Zoosyst. Evol. 100 (3) 2024, 1099-1106 | DOI 10.3897/zse.100.127612 ee re BERLIN First record of the genus Falconina (Araneae, Corinnidae) from Mexico, with a description of a new species and observations on its interactions with ants Guillermo Ibarra-Nufiez', Linda Marin? 1 E&I Colegio de la Frontera, Sur. Carretera Antiguo Aeropuerto km 2.5, Tapachula, Chiapas, C: P. 30700, Mexico 2 Instituto de Investigaciones Forestales, Universidad Veracruzana, Parque El Haya, Carretera Antigua a Coatepec, Xalapa, Veracruz, C. P 91070, Mexico https://zoobank. org/C271E63A-0E30-452A-855A-BF028E691880 Corresponding authors: Linda Marin (lemarinsky@gmail.com); Guillermo Ibarra-Nufiez (gibarra@ecosur.mx) Academic editor: Danilo Harms # Received 15 May 2024 Accepted 13 July 2024 Published 1 August 2024 Abstract Falconina cafetera sp. nov. (Araneae, Corinnidae) is described based on specimens of both sexes. Specimens were collected in shaded coffee agro-ecosystems and in a suburban cacao orchard in Chiapas, Mexico. This new species is the first Falconina recorded from Mexico and the northernmost species of the genus in continental America, with the exception of F. gracilis (Keyserling, 1891) introduced to the USA and Cuba. F. cafetera sp. nov. differs from all other Falconina species by having most of its opisthosoma light-colored with some dark patches and by the characteristics of the male palp and female epigynum. Observations are included about one sclerite found in the male palp of this species, not mentioned for other species in this genus. The key of Falconina species by Garcia and Bonaldo (2023) is modified to include this species. Furthermore, field observations and laboratory rearing of juveniles indicate that F: cafetera sp. nov. spiders are able to feed on ants. Key Words Coffee agroecosystems, Chiapas, North America, male palpal structure Introduction The taxonomic history of the genus Falconina Brignoli, 1985 (Corinnidae) has been summarized by Garcia and Bonaldo (2023) in a review of this genus. Currently, Fal- conina includes 10 species: nine from South America and one from Central America (World Spider Catalog 2024). It should be noted that F’ gracilis (Keyserling, 1891), orig- inally recorded from South America, has recently been introduced into the United States of America (Valle et al. 2013; Ubick and Richman 2017) and Cuba (Garcia and Bonaldo 2023). Here we describe Falconina cafetera sp. nov., the first species of this genus recorded from Mexico. We include observations on its palpal morphology, includ- ing the origin of one bulbar sclerite, not mentioned previ- ously for other species in this genus, and present observa- tions on interactions of this species with ants. Moreover, we propose a modification to the key of Falconina species by Garcia and Bonaldo (2023) to include F’ cafetera sp. nov. Methods The examined specimens are deposited in the follow- ing institutions (acronyms and curators in parenthesis): American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA (AMNH, L. Prendini); Coleccion Nacional de Aracni- dos, Instituto de Biologia, UNAM, México (CNAN, E. Gonzalez-Santillan); Coleccion de Aracnidos del Sur- este de México, El Colegio de la Frontera Sur (ECOS- UR), Tapachula, Chiapas, México (ECOTAAR, G. Ibar- ra-Nufiez); Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Copyright /barra-NUfiez, G. & Marin L. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unre- stricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 1100 MA., USA (MCZ, G. Giribet). Specimens were measured and photographed with an Olympus SZX16 microscope provided with an ocular reticle and a Sony SLT-A58 dig- ital camera. All measurements are in millimeters (mm). Leg measurements are noted as total length (femur, pa- tella, tibia, metatarsus, and tarsus). Images from multiple focal planes were assembled with ZERENE STACKER (version 1.04) image stacking software. Drawings were made with INKSCAPE (version 1.3) drawing software. Color descriptions are for live specimens, with notes on color changes in ethanol. Male palp was expanded in KOH 10% for 15 minutes, then transferred to distilled water, and after expansion, returned to ethanol 80%. Fe- male genitalia were dissected and cleaned with a solution made with an eye lens cleaner (half a tablet of AMO UI- trazyme with Subtilisin A, diluted in | ml of distilled wa- ter) and cleared with methyl salicylate. Spination follows Petrunkevitch (1925). The format of descriptions follows Garcia and Bonaldo (2023) with modifications. Abbreviations Female structures: AEP, anterior epigynal plate; CD, copulatory duct; CO, copulatory opening; ExPVP, ex- tension of posterior vulvar plate; FD, fertilization duct; PmEP, posterior margin of the epigynal plate; PVP, poste- rior vulvar plate; S1, primary spermatheca; S2, secondary spermatheca. Male structures, AS, apical spur of RTA; C, conductor; Cb, cymbium; CRP, cymbial retrolateral basal process; E, embolus; EB, embolar base; H, hematodocha; ML, median lobe of RTA; Pe, petiole; PTA, prolateral tib- ial apophysis; RPE, retrolateral process of embolar base; RTA, retrolateral tibial apophysis; Sp, spermophore; ST, subtegulum; T, tegulum; TP, tegular process; TPlss, less sclerotized stripe on tegular process; VL, ventral lobe of RTA; VPE, ventral process of embolar base. Results Taxonomy Family Corinnidae Karsch, 1880 Genus Falconina Brignoli, 1985 Falconina cafetera sp. nov. https://zoobank.org/D7235BOF-5DD5-46A 8-8873-BF1910BABA9F Figs 1-23 Type material. Mexico * 1 < holotype, Chiapas, Municipio de Tapachula, Finca Santa Anita; 15.1579°N, 92.3438°W; 980 m a.s.l.; 24 Oct. 2012; L. Marin leg.; in soil of coffee orchard, kept alive, became adult 7 Dec. 2012 (ECOTAAR-O11484). Paratypes. Mexico * | & (allotype); Chiapas, Munic- ipio de Tapachula, Finca Irlanda; 15.1697°N, 92.3400°W; 1070 m a.s.l.; 20 Jul. 2012; L. Marin leg.; in soil of cof- fee orchard (ECOTAAR-011485) * 1 4; same data as for zse.pensoft.net lbarra-Nunez, G. & Marin L.: First record and a new species of the spider genus Fa/conina from Mexico holotype; became adult 10 Dec. 2012 (CNAN)* 1 3; same data as for holotype; became adult 11 Dec. 2012 (MCZ) « 1 4; same data as for holotype; became adult 12 Dec. 2012 (AMNH) « 1 3; same data as for holotype; became adult 14 Dec. 2012 (ECOTAAR-11489) « 1 2; same data as for holotype; 15.1554°N, 92.3403°W; 830 ma.s.1.; 31 Jul. 2011; (CNAN) « | 2; same data as for preceding; (ECO- TAAR-11491) * 1 4; same data as for allotype; (ECO- TAAR-11492) © 1 4; Chiapas, Municipio de Tapachula, Camino a Raymundo Enriquez; 14.8738°N, 92.3096°W; 100 m as.l.; 15 Oct. 2015; E. Chamé-Vazquez leg.; in suburban cacao orchard (ECOTAAR-011498). Etymology. The specific name is an arbitrary combi- nation of letters derived from the Spanish word for cof- fee plantation, “finca cafetalera,” where this species was first collected. Differential diagnosis. Males and females differ from all other species by having most of their opisthosoma light in color with some dark patches (Figs 1-4, 21), while in all other species it is mostly dark with some light patches. Males of Falconina cafetera sp. nov. are similar to F. al- bomaculosa by sharing a long apical spur, by having only two lobes (ventral and median) on the retrolateral tibial apophysis, and by having a lighter, less sclerotized, lon- gitudinal stripe (TPlss) on the sclerotized tegular process (Figs 5-16; figs 13A, 14A in Garcia and Bonaldo 2023). Males of F: cafetera sp. nov. differ from F: albomaculosa by having a prominent prolateral tibial apophysis (small in F. albomaculosa), a relatively longer tibia, with the length of the prolateral margin of the tibia (including PTA) about two thirds the cymbium length on its prolateral margin (about half the cymbium length in F) albomaculosa), a massive cymbial retrolateral basal process (smaller in F. albomaculosa) (Fig. 6; fig. 13A in Garcia and Bonaldo 2023); the apical spur slender (thicker in F? albomaculosa), and the median lobe of the RTA subtriangular (squared in F. albomaculosa) (Fig. 7; fig. 13B in Garcia and Bonaldo 2023). The epigynum of F cafetera sp. nov. females is similar to that of F’ albomaculosa in having the posterior margin of the anterior epigynal plate procurved and close to the posterior margin of epigynum, PVP slightly project- ed posteriorly (Fig. 17; fig. 14C in Garcia and Bonaldo 2023), and dorsally by having copulatory ducts in heavily sclerotized, wide chambers (Fig. 18; fig. 14D in Garcia and Bonaldo 2023); F’ cafetera sp. nov. females differ from F: albomaculosa in having the posterior margin of the anterior epigynal plate with a shallow notch (notch pronounced in F) albomaculosa), the posterior margin of the posterior vulvar plate almost straight (procurved in F. albomaculosa) (Fig. 17; fig. 14C in Garcia and Bonaldo 2023), in dorsal view the posterior vulvar plate wider than long (about as wide as long in F) albomaculosa), with its anterior margin straight (procurved in F’ albomaculosa), primary spermathecae separated by about four times their own diameter (separated by less than three diameters in F. albomaculosa), and by having secondary spermathecae inserted anteriorly in relation to primary spermathecae (secondary spermathecae inserted medially in F’ albomac- ulosa) (Fig. 18; fig. 14D in Garcia and Bonaldo 2023). Zoosyst. Evol. 100 (3) 2024, 1099-1106 1101 Figures 5—10. Male palp of Falconina cafetera sp. nov. 5—7. Field-collected specimen (ECOTAAR-011492); 8-10. Laboratory-reared specimen recently molted (ECOTAAR-011489); 5, 8. Prolateral view; 6, 9. Ventral view; 7, 10. Retrolateral view; AS—apical spur of RTA; C—conductor; Cbh—cymbium; CRP—cymbial retrolateral basal process; E—embolus; EB—embolar base; ML—median lobe of RTA; PTA—prolateral tibial apophysis; RPE—retrolateral process of embolar base; Sp—spermophore; ST—subtegulum; T—tegulum; TP—tegular process; VL—ventral lobe of RTA; VPE—ventral process of embolar base. Scale bars: 0.5 mm (5-10). zse.pensoft.net 1102 Description. Male (holotype). Color pattern and habitus. Carapace dark brown, pars thoracica lighter, eyes surrounded by narrow black rings; chelicerae dark brown, labium and endites brown, distal margins of en- dites white; sternum light brown with brown margin; pal- pal trochanter to patella light brown, tibia dark brown, cymbium brown; legs: coxa, trochanter yellowish brown, femur to metatarsus dark brown, with dorsal lighter patches, tarsus light brown; opisthosoma orange (light yellow in ethanol), with two small oval black patches at the sides of anterior half, a thick, transversal black band at posterior half, with a thin, transverse orange (light-yellow in ethanol) line near its posterior margin, the thick black band continues to the sides, narrowing, posteriorly direct- ed, surrounding the spinnerets, dorsum with an orange (yellow in ethanol), narrow, coriaceous dorsal scutum on the anterior two thirds (Figs 1-2, 21). Carapace mostly glabrous, with very short, sparse, translucid setae, with a zse.pensoft.net lbarra-Nunez, G. & Marin L.: First record and a new species of the spider genus Fa/conina from Mexico E RPE Figures 11-16. Expanded male palp of Falconina cafetera sp. nov. 11-13. Field-collected specimen (ECOTAAR-011492); 14-16. Drawings based on figures 11-13; 11, 14. Prolateral view; 12, 15. Ventral view; 13, 16. Retrolateral view; C—conductor; E—embolus; EB—embolar base; H—hematodocha; Pe—petiole; RPE—retrolateral process of embolar base; ST—subtegulum; T—tegulum; TP—tegular process; VPE—ventral process of embolar base. few sparse long setae on the ocular area; fovea longitudi- nal; chelicera geniculate, with prominent cheliceral boss, anterior face with abundant small tubercles supporting small erect setae and a few sparse long setae, promargin of cheliceral furrow with rows of long bristles, with three teeth (second tooth largest), retromargin with four teeth; sternum with scattered small tubercles and a few long, scattered setae. Dorsum of opisthosoma covered with abundant, small, translucid setae, darker over and around the black patches, with scattered long setae, venter with abundant, small, gray setae (Figs 1-2). Metatarsi I-IV with dense preening brush. Measurements. Total length 5.94; carapace length 2.81, width 2.25, sternum length 1.45, width 1.40; opisthosoma length 3.05, width 2.16. Anterior, posterior eye rows procurved; anterior median eyes largest, separated by a little less their diameter; an- terior eye row width 0.76, posterior eye row width 0.90; median ocular quadrangle length 0.40, anterior width Zoosyst. Evol. 100 (3) 2024, 1099-1106 19 1103 20 Figures 17—20. Female epigynum of Falconina cafetera sp. nov. 17-18. Field-collected specimen (ECOTAAR-011491); 19-20. Draw- ings based on figures 17-18; 17, 19. Ventral view; 18, 20. Dorsal view (cleared); AEP—anterior epigynal plate; CD—copulatory duct; CO—copulatory opening; ExPVP—extension of posterior vulvar plate; FD—fertilization duct; PmEP—posterior margin of the epigynal plate; PVP—posterior vulvar plate; S1—primary spermatheca; S2—secondary spermatheca. Scale bar: 0.5 mm (17). 0.46, posterior width 0.44; clypeus height 0.28. Legs measurements. | total 9.04 (femur 2.40/ patella 1.00/ tib- ia 2.20/ metatarsus 1.84/ tarsus 1.60); II 8.04 (2.32/ 0.92/ 1.84/ 1.76/ 1.20); III 7.57 (2.06/ 0.76/ 1.55/ 1.84/ 1.36); IV 9.97 (2.60/ 0.91/ 2.12/ 2.76/ 1.58). Leg formula 4123. Legs spination. Femora: I d1-1, pO0-0-1; II dl-1, p0-0-2; I-IV d1-1-1, pO-1-1, r0-0-1; tibiae: I v4-4-4; II v4-4, pl; III-IV d0-0-1, p1-0-1, rl-O0-1, v2-2-2; metatarsi: I-I v2-2; III-IV pl-1, rl-1, v2-2-2. Male Palp. Tibia heavi- ly sclerotized, conoid, wider than long, its length about two thirds the cymbium length, with a rounded, prolateral apophysis (PTA) conspicuous, distally oriented, RTA bi- lobed, with a massive, subtriangular, median lobe (ML) projected retrodistally, concave on its inner face, and with a smaller ventral lobe (VL) with conical base, its retrolat- eral face membranous, where arises a long, straight, thin apical spur (AS) pointing ventrodistally, its tip slightly sinuous (Figs 5—7). Cymbium (Cb) about twice as long as wide, with a heavily sclerotized, wide, squared, pro- lateral basal process, having a shallow grove facing the PTA (Figs 5—6, 8-9); with a massive, heavily sclerotized cymbial retrolateral basal process (CRP) much extended proximally, opposite to ML, subquadrate, somewhat ear- like in ventral view (Figs 6, 7, 9), its dorsal face convex, its ventral face concave (Figs 6, 9). Bulb structures heav- ily sclerotized, subtegulum (ST) long, partially visible on prolateral view (Figs 5, 8), completely visible in the expanded bulb (Figs 11—16), in which is also visible the petiole (Pe), as a slightly sclerotized rectangular plate at the dorsal part of alveolus, united to the basal hemato- docha (Fig. 12, 15). The spermophore (Sp) occupies the basal half of bulb; tegulum (T) convex, occupying almost all width of alveolus, narrowed on its proximal margin (Figs 5-10), prolonged distally as a prolateral, laminar tegular process (TP), longer than wide, subrectangular, slightly convex, with a longitudinal, lighter, less sclero- tized stripe (TPlss), its distal prolateral corner rounded, its distal retrolateral corner pointed, its retrolateral mar- gin (next to the less sclerotized stripe) hidden by the ven- tral process of the embolar base (VPE) (Figs 5, 6, 8, 9); embolar base (EB) rounded, heavily sclerotized, arising on the dorsal, distal tegulum, in ventral view hidden by the tegular process, in prolateral view between subtegu- lum and tegular process (Figs 5, 8); embolus (E) starting zse.pensoft.net 1104 lbarra-Nunez, G. & Marin L.: First record and a new species of the spider genus Fa/conina from Mexico Figures 21—23. Live specimens of Falconina cafetera sp. nov. 21. Pair of Falconina cafetera sp. nov. collected to be used in feeding trials, showing color pattern of living specimens; 22, 23. Male and female living specimens of Falconina cafetera sp. nov. each feeding on an Azteca sericeasur ant; 22. Male; 23. Female. on the ventral side of EB, spine-like, angled at mid length (Figs 7, 10, 11-16), embolar base with two processes be- yond embolus, a short, blunt retrolateral process (RPE) (Figs 6, 7,9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16), and a greatly developed U-shaped ventral process (VPE) issuing from EB, proxi- mally directed, overlapping the distal-retrolateral area of the tegulum, then making an U-twist (Figs 7, 10, 13, 16), widening to form a heavily sclerotized, convex, subtrian- gular plate distally oriented, adjacent and overlapping the retrolateral margin of TP, in ventral view hiding the E and part of the EB (Figs 5-16); conductor (C) membranous, slender, sinuous, arising from the distal, retrolateral cor- ner of T, flattened and slightly widened distally, ending in front of embolus tip (Figs 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 16). Female (allotype). Color pattern as in male, except palpal tibia, tarsus brown, tip of tarsi light brown; opist- hosoma without dorsal scutum, posterior thick transver- sal black band with two middle, orange (light yellow in ethanol), threadlike chevrons (Figs 3-4). Measurements. Total length 5.32; carapace length 2.40, width 1.90, ster- num length 1.27, width 1.20; opisthosoma length 2.92, width 2.20. Anterior eye row width 0.68, posterior eye row width 0.78; median ocular quadrangle length 0.34, anterior width 0.36, posterior width 0.38; clypeus height 0.18. Legs measurements. | total 6.20+ (2.10/ 0.84/ 1.80/ 1.46/ lacking); Il 7.03 (1.98/ 0.78/ 1.61/ 1.40/ 1.26); II 6.45 (1.80/ 0.61/ 1.43/ 1.65/ 0.96); IV 8.74 (2.28/ 0.79/ 1.91/ 2.44/ 1.32). Leg spination. As in male, except fem- ora: II dl-1, pO-O0-1; IV d1-1-1, pl-0-1, r0-0-1; tibiae: II v4-4, p2; IV pl-0-1, rl-0-1, v2-2-2; metatarsus: II pl-1- 1, rl-1-1, v2-2-1r. Female genitalia. Epigynum heavily sclerotized, wider than long, maximum width at posterior half; anterior plate (AEP) occupying about nine-tenths of epigynum length, posterior margin (PmEP) procurved, close to posterior margin of posterior vulvar plate (PVP), with a median, small, copulatory opening (CO) partially covered by a shallow hood (Figs 17, 19); with posterior margin of PVP almost straight, slightly projected over epigastric furrow, occupying about four-fifths of epigy- num width (Figs 17, 19); dorsally, vulva with a wider than long, subrectangular PVP occupying the posterior zse.pensoft.net two-fifths of epigynum, having anterolateral sclerotized extensions (ExPVP) joined to primary spermathecae (S1) (Figs 18, 20); copulatory ducts (CD) visible in the cleared epigynum, long, slender, widening distally, ducts inside heavily sclerotized wide chambers, about half as long as epigynum, almost contiguous, ending at about one-tenth of anterior epigynum margin, where emerges on each, an anteriorly, small, globular secondary spermatheca (S2), separated one from the other by about five diameters, fol- lowed posteriorly by an elliptic, disk-like S1, just lateral and closely joined to the anterior end of each wide cham- ber, separated one from the other by about three diame- ters, its width about two diameters that of S2: fertilization duct (FD) short, arc-shaped, sclerotized, originating on the posterior margin of each S1, lateral to the point where extensions of PVP join to S1 (Figs 18, 20). Variation. Males (n= 7): total body length 4.88—6.60; carapace length 2.42—3.00; carapace width 2.08—2.38; leg I: femur 2.30—2.63, patella 0.90-1.06, tibia 2.05—2.44, metatarsus 1.78—1.97, tarsus 1.49-1.90; leg IV: femur 2.48-2.78, patella 0.85—1.03, tibia 2.02—2.28, metatar- sus 2.65—3.04, tarsus 1.49-1.70. Females (n = 3): total body length 5.22—5.76; carapace length 2.30—2.44; car- apace width 1.77—1.96; leg I: femur 1.95—2.10, patella 0.71-0.84, tibia 1.67—1.80, metatarsus 1.37—1.46, tarsus 1.24—-1.25; leg IV: femur 1.96—2.28, patella 0.72-0.79, tibia 1.64—1.91, metatarsus 2.20—2.44, tarsus 1.21—1.32. Distribution. Known only from the collection locali- ties in Chiapas, México. This 1s the first record for a Fal- conina species in Mexico and the northernmost native species of this genus in continental America. Field observations and rearing trials. In the coffee plantations, specimens of F’ cafetera sp. nov. were ob- served wandering in tree trunks with Azteca sericeasur Longino, 2007 (Formicidae: Dolichoderinae) nests (at heights between 1 and 1.6 m above the ground) or in the soil leaf litter accumulated at the base of those trees, but rarely far away from trees with ant nests. In order to cor- roborate that F’ cafetera sp. nov. lives in close proximity with A. sericeasur ants, nests of these ants were disturbed by stirring a fine stick into them. After the disturbance, ac- Zoosyst. Evol. 100 (3) 2024, 1099-1106 tive F cafetera sp. nov. spiders were observed coming out of the nests along with some excited ants; however, when ants were very close to spiders, these tended to evade them. In order to test whether F’ cafetera sp. nov. con- sumed A. sericeasur individuals, feeding trials were car- ried out at Finca Irlanda. For these trials, 18 spiders were captured alive (Fig. 21), and each spider was put into a 1-liter plastic container with approximately 25 A. sericea- sur ants. After 24 hours, we found 11 ants dead, and two spiders were observed with an ant on their chelicerae (Fig. 22-23). However, we do not know if the spiders preyed on alive, healthy ants or consumed dead or injured ants. 1105 Additionally, stx juvenile spiders were collected alive and reared at the Coleccion de Aracnidos del Sureste de Méx- ico (32 km away from the coffee plantations, without the availability of Azteca ants). These juveniles were offered two types of prey. For the first two weeks, each juvenile received two Camponotus sp. Mayr, 1861 ants (Formici- dae: Formicinae). Every two days, the spiders accepted the Camponotus ants as prey. Later, in lack of ants, one Anas- trepha sp. Schiner, 1868 fruit fly (Diptera, Tephritidae) was offered to each of these juveniles every three days; all flies were accepted as prey. All laboratory-reared individ- uals (except one that escaped its cage) reached adulthood. Proposed addition to the key to the species of Falconina by Garcia and Bonaldo (2023) 1A Opisthosoma mostly dark in color with some light patches - Opisthosoma mostly light in color with some dark patches (Figs 1-4, 21) ..........e eee Falconina cafetera sp. nov. Discussion The previously known species of Falconina were found only in South and Central America, with one species in- troduced in the USA and Cuba (Valle et al. 2013; Ubick and Richman 2017; Garcia and Bonaldo 2023). Falconi- na cafetera sp. nov. 1s the first species of this genus from Mexico and extends the natural distribution of the genus Falconina to North America. Falconina cafetera sp. nov. is one additional example of spider genera that were pre- viously found only in South America and are now found in Chiapas, Mexico, as is the case of the genera Josa (Ibarra-Nufiez et al. 2011), Zaczanowskia (Ibarra-Nufiez 2013), and Wirada (Campuzano and Ibarra-Nufiez 2018). This is the first Falconina species in which the ventral process of the embolar base (VPE) has been observed. This is an unusual sclerite; no record has been made for other species in this genus, nor seemingly for any other species of the subfamily Corinninae. In this subfamily, the bulb structures are usually strongly sclerotized (except the conductor), which makes it difficult to study them with an optical microscope since the boundaries between sclerites are difficult to discern. However, the observation of a re- cently molted adult male of Falconina cafetera sp. nov., with the bulb structures slightly sclerotized (Figs 8-10), and the expansion of the bulb in other specimens (Figs 11-16) facilitated the observation of the VPE as a sclerite developed from the embolar base, not as a bifurcation of the tegular process. In Falconina cafetera sp. nov., there are two structures issued from the embolar base: 1) the retrolateral process of the embolar base (RPE), corre- sponding to the “embolar process, developed retrolater- ally” of Garcia and Bonaldo (2023, page 203), and 2) the greatly developed VPE. In ventral view, the VPE shows a rounded proximal, prolateral edge, where it overlaps the TP. This seems to be indicative of the U-shaped fold of this sclerite. This same rounded edge seems to be present in the palps of some other Falconina species, as figured in F. adriki (fig. 15A in Garcia and Bonaldo 2023), F- al- bomaculosa (fig. 13A in Garcia and Bonaldo 2023), and FE. melloi (figs 6-7 in Miller and Heimer 1988; fig. 211 in Bonaldo 2000; fig. 12B in Garcia and Bonaldo 2023). It is possible that those species have a palp configuration like that of F? cafetera sp. nov. concerning the presence of a VPE, but which until now has not been observed due to intense sclerotization and tight overlap of VPE over TP. Submitting the palp of those species to expansion or ex- amination at the scanning electronic microscope can help to clarify this issue. Among the Falconina species, only F. gracilis has been previously observed having interactions with ants (Fowler 1984; Ubick and Richman 2017; Garcia and Bonaldo 2023). Cushing (1997, 2012) defined three types of associations between spiders and ants: myrmecomor- phy (mimicry), myrmecophily, and myrmecophagy. Myr- mecomorph spiders have a modified body and/or color pattern that “gives the illusion that the spider has more than two body parts” and a way of moving that mim- ics that of ants. In addition, myrmecomorph spiders are normally active during the day, like the ants they mimic (Cushing 2012). Falconina gracilis (cited as its junior synonym Corina vertebrata Mello-Leitéo, 1939) has been considered an apparent myrmecomorph of Acro- myrmex landolti (Forel, 1885) (Myrmicinae) because the “spider resembled the worker ant, both in size and form” (Fowler 1984). The bright orange hue of the opisthosoma of live F: cafetera sp. nov. individuals (Fig. 21) is like that of the abdomen of Azteca sericeasur ants, but the shape and size of the spiders (being clearly bigger than the ants, Figs 22, 23) are not visually close to those of these ants, indicating the spider does not have the characteristics of a myrmecomorph (Cushing 2012). Myrmecophile spiders have adaptations to live along- side the ants or within the ant colonies, such as a small size, chemical mimicry, and mechanisms to mislead or appease the ant hosts (Cushing 2012). Falconina gracilis zse.pensoft.net 1106 individuals have been observed entering and leaving nests of Acromyrmex landolti (Fowler 1984) and Atta spp. (Myrmicinae) (Garcia and Bonaldo 2023). Fowler (1984) observed that “when touched by an ant in the foraging column, the spider momentarily accelerates...” indicating a refusal to be contacted by ants. Ubick and Richman (2017) cite that F? gracilis has been associated with nests of Solenopsis invicta Buren, 1972 (Myrmi- cinae) in Texas, where both ant and spider are consid- ered introduced species. However, Ubick and Richman did not mention the type of association that was ob- served between spiders and ants. Some F: cafetera sp. nov. individuals were observed coming out of ant nests. Nevertheless, individual spiders are about one-third to one-half longer than Azteca sericeasur workers (Figs 22, 23), and the observation of F: cafetera sp. nov. in- dividuals evading contact with groups of Azteca seri- ceasur suggests that these spiders lack mechanisms to pass unnoticed when meeting ants, so it could not be a myrmecophile. Contrary to most spiders, myrmecophage spiders can take ants as prey. Some species of myrmecophage spiders use several mechanisms to reduce or inhibit the ageression of ants (Cushing 2012). Falconina gracilis individuals have been observed preying on the ants Ac- romyrmex landolti (Fowler 1984) and Atta spp. (Garcia and Bonaldo 2023). Individuals of F cafetera sp. nov. were observed eating Azteca sericeasur and Campono- tus sp. ants but also accepted non-ant prey in laboratory trials. The fact that practically all the laboratory-reared juveniles reached adulthood on a mixed diet of ants and dipterans suggests this spider is a generalist predator, but in contrast to many other spider species, F’ cafetera sp. nov. can capture and eat ants. However, more studies are needed to elucidate accurately this spider’s relationships with ants. Acknowledgments Thanks are due to Cristian Lopez and Gabriel Domiguez for their help with field work, to Zach Hajian Fooro- shani for his collaboration at the beginning of this work, and to Ivette Perfecto for her comments on preliminary findings. Specimens were collected under permit SGPA/ DGVS/03998/11 issued by Mexico's Secretaria de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT). The au- thors thank the reviewers, N. Dupérré and I. Magalhaes, for their helpful and insightful suggestions. This work was supported by a doctoral Conacyt fellowship granted to L. M. The Universidad Veracruzana and El Colegio de la Frontera Sur supported the writing process. zse.pensoft.net lbarra-Nunez, G. & Marin L.: First record and a new species of the spider genus Fa/conina from Mexico References Bonaldo AB (2000) Taxonomia da subfamilia Corinninae (Arane- ae, Corinnidae) nas regioes Neotropica e Nearctica. Iheringia. Série Zoologia 89(89): 3-148. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0073- 47212000000200001 Brignoli PM (1985) On some generic homonymies in spiders (Arane- ae). 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