Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 71 (2) 2024, 241-254 | DO! 10.3897/dez.71.120389 eee BERLIN Phylogeny of the Chinese species groups of the subgenus Homoneura Wulp, 1891 (Diptera, Lauxantidae, Homoneurinae) based on morphological characters Yao Yao', Chaoyang Kong", Pu Miao’, Shengjuan Zhao*, Wenliang Li! 1 College of Horticulture and Plant Protection, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471023, China 2 Henan Tobacco Company Luoyang company, Luoyang 471000, China 3 College of Food & Bioengineering, Henan University of Science and Technology, Luoyang 471023, China https://zoobank. org/243 FF CE92-70C3-43 1 B-93F8-BF&$2B2A 9823E Corresponding author: Wenliang Li (wenliangli@haust.edu.cn) Academic editor: A. Camargo # Received 7 February 2024 # Accepted 9 August 2024 Published 2 September 2024 Abstract The subgenus Homoneura Wulp, 1891 (Diptera, Lauxaniidae, Homoneurinae) is highly diverse with more than 220 species known from China, representing more than 80% of the Chinese genus Homoneura Wulp, 1891. These species were assigned into 21 species groups in studies mainly focusing on the classification and description of species. The phylogenetic relationships of each subgenus of Homoneura and the phylogenetic relationship of the species groups are still not well understood. We investigated the male mor- phology to provide the basis to further revise the species groups of this subgenus. In this survey, 230 species were examined and 117 morphological characters obtained, a phylogenetic analysis was conducted using the maximum parsimony analysis with TNT and WinClada. The analyses yielded 45 most parsimonious trees and one strict consensus tree. A phylogenetic hypothesis is proposed dividing the subgenus Homoneura into 12 species groups: H. (H.) nigrifacies, H. (H.) pallida, H. (H.) patella, H. (H.) beckeri, H. (H..) formosae, H. (H.) henanensis, H. (H.) nigra, H. (H.) notostigma, H. (H.) ornatifrons, and H. (H.) trispina, H. (H.) laticosta, and H. (H.) quinquenotata. This research provides valuable contributions towards a better understanding of the phylogenetic relation- ships within the subgenus Homoneura. However, the monophyly of the genus and subgenus was not supported. Key Words Maximum parsimony, monophyly, morphology, phylogenetic relationship, revision Introduction The genus Homoneura Wulp, 1891 (Diptera, Lauxanii- dae, Homoneurinae) comprises more than 750 described species in eight known subgenera distributed worldwide (Chen 2022). Homoneura is widely distributed in all major zoogeographical regions except for the Neotropical region and plays a very important role in the ecological system (Shi et al. 2017). The subgenus Homoneura Wulp, 1891 comprises more than 700 described species and has the highest species richness of Lauxaniidae (You et al. 2023). When the classification of this group entered the sec- ond stage of prosperity and development, the number of described species increased markedly, significantly reduc- ing the efficiency of comparative morphological studies. Therefore, some scholars began to study species groups among the subgenera of Homoneura based on characters such as wing spots and male genitalia. Miller (1977a, 1977b) made a comprehensive revision of 50 species, nine groups and four subgenera of Homoneura distributed in the Nearctic region in his monograph “Taxonomy and Bi- ology of Homoneura in the Nearctic region’. In particu- lar, the establishment of species groups was an important contribution to the systematic study of Homoneura (Miller 1977a, 1977b). Later, Papp proposed two species groups from the Palaearctic region and four species groups from Copyright Yao Yao et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 242 Yao Yao et al.: Phylogeny of homologous subgenera populations in China based on morphological characters the Oriental region (Papp 1978; Papp et al. 2006). Sasaka- wa (1992) proposed a new species group from the Oriental region. Kim (1994) distributed the Australian species of Homoneura into 15 species groups, and established 20 spe- cies groups of the global subgenera of Homoneura. Shi and Yang (2014) divided the Chinese species of the Homoneu- ra subgenus into 21 species groups, but some of the species could not be classified into species groups. Up to now, only five scholars have made a morphological classification of Species groups, because of the loss or destruction of type specimens. The descriptions were too simple to study care- fully. The accuracy and availability of a species group sys- tem 1s doubtful, and the phylogenetic relationships of exist- ing species groups have not been comprehensively tested. The phylogenetical approach is an important way to re- veal the relationships between taxa; however, relationships within Homoneura are relatively behind. Stuckenberg (1971) hypothesized the relationships among 19 genera of Homo- neurinae based on morphological characters, and divided the 19 genera into three generic groups, with Homoneura in the first group; Sasakawa (1992) hypothesized the phylogenetic relationships among five subgenera of Homoneura based on six morphological characters, with the subgenera distributed into two clades, one containing the subgenera Chaetohomo- neura Malloch, 1927 and Neohomoneura Malloch, 1927, and the other comprising three subgenera with Euhomoneu- ra Malloch, 1927 and Homoneura presented as sister groups, and the subgenus Minettioides Malloch, 1929 closely relat- ed to these (Sasakawa 1992). In the only existing molecular phylogenetic study on the generic relationships of Homo- neura, Shi et al. (2017) explored the relationships based on two mitochondrial and two nuclear genetic markers, and the hypothesis of subgeneric monophyly was not corroborated. Kong et al. (2022) presented the first morphological phylog- eny of Homoneura, and the hypothetical monophyly of the genus and subgenus was also not supported. Furthermore, the phylogenetic relationships among other subgenera of Homoneura were also discussed. The evolutionary relation- ships among the Homoneura subgenera are not completely clear, and phylogenetic relationships of some species groups have not been studied yet, making systematic classification Studies in this genus difficult. At present, no phylogenetic studies of the Homoneura subgenera have been published using morphological evidence. Despite its high diversity and ecological significance, the phylogenetic relationships in Homoneura and its subgenera remain to be studied. Methods All the specimens are deposited in College of Horticul- ture and Plant Protection, Henan University of Science and Technology, Henan, China (Suppl. material 1). Morphological study and terminology General terminology follows Cumming and Wood (2017), and Gaimari and Miller (2021). The specimens dez.pensoft.net were observed with a Motic SMZ-168 stereomicroscope and the external morphological characters were exam- ined. Genitalia preparations were made by removing and macerating the apical portion of the abdomen in cold sat- urated NaOH for six hours, then rinsing and neutralizing them with glacial acetic acid for dissection and study. After examination in glycerine, they were transferred to fresh glycerine and stored in a microvial pinned below the specimen or moved to an ethanol tube together with the wet specimens. Most characters were illustrated using photographs and line drawings. Photographs were taken using a Canon EOS6D microscope (Canon, Tokyo, Ja- pan) and stacked using Helicon Focus v7.0.2.0 (Helicon Soft, Kharkiv, Ukraine). Line drawings were drawn with Adobe Illustrator 2021 v25.2.1 (Adobe, San Jose, USA). Specimen morphological characters The morphological characters were numerically coded (Suppl. material 2). Ninety-eight characters are binary and 25 are multistate. Plesiomorphic states were coded with (0), and apomorphic with (1,2,3), missing character states were coded with (?), and inapplicable states were scored as (—). List of characters used in the cladistic analysis The partial characters and all pictures were adapted from Kong et al. (2022) and revised accordingly for the pur- poses of deeper research. Head: 1. Size of head, height of head/width of head in frontal view and the eyes are included: (0) < 4/5 (Fig. 1A); (1) > 4/5 (Fig. 1J). 2. Color of ocellar triangle: (0) black (Fig. 1A); (1) brown to yellow (Fig. 1E). 3. Number of ocellar seta: (0) 2; (1) 3. 4. Length of ocellar seta/length of anterior fronto-or- bital seta: (0)> 1 (Fig. 1F); (1)< 1 and= 1/2;(2)< 1/2 (Fig. 1E). 5. Length of anterior fronto-orbital seta/length of pos- terior fronto-orbital seta: (0) < 1 (Fig. 1B); (1) > 1 (Fig. 1M). 6. Length between anterior fronto-orbital seta and posterior fronto-orbital seta/length between poste- rior fronto-orbital seta and inner vertical bristles: (0) > 1/2 (Fig. 1G); (1) < 1/2. 7. Frons: (0) flat (Fig. 1F); (1) distinct uplifted; (2) dis- tinct concave (Fig. 1J). 8. Length of frons/width of frons: (0) < 1 (Fig. 1A); (1) > 1 (Fig. 1E). 9. Middle of frons: (0) without spot or stripe (Fig. 1L); (1) with a dark median longitudinal stripe extending from anterior margin to the ocellar triangle or the top of the head (Fig. 1C). Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 71 (2) 2024, 241-254 10. Lil Between the middle of frons and fronto-orbital seta: (0) with two longitudinal stripes extending to both sides of the ocellar triangle (Fig. 1A); (1) without stripe (Fig. 1B). The area around the fronto-orbital setae and the out- er vertical bristles: (0) without spot or stripe (Fig. 1H); (1) with spot (Fig. 1A); (2) with stripe along the bases (Fig. 1D). . Presence of a spot at the costal margin of frons: (0) absent (Fig. 11); (1) present. . Facial angle of frons: (0) approach straight angle: (1) approach right angle. . Color of face: (0) black (Fig. 1L); (1) brown to yel- low (Fig. 1D). . Spot on face: (0) absent (Fig. 11); (1) irregular; (2) round (Fig. 1M). . Middle of face: (0) flat (Fig. 11); (1) distinct uplifted (Fig. 1K). 23. 24. 243 . Ventral margin of face: (0) strumaes on both sides (Fig. L); (1) lamellar processes in the middle (Fig. 1J); (2) flat (Fig. 1D). . Width of ventral margin of face/height of gena: (0) >3 (Fig. 11); (1) <3 (Fig. 1J). . Spot on gena: (0) absent (Fig. IN); (1) present (Fig. 10). . Below eye on gena: (0) without strong seta (Fig. 1M); (1) with strong seta (Fig. 1H). . Length of gena/length of eye: (0) <1/3 (Fig. 1N); (1) > 1/3 (Fig. 15). . Face and gena: (0) do not extend (Fig. 1L); (1) dis- tinct extend ventrally (Fig. 1J). Color of pedicel: (0) black (Fig. 1H); (1) brown to yellow (Fig. 1G). Number of scape long bristle that is not shorter than the length of the first flagellomere: (0) 0 (Fig. 1G); (1) 2 (Fig. 1J). Figure 1. Head characters. Homoneura (Homoneura) picta (de Meijere, 1904) (A, N); Homoneura (Homoneura) flavida Shi & Yang, 2009 (B, C, D, O); Homoneura (Minettioides) orientis (Hendel, 1908) (E); Homoneura (Euhomoneura) yangingensis Shi, Gao & Li, 2017 (F, I); Homoneura (Neohomoneura) tricuspidata Shi & Yang, 2008 (G); Prosopophorella yoshiyasui Sasakawa, 2001 (H, J, K); Minettia (Frendelia) longipennis (Fabricius, 1794) (L, P); Pachycerina decemlineata de Meijere, 1914 (M). dez.pensoft.net 244 2p 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. Sik Yao Yao et al.: Phylogeny of homologous subgenera populations in China based on morphological characters Color of flagellomere: (0) monochrome (Fig. 1P); (1) bicolor (Fig. 1N). Arista: (0) plumose (arista with longest setulae, not less than the width of the first flagellomere) (Fig. 1M); (1) pubescent (arista with longest setu- lae shorter than the width of the first flagellomere) (Fig. 1H). Length of the first flagellomere/width of the first flagellomere: (0) > 2 (Fig. 1M); (1) <2. Spot between base of antennae and inner margin of eye: (0) present (Fig. 1H); (1) absent (Fig. 1). Color of proboscis: (0) black; (1) brown to yellow (Fig. IN). Color of palpus: (0) monochrome, black (Fig. 1P); (1) monochrome, brown or yellow (Fig. 10); (2) bicolor. Occiput: (0) without stripe (Fig. 1G); (1) with dis- tinct narrow stripe (as wide as ocellar triangle); (2) with distinct wide stripe (distinctly longer than ocellar triangle) (Fig. 1C). Thorax: 32 Siok 34. aD: 36. SHY 38. 39. AQ. 4]. 42. 43. Leg: 44. 45. 46. Mesonotum: (0) with distinct longitudinal stripe (Fig. 2C); (1) without longitudinal stripe (Fig. 2E). Base of dorsocentral seta and prescutellar acrosti- chal seta: (0) without spot (Fig. 2E); (1) with spot (Fig. 2B). Pre-sutural dorsocentral seta: (0) absent (Fig. 2E); (1) present (Fig. 2D). Post-sutural dorsocentral seta: (0) 3 (Fig. 2A); (1) 2(Fig. 2D). Rows of acrostichal seta: (0) seven or more rows (Fig. 2E); (1) six or less rows (Fig. 2D). Acrostichal seta: (0) weak, short hair (Fig. 2B); (1) strong seta (Fig. 2D). Mesonotum prescutellar acrostichal seta: (0) longer than acrostichal seta with hair; (1) hair, as long as acrostichal seta with hair. Mesonotum scutellar suture: (0) without spot (Fig. 2D); (1) with spot. Mesonotum pruinose stripe: (0) no pruinose stripe; (1) a broad pruinose stripe from face, antenna, frons, mesonotum to the end of scutellum. Supra-alar seta: (0) one (Fig. 2F); (1) two, the latter is about half as long as the former; (2) two, the latter is about the same length as the former one. Intra-alar seta: (0) one, strong (as long as supra-alar seta); (1) one, weak (half the length of supra-alar seta); (2) 0. Katepisternal seta: (0) two (Fig. 2F); (1) one (Fig. 20: Length of leg/length of body: (0) <1; (1) > 1. Posterior ventral seta on fore femur: (0) five or more (Fig. 2L); (1) four or less (Fig. 2G). Ctenidium short seta on fore femur: (0) absent; (1) ten or less; (2) eleven or more (Fig. 2G). dez.pensoft.net 47. 48. 49. 50. oll, Anterior seta on mid femur: (0) six or more; (1) five or less (Fig. 21). Posterior seta on mid tibia: (0) absent (Fig. 2J); (1) present (Fig. 2K). Apical ventral seta on mid tibia: (0) one; (1) two (Fig. 2J); (2) three (Fig. 2K); (3) four. Preapical anterior dorsal seta on hind femur: (0) present (Fig. 2H); (1) absent. Anteroventral seta on hind femur: (0) present; (1) absent. Wing: 52 a3: 54. ao 56. OT. 58. 59: 60. OF 62, 63. 64. Length of wing/width of wing: (0) < 2.7 (Fig. 3A); (1) => 2.7 (Fig. 3D). Wing: (0) most hyaline or pale yellow (five or less spots and wing spots occupy a small area of the wing) (Fig. 3E); (1) most brown or black (six or more spots and wing spots occupy a large area of the wing) (Fig. 3A). Anterior margin of the wing (in front of R2+3): (0) most hyaline or pale yellow (spots on the wings less than half of the anterior margin of the wings) (Fig. 3F); (1) mostly brown or black (spots on the wings not less than half of the wings, while still a little part with no spots) (Fig. 3B); (2) all brown, fading from costa vein to the middle; (3) all brown, no change in color from costa vein to the middle. Short black setae on costal margin of wing: (0) ex- tend to between R,,, and R,,. (Fig. 3G); (1) extend to R,,. (Fig. 3C). Spot on r, cell: (0) absent (Fig. 3E); (1) present (Fig. 3C). Spot on R,,,: (Q) absent (Fig. 3G); (1) 1, a hyaline space (Fig. 3H); (2) 2 (Fig. 3C); (3) = 3; (4) all brown (Fig. 3A). Tip of R,,.: (0) without spot (Fig. 3E); (1) with one spot (irregular) (Fig. 3H); (2) with two spots (irregu- lar), far away from crossvein r-m (Fig. 3D); (3) with two spots (irregular), next to crossvein r-m (Fig. 3A); (4) with three spots (irregular) (Fig. 3C); (5) many small spots, reticular connection (Fig. 3A); (6) many sexangular spots (a small spot in the middle). Crossvein r-m: (0) without spot (Fig. 3G); (1) only strengthened or with a inconspicuous stripe around (Fig. 3E); (2) distinct spots (Fig. 3H); (3) circular spots (Fig. 3B). Crossvein dm-cu: (0) without spot (Fig. 3G); (1) only overstrike crossvein or an inconspicuous stripe around (Fig. 3E); (2) distinct spots (Fig. 3F); (3) cir- cular spots (Fig. 3D). Tip of M,: (0) without spot (Fig. 3G); (1) one spot (Fig. 3F); (2) two spots (Fig. 3H); (3) many small spots, reticular connection (Fig. 3A). Stripe on penultimate section of CuA1: (0) absent (Fig. 3F); (1) present (Fig. 3D). Spot on base of radial vein and medial vein: (0) ab- sent (Fig. 3E); (1) present (Fig. 3B). Anal vein: (0) normal (Fig. 3H); (1) lack (Fig. 3B). Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 71 (2) 2024, 241-254 245 tie sca aaa y too ~ — —— a ar \ Figure 2. Thoracic and leg characters. Homoneura (Homoneura) flavida Shi & Yang, 2009 (A, G, H); Homoneura (Homoneura) picta (de Meiere, 1904) (B); Pachycerina decemlineata de Meijere, 1914 (C); Homoneura (Euhomoneura) yangingensis Shi, Gao & Li, 2017 (D, I, J); Homoneura (Neohomoneura) tricuspidata Shi & Yang, 2008 (E, kK); Homoneura (Minettioides) orientis (Hen- del, 1908) (F); Minettia (Frendelia) longipennis (Fabricius, 1794) (L). 65. Anterior cubital cell: (0) without spot (Fig. 3C); (1) 67. 3™ (between R,,, and R,, .) section/4" (between R, , . A+5 with spot (Fig. 3A). and M,) section: (0) > 1.5; (1) < 1.5. 66. 2nd (between R, and R,,,) section/3™ (between R,,, , 68. The end of R,,,: (0) not bend to costal margin (Fig. and R,, .) section: (0) > 3; (1) <3. 3F); (1) bend to costal margin (Fig. 3C). dez.pensoft.net 246 Yao Yao et al.: Phylogeny of homologous subgenera populations in China based on morphological characters 60:0 60:2 6122 Figure 3. Wing characters. A. Homoneura (Homoneura) picta (de Meijere, 1904); B. Noonamyia umbrellata Shi & Yang, 2009; C. Homoneura (Homoneura) posterotricuspis Gao, Shi & Han, 2016; D. Prosopophorella yoshiyasui Sasakawa, 2001; E. Homo- neura (Homoneura) flavida Shi & Yang, 2009; F. Homoneura (Neohomoneura) zengae Shi & Yang, 2008; G. Minettia (Frendelia) longipennis (Fabricius, 1794); H. Homoneura (Euhomoneura) yangingensis Shi, Gao & Li, 2017. 69: 70. a AZ: Length of the ultimate section of M1/ length of the penultimate section of M1: (0)> 1; (1) <1. Length of the ultimate section of CuA1/length of the penultimate section of CuA1: (0) < 1/5; (1) = 1/5. Crossvein r-m: (0) before or in the middle of the discal cell (Fig. 3F); (1) behind the middle of the discal cell (Fig. 3D). Color of knob part of haltere: (0) black; (1) brown or yellow. Abdomen: fiom Spot on middle of tergite 2: (0) absent (Fig. 4B); (1) present (Fig. 4A). dez.pensoft.net 74. TS: LO: Ts 78. 79: 80. Spot on side of tergite 2: (0) absent (Fig. 4F); (1) present (Fig. 4D). Spot on middle of tergite 3: (0) absent (Fig. 4C); (1) present (Fig. 4A). Spot on side of tergite 3: (0) absent (Fig. 4E); (1) present (Fig. 4D). Spot on middle of tergite 4: (0) absent (Fig. 4C); (1) present (Fig. 4A). Spot on side of tergite 4: (0) absent (Fig. 4F); (1) present (Fig. 4D). Spot on middle of tergite 5: (0) absent (Fig. 4C); (1) present (Fig. 4B). Spot on side of tergite 5: (0) absent (Fig. 4F); (1) with striped spot (Fig. 4D); (2) with circular spot (Fig. 4E). Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 71 (2) 2024, 241-254 247 Figure 4. Abdomen characters. Homoneura (Homoneura) picta (de Meijere, 1904) (A, D); Homoneura (Neohomoneura) tricus- pidata Shi & Yang, 2008 (B); Homoneura (Euhomoneura) yangingensis Shi, Gao & Li, 2017 (C, F); Homoneura (Minettioides) orientis (Hendel, 1908) (E). 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. Spot on middle of tergite 6: (0) absent; (1) present. Spot on side of tergite 6: (0) absent; (1) present. Posterior margin of tergite: (0) not change color (Fig. 4E); (1) distinct dark brown stripe (2) distinct light brown stripe (Fig. 4B). Sternite 5: (0) not differentiated; (1) differentiated into a digitiform process. Short spine at posterior margin of sternite 5: (0) ab- sent; (1) present. Male genitalia: 86. 87. 88. 89. Syntergosternite and epandrium: (0) not fused; (1) fused. Shape of syntergosternite: (0) semicircular (Fig. 5C); (1) circular, without ventral processes (Fig. 5A); (2) circular, with ventral processes (Fig. 5B). Length of dorsal margin of syntergosternite/length of posterior margin of syntergosternite: (0) < 2/3; (1).2 2/3. Dorsal margin of syntergosternite: (0) without short hair (Fig. 5C); (1) with short hair (Fig. 5B). le 92. 93° 94. oS. 96. oF} 98. oo 100. . Syntergosternite around the spiracle: (0) without short hair (Fig. SC); (1) with short hair (Fig. 5A). Costal margin of epandrium: (0) with sharp process or concave; (1) without sharp process or without concave. Length of dorsal margin of epandrium/length of ventral margin of epandrium: (0) > 1/2; (1) < 1/2. Surstylus: (0) separated from epandrium (Fig. 6A); (1) not separated from epandrium (Fig. 6D). Length of the longest surstylus/height of epandri- um: (0) > 1/2 (Fig. 6D); (1) < 1/2 (Fig. 6B). Shape of the apex of surstylus: (0) sharp (Fig. 6A); (1) blunt (Fig. 6C). Shape of surstylus: (0) bent (Fig. 6A); (1) straight (Fig. 6C). Width of the middle of surstylus/length of surstylus: (0) < 1/2 (Fig. 6B); (1) = 1/2 (Fig. 6A). Fine teeth or terminal processes on surstylus: (0) absent (Fig. 6D); (1) present (Fig. 6C). Hypandrium: (0) present; (1) absent. Middle of hypandrium: (0) connected; (1) uncon- nected. dez.pensoft.net 248 Yao Yao et al.: Phylogeny of homologous subgenera populations in China based on morphological characters 101:1 POs Figure 5. Syntergosternite and hypandrium characters. A. Homoneura (Homoneura) dorsacerba Gao, Shi & Han, 2016; B. Homo- neura (Homoneura) posterotricuspis Gao, Shi & Han, 2016; C. Homoneura (Homoneura) procerula Gao & Yang, 2005; D. Cestro- tus liui Shi, Yang & Gaimari, 2009. 101. Shape of hypandrium: (0) U-shaped (Fig. 7A); (1) 107. Seta on gonite: (0) present (Fig. 7D); (1) absent Y-shaped (Fig. 5D); (2) H-shaped (Fig. 7D); (3) (Fig. 7A). W-shaped (Fig. 7B). 108. Length of gonite/length of phallus: (0) > 1/2 102. Middle of anterior margin of hypandrium: (0) with- (Fig. 7D); (1) < 1/2 (Fig. 7A). out inner processes (Fig. 7D); (1) with inner pro- 109. Tip of gonite: (0) sharp (Fig. 7D); (1) blunt cesses (Fig. 5D). (Fig. 7A). 103. Both sides at anterior margin of hypandrium: (0) — 110. Phallus: (0) without thorn or sharp process (Fig. 7C); without inner processes; (1) with inner processes. (1) with thorn or sharp process (Fig. 7B). 104. Middle of posterior margin of hypandrium: (0) — 111. Lateral view of the tip of phallus: (0) bent (Fig. 7C); without ventral process (Fig. 7A); (1) with ventral (1) straight (Fig. 7A). process (Fig. 7B). 112. Tip of phallus: (0) not inflated; (1) blunt round api- 105. Both sides at posterior margin of hypandrium: (0) cally. without ventral process; (1) with ventral process. 113. Apex of phallus: (0) sharp (Fig. 7C); (1) not sharp 106. Gonite: (0) present (Fig. 7D); (1) absent (Fig. 7C). (Fig. 7B). dez.pensoft.net Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 71 (2) 2024, 241-254 97:1 95:0;96:0 95:1;96:1 (Homoneura) posterotricuspis, D. Pachycerina decemlineata. 114. Phallus: (0) with distinct apical concavity; (1) with- out distinct apical concavity (Fig. 7B). 115. Aedeagal apodeme: (0) present; (1) absent. 116. Length of aedeagal apodeme/length of phallus: (0) < 1 (Fig. 7D); (1) = 1 (Fig. 7A). 117. Base of aedeagal apodeme: (0) separate and extend (Fig. 7D); (2) not separate (Fig. 7C). Phylogenetic analysis In this research, two species of Lauxaniinae: Minet- tia (Frendelia) longipennis (Fabricius, 1794) and 249 "98:0 Figure 6. Epandrium characters. A. Homoneura (Homoneura) trispina, B. Homoneura (Homoneura) dorsacerba, C. Homoneura Pachycerina decemlineata Meijere, 1914 and representa- tive species of all genera of Homoneurinae found in China except Homoneura, Cestrotus liui Li et al., 2009, Dioides incurvatus Shi et al., 2009, Noonamyia umbrellata Shi et al., 2009, Phobeticomyia motuoensis Li et al., 2020. and Prosopophorella yoshiyasui Sasakawa, 2001 were used as an outgroup. Minettia (Frendelia) longipennis is the first outgroup. The phylogenetic construction was conducted using maximum-parsimony analysis. The unambiguous char- acters were mapped on the tree using WinClada version v1.00.08 (Nixon 2002). The maximum-parsimony tree is shown in Suppl. material 3, Bootstrap values (BS) dez.pensoft.net 250 Yao Yao et al.: Phylogeny of homologous subgenera populations in China based on morphological characters \ 110:1 113:1:114:1 116:0;117:0 || 106:0;107:0 Figure 7. Aedeagal complex characters. A. Noonamyia umbrellata, B. Homoneura (Homoneura) beckeri; C. Pachycerina decem- lineata, D. Homoneura (Homoneura) procerula. and Bremer support (B) values are presented next to the 25 and 30 were used, maintaining the maximum num- nodes. The analysis was performed in TNT (version 1.1; ber of trees (10000 trees). All analyses were performed Goloboff et al. 2008) using implied weighting. For the — using traditional searches, 900 replicates holding up to implied weighting analyses, K values of 2-5, 10, 15,20, 45 trees per replication. Branch support values were ver- dez.pensoft.net Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 71 (2) 2024, 241-254 251 ified through bootstrap analyses on NONA 2.0 (Goloboff — ters, Fig. 2A—F), legs (8 characters, Fig. 2G—L), wings 1999). The Bremer support value or decay index was cal- (21 characters, Fig. 3), abdomen (13 characters, Fig. 4), culated using TNT. and genitalia (32 characters, Fig. 5—7). Branch length is the shortest and the topology structure no longer changes when K is not less than 20. Forty-five maximum-parsimo- nious trees were produced when K = 30. Different maxi- mum-parsimonious trees mainly affect the monophyletic and interspecific relationships of Homoneura (Homoneu- ra) henanensis group, and the topology structure of each On the basis of our research, 117 morphological charac- branch end. The resultant strict consensus tree was cal- ters were obtained from different body parts of the adults; culated using TNT (Fig. 8) [branch length = 1413, con- from the head (31 characters, Fig. 1), thorax (12 charac- sistency index (CI) = 0.11, retention index (RI) = 0.73]. Results Phylogenetic analysis of Homoneura é s+ 33 8 = = ga 3 g S & = 3 EM en ee ORE A es Sey 3 Be Ste Sears BR LER ETEERPRASRSES SFE S BEE RES Sea tAZAK eS Sse E 5 = =) Pees 3 RE ewERRLLELLL SEES EFF rss iS2 3 2382 BRET EES = 3 eRe S eh BSR at Feats is isigses se Fk E% CELEEELIR EP PESEP PSPSPS sss Fs Se etERPELet et Ei PF i ssss sss iss ss *BREREEELELELE RES ES SEESSSS Sess es SCeREERRESRERLERS ZELER EEE SEESSS Sees he Seah bs ZEEE FERS ESF Pee FS8 @S%GhetSretezea sl tagi ei esSeigsssiss> SESE EEES EER EE EEG ESLEGER SEES fess @%eereueseraesEs Fgh SR Eistesgsssssse Fs ‘Se PSPELESen ds GESER ES SES EE EF 2 FF F tne EZ Eee eles eh ee ees Sel ees Eg 4% EY 3% Yaeger eee ss J %%ak e OBS = ,y id z= SOLS iis | SEU py edd OOOO AS Cae tA | fe} pa Od / SESE FS ESSE Oy Ge, 4, eee eS ee wp Wot ff PEE EEE SEP OOM OS a . % 7 Ag, Pag, ey My POA a vey Vv aa i ¥S & S og fg Veep 5/78 ~—\ Homoneura =c = Pachycerina decemlineata Homoneura (Neohomoneuray tricuspidata 10/100 4 = Minettia (Frendelia) longipennis Homoneura (Neohomoneura) indica ——_— et oe Homoneura (Neohomoneura) dischida Homoneura (Homoneura) sp38 = = : Faones (Homoneura) sp37 ul Homoneura (Nechomone oe : = = —< 5 oneura (Homoneuray HHomoneura (Net (Chactohomoneura) =P Vv y Homoneura (Hom, euaresta Homoneura ( i) trisurstylata omonery ‘oneura) sp35 onewr® earth = : & S2e8an == SSP sePRESaeESSEETEEE Ss s aoe R22Z3322 s2e5 SSEPSPFEZPPESESESLEERB ES SSESSSESPEESSZ RR EEE Fy $s FeF PPP PEPE ELS SER 225e% % gers gs Fa 8 sssessad aoe Se SSF FEC FIT FS SESEERRRRESTETR2A3 3 23% ¥ = &s sls F258 ESS EEDEFSTS3225% %. S % Wo Fe FSF PESTS SSES TELL LSS Pb kkk h S385 FFs Fs Fs FFeFssrsssssSSsb gab Res Reyes SF PF FFF FTTFFESSP STP PEPER RS SER = Gy = 4 SS. Ed PEGSE PUP PPLE SEL es soe ahat sSFrss SEFTIUTESSaBeE Se gs gst FFs sess TeEger se” 5 g 368 2 2. =. fi ae * = § Be 3 a) 8 § 2 Figure 8. Phylogenetic relationships of Homoneura. 1. H. (H.) ornatifrons group; UL. H. (H.) patella group; I. H. (H.) notostigma group; IV. H. (#.) nigra group; V. H. (H.) nigrifacies group; VI. H. (H.) trispina group; VIL. H. (4.) beckeri group; VII. H. (#.) formosae group; IX. H. (#.) laticosta group; X. H. (H.) pallida group; XI. H. (H.) henanensis group; XII. H. (H.) quinquenotata group. Left, bootstrap values > 50%; right, Bremer support values. dez.pensoft.net 252 Yao Yao et al.: Phylogeny of homologous subgenera populations in China based on morphological characters Relationships among the Homoneura subgenera occurring in China The monophyly of the subgenus Homoneura, Neohomo- neura, Euhomoneura and Chaetohomoneura is not sup- ported. The monophyly of the subgenus Minettioides could not be verified due to the limited taxa. One species of the subgenus Chaetohomoneura appears at an end node within the subgenus Neohomoneura, while the subgenus Euhomoneura, Neohomoneura, Minettioides and Chaeto- homoneura also appear mosaically distributed within the subgenus Homoneura. Key to the species groups of the Homoneura subgenus based on the maximum-parsimony tree 1 Wine without spots oronly with qpalé SOOlS. OM chOSSVEINS CFIS. Sie Gite: hr mee Beem er RA Nee 2 ae ire ns ee ae 2 - VV GBs MELE They HULSE CUIOROWAT.SOOLSQCh ee Son: ff ee eta ee hte tastes dei sate see dee el a ee iets es Fe oer kL 10 2 BOCWVEIOWGOr FOWh (eles 2U PDR EP ak, ocvyeens coverennasesnteaecuyesueree agmneidbawieagens ceed ehaen ele anes Seow eee bend seei¥a dh muyeny ecauiednaaen S - BOC yrblaG kK Cie O25 x) heel Puts eit tit as eee Aes Amo Ll a Boe Rae oe eects Me, Oa ead eb teed! 6 3 Two stripes along orbital bristles (Fig. 1A), a triangular brown stripe in the middle of frons (Fig. 1C); hypandrium A esd ge 181210). ah 3 elias i POR Ric Ses Se PT oe oe a Re A eee pee eee CP ee eee eek ie rere H. (H.) beckerl group ~ FronsSwitheuhstriper(rig.. LBs nypancrium-mormw-SNaoeGhs -jsn20 Sh snp end lets. Me class us reams ea bedee tha Sebaehadadiee Means ud tade 4 4 Post pedicel bicolor (Fig. 1N); mesonotum scutoscutellar suture with black spots (Fig. 1H)..... H. (H.) notostigma group - Flagellomere yellow. (Fig. 1P);mesonetum scutellar-suture without spot (Fig: 2D). ccs..2.t2..ccchciss bec seethtedeteete he cestaacetiete 6 5 Length of ocellar seta is shorter than the length of anterior fronto-orbital seta (Fig. 1E)................ H. (H.) patella group - Length of ocellar seta is longer than the length of anterior fronto-orbital seta (Fig. 1F) .............. H. (H.) laticosta group 6 Prescutellaracrostichal-seta weak, Same as acrostichal Sela «...5555;, 0010) gaye seeseeeneyyygodeten treedeeses H. (H.) ornatifrons group _ Prescutellar acrostichal seta strong, longer than acrostichal Se@ta................cccccecceceeeneeeseeeeeeeeeeceeceessecseeeseeceeserteeeereneens 7 7 With a broad white pruinose stripe from face to the end of scutellum (Fig. 4B) ..........cceeecc cece eeee enna es H. (H.) nigra group ~ WiLL: PRULN@ Sess tal DS Om haCere.SC US| [LIM dlal ard cake, buat. Mes a0 0,9 noe wrest erler UV ee he te) ee Rosebc tae e 8 Sf = TESS Sawith Salt Ol DlACK SOUS CI: ALB ey cecvescet saaee tees au roc ceva te banure poe yicey cevernsee-cbeeeenimencones H. (H.) formosae group - EF eICeco-WTOU SOO TS Rts ie pee aa as health Re eRe ce Oe ieee Pb R ae le os a rina Pee Na, | a eee Pe ee ns a esta en oes 2] 9 Base of fronto-orbital seta with a stripe (Fig. 1D); stripe on the middle of frons extending to ocellar triangle (Fig. 1C).. Jes Se casa caper Re wey eae En od eainchee RD pails 9 see Seine oe talents a gs a Vee ahem an ager out a MRM el Tasceee cu PEE, CAN an ce ton ace H. (H.) nigrifacies group - Base of fronto-orbital setae without a stripe; only costal margin of frons yellow (Fig. 1E).............. H. (H.) trispina group TS VIS MTR OUESOOUS OM EGhOSSVOIN dette ae SON) aSaase che Seaqs dep tao spent Dietmar gpk vai PanaNeee ore eaaas tisk paaenm hs Bicaawepeh ete vaRaRENE arr tas Abell - WiINBEWITT; SOGLS ON rCrOSS Vel MCh SSE). once. nt oie Sec eee leiede cas cynecteiiceesss Miboidareetee sti es tebhboes H. (H.) quinquenotata group 1d SBi oe without spotsbetweens-iandrapical: Spot (Fig. SE). asdF/) ses. has acedcssefasts il ndeaglel: ecaaseess H. (H.) pallida group - R,,. with spots between r-m and apical spot (Fig. 3D) Discussion Our study proposes a phylogenetic relationship hypoth- esis for the genus and subgenus Homoneura using mor- phological data. In this study, five genera of Homoneuri- nae except for Homoneura were included for the purpose of serving as an outgroup. Previously, Kong et al. (2022) published the phylogeny of the Chinese subgenera of Homoneura based on morphological characters, and ob- tained the conclusion that the monophyly of the genus and subgenus Homoneura is not supported, and this con- clusion is further verified in this study. Some relationships among genera are in close agreement with the literature, suggesting that traditional taxonomic characters are more reliable at the generic level. Although the non-monophy- ly of Homoneura was strongly supported, the position of the species groups across the subgenus Homoneura was less consistent. Based on the increment of available morphological characters and on the result of our analyses, we pro- pose to divide the subgenus Homoneura. This 1s dif- ferent from the the method of dividing the subgenus dez.pensoft.net REET. Ff Sade, SRI OE es Be fe eT H. (H.) henanensis group Homoneura solely based on spots on the wing. Based on the resultant strict consensus tree we propose to re- duce the 21 species groups into 12 species groups by establishing three new species groups: H. (H.) nigrifa- cies, H. (H.) pallida, and H. (H.) patella, keeping sev- en species groups: H. (H.) beckeri, H. (H.) formosae, H. (H.) henanensis, H. (H.) nigra, H. (H.) notostigma, H. (#.) ornatifrons, and H. (H.) trispina; and combin- ing the remaining species groups into two new species groups: H. (H.) laticosta, and H. (H.) quinquenotata. However, we advise for caution since these possible placements are tentative at best and further studies are needed to verify these observations. Previously, the only existing molecular phylogenet- ic study of the generic level relationships of Lauxani- idae, Shi et al. (2017) explored the phylogeny of the subgenus Homoneura based on two mitochondrial and two nuclear markers. But the results did not support the published taxonomy of the species groups of the sub- genus Homoneura in China (Shi and Yang 2014). All of these indicates that there are many problems in the division of species group of the subgenus Homoneura. Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 71 (2) 2024, 241-254 In our research, we provide solid evidence that the cur- rently recognized genus and subgenus Homoneura are not monophyletic. Thus, our results indicate that the current classification of the Homoneura does not accu- rately reflect the evolutionary history of the group. This result is consistent with the results obtained by Shi and Yang (2014). We do not seek to formally propose one of these changes here because the resolution of these clades is poor and because our taxon sampling is limited (only Chinese species are involved). We can only try to separate species groups of the subgenus Homoneura. Furthermore, we need to take a closer inspection of the morphology, focusing on an alternative level of analy- sis. Therefore, in order to enable such taxonomic deci- sions, we urge for a complete phylogeny of the Homo- neura with datasets including more morphological and molecular data. Conclusions Our research results show that the monophyly of the genus and subgenus Homoneura is not supported, and the confusion of the subgeneric division 1s one of the main problems of this genus, which makes some scholars ignore the subgeneric rank in their works, and there are often taxonomists who misclassify subgen- era when describing species. The main reason is that the key characteristics and validity of subgeneric level classification are not clear. Although not the primary focus of this study, our results also provide a prelim- inary glimpse of potential major relationships within the genus Homoneura. Nevertheless, we emphasize that this study was focused on testing the monophyly and the relationships of the species groups within the subgenus Homoneura. Thus, our findings regarding the major relationships within the entire genus should be considered, at best, preliminary. And although these conclusions are based on a small sample size compared with the diversity of the genus as a whole, our results indicate that the classification of the genus at the sub- genus and species group levels will require a thorough reformulation that reflects the family’s evolutionary history. In these cases, we should re-analyze the mor- phological data, trying to look for misinterpretations of morphological characters. As a next step for the phylogeny and classification of the genus and the subgenus, we will try to find syn- apomorphies of early diverging lineages, whose phylo- genetic placements are not well supported in our study. Additionally, the phylogeny of each subgenus of Homo- neura is still unclear, and the monophyly and phyloge- netic relationship of species groups is still blank, and none of them have been examined using molecular data. The availability of molecular data for species of Homo- neura has increased during recent years, and we encour- age the phylogenetic analysis among the species groups at the subgeneric level using a combination of morpho- 253 logical and molecular data. Furthermore, we will review specimens from other zoogeographical regions and re- vise the species groups of the Homoneura subgenera by using geographic distribution information to reconstruct the phylogeny of the genus Homoneura making taxo- nomic revisions. Acknowledgements We express our sincere thanks to Xulong Chen for identi- fication of the specimens of Homoneura. References Chen XL (2022) Taxonomy of Homoneura in China. D. M.S. 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The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow us- ers to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited. Link: https://doi.org/10.3897/dez.71.120389.suppl2 Supplementary material 3 Maximum parsimony tree Authors: Yao Yao, Chaoyang Kong, Pu Miao, Shengjuan Zhao, Wenliang Li Data type: zip Copyright notice: This dataset is made available under the Open Database License (http://opendatacommons. org/licenses/odbl/1.0). The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow us- ers to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited. Link: https://doi.org/10.3897/dez.71.120389.suppl3