Zoosyst. Evol. 99 (1) 2023, 123-133 | DOI 10.3897/zse.99.97985 Ate BERLIN Two new Stenaelurillus species (Araneae, Salticidae, Aelurillina) from Western Ghats, India Puthoor Pattammal Sudhin', Souvik Sen‘, John T. D. Caleb 1 Zoological Survey of India, Prani Vigyan Bhawan, M-Block, New Alipore, Kolkata — 700053, West Bengal, India 2 Department of Anatomy, Saveetha Medical College & Hospital, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Chennai 602503, Tamil Nadu, India https://zoobank. org/C5B91980-5B33-442D-B4BE-B0D24DF5781F Corresponding author: Puthoor Pattammal Sudhin (sudhinpp@gmail.com) Academic editor: Danilo Harms # Received 24 November 2022 # Accepted 20 January 2023 @ Published 2 February 2023 Abstract Two new species — Stenaelurillus megamalai sp. nov. (@°) from the colorful group and Stenaelurillus neyyar sp. nov. (4°) from the black and white group — are described from the southern Western Ghats of India. Detailed morphological descriptions, illustra- tions, as well as the distribution maps are provided. New distributional data for three other species, Stenaelurillus albus Sebastian, Sankaran, Malamel & Joseph, 2015, S. arambagensis (Biswas & Biswas, 1992) and S. wandae Logunov, 2020 are also provided. Key Words Jumping spider, Kerala, species discovery, Tamil Nadu, taxonomy Introduction Stenaelurillus Simon, 1886, is a diverse genus within Sal- ticidae Blackwall, 1841, that includes 53 described species (World Spider Catalog 2023). The genus belongs to the subtribe Aelurillina of the tribe Aelurillini in the subfami- ly Salticinae (Maddison 2015). They are ground-dwelling, small to medium-sized, dark-colored, and hairy-bodied spiders (Wesolowska 2014; Logunov and Azarkina 2018), found in the Afrotropical, Madagascan, and Indo-Malayan regions of the world (Marathe et al. 2022). The genus has 14 species reported from India (Caleb and Sankaran 2023), sorted into two groups based on their distinctive coloration (Marathe et al. 2022). While examining the spiders collect- ed during the field surveys in the southern Western Ghats of India, two undescribed jumping spiders belonging to the genus Stenaelurillus were identified — one belonging to the black and white group of species and the other belonging to the colorful group, with colorful iridescent scales on their clypeus (Marathe et al. 2022). Here we describe these two as species new to science and provide data on their distribution based on specimens collected from India. Materials and methods A total of 136 salticid specimens (8064 and 5699) preserved in 70% ethanol were examined. Morpholog- ical examination and measurements were made with a Leica M205A stereomicroscope. The images were taken by means of a Leica DFC4500 digital camera attached to the Leica M205A stereomicroscope com- bined with the software package Leica Application Suite (LAS), version 4.1.2. Distribution maps were prepared by using the online mapping software Sim- pleMappr (Shorthouse 2010). All measurements are in millimeters (mm). Description of the length of palp and leg segments is as follows: total length [femur, patella, tibia, metatarsus (except palp), tarsus]. The terminolo- gy follows Logunov and Azarkina (2018) and leg seta- tion follows Bossellaers and Jocque (2000). The stud- ied specimens are deposited in the National Zoological Collections of Zoological Survey of India (NZC-ZSI), Kolkata, India. Abbreviations used in the text and figures: ALE = anterior lateral eye, AME = anterior median eye, Copyright Sudhin, P.P. et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 124 C=cymbium, CD = copulatory duct, CO = copulatory opening, do = dorsal, E = embolus, FD = fertilization duct, pl = prolateral, PLE = posterior lateral eye, PME = posterior median eye, plv = prolateral ventral, rl = retrolateral, RTA = retrolateral tibial apophysis, rlv = retrolateral ventral, v = ventral, VTA = ventral tibial apophysis, WLS = Wildlife Sanctuary. Results Family Salticidae Blackwall, 1841 Tribe Aelurillini Simon, 1901 Genus Stenaelurillus Simon, 1886 Type species. Stenaelurillus nigricaudus Simon, 1886; by subsequent designation by Simon (1903: 669). Stenaelurillus megamalai sp. nov. https://zoobank. org/3C022979-3865-4852-84 1F-476C7E37E247 Figs 1A-L, 2A-F, 3A-D, 7C Type material. Holotype 3. INp1A: Tamil Nadu, Theni District, Megamalai Wildlife Sanctuary, 09°38'34.1"N, 77°24'06.5"E, 871 m, O1.vii.2019, R. Venkitesan coll. (NZC-ZSI-7941/18). Paratypes: 12 9° & 25 3, same data as holotype, (NZC-ZSI-7942/18). Diagnosis. S. megamalai sp. nov. can be separated from other species of the colorful group by the following combination of characters: males with distinct three sub- equal white spots arranged in a transverse row on the abdomen (Fig. 1A); clypeus covered with grayish black hairs, medially with a tuft of pale white hairs (Fig. 1G, H); chelicerae covered with white hairs (Fig. 1G); palpal femur pale yellow, dorsal and prolateral sides with a bunch of white hairs (Fig. 2C, D); RTA ventro-basally with a short tooth-like outgrowth (Fig. 2B); cymbium with a bunch of erect white hairs prolateral (Fig. 2C, D),; prolateral margin of the salticid radix not rounded but with gentle prolaterally protrusion in ventral view (Fig. 2A); distal projection short and pointed (Figs 2B—D, 3B). The female with yellow spinnerets; epigyne with broad epigynal pocket and short, broad copulatory ducts (Figs 2E, 3C). Description. Male (Holotype, NZC-ZSI-7941/18) (Figs 1A—C, G—H, J-—K, 2A—D, 3A, B): Measurements: body length 4.76; carapace length 2.57, width 1.76; abdomen length 2.21, width 1.85. Ocular area length 1.01, width 1.35. Eye diameters: AME 0.37, ALE 0.24, PME 0.11, PLE 0.28. Eye interdistances: AME-AME 0.05, ALE-AME 0.09, ALE-ALE 0.96, ALE-PME 0.34, PLE-PLE 1.03, PME-PME 1.17, PME-—PLE 0.20. Clypeus height 0.25. Length of chelicera 0.51. Measurement of legs: leg 1 3.66 [1.26, 0.57, 0.86, 0.47, 0.50], If 3.27 [1.01, 0.51, 0.77, 0.52, 0.46], III 6.48 zse.pensoft.net Sudhin, P.P. et al.: On the Stenaelurillus species from India [2.15, 0.81, 1.43, 1.42, 0.67], IV 6.59 [1.96, 0.78, 1.36, 1.60, 0.89]. Leg formula: 4312. Leg setation: femur I, IV pl 2 rl 2 do 3, II-III pl 3 rl 2 do 3; patella I-II pl 1, III-IV pl 1 rl 1; tibial pl 2 plv 2 rlv 1, I pl 3 rl 1 plv3 rlv 1, UE pl 3rl3 dol plv2rlv 1,1V pl 3rl3 dol plv 3 rlv 1; metatarsus I pl 2 rl 1 plv 1 rlv 1, I pl 2 rl 2 do 1 plv 2 rlv 2, Hl pl 3 rl 3 plv 3 rlv 4, IV pl 3 rl 4 plv 2 rlv 1. Carapace yellowish-brown, with yellowish- white lateral sides, covered with brown setae, carapace margin with black lines, anterolateral sides densely covered with long dull white setae (Fig. 1A, C); eye field black, densely covered with dark brown bristles, anterior row of eyes encircled with white setae, a tuft of black erect setae present at anterior margin of PLEs, they appear as short horns in front view (Fig. 1A, C). Clypeus high, covered with greyish- black setae, medially with a tuft of white setae, either side of it with a tuft of black setae, and lateral sides with lustrous scales (Fig. 1G—H). Chelicerae short, yellow, dorso-laterally with long white setae (Fig. 1H), retromargin with one and promargin with two teeth. Fangs short. Endites light yellow with pale white inner tips. Labium light yellow. Sternum oval, light yellow, covered with short white setae (Fig. 1B). Leg segments pale yellow; femur I prolaterally and dorsally provided with fringe of white setae, the dorsal one prominent, ventrally with thick black setae (Fig. 1J); patella I and tibia I ventrally with black setae (Fig. 1J); femur II prolaterally and dorsally provided with fringe of white setae (Fig. 1K), the femur I prominent. Abdomen oval, covered with black setae, dorsum with an anterior transverse white line and mid-dorsal three black patches with three white spots (Fig. 1A); abdomen lateral edges fringed with black setae interspersed with patches of white setae; abdomen posterior end covered with grey white setae (Fig. 1A). Spinnerets light grey. Venter densely covered yellowish white setae, interspersed with few light brown setae (Fig. 1B). Palpal segments pale yellow covered with white and brown setae (Fig. 2C, D); femur dorsal and prolateral sides provided with bunch of long white setae, their length decreases towards the distal region, retrolateral side with light brown setae (Fig. 2C, D); patella proximo- retrolateral region with black markings; tibia distally with a stiff and long black dorsal setae (Fig. 2D); RTA simple, basally broad with a short tooth-like outgrowth, distally narrowing, with the tip slightly bent ventrally (Figs 2B, D, 3B); tibia with two ventral apophyses, VTA 1 broad, rounded, VTA 2 conical, projecting ventrally (Figs 2A, C, 3A); cymbium oval, densely covered with setae (Fig. 2B—D); functional tegulum with well-developed proximal projection (Figs 2A—D, 3A); tegulum with anterior transversal rim decorated with stiff bristles (Figs 2A, 3A); tegular process finger shaped, directed at 10 o’clock position in ventral view (Figs 2A, 3A); embolus short, with blunt tip directed at 11 o’clock position in ventral view (Figs 2A, 3A). Zoosyst: Evol. 99 (1) 2023, 123-133 25 Figure 1. Stenaelurillus megamalai sp. nov. A. Male, dorsal view; B. Same, ventral view; C. Same, lateral view; D. Female, dorsal view; E. Same, ventral view; F. Same, lateral view; G. Male, frontal view; H. Same, fronto-lateral view; I. Female, frontal view; J. Male, left leg I, prolateral view; K. Same, left leg II, prolateral view; L. female, left leg I, prolateral view. Scale bars: 1 mm (A-C, G, J); 2 mm (D-F, I); 0.5 mm (H, K-L). zse.pensoft.net 126 Sudhin, P.P. et al.: On the Stenaelurillus species from India Figure 2. Stenaelurillus megamalai sp. nov. A. Left male palp, ventral view; B. Same, retrolateral view; C. Same, prolatero-ventral view; D. Same, retrolateral view; E. Female epigyne, ventral view; F. Vulva, dorsal view. Scale bars: 0.5 mm (A—D); 0.2 mm (E-F). zse.pensoft.net Zoosyst. Evol. 99 (1) 2023, 123-133 127 Figure 3. Stenaelurillus megamalai sp. nov. A. Left male palp, ventral view; B. Same, retrolateral view; C. Female epigyne, ventral view; D. Vulva, dorsal view. Scale bars: 0.5 mm (A, B); 0.2 mm (C, D). Female (paratype) (Figs 1D-F, I, L, 2E-F, 3C—D): AME 0.08, ALE-AME 0.13, ALE-ALE 1.23, ALE-— Measurements: body length 7.68; carapace length 3.34, PME 0.36, PLE—PLE 1.49, PME—PME 1.65, PME—PLE width 2.26; abdomen length 4.05, width 3.26. Ocular area 0.26. Clypeus height 0.40. Length of chelicera 0.85. Mea- length 1.22, width 1.83. Eye diameters: AME 0.50, ALE — surement of palp and legs: palp 2.03 [0.65, 0.36, 0.37, 0.30, PME 0.12, PLE 0.27. Eye inter distances: AME- ___ 0.65], leg I 4.22 [1.50, 0.60, 0.91, 0.55, 0.66], II 4.30 zse.pensoft.net 128 [1.48, 0.70, 0.90, 0.64, 0.58], HI 7.08 [2.20, 0.78, 1.74, 1560550: 76)" TWF u2* [Dold 20.825 1 50,. 66.902) "iltes: formula: 4321. Leg setation: femur I, IV pl 2 rl 2 do 3, II pl 3 rl 3 do 3, III pl 3 rl 2 do 3; patella I-II pl 1, I-IV pl 1 rl 1; tibia I-II pl 2 plv 2 rlv 3, WI pl 2 rl 2 plv 2rlv 1, IV pl A rl 4 plv 2 rlv 1; metatarsus I-II pl 2 rl 2 plv 2 rlv 2, III pl 4rl 4 do 2 plv 2 rlv 2, IV pl 4 rl 4 plv 3 rlv 3. In all details as male, except the following: eye field covered with yel- lowish-brown bristles, anterior row of eyes encircled by yellowish-brown setae (Fig. 1D). Clypeus light yellow, covered with yellowish-brown setae (Fig. 11). Chelicer- ae slightly longer, yellowish-brown. Abdomen light yel- lowish brown, lightly covered with black and gray setae, dorsum medially with a triangular black patch, medially with a pair of white spots and a white spot further down, and laterally with two broad irregular black stripes ex- tending from middle to the posterior tip (Fig. 1D); ab- domen lateral sides with brown longitudinal stripes and few brown patches (Fig. 1F); venter pale white, scarcely covered with black setae (Fig. 1E). Epigyne with broad epigynal pocket located in between the copulatory open- ings (Figs 2E, 3C); copulatory openings large, located just above the posterior margin of the epigyne, separat- ed by a distance that is almost less than the diameter of each opening (Fig. 2E); copulatory ducts short, and broad (Figs 2E, 3C); spermathecae round, separated from each other (Figs 2F, 3D); fertilization ducts oriented antero- laterally, situated at anterior region of spermathecae (Figs 2F, 3D). Etymology. The species is named after the Megamalai Wildlife Sanctuary from where it was collected. The name is treated as a noun in apposition. Distribution. Known only from the type locality (Fig. 7C). Variation. Body length: Male: 3.70-5.00 (n=26),; female: 4.60—7.68 (n=12). Stenaelurillus neyyar sp. nov. https://zoobank. org/AF55521D-61BE-4002-9 ACC-62595C21D2C5 Figs 4A-H, 5A-E, 6A-D, 7C Type material. Holotype 3. INpia: Kerala, Thiru- vananthapuram District, Neyyar Wildlife Sanctuary, 8°32'03.9"N, 77°08'54.8"E, 118 m, 26.vi.2022, P. Girish Kumar coll. (NZC-ZSI-7943/18). Paratypes: same data as holotype, 692 & 83'¢ (NZC-ZSI-7944/18). Diagnosis. The male of S. neyyar sp. nov. is distinct from all other species by the thin embolus arising from 10 o’clock position, with the tip directed at 12 o’clock posi- tion in ventral view; RTA short and thick with obtuse dorsal margin, tip pointed directed apically in retrolateral view. The female epigyne with sclerotized W-shaped projections on the posterior margin; copulatory openings lie close to each other; spermathecae nearly oval (Figs 5B—E, 6A—D). Description. Male. (Holotype, NZC-ZSI-7943/18) (Figs 4A—C, G, 5A—-C, 6A, B): Measurements: body length 4.22; carapace length 2.12, width 1.54; abdomen length 1.94, width 1.41. Ocular area length 1.01, width zse.pensoft.net Sudhin, P.P. et al.: On the Stenaelurillus species from India 1.23. Eye diameters: AME 0.36, ALE 0.24, PME 0.07, PLE 0.21. Eye interdistances: AME—AME 0.05, ALE- AME 0.05, ALE-ALE 0.91, ALE—PME 0.35, PLE-PLE 1.01, PME—PME 1.10, PME-—PLE 0.16. Clypeus height 0.17. Length of chelicera 0.45. Measurement of legs: leg I 3.06 [1.03, 0.45, 0.70, 0.36, 0.52], If 3.11 [1.13, 0.44, 03635 /025240:39 [IAs 89sie5 92 10169)-0°9 FeAl 10531), IV 5.07 [1.38, 0.49, 1.01, 1.65, 0.54]. Leg formula: 4321. Leg setation: femur I, IV pl 2 rl 2 do 3, II pl 2 rl 3 do 3, II pl 3 rl 2 do 3; patella I-IV pl 1 rl 1; tibia I-II pl 2 plv 2 rlv 3, I-IV pl 3 rl 3 do 1 plv 2 rlv 1; metatarsus I-II pl 2 rl 2 plv 2 rlv 2, III-IV pl 4 rl 4 do 1 plv 2 rlv 2. Carapace pear-shaped, moderately high, densely covered with black setae, laterally with dense white setae forming a white band, and dorsally with a pair of white longitu- dinal bands extending from behind PLEs (Fig. 4A, C); eye field densely covered with black bristles (Fig. 4A). Clypeus high, light yellowish-brown with irregular dark brown patches, clothed with sparse white setae (Fig. 4G). Chelicerae short, vertical, dorsal region light yellowish- brown, covered with black setae (Fig. 4G), retromargin with one and promargin with two teeth. Fangs short, light brown. Endites yellowish brown with paler inner tips. Labium light brown with paler tip. Sternum oval, light yellow, lateral region with light brown lines, covered with elongated white erect setae (Fig. 4B). Legs: coxae and trochanters yellow; femora and tarsi pale yellow; patel- lae, tibiae, and metatarsi darker than other leg segments. Abdomen nearly oval, black, densely covered with black setae, anteriorly with inconspicuous transverse white band and posteriorly with three white spots, which to- gether form an inverted triangle (Fig. 4A). Lateral abdo- men dull yellow with a black longitudinal line and few black spots (Fig. 4C). Venter dull yellow, densely cov- ered with light yellow and few long black setae (Fig. 4B). Spinnerets brownish. Palpal segments pale yellow, the distal region of femur with prolateral black patch; femur distally with a short macrosetae and dorsally with sever- al long yellowish-white setae; patella and tibia with long black setae; RTA black, short and stout, with flat dorsal side, and tip sub-acute directed apically in retrolateral view (Figs 5C, 6B); VTA broad, with round end, direct- ed at 2 o’clock position in ventral view (Figs 5B, 6A); cymbium oval, densely covered with setae; tegulum with broad and rounded tegular process, almost reaches height of embolus, sperm duct visible in ventral view; function- al tegulum with well-developed and pointed proximal projection and without a distal projection (Figs 5B, 6A); embolus base wide, embolus thin and medium sized, in1- tially oriented retrolaterally, which is slightly bent medi- ally, with sub-acute tip directed at 12 o’clock position in ventral view (Figs 5B, 6A). Female (paratype) (Figs 4D-F, H, 5D, E, 6C, D): Measurements: body length 6.23; carapace length 2.65, width 1.85; abdomen length 3.25, width 2.75. Ocular area length 0.88, width 1.51. Eye diameters: AME 0.46, ALE 0.26, PME 0.11, PLE 0.25. Eye inter distances: AME- AME 0.06, ALE-AME 0.06, ALE—ALE 1.08, ALE—-PME 0.35, PLE-PLE 1.23, PME—-PME 1.38, PME-PLE 0.19. Zoosyst. Evol. 99 (1) 2023, 123-133 29 Figure 4. Stenaelurillus neyyar sp. nov. A. Male, dorsal view; B. Same, ventral view; C. Same, lateral view; D. Female dorsal view; E. Same, ventral view; F. Same, lateral view; G. Male, frontal view; H. Female, frontal view. Scale bars: 1 mm (A-H). Clypeus height 0.21. Length of chelicera 0.83. Measure- ment of palp and legs: palp 1.82 [0.62, 0.21, 0.31, 0.68], leg 13.57 [1.27, 0.62, 0.72, 0.41, 0.55], I 3.77 [1.40, 0.57, 0.73, 0.48, 0.59], III 6.06 [2.01, 0.80, 1.32, 1.21, 0.72], IV 6.11 [1.85, 0.74, 1.23, 1.54, 0.75]. Leg formula: 4321. Leg setation: femur I, IV pl 2 rl 2 do 3, II pl 2 rl 3 do 3, III pl 3 rl 2 do 3; patella I-II pl 1, WI-TV pl 1 rl 1; tibia I-II pl 2 plv 2 rlv 3, I pl 4113 plv2 rlv 1, TV pl 3rl3 dol plv 2rlv 1; metatarsus I-II pl 2 rl 2 plv 2 rlv 2, IN-IV pl 3 rl 3 do 2 plv 2 rlv 2. In all details as male, except the following: cara- pace lighter in color (Fig. 4D); chelicerae promargin with single tooth; abdomen pale-yellowish with several black zse.pensoft.net 130 Sudhin, P.P. et al.: On the Stenaelurillus species from India Figure 5. Stenaelurillus neyyar sp. nov. A. Left male palp, prolateral view; B. Same, ventral view; C. Same, retrolateral view; D. Female epigyne, ventral view; E. Vulva, dorsal view. Scale bars: 0.2 mm (A-C, E); 0.1 mm (D). markings (Fig. 4D); spinnerets yellowish-brown. Epigyne simple, covered with long setae, posterior border line with sclerotized W-shaped projections; copulatory opening large, round, lie close to each other, situated posterior re- gion of epigyne; copulatory ducts short, entering posteri- orly into spermathecae; spermathecae nearly oval, contig- uous; fertilization ducts long, oriented laterally, positioned at anterior region of spermathecae (Figs 5D, E, 6C, D). Etymology. The species is named after its type local- ity, Neyyar Wildlife Sanctuary. The name is treated as a noun in apposition. Distribution. Known only from the type locality (Fig. 7C). Variation. Body length: Male: 4.00 to 4.50 (n=9); female: 4.70 to 6.23 (n=6). zse.pensoft.net Stenaelurillus albus Sebastian, Sankaran, Malamel & Joseph, 2015 Stenaelurillus albus Sebastian et al. 2015: 65, figs 1A, B, 2A—G, 3A-C, TA, 8A-I, 9A-F. Material examined. INDIA: Karnataka: 14 (NZC- ZSI-7689/18), Mookambika WLS, — 13°49'40"N, 74°48'06"E, 18.xu1.2021, V. D. Hegde coll. Kerala: 1¢ (NZC-ZSI-7763/18), Neyyar WLS, 8°32'3.91"N, 77°9'0.92"E, 02.xii.2021, P Girish Kumar coll.; 1¢ (NZC-ZSI-7762/18), Shendurney WLS, 8°51'29.28"N, 77°13'3.15"E, 09.x1.2021, P. Girish Kumar coll. Distribution. India: Karnataka, Kerala (Prajapati et al. 2016, present data) (Fig. 7A). Zoosyst. Evol. 99 (1) 2023, 123-133 131 Fi has 4s ay Figure 6. Stenaelurillus neyyar sp. nov. A. Left male palp, ventral view; B. Same, retrolateral view; C. Female epigyne, ventral view; D. Vulva, dorsal view. Scale bars: 0.2 mm (A, B, D); 0.1 mm (C). zse.pensoft.net 32 © S. albus AS. gabrieli © S. jagannathae OS. lesserti | S. sarojinae S. tamravarni iS. neyyar S. wandae 70 es @S. indicus f ? S. megamalai i ’ Sudhin, P.P. et al.: On the Stenaelurillus species from India ft eel x S.marusiki V S. metallicus @ S. shwetamukhi @ S. vyaghri f OS. arambagensis ~ fh * 4 930 km | Figure 7. A—D. Collecting localities of all Stenaelurillus species in India. Stenaelurillus arambagensis (Biswas & Biswas, 1992) Marpissa arambagensis Biswas & Biswas, 1992: 390, figs 20-22. Stenaelurillus digitus Prajapati, Murthappa, Sankaran & Sebastian, 2016: 327, figs 1C, D, 6A—D, 7A-E, 8A-C, 9A-D. Stenaelurillus arambagensis Caleb et al., 2017: 120, figs 1-17; Logunov and Azarkina 2018: 20, figs 57-62. Material examined. INpia: Andhra _ Pradesh: 1299 & 1663 (NZC-ZSI-6904/18), 1029 & 1443 (NZC-ZSI-6920/18), Coringa WLS, 16°49'16.45"N, 82°17'5S3.59"E, 03.11.2019, R. Kumar coll. Bihar: 1g (NZC-ZSI-7754/18), Nalanda, 25°7'10.39"N, 85°27'17.85"E, 05.iv.2021, D. Mondal coll.; 24 (NZC- ZSI-7779/18), 14 (NZC-ZSI-7781/18), Kaimur WLS, 24°54'28.09"N, 83°31'52.90"E, 11.11.2022, D. Mondal coll. Karnataka: 529 & 4¢¢ (NZC-ZSI-7460/18), Mookambika WLS, 13°49'40"N, 74°48'06"E, 02.x11.2021, VD. Hegde coll.; 12 (NZC-ZSI-7478/18), Udupi, 13°20'24.91"N, 74°44'25.03"E, 31.xu1.2021, V.D. Heg- de coll. Puducherry: 19 (NZC-ZSI-7599/18), Bahour, 11°48'29.31"N, 79°44'46.16"E, 30.vii.2019; 29 9 (NZC- ZSI-7511/18), Karaikal, 10°55'35.23"N, 79°50'9.84"E, 08.xii.2021, D. Mondal coll.; 22 9 (NZC-ZSI-7560/18), zse.pensoft.net Mahe, 11°42'44.66"N, 75°32'1.37"E, 14.xii.2021, D. Mondal coll. Tamil Nadu: 3292 (NZC-ZSI-7604/18), Thiruvarur, 10°46'35.43"N, 79°39'19.66"E, 03.x111.2019. West Bengal: 12 (NZC-ZSI-6606/18), Palashbagan, 23°41'36.61"N, 86°59'5.47"E, 13.1v.2018, S. Pahari coll.; 12 (NZC-ZSI-7815/18), Susunia Hills, 23°23'37.48"N, 86° 58'47.55"E, 26.vil.2022, C. Bera coll. Distribution. India and Pakistan (Logunov and Azarkina 2018). India: Andhra Pradesh, Bihar (new lo- cality record), Gujarat, Karnataka (new locality record), Puducherry (new locality record), Tamil Nadu (new lo- cality record), West Bengal (Caleb et al. 2017; present data) (Fig. 7D). Stenaelurillus wandae Logunov, 2020 Stenaelurillus wandae Logunov, 2020: 210, figs 28-41. Material examined. INpia: Bihar: 463 (NZC- ZSI-7778/18), Kaimur WLS, 24°54'28.09"N, 83°31'52.90"E, 11.111.2022, D. Mondal coll. Distribution. India: Bihar (new locality record), Odisha (Logunov 2020; present data) (Fig. 7C). Zoosyst. Evol. 99 (1) 2023, 123-133 Discussion The salticid genus Stenaelurillus currently has three cen- ters of species diversity: western Africa, the south-eastern region of central Africa, and South Asia (Logunov and Azarkina 2018). The genus is relatively well studied in South Asia, with 18 valid species (Logunov 2020; World Spider Catalog 2023), 16 of which are known from India (including the species described here), three each from Pakistan and Sri Lanka, and one from Nepal. India has the highest Stenaelurillus species diversity ever described from any single country. A major portion of them (about 81%) were described in the past eight years (Caleb and Mathai 2014, 2016; Sebastian et al. 2015; Vidhel et al. 2015; Prajapati et al. 2016; Logunov 2020; Marathe et al. 2022). With much of the country remaining relatively unexplored many more species may be discovered with extensive systematic surveys (Sanap and Caleb 2022). Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to Dr Dhriti Banerjee, Director, Zoological Survey of India for the encouragement, mor- al support and providing necessary facilities to carry out the work. We are thankful for the support extended by the Officers-in-Charge of the Southern Regional Centre, Chennai and Western Ghat Regional Centre, Kozhiko- de, Zoological Survey of India. We also thank the Chief Conservator of Forest and Chief Wildlife Warden, Kerala and Tamil Nadu State Forest Departments for providing necessary permission and support during the surveys. Thanks to Chandan Bera for his curatorial assistance. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the editor Dr Danilo Harms (Germany) and the two reviewers, Dr Galina N. Azarkina (Russia) and Dr Tamas Sztits (Hungary), for their con- structive comments and suggestions on the manuscript. 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