia | Subtidal 1 Maia | Baia | Subtidal 2 Maia | Baia | Subtidal 3 Maia | Baia | Subtidal 4 Latitude 36.94318333 36.94045 36.9431 36.941125 36.931597 37.017358 37.015012 37.03565 37.017954 36.954591 36.95264 36.954952 36.94436667 36.94393333 36.94433333 36.94235 Longitude -25.17496667 -25.17448333 -25.17426667 -25.169649 -25.075562 -25.098105 -25.085176 -25.09881 -25.086356 -25.020362 -25.019663 -25.017313 -25.00838333 -25.00826667 -25.00768333 -25.0076 Littoral zone Subtidal Subtidal Subtidal Subtidal Subtidal Subtidal Intertidal Subtidal Subtidal Intertidal Intertidal Subtidal Subtidal Subtidal Subtidal Subtidal Location Location ID NO 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 SMA_VP_Mbs5 SMA_VP_Mem SMA_VP_Mfpis SMA_VP_mfps1 SMA_VP_mfps2 SMA_VP_mpem SMA_VP_Mpiem SMA_VP_MPs1 SMA_VP_MPs10 SMA_VP_MPs11 SMA_VP_MPs2 SMA_VP_MPs3 SMA_VP_MPs4 SMA_VP_MPs5 SMA_VP_MPs6 SMA_VP_MPs7 SMA_VP_MPs8 Municipality Locality Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Maia | Baia | Subtidal 5 Maia | Entre-marés Maia | Lado de Fora da Piscina | Subtidal Marina | Lado de fora do Pontao | Subtidal 1 Marina | Lado de fora do Pontao | Subtidal 2 Marina | Pontao | Entre-marés Maia | Piscina | Entre- mares Malbusca-Piedade | Subtidal 1 Malbusca-Piedade | Subtidal 10 Malbusca-Piedade | Subtidal 11 Malbusca-Piedade | Subtidal 2 Malbusca-Piedade | Subtidal 3 Malbusca-Piedade | Subtidal 4 Malbusca-Piedade | Subtidal 5 Malbusca-Piedade | Subtidal 6 Malbusca-Piedade | Subtidal 7 Malbusca-Piedade | Subtidal 8 Marine algal flora of Santa Maria Island, Azores Latitude 36.94318333 36.943886 36.938923 36.944834 36.9458 36.944396 36.939526 36.92783333 36.929380 36.930017 36.92723333 36.9279 36.927967 36.92806667 36.92621667 36.925667 36.923030 Longitude -25.00753333 -25.014773 -25.012707 -25.146131 -25.148333 -25.147067 -25.013879 -25.0714 -25.071470 -25.071383 -25.06591667 -25.07065 -25.072933 -25.07045 -25.06138333 -25.057567 -25.066550 19 Littoral zone Subtidal Intertidal Subtidal Subtidal Subtidal Intertidal Intertidal Subtidal Subtidal Subtidal Subtidal Subtidal Subtidal Subtidal Subtidal Subtidal Subtidal 20 Location Location ID NO 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 SMA_VP_MPs9 SMA_VP_Ms1 SMA_VP_Ms2 SMA_VP_Ms3 SMA_VP_PCbnss SMA_VP_PCem SMA_VP_PCras SMA_VP_Pem SMA_VP_PFepem SMA_VP_PFppem SMA_VP_PFps SMA_VP_PFs1 SMA_VP_PMs SMA_VP_Rs SMA_VP_SLaps SMA_VP_SLb11s SMA_VP_SLfiem Municipality Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Vila do Porto Neto A et al Locality Malbusca-Piedade | Subtidal 9 Malbusca | Subtidal 1 Malbusca | Subtidal 2 Malbusca | Subtidal 3 Ponta do Castelo | Baia de Nossa Senhora | Subtidal Ponta do Castelo | Entre-marés Ponta do Castelo | Rocha Alta | Subtidal Prainha | Entre-marés Praia Formosa | Entre praias | Entre-marés Praia Formosa | Ponta da praia | Entre-marés Praia Formosa | Pedrinha | Subtidal Praia Formosa | Subtidal 1 Ponta do Marvao | Subtidal Restinga | Subtidal SAo Lourenco | Atras do porto | Subtidal Sao Lourengo | Baia (SMA11) | Subtidal Sao Lourenc¢o | Frente ao ilhéu | Entre-marés Latitude 36.928750 36.93582965 36.93821161 36.938555 36.931039 36.928153 36.926463 36.951808 36.950235 36.94734 36.937365 36.940431 36.936973 37.001733 36.99533 36.98472 36.9858 Longitude -25.065217 -25.09382679 -25.07944033 -25.085032 -25.057255 -25.017055 -25.014565 -25.104061 -25.095009 -25.088821 -25.105259 -25.095659 -25.139363 -25.172973 -25.052727 -25.04341 -25.049216 Littoral zone Subtidal Subtidal Subtidal Subtidal Subtidal Intertidal Subtidal Intertidal Intertidal Intertidal Subtidal Subtidal Subtidal Subtidal Subtidal Subtidal Intertidal Marine algal flora of Santa Maria Island, Azores 21 Location Location ID Municipality Locality Latitude Longitude Littoral NO zone 83 SMA_VP_Slpnem Vila do Sao Lourengo | Ponta 36.998556 -25.050887 Intertidal Porto Norte | Entre-marés 84 SMA_VP_SLpns Vila do Sao Lourencgo | Ponta 37.00491 -25.05133 Subtidal Porto do Norte | Subtidal 85 SMA_VP_Slpsbem Vila do Sao Lourenco | Ponta 36.98538307 -25.05051544 Intertidal Porto Sul da Baia | Entre- marés 86 SMA_VP_SLs1 Vila do Sao Lourenco | 36.996286 -25.045811 Subtidal Porto Subtidal 1 87 SMA_VP_SLs2 Vila do Sao Lourengo | 36.997331 -25.047914 Subtidal Porto Subtidal 2 88 SMA_VP_VPpaem Vila do Vila do Porto | Porto 36.945957 -25.14822 Intertidal Porto antigo | Entre-marés 89 SMA_VP_VPpnemW Vila do Vila do Porto| Porto 36.94141 -25.154005 Intertidal Porto Novo | Entre-marés W 90 SMA_VP_VPpns Vila do Vila do Porto| Porto 36.940838 -25.146736 § Subtidal Porto Novo | Subtidal 91 SMA_VP_VPpnsE Vila do Vila do Porto | Porto 36.9431 -25.146917 Subtidal Porto Novo | Subtidal E 92 SMA_VP_VPpnsW Vila do Vila do Porto| Porto 36.9402 -25.150384 § Subtidal Porto Novo | Subtidal W Sampling description: Sampling involved specimen collecting and species presence recording. At each location, samples were obtained by scraping and/or manually collecting one or two specimens of all different species found into labelled bags (Fig. 14). Species recording data were gathered by registering all species present in the sampled locations (Fig. 15). Intertidal collections were made during low tide by walking over the shores. Subtidal collections were made by SCUBA diving around the area. Quality control: Each sampled taxon was identified by trained taxonomists and involved morphological and anatomical observations of whole specimens by eye and/or of histological preparations under microscopes to determine the main diagnostic features of each species as described in literature. Step description: At the laboratory, standard procedures were followed in specimens sorting and macroalgae identification. A combination of morphological and anatomical characters and reproductive structures was used for species identification. For small and simple thalli, this required the observation of the entire thallus with the naked eye and/or using dissecting and compound microscopes. For larger and more complex algae, 22 Neto A et al investigation of the thallus anatomy required histological preparations (longitudinal and transverse sections) or squashed preparations of mucilaginous thalli, sometimes after staining, to observe vegetative and reproductive structures and other diagnostic features. Figure 14. (ely Collecting macroalgae at the subtidal of Santa Maria Island (by the Island Aquatic Ecology Subgroup of cE3c-ABG). Figure 15. (ely Quantitative recording of the presence and coverage of macroalgal species from subtidal rocky habitat (by the Island Aquatic Ecology Subgroup of cE3c-ABG). The Azorean algal flora has components from several geographical regions which implies difficulties in species identification. Floras and keys for the North Atlantic, Tropical Atlantic and Western Mediterranean were used (e.g. Schmidt 1931, Taylor 1967, Taylor 1978, Levring 1974, Dixon and Irvine 1977, Lawson and John 1982, Irvine 1983, Gayral and Cosson 1986, Fletcher 1987, Afonso-Carrillo and Sanson 1989, Burrows 1991, Marine algal flora of Santa Maria Island, Azores 23 Boudouresque et al. 1992, Cabioc'h et al. 1992, Maggs and Hommersand 1993, Irvine and Chamberlain 1994, Brodie et al. 2007, Llorens et al. 2012, Rodriguez-Prieto et al. 2013). For more critical and taxonomically difficult taxa, specimens were taken to the Natural History Museum (London) for comparison with collections there. A reference collection was made for all collected specimens by assigning them a herbarium code number and depositing them at the AZB Herbarium Ruy Telles Palhinha and the LSM - Molecular Systematics Laboratory, University of Azores. Depending on the species and on planned further research, different types of collections were made, namely (i) wet collections using 5% buffered formaldehyde seawater and then replacing it by the fixing agent Kew (Bridsen and Forman 1999); (ii) dried collections, either by pressing the algae (most species) as described by Gayral and Cosson (1986) or by letting them air dry (calcareous species); and (iii) silica gel collections for molecular study. Nomenclatural and taxonomic status used here follow Algaebase (Guiry and Guiry 2020). The database was organised on FileMaker Pro. Geographic coverage Description: Santa Maria Island Description: Azores, Portugal (approximately 37°1'19"N, -25°11'24"W); Coordinates: 36.918 and 37.022 Latitude; -25.190 and -25.009 Longitude. Taxonomic coverage Description: All macroalgae were identified to genus or species level. In total, 261 taxa were identified belonging to 28 orders and 60 families, in the phyla Rhodophyta (14 orders and 34 families), Chlorophyta (5 orders and 9 families) and Ochrophyta (9 orders and 17 families). Temporal coverage Notes: The sampling was performed on several occasions in the period between 1989 and 2019. Collection data Collection name: AZB | Marine macroalgae collection of Santa Maria Island (Azores)- Expedition Santa Maria and Formigas/90; AZB | Marine macroalgae collection of Santa Maria Island (Azores)-Project LAUMACAT; AZB | Marine macroalgae collection of Santa Maria Island (Azores)-Project PARQMAR; AZB | Marine macroalgae collection of Santa Maria Island (Azores)-Occasional sampling; LSM | Marine macroalgae collection of Santa 24 Neto A et al Maria Island (Azores)-Department of Biology Expedition 2009; LSM | Marine macroalgae collection of Santa Maria Island (Azores)-Project ASMAS; LSM | Marine macroalgae collection of Santa Maria Island (Azores)-Occasional sampling; Marine macroalgae occurrence of Santa Maria Island (Azores)-Campaign CAMAG-ORI-SMA/2008; Marine macroalgae occurrence of Santa Maria Island (Azores)-Project LAUMACAT:; Marine macroalgae occurrence of Santa Maria Island (Azores)-Occasional sampling; Marine macroalgae occurrence of Santa Maria Island (Azores)-Campaign Waitt Foundation - BALA /PIMA /2016; Marine macroalgae occurrence of Santa Maria Island (Azores)-PIMA / 2016; Marine macroalgae occurrence of Santa Maria Island (Azores)-PIMA / 2017; Marine macroalgae occurrence of Santa Maria Island (Azores)-Campaign BALA /PIMA /2018; Marine macroalgae occurrence of Santa Maria Island (Azores)-Campaign Porbiota/ 2019. Collection identifier: 81064926-4d75-429d-b21f-f7cd93e30504; 100ab0f2-7f8b-4eb6- a5f5-6257d32003a5; af962795-47c6-4219-a295-6687a94afeda; 08883948-f896-495f- ab3d-9fe49f23b76c; 865b91e9-1ec6-4bb8-a941-aba2b586071a; 4efe744e-1e38-431c- b112-7fb9f9bf279a; 77a28947-47d8-420f-b40d-f49e87556090; 6606098f-5fbb-4 731 -9cfa- b7c8e78c3638; bae7/fc8f-6333-43d4-887b-3e65617df133; 579bc266-7779-49ea-a775- f44abc2bdad3; 30ed893c-b66d-4c85-8848-10f144a6f957; 852eacdf-977e-44dd-9a52-172a5082a6dd; b74c341 4-e277-4789-8806-27a9abf0f7ee; 22941d45-0678-49fb-bdfe-8b0052ceb298; 93e46396-33b2-4dff-b3d1-acff7e76753c. Parent collection identifier: AZB Herbarium Ruy Telles Palhinha, Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of the Azores; AZB Herbarium Ruy Telles Palhinha, Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of the Azores; AZB Herbarium Ruy Telles Palhinha, Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of the Azores; AZB Herbarium Ruy Telles Palhinha, Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of the Azores; LSM - Molecular Systematics Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of the Azores; LSM - Molecular Systematics Laboratory, Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of the Azores; Not applicable; Not applicable; Not applicable; Not applicable; Not applicable; Not applicable; Not applicable; Not applicable; Not applicable. Specimen preservation method: Air dry, Dried and pressed; Wet (Formalin; fixing agent Kew), Silica gel. Usage licence Usage licence: Creative Commons Public Domain Waiver (CC-Zero) Data resources Data package title: Marine algal flora of Santa Maria Island, Azores Resource link: https:/ Alternative identifiers: flora Marine algal flora of Santa Maria Island, Azores 25 Number of data sets: 1 Data set name: Marine algal flora of Santa Maria Island, Azores Download URL: hittp:// Data format: Darwin Core Archive Data format version: 1.3 Description: This data paper presents physical and occurrence data from macroalgal surveys undertaken on Santa Maria Island between 1989 and 2019 (Neto et al. 2020d). The dataset submitted to GBIF is structured as a sample event dataset, with two tables: event (as core) and occurrences. The data in this sampling event resource have been published as a Darwin Core Archive (DwCA), which is a standardised format for sharing biodiversity data as a set of one or more data tables. The core data table contains 139 records (eventID). The extension data table has 2329 occurrences. An extension record supplies extra information about a core record. The number of records in each extension data table is illustrated in the IPT link. This IPT archives the data and thus serves as the data repository. The data and resource metadata are available for downloading in the downloads section. Column label Column description eventID Identifier of the event, unique for the dataset country Country of the sampling site countryCode Code of the country where the event occurred stateProvince Name of the region island Name of the island municipality Name of the municipality locality Name of the locality locationID Identifier of the location decimalLatitude The geographic latitude of the sampling site decimalLongitude The geographic longitud of the sampling site geodeticDatum The spatial reference system upon which the geographic coordinates are based coordinateUncertaintyInMetres The horizontal distance (in metres) from the given decimalLatitude and decimalLongitude describing the smallest circle containing the whole of the Location eventDate Time interval when the event occurred year The year of the event samplingProtocol Sampling method used during an event 26 locationRemarks minimumDepthinMetres maximumDepthInMetres eventRemarks occurrencelD institutionID institutionCode collectionID collectionCode datasetName kingdom phylum class order family genus specificEpithet infraspecificEpithet acceptedNameUsage previousldentifications scientificName scientificNameAuthorship taxonRank basisOfRecord habitat organismQuantityType organismQuantity recordedBy catalogNumber Neto A et al Zonation level The minimum depth in metres where the specimen was found The maximum depth in metres where the specimen was found Notes about the event Identifier of the record, coded as a global unique identifier The identifier for the institution having custody of the object or information referred to in the record The acronym of the institution having custody of the object or information referred to in the record An identifier of the collection to which the record belongs The name of the collection from which the record was derived The name identifying the dataset from which the record was derived Kingdom name Phylum name Class name Order name Family name Genus name The name of the first or species epithet of the scientificName The name of the lowest or terminal infraspecific epithet of the scientificName, excluding any rank designation The specimen accepted name, with authorship Previous name of the specimen, with authorship The name without authorship applied on the first identification of the specimen The authorship information for the scientificName formatted according to the conventions of the applicable nomenclaturalCode The taxonomic rank of the most specific name in the scientificName The specific nature of the data record Description of the habitat where the specimen was found The type of quantification system used to quantity the organisms Percentage of the organism coverage Person(s) responsible for sampling Identifying code for a unique sample lot in a biological collection identifiedBy type preparations establishmentMeans occurrenceRemarks licence Marine algal flora of Santa Maria Island, Azores The nature of the resource New record status assignment Person(s) responsible for taxa identification The preservation method used for the specimen The establishment status of the organism in the study region Reference to the licence under which the record is published Additional information 27 This paper is based on 2329 specimens of macroalgae recorded from Santa Maria Island in 261 taxa, comprising 174 confirmed species (Table 3) and 86 taxa identified only to genus level. The confirmed species (Table 4) include 102 Rhodophyta, 29 Chlorophyta and 43 Ochrophyta (Phaeophyceae). Of these, 52 species are newly recorded to the Island (30 Rhodophyta, 9 Chlorophyta and 13 Ochrophyta). Most species are native, including the two Macaronesian endemics (Laurencia viridis and Millerella tinerfensis). Eighteen have an uncertain status (11 Rhodophyta, 3 Chlorophyta and 4 Ochrophyta) and ten species represent introductions to the algal flora (the Rhodophyta Acrothamnion preissii, Antithamnion hubbsii, Asparagopsis armata, Bonnemaisonia hamifera, Melanothamnus harveyi, Scinaia acuta and Symphyocladia marchantioides; the Chlorophyta Codium fragile subsp. fragile; and the Ochrophyta Hydroclathrus tilesii and Papenfussiella kuromo). Table 3. Macroalgae species recorded from Santa Maria Island, with information on relative abundance, origin and status Phylum Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Species (Accepted Name) Acrosorium ciliolatum (Harvey) Kylin Acrothamnion preissii (Sonder) E.M.Wollaston Aglaothamnion pseudobyssoides (Crouan & Crouan) Halos Amphiroa fragilissima (Linnaeus) J.V.Lamouroux Anotrichium furcellatum (J.Agardh) Baldock Antithamnion hubbsii E.Y.Dawson Asparagopsis armata Harvey Number of records 6 28 22 Establishment Means Native Introduced Native Native Uncertain Introduced Introduced OccurrenceRemarks New record New record New record 28 Phylum Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Neto A et al Species (Accepted Name) Asparagopsis armata Harvey phase Falkenbergia rufolanosa (Harvey) F.Schmitz Asparagopsis taxiformis (Delile) Trevisan Bonnemaisonia hamifera Hariot Bornetia secundiflora (J.Agardh) Thuret Callithamnion corymbosum (J.E.Smith) Lyngbye Callithamnion granulatum (Ducluzeau) C.Agardh Carradoriella denudata (Dillwyn) A.M.Savoie & G.W.Saunders Carradoriella elongata (Hudson) A.M.Savoie & G.W.Saunders Catenella caespitosa (Withering) L.M. Irvine Caulacanthus ustulatus (Turner) Kitzing Centroceras clavulatum (C.Agardh) Montagne Ceramium codii (H.Richards) Mazoyer Ceramium diaphanum (Lightfoot) Roth Ceramium strictum Roth Ceramium virgatum Roth Chondracanthus acicularis (Roth) Fredericq Chondracanthus teedei (Mertens ex Roth) Kitzing Chondria capillaris (Hudson) M.J.Wynne Chondria dasyphylla (Woodward) C.Agardh Corallina ferreyrae E.Y.Dawson, Acleto & Foldvik Corallina officinalis Linnaeus Cottoniella filamentosa (M.Howe) Bergesen Crouania attenuata (C.Agardh) J.Agardh Cryptopleura ramosa (Hudson) L.Newton Number of records 16 66 19 30 19 Establishment Means Introduced Native Introduced Native Native Native Uncertain Native Native Uncertain Native Native Native Native Native Native Native Native Uncertain Native Native Native Native Native OccurrenceRemarks New record New record New record New record New record New record Marine algal flora of Santa Maria Island, Azores 29 Phylum Species (Accepted Name) Number of Establishment OccurrenceRemarks records Means Rhodophyta Dasya baillouviana (S.G.Gmelin) 3 Uncertain New record Montagne Rhodophyta Dasya corymbifera J.Agardh 3 Native Rhodophyta Dasya hutchinsiae Harvey 2 Native Rhodophyta Dasya rigidula (Kitzing) Ardissone 2 Native New record Rhodophyta Dermocorynus dichotomus (J.Agardh) 1 Native Gargiulo, M.Morabito & Manghisi Rhodophyta Dudresnaya verticillata (Withering) Le Jolis 1 Native Rhodophyta Ellisolandia elongata (J.Ellis & Solander) 6 Native K.R.Hind & G.W.Saunders Rhodophyta Erythrocystis montagnei (Derbes & Solier) 2 Native P.C.Silva Rhodophyta Feldmannophycus rayssiae (Feldmann & = 1 Native New record G.Feldmann) H.Augier & Boudouresque Rhodophyta Gaillona hookeri (Dillwyn) Athanasiadis 6 Native Rhodophyta Gelidium corneum (Hudson) 3 Native New record J.V.Lamouroux Rhodophyta Gelidium microdon Kitzing 11 Native Rhodophyta Gelidium pusillum (Stackhouse) Le Jolis 1 Native Rhodophyta Gelidium spinosum (S.G.Gmelin) P.C.Silva 2 Native Rhodophyta _ Gigartina pistillata (S.G.Gmel.) 3 Native Stackhouse Rhodophyta Gracilariopsis longissima (S.G.Gmelin) 14 Native Steentoft, L.M.Irvine & Farnham Rhodophyta _ Grateloupia filicina (J.V.Lamouroux) 16 Native C.Agardh Rhodophyta _ Griffithsia corallinoides (Linnaeus) 1 Uncertain Trevisan Rhodophyta Gymnogongrus crenulatus (Turner) 3 Native J.Agardh Rhodophyta Gymnogongrus griffithsiae (Turner) 4 Native C.Martius Rhodophyta Halarachnion ligulatum (Woodward) 1 Native New record Kitzing Rhodophyta Halurus equisetifolius (Lightfoot) Kitzing 1 Native New record Rhodophyta Halurus flosculosus (J.Ellis) Maggs & 6 Native Hommersand 30 Phylum Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Species (Accepted Name) Herposiphonia secunda (C.Agardh) Ambronn Herposiphonia secunda f. tenella (C.Agardh) M.J.Wynne Hypnea musciformis (Wulfen) J.V.Lamouroux Hypoglossum hypoglossoides (Stackhouse) F.S.Collins & Hervey ltonoa marginifera (J.Agardh) Masuda & Guiry Jania capillacea Harvey Jania longifurca Zanardini Jania pedunculata var. adhaerens (J.V.Lamouroux) A.S.Harvey, Woelkerling & Reviers Jania rubens (Linnaeus) J.V.Lamouroux Jania virgata (Zanardini) Montagne Laurencia obtusa (Hudson) J.V.Lamouroux Laurencia pyramidalis Bory ex Kutzing Laurencia tenera C.K.Tseng Laurencia viridis Gil-Rodriguez & Haroun Leptosiphonia brodiei (Dillwyn) A.M.Savoie & G.W.Saunders Liagora distenta (Mertens ex Roth) J.V.Lamouroux Liagora viscida (Forsskal) C.A.Agardh Lophosiphonia cristata Falkenberg Melanothamnus harveyi (Bailey) Diaz- Tapia & Maggs Meredithia microphylla (J.Agardh) J.Agardh Millerella tinerfensis (Seoane-Camba) S.M.Boo & J.M.Rico Nemalion elminthoides (Velley) Batters Nitophyllum punctatum (Stackhouse) Greville Neto A et al Number of records 2 21 11 25 111 wo 11 Establishment Means Native Native Uncertain Native Native Native Uncertain Native Native Uncertain Native Native Native Macaronesian endemism Uncertain Native Native Native Introduced Native Macaronesian endemism Native Native OccurrenceRemarks New record New record New record New record New record New record New record New record Phylum Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Rhodophyta Marine algal flora of Santa Maria Island, Azores Species (Accepted Name) Osmundea pinnatifida (Hudson) Stackhouse Osmundea truncata (Kitzing) K.W.Nam & Maggs Peyssonnelia squamaria (S.G.Gmelin) Decaisne ex J.Agardh Phyllophora crispa (Hudson) P.S.Dixon Platoma cyclocolpum (Montagne) F.Schmitz Platysiphonia delicata (Clemente) Cremades Pleonosporium borreri (Smith) Nageli Plocamium cartilagineum (Linnaeus) P.S.Dixon Polysiphonia atlantica Kapraun & J.N.Norris Polysiphonia breviarticulata (C.Agardh) Zanardini Polysiphonia ceramiiformis P.Crouan & H.Crouan Polysiphonia havanensis Montagne Predaea feldmannii Borgesen Pterocladiella capillacea (S.G.Gmelin) Santelices & Hommersand Rhodymenia holmesii Ardissone Scinaia acuta M.J.Wynne Scinaia furcellata (Turner) J.Agardh Sphaerococcus coronopifolius Stackhouse Sphondylothamnion multifidum (Hudson) Nageli Spyridia filamentosa (Wulfen) Harvey Symphyocladia marchantioides (Harvey) Falkenberg Taenioma nanum (Kutzing) Papenfuss Vertebrata foetidissima (Cocks ex Bornet) Diaz-Tapia & Maggs Vertebrata fruticulosa (Wulfen) Kuntze Vertebrata fucoides (Hudson) Kuntze Number of records 7 1 22 Establishment Means Native Native Native Native Native Native Native Native Native Native Native Native Native Native Native Introduced Native Native Native Native Introduced Native Native Native Uncertain 31 OccurrenceRemarks New record New record New record New record New record New record New record 32 Phylum Rhodophyta Chlorophyta Chlorophyta Chlorophyta Chlorophyta Chlorophyta Chlorophyta Chlorophyta Chlorophyta Chlorophyta Chlorophyta Chlorophyta Chlorophyta Chlorophyta Chlorophyta Chlorophyta Chlorophyta Chlorophyta Chlorophyta Chlorophyta Chlorophyta Chlorophyta Chlorophyta Chlorophyta Chlorophyta Chlorophyta Chlorophyta Chlorophyta Neto A et al Species (Accepted Name) Xiphosiphonia pennata (C.Agardh) Savoie & G.W.Saunders Bryopsis hypnoides J.V.Lamouroux Bryopsis plumosa (Hudson) C.Agardh Chaetomorpha aerea (Dillwyn) Kitzing Chaetomorpha linum (O.F.Muller) Kitzing Chaetomorpha pachynema (Montagne) Kitzing Cladophora albida (Nees) Kutzing Cladophora coelothrix Kutzing Cladophora laetevirens (Dillwyn) Kutzing Cladophora lehmanniana (Lindenberg) Kitzing Cladophora liebetruthii Grunow Cladophora prolifera (Roth) Kutzing Codium adhaerens C.Agardh Codium effusum (Rafinesque) Delle Chiaje Codium fragile subsp. atlanticum (A.D.Cotton) P.C.Silva Codium fragile subsp. fragile (Suringar) Hariot Codium taylorii P.C.Silva Codium tomentosum Stackhouse Lychaete pellucida (Hudson) M.J.Wynne Microdictyon umbilicatum (Velley) Zanardini Pseudorhizoclonium africanum (Kitzing) Boedeker Ulothrix flacca (Dillwyn) Thuret Ulva clathrata (Roth) C.Agardh Ulva compressa Linnaeus Ulva intestinalis Linnaeus Ulva lactuca Linnaeus Ulva linza Linnaeus Ulva rigida C.Agardh Number of records 5 42 43 13 12 13 25 Establishment Means Native Native Native Native Native Native Native Native Uncertain Native Native Native Native Uncertain Native Introduced Native Native Native Native Native Native Native Native Native Uncertain Native Native OccurrenceRemarks New record New record New record New record New record New record New record New record New record Phylum Chlorophyta Chlorophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Marine algal flora of Santa Maria Island, Azores Species (Accepted Name) Valonia macrophysa Kitzing Valonia utricularis (Roth) C.Agardh Bachelotia antillarum (Grunow) Gerloff Canistrocarpus cervicornis (Kutzing) De Paula & De Clerck Carpomitra costata (Stackhouse) Batters Cladostephus spongiosus (Hudson) C.Agardh Colpomenia sinuosa (Mertens ex Roth) Derbés & Solier Cutleria multifida (Turner) Greville Cutleria multifida (Turner) Greville phase Aglaozonia parvula (Greville) Zanardini Cystoseira compressa (Esper) Gerloff & Nizamuddin Cystoseira foeniculacea (Linnaeus) Greville Cystoseira humilis Schousboe ex Kitzing Cystoseira tamariscifolia (Hudson) Papenfuss Dictyopteris polypodioides (A.P.De Candolle) J.V.Lamouroux Dictyota bartayresiana J.V.Lamouroux Dictyota ciliolata Sonder ex Kitzing Dictyota dichotoma (Hudson) J.V.Lamouroux Dictyota dichotoma var. intricata (C.Agardh) Greville Dictyota implexa (Desfontaines) J.V.Lamouroux Feldmannia globifera (Kutzing) Hamel Fucus spiralis Linnaeus Halopteris filicina (Grateloup) Kitzing Halopteris scoparia (Linnaeus) Sauvageau Hydroclathrus tilesii (Endlicher) Santiahez & M.J.Wynne Hydroclathrus clathratus (C.Agardh) M.Howe Number of records 1 7 44 90 17 24 11 37 54 8 6 Establishment Means Native Native Native Native Native Native Native Uncertain Uncertain Native Native Native Native Native Native Native Native Native Native Native Uncertain Native Native Introduced Native 33 OccurrenceRemarks New record New record New record New record New record New record New record 34 Phylum Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Ochrophyta Table 4. Neto A et al Species (Accepted Name) Leathesia marina (Lyngbye) Decaisne Lobophora variegata (J.V.Lamouroux) Womersley ex E.C.Oliveira Mesogloia vermiculata (Smith) S.F.Gray Myrionema strangulans Greville Nemoderma tingitanum Schousboe ex Bornet Padina pavonica (Linnaeus) Thivy Papenfussiella kuromo (Yendo) Inagaki Ralfsia verrucosa (Areschoug) Areschoug Sargassum cymosum C.Agardh Sargassum desfontainesii (Turner) C.Agardh Sargassum furcatum Kutzing Sargassum vulgare C.Agardh, nom. illeg. Scytosiphon lomentaria (Lyngbye) Link Sphacelaria cirrosa (Roth) C.Agardh Sphacelaria plumula Zanardini Sphaerotrichia divaricata (C.Agardh) Kylin Sporochnus pedunculatus (Hudson) C.Agardh Stypopodium zonale (J.V.Lamouroux) Papenfuss Taonia atomaria (Woodward) J.Agardh Treptacantha abies-marina (S.G.Gmelin) Kitzing Zonaria tournefortii (J.V.Lamouroux) Montagne Number of records 9 41 16 100 Establishment Means Uncertain Native Native Native Native Native Introduced Native Native Native Native Native Native Native Native Uncertain Native Native Native Native Native OccurrenceRemarks New record New record New record New record New record New record Summary of the macroalgal flora of the Island of Santa Maria with information on the species origin and status Phyllum Order Family Specimens Total Total Native Introduced Uncertain Macaronesian New Number taxa species endemism record Rhodophyta 14 34 988 152 102 82 7 11 2 30 Marine algal flora of Santa Maria Island, Azores 35 Phyllum Order Family Specimens Total Total Native Introduced Uncertain Macaronesian New Number taxa species endemism record Chlorophyta 5 9 276 43 29 25 1 3 9 Ochrophyta 9 17 1065 66 44 37 2 4 13 Total 28 60 2329 261 174 144 10 18 2 52 Many species were only sporadically recorded, but 12 were commonly found around the Island and occurred quite abundantly in some locations, namely: the Rhodophyta Asparagopsis taxiformis (Delile) Trevisan, Laurencia viridis, and Pterocladiella capillacea (S.G. Gmelin) Santelices & Hommersand; the Chlorophyta Cladophora prolifera (Roth) Kutzing, Codium adhaerens C. Agardh and Ulva rigida C. Agardh; and the Ochrophyta Cladostephus spongiosus (Hudson) C. Agardh, Colpomenia sinuosa (Mertens ex Roth) Derbes & Solier, Halopteris scoparia, Lobophora variegata (J.V. Lamouroux) Womersley ex E. C. Oliveira, Padina pavonica and Zonaria tournefortii. A mismatch regarding the GBIF backbone taxonomy of some of the macroalgae species names was identified as detailed in Suppl. material 1. Acknowledgements This research was supported by several projects, expeditions and campaigns (see Funding above) and lately by the project “ACORES-01-0145-FEDER-000072” funded the Operational Programme Azores 2020 (85% ERDF and 15% regional funds). We are grateful to the Municipalities of Vila do Porto, the Ecoteca of Santa Maria, the Basic and Secondary School of Santa Maria, the Environment Delegation of Santa Maria Island and the Club Naval of Santa Maria for their logistic support during the Expeditions and Campaigns. Thanks are due to the campaigns teams for their critical involvement in this project (Abel Senties, André Amaral, Andrea Cunha, Camille Fontaine, Catarina Santos, Claudia Lopes, Daniela Gabriel, Dinis Geraldes, Edgar Rosas-Alquicira, Edward Hehre, Emanuel Xavier, Eunice Nogueira, Francisco Wallenstein, Heather Baldwin, Joana Michael, Joana Pombo, Joao Brum, Joao Ferreira, Joao Monteiro, Joana Pombo, Jose Baptista, Linda Beiroldi, Luis Resendes, Marco Enoch, Maria Ana Dionisio, Maria Machin- Sanchez, Maria Manuel, Marlene Terra, Mutue Toyota Fujii, Patricia Madeira, Paulo Torres, Pedro Monteiro, Raquel Torres, Ricardo Cordeiro, Richard Fralick, Ruben Couto, Rui Sousa, Sérgio Avila, Tarso Costa, Tito Silva, Valeria Cassano and Viegas Pinto). Manuela |. Parente was supported by a postdoctoral grant (SFRH/BPD/34246/2006) awarded by Fundagao para a Ciéncia e a Tecnologia (FCT). Eva Cacabelos was supported by a postdoctoral grant (Project M1420-09-5369-F SE-000001) from ARDITI (Regional Agency for Development of Research, Technology and Innovation of Madeira). Afonso C.L. Prestes was supported by a PhD grant (M3.1.a/F/083/2015) awarded by Fundo Regional da Ciéncia e Tecnologia (FRCT). Rita F. Patarra was supported by a Science and Technology Management Fellowship grant (SFRH/BGCT/135478/2018) awarded by Fundagao para a Ciéncia e a Tecnologia, IP. 36 Neto A et al Author contributions AIN: Conceptualisation; Methodology; Research (field and laboratory work); Resources; Data Curation; Formal analysis and interpretation; Paper writing MIP: Research (field and laboratory work); Data Curation; Formal analysis and interpretation; Paper writing EC: Research (field work and laboratory work); Data Curation ACC: Research (field and laboratory work); Resources; Data Curation AZB: Research (field and laboratory work); Data Curation EB: Research (field work and laboratory work); Resources; Data Curation SM: Research (field and laboratory work); Data Curation RR: Resources; Data Curation PA: Resources ACLP: Research (field and laboratory work); Data Curation RFP: Research (field and laboratory work); Data Curation NVA: Research (field work); Maps elaboration DM-F: Research (field and laboratory work); Data Curation RMAN: Data Curation; Formal analysis and interpretation; Paper writing JMNA: Research (field work and laboratory work); Formal analysis and interpretation; Paper writing IM: Data Curation; Formal analysis and interpretation; Paper writing References ° Afonso-Carrillo J, Sanson M (1989) Clave ilustrada para la determinacion de los macrofitos marinos bentonicos de las Islas Canarias. 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Supplementary material Suppl. material 1: DP-SMA-id_15162_normalized.csv EE} Authors: Ana | Neto Data type: Macroalgae taxonomic mismatching Brief description: GBIF does not have the more actualised nomenclature for some of the macroalgae species names. Therefore, the matching tools of its platform were applied to the species list, as required by Pensoft's data auditor, to identify the problematic taxonomic situations. The resulting file (DP-SMA-id_15162_normalized.csv) is included here, since the names will not be immediately updated in the GBIF Taxonomic Backbone. A request was already sent to GBIF helpdesk to solve this situation. Download file (45.34 kb)