Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (2) 2021, 341-348 | DOI 10.3897/dez.68.74174 > PENSUFT. yee BERLIN New species of Omma Newman from mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber (Coleoptera, Archostemata, Ommatidae) Yan-Da Li!, Di- Ying Huang!, Chen-Yang Cai! 1 State Key Laboratory of Palaeobiology and Stratigraphy, Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology, and Centre for Excellence in Life and Paleoenvironment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008, China 2 School of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, Life Sciences Building, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1TQ, UK http://zoobank. org/F'535A41F-8DC2-420D-8 1B0-94EBEE461B30 Corresponding author: Chen-Yang Cai (cycai@nigpas.ac.cn) Academic editor: Sonja Wedmann @ Received 8 September 2021 Accepted 18 November 2021 @ Published 30 November 2021 Abstract A new fossil species of the extant archostematan genus Omma Newman, O. forte sp. nov., is reported from mid-Cretaceous amber from northern Myanmar. The extinct ommatid genus, Cionocups Kirejtshuk from the same deposit, is considered as a junior synonym of Omma, and C. manukyani 1s transferred to Omma, as O. manukyani comb. nov. A key to species of Omma from Burmese amber is also provided. Key Words Archostemata, Burmese amber, Cretaceous, Omma, Ommatidae Introduction Ommatidae is a small family in the beetle suborder Archostemata (Hoérnschemeyer and Beutel 2016). In a recent phylotranscriptomic study, this family has been recovered as the sister group of Micromalthidae, rather than the — superficially similar-looking Cupedidae (McKenna et al. 2019), so it cannot be included in Cupedidae as a subfamily (for alternative interpretations, see Kirejtshuk 2021). Traditionally, two extant genera were recognized in Ommatidae, i.e., Omma Newman from Australia and TJetraphalerus Waterhouse from South America (Lawrence 1999). Recently, the comparatively diverse genus Omma was split into Omma sensu stricto and Beutelius Escalona et al. (Escalona et al. 2020), partly based on the cladistic analysis in Hornschemeyer (2009). Omma has relatively short maxillary and labial palps, and the gulamentum is not depressed, while Beutelius has longer maxillary and labial palps, and the gulamentum is depressed anteriorly. The fossil record of Omma is relatively abundant (as list- ed by Kirejtshuk 2020). The earliest putative Omma fossils date back to the Late Triassic (Crowson 1962; Fig. 1). Juras- sic and Cretaceous Omma fossils have been reported from numerous localities across the continents of Europe and Asia (e.g., Ponomarenko 1966, 1969; Tan et al. 2012; Cai and Huang 2017). Recently, well-preserved Omma fossils have also been reported from the mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber. Based on our observation, Omma represents a rela- tively common genus in Burmese amber (compared with other ommatid genera). To date, three Omma species have been established based on fossil material from Burmese am- ber (Jarzembowski et al. 2017, 2020; Kirejtshuk 2020). In this study, we describe a new species of Omma in mid-Cretaceous Burmese amber. The placement of some other previously published Omma and Omma-related fos- sils are also reviewed based on our new observations. Copyright Yan-Da Li et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 342 S eet Boies ie oe “y e3 Bs. oe Bing hem nie S x. ee SHS © Yan-Da Li et al.: Omma from Burmese amber aS a EP ba Figure 1. General habitus of Omma liassicum Crowson deposited at British Museum of Natural History, under incident light. A. Holo- type, 1.11095a; B. Holotype, I.11095b; C. Paratype, I.11070a; D. Paratype, I.11070b; The body length is about 15 mm in both specimens. Materials and methods The Burmese amber specimens studied herein (Figs 2-6) originated from amber mines near Nowe Bum (26°20'N, 96°36'E), Hukawng Valley, Kachin State, northern Myanmar. The specimens are deposited in the Nanjing Institute of Ge- ology and Palaeontology (NIGP), Chinese Academy of Sci- ences, Nanjing, China. The amber pieces were trimmed with a small table saw, ground with emery paper of different grit sizes, and finally, polished with polishing powder. Photographs under incident light were mainly taken with a Zeiss Discovery V20 stereo microscope. Wide- field fluorescence images were mainly captured with a Zeiss Axio Imager 2 light microscope combined with a fluorescence imaging system. Confocal images were ob- tained with a Zeiss LSM710 confocal laser scanning mi- croscope, using the 488 nm Argon laser excitation line (Fu et al. 2021). Images under incident light and wide- field fluorescence were stacked in Helicon Focus 7.0.2 or Zerene Stacker 1.04. Confocal images were stacked with Helicon Focus 7.0.2 and Adobe Photoshop CC. Im- ages were further processed in Adobe Photoshop CC to enhance contrast. Systematic palaeontology Order Coleoptera Linnaeus, 1758 Suborder Archostemata Kolbe, 1908 Family Ommatidae Sharp & Muir, 1912 Genus Omma Newman, 1839 (= Cionocups Kirejtshuk, 2020 syn. nov.) Type species. Omma stanleyi Newman, 1839. Congeners in Burmese amber. Omma davidbatteni Jarzembowski et al., 2020, Omma forte Li & Cai sp. nov., Omma Iii Jarzembowski et al., 2016, Omma janetae Kire- jtshuk, 2020, and Omma manukyani (Kirejtshuk, 2020) comb. nov. Diagnosis. Head without prominent posterior protu- berances. Labrum with dentate anterior margin. Separate mentum absent. Anterior third of gulamentum not de- pressed. Pronotal disc with rounded lateral edges; dorsal surface without ridges or protuberances. Sternopleural suture absent. Prosternal process short. Punctured expla- nate elytral epipleura absent. CuA of hind wings forked; wedge cell present. Abdominal ventrites abutting. Key to Omma species in mid-Cretaceous amber from northern Myanmar 1 Margins of pronotal disc and elytra without distinct tooth-like tubercles................cccccecscceceeeceeeececeeeeseeesseeeseseeceseeaeeees 2 — Mareinsteis promotalsdisc andielyiraewith, tothe liKestubenCless. 01/2. ecsks sx i5 ceo wseeresccestamasgcees te aesc Masa den ocean ete cce eases 4 2 Body slender; mandibles comparatively elongate, projecting more anteriorly..... Omma davidbatteni Jarzembowski et al. - Body wider; mandibles curved more pronouncedly.......... dez.pensoft.net Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (2) 2021, 341-348 343 3 Pronotal disc with convex anterior margin; elytra with narrow subexplanate epipleura ............. Omma janetae Kirejtshuk _ Pronotal disc with relatively straight anterior margin; elytra with distinct subexplanate epipleura .............ccccceceee cece eeees ia i ch a aN SE A a A A Omma !ii Jarzembowski et al. 4 Body smaller; elytral window punctures in the second outermost row not distinctly transverse ............ccccceceec cence seen eeees 56 RST ce ees SAY 2 neta Race, emer AS Peale Capris Ne «cali ASR Ys RR ro pr corel a Ete Omma manukyani (Kirejtshuk) — Body larger; elytral window punctures in the second outermost row distinctly transverse... Omma forte Li & Cai, sp. nov. Omma forte Li & Cai, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/SECF739A-7BF6-4114-A95C-4B151973BFD1 Figures 2—4 Material examined. Holotype, NIGP176634. Etymology. The specific name is from the Latin ‘for- tis’, meaning strong, referring to the robust appearance of the species. Locality and horizon. Amber mine located near Noi- je Bum Village, Tanai Township, Myitkyina District, Kachin State, Myanmar; unnamed horizon, mid-Creta- ceous, Upper Albian to Lower Cenomanian. Description. Body comparatively wide, about 9.3 mm long and 3.8 mm wide, tuberculate, with thin setae and scales. Head (Fig. 3A, C) prognathous, seemingly wider than long. Neck region constricted, broad. Compound eyes comparatively large, protuberant. Antennal insertions lo- cated at anterior corners of head, separated by more than three diameters of antennomere 1. Subantennal grooves absent. Frontoclypeal suture absent. Labrum (Fig. 4A) transverse, with dentate anterior margin. Antenna (Fig. 3A) long, extending beyond base of prothorax when posterior- f F, ly directed, 11-segmented and filiform. Mandibles (Fig. 4B) tridentate with vertically aligned teeth. Maxillary and labial palps short, not reaching the level of the eyes when extending posteriorly (Figs 3C, 4C); apical maxillary and labial palpomeres probably expanded and securiform. Pronotal disc (Fig. 3B) widest in the anterior third, slight narrowing posteriorly; anterior corners rounded; lateral edges with distinct tooth-like tubercles (dentate) (Fig. 4D). Scutellar shield (Fig. 4E) subtrapozoidal, wider pos- teriorly. Elytra (Figs 2, 3E, F) with ten rows of window punctures; lateral edges with distinct tooth-like tubercles (dentate); surface with ribbed slender scales (Fig. 4G); punctures in the ninth row distinctly transverse; inter- space between eighth and ninth puncture rows thickened (Fig. 2). Metaventrite narrowed anteriorly; discrimen present; metakatepisternal suture well developed (Fig. 4H). Metacoxae (Fig. 4H) strongly transverse with subconical mesal projections, contiguous, extending lat- erally to meet elytra, with weak coxal plates. Hind wings (Fig. 3G, H) well developed. CuA forked; CuA, fused with MP,,; CuA,,, fused with CuP+AA,; wedge cell present. B | a at Figure 2. General habitus of Omma forte sp. nov., holotype, NIGP176634, under incident light. A. Dorsal view; B. Ventral view; Scale bars: 2 mm. dez.pensoft.net 344 ie Yan-Da Li et al.: Omma from Burmese amber , = mh ~ a . - . % “4.6 ee is | : | a | Figure 3. Details of Omma forte sp. nov., holotype, NIGP176634, under widefield fluorescence. A. Head, dorsal view; B. Prothorax, dorsal view; C. Head, ventral view; D. Hind leg, ventral view; E. Elytral base, dorsal view; F. Elytral apex, dorsal view; G. Hind wing, dorsal view; H. Hind wing, ventral view. Abbreviations: anl—3, antennomeres 1-3; el, elytron; ey, compound eye; md, man- dible; mtf, metafemur; mttb, metatibia; mttsl, metatarsomere 1; pc, procoxa; pf, profemur; pn, pronotum; wc, wedge cell. Scale bars: 500 um. Legs long and slender. Tibiae with at least one well-de- veloped spur. Tarsi long and slender; metatarsus especial- ly long; metatarsomere | about as long as metatibia (Fig. 3D). Pretarsal claws simple. Abdomen with five coplanar ventrites, separated by distinct grooves (Fig. 41). dez.pensoft.net Remarks. The new species can be confidently as- signed to Omma. The length of maxillary and labial palps is a key diagnostic character separating Beutelius from Omma (Escalona et al. 2020). Omma forte sp. nov. has short maxillary and labial palps, not reaching the level of the eyes, which is in accordance with Omma. The hind Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (2) 2021, 341-348 345 images labeled in Suppl. material 1. A. Mouthparts, posterodorsal view; B. Mouthparts, anterior view; C. Mouthparts, ventral view; D. Prothorax, dorsal view, showing the gradual change from rounded tubercles to teeth (arrowheads); E. Scutellum, dorsal view; F. Elytron, dorsal view; G. Scales, tubercles, and window punctures on elytron, dorsal view; H. Metacoxa, ventral view; I. Abdo- men, ventral view. Abbreviations: el, elytron; lb, labrum; lbp, labial palp; md, mandible; mtc, metacoxa; mxp, maxillary palp; pn, pronotum; sc, scutellum; v4,5, ventrites 4,5. Scale bars: 300 um. wing venation (especially the branching pattern of CuA) is another important character differentiating the two gen- era. In most beetle fossils preserved in amber, the hind wings are hidden by the elytra, and are thus not available for taxonomic purpose. Fortunately, the hind wings are partly exposed in the holotype of O. forte. In O. forte, the posterior branch of CuA (CuA,,) is fused with CuP+AA,, closing the wedge cell, and the anterior branch of CuA (CuA, ) is fused with MP, (Fig. 3G), which matches per- fectly with the venation of Omma stanleyi (fig. 64 in Es- calona et al. 2020; fig. 4B in Lawrence et al. 2021), while the CuA of Beutelius is unforked (figs 67—68 in Escalona et al. 2020) or with an incomplete anterior branch only (fig. 4A in Lawrence et al. 2021). Discussion Extant Omma stanleyi and Omma fossils from Burmese amber are characterized by the dentate anterior margin of labrum (Escalona et al. 2020; Figs 4A, 6C). Such a char- acter is not detected in any other ommatids in Burmese dez.pensoft.net 346 Yan-Da Li et al.: Omma from Burmese amber Figure 5. General habitus of Omma cf. manukyani, NIGP176635, under incident light. A. Dorsal view; B. Ventral view. Scale bars: 1.5 mm. amber we examined (though it would be hard to con- firm the state in other compression fossils). Thus, this character could possibly be an autapomorphy of Omma and the closely related Beutelius. The presence of scales (ribbed scale-like setae) has been suggested as a diag- nostic feature separating Beutelius from Omma (Escalo- na et al. 2020). In the newly discovered fossil O. forte, the setae on elytra are relatively slender, which is kind of similar to that of extant O. stanleyi. However, under confocal microscopy, the ribs could be clearly seen on the flat setae of O. forte (Fig. 4G), suggesting the interre- lationships among Omma and Omma-like species might be more complicated. Numerous Mesozoic fossils have been assigned to the genus Omma. Unfortunately, as noted by Escalona et al. (2020), some key diagnostic characters (e.g., anterior de- dez.pensoft.net pression in the gulamentum) are not easily available for many compression/impression fossils, making it hard to validate their generic attribution. Escalona et al. (2020), nevertheless, confirmed the placement of several fossil Omma species, including the Late Triassic O. liassicum Crowson. However, the key characters such as mouth- parts and gulamentum are not well-preserved in O. lias- sicum as well. Besides, in its holotype, the propleuron 1s likely to be separated from the prosternum by a distinct suture (Fig. 1B). As such, we think O. /iassicum cannot be confidently differentiated from Beutelius (and even some more distantly related genera, e.g., Bukhkalius Kirejtshuk & Jarzembowski; Li et al. 2021). Kirejtshuk (2020) created the genus Cionocups to accommodate a new species from Burmese amber, C7- onocups manukyani. He noted that Cionocups is similar Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (2) 2021, 341-348 347 E F pn H al Figure 6. Details of Omma cf. manukyani, NIGP176635, under widefield fluorescence (A, D, G) or confocal microscopy (B, C, E, F, H, D, with the relative positions of the confocal images labeled in Suppl. material 1. A—-C. Head, dorsal view (A, B) or ventral view (C); D-F. Prothorax, dorsal view (D, E) or ventral view (F); G—I. Elytra, dorsal view. Abbreviations: anl, antennomere 1; el, elytron; ey, compound eye; lb, labrum; lbp, labial palp; md, mandible; mxp, maxillary palp; pc, procoxa; pn, pronotum; ps, proster- num; v4,5, ventrites 4,5. Scale bars: 600 um (A, D, G); 300 um (B, C, E, F, H, I). to Cionocoleus, an extinct genus found in the Cretaceous of Eurasia. Cionocoleus shares a similar morphology with extant Omma, except for the lack of window punctures on the elytra (Tan et al. 2007). Cionocups, however, is clear- ly different from Cionocoleus in having clear window punctures on the elytra, though somewhat smaller than that of Omma. Thus, Cionocups is more similar to extant Omma, rather than Cionocoleus. Cionocups manukyani differs from extant O. stanleyi in antennae longer and with serration (teeth) along the lateral sides of pronotum and elytra (Kirejtshuk 2020). However, in some fossil Omma species, the antennae can also be elongated. For example, the antennae of O. /ii and O. forte also reach the elytral base when posteriorly directed (Fig. 2). Besides, our new- ly reported O. forte also possesses teeth along the sides of pronotum and elytra (Fig. 3B, E, F). Detailed observations under confocal microscopy suggest that the difference be- tween teeth and rounded tubercles is not always distinct, with a set of transitional states between the two extremes (Figs 4B, 6E). Therefore, we suggest that the character combination of C. manukyani is not unique enough for a separate genus. Here Cionocups is considered as a junior synonym of Omma and C. manukyani is transferred to the genus Omma, as Omma manukyani comb. nov. Data availability The original confocal data are available in the Zenodo repository (https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5693059). dez.pensoft.net 348 Acknowledgements We are grateful to Rong Huang for technical help in con- focal imaging. We also thank Thomas Hornschemeyer and André Nel for their valuable comments on an earli- er version of this paper. 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Copyright notice: This dataset is made available under the Open Database License (http://opendatacommons. org/licenses/odbl/1.0). The Open Database License (ODbL) is a license agreement intended to allow us- ers to freely share, modify, and use this Dataset while maintaining this same freedom for others, provided that the original source and author(s) are credited. Link: https://doi.org/10.3897/dez.68.74174.suppll