Zoosyst. Evol. 100 (1) 2024, 199-221 | DOI 10.3897/zse.100.116759 Ge MuseuM TOR BERLIN A survey of Pholcus spiders (Araneae, Pholcidae) from the Qinling Mountains of central China, with descriptions of seven new species Lan Yang!, Chang Fu', Yaxuan Zhang", Qiaogiao He!, Zhiyuan Yao! 1 College of Life Science, Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang 110034, Liaoning, China https://zoobank. org/1149D05E-7AF 5-43 D9-A18F-C58157F9A36C Corresponding authors: Qiaoqiao He (heqq@synu.edu.cn); Zhiyuan Yao (yaozy@synu.edu.cn) Academic editor: Danilo Harms # Received 3 December 2023 Accepted 13 February 2024 Published 26 February 2024 Abstract We report 18 spider species of the genus Phol/cus Walckenaer, 1805 from a survey in the Qinling Mountains of central China. They belong to four species groups and include seven species new to science: Pholcus jiaozuo Yang & Yao, sp. nov. (4) in the taishan species group; P. Juonan Yang & Yao, sp. nov. (49), P. luoyang Yang & Yao, sp. nov. (4°), P. Jushan Yang & Yao, sp. nov. (32), P. shangluo Yang & Yao, sp. nov. (3°), P. weinan Yang & Yao, sp. nov. (49) and P. yuncheng Yang & Yao, sp. nov. (4 Q) in the yichengicus species group. Detailed diagnoses, descriptions, photomicroscopy images and DNA barcodes of all new species are provided. Our study will make a significant contribution to understanding species diversity and zoogeography of the region. Key Words Biodiversity, daddy-long-legs, DNA barcode, morphology, taxonomy Introduction The family Pholcidae C.L. Koch, 1850 is a highly diverse group of spiders, with 97 extant genera and 1,937 extant spe- cies (WSC 2023). It has a wide distribution and occupies a variety of habitats, for example, in buildings, on rock walls, in caves (or at cave entrance ecotones), in leaf litter, on the underside of leaves and in webs between trunks and twigs of trees (Huber 2005, 2011; Yao and Li 2010, 2012, 2013; Yao et al. 2015, 2016). The genus Pholcus Walckenaer, 1805 is the most diverse genus in the family and one of the largest in Araneae Clerck, 1757, with 389 described species placed in 21 species groups (Huber 2011; Huber et al. 2018; WSC 2023). It is mainly distributed in the Palaearctic, Oriental, Afrotropical and Australasian Realms (WSC 2023). China exhibits the highest species diversity of the ge- nus Pholcus. To date, 169 species have been recorded in China, which represent 43% of the genus (WSC 2023). Recently, a series of surveys of Pholcus have been carried out in northern China and a large number of new species have been reported. For instance, a wide-ranging expe- dition to the Changbai Mountains in 2020 recorded 27 species of Pholcus, including 13 new species (Lu et al. 2021; Yao et al. 2021; Zhao et al. 2023a). Another in- vestigation in the Yanshan-Taihang Mountains in 2021 recorded 36 Pholcus species, of which 14 species were new to science (Lu et al. 2022a, b). In 2022, Pholcus spi- ders were collected for the first time during an expedition to the Luliang Mountains and the study identified one known species and eight new species (Zhao et al. 2023b). The Qinling Mountain range represents a major geo- graphical dividing line between the temperate zone and the subtropical zone of China, as well as between the Pa- laearctic and Oriental zoogeographic realms. It is home to many iconic wild animals, such as giant pandas and golden monkeys. For invertebrates, nearly 8,000 species of insects have been recorded in the Qinling Mountains (Yang 2018). However, reports on spiders from the Qin- ling Mountains are relatively few and the species diversi- ty has not been systematically investigated. The present study focuses on species diversity of the genus Pholcus from the Qinling Mountains. Previously, 14 species of Pholcus have been recorded in this region according to a series of previously published papers Copyright Yang, L. et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 200 (e.g. Zhang and Zhu (2009); Yao and Li (2012); Dong et al. (2016); WSC (2023)). We undertook a systematic in- vestigation there in 2022 (Fig. 1) and the aim 1s to reveal the species diversity. Materials and methods All specimens were collected by Z Yao, L Yang and L Zhang. Specimens were examined and measured with a Leica M205 C stereomicroscope. Left male palps were photographed. Epigynes were photographed before dis- section. Vulvae were photographed after treating them in a 10% warm solution of potassium hydroxide (KOH) to dissolve soft tissues. Images were captured with a Canon EOS 750D wide zoom digital camera (24.2 megapixels) mounted on the stereomicroscope mentioned above and assembled using Helicon Focus v. 3.10.3 image stacking software (Khmelik et al. 2005). All measurements are giv- en in millimetres (mm). Leg measurements are shown as: total length (femur, patella, tibia, metatarsus, tarsus). Leg segments were measured on their dorsal side. The distribu- tion map was generated with ArcGIS v. 10.2 (ESRI Inc.). The specimens studied are deposited in the College of Life Science, Shenyang Normal University (SYNU) in Liaon- ing, China and the Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IAECAS) in Liaoning, China. Terminology and taxonomic descriptions follow Huber (2011) and Yao et al. (2015, 2021). The following abbrevia- tions are used: a = appendix, aa = anterior arch, ALE = an- terior lateral eye, AME = anterior median eye, b = bulb, da = distal apophysis, dp = distal process, ds = dorsal Yang, L. et al.: A survey of Pho/cus spiders from Qinling Mountains spine, dt = distal teeth, e = embolus, fa = frontal apophy- sis, kn = knob, L/d = length/diameter ratio, mb = median branch, pa = proximo-lateral apophysis, PME = posterior median eye, pp = pore plate, pda = prolatero-distal apoph- ysis, pr = procursus, pra = proximal apophysis, psa = pro- latero-subdistal apophysis, pse = prolatero-subdistal edge, pss = prolatero-subdistal sclerite, pwp = prolatero-ven- tral protuberance, rb = retrolateral branch, rda = retro- latero-distal apophysis, rdb = retrolatero-distal branch, rma = retrolatero-median apophysis, rpa = retrolate- ro-proximal apophysis, sb = subdistal branch, se = sclerite, u = uncus, va = ventral apophysis, vp = ventral protuber- ance, vsa = ventro-subdistal apophysis. DNA barcode sequences of new species were ob- tained. A partial fragment of the mitochondrial cyto- chrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene was targeted using the following primers: forward: LCO1490 (5’-GGT- CAACAAATCATAAAGATATTGG-3’) and reverse: HCO2198 (5’-TAAACTTCAGGGTGACCAAAAAAT- CA-3’) (Folmer et al. 1994). Additional information on extraction, amplification and sequencing procedures is provided in Yao et al. (2016). Results A total of 18 species were identified, including seven new species. A list of known species is provided in Table 1 and descriptions of all the new species are provided below. In addition, one species, P. bidentatus Zhu, Zhang, Zhang & Chen, 2005, is recorded from the Qinling Mountains for the first time. Of the 14 previously recorded species from Shanxi Figure 1. Distribution records of Pholcus spiders from the Qinling Mountains in this study. The bidentatus group: 1 P. bidentatus; the crypticolens group: 2 P. jingvangensis, 3 P. langensis, 4 P. manueli, 5 P. zichyi; the taishan group: 6 P. jiaozuo sp. nov., 7 P. yu- gong; the yichengicus group: 8 P. luonan sp. nov., 9 P. luoyang sp. nov., 10 P. Jushan sp. nov., 11 P. ovatus, 12 P. parayichengicus, 13 P. shangluo sp. nov., 14 P. songxian, 15 P. taibaiensis, 16 P. tangyuensis, 17 P. weinan sp. nov., 18 P. yuncheng sp. nov. zse.pensoft.net Zoosyst. Evol. 100 (1) 2024, 199-221 the Qinling Mountains, we identified ten from our collec- tion. We did not find four previously recorded species of the region, P. paralinzhou Zhang & Zhu, 2009, P. henan- ensis Zhu & Mao, 1983, P. harveyi Zhang & Zhu, 2009 and P. lingguanensis Yao & Li, 2016. All the identified Species are endemic to the Qinling Mountains, except three widely-distributed species P. bidentatus, P. manueli 201 barcode sequence was obtained from each new species and all sequences are deposited in GenBank. The voucher numbers, GenBank accession numbers and other related information are given in Table 2. Our study significantly increases the number of known spider species in the Qin- ling Mountains and will make a significant contribution to the understanding of species diversity of the region, as Gertsch, 1937 and P. zichyi Kulczynfski, 1901. One DNA well as zoogeography. Table 1. Information of the 11 known species collected and identified. Species bidentatus group Voucher code Collection locality P. bidentatus 23 (SYNU-Ar00083F-84F) 22 (SYNU-Ar00085F-86F) Shaanxi*, Ankang, Shiquan County, Yundou Town, Hanjiang Yanxiangdong Scenic Spot, 32°47.75'N, 108°8.93'E, 393 m elev., 24/07/2022 crypticolens group P, jingyangensis P. langensis P. manueli P, zichyi 2& (SYNU-Ar00087F-88F 29 (SYNU-Ar00089F-90F 22 (SYNU-Ar00091F-92F 29 (SYNU-Ar00093F-94F 1¢ (SYNU-Ar00095F) 19 (SYNU-ArO0096F ~~ >was wa WH ) 1¢ (SYNU-Ar00097F) 19 (SYNU-Ar00098F) 1 (SYNU-Ar00099F) 19 (SYNU-Ar00100F) 29 (SYNU-Ar00101F-02F) 1¢ (SYNU-Ar00103F 12 (SYNU-Ar00104F 1 (SYNU-Ar00105F 12 (SYNU-Ar00106F 1 (SYNU-Ar00107F 12 (SYNU-Ar00108F 1 (SYNU-Ar001 09F ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 19 (SYNU-Ar00110F) Shaanxi, Xianyang, Jingyang County, Wangqiao Town, Zhangjiashan Reservolr, 34°39.08'N, 108°34.58'E, 440 m elev., 01/08/2022 Henan, Jiyuan, Dayu Town, 34°57.62'N, 112°21.55'E, 373 m elev., 15/07/2022 Henan, Jiaozuo, Xiuwu County, Xicun Town, 35°19.85'N, 113°15.97'E, 276 m elev., 14/07/2022 Henan*, Jiyuan, Dayu Town, 35°2.52'N, 112°20.62'E, 443 m elev., 15/07/2022 Shanxi, Yuncheng, Yongji, Shuiyukou Village, Shentan Grand Canyon Scenic Spot, 34°49.50'N, 110°25.72'E, 529 m elev., 20/07/2022 Shaanxi, Hanzhong, Liuba County, Liuhou Town, 33°41.27'N, 106°50.80'E, 1187 m elev., 27/07/2022 Shaanxi, Baoji, Chencang District, Pingtou Town, Jiulongshan Scenic Spot, 34°25.93'N, 106°49.98'E, 1082 m elev., 28/07/2022 Henan, Sanmenxia, Lushi County, Shuanglongwan Town, 33°58.30'N, 110°56.22'E, 580 m elev., 18/07/2022 Shanxi*, Yuncheng, Yongji, Wulaofeng Scenic Spot, Dabaiyu Village, 34°50.18'N, 110°36.05'E, 522 m elev., 20/07/2022 Shaanxi*, Shangluo, Luonan County, Chengguan Street, Liuwan Village, 34°8.13'N, 110°8.62'E, 893 m elev., 20/07/2022 taishan group P. yugong yichengicus group 23 29 23 19 13 19 SYNU-Ar00111F-12F) SYNU-Ar00113F-14F) SYNU-Ar00115F-16F) SYNU-Ar001 1 7F) SYNU-Ar00118F SYNU-Ar00119F Ne ~~ — Henan, Sanmenxia, Mianchi County, Rencun Town, Honghuawo Village, 34°50.20'N, 111°57.22'E, 725 m elev., 16/07/2022 Henan, Luoyang, Xin’an County, Qingyaoshan Town, Longtan Grand Canyon Scenic Spot, 34°58.48'N, 112°1.27'E, 336 m elev., 16/07/2022 Henan, Luoyang, Xin’an County, Shisi Town, 34°49.43'N, 112°7.43'E, 370 m elev., 16/07/2022 P. ovatus P, parayichengicus P. songxian P. taibaiensis P, tangyuensis 124 (SYNU-Ar00120F) 19 (SYNU-Ar00121F) 23 (SYNU-Ar00122F-23F 292 (SYNU-Ar00124F-25F 23 (SYNU-Ar00126F-27F 292 (SYNU-Ar00128F-29F 33 (SYNU-Ar001 30F-32F 392 (SYNU-Ar00133F-35F 23 (SYNU-Ar00136F-37F 392 (SYNU-Ar00138F—40F ~~ owas ws ws as aes wes * indicates new provincial records. Table 2. Voucher specimen information. New species Voucher code GenBank accession number Sequence length Shaanxi, Xi’an, Zhouzhi County, Banfangzi Town, 33°48.02'N, 107°59.08'E, 1165 m elev., 31/07/2022 Henan, Luoyang, Song County, Baiyunshan Scenic Spot, 33°44.63'N, 111°52.97'E, 830 m elev., 17/07/2022 Henan, Luoyang, Song County, Tianchishan Scenic Spot, 34°14.35'N, 111°51.72’'E, 810 melev., 17/07/2022 Shaanxi, Baoji, Mei County, Yingtou Town, Haopingsi Temple, 34°5.32'N, 107°42.33'E, 1101 m elev., 30/07/2022 Shaanxi, Xi’an, Lantian County, Tangyu Town, Tangyuhu Forest Park, Laoaogou Village, 34°0.03'N, 109°14.43'E, 898 m elev., 31/07/2022 Collection locality P, jiaozuo sp. nov. W215 PP082960 P. luonan sp. nov. W257 PP082965 P. luoyang sp. nov. W242 PP082962 P. lushan sp. nov. W237 PP082961 P, shangluo sp. nov. W260 PP082966 P. weinan sp. nov. W252 PP082964 P, yuncheng sp. nov. W251 PP082963 626 bp Henan, Jiaozuo, Xiuwu County 626 bp Shaanxi, Shangluo, Luonan County 626 bp Henan, Luoyang, Luanchuan County, 626 bp Henan, Pingdingshan, Lushan County 626 bp Shaanxi, Shangluo, Zhashui County 626 bp Shaanxi, Weinan, Tongguan County 626 bp Shanxi, Yuncheng, Yongji zse.pensoft.net 202 Taxonomic accounts Family Pholcidae C.L. Koch, 1850 Subfamily Pholcinae C.L. Koch, 1850 Genus Pholcus Walckenaer, 1805 Type species. Aranea phalangioides Fuesslin, 1775. Pholcus taishan species group This species group was recognised by Huber (2011). It currently includes ten species and is distributed in central China (Huber 2011; Peng and Zhang 2011). A new spe- cies, P. jiaozuo sp. nov., is described below. Pholcus jiaozuo Yang & Yao, sp. nov. https://zoobank.org/A8DC2A 11-B767-4FCA-A 23C-487F 8BFE22C3 Figs: 253 Type material. Holotype @ (SYNU-Ar00363) and paratypes 23 (SYNU-Ar00364, IAECAS-Ar00365Y) 32 (SYNU-Ar00366-67, IAECAS-Ar00368Y), CHina, Henan, Jiaozuo, Xiuwu County, Qinglongxia Scenic Spot (35°22.05'N, 113°11.77'E, 820 m elev.), 14/07/2022. Etymology. The specific name refers to the type local- ity and is a noun in apposition. Diagnosis. The new species resembles P. henanensis Zhu & Mao, 1983 (Yao and Li 2012: 18, figs 77A—D, 78A-B) by having similar male chelicerae, bulbal apophyses and epigyne (Fig. 3A, C, D), but can be dis- tinguished by prolatero-subdistal sclerite of procursus laterally curved (Fig. 2C vs. laterally flat), by procursus with distal membranous process (Fig. 2C vs. absent), by retrolatero-distal apophysis of procursus distally pointed in prolateral view (Fig. 2C vs. distally blunt) and by wavy vulval anterior arch (Fig. 3B vs. arch-shaped). Description. Male (holotype). Total length 5.38 (5.58 with clypeus), carapace 1.66 long, 1.88 wide, opisthosoma 3.72 long, 1.66 wide. Leg I: 39.95 (10.25, O79F O85, 1631 2.75). lee Wee 28.57.88. O72 6.95: 10.96, 1.64), leg IIT: 20.28 (5.90, 0.66, 4.84, 7.63, 1.25), leg IV: 26.12 (7.76, 0.67, 6.67, 9.52, 1.50); tibia I L/d: 62. Eye interdistances and diameters: PME—PME 0.26, PME 0.17, PME-ALE 0.04, AME-AME 0.04, AME 0.10. Sternum width/length: 1.25/0.86. Habitus as in Fig. 3E, F. Carapace yellowish, with brown radiating marks and marginal brown bands; ocular area yellow- ish, with median and lateral brown bands; clypeus and sternum yellowish, with brown marks. Legs yellowish, but dark brown on patellae and whitish on distal parts of femora and tibiae, with darker rings on subdistal parts of femora and proximal and subdistal parts of tibiae. Opist- hosoma yellowish, with dorsal and lateral spots. Cheli- cerae (Fig. 3D) with pair of proximo-lateral apophyses zse.pensoft.net Yang, L. et al.: A survey of Pho/cus spiders from Qinling Mountains and pair of distal apophyses. Palp as in Fig. 2A, B; tro- chanter with long (8 times longer than wide), retrolate- ro-proximally strongly bulged ventral apophysis; femur with small retrolatero-proximal apophysis and distinct ventral protuberance; tibia with prolatero-ventral pro- tuberance; procursus (Fig. 2C, D) simple proximally, but complex distally, with raised prolatero-subdistal membranous edge, curved prolatero-subdistal sclerite, distal membranous process, sclerotised retrolatero-dis- tal apophysis and two strong dorsal spines; uncus (Fig. 3C) distally widened, with proximal apophysis and dis- tal scaly edge; appendix (Fig. 3C) hooked, with distal teeth: embolus (Fig. 3C) weakly sclerotised, with some indistinct transparent distal projections. Retrolateral trichobothrium on tibia I at 5% proximally; legs with short vertical setae on tibiae, metatarsi and tarsi; tarsus I with 38 distinct pseudosegments. Female (paratype). Similar to male, habitus as in Fig. 3G, H. Total length 5.00 (5.19 with clypeus), cara- pace 1.52 long, 1.70 wide, opisthosoma 3.48 long, 1.60 wide; tibia I: 8.05; tibia I L/d: 50. Eye interdistances and diameters: PME—PME 0.21, PME 0.14, PME—ALE 0.04, AME-AME 0.03, AME 0.08. Sternum width/length: 1.03/0.80. Clypeus brown. Epigyne (Fig. 3A) nearly tri- angular, laterally slightly sclerotised, with knob devel- oped into long scape (10 times longer than wide). Vulva (Fig. 3B) with wavy, posteriorly sclerotised anterior arch and pair of elliptic pore plates. Variation. Tibia I in two paratype males: 9.55, 10.50. Tibia I in the other two paratype females: 7.95, 8.25. Habitat. Underside of overhang on rocky cliffs in the mountain area. Distribution. China (Henan, type locality; Fig. 1). Pholcus yichengicus species group This species group was recognised by Huber (2011). It currently includes 44 species and is widely distributed in central and southern China, as well as Thailand (Huber 2011; Zhu et al. 2018; Lan et al. 2020). Six new species are described below. Pholcus luonan Yang & Yao, sp. nov. https://zoobank.org/4A9F4DB6-3FF3-46D9-8 13 1-3BAD5591 8638 Figs 4, 5 Type material. Holotype 3 (SYNU-Ar00369) and para- types 14 (IAECAS-Ar00370Y) 22 (SYNU-Ar00371, IAECAS-Ar00372Y), Cuina, Shaanxi, Shangluo, Lu- onan County, Beikuanping Town, Hanziping Village (33°59.67'N, 110°9.28'E, 1105 m elev.), 21/07/2022. Etymology. The specific name refers to the type local- ity and 1s a noun in apposition. Diagnosis. The new species resembles P. tangyuen- sis Yao & Li, 2016 (Dong et al. 2016: 30, figs 21A—D, Zoosyst. Evol. 100 (1) 2024, 199-221 203 C rda “SR ~dp Figure 2. Pholcus jiaozuo sp. nov., holotype male A, B. Palp (A. Prolateral view; B. Retrolateral view); C, D. Distal part of pro- cursus (C. Prolateral view, arrow points at curved part of sclerite; D. Dorsal view). Scale bars: 0.20 mm (A, B); 0.10 mm (C, D). zse.pensoft.net 204 Yang, L. et al.: A survey of Pholcus spiders from Qinling Mountains Figure 3. Pholcus jiaozuo sp. nov., holotype male (C—F) and paratype female (A, B, G, H) A. Epigyne, ventral view; B. Vulva, dorsal view; C. Bulbal apophyses, prolateral view; D. Chelicerae, frontal view; E—H. Habitus (E, G. Dorsal view; F. Lateral view; H. Ventral view). Scale bars: 0.20 mm (A—D); 1.00 mm (E-H). zse.pensoft.net Zoosyst. Evol. 100 (1) 2024, 199-221 205 Figure 4. Pholcus luonan sp. nov., holotype male A, B. Palp (A. Prolateral view; B. Retrolateral view, arrow points at dorso-median part of procursus); C, D. Distal part of procursus (C. Prolateral view; D. Dorsal view). Scale bars: 0.20 mm (A, B); 0.10 mm (C, D). zse.pensoft.net 206 Yang, L. et al.: A survey of Pholcus spiders from Qinling Mountains Figure 5. Pholcus luonan sp. nov., holotype male (C—F) and paratype female (A, B, G, H) A. Epigyne, ventral view; B. Vulva, dor- sal view; C. Bulbal apophyses, prolateral view (arrow points at latero-median protrusion); D. Chelicerae, frontal view; E—-H. Habi- tus (E, G. Dorsal view; F. Lateral view; H. Ventral view). Scale bars: 0.20 mm (A—D); 1.00 mm (E-—H). zse.pensoft.net Zoosyst. Evol. 100 (1) 2024, 199-221 22A-H) by having similar male chelicerae and epigyne (Fig. SA, D), but can be distinguished by dorso-median part of procursus not protruding (Fig. 4B vs. protruding), by male palpal trochanteral apophysis with distinct ret- rolateral branch (Fig. 4B vs. indistinct projection), by uncus latero-medially strongly protruding (Fig. 5C vs. latero-proximally slightly protruding), by appendix with- out branch (Fig. 5C vs. present) and by vulval pore plates nearly elliptic (anteriorly wide and posteriorly narrow, Fig. 5B vs. nearly round). Description. Male (holotype). Total length 4.92 (5.06 with clypeus), carapace 1.56 long, 1.78 wide, opistho- soma 3.36 long, 1.56 wide. Legs I and II missing, leg IH: 17.78 (5.19, 0.61, 4.10, 6.80, 1.08), leg IV: 24.87 (7.92, 0.65, 5.83, 9.12, 1.35). Eye interdistances and di- ameters: PME—-PME 0.26, PME 0.17, PME—-ALE 0.06, AME-AME 0.06, AME 0.12. Sternum width/length: 1.16/0.94. Habitus as in Fig. 5E, F. Carapace yellowish, with brown radiating marks and marginal brown bands; ocular area yellowish, with median and lateral brown bands; clypeus brown; sternum yellowish, with brown marks. Legs yellowish, but dark brown on patellae and whitish on distal parts of femora and tibiae, with dark- er rings on subdistal parts of femora and proximal and subdistal parts of tibiae. Opisthosoma yellowish, with dorsal and lateral spots. Chelicerae (Fig. 5D) with pair of proximo-lateral apophyses, pair of distal apophyses with two teeth each and pair of frontal apophyses. Palp as in Fig. 4A, B; trochanter with long (3 times longer than wide) ventral apophysis bearing distinct retro- lateral branch; femur with small retrolatero-proximal apophysis and distinct ventral protuberance; tibia with prolatero-ventral protuberance; procursus (Fig. 4C, D) simple proximally, but complex distally, with raised prolatero-subdistal membranous edge bearing distal membranous process, sclerotised prolatero-subdistal apophysis and two strong and one slender dorsal spines; uncus (Fig. 5C) latero-medially protruding, with proxi- mal apophysis and distal scaly edge; appendix (Fig. 5C) curved, with distal scales; embolus (Fig. 5C) weakly sclerotised, with some indistinct transparent distal pro- jections. Legs with short vertical setae on tibiae, meta- tarsi and tarsi. Female (paratype). Similar to male, habitus as in Fig. 5G, H. Total length 4.70 (4.80 with clypeus), cara- pace 1.38 long, 1.45 wide, opisthosoma 3.32 long, 2.31 wide; tibia I: 6.04; tibia I L/d: 48. Eye interdistances and diameters: PME—PME 0.23, PME 0.15, PME-ALE 0.05, AME-AME 0.06, AME 0.11. Sternum width/ length: 0.96/0.78. Epigyne (Fig. 5A) nearly triangular, laterally strongly sclerotised, with knob (distally nar- rowed). Vulva (Fig. 5B) with laterally strongly curved, sclerotised anterior arch, pair of nearly elliptic pore plates (anteriorly wide and posteriorly narrow) and pair of wavy sclerites. Variation. Tibia I in paratype male: 8.75; tibia I L/d: 58. Retrolateral trichobothrium on tibia I at 6% proximal- 207 ly; tarsus I with 31 distinct pseudosegments. Leg I miss- ing in another female paratype. Habitat. Underside of overhang on rocky cliffs in the mountain area. Distribution. China (Shaanxi, type locality; Fig. 1). Pholcus luoyang Yang & Yao, sp. nov. https://zoobank. org/4EF6B12F-2ADC-42CF-A45A-E3172BC7D3D7 Figs 6, 7 Type material. Holotype 3 (SYNU-Ar00373) and para- types 25 (SYNU-Ar00374, IAECAS-Ar00375Y) 29 (SYNU-Ar00376, IAECAS-Ar00377Y ), Cuina, Henan, Luoyang, Luanchuan County, Jiaohe Town, Tianhe Grand Canyon Scenic Spot (33°49.43'N, 111°18.82'E, 1140 m elev.), 18/07/2022. Etymology. The specific name refers to the type local- ity and is a noun in apposition. Diagnosis. The new species resembles P. songxian Zhang & Zhu, 2009 (Yao and Li 2012: 32, figs 1S59A—D, 160A-C) by having similar male chelicerae and epigyne (Fig. 7A, D), but can be distinguished by prolatero-distal apophysis of procursus curved (Fig. 6C vs. flat), by uncus narrow, distally pointed (Fig. 7C vs. wide, distally blunt), by appendix with subdistal branch (Fig. 7C vs. medi- an branch), by vulval anterior arch medially sclerotised (Fig. 7B vs. entirely sclerotised) and by vulval pore plates long elliptic (length/width ratio: 5, Fig. 7B vs. elliptic and length/width ratio: 2). Description. Male (holotype). Total length 4.44 (4.55 with clypeus), carapace 1.41 long, 1.66 wide, opistho- soma 3.03 long, 1.34 wide. Leg I: 34.83 (8.95, 0.69, 8.85, 14.10, 2.24), leg II: 23.67 (6.75, 0.66, 5.76, 9.04, 1.46), leg III: 15.75 (4.95, 0.61, 3.95, 5.10, 1.14), leg TVi5227222(6:65..0:62 5-5: 653 95-4 1°35): tibia I L/d: 63: Eye interdistances and diameters: PME—PME 0.20, PME 0.16, PME-ALE 0.04, AME-AME 0.05, AME 0.11. Sternum width/length: 1.06/0.81. Habitus as in Fig. 7E, F. Carapace yellowish, with brown radiating marks and marginal brown bands; ocular area yellowish, with me- dian and lateral brown bands; clypeus brown; sternum yellowish, with brown marks. Legs yellowish, but dark brown on patellae and whitish on distal parts of femora and tibiae, with darker rings on subdistal parts of femora and proximal and subdistal parts of tibiae. Opisthoso- ma yellowish, with dorsal and lateral spots. Chelicerae (Fig. 7D) with pair of proximo-lateral apophyses, pair of distal apophyses with two teeth each and pair of frontal apophyses. Palp as in Fig. 6A, B; trochanter with long (4 times longer than wide) ventral apophysis bearing retro- latero-distal branch; femur with small retrolatero-prox- imal apophysis and distinct ventral protuberance; tibia with prolatero-ventral protuberance; procursus (Fig. 6C, D) simple proximally, but complex distally, with raised prolatero-subdistal membranous edge bearing distal membranous process, curved sclerotised prolatero-distal zse.pensoft.net 208 Yang, L. et al.: A survey of Pholcus spiders from Qinling Mountains Figure 6. Pholcus luoyang sp. nov., holotype male A, B. Palp (A. Prolateral view; B. Retrolateral view); C, D. Distal part of pro- cursus (C. Prolateral view; D. Dorsal view). Scale bars: 0.20 mm (A, B); 0.10 mm (C, D). zse.pensoft.net Zoosyst. Evol. 100 (1) 2024, 199-221 209 (pe de Figure 7. Pholcus luoyang sp. nov., holotype male (C—F) and paratype female (A, B, G, H) A. Epigyne, ventral view; B. Vulva, dorsal view; C. Bulbal apophyses, prolateral view; D. Chelicerae, frontal view; E—H. Habitus (E, G. Dorsal view, F. Lateral view; H. Ventral view). Scale bars: 0.20 mm (A—D); 1.00 mm (E-—H). zse.pensoft.net 210 apophysis and two strong and one slender dorsal spines; uncus (Fig. 7C) narrow, distally pointed, with proximal apophysis and scales; appendix (Fig. 7C) hooked, with angular subdistal branch; embolus (Fig. 7C) weakly scle- rotised, with some indistinct transparent distal projec- tions. Retrolateral trichobothrium on tibia I at 5% prox- imally; legs with short vertical setae on tibiae, metatarsi and tarsi; tarsus I with 38 distinct pseudosegments. Female (paratype). Similar to male, habitus as in Fig. 7G, H. Total length 5.00 (5.13 with clypeus), cara- pace 1.48 long, 1.64 wide, opisthosoma 3.52 long, 2.23 wide; tibia I: 7.05; tibia I L/d: 47. Eye interdistances and diameters: PME—PME 0.20, PME 0.15, PME—ALE 0.04, AME-AME 0.05, AME 0.09. Sternum width/length: 1.03/0.78. Epigyne (Fig. 7A) nearly trapezoid, slightly sclerotised, with wedge-shaped knob. Vulva (Fig. 7B) with curved, medially sclerotised anterior arch, pair of long elliptic pore plates and pair of posterior sclerites. Variation. Tibia I in two paratype males: 8.78, 9.95. Tibia I in another paratype female: 7.10. Habitat. Underside of overhang on rocky cliffs in the mountain area. Distribution. China (Henan, type locality; Fig. 1). Pholcus lushan Yang & Yao, sp. nov. https://zoobank.org/E2C38327-FB2F-44E8-A A DA-48C370724414 Figs 8,9 Type material. Holotype 3 (SYNU-Ar00378) and para- types 15 (IAECAS-Ar00379Y) 29 (SYNU-Ar00380, IAECAS-Ar00381Y), Cuxina, Henan, Pingdingshan, Lushan County (33°46.72'N, 112°16.03'E, 743 m elev.), 17/07/2022. Etymology. The specific name refers to the type local- ity and is a noun in apposition. Diagnosis. The new species resembles P. parayichen- gicus Zhang & Zhu, 2009 (Yao and Li 2012: 29, figs 140A—D, 141A-—C) by having similar male chelicerae and epigyne (Fig. 9A, D), but can be distinguished by distal membranous process of procursus wide (Fig. 8C vs. narrow), by ventro-subdistal apophysis of procursus spine-shaped (Fig. 8C vs. hooked), uncus latero-medially strongly protruding (Fig. 9C vs. latero-proximally slightly protruding) and by vulval anterior arch nearly half-round and posteriorly sclerotised (Fig. 9B vs. crescent-shaped and entirely sclerotised). Description. Male (holotype). Total length 5.06 (5.19 with clypeus), carapace 1.54 long, 1.73 wide, opisthosoma 3.52 long, 1.43 wide. Leg I: 38.44 (9.81, 0.69, 9.60, 15.96, 2.38), leg II: 26.47 (7.44, 0.64, 6.47, 10.32, 1.60), leg III: 18.94 (5.58, 0.60, 4.55, 6.99, 1.22), leg IV: 26.04 (7.29, 0.62, 6.41, 10.26, 1.46); tibia I L/d: 60. Eye interdistances and diameters: PME—-PME 0.23, PME 0.16, PME-ALE 0.06, AME-AME 0.05, AME 0.10. Sternum width/length: 1.10/0.88. Habitus as in Fig. 9E, F. Carapace yellowish, with brown ra- zse.pensoft.net Yang, L. et al.: A survey of Pho/cus spiders from Qinling Mountains diating marks and marginal brown bands; ocular area yellowish, with lateral brown bands; clypeus brown; sternum yellowish, with brown marks. Legs yellow- ish, but dark brown on patellae and whitish on distal parts of femora and tibiae, with darker rings on subdis- tal parts of femora and proximal and subdistal parts of tibiae. Opisthosoma yellowish, with dorsal and lateral spots. Chelicerae (Fig. 9D) with pair of proximo-lat- eral apophyses, pair of distal apophyses with two teeth each and pair of frontal apophyses. Palp as in Fig. 8A, B; trochanter with long (4 times longer than wide), ret- rolaterally strongly bulged ventral apophysis; femur with small retrolatero-proximal apophysis and distinct ventral protuberance; tibia with prolatero-ventral pro- tuberance; procursus (Fig. 8C, D) simple proximally, but complex distally, with raised prolatero-subdistal membranous edge bearing distal membranous process, sclerotised prolatero-subdistal apophysis, sclerotised retrolatero-distal apophysis, spine-shaped ventro-sub- distal apophysis and three strong and one slender dor- sal spines; uncus (Fig. 9C) latero-medially protruding, with proximal apophysis and distal scaly edge; appen- dix (Fig. 9C) hooked, with angular median branch; em- bolus (Fig. 9C) weakly sclerotised, with some indistinct transparent distal projections. Retrolateral trichobothri- um on tibia I at 6% proximally; legs with short vertical setae on tibiae, metatarsi and tarsi; tarsus I with 42 dis- tinct pseudosegments. Female (paratype). Similar to male, habitus as in Fig. 9G, H. Total length 4.60 (4.75 with clypeus), cara- pace 1.47 long, 1.62 wide, opisthosoma 3.13 long, 1.58 wide; tibia I: 7.45; tibia I L/d: 47. Eye interdistances and diameters: PME—PME 0.22, PME 0.15, PME—-ALE 0.06, AME-AME 0.04, AME 0.08. Sternum width/ length: 1.05/0.73. Ocular area with median and lateral brown bands. Epigyne (Fig. 9A) nearly trapezoid, later- ally strongly sclerotised, with wedge-shaped knob. Vulva (Fig. 9B) with nearly half-round, posteriorly sclerotised anterior arch and pair of anteriorly blunt and posteriorly pointed pore plates. Variation. Leg I missing in paratype male. Tibia I in another paratype female: 7.30. Habitat. Underside of overhang on rocky cliffs in the mountain area. Distribution. China (Henan, type locality; Fig. 1). Pholcus shangluo Yang & Yao, sp. nov. https://zoobank.org/5BC2B733-B7D9-46A 3-8A 97-0F 807A 231E99 Figs 10, 11 Type material. Holotype 3 (SYNU-Ar00382) and paratypes 13 (IAECAS-Ar00383Y) 39 (SY- NU-Ar00384-85, IAECAS-Ar00386Y), CHINA, Shaanxi, Shangluo, Zhashui County, Jiutianshan Scenic Spot (33°36.93'N, 109°8.45'E, 878 m elev.), 22/07/2022. Zoosyst. Evol. 100 (1) 2024, 199-221 211 Figure 8. Pholcus lushan sp. nov., holotype male A, B. Palp (A. Prolateral view; B. Retrolateral view); C, D. Distal part of procursus (C. Prolateral view; D. Dorsal view). Scale bars: 0.20 mm (A, B); 0.10 mm (C, D). zse.pensoft.net 22 Yang, L. et al.: A survey of Pholcus spiders from Qinling Mountains Figure 9. Pholcus lushan sp. nov., holotype male (C—F) and paratype female (A, B, G, H) A. Epigyne, ventral view; B. Vulva, dorsal view; C. Bulbal apophyses, prolateral view (arrow points at latero-median protrusion); D. Chelicerae, frontal view, E—H. Habitus (E, G. Dorsal view; F. Lateral view; H. Ventral view). Scale bars: 0.20 mm (A—D); 1.00 mm (E-H). zse.pensoft.net Zoosyst. Evol. 100 (1) 2024, 199-221 ZS C dp Figure 10. Pholcus shangluo sp. nov., holotype male A, B. Palp (A. Prolateral view; B. Retrolateral view); C, D. Distal part of procursus (C. Prolateral view, arrow points at thick part; D. Dorsal view, arrow points at straight part). Scale bars: 0.20 mm (A, B); 0.10 mm (C, D). zse.pensoft.net 214 Yang, L. et al.: A survey of Pholcus spiders from Qinling Mountains Figure 11. Pholcus shangluo sp. nov., holotype male (C—F) and paratype female (A, B, G, H) A. Epigyne, ventral view; B. Vul- va, dorsal view; C. Bulbal apophyses, prolateral view; D. Chelicerae, frontal view; E—H. Habitus (E, G. Dorsal view; F. Lateral view; H. Ventral view). Scale bars: 0.20 mm (A—D); 1.00 mm (E-H). zse.pensoft.net Zoosyst. Evol. 100 (1) 2024, 199-221 Etymology. The specific name refers to the type local- ity and is a noun in apposition. Diagnosis. The new species resembles P huberi Zhang & Zhu, 2009 (Yao and Li 2012: 19, figs 83A—D, 84A—C) by having similar male chelicerae, uncus and epigyne (Fig. 11A, C, D), but can be distinguished by prolatero-subdistal apophysis of procursus proximally thick (Fig. 10C vs. thin), by prolatero-subdistal membra- nous edge of procursus laterally straight (Fig. 10D vs. latero-medially strongly curved), by male palpal trochan- teral apophysis with retrolatero-distal branch (Fig. 10A, B vs. male palpal trochanteral apophysis retrolatero-me- dially strongly bulged, with retrolatero-median branch), by appendix with distal teeth (Fig. 11C vs. absent) and by vulval anterior arch laterally strongly curved (Fig. 11B vs. C-shaped). Description. Male (holotype). Total length 4.68 (4.90 with clypeus), carapace 1.44 long, 1.66 wide, opisthosoma 3.24 long, 1.50 wide. Leg I: 36.43 (9.55, 0.73, 9.05, 14.74, 2.36), leg II: 24.19 (7.05, 0.68, 5.95, 9.17, 1.34), leg III: 17.65 (5.15, 0.62, 4.20, 6.60, 1.08), lee EV2 23-7:1.(6.90, 0°65: °383,.9,05;. 1n28)tibia TL /d: 60. Eye interdistances and diameters: PME—PME 0.24, PME 0.17, PME—-ALE 0.06, AME-AME 0.07, AME 0.12. Sternum width/length: 1.08/0.86. Habitus as in Fig. 11E, F. Carapace yellowish, with brown radiat- ing marks and marginal brown bands; ocular area yel- lowish, with median and lateral brown bands; clypeus brown; sternum yellowish, with brown marks. Legs yellowish, but dark brown on patellae and whitish on distal parts of femora and tibiae, with darker rings on subdistal parts of femora and proximal and subdistal parts of tibiae. Opisthosoma yellowish, with dorsal and lateral spots. Chelicerae (Fig. 11D) with pair of prox- imo-lateral apophyses, pair of distal apophyses with two teeth each and pair of frontal apophyses. Palp as in Fig. 10A, B; trochanter with long (3 times longer than wide) ventral apophysis bearing retrolatero-distal branch; femur with small retrolatero-proximal apoph- ysis and distinct ventral protuberance; tibia with pro- latero-ventral protuberance; procursus (Fig. 10C, D) simple proximally, but complex distally, with raised prolatero-subdistal membranous edge bearing distal membranous process, sclerotised prolatero-subdis- tal apophysis and two strong and one slender dorsal spines; uncus (Fig. 11C) with proximal apophysis and distal scaly edge; appendix (Fig. 11C) curved, with dis- tal teeth; embolus (Fig. 11C) weakly sclerotised, with some indistinct transparent distal projections. Retrolat- eral trichobothrium on tibia I at 5% proximally; legs with short vertical setae on tibiae, metatarsi and tarsi; tarsus I with 36 distinct pseudosegments. Female (paratype). Similar to male, habitus as in Fig. 11G, H. Total length 4.35 (4.52 with clypeus), car- apace 1.38 long, 1.53 wide, opisthosoma 2.97 long, 1.58 wide; tibia I: 7.45; tibia I L/d: 53. Eye interdistances and diameters: PME—-PME 0.19, PME 0.15, PME—ALE 0.05, 215 AME-AME 0.05, AME 0.11. Sternum width/length: 1.02/0.80. Epigyne (Fig. 11A) nearly triangular, later- ally strongly sclerotised, with cone-shaped knob. Vulva (Fig. 11B) with laterally strongly curved, sclerotised an- terior arch, pair of nearly round pore plates and pair of C-shaped sclerites. Variation. Tibia I in paratype male: 9.15. Tibia I in the other two paratype females: 7.15, 7.60. Habitat. Underside of overhang on rocky cliffs in the mountain area. Distribution. China (Shaanxi, type locality; Fig. 1). Pholcus weinan Yang & Yao, sp. nov. https://zoobank.org/A06698F6-1451-4E17-A61E-AB7559B2C6D1 Figs 12, 13 Type material. Holotype 3 (SYNU-Ar00387) and para- types 14 (IAECAS-Ar00388Y) 39 (SYNU-Ar00389-90, IAECAS-Ar00391Y), Cuina, Shaanxi, Weinan, Tonggu- an County, Kuishudian Village (34°24.17'N, 110°17.05'E, 1214 m elev.), 20/07/2022. Etymology. The specific name refers to the type local- ity and is a noun in apposition. Diagnosis. The new species resembles P. paray- ichengicus Zhang & Zhu, 2009 (Yao and Li 2012: 29, figs 140A—D, 141 A—C) by having similar male chelicer- ae, bulbal apophyses and epigyne (Fig. 13A, C, D), but can be distinguished by procursus without distal apophy- sis (Fig. 12C vs. with angular distal apophysis), by male palpal trochanteral apophysis without retrolateral branch (Fig. 12B vs. present), by epigynal knob column-shaped (Fig. 13A vs. wedge-shaped), by vulval anterior arch eye- brow-shaped (Fig. 13B vs. crescent-shaped) and by vul- val pore plates elliptic (Fig. 13B vs. anteriorly wide and posteriorly narrow). Description. Male (holotype). Total length 5.44 (5.58 with clypeus), carapace 1.76 long, 1.98 wide, opistho- soma 3.68 long, 1.80 wide. Leg I: — (10.32, 0.79, 10.19, 17.18, —), leg II: 28.79 (7.80, 0.77, 7.15, 11.54, 1.53), leg III: 20.78 (5.83, 0.68, 5.13, 8.01, 1.13), leg IV: 27.10 (7.75, 0.70, 6.95, 10.32, 1.38); tibia I L/d: 58. Eye in- terdistances and diameters: PME—PME 0.26, PME 0.13, PME-ALE 0.05, AME-AME 0.07, AME 0.11. Ster- num width/length: 1.28/0.94. Habitus as in Fig. 13E, F. Carapace yellowish, with brown radiating marks and marginal brown bands; ocular area yellowish, with lat- eral brown bands; clypeus brown; sternum yellowish, with brown marks. Legs yellowish, but dark brown on patellae and whitish on distal parts of femora and tib- iae, with darker rings on subdistal parts of femora and proximal and subdistal parts of tibiae. Opisthosoma yel- lowish, with dorsal and lateral spots. Chelicerae (Fig. 13D) with pair of proximo-lateral apophyses, pair of distal apophyses with two teeth each and pair of fron- tal apophyses. Palp as in Fig. 12A, B; trochanter with long (4 times longer than wide), retrolatero-proximally zse.pensoft.net 216 Yang, L. et al.: A survey of Pholcus spiders from Qinling Mountains Figure 12. Pholcus weinan sp. nov., holotype male A, B. Palp (A. Prolateral view; B. Retrolateral view); C, D. Distal part of pro- cursus (C. Prolateral view; D. Dorsal view). Scale bars: 0.20 mm (A, B); 0.10 mm (C, D). zse.pensoft.net Zoosyst. Evol. 100 (1) 2024, 199-221 2 lf, Figure 13. Pholcus weinan sp. nov., holotype male (C—F) and paratype female (A, B, G, H) A. Epigyne, ventral view; B. Vulva, dorsal view; C. Bulbal apophyses, prolateral view; D. Chelicerae, frontal view; E—H. Habitus (E, G. Dorsal view, F. Lateral view; H. Ventral view). Scale bars: 0.20 mm (A—D); 1.00 mm (E-—H). zse.pensoft.net 218 strongly bulged ventral apophysis; femur with small ret- rolatero-proximal apophysis and distinct ventral protu- berance; tibia with prolatero-ventral protuberance; pro- cursus (Fig. 12C, D) simple proximally, but complex distally, with raised prolatero-subdistal membranous edge bearing distal membranous process, sclerotised pro- latero-subdistal apophysis, pointed sclerotised retrolate- ro-distal apophysis and two strong and one slender dor- sal spines; uncus (Fig. 13C) latero-medially contracted, with proximal apophysis and distal scaly edge; appendix (Fig. 13C) hooked, with curved median branch and distal teeth; embolus (Fig. 13C) sclerotised, with some indis- tinct transparent distal projections. Retrolateral trichobo- thrium on tibia I at 5% proximally; legs with short verti- cal setae on tibiae and metatarsi. Female (paratype). Similar to male, habitus as in Fig. 13G, H. Total length 4.76 (4.90 with cly- peus), carapace 1.56 long, 1.78 wide, opisthoso- ma 3.20 long, 1.43 wide; tibia I: 7.45; tibia I L/d: 47. Eye interdistances and diameters: PME-PME 0.21, PME 0.14, PME-ALE 0.06, AME-AME 0.05, AME 0.09. Sternum width/length: 1.10/0.80. Ocular area with median and lateral brown bands. Epigyne (Fig. 13A) nearly triangular, laterally strongly sclerotised, with column-shaped knob. Vulva (Fig. 13B) with eye- brow-shaped, sclerotised anterior arch, pair of elliptic pore plates and pair of nearly half-round sclerites. Variation. Tibia I in paratype male: 9.29. Tibia I in the other two paratype females: 6.45, 7.45. Habitat. Underside of overhang on rocky cliffs in the mountain area. Distribution. China (Shaanxi, type locality; Fig. 1). Pholcus yuncheng Yang & Yao, sp. nov. https://zoobank.org/FEB41C4F-6B7C-4822-B322-C24C35AE9A7B Figs 14, 15 Type material. Holotype @ (SYNU-Ar00392) and paratypes 23 (SYNU-Ar00393, IAECAS-Ar00394Y) 32 (SYNU-Ar00395-96, IAECAS-Ar00397Y), CHINA, Shanxi, Yuncheng, Yongji, Shutyukou Village, Shentan Grand Canyon Scenic Spot (34°49.50'N, 110°25.72'E, 529 m elev.), 20/07/2022. Etymology. The specific name refers to the type local- ity and is a noun in apposition. Diagnosis. The new species resembles P. /ushan sp. nov. by having similar male chelicerae and bulbal apoph- yses (Fig. 15C, D), but can be distinguished by procur- sus without ventro-subdistal apophysis (Fig. 14C vs. with spine-shaped ventro-subdistal apophysis, Fig. 8C), by procursus with small pointed distal apophysis (Fig. 14C vs. large angular distal apophysis, Fig. 8C), by male palpal trochanteral apophysis with retrolatero-median apophysis (Fig. 14B vs. absent, Fig. 8B), by epigynal plate posteriorly straight (Fig. 15A vs. curved, Fig. 9A), by vulval anterior arch laterally strongly curved (Fig. 15B zse.pensoft.net Yang, L. et al.: A survey of Pho/cus spiders from Qinling Mountains vs. nearly half-round, Fig. 9B) and by vulval pore plates nearly round (Fig. 15B vs. anteriorly blunt and posterior- ly pointed, Fig. 9B). Description. Male (holotype). Total length 5.35 (5.51 with clypeus), carapace 1.59 long, 1.84 wide, opistho- soma 3.76 long, 1.60 wide. Leg I: 40.99 (10.64, 0.81, 10.38, 16.47, 2.69), leg H: 29.19 (8.21, 0.79, 7.18, 11.28, d23)-"leo: Dit 20°69: (6715 O07 0.4506 7-63-01 1) les IV: 28.40 (8.14, 0.77, 7.12, 10.83, 1.54); tibia I L/d: 59. Eye interdistances and diameters: PME—PME 0.25, PME 0.18, PME-ALE 0.07, AME-AME 0.06, AME 0.11. Sternum width/length: 1.24/1.02. Habitus as in Fig. 15E, F. Carapace yellowish, with brown radiating marks and marginal brown bands; ocular area yellowish, with in- distinct median band; clypeus and sternum yellowish, with brown marks. Legs yellowish, but dark brown on patellae and whitish on distal parts of femora and tibiae, with darker rings on subdistal parts of femora and proxi- mal and subdistal parts of tibiae. Opisthosoma yellowish, with dorsal and lateral spots. Chelicerae (Fig. 15D) with pair of proximo-lateral apophyses, pair of distal apoph- yses with two teeth each and pair of frontal apophyses. Palp as in Fig. 14A, B; trochanter with long (4 times lon- ger than wide) ventral apophysis bearing retrolatero-me- dian apophysis; femur with small retrolatero-proximal apophysis and distinct ventral protuberance; tibia with prolatero-ventral protuberance; procursus (Fig. 14C, D) simple proximally, but complex distally, with raised prolatero-subdistal membranous edge bearing distal membranous process, sclerotised prolatero-subdistal apophysis, pointed distal apophysis and two strong dor- sal spines; uncus (Fig. 15C) latero-medially contracted, with proximal apophysis and distal scaly edge; appen- dix (Fig. 15C) hooked, with curved median branch and distal teeth; embolus (Fig. 15C) weakly sclerotised, with some indistinct transparent distal projections. Retrolater- al trichobothrium on tibia I at 5% proximally; legs with short vertical setae on tibiae, metatarsi and tarsi; tarsus I with 35 distinct pseudosegments. Female (paratype). Similar to male, habitus as in Fig. 15G, H. Total length 4.97 (5.13 with clypeus), carapace 1.53 long, 1.66 wide, opisthosoma 3.44 long, 1.66 wide; tibia I: 7.56; tibia I L/d: 54. Eye interdis- tances and diameters: PME-PME 0.22, PME 0.16, PME-ALE 0.06, AME-AME 0.06, AME 0.10. Ster- num width/length: 1.06/0.84. Ocular area with medi- an and lateral brown bands; clypeus brown. Epigyne (Fig. 15A) nearly triangular, laterally strongly sclero- tised, with wedge-shaped knob. Vulva (Fig. 15B) with laterally strongly curved, posteriorly sclerotised ante- rior arch, pair of nearly round pore plates and pair of C-shaped sclerites. Variation. Tibia I in two paratype males: 8.97, 10.96. Tibia I in the other two paratype females: 8.27, 8.33. Habitat. Underside of overhang on rocky cliffs in the mountain area. Distribution. China (Shanxi, type locality; Fig. 1). Zoosyst. Evol. 100 (1) 2024, 199-221 (aie) C da Fla Figure 14. Pholcus yuncheng sp. nov., holotype male A, B. Palp (A. Prolateral view; B. Retrolateral view); C, D. Distal part of procursus (C. Prolateral view; D. Dorsal view). Scale bars: 0.20 mm (A, B); 0.10 mm (C, D). zse.pensoft.net 220 Yang, L. et al.: A survey of Pholcus spiders from Qinling Mountains Figure 15. Pholcus yuncheng sp. nov., holotype male (C—F) and paratype female (A, B, G, H) A. Epigyne, ventral view; B. Vulva, dorsal view; C. Bulbal apophyses, prolateral view; D. Chelicerae, frontal view; E—H. Habitus (E, G. Dorsal view; F. Lateral view; H. Ventral view). Scale bars: 0.20 mm (A—D); 1.00 mm (E-H). zse.pensoft.net Zoosyst. Evol. 100 (1) 2024, 199-221 Acknowledgements The manuscript benefits greatly from comments by Dani- lo Harms, Yanfeng Tong and two anonymous reviewers. We thank Joseph KH Koh (Singapore) and Jinzhong Fu (Canada) for their suggestions and language editing. This study is supported by the Science & Technology Fundamental Resources Investigation Program of China (2023FY 100200) and the National Natural Science Foun- dation of China (NSFC-32170461, 31872193). 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