Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 71 (1) 2024, 193-208 | DOI 10.3897/dez.71.121217 > PENSUFT. ae BERLIN Lochetica ramii sp. nov. — a new species of Lochetica Kriechbaumer, 1892 (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Phygadeuontinae) from Finland, with a key to world species Juuso Paappanen! 1 Samoilijantie 3 D 28, 70200 Kuopio, Finland https://zoobank. org/F 25F 9574-5 B 1D-4007-8B42-A8C1BD7B6EFF Corresponding author: Juuso Paappanen (japaappanen@gmail.com) Academic editor: D. Zimmermann @ Received 22 February 2024 # Accepted 22 May 2024 Published 18 July 2024 Abstract Two tentatively distinct morphological forms belonging to the Darwin wasp genus Lochetica Kriechbaumer, 1892 (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae) were found to occur in Finland, although only one species is known in Europe. The identity of the two forms were resolved by examining additional museum material, DNA barcoding and revising the relevant types. Both morphology and molecular results support the recognition of a new species, Lochetica ramii sp. nov., from Finnish specimens — in addition to Lochetica westoni (Bridgman, 1880) already known from Finland. New host associations are given for both species and their ecology is discussed. An identification key is given to the known species of Lochetica of the world to facilitate the recognition of the new species. Key Words Parasitoid wasps, Phygadeuontinae, north Europe, Palearctic, saproxylic, identification, key Introduction The Darwin wasp genus Lochetica Kriechbaumer, 1892 is a species-poor genus within the megadiverse Ichneu- monidae, comprising only four species, all occurring in the Holarctic Region (Yu et al. 2012; Watanabe 2021). Information regarding the life history of the genus Lo- chetica only accounts for one species, Lochetica westo- ni (Bridgman, 1880), which has been associated with the crabronid genus Passaloecus Shuckard, 1837 (Bar- bey and Ferriere 1923; Jonaitis 1981; Kreisch 2000), which nest in above-ground structures such as beetle burrowings in (dead) wood, galls and plant stems (e.g. Blosch (2000)). For the greater part of the 20" century, two species of Lochetica have been known: L. westoni (Bridgman, | 880) and Lochetica pimplaria (Thomson, 1888), until Horst- mann (1972) established the synonymy between the two species. The initial placement of L. westoni in a separate genus (Cecidonomus Bridgman, 1880) likely maintained their separation for such a long period. Townes (1983) revised the genus and provided the first identification key to the genus describing two new species: Lochetica far- ta from Taiwan and Lochetica agonia from the western United States. Watanabe (2021) described Lochetica ja- ponica from Japan, which increased the number of spe- cies to four. All species, except for LZ. westoni, are known by only a few specimens. Two tentatively distinct morphological forms of Lo- chetica were recognised to occur in Finland. This prompt- ed the present study with the aim to resolve their iden- tities. Subsequently, a new species of Lochetica is here described from Finnish specimens and an identification key for all five known species of Lochetica is provided. New host associations are given and the ecology of the genus is discussed. Copyright Juuso Paappanen. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 194 Methods Specimen data and depositories The studied material comprises 88 specimens of Locheti- ca, which are deposited in the following collections (later referred by the given abbreviations): MZH Natural History Museum, Helsinki, Finland. MZLU Lund University Biological Museum, Lund, Sweden. NCM Norwich Castle Museum, Norwich, United Kingdom. KPM-NK_ Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History, Odawara, Kanagawa, Japan. RJK Secondary collection of Reijo Jussila, Kuh- mo, Finland. All specimens have been given ID labels by the asso- ciated museum. This facilitates later revision of the spec- imens mentioned in this article. In addition, all but three specimens are deposited in public museums. Morphology Morphological terms follow Broad et al. (2018). The fol- lowing abbreviations are used in the text: Tergite Temple ratio Metasomal tergite. The width of the temples, in dorsal view, measured halfway between the posterior ocelli and the occipital carina, divided by the maximum width of the head (in dorsal view). The length of the ovipositor projecting beyond the apex of the metasoma (in Lochetica, equal to the length of the ovi- positor sheaths) divided by the length of the hind tibia (measured in outer lateral view). Ovi-tib ratio POL:OOL — The distance between the lateral ocelli divided by the distance between a lateral ocellus and the compound eye. OD:OOL The diameter of the lateral ocellus di- vided by the distance between the lateral ocellus and the compound eye. The specimens were examined with a common main objective type Olympus SZX16 stereo-microscope with a plan apochromatic objective, using magnifications 7x— 115x. Measurements were done with an ocular microme- ter, with one eye closed. The length of the body is usually impossible to measure since the body is rarely straight. The fore-wing length has been widely used as a proxy for body size. Here both measures are reported; however, the body length is not an absolute measurement of the spec- imen, but partly an evaluation on how long the specimen would be if straightened. This is not the ideal method, but dez.pensoft.net Juuso Paappanen: Description of Lochetica ramii sp. nov. was favoured instead of taking an absolute measurement of the specimen regardless of its posture. Temple ratio and ovi-tib ratio were statistically com- pared between the species with the Welch t-test. These analyses, as well as the graphs, were done in R (v. 4.3.2) via the RStudio (v. 12.0-369) software. The package stats (v. 4.3.2) was used to perform the t-tests, the package eff- size (0.8.1) was used to calculate the effect sizes and the package beeswarm (0.4.0) was used to produce the graphs. All morphological examinations, measurements and identifications were done by the author in 2023. Photo- graphs of the types of the Cecidonomus westoni, Phyga- deuon pimplarius and L. japonica were examined. Photographs Figs 3, 6, 7 are focus stacks, composed of dozens of indi- vidual photographs, taken by the author with the Olym- pus OM-5 camera with an extended and reversed Schnei- der Kreuznach Componon S 50mm F/2.8 lens, using the in-camera pixel shift technology (tripod high-res mode). Individual photographs were stacked with the Com- bineZP (v. 1.0) software using the Quick Align and Do Stack —macros. The photographs of type material depos- ited in collections other than the MZH, have been taken with various equipment by the corresponding curators. Molecular methods Ten specimens of Lochetica were sequenced for the cyto- chrome oxidase subunit I (COI) marker (the standard bar- code region sensu Hebert et al. (2003)). The tissue sample used for DNA extraction was a single leg, in most cases one of the middle pair, of each specimen. DNA extraction, PCR and sequencing were carried out by the Canadian Centre for DNA Barcoding, according to the prescribed protocols de- scribed in deWaard et al. (2008). The forward primer LepF 1 (ATTCAACCAATCATAAAGATATTGG) and the reverse primer LepRI (TAAACTTCTGGATGTCCAAAAAAT- CA) were used to amplify the selected marker. The Sanger sequencing protocol was used to obtain the sequence. In addition to these ten sequences, all public COI se- quences assorted to BINs with at least one specimen iden- tified as Lochetica were downloaded from the BOLD da- tabase (downloaded 26 Nov 2023). These included only three sequences, all from Norwegian specimens. The resulting combined data of thirteen sequences were aligned with the MUSCLE algorithm (Edgar 2004) within the MEGA XI software (Tamura et al. 2021). The follow- ing (default) settings were selected for the alignment, clus- ter method: UPGMA, gap open penalty: -400, gap extend penalty: 0, min. diag. length (lambda): 24. The alignment was manually examined; however, no further changes were made to the alignment, for example, no sites were removed. A distance matrix (p-distances) was calculated in R (v. 4.3.2) via the RStudio software (v. 12.0-369), with the package ape (v. 5.7-1). Sites with missing data were de- Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 71 (1) 2024, 193-208 leted in pairwise calculations. The resulting matrix was transferred to Microsoft Excel 2013 (v. 15.0.5153.1000), where the distance measures were obtained. The matrix was also used to create a Neighbour-Joining tree with the same package (ape) in R. Data sharing Full data used in this study are available as Suppl. materi- al 1: a spreadsheet file with specimen and morphological data, Suppl. material 2: R script (a simple text file) con- taining the code to produce the statistical analyses and graphs and Suppl. material 3: aligned sequences in fas- ta format. The sequences and their associated accession numbers are also available at the GenBank and the BOLD database via the doi: dx.doi.org/10.5883/DS-LOCH24 Results Morphological comparison Comparing the mean ovi-tib ratio between L. westoni and L. ramii sp. nov. (Fig. 1A) using the Welch t-test, the ra- tio is larger in L. westoni (mean 2.8) than in L. ramii sp. nov. (mean 2.1) (t= -22.8, DF = 71.8, p< 0.001; Cohen’s A Ovi-tib ratio L. japonica L.ramii L. westoni 195 = -5.3). There are no overlapping specimens with re- gards to this character, although the gap is rather small: max. for L. ramii sp. nov. 1s 2.4 and min. for L. westoni is 2.6). The L. japonica specimens overlap with L. ramii sp. nov., but not with L. westoni. The ovi-tib ratio of L. japonica was not statistically compared to other species due to its small sample size. Comparing the mean temple ratio between L. westoni and L. ramii sp. nov. (Fig. 1B) using the Welch t-test, the ratio is larger in L. ramii sp. nov. (mean 0.95) than in L. westoni (mean 0.88) (t = 9.7, DF = 64.6, p < 0.001; Cohen’s d= 2.3). There are numerous overlapping speci- mens with regards to this character (Fig. 1B). COI comparison All specimens yielded long sequences, varying in length from 621 bp to 658 bp. The COI sequences of seven specimens of L. ramii sp. nov. and six specimens of L. westoni were compared. No sequences for the other three species of Lochetica are available. The interspecif- ic distances between the two species range from 7.12% to 8.05%, while the intraspecific distances within the specimens of L. ramii sp. nov. and L. westoni are 0.00— 0.16% and 0.00—0.61%, respectively. The barcode gap 1s distinct (Fig 2). Temple ratio 0.90 0.95 1.00 E505: 0.85 0.80 OE) L. westoni L. ramti Figure 1. Swarmplots comparing the selected morphological ratios of examined females. A. Comparison of the relative length of the ovipositor. The data on Lochetica japonica Watanabe, 2021 is derived from the original description; B. Comparison of the temple ra- tio (see the Methods section for definition). Each point represents one specimen, the points are moved horizontally to avoid overlap. dez.pensoft.net 196 Lochetica westoni|CollHH977|Norway* Lochetica westoni|CollHH979|Norway* Lochetica westoni|CollHH978|Norway* Lochetica westoni|GP.113443|Finland Lochetica westoni|GP.113444|Finland Lochetica westoni|GP.113442|Finland —— 0.01 Juuso Paappanen: Description of Lochetica ramii sp. nov. Lochetica ramii/FICH-001012|Finland Lochetica ramui|FICH-001702|Finland Lochetica ramii|GP.113448|Finland Lochetica ramii/FICH-001013|Finland Lochetica ram1i|GP.113445|Finland Lochetica ramii|GP.113446|Finland Lochetica ram1i|GP.113447|Finland Figure 2. A simple Neighbour-Joining phylogenetic tree (p-distance) illustrating the barcode gap between the specimens. The scale bar represents 1% divergence. The ID after the species name refers to the sample ID in the BOLD-database (same as the museum (specimen) ID in Finnish material). The specimens marked with an asterisk (*) have not been examined. Systematics Genus Lochetica Kriechbaumer, 1892 Lochetica Kriechbaumer, 1892: 340. Type species. Phygadeuon pimplarius Thomson, 1888. Monotypic. Diagnosis. Dense punctation and hairs across the body surface. The clypeus wide, weakly separated from the face, anterior edge of clypeus and mandibles covered with very dense short hairs. Temples rather wide. Ster- naulus long. Propodeum with complete carination and pentagonal area superomedia. Spiracles of first tergite near the middle. The fore wing with a closed areolet, vein 3rs-m is weakly pigmented; vein 2m-cu long, straight, forming acute angle with vein CU, with one short bulla. Lochetica westoni westoni (Bridgman, 1880) Figs 3, 4 Cecidonomus Westoni Bridgman, 1880: 264. Lectotype designated by Horstmann (1972). Phygadeuon pimplarius Thomson, 1884: 941. Lectotype designation of Townes published by Frilli (1973). Material examined. Lectotype of Cecidonomus westoni Bridgman, 1880 (photographs examined) UNITED KING- DOM (presumably) « | 9; “from Mr. Weston”; “Westoni”; “lektotypus Cecidonomus westoni 9 Bridgm. Horstm. det. 1970”; “J. B. Bridgman coll. Norwich Museum 1895.40.1124”. dez.pensoft.net Lectotype of Phygadeuon pimplarius Thomson 1884 (photographs examined) SWEDEN ° 1 9; “Oke 4” [Skane, Sjobo, Ovedskloster]; [55.684°N, 13.633°E]; “Lecto- typus Phygadeuon pimplarius Thm. Tow. 58”; MZLU 5385:1. Other material. FINLAND * 38 99,5 do [MZH]. Russia * 2 9° [MZH]. Diagnosis. The female is distinguished by the long epomia (Fig. 3A), long ovipositor (ovi-tib ratio 2.6—3.1 in examined specimens) (Fig. 4E), almost completely red legs (Fig. 4E), yellow tegulae (Fig. 3F), narrow tem- ples (temple ratio 0.80 to 0.95 in examined material) and strong latero-median carinae of the first tergite (Fig. 3E). The male is distinguished by the yellow tegulae, medially white mandibles, long epomia and, to some extent, the strongly rugose sculpture of mesopleuron and metapleu- ron (Fig. 3C). The extent of the red colouration on the metasoma in females varies considerably. In the Finnish specimens, usually only the first tergite is laterally slightly reddish; however, some specimens have extensively red first and second terga. A subspecies Lochetica westoni rufiventris Habermehl, 1919 from Algeria (not examined) has the metasoma completely red. Distribution. Most European countries, Turkey, Al- geria, Japan (Yu et al. 2012), Russia (Jonaitis 1981) and Georgia (Riedel et al. 2018). Ecology. Both open and forested habitats are used, es- pecially sites with dead wood or other suitable nesting sites for hosts. The type series has been reared from “galls” (Bridg- man 1880), which Morley (1907) later states were the galls of Cynips Kollari (= Andricus kollari (Hartig, Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 71 (1) 2024, 193-208 ." . RRs i \ al OF ‘ * .3 oe | Figure 3. Lochetica westoni (Bridgman, 1880), a non-type specimen MZH GP.113444 (except for C). A. Mesosoma of the @ (lat- eral view); B. Head of the 2 (dorsal view), C. Mesopleuron and metapleuron of the non-type 4 MZH GP.109783 (lateral view); D. Propodeum of the 2 (oblique posterior view); E. The first tergite of the 2 (lateral view); F. Tegula of the 9 (oblique anterolateral view). Scale bars: 0.5 mm. 1843)). Passaloecus gracilis (Curtis, 1834) have been recorded to nest in galls of A. kollari (Lomholdt 1975). Barbey and Ferriere (1923) reared L. westoni from the nests of Passaloecus gracilis inside empty beetle bur- rowings in the bark of Pinus sylvestris L. They also state that L. westoni overwinters as a larva in a silky cocoon and postulated that the female must oviposit to the host while the nest is still under construction, since the ovipositor 1s not long enough to reach the host larvae behind the outer resin plug that encloses the nest. Jonaitis (1981) also reported Passaloecus gracilis nesting inside branches as a host and Kreisch (2000) reported the host Passaloecus insignis (Vander Linden, 1829). dez.pensoft.net 198 Juuso Paappanen: Description of Lochetica ramii sp. nov. Figure 4. A-C. The Lectotype of Cecidonomus westoni Bridgman, 1880. Photo credit: Tony Irwin. A. Labels; B. Head and part of the mesosoma (dorsal view); C. Habitus (lateral view); D-E. Lectotype of Phygadeuon pimplarius Thomson, 1884. Photo credit: Biological Museum, Lund University (MZLU); D. Labels; E. Habitus (lateral view). Scale bars: 1 mm. New rearing records published in this study are the following: a male reared from Passaloecus monilicornis Dahlbom, 1842 (MZH GP.109784), a female reared from Passaloecus eremita Kohl, 1893 (MZH GP.109755) and dez.pensoft.net a male reared from Passaloecus borealis Dahlbom, 1844 (MZH GP.109783). In all cases, no additional informa- tion how the host was confirmed were given and no host remains or cocoon were included in the pin. Furthermore, Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 71 (1) 2024, 193-208 P. borealis is extremely difficult to separate from Passa- loecus turionum, thus, the record could refer to either of the two species. In addition, one specimen was reared from an unidentified Passaloecus larva inside an artifi- cial nest (an Angelica L. stem) on the wall of a building (MZH GP.109758). In conclusion, L. westoni utilises most species of the genus Passaloecus (recorded from P. gracilis, P. monil- icornis, P. insignis, P. eremita, P. borealis/turionum and Passaloecus sp.) nesting in (dead) wood (including buildings and other structures), galls and most likely also plant stems. Lochetica westoni rufiventris Habermehl, 1919 Lochetica pimplaria f. rufiventris Habermehl, 1919: 110. Lectotype designated by Horstmann (1991). Remarks. This taxon is known from Algeria and, accord- ing to Horstmann (1991), it is distinguished from L. w. westoni only by its completely red metasoma. Horstmann considered it a subspecies and, since I have not examined the type or any material from the Mediterranean, his view of the taxon is followed here. Lochetica japonica Watanabe, 2021 Fig. 5 Lochetica japonica Watanabe, 2021: 110, figs 47A—H, fig. 62J, fig 65Q, fig. 66Q. Material examined. Holotype (photographs examined) JAPAN * 1 9; Tochigi Pref., Nasushiobara City, Shiobara, Utou-sawa; 22—28 May 2008; T. Matsumura leg.; Mal- aise-trap; KPM-NK 81989. Diagnosis. The female is distinguished by the long epomia (cf. Fig. 3A), weak latero-median carinae of the first tergite, clearly defined punctation of the body (es- pecially the vertex (Fig. 5E) and the area externa of the propodeum (Fig. 5B)), pronotum with transverse crenu- lae, wide (developed) temples (Fig. 5E), a shallow trans- verse depression followed by a low elevation on the ver- tex (Fig. 5E), almost completely black legs (Fig. 5D) and mandibles (Fig. 5A). The male is unknown. Distribution. Japan (Watanabe 2021). Ecology. Unknown. Lochetica ramii sp. nov. https://zoobank.org/8354C52C-6202-4BA2-B8C0-94EC47B97A 50 Figs 6, 7 Material examined. Holotype FINLAND « 1 @ (pinned); Sb [Savonia borealis], Kuopio, Mokinoja; “696612653529339" [6279767N, .27-595°R]"" 188 Jun 2021; Juuso Paappanen leg.; “niitty, hirsirakennuksen 199 seina” [meadow, on a wall of a log barn]; COI sequence GP.113446; MZH GP.113446. Paratypes (37 99,1 4) FINLAND * 1 9; “Finby” [Sark- isalo], [Finnarv, Vedudden]; [60.1143°N, 22.9485°E]; 14 Jul 1950; R. Elfving leg.; MZH GP.109724 « 4 9; “Keu- ru” [Keuruu]; [62.257°N, 24.708°E]; [1928]; Hellén leg.; MZH GP.109731, MZH GP.109732, MZH GP.109733, MZHGP.109779¢ 1 9: Aitolahti; [61.5481°N,23.8825°E]: 13°dul)1932-" Vv. Saarinen: leg4iMZHeGP 109725: «1 iQ: “H:fors” [Helsinki]; [60.1797°N, 24.9393°E]; Hellén leg.; MZH GP.109734 * 1 9; Helsinki; [60.1797°N, 24.9393°E]; 11 Sep 1965; V. J. Karvonen leg.; MZH GP.109727 « 1 Q: Ilomantsi, Koitajoki; 62.93310°N, 31.43978°E; 18 Jun—8 Aug 2023; Juuso Paappanen leg.; ~ 2 years ago dead standing Picea abies; [Tereshkin trap]; MZH GQ.7565 « 7 Q: Ilomantsi, Koitajoki; 62.93390°N, 31.44084°E; 18 Jun—8 Aug. 2023; Juuso Paappanen leg.; dying @ 39 cm standing Picea abies; [Tereshkin trap]; MZH GQ.7566, MZH GQ.7567, MZH GQ.7568, MZH GQ.7569, MZH GQ.7570, MZH GQ.7571, MZH GQ.7572 * 1 9; Karjalohja; [60.2609°N, 23.7138°E]; 25 Jul 1969; J. Perkiomaki leg.; MZH GP.109729 « 1 Q: Kb [Karelia borealis], Homantsi, Koitajoki, Palokangas; 6989825:3724830 [62.9419°N, 31.4305°E]; 13 Jun—11 Jul 2022; Seppo Karjalainen & Maarit Simila leg.; [pre- scribed burn of a Pinus sylvestris dominated forest]; MZH GP.109742 «1 9: Kb [Karelia borealis], Ilomantsi, Patvinsuon kansallispuisto, Raanisuo; 7003901:3694317 [63.0855°N, 30.8475°E]; 11 Jul-17 Aug 2022; Sep- po Karjalainen & Maarit Simila leg.; COI sequence BOLD sample id GP.113447; MZH GP.113447 + 1 9; Kb [Karelia borealis], Joensuu, Kuhasalo; 62.58126°N, 29.73376°E; 14 Aug 2017; Juuso Paappanen leg.; [Pi- cea abies dominated forest]; MZH GP.109738 « 1 9; Kb [Karelia borealis], Lieksa, Kuikkasuo; 7034335:3673955 [63.3683°N, 30.4779°E]; 18 Aug—17 Sep 2021; Sampsa Malmberg & Maarit Simila leg.; [prescribed burn of a Pi- nus sylvestris dominated forest]; MZH GP.109743 «1 3; Kn [Ostrobottnia kajanensis], Ristiarvi, pappilan pelto- aukea; 71571:35582 [64.5074°N, 28.2125°E]; em. 30 Apr. 2008; Reima Leinonen leg.; kotvupdlkkykasvatus [reared from trap nest (birch wood block)]; COI sequence BOLD sample id FICH-001702; RJK FICH-001702 ¢ 1 9; Ok [Ostrobottnia kajanensis], Kuhmo, Elimyssalo, Risulampi; 7122708:3660871 [64.1659°N, 30.3083°E]; 29 Jul—26 Aug 2022: Sampsa Malmberg et al. leg.: [pre- scribed burn of a Pinus sylvestris dominated forest]; COI sequence BOLD sample id GP.113448; MZH GP.113448 ¢ 1 9; Ok [Ostrobottnia kajanensis], Paltamo, Itkonpuro; 7147421:526944 [64.45127°N, 27.55991°E]; 9 Jul-27 Jul 2023; I. Immonen & M. Laaksonen leg.; [moist/ shaded forest next to a stream]; MZH GQ.7563 « 1 9; Ok [Ostrobottnia kajanensis], Talaskangas, Sopenjok1; 7098580:503358 [64.01405°N, 27.06866°E]; 22 Jul-6 Aug 2021; I. Immonen leg.; [moist/shaded forest next to a stream]; MZH GQ.7564 « 1 9; Parikkala, [Laurila]; [61.56718°N, 29.51232°E]; 12 Jul 1945; Hellénleg.; MZH GP.109726 « 1 9; Sa [Savonia australis], Mantyharju, dez.pensoft.net 200 Juuso Paappanen: Description of Lochetica ramii sp. nov. Figure 5. The holotype of Lochetica japonica Watanabe, 2021. Photo credits: Kyohei Watanabe. A. Head (oblique anteroventral view); B. Propodeum (oblique posterodorsal view); C. Labels; D. Habitus (lateral view); E. Head and mesoscutum (dorsal view). Kousa; 68022:34674 [61.327°N, 26.3922°E]; 23 Aug 2019; Juuso Paappanen leg.; Pinus sylvestris dominated forest, MZH GP.109741 « 1 9: Sa [Savonia australis], Ruokolahti, [Inkilansaari]; [61.32062°N, 28.75517°E]; 26 Jul 1948; W. Hellén leg.; MZH GP.109735 * 1 9; Sb [Savonia borealis], Savonranta; 69077:6026 [62.261°N, 28.9761°E]; 13 Jul-10 Aug 1996; P. Martikainen leg.; dead aspen; Window trap; MZH GP.109730 « 1 Q; Sb [Savonia borealis], Vierema, Luvejoki; 63.98762°N, 26.74378°E; 21 Jul-17 Aug 2022; Juuso Paappanen leg.; a large, ~ 2 years ago dead standing Picea abies (shaded); MZH GP.109739 ¢ 1 9; Ta [Tavastia australis], Vanaja; [60.978°N, 24.562°E]; 1954; Erkki Valkeila leg.; e Pas- dez.pensoft.net saloecus monilicornis, MZH GP.109736 * 2 2; same as preceding; 1955; MZH GP.109737, MZH GP.109780 « 1 2; Tb [Tavastia borealis], Jyvaskyla, Kotalamminma- ki; 69028:34311 [62.2248°N, 25.6763°E]; 4 Jul 2019; Juuso Paappanen leg.; dying Picea abies, COI sequence BOLD sample id GP: 113445; MZH GP:113445 «1 9; Tb [Tavastia borealis], Jyvaskyla, Roninmaki; 69014:34326 [62.2125°N, 25.7056°E]; 5 Jul-18. Jul 2019; Juuso Paap- panen leg.; recently dead standing Picea abies; MZH GP.109740 * 1 2; V [Regio aboénsis], Nousiainen, Te- pastus; 6735:344 [60.6991°N, 24.1525°E]; 4 Jul-8 Jul 2006; Reijo Jussila leg.; RJK FICH-001012 * 1 9; V [Re- gio aboénsis], Turku, Paattinen; 6727:244 [60.5763°N, Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 71 (1) 2024, 193-208 201 Figure 6. Lochetica ramii sp. nov. holotype 2 (except for D). A. Head (dorsal view); B. Head (anterior view); C. Mesoscutum and tegulae (dorsal view); D. Mesopleuron of the paratype 9 MZH GP.113447 (lateral view); E. The first tergite; F. The propodeum (posterodorsal view). Scale bars: 0.5 mm. 22.3374°E]; 29 Oct 2006; Reijo Jussila leg.; RJK FICH- 001013 * 1 Q; Vihti, Siikajarvi; [60.2882°N, 24.5214°E]; 22 Aug 1965; V. J. Karvonen leg.; MZH GP.109728. Comparative diagnosis. The female differs from L. Japonica by the vertex uniformly sloping from the ocel- li to the occiput, with shallow, almost granulate sculp- ture (Fig. 6A) (with a shallow transversely orientated depression, low elevation and large, rather deep punc- tures in L. japonica (Fig. 5E)); shallow, transversely orientated surface sculpture of area externa of propode- um, punctures very weakly discernible (Fig. 6F) (clear- ly defined deep punctures in L. japonica (Fig. 5B)); the pronotal sulcus without transverse crenulae (present in L. japonica), predominantly red legs (almost complete- ly black in L. japonica); black or dark brown tegulae (Fig. 6C) (yellowish-brown in L. japonica (Fig. 5E)); predominantly red mandibles (black with reddish tips in L. japonica). dez.pensoft.net 202 Juuso Paappanen: Description of Lochetica ramii sp. nov. Figure 7. Lochetica ramii sp. nov. A. Holotype 9 habitus (lateral view); B. Tip of the ovipositor of the holotype & (lateral view); C. Mesopleuron and metapleuron of the ¢ paratype RJK FICH-001702 (lateral view); D. Paratype 3 habitus RJK FICH-001702 (lateral view). Scale bars: 1 mm. dez.pensoft.net Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 71 (1) 2024, 193-208 The female differs from L. westoni by the short and weak latero-median carinae of the first tergite, not ex- tending beyond the level of spiracles (Fig. 6E) (strong carinae, extending beyond spiracles in L. westoni (Fig 3E)); shorter and weaker crenulae of the sternaulus (Fig. 6D) (longer and stronger in L. westoni Fig. 3A); shorter Ovipositor (ovi-tib ratio 1.9-2.4) (2.6-3.1 in L. westo- ni), black or dark brown tegulae (Fig. 6C) (yellow in L. westoni (Fig. 3F)). The male differs from L. westoni primarily by the black tegulae, contrasting with the pale yellow humeral plates (Fig. 7D, cf. Fig. 6C) (yellow teg- ulae, similarly coloured to the humeral plates in L. westo- ni (cf. Fig. 3F)). The sculpture of the mesopleuron and metapleuron is somewhat weaker (Fig. 7C) (stronger in L. westoni (Fig. 3C). The trochanters and hind tarsi dorsally darker in L. ramii sp. nov.; however, both of the latter characters are rather subtle and possibly become obsolete when more specimens are revealed. Both sexes are differentiated from L. agonia by the long epomia ventrad to pronotal sulcus (cf. Fig. 3A) (ab- sent or short in L. agonia) and by the black or dark brown tegulae (Fig. 6C) (yellow (Q) or “ivory” (4) in L. ago- nia). The females are also distinguished by the weak, but angulate nodus of the ovipositor (Fig. 7B) (very weak and rounded in L. agonia). Female is differentiated from L. farta by the area pet- iolaris of the propodeum having rather weak transverse sculpture concentrated to the sides, usually without sculpture medially (Fig. 6F) (the area petiolaris with very dense transverse sculpture in L. farta); strong latero-me- dian longitudinal carina separating the area postero-exter- na from the area petiolaris (weak in L. farta). Description. Female (holotype and _ paratypes). Length. Body length 5.6 mm (4.6-6.3 mm (n = 36)) ex- cluding the ovipositor, fore wing length 3.6 mm (3.2- 4.3 mm (n= 37)). Head. Punctation dense, shallow, individual punctures indistinctly delimited, coalescing, vertex more granulate than punctate (Fig. 6A). Surface moderately matt, cov- ered in dense, short (shorter than diameter of ocellus), white hairs, except clypeus with slightly longer, light brown hairs; hairs very dense on anterior edge of clypeus and mandibles (Fig. 6B); antennae, including scapes, with short hairs only. First flagellar segment without plate sen- sillae, second with one, remaining with gradually increas- ing number, being almost absent from posterior side of flagellum. Eyes bare. Occipital carina complete, joining hypostomal carina 0.6 basal length of mandible away from mandibular base. Malar space 0.8x as long as the basal width of mandible. Face very wide, with low central prominence (Fig. 6B). In anterior view, head 0.9x wider than high; in dorsal view, the medial length of head from occipital carina to level of antennal sockets 0.5< max- imum width of the head; temple ratio 0.95 (paratypes: 0.9-1.0), POL:OOL 1.1, OD:OOL 0.5 (see Methods section for definitions). Both antennae with 20 flagellar segments (paratypes (n = 35): 20-23), all segments more 203 than 1.5x longer than wide, decreasing in length towards apex. Width of segments fairly uniform across length of flagellum, increasing only very slightly apically. First fla- gellar segment 5 as long as wide and 1.3 longer than scape. Scape 1.7x as long as wide. Penultimate (next to last) flagellar segment 1.5< as long as wide. Head pre- dominantly black, mandibles medially red with proximal fourth and teeth black (paratypes: from completely red with only teeth black to about basal third of mandibles black). Maxillary and labial palpi light brown, gradually darker proximally. Anterior side of scapes red (paratypes: from predominantly black with red patches anteriorly to predominantly red with dark spot posteriorly). Anterior side of two proximal flagellar segments red (paratypes: 0 to 4 basal-most segments with red anterior faces). Pedicel with narrow red apical annulus. Mesosoma. Mesoscutum and scutellum moderately densely and shallowly punctate, similarly to head. Notau- li not crenulate, weakly impressed, but long, extending to middle of mesoscutum. Posterior half of mesoscutum obscured by pin in the holotype. Scuto-scutellar groove smooth, without crenulae. Pronotum with same super- ficial punctures as rest of body, with stronger rugosity posteriorly and medially with larger shiny interstices between sculpture (about 2< wider than the punctures); pronotal sulcus without transverse crenulae; epomia not particularly strong, long, extending near posterior mar- gin of pronotum ventrad to pronotal sulcus. Mesopleuron covered with denser, stronger, coalescing punctures, es- pecially dorsad to sternaulus coalescing to form rugose areas (Fig. 6D); Dorsal part ventrad to subtegular ridge, with larger and distinctly shinier interstices between small punctures, interstices about 2x diameter of punc- tures. Sternaulus long, almost reaching posterior margin of mesopleuron, crenulae rather weak, longest distinctly weaker and only slightly longer than crenulae on meso- pleural furrow (Fig. 6D) (paratypes: from short and weak to as highly raised and slightly longer than longest cren- ulae on mesopleural furrow). Epicnemial carina and pos- terior transverse carina of mesosternum complete. Medi- osternal groove rather deep, not widened posteriorly with uniformly strong crenulae across its length. Metapleuron strongly rugosepunctate, juxtacoxal carina and metapleu- ral carina distinct and complete (Fig. 6D). Sculpture of propodeum shallow, with indistinct transverse rugosity, individual punctures difficult to discern (Fig. 6F) (para- types: rugosity variable, but never distinctly punctate); densely hairy. Area petiolaris differs in sculpture from rest of propodeum: shiny and sparsely scattered with lon- ger setae, laterally with faint transverse sculpture, which is absent medially (Fig. 6F). Propodeal carination strong and complete; area superomedia slightly longer than wide (as long as wide in a few paratypes), pentagonal with very short, weak, parallel lateral carinae (paratypes: nearly ab- sent lateral carinae in some specimens and less parallel in others); spiracles circular; apophyses not evident, ca- rina somewhat enlarged in this position. Mesosoma 0.7 dez.pensoft.net 204 length of metasoma. Mesosoma (excl. legs and wings) black, including posterior corner of pronotum and tegu- lae (paratypes: black in most, but dark brown in a few and reddish-brown in one reared and evidently teneral speci- men); humeral plates contrastingly pale yellow (Fig 6C). Legs. Hind femora 3.8 as long as wide. Lengths of tarsal segments in mm from first to fifth: 0.53, 0.27, 0.18, 0.10, 0.02. Claws moderately curved, simple, without teeth, basal lobe or pecten, few longer hairs present at base of claw. Arolium rather small, slightly more than half length of claw. Middle and hind tibiae with two red- dish tibial spurs each, subequal in length and very slight- ly bent at apex. Coxae mainly black, fore and middle coxae with reddish spot on inner side (paratypes: from mostly red with dark patches to black with only small red patches on the inner side of middle coxae). Trochan- ters black with suffused red colouration, fore trochanters more red than black. Trochantelli, femorae and tibiae red, tibiae with darker outer surface, only weakly in fore leg. Tarsi with mixture of red and dark, with segments darker on outer surface and apically with narrow, indistinct red- dish annul. Wings. The fore wing vein 3rs-m present, weakly pig- mented, areolet symmetrical, pentagonal; vein 2m-cu rather long, straight, with one short bulla, forming acute angle with vein CU; vein RS straight; radius anterior (RA) slightly longer than pterostigma; pterostigma 2.8 as long as wide; vein Icu-a slightly postfurcal relative to M&RS. Nervellus of hind wing intercepted at lower fifth (paratypes: from one fifth to one fourth below middle). Wing veins, including the pterostigma, uniformly dark brown, excluding narrow zone at the base of the wings with pale yellow veins; humeral plates pale yellow. Metasoma. Punctation generally more well defined than on rest of body. First metasomal tergite with strong punctation (shiny interstices smaller than diameter of punctures), posterior part with weakly punctured area, interstices several times diameter of punctures. Dor- so-lateral carinae sharp, complete, with spiracle situated just ventrad to carina (Fig. 6E). Glymmae absent. Late- ro-median carinae present as faint striae not extending up to level of spiracles (Fig. 6E) (paratypes: varying in length from virtually absent to extending up to level of spiracles as faint striae). Second and third terga with very strong, dense, coalescing punctures, posterior mar- gins of terga with punctures slightly smaller and more superficial. Rest of terga somewhat densely punctulate with shiny interstices distinctly larger than punctures. Metasoma black, except for narrow, translucently brown- ish posterior margins of first and second terga (paratypes: first tergite from completely black to black with indis- tinctly delimited red patches laterally; second from com- pletely black to black with anterior fourth red. Terga 1-3 with posterior margins from completely black to black with narrow reddish-brown translucent zones); covered with dense, short, light brown hairs. Thyridia of second metasomal tergite small, shiny, oval and red (black in some paratypes). Unsclerotised parts of metasomal ster- dez.pensoft.net Juuso Paappanen: Description of Lochetica ramii sp. nov. na more or less brown, except for yellowish sclerite of first sternite. Sclerotised part of first metasomal sternite extends half way up length of sternite and up to level of spiracles on first tergite, suture between it and first terg- ite straight. First tergite 3.7< wider posteriorly than an- teriorly, 1.6 longer than its maximum (posterior) width (paratypes: 1.1—1.7x its width (n = 32)). Second tergite 0.8 as long as wide. Ovipositor. Dorsal valve with weak, but angulate no- dus, tip beyond nodus gradually tapering, sharp (Fig. 7B). Lower valves with about five visible teeth (apical-most too small to distinguish), widely spaced, slanted, extend- ing further towards apex ventrally than dorsally. Ovipos- itor sheaths covered with rather dense black hairs, about as long as diameter of sheaths. Portion of ovipositor pro- jecting beyond metasomal apex 2.2 length of hind tibia, 0.5 length of body and 0.7x length of fore wing (para- types: 1.9-2.4x length of hind tibia, 0.4—-0.6= body and 0.6—0.9x fore wing (n = 36 for all). Male (paratype). Length. Body length 4.9 mm, fore wing length 3.5 mm. Head. Mandibles whitish-yellow with black teeth, red- dish colouration next to mandibular teeth and mandibular base. Palpi pale reddish-yellow. Malar space 0.8 as long as basal width of mandible. Temple ratio 1.0, POL:OOL 1.3, OD:OOL 0.5. Anterior halves of scapes white, an- tennae otherwise black, with 21 flagellar segments, con- versely to female, apical flagellomeres gradually narrow- er apically (Fig. 7D). Scape 1.8~, first flagellar segment 1.8x and penultimate flagellar segment 1.4x as long as wide. First flagellar segment 1.2< as long as scape; seg- ments 8 to 12 with tyloidea, very narrow, strongly raised, more so apically, with acute apical end, almost as long as segments, except in 8" segment with medially situated tyloid about one fourth of length of segment. Mesosoma. Generally rougher surface sculpture than in female: mesopleuron medially strongly rugose; ster- naulus with longer, stronger crenulae than in female, lon- gest crenulae as strong as and longer than crenulae on mesopleural furrow (Fig. 7C); metapleuron and propo- deum rugose, no punctures discernible. Propodeal cari- nation is strong, stronger than in female. Tegulae black, contrasting with pale yellow humeral plate. Pterostigmae of the fore wings dark brown. Coxae and hind trochanters mainly black with suffused red colouration, especially ev- ident in fore coxae, about half red, half black; femorae, tibiae, trochantelli, fore- and mid-trochanters and tarsi, except fifth tarsal segment, red; hind tibiae and tarsi dor- sally suffused with blackish (Fig 7D). Hind femora 4.2 as long as wide; lengths of hind tarsal segments from first to last in mm: 0.59, 0.30, 0.18, 0.15, 0.14. Metasoma. Latero-median carinae of first tergite long and rather strong, extending beyond level of spiracles. First tergite 1.5 and second tergite 0.7 as long as wide. Genitalia somewhat obscured. Parameres slightly nar- rowed apically and slightly downcurved, ventral margin slightly concave in lateral view, small parallel-sided gap between two parameres ventrally. Aedeagus not visible. Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 71 (1) 2024, 193-208 205 Figure 8. Habitats of Lochetica ramii sp. nov. A. The type locality Mokinoja: an old log barn on the edge of a mesic meadow (the meadow is outside of the frame). B. Luvejoki, the habitat of paratype MZH GP.109739 (about 300 m from the exact spot). Etymology. L. ramii sp. nov. is my first species de- scription. Thus, I take the opportunity to name the species in the honour of my grandfather Raimo “Rami” Konga (1936-2009) who had a profound impact on the devel- opment of my love for nature, which eventually led to the discovery of this species. The specific epithet is to be treated as a noun in the genitive case. Distribution. Finland. Mainly in the Palearctic boreal forest biome sensu Olson et al. (2001). In addition, few specimens originate from the northernmost margin of the temperate broadleaf and mixed forest biome. Ecology. The specimens have been collected from both open biotopes (Fig. 8A) and coniferous forests (Fig. 8B). More details are available for each specimen in the Material Examined section. Although both L. ramii sp. nov. and L. westoni occur frequently in the same habitats (and locations), it seems that L. ramii sp. nov. is more common in shaded, usually Picea abies L. dominated, forests (Such as the one in Fig. 8B), while the opposite seems to be the case in the more exposed habitats. How- ever, more data are needed for reliable comparisons. Three examined specimens (MZH GP.109737, MZH GP.109736, MZH GP.109780) have been reared from Passaloecus monilicornis Dahlbom, 1842 (Crabronidae). The pins do not include the host remains and the labels do not state how the host was confirmed; however, con- sidering the strong preference of L. westoni to parasitise Passaloecus, these rearing records are in line with expec- tations. The holotype was collected together with Passa- loecus monilicornis and Passaloecus eremita on the same wall of a log barn (Fig. 8A). There are not enough data to postulate whether a smaller subset of Passaloecus species 1s utilised as hosts (opposed to L. westoni, which seems to utilise most spe- cies) or whether additional genera of cavity-nesting acu- leates are used. Discussion The support for the species status of L. ramii Sp. nov. Several morphological characters and an ample 7% diver- gence in COI sequences readily separate the new species from L. westoni. However, no sequences were available dez.pensoft.net 206 for the remaining three species. Colour characters have been partly emphasised to differentiate the new species from the morphologically closest species L. japonica. Colour is known to vary geographically between distant populations on many insects, including the Ichneumoni- dae. Thereby, it is possible that the differences observed are not diagnostic, which could even imply the synonymy between L. ramii sp. nov. and L. japonica, however, the differences in head structure and surface sculpture of the head and mesosoma, in combination with the differences in colour adequately distinguish the new species from L. japonica. Despite several attempts, accessing the types of L. agonia and L. farta in the collection of the American Entomological Institute failed. The original descriptions are, however, sufficient for the new species to be distin- guished from the two by at least two morphological char- acters. Furthermore, the two species occur in very differ- ent regions (western United States and Taiwan) from L. ramii sp. nov. (Finland). The new species is described from a rather large num- ber of specimens. However, as more specimens from a wider geographical area are revealed, the morphological and molecular gap between L. ramii sp. nov. and other species of the genus will no doubt become smaller. For example, there were no overlapping specimens of L. ramii sp nov. and L. westoni regarding their ovi-tib ratio, but the difference is so small that it is likely that overlap- ping specimens are likely to surface in the future. The males of Lochetica The males of the genus are rarely collected: three of the five species are only known from females and the number of females to males in the studied material is 38 99:1 ¢ in L. ramii sp. nov. and 40 29:5 ¢¢ in L. westoni. The Juuso Paappanen: Description of Lochetica ramii sp. nov. sole male of L. ramii sp. nov. and three of the five males of L. westoni were reared. In addition, the reared type se- ries of Cecidonomus westoni consisted of 9 99 and 15 So (Bridgman 1880), which demonstrates the different sex ratio opposed to the studied museum material. On the basis of these data, it seems evident that the males are difficult to find other than via rearing. Female-biased sex ratios are not uncommon in Hymenoptera (Quicke 1997 and references therein); however, since rearing seems to produce males and females in a “normal” ratio, the most likely explanation is that the males of Lochetica are short- lived and thereby rarely collected other than via rearing. Another contributing factor could be that the males of Phygadeuontinae are usually more difficult to identify and, thus, are more likely to end up in the unsorted parts of collections than the females. Future work The distribution of LZ. ramii sp. nov. in Finland is rather widespread, extending from 60° to 64° in latitude. Thus, it is almost certain that L. ramii sp. nov. is also present in the neighbouring countries, but possibly also more wide- ly in Europe and Asia. It is possible it has been previously confused with L. westoni, as it has been in Finland. There are probably numerous species of Lochetica yet to be described, even in well-studied regions of the world. Future studies should attempt to examine large amounts of museum material from a wide geographic area — some- thing the scope of this study did not allow. There is also an evident scarcity of information regarding most of the described species of Lochetica as well: the hosts and ecol- ogy is unknown in three out of five species, the males are unknown in two species and two species are only known from one or two specimens. Identification key to the species of Lochetica of the world The keys include all known species of Lochetica;, however, no specimens of L. agonia and L. farta have been examined and their characters are based on Townes (1983). Townes (1970) and Horstmann (1978) can be used for the identifica- tion of the genus. ee 1 The epomia short or absent ventrad to the pronotal sulcus. The ovipositor with a rounded or absent nodus. The legs red ANG CIS Me OU ASW ON OW Se ic oS tan Ulla Seaatelse cles 2 catalan dad aeeticc tl «ine lel Pac a aati OO 3 es Ulitao Lochetica agonia Townes, 1983 The epomia long ventrad to the pronotal sulcus, extending as a weak ruga nearly to the posterior edge of the pronotum (Fig. 3A). The ovipositor with a very small but angulate nodus (Fig. 7B). The colour of the legs and tegulae similar only seach 013) Reaer ea RApre nae San RNR MC e RE “Aenea Aen Wa Rae a Si PMR Ae Bla nin BORA RE eee, SeRERD ant Ae ee Rie 2 The area petiolaris of the propodeum very densely transversely sculptured. The latero-median longitudinal carina of the propodeum, separating the area postero-externa from the area petiolaris, is weak. The coxae, trochanters and tegulae (GCI de aaa 8 Oe ieee Pee ON We UND RY Rarer Oe Pein a ERR We DREAMER Re oe en RY ont AA rT OAL MERGE Lochetica farta Townes, 1983 The area petiolaris weakly to moderately transversely sculptured, the sculpture concentrated on the sides (Figs 3D, 7B). The latero-median longitudinal carina of the propodeum, separating the area postero-externa from the area petiolaris, iS-strohe Figs Sb A/ ts): COlOcih aulOnaVAllal Gna. 27Fectenietonede:Beacstt eter rate descat Mag saer eer entite ie dectnaaadtsaerpite seaestdeeessate ecielte teers 3 dez.pensoft.net Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 71 (1) 2024, 193-208 207 8 The latero-median carinae of the first tergite strong, extending at least to the level of spiracles (Fig. 3E). In dorsal view, the head narrowed behind the eyes (Fig. 3B). The sternaulus with strong crenulae, stronger and longer than the crenulae on the mesopleural furrow (Fig. 3C). The ovipositor about long as the body (ovi-tib ratio more than 2.5). The legs pre- dominantly red (coxae and tarsi sometimes with dark colouration) and the tegulae yellow (Fig. 3F) ............c:eseeeeeeee eters anne sans Partagas eg Phi aaa ath in. dbdoe Saas eaieebh 20. x adanet, Ad ehaieh hain a Patina aguante 4 Lochetica westoni (Bridgman, 1880) The latero-median carinae of the first tergite weak or absent (Fig. 6E). The head slightly narrowed to widened behind the eyes (dorsal view). The sternaulus with weaker crenulae, not stronger than the ones on the mesopleural furrow (Fig. 6D). The ovipositor about as long as the metasoma or shorter (ovi-tib ratio less than 2.5) (Fig. 7A). Either legs or tegulae ia Ye ig yae O] b:\ es - okt Pepe RN en ite Jee oe Oe tie re ee Ae SARL Je CAA nS Be ee eRe RE 8 ae RE Ro 4 The mesosoma with shallower, less defined punctures, especially the area externa of the propodeum with punctures weakly, or not, discernible amongst the weak transversely orientated sculpture (Fig. 6F). The vertex uniformly sloping from the ocelli to the occiput; punctation weak and shallow, sculpture almost granulate (Fig. 6A). The pronotal sulcus without transverse crenulae. The tegulae black or dark brown (Fig. 6C). The femorae and tibiae predominantly red (Fig. 7A). The mandibles reddish with black base and teeth (Fig. ©B)...........cccecccecc cece eee eeeeeeee eee eeeeeeeees Lochetica ramii sp. nov. The mesosoma with more clearly defined, deep punctation, especially the area externa of the propodeum with dense, clearly defined punctures (Fig. 5B). The vertex with a shallow transverse depression followed by a low elevation; punc- tures large and rather deep (Fig. 5E). The pronotal sulcus with transverse crenulae. The tegulae light brownish-yellow (Fig. 5E). The legs, including femorae and tibiae predominantly black or dark brown with some suffused reddish coloura- tioaFige SD) -The-mandibles mainly: blacksCEls. SA}... 8 va. ees itn ewons ence Lochetica japonica Watanabe, 2021 3S This key 1s very tentative. It is based on a very small sample and the males of L. japonica and L. farta are unknown. The characters in parentheses are of uncertain diagnostic value. 1 The epomia short or absent ventrad to the pronotal sulcus. Tegulae “ivory”. The mandibles mostly red. Nearctic.......... Lochetica agonia Townes, 1983 - The epomia long ventrad to the pronotal sulcus, extending near the posterior margin of the pronotum, but rather weakly indicated. Tegulae yellow or black. The mandibles mainly white, with blackish or reddish colouration proximally and Stall yAPAl Saree ee a ee Pe eg ae great dusts Sar mien uate tea anon CoM exe Acree eat nee 2 2 The tegulae yellow, similar in colour to the adjacent humeral plate (Fig. 3C, cf. Fig. 3F). (mesopleuron and metapleuron with stronger rugosity (Fig. 3C). Trochanters and hind tarsi generally red).............. Lochetica westoni (Bridgman, 1880) 3. The tegulae black, contrasting with the pale yellow humeral plate (Fig. 7C, cf. Fig. 6C). (mesopleuron and metapleuron with weaker rugosity (Fig. 7C). The trochanters and hind tarsi darkened dorsally)..............:..::08 Lochetica ramii sp. nov. Acknowledgements References I thank all who gave access to specimens: Juho Paukku- nen (Museum of Natural History, Helsinki) loaned the bulk of the material used in this study, Kyohei Watanabe (Kanagawa Prefectural Museum of Natural History) pho- tographed the holotype of Lochetica japonica, David Waterhouse and Dr. Tony Irwin (Norwich Museum) pho- tographed the lectotype of Cecidonomus westoni, Rune Bygebjerg and Christoffer Fagerstrom (Lund Universi- ty Biological Museum) photographed the lectotype of Phygadeuon pimplarius, Gergely Varkonyi gave access to the previously barcoded Finnish specimens, including the sole male specimen of L. ramii. Many specimens also originated from recent species inventories conducted as part of the Beetles-LIFE and other projects carried out by Metsahallitus (Sampsa Malmberg, Mervi Laaksonen, Eerikki Rundgren). Marko Mutanen gave much needed comments, corrections and suggestions regarding the DNA barcoding sections of this paper and Ika Osterblad sent me a crucial piece of literature. Barbey A, Ferriere C (1923) Un cas intéressant de parasitologie das I'écorce du pin sylvestre. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise des Scienc- es Naturelles 55: 77-81. Blosch M (2000) Die Grabwespen Deutschlands. Lebensweise, Verh- alten, Verbreitung. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands 71, Goecke & Evers, Keltern, 480 pp. Bridgman JB (1880) Three new Ichneumons. Entomologist 13: 263— 265. https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.part.27903 Broad GR, Shaw MR, Fitton MG (2018) Ichneumonid Wasps (Hyme- noptera: Ichneumonidae): their Classification and Biology. Hand- books for the Identification of British Insects 7(12), Royal Entomo- logical Society, 418 pp. deWaard JR, Ivanova NV, Hajibabaei M, Hebert PDN (2008) Assem- bling DNA Barcodes. In: Martin CC, Martin CC (Eds) Environmen- tal Genomics. 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Supplementary material | R script for statistical analyses and graphs Author: Juuso Paappanen Data type: R Explanation note: The script file containing all the code to replicate the statistical analyses and recreate the graphs used in the study. The file is a simple text file, which can be opened in R or in any text editor (e.g. notepad). Copyright notice: This dataset is made available under the Open Database License (http://opendatacommons. org/licenses/odbl/1.0). The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow us- ers to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited. Link: https://doi.org/10.3897/dez.71.121217.suppl1 Supplementary material 2 Aligned sequences Author: Juuso Paappanen Data type: fas Explanation note: The aligned COI sequences in fasta format used in the study. Copyright notice: This dataset is made available under the Open Database License (http://opendatacommons. org/licenses/odbl/1.0). The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow us- ers to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited. Link: https://doi.org/10.3897/dez.71.121217.suppl2 Supplementary material 3 Specimen and morphological data Author: Juuso Paappanen Data type: xlsx Explanation note: A spreadsheet file (MS Excel) contain- ing the data of specimens used in the study. The data includes specimen id, species name, collecting loca- tion and date, collector and selected morphological characters. Copyright notice: This dataset is made available under the Open Database License (http://opendatacommons. org/licenses/odbl/1.0). The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow us- ers to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited. Link: https://doi.org/10.3897/dez.71.121217.suppl3