Biodiversity Data Journal 9: e63864 (eo @) doi: 10.3897/BDJ.9.e63864 open access Taxonomic Paper Paraeutypella guizhouensis gen. et sp. nov. and Diatrypella longiasca sp. nov. (Diatrypaceae) from China Lakmali S. Dissanayake*, Nalin N. Wijayawardene®!!, Monika C. Dayarathne!, Milan C. Samarakoon*, Dong-Qin Dai§, Kevin D. Hyde*, Ji-Chuan Kang* $ Engineering Research Centre of the Utilization for Characteristic Bio-Pharmaceutical Resources in Southwest, Ministry of Education, Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou Province 550025, China § Center for Yunnan Plateau Biological Resources Protection and Utilization, College of Biological Resource and Food Engineering, Qujing Normal University, Qujing, Yunnan 655011, China | State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University, Guiyang 550014, China 4, Department of Plant Pathology, Agriculture College, Guizhou University, Guiyang, Guizhou Province, 550025, China # Center of Excellence in Fungal Research, Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, 57100, Thailand Corresponding author: Ji-Chuan Kang ( Academic editor: Renan Barbosa Received: 02 Feb 2021 | Accepted: 07 Mar 2021 | Published: 26 Mar 2021 Citation: Dissanayake LS, Wijayawardene NN, Dayarathne MC, Samarakoon MC, Dai D-Q, Hyde KD, Kang J-C (2021) Paraeutypella guizhouensis gen. et sp. nov. and Diatrypella longiasca sp. nov. (Diatrypaceae) from China. Biodiversity Data Journal 9: e63864. Abstract Background In this study, we introduce a novel genus, Paraeutypella, of the family Diatrypaceae comprising three species viz. Paraeutypella guizhouensis sp. nov. and F citricola (basionym: Eutypella citricola) and P. vitis (basionym: Sphaeria vitis). Diatrypella longiasca sp. nov. is also introduced, which forms a distinct clade in Diatrypella sensu stricto. The discovery of this new genus will contribute to expanding the knowledge and taxonomic framework of Diatrypaceae (Xylariales). © Dissanayake L et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 2 Dissanayake L et al New information Generic delimitations in Diatrypaceae are unsettled because the phylogeny has yet to be resolved using extensive taxon sampling and sequencing of ex-type cultures. During an investigation of xylarialean fungi, we collected eutypella-like fungi which is distinct from Eutypella sensu stricto in our phylogenetic analyses (ITS and B-tubulin), thus, introduced as Paraeutypella guizhouensis gen. et sp. nov.. Paraeutypella is characterised by having 4-25 perithecia in a stroma each with 3-6 sulcate, long ostiolar necks. Paraeutypella citricola comb. nov. (basionym: Eutypella citricola) is introduced on Acer sp. from China. Diatrypella longiasca sp. nov. is introduced as a new species in Diatrypella sensu stricto. which has 2—5 ascomata per stroma and long ascospores, unusual when compared to other Diatrypella species and distinct phylogenetically. Keywords Acer, morphology, novel taxa, phylogeny, Xylariales Introduction Diatrypaceae Nitschke (Ascomycota, Xylariales) comprises 21 genera and more than 1,500 species (Senwanna 2017, Mehrabi et al. 2019, Dayarathne et al. 2020b, Wijayawardene et al. 2020). Species of this family are characterised by erumpent to immersed, rarely superficial, black or dark brown, eustromatic or pseudostromatic stromata and 8-spored or polysporous asci with hyaline to light brown, allantoid ascospores (Konta et al. 2020) in their sexual morph. Several asexual morph genera have been linked to the family Diatrypaceae, including Cytosporina Sacc. and Libertella Desm. (Glawe and Rogers 1984). Cytosporina Sacc. includes species with pycnidial and filiform conidia; Libertella Desm. includes species with acervula and filiform conidia (Glawe and Rogers 1984). Members of Diatrypaceae are saprobes, pathogens or endophytes, associated with a wide range of hosts in terrestrial and aquatic environments (Mehrabi et al. 2019, Dayarathne et al. 2020a, Dayarathne et al. 2020b Konta et al. 2020). Dayarathne et al. (2020a), Dayarathne et al. (2020b) introduced two novel genera, Halocryptosphaeria Dayar. et al. and Halocryptovalsa Dayar. & K.D. Hyde from marine environments. Species of Anthostoma Nitschke, Cryptosphaeria Ces. & De Not., Cryptovalsa Ces. & De Not. ex Fuckel, Diatrype Fr., Diatrypella (Ces. & De Not.) De Not. and Eutypella (Nitschke) Sacc. have been reported as causal agents of canker diseases on a wide range of host plants worldwide (Hyde et al. 2020). The taxonomy and phylogeny of Diatrypaceae need to be resolved, aS many genera are polyphyletic. Hence, fresh collections and sequences are required to define genera and establish their phylogenetic placement within the family. Diatrypella was introduced by Cesati and De Notaris (1863) with D. verruciformis (Ehrh.) Nitschke as the type. The genus is characterised by conical to truncate, cushion-like or discoid stromata usually delimited by a black zone in host tissues, umbilicate or sulcate Paraeutypella guizhouensis gen. et sp. nov. and Diatrypella longiasca sp. ... 3 ostiolar necks, cylindrical, polysporous, long-stalked asci and allantoid, hyaline or yellowish ascospores in their sexual morph and a libertella-like coelomycetes asexual morph (Kirk et al. 2008, Hyde et al. 2020). Both Cryptovalsa and Diatrypella have polysporous asci and cannot easily be distinguished, based only on morphological comparisons (Acero et al. 2004, Vasilyeva and Stephenson 2005). Therefore, molecular data are essential for defining genera in Diatrypaceae (Mehrabi et al. 2015). There are 65 names of Diatrypella in Species Fungorum (2020) (http:/, but only 15 have molecular data in GenBank (Hyde et al. 2020). In this study, we introduce a new genus, Paraeutypella, which shows eutypella-like morphology, but is distinct phylogenetically. Paraeutypella comprises three species viz. Paraeutypella guizhouensis sp. nov. and P. citricola (basionym: Eutypella citricola) and P vitis (basionym: Sphaeria vitis). Diatrypella longiasca sp. nov. is also introduced, which forms a distinct clade in Diatrypella sensu stricto. Species novelties are confirmed by morphological comparisons along with micro-photographs and the phylogeny of combined ITS and B-tubulin sequence data. Materials and methods Sample collection and morphological observations Dead twigs of Acer pailmatum and undetermined plants were collected from China (Guiyang, Guizhou Province) during September to October 2019. Samples were observed with a stereomicroscope (SZX16, Olympus). Hand sections of the ascomata were mounted in distilled water and the following characters were measured: diameter and height of ascomata, width of the peridium, diameter and height of ostiolar necks, length and width of asci and ascospores. Melzer’s Reagent was used for testing the ascal apical ring reaction. Images were captured with a Canon EOS70D digital camera fitted to a compound microscope. Measurements were made with the Tarosoft (R) Image Frame Work programme and images used for figures processed with Adobe Photoshop CS6 software (Adobe Systems, USA). Single spore isolation was performed according to Chomnunti et al. (2014) and germinating spores were transferred to potato dextrose agar (PDA- Shanghai Bio-way Technology Co. Ltd.). The pure cultures were incubated at 18—20°C for four weeks. The type specimens were deposited in the Cryptogamic Herbarium, Kunming Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica (HKAS), Chinese Academy of Science, Kunming and Chinese Academy of Science Herbarium (HMAS), Beijing, China. Ex-type cultures were deposited in the Kunming Institute of Botany Culture Collection (KUMCC). Facesoffungi and Index Fungorum numbers are provided as mentioned in Jayasiri et al. (2015) and Index Fungorum (http:/ respectively. DNA extraction, PCR amplifications and sequencing Fungal isolates were grown on PDA for 3-4 weeks at 25°C and total genomic DNA was extracted from 50 to 100 mg of axenic mycelium scraped from the edges of the growing cultures (Wu et al. 2001). EZgne™ fungal gDNA extraction kit (BIOMIGA, Hangzhou City, 4 Dissanayake L et al Zhejiang Province, China) was used to extract DNA by following the manufacturer’s protocol. DNA extracts were stored at — 4°C for use in regular work and duplicated at — 20°C for long term storage. DNA sequence data were obtained from the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and partial B- tubulin gene. ITS and B-tubulin were amplified by using the primers ITS5/ITS4 (White et al. 1990) and T1/T22 (O'Donnell and Cigelnik 1997), respectively. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was carried out in a volume of 25 ul, which contained 9.5 ul of ddH20, 12.5 ul of 2x PCR Master Mix (2x Bench Top'™ Taq Master Mix, BIOMIGA, China), 1 pl of DNA template and 1 ul of forward and reverse primers (10 uM each) in each reaction. The PCR thermal cycle programme for all gene amplifications was as follows: initialisation at 95°C for 5 min, followed by 35 cycles of denaturation at 95°C for 30 s, annealing at 55°C for 50s, elongation at 72°C for 90s and final extension at 72°C for 10 min. Purification and sequencing of PCR products were done by Sangon Biotech, Shanghai, China. Molecular phylogenetic analyses Sequence alignment The sequence data generated in this study were analysed with closely-related taxa retrieved from GenBank (Table 1), based on BLASTn_ searches (hitps:// and recently published data (Mehrabi et al. 2019, Dayarathne et al. 2020b, Konta et al. 2020). ITS and B-tubulin were used for the analyses according to the previous studies listed above. Sequences (ITS and B-tubulin) were aligned using MAFFT v. 6.864b (Katoh et al. 2019) and manually improved when necessary in BioEdit v. 7.0 (Hall 1999). The single gene alignments were used to perform model test in MrModeltest 2.3 to estimate the best-fit evolutionary model under the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) (Nylander 2004) and resulted in a GTR+I+G substitution model for each. Ambiguously aligned areas of each gene region were excluded and gaps were treated as missing data. Missing characters were assessed to be unordered and equally weighted. Table 1. Taxa used in the phylogenetic analysis and their corresponding GenBank accession numbers. Species Strain no. GenBank Accession Reference no. ITS B-tubulin Allocryptovalsa HVFIGO2 HQ692573 HQ692524 _ Trouillas et al. (2011) cryptovalsoidea T A. elaeidis MFLUCC 15-0707 MN308410 MN340296_ Konta et al. (2020) Allodiatrype arengae T MFLUCC 15-0713 MN308411 MN340297 _ Konta et al. (2020) A. elaeidicola T MFLUCC 15-0737 MN308415 MN340299_ Konta et al. (2020) A. elaeidis MFLUCC MN308413 NA Konta et al. (2020) 15-0708b Paraeutypella guizhouensis gen. et sp. nov. and Diatrypella longiasca sp. ... Species Anthostoma decipiens A. decipiens Cryptosphaeria eunomia C. var. eunomia Cryptovalsa ampelina C. ampelina Diatrypasimilis australiensis T Diatrype bullata D. disciformis T D. lijiangensis T D. stigma Diatrypella atlantica T atlantica delonicis T delonicis elaeidis T favacea frostii heveae T heveae iranensis T longiasca T longiasca macrospora T major pulvinata ololololeloelololololololslslo verruciformis D. verruciformis D. vulgaris D. vulgaris T Eutypa laevata E. lata E. lata E. lata Strain no. IPV-FW349 JL567 CBS 216.87 CBS 223.87 A001 KHJ20 ATCC MYA 3540 UCDDCh400 MFLUCC 15-0538 MFLU 19-0717 DCASH200 HUEFS 194228 HUEFS 192148 MFLUCC 15-1014 MFLU 16-1032 MFLUCC 15-0279 ANM 96 UFMGCB 1917 MFLUCC 17-0368 MFLUCC 15-0274 IRAN 2280C KUMCC 20-0021 KUMCC 20-0022 IRAN 2344C ANM 1947 H048 UCROK1467 UCROK754 HVFRA02 HVGRF03 CBS 291.87 ATCC 28120 EP18 RGAO1 GenBank Accession no. ITS AM399021 JN975370 AJ302417 AJ302421 GQ293901 KJ767718 FJ430590 DQ006946 KR092795 MK852582 GQ293947 KM396615 KM396633 MH812994 MH812995 MN308417 KU320616 HQ377280 MF959501 MN308418 KM245033 MW039349 MW036141 KR605648 KU320613 FR715523 JX144793 JX144783 HQ692591 HQ692590 AJ302449 DQ006948 HQ692611 HQ692614 B-tubulin AM920693 JN975407 NA NA GQ293972 KY352426 NA DQ007002 NA MK852583 GQ294003 KR363998 KT175563 MH847790 MH847791 MN340300 NA NA MG334557 MN340301 KY352429 MW239658 MW239659 KY352430 NA FR715495 JX174093 JX174083 HQ692503 HQ692502 NA DQ006975 HQ692501 HQ692497 Reference Nitschke (1867) Luque et al. (2012) Acero et al. (2004) Acero et al. (2004) Trouillas et al. (2015) Mehrabi et al. (2015) Chalkley et al. (2010) Rolshausen et al. (2006) Senanayake et al. (2015) Thiyagaraja et al. (2019) Trouillas et al. (2015) de Almeida et al. (2016) de Almeida et al. (2016) Hyde et al. (2019) Hyde et al. (2019) Konta et al. (2020) de Almeida et al. (2016) Vieira et al. (2012) Senwanna (2017) Konta et al. (2020) Mehrabi et al. (2015) This study This study Mehrabi et al. (2016) de Almeida et al. (2016) Pazoutova et al. (2012) Lynch et al. (2013), Luque et al. (2012) Lynch et al. (2013) Trouillas et al. (2015) Trouillas et al. (2015) Acero et al. (2004) Rolshausen et al. (2006) Trouillas et al. (2011) Trouillas et al. (2011) Species E. lata var. aceri Eutypella caricae E. cerviculata E. cerviculata E. leprosa E. leprosa E. microtheca E. microtheca E. parasitica E. persica T E. quercina T E. semicircularis T E. tamaricis E. virescens Halocryptovalsa salicorniae Halodiatrype avicenniae H. salinicola T H. salinicola Kretzschmaria deusta T Monosporascus cannonballus T M. cannonballus Neoeutypella baoshanensis N. baoshanensis T Paraeutypella citricolca P citricola P citricola P citricola P citricola P. guizhouensis T P. guizhouensis P vitis P vitis Pedumispora rhizophorae P. rhizophorae Dissanayake L et al Strain no. CBS 290.87 EL51C EL59C M68 EL54C ANM 85 ADEL200 BCMX01 CBS 210.39 IRAN 2540C IRAN 2543C MP4669 MFLUCC 14-0445 CBS 205.36 MFLUCC 15-0185 MFLUCC 15-0948 MFLUCC 15-1277 MFLUCC17-2468 CBS 826.72 ATCC 26931 CMM3646 MFLUCC 16-1002 LC 12111 HVGRF01 HVVITO7 IRAN 2340C KUMCC 20-0023 KUMCC 20-0024 KUMCC 20-0016 KUMCC 20-0017 UCD2291AR UCD2428TX BCC44877 BCC44878 GenBank Accession no. ITS HM164736 AJ302460 AJ302468 JF 340269 AJ302463 KU320622 HQ692559 KC405563 MH855984 KX828144 KX828139 JQ517314 NA MH855778 MH304410 MH304414 KX573915 MN047113 KU683767 FJ430598 JX971617 MT310662 MH822887 HQ692579 HQ692589 KR605647 Mwo040050 Mmwo40049 MW036142 MW039348 HQ288224 FJ790851 KJ888853 KJ888854 B-tubulin HM164770 NA NA NA NA NA HQ692527 KC405560 NA KY352451 KY352449 NA KX453302 MH867286 MH370274 MH370278 KX573932 NA KU684190 NA NA NA MH822888 HQ692512 HQ692521 KY352439 MW239663 MW239662 MW239660 MW239661 HQ288303 GU294726 NA NA Reference Trouillas et al. (2010) Acero et al. (2004) Acero et al. (2004) Arhipova et al. (2012) Acero et al. (2004) de Almeida et al. (2016) Trouillas et al. (2011) Paolinelli-Alfonso et al. (2015) Vu et al. (2019) Mehrabi et al. (2019) Mehrabi et al. (2019) Chacon et al. (2013) Thambugala et al. (2016) Vu et al. (2019) Dayarathne et al. (2020b) Dayarathne et al. (2020b) Dayarathne et al. (2016) Dayarathne et al. (2016) U’Ren et al. 2016 Unpublished Sales et al. (2010) Phukhamsakda et al. (2020) Hyde et al. (2019) Trouillas et al. (2011) Trouillas et al. (2011) Mehrabi et al. (2016) This study This study This study This study Urbez-torres et al. (2012) Urbez-Torres and Gubler (2009) Klaysuban et al. (2014) Klaysuban et al. (2014) Paraeutypella guizhouensis gen. et sp. nov. and Diatrypella longiasca sp. ... 7 Species Strain no. GenBank Accession Reference no. ITS B-tubulin Peroneutypa curvispora HUEFS 136877 KM396641 NA de Almeida et al. (2016) P. rubiformis T MFLUCC 17-2142 MG873477 NA Shang et al. (2018) P. scoparia T MFLUCC 11-0478 KU940151 NA Dai et al. (2016) Quaternaria quaternata CBS 278.87 AJ302469 NA Acero et al. (2004) Q. quaternata GNF13 KR605645 KY352464 Mehrabi et al. (2016) Xylaria hypoxylon T CBS-122620 KY610407 KX271279 PerSoh et al. (2009) T: Types strains, newly-generated sequences are indicated in bold, NA: No sequence available in GenBank, ATCC: American Type Culture Collection, Manassas, USA, BCC: BIOTEC Culture Collection, Bangkok, Thailand, CBS: Centra albureau voor Schimmel cultures, Utrecht, The Netherlands, MFLU: Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai, Thailand, CCMB: Bahia Culture Collection of Microorganisms, CMM: Culture Collection of Phytopathogenic Fungi “Prof. Maria Menezes,” Federal Rural University of Pernambuco, Brazil, MFLUCC: Mae Fah Luang University Culture Collection, Chiang Rai, Thailand, HKAS: The Herbarium Mycologium, Institute of Microbiology Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, HUEFS: Herbarium of the State University of Feira de Santana, IRAN: Iranian Fungal Culture Collection, Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection, Tehran, Iran, KUMCC: Kunming Institute of Botany Culture Collection, Kunming, China. Phylogenetic Analyses Maximum Likelihood (ML) analysis was performed using RAxXML-HPC2 on XSEDE (8.2.8) (Stamatakis 2014) in the CIPRES Science Gateway platform (Miller et al. 2010) using the GTR+I+G model of evolution. Bootstrap supports were obtained by running 1,000 pseudo- replicates. Bayesian analysis was conducted with MrBayes v. 3.1.2 (Huelsenbeck and Ronquist 2001) to evaluate Bayesian posterior probabilities (BYPP) (Rannala and Yang 1996, Zhaxybayeva and Gogarten 2002) by Markov Chain Monte Carlo sampling (BMCMC). GTR+I+G was used as the substitution model. Six simultaneous Markov chains were run for 2,000,000 generations and trees were sampled every 200" generation. The distribution of log-likelinood scores was examined to determine the stationary phase for each search and to decide if extra runs were required to achieve convergence, using the programme Tracer 1.5. The first 10% of generated trees were discarded and remaining 90% of trees were used to calculate posterior probabilities of the majority rule consensus tree. All trees were visualised in FigTree v.1.4.0 (Rambaut 2012) and the final layout (Fig. 1) was done with Microsoft PowerPoint (2013). The final alignment and tree were registered in TreeBASE under the submission ID: 27435 ( phylows/study/T B2:S27435?x-access- code=3101b93c442e7aa2531 74d89df7a500c&format=html). Dissanayake L et al Figure 1. Phylogram generated from Maximum Likelihood (RAxML) analysis, based on ITS- B-tubulin matrix. ML bootstrap supports (2 70%) and Bayesian posterior probability (2 0.95) are indicated as ML/BYPP. The tree is rooted to Kretzschmaria deusta (CBS 826.72) and Xylaria hypoxylon (CBS 122620). Newly-generated strains are in red and type strains are in bold. The asterisks represent unstable species. Paraeutypella guizhouensis gen. et sp. nov. and Diatrypella longiasca sp. ... SS) Taxon treatments Diatrypella (Ces. & De Not.) De Not. 1863 Type species Diatrypella verruciformis (Ehrh.) Nitschke(Fr.) Description Notes — Diatrypella was introduced by Cesati & De Notaris (1863) and is typified as Diatrypella verruciformis (Ehrh.) Nitschke. There are 146 epithets listed in Index Fungorum (2020). This genus was established to accommodate members of stromatic Sphaeriales which were characterised by ovoid and numerous ascospores and we introduce a new species viz. Diatrypella longiasca, based on new collections from China. Diatrypella longiasca L.S. Dissan., J.C. Kang & K.D. Hyde, sp. nov. ° IndexFungorum !F 557952 ° Facesoffungi number FoF 09151 Materials Holotype: a. kingdom: Fungi; phylum: Ascomycota; class: Sordariomycetes; order: Xylariales; family: Diatrypaceae; taxonRank: species; genus: Diatrypella; specificEpithet: longiasca; scientificNameAuthorship: L.S. Dissan., J.C. Kang & K.D. Hyde, sp. nov.; country: China; stateProvince: Guizhou Province; county: Guiyang; locality: Guizhou University Garden (South); identifiedBy: L.S. Dissanayake; institution!D: HMAS 290656; collectionID: HMAS 290658; institutionCode: Chinese Academy of Science, Kunming and Chinese Academy of Science Herbarium; collectionCode: Kunming Institute of Botany Culture Collection; datasetName: CLD 42 Other material: a. type: isotype; institutionID: HMAS 290658; collectioniD: KUMCC 20-0022; institutionCode: Chinese Academy of Science, Kunming and Chinese Academy of Science Herbarium; collectionCode: Kunming Institute of Botany Culture Collection Description Saprobic on dead twigs (Fig. 2). Sexual morph: Stromata 0.5—-0.7 mm in diam., well- developed, solitary to gregarious, erumpent, black, immersed, globose to subglobose. Ascomata 525-540 ym high, 470-510 ym diam. (x = 532 x 490 um, n = 15), perithecial, surrounded by white entostroma, immersed in stromata, 2—5 perithecia arranged in a valsoid configuration, subglobose, individual ostiole with a long neck. Neck 180-190 um long (x = 185 um, n = 15), cylindrical, with periphyses. Peridium 36— 45 um wide (x = 40.5 um, n = 20), composed of two layers: outer layer of black, thick- 10 Dissanayake L et al walled cells; inner layer; hyaline, thick-walled cells forming textura angularis. Hamathecium 259-287 um wide (x = 273 um, n = 20), composed of cells 3-5 um wide (x = 4 um, n = 20), paraphyses arising from base of perithecia, hyaline, long, narrow, unbranched, septate, guttulate, narrowing and tapering towards apex. Asci 105-155 x 10-16 um (x = 130 x 14 um, n = 30), polysporous, unitunicate, clavate, apically pointed, with a J-apical ring, long pedicellate (40-50 um). Ascospores 4—8 x 1-2 ym (x = 6 x 1.5 um, n = 30), overlapping, hyaline, yellowish in mass, allantoid, aseptate, guttulate, smooth-walled. Asexual morph: Undetermined. Figure 2. EES Diatrypella longiasca (HMAS 290656, holotype) a. stromata on substrate; b. cross section of a stroma; c, d. vertical section through stroma showing ostiole and perithecia; e. ostiolar canal: f. paraphyses; g-i. asci; j-l. ascospores; m, n. culture on PDA from m above, n below after 6 weeks. Scale bars: 500 um (a, b), 100 ym (d), 50 um (e, g—i), 5 um (f, j-l). Culture characteristics — Colonies on PDA reaching 21 mm diam. after 2 weeks at 20-— 25°C, medium dense, circular to slightly irregular, slightly raised, cottony surface; colony from above: at first white, becoming buff; from below: yellowish white at margin, yellow to brown at centre; mycelium yellowish. Etymology The specific epithet /ongiasca refers to the long asci. Notes Diatrypella longiasca shares similar characters with D. vulgaris in having erumpent stromata through the bark often surrounded by remaining adherent epidermis or woody fragments and asci with many ascospores. However, D. vulgaris is different from D. longiasca in having longer ascospores (8-10 x 2—2.5 um vs. 4—8 x 1-2 um) (Trouillas et al. 2011). Diatrypella vulgaris has 4-8 ascomata per stromata, while D. longiasca Paraeutypella guizhouensis gen. et sp. nov. and Diatrypella longiasca sp. ... 11 comprises 2—5 ascomata per stromata. Comparison of the ITS 12% (73/570) and B- tubulin 13% (56/432) nucleotide differences, phylogenetic analyses and significant morphological differences indicate that D. longiasca and D. vulgaris are distinct taxa. Thus, D. longiasca is introduced as a new species in Diatrypella, based on its morphology coupled with high support values from the phylogenetic analysis (96% ML, 0.99 BYPP., Fig. 1). Akey to species related to Diatrypella longiasca is given below. Paraeutypella L.S. Dissan., J.C. Kang, Wijayaw. & K.D. Hyde, gen. nov. IndexFungorum |F 557954 Facesoffungi FoF 09231 Type species Paraeutypella guizhouensis L.S. Dissan., J.C. Kang & K.D. Hyde, sp. nov. Description Saprobic on dead twigs. Sexual morph: Stromata immersed in bark of dead branches, erumpent, solitary or aggregated. Ascomata with groups of 4—25 perithecia arranged in a valsoid configuration, surrounded by white, powdery entostroma, perithecial, black or brown, subglobose, clustered, immersed in stromata. Necks papillate, with an elongated ostiolar neck, central ostiolar canal filled with periphyses, 3-6 sulcate. Peridium composed of two layers of cells of textura angularis; inner layers cells hyaline or light brown, outer layers cells dark brown to black. Hamathecium composed of paraphyses arising from the base of perithecia, elongate, filiform, narrow, unbranched, septate, guttulate, narrowing and tapering towards apex. Asci 8-spored, unitunicate, thin-walled, clavate to cylindrical clavate or spindle-shaped, long pedicellate, apical rings J-. Ascospores overlapping biseriate, allantoid, slightly to moderately curved, allantoid, several oil droplets in each end, hyaline to light brown, sometimes yellow in mass, aseptate. Asexual morph: Coelomycetous. Conidiomata black, subconic, multiloculate, largely prosenchymatous, producing yellowish conidial masses. Conidiophores not recorded. Conidiogenous cells cylindrical, tapering, arising from pseudoparenchyma or interwoven hyphae, proliferating percurrently or sympodially, rarely both ways. Conidia hyaline, single-celled, slightly to moderately curved, with flattened bases, becoming guttulate (description of asexual morph adapted from Glawe and Jacobs 1987). Etymology With reference to the morphological resemblance to Eutypella. Notes Paraeutypella is introduced to accommodate three species viz. P guizhouensis sp. nov., aS well as P citricola and FP vitis, two species previously placed in Eutypella 12 Dissanayake L et al sensu lato. Paraeutypella is typified by P guizhouensis, which was collected from undetermined dead twigs. Paraeutypella can be distinguished from Eutypella species by stromata with perithecia in groups of 4—25 arranged in a valsoid configuration, 3-6 sulcate, long ostiolar necks, while stromata of Eutypella comprise groups of 20-70 perithecia having comparatively shorter ostiolar necks with sulcate or smooth ostiolar necks. Strains of both genera appear in distinct clades in a phylogeny based on ITS and Beta tubulin data (Fig. 1), thereby justifying the erection of the new genus Paraeutypella. However, sequence data are not available for the type of P. citricola and P. vitis. A co-elomycetous asexual morph has been recorded for P vitis as Eutypella vitis in culture (Glawe and Jacobs 1987). Paraeutypella guizhouensis L.S. Dissan., J.C. Kang & K.D. Hyde, sp. nov. ° IndexFungorum |F 557953 ° Facesoffungi number FoF 09148 Materials Holotype: a. kingdom: Fungi; phylum: Ascomycota; class: Sordariomycetes; order: Xylariales; family: Diatrypaceae; genus: Paraeutypella; specificEpithet: guizhouensis; country: China; stateProvince: Guizhou Province; county: Guiyang; locality: Guizhou University Garden (North); habitat: Saprobic on dead twigs.; fieldNumber: CLD018; identifiedBy: L.S.Dissanayake; type: Holotype; institutioniD: HMAS 290654; collection!ID: KUMCC 20— 0016; institutionCode: Chinese Academy of Science, Kunming and Chinese Academy of Science Herbarium; collectionCode: Kunming Institute of Botany Culture Collection; datasetName: CLD018 Other material: a. type: isotype; institutionID: HKAS 290655; collectionID: KUMCC 20-0017; institutionCode: Chinese Academy of Science, Kunming and Chinese Academy of Science Herbarium; collectionCode: Kunming Institute of Botany Culture Collection Description Saprobic on dead twigs (Fig. 3). Sexual morph: Stromata immersed in bark of dead branches, erumpent, aggregated, circular to irregular, superficial, carbonaceous. Ascomata 590-600 x 470-480 um (x = 595 x 475 um, n = 10), perithecial, with groups of 6-12 perithecia arranged in a valsoid configuration, subglobose, clustered, immersed in stromata, ostiolate. Neck 400-418 um long (x = 409 um, n = 10), papillate, central ostiolar canal filled with periphyses, 3-4 sulcate. Peridium 22-35 um wide, composed of two layers of textura angularis; inner layer cells light brown to hyaline, outer layers cells dark brown to black. Hamathecium hyaline. Paraphyses 1—2 um wide (x = 1.5 um, n = 10), arising from base of perithecia, long, narrow, unbranched, septate, guttulate, narrowing and tapering towards apex. Asci 55—80 x 5— 9 um (x = 67.5 x 7 um, n = 20), 8-spored, unitunicate, thin-walled, clavate to cylindrical clavate, long pedicellate (25-30 um), with a J- apical ring. Ascospores 7-11 x 1-3 um Paraeutypella guizhouensis gen. et sp. nov. and Diatrypella longiasca sp. ... 13 (x = 9 x 2 um, n = 30), overlapping biseriate, allantoid, hyaline to light brown, smooth, aseptate, usually with 2-3 guttules. Asexual morph: Undetermined. ) ee Figure 3. EES] Paraeutypella guizhouensis (HMAS 290654, holotype) a—c. stromata on substrate; d. cross section of a stromata; e. vertical section through an ascostroma showing ostioles and perithecia; f. ostiolar canal; g. peridium; h. paraphyses; i-l. asci; m—-o. ascospores; p. germinating ascospore; q, r. cultures on PDA from above and below after 6 weeks. Scale bars: 500 um (b—d), 200 um (e), 100 um (f), 20 um (g—l), 5 um (m=p). Culture characteristics — Colonies on PDA, reaching 21 mm diam. after 2 weeks at 20— 25°C, medium dense, circular to slightly irregular, slightly raised, cottony surface; colony from above: at first white, becoming buff; from below: yellowish-white at margin, yellow to brown at centre; mycelium yellowish. Etymology The specific epithet guizhouensis refers to the locality in which the fungus was collected. Notes Paraeutypella guizhouensis resembles P. vitis, which comprises stromata that are erumpent through bark, with elongated perithecial necks and allantoid, slightly to moderately curved ascospores (Glawe and Jacobs 1987). However, P guizhouensis differs from P. vitis in having comparatively longer ostiolar necks and longer asci (55— 80 x 5-9 um), while P. vitis has comparatively shorter ostiolar necks and shorter asci (40-46 x 6-8 ym) (Glawe and Jacobs 1987). Paraeutypella vitis (UCD2428TX) differs phylogenetically from our new taxon in 14% (80/576) base pairs in the ITS and 10% (42/405) base pairs in B-tubulin. Thus, P guizhouensis is introduced as a new species in Paraeutypella, based on its morphology, base pair differences and phylogenetic analyses (94% ML, Fig. 1). 14 Dissanayake L et al Paraeutypella citricola (Speg.,) L.S. Dissan., Wijayaw., J.C. Kang & K.D. Hyde, comb. nov. = Eutypella citricola Speg., in Anales del Museo Nacional de Buenos Aires 6: 245, (1898) IndexFungorum |F 558003 Facesoffungi number FoF 09150 Nomenclature = Eutypella citricola Syd. & P. Syd., Hedwigia 49: 80 (1909), nom. illegit., Art. 53.1 Materials Holotype: a. institutionID: LPS-2120 Paratype: a. kingdom: Fungi; phylum: Ascomycota; class: Sordariomycetes; order: Xylariales; family: Diatrypaceae; genus: Paraeutypella; specificEpithet: citricola; country: China; county: Guiyang; locationAccording To: Guizhou University Garden (South); year: 2019; month: October; day: 5; habitat: on a dead branch of Acer sp.; recordedBy: Nalin N. Wijayawardene; identifiedBy: L.S.Dissanayake; type: paratype; institutionID: HMAS 290660, HMAS 290659; collection!D: culture KUMCC 20-0024, KUMCC 20-0023; institutionCode: Chinese Academy of Science, Kunming and Chinese Academy of Science Herbarium; collectionCode: Kunming Institute of Botany Culture Collection Description Saprobic on dead twigs of Acer palmatum (Fig. 4). Sexual morph: Stromata immersed in bark of dead branches, erumpent, solitary or aggregated, circular to irregular in shape, superficial, carbonaceous. Ascomata 410-430 x 430-470 um (x = 420 x 450 um, n = 10), perithecial, with groups of 4-6 perithecia arranged in a valsoid configuration, black, subglobose, clustered, immersed in ascostroma with ostiolar neck. Necks 360-390 ym long (x = 375 um, n= 10), papillate, sulcate, central ostiolar canal filled with paraphyses. Peridium 27-40 ym wide, composed of two layers of textura angularis; inner layer cells hyaline, outer layer cells dark brown to black. Hamathecium composed of 3-7 um wide (x = 5 um, n= 10), hyaline, paraphyses arising from base of perithecia, composed of long, narrow, unbranched, septate, guttulate, narrowing and apically truncate. Asci 70-75 x 5-8 um (x = 72.5 x 6.5 um, n = 20), 8-spored, unitunicate, thin-walled, clavate to cylindrical clavate, long pedicellate (40—50 um), J- apical ring. Ascospores 7-10 x 2-3 ym (x = 8.5 x 2.5 um, n = 30), overlapping biseriate, allantoid, hyaline to light brown, smooth, aseptate, usually with guttules. Asexual morph: Undetermined. Paraeutypella guizhouensis gen. et sp. nov. and Diatrypella longiasca sp. ... 15 Figure 4. EES] Paraeutypella citricola (HMAS 290660) a—c. stromata on substrate; d. cross section of stroma; e. vertical section through stroma showing ostiolar necks and perithecia; f. ostiolar canal; g. peridium; h. paraphyses; i-k. asci; I-n. ascospores; o. germinating ascospore; p, q.- culture on PDA after 6 weeks from above and below. Scale bars: 500 um (b—d), 200 um (eg), 20 um (g-l), 5 um (m—o). Culture characteristics — Colonies on PDA, reaching 21 mm diam. after 2 weeks at 20— 25°C, medium dense, circular to slightly irregular, slightly raised, cottony surface; colony from above: at first white, becoming buff; from below: yellowish-white at margin, yellow to brown at centre; mycelium yellowish. Notes Eutypella citricola was described by Spegazzini (1898) from Citrus in Argentina and has since been reported to cause dieback on various woody plants in warm temperate and tropical regions (Farr and Rossman 2020). Eutypella citricola strains have previously been isolated from hosts such as Citrus limon, C. sinensis, C. paradisi, Salix spp., Schinus molle, Ulmus procera and Vitis vinifera (Trouillas et al. 2011, Mehrabi et al. 2016). In our study, we provide additional information for P citricola from dead stems of Acer (Sapindaceae) in China. In morphology, our collection (HMAS 290660) resembles Eutypella, thus having pustulate stromata with stout, converging ostiolar necks and asci with eight spores. According to phylogenetic analysis, KUMCC 20-0024 closely groups with a collection of E. citricola (IRAN 2349C), which was collected on dead branches of Salix sp. (Salicaceae) in Gilan Province, Iran (Mehrabi et al. 2016) (Fig. 1). However, the IRAN 2349C strain is slightly different from our strain in having stromata with groups of 6-25 perithecia in a valsoid configuration and short ostiolar necks (100-300 wm), while our collection comprises stromata with groups of 4-6 perithecia in a valsoid configuration with a longer neck (856-385 wm). Based on phylogenetic analysis, both strains grouped in Paraeutypella sensu stricto (Fig. 1). Hence, the name Eutypella citricola is placed in Paraeutypella as P. citricola. 16 Dissanayake L et al Paraeutypella guizhouensis, the type of Paraeutypella, morphologically resembles P citricola both having immersed stromata, perithecia each with a long ostiolar neck and allantoid, aseptate ascospores with an oil droplet at each end. However, Paraeutypella citricola differs from P. guizhouensis by the number of perithecia within a stroma (4-6 vs. 6-12). A comparison of the ITS 1.0% (6/576) and B-tubulin 1.2% (5/406) between KUMCC 20-0024 and IRAN 2340C, ITS 1.0% (6/576) and B-tubulin 1.0% (5/406) between KUMCC 20-0024 and HVGRF01, HVVIT07 has been made. Paraeutypella vitis (Schwein.,) L.S. Dissan., J.C. Kang & K.D. Hyde, comb. nov. = Sphaeria vitis Schwein., in Schr. Naturf. Ges. Leipzing 1: 39 (1822) IndexFungorum |F 558004 Facesoffungi number FoF 09426 Nomenclature = Valsa vitis (Schwein.) Fuckel, Jb. Nassau. Ver. Naturk. 23-24: 199 (1870) = Engizostoma vitis (Schwein.) Kuntze, Revis. Gen. pl. (Leipzig) 3 (3): 475 (1898) = Eutypella vitis (Schwein.) Ellis & Everh., The North American Pyrenomycetes: 490 (1892) Notes Eutypella vitis was collected from young shoots of grape vines in New York and was introduced by Ellis and Everhart (1982). According to our phylogenetic analyses, our new strain which represents Eutypella vitis (UCD 2291AR, USE2428TX) grouped as the sister clade (bootstrap support: 78% ML) to Paraeutypella citricola within Paraeutypella sensu stricto. Hence, in this study, we introduce the new combination, Paraeutypella vitis. Paraeutypella vitis shares similar morphologies to Paraeutypella species, such as having erumpent stromata through bark, 3-4 sulcate, long ostiolar necks, clavate asci, allantoid, slightly to moderately curved ascospores with several oil droplets in each end. Identification keys Key to species similar to Diatrypella longiasca 1 2 Ascospores 4—5 um long on average Diatrypella major Ascospores 6—10 um long on average 2 Entostroma yellowish or olive-green 3 Paraeutypella guizhouensis gen. et sp. nov. and Diatrypella longiasca sp. ... 17 - Entostroma white 4 3 Asci larger, 120-150 x 15.5—21.5 um D. tectonae — Asci smaller, 40 x 8-12 um D. frostii 4 Stromata small, up to 2 mm diam. J - Stromata larger than 2 mm 6 5 1—4 ascomata per stromata, on twigs of Hevea brasiliensis D. heveae - 3—4 ascomata per stromata, on seed pods of Delonix regia D. delonicis 6 4—8 ascomata per stromata, (0.25—0.45 mm) with obscure ostiolar necks D. vulgaris - 2—5 ascomata per stromata, (0.5—0.7 mm) with prominent ostiolar necks =D. longiasca Key to species of Paraeutypella 1 Stromata immersed Paraeutypella citricola = stromata erumpent 2 2 Short ostiolar neck and longer asci (55-80 x 5-9 um) _~P: vitis - Long ostiolar neck and shorter asci (40-46 x 6-8 um) FP guizhouensis Analysis Phylogenetic analyses The combined ITS and £-tubulin matrix comprises 79 sequences that represents the genera in Diatrypaceae including the outgroup taxa. The best scoring RAXxML tree is shown (Fig. 1) with a final ML optimisation likelihood value of -12709.069416. The matrix had 784 distinct alignment patterns, with 28.77% undetermined characters or gaps. Estimated base frequencies were: A = 0.226868, C = 0.263622, G = 0.232845, T = 0.27666; substitution rates AC = 1.218567, AG = 2.693651, AT = 1.272423, CG = 0.850048, CT = 3.427431, GT = 1.000000; proportion of invariable sites | = 0.100328; gamma distribution shape parameter a = 0.775027. All trees (ML and BYPP) were similar in topology and did not differ in generic relationships, which are in agreement with multi-gene phylogenies of previous studies. Species of Eutypella are polyphyletic in our phylogram, while new isolates KUMCC 20-0023 and KUMCC 20-0024 grouped in a clade that comprises Eutypella citricola Syd. & 18 Dissanayake L et al P. Syd. and Eutypella vitis (Schwein.) Ellis & Everh. (Fig. 1). KUMCC 20-0016 and KUMCC 20-0017 formed a separate clade basal to E. vitis with high statistical support (94% ML) (Fig. 1). These species form a separate clade from the Eutypella clade. A novel genus is needed to accommodate these species, hence we introduce Paraeutypella. Our new strains KUMCC 20-0021 and KUMCC 20-0022 are accommodated within Diatrypella with high statistical support (96% ML, 1.00 BYPP) as a distinct lineage. Discussion This study introduces a new genus, Paraeutypella and accepts 22 genera in Diatypaceae. According to the previous analyses of combined ITS and £-tubulin sequence data, the genus Eutypella has been often identified as polyphyletic in Diatrypaceae (Trouillas et al. 2011, Mehrabi et al. 2016, Mehrabi et al. 2019, Dayarathne et al. 2016, Dayarathne et al. 2020a, Dayarathne et al. 2020b) and determined in our study as well (Fig. 1). The type of Eutypella, E. cerviculata (Fr.) Sacc. grouped with E. semicircularis S. Chacon & M. Piepenbr., E. persica Mehrabi et al. and E. quercina Mehrabi et al. Eutypella citricola groups separately from Eutypella sensu stricto with Eutypella vitis and our newly-generated strains. These new strains are introduced as a new genus, Paraeutypella with three species viz. P. citricola, P guizhouensis and P. vitis. We studied the morphological characteristics of the species belonging to this clade and found considerable morphological differences from Eutypella sensu stricto. The differences include stromata with 4—25 groups of perithecia in a valsoid configuration, 3-6 sulcate, long ostiolar necks; thus, we consider them to belong in a distinct genus from the Eutypella and hence, we introduce the novel Paraeutypella. There does not appear to be any host-specificity since members of Diatypaceae are found on a wide range of hosts in various habitats. Diatypaceae species frequently have been identified as saprobes on the decaying wood of angiosperms. Few endophytes, such as Diatrypella frostii Peck and Peroneutypa scoparia (Schwein.) Carmaran & A.I. Romero, have been reported (de Errasti et al. 2010, Vieira et al. 2011, Grassi et al. 2014). Therefore, the family may have the potential for switching nutritional modes during the degradation of plant material (de Errasti et al. 2010, Grassi et al. 2014). Several species have been reported as pathogens, such as Cryptosphaeria populina (Pers.) Sacc., C. pullmanensi Glawe and Eutypella parasitica R.W. Davidson & R.C. Lorenz, causing canker disease (Glawe and Rogers 1984, Rappaz 1987, Ma et al. 2016), Cryptovalsa ampelina (Nitschke) Fuckel causing grapevine trunk disease (Luque et al. 2006), Eutypa /ata (Pers.) Tul. & C. Tul. causing canker and dieback disease (Lardner et al. 2005) and E. leptoplaca (Durieu & Mont.) Rappaz contributing to the dieback of grapevines (Trouillas and Gubler 2004, Catal et al. 2007). In our phylogenetic analyses, some species of Diatrypella: D. favacea (Fr.) Ces. & De Not., D. iranensis Mehrabi & Hemmati, D. macrospora Mehrabi et al. and D. pulvinata Nitschke formed a distinct lineage (Fig. 1) in Diatrypella. Similarly, some species of Eutypella (E. Paraeutypella guizhouensis gen. et sp. nov. and Diatrypella longiasca sp. ... 19 caricae (De Not.) Berl., E. parasitica R.W. Davidson & R.C. Lorenz and E. virescens Wehm.) often form distinct lineages within Diatrypaceae (Fig. 1). This may be due to lack of single-copy nuclear genes like B-tubulin or misidentified species. Acknowledgements This work was funded by grants of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC Grants Nos. 31670027 & 31460011). Dr. Shaun Pennycook is thanked for the nomenclatural advice. Nalin N. Wijayawardene gratefully acknowledges Natural Science Foundation of China (grant No. NSFC 31950410558) and grant FAMP201906K provided by the State Key Laboratory of Functions and Applications of Medicinal Plants, Guizhou Medical University. Dong-Qin Dai thanks the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC 31760013) and the Thousand Talents Plan, Youth Project of Yunnan Provinces for support. Monika C. Dayarathne would like to thank National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 31972222, 31560489). Lakmali S. Dissanayake would like to thank Ms. D.S. Marasinghe and Ms. S. N. Wijesinghe for valuable suggestions and guidance. References ° Acero FJ, Gonzalez V, Sanchez-Ballesteros J, Rubio V, Checa J, Bills G, Salazar O, Platas G, Pelaez F (2004) Molecular phylogenetic studies on the Diatrypaceae based on rdna-ITS sequences. Mycologia 96 (2). ° Arhipova N, Gaitnieks T, Donis J, Stenlid J, Vasaitis R (2012) Heart-rot and associated fungi in Alnus glutinosastands in Latvia. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 27 (4): 327-336. ° Catal M, Jordan SA, Butterworth SC, Schilder AM (2007) Detection of Eutypa lata and Eutypella vitis in grapevine by nested multiplex polymerase chain reaction. Phytopathology 97: 737-747. 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