JHR 96: 667-696 (2023) ape eS,” JOURNAL OF: She wententeectentt doi: |0.3897/jhr.96. 104038 RESEARCH ARTICLE () Hymenopter a https://jhr.pensoft.net The Inarasional Society of Hymenopeeriss, RESEARCH Two new species of the genus Cryptopimpla Taschenberg (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Banchinae) with an updated key to African species Terry Reynolds', Simon van Noort!” I Research and Exhibitions Department, South African Museum, Iziko Museums of South Africa, PO. Box 61, Cape Town, 8000, South Africa 2 Department of Biological Sciences, University of Cape Town, Private Bag, Rondebosch, 7701, South Africa Corresponding author: Simon van Noort (svannoort@iziko.org.za) Academic editor: T. Spasojevic | Received 24 March 2023 | Accepted 15 August 2023 | Published 24 August 2023 Attps://z00bank.org/12C02F38-A 9F6-4B CA-AEEB-A7155829867C Citation: Reynolds T, van Noort S (2023) Two new species of the genus Cryptopimpla Taschenberg (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Banchinae) with an updated key to African species. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 96: 667-696. https://doi.org/10.3897/jhr.96.104038 Abstract A revised illustrated key to Afrotropical species of the genus Cryptopimpla Taschenberg is provided, with the inclusion of two new South African species, C. orenji Reynolds & van Noort, sp. nov. and C. /o- erikwagga Reynolds & van Noort, sp. nov., which are described and illustrated. The recovery of the first female specimens of Cryptopimpla goci Reynolds & van Noort in samples from Fernkloof and Grootbos nature reserves, and subsequent morphological reassessment of generic affinity based on female charac- ters, no longer supports the placement of this species in Cryptopimpla. The transfer of C. goci to Lissonota Gravenhorst is proposed here: Lissonota goci (Reynolds & van Noort), comb. nov., and the female is described. New Afrotropical distributional records for the previously described Cryptopimpla species are presented and notes on the distribution and diversification of the species are also provided. Online inter- active Lucid keys to the 11 Afrotropical Cryptopimpla species are available at: http://www.waspweb.org. Keywords Afrotropical region, Atrophini, distribution, Ichneumonoidea, Lucid identification keys, South Africa, species diversity, taxonomy Copyright Terry Reynolds & Simon van Noort. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 668 Terry Reynolds & Simon van Noort / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 96: 667-696 (2023) Introduction Afrotropical Cryptopimpla Taschenberg, 1863 represent 17% of the world’s Cryptopimpla species (Reynolds Berry and van Noort 2016; Yu et al. 2016; Kang et al. 2019) and are restricted to three of the nine provinces of South Africa, namely Northern, Eastern and Western Cape. This narrow distribution is largely concordant with the Fynbos biome of the Greater Cape Floristic Region (CFR) encompassing the south-western part of South Africa (Reynolds Berry and van Noort 2016). No species are known from elsewhere in Africa despite recent intensive sampling effort having been conducted in other parts of southern Africa and in the tropical areas of central and eastern Africa. The hosts of Cryptopimpla species that occur in the Afrotropical region remain unknown. Members of the tribe Atrophini generally attack semi-concealed hosts such as lepidopteran leaf rollers (Momoi et al. 1975; Quicke 2015). A couple of Atrophini genera including Cryptopimpla and Spilopimpla have short ovipositors and utilize ex- posed hosts (Townes 1969; Gauld et al. 2002). There is some evidence to suggest British species of Cryptopimpla are parasitoids of Geometridae larvae feeding in low vegetation, a habitat association appearing to be typical for the genus (Townes and Townes 1978; Brock 2017; Broad et al. 2018). Although Cryptopimpla has a worldwide distribution, its species richness in the temperate regions of South Africa (and elsewhere) support relative affinities of the ge- nus to specific biogeographic areas defined by habitat and climate (Sheng and Zheng 2005; Kuslitzky 2007; Reynolds Berry and van Noort 2016; Yu et al. 2016). African Cryptopimpla species are predominately distributionally centred in the fynbos biome, a temperate shrubland vegetation that is fire-adapted, occurring in the southwestern region of South Africa. Ten of the species are fynbos associates but several of these ex- tend into the neighbouring Succulent Karoo and Grassland biomes, or into relict forest patches within fynbos. Only one species occurs in Albany thicket. In this paper, we update the species key to African Cryptopimpla, reassess the ge- neric affinities of Cryptopimpla goci Reynolds & van Noort, 2016, describe two new species, and provide links to the revised online interactive Lucid pathway and Lucid matrix keys available on WaspWeb at http://www.waspweb.org (van Noort 2023a). Materials and methods Photographs Images were acquired at the Iziko South African Museum (SAMC) with a Leica LAS 4.9 imaging system, comprising a Leica Z16 microscope with a Leica DFC450 Cam- era and 0.63x video objective attached. The imaging process, using an automated Z- stepper, was managed using the Leica Application Suite V 4.9 software installed on a desktop computer. Diffused lighting was achieved using a Leica LED 5000 Dome. All images presented in this paper as well as images of all the African Cryptopimpla species are available on WaspWeb (van Noort 2023a). Revision of African Cryptopimpla 669 Mapping The distribution maps for the African Cryptopimpla species were produced using Sim- pleMappr (Shorthouse 2010). Specimen acquisition Specimens were extracted from bulk inventory survey samples preserved in 96% etha- nol and housed in the Iziko South African Museum entomology wet collection that had been sorted to family level. These samples emanate from continuous inventory surveys using a range of collecting methods including Malaise traps, yellow pan traps, yellow funnel traps, pitfall traps, sweeping, Winkler bag extraction of leaf litter and UV light trapping conducted in Africa over the last 31 years by the second author (van Noort 2019, 2022, 2023b). By June 2019; Malaise trapping effort equated to 73 000 trap days (van Noort 2019), increasing to 87 147 trap days as at June 2022 (van Noort 2022), but the surveys are ongoing and the current effort at February 2023 sits at 94 000 Malaise trap days (= 257 Malaise trap years) (van Noort 2023b). Digitization All specimen data has been digitized into the Iziko South African Museum Specify 6 database. Depositories SAMC Iziko South African Museum, Cape Town, South Africa (Curator: Simon vanNoort). Nomenclature and abbreviations The morphological terminology follows Wahl and Sharkey (1993), but the wing vena- tion nomenclature follows Gauld (1991). Most morphological terms are also defined on the HAO website (http://portal.hymao.org/projects/32/public/ontology/). The follow- ing morphometric abbreviations are used (in order of appearance in the descriptions): B body length, from toruli to metasomal apex (mm); A antenna length, from base of scape to flagellar apex (mm); F fore wing length, from tegula to wing apex (mm); CT (clypeus transversality index) | maximum width of clypeus: median height; ML (malar space length index) malar space (shortest distance between mandible base and compound eye): basal mandibular width; IO (inter-ocellar index) shortest distance between posterior ocelli: ocellus diameter; 670 Terry Reynolds & Simon van Noort / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 96: 667-696 (2023) OO (oculo-ocellar index) shortest distance between eye and posterior ocel- lus: ocellus diameter; FI (length index of flagellomere n) length: width of flagellomere n; OT (ovipositor sheath-tibia index) length of ovipositor sheath: length of hind tibia. The first three measurements (absolute measures) were measured on all specimens in the type series, with measurements from the primary type reported separately in brackets if necessary. Identification keys Lucid pathway and Lucid matrix keys were developed using Lucid Builder version 4.0.37. Character matrices were generated and edited using Microsoft Excel; matrices were then used as input into Lucid matrix key production (Penev et al. 2009). The on- line interactive keys were produced using Lucid, meeting the requirements of publishing both static and dynamic interactive keys under an open access model (Penev et al. 2009). All keys were illustrated using high quality annotated images, highlighting diagnostic characters. The images are integrated into the key below each couplet resulting in a user- friendly output. This key format reduces the requirement of familiarity with morpho- logical terminology associated with a particular taxonomic group, because the characters are visually illustrated, making the keys usable by a wide range of end-users including ecologists and conservationists. Online identification keys are presented in two different formats on WaspWeb: traditional static dichotomous keys where a choice needs to be made at each key couplet to continue, which are also presented as an interactive Lucid pathway (dichotomous) key; and Lucid matrix keys where relevant states from multiple character features can be selected independently until identification is achieved. For more information concerning Lucid keys visit http://www.lucidcentral.org. Results Specimen acquisition and distribution maps Historically there were two Cryptopimpla specimens in the Iziko South African Mu- seum collection: the holotype of C. rubrithorax Morley, 1916 (collected in 1914) and a specimen of the recently described species C. zwarti Reynolds Berry & van Noort, 2016 (collected in 1990). The remaining 60 specimens were collected by the second author over the last thirty years from many diverse vegetational localities. The major- ity of the resultant bulk samples have yet to be sorted and we expect that numerous further specimens reside in the unsorted samples, probably at least tripling the number of known specimens. Most of the mobilized specimens were collected in Malaise traps, with a single specimen collected by sweeping and two specimens recovered from yellow pan trap samples. A summary of the abundance and distribution of the species treated here is provided in Table 1. Revision of African Cryptopimpla 671 Distribution maps are provided depicting the overall distribution of the genus in South Africa (Fig. 1), the individual species distributions plotted on a topographical map (Fig. 2), and species distributions plotted on a biome vegetation map (Fig. 3). Digitization The output of specimen data digitized into the Iziko South African Museum Specify 6 database is included as a supplementary excel file (Suppl. material 1). Table I. Number of known specimens, the known provincial distribution and vegetation biome associa- tion of African Cryptopimpla species. Cryptopimpla species Known specimens Recorded distribution Biome association C. elongatus 1 Northern Cape Fynbos C. fernkloofensis 1 Western Cape Fynbos C. hantami 2 Western Cape Fynbos C. hoerikwagga 1 Western Cape Fynbos C. kogelbergensis 6 Northern & Western Cape Fynbos; Succulent Karoo C. neili 1 Western Cape Fynbos C. onyxi 13 Eastern & Western Cape Fynbos; Grassland C. orenji 1 Western Cape Fynbos C. parslactis 1 Northern Cape Fynbos C. rubrithorax 34 Northern & Western Cape Forest; Fynbos C. gwarti 1 Eastern Cape Albany Thicket Total 62 @cryptopimpla spp. SS 0 110 220 330km Figure |. Distribution map depicting the known African Cryptopimpla locality records. In the Afrotropi- cal region Cryptopimpla species are currently only known from South Africa. 672 Terry Reynolds & Simon van Noort / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 96: 667-696 (2023) -31 19 fs 20 21 22 23 24 @ Cryptopimpla hantami ine 4 @ Cryptopimpla kogelbergensis -@ -<, A Pletal neili ; do ata f Northem Cape j 4 e Cryptopimpla orenji 5 rs - jh tg A ) Ocryptopimpia parstactis — 7 a oY @ 295 , (er “2 r ba J oy - ~ msds - — ; —, a Ss -34 -35 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 en "43 y” 20 24 oF, 23 24 2!@ Cryptopimpla rubrithorax af a # -<@ Cryptopimpla onyxi ® a a. @ Cryptopimpla elongatus a ; Northem Cape , - @ > Cryptopimpla fernkloofensis af < : - - ~.,@ Cryptopimpla hoerikwagga —— eo » a4 A Cryptopimpla zwarti if- f Pel ~ fs : a a “tf. “aid | - aS Lz Eastern Caj _—L - 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Figure 2. Recorded distribution for each Cryptopimpla species plotted on topographical maps. The genus is currently only recorded from the Eastern, Northern and Western Cape provinces within South Africa. Note that when two species are present in a single locality one of the species icons is larger, but centrally covered by the second species icon A C. hantami, C. kogelbergensis, C. neili, C. orenji, and C. parslactis B C. elongatus, C. fernkloofensis, C. hoerikwagga, C. onyxi, C. rubrithorax and C. zwarti. Identification keys A standard dichotomous key to the African species of Cryptopimpla is presented below. Online interactive Lucid pathway and Lucid matrix keys are available on WaspWeb (van Noort 2023a). The LIF3 file for the online Lucid matrix key to the African species is provided as Supplementary Material (Suppl. material 2). Lucid Interchange For- mat v. 3 (LIF3) files are XML based files that store all the Lucid3 key data, allowing exchange of the key with other key developers such as Intkey (DELTA), or MX. The provision of this LIF3 data set allows future workers to edit the key and to add newly described taxa. The data file for the published key that is stored on the publisher’s Revision of African Cryptopimpla 673 @ Cryptopimpla hantami @ Cryptopimpla kogelbergensis (_) Cryptopimpla neili NORTHERN CAPE PROVINCE Cryptopimpla orenji ) Cryptopimpla parslactis Succulent Karoo Biome Nama-Karoo Biome ® !@ Cryptopimpla rubrithorax @) Cryptopimpia onyxi __) Cryptopimpla elongatus NORTHERN CAPE PRO VINCE @ 3 Cryptopimpla fernkloofensis @ Cryptopimpla hoerikwagga ao Cryptopimpla zwarti Succulent Karoo Biome ( + Nama-Karoo Biome Figure 3. Recorded distribution for each Cryptopimpla species plotted on biome maps. Note that when two species are present in a single locality one of the species icons is larger, but centrally covered by the second species icon A C. hantami, C. kogelbergensis, C. neili, C. orenji, and C. parslactis B C. elongatus, C. fernkloofensis, C. hoerikwagga, C. onyxi, C. rubrithorax and C. zwarti. website and in e-archives has the rights of “first publication” identified by its bibliog- raphy data, location, and citation (Sharkey et al. 2009). The concept of publication, citation, preservation, and re-use of data files to interactive keys under the open access model is detailed in Penev et al. (2009). 674 Terry Reynolds & Simon van Noort / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 96: 667-696 (2023) Key to African species of the genus Cryptopimpla Taschenberg, 1863 1 Clypeal profile distinctly convex and bulbous (A). Pleural carinae of propo- deum present, but may be weak; posterior transverse carina present and well- lettings) h:.tenne ean laar Baal oak eae Cal hie C. kogelbergensis Clypeal profile weakly convex with a curved lip on ventral margin (a). Pleural carinae absent and posterior transverse carina of propodeum, if present, weak ORTeduceditora wii kle( Dace enue eet, 2 (rubrithorax species-group) Metasomal tergite I punctate over most of surface (A). Median lobe of the mesocutum not raised above lateral lobes (B) ............cccceeeeeeeesessessessssssssceeees 3 Revision of African Cryptopimpla 675 Metasomal tergite I punctate posteriorly, strigate over anterior three-quarters (a). Median lobe of the mesosocutum distinctly raised (b) ....C. orenji sp. nov. Mesosoma with axillar and metanotal struts subparallel, not strongly con- verging towards medial area (A). Propodeal anterior margin without defined medial tooth, but may have a blunt medial projection (B) ...... ee eeeeeeeeteees 4 Metanotum with axillar and metonotal struts converging towards medial area (a). Propodeal anterior margin with medial tooth (b)......... C. fernkloofensis 676 Terry Reynolds & Simon van Noort / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 96: 667-696 (2023) 4 Wings with pale microtrichia (A). Mesoscutum evenly punctate (B)........... 5 — Wings with dark microtrichia, venation darker (a). Mesoscutum with fewer punctures inward of wing bases, resulting in polished areas (b) ....C. parslactis 5 Inter-ocular distance broad, equivalent to eye height in anterior view (A). Dhyriciassmalltand indistinct. CB) naetsset irae var csnen ae ener ere, 6 Revision of African Cryptopimpla 677 Inter-ocular distance narrow, shorter than eye height in anterior view (a). Thyridia moderately large and distinct, elongate to circular (b) ....... eee 8 Male tergite IV dorso-laterally compressed (A). Posterior margin of tergite I medially projectedras ab ltittaneloiGD) su. -xewademthand one eth Pe, ahaa. Set cnaceteem as Meauion C. zwarti ~ Malar space 0.9—1.3x as long as basal mandibular width (a). Tergite II poste- riorly no more than 1.1x wider than long (b)..... ee C. rubrithorax Cryptopimpla Taschenberg, 1863 Cryptopimpla Taschenberg, 1863. Zeitschrift ftir die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften, 21: 292. Type-species Phytodietus blandus Gravenhorst, 1914. Complete diagnosis. Provided in Reynolds Berry and van Noort (2016). Summary diagnosis. Afrotropical representatives of the genus can be distin- guished by a combination of traits: a flagellum that tapers to a slender apex; a com- plete occipital carina, that joins the hypostomal carina distant from the base of the mandible; a longer upper mandibular tooth than lower tooth; absence of the epomia; a truncate-shaped fore wing areolet; the hind wing with Cul longer than cu-a; pres- ence of a glymma; a strongly anteriorly narrowed first tergite, and an ovipositor that is 0.5—0.7x as long as the hind tibia (Reynolds Berry and van Noort 2020). Species-groups The Afrotropical species cluster in two morphological species-groups: Revision of African Cryptopimpla 681 ° rubrithorax species-group (C. elongatus, C. fernkloofensis, C. hantami, C. ho- erikwagea sp. nov., C. neili, C. onyxi, C. orenji sp. nov., C. parslactis, C. rubrithorax, and C. zwarti) is defined by the presence of a weakly convex clypeus with a curved lip on the ventral margin, small tentorial pits, absence of the pleural carinae, and absence of the posterior transverse carina on the propodeum. ° kogelbergensis species-group (C. kogelbergensis) is defined by the presence of a convex and bulbous clypeus with large tentorial pits, pleural carinae, and a distinct and well-defined posterior transverse carina on the propodeum. This species group was referred to as the goci species-group in Reynolds Berry and van Noort (2016), but with the current transfer of C. goci to Lissonota Gravenhorst, 1829 in this paper the name has had to be changed to that of the single species remaining in this species-group. Cryptopimpla hoerikwagga Reynolds & van Noott, sp. nov. https://zoobank.org/7E25DED0-03D 1-4457-8901-593D15688BD8 Fig. 4 Type material. Holotype ¢: Sour Arrica, W. Cape, Constantiaberge, 640 m, 34°02.5'S, 18°23.5'E, above road to mast overlooking Hout Bay, 23 Feb—2 March 1994, S. van Noort, Mesic Mountain Fynbos, Malaise trap, SAM-HYM-P00591 (SAMC). Description. Body overall subpolished. Colour. Body mostly fulvous. Head black, clypeus and mandibles white to brown. Propleuron, fore and mid coxae, dorso-poste- rior margin of mesoscutum, axillary troughs of mesonotum and metanotum, submeta- pleural carina black. Pronotum black, pronotal collar and tegula white. Trochanters, trochantellus and tergite V brown to fulvous. Remainder of metasoma brown with tergites VII and VII white at posterior margins. Head densely punctate. Frons un- armed. Clypeus profile weakly convex with curved lip on ventral margin. Clypeus edge convex. Upper tooth of mandible longer than lower. Setae on head and clypeus short and sparse. Tentorial pits small and indistinct. Flagellum tapered to a slender apex. Eye in lateral view 1.03 times as long as wide, maximum width in anterior view 0.55 times shortest inter-ocular distance. Mesosoma not compressed. Scuto-scutellar sulcus broad with dorso-lateral indentations. Mesoscutum evenly punctate. Epicnemial carinae pre- sent ventrally and dorsally, dorsally converging toward anterior edge of mesopleuron; mesopleural pit distinct, surrounding area polished. Propodeum without carinae, its anterior margin straight. Wings hyaline. Fore wing with two bullae close together ap- pearing as one; vein 2m-cu sinuate; areolet truncate-shaped. Hind wing with two ba- sal hamuli and seven distal hamuli. Metasomal tergite I with dorso-lateral wrinkles, densely punctate, with posterior margin weakly convex; tergite II 1.2 times as long as wide posteriorly, spiracle situated at anterior 0.28 of tergite (measured in lateral view), thyridia small. Cl 255:ML09 O19. OO 123; Bl 3.3; body length 9.7 mm; flagella length 9.5 mm; fore wing length 7.5 mm. 682 Terry Reynolds & Simon van Noort / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 96: 667-696 (2023) Figure 4. Cryptopimpla hoerikwagga Holotype A habitus, lateral view B head and mesosoma, lateral view C head, anterior view D propodeum, dorsal view E metasoma, lateral view (inset: data labels) F metaso- mal terga 1 and 2, dorsal view. Diagnosis. This species belongs to the rubrithorax species-group and is the most strikingly coloured species of African Cryptopimpla. The mesosoma is tricoloured with a distinct white pronotal collar; a black pronotum, propleuron, posterior mesoscutal border, ventral parts of mesopleuron and lateral areas of scutellum and metanotum, with remaining mesosoma dark reddish brown. The head and mesosoma is subpol- ished, sparsely covered in short setae; the mesopleural pit is distinct with a surround- ing polished area; axillar and metanotal struts are subparallel, not strongly converging towards the medial area; the propodeal anterior margin lacks a defined medial tooth; Revision of African Cryptopimpla 683 the metasomal tergite I is punctate over most of the surface, posterior margin weakly convex; and the thyridia are small and distinct. Differential diagnoses. The propodeal anterior margin is straight, distinguish- ing the species from several members of the rubrithorax species-group (except for C. rubrithorax, C. parslactis and C. orenji) where the margin may have a blunt medial projection or medial tooth. A broad scuto-scutellar sulcus with deep lateral indenta- tions separates the species from C’ fernkloofensis, C. neili, C. hantami, C. kogelbergensis, C. parslactis, and C. orenji where the dorso-lateral indentations and/or sulcus is ab- sent. The densely punctate tergite I distinguish this species from C. kogelbergensis and C. orenji where punctation is reduced to absent. Dorso-lateral carinae of the metasomal tergite I substituted with wrinkling separates C. hoerikwagga from C. fernkloofensis and C. neili where one or no carinae are present. Small thyridia on tergite II distinguishes this species from all other members of the rubrithorax species-group, (except for C. neili and C: hantami), where the thyridia can be elongate or moderately large and circular. Etymology. Named after the Khoisan word for Table Mountain “hoerikwagga” which directly translates to “mountain of the sea’. Noun in apposition. Distribution. South Africa (Western Cape) (Fig. 2). Comments. A rare species known only from one specimen. Intensive sampling in the type locality as well as other areas of the Cape region have so far produced no further specimens, there is, however, a major backlog of unsorted samples (van Noort 2023b), which may produce further specimens. Cryptopimpla orenji Reynolds & van Noort, sp. nov. https://zoobank.org/C43A1AE4-1774-4B3 D-8A2F-FD70A2407943 Fig. 5 Type material. Holotype 9: Sour Arrica, Western Cape, Banghoek Valley, Dwar- sriviershoek Farm, 33°56.232'S, 18°57.711'E, 410 m, 25 April-16 May 2013, S. van Noort, Malaise trap, BH12-FYN3-MO08, Burnt Mesic Mountain Fynbos, SAM-HYM- P063260 (SAMC). Description. Body subpolished, covered in short setae. Colour. Body mostly ful- vous. Epicnecium, submetapleural carinae and dorso-lateral corners of axillary troughs of meso- and metanotum black. Paraocular area of eyes, malar space, clyeus and man- dibles yellow. Head densely punctate. Frons unarmed. Clypeus profile weakly convex with a curved lip on the ventral margin. Clypeus edge convex. Upper tooth of mandi- ble longer than lower. Setae on head and clypeus short and sparse. Tentorial pits small and indistinct. Flagellum tapered to a slender apex. Eye in lateral view 1.3 times as long as wide, maximum width in anterior view 0.75 times shortest inter-ocular distance. Mesosoma not compressed. Scuto-scutellar sulcus without dorso-lateral indentations. Mesoscutum densely punctate, median lobe distinctly raised. Epicnemial carinae pre- sent ventrally and dorsally, dorsally converging toward anterior edge of mesopleuron; area surrounding mesopleural pit punctate. Propodeum with posterior transverse carinae present but weak, its anterior margin straight, spiracle elongate. Wings hyaline. 684 Terry Reynolds & Simon van Noort / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 96: 667-696 (2023) a. Figure 5. Cryptopimpla orenji Holotype A habitus, lateral view B head and mesosoma, lateral view C head, anterior view D propodeum, dorsal view E metasoma, lateral view F metasomal terga 1 and 2, dorsal view (inset: data labels). Fore wing with two bullae close together appearing as one; vein 2m-cu sinuate; areolet truncate-shaped. Hind wing with two basal hamuli and six distal hamuli. Metasoma with first tergite punctate posteriorly, strigate anteriorly, with posterior margin weakly convex; tergite II of metasoma 1.8 times as long as wide posteriorly, spiracle situated at anterior 0.30 of tergite (measured in lateral view), thyridia indistinct. Tergite [V-VUI not compressed; tergite VI as wide as tergite V. Hypopygium strongly sclerotized. Ovi- positor upcurved; sheath striations present. Revision of African Cryptopimpla 685 CT 2.2; ML 0.8; IO 1.6; OO 1.6; BL 5; OT 0.5; body length 6.5 mm; flagella length 9.4 mm; fore wing length 6.9 mm. Diagnosis. Cryptopimpla orenji is immediately distinguishable from all other Afro- tropical Cryptopimpla by possessing a distinctly raised median lobe on the mesoscutum, and by having tergite I distinctly strigate in anterior three-quarters and only punctate posteriorly. The head coloration is fulvous; and the paraocular area of the eyes, malar space, clypeus and mandibles are yellow, a colour pattern that is unique to this species. Differential diagnoses. The area surrounding the mesopleural pit is punctate dis- tinguishing C. orenji from C. hoerikwagga and C. fernkloofensis where the area sur- rounding the pit is polished. The propodeal anterior margin is straight distinguishing the species from several members of the rubrithorax species-group (excluding C. ru- brithorax, C. parslactis and C. orenji) where the margin may have a blunt medial pro- jection or medial tooth. A scuto-scutellar sulcus without dorso-lateral indentations separates C. orenji from several closely related species (excluding C. fernkloofensis, C. parslactis and C. hoerikwagga) where the dorso-lateral indentations are present and/ or the sulcus is absent. Indistinct thyridia on tergite II distinguishes the species from several members of the rubrithorax species-group (excluding C. neili, C. hantami and C. hoerikwagga) where the thyridia can be elongate to moderately large and circular. Etymology. So named owing to the colour of this species. Orenji is the Xhosa name for orange. Noun in apposition. Distribution. South Africa (Western Cape) (Fig. 2). Comments. A rare species known only from one specimen. Intensive sampling in the type locality and in other areas of the Cape region have so far produced no further specimens, there is, however, a major backlog of unsorted samples (van Noort 2023b), which may produce further specimens. Lissonota goci (Reynolds Berry & van Noort, 2016), comb. nov. Fig. 6 = Cryptopimpla goci Reynolds Berry & van Noort, 2016. Type material examined. Holotype 3: Sourn Arrica, Western Cape, Koeberg Na- ture Reserve, 33°37.622'S, 18°24.259'E, 741 m, 3-31 October 1997, S. van Noort, KO97-M12, Malaise trap, West Coast Strandveld, SAM-HYM-P0474345 (SAMC). Additional material examined for description of female. 52: SouTH AFrica, Western Cape, Grootbos Private Nature Reserve, site LEU, 305 m, 34.531500°S, 19.482723°E, 6 Dec 2018-1 Feb 2019, S. van Noort, Malaise trap, Agulhas Lime- stone Fynbos, GPNR18-LEU-M09, SAM-HYM-P096893, SAM-HYM-P096967, SAM-HYM-P097347, SAM-HYM-P099594, SAM-HYM-P099621 (SAMC). 19: SoutTH Arrica, Western Cape, Fernkloof Nature Reserve, Mosselberg, 60 m, south slope, 14 May—16 June 1995, S. van Noort, Malaise trap, Mesic Mountain Fynbos, SAM-HYM-P006315. 686 Terry Reynolds & Simon van Noort / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 96: 667-696 (2023) SAM-HYM: POS7347 Figure 6. Lissonota goci (Reynolds Berry & van Noort, 2016) comb. nov. non-type female A habitus, lateral view B head and mesosoma, lateral view C head, anterior view D propodeum, dorsal view E meta- soma, lateral view (inset: data labels) F metasomal terga 1 and 2, dorsal view. Additional material of males newly recorded. 3: SourH Arrica, W. Cape, Hermanus, Fernkloof Nature Reserve, Mosselberg, 60 m, south slope, 34°24.46'S, 19°18.00'E, 14 May—16 June 1995, S. van Noort, Malaise trap, Mesic Mountain Fyn- bos, SAM-HYM-P006415a-c (SAMC). 366: South Africa, Western Cape, Grootbos Private Nature Reserve, site LEU, 305 m, 34.531500°S, 19.482723°E, 6 Dec 2018-1 Feb 2019, S. van Noort, Malaise trap, Agulhas Limestone Fynbos, GPNR18-LEU- M09, SAM-HYM-P096887, SAM-HYM-P096888, SAM-HYM-P096892, SAM- Revision of African Cryptopimpla 687 HYM-P096895-—P096899, SAM-HYM-P096901, SAM-HYM-P097300, SAM- HYM-P097305, SAM-HYM-P097307, SAM-HYM-P097335, SAM-HYM-P097336, SAM-HYM-P097340, SAM-HYM-P097341, ©SAM-HYM-P097346—P097348, SAM-HYM-P097351, SAM-HYM-P097353, SAM-HYM-P097394, SAM-HYM- P099598, SAM-HYM-P099617—P099620, SAM-HYM-P099622—P099624, SAM- HYM-P099626-P099631 (SAMC). 214: SourH Arrica, Western Cape, Grootbos Private Nature Reserve, site LEU, 305 m, 34.531500°S, 19.482723°E, 6 Dec 2018-1 Feb 2019, S. van Noort, Malaise trap, Agulhas Limestone Fynbos, GPNR18-LEU- M14, SAM-HYM-P098708, SAM-HYM-P098715, SAM-HYM-P099730, SAM- HYM-P099734—P099737, SAM-HYM-P099741—P099744, SAM-HYM-P099745— P099747, SAM-HYM-P099749-P099751, SAM-HYM-P099753, SAM-HYM- P099754—P099756 (SAMC). 14: Sour Arrica, Western Cape, Grootbos Private Na- ture Reserve, site FOR, 340 m, 34.54133°S, 19.43876°E, 25 Mar—31 May 2019, S. van Noort, Malaise trap, Afromontane Forest, GP NR18-FOR-M17, SAM-HYM-P099498 (SAMC). 134: Sourn Arrica, Western Cape, Grootbos Private Nature Reserve, site MILK, 240 m, 34.52831°S, 19.48496°E, 25 Mar—1 June 2019, S. van Noort, Malaise trap, Milkwood Scrub Forest, GPNR18-MILK-M20, SAM-HYM-P099485 (SAMC). Description of female. Colour, sculpture and proportions as in male with the fol- lowing exceptions: head with flagellum not tapered. Eye in lateral view 0.69—0.74 times as long as wide; in anterior view with maximum width slightly broader, 0.48—0.56 times shortest inter-ocular distance. Hind wing with one-two basal hamuli and seven-eight dis- tal hamuli. Metasoma with tergite I impunctate, wrinkles or a single carina present dorso- laterally with no secondary carina leading from the single carina to the spiracle; second tergite 0.98—1.39 times longer than broad, spiracle situated more anteriorly at 0.27—0.3 of tergite (measured in lateral view), ovipositor 2.31—2.36 times longer than hind tibia. Body length 7.1-8.7 mm; antenna length 7.1—-8.1 mm; fore wing length 5.3- 6.1 mm. Distribution. South Africa (Western Cape) (Fig. 2). Cryptopimpla elongatus Reynolds Berry & van Noort, 2016 Type material examined. Holotype 2: Soutu Arrica, Northern Cape, Hantam Na- tional Botanical Garden, 31°24.274'S, 19°09.164'E, 755 m, 22 May—12 June 2008, S. van Noort, GLO7-DOL1-M39, Malaise trap, Nieuwoudtville-Roggeveld Dolerite Renosterveld, SAM-HYM-P047468 (SAMC). Cryptopimpla fernkloofensis Reynolds Berry & van Noort, 2016 Type material examined. Holotype 3: Souru Arrica, Western Cape, Fernkloof Na- ture Reserve, 33°39.941'S, 21°53.505'E, 300-340 m, 13 May 1995, S. van Noort, Sweep, Mesic Mountain Fynbos, SAM-HYM-P008237 (SAMC). 688 Terry Reynolds & Simon van Noort / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 96: 667-696 (2023) Cryptopimpla hantami Reynolds Berry & van Noort, 2016 Type material examined. Holotype 2: Soutu Arrica, Northern Cape, Hantam Na- tional Botanical Garden, 31°24.182'S, 19°08.587'E, 741 m, 17 March—21 April 2008, S. van Noort, GLO7-REN3-M24, Malaise trap, Nieuwoudtville Shale Renosterveld, SAM-HYM-P047467 (SAMC). Cryptopimpla kogelbergensis Reynolds Berry & van Noort, 2016 Type material examined. Holotype 2: Soutu Arrica, Western Cape, Kogelberg Na- ture Reserve, 34°16.481'S, 19°01.033'E, 118 m, 16 May—16 June 1999, S. van Noort, KO98-M23, Malaise trap, Mesic Mountain Fynbos, last burnt c. 1988, SAM-HYM- P047475 (SAMC). Additional material newly recorded. 19: SourH Africa, Northern Cape, Han- tam National Botanical Garden, 31°24.274'S, 19°09.164'E, 23 March—06 May 2008, S. van Noort, GLO7-REN3-M38, 741 m, Malaise trap, Nieuwoudtville-Roggeveld Dolerite Renosterveld, SAM-HYM-P064320 (SAMC). Cryptopimpla neili Reynolds Berry & van Noort, 2016 Type material examined. Holotype 3: Souru Arrica, Western Cape, Kogelberg Na- ture Reserve, 34°16.481'S, 19°01.033'E, 118 m, 16 March 1999-16 April 1999, S. van Noort, KO98-M18, Malaise trap, Mesic Mountain Fynbos, last burnt c. 1988, SAM-HYM-P047436 (SAMC),. Cryptopimpla onyxi Reynolds Berry & van Noort, 2016 Type material examined. Holotype 9: Souru Africa, Western Cape, Walker Bay Nature Reserve, 34°27.414'S, 19°21.393'E, 57 m, 14 May—14 June 1997, S. van Noort, WB97-M01, Malaise trap, South coast Strandveld, SAM-HYM-P047460 (SAMC). Additional material newly recorded. 14: SourH Arrica, Western Cape, Grootbos Private Nature Reserve, site LEU, 305 m, 34.531500°S, 19.482723°E, 25 March—31 May 2019, S. van Noort, Malaise trap, Agulhas Limestone Fynbos, GPNR18-LEU-M19, SAM-HYM-P098730 (SAMC). 14: Sourn Arrica, Western Cape, Grootbos Private Nature Reserve, site MILK, 240 m, 34.52831°S, 19.48496°E, 1 June—7 Aug 2019, S. van Noort, Malaise trap, Milkwood Scrub Forest, GPNR18- LEU-M24, SAM-HYM-P101469 (SAMC). 19: SoutH Arrica, Eastern Cape, Win- terberg, The Hoek farm, 31°21.260'S, 26°23.001'E, 1879 m, 6.x.2010-18.i.2011, S. van Noort, Malaise trap, Amathole Mistbelt Grassland, WTB09-GRA1-M05, SAM- HYM-P062421 (SAMC). Revision of African Cryptopimpla 689 Cryptopimpla parslactis Reynolds Berry & van Noort, 2016 Type material examined. Holotype 3: Souru Arrica, Northern Cape, Hantam Na- tional Botanical Garden, 31°23.802'S, 19°08.799'E, 752 m, 23 July—23 Aug 2008, S. van Noort, GLO7-REN1-M43, Malaise trap, Nieuwoudtville Shale Renosterveld, SAM-HYM-P044547 (SAMC). Cryptopimpla rubrithorax Morley, 1916 Type material examined. Holotype 2: Soutu Arrica, Western Cape, Elsenberg, 11 October 1914, Mally and Petty, SAM-HYM-P000874 (SAMC). Additional material newly recorded. 34: Sourn Arrica, Western Cape, Banghoek Valley, Dwarsriviershoek Farm, 33°56.232'S, 18°57.711'E, 410 m, 28 Aug—28 Sept 2012, S. van Noort, Malaise trap, Mesic Mountain Fynbos, BH12-FYN3-M02, SAM-HYM- P063982, SAM-HYM-P064071, SAM-HYM-P097386 (SAMC). 49,34: SourH ArRI- ca, Western Cape, Banghoek Valley, Dwarsriviershoek Farm, 33°56.232'S, 18°57.711'E, 410 m, 3—25 April 2013, S. van Noort, Malaise trap, Burnt Mesic Mountain Fynbos, BH12-FYN3-M03, SAM-HYM-P063159, SAM-HYM-P063497, SAM-HYM- P093877—P093878, SAM-HYM-P093879-P093881 (SAMC). 3¢: SourH Agric, Western Cape, Banghoek Valley, Dwarsriviershoek Farm, 33°56.232'S, 18°57.711'E, 410 m, 28 Sept—24 Oct 2012, S. van Noort, Malaise trap, Mesic Mountain Fynbos, BH12- FYN3-M07, SAM-HYM-P063492, SAM-HYM-P063537 (SAMC). 34: SourH AERI- ca, Western Cape, Banghoek Valley, Dwarsriviershoek Farm, 33°56.232'S, 18°57.711'E, 410 m, 8 Aug—2 Oct 2013, S. van Noort, Malaise trap, Burnt Mesic Mountain Fyn- bos, BH12-FYN3-M12, SAM-HYM-P063516, SAM-HYM-P063704, SAM-HYM- P063716 (SAMC). 39,14: SouTH Arrica, Western Cape, Banghoek Valley, Dwarsrivier- shoek Farm, 33°56.232'S, 18°57.711'E, 410 m, 25 April-16 May 2013, S. van Noort, Malaise trap, Burnt Mesic Mountain Fynbos, BH12-FYN3-M08, SAM-HYM-P063076, SAM-HYM-P063278, SAM-HYM-P093875—P093876 (SAMC). 29: SourH AFRICA, W. Cape, Koeberg Nature Reserve, 33°37.622'S, 18°24.259'E, 8 Aug—5 Sept 1997, S. van Noort, Malaise trap, KO97-M07, West Coast Strandveld, SAM-HYM-P047476 (SAMC). 19: Sour Arica, Western Cape, Banghoek Valley, Dwarsriviershoek Farm, 33°56.232'S, 18°57.711'E, 410 m, 2-22 October 2013, S. van Noort, Malaise trap, Mesic Mountain Fynbos, BH12-FYN3-M13, SAM-HYM-P064020 (SAMC). 19,13: Sour Arrica, Western Cape, Banghoek Valley, Grootbos Private Nature Reserve, site LEU, 305 m, 34.531500°S, 19.482723°E, 25 March—31 May 2019, S. van Noort, Malaise trap, Agulhas Limestone Fynbos, GPNR18-LEU-M19, SAM-HYM-P098731, SAM-HYM- P098765 (SAMC). 19: SourH Arrica, Western Cape, Banghoek Valley, Dwarsrivier- shoek Farm, 33°56.232'S, 18°57.711'E, 410 m, 24 Oct-10 Dec 2012, S. van Noort, Ma- laise trap, Mesic Mountain Fynbos, BH12-FYN3-M04, SAM-HYM-P064919 (SAMC). 19: Sour Arrica, Western Cape, Table Mountain National Park, Orangekloof, Disa River, 34°0.035'S, 18°23.492'E, 136 m, 11 Nov—11 Dec 2014, S. van Noort, Malaise trap, Afromontane Forest, OGK13-FOR1-M27, SAM-HYM-P062973 (SAMC). 690 Terry Reynolds & Simon van Noort / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 96: 667-696 (2023) Cryptopimpla zwarti Reynolds Berry & van Noort, 2016 Type material examined. Holotype 2: Soutu Arrica, Eastern Cape, Grahamstown, Faraway Farm 33.19'S, 19°26.31'E, April 1990, I. Crampton, Malaise trap, SAM- HYM-P005220 (SAMC). Discussion Species-groups The two newly described species (C. orenji sp. nov. and C. hoerikwagga sp. nov.) both be- long to the rubrithorax species-group. In addition to possessing the morphological charac- ters that distinguish members of the rubrithorax species-group, these two new species also have larger fore wings (length = 5.8-7.5 mm) compared to the kogelbergensis species-group where the fore wing lengths are smaller (length = 4.6-5.1 mm). Cryptopimpla hoerikwagea sp. nov. is the largest African Cryptopimpla species (body length 9.7 mm; fore wing length 7.5 mm) and C. kogelbergensis is the smallest African Cryptopimpla species (body length 4,.2—5.6 mm; fore wing length 4.6—5.1 mm). The remaining species have sizes ranging between these two extremes (body length 6.5—9.4 mm; fore wing length 5.8—7.2 mm). The maximum length of the ovipositor sheath relative to the hind tibia for the genus ranges from 0.7x for Afrotropical species (Reynolds Berry and van Noort 2016) to 1.0x (Townes 1969; Sheng 2011; Takasuka et al. 2011; Kang et al. 2019) for world species. However, the newly discovered female specimens of Lissonota goci comb. nov. possess an ovipositor sheath relative to the hind tibia that is up to 2.4x as long. Cryp- topimpla has morphological affinities with the banchine genus Lissonota (Broad 2022) and without females to confirm the presence of the diagnostic generic character of a shortened ovipositor sheath, male Cryptopimpla may be incorrectly determined as the cosmopolitan banchine genus Lissonota (e.g. Holmgren 1860; Fig. 4), corroborated by the fact that the type species for Cryptopimpla was originally described as Lissonota cali- gata Gravenhorst, 1829. Within a global context both genera appear to be paraphyletic (Reynolds Berry 2019) and may warrant splitting up. The discovery of the female of Lissonota goci comb. nov. has allowed us to reassess generic affinities of this species and based on female characters this species is better placed within Lissonota. The apical 0.3—0.4 portion of the flagellum is tapered to a slen- der apex in Cryptopimpla whereas the female flagellum in this species, as typical for Lis- sonota, is only weakly tapered at the apex (Townes 1969; Takasuka et al. 2011; Reynolds Berry and van Noort 2020). Besides the ovipositor length, which is more than 1.4x as long as the hind tibia confirming placement in Lissonota (Reynolds Berry and van Noort 2020), the general habitus is also typical of Lissonota, and tergite I is very flat in profile (Fig. 6, A, E), lacking the anteriorly “humped” appearance of Cryptopimpla (as shown in identification key image 8B and 8b). In addition, the areolet is barely truncate anteriorly, i.e. veins 2rs-m and 3rs-m are barely separated. we have here proposed that this species is transferred to the genus Lissonota as Lissonota goci comb. nov. (Fig. 6) and Revision of African Cryptopimpla 691 the goci species-group (Reynolds Berry and van Noort 2016) will by resultant default be referred to as the kogelbergensis species-group. Phylogenetic analyses, using both mor- phological and genetic data, of Afrotropical Banchinae separates C. kogelbergensis from C. onyxi and C. rubrithorax with robust support, reinforcing the morphological distinc- tion of these two species-groups (Reynolds Berry 2019). Unfortunately, attempts to extract DNA from specimens of Lissonota goci comb. nov. to provide additional support for the revised placement of this species in Lissonota were unsuccessful. Distribution and diversity Cryptopimpla hoerikwagga sp. nov. and C. orenji sp. nov. are described based on single specimens that were collected from the western slopes of the Constantiaberg mountain, and Banghoek Valley adjacent to the Helshoogte mountain, of Western Cape South Africa, respectively. These are areas with no previous records for Cryptopimpla. Both have been collected in Mesic Mountain Fynbos, a vegetation type that is a habitat as- sociation for most of the previously described species (i.e. C. fernkloofensis, C. neili, C. onyxi, C. rubrithorax and C. kogelbergensis). Approximately 55% of Afrotropical Cryp- topimpla species have been described based on a single specimen, and 90% of the overall Afrotropical Cryptopimpla species diversity is currently recorded from fynbos (Fig. 3), suggesting that the Fynbos biome may be the centre of species richness for African Cryptopimpla species. The remarkable floristic richness, endemism (fauna and flora) and major climatic features of the Fynbos biome has identified it as a global biodiversity hot- spot (Myers et al. 2000). It is likely that the fynbos associated species specialise on host Lepidoptera species that are specific to hostplants also endemic to the Fynbos biome. A relatively recent (5-3 million years before present) rapid radiation of the flora of the CFR has been proposed (Linder 2003). Although originally hypothesized that banchine species occurring in the Cape region would be more derived because of their association with the climatically and environmentally unique and much younger CFR compared to forest-associated species, this hypothesis was subsequently refuted with the phylogenetic dating of the origin of the African Cryptopimpla clade to the early Eocene (56 mil- lion to 47.8 mya, Reynolds Berry 2019). Cryptopimpla has a much broader worldwide temperate distribution (Yu et al. 2016), suggesting that Cryptopimpla species may have been more widespread in Africa during temperate epochs and that their distribution has subsequently retracted to the CFR. Interestingly, species of Lissonota occurring within the Afrotropical region are also largely restricted to the temperate regions of South Af- rica (Reynolds Berry 2019). Future evolutionary assessments of Cryptopimpla should be considered in relation to this genus, to which it is morphologically similar, with both genera showing paraphyly at a global scale (Broad et al. 2018; Reynolds Berry 2019). Due to the relatively limited availability of specimens for several species within Cryptopimpla, any assessments of the distribution and diversification of the different species are still likely to be biased. This is corroborated by unique locality records for the newly described species presented in this paper. While sustained continuous inven- tory surveys over the last three decades has revealed the genus to be increasingly species rich, it is still rare in terms of abundance with more than half of the Afrotropical spe- 692 Terry Reynolds & Simon van Noort / Journal of Hymenoptera Research 96: 667-696 (2023) cies represented by a single specimen. Further specimens will no doubt be recovered from the backlog of unsorted samples resulting from 31 years of continuous inventory surveys run by Simon van Noort, using a range of collecting methods (Malaise traps, yellow pan traps, yellow funnel traps, pitfall traps, sweeping, Winkler bag extraction of leaf litter and UV light trapping) (van Noort 2019, 2022, 2023b). The large backlog of unsorted samples (94 000 Malaise trap days = 257 Malaise trap years as at February 2023) housed in the Iziko South African Museum entomology collection is a function of capacity constraints — we simply do not have the human and financial resources to process the backlog of the estimated 39 million specimens in the Malaise trap samples alone, which requires R7,5 billion to achieve (van Noort 2023b). Cryptopimpla rubrithorax is the most common Afrotropical species, occurring across various vegetation types within the Cape Floristic Region, including Strandveld, Mesic Mountain Fynbos, Agulhas Limestone Fynbos, Renosterveld, and Afromontane forest (Reynolds Berry and van Noort 2016). Cryptopimpla rubrithorax may have adapted to a wider range of lepidopteran hosts by shifting to related host species that are more poly- phagous, and hence potentially associated with host plant species that are only present in the neighbouring biomes; alternatively, C. rubrithorax is historically polyphagous, and the Cryptopimpla species with narrower distributional ranges that are associated with the Cape Floristic Region have evolved higher levels of host specialisation, as hy- pothesized for Aloeides species where host specialisation appears to have driven species evolution (Shaw 2022). Parasitoids require several basic habitat needs, such as a stable host population with sufficient host foodplant presence, shelter and mating sites etc., but parasitoids don't always occur across their entire host insect range due to functional refugia and divisions of space (Shaw 2006), suggesting that the rare Cryptopimpla spe- cies may either be specialists on hosts with narrow distributional ranges, or alternatively constrained by lack of suitable habitat needs. Nevertheless, the hypothesised potential host polyphagy of C. rubrithorax may possibly account for the species’ wider distribu- tion, broader habitat association and higher abundance. Cryptopimpla kogelbergensis is the only other species to occur in three different vegetation types and is the only species to have been collected from Gamka Thicket, a vegetation type very different to both Fynbos and to Renosterveld in which the species also occurs. Five of the eleven spe- cies (C. rubrithorax, C. parslactis, C. kogelbergensis, C. hantami and C. elongatus) have been collected in the Hantam National Botanical Garden (NBG) in Nieuwoudtville Shale Renosterveld and Nieuwoudtville-Roggeveld Dolerite Renosterveld vegetation (Fig. 2), where sampling effort by Simon van Noort has been high (258 trap months) with many of the Hantam samples processed, suggesting that with further processing of the backlog of the other South African samples present in SAMC a better assessment of distribution will be attained. Hantam NBG, however, is florally extremely rich, particularly with respect to geophytes (Snijman and Perry 1987, van Wyk and Smith 2011), and the high local Cryptopimpla species richness at this locality may suggest a host correlation with Lepidoptera species associated with geophytes as their hostplants. Of concern is the fact that Renosterveld is a highly endangered habitat with only 10% left (von Hase et al. 2003; Topp and Loos 2019), threatening the continued survival Revision of African Cryptopimpla 693 of taxa such as the African clade of Cryptopimpla. Loss or degradation of Renosterveld and the resultant demise of the host lepidopteran species which are likely to be specific to host plants only occurring in this vegetation type will result in the potential extinc- tion of the associated parasitoids, not to mention the plethora of other invertebrate taxa dependent on this vegetation type. Habitat transformation or even minor degradation of habitat quality (Habel et al. 2023) can have major ramifications for biodiversity conservation (Cardoso et al. 2011, 2019, 2022; Ceballos 2015). Given that only 10% of Renosterveld remains it is likely that we have already lost Cryptopimpla species to extinction before we have been able to discover and describe them. Acknowledgements Cape Nature, the Eastern Cape Department of Environmental Affairs, and the North- ern Cape Department of Nature and Environmental Conservation provided collecting permits. SANParks provided a research permit. SvN was funded by South African NRE (National Research Foundation) grants: GUN 2068865; GUN 61497; GUN 79004; GUN 79211; GUN 81139. Part of the South African field work conducted by SvN was funded by the National Science Foundation under PlatyPBI grant No. DEB-0614764 to N.E Johnson and A.D. Austin. Thanks to Gavin Broad and Niklas Johansson for their valuable reviews of the manuscript. Project conceptualization (SvN, TR); funding (SvN); field work (SvN); data curation (TR, SvN); taxonomy — species descriptions and species delimitation assessments (TR, SvN); imaging (TR); figure plates and identification key plate production (TR, SvN); pro- duction of identification keys (TR, SvN); manuscript production and editing (TR, SvN). 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The Open Database License (ODDbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited. Link: https://doi.org/10.3897/jhr.96.104038.suppl1 Supplementary material 2 Lucid Interchange Format version 3 (LIF3) files to the WaspWeb online Lucid ma- trix identification key to Afrotropical species of Cryptopimpla (Ichneumonidae, Hymenoptera) Authors: Terry Reynolds, Simon van Noort Data type: lif3 Explanation note: The LIF3 file is an XML-based file that stores all the Lucid3 key data, allowing exchange of the key with other key developers. Copyright notice: This dataset is made available under the Open Database License (http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/). The Open Database License (ODDbL) is a license agreement intended to allow users to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited. Link: https://doi.org/10.3897/jhr.96.104038.suppl2