Zoosyst. Evol. 99 (2) 2023, 391-397 | DOI 10.3897/zse.99.105770 > PENSUFT. ee BERLIN First report of a histozoic Henneguya (Cnidaria, Endocnidozoa) infecting a synbranchid potamodromous fish from South America: Morphostructural and biological data Patrick D. Mathews", Omar Mertins*, Luis L. Espinoza®, Julio C. Aguiar!, Tiago Milanin* 1 Department of Parasitology, Institute of Biosciences, Sado Paulo State University, 18618-689 Botucatu, Brazil 2 Laboratory of Nano Bio Materials, Department of Biophysics, Paulista Medical School, Federal University of Sao Paulo, 04023-062 Sao Paulo, Brazil 3 Laboratory of Biology and Molecular Genetics, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima 15021, Peru 4 Department of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Animal Science and Food Technology, University of Sdo Paulo, 13635-900, Pirassununga, Brazil https://zoobank. org/7 D9E1775-A6FC-49D0-9B89-EBF51D3DC912 Corresponding author: Patrick D. Mathews (patrickmathews83@gmail.com) Academic editor: Pavel Stoev # Received | May 2023 # Accepted 12 June 2023 @ Published 5 July 2023 Abstract In this study, a Henneguya myxosporean species is described to infect an ecological, biological, and evolutionary important fish from Amazon biome. The myxosporean was found in the skin of only one specimen of marbled swamp eel, Synbranchus marmoratus caught in a small stream from Peruvian Amazon floodplain. Mature myxospores have ovoid shape from the valvular view, measuring 32.2 + 0.6 um (31.6—32.8) in total length, 21.5 + 0.3 um (21.2—21.8) in spore body length, 11.7 + 0.5 um (11.2—12.2) in width and 10.6 + 0.9 um (9.7-11.5) in thickness. Non-bifurcate caudal appendage, measuring 10.7 + 0.4 um (10.3—11.1) in length. Two polar capsules elongated aubergine in shape, equal in size and measuring 4.9 + 0.2 um (4.7—5.1) in length and 3.1 + 0.5 um (2.6—3.6) in width. Polar tubules coiled in 7—8 turns. This is the first report of a Henneguya species parasitizing a fish of the order Synbranchiformes from Amazon basin and the first to describe this parasite infecting a potamodromous fish from South America. Key Words Henneguya, myxosporean, marbled swamp eel, skin, Peru Introduction Myxosporean are a biologically diverse group of micro- scopic cnidarians of wide distribution around the world (At- kinson et al. 2018). They mostly innocuous parasites with complex life cycles that involve invertebrate and vertebrate hosts (Okamura et al. 2015). Although, most myxosporean species have fish hosts, they have radiated sporadically into other groups of vertebrates, including amphibians, reptiles, waterfowl and small mammals (Okamura et al. 2015). Within myxosporean, Henneguya Thélohan, 1892 is one of the most species rich genera with more than 250 species described taxonomically (Eiras 2002; Rangel et al. 2023). Although the Amazon basin is one of the main biodiversity hotspots, the myxosporean fauna is poorly known. To date only 19 Henneguya species have been reported in fish from this geographic region with almost all reported data so far coming from the Brazilian part of the Amazon basin (Eiras and Adriano 2012; Mathews et al. 2016; Naldoni et al. 2018). In the Peruvian Amazon, despite a recording of over 650 fish species, there 1s a gap in the knowledge of myxo- sporean diversity. Indeed, only three Henneguya species have been described (Mathews et al. 2017, 2018, 2020). The marbled swamp eel Synbranchus marmoratus Bloch, 1795 is considered a potential predator and it can be found throughout flooded forests, small streams and associated swamps subject to water level changes, between the rainy season and the dry period (Heisler 1982; Favorito et al. 2005; Copyright Mathews, P.D. et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 392 Mathews, P.D. et al Junges et al. 2010). This species of fish is a protogynous di- andric, meaning that females will change their sex and be- come males (Allsop and West 2003). It is a potamodromous species which is capable of switching from exclusive water breathing to exclusive air breathing (Heisler 1982). Despite, the ecological, biological, and evolutive importance of the marbled swamp eel, little is known about its parasitic fauna, particularly the ones concerning myxosporean parasites. This study aims to contribute to the increase of knowl- edge of diversity cnidarian myxosporean and their interac- tion with fishes from Amazon biome. Thus, spore morphol- ogy features using light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy as well as other important biological characters such as tissue tropism and host-specificity are provided. Materials and methods Six specimens of S. marmoratus (ranging from 18.1 to 21.6 cm in length) that died during transport were donat- ed by local fishers for ornamental fishes in March 2018. According to the fishers, these fish were caught in a small stream near of the Village Oran (3°21'0"S, 72°31'0"W), Omagua Region, Department of Loreto, Peru. Morphometric analysis was performed following the criteria outlined by Lom and Arthur (1989). Measure- ments and photographs were taken from 30 randomly selected formalin-fixed mature myxospores, using a com- puter equipped with Axiovision 4.1 image capture soft- ware coupled to an Axioplan 2 Zeiss microscope (Carl Zeiss AG, Oberkochen, Germany). Spore length, thick- ness, polar capsule length, width, and caudal appendage length were measured and given in micrometers (um) and expressed as a mean + standard deviation, followed by the range in parentheses where appropriate. Permanent slides containing mature myxospores stained with Giem- sa were mounted and deposited in the cnidarian collection of the Zoology Museum at the University of Sao Paulo — MZUSP, Sao Paulo, Brazil (Hapantotype MZUSP 8733). Histological analysis was performed on fresh tissue fragments containing plasmodium. Infected tissue was fixed in 10% buffered formalin solution, then dehydrated with increasing series of ethanol, diaphanized, embedded in paraffin, cut into serial sections 5 um thick using an HM 340E electron microtome (Thermo ScientificTM, Mas- sachusetts, USA), and stained with haematoxylin/eosin. A light microscope DM1000 (Leica, Washington, USA) coupled to a computer and using the Leica Application Suite software version 1.6.0 was used for image capture. Surface ultrastructure observation was performed in leaked myxospores from ruptured plasmodium using a glass slide previously treated with poly-L-lysine. Samples were processed as described in Mathews et al. (2022a). Samples were visualized with a DSM 940 scanning elec- tron microscope (Carl Zeiss, Hamburg, Germany) oper- ating at 15 kV. For internal structural analyses, a whole intact plasmodium was fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde with 0.1 M buffered cacodylate (pH 7.4) for 24 h and processed zse.pensoft.net .. First cnidarian Henneguya from a potamodromous fish from South America routinely according to standard transmission electron mi- croscope methods. Samples were examined under a JEOL 1200 EX II transmission electron microscope at 60 kV and micrographs were captured with a GATAN 791 camera. For molecular diagnostic, extraction of genomic DNA (gDNA) was performed in a single plasmodium dissected from the skin and fixed in absolute ethanol. The gDNA was extracted using a DNeasy Blood & Tissue Kit (Qia- gen Inc., California, USA), in accordance with the man- ufacturer’s instructions for animal tissue protocol. Poly- merase chain reactions (PCRs) were conducted in a final volume reaction of 25 wL, which comprised 10-50 ng of extracted DNA, 0.2 pmol for each primer, 12.5 wL of Dream Taq Green PCR Master Mix (Thermo Scientific) and nuclease-free water. Partial 18S rDNA sequence was amplified using routinely chosen primers paired as fol- lows ERIB1 with ACTIr and Myxgen4F with ERIB10 (Barta et al. 1997, Kent et al. 2000, Hallett and Diamant 2001). PCRs were performed in an AG22331 Hamburg Thermocycler (Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany) and am- plification thermal cycling consisted of 95 °C for 5 min, followed by 35 cycles at 95 °C for 1 min, 58 °C for 1 min, 72 °C for 2 min, and then final elongation at 72 °C for 5 min. Amplification PCR products were electrophoresed in 2.0% agarose gel in a Tris-Acetate EDTA buffer, stained with Sybr Safe DNA gel stain (Invitrogen by Life Technologies, Carlsbad, USA), and analyzed under a Stratagene 2020E trans illuminator (Stratagene Califor- nia, San Diego, USA). Band sizes of the amplicons was estimated by comparison with the concurrently run mo- lecular weight marker 1 Kb Plus DNA Ladder (Invitrogen by Life Technologies). PCR products were purified using USB ExoSap-IT (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, USA) in accordance to the manufacturer’s instructions. Purified PCR amplicons were sequenced using the same PCR primers and performed with a BigDye Terminator v3.1 cycle sequencing kit (Applied Biosystems Inc., Cal- ifornia, USA) in an ABI 3730 DNA sequencing analyzer. Results Of six wild specimens of S. marmoratus, a single wild specimens of S. marmoratus examined, was infected in the skin by an unknown cnidarian myxosporean species. Based on the phenotypic characters of the mature myxo- spores, this species was assigned to the genus Henne- guya. The fish presented five plasmodia distributed in the body skin. The same were not found in any other organ. Taxonomic summary Phylum: Cnidaria Verrill, 1865. Subphylum: Endocnidozoa Schuchert, 1996. Class: Myxosporea Biitschli, 1881. Order: Bivalvulida Shulman, 1959. Family: Myxobolidae Thélohan, 1892. Zoosyst. Evol. 99 (2) 2023, 391-397 Genus Henneguya Thélohan, 1892 Species. Henneguya sp. (We suggest that this isolate, after determination by molecular phylogenetic data, be named as (H. atingae) based on host species common name in Peru. Type host. Symbranchus marmoratus (Teleostei: Symbranchidae). Site of infection. Stratus corneum of epidermis layer of the skin. Type locality. Small stream, adjacent area of Oran Village, Loreto Department, Peru (3°21'0"S, 72°31'0"W). Description. Morphological observations by light mi- croscopic showed mature myxospores have ovoid shape from the valvular view, measuring 32.2 + 0.6 um (31.6— 32.8) in total length, 21.5 + 0.3 um (21.2—21.8) in spore body length, 11.7 + 0.5 wm (11.2—12.2) in width and 10.6 + 0.9 um (9.7—-11.5) in thickness (Fig. 1a, c). Non-bifurcate caudal appendage, measuring 10.7 + 0.4 um (10.3—11.1) in length (Fig. 1a, c). Two polar capsules elongated aubergine in shape, equal in size and measuring 4.9 + 0.2 um (4.7— Figure 1. Henneguya sp. parasite from the skin of Synbranchus marmoratus. a: formalin-fixed myxospores in valvular view showing appendage caudal (large arrows) and two polar cap- sules in the anterior pole of spore occupied only the anterior third of the myxospore body (small blue arrows). b: mature myxospores stained with Giemsa with noticeable binucleate sporoplasm (double arrow) and polar capsules with aubergine shape (large arrow). ¢: schematic illustration of mature myxo- spore with polar tubule inside of polar capsule. Scale bars: 5 um. 393 5.1) in length and 3.1 + 0.5 um (2.6—3.6) in width (Fig. 1b, c). Sporoplasm evidenced two nuclei in valvular view and sutural line was noticeable in side view (Fig. 1b, c). Surface topography analyses of mature myxospores in valvular view revealed smooth valve cell with pres- ence of mucous in a small area (Fig. 2a). In sutural view myxospore evidence a conspicuous sutural line (Fig. 2c). The density of caudal appendage 1s likely be identical to that of its valve (Fig. 2b). Internal ultrastructural obser- vations showed binucleated sporoplasm contained sev- Figure 2. Surface topography by SEM of Henneguya sp. in- fecting skin of Synbranchus marmoratus. a: mature myxo- spore in valvular view showing smooth valve cell with presence of mucous (white star) in a small area and caudal appendage. Scale bar. | um. b: amplified area of the caudal appendage evidencing density of caudal appendage likely to be identical to that of its valve. Scale bar. 200 nm ¢: myxo- spore evidence a conspicuous sutural line in sutural view. Scale bar: 100 nm. Figure 3. Internal ultrastructure by TEM of myxospore of Henneguya sp. infecting skin of Synbranchus marmoratus. a: sporoblast in young developmental stage showing binucleated sporoplasm (n) contained several sporoplasmosomes (asterisk), valve-forming materials (white arrow) and polar capsules (pc) with absence of polar tubule. b: polar capsule (pc) with capsular nuclei, polar tubule internalized contained seven to eight coils (pt), sporoplasm binucleated (spl/n) and contained sporoplasmosomes (asterisk) at a more advanced sporoblast developmental stage. c: Spores with sutural lines (small arrows), sporoplasm with numerous sporoplasmo- somes (asterisk) and caudal appendage (large arrow). Scale bars: 2 um. zse.pensoft.net Mathews, P.D. et al Y ’ Ba pale val * vl) gee pe eek Pi +e ea | as Big: Pca) cet ey seer ; 7 = DF * A. ere ‘, fe Figure 4. Histological sections of the host-tissue infected of Synbranchus marmoratus with Henneguya sp. a: Intact plasmo- dium located in the stratus corneum of epidermis layer of the skin. Scale bar. 50 um. b: mature myxospore in sutural view with noticeable caudal appendage. Scale bar. 10 um. Figure 5. Agarose gel showing 18S rDNA gene PCR amplifi- cation of Henneguya sp. from skin infected of S. marmoratus. Lane 1: DNA ladder marker, Lane 2: amplicon 1000 pb approx. (ERIBI/ACTIr), Lane 3: amplicon 1100 pb approx. (Myx- gen4F/ ERIB10), Lane 4: Negative Control. eral sporoplasmosomes and valve-forming materials in young sporoblast developmental myxospore stage (Fig. 3a). Polar capsule with polar tubule internalized and con- tained seven to eight coils at a more advanced sporoblast developmental stage (Fig. 3b). Caudal appendage and conspicuous sutural line in mature spores. (Fig. 3c). zse.pensoft.net .. First cnidarian Henneguya from a potamodromous fish from South America Histologic evidenced tissue tropism of the myxospor- ean under study, occurring in the stratus corneum of epi- dermis layer of the skin (Figure 4). The parasites induced no apparent tissue destruction, ulcerations, necrosis or inflammatory response. For molecular procedures, par- tial 18S rDNA gene was successfully amplified by PCR (Fig. 5), however, sequencing failed. Discussion Despite the growing description of myxosporean infect- ing South American fishes (Sousa et al. 2021; Adriano and Oliveira 2022), the diversity of these ancient meta- zoans in this neotropical realm remains largely unknown (Okamura et al. 2018; Mathews et al. 2022b). In this con- text, our study describes a histozoic myxosporean spe- cies of Henneguya, infecting skin of the Amazonian pota- modromous fish S. marmoratus. In the Amazon biome, Henneguya encompasses 22 recognized species (Table 1), reported infecting Characiform, Perciform, Cichli- form, Gymnotiform and Siluriform fishes (Mathews et al. 2017, 2018; Adriano and Oliveira 2022; Rangel et al. 2023). However, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of a Henneguya species parasitizing a fish of the order Synbranchiformes from Amazon basin and the first to describe this parasite infecting a potamodromous fish from South America. Thus, our results contribute to freshwater myxobolids taxonomy and to increasing our knowledge of cnidarian myxosporean diversity. The morphological data of the mature myxospore iso- lated were first compared considering Henneguya species previously described from Peruvian Amazon freshwater fishes. Nevertheless, these differ from the new isolated in myxospore body length (18.7 + 0.9 um in length for H. multiradiatus, 14.3 + 0.1 um for H. loretoensis, 13.4 + 0.9 um for H. peruviensis and 21.5 + 0.3 um to the new isolated), polar capsule length (9.1 + 0.1 um in H. multira- diatus, 5.1 + 0.2 um in H. loretoensis, 3.3 + 0.2 um in H. peruviensis and 4.9 + 0.2 um in the new isolated), number of coils of the polar tubule (10-11 in H. multiradiatus, five in H. loretoensis, four to five in H. peruviensis and seven to eight in the new isolated) and in the length of the cau- dal appendage (25.8 + 0.6 um in H. multiradiatus, 21.9 + O.1um in H. loretoensis, 10.7 + 0.1 in H. peruviensis and 10.7 + 1.2 um in the new isolated). Compared with the all other freshwater Henneguya species reported to infect Amazonian fishes, the new isolated differed in at least one characteristic (shape of spore, size of spore or polar cap- sule, presence or absence or number of valve striations, size of caudal appendage and number of polar tubules turns), tissue and host preference as showed in the Table 1. According to Molnar and Eszterbauer (2015), for fresh- water histozoic myxosporean particularly for Henneguya and Myxobolus species, the site of infection is considered an important taxonomic key for identification due to high organ and/or tissue specificity of these group of parasites. Accordingly, differences are observed because plasmodia Zoosyst. Evol. 99 (2) 2023, 391-397 395 Table 1. Comparative data of Henneguya sp. with other Henneguya species parasites of Amazon fish. Spore dimensions, infection sites, and fish host are given. TL: total length; BL: body length; APCL: caudal appendage length; SW: spore width; ST: spore thick- ness; PCL: polar capsule length; PCW: polar capsule width; NCT: number of coils of polar tubules, *: Peru. All measurements are in um and/or means + SD. Source: Rangel et al. 2023, Eiras, 2002. Species TL BL APCL SW ST PCL PCW NCT Site of Fish species infection *Henneguya sp. | 32.2+0.6 | 21.5+0.3 | 10.7+0.4 | 11.7+0.5 |10.6+0.9 skin Synbranchus marmoratus Henneguya 53.4+2.9 | 12.6+0.6 | 40.7 + 2.8 4-5 | gill filaments, Plagioscion longisporoplasma fins squamosissimus *Henneguya 44.5+0.6 | 18.7+0.9 | 25.8+0.6 Abdominal | Brochis multiradiatus multiradiatus cavity serosa *Henneguya 24.2+1.3 | 13.4+0.9 | 10.7+1.2 4-5 | Gill filaments | Hyphessobrycon peruviensis loretoensis *Henneguya 36.24+0.2 | 14.3+0.1 | 21.9+0.1 Gill filaments Corydoras loretoensis leucomelas Henneguya 43.8+41 |] 14+08 | 28.1+4.3] 6.1+0.7 ~ 3.4+0.5 |1.98+0.3) 3-4 | Gill filaments | Cichla monoculus tucunarel Henneguya 54.6+3.9 | 16.4+1.2 4-5 | Gill filaments Cichla pinima tapajoensis Henneguya 46.7+1.5 | 13.4+0.7 Fins Cichla monoculus Jariensis Henneguya 42.3+0.3 |12.8+ 0.42|29.5+0.73|} 86+0.3 - 74+0.1 | 2.6+0.1 | 5-7 |Gillfilaments| Cichla temensis paraensis Roma 0k = Henneguya melini| 40.8 + 0.3 | 15.5 + 0.2 25.3+0.1 ] 4.7+0.1 48+0.5 1.7+0.3 5-6 | Gill filaments Corydoras melini Henneguya 41+1.5 3+0.3 3+0.3 4-6 | Gill flaments Aequidens aequidens plagiozonatus Henneguya 48.62 +0.5 | 28.53 + 0.3) 19.64 +0.4 | 7.25 + 0.31 |3.06 + 0.2|6.41 +0.2/1.84+0.1 Brain and Brachyhypopomus torpedo spinal cord pinnicaudatus Henneguya 4.9+0.2| 65+0.2 | 6.3+0.1 Gill arch Arapaima gigas arapaima Henneguya 17.7 7 10.7 3.6 2.5 eS 0.85 6-7 Lateral Gymnorhamphichthys rondoni nerves rondoni Henneguya 10-11 | Gill flaments Rhamdia quelen rhamdia Henneguya Kidney Schtzodon fasciatum schtzodon Henneguya Gut, gill, Leporinus friderici friderici kidney and liver Henneguya 47.8 +0.71 }15.2 + 0.77] 32.64 1.11 5.0 +0.13/1.5+0.07} 8-9 | Gill flaments | Astyanax bimaculatus astyanax Henneguya 19.1 3.3 + 0.02] 1.5 + 0.04 Kidney Curimata inormata curimata Henneguya Testicle Moenkhausia testicularis oligolepis Henneguya 28.3 12.6 LA 4.8 - Su 1.8 6-7 | Gill flaments | Hoplias malabaricus malabarica Henneguya Seal 3-4 | Gill flaments | Acestrorhynchus adherens falcatus Henneguya 59.3+0.5 | 13.9+0.1 | 45.4+0.6 | 5.7 + 0.06 3.3 + 0.02|1.5 + 0.04 Gill lamellae | Crenlcichla lepldota amazonica of the new species were located in the skin, whereas H. peruviensis and H. loretoensis plasmodia are found in the gill filaments and H. multiradiatus plasmodia in the ab- dominal cavity serosa. To our knowledge no Henneguya species have been reported from the skin of a fish from Amazon biome (Table 1). In the same vein, fish host rep- resent an indispensable trait for accurately distinguishing new freshwater histozoic Henneguya/Myxobolus species since these parasites tend to cluster largely based on host phylogenies (Carriero et al. 2013; Mathews et al. 2021; Milanin et al. 2021). This is the first report of a Henneguya Species parasitizing a synbranchid fish. Thus, considering the fine-scale of the host-specificity, we consider our find- ing to be important for this isolate as an unknown species. Regarding molecular data, from South America of the around hundred recognized species, large number of species lack molecular data (Milanin et al. 2017). Indeed, for much of the myxosporean described myxo- spore morphology was used by ichthyopathologist re- searchers for species discrimination, because myxo- zse.pensoft.net 396 Mathews, P.D. et al spore 1S a unique structure possessing many characters important for classification (Lom and Dykova 1992). In our study, the partial 18S rDNA gene was successfully amplified by PCR using general eukaryotic and specif- ic primers to myxosporean parasites (Fig. 5). However, after the amplification process, sequencing failed so it was not possible to carry out phylogenetic analysis. In addition, to the few samples with only five plasmodia to perform morphological, ultrastructural, histological and molecular analysis and limitations in accessing new samples of the same region. Although, we were not able to provide the phylogenetic data, the new isolate was strongly characterized based on spore morphomet- rically features as well as biological traits such as tis- sue preference and host specificity both important tax- onomic keys for classification of freshwater histozoic myxobolids. Future molecular phylogenetic studies are highly recommended, since this would permit stronger taxonomic comparison. Acknowledgements The authors thank the Sao Paulo Research Founda- tion, FAPESP, for Post-Doc fellowship awarded to P.D. Mathews. The authors are grateful to A.H. Aguillera, P.A. Cortez and Prof. R. Sinigaglia-Coimbra from the Elec- tron Microscopy Center (CEME) at UNIFESP for sup- porting the SEM and TEM analysis. The authors thank Dr. Christopher George Berger from Occidental College, Los Angeles for revision of the English language. References Adriano EA, Oliveira OMP (2022) Myxobolidae in Catalogo Tax- ondmico da Fauna do Brasil. 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