BioRisk | yf 20 13 | 2 (2022) Apeer-reviewed open-access journal doi: 10.3897/biorisk.17.77327 RESEARCH ARTICLE & B} te) Re IS k Screening of Amorpha fruticosa and Ailanthus altissima extracts for genotoxicity/ antigenotoxicity, mutagenicity/antimutagenicity and carcinogenicity/anticarcinogenicity Teodora Todorova', Krassimir Boyadzhiev', Aleksandar Shkondrov’, Petya Parvanova', Maria Dimitrova', Iliana Ionkova’, Ilina Krasteva’, Ekaterina Kozuharova*, Stephka Chankova' | Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 2 Gagarin Str, 1113, Sofia, Bulgaria 2 Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University of Sofia 2, Dunav Str., 1000, Sofia, Bulgaria Corresponding author: Teodora Todorova ( Academic editor: Kalina Danova | Received 1 November 2021 | Accepted 14 December 2021 | Published 21 April 2022 Citation: Todorova T, Boyadzhiev K, Shkondrov A, Parvanova P, Dimitrova M, Ionkova I, Krasteva I, Kozuharova E, Chankova S (2022) Screening of Amorpha fruticosa and Ailanthus altissima extracts for genotoxicity/antigenotoxicity, mutagenicity/antimutagenicity and carcinogenicity/anticarcinogenicity. In: Chankova S, Peneva V, Metcheva R, Beltcheva M, Vassilev K, Radeva G, Danova K (Eds) Current trends of ecology. BioRisk 17: 201-212. https://doi. org/10.3897/biorisk.17.77327 Abstract The aim of the present study was to evaluate the potential genotoxic/antigenotoxic, mutagenic/antimuta- genic, and carcinogenic/anticarcinogenic effect of Amorpha fruticosa (AF) fruit, Ailanthus altissima bark hexane (AAEH) and methanol (AAEM) extracts on a model system Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Plants were identified and extracted by Ekaterina Kozuharova. Three concentrations of each extract were tested — 10, 100 and 1000 pg/ml. In vitro pro-oxidant/antioxidant activities were evaluated by DPPH and DNA to- pology assay. The potential genotoxic/antigenotoxic, mutagenic/antimutagenic and carcinogenic/anticarcino- genic effects were revealed in vivo by: Zimmermman’s test on Saccharomyces cerevisiae diploid strain D7ts1, and Ty retrotransposition test on S. cerevisiae haploid strain 551. Zeocin was used as a positive control. Based on the in vitro antioxidant activity the extracts could be arranged as follows: AF>AAEM>AAEH. AAEH possessed moderate oxidative potential. No genotoxic and mutagenic capacity was obtained in vivo for extracts tested. The levels of total aberrants, convertants and revertants were comparable with the control ones. No Ty] retrotransposition was induced by extracts treatment. Further, the extracts possessed well-expressed antigenotoxic, antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic activity. Significant reduction of the total aberrants, reverse point mutations and Ty1 retrotransposition was obtained. Only the AF extract was found to reduce the levels of zeocin-induced mitotic gene conversion. Copyright Teodora Todorova et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 202 Teodora Todorova et al. / BioRisk 17: 201-212 (2022) The three extracts did not possess any genotoxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic effect on Saccharo- myces cerevisiae. Based on their protective activity, they can be arranged as follows: AF>AAEM>AAEH which corresponds well with their phytochemical composition. Further experiments could provide more detailed information concerning the mode of action of extracts, as well as their main constituents. Keywords Ailanthus altissima, Amorpha fruticose, carcinogenic/anticarcinogenic, genotoxicity/antigenotoxicity, mu- tagenic/antimutagenic effect Introduction Invasive plant species are considered to be one of the main reasons for biodiversity loss (Luis et al. 2012; Weidlich et al. 2020; Dyderski and Jagodziriski 2021). Their distri- bution to new areas has led to massive extinction of plant and animal species in the last few years (Panjkovié et al. 2021; Szumaniska et al. 2021). Two alien plant species posing an increasing threat in Bulgaria are Amorpha fruticosa and Ailanthus altissima. Both are characterized by high tolerance to various habitat conditions and aggressive invasion due to the lack of suitable herbivores to control their populations (DAISIE 2009; Monaco 2014; Global Invasive Species Database 2019). A. fruticosa L. (Fabaceae), known as false indigo, false indigo-bush, and bastard indigobush is a shrub native to North America (Wilbur 1975; USDA NRCS 2009). The plant has a high quantity of isoflavonoids, rotenoids and prenylated stilbenoids. Among the prenylated stilbenoids, the group of amorfrutins is quite diverse (Kozu- harova et al. 2017). A, altissima (Mill.) Swingle (Simaroubaceae), known as the tree of heaven is na- tive in China. It was introduced in Europe and North America around the end of the 18" century (Luis et al. 2012; Andonova et al. 2021). It contains alkaloids, terpenoids and aliphatic volatiles (Kundu and Laskar 2010). The phytochemical composition is reviewed by Kozuharova et al. (2014). The phytochemical analysis of the bark reveals the presence of more than 221 compounds such as alkaloids, quassinoids, phenylpro- panoids, triterpenoids, volatile oils, and other compounds (Li et al. 2021). Both plants are used in traditional medicine. A. altissima is often applied for the treatment of asthma, epilepsy, spermatorrhea, bleeding, ascariasis, cold, gastric (dys- entery) and ophthalmic diseases, etc. (Luis et al. 2012; Kozuharova et al. 2020; Li et al. 2021). The ethnobotanical application of A. fruticosa is related to the treatment of stomach pain, intestinal worms, eczema, neuralgia, and rheumatism (discussed in Kozuharova et al. 2017). It the present work we hypothesized that A. fruticosa fruit extract and A. altissima bark extract would be safe and could decrease the zeocin-induced mutagenic, recombi- nogenic and carcinogenic effects on Saccharomyces cerevisiae model organism. As these plant species are very invasive growing almost unrestrictedly, they can provide abun- dant and cheap resources of bioactive compounds. Their pharmacological application Genotoxicity of Amorpha fruticosa and Ailanthus altissima extracts 203 may lead to excessive harvesting and thus, a decrease in their populations as a strategy for the protection of native plant habitats. Both plants are promising candidates for the pharmacology. Even though, data in literature point out that the toxicity evaluation of the plant extracts is scarce (Kozuharova et al. 2017; Li et al. 2021). Thus, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the potential genotoxic/antigen- otoxic, mutagenic/antimutagenic and carcinogenic/anticarcinogenic effect of A. fruti- cosa fruit extract (AF) and A. altissima bark hexane (AAEH) and methanol (AAEM) extracts on Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Materials and methods Fruits of Amorpha fruticosa were collected in October 2018 from a location near Pasarel village, Sofia district. Stem bark of Ajlanthus altissima was collected in September 2018 from a location in Sofia, Bulgaria. The plant materials were dried at room temperature, then pulverized and sieved. The fruits of A. fruticosa were macerated with chloroform to remove the lipophilic compounds (both the fixed and the essential oils), and then the material was dried and extracted by percolation with 70% methanol. The solvent was evaporated on a rotary evaporator; then the extract was lyophilized and named AE. The stem bark of A. altissima was macerated with hexane to produce the lipophilic extract, which was dried in vacuo and named AAEH. ‘The resulting defatted substance was percolated with 70% methanol to obtain the hydrophilic extract, which was con- centrated, lyophilized and named AAEM. DPPH radical scavenging activity The DPPH assay, based on a color reduction of DPPH hydrate from purple to yellow, was applied as described in Todorova et al. (2015). The radical scavenging activity is presented as concentration inhibiting 50% of the DPPH radicals. Ascorbic acid was used as a standard. DNA topology assay DNA topology assay was applied according to Todorova et al. (2015). The transforma- tion of supercoiled pBR322 DNA to a relaxed circular form was photographed with UV transillumination using G:BOX (Syngene). The relative quantity of supercoiled DNA was calculated using Image] software. Treatment of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells Stock solutions of A. altissima hexane (AAEH) and methanol (AAEM) extracts dissolved in 0.1% Tween 20 and A. fruticosa (AF) extract dissolved in sterile MQ water were pre- pared prior to the experiments. Cell suspensions (1x10’ cells/ml) to the end of the ex- 204 Teodora Todorova et al. / BioRisk 17: 201-212 (2022) ponential and the beginning of stationary growth phase were pre-treated with three con- centrations — 10, 100 and 1000 pg/ml of AAEH, AAEM and AF extracts for 30 min at optimal conditions (30 °C, 200 rpm). Cells were then washed and after that treated with 100 ug/ml Zeocin for 1 min. Single treatment with Zeocin was used as a positive control. After these procedures, cells were harvested, washed and prepared for further work. Mutagenicity/antimutagenicity test Zimmerman’s test was applied on Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain D7ts1 as described in Todorova et al. (2015); Todorova et al. (2017). The following endpoints were evalu- ated: cell survival for genotoxic/antigenotoxic and mitotic gene conversion, reverse mutations and mitotic crossingover — for mutagenic/antimutagenic effects. Carcinogenicity/anticarcinogenicity test The Ty1 retrotransposition test applied for iz vivo detection of carcinogenic effect was used as described by Pesheva et al. (2005) using S. cerevisiae strain 551 as a tester strain. A “fold increase” higher than two compared to the control, is considered as a positive response of the Ty1 transposition test. Statistical analysis The statistical analysis includes an application of One-way ANOVA with Bonferroni's post hoc test. P<0.05 was accepted as the lowest level of statistical significance. Concen- trations inducing 50% inhibition of the cell growth (IC,, values) were calculated using non-linear regression analysis (GraphPad Prizm5 Software). Results Preliminary chemical analysis reveals differences among the chemical composition of the extracts: AF fruit extract is rich of flavonoids and stilbenoids (amorfrutins A and B) as it was described previously by (Kozuharova et al. 2017); flavonoids are typical for the extract of AAEM and terpenoids (sterols) for AAEH that corresponds well to the data already published by us (Kozuharova et al. 2014). Antioxidant potential Slight to moderate radical scavenging activity of the extracts in comparison with the standard control ascorbic acid was obtained. Based on DPPH assay (Fig. 1), the AF pos- sesses the best radical scavenging activity calculated as IC,,=63.71 g/mL, followed by the AAEM with IC,,=696.12 g/mL. The AAEH show the lowest radical scavenging poten- tial IC,,= 1396.97 g/mL). The IC,, of the ascorbic acid was calculated as 15.94 g/mL. Genotoxicity of Amorpha fruticosa and Ailanthus altissima extracts 205 100 2 2 5 80 > 60 a ey ~ 4 g 2 40 _s 0 r i ~ % wo 0 200 400 600 800 4000 4200 Extract concentration (pg/ml) ——AF -—a-AAEM .--s--AAEH Figure |. Radical scavenging activity (%) of Amorpha fruticosa, Ailanthus altissima methanolic and hex- ane extract. Data are presented mean values from at least three independent experiments. To evaluate the oxidative potential of the extracts DNA topology assay was performed. This assay provides information not only about the oxidative/antioxidant but also on the DNA damaging/protective effect of the tested extracts. Based on the calculated relative quantity of supercoiled DNA the extracts could be arranged as follows: AF>AAEM>AAEH (Fig. 2). The hexane extract was shown to possess moderate oxidative potential. Comparing antioxidant properties of the extracts, the moderate protection of AAEH was detected depending on the concentration — 500 and 1000 ug/mL. AF and AAEM did not show good antioxidant properties towards the hydroxyl anions (Fig. 3). he — ee tw = ww eR eS = ecco = @AF O AAEM 0 AAEH i control Fe2+ 10 100-500: 1000 ions Extract concentration (g/ml) aoG Relative quantity of supercoiled DNA (%) Figure 2. Agarose gel electrophoresis for studying possible DNA damaging effect. Agarose gel electro- phoretic patterns of plasmid DNA treated with A. fruticosa L. A Ailanthus altissima methanolic B and hexane C extract in the absence of Fe** ions (0.08 mM): lane 1 — DNA control; lane 2 — Fe** ions control; lane 3 — 10 pg/mL extract; lane 4— 100 pg/mL extract; lane 5 — 500 pg/mL extract; lane 6 — 1000 pg/mL extract D Densitometrical estimation of the relative quantity of supercoiled DNA. 206 Teodora Todorova et al. / BioRisk 17: 201-212 (2022) $3 @AF _ WN) EM A es control Fe2+ 10 100 500 1000 ions — = Relative quantity of supercoiled DNA (%o) S ses Extract concentration (ug/ml) Figure 3. Agarose gel electrophoresis for studying possible DNA protective effect against Fe** ions. Agarose gel electrophoretic patterns of plasmid DNA treated with A. fruticosa L. A Ailanthus altissima methanolic B and hexane C extract in the presence of Fe** ions (0.08 mM): lane 1 - DNA control; lane 2 — Fe* ions control; lane 3 — Fe** ions and 10 pg/mL extract; lane 4 — Fe* ions and 100 ug/mL extract; lane 5 — Fe* ions and 500 pg/mL extract; lane 6 - Fe** ions and 1000 pg/mL extract D Densitometrical estimation of the relative quantity of supercoiled DNA. Mutagenicity/antimutagenicity The survival after the treatments was comparable with the negative control — untreated cells. No effect was obtained regarding the genetic events — convertant and revertant frequencies as well as total aberrants (Table 1). The three extracts did not possess geno- toxic and mutagenic properties at the studied concentrations. Concerning the antimutagenic properties, an increase in the cell survival in comparison with the positive control was measured after all the treatments. Sig- nificant reduction of the reverse mutations to levels comparable with that in un- Table |. Frequency of gene conversion in ¢rp5 locus, reversion in i/v1-92 allele and mitotic crossing-over in ade2 locus after single treatment of S. cerevisiae D7ts1 with 10, 100 and 1000 pg/ml AK AAEM and AAEH. Zeocin was used as a positive control. Extract concentration Zeocin (ug/ml) Survival (%) Gene conversion/ Reversion/ 10° cells Total aberrants (%) (ug/ml) 10° cells 0 0 100 1.02+0.01 0.003+0.0002 0.4374£0.021*** 0 100 32.9972 750 4.3040.7*** 0.038+0.0005*** 2.3314£0.667*** 10 0 99.62+1.21*** 1.05+0.05*** 0.002+0.00009*** = -0.576+0.150*** = 100 0 99.054+3.93*** 1.07+0.01*** 0.002+0.0001*** 0.74140.163*** 1000 0 99.97+1.64*** 1.07+0.07*** 0.00140.00004*** = 0.507+40.013*** S 10 0 99.4142.13*** 1.15+0.05*** 0.002+0.00005*** 0.498 +0.130*** = 100 0 99.374+3.01*** 1.13+0.03*** 0.003+0.00005*** = -0.501+0.021*** 1000 0 98.3141.59*** 1.16£0.07*** 0.002+0.00009*** 0.542+0.043** es 10 0 96.47£1.98*** 1.90+0.08*** 0.004+0.00006*** 0.602+0.046** = 100 0 89.1142.04*** 1.60£0.05*** 0.004+0.00002*** 0.689+0.016** 1000 0 97.1442.43*** 2.02+0.04*** 0.006+0.00001*** 0.802+0.112** Frequencies are means + SEM, n=4. The significance of differences between positive control (Zeo) and treatment with various extracts’ concentrations were calculated by ANOVA with a post-hoc test Bonferroni’s Multiple Comparison Test (**P<0.01; ***P < 0.001). Genotoxicity of Amorpha fruticosa and Ailanthus altissima extracts 207 Table 2. Frequency of gene conversion in trp5 locus, reversion in i/v1-92 allele and mitotic crossing-over in ade2 locus after pre-treatment of S. cerevisiae D7ts1 with 10, 100 and 1000 ug/ml AF, AAEM or AAEH followed by treatment with 100 pg/ml Zeocin. Extract concentration Zeocin (ug/ml) Survival (%) Gene conversion/ Reversion/ 10° cells Total aberrants (%) (ug/ml) 10° cells 0 0 100 0.52+0.01 0.003+0.0002 0.437+0.021 0 100 32.99+2.75*** 4.30+0.70*** 0.038+0.0005*** 2.331£0.667*** 10 100 94.934+4.08*** 0.75£0.50 *** 0.005+0.0009*** 0.56+0.16** = 100 100 77 5S441.51°** 0.81+0.10 *** 0.006+0.0002*** 0.74£0.13** 1000 100 71.01£9.07°°* 0.76+0.09 *** 0.005+0.0004*** 0.50£0.03** S 10 100 87.68+1.46*** 2.34+0.84 " 0.021+0.0006*** 1.51+0.035 *° = 100 100 76.83+2.41*** 3.20+0.57 0.005+0.00014*** 0.57£0.056 ** 1000 100 58.06+2.11*** 2.84+£0.39 "s 0.006+0.00057*** 0.76£0.03 ™* Rs 10 100 77.71£3.65°™* 6.9340.79* 0.014+0.0035*** 1.13£0.078 * = 100 100 FiDatAS oT 3.89£0.53 " 0.0314£0.0046 * 0.92+0.09 ** 1000 100 84.6041.24*** 2.90+£0.67 "* 0.032+0.0086 ™ 0.8540.05 ™* Frequencies are means + SEM, n=4. The significance of differences between positive control (Zeo) and treatment with various extracts’ concentrations was calculated by ANOVA with a post-hoc test Bonferroni’s Multiple Comparison Test (NS: nonsignificant; *P<0.05; (**P<0.01; ***P < 0.001). treated control was obtained after the pre-treatment with AF and AAEM with- out concentration’s effect. Around 2.5-fold lower levels were measured after pre- treatment with 10 pg/ml AAEH (Table 2). AF at all the concentrations decreased the zeocin-induced mitotic gene conversion. No effect on this genetic event was obtained after pre-treatment with AAEM, while a potentiation of the zeocin re- combinogenicity was observed after pretreatment with 10 ug/ml AAEH. The per- cent of total aberrants after the pre-treatments was also lower than that measured after single zeocin treatment. Carcinogenic/anticarcinogenic potential Data revealed that single treatment with 1000 g/ml AF possesses slight dose-depend- ent genotoxic effect, reducing the cell survival of strain 551 to 78% (Fig. 4A). None of the other extracts affected the cell survival. On the other side, pre-treatment results in around 2-fold increased cell survival for all the concentrations of the extract in comparison with the cell survival after single zeocin treatment (Fig. 4A). No dose- dependent enhancement of cell survival is observed. The Ty1 retrotransposition events are also found. Our results clearly indicate that none of the tested concentrations of AF, AAEM and AAFH can induce Ty] retrotransposition in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These data suggest no carcinogenic properties of the extracts. Further, well expressed anti-carcinogenic activity, measured as a reduction of the transposition rate to levels comparable with the negative control is defined when pre- treatment with concentrations of AF and AAEH is applied (Fig. 4B). The only con- centration that cannot protect cells from damaging action of Zeocin is the lowest con- centration of AAEM — 10 pg/ml. 208 Teodora Todorova et al. / BioRisk 17: 201-212 (2022) A) © without Zeo B) # 4 150 EI with Zeo = ‘ | = a . : 2 F 4 a = i] = 5? o 2 ed 2 ] ° ‘ ; fs * 5 Po FF ES ES = Smal: 100 1000) 10 100 1000 AF AAEM AAEH AF AAEM (ug/ml) (ug/ml) (ug/ml) (ug/ml) (ug/ml) (ng/ml) Treatment Treatment Figure 4. Cell survival A and Ty1 retrotransposition rates B of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain 551 after treatment with 10, 100 and 1000 pg/ml AK AAEM and AAEH with or without Zeocin. Where no error bars are evident, errors are equal or less than the symbols. Discussion Slight to moderate antioxidant activity in vitro of extracts is identified. Such activity of Amorpha fruticosa does not correspond to data published by Zheleva-Dimitrova (2013) and Ivanescu et al. (2019). The variation in the radical scavenging activity could be explained by different phytochemical composition based on the geographical origin of plant, variations in the plant extraction and the methodology, etc. Consistence be- tween DNA topology assay results and those obtained by DPPH is found. Moderate oxidative potential leading to single-strand pDNA damage is found for hexane extract. Our in vivo experiments were performed on Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been chosen as a model system for human cell due to the similarities in main stress response pathways (discussed in Todorova et al. 2015). Moreover, experi- ments on yeasts could be a valuable tool when taking into consideration the Directive 2010/63/EU. This directive is aiming to anchor firmly the ,,Principle of the Three Rs” — To Replace, Reduce and Refine” the use of animals for experimental and scientific purpose in the EU Member States. According to the Annex (47) there is a need to develop new methods alternative to animal testing and proposed to validation in the European Union Reference Laboratory for alternatives to animal testing (EURL EC- VAM) ( Additionally, experiments on diploid and haploid yeast cells allow obtaining new fundamental information con- cerning the potential lethal effect of various chemical and physical agents and genetic instability (Evstratova et al. 2018). The results obtained by us reveal that the three extracts do not affect the cell sur- vival, the mitotic gene conversion in trp5 locus, reversion in ilv1-92 allele, mitotic crossing-over in ade2 locus and Ty1 retrotransposition. From our point of knowledge this is the first finding that Amorpha fruticosa fruit extract and Ailanthus altissima bark extracts are not genotoxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic in our test-system. Our research has been extended in order to evaluate the possible antigenotoxic, antimutagenic and anticarcinogenic potential of the extracts against the action of Genotoxicity of Amorpha fruticosa and Ailanthus altissima extracts 209 the radiomimetic Zeocin. Zeocin was chosen as a damaging agent due to several reasons: it is a radiomimetic, member of the bleomycin family of antibiotics, that damages DNA in a way similar to that of ionizing radiation; possesses pro-oxidative capacity (Chankova et al. 2013; Todorova et al. 2015), mutagenic, and carcino- genic effect in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Todorova et al. 2015), clastogenic, DNA damaging, and genotoxic effects in microalgae, higher plants, and human lympho- cyte cell culture (Chankova et al. 2007; Dimova et al. 2009; Kopaskova et al. 2011; Gateva et al. 2015). In this study it was demonstrated that pre-treatment with extracts could protect cells from the genotoxic action of Zeocin measured as cell survival. No relation between the cell survival and pre-treatment concentrations was identified. Concerning the an- timutagenic capacity of extracts the specificity of their action was obvious. Significant reduction of the total aberrants was obtained after the treatment with the extracts. The only extract reducing the mitotic gene conversion was AF. No effect was observed after the pre-treatment with AAEM. A significant increase in the levels of this genetic event was measured when pre-treatment with 10 ug/ml AAEH which is in accordance with another study where sterols are reported to potentiate the activity of another member of the zeocin family — bleomycin (Hoffmann et al. 2011). Such differences in the activ- ity could be related to the phytochemical content of the extracts. Isoflavonoids are the major constituents of AF extract while AAEH is characterized by the predominance of phytosterols. Flavonoids are already known to possess good antimutagenic proper- ties. Based on the available literature and the present results it could be suggested that AF with flavonoinds as main constituents may protect yeast cells from zeocin-induced mitotic gene conversion and crossing over by activation of HR repair and modulation of chromatin structure. On the other side, significant amelioration of the reverse point mutations and Ty1 retrotransposition was observed. It is well known that the antimutagenic and anticar- cinogenic properties could be related to significant antioxidant activity or to activation of DNA repair processes. As in our im vitro experiments evidence was provided for mild to moderate antioxidant activity of extracts tested, it could be suggested that in this case the reduction of the genetic events is not related to the antioxidant potential. Having in mind that the reverse mutation frequency is used for measurement of error prone recombination (Mitchel and Morrison 1986), we could speculate that the po- tential mechanism of action of the extracts may be an activation of protective enzymes independent of those required for HR. From our point of knowledge for the first time it was shown by us that Amorpha fruticosa fruit extract and Ailanthus altissima bark extracts possess no genotoxic, muta- genic and carcinogenic capacity on a model system Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Based on their protective activity, they can be arranged as follows: AF>~AAEM>AAEH that corresponds well with their phytochemical composition. Further experiments could provide more detailed information concerning the mode of action of extracts, as well as their main constituents. 210 Teodora Todorova et al. / BioRisk 17: 201-212 (2022) Acknowledgements This work has been carried out in the framework of the National Science Program “En- vironmental Protection and Reduction of Risks of Adverse Events and Natural Disas- ters’, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers N° 577/17.08.2018 and supported by the Ministry of Education and Science (MES) of Bulgaria (Agreement N° JJ01-363/17.12.2020). 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