JHR 96: 817-834 (2023) 2%, JOURNAL OF Seiten doi: 10.3897/jhr.96.1 10590 RESEARCH ARTICLE () Hymenopter a The International Society of Hymenopterists RESEARCH https://jhr.pensoft.net Discovery of the velvet ant genus Orientilla Lelej from Laos (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae, Dasylabrinae), with description of a related new species from India Juriya Okayasu' I Systematic Entomology, Graduate School of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, 060-8589, Japan Corresponding author: Juriya Okayasu (mutiphiidae@gmail.com) Academic editor: Michael Ohl | Received 5 August 2023 | Accepted 5 October 2023 | Published 17 October 2023 Attps://zoobank. org/08EC5550-C847-4BE8-A66C-CDDA50BE8BDA Citation: Okayasu J (2023) Discovery of the velvet ant genus Orientilla Lelej from Laos (Hymenoptera, Mutillidae, Dasylabrinae), with description of a related new species from India. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 96: 817-834. https://doi.org/10.3897/jhr.96.110590 Abstract The genus Orientilla Lelej, 1979 is newly recorded from Laos based on O. tamaderai sp. nov. (Xieng Khouang) and O. vietnamica Lelej, 1979 (Vientiane). One additional new species, O. nitens sp. nov., is described from India (Tamil Nadu). These three species share many diagnostic features within Orientilla, but they are distinguished by the body coloration and shape of clypeus, hypostomal carina, humeral ca- rina, and metasomal terga 1-2. An identification key to females of the genus is provided. Keywords Aculeata, biodiversity, Oriental Region, taxonomy Introduction Velvet ants (Mutillidae and Myrmosidae) are large groups of aculeate wasps including more than 4600 species, which predominantly occur in tropical regions (Lelej 2005, 2007; Pagliano et al. 2020). Southeast Asia is known for the rich but hidden velvet ant diversity (Williams et al. 2019; Okayasu et al. 2021b). In this region, Laos is one of the most unsampled countries, with only 21 species so far recorded (see Appendix 1). This number is nearly one-third to half the number of species known from Thailand Copyright Juriya Okayasu. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 818 Juriya Okayasu / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 96: 817-834 (2023) and Vietnam, even though these adjacent countries share many terrestrial ecoregions (Olson et al. 2001; Wikramanayake et al. 2002; Dinerstein et al. 2017). The genus Orientilla Lelej, 1979 presently includes 13 species from the eastern Pal- aearctic, Oriental, and Australasian Regions (Lelej 1979, 1996a, 2005; Das and Girish Kumar, 2016a; Zhou et al. 2018; Pagliano et al. 2020; Brothers 2022). This genus is widespread in mainland Southeast Asia but has never been found in Laos, presum- ably due to inadequate sampling. After extensive museum surveys, only two Orientilla specimens from Laos were discovered, which are treated in this paper. Additionally, one new species from India is described, because this species shows diagnostic features suggesting close relationship with the Laotian species. Material and methods The material examined in this study is deposited in the following institutes: Ehime University Museum, Matsuyama, Japan (EUM); Hokkaido University Insect Collec- tion, Sapporo, Japan (SEHU); Thailand Natural History Museum, National Science Museum, Pathum Thani, Thailand (THNHM). Specimens were examined under a Leica M205C stereomicroscope (7.8—160x magnification). Habitus photographs were taken using a Canon EOS 6D Mark II digital camera equipped with a Canon MP-E 65mm f/2.8 1-5x Macro Photo lens. External morphological features were imaged with a Canon EOS 6D Mark II attached to a Leica M205C. Focus stacking was done using Zerene Stacker (Zerene Systems LLC, Richland, WA, USA). Images were post- processed using Adobe Photoshop and assembled into plates using Adobe Illustra- tor (Adobe Inc., San Jose, CA, USA). Terminology mostly follows the Hymenoptera Anatomy Consortium (2023). The following abbreviations are used in the description: F, flagellomere; S, metasomal sternum; T, metasomal tergum. Taxonomy Orientilla Lelej, 1979 Orientilla Lelej, 1979: 1066, 2; Lelej 1996a: 103, BQ; Lelej 2002: 101; Lelej 2005: 111; Lelej and Brothers 2008: 42; Pagliano et al. 2020: 131. Type species: Orien- tilla vietnamica Lelej, 1979 (2), by original designation. Diagnosis. Male. Frons lacking medial longitudinal carina between antennal tuber- cles; eye oval, slightly projecting from head capsule; wings fully developed; tegula pos- teriorly reaching mesoscuto-scutellar articulation; mesoscutellum laterally longitudi- nally carinate; tibial spurs pale; metasomal segment 1 petiolate; T1 with distinct dorsal and anterior faces; lateral felt line present on S2 but absent on T2; S6 flat, lacking medial tubercles; genital paramere with short inner setae. Female. Frons lacking me- New species of Orientilla 819 dial process; F1 depressed; F1 length subequal to its width and F2 length; mesopleuron strongly expanded laterally; protarsus with short outer spines; metasomal segment 1 petiolate; T1 with distinct dorsal and anterior faces; lateral felt line present on S2 but absent on T2; pygidial plate convex, lacking lateral carina. Species included. This genus includes the following 15 species: O. aureorubra (Sichel & Radoszkowski, 1870), 3’ (India, Sri Lanka); O. chinensis (Zavattari, 1922), SQ (China); O. croma (Zavattari, 1914), 3 (Myanmar); O. desponsa (Smith, 1855), SQ (China, Taiwan, Myanmar, Vietnam); O. jabalpurensis Das & Girish Kumar, 2016, 2 (India); O. kallata (Nurse, 1902), 3 (India, Sri Lanka); O. krombeini Lelej, 1996, 2 (Vietnam); O. manni (Krombein, 1971), 2 (Solomon Islands); O. nitens sp. nov., 2 (India); O. nobilis (Smith, 1855), 3 (India); O. remota (Cameron, 1897), Q (Sri Lanka); O. schmideggeri Lelej, 2005, 2 (India); O. sejugoides (Magretti, 1892), & (Myanmar); O. tamaderai sp. nov., 9 (Laos); O. vietnamica Lelej, 1979, 2 (Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam). Remarks. ‘This genus was initially established to include East Asian species of the predominantly Afrotropical and western Palaearctic genus Stenomutilla André, 1896 (Lelej 1979). Later, this genus was recorded from South Asia and the Australasian Re- gion (Lelej 2005; Das and Girish Kumar 2016ab; Terine et al. 2020; Brothers 2022). The females of Orientilla and Stenomutilla are recognized in Dasylabrinae by having the metasomal segment 1 petiolate and lateral felt line present only on $2. However, the Orientilla females have the F1 depressed, its length subequal to F1 width and F2 length (F1 cylindrical, its length 2.2—2.3x F1 width and 1.2x F2 length in Stenomu- tilla) (Lelej 1979, 1996a). Orientilla tamaderai sp. nov. https://zoobank.org/834489D9-ED8E-4D30-9ECB-FD89C6FF6C96 Bigseli.: 25.75 °h0) Diagnosis. Female. Head mostly red; clypeal medial elevation forming subtriangular area; clypeal subtriangular area dorso-medially delimited by carina (Fig. 7); hypos- tomal carina sharp; antenna dark; humeral carina sharp; mesopleuron evenly convex, not spinose (Fig. 1); legs largely red; 'T'1 and T2 posterior margins with complete pale setal bands; T1 long and slender, with dorsal T1 length 0.97x T1 width and 0.46x T2 length (Fig. 10); [2 broad, 2.26x wider than T1, with lateral margins strongly convex (Fig. 10); T2 with medial pale setal spot, distance between medial spot and posterior band subequal to spot diameter; [3 with pale setal band; S1 carina short, reaching anterior 1/4 of S1; S2 felt line short. Male. Unknown. Description. Female. Body length. 7.09 mm. Color and setae. Frons, vertex, dorsal half of gena, and mesosoma dark red; an- tennal rim, meso- and metafemora, and meso- and metatibiae except apices yellowish red; clypeus, mandible apex, T1—3, and S2—S3 black; ventral half of gena including malar space, postgenal bridge, scape except apex, pedicel, mandible except apex, coxae, 820 Juriya Okayasu / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 96: 817-834 (2023) Figures 1-6. Ovientilla spp., 2, habitus 1, 2 O. tamaderai sp. nov., holotype 3, 4 O. vietnamica Lelej, Laos 5, 6 O. nitens sp. nov., holotype I, 3,5 dorsal view 2, 4, 6 lateral view. trochanters, profemur, protarsus, and meso- and metatibial apices dark brown; pre- mentum, stipes, F1, F2—10 dorsally, meso- and metatarsi, $1, T4—6, and S4—6 brown- ish black; scape apex, F2—10 ventrally, maxillary and labial palpi, and protibia brown; tibial spurs yellow. Frons, vertex, gena, scape, and mesosomal dorsum with sparse short recumbent pale golden and sparse erect to suberect brownish black setae; clypeus, postgenal bridge, mandible, pronotal neck, propleuron, lateral mesosomal face, dorsal propodeal face, T1 anterior and lateral faces, [1 posterior margin, $1, T2 lateral and posterior margins, T3, and S2—4 with sparse long erect pale golden setae; pedicel and F1 with sparse short recumbent pale golden setae; F2—10 with sparse very short appressed pale golden setae; prementum, stipes, and maxillary and labial palpi with sparse short erect pale golden setae; coxae, trochanters, and tibiae with sparse long recumbent and sparse long erect New species of Orientilla 821 pale golden setae; tarsi with sparse long appressed pale golden setae; T1 dorsal face, T2 disc, T4—6, and S5—6 with sparse short recumbent and sparse long erect brownish black setae; posterior 2/5 of T1 dorsal face covered with band of dense appressed pale golden setae; [2 with medial circular (0.92 longer than wide) spot of dense appressed pale golden setae and with posterior narrow band of dense appressed pale golden setae; distance between T2 spot and band 0.82x spot length; T2 lacking lateral felt line; S2 with short lateral felt line of pale golden setae; distance between S2 felt line and poste- rior fringe 0.55x felt line length; T3 with wide uniform band of dense appressed pale golden setae; S2-S3 with posterior fringe of dense appressed pale golden setae. Structure. Head 1.35x wider than long with lateral margins strongly convergent behind eye; gena narrow, 0.78x eye breadth in lateral view; eye height:eye breadth = 58:50; distance between eyes 1.72x eye height; eye height 1.23x malar distance; frons and vertex without medial carina or groove; occipital carina complete, dorsally strongly protruding from posterior margin of vertex; antennal scrobe lacking dorsal carina; genal carina wavy, ventrally separated from hypostomal carina and lacking hypostomal tooth; postgenal bridge laterally delimited by sharp carina extending from occiput; hy- postomal carina sharp; eye semicircular, convex, distinctly protruding from head cap- sule; clypeus dorso-medially strongly elevated nearly to level of antennal rim; clypeus with subventral transverse ridge extending along entire width of clypeus, with anterior margin crenulate; medial elevation limited on dorsal half of clypeus and forming me- dial subtriangular area; medial subtriangular area dorso-medially delimited by carina; mandible worn out, apically rounded and lacking preapical tooth; mandible dorsal face with sharp ridge basally, ventral margin straight; prementum flattened; scape bending medially; length and width of pedicel:F1:F2 = 10:15:18:18:20:20; F2—9 almost same in length and width; F10 slightly longer than F1 and F9, conical; F3—10 depressed. Mesosoma broadest at mesothorax; lateral margins of mesosoma weakly crenulate, lacking carina; head width:humeral width:mesonotal width:T2 width = 83:63:87:100; mesosomal length 1.20x mesothoracic width; anterior margin of pronotal dorsum nearly straight; pronotal and propodeal spiracles without distinct tubercle; humeral ca- rina sharp, reaching pronotal dorsum, rounded at dorsal end; scutellar scale obliterat- ed; scutellar area without scales; metanotal-propodeal suture obliterated; mesopleuron evenly convex; propodeum lacking distinct dorsal and posterior faces; dorsal propodeal face vertical, without medial carina; mesopleural lamella absent; mesopleural ventral face with sharp precoxal transverse carina. Protarsus lacking outer spines; protarsomere 1 apically truncate, not protruding outward; tibiae lacking outer spines; metacoxa armed with weak inner carina along its entire length. Metasomal segment 1 petiolate; T1 with distinct dorsal and anterior faces; T1 dorsal length:T1 width:T2 dorsal length:T2 width = 38:39:82:88; T2 weakly convex, dorsally flattened; T2 lateral margin strongly convex; S1 medial carina present only on anterior 1/4 of sternum, anteriorly tuberculate; $2 with distinct anterior face, without medial carina; S6 posterior margin bidentate; pygidial plate obscurely defined, convex, lacking lateral carina. 822 Juriya Okayasu / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 96: 817-834 (2023) Frons, vertex, mesosomal dorsum, T1 dorsal face, T2 lateral margin, and S1 with large dense punctures, with intervals distinct and smooth; gena with large confluent punctures, punctures larger and coarser ventrally; postgenal bridge densely transversely striate; antennal rim, clypeus lateral portion, pedicel, flagellum, and prementum with minute dense punctures; clypeal subtriangular area with large dense shallow punc- tures; scape, legs, T4—6, and S4—6 with small sparse punctures; stipes with small dense punctures; pronotal collar anteriorly with minute sparse punctures; pronotal collar posteriorly smooth; mesosomal lateral face and dorsal propodeal face with large con- fluent punctures; Tl anterior face, T3, and S2—3 with large sparse punctures; T2 disc longitudinally coarsely puncto-striate. Male. Unknown. Type material. Holotype: Laos * 9; Xieng Khouang Prov., Ban Vang, Ban Tha; 19°44'15.2"N, 103°35'16.6"E; 1239 malt.; 30 Apr. 2018; Yutaka Tamadera leg. [SEHU]. Distribution. Laos: Xieng Khouang. Etymology. The specific name is dedicated to the type collector, Yutaka Tamadera, an expert in the systematics of jewel beetles (Coleoptera: Buprestidae). Remarks. ‘The area of the type locality (Figs 13-15) is composed of two low moun- tains densely covered with forests and a trail between them, and surrounded by a vil- lage and a swidden (Y. Tamadera, pers. comm. 2023). The collector is not sure about the habitat (forest or swidden) where the holotype female was collected. Orientilla tamaderai sp. nov. can be easily confused with O. vietnamica Lelej, 1979 by sharing the following combination of character states: head and mesosoma red, clypeus with a medial subtriangular area, mesopleuron evenly convex, Tl and T2 pos- terior margins with complete pale setal bands, and T2 with a medial pale setal spot. However, this new species is distinguished from the latter by the clypeal subtriangular area delimited by carinae only dorso-medially (subtriangular area delimited by carinae along its entire width in O. vietnamica; Figs 7, 8), T1 as long as wide (T1 wider than long in O. vietnamica; Figs 10, 11), and T2 lateral margins strongly convex (T2 lateral margins weakly convex in O. vietnamica; Figs 10, 11). Also, the female of O. tamaderai sp. nov. is smaller than that of O. vietnamica (8.0-14.9 mm; Lelej 1996a; Williams et al. 2019; supplemented by the specimens examined in this study). Orientilla vietnamica Lelej, 1979 Figs 3, 4, 8, 11 Orientilla vietnamica Lelej, 1979: 1066, 2, holotype 2 (Nha Trang, S. Annam, Viet- nam) [Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia]; Lelej 199G6a: 105, 9; Lelej 2005: 113; Okayasu et al. 2018: 309, 2; Williams et al. 2019: 11, 2; Pagliano et al. 2020: 132; Thaochan et al. 2022: 164, SQ. Diagnosis. Female. Head red; clypeal medial elevation forming subtriangular area; cl- ypeal subtriangular area delimited by carina extending nearly to clypeal lateral margin New species of Orientilla 823 (Fig. 8); hypostomal carina sharp; antenna dark; humeral carina sharp; mesopleuron evenly convex, not spinose (Fig. 3); legs black; Tl and T2 posterior margins with complete pale setal bands; T1 short and broad, with dorsal T1 length 0.64-0.76x T1 width and 0.33—0.40x T2 length (Fig. 11); T2 slender, 1.80—2.03x wider than T1, with lateral margins weakly convex (Fig. 11); ’T2 with medial pale setal spot, distance between medial spot and posterior band subequal to spot diameter; T3 with pale setal band; S1 carina short, reaching anterior 1/4 of S1; S2 felt line short. Male. Unknown. Material examined. Laos * 19; Vientiane; May 1995 [EUM]. THarLanp * 19; Khon Kaen; 15 Oct. 1972; M. Sato leg. [EUM] ¢ 19; Chiang Mai, Omkoi District; 17°50'49.9"N, 98°22'33.0"E; 950-1010 m alt.; 10 Sep. 2016; R. Mizuno; Dry dip- terocarp forest [THNHM] ¢ 19; same collection data as for preceding; 27 Jun. 2017 [THNHM] ¢ 19; same collection data as for preceding; 28 Jun. 2017 [THNHM] » 1Q; same collection data as for preceding; 18 Jul. 2019 [THNHM] ¢ 19; same collec- tion data as for preceding; 19 Jul. 2019 [THNHM] ¢ 19; same collection data as for preceding; 20 Jul. 2019 [THNHM] ¢ 19; same collection data as for preceding; 21 Jul. 2019 [THNHM}. Distribution. Laos: Vientiane (new record). Myanmar: additional data unavail- able (Lelej 2005; Williams et al. 2019). Thailand: Chiang Mai, Khon Kaen, Phetch- aburi, Ubon Ratchathani (Williams et al. 2019). Vietnam: Khanh Hoa (Lelej 1979; Williams et al. 2019). Remarks. At Omkoi District, this species was collected ona trail through a dry diptero- carp forest during the rainy season (Mizuno et al. 2019; R. Mizuno, pers. comm. 2017). Orientilla nitens sp. nov. https://zoobank.org/78D44215-5330-473B-9AB9-59A6B9860707 Figs9;:6;.9,. 12. Diagnosis. Female. Head red; clypeal medial elevation forming subtriangular area; clypeal subtriangular area dorso-medially delimited by carina (Fig. 9); hypostomal carina lamellately projecting; antenna dark; humeral carina obliterated; mesopleuron evenly convex, not spinose (Fig. 5); legs black; T1 posterior margin with complete pale setal band and T2 posterior half covered with dense appressed golden setae; T1 short and broad, with dorsal T1 length 0.68x T1 width and 0.32x T2 length (Fig. 12); T2 slender, 1.96x wider than T1, with lateral margins weakly convex (Fig. 12); T2 lacking medial spot; T3 with golden setal band; S1 carina short, reaching anterior 1/4 of S1; S2 felt line short. Male. Unknown. Description. Female. Body length. 8.51 mm. Color and setae. Head except clypeus, mesosoma, and meso- and metacoxae basal 1/3 yellowish red; clypeus, mandible except apex, scape, pedicel, maxillary and labial palpi, and legs except meso- and metacoxal bases dark brown; mandible apex, flagel- lum dorsal face, prementum, and stipes black; flagellum ventral face and tibial spurs brown; metasoma brownish black. 824 Juriya Okayasu / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 96: 817-834 (2023) 12 Figures 7-12. Orientilla spp., 2 7,10 O. tamaderai sp. nov., holotype 8, || O. vietnamica Lelej, Laos 9, 12 O. nitens sp. nov., holotype 7-9 face 10-12 metasoma, dorsal view. White arrows indicate the subtriangular area on the clypeus. Frons, vertex, mesosomal dorsum, and tibiae with sparse short recumbent golden and sparse long erect black setae; gena, coxae, and femora with sparse long recumbent and sparse erect golden setae; postgenal bridge, clypeus, mandible, pronotal collar, lateral mesosomal face, dorsal propodeal face, T1, [2 except medial portion, T3, T4—5 lateral portions, and S1—S6 with sparse long erect golden setae; eye dorsal and posterior margins edged with long erect black setae; scape with sparse long recumbent golden setae; pedicel and F1 with sparse short recumbent golden setae; F2—10 with sparse very New species of Orientilla 825 short appressed golden setae; prementum, stipes, and maxillary and labial palpi with sparse short erect golden setae; tarsi with sparse long appressed golden setae; T2 and T4—5 medial portions with sparse short recumbent black and sparse long erect golden setae; I'6 with sparse short recumbent and sparse long erect golden setae; T1 dorsal face entirely covered with band of dense appressed golden setae; T2 posterior half covered with semicircular spot of dense appressed golden setae; T2 lacking lateral felt line; S2 with short lateral felt line of pale golden setae; distance between S2 felt line and posterior fringe 0.46x felt line length; T3 with wide uniform band of dense appressed golden setae; S2—S3 with posterior fringe of dense appressed golden setae. Structure. Head 1.39x wider than long with lateral margins strongly convergent behind eye; gena narrow, 0.73x eye breadth in lateral view; eye height:eye breadth = 62:50; distance between eyes 1.75x eye height; eye height 1.49x malar distance; frons and vertex without medial carina or groove; occipital carina complete, dorsally strongly protruding from posterior margin of vertex; antennal scrobe lacking dorsal carina; genal carina weakly developed, wavy, ventrally separated from hypostomal carina and lacking hypostomal tooth; postgenal bridge laterally delimited by sharp carina extend- ing from occiput; eye semicircular, convex, distinctly protruding from head capsule; clypeus dorso-medially strongly elevated nearly to level of antennal rim; clypeus with subventral transverse ridge extending along entire width of clypeus, with anterior mar- gin shallowly concave; medial elevation limited on dorsal half of clypeus and forming medial subtriangular area; medial subtriangular area dorso-medially delimited by ca- rina; mandible apically bidentate; mandible dorsal face with sharp ridge basally, ven- tral margin straight; prementum flattened; scape bending medially; length and width of pedicel:F1:F2 = 10:14:20:18:20:20; F2—9 almost same in length and width; F10 slightly longer than F1 and F9, conical; F3—10 depressed. Mesosoma broadest at mesothorax; lateral margins of mesosoma weakly cren- ulate, lacking carina; head width:humeral width:mesonotal width:T2 width = 91:75:98:100; mesosomal length 1.14x mesothoracic width; anterior margin of pro- notal dorsum nearly straight; pronotal and propodeal spiracles without distinct tu- bercle; humeral carina obliterated; scutellar scale obliterated; scutellar area without scales; metanotal-propodeal suture obliterated; mesopleuron evenly convex; propo- deum lacking distinct dorsal and posterior faces; dorsal propodeal face vertical, with- out medial carina; mesopleural lamella absent; mesopleural ventral face with sharp precoxal transverse carina. Protarsus lacking outer spines; protarsomere 1 apically truncate, not protruding outward; tibiae lacking outer spines; metacoxa armed with weak inner carina along its entire length. Metasomal segment 1 petiolate; T1 with distinct dorsal and anterior faces; T1 dorsal length:T1 width:T2 dorsal length:T2 width = 32:47:100:92; T2 weakly convex, dorsally flattened; T2 lateral margin weakly convex; S1 medial carina present only on anterior 1/4 of sternum, anteriorly rounded; S2 with distinct anterior face, without medial carina; S6 posterior margin truncate; pygidial plate obscurely defined, convex, lacking lateral carina. 826 Juriya Okayasu / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 96: 817-834 (2023) Figures 13-15. The type locality of Orientilla tamaderai sp. nov. 13 type locality seen from the south 14 type locality and a swidden seen from the north I5 the access to the forest trail. Photo by Y. Tamadera. Frons, vertex, mesosomal dorsum, T2 lateral margin, and S1 with large dense punctures, with intervals distinct and smooth; gena, mesosomal lateral face, and dorsal propodeal face with large confluent punctures; postgenal bridge, antennal rim, clypeus lateral portion, scape, legs except coxae, T3—T6, and S3—S6 with small sparse punc- tures; clypeal subtriangular area with small sparse punctures, with intervals wrinkled; pedicel, flagellum, and prementum with minute dense punctures; stipes with minute sparse punctures; pronotal collar transversely wrinkled on anterior half and smooth on posterior half, with minute sparse punctures; coxae with small dense punctures; T1 an- terior face and S2 with large sparse punctures; I'1 dorsal face and T2 posteriorly with large shallow dense punctures interspersed with small punctures; T2 anteriorly to setal patch longitudinally coarsely puncto-striate. Male. Unknown. Type material. Holotype: INp1a ¢ 9; Tamil Nadu, Anaimalai, Top Slip; 550-800 m alt.; 2-5 Dec. 1978; JAP-IND CO TR [SEHU]. Distribution. India: Tamil Nadu. Etymology. ‘The specific name nitens is a Latin feminine adjective in the nomina- tive case meaning bright. It refers to the metasoma of this new species ornamented with golden setal bands. Remarks. By having the red head, dark legs, and slender T2, this new species is similar to O. jabalpurensis Das & Girish Kumar, 2016 and O. vietnamica. ‘This new species differs from these two species by having the clypeal subtriangular area delimited by carinae only dorso-medially (subtriangular area delimited by carinae along its entire width in O. vietnamica; Figs 8, 9), hypostomal carina lamellately New species of Orientilla 827 projecting (sharp but not projecting in O. vietnamica), humeral carina obliterated (well developed in O. jabalpurensis and O. vietnamica), V1 with a complete pale setal band (T1 band medially interrupted in O. jabalpurensis; Fig. 12), T2 lacking medial spot (T2 with a medial pale setal spot in O. jabalpurensis and O. vietnamica; Figs 11, 12), [2 posterior half covered with dense appressed golden setae (T2 with a complete or medially interrupted setal band on posterior margin in O. jabalpurensis and O. vietnamica; Figs 11, 12), and T3 with a golden setal band (T3 with sparse erect black setae in O. jabalpurensis; Fig. 12). Key to females of Orientilla 1 ITER O DG WTOMGEV CTI 2 CONVO want treater vale etal es aiteve nh aamtoem es 2 Mesopleuron laterally strongly produced to form large spine «0.0... eee 9 Body black; mesopleuron with vertical carina extending from in front of meso- coxa to midway of mesopleuron; body punctures sparse. Solomon Islands....... Leah At abe selene hie Marans hs nahh tien Mes CPt Bick O. manni (Krombein, 1971) Body black with mesosoma or both head and mesosoma red; mesopleuron lacking vertical carina; body punctures large dense, longitudinally puncto- SERIA DS ONT LED nie se Pua i Abia hrc bao eee deeton stages atv kde Na ty cre ena ase ado Pea nt 3 Clypeal medial elevation and subventral transverse ridge forming T-shaped area; 12 lacking pale setal spot. China.......... O. chinensis (Zavattari, 1922) Clypeal medial elevation forming subtriangular area (Fig. 8); T2 with medial pale setal spot (Fig. 11), if absent, then posterior half of T2 covered with derisese Older ssetaea dion Uk ih lisii. ats Ree ensumiaboces tases teateis of aisa Mesilets 4 FLCAGMTIOS Cy: Fea err eee acceso ecient ee eee eee reer san eee oe 5 Falah Rae eect a aot eR EIN. Ra ea We Bina, ee OR a ee IE A Ae 8 Legs largely red (Fig. 2); T1 as long as wide (Fig. 10); T2 lateral margin Strongly CONVEX ICs LON ALAS dt vraenerteeacresmned ve vzutn O. tamaderai sp. nov. Legs brownish to black; T1 wider than long (Figs 11, 12); T2 lateral margin wwealchy, Comp exs( Mies als WD)... 2h a adesastu whack abtnaneherseatesnemenhy steserbettnssha sharing teas 6 Humeral carina obliterated; T2 lacking medial spot (Fig. 12); T2 posterior half covered with dense golden setae (Fig. 12). India......... O. nitens sp. nov. Humeral carina sharp; [2 with medial pale setal spot (Fig. 11); T2 posterior margin with complete or medially interrupted pale setal band (Fig. 11)......7 T1 and T2 posterior pale setal bands medially interrupted (Das and Girish Kumar 2016a: fig. 4); T2 medial pale setal spot small, distance between me- dial spot and posterior band apparently exceeding spot diameter (Das and GirisheKamiats2 Ol Garo ray Sadat cs an daetehnantinced Sekes ean am nsiont tel antici See. (see ne ee. ee eee O. jabalpurensis Das & Girish Kumar, 2016 T1 and T2 posterior pale setal bands complete (Fig. 11); [2 medial pale setal spot large, distance between medial spot and posterior band subequal to spot diameter (Fig. 11). Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam... eee eeeeeees PEA AEE seks Mea netre ask eeR eR ute TE Gt REE Ate O. vietnamica Lelej, 1979 828 Juriya Okayasu / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 96: 817-834 (2023) 8 Head lateral margins weakly convergent posteriorly (Lelej 1996a: fig. 1); length of S2 lateral felt line 1.2—-1.3x distance between felt line and S2 posterior band. China, Taiwan, Myanmar (?), Vietnam ...........:00+ O. desponsa (Smith, 1855) = Head lateral margins strongly convergent posteriorly (Lelej 1996a: Fig. 2); length of S2 lateral felt line 0.4—0.6x distance between felt line and S2 poste- fet batie.- Viebii ani. oes oe ee cee O. krombeini Lelej, 1996 7 Body black with mesosoma red; T3 except lateral portion with black setae. Drlie eh ansaehone tad a nspetale atcha uesteet ces Ma Mak.iets O. schmideggeri Lelej, 2005 - Body entirely black or with head and mesosoma red; T3 with pale setal Poa VG rc ess) a) Ae te ask a eee cee ma atin Ae aie one er mae cel, erin ale Pete nt mae