Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (2) 2021, 309-339 | DOI 10.3897/dez.68.70497 > PENSUFT. pg MuseuM TOR BERLIN Revision of Indian species of Phanuromyia Dodd, 1914 (Platygastroidea, Scelionidae) with descriptions of new species Kamalanathan Veenakumari!, Sreedevi Kolla!, Prashanth Mohanraj!, Farmanur Rahman Khan? 1 ICAR-National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources, P-B. No. 2491, Hebbal, Bengaluru 560024, India 2 Department of Biology, Deanship of Educational Services, Qassim University, Buraidah, Al Qassim, Saudi Arabia http://zoobank. org/68B74BEE-6CB5-4535-B5FE-9F 540AC7218B Corresponding author: Kamalanathan Veenakumari (veenapmraj@gmail.com) Academic editor: Zoltan Laszlo # Received 22 June 2021 # Accepted 11 November 2021 @ Published 30 November 2021 Abstract The species of the genus Phanuromyia Dodd, 1914, belonging to the subfamily Telenominae are egg parasitoids of planthoppers be- longing to the families Issidae, Flatidae, Fulgoridae and Ricantidae (Hemiptera: Fulguroidea). So far eleven species of Phanuromyia are known from India. Fifteen new species of Phanuromyia Dodd are described here: P. chalukya sp. nov., P. chera sp. nov., P. chola sp. nov., P. ganga sp. nov., P. hoysala sp. nov., P. kadamba sp. nov., P. kakatiya sp. nov., P. kanva sp. nov., P. nirvighna sp. nov., P. pallava sp. nov., P. pandya sp. nov., P. rashtrakuta sp. nov., P. satavahana sp. nov., P. tuluva sp. nov. and P. vakataka sp. nov. A key to females of all the Indian species of Phanuromyia 1s provided. Key Words Auchenorrhyncha, Hemiptera, egg parasitoids, Telenominae Introduction The genus Phanuromyia Dodd was described in 1914 with P. rufobasalis Dodd from southern Queensland, Australia as the type species based on a single female with an elon- gate extruded ovipositor. Dodd (1914) was of the opinion that the elongate extruded ovipositor with valves equal to the length of the metasoma is by itself a key character dis- tinguishing this genus from all other Telenominae. While studying the holotype, Johnson (1988) initially expressed misgivings about the status of the genus. Later Johnson and Musetti (2003) pointed out that the elongate oviposi- tor was not unique to Phanuromyia and redefined the ge- nus distinguishing it from other Telenominae based on a new set of character states — five transverse to quadrate clavomeres; malar sulcus extending perpendicularly to the basal confluence of the anterior and posterior margins of the eye; frons convex; gena bulging; lateral ocelli con- tiguous with orbits; sternaulus extending from apex of the acetabular pit to the mesopleural pit; T2 with microscu- Ipture; ovipositor frequently exserted. They further not- ed that the malar sulcus extending perpendicularly to the basal intersection of the anterior and posterior margins of the eye was a significant character distinguishing this genus from other Telenominae. With Mineo (2006) re- jecting the validity of the generic status of Phanuromyia, the question remained unsettled till Taekul et al (2014), in their molecular phylogenetic studies of Telenominae established the validity of its generic status. Addition- ally, they included all the species under the 7elenomus aradi group of Kozlov and Kononova (1983) as well as the 7. crassiclava group of Johnson (1984) in this genus. Twenty nine species of 7e/enomus from these two species groups of 7Jelenomus were shifted by them to Phanuro- myia. Their studies also indicated that Phanuromyia is the sister group of 7elenomus + Trissolcus along with other satellite genera. Taxonomic studies of Phanuromyia are very scanty. Worldwide sixty six species have been described in this genus. Of these, 26 species are Palearctic, 20 Neo- tropical, 3 Nearctic, 13 Oriental and 4 Australian. No Afrotropical species of Phanuromyia have so far been Copyright Kamalanathan Veenakumari etal. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. 310 described (Johnson 1992; Johnson and Musetti 2003; Veenakumari and Mohanraj 2014, 2019; Nesheim et al. 2017; Nam et al 2020; Ohio State University’s Mu- seum of Biological Diversity database 2021). In the Neotropics Phanuromyia is the most common genus of Telenominae and it is supposed to be more prevalent and diverse than 7e/enomus s.str. (Nesheim et al. 2017). Among the 13 Oriental species of Phanuromyia, one species each was described from Indonesiat+Malaysia (Johnson and Musetti 2003) and Vietnam (Nam et al. 2020) and the 11 remaining species from India (Veena- kumari and Mohanraj 2014, 2019). The recorded hosts of Phanuromyia are all planthop- pers belonging to the families Issidae, Flatidae, Fulgoridae and Ricaniidae (Auchenorrhyncha: Hemiptera) (Ogloblin 1930; Bin 1975; Pélov 1975; Johnson and Musseti 2003; Nesheim et al. 2017; Nam et al. 2020). Two species of Phanuromyia were also reared from the eggs of hoppers belonging to unidentified families of Hemiptera (Camer- on 1891; Veenakumari and Mohanraj 2014). This paper deals exclusively with the Indian fauna of Phanuromyia. In addition to the 11 species described earlier from India, the Indian fauna of Phanuromyia is expanded with the description of 15 new species in this paper. All the new species are illustrated and a key to the females of all Indian species of Phanuromyia is provided. Material and methods Terminology for morphology follows Masner (1976, 1980) and Miko et al. (2007, 2010); and for macro and microsculpture Harris (1979). All the specimens were collected using yellow pan traps (YPT), Malaise trap (MT), sweep nets (SN) and suction trap (ST). Specimens were mounted on card-point tips. The descriptions, measurements and imaging were carried out with a Leica M205A stereomicroscope, with 1x objective and Leica DFC-500 digital camera with LED ring light illuminator. The images were stacked using Leica Application Suite (LAS) software. All the mea- surements are taken as per Miko et al. (2010). Widths of all metasomal tergites were taken anteriorly and lengths medially. Abbreviations Al—A11 = Antennomeres 1—11 (A1=Scape, A2=Pedicel); L Length; WwW Width: H Height; OD Ocellar diameter; OOL Ocular ocellar line; POL Posterior ocellar line; LOL Lateral ocellar line; IOS Interorbital space; T1-T2 Méetasomaltergites 1-2. dez.pensoft.net Kamalanathan Veenakumari et al.: Phanuromyia of India The type specimens of all the new species of Phanuro- myia are deposited at the ICAR-National Bureau of Agri- cultural Insect Resources, Bengaluru, India. Results Phanuromyia Dodd, 1914 Phanuromyia Dodd, 1914: 121. Type species: Phanuromyia rufobasalis Dodd, by monotypy and original designation. Kieffer 1926: 16, 131 (description, keyed); Muesebeck and Walkley 1956: 384 (citation of type species); Masner 1976: 79 (taxonomic status); Johnson 1991: 211 (description); Johnson 1992: 564 (catalog of world species); Johnson and Musetti 2003: 139 (description, synonymy, list of in- cluded species); Taekul et al. 2014: 30 (diagnosis, phylogenetic re- lationships within Telenominae); Veenakumari and Mohanraj 2014: 135 (description, key to Indian species, distribution); Nesheim et al. 2017: 663 (description, key to Neotropical species); Veenakumari and Mohanraj 2019: 341 (description, key to Indian species, distri- bution); Nam et al. 2020: 109 (description). Issidotelenomus Pélov, 1975: 89.Type species: /ssidotelenomus obscu- ripes Pélov, by original designation. Kozlov and Kononova 1983: 137 Gunior synonym of Ze/enomus Haliday); Johnson and Musetti 2003: 140 Gunior synonym of Phanuromyia Dodd). Diagnosis. (modified from Johnson and Musetti (2003) and Nesheim et al (2017)). Generally robust species; colour varying from black to brown with metasoma xanthic in some species; eyes either glabrous or with very short setae; frons convex, smooth to highly sculptured; lateral ocelli generally contiguous with orbits, rarely away from orbit; hyperoccipital carina generally absent, indicated in some species; malar sulcus extending perpendicularly to the basal confluence of the anterior and posterior margins of the eye; prominent epis- ternal sulcus indicated by a row of foveae extending from dorsal apex of acetabular carina to mesopleural pit; in some smaller species the episternal sulcus may be weak- ly developed, indicated by a line; female antenna with five transverse to quadrate clavomeres; notauli absent; mesoscutellum generally smooth, rarely sculptured; T1 transverse, seldom with a medial horn; T2 generally with longitudinal costae and reticulations beyond basal fove- ae, smooth in some species; ovipositor frequently very long and exserted. Description of species Phanuromyia chalukya Veenakumari, sp. nov. http://zoobank. org/EA29F CE3-3 | DF-4C4E-B54B-794DE7B8AC6E Fig. [A-F Material examined. Holotype, female, (CAR/NBAIR/ P4240), INpIA: Karnataka: Bengaluru, Malleshwaram, Aranya Bhavan, Institute of Wood Science and Tech- nology (IWST), 13°01'03"N, 77°57'07"E, 942 m, MT, Dtsen. Entomol..2468:(2) 2021s 309-339 Sih > . we ~ ; | ee JS hbo Soh) at 4 bog J ’ f \ - PR Ta es eh be rie _ rr. * +4 yy * Se me i. . A\ MAR. cot anaant a ? \\ Figure 1. Phanuromyia chalukya sp. nov. (2). A. Habitus (dorsal view); B. Frons; C. Head and pleuron; D. Head and mesonotum; E. Antennae; F. Wings. 28.VII.2012. Paratypes: 4 females, (ICAR/NBAIR/ 28.VII.2012; 1 female, (ICAR/NBAIR/P4245), Karnata- P4241-4244), Karnataka: Bengaluru, Malleshwaram, ka: Bengaluru, Hebbal, Veterinary College, 13°02'08"N, Aranya Bhavan, Institute of Wood Science and Tech- 77°35'49"E, 906 m, YPT, 15.XI.2012; 2 females, (ICAR/ nology (IWST), 13°01'03"N, 77°57'07"E, 942 m, MT, NBAIR/P4246, P4248), Karnataka: Bengaluru, Hebbal, dez.pensoft.net 312 National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources (NBAIR), terrace of 3% floor, 13°01'38"N, 77°35'03"E, 927 m, YPT, 31.VHI.2015; 1 female, (CAR/NBAIR/ P4247), Tamil Nadu: Chidambaram, Annamalai Univer- sity, 11°23'30"N, 79°42'48"E, 7 m, MT, 03.VII.2016. Diagnosis. This species is close to P. andamanensis but differs from it in having an elongate Al and T2. T3- T6 are clearly visible with punctate sculpture. Description. Female body length=1.49—1.64 mm (n=9). Colour. Head and mesosoma black, metasoma black- brown; radicle and Al yellow-brown, A2—A7 brown with weak yellow patches, remaining antennomeres brown- black; procoxa black, femur black-brown, remainder of fore leg yellow; mid and hind leg entirely yellow with traces of brown towards base of mid coxa. Head. Head 1.3 as wide as high, 1.3 as high as long; IOS 0.5xhead width, 0.8x eye length; entire frons coria- ceous reticulate, except for a small smooth patch medial- ly; several transverse carinae are present on either side of imaginary central keel; central keel absent; vertex coria- ceous reticulate, sparsely setose; gena coriaceous retic- ulate, basally smooth; eye (L: W=20.2:18.2) large, with sparse, short setae; POL: LOL in ratio of 13.4:5.8;lateral ocelli contiguous with orbits; hyperoccipital carina ab- sent; occiput coriaceous reticulate; Al 5x as long as wide; Al 3.4 as long as A2. Mesosoma. Mesoscutum (L: W=23.1:32.0) convex, coriaceous reticulate, setose; mesoscutal humeral sulcus foveate; mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus foveate;lateral pronotal area dorsally tuberculate, remainder obliquely carinate; additional two vertical carinae present postero- dorsally; epomial carina present; pronotal suprahumeral sulcus weakly foveate, setose; netrion sulcus entirely fo- veate; subacropleural sulcus not foveate; prespecular sul- cus indicated with four wide foveae; mesopleural pit dis- tinct; speculum with transverse carinae; episternal sulcus foveate; postacetabular sulcus not foveate; femoral de- pression smooth to weakly reticulate; ventral mesopleu- ron smooth with an anterior reticulate patch; mesepimeral sulcus foveate; mesepimeral area smooth, narrower than width of mesepimeral sulcus; metapleural sulcus foveate; paracoxal sulcus foveate; dorsal metapleural area smooth; ventral metapleuron transversely carinate; metapleural epicoxal sulcus with uneven depressions; scutoscutellar sulcus foveate laterally; mesoscutellum semicircular (L: W=8.3:23.3), smooth; posterior mesoscutellar sulcus fo- veate; metascutellum anteriorly foveate, remainder weak- ly tuberculate; metanotal trough foveate; lateral propo- deal area smooth to weakly tuberculate, with foveae on inner margin; entire lateral propodeal carina visible pos- terior to metascutellum when viewed dorsally; fore wing (L: W=84.6:28.6) and hind wing (L: W=76.6:12.2) hya- line with dense microtrichia; ratio of length of marginalis: stigmalis: postmarginalis 10.1:14.8:30.0, respectively. Metasoma. (L: W=74.9:26.5); T1 with basal foveae followed by a narrow smooth patch posterior to which a median band of longitudinal foveae present; T1 posteri- orly and laterally smooth; T2 with basal foveae followed by longitudinal costae; remaining tergites finely punctate; dez.pensoft.net Kamalanathan Veenakumari et al.: Phanuromyia of India posterior margin of T2 straight; Tl with two lateral and one sublateral setae; T2 3.8x the length of T1. Male. Not known. Etymology. The species is named after the Chalukya dynasty that ruled between the 6" and the 12" centuries CE, and in their heyday ruled most of peninsular India. The name is treated as a noun in apposition. Phanuromyia chera Veenakumari, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/OC2F09A8-2F64-48DC-ACB9-89D 1EC5C3303 Fig. 2A-F Material examined. Holotype, female, ICAR/NBAIR/ P4256), INDIA: Karnataka: Bengaluru, Hebbal, NBAIR, tetracexof 3° floor, 13°O138"N, 47°35'03" ER. 927m, YPT, 14.VHI.2015. Paratype: 1 female, (CAR/NBAIR/ P4257), Karnataka: Mudigere, College of Horticulture, arecanut fields, 13°06'54"N, 75°37'57"E, 976 m, MT, 02.X.2015. Diagnosis. This species can be easily identified with the narrow and elongate metasoma and T2, the latter with longitudinal striae extending 3/4 length of tergite. Description. Female body length=1.05—1.25 mm (n=2). Colour. Head and mesosoma black; metasoma black- brown; radicle yellow, Al—A4 brown with weak yellow patches, A5B—A7 yellow-brown, remaining antennomeres black-brown; procoxa black-brown, meso- and meta- coxae yellow; remainder of legs yellow-brown. Head. Head 1.3x as wide as high, 1.3< as high as long; IOS 0.5x head width, 0.8 eye length; frons dor- sally weakly reticulate, medially smooth, transversely carinate above toruli, remainder coriaceous reticulate; central keel absent; vertex coriaceous reticulate; gena coriaceous reticulate except for smooth basal patch; eye (L: W=16.7:15.0) large, with short setae; POL: LOL in ratio of 10.4:4.5; lateral ocelli contiguous with orbits; a blunt hyperoccipital carina indicated; occiput coriaceous reticulate with elongate setae; Al 3.6x as long as wide; Al 2.7x as long as A2. Mesosoma. Mesoscutum (L: W=19.7:25.7) convex, coriaceous reticulate, setose; mesoscutal humeral sul- cus foveate; mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus not fo- veate; lateral pronotal area dorsally weakly coriaceous reticulate, remainder obliquely striate; epomial carina present; pronotal suprahumeral sulcus not foveate; ne- trion sulcus entirely foveate; subacropleural sulcus not foveate; prespecular sulcus with four foveae; mesopleu- ral pit distinct with several carinae radiating ventrally; speculum with transverse carinae; episternal sulcus not foveate; postacetabular sulcus weakly foveate; femoral depression smooth; ventral mesopleuron smooth with anterior coriaceous reticulate patch; mesepimeral sul- cus foveate; mesepimeral area smooth, narrower than width of mesepimeral sulcus; metapleural sulcus fove- ate; paracoxal sulcus indicated; dorsal metapleural area smooth; ventral metapleuron smooth with sparse, blunt oblique carinae; metapleural epicoxal sulcus indicated with depressions; scutoscutellar sulcus wide, foveate Dtseh. Entomol..2968:(2) 2021s 309-339 Sours Figure 2. Phanuromyia chera sp. nov. (2). A. Habitus (dorsal view); B. Frons; C. Head and pleuron; D. Head and mesonotum; E. Antenna; F. Wings. laterally; mesoscutellum semicircular (L: W=6.4:20.0), smooth; posterior mesoscutellar sulcus foveate; metas- cutellum foveate on anterior margin, remainder smooth; metanotal trough foveate; lateral propodeal area smooth with foveae on inner margin; entire lateral propodeal carina visible posterior to metascutellum when viewed dorsally; fore wing (L: W=70.3:24.3) and hind wing (L: W=64.9:9.6) hyaline with dense microtrichia; ra- tio of length of marginalis: stigmalis: postmarginalis 6.6 rl 2 S5ely mespectively: dez.pensoft.net 314 Metasoma. (L: W=55.3:23.8); T1 with longitudinal fo- veae, laterally and posteriorly smooth; T2 with elongate basal foveae, followed by longitudinal striae, extending 0.8x length of tergite; remaining tergites smooth; posteri- or margin of T2 slightly convex; T1 with two lateral and a sublateral setae; T2 4.2 the length of T1. Male. Not known. Etymology. The species is named after the ancient Chera kingdom located on the Malabar coast in southwest India. The name is treated as a noun in apposition. Phanuromyia chola Veenakumari, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/C11B7D19-11C0-4110-AE7D-49D78BAE97AB Fig. 3A-F Material examined. Holotype, female, (ICAR/NBAIR/ P4318), Inpia: Tamil Nadu: Lower Pulney Hills, Thadiyankudisai, HRS (orange orchard) 10°17'58"N, 77°42'42"E, 990 m, YPT, 27.X1.2016.Paratypes: 2 fe- males, (CAR/NBAIR/P4319), Tamil Nadu: Dindugul, Thandikudi, RCRS (pepper plantation), 10°18'34"N, 77°38'34"E, 1305 m, YPT, 29.XI.2016;3 females, (ICAR/ NBAIR/P4320—P4322), Tamil Nadu: Dindugul, Thandi- kudi, RCRS (coffee plantation), 10°18'34"N, 77°38'34"E, 1305 m, YPT, 29.X1.2016. Diagnosis. This species is unique in having longitudi- nal carinae in posterior half of mesoscutum. Description. Female body length=0.85 mm—1.08 mm (n=5). Colour. Head and mesosoma black; metasoma black- brown; radicle and Al yellow, A2—A4 brown-black, A5—A7 yellow, A8—A11 brown; procoxa brown-black, meso- and meta- coxae yellow-brown, remainder of all legs yellow-brown. Head. Head 1.3x as wide as high, 1.1 as high as long; IOS 0.5x head width, 0.9 eye length; frons dor- sally smooth, ventrally coriaceous reticulate with sparse transverse striae on either side of imaginary central keel; transverse striae present along ventral malar area; cen- tral keel absent; vertex weakly reticulate with sparse punctae; gena striate-reticulate with a smooth basal patch; eye (L: W=14.6:12.0) large, setose; POL: LOL in ratio of 10.3:5.6; lateral ocelli contiguous with orbits; hyperoccipital carina absent; occiput coriaceous reticu- late with sparse setae;A1 4.7 as long as wide; Al 3.2x as long as A2. Mesosoma. Mesoscutum (L: W=14.2:21.2) convex, anteriorly tuberculate, remainder vertically costate; me- soscutal humeral sulcus foveate; mesoscutal suprahu- meral sulcus foveate; lateral pronotal area obliquely ca- rinate with distinct space between carinae with a small coriaceous reticulate patch posterodorsally; epomial ca- rina present; pronotal suprahumeral sulcus not foveate; netrion sulcus ventrally foveate; subacropleural sulcus not foveate; prespecular sulcus indicated by four fove- ae; mesopleural pit distinct with several vertical cari- nae radiating ventrally; speculum transversely carinate; dez.pensoft.net Kamalanathan Veenakumari et al.: Phanuromyia of India episternal sulcus indicated by a carina; postacetabular sulcus not foveate; femoral depression smooth; ventral mesopleuron smooth except for a small weakly reticulate patch anteriorly; mesepimeral sulcus foveate; mesepi- meral area smooth, narrower than width of mesepimeral sulcus; metapleural sulcus foveate; paracoxal sulcus in- dicated by wide furrows; dorsal and ventral metapleural area smooth; metapleural epicoxal sulcus indicated by a furrow; scutoscutellar sulcus foveate laterally; mesoscu- tellum semicircular (L: W=6.5:12.3), smooth, setose; posterior mesoscutellar sulcus foveate; metascutellum anteriorly foveate, remainder tuberculate, with a weak projection posteromedially; metanotal trough foveate; lateral propodeal area smooth with foveae on inner mar- gin; medial lateral propodeal carina not visible as hidden beneath metascutellum when viewed dorsally; fore wing (L: W=58.1:17.9) and hind wing (L: W=54.0:7.7) hya- line with dense microtrichia; ratio of length of marginalis: stigmalis: postmarginalis 6.2:7.8:21.4, respectively. Metasomaa. (L: W=32.0:19.5); T1 with longitudinal fo- veae, laterally and posteriorly smooth; T2 anteromedially smooth, followed by basal foveae, from which several longitudinal striae extend 0.8 length of tergite; posterior margin of T2 slightly convex; T1 with two lateral setae; T2 4.4 the length of T1. Male. Not known. Etymology. This species is named after the Cholas, a major dynasty, that ruled for well over a millennium in South India. The name is treated as a noun in apposition. Phanuromyia ganga Veenakumari, sp. nov. http://zoobank. org/AD3F85CD-A50E-4E43-ADF5-3378CE964E46 Fig. 4A-F Material examined. Holotype, female, (CAR/NBAIR/ P4249), INpia: West Bengal: Islampur, Teenpool, 26°15'44"N, 88°11'49"E, 68 m, SN, 06.VI.2008. Para- types: 1 female, (ICAR/NBAIR/P4250), Karnataka: Bengaluru, Hebbal, Veterinary College, 13°02'08"N, 77°35'49"E, 906 m, YPT, 11.XII.2012;1 female, ICAR/ NBAIR/P4251), Tripura: Dhuptali Kukibari, 23°40'37"N, 91°44'37"E, 42 m, SN, 06.11.2016; 1 female, (CAR/ NBAIR/P4252), Kerala: Thiruvananthapuram, Vellayani, 8°43'S50"N, 76°99'14"E, 11 m, YPT, 20.X1.2015; 1 fe- male, (ICAR/NBAIR/P4330), Kerala: Pallakad, Mayilad- umpara, 9°58'24"N, 76°31'27"E, 99 m, YPT, 25.11.2017. Diagnosis. Phanuromyia ganga sp. nov. is close to P. kadamba sp. nov. but differs from it in the following char- acter states. Posterior row of foveae on T1 ovoid, posteri- or margin of T2 straight; whereas in P. kadamba sp. nov. posterior row of foveae on T1 elongate, posterior margin of T2 convex and T3—T6 punctate. Description. Female body length=0.91—1.12 mm (n=5). Colour. Head and mesosoma black; metasoma black-brown;radicle and Al—A7 yellow-brown, remain- ing antennomeres brown; procoxa brown, meso-and meta coxae yellow, remainder of legs yellow. Dtsch: Entomol! 2868:(2)\ 2021, 309-339 S15 Figure 3. Phanuromyia chola sp. nov. (&). A. Habitus (dorsal view); B. Frons; C. Head and pleuron; D. Head and mesonotum; E. Antenna; F. Wings. Head. Head 1.3 as wide as high, 1.1 as high as long; IOS 0.5x head width, 0.9x eye length; entire frons coriaceous reticulate, except for a smooth patch medially; transverse carinae present on either side of imaginary central keel; central keel absent; vertex trans- versely coriaceous reticulate; gena coriaceous reticulate except for smooth basal area with sparse transverse stri- ae; eyes (L: W=13.2:10.8) large, without setae; POL: LOL in ratio of 8.2:3.9; lateral ocelli contiguous with orbits; hyperoccipital carina absent; occiput coriaceous dez.pensoft.net Sel'6 Kamalanathan Veenakumari et al.: Phanuromyia of India Figure 4. Phanuromyia ganga sp. nov. (°). A. Habitus (dorsal view); B. Frons; C. Head and pleuron; D. Head and mesonotum; E. Antenna; F. Wings. reticulate with elongate setae; Al 3.2 as long as wide; lateral pronotal area posterodorsally transversely striate, Al 2.6x as long as A2. anterodorsally weakly coriaceous reticulate, remainder Mesosoma. Mesoscutum (L: W=16.1:22.1) convex, smooth; epomial carina present; pronotal suprahumer- coriaceous reticulate, setose; mesoscutal humeral sulcus al sulcus weakly foveate, setose; netrion sulcus entirely foveate; mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus not foveate; foveate; subacropleural sulcus indicated by two foveae; dez.pensoft.net Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (2) 2021, 309-339 prespecular sulcus indicated with three foveae; me- sopleural pit distinct; speculum transversely carinate; episternal sulcus indicated by foveae which continue along postacetabular sulcus; femoral depression weakly reticulate; ventral mesopleuron smooth with a weakly reticulate patch anteriorly; mesepimeral sulcus foveate; mesepimeral area smooth, narrower than width of mese- pimeral sulcus; metapleural sulcus foveate; paracoxal sulcus foveate; dorsal and ventral metapleural area with intricate sculpture; metapleural epicoxal sulcus indicated by depressions; scutoscutellar sulcus laterally foveate; mesoscutellum semicircular (L: W=5.4:15.3), smooth; posterior mesoscutellar sulcus foveate; metascutellum anteriorly foveate, remainder weakly tuberculate with an uneven transverse furrow medially; metanotal trough weakly foveate; lateral propodeal area weakly sculptured, with foveae on inner margin; medial lateral propodeal ca- rina not visible as hidden beneath metascutellum when viewed dorsally; fore wing (L: W=61.9:20.6) and hind wing (L: W=54.4:9.0) hyaline with dense microtrichia; ratio of length of marginalis: stigmalis: postmarginalis 5.4:7.4:12.9, respectively. Metasoma. (L: W=35.1:20.6); T1 with basal foveae followed by a wide smooth patch and further by a band of longitudinal foveae; T1 laterally and posteriorly smooth; T2 smooth except for small basal foveae followed by weak longitudinal striae, extending 0.3x length of tergite submedially; remaining tergites smooth; posterior margin of T2 straight; Tl with several lateral and one sublateral setae; T2 2x length of T1. Male. Not known. Etymology. This species is named after the Western Gangas, who came to power in the region of erstwhile Mysore after the reign of the emperor Ashoka Maurya. The name is treated as a noun in apposition. Phanuromyia hoysala Veenakumari, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/5650E9F 5-D66C-4D04-9DBD-28A 786141167 Fig. 5A-F Material examined. Holotype, female, (CAR/NBAIR/ P4253), INp1A: Himachal Pradesh: Chamba, Khajji- ar, SN, 32°33'20"N, 76°03'56"E, 1814 m, 24.[X.2014. Paratypes: 1 female, (ICAR/NBAIR/P4254), Odis- ha: Bhubaneswar, Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology (OUAT), 20°15'52"N, 85°48'50"E, 45 m, SN, 19.X1.2013; 1 female, ICAR/NBAIR/P4255), Tam- il Nadu: Yercaud, Horticulture Research Station (HRS), 11°47'44"N, 78°12'42"E, 1399 m, YPT, 06. VII.2016. Diagnosis. Phanuromyia hoysala sp. nov. is close to P. rashtrakuta sp. nov. but differs from it in the follow- ing character states: In P. hoysala sp. nov. head is pro- truding forward, preoccipital area is distinct and gena and malar area are basally punctate; whereas in P. rash- trakuta sp. nov. head is evenly rounded, preoccipital area 1s absent and gena 1s basally smooth and malar area is basally reticulate. 317 Description. Female body length=1.12-1.21 mm (n=3). Colour. Head and mesosoma black, metasoma black- brown; radicle and Al yellow-brown, A2—A4 brown- black, AS—A6 yellow-brown, remaining antennomeres black-brown; all coxae dark brown, remainder of leg yel- low-brown. Head. Head 1.2 as wide as high, 1.1< as high as long; IOS 0.5x head width, 0.9x eye length; frons coriaceous reticulate, except for a small smooth patch medially, sur- rounded by short transverse striae on all sides except ven- trally replaced by transverse carinae; ventral malar area weakly punctate; central keel absent; vertex coriaceous reticulate; gena dorsally reticulate, medially obliquely carinate, ventrally punctate; eye (L: W=14.1:13.5) large, with short setae; POL: LOL in ratio of 9.0:5.4; lateral ocelli contiguous with orbits; a blunt hyperoccipital cari- na indicated; occiput coriaceous reticulate with elongate setae; Al 3.8 as long as wide; Al 2.7 as long as A2. Mesosoma. Mesoscutum (L: W=19.6:24.3) convex, coriaceous reticulate, setose; mesoscutal humeral sulcus foveate; mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus foveate; lateral pronotal area obliquely striate; epomial carina present; pronotal suprahumeral sulcus weakly foveate, setose; netrion sulcus entirely foveate; subacropleural sulcus indicated by a single fovea; prespecular sulcus indicated with five foveae; mesopleural pit distinct; speculum with transverse carinae; episternal sulcus not foveate; posta- cetabular sulcus foveate; femoral depression smooth; ventral mesopleuron coriaceous reticulate; mesepime- ral sulcus foveate; mesepimeral area smooth, narrower than width of mesepimeral sulcus; metapleural sulcus foveate; paracoxal sulcus foveate; dorsal metapleural area unevenly carinate to smooth; ventral metapleuron obliquely carinate interspersed with sparse foveae; meta- pleural epicoxal sulcus with depressions; scutoscutellar sulcus laterally foveate; mesoscutellum semicircular (L: W=7.4:15.2), smooth; posterior mesoscutellar sulcus fo- veate; metascutellum foveate; metanotal trough foveate; lateral propodeal area unevenly sculptured, with a large depression on inner margin; medial lateral propodeal ca- rina not visible as hidden beneath metascutellum when viewed dorsally; fore wing (L: W=84.7:29.4) and hind wing (L: W=73.7:13.2) hyaline with dense microtrichia; ratio of length of marginalis: stigmalis: postmarginalis 2.0:12.0:22.6, respectively. Metasoma. (L: W=44.5:27.1); T1 with longitudinal foveae, laterally and posteriorly smooth; T2 anteromedi- ally smooth followed by large basal foveae, from which longitudinal striae extend culminating in reticulations; re- maining tergites smooth; posterior margin of T2 slightly convex; T1 with six lateral and a sublateral setae; T2 4.4~ the length of T1. Male. Not known. Etymology. This species is named Hoysala after the dynasty that grew to become the dominant power in southern India between the 12" and 13" centuries CE. The name is treated as a noun in apposition. dez.pensoft.net 318 Kamalanathan Veenakumari et al.: Phanuromyia of India Figure 5. Phanuromyia hoysala sp. nov. (&). A. Habitus (dorsal view); B. Frons; C. Head and pleuron; D. Head and mesonotum; E. Antenna; F. Wings. dez.pensoft.net Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (2) 2021, 309-339 Phanuromyia kadamba Veenakumari, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/A75B2EBE-4547-422E-AD42-6799 A99CD0C2 Fig. 6A-F Material examined. Holotype, female, (CAR/NBAIR/ P4258), INDIA: Karnataka: Bengaluru, Jarakabande Ka- val, 13°05'41"N, 77°32'35"E, 921 m, MT, 19.1X.2014. Paratypes: | female, (ICAR/NBAIR/P4259), Meghalaya: Umiam, ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, maize crop, 25°40'52"N, 91°54'56"E, 970 m, YPT, 08. VI.2013; 1 female, (CAR/NBAIR/P4260), Assam: Kamrup, 26°18'57"N, 91°35'54"E, 54 m, SN, 30.X.2008; 1 female, (ICAR/NBAIR/P4261), Tripura: Dhuptali Kukibari, 23°40'37"N, 91°44'37"E, 42 m, SN, 07.11.2016; 1 female, (ICAR/NBAIR/P4262), Tamil Nadu: Kanyakumari, Pe- chiparai, 8°14'23"N, 76°33'34"E, 17 m, SN, 13.X1.2011; 1 female, (ICAR/NBAIR/P4263), Karnataka: Bengal- uru, Hebbal, emerged from an unidentified heteropter- an egg on Ficus sp., 13°02'08"N, 77°35'49"E, 906 m, 22.1X.2017; 10 females, ICAR/NBAIR/P4271—P4280), Karnataka: Bengaluru, Hebbal, 13°02'08"N, 77°35'49"E, 906 m, reared from eggs of unidentified heteropteran eggs laid on the midrib of a leaf of Zabebuia sp., 16.X1.2015; 1 female, (ICAR/NBAIR/P4281), Karnataka: Bengaluru, Hebbal, 13°02'08"N, 77°35'49"E, 906 m, reared from an ege of unidentified heteropteran eggs laid on the midrib of a leaf of an unidentified plant, 05.X.2016. Diagnosis. Phanuromyia kadamba sp. nov. 1s close to P. hoysala sp. nov. The distinguishing characters are giv- en under the latter species. Description. Female body length=1.15 mm-—1.38 (n=15). Colour. Head and mesosoma black; metasoma black- brown; radicle yellow, Al—A2 brown-yellow, A3—A7 yellow-brown, remaining antennomeres black-brown; procoxa brown-yellow, meso- and metacoxae yellow; re- mainder of legs yellow-brown. Head. Head 1.2 as wide as high, as high as long; IOS 0.5x head width, 0.9 eye length; frons entirely coria- ceous reticulate except for a smooth medial patch, ven- tral to which transverse striae radiate on either side along imaginary central keel; central keel absent; vertex trans- versely coriaceous reticulate; gena coriaceous reticulate, except for smooth basal patch; eye (L: W=14.2:11.8) large, with short setae; POL: LOL in ratio of 8.4:4.8; lat- eral ocelli contiguous with orbits; hyperoccipital carina absent; occiput coriaceous reticulate with elongate setae; Al 3.7x as long as wide; Al 3x as long as A2. Mesosoma. Mesoscutum (L: W=18.3:24.8) convex, coriaceous reticulate, setose; mesoscutal humeral sulcus foveate; mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus not foveate; lateral pronotal area dorsally coriaceous reticulate, re- mainder obliquely striate; epomial carina present; pro- notal suprahumeral sulcus not foveate; netrion sulcus entirely foveate; subacropleural sulcus indicated by two foveae; prespecular sulcus indicated with seven foveae; mesopleural pit distinct; speculum transversely carinate; episternal sulcus foveate; postacetabular sulcus foveate; 3.19 femoral depression smooth to weakly reticulate with an additional parallel depression ventrally; ventral meso- pleuron smooth with a weak anterior reticulate patch; mesepimeral sulcus foveate; mesepimeral area smooth, narrower than width of mesepimeral sulcus; metapleural sulcus foveate; paracoxal sulcus foveate; dorsal meta- pleural area smooth; ventral metapleuron smooth with a blunt vertical carina; metapleural epicoxal sulcus weakly foveate; scutoscutellar sulcus laterally foveate; mesoscu- tellum semicircular (L: W=6.1:16.6), smooth, setose; pos- terior mesoscutellar sulcus foveate; metascutellum with two transverse rows of foveae; metanotal trough weakly foveate; lateral propodeal area smooth with foveae on in- ner margin; medial lateral propodeal carina not visible as hidden beneath metascutellum when viewed dorsally; fore wing (L: W=63.1:22.6) and hind wing (L: W=55.2:7.8) hyaline with dense microtrichia; ratio of length of margin- alis: stigmalis: postmarginalis 3.5:8.7:17.0, respectively. Metasoma. (L: W=44.3:22.1); T1 with basal foveae and a band of longitudinal foveae ventrad; between these two bands of foveae several vertical carinae present me- dially; T1 laterally and posteriorly smooth; T2 with large basal foveae, followed by longitudinal striae, culminating in a small patch of reticulations; remaining tergites punc- tate; posterior margin of T2 slightly convex; T1 with two lateral and a sublateral setae; T2 2.1< the length of T1. Male. Not known. Etymology. This species is named Kadamba after the minor South Indian dynasty that ruled the area northwest of the city of present day Mysore city between the 4" and 6" centuries CE. The name is treated as a noun in apposition. Host. Reared from unidentified heteropteran eggs laid within the midribs of leaves of Ficus sp., Tabebuia sp., and an unidentified plant. Phanuromyia kakatiya Veenakumari, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/EB05A52A-E2F6-4A 13-BEB9-D254A3C2D850 Fig. 7A-F Material examined. Holotype, female, (ICAR/NBAIR/ P4323), INp1A: Himachal Pradesh: Palampur, 76°32'10"N, 32°06'39"E, YPT, 20.EX.2014. Paratype: 1 female, (ICAR/NBAIR/P4324), Tamil Nadu: Yercaud, Horticul- ture Research Station (HRS), 11°47'44"N, 78°12'42"E, 1399 m, YPT, 06. VIII.2016. Diagnosis. This species is close to P. satavahana sp. nov. but differs from it in having entirely coriaceous re- ticulate mesoscutum and fore wing >6~x as long as wide while in P. satavahana sp. nov. striae on T2 culminate in reticulations, and fore wing is <4~ as long as wide. Description. Female body length=1.02—1.12 mm (n=2). Colour. Head and mesosoma black; metasoma black- brown; radicle, Al—A3 brown, A4—A7 yellow, A8 yel- low with black patches, A9—A11 black-brown; procoxa brown-black, meso- and metacoxae brown-yellow, re- mainder of all legs yellow-brown. dez.pensoft.net Phanuromyia of India Kamalanathan Veenakumari et al.: 520 p> at A g ere Se a Figure 6. Phanuromyia kadamba sp. nov. (°). A. Habitus (dorsal view); B. Frons; C. Head and pleuron; D. Head and mesonotum; E. Antennae; F. Wings. dez.pensoft.net Dtseh. Entomol..268:(2): 2021s 309-339 eral Figure 7. Phanuromyia kakatiya sp. nov. (©). A. Habitus (dorsal view); B. Frons; C. Head and pleuron; D. Head and mesonotum; E. Antenna; F. Wings. dez.pensoft.net 322 Head. Head 1.3 as wide as high, 1.3 as high as long; IOS 0.5 head width, 0.9x eye length; frons coriaceous re- ticulate with a smooth patch medially; central keel present (discontinuous, weakly indicated, with transverse carinae radiating on either side); vertex weakly transversely retic- ulate; gena weakly reticulate, with a smooth patch basally; eye (L: W=15.5:13.0) large, setose; POL: LOL in ratio of 11.3:5.2; lateral ocelli contiguous with orbits; hyperoccip- ital carina absent;occiput coriaceous reticulate, with sparse setae; Al 4.7 as long as wide; Al 2.3x as long as A2. Mesosoma. Mesoscutum (L: W=16.9:25.3) convex, entirely coriaceous reticulate, reticulations longitudinal posterosublaterally; mesoscutal humeral sulcus not fove- ate; mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus not foveate; lateral pronotal area dorsally coriaceous reticulate, remainder obliquely striate-reticulate; epomial carina present; pro- notal suprahumeral sulcus weakly foveate, setose; netrion sulcus foveate, foveae weakly impressed; subacropleural sulcus with two foveae; prespecular sulcus with seven fo- veae; mesopleural pit shallow; weak striae and a row of foveae are present ventral to mesopleural pit; speculum transversely carinate; episternal sulcus foveate; postac- etabular sulcus not foveate; femoral depression smooth; ventral mesopleuron reticulate; mesepimeral sulcus fo- veate; mesepimeral area smooth, narrower than width of mesepimeral sulcus; metapleural sulcus foveate; paracox- al sulcus foveate; dorsal metapleural area smooth; ventral metapleuron punctate; metapleural epicoxal sulcus with large depressions; scutoscutellar sulcus laterally foveate; mesoscutellum semicircular (L: W=6.8:14.6), smooth, se- tose; posterior mesoscutellar sulcus foveate; metascutel- lum anteriorly foveate, remainder weakly rugose; metano- tal trough foveate; lateral propodeal area sparsely punctate with a large depression; entire lateral propodeal carina vis- ible posterior to metascutellum when viewed dorsally; fore wing (L: W=61.6:22.3) and hind wing (L: W=55.6:8.5) hyaline with dense microtrichia; ratio of length of margin- alis: stigmalis: postmarginalis 2.2:8.7:17.4 respectively. Metasoma. (L: W=37.6:22.1); T1 with longitudinal foveae, laterally and posteriorly smooth; T2 anterome- dially smooth, basal foveae present, followed by several longitudinal striae culminating in weak punctae; remain- ing tergites weakly punctate to smooth; posterior margin of T2 slightly convex; T1 with two lateral and one sublat- eral setae; T2 4.3 the length of T1. Male. Not known. Etymology. This species is named after the Kakatiya dynasty that flourished in parts of what is today Andhra Pradesh in the 12 century CE. The name is treated as a noun in apposition. Phanuromyia kanva Veenakumari, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/8FB63C02-843B-498E-BEA F-84EE6B402F0F Fig. 8A-F Material examined. Holotype, female, (ICAR/NBAIR/ P4264), INpiIA: Karnataka: Bengaluru, Hessaraghatta, dez.pensoft.net Kamalanathan Veenakumari et al.: Phanuromyia of India 13°08'01"N, 77°29'27"E, 859 m, SN, 03.VI.2010. Para- types: 1 female (ICAR/NBAIR/P4265), Tamil Nadu: Yercaud, HRS, 11°47'44"N, 78°12'42"E, 1399 m, ST, 05.VHI.2016; 1 female, (CAR/NBAIR/P4266), Karna- taka: Bengaluru, Attur, 13°05'48"N, 77°33'59"E, 936 m, YP VOVI20TS: Diagnosis. Phanuromyia kanva sp. nov. is close to P. nirvighna sp. nov. but differs from it in having short fove- ae on Tl] and aconvex mesoscutum, while in P. nirvighna sp. nov. foveae on T1 are elongate and the mesoscutum is not convex. Description. Female body length=0.83—1.03 mm (n=3). Colour. Head and mesosoma black; metasoma black- brown; radicle yellow-brown, Al—A4 brown with weak yellow patches, A5—A7 yellow, remaining antennomeres brown-black; procoxa brown-black, meso- and meta- coxae brown-yellow, remainder of all legs yellow-brown. Head. Head 1.3 as wide as high, 1.2 as high as long; IOS 0.5 head width, subequal to eye length; frons weak- ly reticulate witha medial smooth patch, ventrally with transverse striae radiating on either side of imaginary central keel; central keel absent; vertex transversely co- riaceous reticulate; gena weakly reticulate with smooth basal patch, setose; eye (L: W=11.4:9.7) large, densely setose, setae long; POL: LOL in ratio of 10.0:5.7; lateral ocelli contiguous with orbits; a blunt hyperoccipital cari- na indicated; occiput coriaceous reticulate with elongate setae;A1 4.1< as long as wide; Al 2.4~ as long as A2. Mesosoma. Mesoscutum (L: W=15.2:19.8) convex, coriaceous reticulate, setose; mesoscutal humeral sulcus indicated not foveate; mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus not foveate;lateral pronotal area dorsally coriaceous reticu- late, remainder transversely striate; epomial carina absent; pronotal suprahumeral sulcus not foveate; netrion sulcus foveate dorsally; subacropleural sulcus indicated by two large foveae; prespecular sulcus not foveate; mesopleural pit distinct; speculum without transverse carinae; epister- nal sulcus not foveate; postacetabular sulcus not foveate; femoral depression smooth; ventral mesopleuron smooth except for a weak anterior reticulate patch; mesepimeral sulcus indicated by a carina; mesepimeral area smooth, wider than width of mesepimeral sulcus; metapleural sulcus not foveate; paracoxal sulcus not foveate; dorsal metapleural area smooth; ventral metapleuron smooth with sparse foveae ventrally; posteroventral metapleuron with dense setae; metapleural epicoxal sulcus not fove- ate; scutoscutellar sulcus laterally foveate; mesoscutellum semicircular (L: W=5.1:12.9), smooth, setose; posterior mesoscutellar sulcus foveate; metascutellum foveate on anterior margin, smooth posteriorly; metanotal trough weakly foveate; lateral propodeal area smooth with a large fovea on inner margin; entire lateral propodeal carina visi- ble posterior to metascutellum when viewed dorsally; fore wing (L: W=52.3:16.9) and hind wing (L: W=44.4:6.6) hyaline with dense microtrichia; ratio of length of margin- alis: stigmalis: postmarginalis 5.1:6.6:15.0, respectively. Metasoma. (L: W=31.5:17.9); T1 smooth except for basal foveae; T2 with weak basal foveae, followed by lon- Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (2) 2021, 309-339 S23 Figure 8. Phanuromyia kanva sp. nov. (°). A. Habitus (dorsal view); B. Frons; C. Head and pleuron; D. Head and mesonotum; E. Antenna; F, Wings. dez.pensoft.net 324 gitudinal striae, extending 0.9 length of tergite; remaining tergites smooth; posterior margin of T2 straight; Tl with two lateral and two sublateral setae; T2 4.9 length of T1. Male. Not known. Etymology. This species is named after the Kanva dy- nasty that ruled in the region of Magadha (now a part of Bihar) in North India for a brief period between 72 and 28 BCE. The name is treated as a noun in apposition. Phanuromyia nirvighna Veenakumari, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/EADD6F20-COCF-49F2-844F-941E90D49AB6 Figs 9A-F, 10A, B Material examined. Holotype, female, (ICAR/NBAIR/ P4267), INpiA: Karnataka: Mandya, paddy crop, 12°33'S51"N, 76°44'01"E, 749 m, SN, 06.]II.2014. Para- types: 1 female, (CAR/NBAIR/P4268), Assam: Jorhat, Assam Agriculture University, (near pond), 26°43'20"N, 94°11'33"E, 98 m, MT, 02.]II.2017; 1 female, (CAR/ NBAIR/P4269), Kerala: Pallakad, Mayiladumpara, 9°58'24"N, 76°31'27"E, 99 m, YPT, 25.11.2017; 1 male, (ICAR/NBAIR/P4270), Karnataka: Bengaluru, Hebbal, NBAIJR, terrace of 2" floor, 13°01'38"N, 77°35'03"E, 927 m, YPT, 24. VIII.2015. Diagnosis. Phanuromyia nirvighna sp. nov. 1s close to P. kanva sp. nov. The distinguishing characters are given under the latter species. Description. Female body length=0.96—-1.21 mm (n=3); male: body length=1.02 mm (n=1) Colour. Head and mesosoma black; metasoma black- brown; radicle and Al yellow-brown, A2—A4 brown, A5— A7 yellow, remaining antennomeres brown-black;pro- coxa brown-black, meso- and metacoxae brown-yellow, remainder of all legs yellow-brown. Head. Head 1.3 as wide as high, 1.3 as high as long; IOS 0.5 head width, subequal to eye length;frons entire- ly coriaceous reticulate except for a medial smooth patch, and sparse striae above toruli; central keel absent; ver- tex coriaceous reticulate;gena weakly reticulate, except for smooth patch ventrally; eye (L: W=12.7:10.7) large, densely setose, setae long; POL: LOL in ratio of 11.2:6.0; lateral ocelli contiguous with orbits; hyperoccipital carina absent; occiput coriaceous reticulate with elongate setae; Al 4x as long as wide; Al 2.7x as long as A2. Mesosoma. Mesoscutum (L: W=17.1:21.3) not con- vex, coriaceous reticulate, setose; mesoscutal humeral sulcus not foveate; mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus not foveate; lateral pronotal area coriaceous reticulate; epo- mial carina present; pronotal suprahumeral sulcus not foveate; netrion sulcus weakly foveate dorsally; pronotal cervical sulcus foveate; subacropleural sulcus with two fo- veae, ventral to which an oblique furrow extends towards mesopleural pit; prespecular sulcus not foveate; meso- pleural pit distinct with several vertical striae ventrally; speculum with weak transverse carinae; episternal sulcus not foveate; postacetabular sulcus not foveate; femoral dez.pensoft.net Kamalanathan Veenakumari et al.: Phanuromyia of India depression smooth; ventral mesopleuron smooth except for anterior reticulate patch; mesepimeral sulcus indicat- ed by a blunt carina; mesepimeral area smooth, wider than width of mesepimeral sulcus; metapleural sulcus indicat- ed by three foveae dorsally; paracoxal sulcus not foveate; dorsal metapleural area smooth to weakly tuberculate; ventral metapleuron smooth;metapleural epicoxal sul- cus with weak depressions; scutoscutellar sulcus foveate laterally; mesoscutellum semicircular (L: W=5.6:12.0), smooth, setose; posterior mesoscutellar sulcus foveate; metascutellum with a weak projection posteromedially, with small foveae on anterior margin, remainder smooth to weakly tuberculate; metanotal trough not foveate; lat- eral propodeal area smooth with large depressions on 1n- ner margin; entire lateral propodeal carina visible poste- rior to metascutellum when viewed dorsally; fore wing (L: W=57.4:21.3) and hind wing (L: W=54.6:8.3) hyaline with dense microtrichia; ratio of length of marginalis: stigmalis: postmarginalis 6.4:8.9:15.1, respectively. Metasoma. (L: W=33.4:21.2),; T1 with longitudinal foveae, laterally and posteriorly smooth; T2 with large basal foveae, followed by longitudinal striae culminating in weak reticulations; remaining tergites smooth; poste- rior margin of T2 slightly convex; T1 with three lateral setae and one sublateral seta; T2 4.8 the length of T1. Male. Similar to female. Etymology. This species is named ‘nirvighna’, one of the numerous names of the Hindu God Ganesha. The name is treated as a noun in apposition. Phanuromyia pallava Veenakumari, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/C89B0217-7BD7-4582-B479-C29F0652453B Fig. 1LA-F Material examined. Holotype, female, (CAR/NBAIR/ P4282), INpIA: Tamil Nadu: Yercaud, HRS, 11°47'44"N, 78°12'42"E, 1399 m, YPT, 06.VII.2016. Paratypes: 13 females (ICAR/NBAIR/P4283—P4295), Tamil Nadu: Yercaud, HRS, 11°47'44"N, 78°12'42"E, 1399 m, YPT, 04. VII.2016. Diagnosis. This species is different from the others in having the following combination of characters viz., head 1.6x as wide as high, metanotal trough not foveate and mesoscutum not convex. Description. Female body length=0.69-0.98 mm (n=14). Colour. Head, mesosoma and metasoma black; radi- cle yellow-brown, Al pale yellow, A2—A3 brown, A4— A7 pale yellow, A8—A11 brown; procoxa brown-black, meso- and meta- coxae brown-yellow, remainder of all legs yellow-brown. Head. Head 1.6< as wide as high, 0.9x as high as long; IOS 0.5x head width, 1.1< eye length; frons dor- sally weakly reticulate, medially smooth, remainder cori- aceous reticulate, reticulations elongate and oblique adja- cent to imaginary central keel; central keel absent (instead uneven smooth area present); vertex weakly reticulate Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (2) 2021, 309-339 325 D o* Figure 9. Phanuromyia nirvighna sp. nov. (°). A. Habitus (dorsal view); B. Frons; C. Head and pleuron; D. Head and mesonotum; E. Antenna; F. Wings. dez.pensoft.net 326 Kamalanathan Veenakumari et al.: Phanuromyia of India Figure 10. Phanuromyia nirvighna sp. nov. (@). A. Habitus (dorsal view); B. Antennae. to smooth; gena weakly coriaceous reticulate; eye (L: W=13.4:12.4) large, sparsely setose; POL: LOL: OOL in ratio of 12.1:6.9:0.3; OOL 0.2x MOD: hyperoccipital carina absent; occiput coriaceous reticulate with elongate setae; Al 4.1x< as long as wide; Al 2.8 as long as A2. Mesosoma. Mesoscutum (L: W=15.7:24.3) not con- vex, weakly reticulate; mesoscutal humeral sulcus indi- cated not foveate; mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus not foveate; lateral pronotal area obliquely striate-reticulate; epomial carina present; pronotal suprahumeral sulcus not foveate; netrion sulcus entirely foveate; subacropleural sulcus indicated by three foveae; prespecular sulcus with five foveae; mesopleural pit distinct; speculum with weak transverse carinae; episternal sulcus not foveate; postac- etabular sulcus not foveate; femoral depression smooth; ventral mesopleuron smooth except for a weak anterior reticulate patch; mesepimeral sulcus foveate; mesepi- meral area smooth, narrower than width of mesepimeral sulcus; metapleural sulcus foveate; paracoxal sulcus not foveate; dorsal metapleural area smooth; ventral meta- pleuron smooth; metapleural epicoxal sulcus with shal- low depressions;scutoscutellar sulcus narrow, foveate laterally; mesoscutellum semicircular (L: W=5.6:17.3), smooth, setose; posterior mesoscutellar sulcus foveate; metascutellum anteriorly foveate, remainder weakly ru- gose; metanotal trough not foveate; lateral propodeal area dez.pensoft.net with a medial transverse carina with a fovea on inner margin; entire lateral propodeal carina visible posterior to metascutellum when viewed dorsally; fore wing (L: W=63.1:17.6) and hind wing (L: W=56.6:7.3) hyaline with dense microtrichia; ratio of length of marginalis: stigmalis: postmarginalis 5.8:8.2:18.2, respectively. Metasoma. (L: W=37.0:25.6); T1 longitudinally fove- ate, smooth laterally and posteriorly; T2 with basal fove- ae, followed by longitudinal striae extending 0.7x length of tergite; remaining tergites smooth; posterior margin of T2 slightly convex; T1 with three lateral setae and one sublateral seta; T2 5.1 length of T1. Male. Not known. Etymology. This species is named ‘Pallava’, after an early South Indian dynasty that ruled between the 4" and 9" centuries CE. The name is treated as a noun in apposition. Phanuromyia pandya Veenakumari, sp. nov. http://zoobank. org/70C03476-1EE0-44 12-8BDF-4C93A3F4D0A9 Fig. 12A-F Material examined. Holotype, female, (ICAR/NBAIR/ P4296), INpia: Tamil Nadu: Dindugul, Thandikudi, Re- gional Coffee Research Station (RCRS), 10°18'34"N, 77°38'34"E, 1305 m, YPT, 29.XI.2016. Paratype: 1 female, Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (2) 2021, 309-339 S27 F Figure 11. Phanuromyia pallava sp. nov. (2). A. Habitus (dorsal view); B. Frons; C. Head and pleuron; D. Head and mesonotum; E. Antenna; F. Wings. (ICAR/NBAIR/P4297), Tamil Nadu: Dindugul, Thandikudi, | aceous frons without smooth medial patch and posterior RCRS, 10°18'34"N, 77°38'34"E, 1305 m, YPT, 29.X1.2016. — ocelli away from orbits; while in P. koenigi frons has an Diagnosis. Phanuromyia pandya sp. nov. is close to elongate smooth patch above interantennal process and P. koenigi but differs from it in having an entirely cori- _—_ posterior ocelli are adjacent to orbits. dez.pensoft.net S25 Kamalanathan Veenakumari et al.: Phanuromyia of India 0.05 mm Figure 12. Phanuromyia pandya sp. nov. (2). A. Habitus (dorsal view); B. Frons; C. Head and pleuron; D. Head and mesonotum; E. Antennae; F. Wings. dez.pensoft.net Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (2) 2021, 309-339 Description. Female body length=0.92—1.30 mm (n=2). Colour. Head, mesosoma and metasoma black; radicle yellow-brown, Al yellow, A2—A3 brown, A4—A7 yellow, A8—A11 brown-black; procoxa brown-black, meso- and meta- coxae brown-yellow, remainder of all legs yel- low-brown. Head. Head 1.2 as wide as high, 1.2 as high as long; IOS 0.5x head width, subequal to eye length; frons en- tirely coriaceous reticulate without medial smooth patch, reticulations medially transverse, uneven short carinae present medially above torul1; central keel absent; vertex coriaceous reticulate, reticulations transverse; gena co- riaceous reticulate; eye (L: W=14.1:12.9) large, setose; POL:LOL:OOL in ratio of 10.2:5.8:0.06; lateral ocelli slightly away from orbits, OOL 0.3x MOD; hyperoccipi- tal carina absent; occiput coriaceous reticulate with elon- gate setae; Al 4x as long as wide; Al 2.9 as long as A2. Mesosoma. Mesoscutum (L: W=15.2:25.0) con- vex, entirely coriaceous reticulate, except for punctate sculpture medially; mesoscutal humeral sulcus not fo- veate; mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus not foveate; lat- eral pronotal area dorsally obliquely striate, remainder smooth; epomial carina present; pronotal suprahumeral sulcus foveate, setose; netrion sulcus entirely foveate; subacropleural sulcus indicated by five foveae; prespec- ular sulcus indicated by a single fovea; mesopleural pit not distinct; speculum with weak transverse carinae; episternal sulcus indicated by a large fovea; postacetab- ular sulcus not foveate; femoral depression smooth to weakly reticulate; ventral mesopleuron smooth except for dorsal reticulate patch; mesepimeral sulcus foveate; mesepimeral area smooth, narrower than width of mese- pimeral sulcus; metapleural sulcus foveate; paracox- al sulcus not foveate; dorsal metapleural area smooth; ventral metapleuron obliquely carinate; metapleural epicoxal sulcus with shallow depressions; scutoscutel- lar sulcus foveate laterally; mesoscutellum semicircular (L: W=5.2:16.5), smooth, setose; posterior mesoscute- llar sulcus foveate; metascutellum foveate; metanotal trough foveate; lateral propodeal area with a medial carina and a large fovea on inner margin; entire later- al propodeal carina visible posterior to metascutellum when viewed dorsally; fore wing (L: W=67.1:20.3) and hind wing (L: W=10.2:5.7) hyaline with dense microtri- chia; ratio of length of marginalis: stigmalis: postmar- ginalis 8.5:10.9:12.0, respectively. Metasoma. (L: W=28.6:22.2);T1 with longitudinal foveae, smooth laterally and posteriorly; T2 with basal foveae, followed by longitudinal striae extending 0.8x length of tergite; posterior margin of T2 slightly convex; remaining tergites smooth; T1 with two lateral and two sublateral setae; T2 4.5 length of T1. Male. Not known. Etymology. This species is named after the Pandyas, a dynasty of Tamil rulers, who, for centuries, ruled the extreme South of India.The name is treated as a noun in apposition. 329 Phanuromyia rashtrakuta Veenakumari, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/6ADF5EF3-B77F-44A 0-8C71-B49D76E83DDC Fig. 13A-F Material examined. Holotype, female, (ICAR/NBAIR/ P4298), INp1A: Tamil Nadu: Kanyakumari, Pechiparai, 8°14'23"N, 76°33'34"E, 17 m, YPT, 05.1.2012; Para- types: 2 females, ICAR/NBAIR/P4299, P4315), Tam- il Nadu: Dindugul, Thandikudi, RCRS, 10°18'34"N, 77°38'34"E, 1305 m, YPT, 29.X1.2016; 1 female, ICAR/ NBAIR/P4316), Tripura: Agartala, Tripura University (TU), 23°76'28"N, 91°26'33"E, 17 m, YPT, 09.III.2016; 1 female, (CAR/NBAIR/P4317), Odisha: Bhubaneswar, OUAT, 20°15'52"N, 85°48'50"E, 45 m, YPT, 29.1.2015. Diagnosis. Phanuromyia rashtrakuta sp. nov. is close to P. hoysala sp. nov. The distinguishing characters are given under the latter species. Description. Female body length=1.02—1.18 mm (n=5). Colour. Head and mesosoma black, metasoma black- brown; radicle, Al black-brown with uneven yellow patches; A2 basally *%4 black-brown; remainder of A2, A3—A6 yellow-brown; A7—A11 black-brown; all coxae dark brown, remainder of all legs yellow-brown. Head. Head 1.3 as wide as high, 1.2 as high as long; IOS 0.5x head width, subequal to eye length; frons entire- ly coriaceous reticulate without medial smooth patch, in- stead with transverse carinae; central keel absent, instead a discontinuous longitudinal carina present with trans- verse Carinae on either side; vertex coriaceous reticulate, reticulations transverse; gena entirely coriaceous reticu- late, except for smooth basal patch; eye (L: W=18.0:15.5) large; POL: LOL in ratio of 13.4:7.9; lateral ocelli con- tiguous with orbits; hyperoccipital carina absent; occiput coriaceous reticulate with elongate setae; Al 4.8% as long as wide; Al 2.9x as long as A2. Mesosoma. Mesoscutum (L: W=22.3:29.0) not convex, entirely coriaceous reticulate; mesoscutal humeral sulcus not foveate; mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus indicated by small rugae; lateral pronotal area obliquely striate; epomi- al carina present; pronotal suprahumeral sulcus not fove- ate, setose; netrion sulcus entirely foveate; subacropleural sulcus indicated by three foveae; prespecular sulcus indi- cated by seven foveae; mesopleural pit distinct; speculum transversely carinate; episternal sulcus not foveate; posta- cetabular sulcus indicated by small rugae; femoral depres- sion smooth; ventral mesopleuron smooth with anterior reticulate patch; mesepimeral sulcus foveate; mesepime- ral area smooth, subequal to width of mesepimeral sulcus; metapleural sulcus foveate; paracoxal sulcus foveate; dor- sal metapleural area weakly carinate; ventral metapleural area carinate; metapleural epicoxal sulcus with large de- pressions; scutoscutellar sulcus narrow, foveate laterally; mesoscutellum semicircular (L: W=8.0:17.5), smooth; posterior mesoscutellar sulcus foveate; metascutellum foveate; metanotal trough foveate; lateral propodeal area smooth with a fovea on inner margin; medial lateral prop- odeal carina not visible, hidden beneath metascutellum dez.pensoft.net 330 Kamalanathan Veenakumari et al.: Phanuromyia of India 0.05 mm’ Figure 13. Phanuromyia rashtrakuta sp. nov. (°). A. Habitus (dorsal view); B. Frons; C. Head and pleuron; D. Head and mesono- tum; E. Antennae; F. Fore wing. dez.pensoft.net Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (2) 2021, 309-339 when viewed dorsally; fore wing (L: W=70.4:23.6) and hind wing (L: W=46.7:9.4) sculptured with reticulations, microtrichia sparse; ratio of length of marginalis: stigma- lis: postmarginalis 4.7:11.6:22.2, respectively. Metasoma. (L: W=34.7:26.7); T1 with longitudinal foveae and with an oblique costa extending towards pos- terolateral margin of tergite, remainder smooth; T2 with basal foveae, followed by longitudinal striae, striae elon- gate medially, progressively decreasing in length laterad; remainder of T2 and other tergites smooth; posterior mar- gin of T2 slightly convex; T1 with two lateral setae and one sublateral seta; T2 4.9x the length of T1. Male. Not known. Etymology. This species is named after the Rashtra- kuta dynasty that ruled an area stretching from central In- dia to parts of South India, during whose reign the famed Kailasa temple at Ellora was built. The name is treated as a noun in apposition. Phanuromyia satavahana Veenakumari, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/522B009E-6B4 1-48 1B-BED0-4AEEBF498718 Fig. 14A-F Material examined. Holotype, female, (CAR/NBAIR/ P4327, 2308), INDIA: Tripura: Agartala, Tripura Universi- ty (TU), 23°76'28"N, 91°26'33"E, 17m, YPT, 09.11.2016. Paratypes: 2 females, (ICAR/NBAIR/P4328, P4331), Tripura: Agartala, TU, 23°76'28"N, 91°26'33"E, 17 m, YPT, 09.11.2016. Diagnosis. Phanuromyia satavahana sp. nov. is close to P. kakatiya sp. nov. The distinguishing characters are given under the latter species. Description. Female body length=0.75—0.92 mm (n=3). Colour. Head and mesosoma black; metasoma brown- black; radicle, Al—A11 yellow-brown; procoxa brown- black, meso- and meta- coxae pale yellow, remainder of all legs yellow-brown. Head. Head 1.5 as wide as high, 1.2 as high as long; IOS 0.5 head width, subequal to eye length; frons with sparse long setae, coriaceous reticulate with no medial smooth patch; central keel present, with transverse carinae on either side; vertex weakly transversely coriaceous retic- ulate; gena weakly reticulate with a smooth patch basally; eye (L: W=12.5:10.7) large, setose; POL: LOL in ratio of 9.0:4.7; lateral ocelli contiguous with orbits; hyperoccipi- tal carina absent; occiput coriaceous reticulate with sparse setae; Al 3.8 as long as wide; Al 2.5x as long as A2. Mesosoma. Mesoscutum (L: W=13.0:20.0) convex, en- tirely coriaceous reticulate, except for punctate sculpture posteromedially; mesoscutal humeral sulcus not foveate; mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus indicated by a furrow; lat- eral pronotal area dorsally coriaceous reticulate, remainder smooth; epomial carina present, indicated by a large fovea; pronotal suprahumeral sulcus not foveate; netrion sulcus ventrally foveate; subacropleural sulcus indicated by two small foveae; prespecular sulcus indicated by five foveae; mesopleural pit distinct; speculum with transverse carinae; 331 episternal sulcus not foveate; postacetabular sulcus indi- cated by uneven shallow depressions; femoral depression smooth; ventral mesopleuron reticulate in dorsal half and remainder smooth; mesepimeral sulcus foveate; mesepi- meral area smooth, narrower than width of mesepimeral sulcus; metapleural sulcus foveate; paracoxal sulcus not foveate; dorsal metapleural area smooth; ventral meta- pleuron weakly carinate; metapleural epicoxal sulcus indi- cated as shallow depressions; scutoscutellar sulcus lateral- ly foveate; mesoscutellum semicircular (L: W=5.0:13.2), smooth, setose; posterior mesoscutellar sulcus foveate; metascutellum with a weak posteromedial projection; metascutellum anteriorly with depressions, posteromedi- ally rugose, remainder smooth; metanotal trough weakly foveate; lateral propodeal area smooth with two large fo- veae on inner margin; entire lateral propodeal carina visi- ble posterior to metascutellum when viewed dorsally; fore wing (L: W=51.5:13.8) and hind wing (L: W=46.4:5.9) hyaline with dense microtrichia; ratio of length of margin- alis: stigmalis: postmarginalis 4.3:5.4:7.6, respectively. Metasoma. (L: W=26.2:19.1); T1 with longitudinal foveae, laterally and posteriorly smooth; T2 with basal foveae, followed by longitudinal striae culminating in co- riaceous reticulations; remaining tergites smooth; posteri- or margin of T2 slightly convex; T1 with two lateral setae and one sublateral seta; T2 4.4x length of T1. Male. Not known. Etymology. This species is named after the Satavah- anas, who ruled a vast empire from their capital in South India for four and a half centuries starting from c. 230 BCE. The name is treated as a noun in apposition. Phanuromyia tuluva Veenakumari, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/696630FF-2536-4A7 1-97 1E-4643C645A581 Fig. 1SA-F Material examined. Holotype, female, (CAR/NBAIR/ P4325), INpr1A: Andaman and Nicobar Islands: Great Nico- bar: Campbell Bay, 7°00'77"N, 93°91'47"E, 13 m, SN, 18.11.2016. Paratype:1 female, (ICAR/NBAIR/P4326), Andaman and Nicobar Islands: Great Nicobar: Campbell Bay, 7°00'77"N, 93°91'47"E, 13 m, SN, 18-JII.2016. Diagnosis. Phanuromyia tuluva sp. nov. is close to P. jarawa but differs from it in the following charac- ter states. In P. tuluva sp. nov. central keel is indicated, metasoma wide posteriorly and mesepimeral area wider than mesepimeral sulcus; while in P. jarawa central keel absent, metasoma is ovoid and mesepimeral area is nar- rower than mesepimeral sulcus Description. Female body length=0.70—0.89 mm (n=2). Colour. Head and mesosoma black; metasoma black- brown; radicle brown, Al and A4—A7 pale yellow, A2- A3 and A8—A11 light brown; procoxa brown-black, meso- and meta- coxae brown-yellow, remainder of all legs yellow-brown. Head. Head 1.3~ as wide as high, 1.2 as high as long; IOS 0.5x head width, 0.8 eye length; frons coriaceous dez.pensoft.net Kamalanathan Veenakumari et al.: Phanuromyia of India 0.05 mm i | Figure 14. Phanuromyia satavahana sp. nov. (°). A. Habitus (dorsal view); B. Frons; C. Head and pleuron; D. Head and mesono- tum; E. Antennae; F. Wings. dez.pensoft.net Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (2) 2021, 309-339 Soke) Mis Klip. 3 ut Figure 15. Phanuromyia tuluva sp. nov. (&). A. Habitus (dorsal view); B. Frons; C. Head and pleuron; D. Head and mesonotum; E. Antenna; F. Wings. dez.pensoft.net 334 reticulate with medial smooth patches, dorsal to which several transverse striae present; central keel present (with transverse carinae on either side in addition to several transverse striae ventrally); vertex weakly transversely re- ticulate; gena entirely weakly reticulate with a smooth bas- al patch; eye (L: W=13.6:11.2) large, setose; POL: LOL in ratio of 8.1:4.7; lateral ocelli contiguous with orbits; hyper- occipital carina absent; occiput coriaceous reticulate with sparse setae; Al 3.4 as long as wide and 3~ as long as A2. Mesosoma. Mesoscutum (L: W=12.6:16.0) convex, entirely coriaceous reticulate, reticulations longitudinal; mesoscutal humeral sulcus not foveate; mesoscutal supra- humeral sulcus not foveate; lateral pronotal area dorsally coriaceous reticulate, remainder smooth; epomial carina present; pronotal suprahumeral sulcus foveate, setose; ne- trion sulcus entirely foveate; subacropleural sulcus indicat- ed by two large depressions; prespecular sulcus indicated by six closely placed foveae; mesopleural pit distinct with weak striae radiating ventrally; speculum with transverse carinae; episternal sulcus not foveate; postacetabular sul- cus not foveate; femoral depression smooth; ventral meso- pleuron smooth except for a large anterior reticulate patch; mesepimeral sulcus foveate; mesepimeral area smooth and wider than width of mesepimeral sulcus; metapleural sulcus foveate; paracoxal sulcus not foveate; dorsal meta- pleural area smooth; ventral metapleuron with oblique carinae; metapleural epicoxal sulcus with shallow depres- sions; scutoscutellar sulcus medially narrow, laterally wide and foveate; mesoscutellum semicircular (L: W=5.1:10.2), smooth, setose; posterior mesoscutellar sulcus foveate; metascutellum anteriorly foveate, remainder rugose-punc- tate; metanotal trough weakly foveate; lateral propodeal area with intricate sculpture with foveae on inner margin; medial lateral propodeal carina barely perceptible as hid- den beneath metascutellum when viewed dorsally; fore wing (L: W=49.4:12.9) and hind wing (L: W=43.6:5.5) hyaline with dense microtrichia; ratio of length of margin- alis: stigmalis: postmarginalis 5.0:5.8:10.8, respectively. Metasoma. (L: W=24.6:16.7); T1 with longitudinal foveae, laterally and posteriorly smooth; T2 with elon- gate basal foveae, followed by several longitudinal striae extending 0.8 length of tergite; posterior margin of T2 almost straight; Tl with two lateral and one sublateral se- tae; T2 4.3 length of T1. Male. Not known. Etymology. This species is named after the Tuluva dynasty, the third of the four dynasties, that in the first half of the sixteenth century, ruled the legendary South Indian Vijayanagar empire. The name is treated as a noun in apposition. Phanuromyia vakataka Veenakumari, sp. nov. http://zoobank.org/307 AED 1 A-26DB-404A-B940-6AD879917FF8 Fig. 16A-F Material examined. Holotype, female, (ICAR/NBAIR/ P4329), INpiA: Uttar Pradesh: Aligarh, Aligarh Muslim dez.pensoft.net Kamalanathan Veenakumari et al.: Phanuromyia of India University, Agriculture Farm, 27°54'57"N, 78°04'43"E, 189 m, SN, 13.EX.2006. Diagnosis. Phanuromyia vakataka sp. nov. is close to P. nabakovi but differs from it in the following character states. In P. vakataka sp. nov. foveae on anterior margin of T1 are elongate, (half the length of tergite) and area adjacent to medial smooth space on frons is coriaceous reticulate; whereas in P. nabakovi foveae on anterior mar- gin of T1 is short, at most 0.2 the length of tergite and transverse striae are present adjacent to the smooth medi- al area of frons. Description. Female body length=0.75 mm (n=1). Colour. Head and mesoscutum black; mesoscutellum, metascutellum, propodeum and metasoma brown-black; radicle, Al—A5 yellow with uneven brown patches, A6— A7 yellow, remaining antennomeres brown; all coxae yellow with brown patches, remainder of legs yellow. Head. Head 1.2 as wide as high, 1.5x as high as long; IOS 0.5x head width, 1.1 eye length; frons coriaceous reticulate with a smooth medial patch; central keel absent (short transverse striae present on either side of imagi- nary central keel); vertex transversely coriaceous retic- ulate; gena entirely weakly coriaceous reticulate with a smooth basal patch; eye (L: W=10.2:6.7) large, with no setae; POL: LOL in ratio of 9.8:5.8; lateral ocelli con- tiguous with orbits; hyperoccipital carina absent; occiput coriaceous reticulate with sparse setae; Al 3.7 as long as wide and 2.2 as long as A2. Mesosoma. Mesoscutum (L: W=11.4:15.3) convex, entirely coriaceous reticulate; mesoscutal humeral sulcus foveate; mesoscutal suprahumeral sulcus foveate; lateral pronotal area dorsally coriaceous reticulate followed by two oblique carinae, remainder smooth; epomial carina absent; pronotal suprahumeral sulcus not foveate; netrion sulcus entirely foveate; subacropleural sulcus indicated by a large depression; prespecular sulcus indicated by five weak foveae; mesopleural pit distinct; speculum with transverse carinae; episternal sulcus foveate; postacetab- ular sulcus foveate; femoral depression smooth; ventral mesopleuron reticulate; mesepimeral sulcus foveate; mesepimeral area smooth, narrower than width of mese- pimeral sulcus; metapleural sulcus foveate; paracoxal sulcus weakly foveate; dorsal metapleural area and ven- tral metapleural area smooth; metapleural epicoxal sul- cus with shallow depressions; scutoscutellar sulcus me- dially narrow, laterally wide and foveate; mesoscutellum semicircular (L: W=4.3:12.5), smooth, setose; posterior mesoscutellar sulcus foveate; metascutellum anterior- ly foveate, remainder smooth; metanotal trough weakly foveate; lateral propodeal area smooth with foveae on inner margin; medial lateral propodeal carina hidden be- neath metascutellum when viewed dorsally; fore wing (L: W=54.4:17.3) and hind wing (L: W=48.0:6.8) hya- line with dense microtrichia; ratio of length of marginalis: stigmalis: postmarginalis 6.0:4.8:10.7, respectively. Metasoma. (L: W=27.9:15.4); T1 with longitudinal foveae, extending half the length of tergite; T1 laterally and posteriorly smooth; T2 with basal foveae, short lon- Dtseh, Entomol .2868:¢2) 20217 309-339 335 F Figure 16. Phanuromyia vakataka sp. nov. (&). A. Habitus (dorsal view); B. Frons; C. Head and pleuron; D. Head and mesonotum; E. Antenna; F, Wings. dez.pensoft.net 836 Kamalanathan Veenakumari et al.: Phanuromyia of India gitudinal striae present submedially, remainder smooth; Etymology. This species is named after the Vakataka posterior margin of T2 straight; T1 with two lateral setae | dynasty, which rose to power in Berar in the central Dec- and one sublateral seta;T2 1.9x length of T1. can in peninsular India in the mid-third century CE. The Male. Not known. name is treated as a noun in apposition. Key to females of Indian species of Phanuromyia Dodd, 1914 1 10 Head and mesosoma black, metasoma black-brown (Figs 1A-9A, 11A-16A) or at most Tl orange-brown (figs 11-13 in VIRGO AOE ke ee os SA asthe cag ears Aang es ade eid homt ala beens denen Metta sty ae dubo aPROEs Ve ie buaSSaM eng h meee staat Mase hieAmest es ae: 2 Head, mesosoma black and metasoma xanthic (figs 1A-4A, 6A in VK & MP 2019) or entire body coppery brown (fig. 7A PT: Ware WIPO 2 OM a soccer ceenan h teice vn neon iatete < cenetlyp tee cla oeate ahs tyMkermmys SRigtter Gain ce wnsllEd ieanog albicans wetnd Rectal Rete aoc nt cated Resco Meta ve Ge ated 21 T1 with two transverse rows of foveae (Figs 1A,4A, 6A; fig. 2 In VK & MP 2014) 0... cece ccc cc cece ee cence eceeceeneeneenennes 3 T1 with a single transverse row of foveae (Figs 2A, 3A, 5A, 7A-9A, 11A-16A; figs 12, 19, 25, 34 in VK & MP 2014)...... 6 Anterior and posterior rows of foveae on Tl closely spaced (Fig. 1A; fig. 2 in VK & MP 2014)... ccc ccc cence eee ees 4 Anterior and posterior rows of foveae on Tl spaced widely, space between rows of foveae either smooth or striate (Figs DAP GR): sic nn wore ers aod ites gas liidae Raugeh eles oe sultan cere ee curd poll lane Se guannas oooh lite ee eau oes gesblldee eakbenbc ay aeshiese Fa enes 5 Reticulations on frons elongate and longitudinal; transverse striae above interantennal process absent (fig. 4 in VK & MP 2014); Al short, <3.3x as long as wide (fig. 3 in VK & MP 2014): T2 short, <2.7x length of T1; posterior tergites barely visible, smooth(fig. 2 in VK & MP 2014); width of mesepimeral area subequal to that of mesepimeral sulcus; episternal sulcus and postacetabular sulcus foveate; ventral metapleuron smooth (fig. 6 in VK & MP 2014) oo... cc cece ce eee eens eetanateeae tees dasa sheet into brates catcnoe tanaka tote eaters peta iuleenh eae otecaraacidee mete meder rea Phanuromyia andamanensis Veenakumari Reticulations on frons almost polygonal; transverse striae above interantennal process present (Fig. 1B); Al elongate, >4.9x as long as wide (Fig. 1E); T2 elongate, >3.7x length of T1; posterior tergites T3—T7 clearly visible with punctate sculpture (Fig. 1A); mesepimeral area narrower than width of mesepimeral sulcus; episternal sulcus indicated by a single fovea and postacetabular sulcus not foveate; ventral metapleuron transversely carinate (Fig. 1C)...............ccceeee ee PETES et eres acs LEC UT ENS tego tet FYE PREHEAT SOF canes Race PPERURUCENT U8 tort meer oat REPRINT OR cnn bat Pe ne ie eat Pe Phanuromyla chalukya sp. nov. Metascutellum with two transverse rows of foveae (Fig. 6D); posterior row of foveae on T1 elongate; basal foveae on T2 as long as wide; space between both rows of foveae on T1 longitudinally striate medially; posterior margin of T2 weakly convex (Fig. 6A); prespecular sulcus indicated by seven foveae (Fig. 6C)............cccccc eee eee ee Phanuromyia kadamba sp. nov. Metascutellum anteriorly foveate, remainder smooth with an uneven transverse furrow medially (Fig. 4D); posterior row of foveae on Tl short and ovoid; basal foveae on T2 wider than long; space between both rows of foveae on T1 smooth medially; posterior margin of T2 straight (Fig. 4A); prespecular sulcus indicated by three foveae (Fig. 4C)................08 gray PAsetery Seah teats ek Gece es Cape eeemass oe. Ce aeeey ae wwe cn Nobis Cees we, Prue eal Se eed Are eee wean SPOR oe ee cee eet Phanuromyia ganga Sp. nov. Dorsal half of frons smooth, ventrally sculptured (Fig. 3B); mesoscutum anteriorly tuberculate and posteriorly longitu- ainally carinate: (Fig SSA, oD) stock a Oe SES Nae RA os Re ee rds aaah evn Phanuromyia chola sp. nov. Entire frons sculptured, at most with a small smooth patch medially (Figs 2B, 5B, 7B, 8B, 9B, 11B-16B); mesoscutum predominantly either reticulate or coriaceous reticulate (Figs 2D, 5D, 7D, 8D, 9D, L1D-16OD)....... cece eee ee eee 7 Prespecular sulcus not foveate; mesepimeral sulcus indicated as a carina with 1-2 foveae dorsally; metapleuron postero- venirally.withurtsan Setae: .paracoxal sulcus not toveate Gigs SC, -GC yan et eth rh et lL a eR a, 8 Prespecular sulcus foveate; mesepimeral sulcus foveate; metapleuron posteroventrally without setae; dorsal paracoxal furrow. Toveaté (Figs. 26,56; 76.1 1€—16C: figs-16,. 18:429,. 35 1nKV SeiMP-2O1AY 135s cat Psa lec nu ebesd he esos cdadenuenda bossa igs. 9 Foveae on Tl short, less than half length of tergite; basal foveae of T2 small, wider than long (Fig. 8A); metascutellum evenly rounded posteromedially (Fig. 8D); mesoscutum convex (Fig. 8C); lateral pronotal area obliquely striate; dorsal metapleural sulcus not foveate, indicated as a furrow extending towards metapleural pit (Fig. 8C).............ccccec eee eeeeeee ees De = as Pe ee ae ees ee ee ee ae Pee nae et en Oe i on eee ea Re Phanuromyia kanva sp. nov. Foveae on T1 elongate at least 0.9x length of tergite; basal foveae of T2 large, longer than wide (Fig. 9A); metascutellum weakly projecting posteromedially (Fig. 9D); mesoscutum not convex (Fig. 9C); lateral pronotal area coriaceous reticu- late; metapleural sulcus dorsally indicated with a few foveae (Fig. 9C)..............ccceceeeneeeees Phanuromyia nirvighna sp. nov. Lateral propodeal carina medially not visible when viewed dorsally; hidden beneath metascutellum (Figs 5D, 13D, 15D, SUS IB i ifeccamlc a, donee yaad (Ma pce" eda Oy kel Ppt ae eer Pian LYK pay 2 kan Pree OPT ne Ae ey PF teg ne Vale OA Peep ES MEN 10 Lateral propodeal carina distinctly visible when viewed dorsally; metascutellum well above, not hiding lateral propodeal Carina tries. 2D" 7D sky | 2 Dele Ree ies eee AOA adie ET fe ceate co thdkl Paw eactiladeassiddl deed adlmomiehnes adhd tele tole 16 T1 elongate, at least 0.4 length of T2 (Fig. 16A; figs 24, 25 in KV & MP 2014; episternal sulcus indicated with a distinct FOW-OTmMOveaet aie: OCH Tis. 22 OMI pK Vaceaulile a2 OPC. a Biome hace HP ee Ala pace hee hora at kids gee tee bape dele nh dite sa, emssar es abl cb leteie ane 11 Tl short, at most 0.2x length of T2 (Figs 5A, 13A, 15A; figs 12, 34 in KV & MP 2014); episternal sulcus without a dis- tinct row of foveae, at most indicated with a shallow fovea (Figs 5C, 13C, 15C; figs 16, 35 in KV & MP 2014)........... 2. dez.pensoft.net 11 12 Ls 14 15 16 17 18 19 Dtsch. Entomol. Z. 68 (2) 2021, 309-339 337 Foveae on anterior margin of Tl small, at most 0.2x length of tergite; Tl medially smooth with striae sublaterally; an- terior margin of Tl almost straight; T2 with lateral margins parallel; T2 with uneven short longitudinal striae posterior to basal foveae (figs 24, 25 in KV & MP 2014): frons with transverse striae adjacent to medial smooth patch (fig. 27 in PCV OM) Are Rene Sy cit eed CCE sedis BUI t tre cat eit A AS had ele aeieiee Beh sso. ire dhe, Phanuromyia nabakovi Veenakumari Foveae on anterior margin of T1 elongate, at least 0.5x length of tergite; Tl with uniformly elongate foveae anteriorly; anterior margin of Tl convex; T2 tapering posterad; T2 medially smooth, sublaterally with longitudinal striae posterior to basal foveae (Fig. 16A); frons with coriaceous reticulate sculpture adjacent to medial smooth patch (Fig. 16B)......... sig ose Mave eiacdndt aeveye desla ee DPds prediteey doliians phtid dandy we veegeisitea eee led nbleiteey dtenslaueesesontbehdeerseiisisy eel agm Phanuromyia vakataka sp. nov. All coxae brown-black (Figs 5C, 13C); A3 elongate, longer than wide (Figs 5E, 13E)...............ccccccececcsceeeseeeeeceseeeneenees 13 Fore coxa brown-black, meso and metacoxae yellow to yellow-brown (Fig. 15C); A3 globular, subequal in length and width (Figs, WOE ReS LAP Sa RV GaP ET Ay 8 csesa leragidncemn onus nf Renee hacen an mash atited Gani irene abt aol Repnet WRgREee sive ob std a Gegco yer inemcmter es 14 Head when viewed dorsally protruding forward; preoccipital area distinct (Fig. 5A); gena and malar area basally punc- tate (Fig. 5C); frons transversely striate, surrounding medial smooth area and transversely carinate above interantennal process; frons without longitudinal carina medially (Fig. 5B); T2 entirely sculptured with longitudinal striae culminating in reticulations (Fig. 5A); fore wing with dense microtrichia and without reticulate sculpture (Fig. SF) ..........cceceeee eee ee ees ao UpLLLIES pebble cop hete a eepeeose utes oe Ulan gered uae cosh iae eee Uia wees sae lihake aa ea erelt hee eae Phanuromyia hoysala sp. nov. Head when viewed dorsally round, not protruding; preoccipital area absent (Fig. 13A); gena basally smooth (Fig. 13C); malar area basally reticulate (Fig. 13C); frons medially with transverse carinae and a discontinuous longitudinal carina (Fig. 13B); T2 with short longitudinal carinae extending 0.6x length of tergite, remainder smooth (Fig. 13A); fore wing with sparse microtrichia and with reticulate sculpture (Fig. 13F).......... ec cccec cence cece ees Phanuromyla rashtrakuta sp. nov. Temples wide, as posterior margin of eye far away from occipital carina (figs 11, 13 in KV & MP 2014); reticulations of occiput not transverse (fig. 11 in KV & MP 2014); gena basally finely carinate (fig. 15 in KV & MP 2014): mesepimeral sulcus foveate only dorsally (fig. 16 in KV & MP 2014); malar sulcus joining the anterior margin of eye (fig. 14 in KV & MP 2014); striae on T2 culminating in coriaceous reticulations; T1 orange(fig. 12 in KV & MP 2014)... eee achat Parecaehocmtd sa eae ache doe eh aR te so MARA comcast eb taltnas Spkde fs ) wobEl« 1 SAREE Pere oes tactics aaeaeee eociaes Phanuromyia kapilae Veenakumar| Temples narrow (Figs 15A, D; figs 30, 32 in KV & MP 2014); reticulations of occiput transverse (Fig. 15D; fig. 32 in KV & MP 2014): gena basally either reticulate or smooth (Fig. 15C; fig. 35 in KV & MP 2014): mesepimeral sulcus entirely foveate; malar sulcus joining the junction of anterior and posterior margin of eye (Fig. 15C; figs 35 in KV & MP 2014); striae on T2 not culminating into coriaceous reticulations; Tl black (Fig. 15A; fig. 34 in KV & MP 2014)................ aS, Frons dorsally finely reticulate, ventrally transversely striate above toruli; central keel absent (figs 31, 33 in KV & MP 2014); mesoscutum finely reticulate (fig. 32 in KV &MP 2014); metasoma ovoid (fig. 30 in KV & MP 2014); mesepimeral area narrower than width of mesepimeral sulcus (fig. 35 in KV & MP 201A4)................ Phanuromyia jarawa Veenakumari Frons coriaceous reticulate with medial smooth patches, dorsal to which transverse striae present; a central keel with transverse carinae on either side present (Fig. 15B); mesoscutum coriaceous reticulate (Fig. 15D); metasoma wide pos- teriorly (Fig. 15A); mesepimeral area wider than width of mesepimeral sulcus (Fig. 15C)..... Phanuromyia tuluva sp. nov. Frons with several transverse carinae above toruli (Fig. 2B); metasoma narrow and elongate, at least 2.3x as long as wide; T2 elongate, at least 1.5x as long as wide (Fig. 2A)............cccccceececseceesececeeueceeseeeeueeeeneas Phanuromyia chera sp. nov. Frons at most with sparse transverse striae above toruli (Figs 7B, 11B, 12B, 14B; fig. 22 in VK and MP 2014); metasoma wide, at most 1.7x as long as wide; width of T2 either equal to or less than length(Figs 7A, 11A, 12A, 14A; figs 17, 19 Pas Weel IVP AO ALY, Sv. heel Be nnae del iianh phraadanthhiveceilicuayet la jluamvay ddcuuche peti danbhhaty desta ete januanvas denon ry icdary uke yeceiisaa’ LS; Central:keel present (Fics... By wa By: scot leli! czars anymore: ee biaadericn ne yeytia ds | bomteotis en aeera laa fussed tener eeeedbees ae tomiec nk 18 Central keel absent Figs: TPB LAR stig. 22: iInbvRanid (MIP*2O TS yeas eek csgtnse dag ge ituaeay bPoD aca edd s4 dtaiien g tbh ca gtenwed as deeieny ss 19 Head at least 1.5x as wide as high (Fig. 14B); longitudinal striae on T2 culminating in reticulations (Fig. 14A); mesoscu- tum entirely coriaceous reticulate, except for punctate sculpture posteromedially; fore wing at most 3.7x as long as wide (Fig. 14F); mesoscutellum at least 4.4x as wide as long (Fig. L4D) ........... cece cence es Phanuromyia satavahana sp. nov. Head at most 1.1 as wide as high (Fig. 7B); longitudinal striae on T2 culminating in sparse punctae (Fig. 7A); mesoscu- tum entirely coriaceous reticulate (Fig. 7D); fore wing at least 6.5x as long as wide; mesoscutellum at most 3.4x as wide ASLOMGsGPIG HR Asoo Piles ROS oe tlabe Seen dted aay sest ievepry ou nueies goelilice Btw jantlcsiyerstiee ee one Phanuromyla kakatiya sp. nov. Dorsal frons weakly reticulate, ventrally coriaceous reticulate (Fig. 11B); vertex and mesoscutum weakly reticulate (Fig. 11D); head >1.6x as wide as high (Fig. 11B); head longer than high; metanotal trough not foveate (Fig. 11D); mesoscu- tum not convex when viewed laterally (Fig. L1C)........... ccc ccc ccc ceceeceec eee eeeeeeeegeeeeceeaeeeeenenees Phanuromyila pallava sp. nov. Entire frons coriaceous reticulate at most with a medial smooth area and semicircular striae above toruli (Fig. 12B; fig. 22 in VK & MP 2014); vertex coriaceous reticulate; mesoscutum either entirely coriaceous reticulate or coriaceous retic- ulate with punctate medial patch (Fig. 12D; fig. 21 in VK & MP 2014 ); head at most 1.3x as wide as high (Fig. 12B; fig. 22 in VK & MP 2014); head higher than long; metanotal trough foveate (Fig. 12D; fig. 21 in VK & MP 2014): mesoscutum convex whenwiewed laterally (Fig. 1£2€: tig. TS in VA Se MP 2014) oon ecechecnyha yee cohstiady Ped deity oc chulan Prevadhwdyeeyyeeceeanare 20 dez.pensoft.net 338 20 2 23 24 25 Kamalanathan Veenakumari et al.: Phanuromyia of India Frons with a longitudinal smooth patch above interantennal process extending up to mid level with transverse striae on either side; semicircular striae present above toruli (fig. 22 in VK & MP 2014); marginal cilia on posterior margin of forewing elongate, 0.6x width of wing (fig. 23 in VK & MP 2014); mesoscutum entirely coriaceous reticulate (fig. 21 in NASP oral pherd Ole! Waray Ace eine Wee agen eT eR ena LRT ae eee Ack Meee ee 12 Aree Seen eh ie Rann Cera eon Eta Phanuromyia koenigi Veenakumari Frons without medial smooth patch, short uneven carinae present medially above interantennal process; semicircular striae absent above toruli (Fig. 12B); marginal cilia on posterior margin of forewing short, 0.3x width of wing (Fig. 12F); mesoscutum coriaceous reticulate with a medial punctate patch (Fig. 12D)............... ae. Phanuromyia pandya sp. nov. Entire body coppery brown (fig. 7A in VK & MP 2019); metasoma at least 1.3x longer than head and mesosoma (fig. 7A in VK & MP 2019); posterior mesoscutellar sulcus not foveate (fig. 7B in VK & MP 2019); Tl smooth; T2 without basal foveae; posterior margin of T2 concave (fig. 7A in VK & MP 2019) ........ cece cece ee eee Phanuromyia tamaris Veenakumari Head and mesosoma black, metasoma xanthic; metasoma shorter than head and mesosoma; posterior mesoscutellar sulcus foveate; Tl foveate; T2 with distinct basal foveae; posterior margin of T2 either straight or weakly convex (figs 1A, PA Gy ab ey AMA Sy tT age ge es Shs Lg tPA eS Meee sons Ae ec «es 2 el ae ae ee ee Le ee re ey 22 Mesoscutellum reticulate (fig. 3A in VK &MP 2019) 0.0... ccc ccc cence eee eeceeseeneeneenees Phanuromyia reticulata Veenakumar| Mesoscutellum-smiooth:- figs lA. ZA, SA; “GAs VK Se MIPS2OD Ger Lc, cases Fst danne Waeakate «daremiblen gacmedisbuenn ent fedainhd otedsneliantiemabnke dete 23 Prespecular sulcus, mesepimeral sulcus, dorsal metapleural SuICUS foveate...............cccccccececeeceeeececeeceseensceegeneseeaseees 24 Prespecular sulcus, mesepimeral sulcus, dorsal metapleural sulcus not foveate ..............ccccccecceeeececeeeeseeeeceeseseseeaeeaes 25 Dorsal frons smooth, ventrally striate-reticulate (fig. 2E in VK &MP 2019); vertex smooth with setigerous punctae; oc- ciput transversely striate (fig. 2B in VK &MP 2019); occiput, dorsal lateral pronotal area, mesoscutum densely setose (fig. 2D in VK &MP 2019); T2 without longitudinal carinae beyond basal foveae (fig. 2A in VK &MP 2019); fore wing < 24x as long-aswide: (Tie. ZE an: VAcSMP ZO 1) aos icles sn dnck andeierop oeenden acastv en cobladsWemekiubier) Phanuromyia levigatus Veenakumar| Entire frons reticulate with a small smooth medial patch (fig. 1D in VK & MP 2019); vertex and occiput coriaceous retic- ulate (fig. LA in VK & MP 2019); occiput, dorsal lateral pronotal area, mesoscutum sparsely setose (fig. 1E in VK & MP 2019); T2 with longitudinal carinae beyond basal foveae (fig. 1A in VK & MP 2019); fore wing >3.4~x as long as wide (fig. LST Cele OE 8 aaah ake Pde ght oir ca eee Seey Raby WRENe nett. Peed cect OBE gu sac eae en Phanuromyia flaviabdominalis Veenakumari Preoccipital area distinct with longitudinal striae (fig. 5A in VK & MP 2019); head 1.2x as long as wide (Fig. 5C in VK & MP 2019); dorsal metapleuron smooth (fig. 5B in VK & MP 2019); posterior margin of mesoscutellum not smoothly curved,-anpular Cig. SAIN WK Be IMIPS2OM ea tle else mbnmis nn Beoshdlee lecleiputietactyeh ls copdlayiv es Phanuromyla rufocoxalis Veenakumar| Preoccipital area absent (fig. 6A in VK & MP 2019); head 1.5x as long as wide (fig. 6B in VK & MP 2019); dorsal meta- pleuron sculptured (fig. 6C in VK & MP 2019); posterior margin of mesoscutellum almost smoothly curved (fig. 6E in WA gees og OMS 2) er ean eee pre er IE 7 tee Ret srs. leone ho A aren A een EOC ae a, Phanuromyia shashikalae Veenakumar| Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to the Director, NBAIR, Benga- luru for providing facilities. We thank B.L. Lakshmi, V. Shashikala, B. Vinod and Roopa for their support both in the field and in the laboratory. Thanks are also due to Pro- fessor N. F. Johnson for the Ohio State University’s Muse- um of Biological Diversity database for literature support. References Bin F (1975) A new species of Ze/enomus Haliday (Hymenoptera, Sce- lionidae) reared from Hysteropterum flavescens Oliv. 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