JHR 96: 967-982 (2023) ieee, JOURNAL OF Seetetenseationt doi: 10.3897/jhr.96.1 11382 RESEARCH ARTICLE () I Tymenopter a 9 https://jhr.pensoft.net Theleternaonl Society of Hymenopexriss, RESEARCH The wing interference patterns (WIPs) of Parapanteles (Braconidae, Microgastrinae): demonstrating a powerful and accessible tool for species-level identification of small and clear winged insects Shuyang Jin', Kyle S. Parks’, Daniel H. Janzen’, Winnie Hallwachs?, Lee A. Dyer*, James B. Whitfield? | Department of Neurobiology, Duke University, Durham NC 27708, USA 2. Department of Physical and Biological Sciences, Western New England University, Springfield MA 01119, USA 3 Department of Biology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA 4 Department of Biology, University of Nevada, Reno NV 89557, Nevada, USA 5 Department of Entomology, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Urbana IL 61801, USA Corresponding author: Kyle S. Parks (kyle.parks@wne.edu) Academiceditor:J.M. Jasso-Martinez | Received 19 September 2023 | Accepted25 October2023 | Published 13 November2023 https://zoobank. org/5D12BB28-CFEF-4360-BF27-B0C761D938A0 Citation: Jin S, Parks KS, Janzen DH, Hallwachs W, Dyer LA, Whitfield JB (2023) The wing interference patterns (WIPs) of Parapanteles (Braconidae, Microgastrinae): demonstrating a powerful and accessible tool for species- level identification of small and clear winged insects. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 96: 967-982. https://doi. org/10.3897/jhr.96.111382 Abstract Wing interference patterns (WIPs) are color patterns of insect wings caused by thin film interference. Thin film interference is the same phenomenon responsible for the refracted spectral colors sometimes visible on soap bubbles. Insect WIPs are static patterns due to the variable thickness of wing membranes and the colors produced depend on the thicknesses of wing membranes. While WIPs have been studied in several taxa of small insects, they have not been broadly adopted by insect taxonomists. We surveyed WIPs in one moderate-sized genus of parasitoid wasps, Parapanteles (Braconidae: Microgastrinae). Using an inexpensive microscope camera set-up and free imaging and analysis software, we detected consistent WIP differences between Parapanteles species. In some cases, WIPs can be used to diagnose sibling species that would otherwise require SEM images to differentiate or DNA barcodes. Wing interference patters are an underemployed character that may be similarly useful in many other taxa of small clear-winged insects. Keywords Braconidae, color patterns, Microgastrinae, Parapanteles, WIP, Wing interference patterns Copyright Shuyang Jin et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 968 Shuyang Jin et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 96: 967-982 (2023) Introduction Wing interference patterns (WIPs), the rainbow colors that can appear on clear in- sect wings against dark background, have not been broadly adopted by insect tax- onomists as morphological characters. Shevtsova et al. (2011) comprehensively in- vestigated and called attention to these patterns, discovering that they are stable non-iridescent color patterns produced by thin film interference, where light that is reflected off of the upper or lower surface of a clear membrane constructively or destructively interferes with light approaching the membrane. The perceived color pattern is primarily caused by the varying thickness of the wing itself, and are, un- like iridescent colors from butterfly wing scales, static at a range of viewing angles (Shevtsova et al. 2011). Wing interference patterns are under-used in species descriptions and as a tool for species-level identification of small clear-winged insects. Since their discovery as stable color patterns, they have rarely been reported in taxonomic works and even less frequently been used in species diagnoses or identification keys. In addition to discovering them, Shevtsova et al. (2011) comprehensively described the physical phe- nomenon that causes them and documented examples of WIPs in several Diptera and Hymenoptera taxa. Since then, WIPs have been documented in just 20 taxonomic or descriptive works (Hansson 2011; Shevtsova and Hansson 2011; Buffington and Sandler 2012; Hansson 2012; Hansson and Shevtsova 2012; Hernandez-Lépez et al. 2012; Simon 2012; Stigenberg 2012; Buffington and Condon 2013; Mitroiu 2013; Buffington and Forshage 2014; Drohojowska and Szwedo 2015; Zhang et al. 2014a, 2014b, 2016; Hosseini et al. 2019, 2020, 2021 2021; Pielowska-Ceranowska and Szwedo 2020; Butterworth et al. 2021; Conrow and Gelhaus 2022) and five experi- mental studies (Katayama et al. 2014; Brydegaard et al. 2018; Hawkes et al. 2019; Dong et al. 2020; White et al. 2021). Most of these studies focus on Hymenoptera (161 species), followed by Diptera (58 species), Hemiptera (8 species), and Odonata (1 species) (Suppl. material 1). Because WIPs are a function of the varying thickness of wings, some authors have speculated that color may vary intraspecifically because overall wing thickness may be correlated to individual size (Shevtsova and Hansson 2011; Hernandez-Lopez et al. 2012). Therefore, they concluded that the colors of WIPs are less important than the patterns they form. Despite this, the majority of taxonomic works that document WIPs describe them in terms of qualitative colors and the relative portion of the wing those colors occupy (e.g., distal 1/3 magenta). Wing interference patterns have been used as characters in species diagnoses in only three publications to date (Hansson 2011; Shevtsova and Hansson 2011; Hansson and Shevtsova 2012), and have been used in a taxonomic key only three times (Mitroiu 2013; Zhang et al. 2014b; Hos- seini et al. 2021). Efforts to quantify and compare WIPs have generally found them to be species-specific but rarely sexually dimorphic (Hawkes et al. 2019; Hosseini et al. 2019; Hosseini et al. 2020; Butterworth et al. 2021; White et al. 2021). To-date, WIPs have not been broadly adopted by taxonomists of small insects. The wing interference patterns of Parapanteles (Braconidae, Microgastrinae) 969 Microgastrinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is a hyper-diverse subfamily of small parasitoid wasps that attack Lepidoptera (Mardulyn and Whitfield 1999). Microgastri- nae currently has 2,999 described species (Fernandez-Triana et al. 2020), representing roughly 5—10% of the estimated worldwide diversity of this group (Rodriguez et al. 2012; Fernandez-Triana and Ward 2015). Their diminutive adult size and small num- ber of morphological characters have made the generic-level taxonomy of this group difficult, and species-level diagnoses, absent DNA barcoding, often rely on subtly vari- able or minute characters that often require SEM imaging to observe (e.g., Valerio et al. 2009). Wing interference patterns have never been reported for microgastrines but are readily visible in living wasps in a container (DHJ, WH, personal communication). Parapanteles Ashmead is a small genus of Microgastrinae with several species that are morphologically very similar to other genera (Dolichogenidea and Glyptapanteles) and frequently misdiagnosed (Valerio et al. 2009; Parks et al. 2020). Here, we document the WIPs of 7 described and 12 putative undescribed Parapanteles species from Costa Rica and Ecuador and present a simple and inexpensive method for quantifying and comparing WIPs that can contribute to identification keys and rapid species diagnosis. Here we present the first study of WIPs in Microgastrinae (Hymenoptera: Braco- nidae), and an attempt to quantitatively compare the WIPs of closely related species using materials and methods already common in or freely available to most taxonomic laboratories that focus on small clear-winged insects. Methods Adult wasps used in this study were collected by two long-term Lepidoptera/parasi- toid rearing projects: Area de Conservacién Guanacaste (ACG) in Costa Rica (Janzen and Hallwachs 2009, 2016) and Yanayacu Biological Station in Ecuador (Dyer et al. 2017). A list of specimens used in this study is available in Table 1. One set of fore and hind wings were removed from each adult wasp from samples stored in ethanol. Where available, wings from one male and one female per brood were removed and slide mounted on temporary slides. All species sampled are gregari- ous (i.e. the female lays multiple eggs in a single host) except Parapanteles sp. J and Parapanteles sp. K, which are solitary (i.e. females lay a single egg per host). We assume that all wasps eclosing from the cocoons from one caterpillar are siblings. Wings were sandwiched between two microscope slides which were taped together at the ends. This flattens wings more reliably than using a standard slide cover. As in Shevtsova and Hansson 2011, a drop of black India ink was spread on one slide to create a uniform black background behind the wings. Wings were photographed at 50x magnification using a Cannon Rebel Xsi camera and an Amscope LED-144A-YK 144 LED ring light at maximum brightness. Wing images were not visually adjusted. Materials examined and qualitative descriptions of WIPs are available in Suppl. material 2. Images used in our analyses are available in Suppl. material 3. 970 Shuyang Jin et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 96: 967-982 (2023) Table |. Materials examined for Parapanteles species included in this study from Area de Conservacién Gua- nacaste (ACG), Costa Rica and Yanayacu Biological Station (YBS), Ecuador. Identification numbers for ACG specimens reflect voucher codes for COI DNA barcoding sequences on the Barcode of Life Database (BOLD). Specie IDF Parapanteles continua ACG, Costa Rica DHJPAR0013724, DHJPAR0013810, DHJPAR0013718, DHJPARO0013733, DHJPAR0020230, DHJPAR0013716, DHJPARO0013725, DHJPAR0020228, DHJPARO0013723, DHJPARO0013717, DHJPAR0020236, DHJPAR0004196, DHJPAR0004192, DHJPAR0004189, DHJPAR0004190, DHJPARO0002808, DHJPAR0004798, DHJPAR0005102, DHJPAR0020859, DHJPAR0020911, DHJPAR0030974, DHJPAR0020231 Parapanteles em ACG, Costa Rica DHJPARO0004212, DHJPAR0004543, DHJPAR0004535, DHJPAR0004539, DHJPAR0002757, DHJPAR0020573, DHJPAR0020466, DHJPAR0020785, DHJPAR0020788, DHJPARO0020261, DHJPARO0002802 Parapanteles paradoxus ACG, Costa Rica DHJPARO0000248, DHJPAR0012335, DHJPAR0030924, DHJPAR0004544, DHJPAR0004209, DHJPAR0004534, DHJPAR0000246, DHJPAR0004194, DHJPAR0004541, DHJPARO0005103, DHJPAR0004796, DHJPAR0004800 Parapanteles sicpolus ACG, Costa Rica DHJPARO0004542, DHJPAR0000204, DHJPAR0000199, DHJPARO0004201, DHJPAR0004200, DHJPAR0004537, DHJPARO0004198, DHJPAR0004187 Parapanteles tessares ACG, Costa Rica DHJPAR0030744, DHJPAR0020916, DHJPAR0030733, DHJPARO0030762, DHJPAR0020905, DHJPAR0020850, DHJPAR0020849, DHJPAR0030752, DHJPAR0020904, DHJPAR0020852, DHJPAR0020857, DHJPAR0030773, DHJPARO0030975 Parapanteles tlinea ACG, Costa Rica DHJPARO0004188 DHJPAR0020792, DHJPAR0012000, DHJPAR0020574, DHJPAR0020570, DHJPAR0020568, DHJPAR0020569, Parapanteles sp. “valerio05” | ACG, Costa Rica DHJPAR0031011 Parapanteles sp. “B” 45714, 26049, 37474, 20919, 24670 Parapanteles sp. “C” 12105, 45981, 48054 Parapanteles sp. “D” 8275, 35934, 37263, 37275, 37791, 44117 Parapanteles sp. “E” YBS, Ecuador 36197, 36198, 36520 Parapanteles sp. “H” YBS, Ecuador 2365, 2366, 2466, 4503 Parapanteles sp. “1” YBS, Ecuador 42069, 43211, 46466, 66971 Parapanteles sp. “J” YBS, Ecuador 27850, 27851, 34403, 34413, 36533 Parapanteles sp. “K” 28620, 32234, 36406, 36534, 38844 The average RGB (red, green, and blue) values of pixels in each fore wing image were measured using the “RGB Measure” feature in ImageJ v1.49 (Schneider et al. 2012). The value for each color component was divided by the average of all three average color values to calculate the relative “redness,” “greenness,” and “blueness” of each fore wing image (e.g., redness=R/((R+G+B)/3)). This averages out the contribu- tion of black (R/G/B=0/0/0), white (R/G/B=255/255/255), and grey (R/G/B are all equal) pixels. Arrays of relative redness, greenness, and blueness for each species were tested for normality in R v4.2.2 (R Core Team 2017) using the ‘agricolae’ and ‘nortest’ packages The wing interference patterns of Parapanteles (Braconidae, Microgastrinae) 971 (Gross and Ligges 2015; de Mendiburu and Yaseen 2020) via the Shapiro-Wilk test and for skewness, and then compared across species via ANOVA and Tukey’s HSD test and visualized with geplot2 (Beck 2017). Species with sample size lower than 3 were exclud- ed from our statistical analysis. Data files and R code are available in Suppl. material 4. Several metrics of fore wing size were measured to test whether they correlated with WIP patterns, because if they do then species-level differences in WIPs may simply be caused by some species being larger than others. Fore wing length (measured from the junction of C+Sc+R and M+Cu to the distal end of 3/M) and area were compared to each color array. In addition, overall fore wing shape was measured by dividing length by width (measured from the junction of r-rs and the stigma to the distal end of the anal lobe) to test if wing narrowness has any effect on wing thickness. Measurements were done in Image] v1.49 (Schneider et al. 2012) and tested for correlation via the Pearson Correlation test in R v4.2.2 (R Core Team 2017) using the ‘hmisc’ package (Harrell and Dupont 2019). Linear discriminate function analyses were used to test how useful our quantifica- tion of microgastrine WIPs were by themselves for identifying species. Linear discrimi- nation analyses were done in R v4.2.2 (R Core Team 2017). Several subsets of models were tested, and variables included the relative redness/greenness/blueness values for both fore wing and hind wing for all species, fore wing only for all species, hind wing only for all species, fore wing and hind wing data for each subclade containing two or more taxa, fore wing and hind wing data for species collected in the same country (Costa Rica or Ecuador), and fore wing and hind wing data for species that attack the same host family (Erebidae, Geometridae, Notodontidae, or Saturniidae). In each case 50% of the dataset was used to train the model and 50% of the dataset was used for validation. R code and data files are available in Suppl. material 4. Results Inter- and intraspecific variation in WIPs The wing interference patterns of the species surveyed are generally consistent within species, although intraspecific consistency does vary. Both qualitatively (Suppl. mate- rial 3) and in terms of relative redness, greenness, and blueness (R.RGBs) (Table 2, Fig. 1), the species with purplish WIPs (Parapanteles tessares, P. continua, P. sicpolus, and P sp. H) have the most consistent WIPs, while species with reddish or yellowish WIPs are more variable, especially Parapanteles sp. J and Parapanteles sp. K. All R.RGB arrays were normally distributed except two P continua arrays, one Parapanteles sp. E, one P paradoxus, one P sicpolus, and four P tessares arrays (Table 2). The distributions of fore wing and hind wing R.RGBs among closely related species are often similar with one or two parameters significantly different (Fig. 1). For example, the R.RGBs of the sister species P tessares and P continua are not significantly differ- ent except for fore wing relative redness (higher in P continua) and relative blueness Shuyang Jin et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 96: 967-982 (2023) O72 £60 90°0 €Z'0 £70 810 0¢'0 CE0 90°0 yL0 S70 ITO 89°0 0Z°0 6£'0 c0°0 8S°0 00°0 8S°0 S70 S70 90°0 Se 08°0 0S'0 170 cS'0 €1'0 s0°0 960 cL0 onyea-7 070 560 ¥E0- 610 €9'I- vE0- 68°0 CLA 19°0 091 Z8°0- €L0- y10- 5S°0- Z0'I CO'I- IV'C- z8°0 ZS" 0L°0- 10°0 50'T- 550 65°0 ¥9'T- ell 06°0 €h°0 Z'0- Z70 MaxS cL0'0 + 760 970°0 + 180° 90°0 + 6£6'°0 £0°0 + 66'0 8Z0°0 + $S6°0 $90°0 + 7060 S100 + 160°T 990°0 + €£6'0 9400 + VIO'T 910°0 + $S0'l L¥0'0 + 6$6'0 910°0 + c90°T ¥£0'0 + 696'0 940°0 + I€0'l Sc0'0 + €90'1 €¥0'0 + C760 9€0°0 + I9T'T 90°0 + ¥S6°0 690°0 + 896'0 700 + 6'0 L€0°0 + £S8°0 6£0°0 + 660'1 €10°0 + 206°0 TS0°0 + 266'0 €0°0 + 670'T £90°0 + Z88°0 L10°0 + ¥Z0'1 €£0'0 + 68°0 T¢0'0 + 9101 Sc0'0 + 980°1 au “AV cS°0 00°0 94°0 1y¥'0 TZ°0 670 00'T ce Se £70 €7'0 L¥'0 1Z0 O10 Te0 870 10°0 1y'0 cy'0 S70 870 €Z'0 ITO yS°0 €Z'0 O10 cS°0 Sc0 60°0 10°0 onyea-q Cla 9y'1 070 0y'0 070 A 60°0 8h I- 60°0- co'l ¥C0 ¥9'0- €S°0 60°1 €9'0- ESels LET €¢'0 L1'0- £0°0 LYV'0 60°0 IZ T- LS°0 cL0- SL°0- 650 8¢°0- I? 6I'I- MIS of dSH €£0°0 F ¥L8°0 7200 F €58'0 4£0'0 F 168°0 8¢0'0 F Z98'0 €40'0 F $580 620'0 ¥ SZ8°0 810°0 F 6€8'0 4100 ¥ S68°0 620'0 ¥ SE8°0 C00°0 F 6€8'0 1€0'0 $ 7ZZ8°0 600'0 ¥ ¥68'0 €70'0 F £98'0 5£0'0 F 780 Z10'0 ¥ 68'0 970'0 ¥ S160 SZ0'0 ¥ LZ8'0 1700 F 8980 970'0 F 688°0 670'0 ¥ Z88°0 970'0 F 676°0 970'0 F €18°0 870'0 F S160 ¥40'0 ¥ YEO 810°0 F ZE8'0 1S0'°0 F 268°0 600'0 $= ¥88'0 Z70'0 F Z16°0 8£0°0 F 9€8'0 810°0 ¥ 980 Dy Ay €8°0 c0°0 SL0 18°0 £60 SS'0 81°0 £0°0 Z8°0 yL0 00'T 00°0 970 670 ¥8'0 cS'0 8¢'0 vv 0 060 0S°0 Z8°0 610 18°0 98°0 C60 Sy'0 S70 160 09°0 vv 0 onyes-g Sv'0 8S°0- (aay) cL'0 yS°0 €Tl ITO €Z'1 aay) 69°0- ¥0°0 Sik, 90°T 09°0- £0'0 6l'l cv'0 86°0- 8S°0- LOT TZ°0- ELT TSO STO" 170 SS°0- 8Z°0- 67'0- cS'0- CED MI¥AS oge xp dSH 6£0°0 + 9811 610°0 + Z90°1 €€0°0 + ZI'I 1¥0°0 + CYT 6£0°0 + I6I'I €¥0'0 + C7C'T 100 + ZO'T cS0°0 + CLIT cv0'0 + IST'T 810°0 + 90T'T c£0'0 + O9T'T c10°0 + S70'T 9700 + 89T'T €C0'0 + 6CI'T 970°0 + 670'1 970°0 + €9I'T $c0'0 + CIOL c£0°0 + 8ZLI'1 8£0°0 + CYT S10'0 + CITT S00 + VITT cC0'0 + 880° L£10°0 + €81'1 670°0 + 69T'T 810°0 + 6IT'T 6700 + 9ITT €10°0 + C¥O'l €C0'0 + 661'T Sc0'0 + 6OFI'T 1Z0°0 + SO'T Ue “AV vauyy saaquvdvlyg saupssaq smaqupdvlng, Cgorayea ‘ds saagupdving yy ds saagundvang (‘ds sapagundnang | ‘ds sapaguvdning H ds syaguvdpung q ‘ds soyaguvdvang d ‘ds syauvdpung 2 ‘ds syaguvdpung gq ‘ds syaguvdpung snndas syaguvdving snxopwind sajaquvdvlng wa sgaguvdving pnuijuos syaguvdving vauyy saaquvdvlygy saupssag smaquvdvlng, Cqouayea ‘ds saragupdving yy ds saagundvang ( ‘ds sapagundnang | ‘ds sayaguvdnung H ds syazuvdpung q ‘ds sayagundvang q ‘ds syagupdvung 2 ‘ds syaguvdpung gq ‘ds syaguvdpung snyndas sqaguvdving snxopvind sgaquvdvlng ua syaguvdnlng ynuiuos syaguvdvin sa1oodg pul o1OF Sur, ‘AWPEUIOU JOF ISI SyTIA\-OTIdeys pur ‘ssouMays Is91 GSH SAeYN|T Jo synsar YIM “uoTeLAIp prepuris suo snutut so snjd soieds sajazuvdvung us21Fy Jo SsUIM PUTY pue s10J DY} JO (Gy) ssauanyq pur ‘(+py) ssouusaIs “(QYpYy) ssoupor saEJoI aSeIOAY *7 GIqeL The wing interference patterns of Parapanteles (Braconidae, Microgastrinae) O73 P. tessares P. continua P. sicpolus P.sp.H P.sp.D P.em _ P.sp.valerio05 P. paradoxus_P. sp. | P.sp. J P.sp.K P.sp.E P.tlinea P.sp.B P.sp.C Figure |. Box-and-whiskers plots of forewing and hind wing wing interference pattern relative red- nesses (RR), greennesses (RG), and bluenesses (RB) shown in phylogenetic order. The cladogram above the figure is based on results from Parks et al. 2020. RR box-and-whiskers are shown in red, RB in blue, and RG in green (for colorblind: all RR values are greater than their corresponding RG values, so all red box-and-whisker plots are above green box-and-whisker plots in the figure). Results of Tukey’s HSD test are displayed above or below each box-and-whisker. The white horizontal bar below each wing image represents 2 mm. (higher in P tessares), which corroborates the more uniformly purple appearance of P tessaress WIP. We did not find evidence of sexual dimorphism in Parapanteles WIPs. Males and females of most species have similar WIPs, although in Parapanteles sp. D and P em male WIPs are slightly more yellowish (Suppl. material 3: f and g.). Sexual dimorphism could not be assessed for 6 species: only females were available for Parapanteles sp. C, sp. J, sp. K, and sp. Valerio05, and only males were available for Parapanteles sp. land sp. E. Relative redness, greenness, and blueness and wing size The majority of R.RGB arrays were not significantly correlated with wing length, area, or shape. Eleven of the 33 R.RGB tested were significantly correlated with wing length and 8 of 33 were significantly correlated with wing area. In each case the slope of the line of regression was slight and no R.RGB arrays were correlated with wing shape (Table 3). 974 Shuyang Jin et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 96: 967-982 (2023) Table 3. Average length, area, and shape (length/height) of the fore wings of fifteen Parapanteles species plus or minus one standard deviation, with coefficient of determination and the p-value of Pearson cor- relation tests of each measurement for each fore wing color array (relative redness (RR), greenness (RG), and blueness (RB)). Species n Fore wing Average */RRr p */RGr p */RBr p measurement Parapanteles continua 41 Length* (mm) 2.5 £0.18 0.09 0.06 0.16 0.01 0.29 0.00 Height (mm) 0.67 + 0.05 _ - - - - - Area* (mm7) 0.67 + 0.05 0.06 0.13 0.15 0.01 0.24 0.00 Shape* (L/H) 3.76 + 0.13 0.01 0.56 0.01 0.51 0.03 0.33 Parapanteles em 16 Length* (mm) 2.36 + 0.21 0.45 0.00 0.79 0.00 0.29 0.03 Height (mm) 0.64 + 0.06 _ - - - - - Area* (mm7) 0.64 + 0.06 0.42 0.01 0.85 0.00 0.35 0.02 Shape* (L/H) 3.71 £0.14 0.00 0.84 0.01 0.71 0.03 0.55 Parapanteles paradoxus 16 Length* (mm) 2.36 + 0.21 0.08 0.28 0.04 0.49 0.01 0.76 Height (mm) 0.62 + 0.05 - - - - - - Area* (mm7) 0.62 + 0.05 0.08 0.28 0.12 0.19 0.00 0.92 Shape* (L/H) 3.81 + 0.23 0.00 0.88 0.01 0.73 0.01 0.73 Parapanteles sicpulus 14 Length* (mm) 2.74 = 0.13 0.24 0.08 0.07 0.34 0.24 0.07 Height (mm) 0.74 = 0.04 _ - - _ — - Area* (mm?) 0.74 = 0.04 0.25 0.07 0.04 0.47 0.23 0.08 Shape* (L/H) 3.7 +£0.18 0.03 0.53 0.03 0.53 0.04 0.47 Parapanteles sp. B 8 Length* (mm) 2.11 240.1 0.00 0.87 0.86 0.00 0.49 0.05 Height (mm) 0.51 + 0.03 ~ - - _ - — Area* (mm7) 0.51 + 0.03 0.08 0.49 0.69 0.01 0.28 0.18 Shape* (L/H) 4.16+0.15 0.37 0.11 0.04 0.65 0.18 0.30 Parapanteles sp. D 10 Length* (mm) 3.59 + 0.15 0.00 0.95 0.66 0.00 0.48 0.03 Height (mm) 0.93 + 0.06 = = = = = Area* (mm?) 0.93 + 0.06 0.01 0.79 0.76 0.00 0.49 0.02 Shape* (L/H) 3.88 + 0.14 0.00 0.98 0.13 0.30 0.10 0.36 Parapanteles sp. H 9 Length* (mm) 3.11 + 0.47 0.06 0.53 0.00 0.88 0.01 0.82 Height (mm) 0.82 + 0.13 — - — — — — Area* (mm7) 0.82 + 0.13 0.06 0.51 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.72 Shape* (L/H) 3.81 + 0.08 0.10 042 0.37 0.08 0.34 0.10 Parapanteles sp. J 5 Length* (mm) 2.96 = 0.21 0.02 0.82 0.02 0.83 0.00 0.95 Height (mm) 0.78 = 0.07 - - - - - - Area* (mm7) 0.78 + 0.07 0.03. 0.77 0.03 0.77 0.00 0.93 Shape* (L/H) 3.81 + 0.12 0.62 0.11 0.01 0.85 0.16 0.50 Parapanteles sp. K 5 Length* (mm) 2.66 = 0.47 0.62 0.11 0.02 0.83 0.74 0.06 Height (mm) 0.7 £0.12 - - - - - - Area* (mm?) 0.7 £0.12 0.09 0.16 0.02 0.82 0.61 0.12 Shape* (L/H) 3.81 + 0.17 016 O57 0:05 0.77 0.29: _0.35 Parapanteles sp. valerio05 7 Length* (mm) 2.4 +£0.13 0.07 0.58 0.48 0.09 0.10 0.48 Height (mm) 0.62 + 0.04 - - — — — - Area* (mm7) 0.62 + 0.04 0.02 0.77 055 0:06 0.18 0.35 Shape* (L/H) 3.87 + 0.2 0.30 0.20 0.10 049 0.25 0.25 Parapanteles tessares 25 Length* (mm) 2.33 = 0.09 0.04 0.37 0.18 0.03 0.18 0.03 Height (mm) 0.61 + 0.04 — - _ - — — Area* (mm7”) 0.61 + 0.04 0.00 0.89 0.13 0.08 0.07 0.19 Shape* (L/H) 3.83 + 0.15 0.00 0.91 0.00 0.73 0.00 0.78 The wing interference patterns of Parapanteles (Braconidae, Microgastrinae) 975 Linear discriminate function analysis Results for linear discriminate function analyses varied widely and are available in Suppl. material 4. Linear discriminate function analysis using our complete dataset predicted species accurately only 34% of the time, but was more accurate with some subsets of species separated by subclade, geography, or host use (e.g., species prediction of species found in Costa Rica was 83% and species parasitizing saturniids was 75%). Discussion ‘The wing interference patterns of Parapanteles are consistent within species and distinct between species, often enough to be diagnostic by themselves. Among the species sur- veyed, the WIPs of Parapanteles tessares, P continua, P sicpolus, P sp. H, and P sp. C were the most distinct. These species tended to have more green and purple in their WIPs, while the remaining species’ WIPs were predominantly red and/or yellow. Wing interference patterns are directly related to the thickness of wing membranes, and previous publications have speculated that WIP colors should change as individu- als get larger because cuticle thickness may increase with body size (Shevtsova and Hansson 2011; Hernandez-Lépez et al. 2012). We are not aware of any studies investi- gating the allometry of body or wing cuticle thickness. Among the species we surveyed, some relative redness, greenness, and/or blueness arrays were significantly correlated with wing size and/or area in some species, but in each of these cases the slope of the corresponding linear regression was very slight (Table 3). Correlation with wing size (as a proxy for body size) alone does not account for the differences between the WIPs of closely related Parapanteles species. We were not able to use WIPs alone to reliably predict the identity of an unknown specimen from a large number of species, but were able to discriminate between species in some subclades or subsets of species defined by location or host use (Suppl. material 4). Wing interference patterns are not likely to be useful for automated species identification for many taxa, but are useful as an ad- ditional and generally overlooked morphological character to be used in conjunction with other characters for species diagnosis, as any morphological character tradition- ally would be. When viewed this way they are often one of the most conspicuous and accessible morphological characters of the physically small taxa on which they appear. Wing interference patterns are directly related to the wavelength of the light pass- ing through the wing membrane, which is a major weakness for using any measure- ment derived from RGB values for diagnostic purposes. The relative RGB values we measured in this study were not consistent if the wing was illuminated with a different light source. This limitation can be solved by using a consistent light source, and the light source which we used for all WIP photographs in this study, an Amscope LED- 144A-YK 144 LED ring light, is widely available and relatively inexpensive. Using one or more lasers of specific wavelengths to illuminate WIPs could offer a more replicable 976 Shuyang Jin et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 96: 967-982 (2023) and standardizable method for documenting WIPs, although using one or a few wave- lengths would result in less data than full spectrum white light. Wing interference pat- terns can be observed in situ on pinned specimens, but these are of little use compared to WIPs observed on slide-mounted wings. Including WIP slides (wing slides with India Ink painted on the back) of at least a few paratype individuals with the type se- ries of small winged insects would ameliorate most of the problem posed by variations between light sources, and expand the usefulness of WIPs for future studies. Experiments in Drosophila have repeatedly shown WIPs to be subject to sexual selection (Katayama et al. 2014; Hawkes et al. 2019). While this has not been ex- perimentally tested in other taxa, this and other studies have found that WIPs are fre- quently species-specific (Shevtsova et al. 2011; Buffington and Sandler 2012; Zhang et al. 2014b, 2016; Hosseini et al. 2019; Butterworth et al. 2021; Hosseini et al. 2021). Similarly to the Drosophila species used in the sexual selection experiments, microgas- trinae males also display their wings to females during courtship (Bredlau and Kester 2019). The colors of WIPs are visible in situ and in natural settings whenever insect wings are displayed in front of a dark background (e.g. green leaves), and the colors that compose them occur in spectra visible to most insects (Shevtsova et al. 2011; Brydegaard et al. 2018; Butterworth et al. 2021). Anecdotally, we found that closely related sympatric species tended to be more subjectively different (i.e. ((Parapanteles tessares, P continua), P. sicpolus) and (P. em, P valerio05) from Costa Rica and (P sp. B, P sp. C) from Ecuador), while closely related allopatric species tended to be less distinct (i.e. (P paradoxus, P sp. I) and (P sp. E, P tlinea) (Fig. 2). This suggests that WIPs may be used by microgastrines for conspecific recognition, but this is entirely speculative and would require a broader survey of microgastrine WIPs to test. We only included two solitary species (i.e. females oviposit a single egg into each host, P sp. J and P sp. K) in our study. These two species had the most variable WIPs and wing sizes. The relationship to host quality and adult wasp size may be more direct in solitary Parapanteles tessares Parapanteles continua Parapanteles sicpolus Parapanteles paradoxus Parapanteles sp. | Parapanteles sp. | Parapanteles sp. K Figure 2. Right wings of three different individuals from seven Parapanteles species showing wing inter- ference patterns. A shows three gregarious sympatric sister species ((P tessares, P continua), P sicpolus) from Area de Conservacién Guanacaste (ACG) in Costa Rica. B shows two gregarious allopatric sister species, one from AVG (P paradoxus) and one from Yanayacu Biological Station in Ecuador (P sp. I). C shows two solitary sister species from Yanayacu Biological Station. The wing interference patterns of Parapanteles (Braconidae, Microgastrinae) Di, species that use small host caterpillars than gregarious species attacking larger caterpil- lars. In such solitary species, poor quality hosts may have less resources available for parasitoids and result in smaller adults, while gregarious species can oviposit fewer eggs to account for poor quality hosts which may result in more consistent adult wasp sizes. Even so, P sp. J fore wings are significantly redder than P sp. K (Figs 1, 2). Conclusions In general, WIPs can be observed and documented with very little additional effort for most taxonomists who work on small winged insects. We predict that they can be a large source of new morphological characters for the taxonomy and systematics of these tiny animals. The only materials required are a dissecting microscope with a camera attachment, a ring light, glass slides, and India Ink. Wing interference patterns are often species-specific and useful for Parapanteles wasps, and will likely be for most other microgastrine wasps. Acknowledgments This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation grant DEB 1146119 and DEB 1442103. We thank the National Institute of Biodiversity — Ec- uador (INABIO) for support and the Ministry of the Environment of Ecuador for providing permits under the genetic access contract MAE-DNB-CM-2016-0045 and the project “Interacciones entre plantas, orugas, y parasitoides de los Andes del Ecuador.” All specimens were collected, exported and to be DNA barcoded under Costa Rican government permits issued to BioAlfa (Janzen and Hallwachs 2019) (R- 054-2022-OT-CONAGEBIO; R-019-2019-CONAGEBIO; National Published De- cree #41767), JICA-SAPI #0328497 (2014) and DHJ and WH (ACG-PI-036-2013; R-SINAC-ACG-PI-061-2021; Resolucié6n N°001-2004 SINAC; PI-028-2021). 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Zootaxa 4098(1): 043-072. https://doi.org/10.11646/ zootaxa.4098.1.2 The wing interference patterns of Parapanteles (Braconidae, Microgastrinae) 981 Supplementary material | Taxonomic summary of published wing interference pattern images and/or descriptions Authors: Shuyang Jin, Kyle S. Parks, Daniel H. Janzen, Winnie Hallwachs, Lee A. Dyer, James B. Whitfield Data type: xlsx Copyright notice: This dataset is made available under the Open Database License (http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/). The Open Database License (ODDbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited. Link: https://doi.org/10.3897/jhr.96.111382.suppl1 Supplementary material 2 Qualitative descriptions and materials examined for Parapanteles species included in this study Authors: Shuyang Jin, Kyle S. Parks, Daniel H. Janzen, Winnie Hallwachs, Lee A. Dyer, James B. Whitfield Data type: docx Copyright notice: This dataset is made available under the Open Database License (http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/). The Open Database License (ODDbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited. Link: https://doi.org/10.3897/jhr.96.111382.suppl2 982 Shuyang Jin et al. / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 96: 967-982 (2023) Supplementary material 3 Wing interference patterns Authors: Shuyang Jin, Kyle S. Parks, Daniel H. Janzen, Winnie Hallwachs, Lee A. Dyer, James B. Whitfield Data type: zip Explanation note: Wing interference patterns of Parapanteles tessares (a), PR continua (b and c), P sicpolus (d), P sp. H (e), P sp. D (f), PB em (g), P sp. valerio05 (h), P. paradoxus (i), P sp. I (j), P sp. J (k), P sp. K (1), 2 sp. E (m), P tinea (n), P sp. B (0), and P sp. C (p). Female wings are shown to the left and males to the right. Horizontal pairs of wing images are of sibling wasps from the same reared brood while each vertical set is from a distinct brood. Copyright notice: This dataset is made available under the Open Database License (http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/). The Open Database License (ODDbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited. Link: https://doi.org/10.3897/jhr.96.111382.suppl3 Supplementary material 4 Data files and R code Authors: Shuyang Jin, Kyle S. Parks, Daniel H. Janzen, Winnie Hallwachs, Lee A. Dyer, James B. Whitfield Data type: zip Explanation note: Data files and R code used to calculate mean, standard deviation, ANOVA, Tukey’s HSD, Skewness, Shapiro-Wilks normality test, and linear dis- criminate functions analysis of forewing and hindwing relative redness, greenness, and blueness, and Pearson's correlation of forewing length, forewing area, and fore- wing shape (H/L) to forewing relative redness, greenness, and blueness. Copyright notice: This dataset is made available under the Open Database License (http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/). The Open Database License (ODDbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited. Link: https://doi.org/10.3897/jhr.96.111382.suppl4