JHR 97: 85-— I 03 (2024) wos JOURNAL OF A peer-reviewed open-access Journal doi: 10.3897/jhr.97.1 15028 RESEARCH ARTICLE () Hymenopter a N The International Society of Hymenopterists RESEARCH https://jhr.pensoft.net Erimerinae, a prior name to Microdontomerinae (Hymenoptera, Torymidae) with the description of a new genus and three new species from Iran Hossein Lotfalizadeh', Zohreh Mirzaee*?, Gholamreza Tavakoli-Korghond*, Petr JanSta°®, Jean-Yves Rasplus’ I Lnsect Taxonomy Research Department, Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection (IRIPP), AREEO, Tehran, Iran 2. Biology Department, Faculty of Sciences, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran 3 Senckenberg German Entomological Institute, Eberswalder Str. 90, 15374 Miincheberg, Germany 4 Department of Plant Protection, South-Khorasan, Agricultural and Natural Resources Research & Education Center, AREEO, Birjand, Iran 5 Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic 6 Department of Entomology, State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany 1 CBGP University of Montpellier, CIRAD, INRA, IRD, Montpellier SupAgro, Montpellier, France Corresponding author: Hossein Lotfalizadeh (hlotfalizadeh@gmail.com) Academic editor: Ankita Gupta | Received 1 November 2023 | Accepted 27 January 2024 | Published 21 February 2024 https://zoobank. org/827B35CC-A1 16-4EBA-AB13-19C72EBCOD34 Citation: Lotfalizadeh H, Mirzaee Z, Tavakoli-Korghond G, Jansta P, Rasplus J-Y (2024) Erimerinae, a prior name to Microdontomerinae (Hymenoptera, Torymidae) with the description of a new genus and three new species from Iran. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 97: 85-103. https://doi.org/10.3897/jhr.97.115028 Abstract Erimerinae has been proposed as a subfamily group name prior to Microdontomerinae and the latter was considered as a junior synonym of Erimerinae. A new genus, Perserimerus Lotfalizadeh & Rasplus, gen. nov., and three new species, Perserimerus marginalis Lotfalizadeh & Rasplus, sp. nov., Microdonto- merus iriphagus Lotfalizadeh & Jansta, sp. nov., and /. quadrimaculatus Lottalizadeh & Rasplus, sp. nov., are described from Iran. Diagnostic characters of the new genus and newly described species are provided and compared with morphologically similar genera and species. Microdontomerus iriphagus and M. quad- rimaculatus were reared from oothecae of /ris oratoria (Linnaeus, 1785) (Mantodea) and galls of Stefaniola similata Mamaev, 1972 (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on Haloxylon ammodendron C.A. Mey, respectively. A key to the known species of Microdontomerus of Iran is provided. Keywords Galls, Haloxylon, Mantid egg cases, Microdontomerinae, new genus, new species, parasitoid Copyright Hossein Lotfalizadeh et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 86 Hossein Lotfalizadeh et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 97: 85-103 (2024) Introduction The family Torymidae consists of six subfamilies including Erimerinae (Crawford, 1914; Microdontomerinae sensu Jansta et al., 2018; for synonymy details see Results). Erimerinae have a broad range of hosts spanning primary parasitoids of various life stages of gall-maker insects (mostly Hymenoptera and Diptera), several Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Apoidea, and also of Mantodea (Grissell 1995; Jansta et al. 2016, 2018). They are also known as hyperparasitoids of Lepidoptera and Coleoptera larvae (Jansta et al. 2016). One species, Microdontomerus anthonomi (Crawford), has been reported to have negative effect on biocontrol agent of Bangasternus orientalis (Capiomont) (Co- leoptera: Curculionidae) and Urophora affinis Fraunfeld (Diptera: Tephritidae) intro- duced to the U.S. from Europe for biological control program against spotted knap- weed (Centaurea stoebe L.) and diffuse knapweed (C. diffusa Lam.) (Turner et al. 1990). The genus Microdontomerus Crawford, 1907 includes seven species in the Palae- arctic region (Table 1). Only two species, M. albipes (Giraud, 1870) and M. annulatus (Spinola, 1808), have been reported from Iran so far (Lotfalizadeh and Gharali 2005; Fallahzadeh et al. 2009; Nazemi Rafie and Lotfalizadeh 2012). This genus appears more diverse in the Nearctic region where it includes 19 species (Grissell 2005; Jansta et al. 2016). During our recent collections in different regions of Iran we have been discovered some taxa that do not correspond with the known genera and species of the subfamily Erimerinae. These include one new genus with remarkable morphological characters and two interesting Microdontomerus species reared from two different hosts. These three new taxa are described in the presented paper. Materials and methods Examined specimens were either reared from hosts (oothecae of Mantodea, galls of Cecidomyiidae, Diptera) or collected by Malaise trap from Sistan & Balauchestan, Isfahan, Khuzestan and South-Khorasan provinces during 2015-2019. Table |. Species of Microdontomerus known in the Palaearctic region (Picard 1930; Steffan 1967; Jansta et al. 2016; Doganlar 2016; Noyes 2019). Species Hosts References M. albipes (Giraud, 1870) Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae Noyes (2019) M. altinekinesis Doganlar, 2016 Uknown Doganlar (2016) M. annulatus (Spinola, 1808) Diptera: Cecidomyiidae and Tephritidae; Noyes (2019) Hymenoptera: Cynipidae; Lepidoptera: Tortricidae M. direklinensis Doganlar, 2016 Uknown Doganlar (2016) M. gurcukoyensis Doganlar, 2016 Uknown Doganlar (2016) M. iridis (Picard, 1930) Mantodea: Mantidae Picard (1930), JanSta et al. (2016) M. ovivorus (Steffan, 1967) Coleoptera: Buprestidae Steffan (1967) A new genus and three new species of Erimerinae 87 Altogether, we examined 72 specimens (48 females and 24 males), all were card mounted. Identifications were realized using Grissell (2005), Doganlar (2016) and Jansta et al. (2016). Harris (1979) was followed for the terminology of sculpture. Exam- ination of the external morphology of dry-mounted specimens was done using a Leica M205C research stereomicroscope with a maximum magnification of 180x. External morphology was illustrated using a Keyence VHX-5000 digital microscope. Artifacts removal, background standardization and plate assembling were done in Photoshop CS4. Specimens examined during this study are deposited in the following collections: CBGP Centre de Biologie pour la Gestion des Populations, Montferrier-sur-Lez, France: HMIM = Hayk Mirzayans Insect Museum, Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protec- tion, Tehran, Iran. SMNS = State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart, Germany. Morphological terminology follows Gibson et al. (1997) and Jansta et al. (2016). All measurements were made with special reference to the correct orientation following Jansta et al. (2016). Abbreviations of used morphological characters are: anl —anl, anellus 1—3; cly —clv, clavomere 1-3; fu —fu, funicular 1-6; Gt, —Gt, gastral tergite 1-6; LOL (lateral ocellar line) minimum distance between the anterior and a posterior ocellus; MPS multiporous plate sensilla; mv marginal vein; OI (ovipositor index) ratio of ovipositor length to length of metatibia; OOL (ocello-ocular line) distance between the posterior ocellus and the eye; pmv postmarginal vein; POL distance between posterior ocelli; st stigma; stv stigmal vein; tsc terminal spine. Results Nomenclatory remarks The following described genus and all species belong to the subfamily Erimerinae (Hy- menoptera: Torymidae). Erimerinae was described by Crawford (1914). Later, Grissell (1995) recognized the subfamily just as a clade in the tribe Microdontomerini. Subse- quently, Jansta et al. (2018) reclassified Microdontomerini sensu Grissell (1995) as the 88 Hossein Lotfalizadeh et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 97: 85-103 (2024) subfamily Microdontomerinae. However, as Erimerus is the type genus of the subfam- ily group name Erimerinae (Crawford, 1914) and Erimerinae has been proposed as a subfamily group name prior to Microdontomerinae, we treat Microdontomerinae as a junior synonym of Erimerinae. Descriptions Perserimerus Lotfalizadeh & Rasplus, gen. nov. https://zoobank.org/05F35775-6A17-4495-9273-BC832B8DD566 Pies 15 2 Type species. Perserimerus marginalis Lotfalizadeh & Rasplus, sp. nov., by present des- ignation. Etymology. The generic name is composed of the Latin prefix “Pers”, referring to the old name of Iran (Persia) and the genus “Erimerus”. Masculine gender. Description. Body metallic green, laterally with coopery to dark blue-violet (Fig. 1A), dorsally with coopery reflection (Fig. 1B). Head and mesosoma finely reticulate, meta- soma alutaceous. Head 1.36x as broad as high; 1.88x as broad as long. Occipital carina not developed. Anterior margin of clypeus nearly straight. Scrobes bare and finely sculp- tured relative to the rest of face. Toruli inserted above the ventral level of eye. OOL about 0.56x as long as LOL. POL about 3x as long as OOL. Antenna (Fig. 2A) with scape not reaching anterior ocellus; flagellum with three anelli and five funiculars, all funiculars transverse. Clava four segmented with fourth segment forming distinct terminal spine (Fig. 2A, C; tsc). Pronotum forming a collar. Mesonotum 1.27x as long as broad. Notauli complete. Propodeum with delicate reticulate sculpture, without median carina. Fore wing (Fig. 1A) bare in basal half with speculum reaching stigmal vein; marginal vein 1.8x as long as postmarginal vein and 4.5x as long as stigmal vein; marginal and postmarginal veins distinctly triangularly enlarged, marginal vein about 2.6x as long as its broadest part (Fig. 2B); stigmal vein very short and stigmal uncus nearly closes to postmarginal vein. Hind femur simple, without subapical tooth; hind tibia with one apical spur. Metasoma sessile, with short petiole; tip of hypopygium almost reaching two-thirds of metasoma (Fig. 1A); Gt,—Gt, not incised medially. Ovipositor 0.31x as long as gaster. OI 0.79. In the key to genera of Toryminae by Grissell (1995), the new genus run to the Afrotropical and Australian genus Echthrodape Burks (couplet 30) by having marginal and postmarginal vein conspicuously thickened relative to submarginal vein (margin- al and postmarginal veins distinctly triangularly enlarged, 2.25x and 2.6x as long as broad, respectively). However, Perserimerus, gen. nov., clearly differs from Echthrodape by the presence of three anelli, a well-developed terminal spine on clava, the absence of occipital carina, the marginal vein reaching margin of wing and malar space not longer than the breadth of oral fossa. Further, Echthrodape exhibits uniformly widened mar- ginal and postmarginal veins (Grissell 1995; figs 374-375), while in Perserimerus, gen. nov., marginal and postmarginal veins are triangularly thickened (Fig. 2B). A new genus and three new species of Erimerinae 89 Perserimerus, gen. nov., is similar to Erimerus as for both genera the reduction of a few apical flagellar segments to anelli, clava with terminal spine and hind tibia with only one spur are characteristic. However, none of the Erimerus species has marginal and postmarginal vein widened throughout. Furthermore, Erimerus has body includ- ing metasoma densely reticulated and hence dull and not shiny. Host association. Unknown. Perserimerus marginalis Lotfalizadeh & Rasplus, sp. nov. https://zoobank.org/E3E12CA8-9 EDB-4B2C-8 185-5EFAFF267471 Figs 152 Material examined. Holotype: IRAN * 2; Sistan & Bluchestan province, near to Ha- mun Lake, 30.iv.2015, sweeping net on Zamarix, E. Rakhshani leg. (deposited in HMIM). Etymology. ‘The species name refers to the unique shape of the marginal and post- marginal veins. Description. Female (Fig. 1A): Body length including ovipositor 1.24 mm; length of ovipositor 0.18 mm. Colour. Head, mesosoma, metasoma and all coxae metallic green, dorsally with coppery, laterally with coopery to dark blue violet reflection (Fig. 1A). Pedicel brown with metallic reflection. Scape, tegula, all femora distally, entire fore- and mesotibia, metatibia apically and distally, tarsi and wing venation pale yellow. Flagellum dark brown with apical part of clava bright brown to yellow, pro- and mesofemur and metatibia medially brown. Metafemur dark with metallic reflection. Fore wing hya- line, setae brown. Head. Head 1.36x as broad as high; 1.88x as broad as long; 1.12x as broad as mesonotum at its widest part in dorsal view. Temple short, strongly converging, 0.23x as long as eye. Eyes separated by 1.06x their own height, eye 1.78x as high as long. Head with fine reticulate sculpture with thin, short, pale setae on face, vertex and tem- ple; scrobes more finely reticulate, without setae. Clypeus with anterior margin nearly straight; ventral part of clypeus smooth. Malar space 0.41x as long as eye height. Oc- cipital carina absent (Fig. 1B). POL 3x OOL, OOL 0.56x LOL. Antenna (Fig. 2A). Scape 5.38x as long as broad, not reaching ventral margin of anterior ocellus; pedicel 1.25x as long as broad; toruli inserted slightly above ventral level of eye. Combined length of pedicel and flagellum shorter than breadth of head (0.78x as long as breadth of head). Flagellum with three ring-like anelli, distinctly wider than long; first anellus (anl,) smaller, other gradually larger toward third one; remaining flagellomeres distinctly transverse, with Fu, 1.66x as broad as long, as wide as pedicel; fu,—fu, of about same dimensions, 2.00—2.33x as broad as long, bearing only one row of MPS; clava 2x longer than broad, with three clavomeres (clv —clv,) and terminal spine; antennal formula 1,1,3,5,3 (Fig. 2A). 90 Hossein Lotfalizadeh et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 97: 85-103 (2024) 200um Figure |. Perserimerus marginalis, female holotype A habitus, lateral view B habitus, dorsal view. A new genus and three new species of Erimerinae 91 100um Figure 2. Perserimerus marginalis, female holotype A antenna, lateral view B fore wing, venation C head, lateral view (anl, so anellus 1, 3; clv, oe: clavomere 1, 3; fu, a funicular 1, 5; mv — marginal vein; pmv — postmarginl vein; st — stigma; stv — stigmal vein; tsc — terminal spine). 92 Hossein Lotfalizadeh et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 97: 85-103 (2024) Mesosoma (Fig. 1A, B). Mesosoma 1.35x as long as broad. Pronotum 0.82x as broad as mesoscutum. Pronotum and mesoscutum entirely reticulate, and covered with thin, short, pale setae. Notauli complete, distinct and not obliterated by sculp- ture. Mesoscutellum 1.11x as long as broad, without frenal area, broadly abutting mesoscutum and separating axillae. Mesoscutellum and axilla more sparsely covered with setae. Hind leg with coxa 1.85x as long as broad, alutaceous, with sparse setae dorsally and ventrally; metafemur 3.8x as long as broad, simple, without subapical tooth; metatibia 4.25x as long as broad, with one apical spur. Fore wing 1.94x as long as wide, hyaline, with dense brown setae on distal half; speculum broad and reach be- low marginal vein; costal cell bare; marginal vein 1.8x as long as postmarginal vein and 4.5x as long as stigmal vein; marginal and postmarginal veins distinctly triangularly enlarged, 2.25x and 2.6x as long as broad, respectively; stigmal vein very short and stigma nearly closes to marginal and postmarginal veins (Fig. 2B). Metasoma (Figs 1A, B) excluding ovipositor 1.14x as long as mesosoma. Petiole very short. Gaster with shallow alutaceous sculpture; Gt,—Gt, not incised medially; tip of hypopygium almost reaching two-third of gaster; ovipositor short, 0.31x as long as gaster. OI 0.79. Male. Unknown. Distribution. Palaearctic: Iran. Biological association. This species was swept on Tamarix and could be parasitoid of associates of this shrub, such as gall-makers or other phytophages. Microdontomerus iriphagus Lotfalizadeh & JanSta, sp. nov. https://zoobank.org/D5CE0234-A1 1D-47EE-AE9D-DB41A04A2F98 Figs 3-5 Material examined. Holotype: Iran * 9; Isfahan province, Tiran-Daran High- way (32°42'36"N, 51°11'07"E), ex Iris oratoria oothecae, Z. Mirzaee (deposited in HMIM). Paratypes: IRAN * same as holotype (239 2, 15, HMIM; 192, 10, SMNS; 12, CBGP); Khuzestan province, Deh-dez (31°44'37"N, 50°11'52"E), ex 1. oratoria oothecae (199 9,543), Z. Mirzaee (HMIM). Etymology. The species name refers to the mantid host. Diagnosis. Head almost circular in frontal view, about 1.13x as broad as high (Fig. 4C); 2.14x as broad as long. Anterior margin of clypeus straight and recessed relative to oral margin. Scrobes bare and finely sculptured relative to the rest of face. Toruli in- serted above ventral level of eye. OOL about 0.85x as long as LOL. POL about 2.82x as long as OOL (Fig. 5B). Antenna in female with scape not reaching anterior ocel- lus; flagellum with one anellus and seven funicular segments, all funicular segments transverse (Fig. 4A). Pronotum and mesoscutum reticulate, mesoscutellum coriaceous and less sculptured in contrast to aforementioned (Fig. 5B). Fore wing (Fig. 5C) with speculum reaching end of marginal vein; costal cell dorsally with 1-2 rows of setae along anterior margin, cubital cell without setae and basal cell at most with few setae A new genus and three new species of Erimerinae pps) along anterior margin; basal and cubital line of setae complete; marginal vein less than 2x as long as postmarginal vein and more than 2.5x as long as stigmal vein. All tarsi slightly longer than tibiae, metafemur simple, without any tooth. Metasoma with hypopygium reaching near to end of gaster (Fig. 3A); Gt, incised medially, Gt,—Gt, distinctly emarginate medially, Gt,-Gt, slightly emarginated (Fig. 5D). Ovipositor about 0.65x as long as body; OI 2.3. Comments. Microdontomerus iriphagus, sp. nov., was reared from oothecae of /ris oratoria (Linnaeus, 1785) (Mantodea) in 2018-2019 and has already been reported as Microdontomerus sp. by Mirzaee et al. (2021). It is similar to M. iridis, but M. iriphagus possesses one anellus while . iridis has two anelli Fig. 4A, B; also M. iriphagus differs from M. iridis in having brownish-yellow metasoma with a pair of oval pale-yellow spots on all tergites (Fig. 5D) (entirely metallic in M. iridis), yellowish legs (Fig. 3A) (at least metallic coxae in M. iridis), pale scape (Fig. 4A) (dark-brown in M. iridis). Microdontomerus iriphagus has also shorter ovipositor with OI about 2.3 (OI-2.5 to 2.9 in M. iridis) and OOL only about 0.85x LOL (about the same in M. iridis). Microdontomerus iriphagus, sp. nov., is similar to M. gurcukoyensis Doganlar, 2016 in having yellowish antennae and legs but these species can be easily separated by the coloration of their metasoma (brownish and yellowish basally in MZ. gurcukoyensis); the scape yellowish and the metallic flagellomeres (yellowish in M. gurcukoyensis), with whitish-yellow fore coxa (concolorous with body in M. gurcukoyensis). The ovipositor of M. iriphagus is also slightly longer with an OI about 2.3, while M. gurcukoyensis has an Ol=1.66 (Doganlar 2016). Description. Female (Fig. 3A): Body length excluding ovipositor 2.10 mm (in- cluding ovipositor 3.50 mm [3.2—4.4 mm]); length of ovipositor 1.40 mm. Colour. Head, mesosoma, meso- and metacoxa metallic green (except distal part); metasoma brownish-yellow laterally, pale-yellow dorsally on all tergites, with pair of dark brown spots dorsolaterally on each tergite. Spots connecting medially on Gt, and G,,, (Fig. 5D). Scape, tegula, legs (except most of meso- and metacoxa and metafe- mur) pale yellow. Tarsomeres brownish distally. Metafemur rightly brown yellow. Dis- tal part of scape brown with slight metallic reflection, pedicel black with distinct metal- lic reflection, flagellum dark brown; ovipositor brownish yellow, ovipositor sheath dark brown. Fore wing hyaline, wing venation yellowish-brown, setae dark-brown. Head. Head 1.13x as broad as high (Fig. 4C); 2.14x as broad as long in dorsal view and 1.83x in lateral view (Fig. 5A); 1.10x as broad as mesonotum at its widest part in dorsal view. Without occipital carina. Temple short, strongly converging, 0.3x as long as eye. Eyes separated by 1.17x their own height, eye 1.45x as high as long. Head reticulate with thin, short, silvery setae on face; scrobes more finely reticulate, without setae. Toru- lus separated by 1x their own diameter; clypeus with anterior margin nearly straight and recessed relative to corners of oral fossa; ventral part of clypeus finely reticulate. Malar space 0.5x as long as eye height. POL 2.82x OOL, OOL 0.85x LOL (Fig. 5B). Antenna (Fig. 4A). Scape 3.2x as long as broad and pedicel about as long as broad, the former not reaching ventral margin of anterior ocellus; torulus inserted above ven- tral level of eye. Combined length of pedicel and flagellum as long as breadth of head. 94 Hossein Lotfalizadeh et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 97: 85-103 (2024) 200um Figure 3. Microdontomerus iriphagus A female habitus, lateral view B male habitus, lateral view. Flagellum with one anellus; all flagellomeres distinctly transverse, with fu, the smallest, 0.71x as long as broad, 1.4x as wide as pedicel, and bearing only few MPS; fu,—fu, of about same dimensions, 0.55x as long as broad. Mesosoma (Figs 5A, B) 1.31x as long as broad. Pronotum 0.73x as broad as mes- oscutum. Pronotum and mesoscutum entirely and uniformly reticulate, and covered with thin, short, silvery setae (Fig. 5B). Mid lobe of mesoscutum posteriorly and en- tire mesoscutellum flattened dorsally. Notaulus distinctly impressed and obliterated by sculpture. Mesoscutellum 0.9x as long as broad, broadly abutting mesoscutum and separating axillae. Frenal area not separated but relatively distinct with coriaceous A new genus and three new species of Erimerinae op) Ae My cae ‘ \ \ ” ‘ L Wipe Figure 4. Microdontomerus iriphagus A female antenna, lateral view B male antenna, lateral view C male head, frontal view (anl, —anellus 1; cv, , — clavomere 1, 3; fue — funicular 1, 7). 96 Hossein Lotfalizadeh et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 97: 85-103 (2024) Figure 5. Microdontomerus iriphagus, female A mesosoma, lateral view B mesosoma, dorsal view C fore wing D metasoma, dorsal view E propodeum, dorsal view. A new genus and three new species of Erimerinae 97 sculpture (Fig. 5E). Propodeum delicately reticulate, without median carina (Fig. 5E). Profemur 3.6x as long as broad. Metacoxa reticulate, covered by setae dorsally and ventrally, 2.3x as long as broad; metafemur 2.8x as long as broad, without any tooth; metatibia 4.68x as long as broad; metatarsus long, as long as metatibia (Fig. 3A). Fore wing 2.25x as long as wide, hyaline, with densely setose on disc; speculum reaching end of marginal vein; costal cell dorsally with 1-2 rows of short setae along anterior margin, and 3—4 rows at end of cell, basal and cubital cell bare; basal and cubital line of setae complete; marginal vein 1.93x as long as postmarginal vein and 2.7x as long as stigmal vein; venation pale brown (Fig. 5C). Metasoma (Fig. 5D) 1.3x as long as mesosoma, with superficially alutaceous sculp- ture dorsally and lateraly. Petiole very short. Gt, incised medially, Gt,—Gt, distinctly emarginate medially, Gt,-Gt, slightly emarginate medially. Tip of hypopygium almost reaching near to apex of gaster (Fig. 3A). OI 2.3. Male (Fig. 3B). Length of body 1.68 mm (1.6—2.2 mm). Similar to females except following: metasoma concolor of mesosoma except brownish-yellow sub-basal band, laterally extending from Gt, to proximal part of Gt,. Funicular segments less transverse than in the female. Fu,—fu, about 0.60—0.71x as long as broad, with first flagellomere shortest; clava 1.86x as long as broad (Fig. 4B). Pro- and metafemur distinctly swollen, respectively 2.94 and 2.27x as long as broad, the latter distinctly serrate posteriorly. Distribution. Palaearctic: Iran. Biological association. This species represents an association with an uncommon host for Erimerinae, the mantids ootheca of ris oratoria (Linneaus, 1758) (Mantodea), as well as another species of the genus Microdontomerus in the Mediterranean basin, Microdontomerus iridis (Picard 1930) (Jansta et al. 2016). Microdontomerus quadrimaculatus Lotfalizadeh & Rasplus, sp. nov. https://zoobank.org/1560E7D1-6B8B-4A3B-BDC8-D6C23CB4F23D Figs 6—7 Material examined. Holotype: IRAN * 2; South-Khorasan province, Khoosf (32°77'N, 58°85'E, 1300 m), 5.iv.2018, galls on Haloxylon ammodendron; Vavakkoli-Korghond, G. leg. (deposited in HMIM). Paratypes: IRAN * same as holotype, 12 (deposited in HMIM). Etymology. A reference to the four pale-yellow oval spots on the gastral tergites that is characteristic of this species. Diagnosis. Head about 1.18x as broad as high and 1.66—1.72x as broad as long. Anterior margin of clypeus straight and slightly protruded relative to corners of oral fossa. Scrobes bare and finely sculptured relative to the rest of face. Toruli inserted dis- tinctly above ventral level of eye. POL about 3.05x as long as OOL and OOL about 0.72x as long as LOL. Antenna with scape not reaching anterior ocellus; flagellum 98 Hossein Lotfalizadeh et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 97: 85-103 (2024) Figure 6. Microdontomerus quadrimaculatus, female A female habitus, lateral view B fore wing venation C head, frontal view D female antenna, lateral view E head, lateral view F fore wing (anl, — anellus 1; clv, , — clavomere 1, 3; fu, , — funicular 1, 7). A new genus and three new species of Erimerinae 29) Figure 7. Microdontomerus quadrimaculatus, female A mesosoma, dorsal view B metasoma, dorsal view C propodeum, dorsal view. with one anellus and seven funicular segments, all funicular segments transverse. Me- sonotum entirely reticulate. Fore wing with speculum reaching end of marginal vein; costal cell dorsally with three rows of setae along anterior margin, cubital cell without setae and basal cell at most with few setae along anterior margin; basal and cubital line of setae complete; marginal vein 1.33x as long as postmarginal vein and 2.66x as long as stigmal vein. All tarsi slightly longer than tibiae, metafemur simple, without any tooth. Metasoma with hypopygium reaching almost end of gaster; Gt, incised medi- 100 Hossein Lotfalizadeh et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 97: 85-103 (2024) ally, Gt, —Gt, distinctly emarginate medially, Gt,—Gt, with a pair of whitish spots, Gt, —Gt, slightly emarginate. Ovipositor 0.95x as long as body; OI 3.75. Description. Female (Fig. 6A): Body length including ovipositor 5.25 mm; length of ovipositor 2.5 mm. Colour. Head, mesosoma, meso- and metacoxa and metasoma metallic blue-green with coppery reflection (Fig. 6A). Gt,—Gt, with a pair of pale-yellow oval spots. Pedi- cel concolorous with body with metallic green reflection, flagellum dark-brown with slight metallic reflection. Scape, tegula, all femur distally, metatibia and tarsi pale yel- low. Pro- and metacoxa concolorous with body, mesocoxa brown. Fore wing hyaline, wing venation pale yellow, setae brown. Head (Fig. GC). Head 1.18x as broad as high; 1.66x as broad as long in dorsal view and 1.74x in lateral view (Fig. GE); 1.04x as broad as mesonotum at its widest part in dorsal view. Head reticulate with thin, short, silvery setae on face, vertex and temple which are slightly longer than two meshes of the reticulation; scrobe more finely re- ticulate, without setae. Eyes separated by 0.82x their own height, eye 1.88x as high as long. Clypeus with anterior margin distinctly straight and slightly protruded relative to corners of oral fossa; ventral part of clypeus smooth (Fig. 6C). Malar space 0.29x as long as eye height. Occipital carina absent. POL 3.05x OOL, OOL 0.72 LOL. Antenna (Fig. 6D). Scape 5.33x as long as broad, not reaching ventral margin of anterior ocellus; pedicel 1.16x as long as broad; torulus inserted distinctly above ven- tral level of eye. Combined length of pedicel and flagellum 0.70x as long as breadth of head. Flagellum with one ring-like anellus; remaining flagellomeres distinctly trans- verse, with fu, the smallest, 0.57x as long as broad, wider than pedicel, and bearing only few MPS; fu,—fu., of about same dimensions, 0.58—0.65x as long as broad. Mesosoma (Fig. 7A). Mesosoma 1.3x as long as broad. Pronotum 0.81x as broad as mesoscutum. Pronotum and mesoscutum entirely reticulate, and covered with thin, short, silvery setae. Notaulus complete and distinctly impressed. Mesoscutellum as long as broad, without frenal area. Mesoscutellum and axilla more sparsely covered with setae. Propodeum mainly smooth, slightly reticulate laterally, with incomplete and barely visible median carina in basal part (Fig. 7C). Hind leg with coxa reticulated, covered by setae dorsally and ventrally, 1.8x as long as broad; metafemur 3.20x as long as broad, without any tooth; metatibia 4x as long as broad; metatarsus long, 1.16x as long as metatibia. Fore wing 2.4x as long as wide, hyaline, densely setose on disc; speculum reaching end of marginal vein; costal cell dorsally with three rows of setae along anterior margin, basal and cubital cell bare; basal and cubital line of setae com- plete; marginal vein 1.33x as long as postmarginal vein and 2.66x as long as stigmal vein; venation pale yellow (Figs GA, F). Metasoma (Fig. 6B). Metasoma 1.23x as long as mesosoma (but somewhat col- lapsed), with very shallow alutaceous sculpture. Petiole very short, strongly transverse. Gt, incised medially, Gt,—Gt, distinctly emarginate medially, Gt,-Gt, slightly emar- ginate medially. Tip of hypopygium almost reaching apex of gaster. OI 3.75. Distribution. Palaearctic: Iran. A new genus and three new species of Erimerinae 101 Biological association. This species was reared from galls of Stefaniola similata Mamaev, 1972 (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) on Haloxylon ammodendron C.A. Mey in the eastern Iran. Key to the species of the genus Microdontomerus in Iran (females) 1 Metasoma brownish-yellow with a pair of pale-yellow oval spots on every tergite FSR) 259 Ea) he emi CR etter as Beam Bebe, Hi UR ERE M. iriphagus sp. nov. — Metasoma concolorous with mesosoma and with distinct metallic reflection (Fig. Ge i a ree es oad aD Tao Py AY cake baci td Beas myacen bun ae eRas mans. the Sel kesh Vint UN. aet pal nden A, a dt 2 2 Ovipositor sheaths short, as long as metasoma or slightly (about 1.3 times) longer CHAMMNELASOMI A. ucctennendssccbeatoceamoeseeot seonearevstuvmedtnewece M. albipes (Giraud, 1870) — Ovipositor sheaths long, as long as the combined length of meso- and metasoma ES Fea Gy oh itn Mears ae be ce De nt gS SE de i eae A oT 3 3. Gt,_, with a pair of whitish spots (Fig. 7B); marginal vein 1.33x and 2.66x as long as postmarginal and stigmal vein, respectively (Fig. GB) oo... eeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeeeees Fa testei aN egid ascii an ch ia tee st ced banana natn is AN ete M. quadrimaculatus sp. nov. — All gastral tergites metallic green without contrasted spots; marginal vein about 2.14x and 4.0x as long as postmarginal and stigmal vein, respectively. ................ re a eae te ee te ey ee nals oe ee M. annulatus (Spinola, 1808) Discussion Previously, the genus Oopristus Steffan, 1968 (Hymenoptera: Torymidae) was origi- nally described from Iran (Steffan 1968; Lotfalizadeh and Gharali 2005). Perserimerus Lotfalizadeh & Rasplus, gen. nov., is the second genus found for the first time in Iran. Considering Iran’s significant diversity of ecological and bioclimatic conditions, the presence of further undescribed taxa are awaiting discovery. Among the described taxa, M. quadrimaculatus, sp. nov., was reared from galls of Stefaniola similata on saxaul shrubs, Haloxylon ammodendron. Saxaul shrubs are dis- tributed in the Central and Eastern deserts and arid environments of Iran, where it is mostly used for wind control and sandy soil maintenance. The first attempt to study the pests and their associated parasitoids of saxauls was carried out by Lotfalizadeh et al. (2019). These shrubs are seriously endangered by a few pest insects including the mealybug Anophococcus abaii (Danzig, 1990) (Hemiptera: Eriococcidae) and S. sim- ilata. Our knowledge on the natural enemies of these pests is still limited. Microdonto- merus quadrimaculatus may potentially play a role in a control of S. similata, as it was discovered for example for Mesopolobus quadrimaculatus Dzhanokmen (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), a parasitoid of Stefaniola spp. on Haloxylon spp., in China (Li et al. 2018). However, further investigation of efhciency of M. guadrimaculatus as a natural enemy of S. similata is needed. 102 Hossein Lotfalizadeh et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 97: 85-103 (2024) About 27 species of chalcidoid species worldwide have been reported from Man- todea ootheca (Jansta et al. 2016; Noyes 2019; Mirzaee et al. 2021). Most of these species belongs to the subfamily Podagrioninae (Torymidae), highly specialized man- tids’ parasitoids, where many species are still awaiting their description (Jansta, pers. observ.). However, association of M. iriphagus Lotfalizadeh & Jansta, sp. nov., as well as M. iridis (Jansta et al. 2016) (both Erimerinae) represent rather biological exceptions within their own clade, their morphology does not show any special adaptations to the hosts, and we do not expect that many species remain to be discovered. Acknowledgements We would like to thanks Dr. E. Rakhshani (University of Zabol, Iran) for sharing his collection with us and providing type specimen of Perserimerus marginalis. This work was supported by grants of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic no. SVV 266686/2024 and of the PRIMUS Research Programme (Charles University, no. PRIMUS/24/SCI/015) (both for PJ). Hossein Lotfalizadeh was sup- ported by a grant from the Iranian Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organisation (AREEO), project No 25554/200. References Crawford JC (1914) Notes on the chalcidoid family Callimomidae. Proceedings of the Ento- mological Society of Washington 16: 122-126. Doganlar M (2016) Species of Microdontomerus (Crawford, 1907) and Eridontomerus (Craw- ford, 1907) (Hymenoptera: Torymidae: Microdontomerini) from Turkey, with descrip- tions of new species. Entomofauna 37: 505-520. Fallahzadeh M, Narendran TC, Saghaei N (2009) Insecta, Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Eu- rytomidae and Torymidae in Iran. 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