Zoosyst. Evol. 99 (2) 2023, 299-305 | DOI 10.3897/zse.99.103893 > PENSUFT. yee BERLIN A new species of Anatextrix Kaya, Zamani, YaSmur & Marusik, 2023 (Araneae, Agelenidae, Textricini) from southern Ttirktye, with a remarkable morphology of the male palpal femur Rahsen S. Kaya‘, Alireza Zamani*, Ersen Aydin YaSmur?, Yuri M. Marusik** oF W NY PF Altai State University, Lenina Pr. 61, Barnaul, RF-656049, Russia https://zoobank. org/07CC7326-D124-47B8-9341-2BB7501AES86B Department of Biology, Faculty of Arts and Science, Bursa Uludag University, TR-16059, Bursa, Turkiye Zoological Museum, Biodiversity Unit, FI-20014 University of Turku, Turku, Finland Alasehir Vocational School, Manisa Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkiye Department of Zoology & Entomology, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein 9300, South Africa Corresponding author: Rahsen S. Kaya (rkaya@uludag.edu.tr; rahsens@gmail.com) Academic editor: Danilo Harms # Received 22 March 2023 # Accepted 16 May 2023 Published 25 May 2023 Abstract Anatextrix monstrabilis sp. nov. (Araneae: Agelenidae) is described and illustrated, based on male and female specimens collected from Adana Province, Turkiye. The new species has an L-shaped male palpal femur bearing multiple apophyses, which is a rare trait in spiders. Anatextrix monstrabilis sp. nov. is the second species of the recently described genus Anatextrix Kaya, Zamani, Ya&mur & Marusik, 2023, currently known only from southern Turkiye. Key Words Adana, Ageleninae, Anatolia, Aranei, Mediterranean Region Introduction The funnel-weaver spider family Agelenidae C.L. Koch, 1837 is one of the most diverse families of spiders, cur- rently comprising 93 genera and 1375 extant species in the subfamilies Ageleninae C.L. Koch, 1837 and Coelotinae F.O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1893 (Lehtinen 1967; WSC 2023). According to Lehtinen (1967), Ageleninae is sub- divided into four tribes, including Textricini Lehtinen, 1967 which comprises four genera and more than 30 spe- cies primarily distributed in the Mediterranean Region. Anatextrix Kaya, Zamani, YaSmur & Marusik, 2023 — the most recently described genus of Textricini — is cur- rently known only from southern Turkiye, a region with a high degree of endemism and a particularly high diversity of agelenids (Kaya et al. 2023). Anatextrix was described by Kaya et al. (2023), with A. spectabilis Kaya, Zamani, YaSmur & Marusik, 2023 (from Mersin and Adana provinces of Turkiye) as its type species. The genus 1s characterised by a strongly modified male palpal femur bearing several processes/outgrowths, palpal patellar apophysis and a cymbial prolateral fold in males, and a thin septum and a lack of fovea or scape in females. We recently found specimens of another species of this genus amongst the material collected in southern Turki- ye. The new species displays a remarkable morphology of the male palpal femur and represents the second spe- cies of Anatextrix. Copyright Kaya, R.S. et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 300 Materials and methods Specimens were collected using a hand aspirator and preserved in 70% ethanol. Photographs were taken by a Canon EOS 7D camera attached to an Olympus SZX16 stereomicroscope at the Zoological Museum of the University of Turku. Digital images were montaged us- ing Combine ZP and edited using CorelDraw graphic de- sign software programme. Illustrations of internal geni- talia were made after clearing and cleaning the epigyne ina 10% potassium hydroxide (KOH) aqueous solution, followed by a few minutes of treatment in Chlorazol Black. Lengths of leg segments were measured on the dorsal side and are listed as: total length (femur, patella, tibia, metatarsus, tarsus). All measurements are in mil- limetres (mm). Spination formula follows Bolzern et al. (2008, 2009). The following abbreviations are used in the text and figures: Eyes: ALE — anterior lateral eye, AME — anterior me- dian eye, PLE — posterior lateral eye, PME — posterior median eye. Spination: d— dorsal, Fe — femur, Mt — meta- tarsus, Pa — patella, pl — prolateral, rl — retrolateral, Ti — tibia, v — ventral. Male palp: Ca — anterior arm of conductor, Cf— cym- bial fold, Cp — posterior arm of conductor, Ct — ventral tip of conductor, Db — distal bulge, Dc — dorsal exten- sion of conductor, Eb — base of embolus, At — ventral keel, Pb — proximal bulge, Pt — prolateral apophysis, Rt — retrolateral apophysis, So — stump-like outgrowth, Sp — spine-like outgrowth, Va — ventral apophysis. Epigyne: Cd— copulatory duct, Fd — fertilisation duct, Oc — copulatory opening, Re — receptacle, Se — septum. The specimens are deposited tn the following collections: AZMM_ Alasehir Zoological Museum of Manisa Celal Bayar University, Turkiye (E.A. YaSmur); Zoological Museum of the University of Turku, Finland (V. Vahtera); Zoological Museum of the Bursa Uludag% University, Turkiye (R.S. Kaya). ZMUT ZMUU Results Taxonomy Family Agelenidae C.L. Koch, 1837 Subfamily Ageleninae C.L. Koch, 1837 Tribe Textricini Lehtinen, 1967 Genus Anatextrix Kaya, Zamani, Yasmur & Marusik, 2023 Type species. Anatextrix spectabilis Kaya, Zamani, Ya&Smur & Marusik, 2023 from southern Anatolia, by monotypy. zse.pensoft.net Kaya, R.S. et al.: A new species of Anatextrix from Turkiye Emended diagnosis. The genus differs from all oth- er genera of Textricini by having a strongly modified male palpal femur bent at the proximal or middle part with two digitiform outgrowths (So and Sp) and at least one proximal bulge (vs. not bent, with none or subdistal bulge), presence of the palpal prolateral tibial apophysis (Pt) and the cymbial baso-prolateral fold (Cf) (vs. lack- ing), straight mesal part of the embolic base (Eb) (vs. round) and a thin septum in the epigyne (vs. absent). Furthermore, the females of Anatextrix differ from those of 7extrix Sundevall, 1833 by having no epigynal fovea and scape (vs. present). From the females of the two other genera of Textricint — Maimuna Lehtinen, 1967 and Lycosoides Lucas, 1846 — the females of Anatex- trix differ by the anterior position of the receptacles (vs. mesal or posterior). Composition. Two species: A. spectabilis and A. mon- strabilis sp. nov. Distribution. Southern Tirktye (Fig. 7). Anatextrix monstrabilis sp. nov. https://zoobank.org/4EB359F3-3CFE-4016-BE35-97A91C6E8D85 Figs 1A, B, 2A-E, 3A-E, 4A-F, 5A-E Type material. Holotype ¢ (ZMUU), Turktve: Adana Province: Pozanti District, Ak¢atekir Village, 37°19'29"N, 34°46'33"E, 1336 m elev., 27.09.2018, hand collection (R.S. Kaya and E.A. YaSmur); Paratypes: 16:29 (ZMUT), same data as for the holotype; 2422 (AZMM), same data as for the holotype; 10¢'129 (ZMUU), same data as for the holotype. Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the Latin “monstrabilis”’, meaning “remarkable, excellent”. Diagnosis. The new species differs from the genero- type, A. spectabilis, by having the male palpal femur bent at a right angle at the mesal part (vs. slightly bent at distal part), having no distal bulge (vs. present), a less protrud- ing tip of the conductor (Cr) and a smaller dorsal exten- sion of the conductor (De) (cf. Fig. 2A, F). The female of the new species differs from that of A. spectabilis by having diverging copulatory ducts (Cd) (vs. parallel; cf. Fig. 5A, F). Description. Male (holotype). Habitus as in Fig. 1B. Total length 6.28. Carapace 3.17 long, 1.03 wide at pars ce- phalica, 2.18 wide at pars thoracica. Eye sizes: AME: 0.10, ALE: 0.14, PME: 0.20, PLE: 0.14. Carapace, sternum, labi- um and maxillae light brown; carapace with darker subme- dian bands. Chelicerae light reddish brown, with 3 pro- and 2 retromarginal teeth. Legs yellowish brown, with annula- tions. Abdomen dorsally dark greyish with lighter foliate pattern, light greyish ventrally. Spinnerets light greyish, darker basally. Measurements of legs: I: 7.04 (1.87, 0.88, 1.43, 1.74, 1.12), If: 7.06 (1.92, 0.89, 1.39, 1.78, 1.08), TIT: 7.09 (1.90, 0.85, 1.34, 1.90, 1.10), IV: 8.85 (2.25, 0.89, 1.78, 2.67, 1.26). Spination as shown in Table 1. Palp as in Figs 2A—-E, 3A—E, 4A—F; femur strongly modified, bent at right angle in mid-part, with proximal Zoosyst. Evol. 99 (2) 2023, 299-305 301 Figure 1. Female (A) and male (B) of Anatextrix monstrabilis sp. nov., dorsal view of the habitus. bulge (Pb) and two digitiform outgrowths (So and Sp); patella with ventral apophysis (Va); tibial about as long as wide, with small retrolateral apophysis extended retro- laterally (Rt) and ventral keel (K7); tip of conductor with three processes in lateral view (Fig. 2A, C). Female (paratype, ZMUT). Habitus as in Fig. 1A. Total length 6.33. Carapace 3.02 long, 1.01 wide at pars cephalica, 1.80 wide at pars thoracica. Eye siz- es: AME: 0.10, ALE: 0.13, PME: 0.21, PLE: 0.15. Colouration as in male. Measurements of legs: I: 6.00 (1.59, 0.76, 1.23, 1.49, 0.93), II: 5.89 (1.62, 0.80, 1.14, 1.44, 0.89), III: 6.15 (1.69, 0.79, 1.19, 1.52, 0.96), IV: 7.95 (2.07, 0.85, 1.68, 2.26, 1.09). Spination as shown ins able dv Epigyne as in Fig. SA—E; septum (Se) well distinct in posterior part; copulatory ducts (Cd) subparallel posteri- orly and diverging anteriorly; receptacles (Re) elongated, ca. 3 times longer than wide, located anteriorly. Table 1. Leg spination of Anatextrix monstrabilis sp. nov. The letter “p” indicates paired spines. Fe Pa Ti Mt d-pl-rl d-pl-rl = d-pl-rl-v pl-rl-v I 3 3-1-1 2-1-1 1-2-1-l+Ip 2-1-3p 2 3-1-1 2-1-1 1-2-1-l+Ip 21-3p I 3 3-1-1 2-1-1 1-2-0-2 2-1-3p 2 3-1-1 2-1-1 1-2-1-2+Ip 21-3p III 3 3-1-1 2-1-1 1-2-1-2 3-3-3p S 3-1-1 2-1-1 2-2-2-2+1p 3-3-3p IV 3 3-1-1 2-1-1 1-2-1-2+Ip 3-2-3p g 3-1-1 2-1-1 2-2-2-2+1p 3-3-3p Natural history. The type locality of the new species is located in the Eastern Taurus Mountain range. This species inhabits montane forests dominated by Taurus fir (Abies cilicica Carr.). All examined specimens were collected from their funnel-webs constructed under the rocks, crevices in the soil and trunks of fallen trees, in rocky areas along the forest (Fig. 6B). Distribution. Known only from the type locality in Adana Province, southern Tirktye (Fig. 7). Discussion This paper describes and illustrates a new species of Ana- textrix, representing the second species of this recent- ly-established genus, which is currently known only from southern Turkiye. It seems that the species of Anatextrix primarily occur in montane forests (Fig. 6A, B). Both currently-known species of this genus have been collected in closely-situated localities in the Taurus Moun- tains, a biodiversity hotspot that separates the Mediterranean coastal region from the central Anatolian Plateau (Noroozi et al. 2019). A higher diversity of Anatextrix is expected in this region, as mountain complexes, such as the Taurus, form barriers that contribute to the separation of populations and speciation (Ciplak 2003). Anatolian Agelenids demonstrate a very high degree of endemism: most species have restrict- ed, local distributions and occur at high altitudes in moun- tainous areas (Kaya et al. 2010). This pattern of distribution is an indication of the important role of topography in the faunal evolution in this region (Ciplak 2003). zse.pensoft.net 302 Kaya, R.S. et al.: A new species of Anatextrix from Turkiye 0.5 mm 0.5 mm Figure 2. Male palps of Anatextrix monstrabilis sp. nov. (A-E) and A. spectabilis (F, G). A, F. Full palp, retrolateral view; B, G. Same, prolateral view; C—E. Palp with femur detached, ventral, prolateral and anterior views. Scale bars: 0.2 mm, unless stated otherwise. Abbreviations: Ca — anterior arm of conductor, Cf— cymbial fold, Cp — posterior arm of conductor, Cr — ventral tip of conductor, Db — distal bulge, Dc — dorsal extension of conductor, Eb — base of embolus, Kt — ventral keel, Pb — proximal bulge, Pt — prolateral apophysis, Rt — retrolateral apophysis, So — stump-like outgrowth, Sp — spine-like outgrowth, Va — ventral apophysis. F and G are reproduced from Kaya et al. (2023). zse.pensoft.net Zoosyst. Evol. 99 (2) 2023, 299-305 308 Figure 3. Bulb of Anatextrix monstrabilis sp. nov. A, D. Ventral view; B. Retrolateral view; C. Proventral view; E. Prolateral view. Scale bars: 0.2 mm. Figure 4. Male palpal femur of Anatextrix monstrabilis sp. nov. A. Prolateral view; B. Retrolateral view; C. Ventral view; D. Ante- rior view; E. Dorsal view; F. Posterior view. Scale bars: 0.2 mm. zse.pensoft.net 304 Kaya, R.S. et al.: A new species of Anatextrix from Turkiye “n a See a : ~ Se Oc / an Se \ see oP, a é Figure 5. Epigynes of Anatextrix monstrabilis sp. nov. (A—E) and A. spectabilis (F, G). A, F. Intact epigyne, ventral view; B. Macerated epigyne, ventral view; C, D, G. Vulva, dorsal view; E. Same, dorsolateral view. Scale bars: 0.2 mm. Abbreviations: Cd — copulatory duct, Fd — fertilisation duct, Oc — copulatory opening, Re — receptacle, Se — septum. F and G are reproduced from Kaya et al. (2023). Figure 6. Habitats of species of Anatextrix in Pozanti district of Adana Province, Turkiye. A. Habitat of A. spectabilis in Armuto$lu; B. Habitat of A. monstrabilis sp. nov. in Akgatekir. zse.pensoft.net Zoosyst. Evol. 99 (2) 2023, 299-305 Figure 7. Distribution records of Anatextrix spectabilis (circles) and A. monstrabilis sp. nov. (square). The most interesting and remarkable characteristic of the new species described in this paper is the high- ly-modified male palpal femur, which is a relatively rare trait in spiders. Although the generotype of Anatextrix also displays a modified male palpal femur, the mor- phology of this segment is more remarkable in the new species (1.e., more distinctly L-shaped and bearing larger outgrowths). To the best of our knowledge, the combi- nation of these two characters is unknown in any other species of spiders. Generally speaking, male spiders use the apophyses on their palps or first pair of legs during copulation. Palpal apophyses (particularly the retrolateral tibial apophysis) are used to stabilise the palp on the epigyne (Huber 1995) or, in some cases, they are ‘locked’ into parts of the bulb, while apophyses of the legs are hooked to the chelicerae or appendages of the female to prevent her from attacking the male (Pérez-Miles and Perafan 2017). The morpholo- gy of these structures is often species-specific and widely believed to be shaped by sexual selection (Huber 1995). We believe that the mating behaviour of the species of Anatextrix should be an interesting case to study, as the large and numerous apophyses of the male palpal femur are likely to play a role in the copulation. References Bolzern A, Hanggi A, Burckhardt D (2008) Funnel web spiders from Sardinia: Taxonomical notes on some Tegenaria and Malthonica spp. (Araneae: Agelenidae). Revue Suisse de Zoologie 115: 759-778. https://doi.org/10.5962/bhl.part.80454 Bolzern A, Crespo L, Cardoso P (2009) Two new Tegenaria species (Araneae: Agelenidae) from Portugal. Zootaxa 2068(1): 47-58. https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.2068. 1.3 Ciplak B (2003) Distribution of Tettigoniinae (Orthoptera, Tettigo- niidae) bush-crickets in Turkey: The importance of the Anatolian Taurus Mountains in biodiversity and implications for conservation. 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