Zoosyst. Evol. 100 (3) 2024, 803-820 | DOI 10.3897/zse.100.120207 ue Ee BERLIN Exploring the diversity of Eutimesius Roewer, 1913: new species and records from Colombia and Venezuela (Opiliones, Gonyleptoidea, Stygnidae) Osvaldo Villarreal’:**, Daniela Ahumada-C.*, Gabriel R. Navas-S.° 1 Centro de Ecologia, Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas (IVIC), km I1 carretera Panamericana, Altos de Pipe, edo. Miranda 1204-A, Venezuela 2 Instituto y Museo del Instituto de Zoologia Agricola, Facultad de Agronomia, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Apartado 4579, Maracay 2101, Aragua, Venezuela 3 Departamento de Invertebrados, Museu Nacional/UF RJ, Quinta da Boa Vista, Sdo Crist6vdo, 20.940-040, Rio de Janeiro — RJ, Brazil 4 Grupo de Investigacion Biologia Descriptiva y Aplicada, Programa de Biologia, Universidad de Cartagena, Zaragocilla Cra. 50 #24-120, Cartagena de Indias, Bolivar, Colombia 5 Grupo de Investigacion Hidrobiologia, Programa de Biologia, Universidad de Cartagena, Zaragocilla Cra. 50 #24-120, Cartagena de Indias, Bolivar, Colombia https://zoobank. org/55 DBF63A-85CF-42C0-8218-15F310FB177A Corresponding author: Osvaldo Villarreal (osvaldovillarreal@gmail.com) Academic editor: Danilo Harms # Received 4 February 2024 # Accepted 10 May 2024 Published 17 June 2024 Abstract This study contributes taxonomic information on the genus Eutimesius Roewer, 1913. Three new species are described: the sympatric species E. aroa sp. nov. and E. guaichia sp. nov. from Yaracuy state and E. canoabo sp. nov. from Carabobo state in Venezuela. The male of E. ephippiatus (Roewer, 1915) is described for the first time. Remarks are made on the distribution of £. ornatus, and a com- plimentary description of male genitalia is provided for E. simoni Roewer, 1913. New departmental records are added for E. ephippi- atus and E. simoni. An updated distribution map and a key to the identification of the males of the species in the genus are presented. Key Words Harvestmen, Heterostygninae, Laniatores, Neotropics Introduction The family Stygnidae is a group of primarily mid-sized harvestmen with 114 species (Kury et al. 2023), most di- verse in Brazil (61 species), Venezuela (26 species), and Colombia (13 species); however, it occurs in other Ande- an and Caribbean countries (Pinto-da-Rocha 1997; Kury 2003). A systematic revision of the family, including a hypothesis of its relationship, was published over two decades ago (Pinto-da-Rocha 1997), dividing the group into three subfamilies: Nomoclastinae (now considered a separate family) and the rest of the species arranged in a symmetrical topology containing two subfamilies, Het- erostygninae and Stygninae (except for Gaibulus Roew- er, 1943) (Pinto-da-Rocha 1997). The genus Eutimesius Roewer, 1913 belongs to the subfamily Heterostygninae and is characterized by the presence of white, dry spots on the dorsal scutum. These dry spots bear a resemblance to those documented by Kury in DaSilva and Gnaspini (2010) for certain Gonyl- eptidae species. Within the context of our study, we opt for the term “Dry Spots’ instead of “Dry Mark,’ as employed in the aforementioned research. Notably, these spots ex- hibit a tendency to diminish in visibility or become nearly imperceptible upon contact with alcohol, mirroring what has been previously documented in Gonyleptidae species. Copyright Villarreal, O. et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 804 The five species currently included within the genus were originally classified under at least five different gen- era: Eutimesius, Dichobunistygnus Roewer, 1915; Hop- lostygnus Roewer, 1915; Metaphareus Roewer, 1912; and Xanthostygnus Mello-Leitéo, 1949. Pinto-da-Rocha (1997) synonymized four of these genera and restructured the group into Eutimesius, defined at the time as four spe- cies distributed in Colombia and Venezuela. Since the comprehensive taxonomic revision of the family (Pin- to-da-Rocha 1997), the genus Eutimesius has experienced minimal modifications within its classification. Notably, the taxonomy remained relatively stable until the inclusion of a unique species, Eutimesius punctatus (Roewer, 1913), which was incorporated into its taxonomic framework from the genus Metaphareus by Villarreal et al. (2019a). Most of the species within the genus are restricted to the northern Andes of Colombia and Venezuela (Pinto-da-Ro- cha 1997; Villarreal et al. 2019a). In the Colombian Andes, two species have been recorded: Eutimesius ephippiatus (Roewer, 1915) from the department of Quindio (see Kury 2003 for details) and Eutimesius ornatus (Roewer, 1943) from the department of Cundinamarca. In Venezuela, only two species have also been recorded: Eutimesius albicinc- tus (Roewer, 1915) and E. punctatus (Roewer, 1913) from Merida State, both in the Andean region of this country (Villarreal et al. 2019a). Additionally, a female of “E. or- natus” has been recorded in Tachira State (Pinto-da-Rocha 1997); however, the identity of this record is here discussed. Only the type species of the genus occurs outside the Andes: Eutimesius simoni Roewer, 1913, which inhabits the Amazonas basin and has been recorded from Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. In Colombia, £. simoni is known to occur in the department of Putumayo (Pin- to-da-Rocha 1997). Despite the relatively low number of described species in this genus, recent unpublished surveys suggest a significant- ly greater diversity, with at least seven undescribed species (OV unpublished data) known exclusively in the Venezuelan Andean cloud forests exhibiting high levels of endemism. This paper describes three new species: two sympatric species from Yaracuy State and one from Carabobo State in Venezuela. Additionally, the description of the previous- ly unknown male of E. ephippiatus, remarks on the distri- bution of E. ornatus, and a complimentary description of male genitalia for E. simoni also report new departamental records of E. ephippiatus and E. simoni in Colombia. Materials and methods All measurements are in millimeters and were taken with a stereomicroscope, referring to the maximum length and width. Setiferous tubercles (i = small, I = large) on pedipalps are given in proximal to distal order. For color descriptions, we used the standard names of the 267 color centroids of the NBS/IBCC color system as named in Centore (2016). The description pattern follows Villarreal et al. (2021); the nomenclature of tubercle rows in the legs follows Da Silva and Gnaspini (2010) and Hara et al. (2010); the integumen- zse.pensoft.net Villarreal, O. et al.: New species and records of Eutimesius tary ornamentation follows Da Silva and Gnaspini (2010); and the nomenclature of dry spots on the DS follows Kury in DaSilva and Gnaspini (2010). The terminology for chae- totaxy of penis lamina parva and malleus follows Kury and Villarreal (2015), and the terminology for dorsal scutum outline types follows Kury and Medrano (2016). The term “genital bauplan as Heterostygninae,” as employed in diag- nosis or descriptions, adheres to the definition provided by Villarreal et al. (2019b). We refer to intercoxal tubercles as those fused tubercles that connect two coxae of the legs on their ventral side. The pictures were taken with a Canon digi- tal camera coupled to a stereoscopic microscope Wild M7A, a Nikon COOLPIX P1000 with tripod, and an Olympus OMD Mark II attached to a stereoscopic microscope and mi- croscope AmScope. The multiple images of each species at different focal planes were combined with CombineZP Suite software (Hadley 2015) to increase the depth of field and were posteriorly edited in Photoshop CC 2017 software. The drawings were made with Inkscape 1.3.2. Genital features were studied following the protocol described by Acosta et al. (2007). The first-order administrative divisions of Co- lombia (departments) and Venezuela (states) are underlined. Maps were made using ESRI ArcGIS® 10.1 software. Abbreviations: AL — maximum abdominal scu- tum length; AW — maximum abdominal scutum width; BaCh — basichelicerite length; br — broken; CL — cara- pace length; CIPp — pedipalp claw; CoPp — pedipalpal coxa; CW — maximum carapace width; DS — dorsal scu- tum; DSW — dorsal scutum width; DSL — dorsal scutum length; FeL — femur length; FePp — pedipalpal femur; IOD — interocular distance; LP — lamina parva; MS — macrosetae of penis; PeTr — pedipalpal trochanter; Pp — pedipalps; PaPp — pedipalpal patella; TaPp — pedipalpal tarsus; TiPp — pedipalpal tibia; TiL — tibia length. Depositories (curators): [AvH — Instituto Alexander von Humboldt, Villa de Leyva, Colombia (Jhon Neita Moreno); ICN-Ao — Instituto de Ciencias Naturales of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota, Colombia (Eduardo Florez); MPUJ_ENT — Coleccion entomologica, Museo Javeriano de Historia Natural (Giovanny Fagua); and MIZA — Museo del Instituto de Zoologia Agricola “Francisco Fernandez, Yépez’, Maracay, Venezuela (Quintin Arias). Results Taxonomic accounts Family Stygnidae Simon, 1879 Subfamily Heterostygninae Roewer, 1913 Genus Eutimesius Roewer, 1913 Included species. Eutimesius albicinctus (Roewer, 1915); Eutimesius aroa sp. nov.,; Eutimesius canoabo sp. nov.; Eutimesius ephippiatus (Roewer, 1915); Eutimesius guaichia sp. nov.; Eutimesius ornatus (Rower, 1943); Eu- timesius punctatatus (Roewer, 1913); Eutimesius simoni Roewer, 1913. Zoosyst. Evol. 100 (3) 2024, 803-820 Diagnosis. Heterostygninae with white, dry spot on the dorsal scutum. Carapace with interocular monticle or spine, and scutal area HII with two acute paramedian MS-A MS-B MS-D ) MS-C {) MS-E 805 spines. Genital “bauplan” as Heterostygninae, LP with distal cleft, and long basal “neck.” MS-B ventrally posi- tioned (Fig. 1) when compared to /nnoxius. G-St Figure 1. Eutimesius sp., male ([AvH 3000054 - undescribed species from Norte de Santander, Colombia), showing the genital bauplan 1n the genus. Penis: A. Ventral view; B, E. Lateral views; C. Dorsal view; D. Apical view; F. MS-A, detail in lateral view. Abbreviations: GSt = gland, stylus; LP = lamina parva; Ma = malleus; MS = macrosetae of penis. Distribution (Fig. 2). So far, species of the genus (ex- cept the Amazonic E. simoni) are primarily known to be distributed in the Andes, specifically in the Cordillera Ori- ental of Colombia (WWE ecoregion, Cordillera Oriental montane forests, NTO118; and Northern Andean paramo, NT1006) and in the Cordillera de Mérida of Venezuela (WWE ecoregion, Venezuelan Andes montane forests, NTO0175). The records of Eutimesius aroa sp. nov., Eutime- sius canoabo sp. nov., and Eutimesius guaichia sp. nov. rep- resent the first occurrences of the genus—considered until now an Andean component—in the Venezuelan Coastal Range (WWF ecoregion, Cordillera de la Costa montane forests, NTO117) and the first records outside the Cordil- lera de Mérida in this country. Records of Heterostygninae in the Coast Range refer primarily to the genera Stygnoplus Simon, 1879, and Stenostygnellus Roewer, 1913. Natural history (Fig. 3). Opiliones exhibit di- verse microhabitat preferences within forest ecosys- tems. Within the family Stygnidae, species demon- strate foraging locations within the understory, utilizing both arboreal substrates such as tree trunks 80°O 70°O + E. albicinctus @ E.aroa sp. nov. A E. canoabosp. nov. @ E. ephippiatus © E.guaichiasp. nov. E. ornatus E.punctatus E, simoni E. cf. simoni Eutimesius sp.1 Eutimesius sp. 2 80°O 70°O Figure 2. Map showing the distribution of Eutimesius. zse.pensoft.net 806 Colombia E. ornatus Eutimesius sp.1 800 i i 600 E. ephippiatus ms 4 Z 200 E. simoni 0 msnm f Amazonas | Cordillera de la Costa Green: On vegetation; Brown: On substrate or trunk; Villarreal, O. et al.: New species and records of Eutimesius Venezuela Eutimesius sp.2 E. albicinctus E. punctatus E. aroa E. guaichia E. canoabo Cordillera de Mérida | Cordillera Oriental Black: unknown Figure 3. Schematic diagram illustrating the known altitudinal range for species of Eutimesius, their biogeographic area of occurrence, the country, and the microhabitat used if known. and ground-level leaf litter. Villarreal et al. (2019b) documented FE. punctatus utilizing the upper vegeta- tion, such as small trees and shrubs, positioned well above the forest floor at heights of 1.5—3 meters, for foraging and oviposition. Additionally, at least one spe- cies of Stenostygnellus has been reported to deposit its eggs between the leaf and stem of certain palms (Vil- larreal and Machado 2011). The three species described here were consistently collected at heights between 1.5 and 2 meters above ground, exclusively within shrubby vegetation or small trees. A preference for microhabitat was suggested for species within this genus (Villarreal etal; 2019b); Key to males of Futimesius species The altitudinal range occupied by species of this genus 1S extensive, ranging from low elevations in the Amazon to heights reaching 3,050 meters in the Venezu- elan Andes. However, the majority of species are found above 1,000 meters, typically in cloud forest habitats. Only E. simoni has been recorded in lowland areas be- tween 70 and 110 meters in altitude, which 1s character- istic of the Amazonian region. EF. ephippiatus occurs at the foothills of the Andes between 500 and 1,000 me- ters. All other species occur above 1,000 meters in alti- tude. The highest altitude record corresponds to a single female from Tachira state in Venezuela, misidentified as E. ornatus (Pinto-da-Rocha 1997), reaching 3,050 m. 1 Paramedcanss pines. Of stherarean lls iU Sect Rigs ye Re Sea ee a ee ee E. simoni - Paratmedianyspines-or hecarealli separated: (Messi 7 An ects. el, ees, Sy Pence ckds snags eb eade das by doe Z 2 DS yellowish background with conspicuous dark circular spots on the scutal areas (Villarreal et al. 2019b: figs 1-4).... rps JE Renin he ie lees eens eed | fee Ret a ieeeSns eee TS. ieee tert | Mie ark cP a RIAN Sad Aetna ete | E iaee Manel E, punctatus - DS generally dark brown; rarely yellow, but in no case with that pattern of dark circular spots on the scutal areas ad 23e,¢ oe Mi oy AL Os Lana ee ae Ms RE Rae SORE BU ERE Ree ane SW re roe RRP OO we ERE PES SR ak nee ERR ee 3 Se sida IV witha consproveus prodorsalssubel’Stal Seine CFIC w 7 et henge orto, et ene dense eepeetth octet ge E. canoabo sp. nov. - i ibiaiVvewitheut a-conseleuedus procdorsal subgIStal SpIne:( FIGs OF iG, Peta nce staeteed Akt tia so ete ss 4 Scutal areas II-III divided (Figs 9, 10A, B); chelicerae, pedipalp and sometimes legs with intense green coloration ........ 5 Scutal areas II-III entire (Figs 4, 5A, B, 11, 12 A, B); no intense green coloring on the chelicerae, pedipalps, or legs (Figs cave Gl) net Rane eee. eR cece ere. Re ers ee Se a ea Mani a tts 2 Snr aa sel PO ee oa Le 6 5 Lateral margins of DS and inner margin of eyes without white dry spots (Pinto-da-Rocha, 1997: figs 57, 58); femora III SROCTUSI 5 we, terns. meres Sum alld ies smeee hee sends a on ete IG, wt asi dh Pes steps Noe rh doves lea re shana aves oho me eet ibh tne Wits. E. ornatus - Lateral margins of DS and inner margin of eyes with white dry spots, eyes completely encircled by white dry spots CHES LOR. Bossherige Fat | yeh e Ns Ly; «25 aes ee ee secs Bee em tee 2 ems Pe coe ete Ge Seg Pes os Pane Cone ook Be a eee E. ephippiatus 6 Femur IV slightly curved and distally widened, with long and wide ventrodistal spines; patella IV as wide as long, with two distal very large dorsal tubercles; and tibia IV swollen, about two times as long as wide (Fig. 12F, G) ................05 pSenuctt PTE NMG eat Lie JON Patrons: BL ee ese MM a Nes, es Py Ne eo. es LEE AUN Ns Bae PUES Ue ore ALI cos E. guaichia sp. nov. Femur IV almost straight, with small ventrodistal tubercles; patella IV longer than wide, and tibia IV cylindrical and not swollen, between 5.5 and 9.6 times longer than WIC................ccscccecsccecececseccecceecaeecesssescuccsecaeececseaccecssccgeeserseneseenenes 7 zse.pensoft.net Zoosyst. Evol. 100 (3) 2024, 803-820 807 Us Pattern of small, white dry spots forming a lateral line on the margins of the DS and delineating the border of both halves of the scutal area | (Pinto-da-Rocha, 1997: figs 49, 50); tubercles of the pro and retroventral rows of the femora WAcentinedstoxtherdistal*pertion.~rinte-daskochiat bOO7-ie.5S x27 wee ee ae. ae E. albicinctus - Pattern of dry white spots not forming a lateral line on the DS margins; at most, they are only present in the anterior region of the carapace and do not delineate the border of both halves of the | area; instead, they are mainly confined to the lateral portions of the area | (Figs 4A, B, 5 A, B); pro and retroventral rows of the femora IV complete.................6. BAe, POE co My UB nr ses PPE phn hss RM rh, SUPE aad A Ra MEY ones) SMR, OPN ANY do onal PY, ben AG ORR BPO calla E. aroa sp. nov. Eutimesius aroa Villarreal & Ahumada-C., sp. nov. https://zoobank.org/C957434C-5804-4610-88B7-8966D3A 24FF7 Figs 4, 5, 14A-C, 2 68.8298°W); 1,200 ma.s.1.; 09 Mar. 2008; (Villarreal O., Escalona H., Jayaro Y., Viera E. leg.) (MIZA 0105934). Paratypes > 1 9, 1 @; same as the holotype; (MIZA 0105936). Type material. VENEZUELA * 3 holotype, Yaracuy, Road Diagnosis. It is distinguishable from all other species Cocorote — Aroa, sector Las Cumaraguas; (10.3520°N, in the genus by the pattern of dry white spots, occupying itus, dorsal view (MIZA 0105936); C. Male habitus, lateral view (MIZA 0105934). Scale bars: 1 mm. zse.pensoft.net 808 the anterolateral zone of the carapace, lateral areas of the II and III areas, and part of the lateral margins of the dorsal shield (Figs 4 A, C, 5 A, B), and by the orna- mentation of the male femur IV, with large tubercles on both complete ventral rows (Fig. 5 G). Etymology. The species is named in reference to the Sierra de Aroa, the mountain range in which it inhabits. Aroa is a Chibcha word believed to have a meaning as- sociated with the jaguar, or “tigre.” Noun in apposition. Description. Male. Measurements. DSL 4.0; DSW 3.5; AL 1.9; AW 2.7; IOD 2.0; pedipalp: CoPp 0.8, TrPp bl, RePp:3.8)PaPp.) $4 TiPp-24.aPp 2-2 6elPp 1:8: total 13.9; leg IV: FeL 7.2, TiL 3.9. Dorsum (Figs 4A, C, 5A, B). DS outline Epsilon type. Anterior margin of DS with 1—2 anterolateral tubercles. Anteromedial process of the cheliceral sockets shorter than lateral processes. Eyes separated into two small smooth mounds, placed posteriorly on the carapace. Interocular region with small granules in the posterior zone and one central elevated mound that terminates in two short spines. Lateral mar- gins smooth. Mesotergum divided into four areas, III-IV partially fused: I divided medially into two triangular halves, with one conspicuous tubercle on each side; II entire, with four conspicuous tubercles; III with a later- al pair of large tubercles; one pair of paramedian large spines with granulated base; IV with some granules and one row of four tubercles, two each side. Posterior margin and free tergites with a pair of paramedian acute granules. Venter (Figs 4C, 5B). Coxa I with four distal tubercles and a medial row of six tubercles; II with a median row of seven-eight tubercules and a posterior row of two-three small tubercles; III with six intercoxal tubercles, five dis- tal, two anterior, six medial, five posterior tubercles; [V with eight intercoxal tubercles, six anterior tubercles, Villarreal, O. et al.: New species and records of Eutimesius nine medial tubercles, and about 12 posterior tubercles not aligned. Genital operculum with scattered granules. Stigmatic area with two anterior tubercles, a medial row of four tubercles, and a posterior row of minute granules on the posterior border. Free sternites with a row of small granules. Chelicerae (Fig. 5A—C). Segment I smooth with well-defined bulla, with one or two ectoproximal tu- bercles and one ectodistal tubercle. Segment II swollen, fixed finger with a proximal wide laminar tooth, followed by two very small denticles and three decreasing medial teeth; mobile finger with one subproximal large truncated tooth,one medial pyramidal tooth, and two small subdistal teeth. Pedipalps (Fig. 5D, E). Coxa with a group of eight ventral tubercles and three-four dorsal tubercles. Tro- chanter with a large ventral tubercle and two-three dorsal tubercles. Femur with a ventral row of six small tuber- cles and dorsally smooth. Patella smooth, distally swol- len. Tibia dorsal smooth, ventrally with a row of minute granules; mesal Iii; ectal [ilil. Tarsus dorsally smooth, ventrally with two rows of minute granules, mesal [ilili; ectal illu. Legs (Fig. 5F—-I). Coxae I-II with two dorsal tubercles; III-IV connected by four-—five intercoxal tu- bercles; IV with one dorsodistal large tubercle and scat- tered small granules and tubercles. Trochanter I dorsally smooth, ventrally with three tubercles; If with two dorsal, one retrodistal, and three ventral tubercles; II] with one prolateral, two-four dorsal, one retrodorsal large, and five ventral tubercles; IV with one prolateral, one dorsal, and some minute dorsal granules; one retrolateral large tuber- cle; and eight ventral tubercles. Femora I-II with longi- tudinal rows of minute granules; III and IV with the one proventral and one retroventral row of large and spaced apart tubercles; and with two dorsoapical tubercles. Pa- tella III-I'V each with one large proventral tubercle; IV Figure 5. Eutimesius aroa sp. nov., male (MIZA 0105934): A. Habitus, dorsal view; B. Ditto, lateral view; C. Right chelicera, frontal view; D. Right pedipalp, tibia, and tarsus, ectal view; E. Ditto, mesal view; F. Right leg IV, dorsal view; G. Ditto, ventral view. Scale bars: 1 mm. zse.pensoft.net Zoosyst. Evol. 100 (3) 2024, 803-820 with pro and retrodorsal distal large tubercles and with Sparse minute granules. Tibia III, with the tubercles of the distal portion of the proventral row enlarged and all the retroventral row with large tubercles increasing in size distally; TV with similar pattern but more conspicuous. Basitarsus I slightly swollen. Tarsal process and scopu- la present. Tarsal claws III and IV opposites and pecti- nated. Tarsal counts: 7(3)/19(br)-22(3)/8/9. Penis (Fig. 14A-C). Heterostygninae general pattern, as described in Villarreal et al. (2019b). Truncus with the malleus swol- len. Lamina parva (LP) with a shallow neck and a deep distal cleft. MS-A1-A2 located on the malleus, one pair laterally and one pair more ventrally; MS-B pair ventrally located on the LP; two pairs of MS-C located medially on the LP, dorsally to the neck; MS-D1 large, located slight- ly proximal to MS-E; MS-D2 basally located, near the base of the gland; MS-E with only one pair of short setae. Gland globose, with short and dorsally curved stylus with small dorsal process. Color (Fig. 4A, C). DS mottled on background brilliant yellow (83). Spots on the carapace moderate brown (58); area I, bases of tubercles of area II; tubercles of area III and margins of DS; free tergites and coxae I-IV dorsally dark grayish brown (62) and black- ish red (21). Trochanters I-IV and chelicerae reticulated in the same colors as DS. Femora I-II reticulated dark grayish olive (111) on background moderate yellow green (120); III and IV dark grayish olive (111). Female. Measurements. Dorsal scutum length 4.1; dorsal scutum width 3.4; abdominal scutum length 1.8; abdominal scutum width 2.8; interocular distance 1.7; pedipalp: coxa 0.6, trochanter 0.8, femur 3.9, patella 1.6, tibia 2.0, tarsus 2.2, claw 1.7; total 12.8; leg IV: femur 7.3, tibia 3.9. Description (Fig. 4B). Similar to male, except by abdominal scutum Eta type; chelicerae not swollen; ornamentation of leg IV conspicuously less developed; basitarsus I not swollen. Distribution. Venezuela, Yaracuy. Only known from the type locality (Fig. 2). Eutimesius canoabo Villarreal & Ahumada-C., sp. nov. https://zoobank.org/D9A 7D2ED-CF8 1 -4446-B721-B4402141826B Figs 6-8, 14D-F, 2 Type material. VENEZUELA * 3 holotype, Carabobo, El Santuario, Posada Ecolégica Casa Maria, near Canoabo, (10.3132°N, 68.2232°W); 1,220 m a.s.l.; 19 Mar. 2008; (Villarreal O., Pereira M.P. leg.); on vegetation abbott 1.5—2 m above the ground (MIZA 0105945). Paratypes « 2 2,14; same as the holotype; (MIZA 0105946). Diagnosis. It is distinguishable from all other species in the genus by the pattern of dry white spots, occupying lateral zones of the scutal areas IT and III, the medial zone of the scutal areas I and II, dispersal spots on the medial zone of the carapace, and part of the lateral margins of the dorsal scutum (Figs 6A, B, 7A, 8A); and by the ornamen- tation of the male femur IV, with large tubercles on both complete ventral rows (Fig. 7G). 809 Etymology. Canoabo is an indigenous word of Arawa- ko origin that means “village next to fresh water.” The Species name refers to the type locality, a forest near Ca- noabo, a town and river of the Cordillera de la Costa in Carabobo State, Venezuela. Description. Male. Measurements. DSL 3.4; DSW 3.1; AL 1.8; AW 3.1; IOD 1.9; pedipalp: CoPp 0.5, TrPp 09 FePp 332 Papel :5,. TiPp:&.2, arp: lle Cie: Pal: total 9.6; leg IV: FeL 7.4, TiL 3.6. Dorsum (Figs 6A, 7A, 8A, C). DS outline Epsilon type. Anterior margin of DS with two anterolateral tubercles. Anteromedial process of the cheliceral sockets shorter than lateral processes. Eyes separated into two small smooth mounds, placed posteri- orly on the carapace. Interocular region with one central elevated mound with small granules that terminates in four short spines. Lateral margins smooth. Mesotergum divided into four areas, IJ-IV fused: I divided medially into two triangular halves, with one conspicuous tubercle on each side; II entire, with four conspicuous tubercles; IN-IV with a lateral pair of large tubercles; one pair of paramedian large spines with granulated base, with two posterior tubercles. Posterior margin and free tergites smooth, with a pair of paramedian acute granules. Venter (Figs 6B, 7B). Coxa I with a cluster of three mesal gran- ules and about 7—8 dispersed granules; II with five inter- coxal tubercles, with a median row of eight tubercles and two distal tubercles; HI with five-six intercoxal tubercles, 14-15 six tubercles, medially aligned and distally irreg- ularly distributed; IV with seven anterior tubercles and about 18—19 posterior tubercles not aligned. Genital oper- culum with scattered granules. Stigmatic area with a pos- terior row of minute granules on the posterior border. Free sternites with a row of small granules. Chelicerae (Figs 6A, B, 7A—C). Segment I smooth with well-defined bulla, with three or four ectoproximal tubercles and one ectodis- tal tubercle. Segment II swollen, fixed finger with a prox- imal wide laminar tooth, followed by one medial tooth and one small denticle subdistal; mobile finger with one subproximal large truncated tooth,one medial pyramidal tooth, and two small subdistal teeth. Pedipalps (Fig. 7D, E). Coxa with a group of about nine ventral tubercles and three dorsal tubercles. Trochanter with two ventral tuber- cles and two dorsal tubercles. Femur with a ventroectal row of six-eight small granules and one-two ventromesal granules, and dorsally with a row of minute granules. Pa- tella smooth, distally swollen. Tibia dorsal smooth, ven- trally with some proximal minute granules; mesal Hil; ectal [ili. Tarsus dorsally smooth, ventrally with two rows of minute granules, mesal [ilili; ectal nhl. Legs (Fig. 7F, G). Coxae I-II with two dorsal tubercles; III-IV connected by one intercoxal tubercle; IV with four dor- sodistal tubercles and scattered small lateral granules and tubercles. Trochanter I dorsally smooth, ventrally with three tubercles; IT with one dorsal and three ventral tuber- cles; II] with one retrolateral and five ventral tubercles; IV with one prolateral and one retrolateral tubercle and seven ventral tubercles. Femora I—-IT smooth; HI with longitudi- nal rows of tubercles and granules, the ventrodistal larger, zse.pensoft.net 810 Villarreal, O. et al.: New species and records of Eutimesius Figure 6. Eutimesius canoabo sp. nov., A, B. Male habitus, dorsal and lateral views (MIZA 0105945); C, D. Female habitus, dorsal view (MIZA 0105946). Scale bars: 1 mm. Figure 7. Eutimesius canoabo sp. nov., male (MIZA 0105945): A. Habitus, dorsal view; B. Ditto, lateral view; C. Right chelicera, frontal view; D. Right pedipalp, tibia, and tarsus, ectal view; E. Ditto, mesal view; F. Right leg IV, dorsal view; G. Ditto, ventral view. Scale bars: 1 mm. zse.pensoft.net Zoosyst. Evol. 100 (3) 2024, 803-820 811 Figure 8. Eutimesius canoabo sp. nov. A—C. From Carabobo State, Venezuela. and one retrodorsal distal large tubercle; IV with the one proventral and one retroventral rows of tubercles increas- ing in size distally, and with two dorsoapical tubercles. Patella HI dorsally granulated and with a proventral tu- bercle; [TV with one large ventral tubercle; and pro and retrodorsal distal large tubercles and with sparse minute granules. Tibia III slightly increased distally, with two rows of ventral granules in the distal portion; IV with the proventral row of tubercles increasing in size distally; and retrovental row of tubercles, with the distal-most tubercle larger than the others. Basitarsus I slightly swollen. Tar- sal process and scopula present. Tarsal claws III and IV opposites and pectinated. Tarsal counts: 7(2)-7(3)/19(3)- 18(3)/8/9-10. Penis (Fig. 14D-F). Heterostygninae gen- eral pattern, as described in Villarreal et al. (2019b). Trun- cus with the malleus swollen. Lamina parva (LP) with a shallow neck and a deep distal cleft. MS-A1-A2 locat- ed on the malleus, one pair laterally and one pair more ventrally, with duplication in the more ventral on the left side; MS-B pair ventrally located, distally to the MS-A; two pairs of MS-C located medially on the LP, dorsally to the neck; MS-D1 located slightly proximal to between MS-E and MS-C; MS-D2 basally located, near the base of the gland; MS-E with only one pair of short setae visible. Gland globose, with short and dorsally curved stylus with inconspicuous dorsal process. Color (Figs 6, 8). DS mot- tled on dark yellowish brown (78). Spots on the carapace Brilliant orange (49); tubercles of area I-IV; margins of DS; margins of free tergites; and edge of coxae I-IV; dor- sally light olive brown (94). Trochanters I-IV, with the same colors as DS. Femora I-II reticulated dark yellowish brown (78) on a background of light olive brown (94); I-IV with the same colors as DS. Chelicerae reticulated in the same colors as DS. Female. Measurements. Dorsal scutum length 3.9; dorsal scutum width 3.5; abdominal scutum length 1.9; abdominal scutum width 2.9; interocular distance 1.5; pedipalp: coxa 0.8, trochanter 0.7, femur 2.8, patella 1.2, tibia 1.8, tarsus 1.6, claw 1.3; total 10.2; leg IV: femur 8.0, tibia 3.4. Description (Fig. 6C, D). Similar to male, except by abdominal scutum Epsilon type; chelicerae not swollen; interocular projection lower and slightly for- ward: ornamentation of leg IV conspicuously less devel- oped; basitarsus I not swollen. Chelicerae and legs lighter. Distribution. Venezuela, Yaracuy. Only known from the type locality (Fig. 2). Eutimesius ephippiatus (Roewer, 1915) Figs 9, 10, 14G—I, 2 Dichobunistygnus ephippiatus Roewer C-F, (1915): 105, figs 57a—b. Eutimesius ephippiatus: Pinto-da-Rocha (1997): 187, figs 54-56. Material examined. CoLomsia ¢ 1 @, 1 9; Boyaca (New department record), Santa Maria, sendero Hyca Quye, 5.5 km NW from Santa Maria, forest edge roadside; (4.89811°N, 73.29344°W): Ago. 2016; (Rodriguez, C. leg.) zse.pensoft.net 812 Villarreal, O. et al.: New species and records of Eutimesius Figure 9. Eutimesius ephippiatus: A. Male habitus, dorsal view (ICN-Ao-1492); B. Female habitus, dorsal view (ICN- Ao-18); C. Male habitus, lateral view (ICN-Ao-1492). Scale bars: 1 mm. Figure 10. Eutimesius ephippiatus male (ICN-Ao-18): A. Habitus, dorsal view; B. Ditto, lateral view; C. Right cheli- cera, frontal view; D. Right pedipalp, tibia, and tarsus, ectal view; E. Ditto, mesal view; F. Right leg IV, dorsal view; G. Ditto, ventral view. Scale bars: 1 mm. (MPUJ_ENT 004 8876). * 1 3, Boyaca, Santa Maria, Quebrada La Argentina, forest edge, 0.5 km SSW from Santa Maria; (4.85673°N, 73.26375°W); manual capture; 850 m a.s.l.; Ago-Sep. 2015; (Guzman, K. leg.) (MPUJ_ ENT 0039466). * 1 2; Casanare (new department record), Agua Azul; [5.1866°N, 72.5558°W]; 14 Oct. 1978; (La Rotta, C. leg.) (ICN-Ao-18). * 1 9; Cundinamarca, Ub- ala, Ubala B., Inspeccion San Pedro de Jagua, left bank of the Rio Zaquea; [4.7133°N, 73.3016°W]; 500 ma.s.L.; manual capture; Apr. 1998; (Rodriguez, V., Sierra, S., Florez, E., Varon, A. leg.) (ICN-Ao-1491). © 1 4; Cun- dinamarca, Ubala, Ubala B., Inspeccion Mambita, Vda. Boca de Monte, surroundings Boca de Monte school; (4.7430°N, 73.3016°W); 1,000 m a.s.l.; manual capture; Apr. 1998; (Rodriguez, V., Sierra, S., Florez, E., Varon, A. leg.) (ICN-Ao-1492). * 1 9; Cundinamarca, Ubala, Ubala B., Inspeccién San Pedro de Jagua, Vda. Soya, left bank of the Rio Zaquea; (4.7133°N, 73.3392°W); 500 m a.s.1.; manual capture; Apr. 1998; (Rodriguez, V., Sierra, S., Florez, E., Varon, A. leg.) (CN-Ao-1511). Diagnosis. It is distinguishable from all other species in the genus by the pattern of dry white spots that encir- zse.pensoft.net cled completely the eyes (Figs 9, 10A, B), and the proxi- mal half of femora and tibiae ['V without tubercles or with only minute granules (Figs 10F, G). Complementary description. Male. Measurements. DSL: 1.4; DSW: 2.8; AL: 1.7; AW: 3.0; IOD: 1.6; pedi- palp: :CoPp 07: TrRp 0:7) FePp22:9 Pabpil.3: RiP pha: FaPp: 123.:C1Pp:0:8: total’ 92> kes IV Pels7-6> Til, 2:6. Dorsum (Figs 9A, C, 10A, B). DS outline Epsilon type. Anterior margin of DS with four anterolateral large tu- bercles. Anteromedial and lateral process of the chelicer- al sockets short. Eyes separated into two small smooth mounds, placed slightly posteriorly on the carapace. In- terocular region with small granules and one central el- evated and irregular mound that terminates in two short tubercles. Lateral margins with a row of seven tubercles. Mesotergum divided into four areas, III-I'V mostly fused: I divided medially into two oval halves, with one con- spicuous tubercle on each side and some lateral granules; two entire, with seven-eight conspicuous tubercles; IT/ IV with one pair of paramedian very large spines pro- jected backward (three times the length of the interoc- ular eminence); and granulated, posterior region with Zoosyst. Evol. 100 (3) 2024, 803-820 a row of small granules. Posterior margin smooth, free tergites with a row of small granules. Anal operculum and sternites with small granules. Venter (Figs 9C, 10B). Coxa I with three distal tubercles and a medial row of five tubercles; II with three distal tubercles, a median row of nine tubercles, and a posterior row of three-five small tu- bercles; III with three distal tubercles, three-five anterior, eight medial, and five posterior tubercles; IV with four intercoxal tubercles, one median row with eight tuber- cles aligned, some scattered anterior tubercles, and about eight-ten posterior tubercles aligned. Genital operculum and stigmatic area with scattered granules. Free sternites with a row of small granules. Chelicerae (Figs 9A, C, 10A-—C). Segment I smooth with well-defined bulla with tiny granules. Segment II swollen. Fixed finger with one medial tooth, mobile finger with one sub-proximal large tooth, one medial large tooth and two small subdistal teeth. Pedipalps (Figs 9A, 10A, D, F). Coxa with some granules. Trochanter with three dorsodistal tubercles and one dorsal tubercle in the medial position, ventrally with some minute granules. Femur and patella dorsally and ventrally, with some scattered granules. Patella dis- tally swollen. Tibia dorsal with some minute granules, ventrally with a row of minute granules, mesal IIII, ectal ThhI. Tarsus dorsally and ventrally smooth; mesal hhh, ectal lili. Legs (Figs 9A, C, 10A, B, F, G). Coxae I-III unarmed, IV with one large prodorsal tubercle in medial position. Trochanter IT with one dorsodistal tubercle, I-— IV ventrally granulated, HI with one row of 4—5 dorso- distal tubercles and one row of four proventral tubercles, IV with 4—5 prodorsal tubercles (the two distalmost larg- er), one large retrodorsal sub-distal tubercle, and a group of small prodorsal proximal tubercles. Femora J-II with longitudinal rows of granules dorsally and ventrally, HI with one prodorsal distal conical tubercle and ventral row of conical tubercles increasing in size distally, TV with one prolateral and one retrolateral row of small tubercles, dorsally with two distal conical tubercles, and ventrally with two longitudinal rows of conical tubercles increas- ing in size distally. Patellae HJI-IV granulated, IV dorsally tuberculated, with one retrodorsal distal conical tubercle, one retroventral row of tubercles (the distalmost larger), two conical ventral tubercles in medial portion (the dis- talmost larger), and one proventral conical tubercle in distal portion. Tibia HI with some granules, [V with one large retrodorsal distal tubercle and some scattered gran- ules and small tubercles, two ventral rows of tubercles. Tarsal claws HI and IV opposites and pectinated. Tarsal counts:7(3)-7(3)/17-19 /9-10/9-9. Penis (Fig. 14G-—I). Heterostygninae general pattern. Malleus swollen. LP with a shallow neck and a deep distal cleft. MS-A located on the malleus, two pair dorsally and one pair more ven- trally; MS-B pair located ventrally; MS-C pair located medially on the LP, distally to the neck; MS-D1 large, located sligthly proximal to MS-E; MS-D2 located basal- ly, near the base of the glans; MS-E apparently with only one pair of setae visible. Glans globose, with short and dorsally curved stylus with small dorsal process. Color 813 (Fig. 9 A, C). DS, and free tergites Dark orange yellow (72). Spots on carapace and mesotergum Vivid orange yellow (66). Pair of paramedian spines in area III Brown- ish black (65). Free sternites Dark yellowish brown (78). Chelicerae reticulated and pedipalps Light greenish yel- low (101). Coxae I-IV and trochanters I-IV brilliant yel- low (83), Femora I-II reticulated light greenish yellow (101), and III and VI brilliant yellow (83). Female. Measurements. DSL: 1.2—1.5; DSW: 2.5— 3.2; AL: 1.5—2.2; AW: 2.9-3.5; IOD: 1.3—1.7; pedipalp: CoPp 0.4—0.8, TrPp 0.5—0.6, FePp 1.9—2.6, PaPp 1.0—1.4, TiPp 0.8-1.4, TaPp 0.8—1.3, CIPp 0.7-0-9, total 4.3-8.0; Leg IV: FeL 6.2—-8.2, TiL 3.44.1. Description of female (Fig. 9B). Similar to male, except by abdominal scutum wider posteriorly; spots on area II, anterior and lateral margins; chelicerae not swollen; ornamentation of leg IV conspicuously less developed; basitarsus I not swollen. Chelicerae dark yellow (88), pedipalps, trochanters I-III, and femora I-III strong yellow (84), Trochanter IV strong yellowish brown (74), and femur IV strong yellow (84). Distribution. Colombia, Casanare, Cundinamarca, Quindio (Fig. 2). Eutimesius guaichia Villarreal & Ahumada-C., sp. nov. https://zoobank.org/DCF8 1 CO7-BF22-4862-B864-F852A B35F 806 Figs 11,12, 14 J-L, 2 Type material. Holotype. VENEZUELA * 3, Yaracuy, road Cocorote - Aroa, sector Las Cumaraguas; (10.3520°N, 68.8298°W); 1,200 ma.s.1.; 09 Mar. 2008; (Villarreal O., Escalona H., Jayaro Y., Viera E. leg.) (MIZA 0105935). Paratype. * 1 2, same as the holotype (MIZA 0105935). Diagnosis. It can be distinguished from other conge- neric species by the pattern of dry white spots occupy- ing the anterolateral zone of the carapace, the posterior zone of the eyes, and the lateroposterior corner of the DS (Figs 11A, B, 12A, B) and by the shape and ornamen- tation of the leg IV of the males: femur with a subdistal dorsal group of conspicuous tubercles, patella inflated, dorsal face densely tuberculated with two large curve dis- tal spines like horns, and tibia swollen, dorsally almost smooth, with the prolateral face densely tuberculated, with the retrolateral row with numerous contiguous large tubercles and the retrodorsal row with distal tubercles larger (Fig. 12F, G). Etymology. The species is named after Guaichia, an- other name given to Maria Lionza, a female deity belong- ing to Venezuelan spiritism, which originates from the state of Yaracuy, where the species inhabits. The myth of Maria Lionza has been interpreted as a symbol of the bi- ological and cultural mestizaje, or intermixing, that char- acterizes Venezuela. It expresses the Indigenous, Europe- an, and African roots that comprise the cultural diversity of Venezuela. This 1s a noun in apposition. Description. Male. Measurements. DSL: 4.4; DSW: 3.7; AL: 1.8; AW: 3.0; IOD: 2.4; pedipalp: CoPp 0.7, TrPp 0:9. FePp: 3:3, -PaPp:l-3y iPp 1.8; Tarp ly eeCiPp: 1.3; zse.pensoft.net 814 Villarreal, O. et al.: New species and records of Eutimesius =, ~ Figure 11. Eutimesius guaichia sp. nov., A, B. Male habitus, dorsal and lateral views (MIZA 0105935); C, D. Female habitus, dorsal and lateral views (MIZA 0105935). Scale bars: 1 mm. Figure 12. Eutimesius guaichia sp. nov., male (MIZA 0105935): A. Habitus, dorsal view; B. Ditto, lateral view; C. Right chelicera, frontal view; D. Right pedipalp, tibia, and tarsus, ectal view; E. Ditto, mesal view; F. Right leg I'V, dorsal view; G. Ditto, ventral view. Scale bars: 1 mm. zse.pensoft.net Zoosyst. Evol. 100 (3) 2024, 803-820 total 11.0; Leg IV: FeL 4.2, TiL 2.7. Dorsum (Figs 11A, B, 12A, B). DS outline Epsilon type. Anterior margin of DS with two anterolateral tubercles on each side. An- teromedial process of the cheliceral sockets shorter than lateral processes. Eyes separated into two small smooth mounds, placed slightly posterior on the carapace. Intero- cular region with some anteromedial granules, with one central elevated eminence that terminates in one spine. Lateral margins smooth. Mesotergum divided into four well-delimited areas: I divided medially into two trian- gular halves, with three tubercles on each side; IT entire, with 3—4 conspicuous tubercles; HI with a lateral pair of tubercles; one pair of paramedian large spines with gran- ulated base; IV with a row of 10 tubercles. Posterior mar- gin and free tergites with a row of granules. Venter (Figs 11B, 12B). Coxa I with three distal tubercles and some tu- bercles irregularly distributed; II with three clearly sepa- rate rows of tubercles/granules, six anterior, eight medial and larger, and four posterodistal; II] with six intercoxal tubercles, one mesodistal wide tubercle, and three rows of granules; IV with eight intercoxal tubercles and densely tuberculated, the distal larger; the prolateral face anteriorly smooth; and posteriorly with seven conspicuous tubercles. Genital operculum with scattered granules. Stigmatic area with scattered granules in the anterior zone and with two rows of granules on the posterior zone. Free sterni- tes with a row of small granules. Chelicerae (Fig. 11A, B, 12A—C). Segment I smooth with well-defined bulla, with two or three small ectal tubercles and one mesodis- tal small tubercle. Segment II very swollen; fixed finger irregularly dentated; mobile finger with one medial large tooth and one subdistal tooth: the apical part finely serrat- ed. Pedipalps (Figs 11A, 12D, E). Coxa with a group of 6-7 ventral tubercles and one dorsal tubercle. Trochanter with two ventral tubercles and one dorsal tubercle. Femur with one ventroproximal tubercle and dorsally smooth. Patella smooth, distally swollen. Tibia dorsal smooth, ventrally with a group of small granules; mesal IIili; ectal [Wilili. Tarsus dorsally smooth, ventrally with two rows of minute granules, mesal I1lili; ectal iil. Legs (Figs 11A, B, 12F, G). Coxae I with two dorsal tuber- cles; II with one tubercle; IJ—IV connected by two-three intercoxal tubercles; [V with one dorsodistal large tuber- cle and scattered tubercles. Trochanter I with one dorsal granule, ventrally with four tubercles; II with one large dorsal, two retrolateral and ventrally tuberculated; III with one large prolateral distal, three dorsal, two retro- dorsal, and ventrally tuberculated; IV with one prolateral large and some granules, two dorsal, the prodorsal very large, one retrolateral distal, and densely tuberculated ventrally. Femora I-II with longitudinal rows of minute granules; HI with the proventral y retroventral rows of large tubercles; and with two dorsoapical tubercles, the retrolateral large; IV curved and distally swollen, all the rows with large tubercles; the ventral rows with very large tubercles, especially the distal ones; and some dor- sodistal tubercles. Patella III dorsally smooth, only with one prodistal tubercle, and ventrally with some minute Sis granules and two distal tubercles, the proventral larger; IV with a petiolate base and circular shape in dorsal view, prolateral, dorsal, and retrolateral faces densely tubercu- lated, with two very large distal spiniform tubercles, and ventrally with two large curved tubercles, the proventral larger. Tibia II cylindrical and smooth, with only a ret- roventral row of about seven granules; IV enlarged, all rows with large tubercles, especially in the distal portion, and on proventral, rostroventral, and retrolateral rows. Basitarsus I slightly swollen. Tarsal process and scopula present. Tarsal claws III and IV opposite and pectinated. Tarsal counts: 6(3)/16(3)/8/9. Penis (Fig. 14J—L). Het- erostygninae general pattern. Malleus swollen. Lamina parva (LP) almost as wide as it is long; the distal half triangular, with a well-marked neck and a circular dis- tal cleft. MS-A1l—2 located on malleus, one pair later- ally and one pairs more ventrally; MS-B pair ventrally located on the truncus, supernumerary and asymmetric; two pairs of MS-C located medially on the LP, dorsally to the neck; MS-D1 and MS-D2 similar in size; MS-D1 located slightly proximal to MS-E; and MS-D2 basally located, near the base of glans; MS-E as one pair of short setae and one pair of large setae. Glans globose and wide, with a dorsally curved stylus with small triangular dorsal process. Color (Fig. 15A, B). DS background Brilliant orange yellow (67), carapace reticulated, lateral margins and spines of area III Dark orange yellow (72), abdomi- nal scutum, and coxa I-IV dorsally Light greenish yellow (101), areas II and HI with a medial zone lighter than lat- eral regions. Pale greenish yellow (104). Chelicerae retic- ulated dark olive (108) on background moderate greenish yellow (102). Legs reticulated dark grayish olive (111) on background moderate yellow green (120) to moderate greenish yellow (102). Female. Measurements. DSL: 4.3; DSW: 3.8; AL: 2.1; AW: 3.1; IOD: 1.8; pedipalp: CoPp 0.7, TrPp 0.5, FePp 2.9, PaPp 1.4, TiPp 1.7, TaPp 1.8, CIPp 1.2, total 10.2; Leg IV: FeL 4.7, TiL 3.0. Description (Fig. 11C, D). Similar to male, except by the shape of DS, Eta (Fig. 11C), chelicerae not swollen. The mesotergal areas slight- ly larger in comparison to males. Basitarsus I not swol- len. Legs III and IV without developed secondary sexual characteristics, only rows of granules or small tubercles. The female displays the same color pattern as the males, yet the hues are lighter in tone. Distribution. Venezuela, Yaracuy. Only known for the type locality (Fig. 2). Eutimesius ornatus (Roewer, 1943) Fig. 2 Bunistygnellus ornatus Roewer, C.-F. (1943): 37, figs 37—37a. Eutimesius ornatus. Pinto-da-Rocha (1997): 187, figs 57-64, 461-462, 597. Remarks. Eutimesius ornatus (Roewer, 1943) was de- scribed from Bogota, Colombia (Roewer 1943), and zse.pensoft.net 816 recorded from Venezuela on a female specimen from the northeastern region of San Cristobal in Tachira state (Pinto-da-Rocha 1997). However, this particular spec- imen exhibits clear discrepancies when compared to the male holotype (MCR-3862, SMFD, Pinto-da-Rocha 1997: figs 57, 58, 61, 63, 64), specifically in the pat- tern of white, dry spots and the size and shape of the spines in area III]. While the pattern of white dry spots has displayed stability or minimal intraspecific variation in the specimens examined by us, for example, females with larger spots (Figs 5A, B, 9A, B), the pronounced aforementioned differences observed between the male and female of £. ornatus as depicted by Pinto-da-Rocha (1997), coupled with the geographical distance between both disjunct populations, raise the question regarding the identity of the female from Venezuela. E. ornat- us’, Therefore, we propose that the female from Ven- ezuela represents an undescribed species distinct from E. ornatus. Eutimesius simoni Roewer, 1913 Figs 13, 14 M-O, 2 Eutimesius simoni Roewer, C.-F. (1913): 453, figs 178. Xanthostygnus fractus Mello-Leitaéo, C.F. (1949): 32. Xanthostygnus fractus Mello-Leitéo, 1949 is a junior subjective sy- nonym of Eutimesius simoni Roewer, 1913 in Pinto-da-Rocha (1997): 190. Eutimesius miles Henriksen, K.L. (1932): 293, fig. 10. Eutimesius miles Sorensen, 1932, is a junior subjective synonym of Eu- timesius simoni Roewer, 1913, in Pinto-da-Rocha (1997): 190. Material examined. CoLomsiA * 1 3; Amazonas (New department record), Leticia, Km 11 via a Tarapaca; [4.1209°S, 69.9508°W]; (Animal systematics [stu- dents leg.]) (ICN-Ao-196). * 1 4; Amazonas, Leticia, Km 11 via a Tarapaca; [4.1195°S, 69.9522°W]; 110 m a.s.l.; pitfall; 27 Oct. 2002; (Animal systematics I leg.) (ICN-Ao-512). * 1 4; Amazonas, Leticia, Km 11 via a Tarapaca; [4.1195°S, 69.9522°W]; 11 Nov. 2001; (Students and Florez, E. leg.) (ICN-Ao-328). * 1 9; Amazonas, Leticia, Km 11 via a Tarapaca, Quebrada Villarreal, O. et al.: New species and records of Eutimesius Yahuarcaca, Finca El Agape; [4.1348°S, 69.9436°W]; 100 m a.s.l.; pitfall; Mar. 2009; (Mojica, J.I. leg.) (iC- N-Ao-641). * 1 2; Amazonas, Leticia, Monifue Amena; [4°6'54.45"S, 69°55'39.82"W]; 70 ma.s.l.; 06 Oct. 2005; (Hernandéz, C., Lozano, M., Otero, T. leg.) (MPUJ_ ENT 0094626). * 1 4; Leticia, Monifue Amena; [4°6'54.45"S, 69°55'39 82"W]; 70 m as.l.; Oct 2005; (Cortes, Her- nandez, Lozano, Otero leg.) (MPUJ_ENT 0094638). ¢ 1 9; Amazonas, Leticia, Monifue Amena; [4°6'54.45"S, 69°55'39.82"W]: 70 m a.s.l.; manual collection; 24 Mar. 2004; (Galindo, A. leg.) (MPUJ_ENT 0094635). + 1 9; Amazonas, Leticia, Monifue Amena; [4°6'54.45"S, 69°55'39.82"W]; 70 m a.s.l.; 06 Oct. 2005; (Trejos, C. et al. leg.) (MPUJ_ ENT 0094636) * 1 9: Amazonas, Le- ticia, Monifue Amena; [4°6'54.45"S, 69°55'39.82"W]: 70 m as.l.; 30 Oct. 2005; (Rodriguez, G. et al. leg.) (MPUJ_ ENT 0094623). * 1 9; Amazonas, Leticia, Mo- nilla Amena; [4°6'54.45"S, 69°55'39.82"W]; 70 ma.s.L.; vegetation shake; 24 Mar. 2004; (Rodriguez, D. leg.) (MPUJ_ ENT 0094643). * 1 9; Amazonas, Leticia, Mo- nilla Amena, Varzea; [4°6'54.45"S, 69°55'39.82"W]; 70 m a.s.l.; vegetation shake; 05 Oct. 2005; (Escobar, L., Morales, A. leg.) (MPUJ_ ENT 0094628) * 1 4; Ama- zonas, Leticia, Monifue Amena, Varzea; [4°6'54.45"S, 69°55'39.82"W]: 70 m a.s.l.; manual collection; 05 Oct. 2005; (Ardilla, Corredor, Echeverri leg.) (MPUJ_ ENT 0094634). « 1 9; Amazonas, Leticia, Monifue Amena; [4°6'54.45"S, 69°55'39.82"W]; 70 m a.s.l.; vegetation shake; 04 Oct. 2005; (Ardila, Corredor, Echeverri leg.) (MPUJ_ENT 0094642). + 1 3; Amazonas, Leticia, Mo- nifue Amena; [4°6'54.45"S, 69°55'39.82"W]: 70 m a.s.l.; vegetation shake; 24 Mar. 2004; (Moreno, N., Uribe, D. leg.) (MPUJ_ ENT 0094630). + 1 4; Amazonas, Leticia, Monifue Amena, Varzea; [4°6'54.45"S, 69°55'39.82"W]: 70 m a.s.l.; vegetation shake; 30 Sep. 2004; (Salcedo, A., Charry, E., Jaramillo leg.) (MPUJ_ENT 0094637). ¢ 1 9; Amazonas, Leticia, Comunidad Monilla Amena; [3°47'34.75"S, 69°52'13.88"W]: 70 m a.s.l.; vegetation shake; (Diaz, A., Arango, S., Sanchez, F. leg.) (MPUJ_ ENT 0094625). Diagnosis. Can be distinguished from all other species of the genus by the fusion of the paired spines of scutal area III (Fig. 13). Figure 13. Eutimesius simoni: A. Male habitus, dorsal view (ICN-Ao-328); B. Female habitus, dorsal view (ICN- Ao-641); C. Male habitus, lateral view (ICN-Ao-328). Scale bars: 1 mm. zse.pensoft.net Zoosyst. Evol. 100 (3) 2024, 803-820 817 = ~ YS) Y ita: \ —_ 4 { fe RL M N A \.\ m@ MSA age a @ MSB m@ MSC M@ MSD M MSE Figure 14. Eutimesius spp., penis, distal portion in dorsal, ventral, and lateral view: A—C. EF. aroa sp. nov., (MIZA 0105934); D-K. E. canoabo sp. nov., (MIZA 0105945); G-I. E. ephippiatus, ICN-Ao-1492); J—L. E. guaichia sp. nov., (MIZA 0105935); M—O. E. simoni, (ICN-Ao-328). A—I. Unscaled. Complementary description. Male. Measurements. Males (ICN-Ao-196, ICN-Ao-328, ICN-Ao-512). DSL: 1.3—1.5; DSW: 2.2—2.5; AL: 1.8—2.4; AW: 2.6—2.7; IOD: 1.2-1.5; pedipalp: CoPp 0.6-0.7, TrPp 0.40.6, FePp 2.7—3.0, PaPp 1.3—1.6, TiPp 1.2—1.4, TaPp 0.9-1.2, CIPp: 0.5—0.7, total 6.8—8.5; Leg IV: FeL 7.8-8.9, TiL 4.1-4.9. Female (ICN-Ao-641). DSL: 2.5; DSW: 2.9; AL: 1.2; AW: 2.4; IOD: 1.3; pedipalp: CoPp 0.6, TrPp 0.4, FePp 2.6, PaPp 1.3, TiPp 1.2, TaPp 0.9, CIPp 0.6, total 6.5; Leg IV: FeL 8.7, TiL 5.1. Penis (Fig. 14M-—O). Heterostyg- ninae general pattern. Malleus swollen. LP with a neck and a wide circular distal cleft. MS-A1-A2 located on malleus; MS-B pair ventrally located, near the base of LP on the malleus; two pairs of MS-C located dorsome- dially on LP, distally to the neck; MS-D1 large, located slightly proximal to MS-E; MS-D2 basally located, near glans basis; MS-E with two pairs of short setae. Glans bulbous, with short and dorsally curved stylus with small dorsal process. Remarks. Subtle variations were observed in the shape of the LP, which presents less pronounced and rounded lateral projections (instead of acute), a wider neck, and the MS-A, which are separated from each other, with one pair positioned almost ventrally and the other almost dorsally (Fig. 14M-—O). Additional- ly, slight variations in leg coloration and the pattern of dry spots were observed in individuals potentially identified as FE. simoni, which were evaluated solely through photographs of live specimens (Fig. 15). Due to these variations and limitations in the material study, we have included these records on the map (Fig. 2) as Eutimesius cf. simoni, leaving open the possibility that more than one species may be involved in the Ama- zonian populations. Distribution. Brazil, Amazonas; Colombia, Amazo- nas; Ecuador, Napo, and Los Rios; Peru, Loreto (Fig. 15). The species was originally documented in Puerto Asis but erroneously attributed to the Department of Guainia (Pin- to-da-Rocha 1997). We hereby correct this misattribution and reassign it to its accurate department, Putumayo. Discussion Within Heterostygninae, at least four genera share a sim- ilar genital morphology, namely Eutimesius and Innoxius Pinto-da-Rocha, 1997, from the Andean region; Minax Pinto-da-Rocha, 1997; and Yapacana Pinto-da-Rocha, 1997, from the Amazon. The latter two can be distin- guished from Eutimesius by the reduction and shape of zse.pensoft.net 818 Villarreal, O. et al.: New species and records of Eutimesius Figure 15. Eutimesius cf. simoni: A. From Puerto Montufar, Sucumbios, Ecuador; B—D. From Iquitos, Maynas, Peru; E. From Leticia, Amazonas, Colombia; F. From Parque Nacional Yasuni Tipu Tini, Napo, Ecuador. Photographs by: Mark Silverstein (A), Jiri Hodecek (B), Martin Cejka (C), Phill Kahler (D), Traveler Dan (E), and Cinthya Villegas (F). the LP and the widening of the malleus in the former, and by the increase in the number of MS-A and the loss of the dorsal process of the stylus in Minax. Meanwhile, /nnoxi- us 1S separated from Eutimesius solely by somatic charac- ters, including the DS shape, the ornamentation of scutal areas, and the presence of white dry spots (Pinto-da-Ro- cha 1997; Villarreal et al. 2019a). However, the position of the MS-B, which is ventral in Eutimesius (Figs 1, 14) and tends to be lateral in /nnoxius, is suggested here as zse.pensoft.net a putative character that could help distinguish the two Andean genera. The monophyly of Eutimesius was demonstrated by Pinto-da-Rocha (1997) based on the three following characters: (1) cephalothorax with one wide median emi- nence, (2) cephalothorax with white spots, and (3) dorsal scute areas with white spots. To date, only three species of the genus have been included in phylogenetic analy- ses (Pinto-da-Rocha 1997). In that analysis, E. simoni Zoosyst. Evol. 100 (3) 2024, 803-820 was identified as the sister species to E. albicinctus, with E. ornatus as the sister species to both. Despite raising questions about intergeneric relation- ships in our work, we have chosen not to conduct a phy- logenetic analysis in this study due to several key fac- tors. Recent taxonomic changes and the reinterpretation of genital traits in the Stygnidae family have occurred independently of a phylogenetic analysis (e.g., Villarre- al et al. 2019a, 2019b). In addition, since the proposal of a homology hypothesis for genital macrosetae (Kury and Villarreal 2015), many of the characters would re- quire significant reinterpretation, necessitating a nearly complete reanalysis to create a new matrix, altering our focus primarily on the alpha taxonomy of a single genus. Additionally, we face challenges related to homologies in characters directly involving the study group, such as tegument coloration and dry spots. Lastly, it 1s important to note that we are aware of the existence of some new species that will be described in the near future. Although the need for a complete phylogenetic anal- ysis of the family is increasingly evident, this goes be- yond the main objective of our present work and is part of future projects that involve a broader group of authors. In addition, due to the nature of the group studied, the lack of this analysis does not limit or affect the results obtained in this work. Author contributions All authors of this work contributed significantly to the project. OV designed and led the project, collecting Ven- ezuelan species, diagnosing new species from Venezuela and Colombia, and working on the description, photog- raphy, and illustration of the new species. DAC visited Colombian collections, analyzed the material from this country, and generated the corresponding figures. DAC also contributed to the description of the new species and created the map. GRN provided the facilities for the proj- ect to be carried out, including funding for the visits to collections and laboratory facilities. All authors worked together on the writing of the article and agreed on the final version of the manuscript presented. Acknowledgments Claudia Medina, scientific manager of the collection at the Instituto Alexander von Humboldt, coordinated the loan of material to Adriano B. Kury. We would like to thank Adriano B. Kury for his invaluable assistance during our research in his laboratory (MNRJ), as well as for his outstanding coordination in arranging the loan of materials from the Instituto Alexander von Humboldt. To Eduardo Florez, Daniela Martinez, and Sebastian Galvis for their collaboration during the visit of DAC and OV to the arachnological collection of ICN. To Julian Clavi- jo-Bustos for his collaboration during the visit of the 819 DAC to the IAVH. To Giovanny Fagua and Alejandra Ro- driguez for their collaboration during the visit of DAC to the entomological collection of MPUJ. We would like to express our gratitude to Adriano Kury, Amanda Mendes, and Ricardo Pinto-da-Rocha, who served as reviewers of the manuscript, providing comments that helped im- prove the final version. We are also deeply appreciative of Miguel Medrano and Pio Colmenares for taking the time to read and provide valuable feedback on an earlier version of the manuscript. To Cynthia Villegas, Jiri Ho- decek, Martin Cejka, Mark Silverstein, and Dan Doucette for permitting us the use of the photographs in Figure 14. The SEM micrographs were taken in the SEM Lab of Marine Diversity of the MNRJ (financed by PETRO- BRAS) with the financial support of Programa de Pos- graduacao em Zoologia do Museu Nacional/UFRJ and Programa de Apoio a Pés-gradua¢gao (PROAP), with the assistance of Beatriz Cordeiro and Camila SimGes. José Clavijo made contact and support possible with the Casa Maria in allowing the visit, and Norbert Flauer and the staff of the Posada Casa Maria, as well as Maria Paula Pereira, provided invaluable support in the field work. We thank Pio Colmenares (AMNH) for coordinating the donation of optical equipment and supplies to MIZA through the Cooperation Agreement between MIZA and AMNH. Idea Wild financed photographic equipment for OV in the framework of project ID. VILLVENEO122, which partially made this project possible. This work was partially supported by the Vicerectory of Research of the Universidad de Cartagena (Plan de Fortalecimiento Gru- po de Investigacion Hidrobiologia). References Acosta LE, Pérez A, Tourinho AL (2007) Methods for taxonomic study. In: Pinto-da-Rocha R, Machado G, Giribet G (Eds) Harvestmen: The Biology of Opiliones. Harvard University Press, United states of America: 494—505. Centore P (2016) sRGB Centroids for the ISCC-NBS Colour System. 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