Biodiversity Data Journal 1: e987 OO) doi: 10.3897/BDJ.1.e987 open access Taxonomic paper Chinese species of egg-parasitoids of the genera Oxyscelio Kieffer, Heptascelio Kieffer and Platyscelio Kieffer (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae s.l., Scelioninae) Norman F Johnsont, Roger Burks*, Andrew Austin§, Xu Zaifu! t+ The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United States of America + The Ohio State University, Columbus, United States of America § The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia | South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China Corresponding author: Norman F Johnson ( Academic editor: José Fernandez-Triana Received: 09 Aug 2013 | Accepted: 28 Aug 2013 | Published: 16 Sep 2013 Citation: Johnson N, Burks R, Austin A, Zaifu X (2013) Chinese species of egg-parasitoids of the genera Oxyscelio Kieffer, Heptascelio Kieffer and Platyscelio Kieffer (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae s.I., Scelioninae). Biodiversity Data Journal 1: e987. doi: 10.3897/BDJ.1.e987 Abstract To date, the known Chinese fauna of egg-parasitoids of the genus Oxyscelio Kieffer encompasses two species from the mainland — O. doumao Burks and O. nubbin Burks. Here we record eighteen species of Oxyscelio from collections in mainland China: O. arvi Burks, O. ceylonensis (Dodd), O. convergens Burks, O. cordis Burks, O. crebritas Burks, O. cuculli Burks, O. dermatoglyphes Burks, O. doumao Burks, O. florus Kononova, O. granorum Burks, O. intermedietas Burks, O. jugi Burks, O. kramatos Burks, O. longiventris Burks, O. naraws Kozlov & Lé, O. perpensus Kononova, O. planocarinae Burks, and O. striarum Burks. Oxyscelio is primarily found in the tropics, and most of these species are shared with Taiwan and southeast Asia. Three species previously known only from Japan, O. arvi, O. florus, O. perpensus, are shared. The Chinese species are recorded from Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Hebei, Hunan, Shaanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan and Zhejiang as well as additional material from Taiwan. Heptascelio hamatus Masner & Johnson and Platyscelio pulchricornis Kieffer are both recorded from Hainan and Guangdong, as well as records of P. pulchricornis from Sarawak and Thailand. © Johnson N et al.. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC-BY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 2 Johnson N et al. Keywords parasitoid, Scelioninae, Orthoptera, Oriental region, Palearctic region Introduction The genus Oxyscelio Kieffer is an extraordinarily diverse group of egg parasitoids found in Australia, tropical Asia, Japan, and sub-Saharan Africa. In total, it comprises nearly two hundred species. The Indo-Malayan and Palearctic species have recently been revised (Burks et al. 2013), and in that work 90 species were recognized.Heptascelio Kieffer is a smaller genus, restricted to Africa and tropical Asia, and encompasses 18 species (Johnson et al. 2008).Platyscelio Kieffer, is even smaller, with only six species distributed through Africa, tropical Asia and Australia (Taekul et al. 2010). For all of these recent studies, the samples of specimens available from Asia were biased toward the faunas of southeast Asia and the Malay Archipelago, reflecting the intensive field work of our colleagues in the region, particularly D.C. Darling (Royal Ontario Museum) and M.J. Sharkey (University of Kentucky) and their in-country collaborators. In contrast, areas such as China, which would be expected to hold a rich fauna, had relatively few specimens available for inclusion. In this work, we report the results of the study of specimens in the Hymenopteran Collection of South China Agricultural University (Guangzhou) which begins to significantly address the lack of knowledge of the species of China. Materials and methods A total of 191 specimens of the genera Oxyscelio, Heptascelio and Platyscelio from China were examined. The label data have been captured and are available through Hymenoptera Online ( and the Global Biodiversity Information Facility ( Additionally, a DarwinCore Archive file as exported from Hymenoptera Online is included as a supplemental file to this paper. Species were identified using the keys of Burks et al. 2013, Johnson et al. 2008 and Taekul et al. 2010. In each taxon treatment the "Link to dynamic distribution map" generates a map using all of the data for that species that have been recorded in Hymenoptera Online. Taxon treatments Oxyscelio arvi Burks, 2013 * Hymenoptera Name Server|sid:biosci.ohio- * ZooBank * Species-ID Chinese species of egg-parasitoids of the genera Oxyscelio Kieffer, Heptascelio... 3 Nomenclature Oxyscelio arvi Burks et al. 2013: 16, 19, 46. Original description, keyed, placed in florus species group. Materials a. scientificName: Oxyscelio arvi; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.09, Zhang Hongying"; [HL Mls 2005.08.09 52028]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; event!D: urn:| 2011000627; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-05; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000627; recordedBy: Zhang Hong-Ying; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-171T11:03:59Z; language: en; collection!D: urn:|; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: b. scientificName: Oxyscelio arvi; taxon|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.09, Zhang Hongying"; [HTL mls 2005.08.09 5202]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; event!D: urn:| 2011000626; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-05; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000626; recordedBy: Zhang Hong-Ying; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:59Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: Cc. scientificName: Oxyscelio arvi; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.09, Shi Min"; [415175 mlz 2005.08.09 AY #X]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; event!D: 2011000467; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-05; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000467; recordedBy: Shi Min; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-177T11:03:53Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: d. scientificName: Oxyscelio arvi; taxon|D: urn:Isid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.09, Zhang Hongying"; [HTL Mls 2005.08.09 52028]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; event!D: Johnson N et al. urn:| 2011000631; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-05; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000631; recordedBy: Zhang Hong-Ying; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:04:00Z; !anguage: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: €. scientificName: Oxyscelio arvi; taxon|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.09, Zhang Hongying"; [HTL Rls 2005.08.09 5202]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; event!D: urn:| 2011000633; samplingProtocol!: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-05; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000633; recordedBy: Zhang Hong-Ying; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:04:01Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio arvi; taxon!D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Sichuan; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Sichuan, Emeishan, 2006.08.01, Zhang Hongying"; [24 J || Ly 2006.08.01, 54138]; decimalLatitude: 29.5667; decimalLongitude: 103.4333; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventID: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 2011000449; samplingProtoco!: none specified; eventDate: 2006-08-01; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000449; recordedBy: Zhang Hong-Ying; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:52Z; language: en; collection|ID:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: g- scientificName: Oxyscelio arvi; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Guangdong; county: Zhaoging; locality: Xiwang Valley; !ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Guangdong, Zhaoging xiwang gu (valley), 2010.08.2-6, Chen Huayan"; [7 RBAKALF 2010.08.2-6, PREF]; decimalLatitude: 23.2167; decimalLongitude: 112.5167; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventiD: 2010100391; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2010-08-02/06; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2010100391; recordedBy: Chen Hua- Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-171T11:03:26Z; language: en; collection!D: urn:|; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: spminfo.html?id=SCAU%202010100391 > Distribution This species previously was known only from Japan, on the island of Honshu. It is widespread in China, occurring in Sichuan, Zhejiang and Guangdong Provinces. Link to dynamic distribution map: Chinese species of egg-parasitoids of the genera Oxyscelio Kieffer, Heptascelio... 5 Oxyscelio ceylonensis (Dodd, 1920) * Hymenoptera Name Server|sid:biosci.ohio- * ZooBank 9F-816F-497E-BD85-674997D2543B * Species-ID Nomenclature Sceliomorpha ceylonensis Dodd 1920: 349. Original description. Materials a. scientificName: Oxyscelio ceylonensis; taxon!|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; county: Hangzhou; locality: West Lake; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Hangzhou, West Lake, 2003.08.25,Wu Qiong"; [HT3L4JN Fai 2003.08.25 RFR]; decimalLatitude: 30.25; decimalLongitude: 120.1167; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventID: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 2011000651; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2003-08-25; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000651; recordedBy: Wu Qiong; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:04:02Z; language: en; collectionID: urn:|; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: b. scientificName: Oxyscelio ceylonensis; taxon!D: urn:Isid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Guangdong; locality: Nanling National Nature Reserve; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Guangdong, Nanling, 2004.07.09-18, Ma Juanjuan"; [J #5 Ble 2004.07.09-18, 44848]; decimalLatitude: 24.9; decimalLongitude: 113; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventID: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 20095891; samplingProtoco!: none specified; eventDate: 2004-07-09/18; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 20095891; recordedBy: Ma Juan-Juan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17111:03:22Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: Cc. scientificName: Oxyscelio ceylonensis; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Guangdong; locality: Nanling National Nature Reserve; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Guangdong, Nan ling, 2004.07.09-18, Ma Juanjuan"; [J 2R Pak 2004.07.09-18, 42848]; decimalLatitude: 24.9; decimalLongitude: 113; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventlID: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 200905875; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2004-07-09/18; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200905875; recordedBy: Ma Juan-Juan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:16Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 6 Johnson N et al. Distribution This is a widespread species in south and southeast Asia, extending from India (Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh), Sri Lanka and Ceylon, east to Thailand, Vietnam, and Sabah. It has previously been recorded from Guangdong in China. The new data are additional records from Nanling Reserve in Guangdong and Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province of eastern China. Link to dynamic distribution map: large.html?id=5010 Oxyscelio convergens Burks, 2013 * Hymenoptera Name Server|sid:biosci.ohio- * ZooBank 16CF1C04 * Species-ID _convergens Nomenclature Oxyscelio convergens Burks et al. 2013 Materials a. scientificName: Oxyscelio convergens; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Gutianshan National Nature Reserve, Zhejiang Prov, China; !ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Gutianshan, 2005.07.03, Shi Min"; [475.4 HL, 2005.07.03, at #4]; decimalLatitude: 29.2636; decimalLongitude: 118.1339; georeferenceProtocol: GEOnet; event!D: 2011000646; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-07-03; individualCount: 1; sex: female; \ifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000646; recordedBy: Shi Min; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:04:01Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000646 b. scientificName: Oxyscelio convergens; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng, Zhejiang Prov., China; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.09, Zhang Hongying"; [375155 FRI 2005.08.09 sk 41]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; eventiD: 2011000621; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-09; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000621; recordedBy: Zhang Hong- Ying; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17111:03:59Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: spminfo.html?id=SCAU%202011000621 Chinese species of egg-parasitoids of the genera Oxyscelio Kieffer, Heptascelio... C. e. f. scientificName: Oxyscelio convergens; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng, Zhejiang Prov., China; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.09, Zhang Hongying"; [3735155 RIS 2005.08.09 SK 4]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; eventiD: 2011000620; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-09; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000620; recordedBy: Zhang Hong- Ying; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-171T11:03:59Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: spminfo.html?id=SCAU%202011000620 - scientificName: Oxyscelio convergens; taxon!|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng, Zhejiang Prov., China; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.09, Zhang Hongying"; [3735155 RI 2005.08.09 sk 41 3]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; eventiD: 2011000619; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-09; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000619; recordedBy: Zhang Hong- Ying; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-171T11:03:58Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: spmInfo.html?id=SCAU%202011000619 scientificName: Oxyscelio convergens; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng, Zhejiang Prov., China; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.09, Zhang Hongying"; [375155 RIE 2005.08.09 sk 41]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; eventiD: 2011000618; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-09; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000618; recordedBy: Zhang Hong- Ying; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-171T11:03:58Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: spmInfo.html?id=SCAU%202011000618 scientificName: Oxyscelio convergens; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng, Zhejiang Prov., China; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.09, Zhang Hongying"; [3735155 RI 2005.08.09 sk 41]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; eventlD: 2011000614; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-09; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000614; recordedBy: Zhang Hong-Ying; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:58Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; —- Johnson N et al. basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000614 - scientificName: Oxyscelio convergens; taxon|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng, Zhejiang Prov., China; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.09, Zhang Hongying"; [375155 RIE 2005.08.09 SK 21 3]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; eventiD: 2011000613; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-09; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000613; recordedBy: Zhang Hong-Ying; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:58Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source:|l?id=SCAU% 202011000613 - scientificName: Oxyscelio convergens; taxon!|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng, Zhejiang Prov., China; !ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.09, Shi Min"; [$3134 RI 2005.08.09 at]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; event!D: 2011000469; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-09; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000469; recordedBy: Shi Min; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17111:03:53Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio convergens; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng, Zhejiang Prov., China; !ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.09, Shi Min"; [41°74 RI 2005.08.09 AY]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; event!D: urn:| 2011000465; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-09; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000465; recordedBy: Shi Min; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:52Z: language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio convergens; taxon!|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hebei; county: Zhangjiakou; locality: Mt Dongling, eastern Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Prov., China; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hebei, Zhangjiakou, Donglingshan, 2005.08.11, Shi Min"; [SA AbSKRO ARR, 2005.08.11, at 8]; decimalLatitude: 40.0333; decimalLongitude: 115.45; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventlID: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 2011000412; samplingProtoco!: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-11; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000412; recordedBy: Shi Min; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:50Z; language: en; collectionID: Chinese species of egg-parasitoids of the genera Oxyscelio Kieffer, Heptascelio...; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio convergens; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng, Zhejiang Prov., China; !ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.11, Shi Min"; [413.58 7 2005.08.11 BY]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; event!D: 2011000681; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-11; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000681; recordedBy: Shi Min; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:04:03Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio convergens; taxon!|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng, Zhejiang Prov., China; !ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.11, Shi Min"; [#tSL3S mR 2005.08.11 BY #K]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; event!D: urn:| 2011000682; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-11; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000682; recordedBy: Shi Min; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:04:03Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio convergens; taxon!|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng, Zhejiang Prov., China; !ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.11, Shi Min"; [415.38 7 2005.08.11 BY #8]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; event!D: urn:| 2011000680; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-11; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000680; recordedBy: Shi Min; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:04:03Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio convergens; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hainan; locality: Wuzhishan National Nature Reserve, Hainan Prov. China; !locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hainan, Wuzhishan, 2007.5.16-18, Weng Ligiong"; [#2 248 W2Kim , 2007.5.16-18 , S§8N2R]; decimalLatitude: 18.85; decimalLongitude: 109.65; georeferenceProtoco!: GPS; event!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 200705962; samplingProtoco!: none specified; eventDate: 2007-05-16/18; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200705962; recordedBy: Weng Li-Qiong; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:12Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 10 O. > Johnson N et al. scientificName: Oxyscelio convergens; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hainan; locality: Wuzhishan National Nature Reserve, Hainan Prov. China; !locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hainan, Wuzhishan, 2007.5.16-18, Weng Ligiong"; [#4 248 W2K7m , 2007.5.16-18 , S§HNFR]; decimallatitude: 18.85; decimalLongitude: 109.65; georeferenceProtoco!: GPS; event!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 200705956; samplingProtoco!l: none specified; eventDate: 2007-05-16/18; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200705956; recordedBy: Weng Li-Qiong; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-177T11:03:12Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio convergens; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hainan; locality: Mt Diaoluo, Hainan Prov., China; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hainan, Diao luo shan,2007.5.29, Xiao Bin"; [Mm Wy, 2007.5.29, & xR]; decimalLatitude: 18.65; decimalLongitude: 109.8833; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventID: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 2011000656; samplingProtoco!: none specified; eventDate: 2007-05-29; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000656; recordedBy: Xiao Bin; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:04:02Z; language: en; collectionID:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio convergens; taxon!|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hainan; locality: Jianfengling National Nature Reserve, Hainan Prov., China; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hainan, Jianfengling, 2007.6.5-7, Weng Ligiong"; [##R3RueIe , 2007.6.5-7 , SAVER]; decimalLatitude: 18.6833; decimalLongitude: 108.8167; georeferenceProtoco!: GPS; event!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2007-06-05/07; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200706323; recordedBy: Weng Li-Qiong; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-171T11:03:13Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio convergens; taxon!|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hainan; locality: Jianfengling National Nature Reserve, Hainan Prov., China; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hainan, Jianfengling, 2007.6.5-7, Weng Ligiong"; [HR RII, 2007.6.5-7, S§HNFR]; decimalLatitude: 18.6833; decimalLongitude: 108.8167; georeferenceProtoco!: GPS; event!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 200706326; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2007-06-05/07; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200706326; recordedBy: Weng Li-Qiong; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17111:03:13Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio convergens; taxon!|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hainan; locality: Jianfengling National Nature Reserve, Hainan Prov., China; locationRemarks: label Chinese species of egg-parasitoids of the genera Oxyscelio Kieffer, Heptascelio... 11 transliteration: "Hainan, Jianfengling, 2007.6.5-7, Weng Ligiong"; [HR RII, 2007.6.5-7, S§HNFR]; decimalLatitude: 18.6833; decimalLongitude: 108.8167; georeferenceProtoco!: GPS; event!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 200706329; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2007-06-05/07; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200706329; recordedBy: Weng Li-Qiong; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:13Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: t. scientificName: Oxyscelio convergens; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hainan; locality: Jianfengling National Nature Reserve, Hainan Prov., China; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hainan, Jianfengling, 2007.6.5-7, Weng Ligiong"; [FRI Ie, 2007.6.5-7, SSHNFR]; decimalLatitude: 18.6833; decimalLongitude: 108.8167; georeferenceProtoco!: GPS; event!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; samplingProtoco!l: none specified; eventDate: 2007-06-05/07; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200706342; recordedBy: Weng Li-Qiong; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:14Z; language: en; collection!D: urn:|; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: u. scientificName: Oxyscelio convergens; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hainan; locality: Jianfengling National Nature Reserve, Hainan Prov., China; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hainan, Jianfengling, 2007.6.5-7, Weng Ligiong"; [#5 Rie Ie , 2007.6.5-7, SSHNFR]; decimalLatitude: 18.6833; decimalLongitude: 108.8167; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventID: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 200706347; samplingProtoco!l: none specified; eventDate: 2007-06-05/07; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200706347; recordedBy: Weng Li-Qiong; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:14Z; language: en; collection!D: urn:|; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: V. scientificName: Oxyscelio convergens; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hainan; locality: Jianfengling National Nature Reserve, Hainan Prov., China; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hainan, Jianfengling, 2007.6.5-7, Weng Ligiong"; [RR I, 2007.6.5-7, S§HNFR]; decimalLatitude: 18.6833; decimalLongitude: 108.8167; georeferenceProtoco!: GPS; event!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 200706348; samplingProtoco!l: none specified; eventDate: 2007-06-05/07; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200706348; recordedBy: Weng Li-Qiong; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:14Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: W. scientificName: Oxyscelio convergens; taxon!|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hainan; locality: Jianfengling National Nature Reserve, Hainan Prov., China; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hainan, Jianfengling, 2007.6.5-7, Weng Ligiong"; [#52 ie IN, 2007.6.5-7, SSHNFR]; decimalLatitude: 18.6833; decimalLongitude: 108.8167; 12 aa. Johnson N et al. georeferenceProtoco!: GPS; event!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; samplingProtoco!: none specified; eventDate: 2007-06-05/07; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200706330; recordedBy: Weng Li-Qiong; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:13Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio convergens; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hainan; locality: Jianfengling National Nature Reserve, Hainan Prov., China; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hainan, Jianfengling, 2007.10.23-25, Yao Jiemin"; [##RIRizIe , 2007.10.23-25 , Wki= HK]; decimalLatitude: 18.6833; decimalLongitude: 108.8167; georeferenceProtoco!: GPS; event!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 201010087; samplingProtoco!l: none specified; eventDate: 2007-10-23/25; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 201010087; recordedBy: Yao Jie-Min; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17111:03:27Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio convergens; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hainan; locality: Jianfengling National Nature Reserve, Hainan Prov., China; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hainan, Jianfengling, 2007.10.23-25, Yao Jiemin"; [##RIRuEIe , 2007.10.23-25 , PkeE BY]; decimalLatitude: 18.6833; decimalLongitude: 108.8167; georeferenceProtoco!: GPS; event!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 201010092; samplingProtoco!l: none specified; eventDate: 2007-10-23/25; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 201010092; recordedBy: Yao Jie-Min; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:27Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio convergens; taxon!|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hainan; locality: Jianfengling National Nature Reserve, Hainan Prov., China; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hainan, Jianfengling, 2008.11.18, Tan Jiangli"; [##RI Rie, 2008.11.18, i SLBA]; decimalLatitude: 18.6833; decimalLongitude: 108.8167; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventlD:; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2008-11-18; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000266; recordedBy: Tan Jiang-Li; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:47Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000266 scientificName: Oxyscelio convergens; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hainan; locality: Jianfengling National Nature Reserve, Hainan Prov., China; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hainan, Jianfengling, 2008.11.25, Tan Jiangli"; [##R Rie, 2008.11.25, if 5LAN]; decimalLatitude: 18.6833; decimalLongitude: 108.8167; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventlD:; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2008-11-25; individualCount: 1; sex: male; Chinese species of egg-parasitoids of the genera Oxyscelio Kieffer, Heptascelio... 13 lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000267; recordedBy: Tan Jiang-Li; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:48Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000267 ab. scientificName: Oxyscelio convergens; taxon!D: urn:Isid:biosci.ohio-; country: Taiwan; stateProvince: Taiwan; county: Pingtung; locality: Kenting National Forest Recreation Area, 21°57'N, 120°48'E, Pingtung Co., Taiwan Prov., Taiwan; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Taiwan, Pingdong, Kenting National Forest Park, Tang Po"; [S S5#7; BT BAAR A BY 21°57'N, 120°48'E, 2011.05.31, sweeping, ##£]; decimalLatitude: 21.95; decimalLongitude: 120.8; georeferenceProtocol!: label; event!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; samplingProtoco!: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-05-31; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000327; recordedBy: Tang Pu; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:48Z; language: en; collectionID:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: ac. scientificName: Oxyscelio convergens; taxon!D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 1200m, Mt. Xianrending, Zhejiang Prov., China; |ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Jin Chengyuan"; [HLA B Wy AJ 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, sweeping, #32]; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label; eventID: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 2011000088; samplingProtoco!: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000088; recordedBy: Jin Cheng-Yuan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17111:03:34Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: Distribution This species was previously known only from Taiwan. It is here recorded from Hebei in the north, Zhejiang in eastern China, and Hainan in the south. Link to dynamic distribution map: Oxyscelio cordis Burks, 2013 * Hymenoptera Name Server|sid:biosci.ohio- * ZooBank * Species-ID Nomenclature Oxyscelio cordis Burks et al. 2013: 14, 21, 87. Original description, keyed, placed in crateris species group. Johnson N et al. Materials a. scientificName: Oxyscelio cordis; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Yunnan; county: Dehong Dai and Jingpo; locality: Tongbiguan Pass; !ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Yunnan, Yingjiang, Tongbiguan, 2009.05.16, Wang Manman "; [BML EX, 2009.05.16, £3838]; decimalLatitude: 24.25; decimalLongitude: 97.8167; georeferenceProtoco!l: GPS; event!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 200906481; samplingProtoco!l: none specified; eventDate: 2009-05-16; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200906481; recordedBy: Wang Man-Man; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:20Z; language: en; collection|ID:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: b. scientificName: Oxyscelio cordis; taxon|D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Yunnan; county: Dehong Dai and Jingpo; locality: Tongbiguan Pass; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Yunnan, Yingjiang, Tongbiguan (pass), 2009.05.16, Wang Manman "; [BML EX, 2009.05.16, £3838]; decimalLatitude: 24.25; decimalLongitude: 97.8167; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventID: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 200906469; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2009-05-16; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200906469; recordedBy: Wang Man-Man; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:19Z; language: en; collectionID: urn:|; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: Cc. scientificName: Oxyscelio cordis; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Yunnan; county: Dehong Dai and Jingpo; locality: Tongbiguan Pass; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Yunnan, Yingjiang, Tongbiguan, 2009.05.16, Wang Manman "; [BML EX, 2009.05.16, £3838]; decimalLatitude: 24.25; decimalLongitude: 97.8167; georeferenceProtoco!: GPS; event!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2009-05-16; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200906462; recordedBy: Wang Man-Man; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:19Z; language: en; collectionID: urn:|; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: d. scientificName: Oxyscelio cordis; taxon!D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Yunnan; county: Dehong Dai and Jingpo; locality: Tongbiguan Pass; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Yunnan, Yingjiang, Tongbiguan, 2009.05.17, Wang Manman "; [BML EX, 2009.05.17, £3838]; decimalLatitude: 24.25; decimalLongitude: 97.8167; georeferenceProtoco!: GPS; event!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 200901544; samplingProtoco!l: none specified; eventDate: 2009-05-17; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200901544; recordedBy: Wang Man-Man; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:15Z; language: en; collectionID:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: Chinese species of egg-parasitoids of the genera Oxyscelio Kieffer, Heptascelio... 15 Distribution Oxyscelio cordis was originally described from specimens collected in northern Thailand. It is here recorded from Yunnan, nearthe border with Myanmar. Link to dynamic distribution map: Oxyscelio crebritas Burks, 2013 * Hymenoptera Name Server|sid:biosci.ohio- * ZooBank * Species-ID Nomenclature Oxyscelio crebritas Burks et al. 2013: 15, 22, 93. Original description, keyed, placed in crebritas species group. Materials a. scientificName: Oxyscelio crebritas; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hainan; locality: Wuzhishan National Nature Reserve; !ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hainan, Wuzhishan, Shuiman, 2007.5.16-18, Liu Jingxian"; [7 BH§ W7k%4 , 2007.5.16-18 , xi #4 'R]; decimalLatitude: 18.85; decimalLongitude: 109.65; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventiD: 200705764; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2007-05-16/18; habitat: waterfall; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200705764; recordedBy: Liu Jing-Xian; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:11Z; language: en; collectionID:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: b. scientificName: Oxyscelio crebritas; taxon|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hainan; locality: Wuzhishan National Nature Reserve; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hainan, Wuzhishan, Shuiman, 2007.5.16-18, Zeng Jie"; [##RM Hs WwW 7K , 2007.5.16-18 , BA]; decimalLatitude: 18.85; decimalLongitude: 109.65; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventID: urn:| 200705603; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2007-05-16/18; habitat: waterfall; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200705603; recordedBy: Zeng Jie; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:10Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 20200705603 Cc. scientificName: Oxyscelio crebritas; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hainan; locality: Jianfengling National Nature Reserve; |ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hainan, Jianfengling, 2007.6.5-7, Weng Ligiong"; [##M R&I, 2007.6.5-7, Sin FR]; 16 Johnson N et al. decimalLatitude: 18.6833; decimalLongitude: 108.8167; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventiD: 2011000431; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2007-06-05/07; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000431; recordedBy: Weng Li- Qiong; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-171T11:03:51Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: spminfo.html?id=SCAU%202011000431 - scientificName: Oxyscelio crebritas; taxon|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: Taiwan; stateProvince: Taiwan; county: Taitung; locality: Shouqia; locationRemarks: characters for the town should be #lk; label transliteration: "Taiwan, Taidon sheng, Shouka, Tang Po"; [A S@RBA#, 22°14'N, 120° 50'E, sweeping, #8]; verbatimCoordinates: 22°14'N 120°50'E; decimalLatitude: 22.2333; decimalLongitude: 120.8333; georeferenceProtocol: label; eventlD: urn:| 2011000025; samplingProtocol: sweeping; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000025; recordedBy: Tang Pu; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17111:03:27Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: Distribution This species is widespread through southeast Asia, extending to Nepal in the northwest and Sulawesi and Taiwan in the east. The new data provide an additional record for Taiwan and documents the presence of the species in Hainan. Link to dynamic distribution map: Oxyscelio cuculli Burks, 2013 * Hymenoptera Name Server htip://|sid:biosci.ohio- * ZooBank * Species-ID Nomenclature Oxyscelio cuculli Burks et al. 2013: 15, 22, 100. Original description, keyed, placed in cuculli species group. Materials a. scientificName: Oxyscelio cuculli; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.09, Zhang Hongying"; [HL mls 2005.08.09 52028]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; event!D: 2011000624; samplingProtocol!: Chinese species of egg-parasitoids of the genera Oxyscelio Kieffer, Heptascelio... LZ none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-09; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000624; recordedBy: Zhang Hong-Ying; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-171T11:03:59Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: b. scientificName: Oxyscelio cuculli; taxon|D: urn:Isid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.09, Zhang Hongying"; [HTL Rls 2005.08.09 52028]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; event!D: urn:| 2011000611; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-09; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000611; recordedBy: Zhang Hong-Ying; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17111:03:57Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: C. scientificName: Oxyscelio cuculli; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hebei; county: Zhangjiakou; locality: Mt Dongling; |ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hebei, Zhang jia kou, Donglingshan, 2005.08.11, Shi Min"; DAAbSKRRO ARR, 2005.08.11, ata]; decimalLatitude: 40.0333; decimalLongitude: 115.45; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventlD: 2011000406; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-11; individualCount: 1; sex: female; \ifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000406; recordedBy: Shi Min; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:50Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000406 d. scientificName: Oxyscelio cuculli; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hebei; county: Zhangjiakou; locality: Mt Dongling; |ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hebei, Zhang jia kou, Donglingshan, 2005.08.11, Shi Min"; DAAbSKRO A RW, 2005.08.11, ata]; decimalLatitude: 40.0333; decimalLongitude: 115.45; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventiD: 2011000402; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-11; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000402; recordedBy: Shi Min; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:49Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000402 €. scientificName: Oxyscelio cuculli; taxon!D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hebei; county: Zhangjiakou; locality: Mt Dongling; |ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hebei, Zhang jia kou, Donglingshan, 2005.08.11, Shi Min"; DAAbSKRO A RWW, 2005.08.11, ata]; decimalLatitude: 40.0333; decimalLongitude: 115.45; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; event!D: 2011000401; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-11; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000401; recordedBy: Shi Min; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17111:03:49Z; language: en; 18 hh Johnson N et al. collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio cuculli; taxon!D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hainan; locality: Bawangling National Nature Reserve; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hainan, Bawangling, 2006.07.07-11, Liu Jingxian et al."; [##F3 #8 £18, 2006.07.07-11, IA RS]; decimalLatitude: 19.1167; decimalLongitude: 109.05; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventiD: 200906089; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2006-07-07/11; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200906089; recordedBy: Liu Jing-Xian, et al.; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-171T11:03:17Z; language: en; collection|D: urn:|; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: spminfo.html?id=SCAU%20200906089 - scientificName: Oxyscelio cuculli; taxon!D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Jin Chengyuan"; [473% B Wy 4) AT 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29,YPT, #%£iz]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000098; samplingProtocol: yellow pan trap; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000098; recordedBy: Jin Cheng- Yuan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-171T11:03:38Z; language: en; collection|D: urn:|; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: spminfo.html?id=SCAU%202011000098 - scientificName: Oxyscelio cuculli; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tiaanmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Jin Chengyuan"; [4A B wt ATA 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, YPT, # #32]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000096; samplingProtocol: yellow pan trap; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000096; recordedBy: Jin Cheng- Yuan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17111:03:37Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: spminfo.html?id=SCAU%202011000096 - scientificName: Oxyscelio cuculli; taxon!D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Jin Chengyuan"; [#732 B wy AT 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, YPT, #%£iz]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000095; Chinese species of egg-parasitoids of the genera Oxyscelio Kieffer, Heptascelio... 19 samplingProtocol: yellow pan trap; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000095; recordedBy: Jin Cheng- Yuan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-171T11:03:37Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: spminfo.html?id=SCAU%202011000095 Distribution Like O. crebritas, this species is widespread through southeast Asia. The new records document it from Hainan, Zhejiang, and as far north as Hebei. Link to dynamic distribution map: Oxyscelio dermatoglyphes Burks, 2013 * Hymenoptera Name Server|sid:biosci.ohio- * ZooBank * Species-ID Nomenclature Oxyscelio dermatoglyphes Burks et al. 2013: 16, 22, 113. Original description, keyed, placed in florus species group. Materials a. scientificName: Oxyscelio dermatoglyphes; taxon!|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hainan; locality: Bawangling National Nature Reserve, Hainan Prov., China; |ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hainan, Bawangling, 2006.07.07-11, Liu Jingxian et al."; [Ri #8 = Ik, 2006.07.07-11, "JB 'R SF]; decimalLatitude: 19.1167; decimalLongitude: 109.05; georeferenceProtoco!: GPS; event!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 200906115; samplingProtoco!: none specified; eventDate: 2006-07-07/11; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200906115; recordedBy: Liu Jing-Xian, et al.; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17111:03:18Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: b. scientificName: Oxyscelio dermatoglyphes; taxon!D: urn:Isid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Chen Huayan"; [#73LA% B Wifi AJ 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, sweeping, BR4E3#]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000087; samplingProtocol: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000087; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; 20 Johnson N et al. identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:34Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000087 - scientificName: Oxyscelio dermatoglyphes; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tiaanmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Chen Huayan"; [#73LA% B Wifi] AJA 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, sweeping, PR4E3]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventID: 2011000082; samplingProtocol: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000082; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:33Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000082 - scientificName: Oxyscelio dermatoglyphes; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Chen Huayan"; [#73LA% B Wii AJ 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, sweeping, PRAE#«]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000080; samplingProtocol: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000080; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:32Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000080 Distribution This species was known previously only from Taiwan. Its distribution is now seen to include Zhejiang in eastern China and Hainan in the southernmost part of the country. Link to dynamic distribution map: Oxyscelio doumao Burks, 2013 * Hymenoptera Name Server|sid:biosci.ohio- * ZooBank—F BEBAA50-D0F3-4F 7B-B04E-7AF33F 722FBC * Species-ID Chinese species of egg-parasitoids of the genera Oxyscelio Kieffer, Heptascelio... 21 Nomenclature Oxyscelio doumao Burks et al. 2013: 15, 23, 117. Original description, keyed, placed in cuculli species group. Materials a. scientificName: Oxyscelio doumao; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Fengyang; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Fengyangshan, 2003.08.18, Fan Wuging"; [HTL RUBA LW, 2003.08.18, Set]; decimalLatitude: 27.9333; decimalLongitude: 119.2; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventID: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 200907314; samplingProtoco!l: none specified; eventDate: 2003-08-18; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200907314; recordedBy: Fan Wu-Qing; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:21Z; language: en; collectionID:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: b. scientificName: Oxyscelio doumao; taxon!D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Guangdong; locality: Nanling National Nature Reserve; !ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Guangdong, Nanling, 2004.07.09-18, Ma Juanjuan"; [J 7 lk 2004.07.09-18, 4545]; decimalLatitude: 24.9; decimalLongitude: 113; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventlD: urn:| 200905889; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2004-07-09/18; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200905889; recordedBy: Ma Juan-Juan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:17Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: Cc. scientificName: Oxyscelio doumao; taxon!D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Shaanxi; locality: Zibaishan National Forest Park; verbatimElevation: 1632 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Shaanxi, Ziboshan, 2004.08.03, Shi Min"; [PREAH LW, 1632m, 2004.08.03, BY]; decimalLatitude: 33.7089; decimalLongitude: 106.7525; georeferenceProtoco!: Google Earth; event!D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio- 2011000604; samplingProtoco!: none specified; eventDate: 2004-08-03; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000604; recordedBy: Shi Min; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:57Z; language: en; collection|ID:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: d. scientificName: Oxyscelio doumao; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Fengyang; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Fengyangshan, 2008.07.30, Liu Jingxian"; [$T3L RUBA LU, 1000m, 2008.07.30, xIA 8]; decimalLatitude: 27.9333; decimalLongitude: 119.2; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventID: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 2011000722; samplingProtoco!: none specified; eventDate: 2008-07-30; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000722; recordedBy: Fan Wu-Qing; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; 22 Johnson N et al. dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:04:04Z; language: en; collectionID:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio doumao; taxon!D: urn:Isid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Fengyang; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Fengyangshan, 2008.07.30, Liu Jingxian"; [$T3L AIBA LU, 1000m, 2008.07.30, xIA 8]; decimalLatitude: 27.9333; decimalLongitude: 119.2; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventID: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 2011000759; samplingProtocol!: none specified; eventDate: 2008-07-30; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000759; recordedBy: Fan Wu-Qing; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:04:05Z; language: en; collection|ID:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio doumao; taxon!D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Guangxi Zhuang; locality: Longshan Nature Reserve; verbatimElevation: 370 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Guangxi, Longshan Nature Reserve, 2011.07.01-02, Xu Zaifu et al."; [J~ Fax 1 BARK 370 m, 23°24.727'N, 108°31.918'E, 2011.07.01-02, YPT, F# BRS]; verbatimCoordinates: 23°24.727'N 108°31.918'E; decimalLatitude: 23.4121; decimalLongitude: 108.532; georeferenceProtocol: label; eventiD: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; samplingProtocol!: yellow pan trap; eventDate: 2011-07-01/02; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000159; recordedBy: Xu Zai-Fu, et al.; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17111:03:46Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio doumao; taxon!D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Chen Huayan"; [#73LX% B wifi] AJA 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, sweeping, PRAE#«]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000079; samplingProtocol: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000079; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:32Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000079 - scientificName: Oxyscelio doumao; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tiaanmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Chen Huayan"; [#73LA% B wifi] AJ 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, sweeping, BR4E3#]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000076; samplingProtocol: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: male; Chinese species of egg-parasitoids of the genera Oxyscelio Kieffer, Heptascelio... 23 — lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000076; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:31Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000076 - scientificName: Oxyscelio doumao; taxon!D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Chen Huayan"; [#732 B Wifi AJA 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, YPT, BR4E3]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label; eventiD: 2011000114; samplingProtocol: yellow pan trap; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000114; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:41Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000114 - scientificName: Oxyscelio doumao; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tiaanmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Chen Huayan"; [#73LA% B Wifi] AW 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, YPT, BR4E3]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000113; samplingProtocol: yellow pan trap; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000113; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:41Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000113 - scientificName: Oxyscelio doumao; taxon!D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Chen Huayan"; [#73LX% B wifi AJA 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, YPT, BR4E3]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000110; samplingProtocol: yellow pan trap; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: female; \ifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000110; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:40Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000110 - scientificName: Oxyscelio doumao; taxon!D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; 24 Johnson N etal. locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Jin Chengyuan"; [#iIA B WA ATA 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, sweeping, #%£iz]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventlD: 2011000049; samplingProtocol: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000049; recordedBy: Jin Cheng-Yuan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:28Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000049 mM. scientificName: Oxyscelio doumao; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tiaanmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Chen Huayan"; [#73LA% B Wii AJA 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, YPT, BR4E3]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000118; samplingProtocol: yellow pan trap; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000118; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:42Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000118 n. scientificName: Oxyscelio doumao; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tiaanmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Jin Chengyuan"; [4A B wt ATA 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, YPT, ##£32]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000097; samplingProtocol: yellow pan trap; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000097; recordedBy: Jin Cheng- Yuan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-171T11:03:37Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: spminfo.html?id=SCAU%202011000097 Distribution Oxyscelio doumao is known only from China. When originally described it was known only from Sichuan. The new data indicate that it is much more widespread and is found in Shaanxi, Guangxi, Guangdong and Zhejiang. Link to dynamic distribution map: Chinese species of egg-parasitoids of the genera Oxyscelio Kieffer, Heptascelio... 25 Oxyscelio florus Kononova, 2007 * Hymenoptera Name Server|sid:biosci.ohio- * ZooBank * Species-ID Nomenclature Oxyscelio florum Kononova and Fursov 2007: 62. Original description. Materials a. scientificName: Oxyscelio florus; taxon!D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Fengyang; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Fengyangshan, 2003.08.07, Fan Wuging"; [HTL VBA LU, 2003.08.07, Set]; decimalLatitude: 27.9333; decimalLongitude: 119.2; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventID: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 200907308; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2003-08-07; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200907308; recordedBy: Fan Wu-Qing; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:20Z; language: en; collectionID:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: b. scientificName: Oxyscelio florus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Baishanzu; |ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Baishanzu, 2003.08.15, Liu Jingxian"; [HT5L B48 2003.08.15 JAR]; decimalLatitude: 27.75; decimalLongitude: 119.2; georeferenceProtoco!: GPS; event!ID: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 200907355; samplingProtoco!: none specified; eventDate: 2003-08-15; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200907355; recordedBy: Liu Jing-Xian; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:21Z; language: en; collectionID: urn:|; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: Cc. scientificName: Oxyscelio florus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Baishanzu; |ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Baishanzu, 2003.08.15, Liu Jingxian"; HIS B48 2003.08.15 xR]; decimalLatitude: 27.75; decimalLongitude: 119.2; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventiD: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio- 200907363; samplingProtoco!l: none specified; eventDate: 2003-08-15; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200907363; recordedBy: Liu Jing-Xian; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:21Z; language: en; collectionID:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: d. scientificName: Oxyscelio florus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Guangdong; locality: Nanling National Nature Reserve; !ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Guangdong, 26 Johnson N et al. Nanling, 2004.02.04, Xu Zaifu"; [J- RPA 2004.02.04, iF F848]; decimalLatitude: 24.9; decimalLongitude: 113; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventID: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 200909191; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2004-02-04; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200909191; recordedBy: Xu Zai-Fu; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:22Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio florus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Guangdong; locality: Nanling National Nature Reserve; !ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Guangdong, Nanling, 2004.08.04, Liu Jingxian"; [J- #RFAIR, 2004.08.04, xJA RS]; decimalLatitude: 24.9; decimalLongitude: 113; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventID: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 200909011; samplingProtoco!: none specified; eventDate: 2004-08-04; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200909011; recordedBy: Liu Jing-Xian; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:22Z; language: en; collection|ID:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio florus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.09, Shi Min"; [415175 wile 2005.08.09 AY BX]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; event!D: urn:| 2011000468; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-09; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000468; recordedBy: Shi Min; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:53Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio florus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng; !ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.09, Shi Min"; [415175 mle 2005.08.09 AY #X]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; event!D: 2011000466; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-09; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000466; recordedBy: Shi Min; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:53Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio florus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.09, Zhang Hongying"; [#T2 Lia Ril 2005.08.09 521%]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; event!D: 2011000628; samplingProtoco!: Chinese species of egg-parasitoids of the genera Oxyscelio Kieffer, Heptascelio... 27 none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-09; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000628; recordedBy: Zhang Hong-Ying; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:04:00Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio florus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.09, Zhang Hongying"; [HLS mls 2005.08.09 52128]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; event!D: 2011000629; samplingProtocol!: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-09; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000629; recordedBy: Zhang Hong-Ying; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-171T11:04:00Z; !anguage: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio florus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.09, Zhang Hongying"; [HTL Rls 2005.08.09 52028]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; event!D: 2011000630; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-09; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000630; recordedBy: Zhang Hong-Ying; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17111:04:00Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio florus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.09, Zhang Hongying"; [HTL mls 2005.08.09 52028]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; event!D: urn:| 2011000632; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-09; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000632; recordedBy: Zhang Hong-Ying; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:04:01Z; language: en; collection!D: urn:|; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio florus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.09, Zhang Hongying"; [HTL Mls 2005.08.09 52028]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; event!D: 2011000634; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-09; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000634; recordedBy: Zhang Hong-Ying; identifiedBy: 28 Johnson N et al. Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-171T11:04:01Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio florus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.10, Zhang Hongying"; [HTL mls 2005.08.10 52028]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; event!D: 2011000510; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-10; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000510; recordedBy: Zhang Hong-Ying; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-171T11:03:55Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio florus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.10, Shi Min"; [3#f5L58 Re 2005.08.10 atk]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; event!D: 2011000736; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-10; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000736; recordedBy: Shi Min; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:04:05Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio florus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hebei; county: Zhangjiakou; locality: Mt Dongling; |ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hebei, Zhang jia kou, Donglingshan, 2005.08.11, Shi Min"; Daabsk ARO AR RWW, 2005.08.11, at ak]; decimalLatitude: 40.0333; decimalLongitude: 115.45; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventiD: 2011000420; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-11; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000420; recordedBy: Shi Min; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:51Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000420 - scientificName: Oxyscelio florus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.11, Shi Min"; [4T5L 75 mil 2005.08.11 BY #K]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; event!D: 2011000578; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-11; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000578; recordedBy: Shi Min; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:55Z; language: en; Chinese species of egg-parasitoids of the genera Oxyscelio Kieffer, Heptascelio... 29 Ss. t. collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio florus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.12, Zhang Hongying"; [HL mls 2005.08.12 S20]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; event!D: urn:| 2011000737; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-12; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000737; recordedBy: Zhang Hong-Ying; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:04:05Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio florus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Guangdong; locality: Chebaling National Nature Reserve; !ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Guangdong, Chebaling, 2008.07.23-28, Xu Zaifu et al."; [J 7R=/\IR, 2008.07.23-28, i+ BS]; decimalLatitude: 24.7167; decimalLongitude: 114.2333; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventiD: 200907945; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2008-07-23/28; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200907945; recordedBy: Xu Zai-Fu, et al.; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17111:03:21Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: spmInfo.html?id=SCAU%20200907945 scientificName: Oxyscelio florus; taxon!D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Guangdong; locality: Chebaling National Nature Reserve; !ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Guangdong, Chebaling, 2008.07.23-28, Xu Zaifu et al."; [J 7R2/\IR, 2008.07.23-28, iF BS]; decimalLatitude: 24.7167; decimalLongitude: 114.2333; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventiD: 200907966; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2008-07-23/28; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200907966; recordedBy: Xu Zai-Fu, et al.; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17111:03:22Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: spmInfo.html?id=SCAU%20200907966 scientificName: Oxyscelio florus; taxon!D: urn:Isid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Guangdong; locality: Nanling National Nature Reserve; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Guangdong, Nanling, 2010.08.08-17, Chen Huayan"; [J #8 ll, 2010.08.08-17, PRAERR]: decimalLatitude: 24.9; decimalLongitude: 113; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventlD: 2010100360; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2010-08-08/17; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2010100360; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17111:03:26Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 30 Johnson N etal. u. scientificName: Oxyscelio florus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Guangdong; locality: Nanling National Nature Reserve; !ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Guangdong, Nanling, 2010.08.08-17, Chen Huayan"; [J #8 ll, 2010.08.08-17, BRAER]: decimalLatitude: 24.9; decimalLongitude: 113; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventID: urn:| 2010100359; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2010-08-08/17; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2010100359; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-171T11:03:26Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio florus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Guangdong; locality: Nanling National Nature Reserve; !ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Guangdong, Nanling, 2010.08.08-17, Chen Huayan"; [J #8 ll, 2010.08.08-17, PRAERR]: decimalLatitude: 24.9; decimalLongitude: 113; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventlD: 2010100355; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2010-08-08/17; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2010100355; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17111:03:252Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio florus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Guangdong; locality: Nanling National Nature Reserve; !ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Guangdong, Nanling, 2010.08.08-17, Chen Huayan"; [J #RPalR BARK, 2010.08.08-17, BRE]; decimalLatitude: 24.9; decimalLongitude: 113; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventID: urn:| TEMP; samplingProtoco!: none specified; eventDate: 2010-08-08/17; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU TEMP; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:04:06Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio florus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Guangdong; locality: Nanling National Nature Reserve; !ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Guangdong, Nanling, 2010.08.08-17, Chen Huayan"; [J #8 ll, 2010.08.08-17, PRAERR]: decimalLatitude: 24.9; decimalLongitude: 113; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventlD: 2010100357; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2010-08-08/17; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2010100357; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17111:03:252Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio florus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hunan; locality: Mangshan Nature Reserve; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hunan, Mangshan, 2010.VIII.13, Chen Huayan"; [AML BARR, 2010.Vll.13, BREF]; decimalLatitude: 24.9333; decimalLongitude: 112.8167; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; georeferenceRemarks: GPS longitude minutes are incorrect (49 not 69); event!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- Chinese species of egg-parasitoids of the genera Oxyscelio Kieffer, Heptascelio... 31 aa. ab. ac. 2010100168; samplingProtoco!: none specified; eventDate: 2010-08-13; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2010100168; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:24Z; language: en; collectionID: urn:|; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio florus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hunan; locality: Mangshan Nature Reserve; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hunan, Mangshan, 2010.VIII.13, Chen Huayan"; [HM BARE ER, 2010.Vll.13, BREF]; decimalLatitude: 24.9333; decimalLongitude: 112.8167; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; georeferenceRemarks: GPS longitude minutes are incorrect (49 not 69); eventiD: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 2010100166; samplingProtoco!: none specified; eventDate: 2010-08-13; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2010100166; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:24Z; language: en; collection|ID: urn:|; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: scientificName: Oxyscelio florus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hunan; locality: Mangshan Nature Reserve; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hunan, Mangshan, 2010.VIII.13, Chen Huayan"; [AMAL BARE ER, 2010.Vll.13, BREF]; decimalLatitude: 24.9333; decimalLongitude: 112.8167; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; georeferenceRemarks: GPS longitude minutes are incorrect (49 not 69); event!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 2010100157; samplingProtoco!: none specified; eventDate: 2010-08-13; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2010100157; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:23Z; language: en; collection|ID:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: scientificName: Oxyscelio florus; taxon!D: urn:Isid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hunan; locality: Mangshan Nature Reserve; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hunan, Mangshan, 2010.VIII.13, Chen Huayan"; [3M BARR, 2010.Vll.13, BREF]; decimalLatitude: 24.9333; decimalLongitude: 112.8167; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; georeferenceRemarks: GPS longitude minutes are incorrect (49 not 69); event!D: urn:Isid:biosci.ohio- 2010100152; samplingProtoco!: none specified; eventDate: 2010-08-13; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2010100152; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:23Z; language: en; collection|ID:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: scientificName: Oxyscelio florus; taxon!D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimLocality: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Chen Huayan"; [#73LA% B Wifi AJA 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, sweeping, PR4E3#]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000081; 32 Johnson N et al. samplingProtocol: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000081; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:32Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000081 ad. scientificName: Oxyscelio florus; taxon!D: urn:Isid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimLocality: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tiaanmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Chen Huayan"; [#732 B Wifi AJA 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, sweeping, BR4E3]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000071; samplingProtocol: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000071; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:30Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000071 ae. scientificName: Oxyscelio florus; taxon!D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimLocality: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Jin Chengyuan"; [473% B Wl AT 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, sweeping, #%£iz]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000052; samplingProtocol: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000052; recordedBy: Jin Cheng-Yuan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:29Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000052 Distribution Oxyscelio florus was originally described from Japan, and the recent redescription of Burks et al. 2013 had only Japanese specimens. The new data greatly extend the distribution of the species: it occurs widely in China from Hebei in the north, to Zhejiang, and to southern Hunan and Guangdong in the south. Link to dynamic distribution map : Oxyscelio granorum Burks, 2013 * Hymenoptera Name Server|sid:biosci.ohio- concepts:275482 * ZooBank * Species-ID Chinese species of egg-parasitoids of the genera Oxyscelio Kieffer, Heptascelio... Johnson N etal. 2011.07.25-29, Chen Huayan"; [#73LX% B Wil AJ 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, YPT, BR4E3]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000115; samplingProtocol: yellow pan trap; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000115; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:41Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000115 - scientificName: Oxyscelio intermedietas; taxon!D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tiaanmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Chen Huayan"; [#73LA% B Wii AJ 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, YPT, BR4E3]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: event!D: 2011000112; samplingProtocol: yellow pan trap; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000112; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:41Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000112 - scientificName: Oxyscelio intermedietas; taxon!D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Chen Huayan"; [#73LA% B Wii] AJA 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, YPT, BR4E3]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000111; samplingProtocol: yellow pan trap; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000111; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:40Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source:|l?id=SCAU% 202011000111 - scientificName: Oxyscelio intermedietas; taxon!D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tiaanmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Chen Huayan"; [#73LA% B Wifi] AJA 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, YPT, BR4E3]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: event!D: 2011000117; samplingProtocol: yellow pan trap; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: female; \ifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000117; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:42Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; Chinese species of egg-parasitoids of the genera Oxyscelio Kieffer, Heptascelio... 39 basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000117 u. scientificName: Oxyscelio intermedietas; taxon!D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tiaanmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Chen Huayan"; [#73LA% B Wifi AJA 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, YPT, BR4E3]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000116; samplingProtocol: yellow pan trap; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: female; \ifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000116; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:41Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000116 Distribution Originally this species was known to be widespread from Nepal to southeast Asia. These first records from China document it in Shaanxi, Hebei, Zhejiang, Yunnan, Guangdong, and Hainan. Link to dynamic distribution map: large.html?id=275481 Oxyscelio jugi Burks, 2013 * Hymenoptera Name Server|sid:biosci.ohio- * ZooBank 7A-8522-4F 42-B41C-9038D798B6E7 * Species-ID Nomenclature Oxyscelio jugi Burks et al. 2013: 15, 24, 25, 158. Original description, keyed, placed in crebritas species group. Materials a. scientificName: Oxyscelio jugi; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hainan; locality: Bawangling National Nature Reserve; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hainan, Bawangling, 2006.07.07-11, Liu Jingxian et al."; [##F) #8 £18, 2006.07.07-11, IA RS]; decimalLatitude: 19.1167; decimalLongitude: 109.05; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventiD: 200906128; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2006-07-07/11; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200906128; recordedBy: Liu Jing-Xian, et al.; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-171T11:03:18Z; language: en; collection!D:; 40 Johnson N etal. collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: spmInfo.html?id=SCAU%20200906128 b. scientificName: Oxyscelio jugi; taxon!D: urn:Isid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Yunnan; county: Dehong Dai and Jingpo; locality: Tongbiguan Pass; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Yunnan, Yingjiang, Tongbiguan, 2009.05.16, Wang Manman "; [BM BL BEX, 2009.05.16, £3838]; decimalLatitude: 24.25; decimalLongitude: 97.8167; georeferenceProtoco!: GPS; event!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; samplingProtoco!l: none specified; eventDate: 2009-05-16; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200906473; recordedBy: Wang Man-Man; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:19Z; language: en; collectionID: urn:|; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: Cc. scientificName: Oxyscelio jugi; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Yunnan; county: Dehong Dai and Jingpo; locality: Tongbiguan Pass; !ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Yunnan, Yingjiang, Tongbiguan, 2009.05.16, Wang Manman "; [BML EK, 2009.05.16, £3838]; decimalLatitude: 24.25; decimalLongitude: 97.8167; georeferenceProtoco!: GPS; event!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; samplingProtoco!l: none specified; eventDate: 2009-05-16; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200906477; recordedBy: Wang Man-Man; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:20Z; language: en; collectionID:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: Distribution Oxyscelio jugi is found widely in southeast Asia. Not surprisingly, its range also extends into the nearby regions of Yunnan and Hainan. Link to dynamic distribution map: http:// Oxyscelio kramatos Burks, 2013 * Hymenoptera Name Server|sid:biosci.ohio- * ZooBank * Species-ID Nomenclature Oxyscelio kramatos Burks et al. 2013: 15, 24, 25, 163. Original description, keyed, placed in cuculli species group. Materials a. scientificName: Oxyscelio kramatos; taxon!D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Guangdong; locality: Chinese species of egg-parasitoids of the genera Oxyscelio Kieffer, Heptascelio... 41 Nanling National Nature Reserve; !ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Guangdong, Nanling, 2004.07.09-18, Ma Juanjuan"; [J 7 Ml 2004.07.09-18, 44545]; decimalLatitude: 24.9; decimalLongitude: 113; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventID: 200905882; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2004-07-09/18; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200905882; recordedBy: Ma Juan-Juan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-171T11:03:17Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: b. scientificName: Oxyscelio kramatos; taxon!D: urn:Isid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.10, Zhang Hongying"; [Hil Rls 2005.08.10 52028]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; event!D: 2011000514; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-10; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000514; recordedBy: Zhang Hong-Ying; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17111:03:55Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: Cc. scientificName: Oxyscelio kramatos; taxon!D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.10, Shi Min"; [415175 le 2005.08.10 BY BX]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; event!D: urn:| 2011000732; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-10; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000732; recordedBy: Shi Min; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:04:04Z: language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: d. scientificName: Oxyscelio kramatos; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; county: Hangzhou; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng; !ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.8.12, Zhang Hongying"; [4fLii 2275 Ml, 2005.8.12, Sk 2138]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Lin'an City; event!D: 200603485; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-12; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200603485; recordedBy: Zhang Hong-Ying; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17111:03:10Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: €. scientificName: Oxyscelio kramatos; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Fengyang; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Fengyangshan, 2008.07.30, Fan Wuging"; [HTL UGA LU, 1000m, 2008.07.30, 32H]; decimalLatitude: 27.9333; decimalLongitude: 119.2; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventID: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 42 Fa) Johnson N etal. 2011000721; samplingProtoco!: none specified; eventDate: 2008-07-30; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000721; recordedBy: Fan Wu-Qing; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:04:04Z; language: en; collectionID: urn:|; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio kramatos; taxon!|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Fengyang; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Fengyangshan.... , Fan Wuging"; [3#f5L.8.BA LU, 1000m, 2008.07.30, sé# HB]; decimalLatitude: 27.9333; decimalLongitude: 119.2; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventID: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 2011000761; samplingProtoco!: none specified; eventDate: 2008-07-30; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000761; recordedBy: Fan Wu-Qing; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:04:05Z; language: en; collectionID: urn:|; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio kramatos; taxon!|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: Taiwan; stateProvince: Kaohsiung; locality: Shoushan National Nature Park; verbatimElevation: 120 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Taiwan, Gaoxiong, Shou shan, Tang Pu"; [A534 mH 4#41U, 1200m, 22°39'N, 120°16'12E, 2011.05.29, sweeping, #]; verbatimCoordinates: 22.65°N 120.27°E; georeferenceProtocol!: label; event!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 2011000263; samplingProtoco!: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-05-29; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000263; recordedBy: Tang Pu; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:47Z; language: en; collectionID:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio kramatos; taxon!|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Guangxi Zhuang; locality: Longshan Nature Reserve; verbatimElevation: 370 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Guangxi, Longshan Nature Reserve, 2011.07.01-02, Xu Zaifu et al."; [J~ Fa 1 BARK 370 m, 23°24.727'N, 108°31.918'E, 2011.07.01-02, YPT, F# BRS]; verbatimCoordinates: 23°24.727'N 108°31.918'E; decimalLatitude: 23.4121; decimalLongitude: 108.532; georeferenceProtocol: label; eventlD: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 2011000158; samplingProtoco!: yellow pan trap; eventDate: 2011-07-01/02; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000158; recordedBy: Xu Zai-Fu, et al.; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17111:03:46Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio kramatos; taxon!|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Chen Huayan"; [#73LA% B Wifi AJA 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, sweeping, RAE#«]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000084; Chinese species of egg-parasitoids of the genera Oxyscelio Kieffer, Heptascelio... 43 samplingProtocol: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000084; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:33Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000084 - scientificName: Oxyscelio kramatos; taxon!|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tiaanmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Chen Huayan"; [#73LA% B Wifi] AJ 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, sweeping, PR4E3#]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000077; samplingProtocol: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000077; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:31Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000077 - scientificName: Oxyscelio kramatos; taxon!|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Chen Huayan"; [#73LX% B wifi] AJ 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, sweeping, RAE#«]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000075; samplingProtocol: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000075; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:31Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000075 - scientificName: Oxyscelio kramatos; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tiaanmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Chen Huayan"; [#73LA% B Wii AJM 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, sweeping, RAE#«]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000074; samplingProtocol: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000074; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:31Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000074 - scientificName: Oxyscelio kramatos; taxon!|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: 44 Johnson N et al. Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tiaanmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Chen Huayan"; [#73LA% B Wifi] AJA 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, sweeping, MRAE#«]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000094; samplingProtocol: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000094; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:37Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000094 - scientificName: Oxyscelio kramatos; taxon!|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Chen Huayan"; [#73LA% B Wifi AJA 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, sweeping, PRAE#«]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000091; samplingProtocol: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000091; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:35Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000091 - scientificName: Oxyscelio kramatos; taxon!|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Chen Huayan"; [#73LA% B Wil AJ 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, sweeping, PRAE#«]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000070; samplingProtocol: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000070; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:30Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source:|l?id=SCAU% 202011000070 - scientificName: Oxyscelio kramatos; taxon!|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tiaanmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Jin Chengyuan"; [#iIA B Wt ATA 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, YPT, # #32]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000103; samplingProtocol: yellow pan trap; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000103; recordedBy: Jin Cheng- Chinese species of egg-parasitoids of the genera Oxyscelio Kieffer, Heptascelio... 45 = Yuan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-171T11:03:39Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: spminfo.html?id=SCAU%202011000103 - scientificName: Oxyscelio kramatos; taxon|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Jin Chengyuan"; [4A B wl ATA 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, YPT, ##£32]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000099; samplingProtocol: yellow pan trap; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000099; recordedBy: Jin Cheng- Yuan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17111:03:38Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: spminfo.html?id=SCAU%202011000099 - scientificName: Oxyscelio kramatos; taxon|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Chen Huayan"; [#73LA% B Wifi] AJ@ 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, sweeping, PRAE#«]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000093; samplingProtocol: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000093; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:36Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000093 - scientificName: Oxyscelio kramatos; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Chen Huayan"; [#73LX% B wifi AJ 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, sweeping, MRAE#«]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000089; samplingProtocol: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000089; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:34Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000089 46 Johnson N et al. Distribution Originally described from the island of Taiwan, this species is also found in Guangdong, Zhejiang, and Guangxi Provinces. Link to dynamic distribution map: map-large.html?id=305703 Oxyscelio longiventris Burks, 2013 * Hymenoptera Name Server|sid:biosci.ohio- * ZooBank}6 BE6E08D-9977-4EC8-A7B5-50CDB92457FD * Species-ID Nomenclature Oxyscelio longiventris Burks et al. 2013: 15, 25, 177. Original description, keyed, placed in crebritas species group. Materials a. scientificName: Oxyscelio longiventris; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Chen Huayan"; [#73LA% B Wifi] AJA 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, sweeping, BR4E3]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label; eventiD: 2011000086; samplingProtocol: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000086; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:34Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000086 - scientificName: Oxyscelio longiventris; taxon!D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tiaanmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Chen Huayan"; [#73LA% B Wii] AJ 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, sweeping, R4E3]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000085; samplingProtocol: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000085; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:33Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000085 Chinese species of egg-parasitoids of the genera Oxyscelio Kieffer, Heptascelio... 47 Cc. scientificName: Oxyscelio longiventris; taxon!D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tiaanmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Chen Huayan"; [#73LA% B Wifi AJA 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, sweeping, PRAE#«]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000083; samplingProtocol: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000083; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:33Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000083 d. scientificName: Oxyscelio longiventris; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tiaanmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Jin Chengyuan"; [473% B wl AT 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, sweeping, #%£iz]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000053; samplingProtocol: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000053; recordedBy: Jin Cheng-Yuan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:29Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000053 €. scientificName: Oxyscelio longiventris; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tiaanmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Jin Chengyuan"; [473% B wl AT 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, sweeping, #7£iz]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000051; samplingProtocol: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000051; recordedBy: Jin Cheng-Yuan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:29Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000051 f. scientificName: Oxyscelio longiventris; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tiaanmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Jin Chengyuan"; [#731 B Wl AT 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, sweeping, #%£iz]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000050; 48 Johnson N et al. samplingProtocol: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000050; recordedBy: Jin Cheng-Yuan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:29Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000050 - scientificName: Oxyscelio longiventris; taxon!D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Jin Chengyuan"; [#iIA B 4 ATA 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, sweeping, #%£iz]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label; eventiD: 2011000698; samplingProtocol: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000698; recordedBy: Jin Cheng-Yuan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:04:03Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000698 - scientificName: Oxyscelio longiventris; taxon!D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Chen Huayan"; [#73LA% B Wifi AJ 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, sweeping, PRAE#«]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: event!D: 2011000092; samplingProtocol: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000092; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:36Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000092 Distribution Oxyscelio longiventris was described by Burks et al. 2013 on the basis of specimens from Laos and Thailand. Its distribution extends north to Zhejiang Province in eastern China. Link to dynamic distribution map: Oxyscelio naraws Kozlov & Lé, 2000 * Hymenoptera Name Server|sid:biosci.ohio- * ZooBank * Species-ID Chinese species of egg-parasitoids of the genera Oxyscelio Kieffer, Heptascelio... 49 Nomenclature Oxyscelio naraws Lé 2000: 40, 326. Original description. Materials a. scientificName: Oxyscelio naraws; taxon|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.09, Shi Min"; [#15175 Mle 2005.08.09 AY BX]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; event!D: urn:| 2011000473; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-09; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000473; recordedBy: Shi Min; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:54Z: language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: b. scientificName: Oxyscelio naraws; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.09, Shi Min"; [415175 wile 2005.08.09 BY Bk]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; event!D: 2011000471; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-09; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000471; recordedBy: Shi Min; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:54Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: Cc. scientificName: Oxyscelio naraws; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Mt Qingliangfeng; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Qingliangfeng, 2005.08.09, Shi Min"; [415175 mlz 2005.08.09 AY BX]; decimalLatitude: 30.0703; decimalLongitude: 118.8944; georeferenceProtocol: Google Earth; georeferenceRemarks: GPS coords. adjusted to place within Zhejiang Prov.; event!D: urn:| 2011000470; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-09; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000470; recordedBy: Shi Min; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:54Z: language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: d. scientificName: Oxyscelio naraws; taxon!D: urn:Isid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Guangdong; locality: Nanling National Nature Reserve; !ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Guangdong, Nanling, 2010.08.08, Chen Huayan"; [J 7Rli® EZR BA GRIP EX, 2010.08.08, YPT, Brae se ]; decimalLatitude: 24.9; decimalLongitude: 113; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventID: urn:| 2011000362; samplingProtocol: yellow pan trap; eventDate: 2005-08-08; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000362; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. 50 Fa) Johnson N et al. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-177T11:03:48Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio naraws; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Guangdong; locality: Nanling National Nature Reserve; !ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Guangdong, Nanling, 2010.08.08-17, Chen Huayan"; [J #8 ll, 2010.08.08-17, BRAER]: decimalLatitude: 24.9; decimalLongitude: 113; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventID: 2010100358; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-08-17; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2010100358; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-171T11:03:25Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio naraws; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Chen Huayan"; [#73LA% B Wifi AJA 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, sweeping, PRAE#«]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000073; samplingProtocol: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000073; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:30Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000073 - scientificName: Oxyscelio naraws; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tiaanmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Jin Chengyuan"; [4A B wt ATA 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, YPT, ##£32]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventlD: 2011000109; samplingProtocol: yellow pan trap; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000109; recordedBy: Jin Cheng-Yuan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:40Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000109 - scientificName: Oxyscelio naraws; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Jin Chengyuan"; [473% B Wl AT 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, YPT, #%£iz]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000108; Chinese species of egg-parasitoids of the genera Oxyscelio Kieffer, Heptascelio... 51 samplingProtocol: yellow pan trap; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000108; recordedBy: Jin Cheng-Yuan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:40Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000108 - scientificName: Oxyscelio naraws; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tiaanmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Jin Chengyuan"; [#iIA B wt ATA 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, YPT, ##£32]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000107; samplingProtocol: yellow pan trap; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000107; recordedBy: Jin Cheng-Yuan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:39Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000107 - scientificName: Oxyscelio naraws; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Jin Chengyuan"; [4iIA B LA ATA 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, sweeping, #7%£iz]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000048; samplingProtocol: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000048; recordedBy: Jin Cheng-Yuan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:28Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000048 - scientificName: Oxyscelio naraws; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tiaanmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Jin Chengyuan"; [#731 B Wy 4) AT 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, YPT, #%£iz]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000106; samplingProtocol: yellow pan trap; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000106; recordedBy: Jin Cheng-Yuan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:39Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000106 - scientificName: Oxyscelio naraws; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: 52 Johnson N et al. Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tiaanmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Jin Chengyuan"; [#iSLA B wl ATA 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, YPT, # #32]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000105; samplingProtocol: yellow pan trap; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000105; recordedBy: Jin Cheng-Yuan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:39Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000105 mM. scientificName: Oxyscelio naraws; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Jin Chengyuan"; [4A B LA ATA 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, YPT, ##£32]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label: eventiD: 2011000101; samplingProtocol: yellow pan trap; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000101; recordedBy: Jin Cheng- Yuan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-171T11:03:38Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: spminfo.html?id=SCAU%202011000101 n. scientificName: Oxyscelio naraws; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tianmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Jin Chengyuan"; [4A B WA ATA 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, YPT, # #32]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label; eventiD: 2011000100; samplingProtocol: yellow pan trap; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000100; recordedBy: Jin Cheng- Yuan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17111:03:38Z; language: en; collection!D: urn:|; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: spminfo.html?id=SCAU%202011000100 Distribution This species was originally described by Kozlov and Lé from Vietname (Lé 2000), and Burks et al. 2013 extended its known range to include Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei. These records extend the range to the north to include Guangdong and Zhejiang Provinces. Link to dynamic distribution map: large .html?id=179750 Chinese species of egg-parasitoids of the genera Oxyscelio Kieffer, Heptascelio... 53 Oxyscelio perpensus Kononova, 2007 * Hymenoptera Name Server htip://|sid:biosci.ohio- * ZooBank BD-BFC 7-4DA7-9C8A-767CECA029EC * Species-ID Nomenclature Oxyscelio perpensum Kononova and Fursov 2007: 63. Original description. Materials a. scientificName: Oxyscelio perpensus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hebei; county: Zhangjiakou; locality: Mt Dongling; |ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hebei, Zhang jia kou, Donglingshan, 2005.08.11, Shi Min"; DAAbSKRRO A RWW, 2005.08.11, ata]; decimalLatitude: 40.0333; decimalLongitude: 115.45; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventiD: 2011000418; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-11; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000418; recordedBy: Shi Min; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:50Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000418 b. scientificName: Oxyscelio perpensus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hebei; county: Zhangjiakou; locality: Mt Dongling; |ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hebei, Zhang jia kou, Donglingshan, 2005.08.11, Shi Min"; DAAbSKRRO AR, 2005.08.11, ata]; decimalLatitude: 40.0333; decimalLongitude: 115.45; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventiD: 2011000419; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-11; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000419; recordedBy: Shi Min; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:50Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000419 Cc. scientificName: Oxyscelio perpensus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hebei; county: Zhangjiakou; locality: Mt Dongling; |ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hebei, Zhang jia kou, Donglingshan, 2005.08.11, Shi Min"; DAAbSKRRO AR, 2005.08.11, ata]; decimalLatitude: 40.0333; decimalLongitude: 115.45; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventID: 2011000672; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2005-08-11; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000672; recordedBy: Shi Min; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:04:02Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000672 54 Johnson N et al. d. scientificName: Oxyscelio perpensus; taxon!D: urn:Isid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Zhejiang; locality: Tianmushan National Nature Reserve, Mt. Xianrending; verbatimElevation: 1200 m; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Zhejiang, Tiaanmushan, Xianrending, 2011.07.25-29, Chen Huayan"; [#73LA% B Wil AJ@ 1200 m, 30°20.56'N, 119°26.03'E, 2011.07.25-29, sweeping, BR4E3]; verbatimCoordinates: 30°20.56'N 119°26.03'E; decimalLatitude: 30.3427; decimalLongitude: 119.4338; georeferenceProtocol: label; eventiD: 2011000072; samplingProtocol: sweeping; eventDate: 2011-07-25/29; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000072; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T 11:03:30Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: 202011000072 Distribution This species was known only from Japan. Its distribution in China extends from Hebei in the north to Zhejiang in the east. Link to dynamic distribution map: map-large.html?id=243849 Oxyscelio striarum Burks, 2013 * Hymenoptera Name Server|sid:biosci.ohio- * ZooBank DAE4E3B3-8F03-4E08-88F 1-DD684EE132A1 * Species-ID Nomenclature Oxyscelio striarum Burks et al. 2013: 18, 27, 233. Original description, keyed, placed in striarum species group. Materials a. scientificName: Oxyscelio striarum; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hainan; locality: Mt Yinggeling; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hainan, Yinggeshan, 2008.11.16-20, Chen Huayan"; [7F9 25 STIR, 2008.11.16-20, BR4E3]; decimalLatitude: 18.8167; decimalLongitude: 109.1833; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventID: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; samplingProtoco!l: none specified; eventDate: 2008-11-16/20; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 201010064; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-177T11:03:26Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Oxyscelio striarum; taxon!D: urn:Isid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hainan; locality: Bawangling National Nature Reserve; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hainan, Chinese species of egg-parasitoids of the genera Oxyscelio Kieffer, Heptascelio... 55 Bawangling, 2008.11.26, Wang Manman"; [##F #8 £ilR, 2008.11.26, £38 i8): decimalLatitude: 19.1167; decimalLongitude: 109.05; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventiD: 2011000038; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2008-11-26; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000038; recordedBy: Wang Man- Man; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17111:03:27Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: spminfo.html?id=SCAU%202011000038 Distribution This is a southeast Asian species, known to extend from Thailand east to Borneo (Brunei, Sabah, West Kalimantan). It is also found in the southernmost part of China, Hainan. Link to dynamic distribution map: Heptascelio hamatus Masner & Johnson, 2008 * Hymenoptera Name Server|sid:biosci.ohio- * ZooBank Nomenclature Heptascelio hamatus Johnson et al. 2008: 8, 17. Original description, keyed. Materials a. scientificName: Heptascelio hamatus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hainan; locality: Wuzhishan National Nature Reserve; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hainan, Wuzhishan, Shuiman, 2007.5.16-18, Weng Ligiong"; [#3 B48 LW 7k 74, 2007.5.16-18, 3 NBR]; decimalLatitude: 18.85; decimalLongitude: 109.65; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventiD: 200705955; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2007-05-16/18; habitat: waterfall; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200705955; recordedBy: Weng Li-Qiong; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:12Z; language: en; collection!ID:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: b. scientificName: Heptascelio hamatus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hainan; locality: Wuzhishan National Nature Reserve; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hainan, Wuzhishan, Shuiman, 2007.5.16-18, Weng Ligiong"; [#253 B48 LW 2k, 2007.5.16-18, BN BR]; decimalLatitude: 18.85; decimalLongitude: 109.65; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventiD: 200705954; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2007-05-16/18; habitat: waterfall; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200705954; recordedBy: Weng Li-Qiong; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; 56 > Johnson N etal. modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:12Z; language: en; collectionID:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Heptascelio hamatus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hainan; locality: Wuzhishan National Nature Reserve; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hainan, Wuzhishan, Shuiman, 2007.5.16-18, Weng Ligiong"; [#25 B48 LW 2k, 2007.5.16-18, AN BR]; decimalLatitude: 18.85; decimalLongitude: 109.65; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventiD: 200705947; samplingProtocol: none specified; eventDate: 2007-05-16/18; habitat: waterfall; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 200705947; recordedBy: Weng Li-Qiong; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:11Z; language: en; collectionID: urn:|; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: . scientificName: Heptascelio hamatus; taxon!|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Guangdong; locality: Nanling National Nature Reserve; !ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Guangdong, Nanling Nature Reserve, 2011.09.10-12, YPT, Xu Zaifu"; [J Milk BARE, 2011.09.10-12, YPT, #7348]; decimalLatitude: 24.9; decimalLongitude: 113; georeferenceProtoco!: GPS; event!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 2011000599; samplingProtoco!: yellow pan trap; eventDate: 2011-09-10/12; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000599; recordedBy: Xu Zai-Fu; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:56Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Heptascelio hamatus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Guangdong; locality: Nanling National Nature Reserve; !ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Guangdong, Nanling Nature Reserve, 2011.09.10-12, YPT, Xu Zaifu"; [J 7k BARE, 2011.09.10-12, YPT, 1+ 348]; decimalLatitude: 24.9; decimalLongitude: 113; georeferenceProtoco!: GPS; event!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 2011000598; samplingProtocol: yellow pan trap; eventDate: 2011-09-10/12; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000598; recordedBy: Xu Zai-Fu; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:56Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: - scientificName: Heptascelio hamatus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Guangdong; locality: Nanling National Nature Reserve; !ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Guangdong, Nanling Nature Reserve, 2011.09.10-12, YPT, Xu Zaifu"; [J 7M BARE, 2011.09.10-12, YPT, i+ 348]; decimalLatitude: 24.9; decimalLongitude: 113; georeferenceProtoco!: GPS; event!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; samplingProtocol!: yellow pan trap; eventDate: 2011-09-10/12; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000595; recordedBy: Xu Zai-Fu; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:55Z; language: en; Chinese species of egg-parasitoids of the genera Oxyscelio Kieffer, Heptascelio... 57 collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: g. scientificName: Heptascelio hamatus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Guangdong; locality: Nanling National Nature Reserve; !ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Guangdong, Nanling Nature Reserve, 2011.09.10-12, YPT, Xu Zaifu"; [J #RMilk BARE, 2011.09.10-12, YPT, 7+ #348]; decimalLatitude: 24.9; decimalLongitude: 113; georeferenceProtoco!: GPS; event!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; samplingProtocol!: yellow pan trap; eventDate: 2011-09-10/12; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000596; recordedBy: Xu Zai-Fu; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:56Z; language: en; collection!D: urn:|; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: h. scientificName: Heptascelio hamatus; taxon!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Guangdong; locality: Nanling National Nature Reserve; !ocationRemarks: label transliteration: "Guangdong, Nanling Nature Reserve, 2011.09.10-12, YPT, Xu Zaifu"; [J #RMilk BARE, 2011.09.10-12, YPT, #7348]; decimalLatitude: 24.9; decimalLongitude: 113; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventID: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; samplingProtocol!: yellow pan trap; eventDate: 2011-09-10/12; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2011000597; recordedBy: Xu Zai-Fu; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:56Z; language: en; collection|D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: Distribution Heptascelio hamatus is the most common species of the genus in Asia and is widespread from Thailand to Sulawesi and north to Taiwan. On mainland China it has been rarely collected and is known only from Hainan and Guangdong. Link to dynamic distribution map: Platyscelio pulchricornis Kieffer, 1905 * Hymenoptera Name Server|sid:biosci.ohio- * ZooBank Nomenclature Platyscelio pulchricornis Kieffer 1905: 13. Orlginal description. Platyscelio abnormis Crawford 1910: 126. Original description. Platyscelio mirabilis Dodd 1913: 132. Original description. Platyscelio punctatus Kieffer 1913:321. Original description. Johnson N etal. Platyscelio wilcoxi Fullaway 1913: 283. Original description. Platyscelio dunensis Mukerjee 1993: 78. Original description. Materials a. scientificName: Platyscelio pulchricornis; taxon!D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: Malaysia; stateProvince: Sarawak; county: Sibu; locality: Nanga Ngungun, NF-2-13, Ngemah River; locationRemarks: [MALAYSIA: Sarawak 3rd division, Sg. Ngemah, Ng. Ngungun 10.1.1975, D. Munroe NF-2-13]; decimalLatitude: 1.9886; decimalLongitude: 112.3994; georeferenceProtocol: WikiMapia; georeferenceRemarks: Third Division is a former name of Sibu Dist.; event!D: urn:| 207884; samplingProtoco!: none specified; eventDate: 1975-01-10; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: OSUC 207884; recordedBy: D. Munroe; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2008; modified: 2013-01-30T10:13:21Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: b. scientificName: Platyscelio pulchricornis; taxon!D: urn:Isid:biosci.ohio-; country: Thailand; stateProvince: Chiang Mai; locality: Amphur Mae; verbatimElevation: 250 m; locationRemarks: [THAILAND: Ch.Mai Amphur Mae 250m. 15°42'N, longitude98°49'E; 1-31.1.1998, MT Roy Snelling ]; verbatimCoordinates: 15°42'N 98°49'E; decimalLatitude: 15.7; decimalLongitude: 98.8167; georeferenceProtocol: label; event!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 207891; samplingProtoco!: malaise trap; eventDate: 1998-01-01/31; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: OSUC 207891; recordedBy: Roy Snelling; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2008; modified: 2013-03-31T08:00:12Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: Cc. scientificName: Platyscelio pulchricornis; taxon!|D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Guangdong; county: Guangzhou; locality: Tianlu Lake; locationRemarks: scutellar line & propodeum like africanus; label transliteration: "[Guangdong] Guangzhou, Tianluhu, 2009.V.16, Xu Zaifu"; [JIN ABBA, 2009.V.16, i 4B]; decimalLatitude: 23.2167; decimalLongitude: 113.4167; georeferenceProtoco!: GPS; event!D: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 2010100196; samplingProtoco!: none specified; eventDate: 2009-05-16; individualCount: 1; sex: female; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2010100196; recordedBy: Xu Zai-Fu; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17T11:03:24Z; language: en; collection|ID:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: d. scientificName: Platyscelio pulchricornis; taxon!D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hainan; locality: Mt Yinggeling; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hainan, Yinggeling, 2010.07.17-20, Chen Huayan"; [3523 le, 2010.07.17-20, PR4EHR]; decimalLatitude: 18.8167; decimalLongitude: 109.1833; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventID: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio- 201010003; samplingProtoco!l: none specified; eventDate: 2010-07-17/20; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 201010003; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Chinese species of egg-parasitoids of the genera Oxyscelio Kieffer, Heptascelio... 59 Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17111:03:23Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: €. scientificName: Platyscelio pulchricornis; taxon|D: urn:|sid:biosci.ohio-; country: China; stateProvince: Hainan; locality: Mt Yinggeling; locationRemarks: label transliteration: "Hainan, Yinggeling, 2010.07.17-20, Chen Huayan"; [7339 Stl, 2010.07.17-20, BR4ERE]; decimalLatitude: 18.8167; decimalLongitude: 109.1833; georeferenceProtocol: GPS; eventID: urn:lsid:biosci.ohio-; samplingProtoco!: none specified; eventDate: 2010-07-17/20; individualCount: 1; sex: male; lifeStage: adult; catalogNumber: SCAU 2010100037; recordedBy: Chen Hua-Yan; identifiedBy: Norman F. Johnson; dateldentified: 2012; modified: 2013-07-17111:03:23Z; language: en; collection!D:; collectionCode: Insects; basisOfRecord: PreservedSpecimen; source: Distribution Platyscelio pulchricornis is very widely distributed, usually in lowland tropics from India to Australia, Guam and Vanuatu, but also extending north into Nepal and Japan. In China it has been recorded in the southern part of the country only, in Guangdong and Hainan. Link to dynamic distribution map:!?id=5091 Acknowledgements Thanks to Luciana Musetti, Joe Cora, and Chen Huayan for support essential to this project. The visit of NFJ to Guangzhou was supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (No. 2013CB127600). This work was funded in part by the National Science Foundation under grant No. DEB-0614764 to N.F. Johnson and A.D. Austin. References Burks R, Masner L, Johnson N, Austin A (2013) Systematics of the parasitic wasp genus Oxyscelio Kieffer (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae s.I.), Part |: Indo-Malayan and Palearctic fauna. ZooKeys 292: 1-263. [In English]. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.292.3867 Crawford J (1910) New Hymenoptera from the Philippine Islands. Proceedings of the United States National Museum 38: 119-133. [In English]. DOI: 10.5479/si.00963801.38-1733.119 Dodd A (1913) Australian Hymenoptera Proctotpoidea. No. 1. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Australia 37: 130-181. [In English]. Dodd A (1920) Notes on the exotic Proctotrupoidea in the British and Oxford University Museums, with descriptions of new genera and species. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London 1919: 321-382. [In English]. Fullaway D (1913) Report on a collection of Hymenoptera made in Guam, Marianne Islands. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 2: 282-290. [In English]. Johnson N, Masner L, Musetti L, van Noort S, K. R, Darling D, Guidotti A, Polaszek A (2008) Revision of world species of the genus Heptascelio Kieffer (Hymenoptera: Platygastroidea, 60 Johnson N et al. Platygastridae). Zootaxa 1776: 1-51. [In English]. URL: http:/ zt01776p051.pdf Kieffer J (1905) Nouveaux Proctotrypides exotiques conserves au Musée Civique de Génes. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale "Giacomo Doria", Genova 2 (2): 9-39. [In French]. Kieffer J (1913) Serphides des Iles Philippines. Insecta 3: 253-462. [In French]. Kononova §S, Fursov V (2007) [A review of the genera Calotelea, Calliscelio, and Oxyscelio (Scelioninae, Scelionidae, Proctotrupoidea) from the Palearctic fauna.]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 86: 52-65. [In Russian]. Lé X (2000) Egg-parasites of family Scelionidae (Hymenoptera). Fauna of Vietnam, vol. 3. Science and Technics Publishing House, Hanoi, 386 pp. [In Vietnamese]. Mukerjee M (1993) On a collection of Scelionidae (Proctotrupoidea: Hymenoptera) from Garhwal Himalayas, India. Hexapoda 5: 75-105. [In English]. Taekul C, Johnson N, Masner L, Polaszek A, K. R (2010) World species of the genus Platyscelio Kieffer (Hymenoptera: Platygastridae). ZooKeys 50: 97-126. [In English]. DOI: 10.3897/ zookeys.50.485 Supplementary material Suppl. material 1: DarwinCore Archive files of Chinese Oxyscelio, Heptascelio, Platyscelio Authors: Norman F. Johnson, Roger D. Burks, Andrew D. Austin, Xu Zaifu Data type: occurrences Brief description: DarwinCore Archive files for data reported, in zipped format. Filename: - Download file (10.19 kb)