Biodiversity Data Journal 9: e64212 CO) doi: 10.3897/BDJ.9.e64212 open access Taxonomic Paper The family Stratiomyidae in Egypt and Saudi Arabia (Diptera: Stratiomyoidea) Magdi El-Hawagry?, Hathal Mohammed Al Dhafer$, Mahmoud Abdel-Dayem§, Martin Hauser! + Entomology Department, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Giza, Egypt § King Saud University, College of Food and Agriculture Sciences, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia | California Department of Food & Agriculture, Sacramento, United States of America Corresponding author: Magdi El-Hawagry ( Academic editor: Torsten Dikow Received: 09 Feb 2021 | Accepted: 18 Mar 2021 | Published: 22 Mar 2021 Citation: El-Hawagry M, Al Dhafer HM, Abdel-Dayem M, Hauser M (2021) The family Stratiomyidae in Egypt and Saudi Arabia (Diptera: Stratiomyoidea). Biodiversity Data Journal 9: e64212. Abstract Background This study systematically catalogues all known taxa of the family Stratiomyidae in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. It is one in a series of planned studies aiming to catalogue the whole order in both countries. New information Twenty species, belonging to seven genera and three subfamilies (Pachygastrinae, Stratiomyinae and Nemotelinae), are treated. One of these genera, Oplodontha and two species, Oplodontha pulchriceps Loew and Oxycera turcica Ustiiner & Hasbenli, are recorded herein for the first time from Saudi Arabia. A lectotype for Nemotelus matrouhensis Mohammad et al., 2009 is designated. An updated classification, synonymies, type localities, world and local distributions, dates of collection and some coloured photographs are provided. © El-Hawagry M et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 2 El-Hawagry M et al Keywords soldier-flies, local distribution, dates of collection, new records Introduction The Stratiomyidae is a lower brachycerous Dipteran family, including more than 2650 species Classified in 375 genera and 12 subfamilies worldwide (Woodley 2001). Flies of the family Stratiomyidae, commonly known as soldier-flies, are small to large, ranging from 2 to 28 mm in length, highly varied in shape and colouration, with wings hyaline to variously patterned or infuscated and some species likely mimic wasps and bees in their flight and body colour (Hauser 2008, Hauser et al. 2017b). These flies can be easily distinguished as adults by the following characters: radial veins grouped together anteriorly, ending before tip of the wing; costal vein (C) usually ending well before wing apex and discal cell (d) short, usually forming distinct short, often squarish cell at middle of the wing (Marshall et al. 2017). Adult soldier-flies can be found sitting on foliage in sunny locations in damp forest habitats, near water or boggy areas and some flies can be found frequenting flowers, particularly those of the subfamily Stratiomyinae and some of the subfamily Clitellariinae (James 1981, Khaghaninia et al. 2015, Hauser et al. 2017b). Immature stages of soldier-flies can be found in a variety of habitats. Larvae of the subfamilies Beridinae, Clitellariinae and Sarginae, which have not been represented in Egypt or Saudi Arabia, are usually associated with decaying organic matter, such as leaf litter and rotting fruits. However, larvae of the subfamilies Nemotelinae and Stratiomyinae are aquatic, occurring in slow moving or standing water in rivers, ponds, seepage areas and other transient water sources, with those of the genus Nemotelus Geoffroy, 1762 being remarkably tolerant to high levels of salinity. Larvae of the subfamily Pachygastrinae can be found under the bark of fallen trees (RozkoSny 1983, Hauser 2008, Hauser et al. 2017b). Of the 12 subfamilies, seven are recorded in the Palaearctic Region with about 430 species (Woodley 2001). Of these, only three subfamilies (Pachygastrinae, Stratiomyinae and Nemotelinae) have been represented in Saudi Arabia and/or Egypt by seven genera comprising 20 species. One of these genera, Oplodontha and two species, Oxycera turcica Ustiiner & Hasbenli and Oplodontha pulchriceps Loew, are recorded herein for the first time from Saudi Arabia. This is not surprising as no previous faunistic or systematic studies on the Stratiomyidae have been carried out in Saudi Arabia and only two species have been recorded from Saudi Arabia amidst two comprehensive checklists of the Saudi Arabian Diptera: El-Hawagry et al. (2017) [Aspidacantha atra Kertesz] and Abu-Zoherah et al. (1993) [Stratiomys deserticolor Lindner]. We think the overall number of Saudi Arabian taxa treated in the present study is still low and does not represent the real fauna of Stratiomyidae in this country and an extensive faunistic and systematic study on the Saudi Arabian Stratiomyidae is required. On the other hand, some previous studies have been The family Stratiomyidae in Egypt and Saudi Arabia (Diptera: Stratiomyoidea) 3 carried out in Egypt to list the Stratiomyidae species (Steyskal and El-Bialy 1967) or to study the fauna and/or taxonomy of the family (Lindner 1930, Badrawy 2006, Mohammad et al. 2009), in addition to some miscellaneous studies which described some new species from Egypt (Olivier 1811, Becker 1902, Wiedemann 1830, Lindner 1925, Lindner 1930, Lindner 1937, Lindner 1974). Egypt and Saudi Arabia are two neighbouring countries in the Middle East, separated by the Gulf of Aqaba and the Red Sea (Fig. 1). Egypt is a transcontinental country as its majority is located in the north-eastern corner of Africa, while its north-eastern extremity, Sinai Peninsula, is located in the south-western corner of Asia. On the other hand, Saudi Arabia is wholly located in the south-western corner of Asia. Both Egypt and Saudi Arabia are biogeographically located at the junction of the Palaearctic and the Afrotropical Regions. The faunal affiliation of the two countries is mainly Palaearctic. Exceptions are Gebel Elba, the south-eastern triangle of Egypt and the southwestern part of Saudi Arabia, south to the Tropic of Cancer, which are considered as having an Afrotropical faunal affiliation (Wallace 1876, Hdlzel 1998, El-Hawagry and Gilbert 2014, El-Hawagry et al. 2017). Figure 1. EES] A satellite map of Egypt and Saudi Arabia. This study is one in a series of taxonomic studies on different Egyptian and Saudi Arabian dipteran taxa aiming to catalogue the whole order Diptera in the two countries (EL- Hawagry 2015, Al Dhafer and El-Hawagry 2016, El-Hawagry 2017, EL-Hawagry 2018, EI- Hawagry et al. 2018, El-Hawagry and Al Dhafer 2019, El-Hawagry et al. 2019, El-Hawagry and Gilbert 2019, El-Hawagry et al. 2020b, El-Hawagry et al. 2020a, El-Hawagry et al. 2021, El-Hawagry and El-Azab 2019). 4 El-Hawagry M et al Materials and methods Data sources. Data of the present study are obtained from three main sources: 1. Specimens preserved in the Egyptian and Saudi Arabian insect collections and museums, namely: Efflatoun Bey’s collection, Cairo University, Egypt (EFC); Collection of Entomological Society of Egypt (ESEC) and King Saud University Museum of Arthropods, Saudi Arabia (KSMA). 2. Previous studies on the Stratiomyidae in Egypt and Saudi Arabia. 3. Specimens collected by the authors and their co-workers, especially from Saudi Arabia using both Malaise traps and aerial nets. A great deal of faunistic and taxonomic information, including type species, type localities, Old World synonymies, world and local distributions and collection dates were obtained from relevant literature as well. These sources are listed in the following subsections. Study area. Egypt and Saudi Arabia, the study area, are two neighbouring countries in the Middle East, separated by the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba. They constitute a part of the Great Desert Belt, mainly with an arid desert climate characterised by hot summer and a mild winter (Alsharhan et al. 2001, Nasser et al. 2019). Ecologists divide Egypt into eight ecological zones: the Coastal Strip, Lower Nile Valley & Delta, Upper Nile Valley, Fayoum, Eastern Desert, Western Desert, Sinai and Gebel Elba (Fig. 1, El-Hawagry and Gilbert 2014). These ecological zones are adopted in the present study in the sections of localities and dates of collection. However, Saudi Arabia is not divided into ecological zones, so ecologists usually adopt the administrative divisions instead. These divisions (also called emirates, regions or provinces) are adopted in the present study, namely: Makkah, Riyadh, Eastern Province, Asir, Jazan, Al-Madinah, Al- Qaseem, Tabuk, Hail, Najran, Al-Jawf, Al-Baha and Northern Frontier (El-Hawagry and Al Dhafer 2019). Classification. The classification and arrangement of taxa in the present study basically follows that used in Woodley (2001) and subsequent updates by Hauser et al. (2017a). World distribution. Sources of world distribution of each stratiomyid species are given between square brackets at the end of the list of countries. Local distribution and dates of collection. Localities within each Egyptian ecological zone or Saudi Arabian administrative region are arranged alphabetically and written after a colon following each zone or region followed by the dates of collection between parentheses; for example, "Coastal Strip: Abu-Kir, Cleopatra, Dekhela (April to September)" and “Tabuk: Tabuk City (May)”. Sources for this distribution are given between square brackets at the end of the section. Coordinates of all Egyptian and Saudi Arabian localities of the family Stratiomyidae are listed (Table 1). Distribution maps of species were made using SimpleMappr (Shorthouse 2010). Table 1. The family Stratiomyidae in Egypt and Saudi Arabia (Diptera: Stratiomyoidea) A gazetteer of Egyptian and Saudi Arabian localities of the family Stratiomyidae. Country Egypt Locality Abu-Kir Abu-Rawash Abu-Zaabal Alexandria Behaira Benha Beni Sweif Birket Qaroun Cleopatra Dakhla Oasis Damietta Dekhela Ein Moussa El-Alag El-Arish El-Baragil El-Ferdan El-Gebel El-Asfar El-Kantara El-Marg El-Siala El-Tour Ezbet El-Nakhl Fayed Fayoum Gebel Elba Governorate Alexandria Giza Al-Qalyubia Alexandria Behaira Al-Qalyubia Beni Sweif Fayoum Alexandria New Valley Damietta Alexandria South Sinai Al-Qalyubia North Sinai Giza Ismailia Al-Qalyubia Ismailia Al-Qalyubia Alexandria South Sinai Al-Qalyubia Ismailia Fayoum Red Sea Ecological zone or Region Coastal Strip Lower Nile Valley & Delta Lower Nile Valley & Delta Coastal Strip Lower Nile Valley & Delta Lower Nile Valley & Delta Lower Nile Valley & Delta Fayoum Coastal Strip Western Desert Lower Nile Valley & Delta Coastal Strip Sinai Lower Nile Valley & Delta Sinai Lower Nile Valley & Delta Eastern Desert Lower Nile Valley & Delta Eastern Desert Lower Nile Valley & Delta Coastal Strip Sinai Lower Nile Valley & Delta Eastern Desert Fayoum Gebel Elba Latitude (N) 31.22429 30.0438 30.24098 31.2129 30.62189 30.46572 29.07788 29.40879 31.22022 25.5000 31.34595 31.12098 29.8667 30.18009 31.1244 30.07673 30.65760 29.1689 30.79392 31.0667 31.20849 28.24024 31.1111 30.32382 29.32061 22.2008 Longitude (E) 33.8256 42.4101 42.4089 42.4089 42.4102 42.4089 42.4089 42.4124 42.4101 41.3115 41.3115 41.3101 41.3101 42.8348 39.8749 41.4107 36.6297 34.1412 34.3836 30.5833 30.8180 29.1667 32.6500 29.8805 32.3008 30.2167 Country Locality Gezeira Girza Giza Giza-Fayoum Road Helwan Hurghada Ismailia Kerdassa Kharga Oasis Khosous Kosseimah Maadi Mariout Max Mersa Matrouh Moharram Bey Moweileh Nazla Nubar Bey Nuzha (Alex.) Quisna Ramleh Sandoub Sherbin Shubra Siwa Oasis Suez Tanta El-Hawagry M et al Governorate Cairo Fayoum Giza Giza Cairo Red Sea Ismailia Giza New Valley Cairo North Sinai Cairo Alexandria Alexandria Matrouh Alexandria South Sinai Fayoum Alexandria Alexandria Menofiya Alexandria Dakahlyia Dakahlyia Al-Qalyoubia Matrouh Suez Gharbia Ecological zone or Region Lower Nile Valley & Delta Fayoum Lower Nile Valley & Delta Western Desert Lower Nile Valley & Delta Eastern Desert Eastern Desert Lower Nile Valley & Delta Western Desert Lower Nile Valley & Delta Sinai Lower Nile Valley & Delta Coastal Strip Coastal Strip Coastal Strip Coastal Strip Sinai Fayoum Coastal Strip Coastal Strip Lower Nile Valley & Delta Coastal Strip Lower Nile Valley & Delta Lower Nile Valley & Delta Lower Nile Valley & Delta Western Desert Eastern Desert Lower Nile Valley & Delta Latitude (N) 30.04596 29.49968 30.01350 29.85176 29.8500 27.2337 30.59428 30.0297 25.2500 30.15957 30.90307 29.95772 31.0172 31.1636 29.5696 31.17796 30.3924 29.29792 31.18079 31.2001 30.53514 31.2279 31.00782 31.19461 30.1012 29.20427 29.95278 30.75725 Longitude (E) 34.3836 34.1412 31.3333 31.18121 31.22435 30.5833 30.8180 30.48755 31.6317 31.1117 30.9898 31.3125 31.3531 30.2167 30.6468 31.10713 30.5833 30.5833 31.2505 31.3333 31.3333 30.8180 30.2167 31.3333 30.5833 26.4194 32.3008 32.3008 The family Stratiomyidae in Egypt and Saudi Arabia (Diptera: Stratiomyoidea) Country Locality Wadi El-Lega Wadi El-Natroun Wadi Hebran Wadi Hoff Wadi Watir Zaranik Saudi Arabia Al-Mekhwa Dawmat Al-Jandal Hassan Ameen farm Jabal Shada al-Alla Nature Reserve Jazan Raydah Nature Reserve Abbreviations used: ° AF, Afrotropical Governorate South Sinai Behaira South Sinai Cairo South Sinai North Sinai Al-Mekhwa Dawmat Al- Gandal Tabouk Al-Mekhwa Jazan Abha Ecological zone or Region Sinai Western Desert Sinai Eastern Desert Sinai Sinai Al-Baha Al-Jwaf Tabouk Al-Baha Jazan Asir Latitude (N) 28.5469 30.3814 28.40225 29.8821 29.02147 31.10345 19.798133 29.809552 28.36661 19.8429 16.9595 18.20525 Longitude (E) 32.3008 29.8157 31.3521 32.3008 31.3110 30.3441 30.3441 30.8180 26.4194 29.7600 29.7600 30.8180 ° CSCA, California State Collection of Arthropods, Sacramento, California, USA ° EFC, Efflatoun Bey’s collection, Department of Entomology, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Egypt ° ESEC, Collection of Entomological Society of Egypt, Cairo, Egypt ° KSMA, King Saud University Museum of Arthropods, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia ° MCCB, Museum of Community College, Al-Baha University, Saudi Arabia ° OR, Oriental ° PA, Palearctic The Catalogue Family Stratiomyidae Subfamily Stratiomyiinae Genus Aspidacantha Kertsz, 1916 . GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Aspidacantha Kertesz, 1916: 154. Type species: Aspidacantha atra Kertész, by original designation. El-Hawagry M et al Aspidacantha atra Kertsz, 1916 GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Aspidacantha atra Kertész, 1916: 155. Type locality: Eritrea (Assab) [Assab belongs now to Eritrea not to Ethiopia as written in world catalogues]. Materials a. scientificName: Aspidacantha atra; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Hurghada; decimalLatitude: 27.23370; decimalLongitude: 33.8256; samplingProtocol: Light trap; eventDate: 9/11-22/1994; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: H. Pohl; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: CSCA scientificName: Aspidacantha atra; taxon|D: https:/ 71; country: Saudi Arabia; !ocality: Raydah; decimalLatitude: 18.20525; decimalLongitude: 42.4101; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 06-07-2014; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Aldhafer H.M. et al.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: KSMA scientificName: Aspidacantha atra; taxon|D: https:/; country: Saudi Arabia; locality: Raydah; decimalLatitude: 18.201583; decimalLongitude: 42.4089; samplingProtocol: Light trap; eventDate: 02-21-2014; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Aldhafer H.M. et al.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: KSMA scientificName: Aspidacantha atra; taxon|D: https:/; country: Saudi Arabia; locality: Raydah; decimalLatitude: 18.201583; decimalLongitude: 42.4089; samplingProtocol: Light trap; eventDate: 07-31-2015; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Aldhafer H.M. et al.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: KSMA scientificName: Aspidacantha atra; taxon|D: https:/; country: Saudi Arabia; locality: Raydah; decimalLatitude: 18.20525; decimalLongitude: 42.4102; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 09-05-2015; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Aldhafer H.M. et al.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: KSMA scientificName: Aspidacantha atra; taxon|D: https:/ 71; country: Saudi Arabia; locality: Raydah; decimalLatitude: 18.201583; decimalLongitude: 42.4089; samplingProtocol: Light trap; eventDate: 09-05-2015; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Aldhafer H.M. et al.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: KSMA scientificName: Aspidacantha atra; taxon|D: https:/ 71; country: Saudi Arabia; locality: Raydah; decimalLatitude: 18.201583; decimalLongitude: 42.4089; samplingProtoco!: Malaise trap; eventDate: 09-05-2015; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Aldhafer H.M. et al.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: KSMA scientificName: Aspidacantha atra; taxon|D: https:/ 71; country: Saudi Arabia; |ocality: Raydah; decimalLatitude: 18.204417; decimalLongitude: 42.4124; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 02-20-2014; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Aldhafer H.M. et al.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: KSMA The family Stratiomyidae in Egypt and Saudi Arabia (Diptera: Stratiomyoidea) 9 p scientificName: Aspidacantha atra; taxon|D: https:/; country: Saudi Arabia; locality: Raydah; decimalLatitude: 18.20525; decimalLongitude: 42.4101; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 06-07-2014; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Aldhafer H.M. et al.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: KSMA Distribution: AF: Democratic Republic of Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia [as “south western part’], Tanzania, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, Zimbabwe. PA: Egypt, Israel, Russia, Turkmenistan. [Sources: Lindner (1936), Woodley (2001), Hauser (2008) and El-Hawagry et al. (2017)] Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 2): EGYPT: Eastern Desert: Hurghada (September). Western Desert: Siwa Oasis (August). [Sources: Lindner (1930) and museum material]. SAUDI ARABIA: Asir: Raydah Nature Reserve (February to December). [Sources: El-Hawagry et al. (2017) and collected material] @ Aspidacantha atra A Sternobrithes sp. Figure 2. EES] Distribution map of Aspidacantha atra Kertész and Sternobrithes sp. Genus Sternobrithes Loew, 1857 ° GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Sternobrithes Loew, 1857: 264. Type species Sternobrithes tumidus Loew, by monotypy. Sternobrithes sp. ° GBIF https:/ 10 El-Hawagry M et al Materials a. scientificName: Sternobrithes sp.; taxon!|D: https:/; country: Saudi Arabia; locality: Snada; decimalLatitude: 19.8429; decimalLongitude: 41.3115; samplingProtoco!: Malaise trap; eventDate: 11-15-2015; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Aldhafer H.M. et al.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: KSMA b. scientificName: Sternobrithes sp.; taxon!|D:; country: Saudi Arabia; locality: Snada; decimalLatitude: 19.8429; decimalLongitude: 41.3115; samplingProtoco!: Malaise trap; eventDate: 05-05-2015; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Aldhafer H.M. et al.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: KSMA Cc: scientificName: Sternobrithes sp.; taxon!|D: https:/ ; country: Saudi Arabia; locality: Snada; decimalLatitude: 19.8388; decimalLongitude: 41.3101; samplingProtoco!l: Malaise trap; eventDate: 11-15-2015; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Aldhafer H.M. et al.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: KSMA d. scientificName: Sternobrithes sp.; taxon!|D: https:/; country: Saudi Arabia; locality: Snada; decimalLatitude: 19.8388; decimalLongitude: 41.3101; samplingProtocol!: Light trap; eventDate: 09-02-2015; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Aldhafer H.M. et al.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: KSMA Distribution: The genus Sternobrithes is widely distributed all over the African continent (Botswana, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde Islands, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda and Zimbabwe. [Sources: Woodley (2001)] Distribution of Sternobrithes sp.: AF: Kenya, Saudi Arabia [as “south western part’], Yemen. Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 2): SAUDI ARABIA: Al-Baha: Jabal Shada al-Ala Nature Reserve (May to November). Asir: Raydah Nature Reserve (June). [Sources: El-Hawagry et al. (2017) and collected material] Notes: El-Hawagry et al. (2017) reported this species as Sternobrithes sp. and further research indicated that this is an undescribed species (Fig. 3). AS we do not have a male specimen available, we are not yet describing this species here. According the generic key in Hauser et al. (2017b), the difference between Argyrobrithes and Sternobrithes is the colour of the last antennal segment, but further studies indicate that Argyrobrithes is characterised by the dichoptic male eyes and a very long last antennal segment. The two genera are widely distributed through Africa and the Oriental Region and a more thorough revision is needed to clarify the limits of the genera and which species should be included in each genus. Material of this undescribed species are known from Yemen and Kenya. The family Stratiomyidae in Egypt and Saudi Arabia (Diptera: Stratiomyoidea) 11 Figure 3. EESl Sternobrithes sp.: A. female habitus, lateral; B. same, dorsal. Subfamily Stratiomyinae Tribe Oxycerini Genus Oxycera Meigen, 1803 . GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Oxycera Meigen, 1803: 265. Type species: Musca hypoleon Linnaeus [= Musca trilineata Linnaeus], by designation of Latreille (1810). Oxycera orientalis (Lindner, 1974) . GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Heraclina onentalis Lindner, 1974: 103. Type locality: Egypt (Sinai Mountains: Wadi Watir) [Wadi Watir is located in Sinai, Egypt, not in Israel as given in world catalogues]. Material a. scientificName: Oxycera orientalis; taxon|D: https:/ 77; country: Egypt; locality: Wadi Watir; decimalLatitude: 29.02147; decimalLongitude: 34.6731; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 09-06-1941; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC Distribution: PA: Egypt. [Sources: Furth (1983), Woodley (2001) and Badrawy (2006)] 12 El-Hawagry M et al Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 4): EGYPT: Sinai: Wadi El-Lega, Wadi Watir (Ain Fortaga) (September to November). [Sources: original description (Lindner 1974) and museum material] Ca) Oxycera orientalis = A Oxycera turcica Figure 4. EES] Distribution map of Oxycera orientalis (Lindner) and Oxycera turcica Ustiiner & Hasbenii. Oxycera turcica Ustiiner & Hasbenli, 2005 GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Oxycera turcica Ustiiner & Hasbenli, 2005: 163. Type locality: Turkey (Sivas: Sarkisla, Karacaoren Village). Material a. scientificName: Oxycera turcica; taxon|D: https:/; country: Saudi Arabia; |ocality: A-Mekhwa; decimalLatitude: 19.798133; decimalLongitude: 41.4107; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 03-15-2012; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: El-Hawagry; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: MCCB Distribution: PA: Saudi Arabia, Turkey. [Sources: Woodley (2011) and collected material] Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 4): SAUDI ARABIA: Al-Baha: Al- Mekhwa (March). [Source: collected material] Notes: This species is recorded herein for the first time from Saudi Arabia. The family Stratiomyidae in Egypt and Saudi Arabia (Diptera: Stratiomyoidea) 13 Tribe Stratiomyini Genus Odontomyia Meigen, 1803 GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Odontomyia Meigen, 1803: 265. Type species: Musca hydroleon Linnaeus, by designation of Westwood (1840). Odontomyia angulata (Panzer, 1798) GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Stratiomys angulata Panzer, 1798: 19. Type locality: Germany (Nurnberg). Stratiomys vulpina Panzer, 1798: 24. Type locality: Germany (Nurnberg). Stratiomys hydropota Meigen, 1822: 147. Type locality: Europe. Odontomyia latifaciata Macquart, 1834: 248. Type locality: France. Stratiomys brevicornis Loew, 1840: 25. Type locality: Poland (Poznan). Stratiomys brevicornis Loew, 1840: 557. Type locality: Poland (Poznan). Preoccupied, primary homonym of Stratiomys brevicornis Loew, 1840. Stratiomys ruficornis Zetterstedt, 1842: 139. Type locality: Sweden (Gotland: Ejsta). Preoccupied, primary homonym of Stratiomyia ruficornis Macquart, 1838. Odontomyia hydrophila Loew, 1846: 486. Type locality: Turkey (Makri) and Italy (Sicily: Siracusa). Eulalia latifasciata Kertész, 1908: 74. Unjustified emendation of Odontomyia latifaciata Macquart. Distribution: PA: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Israel, Italy including Sardinia, Kazakhstan, Morocco, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UAE, former Yugoslavia. [Sources: Woodley (2001), Mason et al. (2009), Hauser (2014) and Yimlahi et al. (2017)] Local distribution and dates of collection: Unknown. Notes: This species was listed by Steyskal and El-Bialy (1967), Woodley (2001) and Badrawy (2006) as recorded from Egypt, but no specimens have been collected or preserved in Egyptian museums to confirm these records. 14 El-Hawagry M et al Odontomyia megacephala Olivier, 1811 . GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Odontomyia megacephala Olivier, 1811: 432. Type locality: Egypt (borders of the Nile [as “bords du Nil’}). Materials a. scientificName: Odontomyia megacephala; taxon!|D: https:/ 7863197; country: Egypt; locality: Moweileh; decimalLatitude: 30.3924; decimalLongitude: 34.1412; samplingProtoco!: Not given; eventDate: Sept.1924; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: ESEC b. scientificName: Odontomyia megacephala; taxon|D: https:/ 7863197; country: Egypt; locality: Kosseima; decimalLatitude: 30.90307; decimalLongitude: 34.3836; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 09-10-1924; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: ESEC C. scientificName: Odontomyia megacephala; taxon!|D: https:/ 7863197; country: Egypt; locality: Knarga Oasis; decimalLatitude: 25.25; decimalLongitude: 30.5833; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: Oct.1924; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: ESEC d. scientificName: Odontomyia megacephala; taxon|D: https:/ 7863197; country: Egypt; locality: Fayoum; decimalLatitude: 29.32061; decimalLongitude: 30.818; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: Sept.1924; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: ESEC e. scientificName: Odontomyia megacephala; taxon|D: https:/ 7863197; country: Egypt; locality: Alexandria; decimalLatitude: 31.2129; decimalLongitude: 29.9726; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 07-04-1920; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC f. scientificName: Odontomyia megacephala; taxon|D: https:/ 7863197; country: Egypt; locality: Nuzha; decimalLatitude: 31.2001; decimalLongitude: 29.9436; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 05-07-1921; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC g. scientificName: Odontomyia megacephala; taxon|D: https:/ 7863197; country: Egypt; locality: Nuzha; decimalLatitude: 31.2001; decimalLongitude: 29.9436; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 07-18-1921; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC h. scientificName: Odontomyia megacephala; taxon|D: https:/ 7863197; country: Egypt; locality: Cleopatra; decimalLatitude: 31.22021; decimalLongitude: 29.9348; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 07-10-1921; sex: 2 females; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC The family Stratiomyidae in Egypt and Saudi Arabia (Diptera: Stratiomyoidea) 15 i. scientificName: Odontomyia megacephala; taxon!|D: https:/ 7863197; country: Egypt; locality: Cleopatra; decimalLatitude: 31.22021; decimalLongitude: 29.9348; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 07-22-1921; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC j. scientificName: Odontomyia megacephala; taxon|D: https:/ 7863197; country: Egypt; locality: Cleopatra; decimalLatitude: 31.22021; decimalLongitude: 29.9348; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 08-01-1921; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC K. scientificName: Odontomyia megacephala; taxon|D: https:/ 7863197; country: Egypt; locality: Fayed; decimalLatitude: 30.32382; decimalLongitude: 32.3008; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 09-24-1925; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC I. scientificName: Odontomyia megacephala; taxon|D: https:/ 7863197; country: Egypt; locality: Fayed; decimalLatitude: 30.32382; decimalLongitude: 32.3008; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 10-20-1925; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC m. scientificName: Odontomyia megacephala; taxon|D: https:/ 7863197; country: Egypt; locality: Wadi El-Natroun; decimailLatitude: 30.3814; decimalLongitude: 30.3441; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 08-06-1929; sex: 2 females; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC @ Odontomyia megacephala : BB Odontomyia xanthopus ’ 2 Figure 5. EES] Distribution map of Odontomyia megacephala Olivier and Odontomyia xanthopus Bezzi. Distribution: PA: Egypt. [Sources: Lindner (1936), Woodley (2001) and Badrawy (2006)] Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 5): EGYPT: Coastal Strip: Alexandria, Cleopatra, Mariout, Max, Nuzha (May and August). Eastern Desert: Fayed (September). Fayoum: Fayoum City (September). Lower Nile Valley: El-Baragil (April). 16 El-Hawagry M et al Sinai: Kosseimah, Moweileh (September). Western Desert: Kharga Oasis, Wadi El- Natroun (August to October). [Sources: original description (Olivier 1811), Badrawy (2006) and museum material] Odontomyia xanthopus Bezzi, 1906 . GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Odontomyia xanthopus Bezzi, 1906: 225. Type locality: Eritrea (Adi Ugri) [Adi Ugri belongs now to Eritrea not to Ethiopia as written in world catalogues]. Material a. scientificName: Odontomyia xanthopus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Gebel Ela; decimalLatitude: 22.2008; decimalLongitude: 36.3331; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: Apr 1928; sex: 1 male, 3 females; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: M.Tewfik; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC Distribution: AF: Eritrea, Malawi, Oman, Yemen (this is the first time this species has been recorded from Oman and Yemen). PA: Egypt, Israel. [Sources: original description (Bezzi 1906), Woodley (2001) and collected material from Yemen and Oman] Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 5): EGYPT: Gebel Elba: ? (April). Sinai: El-Tour, Wadi Hebran (May to July). [Source: Lindner (1930), Lindner (1974) and museum material] Genus Oplodontha Rondani, 1863 . GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Oplodontha Rondani, 1863: 78. Type species: Stratiomys viridula Fabricius, by original designation. Oplodontha minuta Fabricius, 1794 . GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Stratiomys minuta Fabricius, 1794: 268. Type locality: India (Tranquebar). Nemotelus pusillus Fabricius, 1794: 271. Type locality: India (Tranquebar). Musca minutior Turton, 1801: 631. New name for Stratiomys minuta Fabricius, 1794. Musca minor Turton, 1801: 655. New name for Nemotelus pusillus Fabricius, 1794. The family Stratiomyidae in Egypt and Saudi Arabia (Diptera: Stratiomyoidea) 17 Oxycera indica Brunetti, 1907: 119. Type locality: India (Uttar Pradesh: Bareilly). Odontomyia incompleta Brunetti, 1907: 128. Nomen nudum. Odontomyia ochracea Brunetti, 1907: 129. Type locality: India (Calcutta). Odontomyia submutica Brunetti, 1907: 130. Type locality: India (Siliguri, Calcutta and Tollygunge). Eulalia oasina Lindner, 1925: 150. Type locality: Egypt (Kharga Oasis and Dakhla Oasis). Materials a. scientificName: Oplodontha minuta; taxon|D: https:/ 7386; country: Egypt; locality: Dakhla Oasis; decimalLatitude: 25.5; decimalLongitude: 29.1667; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 05-13-2018; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: ESEC b. scientificName: Oplodontha minuta; taxon|D: https:/ 7386; country: Egypt; locality: Ein Moussa; decimalLatitude: 29.8667; decimalLongitude: 32.65; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 09-20-1924; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: ESEC C. scientificName: as Eulalia oasina; taxon|D:; country: Egypt; locality: Kharga Oasis; decimalLatitude: 25.25; decimalLongitude: 30.5833; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 05-10-1918; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Storey; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC d. scientificName: as Eulalia oasina; taxon|D:; country: Egypt; locality: Kharga Oasis; decimalLatitude: 25.25; decimalLongitude: 30.5833; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 06-12-1918; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC @ Oplodontha minuta Z OG Oplodontha pulchriceps Figure 6. EES] Distribution map of Oplodontha minuta Fabricius and Oplodontha pulchriceps Loew. 18 El-Hawagry M et al Distribution: AF: Socotra Island, United Arab Emirates, Yemen. OR: India, Sri Lanka. PA: Afghanistan, Egypt, Israel. [Sources: original description of O. oasina (Lindner 1925), Woodley (2001) and Tkoc and RozkoSny (2014)] Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 6): EGYPT: Eastern Desert: Ein Moussa (September). Western Desert: Dakhla Oasis, Kharga Oasis (May and June). [Sources: Lindner (1925), Lindner (1930) and museum material] Oplodontha pulchriceps Loew, 1858 GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Odontomyia pulchriceps Loew, 1858: 335. Type locality: South Africa (Cape of Good Hope). Odontomyia pulchriceps Loew, 1860: 80. Type locality: South Africa (Cape of Good Hope). Preoccupied, primary homonym of Odontomyia pulchriceps Loew, 1858. Hoplodonta madagascariensis Lindner, 1936: 42. Type locality: Madagascar (Bekily). Materials a. scientificName: Oplodontha pulchriceps; taxon|D: https:/; country: Saudi Arabia; locality: Jazan; decimalLatitude: 16.9595; decimalLongitude: 42.8348; samplingProtoco!: Malaise trap; eventDate: 05-11-2018; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Aldhafer H.M. et al.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: KSMA b. scientificName: Oplodontha pulchriceps; taxon|D: 577339; country: Saudi Arabia; !ocality: Dawmat Al-Jandal; decimalLatitude: 29.809552; decimalLongitude: 39.8749; samplingProtocol: Malaise trap; eventDate: 05-26-2018; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Aldhafer H.M. et al.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: KSMA C. scientificName: Oplodontha pulchriceps; taxon|D: https:/; country: Saudi Arabia; !ocality: Hassan Ameen farm; decimalLatitude: 28.36661; decimalLongitude: 36.6297; samplingProtocol: Sweeping; eventDate: 05-27-2018; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Aldhafer H.M. et al.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: KSMA Distribution: AF: Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Madagascar, Mozambique, Saudi Arabia [as “south western part"], South Africa, United Arab Emirates. PA: Israel, Saudi Arabia [Jawf and Tabouk]. [Sources: Woodley (2001), Hauser (2008) and collected material] Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 6): SAUDI ARABIA: Al-Jawf: Dawmat Al-Jandal (May). Jazan: Jazan (May). Tabouk: Hassan Ameen farm (May). [Source: collected material] The family Stratiomyidae in Egypt and Saudi Arabia (Diptera: Stratiomyoidea) 19 Notes: This species (Fig. 7) and the genus Oplodontha are recorded herein for the first time from Saudi Arabia. It looks similar to O. minuta Fabricius; however, this case requires more Clarification in a future study. Figure 7. EESl Oplodontha pulchriceps Loew: A. female habitus, lateral; B. same, dorsal; C. male habitus, lateral. Genus Stratiomys Geoffroy, 1762 . GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Stratiomys Geoffroy, 1762: 449, 475. Type species: Musca chamaeleon Linnaeus, by designation of |.C.Z.N. (1957). Stratiomys cenisia Meigen, 1822 . GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Stratiomys cenisia Meigen, 1822: 136. Type locality: France (Mont Cenis). Stratiomys flaviventris Loew, 1846: 464. Type locality: Italy (Sicily: Siracusa). Stratiomyia ahngeri Pleske, 1901: 364. Type locality: “Transcaspian Region” [probably = Turkmenistan]. Stratiomyia cypria Pleske, 1902: 413. Type locality: Cyprus (Larnax). Stratiomyia kervillei Villeneuve, 1911: 4. Type locality: Syria (near “lac de Homs’). Stratiomys hispanica ssp. planes James, 1941: 18. Type locality: Iran (Curum, 100 km from Bouchir). 20 El-Hawagry M et al Distribution: PA: Algeria, Armenia, Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Germany, Hungary, Iran, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Morocco, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, former Yugoslavia. [Sources: Woodley (2001) and Yimlahi et al. (2017)] Local distribution and dates of collection: Unknown. Notes: This species was listed by Woodley (2001), Badrawy (2006) and Yimlahi et al. (2017) as recorded from Egypt, but no specimens have been collected or preserved in Egyptian museums to verify these records. Stratiomys deserticolor Lindner, 1930 GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Stratiomyia segnis form deserticolor Lindner, 1930: 27. Type locality: Egypt (Siwa Oasis). Materials a. scientificName: Stratiomys deserticolor, taxon|D:; country: Egypt; locality: Kharga Oasis; decimalLatitude: 25.2500; decimalLongitude: 30.5833; samplingProtocol!: Not given; eventDate: 08-12-1926; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC b. scientificName: Stratiomys deserticolor, taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Mariout; decimalLatitude: 31.0172; decimalLongitude: 29.76; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: Jul 1934; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC Figure 8. EES Distribution map of Stratiomys deserticolor Lindner and Stratiomys longicornis (Scopoli). The family Stratiomyidae in Egypt and Saudi Arabia (Diptera: Stratiomyoidea) 21 Distribution: PA: Egypt, Saudi Arabia. [Sources: original description (Lindner 1930), Abu-Zoherah et al. (1993) and Woodley (2001)] Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 8): EGYPT: Coastal Strip: Mariout (July). Western Desert: Kharga Oasis, Siwa Oasis (February to August) [Sources: Original description (Lindner 1930) and museum material]. SAUDI ARABIA: localities and dates unknown. [Sources: Abu-Zoherah et al. (1993)] Stratiomys longicornis (Scopoli, 1763) GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Hirtea longicornis Scopoli, 1763: 367. Type locality: “Carniola” [= Slovenija?]. Musca tenebricus Harris, 1778: 45. Type locality: England. Stratiomys strigata Fabricius, 1781: 417. Type locality: Italy. Stratiomys tomentosa Schrank, 1803: 94. Type locality: Germany (Ingolstadt). Stratiomys villosa Meigen, 1804: 124. Type locality: Europe. Stratiomys nubeculosa Meigen, 1804: 125. Type locality: Europe. Stratiomys thoracica Fabricius, 1805: 79. Type locality: France. Stratiomys hirtuosa Meigen, 1830: 347. Type locality: Europe. Stratiomys anubis Wiedemann, 1830: 60. Type locality: Egypt. Stratiomyia flavifrons Macquart, 1838: 179. Type locality: “Mesopotamie” [= Iraq]. Stratiomys strigata var. pallida Loew, 1840: 25. Type locality: Poland (Poznan). Stratiomys strigata var. pallida Loew, 1840: 557. Type locality: Poland (Poznan). Preoccupied, primary homonym of Stratiomys strigata var. pallida Loew, 1840. Stratiomys lambessiana Bigot, 1879: 212. Type locality: Algeria (Lambessa). Stratiomys flavolimbata Costa, 1893: 21. Type locality: Tunisia. Stratiomyia pleskei Wagner, 1903: 108. Type locality: Uzbekistan (Fergana). Stratiomyia segnis Becker, 1906: 8. Type locality: Tunisia (vicinity of Tunis). Hirtea efflatouni Lindner, 1925: 148. Type locality: Egypt (Giza). Stratiomyia (Hirtea) surcoufi Séguy, 1930: 63. Type locality: Algeria (Touggourt). Hirtea surcoufi Seguy, 1932: 125. Type locality: Algeria (Touggourt). Preoccupied, secondary homonym of Stratiomyia surcoufi Séguy, 1930. Stratiomyia longicornis ssp. palaestinensis Lindner, 1937: 64. Type locality: Israel (Upper-Galilee, Kfar-Giladi). El-Hawagry M et al Stratiomyia (Hirtea) longicornis ssp. flavoscutellata Lindner, 1940: 24. Type locality: China (Shanxi Province: “Ta-tong-fou”). Preoccupied, primary homonym of Stratiomyia flavoscutellata Wulp, 1885. Materials a. scientificName: Stratiomys longicornis; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Siala; decimalLatitude: 31.20849; decimalLongitude: 29.8805; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: Nov 1913; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: ESEC b. scientificName: Stratiomys longicornis; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Fayed; decimalLatitude: 30.32382; decimalLongitude: 32.3008; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: Oct 1924; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: ESEC Cc. scientificName: Stratiomys longicornis; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Marg; decimalLatitude: 31.0667; decimalLongitude: 30.2167; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 03-24-1918; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: ESEC d. scientificName: Stratiomys longicornis; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Kosseima; decimalLatitude: 30.90307; decimalLongitude: 34.3836; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: Aug 1924; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: ESEC e. scientificName: Stratiomys longicornis; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Moweileh; decimalLatitude: 30.3924; decimalLongitude: 34.1412; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 08-21-1924; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: ESEC f. scientificName: Stratiomys longicornis; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Helwan; decimalLatitude: 29.8500; decimalLongitude: 31.3333; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 11-25-1913; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: ESEC g. scientificName: Stratiomys longicornis; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Benha; decimalLatitude: 30.46572; decimalLongitude: 31.18121; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 05-09-1918; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: ESEC h. scientificName: Stratiomys longicornis; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Gezeira; decimalLatitude: 30.04596; decimalLongitude: 31.22435; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 09-21-1917; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: ESEC i. scientificName: Stratiomys longicornis; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Kharga Oasis; decimalLatitude: 25.25; decimalLongitude: 30.5833; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 01-03-1914; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: ESEC The family Stratiomyidae in Egypt and Saudi Arabia (Diptera: Stratiomyoidea) 23 Distribution: PA: Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, England, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Israel, Italy including Sardinia, Korea, Lithuania, Malta, Mongolia, Morocco, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Scotland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, former Yugoslavia. [Sources: Woodley (2001), Mason et al. (2009) and Yimlahi et al. (2017)] Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 8): EGYPT: Coastal Strip: El-Siala, Cleopatra, Dekhela, Nuzha (April to November). Eastern Desert: Fayed (October). Fayoum: Fayoum City, Nazla, Sanhur (April, May and September). Lower Nile Valley and Delta: Abu-Rawash, Benha, Faraskour, Gezeira, Giza, Helwan, Kerdassa, Marg, Sandoub, Shubra (March to November). Sinai: El-Arish, Kosseimah, Moweileh (April and August). Western Desert: Kharga Oasis, Siwa Oasis (January and May). [Sources: Lindner (1925) and museum material] Stratiomys singularior (Harris, 1776) GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Musca singularius Harris, 1778: 45. Type locality: England. Stratiomys furcata Fabricius, 1794: 264. Type locality: Germany. Stratiomys panthaleon Fallen, 1817: 7. Type locality: Sweden. Stratiomys riparia Meigen, 1822: 138. Type locality: Europe. Stratiomys paludosa Siebke, 1863: 149. Type locality: Norway (Dovre Mountains: Jerkin). Preoccupied, primary homonym of Stratiomys paludosa Schummel_ in Gravenhorst, 1837. Materials a. scientificName: Stratiomys singularior, taxon\D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Fayoum; decimalLatitude: 29.32061; decimalLongitude: 30.818; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 03-01-1947; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC b. scientificName: Stratiomys singularior, taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Girza; decimalLatitude: 29.49968; decimalLongitude: 31.0738; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 04-09-1950; sex: 2 males; lifeStage: Adult; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC Cc scientificName: Stratiomys singularior, taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Aobu-Zaabal; decimalLatitude: 30.24098; decimalLongitude: 31.35211; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 03-19-1950; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC 24 El-Hawagry M et al Distribution: PA: Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iran, Ireland, Italy, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Mongolia, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, former Yugoslavia. [Sources: Woodley (2001) and Badrawy (2006)] Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 9): EGYPT: Fayoum: Fayoum City, Girza (March and April). Lower Nile Valley & Delta: Abu-Zaabal (March). [Source: Badrawy (2006) and museum material] ® Stratiomys singularior oO Nemotelus anchora Figure 9. EES] Distribution map of Stratiomys singularior (Harris) and Nemotelus anchora Loew. Subfamily Nemotelinae Genus Nemotelus Geoffroy, 1762 ° GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Nemotelus Geoffroy, 1762: 450, 542. Type species: Musca pantherina Linnaeus, by designation of |.C.Z.N. (1957). Subgenus Nemotelus Geoffroy, 1762 Nemotelus (Nemotelus) anchora Loew, 1846 . GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Nemotelus anchora Loew, 1846: 429. Type locality: Italy (Sicily: Siracusa). The family Stratiomyidae in Egypt and Saudi Arabia (Diptera: Stratiomyoidea) 25 Nemotelus siculus Jaennicke, 1866: 224. Type locality: Italy (Sicily). Nemotelus persicus Pleske in Lindner, 1937: 137. Type locality: Iran (lIrak-Adzhemi: Buyun Village). Material a. scientificName: Nemotelus anchora; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Fayoum; decimalLatitude: 29.32061; decimalLongitude: 30.818; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 03-01-1947; sex: 32 males, 5 females; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC Distribution: PA: Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Italy (including Sicily and Sardinia), Malta, Russia, Tunisia. [Sources: Woodley (2001), Mason et al. (2009) and Mohammad et al. (2009)] Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 9): EGYPT: Fayoum: ? (March). [Source: Mohammad et al. (2009)] Nemotelus (Nemotelus) candidus Becker, 1906 ° GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Nemotelus candidus Becker, 1906: 4. Type locality: Algeria (Biskra: Hammam-Salahin). Material a. scientificName: Nemotelus candidus; taxon|D:; country: Egypt; locality: Wadi El-Natroun; decimalLatitude: 30.3814; decimalLongitude: 30.3441; samplingProtoco!: Not given; eventDate: 08-06-1929; sex: 4 males, 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC ® Nemotelus candidus a Nemotelus dentatus e. y \ ot > . A Figure 10. EE Distribution map of Nemotelus candidus Becker and Nemotelus dentatus Becker. 26 El-Hawagry M et al Distribution: PA: Algeria, Egypt. [Sources: Woodley (2001) and Mohammad et al. (2009)] Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 10): EGYPT: Coastal Strip: Dekhela (May and September). Western Desert: Wadi El-Natroun (August). [Source: Mohammad et al. (2009)] Nemotelus (Nemotelus) dentatus Becker, 1902 GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Nemotelus dentatus Becker, 1902: 7. Type localities: Egypt (Birket Qaroun, Damietta and Alexandria). Materials a. scientificName: Nemotelus dentatus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Maadi; decimalLatitude: 29.95772; decimalLongitude: 31.2505; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 06-05-1916; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: ESEC b. scientificName: Nemotelus dentatus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Helwan; decimalLatitude: 29.8500; decimalLongitude: 31.3333; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 02-11-1924; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: ESEC C. scientificName: Nemotelus dentatus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Helwan; decimalLatitude: 29.8500; decimalLongitude: 31.3333; samplingProtoco!: Not given; eventDate: 02-12-1924; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-'Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: ESEC d. scientificName: Nemotelus dentatus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Fayoum; decimalLatitude: 29.32061; decimalLongitude: 30.818; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 03-01-1947; sex: 2 males, 2 females; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC e. scientificName: Nemotelus dentatus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Marg; decimalLatitude: 31.0667; decimalLongitude: 30.2167; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 04-01-1923; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-'Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC f. scientificName: Nemotelus dentatus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Helwan; decimalLatitude: 29.8500; decimalLongitude: 31.3333; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 04-02-1939; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-'Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC g. scientificName: Nemotelus dentatus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Kharga Oasis; decimalLatitude: 25.2500; decimalLongitude: 30.5833; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 03-13-1932; sex: 2 males; lifeStage: The family Stratiomyidae in Egypt and Saudi Arabia (Diptera: Stratiomyoidea) 27 Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC h. scientificName: Nemotelus dentatus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Mirsa Matrouh; decimalLatitude: 29.5696; decimalLongitude: 26.4194; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 05-08-1935; sex: 2 males; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC i. scientificName: Nemotelus dentatus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Ismaila; decimalLatitude: 30.32382; decimalLongitude: 32.3008; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 04-07-1924; sex: 2 males, 2 females; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Tewfik; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC j. scientificName: Nemotelus dentatus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Ismaila; decimalLatitude: 30.32382; decimalLongitude: 32.3008; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 10-14-1926; sex: 2 females; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC K. scientificName: Nemotelus dentatus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Ismaila; decimalLatitude: 30.32382; decimalLongitude: 32.3008; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 10-14-1926; sex: 2 males; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC I. scientificName: Nemotelus dentatus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Dekhela; decimalLatitude: 31.12098; decimalLongitude: 29.8157; samplingProtocol!: Not given; eventDate: May-April 1923; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC m. scientificName: Nemotelus dentatus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Aobu-Zaabal; decimalLatitude: 30.24098; decimalLongitude: 31.3521; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 03-19-1950; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC Distribution: PA: Egypt. [Source: Woodley (2001)] Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 10): EGYPT: Coastal Strip: Alexandria, Dekhela, Mariout, Mersa Matrouh (March to May). Eastern Desert: Ismailia, El-Kantara (April, May & October). Fayoum: Birket Qaroun, El-Athar [(April & May). Lower Nile Valley and Delta: Abu-Zaabal, Damietta, El-Alag to Marg, El-Gabal El-Asfar, Ezbet El-Nakhl, Helwan, Maadi (February to April & November). Western Desert: Kharga Oasis, Wadi El-Natroun (March). [Sources: original description Becker (1902), Lindner (1925), Mohammad et al. (2009) and museum material] Nemotelus (Nemotelus) marinus Becker, 1902 ° GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Nemotelus marinus Becker, 1902: 9. Type locality: Egypt (Suez, at the seashore). 28 El-Hawagry M et al Materials a. scientificName: Nemotelus marinus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Fayed; decimalLatitude: 30.32382; decimalLongitude: 32.3008; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 09-24-1925; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC b. scientificName: Nemotelus marinus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Wadi Hoff; decimalLatitude: 29.8821; decimalLongitude: 31.311; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 08-09-1927; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC c scientificName: Nemotelus marinus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Wadi El-Natroun; decimalLatitude: 30.3814; decimalLongitude: 30.3441; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 08-06-1929; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC Distribution: PA: Egypt. [Source: original description Becker (1902) and Woodley (2001)] Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 11): EGYPT: Eastern Desert: El- Ferdan, Fayed, Ismailia, Suez, Wadi Hoff (April to October). Western Desert: Wadi El Natroun (August). [Sources: original description (Becker 1902), Mohammad et al. (2009) and museum material] ® Nemotelus marinus a) Nemotelus matrouhensis ; Figure 11. | doi Distribution map of Nemotelus marinus Becker and Nemotelus matrouhensis Mohammad et al. The family Stratiomyidae in Egypt and Saudi Arabia (Diptera: Stratiomyoidea) 29 Nemotelus (Nemotelus) matrouhensis Mohammad et al., 2009 Nomenclature: Nemotelus matrouhensis Mohammad, Fadl, Gadalla & Badrawy, 2009: 103. Type locality: Egypt (Mersa Matrouh). Material Lectotype: a. scientificName: Nemotelus matrouhensis; country: Egypt; locality: Mersa Matrouh; decimalLatitude: 29.5696; decimalLongitude: 26.4194; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: July & Aug 1931; sex: male; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: H.C.E & M.T.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC Figure 12. EES Nemotelus matrouhensis Mohammad et al.: A. Male terminalia, dorsal view; B. Phallic complex, dorsal view; C. same, lateral view. Distribution: PA: Egypt. [Source: Woodley (2001)] Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 11): EGYPT: Coastal Strip: Mersa Matrouh (July and August). [Source: original description (Mohammad et al. (2009)] Notes: Mohammad et al. (2009) published this species and inaccurately cited 13 males and 8 females as "holotype". They did not explicitly select a single specimen as holotype, so all cited specimens are considered as syntypes and a lectotype should be designated. As the illustration of the male genitalia was made from an intact specimen and did not show all the important structures, we are providing an illustration of dissected genitalia (Fig. 12) and a habitus photograph of the specimen (Fig. 13). When one of us (MH) requested a specimen, we were told that this would be a paratype, but because the specimen had no identification or type label at all, a red label was generated and attached to this specimen. This label reads: Paratype 3/ Nemotelus 30 El-Hawagry M et al matrouhensis/ det.: Haitham Badrawy 2009. However, now it is clear that none of the specimens had identification labels and also that this was not a paratype, but a syntype. The male genitalia resemble N. crenatus Egger, 1859 and WN. obscuripes Loew, 1871. Lectotype designation: a male specimen in EFC is herein designated as lectotype and is labelled: Mirsa Matruh, July & Aug 1931 (leg. H.C.E. & M.T.), with a red lectotype label. Paralectotypes: 12 males and 8 females, same data. B Figure 13. EEN Nemotelus matrouhensis Mohammad et al.: A. Male habitus, dorsal view; B. Head, frontal view; C. Head and thorax, frontolateral view; D. Male habitus, lateral view. Nemotelus (Nemotelus) niloticus Olivier, 1811 GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Nemotelus niloticus Olivier, 1811: 183. Type locality: Egypt. Nemotelus fasciatus Olivier, 1811: 183. Type locality: Egypt (“bords du Nil & des canaux qui en deérivent’). Preoccupied by Nemotelus fasciatus Geoffroy in Fourcroy, 1785. Nemotelus albifacies Becker, 1902: 9. Type locality: Egypt (Alexandria). Nemotelus oasis Becker, 1906: 6. Type locality: Algeria (Biskra). Nemotelus theodori Lindner, 1974: 95. Type locality: Israel (Arava Valley: Hazeva). Nemotelus duofasciatus Woodley 2001. Replacement name for WN. fasciatus Olivier, 1811. The family Stratiomyidae in Egypt and Saudi Arabia (Diptera: Stratiomyoidea) 31 Materials a. scientificName: Nemotelus niloticus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Fayoum City; decimalLatitude: 29.32061; decimalLongitude: 30.818; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 05-12-1918; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. ElHawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: ESEC scientificName: Nemotelus niloticus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Beheira; decimalLatitude: 30.62189; decimalLongitude: 30.48755; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: Apr 1924; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: ESEC scientificName: Nemotelus niloticus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Damietta; decimalLatitude: 31.34595; decimalLongitude: 31.6317; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 05-11-1918; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: ESEC scientificName: Nemotelus niloticus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Quisna; decimalLatitude: 30.53514; decimalLongitude: 31.1117; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: Mar 1924; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: ESEC scientificName: Nemotelus niloticus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Mariout; decimalLatitude: 31.0172; decimalLongitude: 29.76; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 07-09-1927; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Tewfik; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Nemotelus niloticus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Mariout (Mallaha); decimalLatitude: 31.0172; decimalLongitude: 29.76; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 06-16-1929; sex: 4 males, 11 females; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Nemotelus niloticus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Fayoum City; decimalLatitude: 29.32061; decimalLongitude: 30.818; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 04-23-1943; sex: 2 males; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Nemotelus niloticus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Fayoum City; decimalLatitude: 29.32061; decimalLongitude: 30.818; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 04-20-1945; sex: 2 females; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Nemotelus niloticus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Giza-Fayoum Road; decimalLatitude: 29.5564; decimalLongitude: 30.8869; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 04-14-1947; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Nemotelus niloticus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Helwan; decimalLatitude: 29.8500; decimalLongitude: 31.3333; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 04-08-1934; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; 32 El-Hawagry M et al recordedBy: Farag; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC K. scientificName: Nemotelus niloticus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Helwan; decimalLatitude: 29.8500; decimalLongitude: 31.3333; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 04-14-1934; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Farag; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC I. scientificName: Nemotelus niloticus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Helwan; decimalLatitude: 29.8500; decimalLongitude: 31.3333; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 04-24-1934; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Farag; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC m. scientificName: Nemotelus niloticus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: WadiHoff; decimalLatitude: 29.8821; decimalLongitude: 31.311; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 04-04-1930; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Farag; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC n. scientificName: Nemotelus niloticus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Ramleh; decimalLatitude: 31.2279; decimalLongitude: 29.976; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 09-17-1921; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC O. scientificName: Nemotelus niloticus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Dekhela; decimalLatitude: 31.12098; decimalLongitude: 29.8156; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 06-24-1926; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC p. scientificName: Nemotelus niloticus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Dekhela; decimalLatitude: 31.12098; decimalLongitude: 29.8156; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 06-24-1926; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: H.C.E & M.T.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC q. scientificName: Nemotelus niloticus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Dekhela; decimalLatitude: 31.12098; decimalLongitude: 29.8156; samplingProtoco!: Not given; eventDate: 06-18-1929; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC iG scientificName: Nemotelus niloticus; taxon|D: https:/; country: Egypt; locality: Ismaila; decimalLatitude: 30.32382; decimalLongitude: 32.3008; samplingProtoco!: Not given; eventDate: 10-14-1926; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. ElHawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC Distribution: AF: United Arab Emirates. PA: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Italy (Sardinia), Tunisia. [Sources: Woodley (2001), Mason et al. (2009) and Hauser (2008)] Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 14): EGYPT: Coastal Strip: Alexandria, Dekhela, Mariout (Mallaha), Ramleh (May to September). Eastern Desert: Fayed, Ismailia, Wadi Hoff (April, May and October). Fayoum: Fayoum City, Giza- Fayoum Road (April and May). Lower Nile Valley and Delta: Beheira, Damietta, The family Stratiomyidae in Egypt and Saudi Arabia (Diptera: Stratiomyoidea) 33 Helwan, Quisna, Sherbin (March to September). Sinai: Zaranik Protectorate (April). [Sources: original description of N. albifacies (Becker 1902, Mohammad et al. (2009) and museum material] © Nemotelus niloticus © Nemotelus notatus 1) >) \ ri \ \ arse el —ae ont Figure 14. EES] Distribution map of Nemotelus niloticus Olivier and Nemotelus notatus Zetterstedt. Nemotelus (Nemotelus) notatus Zetterstedt, 1842 GBIF https:/ Nomenclature: Nemotelus notatus Zetterstedt, 1842: 148. Type locality: Denmark (Copenhagen). Nemotelus brachystomus Loew, 1846: 443. Type locality: Croatia (as “Dalmatien’). Nemotelus leucorhynchus A. Costa, 1884: 61. Type locality: Italy (Sardinia: Stagno di Caliari). Nemotelus nigroaeneus Verhoeff, 1891: 3. Type locality: Germany (Insel Norderney). Nemotelus punctiventris Becker, 1902: 8. Type locality: Egypt (Alexandria). Nemotelus brachystomus form aegyptiacus Lindner, 1925: 146. Type locality: Egypt (Alexandria: Nuzha, Cleopatra, Moharrem Bey, and Aboukir). Nemotelus nigroaeneus ab. portalis Szilady, 1932: 33. Type locality: Germany (Borkum). Nemotelus balearicus Lindner, 1937: 121. Type locality: Spain (Balearic Islands). Nemotelus zernyi Lindner, 1937: 147. Type locality: Spain (Andalucia: Algeciras). Materials a. scientificName: Nemotelus notatus; taxon|D:; country: Egypt; locality: Tanta; decimalLatitude: 30.75725; decimalLongitude: 30.9898; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 05-11-1918; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: 34 El-Hawagry M et al Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: ESEC scientificName: Nemotelus notatus; taxon|D:; country: Egypt; locality: Knusus; decimalLatitude: 30.15957; decimalLongitude: 31.3125; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: Apr 1918; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: ESEC scientificName: Nemotelus notatus; taxon|D:; country: Egypt; locality: Alag; decimalLatitude: 30.18009; decimalLongitude: 31.3521; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: Nov 1924; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: ESEC scientificName: Nemotelus notatus; taxon|D:; country: Egypt; locality: Marg; decimalLatitude: 31.0667; decimalLongitude: 30.2167; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: Mar 1918; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: ESEC scientificName: Nemotelus notatus; taxon|D:; country: Egypt; locality: El-Mahareeg (Kharga); decimalLatitude: 25.618206; decimalLongitude: 30.6468; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: Feb 1914; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: ESEC scientificName: Nemotelus notatus; taxon|D:; country: Egypt; locality: Beni Sweif; decimalLatitude: 29.07788; decimalLongitude: 31.10713; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 02-14-1914; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. ElHawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: ESEC scientificName: Nemotelus notatus; taxon|D:; country: Egypt; locality: Kharga Oasis; decimalLatitude: 25.25; decimalLongitude: 30.5833; samplingProtocol!: Not given; eventDate: Feb 1914; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-'Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: ESEC scientificName: Nemotelus notatus; taxon|D:; country: Egypt; locality: Kharga Oasis; decimalLatitude: 25.25; decimalLongitude: 30.5833; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 03-10-1924; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Priesner; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: ESEC scientificName: Nemotelus notatus; taxon|D:; country: Egypt; locality: Cleopatra; decimalLatitude: 31.22021; decimalLongitude: 29.9348; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 07-12-1921; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Nemotelus notatus; taxon|D:; country: Egypt; locality: Dekhela; decimalLatitude: 31.12098; decimalLongitude: 29.8156; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 06-24-1926; sex: 1 male; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: H.C.E & M.T.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC scientificName: Nemotelus notatus; taxon|D:; country: Egypt; locality: Dekhela; decimalLatitude: 31.12098; decimalLongitude: 29.8156; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 05-24-1925; sex: 3 males, 5 females; lifeStage: The family Stratiomyidae in Egypt and Saudi Arabia (Diptera: Stratiomyoidea) 35 Adult; recordedBy: H.C.E & M.T.; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC I. scientificName: Nemotelus notatus; taxon|D:; country: Egypt; locality: Dekhela; decimalLatitude: 31.12098; decimalLongitude: 29.8156; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 07-09-1927; sex: 1 male, 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Efflatoun; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC m. scientificName: Nemotelus notatus; taxon|D:; country: Egypt; locality: Fayed; decimalLatitude: 30.32382; decimalLongitude: 32.3008; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 07-24-1924; sex: 1 female; lifeStage: Adult; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC n. scientificName: Nemotelus notatus; taxon|D:; country: Egypt; locality: Helwan; decimalLatitude: 29.8500; decimalLongitude: 31.3333; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 04-08-1934; sex: ?; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Farag; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC 0. scientificName: Nemotelus notatus; taxon|D:; country: Egypt; locality: Wadi Hoff; decimalLatitude: 29.8821; decimalLongitude: 31.311; samplingProtocol: Not given; eventDate: 06-09-1927; sex: ?; lifeStage: Adult; recordedBy: Tewfik; identifiedBy: M. El-Hawagry & M. Hauser; dateldentified: 2020-2021; institutionCode: EFC Distribution: PA: Albania, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy (including Sardinia), Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, former Yugoslavia. [Sources: Woodley (2001), Ustiiner and Hasbenli (2005), Mason et al. (2009) and Khaghaninia et al. (2015)] Local distribution and dates of collection (Fig. 14): EGYPT: Coastal Strip: Abu-Kir, Cleopatra, Dekhela, Mariout, Moharram Bey, Nubar Bey, Nuzha, Ramleh (April to September). Eastern Desert: Ismailia, Wadi Hoff (May to July). Lower Nile Valley and Delta: Beni Sweif, Damietta, El-Alag, Helwan, El-Marg, Khusous, Tanta (February to May and November). Sinai: Zaranik Protectorate (April). Western Desert: Kharga Oasis (February and March). [Sources: original description of N. b. aegyptiacus (Lindner 1925), Mohammad et al. (2009) and museum material] Acknowledgements The authors extend their appreciation to the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Saud University for funding this work through research group No [RG-1437-009]. We are grateful to Dr Neal Evenhuis, Bishop Museum, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA and Dr Mohammed Gamal El-Den Nasser, Entomology Department, Faculty of Science, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt for providing critical assistance throughout this study. We thank Haitham Badrawy for the loan of a Nemotelus matrouhensis specimen. We are also grateful to the research team in KSMA for collecting, mounting and photographing specimens. 36 El-Hawagry M et al References ° Abu-Zoherah R, Al-Taher K, Tilkian S (1993) List of insects recorded from Saudi Arabia. Ministry of Agriculture and Water, National Agriculture and Water Research Centre, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Riyadh,394 pp. ° Al Dhafer HM, El-Hawagry MS (2016) Records for the family Ulidiidae (Diptera, Tephritoidea) in Saudi Arabia. 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