Zoosyst. Evol. 100 (3) 2024, 1005-1015 | DOI 10.3897/zse.100.123331 > PENSUFT. pg tusrum ror BERLIN Pamirosa gen. nov., unexpected record of Artoriinae (Araneae, Lycosidae) from the rooftop of Pamir, Central Asia Alexander A. Fomichev!, Mikhail M. Omelko*, Yuri M. Marusik?* Altai State University, Lenina Pr., 61, Barnaul, RF-656049, Russia FW NM fF https://zoobank. org/F DF 2CBE 1-60 D9-42B3-B33C-481C54B22712 Corresponding author: Alexander A. Fomichev (a.fomichov@mail.ru) Federal Scientific Center of East Asia Terrestrial Biodiversity, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok 690022, Russia Institute of Biological Problems of the North, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Portovaya Str, 18, Magadan 68500, Russia Department of Zoology & Entomology, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa Academic editor: Danilo Harms # Received 18 March 2024 Accepted 12 June 2024 Published 12 July 2024 Abstract A new monotypic genus, Pamirosa gen. nov. with the type species P. kudratbekovi sp. nov. (32), is described from Pamir Moun- tains in eastern Tajikistan. The new genus represents the first record of the mainly Austrolasian subfamily Artoriinae Framenau, 2007 in Central Asia. It differs from all known genera of Artoriinae, as well as from all other lycosids, by having a unique spiraled embolus and epigyne with screw-shaped membranous copulatory ducts unknown in other wolf spiders. The new species was collect- ed among stone screes at an elevation of 4700 meters. Unlike all other Palaearctic lycosids inhabiting stony screes and possessing four or more pairs of ventral tibial spines on leg I, Pamirosa gen. nov. has only three pairs. Description, figures, diagnosis of the new species, and a photograph of its habitat are provided. Additionally, the distribution of scree-dwelling Lycosidae in Asia is discussed. Key Words Aranei, biodiversity, new genus, new species, Palaearctic, Pardosinae, spiny-legs Lycosidae Introduction Lycosidae Sundevall, 1833, commonly known as wolf spi- ders, 1s one of the largest spider families, currently encom- passing 2476 extant species in 132 genera (WSC 2024). The family has worldwide distribution, ranging from Peary Land (82°30'N, Marusik et al. 2006) to Navarino Island (55°S: Tullgren 1901: 254). The altitudinal distribution of Lyco- sidae is also wide, from the shores of Dead Sea (400 m, Armiach Steinpress et al. 2021) to the Himalayan glaciers (6100 m, Buchar 1976). Wolf spiders are common in all zoo- geographical realms (WSC 2024). Spiders of this family are well represented in the Palaearctic: one third of all known lycosid genera (45), are known to occur in this region (WSC 2024). To date, 89 species of Lycosidae have been reported from the Mountains of Middle (=Central) Asia (Mikhailov 2021), with nearly a third of them being endemic. Notably, a single genus, Dzhungarocosa Fomichev & Marusik, 2017 (Fomichev and Marusik 2017), is known to be endemic to the mountains of Central Asia. Other genera, such as Oculi- cosa Zyuzin, 1993 and Zyuzicosa Logunov, 2010, restricted to Central Asia, dwell in low mountains or in plains (Lo- gunov 2010; Fomichev 2020). Despite the substantial bio- diversity, the spider fauna of Tajikistan is unevenly studied, with most papers focusing solely on the low southwestern part of this country (Zhang and Marusik 2016; Fomichev and Marusik 2021; Fomichev et al. 2023). The challeng- ing-to-access Pamir Mountains have been largely neglect- ed in these studies. According to Andreeva (1976), only ten species of Lycosidae have been reported or described from the Pamir Mountains. Recently, the first author had the op- portunity to participate in an expedition to the Pamir Moun- tains, where he collected rich material on wolf spiders. A detailed study of this material revealed several undescribed taxa one of which belongs to an undescribed genus of Aus- tralasian subfamily Artoriinae Framenau, 2007. The goal of the present paper is to diagnose and to describe this new ge- nus and to report Artoritnae in Central Asia for the first time. Copyright Fomichev, A.A. et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 1006 Material and methods Specimens were photographed by an Olympus DP74 camera attached to an Olympus SZX16 stereomicroscope at the Altai State University (Barnaul, Russia). Photo- graphs were taken in dishes with white cotton at the bot- tom, filled with ethanol. Digital multifocus images were stacked by using “Zerene Stacker”. SEM micrographs were produced using a Hitachi TM-1000 scanning mi- croscope at the Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals SB RAS (Novosibirsk, Russia). The epigyne was cleared in KOH/water solution during the day and stained with methylene blue. The endogyne was photo- graphed on a slide, submerged in glycerol, using Olym- pus XC50 camera attached to an Olympus BH-51 stereo- microscope (Altai State University, Barnaul, Russia). All measurements are in millimeters (mm). Lengths of leg segments were measured on the dorsal side. Data about spination of legs are based on examination of one side of the body. Apical spines on metatarsi were not counted. We followed the terminology of the parts of the copu- latory organs and format of description as in Fomichev (2021) and Wang et al. (2021), with modifications and ad- ditions. The studied material is deposited in the Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals SB RAS (ISEA; curator G.N. Azarkina). Abbreviations: ALE — anterior lateral eye, AM — accompanying membrane, AME -— anterior median eye, BA — basoembolic apophysis, CD — copulatory duct, Cn — conductor, CO — copulatory opening, d — dorsal, DE — distal part of the embolus, DP — dorsal process of embolic division, EP — epigynal plate, FD — fertilization duct, Fe — femur, Fo — fovea, Mt — metatarsus, p-—prolateral, Pa— patella, PE — proximal part of embolus, PLE -— posterior lateral eye, PME — posterior median eye, PO — prolateral outgrowth, PP — prolateral process, PS — plumose seta, r — retrolateral, Re — receptacles, RG — rod-shaped gland, RH — head of receptacle, RP — retrolateral process, RR — retrolateral ridge, SD — sperm duct, SS — stick-like setae, St — subtegulum, TA — tegular apophysis, TD — threadlike denticles, Te — tegulum, Ti-— tibia, Tr — terminal apophysis, Ts — tarsus, TS — stalk of tegular apophysis, v — ventral. Result Family Lycosidae Sundevall, 1833 Subfamily Artoriinae Framenau, 2007 Pamirosa gen. nov. https://zoobank. org/5D29F6B9-9434-4663-B88E-6098477C12E1 Type species. Pamirosa kudratbekovi sp. nov. Etymology. The generic name is derived from the type locality of the type species, Pamir Mountains, and end with —osa, typical ending for Lycosidae genera. The gen- der is feminine. zse.pensoft.net Fomichev, A.A. et al.: Pamirosa gen. nov., unexpected record of Artoriinae from Pamir Diagnosis. The new genus differs from all known gen- era of Artoriinae by the helicoid tip of embolus in male (vs. straight or smoothly curved) and by screw-shaped membranous copulatory ducts in female. The presence of membranous copulatory ducts is a unique character for Pamirosa gen. nov. which is unknown in all other genera of Lycosidae. Relationships. The new genus belongs to Artoriinae to judge from the following features: 1) small subtegulum lo- cated at retrolateral half of the bulb, 2) very complex tegular apophysis, 3) transversal course of the sperm duct, 4) ab- sence of palea, 5) presence of tegular outgrowth prolateral- ly from the tegular apophysis, 6) presence of basoembolic apophysis, 7) lacking cymbial claws (modified macrosetae), 8) posteriorly opened epigynal fovea lacking any septum. Description. See species description. Composition. Only the type species. Comments. Artoriinae are known to occur in the In- do-Malayan, Australasian, Pacific and Neotropical re- gions (Framenau 2007; Piacentini and Grismado 2009). The majority of taxa of Artoriinae are located in Austra- lia and New Zealand (Framenau 2007). Among these are the following genera: Anoteropsis L. Koch, 1878; Artoria Thorell, 1877; Artoriopsis Framenau, 2007; Diahogna Roewer, 1960; Kangarosa Framenau, 2010; Kochosa Fra- menau et al., 2023; Notocosa Vink, 2002 and Tetralycosa Roewer, 1960 (WSC 2024). Navira and Lobizon are re- stricted to the south of the Neotropical Realm (Piacentini and Grismado 2009). One genus of Artoritnae, Syroloma Simon, 1900, is known to be endemic to the Hawaiian Is- lands (WSC 2024). Species from the poorly known genus Lycosella Thorell, 1890 were described by Simon (WSC 2024) and Thorell (WSC 2024) from Hawaiian Islands and from Sumatra Island. There are no published images and redescriptions of Lycosella species. Two species of Ar- toria described from southern Africa (Roewer 1960) are most likely misplaced. Several species from this genus are known from the Malay Archipelago, Malay Peninsula and southeast China (Framenau 2005; Wang et al. 2019; 2021). Finally, the genus Sinartoria Wang, Framenau & Zhang, 2021, comprising two species, was recently described from the Daming Mountain in the tropical part of China (Wang et al. 2021). Thus, Pamirosa gen. nov. extends the known range of Artoriinae about 6° to the North and 28° to the West and is the first record of the subfamily in Central Asia (Fig. 51). More reports of Artoriinae in Tibet, the Himalaya and the Karakoram can be expected. Pamirosa kudratbekovi sp. nov. https://zoobank.org/4C8B361 F-07FA-47 19-994F-680251B7DF42 Figs 1-38, 49-54 Types. Holotype 3 (ISEA, 001.9080) and paratype 12 (SEA, 001.9081) Taskistan, Gorno-Badakhshan Region, Muzkol Mt Range, near Ak-Baital Mt Pass (38°32.871'N, 73°33.736'E), scree, 4700 m, 19 Jul. 2023, leg. A. A. Fomichev & Y. V. Dyachkov. Zoosyst. Evol. 100 (3) 2024, 1005-1015 1 1007 Figures 1-9. Male of Pamirosa kudratbekovi sp. nov. 1, 2. Habitus; 3. Cephalic part; 4. Leg I; 5. Whole palp; 6-9. Distal part of the palp. 1, 6. Dorsal; 2, 8. Ventral; 3. Anterior; 4-5, 9. Retrolateral; 7. Prolateral. Abbreviation: SS — stick-like seta. Scale bars: 2 mm (1, 2); 0.2 mm (3-9). Diagnosis. See generic diagnosis. Description. Male. Total length 8.2. Carapace: 4.35 long, 3.25 wide. Abdomen: 3.95 long, 2.6 wide. General appearance as in Figs 1, 2. Coloration. Carapace dark brown with brown, barely visible median band; lateral bands indistinct. Eye field almost black. Clypeus, che- licerae and labium dark brown. Endites and coxae yel- low-brown. Sternum brown, darker at margins. Palps dark brown, distal part of cymbium yellow. Legs dark brown, without annulations. Abdomen gray, with dark zse.pensoft.net 1008 Fomichev, A.A. et al.: Pamirosa gen. nov., unexpected record of Artoriinae from Pamir Figures 10-15. Bulb of Pamirosa kudratbekovi sp. nov. 10, 11. Prolateral; 12, 13. Ventral; 14, 15. Retrolateral. Abbreviation: St— subtegulum. 11, 13, 15. Courtesy of Galina N. Azarkina. Scale bars: 0.2 mm. 16 17 Figures 16-20. Embolic division of Pamirosa kudratbekovi sp. nov. 16. Prolateral; 17. Ventral; 18. Retrolateral; 19. Dorsal; 20. Anterior. Abbreviations: AM — accompanying membrane, BA — basoembolic apophysis, DE — distal part of embolus, DP— dorsal process of embolic division, PE — proximal part of embolus, Tr — terminal apophysis. Scale bar: 0.2 mm. zse.pensoft.net Zoosyst. Evol. 100 (3) 2024, 1005-1015 1009 Figures 21-30. Male of Pamirosa kudratbekovi sp. nov. 21-24. Tegulum; 25. Embolus; 26. Embolic division, 27—29. Tegular apophysis; 30. Tip of cymbium. 21, 29. Prolateral; 22, 24, 26, 28. Ventral; 23. Retrolateral; 25. Pro-ventral; 27, 30. Dorsal. Abbre- viations: BA — basoembolic apophysis, Cn — conductor, DE — distal part of embolus, DP — dorsal process of embolic division, PE — proximal part of embolus, PO — prolateral outgrowth of tegulum, PP — prolateral process of tegular apophysis, PS — plumose seta, RP — retrolateral process of tegular apophysis, RR — retrolateral ridge of tegulum, SD — sperm duct, SS — stick-like seta, St — sub- tegulum, TA — tegular apophysis, TD — threadlike denticles, Te — tegulum, Tr — terminal apophysis, TS — stalk of tegular apophysis. Scale bars: 0.2 mm (21-24, 26); 0.1 mm (25); 0.15 mm (27-29); 0.1 mm (30). zse.pensoft.net 1010 Fomichev, A.A. et al.: Pamirosa gen. nov., unexpected record of Artoriinae from Pamir Figures 31-38. Female of Pamirosa kudratbekovi sp. nov. 31-32. Habitus; 33-38. Epigyne. 31. Dorsal; 32. Ventral; 33. Intact, ventral; 34. Dissected, ventral; 35. Macerated, ventral; 36. Macerated, dorsal; 37, 38. Macerated and painted, dorsal. Abbreviations: CD — copulatory duct, CO — copulatory opening, EP — epigynal plate, FD — fertilization duct, Fo — fovea, Re — receptacle, RG — rod- shaped gland, RH — head of receptacle. Scale bars: 2 mm (31, 32); 0.2 mm (33-37); 0.1 mm (38). brick red-colored cardiac mark. Spinnerets gray. Eye siz- Table 1. Legs’ measurements of male of Pamirosa kudratbekovi es and interdistances: AME 0.1, ALE 0.11, PME 0.41, — SP. MOV. PLE 0.3, AME-AME 0.16, AME-ALE 0.16, PME-— f : Fe Pa Ti Mt Ts Total PME 0.43, PLE — PLE 1.26. Width of anterior eye TOW Lleel 33 16 30 29 145 «21235 0.86, 2™ row 1.13, 3 row 1.57. Clypeus height atAME “© . : : : Leg Il S:3 1.6 2.9 3.0 ko 23 0.16. Chelicerae with 3 promarginal and 3 retromarginal . Leg Ill 325 1.4 2.6 3.4 1.45 1D teeth. For legs measurements see Table 1. For legs spi- Leg IV 3.8 1.45 3.4 4.8 1.8 15:25 nation see Table 2. zse.pensoft.net Zoosyst. Evol. 100 (3) 2024, 1005-1015 1011 Table 2. Legs’ spination of male of Pamirosa kudratbekovi sp. nov. Fe Pa Leg | d1-1-1 p0-0-1 plrl Leg Il d1-1-1 p1-0-1 r1-0-0 pl rl Leg Ill d1-1-1 p1-0-1 r1-0-1 pl r2 Leg IV d1-1-1 p2-0-1 r0-0-2 plrl Male palp as shown in Figs 5—30. Femur 2.5 times lon- ger than tibia, with 3 dorsal and 2 prolateral spines. Patel- la 1.4 times longer than tibia, with one prolateral spine. Tibia 2.9 times shorter than cymbium. Cymbium broad and rounded; length/width ratio 1.6. Tip of cymbium bent dorsally and equipped with stick-like (NS) and plumose setae (PS). Subtegulum (St) very small, oval located on retrolateral side of bulb. Tegulum (Te) circular, length/ width ratio 0.74; anterior part with long and narrow ret- rolateral ridge (RR) on ventral margin of conductor (Cn) and triangular prolateral outgrowth (PO); conductor not tapering. Median sector of anterior edge of tegulum cov- ered with number of short, thread-like denticles (TD). Sperm duct (SD) S-shaped in retrolateral view; tegular apophysis complex. Thin stalk of tegular apophysis (TS) starts from dorsal surface of tegulum. Tegular apophysis massive, hammer-shaped; prolateral process of tegular apophysis (PP) triangular; retrolateral process of tegular apophysis (RP) semicircular, with tip bent ventrally. Palea absent. Embolus large, coiled in 2 planes; proximal part (PE) with accompanying membrane (AM) forming loop ca 270°. Basoembolic apophysis (BA) circular in ventral view, strongly sclerotized, in intact bulb tightly fixed be- tween prolateral outgrowth of tegulum (PO) and prolater- al process of tegular apophysis (PP). Terminal apophysis (Tr) elongated, with sharply pointed tip. Embolic division with small, sharply pointed dorsal process (DP), partly hidden by embolus in ventral view. Distal part of embolus (DE) tightly twisted, making two complete loops (720°). Female. Total length 8.0. Carapace: 4.1 long, 3.0 wide. Abdomen: 4.0 long, 2.45 wide. General appearance as in Figs 28, 29. Coloration as in male, but palps, legs, ven- ter of the abdomen and spinnerets lighter. Dorsal surface of abdomen with blurred herringbone pattern. Eye sizes and interdistances: AME 0.1, ALE 0.13, PME 0.39, PLE 0.27, AME-AME 0.19, AME-ALE 0.16, PME-PME 0.36, PLE-PLE 1.07. Width of anterior eye row 0.87, second row 1.06, third row 1.46. Clypeus height at AME 0.19. Chelicerae as in male. For legs’ measurements see Table 3. For legs’ spination see Table 4. Epigyne as shown in Figs 33-38. Epigynal plate trap- ezoidal, convex, with large trapezoidal fovea located pos- teriorly, septum absent. Fovea (Fo) ca. 3 times wider than d1-1-1 p0-1-1 0-2-1 v2-2-1-2 Ti Mt p1-0-0 r1-0-1 v2-2-1-2 p1-1-0 r1-1-0 v2-1-0 p1-0-0 r1-0-1 v2-2-1-2 p1-1-0 r1-1-0 v2-2-0 d1-0-1 p1-0-1 r1-0-1 v2-2-2 d0-1-0 p1-1-0 r1-1-0 v2-2-0 d1-1-0 p1-2-0 r1-1-0 v2-2-2 Table 3. Legs’ measurements of female of Pamirosa kudratbe- kovi sp. nov. Fe Pa Ti Mt Ts Total I OSES: 1.4 2325 2.0 115 9.55 ll 205 1.4 Pe 2.05 Fas) 9.5 lll 2AD 1:35 2.0 2.45 E25 9.8 IV 3.15 1.45 2.8 3.8 1.6 12.8 long. Copulatory openings (CO) located at antero-lateral parts of fovea. Copulatory ducts (CD) membranous, cork- screw-shaped, form approximately 3 turns around fertiliza- tion ducts (FD). Receptacles (Re) screw-shaped, strongly sclerotized; heads (RH) touching each other. Fertilization ducts (FD) sinusoidal, strongly sclerotized. Rod-shaped glands (RG) located posterior to the copulatory openings. Etymology. The specific name is a patronym in hon- our of Uvaido Kudratbekov (Porshinev, Tajikistan) who helped to organize an expedition to Pamir Mountains in which the types of this new species were collected. Distribution. Known only from the type locality (Figs 51-54). Note. Having only one female, we cannot cut the single epigyne to check the origin of membranous ducts in endo- gyne, which would allow us to perceive if they are copulato- ry or fertilization ducts. Membranous parts of the endogyne are unknown in other lycosids occurring in the Holarctic. Habitat. The specimens were collected among stone screes (Fig. 51) on elevations about 4700 m. Comments. Among the genera of alpine Lycosidae in- habiting stone screes in the Palearctic are the following: Acantholycosa Dahl, 1908; Dzhungarocosa, Evippa Si- mon, 1882; Gulocosa Marusik et al. 2015; Mongolicosa Marusik et al. 2004 and Sibirocosa Marusik et al. 2004 (see Table 5). Species from all of these genera share one common character: they have more than three pairs of ventral spines on tibia I. This is true for the widespread Acantholycosa complex (group of genera) and in genera not related to Acantholycosa Dahl, 1908 (Marusik et al. 2015; Fomichev and Marusik 2017; Fomichev 2022). Unlike all other scree-dwelling wolf-spiders, P. kudratbe- kovi sp. nov. has only three pairs of ventral tibial spines on leg I, as in many non- scree dwelling Pardosinae spi- ders (cf. Figs 49, 50, 39-48). Table 4. Legs’ spination of female of Pamirosa kudratbekovi sp. nov. Fe Pa I d1-1-1 p0-0-1 0 ll d1-1-1 p1-0-1 r0-1-0 pl Hl dl-1-1 p0-1-1 r0-1-1 pl rl IV dl-1-1 p1-0-1 r0-0-1 pl rl Ti Mt p1-0-0 r0-0-1 v2-2-2 p1-1-0 r1-1-0 v2-2-0 p1-0-1 r1-0-1 v2-2-2 p1-1-0 r1-1-0 v2-2-0 d1-1-0 p1-0-1 r1-0-1 v2-2-2 p1-1-0 r1-1-0 v2-2-0 d1-0-1 p1-0-1 r1-0-1 v2-2-2 d0-1-0 p1-1-0 r1-1-0 v2-1-2 zse.pensoft.net LOL Fomichev, A.A. et al.: Pamirosa gen. nov., unexpected record of Artoriinae from Pamir Table 5. Distribution of the genera of alpine scree-dwelling Lycosidae in mountain systems of Asia. * — our unpublished data. Putorana Plateau Mts. of North- Eastern Siberia Pardosinae Acantholycosa-complex Gulocosa Mongolicosa Sibirocosa|Dzhungarocosa Pardosa Acantholycosa Artoriinae Pamirosa Evippinae Evippa Mts. of South Siberia and Mongolia Sikhote-Alin Tarbagatai Dzhungarian Alatau Tian Shan Pamir Hindu Kush Tibetan Plateau + + + Himalayas + Main references Zyuzin and Marusik 1988; Marusik et Marusik et al. Omelko and} Fomichev and Marusik et al. 2004; Marusik al. 2015 2004 Marusik Marusik 2017 and Logunov 2011; Marusik 2013 and Omelko 2011 Kononenko 1978; Buchar 1984; Hu 2001; Omelko, 2009; Marusik et al. 2013 45 47 46 48 Present data Miller and Buchar 1972; Sankaran and Caleb 2023; present data Figures 39-50. Retro-ventral view of the tibia I. 39, 40. Acantholycosa sayanensis from South Siberia; 41, 42. Dzhungarocosa omelkoi from Kazakhstan; 43, 44. Mongolicosa glupovi from South Siberia; 45, 46. Sibirocosa arsenyevi from Far East of Russia; 47, 48. Evippa sp. from Pamir Mountains; 49, 50. Pamirosa kudratbekovi sp. nov. 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49. Male; 40, 42, 44, 46, 48, 50. Female. Arrows indicate ventral spines (some spines are broken). Scale bar: 1 mm. zse.pensoft.net Zoosyst. Evol. 100 (3) 2024, 1005-1015 1013 Figure 54. Collecting localities of Artoriinae in Palaearctic and Indo-Malayan Realm. Circle — Pamirosa kudratbekovi sp. nov.; square — Artoria spp.; diamond — Sinartoria spp.; triangle — Lycosella spp. ? — record without precise location. zse.pensoft.net 1014 Discussion Lycosidae is one of the dominant spider families in the highlands of the Palaearctic and in the Arctic (Buchar and Thaler 1998; Marusik and Koponen 2002). Within the highlands, these spiders primarily inhabit stony screes (Marusik et al. 2004). Most wolf spiders inhabiting the highlands of Asia belong to the so-called Acantholycosa complex (= group of genera) placed within Pardosinae (cf. Marusik et al. 2015). A great number of species with rang- es restricted to a single mountain range or even one moun- tain are known among alpine Lycosidae (Table 5). Several genera of alpine wolf spiders are known to be endemic to a specific mountain system. Examples of such genera are: Gulocosa for Sikhote-Alin Mt. range (south part of the Russian Far East), Melecosa Marusik, Omelko & Ko- ponen, 2015 for Tian Shan, Dzhungarocosa for Dzhun- garian Alatau and Pamirosa gen. nov. for Pamir Moun- tains (Marusik et al. 2004; Fomichev 2021; Marusik et al. 2015; Fomichev and Marusik 2017; present data). The most common genus of alpine Lycosidae is Acantholycosa Dahl, 1908. This genus is widespread in many mountain systems from Fennoscandia and North-Eastern Siberia to the Tarbagatai Mt. Range in Kazakhstan (Marusik et al. 2004; Marusik and Logunov 2011). The greatest diversity of scree-dwelling alpine wolf spiders is observed in the mountains of Southwest Siberia and Mongolia (Marusik et al. 2004; Fomichev and Marusik 2018; Fomichev 2021), due to representatives of three genera, Acanthol- ycosa, Mongolicosa and Sibirocosa. Despite the large number of species, there are no endemic genera among scree-dwelling Lycosidae in the mountains of South Si- beria (Fomichev 2021). Endemic genera are restricted to lower latitudes. It is worth noting that some of these en- demic genera, such as Dzhungarocosa and Pamirosa gen. nov., do not belong to the Acantholycosa complex, which is common in Siberia. Thus, for high-altitude wolf spiders, there is an increase in the level of endemism from north to south, accompanied by a simultaneous decrease in the role of the Acantholycosa complex, due to other genera with similar lifestyles that are not part of it. In the future, the discovery of additional new genera of scree-dwelling alpine wolf spiders, not belonging to the Acantholycosa complex, is very likely. Perhaps these undescribed genera will turn out to be as peculiar as Pamirosa gen. nov. In this regard, the most promising territories are Hindu Kush (Af- ghanistan, Pakistan), Karakorum (Pakistan, India, China), Himalaya (India, Nepal, Bhutan, China) and Tibet (Chi- na). For details on the distribution of the genera of alpine wolf spiders in mountain systems of Asia, see Table 5. Acknowledgements We thank Roman V. Yakovlev (Altai State Universi- ty), Uvaido Kudratbekov (Porshinev, Tajikistan) and Vyacheslav V. Doroshkin (Chelyabinsk, Russia) for orga- nizing and undertaking an expedition to Pamir, in which zse.pensoft.net Fomichev, A.A. et al.: Pamirosa gen. nov., unexpected record of Artoriinae from Pamir the material treated in this paper was collected. Special thanks go to Yuri V. Dyachkov (Altai State University) for being a great help in field work and collecting. We also wish to thank Galina N. Azarkina (ISEA) for preparing drawings of the bulb and helping with producing scan- ning electron micrographs and Natalya Y. Speranskaya (Altai State University) for providing institutional facili- ties. We are grateful to Dmitri V. Logunov (Manchester, UK) for commenting on an early draft of the manuscript and Lu- Yu Wang (Chongqing, China) for the help in rec- ognizing the subfamily to which the new genus belongs. The English in the final draft was kindly edited by Dan- niella Sherwood (London, UK). The work of Alexander A. Fomichev was funded by the state assignment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (project FZMW-2023-0006 “Endemic, local and invasive arthropods (Arthropoda) of the mountains of South Siberia and Central Asia: a unique gene pool of a biodiversity hotspot”. The work by Mikhail M. Omelko was carried out within the state assignment of the Minis- try of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Fed- eration (theme No. 124012200183-8). Finally, we thank the editor and reviewers Francesco Ballarin (Tokyo, Ja- pan), Luis Piacentini (Buenos Aires, Argentina) and Luis C. Crespo (Lisboa, Portugal) for their critical comments which helped to improve the manuscript. References Andreeva EM (1976) Pauki Tadzhikistana [Spiders of Tajikistan]. Dushanbe, 196 pp. [in Russian] Armiach Steinpress I, Alderweireldt M, Cohen M, Chipman A, Gavish-Regev E (2021) Synopsis of the Evippinae (Araneae, Lycosi- dae) of Israel, with description of a new species. European Journal of Taxonomy 733: 87-124. https://doi.org/10.5852/ejt.2021.733.1225 Buchar J (1976) Uber einige Lycosiden (Araneae) aus Nepal. Ergeb- nisse des Forschungsunternehmens Nepal Himalaya 5: 201—227. Buchar J (1984) Lycosidae aus dem Nepal-Himalaya. III. 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