Zoosyst. Evol. 98 (2) 2022, 181-199 | DOI 10.3897/zse.98.85212 Ate BERLIN Taxonomy of the genus Cyrtogrammomma Pocock, 1895 (Araneae, Mygalomorphae, Theraphosidae) with a description of a new species from Brazil Hector Manuel Osorio Gonzalez-Filho!, Rafael Fonseca-Ferreira!, Antonio Domingos Brescovit’, José Paulo Leite Guadanucci! 1 Departamento de Biodiversidade, Instituto de Biociéncias, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Rio Claro, SP 13506-900, Brazil 2 Laboratorio de Colecées Zooldgicas, Instituto Butantan, Sado Paulo, SP05503-900, Brazil http://zoobank.org/1790A4DC-AC 16-48 72-82 1A-F D3F631209F F Corresponding author: Hector Manuel Osorio Gonzalez-Filho (gonzalezfilho@yahoo.com.br) Academic editor: Danilo Harms # Received 12 April 2022 # Accepted 2 June 2022 Published 17 June 2022 Abstract The genus Cyrtogrammomma Pocock, 1895 was proposed based on specimen samples from Monte Roraima, Guyana, and allocated in the family Barychelidae. However, the most recent cladistic analysis transferred Cyrtogrammomma to Theraphosidae. Herein, we amended the diagnosis and description of C. monticola, providing a redescription of the male, and new illustrations, including the description of a new cuticular structure consisting of thick and stiff setae on dorsal metatarsi I and II of females. Moreover, we diag- nose, describe and illustrate a new species of Cyrtogrammomma from northeastern Brazil: C. frevo sp. nov. In addition, we provide an identification key, new distribution records of the genus in the states of Alagoas, Bahia, Para, and Pernambuco, in Brazil, and the first record for the genus in caves. Key Words Atlantic Forest, Barychelidae, first record, Trichopelma Simon, 1888 Introduction The genus Cyrtogrammomma consists of small theraphosids (12-14 mm) with an overall dark brown coloration, which build and live in silk-lined burrows in the soil, closed with a camouflaged operculum, which functions as a trapdoor. Originally, the monotypic genus Cyrtogrammomma was proposed based on a single female from Monte Roraima, Guyana (Pocock 1895). Years later, Pocock (1900), based on additional adult specimens of both sexes from the same locality of the holotype, described the male of C. monticola Pocock, 1985 and allocated the genus in the Barychelidae. Raven (1985) included the genus in the subfamily Barychelinae, due to the eyes’ group shape (in three rows or the anterior lateral eyes on the carapace margin) and the apical segment of posterior lateral spinnerets in domed form, very short. Cyrtogrammomma currently comprises two species: C. monticola Pocock, 1985 and C. raveni Mori & Bertani, 2020, recorded only in Guyana, northern South America (World Spider Catalog 2022). The latest cladistic analysis, based on morphological characters and performed to understand the relationships of Theraphosidae, Barychelidae, and Paratropididae, supported the transfer of Cyrtogrammomma from Bary- chelidae to Theraphosidae (Mori and Bertani 2020). This analysis showed that Cyrtogrammomma is a monophylet- ic genus, sister group of Trichopelma Simon, 1888, well supported by the low number of maxillary and labial cus- pules, anterior eyes row strongly procurved, leg I of the male with scopula on tarsus and part of metatarsus and tibial spur absent on males (Mori and Bertani 2020). After the examination of the mygalomorph spiders from several collections, we redescribed Cyrtogrammomma monticola with new illustrations and the description of a Copyright Gonzalez-Filho, H.M.O. et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestrict- ed use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 182 Gonzalez-Filho, H.M.O. et al.: Taxonomy of Cyrtogrammomma, new species and redescription new cuticular structure and included the first record in a cave and notes on natural history for the genus. Addition- ally, we described a new species of Cyrtogrammomma from northeastern Brazil. Furthermore, an identification key and an updated map for the distribution of the species of the genus are presented. Materials and methods Taxonomic descriptions Descriptions of the specimens were made under a Leica MZ6 stereo microscope. All measurements are in milli- meters. Total body length includes carapace and abdomen without chelicerae and spinnerets. Length and width of carapace, eye tubercle, labium and sternum are the max- imum values obtained. The length measurements of leg segments were obtained between joints in dorsal view. Terminology for number and disposition of spines fol- lows Petrunkevitch (1925), with the modifications pro- posed by Bertani (2001). Digital multifocal photos were taken with a Leica DFC500 digital camera attached to a Leica MZ16A ste- reoscopic microscope. Extended focal range images were composed with Leica Application Suite version 2.5.0. The specimens were prepared for scanning electronic mi- croscopy (SEM) following Galleti-Lima and Guadanucci (2019). SEM photos were taken in the Scanning Electron Microscope FEI Quanta 250 SEM at the Laboratorio de Biologia Celular of the Instituto Butantan. The spermathecae were dissected and submitted to digestion of the non-chitinous tissue by Ultrazyme En- zymatic Cleaner for 24hrs, with a tablet diluted in 5 mL of distilled water. The internal structure was illustrated in a dorsal view. Male palpal bulb was removed from the cymbium and illustrated. Geographic coordinates were obtained through infor- mation on the collections’ original labels. For specimens collected in caves, coordinates were recorded near the main cave entrance using the Garmin GPSmap 60CSx. Localities from museum samples without coordinates, were georeferenced to the geographic center of the given locality using Google Maps. The geographic distribution of the species was mapped using the software ArcGIS 10.3 Desktop software (Esri 2007). Institutional abbreviations (curators in parentheses) CAD Colecéo Aracnologica Diamantina, Sao Paulo, Brazil (J.P.L. Guadanucci); IBSP Instituto Butantan, Sao Paulo, Brazil (A.D. Brescovit); MPEG Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi, Para, Brazil. (A.B. Bonaldo); NHM_ Natural History Museum, London, England (J. Beccaloni). zse.pensoft.net Morphological abbreviations The following abbreviations are used in the text and fig- ures: ap, apical; AME, anterior median eyes; ALE, ante- rior lateral eyes; d, dorsal; IRC, inferior reduced claw; p, prolateral; PC, preening combs; PL, prolateral lobe; PLE, posterior lateral eyes; PLS, posterior lateral spin- nerets; PME, posterior median eyes; PMS, posterior median spinnerets; r, retrolateral; RL, retrolateral lobe; STC, superior tarsal claws; v, ventral. Results Taxonomy Araneae Clerck, 1757 Theraphosidae Thorell, 1869 Genus Cyrtogrammomma Pocock, 1895 Cyrtogrammomma Pocock, 1895: 139. Cyrtogrammomma — Simon, 1895: 1066; 1903: 912, 913. — Mel- lo-Leit&éo 1923: 355. — Petrunkevitch 1928: 73. — Roewer 1942: 214. — Bonnet 1956: 1354. — Raven 1985: 111, 114. — Mori and Bertani 2020: 124-127. Type species. Cyrtogrammomma monticola Pocock, 1895, by monotypy. Diagnosis. Cyrtogrammomma can be distinguished by the short distal article of the PLS; anterior eye row strongly procurved with the anterior lateral eyes on the carapace margin; lack of tibial apophysis and cymbium elongated on males and few cupules on labium (3-15 cupules). Cyrtogrammomma resembles Trichopelma by short distal article of the PLS, male palpal bulb with pyr- iform aspect, and female spermatheca with two bilobed receptacles. The genus differs from Trichopelma by the absence of booklung combs, lack of tibial apophysis, and male cymbium lobes strongly pronounced, retrolateral lobe slightly longer than the prolateral lobe. Description. See Mori and Bertani 2020. Included species. Cyrtogrammomma monticola Poco- ck, 1895; C. raveni Mori & Bertani, 2020; C. frevo sp. nov. Distribution. Brazil: states of Alagoas, Bahia, Para, Pernambuco; Guyana: Kamakusa; Monte Roraima. Cyrtogrammomma monticola Pocock, 1895 Figs 1-9 Cyrtogrammomma monticola Pocock, 1895: 139. — Pocock 1990: 66. — Simon 1895: 1066; 1903: 912, 913. — Mello-Leitéo 1923: 355. — Petrunkevitch 1928: 73. — Roewer 1942: 214. — Bonnet 1956: 1354; — Raven 1985: 111, 114; — Mori and Bertani 2020: 125. Type-material. Holotype 2°. GUYANA: Cuyuni-Mazaruni, Monte Roraima (8500ft), 5°13'N, 60°44'W, J. J. Quelch leg., (BM1895.3.20.2), not examined. Zoosyst. Evol. 98 (2) 2022, 181-199 183 dorsal view; D. Labium and endites, ventral view; E-H Right cymbium; E. Dorsal view; F. Ventral view; G. Prolateral view; H. Ret- rolateral view. Abbreviations: PL = Prolateral lobe; RL = Retrolateral lobe. Scale bars: 2 mm (A, B); 1 mm (C, D); 0.5 mm (E-H). Additional material examined. Brazit: Para: 1439, Aveiro; Caverna Paraiso, 04°04'33.6"S, 55°27'32.4"W, 04-07.x.2020, R. Fonseca-Ferreira, R.L. Ferreira & M. Souza-Silva leg. (CAD 850 @, CAD851 9, CAD 852 9, IBSP 284610 2); 12; Rurdpolis; Caverna das Maos, 04°09'25.2"S, 55°04'19.2"W, R. Fonseca-Ferreira, R.L. Ferreira & M. Souza-Silva leg. (CAD 854); 19; Almei- tim: 30) were found, * Note: Male of C. raveni is unknown. Figure denoted “*fig.” refer to figures in Mori and Bertani (2020). zse.pensoft.net Zoosyst. Evol. 98 (2) 2022, 181-199 a Figure 14. Cyrtogrammomma frevo sp. nov., 2°, (IBSP 131715), SEM micrographies. A. Tarsus of the leg I, prolateral view. B. Book 197 / Va eT ae ee FSC SN of | lungs, ventral view; C. Chelicerae, ventral view. Scale bars: 400 nm (A); 300 nm (B); 500 nm (C). some more than 1 km from the cave entrance, an unusu- al fact for trapdoor spiders. The specimens were found inside the cave on ravines, where its burrow was closed by a hinged lid and camouflaged with sand and clay (Fig. 6A). The Maos Cave is inserted in the sandstone lithol- ogy (Maecuru Formation) and has a stream that runs throughout its interior. This cave has a wide entrance, and it develops up to about 1500 m, through a wide main gallery. A few Cyrtogrammomma burrows were found, scattered in ravines, mainly in the twilight zone of the cave. Currently, the state of Para has sixteen species of mygalomorph spiders known for their caves (Pedroso and Baptista 2014; Fonseca-Ferreira et al. 2017). Many groups of Mygalomorphae are diagnosed based on the possession of distinct setae on legs (Galleti-Lima and Guadanucci 2019). According to Ramirez (2014), a seta 1s a cuticular outgrowth articulated in a socket through an unsclerotized membrane. A small portion of leg cuticle may have many types of setae. Studies of cutic- ular features have received more attention over the years, where recent publications and unpublished surveys have yielded great diversity examined under SEM, which can reveal significant differences in well-known structures (e.g., stridulating setae, tufts, leg scopula, chemosensory setae (Guadanucci, Galleti-Lima and Indicatti 2020). In Ramirez (2014), different types of setae were differenti- zse.pensoft.net 198 Gonzalez-Filho, H.M.O. et al.: Taxonomy of Cyrtogrammomma, new species and redescription New records £, Cyrlogrammomma monticola BS Cyttogrammomma raveni e Cyrtogrammomma frevo sp. nov. Be ated based on morphology, function and position. Tac- tile hairs, which are referred to simply as “‘hairs’’, are the most frequent and widespread kind of setae, and are structures with a curved shaft so that the tip is inclined to- ward the cuticle, and usually have barbs along its length. Through detailed examination of females of C. monticola collected in Para, Brazil, we recognized on metatarsi I-II a unique tactile seta (designated here as matchstick setae) on the dorso-prolateral distal portion (Figs 7-9). The matchstick seta is thick and stiff, with globose tip, and the surface covered with many thin barbs (Fig. 9C, D). The socket is elevated and matches those of other tactical hairs (Fig. 9B). In general, the tactile hairs are on the dorsal side of legs; they are long and some are upright, however their apexes are tapered (Fig. 8). It is very interesting that this seta has only been observed in C. monticola, without any mention in other congeners or in other trapdoor spiders, and it seems to be an autapo- morphic character for this species. Considering the stiffness and the ultramorphology of the seta, its position and presence on anterior legs, and the stance of trapdoor spiders’ legs when foraging, with legs I and II touching the rim of the burrow entrance and slightly lifting the lid, we suspect, hypothetically, that the match- stick setae could have the same tactile function, probably related to the opening of the burrow (operculum) or any zse.pensoft.net vibration that could be transmitted to the spider. Depend- ing on the intensity of the vibration, it could indicate the approach of potential prey, the conspecific male or even a predator. Nonetheless, these hypotheses need to be tested with empirical observations. Acknowledgements The authors thank Janet Beccaloni (NHM) for loaning the type material of C. monticola. HMOGF thanks D1- dier Van den Spiegel and Arnaud Henrard for access to the laboratory in the Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren, Belgium. Also, to Vivian M. Montemor and Arthur Galleti-Lima for enriching discussions in this paper. RFF thanks Leda Zogbi for the invitation to visit the caves of Para and Rodrigo Lopes Ferreira for issu- ing the license to collect in the caves (Sisbio 76021-1). We also thank Beatriz Mauricio from the Laboratorio de Biologia Celular of the Instituto Butantan and Ant6énio Yabuki from Laboratorio de Microscopia Eletrénica of the Instituto de Biociéncias da Universidade Estadual Paulista “Julio de Mesquista Filho”, Rio Claro, Sao Pau- lo for helping with SEM images. This study was funded by the Fundacéo de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP 2015/03079-2 and 2016/03772-2 to Zoosyst. Evol. 98 (2) 2022, 181-199 HMOGF) (FAPESP 2017/11985-9 to JPLG), (FAPESP 2018/02842-2 to RFF); Coordenacéo de Aperfeicoa- mento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior — Brasil (CAPES to HMOGF); Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimen- to Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq 479377/2012-0 to JPLG) (CNPq 303903/2019-8 to ADB). 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